#(i rewrote that last sentence to make it not an apology because I'm trying to be better about feelings of guilt
guqin-and-flute · 1 year
OKAY. I have been doing some really good blocks of writing over the past few weeks--like several sessions with ~2000 words. Unfortunately, a lot of it has been skipping around on different fics (I'm trying to be better about unhealthy sleep habits, so I'm not writing in huge, hyperfixated chunks. Or trying not to 😬).
So, if you would like, feel free to poke, request, remind so it stays on my conscious mind! Do not feel obligated, this is only if you feel the urge, it will get done either way!
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One-night stands and one-shot chances (Part iv)
University AU
Pairing: Jin x reader
Who says sex has to mean anything? Who says you can’t just screw around without all the heartache? Who says only guys get this privilege? What happens when the biggest playboy on campus suddenly meets his match and gets a taste of his own medicine?
Genre: casual sex, mentions of sex, bestfriend!Hoseok, onenightstand!Jin
Wordcount: 2000
Masterpost with the other parts of the story can be found here (x)
Tag list: @esplosionedicoloriintesta @jeonjunggoodgod @rjsmochii @spookidema @pariz-lover @mymochimchimmy @friedclamtoadbanana @cloudyelizabeth @livesmileandstaystrong
A/N: Tumblr has been fucking with me and deleted parts of this update so many times.. I lost count of how many times I rewrote it, and I feel like parts of it never really got back again. I'm only on my phone these days, so I have no idea, how long it is either, but I feel like it's rather short unfortunately - sorry! I'll make up for it in the next update!
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The whispers heard from two rows behind you were only getting louder, and it had reached a point that made even Jimin send them a sour look.
Your focus, however, was solely on the professor in front of the board and the notes you were scribbling down. Rumors and bitchy comments were nothing new to you. Being part of the royalty on campus, as Hoseok and his mates were called because of the small spire on the house, came with a lot of attention, and being Hoseoks best friend had made you an honorary member as well.
"I swear to God, if they make any more comments about your hair, I will pull theirs out," Jimin mumbled under his breath, making you raise an eyebrow at him.
"Jimin, just leave it. If the best they've got is comments about my hair" - you shrugged your shoulders - "let them have their fun."
"Can't you please just talk back one time? I don't want them to think they can treat our friends like this."
Jimin was fidgeting in his seat and his voice had reached a whiny tone, but the reason for his demeanor was anything but cute. He wanted to fight back. He hated people for not respecting his friends, and he knew Hoseok wouldn't have hesitated to clap back at the girls. However, you hated people fighting your battles, and even though Hoseok did it all the time, it always resulted in arguments between the two of you. The rest of the guys had learned not to challenge you on this.
"Not yet, Jimin," you hummed, eyes still on the papers in front of you. Mumbling under his breath, he leaned back in his seat with crossed arms, settling for absorbing their voices, so he would know, which girls to add to his non-shag list. No way, he was sleeping with them, when they treated his friend like that, he thought with a huff.
"I don't get why she doesn't have any self-respect. She must really have some issues," one of them whispered a bit too loudly, definitely wanting you to hear her. "I mean, can't she see that she is ruining her life?"
"That's rich," you snorted loudly, finally turning around in your seat and putting a hand on Jimins shoulder in the process, keeping him from jumping at the girl. "Coming from you." You locked eyes with the girl in charge of most of the comments and sent her a sinister smile. "When is your due date again?”
Hearing Jimin snicker at your comment fueled you on further and the missing response from the girl only added to it.
"Your daughter must really be looking forward to getting a younger sister," you cooed in feigned interest. "I just feel bad, they don't get to have that idyllic family life you always talked about. But then again, family is what you make it, with the people you chose to have in it, right? Who am I to tell you, how to live your life?"
Sending her one last icy look, you turned back to the board, still hearing the girls whispering, but for a completely different reason this time. Everyone knew her on campus. She had made it her mission to spread the word of God on campus, which involved celibacy, no alcohol and for some reason also no sea food. Funny thing is, she didn’t see the double moral in herself being pregnant with a second child from a different guy. Instead, she had made it her life mission to preach about how sex ruins both body and mind, ruining you for the future. And Y/N was her favorite target.
"You're alright?", Jimin asked, as they walked to the café for their free period. It was drizzling a bit, covering the campus in a grey curtain, leaving you and Jimin alone, as everyone scrambled to get out of the rain.
"Of course. It's nothing new."
Throwing an arm around Jimins waist, leaning on him, as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You walked a bit in silence.
"Come on, I'll buy you a coffee," he smiled, pulling you into the warm café.
You bought your drinks and Jimin even bought you a muffin as well, and you found a table in the back, where you could lay out your books on the table to talk about some assignment, you had to hand in next week.
"Btw," Jimin interrupted you in the middle of a sentence. "Did you hear anything back about the job yet?"
"No, not yet," you mused, with a small smile. "But I'm sure they just have a lot of applicants to get through."
As true as that might be, it had also been two weeks since they were supposed to get back to you. Knowing that you weren't going home between semesters, you had always opted for working or doing internships, and this year one of the professors on campus was working on a big project and needed help. Not only was it a great way of earning some money and experience, the professors field of study was exactly what you wanted to go into yourself. It couldn’t be more perfect actually!
That is, if you got it.
You hadn't told anyone about it - not even Hoseok. A thought, that still made you a bit uncomfortable, since you normally shared everything. Jimin only knew, because your application had gotten mixed up with some notes, you shared with him.
"I'm sure, you'll get it," Jimin offered with a sweet smile and a warm hand on your arm. "They would be stupid not to take you in."
"I don't know," you smiled at him. "You've been getting better grades than me lately. Maybe you should apply, Jiminie?"
He snorted out a laugh, falling on to the table while he giggled.
"Yeah, right. Me, in a lab coat all summer? No, thank you."
Joining in his laughter, it took af few seconds for the both of you to calm down.
"Besides," he added, eyes turning sincere again. "The only reason, I get good grades is because of your help."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him, trying to pull your arm away from his grasp, but he only tightened his grip, making you look up into his smiling eyes.
"It's true, Y/N." His voice had gotten lower, and you felt your breath hitch at the close proximity of his face. "I couldn’t have made it through this last semester without you."
Letting yourself be hypnotized by his sweet words and demeanor, you suddenly realized who you were sitting across from.
"Aish, Jimin," you exclaimed in annoyance with an awkward laugh, snapping out of the trance. "Stop flirting with me! I already promised, we would work together on the year end project."
"Right," Jimin smiled sheepishly, rubbing his neck. "The year end project."
You had already turned back to your books and started suggesting topics for the upcoming assignments, when you got interrupted.
“You know, I’m not normally into the whole drowned-rat-look,” a sly voice commented, making both you and Jimin look up to see Jin walking towards you with a cocky smile. “But you really make it work, cupcake.”
Rolling your eyes at both his presence and words, you kept your gaze trained on the books on the table.
“Normally, I’m not into cocky guys with a nice body,” you retorted in a flat voice without missing a beat. “And you are no exception.”
“Ah, you think, I have a good body, doll?”, Jin cooed, as he dragged an extra chair to the table, making himself comfortable.
“Yeah, it does a perfect job of covering up all that sexism and…” – pausing to send him a confused look, you cocked your head at him – “Oh, I’m sorry. What are your other traits again?”
Hearing Jimins laughter fill the air, you sent Jin a cold smile, getting an annoyed look back.
“Damn. That’s cold, baby.” Jins voice was strained, trying to keep the tone light, but you easily picked up on the shadow of hurt looming in his eyes.
“But not uncalled for,” you reminded him, gathering your stuff and saying goodbye to Jimin, before walking out into the rain again.
Asshole. Thinking he could just go back to joking around again, after calling you a whore. Huffing a bit in anger, you walked towards the library to study there instead.
Groaning at the sound of his voice, you just kept walking.
“Hey. Wait up!”, Jin shouted, putting a hand on your shoulder, when he reached you.
Whipping around in annoyance, you saw him stumble half a step back in surprise at your sudden movement.
“What, Jin? What do you want?” Your voice was anything but welcoming, and if he had taken just two seconds to think about what he was about to do, he should have known better.
Oh well.
“I wanted to talk to a pretty lady, and you just happen to fit that bill,” he grinned at you, making you roll your eyes.
"Oh, lucky me! I get to be your designated whore of the day," you exclaimed in feigned excitement.
"What? No, that's..."
"Cut to the case, Seokjin. I'm not in the mood today." Crossing your arms in front over your chest, you sent him an impatient look.
"Well, erm." He coughed awkwardly, searching for the words. "I just wanted to apologize. You know, for calling you..."
"A whore," you stated, giving an evil smirk, when you saw him visibly tense at the sound of it.
"Yeah, that." He mustered every ounze of sincerity he could before continuing. "I'm sorry, I did that. It was uncalled for."
His eyes searched yours to see if you accepted the apology, but was hurriedly cast down by the sound of you clicking your tongue.
"Yeah, it was uncalled for. So why did you?" Curiousity taking over, you still wanted to know why, despite the anger.
Seokjin awkwardly shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying to come up with an explanation. Dammit! He shouldn't feel this uncomfortable in front of you. Get it together, Jin!
He was at a loss, so he did what he knew always worked. Or used to work at least.
Straightning up a bit, he sent you a shameless grin.
"You're just so hot, doll! I don't like the idea of other men seeing that body," he winked at you, reaching for your hand.
The second, the words left his mouth, he knew he was screwed. And if his own intuition was enough, he was about to find out.
"Oh, I see!", you cooed at him, smiling sinisterly, when you saw his frightned expression at your tone. "You think, because I slept with you once, you own me."
Jin looked like he had just been pushed out of a cliff, and was now frantically searching for somewhere to hold on.
"What? No, that's not..."
His comicly widened eyes and pouting lips made him look almost too innocent.
"Shh," you shushed, reaching up to cup his cheek. "Let me tell you something." Tightning you grasp on his jaw, you saw his eyes widen in surprise. "I am not someone for you to stick your dick in like a flagpole. You do not have, or will ever have, any claim on me. Got it?"
Your stern eyes bore into his startled ones. Despite the height difference, you had no problem displaying your position. It made Jin feel powerless, and he really didn't like being in that position. It made his blood boil, and his brain go into overdrive.
"I don't need to claim you," he spat out, venom suddenly present in his voice. "You've been with so many that you're basically public property by now."
Feeling his own blood run cold at his words, he pushed your hand off his face, looking at your shocked features defiantly.
"You should feel lucky that I even payed you any attention after getting my share," he stated with an annoyed huff, before turning around and basically speedwalking away from you, heart thumbing in his chest.
Oh, he was so screwed..
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// Part v //
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