#this is probably obvious 😁
guqin-and-flute · 1 year
OKAY. I have been doing some really good blocks of writing over the past few weeks--like several sessions with ~2000 words. Unfortunately, a lot of it has been skipping around on different fics (I'm trying to be better about unhealthy sleep habits, so I'm not writing in huge, hyperfixated chunks. Or trying not to 😬).
So, if you would like, feel free to poke, request, remind so it stays on my conscious mind! Do not feel obligated, this is only if you feel the urge, it will get done either way!
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tunakitchen · 4 months
remember when we were all posting about how the streamers and fans had all gotten genuinely attached to the eggs as if they were real children and the qsmp had turned into a really interesting social experiment.
and everyone would post shit like "i hope they handle eggs leaving the project with a lot of care but i trust them♥️" because everyone understood the weight of the emotional attachment involved. [GLASS_SHATTERING.SFX]
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faceeeeee · 6 months
AANZHAMDBAKSKSISI THANK U FOR ANSWERING MY QUESTION I LOVE UR INTERPRETATION AND I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS if u don't mind me asking more questions- when your rub popped into existence did he went through something like that spooky drawing where it took him a while to process the fact that he had just been born and had no idea what he was supposed to do or did he just went "oh yeah i'm robtop this is my world and i'm in charge whatever" ALSO this one may sound a little weird (u don't have to answer it if u don't want to) but does the real word has any influence over this world? Like- since u said rub it's just a digital representation of the real rob let's just say the real rob decides he no longer likes idk, potbor (just an example) so he deletes him from the game, does that mean your rubrub will just go "yk what, for no apparent reason I don’t like you anymore, so im gonna kill u"?
And a less weird question: do the shopkeepers and guardians need to eat? If so, do they have any favorite foods?
HSDAHDAHG NO PROBLEM and you can ask as many questions as you want!!! It really doesen't bother me at all, in fact I get really excited bout em!!!!
So, to answer the first question: Spooky was the one that had the hardest time at adjusting to his surroundings and he spent a few days still wobbling around till he understood his intended "purpose". Rub on the other hand, as the creator, he knew exactly where he was and what his goals were right off the bat.
For the second question, you hit the nail right in the head :) Any decision or verdict that the real rub makes is immediately passed onto the robo rub in the digital realm (tadc flashbacks are killing me) so yeah he just goes "You're now considered a hindrance to the peace of this realm" and bada pim bada bum poor potbor's gone as well as everyone's memories of him. Though he CAN make decisions without having the real rub make them for him. They're the same person but at the same time they are not (A kind of example might be Severance and the whole 'innie' and 'outie' thing they have going on but if you haven't watched that series....welp im out of examples. If I don't make myself clear please don't be afraid to ask and that way I can formulate a coherent answer the 1000th time :') ).
And to answer the third question: The guardians don't need to eat but can do so if desired. The shopkeeper species on the other hand do need to eat. They are the nearest thing to a human being apart from the players.
Though the shopkeeper's meals are always limited to 2 or three types of foods so there isn't really any variety for them. Thankfully for rub, they aren't really picky and are indifferent about the fact that they eat the same stuff every day on their lunch break.
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sauerland-2001 · 2 years
On a side note: how incredibly beautiful is Omar Rudberg?? 😳
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divinesolas · 3 months
Fighting words
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summary: one of the bracken boys has been hitting on you for days now and youre sick of it. He happens to take it too far with you and your best friend shows you a side of himself you’ve never seen. and you like it. a lot.
Benjicot Blackwood x Fem!Cerwyn!reader | 1.3k wrds
c.w: probably very occ as we dont know like anything abt him in the show 😭😭, slightly smutty, takes place before any battles, not proofread
he wouldn’t leave my mind, so take this 😁
masterlist - requests are open!!
tags: @hxtd
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“No. Leave me alone bracken.” you try to shove him away from you but the bracken boy just grins at you and leans closer into you.
“Oh come on cerwyn, i see how you look at me~” a scoff escapes your lips as you stare at him with disgust. “In your fucking dreams, seriously. Leave me alone.”
You didn’t even know this guys name but he had been bothering you for the last couple days. It had started out small with him trying to invite you to come drink with him and his friends to him offering to carry around your stuff for you when you were walking around.
“theyre arrows bracken.”
“so what? must be heavy for you youre a girl.”
He grossed you out. But didn’t matter even if he didn’t,
“she said no.”
The two of you turn to look at the new voice and a smile creeps up on your face. The bracken boy rolls his eyes as he glares, “the hell do you want blackwood.”
“she said no. Back off.”
youve been friends with the lord of house blackwood for since you were younger and hes always been so kind to you. It seemed to be obvious to everyone other than him that you were madly in love with the young lord but if he did notice he said nothing about it.
You knew of his, angry? or maybe a better word is his more aggressive behavior. You had never even seen it first hand but multiple people have told you first hand accounts of him losing his temper and blowing up, his normal calm and kind demeanor getting lost to rage and blind madness.
You did not know what to think about the rumors then but seeing the way his eyes twitched and his clenched jaw as he stared at the bracken boy the rumors about him became more and more believable.
The bracken boy stands and gets all up in bens face, “What are you gonna do about it huh?”
Ben tilts his head and a look you’ve never seen crosses his eyes as he glares. “Get the fuck out of my sight.” His voice is hard like youve never heard before and it has you holding your breath, waiting for the straining thread to snap.
And the thread snaps the second bracken pushes bens chest and laughs. “what? you upset this ugly bitch wants me more than you-“ It happens before you know it and suddenly the two guys are on the floor and everyone in the room jumps up to look.
you freeze. What in the hells are you supposed to do? so you merely watch as the two boys beat the fuck out of each other. Ben pulls ahead at some point and manages to get a few more punches in after pinning the guy down until the two are pulled apart.
“never talk about her like that, no. never talk to her again or else ill fucking kill you.” He thrashes around in the arms of the two blackwood lads that hold him back as he continues to spit insults at the bracken boy as he gets dragged off and out of the space.
Your legs move before you can even think and your standing in front of him, he freezes and blinks at you rapidly. Hes covered in blood, you cant tell which is his and which is the other guys but he looks badly hurt.
He had done it for you. In your name. And you could barely take how hot you felt but he needed you. “i have supplies in my tent let me fix you up.” the boys oooo’d and ben barely acknowledges them as he nods and allows you to drag him off to your tent.
The boys call after you two with some unsavory choice words but you just turn and flip them off before you continue to help ben to your tent. You place him on your bed cot and try to ignore the racing of your heart as he stays quiet, merely looking at you.
Hes usually quiet but not around you. Its odd to see him like this. So you shakily rummage around with the stuff in your chest as you nervously begin to talk. “thank you for stepping in i was really nervous he wasn’t going to leave me alone, you didn’t meed to-“ you gasp as your spun around and lips lock onto yours with fever.
One of his hands reach behind you and push all your stuff off your table, lifting up you up to sit on it while he kisses you. You gasp against his lips and he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue in your mouth.
Your head is spinning. You can taste the metallic taste of his blood seep into your mouth and it laces its way into your kiss. You fear you’re dreaming. You felt asleep on watch shift again and when you wake this will all just be a dream.
Yet when you grip your hand against his waist he pulls away and winces. You are pulled back to reality and try to pull away to grab your medical supplies that now are all spilled all over the floor but he quickly stops you.
“ben you’re hurt.” “i dont care.” He tries to kiss you again but you dodge it and grip his face in your hands. “ben,” His hand slide around your waist and play with the fabric of your tunic, testing the waters and sliding his hands lower and almost under the tunic you wear. “ben.” you say firmer and he pauses to look at you.
“right now i just need to feel your skin, please.” your heart pounds loudly against your chest and your mouth drops open. “ben,” his name shakily passes your lips and he presses his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. “How dare he talk to you like that. i should have killed him,” his hands slide under your tunic his hot hands run up and down your bare sides slowly. “he should know i take no disrespect to the future lady of blackwood.”
You kiss him unable to take it anymore and he meets your fever eagerly. arms wrapping around you and pulling you so your chest to chest and you can feel him pressing against your trousers.
His lips trail down your jaw as his hands find your breasts and you let out a moan as he squeezes them in his hands. His lips your neck and he sucks at any skin he can get while he grinds his hips against yours. His hands grow more feverish as he uses his teeth to pull down your tunic to expose more of your collarbone and neck, youre sure to be covered in bruises tomorrow but you cant be bothered with that.
One of his hands trails down your stomach and almost gets to reach under your pants until a horn sounds outside and you both look at each other alarmed.
“ugh fuck me.” “wish i could.” you slap him on the chest as he pulls away and he hisses.
“that hurts.” “if you had let me patch you up it wouldn’t be hurting you idiot.” “you certain didn’t look like you were going to complain. not when i was about to-“ “okay! lets go they need us.” you ignore the sound of his laughter as you flap open your tent and rush out leaving him behind, hoping you look presentable enough your men dont ask questions and pray you can continue what you were doing with ben later.
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monstersflashlight · 6 days
Patreon commission for Elise
Request: Male Boss Minotaur x Fem Skinny Friend x Fem Chubby Reader: So basically the Reader and her Friend both like their Boss but the Reader doesn’t think that their Boss likes them. But what the Reader doesn’t know is that both the Boss and her Friend want her (and their Boss wants both of them). Sorry this is kinda short but this is the idea I hope this is okay. 😁
Are you stupid?
Minotaur x fem!human x chubby fem!reader || body worship, oral sex, sharing is caring, MFF threesome, spanking (lowkey), soft sex || tw: internalized fatphobia
“I want to have dinner with you,” your boss said as he approached the table where you and your bestie were eating lunch. You looked directly at her, obviously he liked her, why wouldn’t he? She was skinny and pretty and everything any human or monster would like (even you). Of course he would ask her out. You tried not to be hurt about it, you both liked him, and he made his choice (the obvious choice, you thought).
“Okay, when?” Your friend instantly asked, hiding her excitement and surprise as if it meant nothing that the hottest and most amazing minotaur just asked her out. But you knew her better, you knew the tilt on her eyebrow meant she was surprised. You knew her better than you knew yourself.
“Tonight. Wear something casual,” he told her. “And you…” He looked straight at you when he said it: “Wear something tight.” You gaped at him, confused. What the fuck did he mean?
“What? Me?” You asked. And then it clicked, he wanted you there so it wouldn’t be weird when he finally asked her out and they made out, you were the buffer. It made sense, but why would he ask you to wear something tight?
“Yes,” he answered curtly and left, leaving you looking at his back with a gaping mouth. What the fuck just happened?
“Yas girl, we just got ourselves a hot date!” Your friend rose her hand to high five you, and you did without thinking, not fully processing what just happened.
You laughed at her, dark thoughts crossing your mind. “You got yourself a date, I’m just the buffer,” you clarified.
Your best friend looked at you like you were stupid. “What the fuck are you saying? He has the hots for you,” she sounded so sure that you almost believed her. Almost.
“No he doesn’t. He likes you, and I get it, you are… perfect.” Your soft tone let out a lot of truths that you weren’t ready to release out in the wild yet.
Again with the incredulous eyes as she almost spit out: “What? Are you insane? You are funny and all soft and pretty and have the greatest tits in the universe.” You looked at her confused, what the fuck was she talking about?
“I- What?” You asked, completely thrown back by her words. Did she really think that about you?
“We got ourselves a date, both of us. Stop arguing,” she added as she got up and left you there, even more confused than before.
You couldn’t think about anything else for the rest of the day, anticipation and dread building inside of you at the same time.
You were back at home (you shared a house to save some money on rent) when she entered your room. “Put this on,” she ordered, giving you a piece of fabric that probably wouldn’t cover your ass cheeks.
You looked at her with skepticism, but you put it on just to shut her up. It fitted you like a second skin, your tummy and ass squeezed with the fabric. Your boobs looked fantastic, though, but it wasn’t you. You looked at the mirror and almost didn’t recognize yourself in that kind of outfit. You couldn’t bend down without exposing your whole pussy and ass, it was that short. And you… kind of liked it.
“I can’t go out like this!” You told her exiting the bathroom, trying to pull down the hem but there wasn’t enough fabric to cover you anymore.
She gaped at you, her eyes big as plates. “You look… You look phenomenal,” she let out after a pause, licking her lips as she checked you out slowly. “Come here,” she asked, and you complied, still self-conscious about all the rolls the dress showed. “You look perfect, he’s going to lose his mind the same way I just did.” She grabbed you by the waist and plastered her body to yours, her face millimeters away from yours.
You looked at her with a tiny smile, thinking she was just playing. “What are you doing?” Your tone was amused.
“I’m kissing you senseless so you stop thinking you aren’t the hottest girl in the whole world,” she said before she closed the distance and attacked your mouth with desperation.
You were shocked for a total of two seconds before you were responding the kiss with equal fervor and need. She parted and squeezed your ass, the tip of her fingers caressing the lower part of your ass cheek, the dress was definitely way too short.
“Why did you do that?” You asked, dizzy.
“Because I’m tired of pretending I’m not in love with you and want to bury my face between your tits until I suffocate,” she let out. You stared at her, gaping like a fish and probably looking stupid, but you couldn’t stop.
“I- I…” You didn’t know what to say. “I love you, too,” you finally let out, baring your heart to her and feeling like a thousand kilos lifted from your chest.
“Now come on, let’s blow his mind so we can be a power thruple,” she joked to reduce the tension in the air. But you didn’t laugh.
“He wants only you either way, he only invited me because I was there and it would have been weird otherwise,” you said with a self-depreciating laugh.
She turned around and looked at you with anger flaring in her eyes: “Are you stupid? Do you like being stupid?” She asked, her tone accusing.
“I only tell the facts.” You were sure of it, there was no way your hot as hell best friend just kissed you because she liked you AND your hot minotaur boss also liked you, you couldn’t be that lucky, not a chance in hell.
“Okay, dummy, if he gapes at you like a fish when he sees you in that outfit I get to spank your ass tonight,” she threatened and you shivered. A whole body shiver.
How did she know you were into spanking? You never discussed your sex life with her… Or maybe you did when you were drunk at the last Christmas party. Shit, you definitely did tell her that. Oh goddess, you were going to die of embarrassment.
“And if he doesn’t?” You asked, your face red as a tomato at that point.
“If he doesn’t, you get to tell me I told you so.” You did love to tell her that when you were right.
“Deal.” You were going to win for sure.
But she was right, and you fucking lost.
He not only gaped at you, but as soon as you entered, he reached to grab your waist and pulled you to his body to devour your mouth. As your friend (girlfriend?) cheered and patted you in the back, his roaming hands groped your ass until your panties were wet and uncomfortable, and your heart was about to explode from your chest. He pulled back and grabbed your friend in the same way, kissing her senseless until she was groaning and you were dripping wet just looking at them.
He was breathing hard when you three pulled apart. “You both look fantastic, I’ve been waiting to do that since you were hired,” he confessed in a low tone.
“But you… You are the boss,” you told him, dizzy from arousal and confusion. Your brain didn’t know what to think, what to feel. Was that really happening? Good goddess, were you dreaming? Was all that a dream? Were you in an accident?
He didn’t even blink before saying: “Which means we all should visit the HR department tomorrow morning.”
“Why?” You asked, still not knowing what was happening.
“Because you two are now mine,” his growl made you shiver as you felt your girlfriend’s hand on your leg, comforting you.
Oh shit, you just got yourself a boyfriend AND a girlfriend, what the fuck?
You three joked and had fun until midnight, when he, being the gentle minotaur he was, walked you two to your shared apartment and kissed you goodbye. It was the hottest and most decadent kiss you ever received, and when he kissed your best friend you whimpered. She chuckled and grabbed your neck, devouring your mouth, too. Good goddess you loved when she got all controlling like that.
“You,” he pointed your minotaur boss (boyfriend?), “need to go home. And I, need to spank her ass because I won a bet.” She pulled the back of your dress up, exposing your ass to the night and groping you until you groaned. She smirked at you as your boss groaned like it pained him.
“Don’t do this to me, now I will have to jerk off twice before going to bed,” he whined, readjusting what looked like a huge erection in his pants.
“Have fun with your hand, big guy. We’ll see you tomorrow and if everything goes well… You might get lucky and get to spank her ass, too.” The fact that she was offering that without even considering you about it shouldn’t be hot, but you couldn’t contain the groan that escaped your mouth.
“Oh goddess, I might have to do it three times… You two are going to kill me,” he lamented without any sadness behind it, kissing your forehead and hers and going back to his car.
You two watched him go, and when you were safely back inside, you felt a hand squeezing your ass in a very naughty way. She guided you to your bedroom and spanked you until you cried, and then fucked you with your favorite dildo until you came all over yourself, your poor sheets not making it. You had to sleep with her as she complained jokingly. But it was her fault, after all.
The morning after, everything felt happier and brighter, and when you two had breakfast in comfortable silence you couldn’t avoid having horny thoughts about your girlfriend and boss going at it over the counter. She winked at you like she knew what you were thinking, and slapped your tender ass as you walked to the car. You whimpered as she laughed, you never felt more desired.
Your boss was waiting at the door of the HR department, looking handsome as hell as you walked to him. He looked like he wanted to kiss you senseless again, but he refrained and opened the door so you two could go first. You had to sign some papers about not suing the company and all that law stuff, and when everything was set, he grabbed your waist and bent you back, kissing you like in the movies and leaving you breathless. He did the same with your girlfriend (now shared girlfriend), and walked out saying he had some calls to make but he would meet you two later.
You walked to your desk in a daze and the work tasks seemed impossible for a long while.
“We have a meeting in five minutes,” your girlfriend said as she stopped next to your desk about an hour later.
“We have?” You looked at her panicked, you didn’t have any meeting in your calendar. You didn’t prepare. What was the meeting even about?
“Yes. Move your pretty ass, come on.” You were still panicking when she dragged you all the way to the meeting room, where your boss was already sitting on his big chair, legs far apart and cock out, slowly stroking himself. You almost swallowed your tongue.
“Wha- what are we doing here?” You asked, your panties already wet just seeing his huge juicy cock disappearing in his fist. It was the most erotic sight you’ve ever seen, you wanted to fall to your knees and swallow him to the root (which was very hopeful because you probably couldn’t even get half of him in your mouth without choking).
“I heard that my girlfriend didn’t think I was into her, so I decided we needed a team meeting to rectify that,” your boss-boyfriend explained, his hand working non-stop over his shaft.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“Get naked and bend over the table. Now,” your girlfriend ordered and you looked between the two.
“What?” You couldn’t comprehend anything. Did they talk about you? Did your girlfriend told him that? You felt your face getting redder and redder.
“Now, darling,” he repeated in a softer tone.
You complied, still confused about what was happening. When you were face down on the table, you heard them whispering behind you, not sure about what they were saying. Soon after you felt rough hands caressing your sides and your ass, such a soft touch that you shivered. Two softer hands joined, touching you everywhere. It was like a combined massage and you were rapidly losing your mind.
A hand pushed your legs apart, and a tongue found your center. You wanted to look over your shoulder and see who it was, but they didn’t let you, a hand in your back pressing you against the table. The tongue was replaced with another, and then both of them were licking your pussy in tandem, worshiping you as they groaned. Their hands were groping your ass and tummy, you could feel them everywhere.
“Please…” You begged, almost there but not quite. They were playing with you, getting you almost to orgasm and backing down. You were desperate.
“I know darling, I know… Just let go.” Your minotaur said, a finger entering your pussy slowly and tenderly. You groaned again, and let yourself surrender to pleasure.
They were everywhere, they surrounded your body with caresses and kisses, hands roaming everywhere as you laid there, unable to move as they worshiped your body. It was the softest and most intense experience of your life. The orgasm kept building, slowly and surely, and by the time you were about to come, a harsh hand landed on your ass, making you cry out as you fell apart under their attention.
You were still panting when your girlfriend whispered against your ear: “You did great.” She kissed your cheek and caressed your hair softly.
“Such a good girl for us,” your boyfriend added, kissing your forehead.
“I don’t think I can walk,” you responded, half joking, half telling the truth.
“Good thing my penthouse is right at the top of the building,” your boyfriend said, taking your body off the table like you weighted nothing. You were about to protest that you were too heavy when he talked again: “If you say you are too big, I’m going to spank you until you can’t sit in a week,” he threatened.
“Don’t tempt her, she’s a good girl, but she loves to be a good slut, too.” You blushed hard, hiding your face against your boss’ neck as they both laughed.
“Let’s go to my house so we can finish what we started,” his tone was rough and deep, like the sea at night.
“What?” You asked, as the same time your girlfriend said: “What do you mean?”
“Oh, darling, if you think you aren’t going to be full of cum when I’m done with you, you are heavily mistaken. And that goes for both of you,” he added, bending down to kiss your girlfriend’s open mouth.
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katerinathesaint · 2 months
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stanford!subby!art x f!reader blurb? (probably too long to be a blurb)
warnings: smut, comfort, aftercare!!, slight dumbification?, handjob😁, pet names (sweet boy, baby), slight au bc art and reader live a nice apartment together and it has a spare bedroom that patrick uses sometimes, sub and dom themes, art being sad (the usual), arts foot catching strays, bad writing.
synopsis: arts having a rough day and just wants to relax:((, which you gladly help him with.
a/n: guys this is so rushed i know it’s bad please don’t yell at me or ill cum and cry at the same time please spare me there’s a reason i don’t right long blurbs or fics😖😖😖
Art should’ve just stayed in bed that day. It started off blissfully; he woke up, his arms wrapped around your waist and his nose nuzzled into your neck whilst you slept peacefully. His favorite place to be.
From there, it just all went down hill. When he got out of bed to head to the large bathroom you shared, he stubbed his toe on the doorframe, immediately letting out a quiet grunt of pain and a nearly silent ‘fuck’ and ‘god dammit’.
A little later, after his morning shower and such, he tried making breakfast; tried. His hand reached for the pan he was going to use to cook some eggs for breakfast; some protein before a long day of practice sounded good.
Except, the handle slipped from his fingertips and the pan immediately fell onto his foot, then slammed onto the hardwood floor. He leaned against the kitchen counter for stability, as he cradled his now injured (a small bruise formed later) foot.
Art had prayed that the loud ‘BANG’ didn’t wake you. Sometimes, you were a deep sleeper, other times you weren’t. Luckily, it didn’t seem to have waken you; not enough for you to walk in, at least.
Arts day went on that way for the next 10 hours. Once he made it to the courts, after almost being hit twice while driving there, his coach immediately made him warm up.
The practice that day was grueling, Art wanting to do nothing except to pass out in your arms. It was obvious his coach had a stick up his ass and decided to run all the players of their energy, including Art. Not that he had much energy to begin with.
Finally, after a long ass day of shitty luck, Art made it back to your shared apartment. Patrick’s car wasn’t there, meaning he was probably at some girls place for the night; shocker. He prayed you were still awake. Considering the time, you should be, but every now and again he’d come home to you napping peacefully.
Art walked in, the bag on his shoulder immediately dropping to the ground by the door. He walked a little further, his spirits lifting when he sees you wide awake, watching some tv show.
You turn your head when you hear the shuffling, lighting up at the sight of your boyfriend, and your facing curling in worry after clocking the dejected look on his face.
Art plopped down on the couch, his body slotting in between your legs as he snakes his arms around your waist, letting out a sigh.
You knew Art needed you. You could just feel it. You carded your fingers through his curls softly; the tenseness leaving his body slowly.
“What’s the matter, sweet boy?”
Art lifted his head, locking his gaze onto yours. You could see the exhaustion in them. Poor baby.
“Jus’ need you,” He slurred.
Figures. Too dumb to do anything. He needs you to do it for him.
“Tell me what you need, baby. Use your words.” You encouraged.
Arts brows immediately scrunched together, as he slowly shook his head, ���I don’t know, I jus’ need you s’bad.”
Usually, you would push for more, knowing he can use his words. But you couldn’t help but pity him.
“C’mon, up.” You sit up from your spot, Art reluctantly lifting up as well. You drag him by his hand to the bedroom, leaving him standing by the bed as you lay back against the pillows and headboard. Art awaited your instruction.
You speak a quiet ‘c’mere’, Art immediately understanding your minimal language. Art layed himself against you between your legs, your chest against his back. You helped Art tug his shirt off, your hands quickly finding themselves running up and down his toned chest, your lips leaving soft kisses and nips at his neck.
He tilted his neck to side to give you more, letting out soft whimpers at the feeling. He bucked his hips, the boner in his shorts now extremely obvious. You nipped at his ear, the bucking becoming more frequent as he tried to gain some type of friction. Your fingers met the waistband of his shorts, lifting it before letting it snap back against his skin.
“Take them off,” You purred into his ear, his hands quick to move his shorts and boxers off. You remove your shirt that you had been wearing, no bra underneath. Your perky nipples met his back when he leaned against you again, his throat bobbing as he let out a soft moan.
His pretty dick, hard and leaking, was in need of attention, that much was obvious. “What do you say, Artie?”
“Please, please,” The boy was nearly in tears, his body squirming under you as your hand got closer to his throbbing cock. “Please, i’ve been so good, i’ll be good, just- please.”
How could you ever deny him after that? Your cold hand grasped his cock at the base, slowly sliding it up until it reached the tip, where you squeezed a little, just for the already leaking tip to leak a little more. Art threw his head back against your shoulder, letting out a loud moan.
You spread the pre over his tip, his moans getting louder. The noises he let out were just so pretty, you could listen to them 24 hours straight if you wanted.
Your hand found a quick rhythm, languidly sliding up and down his pretty cock, as you whispered sweet praises into his ear and soft kisses to his neck.
“You’re doin’ so good f’me, baby.”
Art was getting closer to his release the harder and faster you stroked, his grunts and moans getting louder. You knew for fact your panties were soaked under your shorts.
You could feel Arts body tensing up, his cock throbbing in your hand, “It’s okay, baby. Let go f’me. Let go.”
That’s all he needed to hear from you before letting out a pornographic moan, his back arching as his cum shot out onto your hand and his stomach. It went on for a few more seconds; Art always had big loads.
As he came down from his high, you peppered sweet kisses along his neck and up his jaw, before moving his body to the side.
His hand snatched your wrist as you lifted yourself from the bed, “Please, don’t go. Please,” He begged.
“Just gonna clean you up, baby.” You pressed a soft kiss to his head before grabbing a clean washcloth and running it under warm water. You brought it back, cleaning up Art and your hand before throwing it in the hamper.
Art didn’t care to get dressed after any type of intimacy, as he claimed it would break said intimacy. You slipped your shorts off and changed into a clean pair of panties, as your other ones were soaked.
You climbed into bed, dragging Art under the covers with you.
“Feel any better?” You asked.
Art simply looked at you and smiled before pressing a long kiss to your lips.
“I feel perfect.”
Good. That was your goal. You and Art feel asleep peacefully, cuddled up into each other’s arms. Thank god you helped him relax.
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lewisvinga · 1 year
my girls | lewis hamilton x wife! reader
summary: nobody knew lewis was married, let alone with a child, until pictures of him from the paparazzi were leaked
fc; karoline lima + cecilia militão
notes: real ones know a rainha ceci🗣️
masterlist !
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and 20 others
yourprivateuser: good morning my husband decided it was a good idea to go out into a crowded restaurant in são paulo last night thinking we weren’t going to get caught !!
landonorris: he’s a bit slow u know
yourprivateuser: so true
lewishamilton: lando?? y/n??!!
lewishamilton: i said i’m sorry 🙁
yourprivateuser: ceci and i are upset at u xx
lewishamilton: what do i have to do to make it up to you 😔
yourprivateuser: ceci and i need new matching bags
lewishamilton: pink??
yourprivateuser: you know us so well😁
lewishamilton: anything for my girls
landonorris: gross
lilymhe: ur fine as hell i want u
yourprivateuser: i want u
alex_albon: lewishamilton do you see them??
lewishamilton: sadly i do💔
lilymhe: we’re having a private moment here !
carmenmmundt: ceci’s smileeee🥹 i miss her so much!!!
yourprivateuser: lmk which race you’re going to!! ceci misses her auntie carmen too!!
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liked by ynhamilton, georgerussell63, and 2,753,928 others!
lewishamilton: my favorite girls.
tagged; ynhamilton
ynhamilton: ceci and i love you so much 🤍
lewishamilton: i love both of my girls very much
username: YOOOO
username: i fucking knew it
username: omg is that really his daughter
georgerussell63: all hail queen cecilia!
lewishamilton: 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
mercedesamgf1: welcome y/n and cecilia to the mercedes family!💙
username: crying cecelia is so cute
username: so were the twitter threads right about cecilia being your daughter ???!!!
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymhe, and 1,203,937 others!
ynhamilton: us when dada spoils us
tagged; lewishamilton
lewishamilton: gotta make sure my girls are happy!
ynhamilton: trust, ceci and i are very happy💙😁
username: need to know how she manifested lewis
username: wait, DADA????
username: was it not obvious, she smiles just like lewis
username: y/n is a milf
lilymhe: look at those cheeks🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 i miss herrrrr😭😭😭😭🤍🤍🤍
ynhamilton: we miss u🥹🥹🥹🥹 swear she almost said lily the other day💅💅💅
lilymhe: i’m literally like her step mother except im married to u😝
ynhamilton: so true wife
alex_albon: hello💔
lewishamilton: i learn to not say anything to avoid a grumpy y/n
yourbsfusername: queen ceci is so smiley, we love to see it!
ynhamilton: all thanks to her dada, of course!
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liked by ynhamilton, yourbsfusername, and 2,639,028 others!
lewishamilton: if you told me 2 years ago on our wedding day, that i’d have a daughter that’s the perfect combination of us, i probably wouldn’t have believed you. thank you for blessing me with our sunshine, cecilia. i am eternally grateful for everything you do. happy mother’s day, y/n.
tagged; ynhamilton
ynhamilton: oh!🥹🥹🥹🥹
ynhamilton: give me a minute while i compose myself pls
lilymhe: she’s crying btw
ynhamilton: i love you sosososo much 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 i probably wouldn’t have believed you either! so grateful to be the mother of our daughter and most importantly, your wife 🥹💗
lewishamilton: you deserve it all💙
username: im sobbing this is so cute
username: sleeping on the highway tonight
username: ME AND WHO
username: ‘our sunshine’ excuse me while i cry
mercedesamgf1: happy mother’s day!💐
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbsfusername, and 1,938,038 others!
ynhamilton: happy father’s day to the worlds greatest husband and father. thank you for always making sure that queen ceci and i are happy and taken care of. thank you for all the joy you bring us, we love you!!
tagged, lewishamilton
lewishamilton: my girls🩷
georgerussell63: what’d u do, now he can’t stop smiling in the garage
carmenmmundt: oh like you aren’t the same!
lewishamilton: i love you both so much, my queen and queen ceci 💗
ynhamilton: cecilia says she loves her dada very much🤍🤍
username: lewis hamilton, 7 time world champion, being smiley over a father’s day post, we love to see it
username: what the actual fuck they’re so perfect
username: actual parents
username: i want what they have
username: the picture of lewis and newborn ceci omg stop
username: THE lewis hamilton being married for 3 years and having a daughter was not on my 2023 bingo card
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hellsslibrary · 1 year
Hi...um oh shit. This's my first request, so sorry if it's bad... Anyway, can you write headcanons on the demon brothers going into their first heat with their alpha(Male reader)?
(If you can't it's not a problem😁)
❀Headcanons about the demon brothers and their first heat with Alpha!Male!MC❀
DNI: minors.
!!Warnings: omegaverse, heat, breeding kink, implied poly!Mc, breeding kink, praise, Dom!Lucifer, possessiveness, lactation(Lucifer), pet play(Satan), P*ss kink(Mammon), Marking, somnophilia(Belphie), Beel want to be a mother, demonic form(Levi, Belphie), Masochist Satan, Chest play(Asmo), kind of Daddy kink(?) (Asmo).
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Probably the rarest and fastest heats in the family. Like, he just drinks pills and forgets about these heats, without even paying attention to it. But sometimes he gets too much work or stress from his brothers and forgets to take those pills and then the heat starts (literally and figuratively).
Also, probably someone who wouldn't want you to impregnate him. That's why he always takes birth control pills. He already has 6 children who annoy him every day, he doesn't need another one.
Crazy possessive, like CRAZY. He gets so clingy and jealous, he won't let you out of his nest for more than 10 minutes. And thank God, his heats lasts only 3-4 days...
Get ready to leave his nest after his heat, covered in hickeys, bites, scratches, bruises and, in general, in the marks of Lucifer. (He certainly apologizes, but not sincerely)
I guess he's very dominant in heat, so if you wanted a sub Luci ... In heat, no way.
He will just ride on your cock until he squeezes all your cum out of you and then he will keep your knot inside, not letting you out.
In general, his behavior is not much different during heat, except that he becomes even more affectionate than usual.
For example, does he see that you are hurt by his prints or are you tired? He will immediately stop doing it and calm you down (Though he won't get off your cock, nah).
I also think he's lactating during heat and his breasts swell for obvious reasons... If you're into lactation, he might even breastfeed you, lol.
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So... Probably the second most frequent and longest heat after Beel. Like, they happen often and last about a week, sometimes two.
You know right away that he's in heat when he starts texting you with whining requests, and if you're lucky, even naked photos of him.
In general, ready to let you out of his nest, but only if you come running after his first message with a request like "Mc, I want your cock again, so get your ass over here."
Becomes extremely whiny and sensitive, he can come even through some kind of petting. Literally every touch you make drives him to hell(or heaven,idk).
Probably would like you to impregnate him, but would not want children, because he is simply not ready for this, he is too insecure.
Wants you to mark him. It doesn't matter how. Just do it, he loves your marks, smell, whatever. He must know that he is yours.
He also becomes extremely honest as his tsundere nature is washed away immediately by the fact that he can't think straight and he just keeps praising you and telling you how good you are.
(Piss kink!!) Probably starting to get into piss kink, yes (if he wasn't into it in the first place, which I'm not sure about). You just know... His smell on you or your smell on him, no matter what, turns him on, and if it's such a strong smell, even more so.
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His heat is not frequent and not fast. In general, they are quite stable and he even adjusts his game mode for them.
He becomes even more submissive than he is. I don't know how that's possible given it's literally canon, but... Just imagine having a handsome, shy, whiny boy for about 5 days that you can do whatever you want with as long as you fuck him.
He is 999 percent for fertilization. There's something so exciting about having your sperm in it, but knowing that it's literally your child/children in it... It's just awesome.
I think the sins of all the brothers in general just go to the peak during their heats, so... Damn it, he won't let you out of it, your knot MUST be in it and only in it... For a maximum of 5 minutes if your natural needs play out.
Mmm, more likely he'll be in his demon form because he's more comfortable in it and he just can't contain it, so... Pull his tail, bite and pull back his scales a bit, pet/pull/scratch him horns or stroke his double cock, he'll explode from it, hehe.
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The most stable boy. Heats are about 4-5 days and always start on schedule, just wonderful and cool.
Becomes an extreme masochist during his heats, he wants you to be extremely strong and hard dominating as much as you can be.
He will also probably allow and even offer to put him on a leash and fuck him, pulling on it, ahem.
His pet play skyrockets, he becomes extremely helpful to you. You are his master and he is your GOOD kitten, so why shouldn't he follow your every order, hmm?
He will calmly let you out of the nest during heats, without even worrying, but only if it is no more than a couple of hours, it becomes difficult for him without you.
As for fertilization, he has a neutral opinion. Of course, driven by instinct, he can and will want your sperm in him. But, if you ask his sober opinion, he does not feel anything for the children. Do you want kids? Okay, fertilize him. Do not want? Okay, he'll take birth control.
Also, I suppose he is very quiet during sex or some hot moments in general, even during heat, but if you still agree to be a hard dominant for him ... Oh, Mother of God, buy earplugs for all the brothers, but better take them on vacation.
He doesn't tend to nest too often, by the way. It's just that, given how messy his room is, cleaning it all up would be such a torture.
And a random thought in the end. Loves when you eat it before you insert it. Of course, he's already wet, but he just loves the feel of your tongue in him, it just drives him crazy.
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Well... The most unstable heat. They always happen differently. Sometimes often, sometimes not. Sometimes it lasts a long time, sometimes it lasts a very short time. In general, everything is difficult.
It has the strongest smell of all. So strong that it can be felt even outside the home. Its sweet, floral scent is simply mind-blowing.
And it also releases an extremely high amount of natural lubrication, like seriously. By the end of his heat, the sheets will be just soaking wet.
He is flattered by the idea of ​​babysitting his and your common children, but he completely rejects the idea of ​​pregnancy. Stretch marks, a huge belly, a fatter build, pallor, nausea, and so on, he will just look unattractive to himself.
Also, calmly let you out of his nest. He could easily go a few hours on his own without your cock in him, although he would certainly prefer it to be you.
He has the most sensitive chest of the brothers. He just squeals with pleasure when you suck/lick/nibble on his nipples or massage/squeeze/rub his chest.
He will probably post a photo after heat, where he will be with his face fucked up on wet sheets with marks on his body and with a caption under the photo like "You know, it's so good to have a daddy in two ways." If you don't understand my chic humor, I'm sorry.
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Oh, in general, the most frequent and long heats. They last about 2 weeks, by the way, so good luck, mate. And usually they occur at the same time with Belphegor.
He is the biggest fan of breeding kink, on par with Levi. It's so sweet to have kids by you that he can take care of and eat with or play sports with (or whatever, he's not a picky boy)!
His appetite increases even more (And somewhere in the distance, one Lucifer sighs heavily due to the increase in food bills). Well, it's true that he also has an increased appetite for sex, so he'll just keep doing it until he squeezes all the juice out of you.
His chest swells, by the way, during heats. So... Man boobs, my kittens, man boobs.
He praises you very much during heats, and sex in general. He just loves everything you do and it brings him such great pleasure, he can't help but praise your actions.
In general, praise him in return. He's going to be so embarrassed about it, it's just a miracle.
Releases you during his heat from his nest freely. Although, after that, you will probably immediately jump into Belphegor's nest and start working with him.
In general, he has a strange thing about the fact that you call him something that is related to motherhood Mom/Mommy/Mother and so on, he blushes and is shy from this, imagining that he really can become a mother.
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All his heats passes in a dream, like real. He wakes up for about two hours a day to eat and that's it.
So, if you have somnophilia, this is the right time for you, sir. You can just fuck him in almost any position and no one will tell you in denial.
He's in his demonic form, one hundred percent sure of it. So you can play with his horns or tail, maybe he will purr (or even moo like a cow, lol).
He doesn't really care if you impregnate him or not. He doesn't want to deal with all these pregnancy-related issues, but he'll be happy to have kids with you if you want.
He moans funny during heats. Some kind of hoarse and high moans and whining, when he lazily shakes his head in a dream, but still does not wake up.
Well, there's actually a chance he'll wake up. He just might want to eat, which is logical, and if you catch that moment and don't fuck his twin at that moment, you'll hear the most wonderful moan you've ever heard.
Also, if he wakes up, he'll get extremely territorial and leave his fingernail scratches on you to let everyone else know you were with him (and Beel, of course).
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literaila · 2 months
megumi x reader whennn 😁😁😔🥹♥
“what even is that?”
“please,” you pout, knowing his eyes are closed. “can’t you stay still?”
megumi opens one eye, looking down to where your hand is, then glancing towards you. his eyelashes flutter incessantly. “did you mess it up?”
his hands rest softly on the backs of your legs, barely a graze of his skin on your jeans. his head is tilted up towards you. he’s barely even holding on, and still you feel the innate need to push him away.
a couple of months ago, space was anything but what you wanted from megumi fushiguro.
and now it feels like you’ll stop breathing if you don’t get any. whatever that means.
“if anything, you messed it up,” you tell him, a drawl in your voice, “now shush, i need to focus.”
he closes his eyes again, leaning back. it’s very tempting to lean forward. to feel his breath on the skin of your face and imagine his eyes opening again. megumi always tastes like spice, like the hint of coffee you know he’s sneaking around.
so you say, in a stern, stop thinking about things like that way, “this was expensive, you know?”
“it smells like kugisaki’s perfume,” megumi murmurs, attempting to keep his face still.
you shake your head, continuing to lather the face mask on his skin. you might be drawing this out a bit. “does it feel nice?”
“thought i was supposed to ‘shush.’”
you giggle, maybe because his imitation of you is entirely accurate, and continue to paint his skin. this particular face mask is pink, which goes perfectly well with him, you think.
but megumi fushiguro would look good in anything, so that’s not saying much. even with his frown and his disapproving eyes.
“is this going to turn my face a different color?”
“c’mon, megumi, i know you know what a face mask is. i’ve scrolled through your phone. and your pinterest.”
“that’s different,” he answers, an eye open again. you poke his chest with a finger and he scoffs. “who knows what kind of things you buy.”
you roll your eyes, but continue nonetheless.
every couple of seconds he shifts, and his hands move—you think it could be on purpose, with the circles he’s drawing on the backs of your thighs, but you can’t be entirely sure. maybe he’s just impatient.
it’s distracting you anyway. you could hiss at him to stop, but you’re not sure that you want him to.
“how much?” megumi blurts, after a moment.
“how much was it? you said it was expensive.”
you snort. “like i would tell you, rich boy. i don’t need anymore of your judgement.”
“you brought it up.”
“i was kidding,” you murmur, finishing the last bit of bare skin. “i bought it to share, anyway.”
and then you lean back, admiring the view a bit more.
it’s not as if megumi needs a soothing gel mask to help his skin, as perfect as it is, but you know why he agreed to this in the first place.
and you know he’s enjoying it, even if his feet have begun to tap a bit restlessly on the ground. you know because his face is entirely relaxed, and because in the year you’ve known him, megumi has never shied away from telling you what to do.
if he didn’t like it, you think, he would make it known.
“okay,” you set down the applicator, grinning a little bit at the pink filled spaces of his face. “all done. was that so bad?”
you laugh and take a step away from him, trying not to make the gasp of air you take obvious. but megumi probably noticed anyway.
“i can pay for it,” he tells you, softly. his eyes are just barely open, his face almost immobile. he might be even closer now. “since you’re sharing.”
you frown at him as he stands from the counter. “i’m not going to let you pay for something i coerced you into.”
“you didn’t coerce me,” megumi says. “much.”
you laugh, and turn around, handing him the applicator. “okay, my turn,” and then you take his spot, still shorter than him, even when you sit by the sink.
“i have to do you?”
“why do you think i invited you?”
“so you could enjoy my suffering.”
“well, that too. but it’s easier to put it on someone else. i always spill when i try to do it myself.”
“are you going to keep complaining,” you ask him, leaning in, “or are you going to return the favor?”
megumi makes a noise in his throat, but he acquiesces. “i have no idea why i agreed to this.”
you hum and close your eyes, the buzzing feeling of his skin close to yours a pleasant surprise as he begins.
really, you’ve been this close. you’ve hung onto his shoulder after missions, let him patch up the cuts on your faces in the car. but it’s different now that you know him.
different now that he’s… here. not out of some obligation, but because you asked.
you definitely don’t feel this way when nobara plucks your eyebrows or draws shapes on your face with eyeliner.
“what?” megumi murmurs, after he’s finished the first side of your face.
“what what?”
“you’re smiling.”
you open your eyes and he’s right there.
his irises are an unusual color. some mix between deep blue and green, some unmistakable gradient. and you’ve stared before, but megumi’s never been this close.
at least not here, in your bathroom, instead of some moldy alleyway.
“am i?”
he nods, tilting his head at you.
“sorry,” you whisper, closing your eyes again.
“no,” megumi pauses, and you can feel his breath, his hand as it moves, the vibrations of him entirely apparent. “you have a nice smile.”
you almost jolt away from him, but refrain. you want to push yourself against the vanity, fall into the sink, or simply hide under the counter.
and you want to open your eyes again, just so you can see his face. megumi is always serious—sincere—but he doesnt share his thoughts often, doesn’t allow himself to be vulnerable unless it’s absolutely necessary.
and you don’t think he’s ever let anyone else corrode his face with a pink face mask.
“i do?” you ask, just to hear him say it again.
your lip twitches and you relax once again. you already know what he means, anyway.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
hi can you do an intersex scarlett with fem reader where they go out to eat for their anniversary and the reader teases scarlett for acting needy and being all flustered, then they go home and have passionate sex which ends up with reader having rose, with praise, daddy kink and back scratching (r to scarlett) i’m kind of a slut for back scratching lol. ps: i’m the same anon who asked for the wanda cam girl fic, the mommy reader fic and the mechanic nat!😁)
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PAIRINGS: Scarlett Johansson x reader
WARNINGS: smut, Scarlett has a dick, fingering, breeding, teasing, public sex, car sex, blowjobs, scratching, praise, degrading, daddy (S), jealousy, possessiveness, pet names (baby, sweetheart, my love, darling, etc), mentions of blood, crying, think that’s all! :)
Grammarly wasn’t working so I had to do this with no spelling-check, ignore any mistakes!!
“Happy anniversary, my love,” Scarlett murmured against your hands, her lips lingering on the backs of them as you didn’t pull away. You only smiled, your cheeks turning red as did hers.
“You look beautiful tonight, so beautiful.”
“As do you, Scar.” Before she could respond, you both were greeted by the waitress serving you. She kindly asked for your requests before returning to the kitchen, grabbing your drinks, and dropping them off when she came back only minutes later.
“I still can’t believe you took me here, this place is fancier than the Met Gala.” You joked, your eyes roaming the building while your wife let out a short chuckle. You two had known each other since you were teenagers and had been together for nearly six years now. Although, it was your first year being able to call her your wife. Scarlett’s job made it nearly impossible to have relationships, or successful ones at least. But somehow, you two made it work. It wasn’t easy seeing her leave for months at times, but it was all worth it because, at the end of the day, you’d always have her.
“What can I say, you have the princess treatment.” She shrugged, leaning back in her chair to take a small swig of her wine. She watched you do the same, eyes trained on your lips when you slightly parted them to allow the liquid in. You then licked your lipstick-covered lips as a small moan escaped you when the drink hit your tastebuds.
She cleared her throat after a moment too long of staring, adjusting herself in her seat and mentally thanking all gods that the food came just in time. The waitress placed your plate in front of you carefully, then handed Scarlett her own. She quirked a brow as the lady turned to you, asking if there was anything you might need and leaving a moment later when you refused.
“Looks like someone has a crush.” She said before taking a bite out of her food, nearly choking when she realized how hot it was.
“Oh, please, she’s probably like ten years younger than me.” She nodded, clear signs of jealousy that tried to hide making way to the surface.
“Hey, look at me,” She did as you asked. “I’m yours, okay? I wouldn’t be wearing this ring if that wasn’t true.” You showed off the expensive piece of jewelry adorning your finger, the crystal shining under the light hanging from the ceiling.
“Well, I would hope so, or else I’d have to ask for that ring back.” The rest of the dinner went smoothly, at least in your eyes. The waitress checked on you two often, sending obvious signs your way that you acted oblivious to. Scarlett was grateful for that, but she wasn’t grateful for the tent in her pants. She tried hiding it with her hand purse, but that quickly failed when you picked up notice of her actions.
You had been teasing her the entire time without even knowing. First the lip-licking, then the small moans when you’d take a bite of your food or a sip of your wine, and then with the way words seemed to ease out of your mouth like it was nothing. She’d watch you bite your lip with a small smile after a joke she’d tell or a funny memory you’d make remembrance of, it drew her in from day one.
Your outfit wasn’t helping either, she had to help you zip up the back of your dress before placing the necklace she bought you earlier that day around your neck. She could still smell your perfume lingering on your skin, and the fact that it was her perfume you stole made it even better. Her girl, wearing her perfume, with the necklace she bought you, and the ring she proposed to you with; nobody would ever be able to have you the way she did.
“Scar? You okay?” She had been trying to focus on what you had been saying, but she was too attentive to your dress that hung low enough to show just the right amount of cleavage, the rest was left to the imagination. Anyone’s imagination. She quickly came to the conclusion in her head that she wasn’t the only one able to see you like this, your server and many others dining in could. They could all see her girl, her wife, in all the ways she didn’t want them to.
“Scarlett!” You snapped your fingers in front of her face, making her whip her head back up to direct her eye line back to your own. You playfully scoffed, making her gulp nervously.
“Seriously? You’re horny in the middle of a restaurant?” You gave her a smirk and she nearly jumped in surprise when she felt you brush your leg against her own. You could practically feel her cock straining against her suit pants and you could see how hard she was trying to not bend you over in front of everyone right here, you almost felt bad for her.
“Let’s go, we’re leaving.” She left two one-hundred-dollar bills on the table and rushed you both outside, keeping her mini purse over her crotch. You were immediately swarmed by a large number of paparazzi shining their cameras in your faces and asking questions you were too out of it to hear.
Once you got to the car you were pushed into the passenger door that Scarlett had opened for you before she sped over to the driver's side. You were shocked she didn’t drive over any of the cameramen with them crowding around the car and her frustrated self.
Finally, she was able to pull out of the parking lot and start her way to your shared home quickly. Her hand was resting on your inner thigh, rubbing small circles with her thumb as she was getting closer to your core. You shivered in anticipation, eyeing her large bulge with hunger.
Your wife looked over at you when she heard your seatbelt unbuckle. It was a red light, and it felt like it had been taking forever just for the next intersection to go.
“What are you doing?” You leaned over the dashboard, unzipping the fly of her pants and setting her cock free from the confinements. She gave you a hazy smile that you didn’t get to see as your mouth pressed against her length. Small lipstick stains were left on the skin as you teasingly pecked all over.
“Baby, someone could see us.” She frantically whispered, looking out each window for anyone who may have caught sighting of you.
“Aww, is someone a little camera shy? Don’t act all innocent, we both know you’d love to have someone catch us.” You watched as her cock twitched at your words and laughed, letting your tongue brush over her tip and reveling in the breathy moan she let out from above you.
“Does that turn you on, Scarlett?” She nodded. “Yeah? Of course, it does, you just want everyone to see that you own me, don’t you?” Again came her nod, this time with hesitation. You knew it was nearly impossible for her to speak in the moment, so you gave in and let your mouth wrap around her tip, your tongue licking the drops of pre cum oozing out of it.
The GPS had alerted you both that you were minutes away from arriving at your destination, the new information causing you to lower your head and take more of her in your mouth. Your tongue licked over the veins adorning her length, a whimper escaping from deep inside of your wife’s throat when you gagged around her.
Tears pooled in your eyes as the head of her cock hit the back of your throat, your hand finding its way around the rest of her that couldn’t quite fit. You stroked her slowly, letting your head go up and down as you felt her free hand traveling across your back and landing on your nearly exposed cunt. The dress had ridden up enough to show off the panties you had worn just for her and she ran her finger along them, feeling your wetness seeping through the fabric. It didn’t take long before she pushed them to the side, letting her digits slowly seep into you in order for you to adjust to the newfound feeling. You instinctively pushed back into her, the bumps on the road causing her to nearly jolt inside of you. The vibrations sent from your mouth and to her length only encouraged the coil in her stomach waiting to snap.
“That feel good, sweetheart? Yeah, you love daddy’s fingers, don’t you?” The car pulled into your driveway and she quickly stopped and turned off the car. She adjusted her seat to lean back for more room, her free hand previously on the wheel now resting on top of your head. She guided you up and down while her digits slid in and out of you quickly with no remorse.
“Oh, baby, daddy loves hearing you choke on her cock. That’s it, good girl.” There was no warning besides the thrust of her hips when she came down your throat, chanting your name rapidly and squeezing her eyes shut. There were a few drops that oozed down her length, but you tried swallowing every little bit you could. She quirked her lips when watching you, desperate to feel and taste every part of her.
You were finally able to breathe as you disconnected from her cock, a small string of spit following suit. Your tongue instantly landed on the drops of cum that had escaped from your mouth, making her erection rise the more you suckled on the sensitive area.
“You’re such a cock-hungry whore, milking me fucking dry.” She muttered through gritted teeth, letting her fingers ease out of your warm walls as you went to sit up.
“Did I do good, daddy?” You asked with faux innocence, knowing just how much it drew her crazy. She groaned, pressing her lips against yours as she tasted herself on your lips. Her tongue slipped through your mouth while her hand rested on the side of your face to pull you in closer.
“Oh, you did so good for me, love. I’m so, so proud of my girl.” She muttered against your lips, letting her fingers that were covered in your juices replace her mouth. You sucked on them without hesitation, staring at her through hooded eyes that had her bucking into nothing.
“Stay here.” She quickly left the car after zipping her pants back up, walking to your side of the car and, once again, opening the door for you. She didn’t give you time to move as she quickly grabbed you by the waist, tossing you over her shoulder and giving a small smack to your ass before rushing inside the house. You couldn’t see much in the rooms full of no brightness, that was until she entered the bedroom and switched the light on.
You felt yourself being tossed on the bed as she quickly unbuttoned her shirt and removed her pants, leaving her in just the undergarments she had chosen for the night. She quickly did the same to you, eager to see you naked and open for her.
“Come on, pretty girl, let me see you.” Her arms were at either side of her head as she leaned down to kiss you passionately, leading a hand to her crotch where she palmed herself.
“You see that, baby? You’ve made me so fucking hard, I just need to be inside you already.” You looked down and noticed her cock straining in her boxers.
“Please take them off, I want to see you…all of you.” You murmured, hooking your fingers on each of the straps on her bra. You pulled them down her shoulders and let them rest loosely on her arms while you then ventured to her back where the clasp was the only thing keeping you from seeing her breasts. You silently asked permission which you were granted and then let the clothing fall, sucking in a deep breath when you eyed her bare chest.
While you were too entranced in toying with her hardened nipples, you hadn’t noticed her length prodding at your hole. She didn’t bother to slip on a condom, there had never been an issue where she couldn’t pull out in time.
“Ah! Wait, it- it hurts, a lot.” She bit her lip to suppress any sounds that could escape her when she felt your warm walls clamping around her with a strong hold.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ tight, baby girl. Is this all for daddy, hm?” She asked, gathering your wetness on her fingertips only to lick them off moments later. She moaned at the taste, acting like a starved animal with how hungry she was for you.
It wasn’t long until you gave her the okay to move and you soon after felt her slowly deepening inside of you. The intrusion had you whining, but she was quick to shut you up with her own.
“Just- just a little more, you can take it.” She leaned down to rest her face on your shoulder blade, her nostril placed against your neck where she could still smell residents of your perfume.
“You’re taking me so well, baby.” She pecked your neck softly, smiling when you giggled at the sensation.
“Is it okay to move?” She asked after a minute of silence. She was so deep inside of you, you could feel her pelvis bone hitting yours.
“Yeah…yeah, you can move.” Your eyes squeezed shut when you felt the movements inside of you start back up again. It wasn’t as painful as it was pleasurable, but there were still small swabs of discomfort as her tip pressed against your womb repeatedly.
“Only I get to fuck this pussy, you got that?” You nodded in response to her question. “You belong to me, you belong to daddy, baby.”
“I- fuck! I- I belong to you, daddy.” Her hips quickened in their pace as you tumbled into spews of nonsense and jumbled words. You wrapped your legs around her waist as they pressed onto the skin of her ass, your breathy moans and pants only further turning on the blonde.
“Aww, is your daddy fucking you that good, darling?” She mocked a pout, watching the tears slip down your cheeks, ruining your mascara. You didn’t wear makeup often, but you wanted to make this one day special, and, god, did you exceed your aspirations.
She grasped your hips in both hands and lifted you up ever so little, smirking when she realized how badly the angle affected you.
“Yes! Right there! Right fucking there, Scar!” You yelped out when feeling a slap against your skin, the pain only causing an even higher-pitched moan to leave you.
“That’s not my fucking name.” You apologized weakly as your hands grasped onto any part of her they could find. They went to her shoulders and soon traveled down her back with your sharpened nails leaving claw-like marks. She hissed in pain when she felt blood being drawn, but it only made her harden her thrusts.
“Who would ever think such a sweet, innocent girl like you could be such a dirty little slut?” She sunk her teeth into your neck and felt your legs shaking around her body.
“You gonna cum, pretty girl?”
“Yeah, need to cum so badly, daddy.” You whimpered, grinding your teeth together in order for some sort of blockage to your loud noises, you knew there would be complaints later on if you didn’t.
“You think you deserve to cum?”
“Please, daddy, I’ve been so good, been such a good girl for you. I- I made you cum already, and- ah!” She licked over the bruising areas on your neck to soothe the pain, hoping it would cause some sort of relief.
“And what, sweetheart?” You struggled to let the words out, but they came pouring out of you before you could stop them.
“And I want you to cum…inside me. Please, daddy? Will you make your little girl a mommy?” She moaned at the title you gave yourself, her hips stuttering in their movements. She knew she was nearing her breaking point, and your pleas weren’t helping her from preventing it.
“You want daddy’s cum, huh? Oh, I bet you’d look so beautiful carrying my child.” You were both about to snap, the dirty talk only seeming to quicken it.
“Let me have your babies, daddy, cum inside me.” You begged in a quiet whisper, almost instantly after feeling warm spurts of her release coating your walls.
“Fuck, I’m- I’m gonna make you a mommy, baby girl, I promise.” The coil in your stomach snapped as you came with a silent scream, your nails once again digging into your wife’s skin.
Scarlett felt your juices coating her cock while hers continued to unload deep inside of you. She knew there was no chance of you not getting pregnant after this, the lifetime goal and dream shared by you two finally being fulfilled.
“You just needed me to fuck some sense back into you, huh?” You chuckled breathlessly and felt her length slowly departing from you. She watched as cum oozed out of you, only for her to collect every last drop with her fingers and push it back inside the best that she could. She smiled to herself when imagining a few months from now when you’d both soon be mommies.
“Happy anniversary, pretty girl.” You heard being mumbled into your neck, the sensation tickling your skin and causing you to giggle. The woman smiled from behind you, the blanket being the only thing to cover your naked bodies.
“Happy anniversary, Scar.” You held onto her arms that were wrapped around you, finding her warmth to be a sense of comfort. You both let out content sighs and held one another close, hoping to bask in every second of this moment.
“Mommy! Momma! Wake up, it’s pancake day!” Your three-year-old daughter yelled, bursting through the door to your bedroom. You internally groaned when you felt her jumping on top of you, poking at your face, and laughing when you grimaced.
“C’mon, mommy, I want pancakes!” You wished to have her type of energy at nearly eight in the morning, but you assumed it would leave her system in a couple of years.
“Baby, it’s me and mommy’s day today, just give us five more minutes, okay?” Your wife murmured, clearly upsetting the younger girl who gasped in shock. She climbed over to her already snoring form and let her knee dig into her ribcage.
“Don’t hurt momma, Rosie.” She looked back over at you, giving you her best glare that was a mix between anger and her puppy dog eyes. You always said she looked just like your wife.
“Don’t be on her side, mommy.” You sighed and, within only ten minutes, which was surprisingly fast for you, made a compromise with your daughter. She’d let you two shower and get dressed while she could help herself to some more playing time with her dolls.
The moment your daughters' footsteps echoed away, your wife turned to you, kissing up your arm and reaching to your neck where she whispered, “You think we have time for a quickie?”
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literallythegrabber · 6 months
Hcs about how would you think they would react at a Haunted house ? Thank you for reading 👍
sorry this took so long, I was procrastinating again, and my teachers love when I don't sleep to do their unnecessarily large portions of work!😁 Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
He's a scaredy cat
He doesn't want to admit it because he wants to look cool, but it's obvious.
He's shuddering the whole time yall are there. You tell him if he's scared, yall can leave, and he just like
"Y/n, don't worry, I'm just cold" he says while looking around anxiously.
"Finney, it's 70 degrees out, there's no way ur cold."
He's in a complete state of paranoia, and nothing can shake him out of it.
Yall remember that scene, when he was watching that scary movie while Gwen was at Susie's house?
And he got so freaked out, even though the blood looked like tomato sauce.
He's like that but 10 times worst.
You could lightly, like a feather) tap him on the shoulder, and he'll turn into Hoppy Hopscotch and flinch away from you.
Won't let go of your hand the entire time, he uses you to stay grounded (sane).
Would probably go with you and Gwen or Robin because he wants them to protect you cause he knows he can't.
Is probably a little bit freaked out, but he channels it differently.
Like... with his fist.
He's squared up the entire time your there.
He's a bit jumpy, so try not to touch him unprovoked.
Like you just tap him on the shoulder, and he freaks out and hits you square in the face.
"I told you not to sneak up on me! Dumbass..."
"Dude I said I was sorry."
Will probably fight the actors, and get you both kicked out.
Like, I honestly wouldn't go with him, sir you're staying home today.
He kinda ruins the experience, he has you behind him at all times, so you literally can't see shit.
Your parent/parents would ask you "Was it scary y/n?"
Ur like "Well I wouldn't know, you should ask Robin 😒"
While he's walking you home, he's thinking to himself about how cool he must've looked in front of you, protecting you and stuff.
and ur like, "Robin, I had no fun. You ruined the ENTIRE thing."
Safe to say yall are going to the arcade for your next date.
Probably the best to go with tbh.
Is just there to have fun, that's it.
I don't think he gets that scared, like he'll jump a little and then that's it.
If he does get scared, he'll probably just start complimenting the actor while ur just standing there like "😐"
Yall are just skipping down a dark, creepy hallway holding hands and you get jumpscared.
Ur over here about to pass out and he's just like "nice hat".
Like hello?
He just doesn't get that scared.
But he'll want to reassure you if you're the type to get scared easily.
Will try and sneak his baseball bat in the house (idk how he'll pull that off lmao) if it makes you feel better.
And this isn't really important, but I feel like he'd be the dumbest in horror movies.
Since he doesn't get frightened easily, he'd most likely be the most naive and say, "Let's split up!😃".
(that's probably what got him kidnapped💀)
Have I mentioned how annoying he is?
People think I have some personal beef with his character, but I swear I don't.
I just headcanon him as a bitch lmao.
But at a haunted house I think he'd be fearless.
He'd just be unbothered the entire time.
He'd probably complain about going. You guys spend most of your dates at grabngo (lame ass date vance) playing pinball.
So it makes sense that he'd rather be there.
His face the entire time would just be "😒", like turn that frown upside down?
He'd probably laugh when you get jumpscared.
But if you do get a little too frightened, he'd start cursing the actor out instead of just leaving.
Like the man is just trying to do his job.
So you guys would probably get kicked out, thanks Vance 😊.
But if yall don't, and you get scared, he'd place a reassuring hand on your wrist, to calm you down.
And that's about it, otherwise he's a jerk.
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
Love your series….ever thought about writing a oneshot of Caine and Pomni being nervous on their first date?? Just an idea! 😁
AN: And it's a lovely idea! Two nervous beans coming right up! I'm glad you like my Raceway series, it's fun to write!
ART BY: @waffle-gal
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WARNING: gets a teensy bit suggestive at the end out of context
"Ow!" Pomni cried as Ragatha brushed her hair. "Are you trying to scalp me? Ease up."
"Sorry, I'm just so excited for you! You and Caine, finally on a date. Took you two long enough." Ragatha set the hairbrush down on the vanity and touched up Pomni's makeup.
"We've been out together before, just the two of us." Pomni adjusted the blue evening gloves that matched her ankle length dress. "It's really not that different." She was telling herself that, more than anyone else, to ease her nerves.
"Not that different!?" Gangle nearly dropped the gold necklace she was putting around Pomni's neck. "It's entirely different! You two agreed to a date. This isn't just you two hanging out. You're going to get closer romantically, not just as friends." She clasped the necklace in place and picked out some gold bracelets.
Pomni's stomach did a backflip. "It's just dinner. He doesn't even eat, we'll probably talk the whole time. We already do that. No big deal." She smiled nervously at herself in the mirror and squeezed the red shawl in her lap, trying to remain calm.
Caine floated with his hands on his hips in front of his closet in his dressing room. He stared at the line of tailcoats, all the same bright scarlet. His tie hung loosely around his neck. "Ugh! I don't know what to wear!" He dramatically threw his arms up. "It needs to be perfect! Pomni deserves nothing less! Presentation matters!"
He snapped his fingers and a coat appeared on his body. It looked the same as it always did. "Nope!" He snapped again, it turned green. "Nope!" Again, pink. "Fashionable! But no." Again, yellow. "No." Again, blue. "Definitely not!" Again, black. "Well, now! This is classy!"
He looked himself over in a floor length mirror, spinning his body 360° without moving his head. He snapped and his buttons and tie fastened themselves, and a red cummerbund accented his waist. "Now I just need my accessories!" He took one look around. "Hey! Who's got my hat?"
Bubble floated to him from inside an oversized toy box, wearing his top hat. "Look! I'm the ringmaster! Pomni, Pomni, Pomni!" Bubble danced around in the air mockingly.
Caine rolled his eyes. "Ha. Ha. Gimme that." He snatched his hat from Bubble and adjusted it on top of his head perfectly. He clapped his hands together and his cane telescoped out of his palms, he gave it a twirl for good measure. "How do I look?" He posed for Bubble.
"Like a [%$!#]." Bubble grinned.
Caine didn't know what else he expected. "Well, I can always count on you for an honest opinion." He popped Bubble with the end of his cane and took one more look at himself. "I just hope Pomni likes it."
He had it all planned out. He'd pick her up from her room in the tent, take her to a really nice restaurant he fabricated himself, then a romantic moonlit stroll in the garden terrace. He could do this. Consider it a special adventure. No need to be nervous. Not at all. Nope.
He was grateful he couldn't sweat.
Pomni paced by her door inside her room, holding her shawl around her shoulders like it would protect her from the anxiety tearing through her system. If she could go through the whole night without vomiting, it would be a miracle.
"I really will be alright, Pomni. You don't have anything to worry about. It's obvious to everyone that Caine likes you. You should try to relax and enjoy yourself." Ragatha tried to be reassuring but Pomni was practically vibrating with anxiety.
"But what if I mess it up!?" Pomni blurted out. "What if he realizes just how...how weird I am!?
The girls almost laughed. Ragatha put a hand on Pomni's shoulder to stop her from wearing a hole in the floor. "This is Caine we're talking about. If anything, he'll have to be the one to dial back the weirdness to not scare you away."
"No, no, not weird as in wacky. Weird as in awkward mess of a human being!" Pomni would have continued ranting about herself but the knock at her door silenced her.
"He's here!" Ragatha squealed. She and Gangle made sure Pomni was ready last second and hid behind the door.
Pomni opened it to see Caine in his sleek black suit; hat in hand, cane under his arm. Her eyes went wide as she looked him up and down shamelessly. "Wow.." she cleared her throat. "Hello, Caine. You look great." She smiled and stepped out of her room, leaving the door cracked. The girls inside peeked.
Caine clutched his hat to his chest. His pupils dilated as he took her in, from her red heels to her blue dress to her makeup. He committed every detail to memory. "Pomni... you're somehow more gorgeous than the last time I saw you! How did you do that!? Do you have special powers I don't know about!?"
Pomni knew her cheeks were going to be warm the whole evening, but she didn't think she'd want to dunk her face in cold water so soon. She looked down and picked at her gloves. "No, uh, Ragatha and Gangle helped..."
Caine flew around her, trying to see her at all angles. "However you did it, you look fantastic, my dear! Are you ready for our date?" He put his hat back on and offered her his arm.
Pomni gave a small smile and put her arm in his. "Yeah, let's go." Her stomach fluttered, full of butterflies. Caine being his usual boisterous self actually helped her feel at ease. If he could be confidently weird, maybe she could too.
Caine snapped and they teleported out of the tent. Pomni blinked and she was in a softly lit restaurant. All of the staff and patrons were the typical faceless NPCs, including the full orchestra performing on stage at the end of the grand ballroom sized room.
"Woah..." Pomni looked up and the ceiling was ornately painted. It looked like an A.I. generated oil painting, but it was nice nonetheless. A huge diamond chandelier glowed from the center of the room. A small two-seated table directly under the chandelier was the only one empty.
Caine smiled to himself as he watched Pomni take in the atmosphere. "I assume you approve?"
"Absolutely, I do. This place is so fancy."
"Only the best for you, my dear. I made sure of that." He escorted her to the table and her chair pulled out with a wave of his hand.
Pomni settled into the comfortable chair. The table had a white cloth and a vast array of cutlery. It looked like it had a special fork or spoon for every different type of food.
Caine sat but still hovered over the seat of the chair. He left his cane mid air and placed his hat on top of it like a hatrack. He took an inner sigh of relief. So far, so good. She likes the setting! She's absolutely stunning! They were on a date! ...now what?
Pomni made eye contact with Caine. They smiled at each other but neither said a word right away. They took in the general feel of their surroundings and decided it was a good one.
"So wha-"
They spoke at the same time and had a good laugh over it.
"You first." Pomni said.
"Nonsense, my dear. You go ahead."
"Oh, I was just going to ask what adventures you've been working lately."
"Now, now." He wagged a finger. "No spoilers. However, I will give you a hint. I've really been itching to do more underwater themes."
"Like reefs? Those colorful and vibrant coral habitats?" Pomni said hopefully. She grimaced at the thought of being under deep water.
"...that would probably be a better idea. Maybe I could make one big enough for the multi-whale." He tapped his "chin" in contemplation.
"The what, now?"
"No spoilers!" He snapped his fingers and a waiter came by the table and poured drinks. "Now, my turn. How do humans do this?" He leaned against the table.
"Do what?" Pomni took a sip of what was, at least presented as, wine.
"Date. What's the protocol? I wasn't programmed with this in mind. I, quite literally, have no idea what I'm doing. This-" he gestures to the whole room. "-was a mixture of background settings and NPC presets. So, how do humans, uh...what's the word I'm looking for here? Consummate?"
Pomni did a spit take. She coughed and spluttered and wiped her face with a napkin. "No. No, that's not the word. How do you even know that word? Never mind. Dating is a more intimate form of social bonding. Where two people get to know things about the other that would go deeper than just friendship." She surprised herself with her answer, it was very concise.
"I see. So, we should tell each other things we haven't shared with others? Like secrets?" He liked that idea.
"Pretty much." Pomni shrugged.
"Would you like to proceed?"
"Uhhh, how about turns? We could make a game of it."
"NOW you're speaking my language!" Cane rubbed his hands together.
Pomni giggled at how excited he suddenly got at the mere mention of a game. "Okay, it's called two truths and a lie. We tell each other three facts about ourselves, but one of them isn't true. You try to guess which one, and you win if you figure it out. But this game is more about the stories attached to the facts than actually winning anything. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, it does! I'll start!" He held up his fingers. "I was trademarked by C&A Tech Industries cerca 1997. I had a humanoid face, my current look is actually a permanent graphical glitch. And Bubble freaks me out."
Pomni thought for a second. "Bubble doesn't freak you out. You love Bubble."
"Wrong!" He said a bit too loud. He coughed and hushed himself. "Bubble is creepy! And they say the most horrific things! It just goes to show how good of a performer I am that you believe otherwise." He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, looking smug that he fooled her.
"Wow! That's hard to believe, you have such a good stage presence together."
"We keep our beef off the stage. Anyway, yeah, the lie was my face. I was made to look this handsome on purpose." He winked.
That got a good laugh out of her. "You are uniquely handsome, I'll give you that."
"It's the pearly whites, isn't it? The ladies can't get enough of my smile."
"That they can't." She paused and stared for a moment. He was so easy to talk to, even if she didn't know what to say. Probably because he could talk enough for both of them, but it was nice all the same. She didn't know what she was so worried about earlier.
Caine cradled his chin in his hands and rested his elbows on the table. "You're turn." He was kicking his feet under the table. She had called him handsome. He was going to be riding that high for a while.
"Oh! Oh right. Uh, let's see... I don't like bananas. I can juggle. And I snort if I laugh too hard."
"If the third one is true Pomni, you know I'm gonna need to hear that cute little snort."
"Oh, it's not cute. Not even a little bit." She admitted.
"Ah-ha! So you DO snort laugh!"
"Wait, hey!"
Caine laughed hard enough to bring a tear to his eye. "Okay, okay, okay, so it's either bananas or juggling. Hmmm....you LOVE bananas."
"Nope." It was her turn to be smug. "Never liked them. They taste weird and have an even weirder texture. The lie was about juggling. I mean, have you met me? I had no coordination in these noodly limbs." Her cartoonish arms squiggled out to her side for emphasis.
He chuckled and took a deep breath. His ribs hurt from laughing. "You're hilarious, you know that?"
She smiled sweetly at him. "Do you know that you're really fun to be around? You bring so much energy into a room, even when you're not in show mode. You make me laugh. You make me...happy."
Caine sat upright. He felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest and held out a hand across the small table. She put her hand in his and he squeezed it gently. "You make me happy too, Pomni. Happier than I ever thought I could be."
Pomni felt warm and fuzzy too. She glanced at the side of the room that had huge glass doors viewing the garden outside. "How about we skip dinner? Take a walk with me?"
He didn't hesitate. He stood and continued to hold her hand as she joined him outside. His cane with his hat floated along behind them.
Outside was quiet, say for the sound of insects and nighttime birds. The warm light of the restaurant illuminated the courtyard. A fountain took center stage. Benches occupied the four corners. All of it was surrounded by the vibrant forest that was the garden. Colorful flowers and strange plants only parted for the narrow walkways. Fireflies danced their nightly ritual, giving the garden a mystical feel. The air felt cool underneath the late evening sky.
Caine took off his coat and draped it over Pomni's shoulders. "There you go. Can't have you catching chill."
Pomni hadn't stopped smiling most of the night, but this warmed her heart. Caine was the all powerful being of this realm. He could just change the temperature if he so desired, but instead he gives her his jacket. It felt so personal. "Who taught you this?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets. As far as you know, I'm just a regular Casanova." He leaned in with an exaggerated smolder in his eyes.
This made her go all shy. She gently pushed him away. "Don't ever make that face again."
"What? This face?" He did it again, but even more ridiculous. Sticking his tongue out as well.
She giggled. "Stop."
"Why Pomni? Don't you find dis attractive? Am I wooing you?" His face got even crazier.
She laughed harder. A small snort snuck out and she froze.
Caine stopped everything. Had he just heard what he thought he heard? "Yes! I did it!" He whooped and hollered, flying in a circle.
Pomni couldn't stop. He was making her laugh more and she snorted multiple times. Their laughter rang out into the night. Pomni became lightheaded from it and swayed. Caine held onto her but he himself was unsteady. They leaned on each other as they slowly caught their breaths.
Caine cupped her cheek and wiped away the happy tears running down her face. "You're laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world. Snort and all."
"Tell anyone about it and I'll deny it."
"Heh, our little secret then. A special laugh only I get to hear. I couldn't ask for more." He looked at her with softness in his eyes.
She stood close, her hands on his waist. He felt nothing short of lightning pass through him when she touched him. His gaze drifted to her lips. "Is it weird...that this didn't feel like a first date, Pomni?"
"No. Not weird at all." She instinctively got closer, keeping her eyes on his.
His other hand joined in on holding her face. He sounded out of breath. "Pomni...I want to kiss you."
"Then kiss me..." She whispered back. She waited to see what he would do. She had NO idea what he considered his own lips.
The tip of his tongue peaked out over the top of his bottom teeth. His bottom jaw puckered with his tongue and she got a lip lock of teeth and tongue. It was nothing short of magical. All the fireworks were going off in her head. Perhaps it was the digital world's doing or Caine's influence, she didn't care. Kissing him was full body euphoria.
They separated very briefly to look each other in the eye. They silently confirmed that they both had felt the same thing and immediately pulled each other back in. His hands supporting her back and neck as he leans into her, her arms fully wrapped around him.
Gangle and Ragatha played cards on the floor of Pomni's room. They wanted to be there to support her if things went tragically wrong. OR be the first ones Pomni spills all the datetime tea with. A snap sound outside the door makes them pause. They both scramble to the door and press their faces to it. They heard muffled voices on the other side.
"You were wonderful company, my dear. I look forward to our next outing. Rest well, and my apologies if I was a bit ... overenthusiastic. You're quite the rare delicacy." A quiet smooch sound. Gangle gasped, Ragatha slapped her hands over Gangle's mouth.
"I look forward to the next time too. And, don't apologize. I enjoyed myself. Goodnight, Caine."
Ragatha went as red as her hair. She heard Caine snap away and she flung the door open. Pomni jumped, not expecting the girls to still be up. Ragatha eyed the teeth marks on Pomni's ahoulder. "Tell. Us. Everything."
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment! 🙏
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goosita · 9 months
hello I am thinking about one thing and one thing only, Billy being so overwhelmingly enamored and aroused by you one night he jerks off for the first time in a bit and then a couple days later he admits to you that he got off at the thought of you and you beg him to tell you what he thought of😁
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oh my god he’d be sooooo
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he mumbled it so softly, you weren’t sure you’d heard him right.
“say that again?” you urge him gently. you’re perched on his lap and his hands had been running through your hair, kissing you senseless until he’d muttered something against your lips in a haze.
“said i got off thinkin’ about you the other night…” he mumbles. his cheeks are flushed with more than just lust now, a little shy that he had blurted that to you in the heat of the moment and you’d made him repeat it. you let the silence simmer and smirked, watching him squirm a little.
“and how was it?” you asked, almost cheeky.
“i said,” you purred, leaning down to nip at the spot below his ear. then, a whisper: “how. was. it?”
billy takes a slow, shaky breath in while his hands settle on your waist. you can feel the heat from his palms through your clothes, and it makes your belly flip in excitement.
“wasn’t as good as you,” he whispers. billy uses his grip on you to grind you down against him a little, pushing his hips up into yours so you can feel how hard he is right now. “nothin’s ever as good as you, darlin’.”
the friction of him grinding himself up against you has your eyes fluttering, but you hold in a moan at the pleasure it sends up your spine.
“what did you think about while you were touching yourself?”
“you,” he breathes, like it’s obvious. you suppose it probably is. “thought about your mouth. your hands on me. your tight little cunt around my c-cock, fuck, baby,” he gasps, stuttering when you rock your hips down against him again. his fingers are digging into your waist hard enough that you wonder if you’ll have 5 little bruises on each side.
“th-thought about pinning you down in my bed and making you say my name, all pretty and fucked out like you do,” he babbles, not even really thinking now. you move slightly so your hand can slip into his pants, wrapping around his cock and stroking slowly. his eyes nearly roll to the back of his head and he moans loudly, almost whorishly at your touch. it’s been a while since you two have been alone like this.
“billy,” you purr softly, making him growl and buck his hips up into your hand. you lick a stripe along the side of his throat, feeling him shiver.
“baby, please,” he pants, whining softly. he’s so hard, so worked up from your kiss and your touch that he feels like he might die if you don’t fuck him right now.
so you have mercy on him, if only because his crystal blue eyes are looking up at you so wide and pleading. they’re shiny with unshed, desperate tears from needing you so bad.
“alright, billy. take me to bed.”
he doesn’t need to be told twice.
let’s talk about billy, baby!
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Hey I have a request for a Kenan fic but with smut
It's his birthday and him and female reader go out, having a nice evening and eating dinner together with friends probably. When they come home, she wants to take care of him to make this evening even better if you know what I mean 😁 I'd like to read about her giving him a bj and/or a hj and really spoiling him. When he's about to finish, she asks where he wants to cum and you can decide what his answer would be 😉♥️
Thanks in advance and pls pls take your time, I know you're so busy with all these requests 💋💐 have a nice day
A day of celebration
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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It was Kenan's birthday, and I wanted everything to be perfect for him. He deserved a day of relaxation and celebration, a day where he didn't have to worry about anything.
We decided to go out for a nice evening and have dinner at one of his favorite restaurants.
As we arrived at the cozy, dimly-lit restaurant, Kenan's face lit up with a smile that made my heart skip a beat.
The evening air was warm, and the city was alive with its usual bustling energy, but tonight felt different—special.
“Are you excited?” I asked, linking my arm with his as we walked inside.
He glanced at me with that charming smile. “More than you know. Thank you for planning this, Y/N.”
Dinner was perfect. We enjoyed a delicious meal, the kind that leaves you feeling both satisfied and slightly indulgent.
Kenan was in high spirits, laughing and sharing stories, his eyes twinkling with joy. It was a wonderful sight, and I felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing I could bring him this happiness.
Kenan and I headed home, arm in arm, feeling a little tipsy and very much in love. I had a surprise planned for when we got home, something I knew he would appreciate after a long night out.
As we walked through the door, I guided Kenan upstairs. He looked at me curiously as I guided him to the bathroom, where the tub was already filled with warm, bubbly water and a few candles flickering softly around the room.
“Wow, this looks amazing,” he said, his voice filled with appreciation.
“Only the best for the birthday boy,” I replied, giving him a playful nudge. “Go ahead, get in and relax. You deserve it.”
Kenan began to undress, and I turned to leave him to his bath. But just as I was about to step out, he caught my hand.
“Wait,” he said, his eyes locking onto mine. “Will you join me? It would make this even better.”
I bit my lip, knowing exactly where this could lead. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on your relaxation."
"I'm positive," he said, pulling me closer. "I want you by my side, always."
I didn't need any more encouragement. Quickly, I began to undress, revealing my body to him. The candlelight danced across my skin as I slipped out of my clothes, piece by piece, until I was completely naked.
Kenan's eyes darkened with desire, and I could see the bulge in his pants growing.
Lowering myself into the warm water, I sighed contentedly as the bubbles caressed my skin.
Kenan followed suit, his strong body sliding into the water beside me. We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying the warmth and the intimacy of the moment.
Soon, I began to wash his body, taking my time to explore every inch of him. I lathered up a sponge and ran it across his broad shoulders, down his chest, and over his hard abs.
I paid extra attention to his nipples, circling them with the sponge and watching as they pebbled with desire. Kenan closed his eyes, a low groan escaping his lips as I teased him.
Moving lower, I washed his strong thighs, my hands gliding dangerously close to his now very obvious erection.
I could sense his need, and it only fueled my own desire. Tracing patterns on his legs with my soapy hands, I asked, "Is this okay? Am I teasing you too much?"
"No, don't stop," he said, his voice husky with want. "It feels so good, Y/n. I want you to touch me."
Taking that as an invitation, I reached for his engorged cock, wrapping my soapy hand around it. Slowly, I began to stroke him, my hand gliding easily up and down his length.
I loved the feel of his hardness in my hand, the way his breath hitched as I touched him.
"Oh, Y/n," he moaned, his head falling back as I quickened the pace. "That feels so damn good. Your hand feels amazing."
I quickened the pace, wanting to drive him wild with pleasure. "Do you like that, baby? Do you like my hand on your cock?"
"Yes," he hissed, his hips bucking slightly as he thrust into my hand. "Don't stop, I'm close. Oh, God, I'm so close."
I smiled, loving the power I had over him in that moment. "Where do you want to cum, Kenan? Tell me where you want it."
His eyes snapped open, and he looked at me, his face a mask of pure lust. "I want to cum all over your tits," he growled. "I want to mark you, baby."
Hearing him say that sent a jolt of desire straight to my core. I pumped his cock harder, faster, wanting him to lose control. "Are you close, baby? Are you gonna paint my tits with your cum?"
"Yes!" he shouted, his body tensing as he reached his peak. "Oh, fuck, Y/n, here it comes!"
His cock pulsed in my hand, and I felt the first spurt of his release land on my chest. I continued to stroke him, milking him for every last drop as he coated my skin with his essence.
It was incredibly erotic, feeling his warm cum splashing against me, marking me as his.
Slowly, he opened his eyes, a satisfied smile on his lips as he took in the sight of my cum-covered breasts. "Damn, that was intense," he said, reaching out to touch the cum-covered skin. "You look so sexy like this, covered in my release."
I blushed, loving the way he appreciated my body and the mess we had made. "I aim to please," I said, leaning in for a kiss.
The kiss was passionate and deep, filled with the intensity of the moment. We stayed like that for a while, kissing and touching, exploring each other's bodies under the water.
“So, did you have a good birthday?” I asked, tilting my head to look at him.
“The best,” he replied, his eyes filled with affection. “And it’s all thanks to you.”
I smiled, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the bath. “I’m glad. You deserve it.”
Kenan chuckled, his fingers tracing patterns on my arm. “You know, you’ve made this birthday unforgettable. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend it.”
“Good,” I said, turning slightly to kiss him. “Because I love making you happy.”
He kissed me back, a soft and lingering kiss that spoke volumes. “And you do, more than you know.”
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enluv · 1 year
the couples quiz <3
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PAIRING! bang chan x fem!idol reader
SYNOPSIS! - back with enluv productions, we have our favorite idol couple to take the enluv couples quiz! - this consist of a multitude of questions asked by each of them to test how well they know their partner! enjoy <3
word count: 3,310 (and it’s all fluff 😁)
genre(s): interview styled writing + video layout chic (?) & so much fluff like it’s so cavity inducing you may need to call a dentist 🤭
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, both idols, profanity, nervousness, and I am pretty sure that’s all! (if I missed something lmk!)
coco’s love note: idea is based off the gq couples quiz videos !! please note that our reader is in an oc group I’ve made :)
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[ video preview begins now – our idol couple are shown sitting comfortably in two opposing director chairs ]
Y/N: What’s our contact names on each others phones?
Chan: Oh that’s easy I have her as (he makes quotation marks with his fingers) “Y/N L/N” and in parentheses (he cups his hands to express them) “gf”
[the room falls silent as y/n stares shocked at chan]
Y/N: There’s no way…you’re so lying right? (her eyes are widened with shock)
Chan: Of course I am baby! Why would I ever just have you as your name? I have you as “future ms.bahng” (he smiles proudly displaying his contact name for y/n and her contact photo)
Y/N: I almost threw these cards at you for real Christopher! Don’t ever do that again!
Chan: What’s my contact name?
Y/N: Bang Chan dash Stray Kids. (she stares deadpanned at the camera before giggling at his expression)
Y/N: Now you know how it feels! I have you as “my love” it’s a bit simple but I just really love you.
[ end of preview - the screen cuts back to the couple as they first start the video and it begins ]
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Y/N: I’m Cupid’s Y/N!
Chan: and I’m Stray Kids Bang Chan!
Y/N & Chan: and we’re taking the enluv couples quiz!
[the couples quiz logo pops up over them to signify the start of the interview – y/n’s questions are first]
Y/N: What’s an item of yours I always seem to steal?
Chan: Oh that’s obvious, she always steals my hoodies. All the colorful ones go to her!
Y/N: Correct! His fans always tell him to wear color but I think I’ve stolen everything with a decent amount of color on it…oops? Sorry stays!
Y/N: What’s something I always bring with me on tour?
Chan: Hmm well there are a few ways to go about this. You could be asking like sentimental items or like necessities.
Y/N: I wrote a list so if the items you guess are on it I’ll give you a point.
Chan: Oh god. (he shakes his head and looks up to show he’s thinking) I would say probably your first aid kit bag. She’s pretty clumsy and needs to have a band-aid on her at all times.
Chan: Oh also probably our son. Oh! I know the most important one is definitely your headphones. You don’t ever leave the house without them.
Y/N: Channie I think you need to elaborate on what our son means (she laughs pointing towards the production team) because they seem worried.
Chan: Oh right. Y/N and I have matching plushies that we won each other on our…hmm I think it was our fifth date? I took her to an arcade and they had claw machines. She got me a psyduck plushie it’s really big and I got her a bunny plush. We call them our sons and usually I’ll take the bunny and she takes psyduck. We care for them equally though! We aren’t absent parents!
Y/N: Okay you were right about all of those, you’re missing one thing though. This one is the most important one.
Chan: Babe…I thought I hit them all seriously…gimme a hint pleaseee….
Y/N: It’s something you gave me.
Chan: I’ve given you a lot of things Y/N.
Y/N: Can I just tell you?
Chan: No! I wanna guess.
[a compilation of chan guessing is played in x2 speed, y/n continues to answer no as he guesses]
Chan: I give up! Tell me.
Y/N: It’s my bracelet! (she laughs softly at his expression)
Chan: Oh god, I can’t believe I forgot about our bracelets!! (he holds up his right hand so the camera can see) We have bond bracelets!
Y/N: When you touch them it sends the other person a small vibration and it means that we’re thinking of or miss the other. They’re really nice since we work a lot and don’t see each other as often as we’d hope.
Chan: I touch mine a lot.
Y/N: Mhm he does, but so do I so I’d never complain.
Y/N: Have I ever written a song about you? And if the answer is yes, which one is my favorite.
Chan: Yeah, plenty of them.
Y/N: Woah okay no need to expose me sir.
Chan: Babe I’m not exposing anything, it’s kinda obvious…
Y/N: Just answer the question Chris.
Chan: “two souls” is your favorite and I know that because you worked on it for almost three months then gave it to me on my birthday.
Y/N: He’s right. That song is my baby, it’s so personal but I just really love it so much. He kept trying to sneak into my laptop to listen to it but I caught him every single time! He cried when he first heard it though so it was worth hiding.
Chan: I thought we promised not to talk about that sweetie.
Y/N: Next question!
Y/N: What was my first concert?
Chan: Oh man. I don’t think I know this one babe.
Y/N: Channie I promise I’ve told you the answer to all of these questions.
Chan: Okay can you tell me how old you were?
Y/N: No.
Chan: Please prettty? I think I’ll get it if I know how old you were!
Y/N: I was sixteen almost seventeen. (y/n sends the camera a wink)
Chan: OH! I’ve so got it then. I know it!
Y/N: Okay who was it then?
Chan: It was Seventeen sunbaenim!
Y/N: Ding ding ding! Correct!
Chan: I always forget how big of a carat you are seriously. She loves them. The kids are friends with them so it’s wild to see her interact with them.
Y/N: I’m good friends with them now, perks of being an idol, they always tease me too.
Chan: Who did you bias?
Y/N: Some secrets should never see the light Channie.
Y/N: What’s my favorite food?
Chan: It’s Chipotle but you get the most mundane thing ever so you always throw in a side of chips and queso because you’re scared the workers roll their eyes when they see your order.
Y/N: That…what oddly specific…why did you expose me like that omg…embarrassing!
Chan: Babe you recite exactly what I just said every time you order Chipotle, literally word for word I know it by heart now.
Y/N: Feels like he’s attacking me a bit right guys (y/n turns to the cameras as if asking the audience)
Chan: I am not! You have said that to me a million times! It’s seriously engraved in my head.
Y/N: What’s my favorite song that you’ve written that’s about me?
Chan: I know the answer but if I say it then fans are going to have a field day on twitter.
Y/N: How would you know? Been on twitter recently Chris?
Chan: (he stares at the camera and winks) I don’t have twitter, you know, idol things and all those logistics.
Y/N: Should we answer the question together?
Chan: Stop cheesing so hard, you did this on purpose didn’t you.
Y/N: Yes I did. Ready? 3…2…1!!!
Chan & Y/N: Red Lights
Y/N: What can I say! It’s a good song.
Chan: Is it my turn yet? I need to seek revenge.
Y/N: NOPE! Still me!
Y/N: How many pets do I have and can you tell me in which order I got them?
Chan: This is terrible because she had pets even before getting with me.
Chan: Okay here it goes. You have three pets, first one is Pickles, he’s a greyhound. Next would be Peanut, he’s a fish and he has a brother named Jelly. They count as one because they’re a pair, and finally we have Kimchi and that’s our gecko, I named him. (he smiles proudly at the camera)
Y/N: Four points! Wow babe good job!
Chan: What kind of dad would I be if I didn’t know our kids names?
Y/N: So true like imagine you forgot one I’d be so mad.
Chan: I know that’s why I got them all right.
Y/N: What’s my dream wedding look like?
Chan: I also know this answer, we talk about it a lot.
Chan: You want a small wedding with the most important people in your life, so like family and friends but also people who have helped you in your career as well. You want a summer wedding and want a pastel creamy green color to be the theme. It’ll be inside but you really liked the forest vibe from Twilight so the inside will be decorated to look like the woods.
Y/N: Okay woah. Do you have access to my Pinterest or something?
Chan: You say that like we don’t talk about getting married all the time. (he smacks his lips playfully at her)
Y/N: I am in love with you, seriously like on god dude.
Chan: Stop saying on god after you tell me you love me, we talked about this!
Y/N: He doesn’t like it because he says it sounds like I’m talking to a brother.
Chan: You sound like my nineteen year old sister!
Y/N: and I love her very much! We went shopping last time we went to visit them.
Chan: and you bought her $800 shoes.
Y/N: What can I say, I love all the bahngs!
Y/N: Last question Chris, let’s see if you get this one right! What was my first impression of you!
Chan: Oh you’re going there? I see how it is. (he fixes himself to sit straight up and looks at the camera) Our fans don’t know this story but Y/N hated me.
Y/N: (laughing to herself and gesturing to the crew again) They look so confused! He made it sound so bad, I just thought he was one of those really weird guys because, so basically we met at an award show and his group, Stray Kids, had been seated next to us.
Chan: We were so close we could touch arms.
Y/N: No truly! And it was funny because his entire group, and if you don’t know, they have eight members in total, all got up and went to the bathroom together. All eight of them! It was hilarious, I’d never seen any group do that!
Chan: We like to stay together. Safety in numbers!
Y/N: They came back after a while and almost missed getting their award. It was just so odd to me at the time but after that we started talking as the show went on and I thought he was super sweet and obviously he cares for his members.
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[the couples quiz logo pops onto screen as the video depicts chan at the center, he flashes an excited smile at the camera]
Chan: Is it finally my turn? I’ll be honest I don’t have that many questions…but they’re pretty hard to answer. I don’t know if Y/N will be able to get them right.
Y/N: Don’t antagonize me Christopher! I know everything about you.
Chan: We’ll see about that.
Chan: First question! Before we went on our first date I had originally planned something else but it fell through, what was it and why didn’t we do it?
Y/N: Woah you’re going BACK.
Chan: Mhm, answer the question baby.
Y/N: This is a funny story that not everyone knows actually. Chan loves doing crazy things like he doesn’t do traditional dates ever, it’s always something outrageous that you least expect.
Chan: I want things to be memorable, plus if I have free time I don’t want to spend it sitting around, I want to go out and do things.
Y/N: He originally wanted to take me bungee jumping, (the camera pans to a laughing chan and the staff can be heard gasping) can you believe that! Bungee jumping for a first date!
Chan: It would have been memorable though, right?
Y/N: Yeah definitely. It didn’t happen though because he heard from a mutual friend of ours, Minnie, that I was really scared of heights.
Chan: I canceled the day super quick, the date was in two days and I called and had to cancel but I was honestly grateful I found out because imagine if I hadn’t known and took her to it? Memorable first date but not in a good way!
Y/N: I think maybe now I’d do it, but only if he’s with me because I trust him the most.
Chan: Wait really? Wait we’ll talk about this later, finish the story!
Y/N: Right! He took me swimming instead, it was a indoor private pool place and it was so much fun. He actually taught me how to swim.
Chan: It’s one of my favorite memories because I just knew I’d be asking her to be my girlfriend.
Y/N: Stop I’m going to cry if we get into this again!
Chan: I told her this last time we talked, how I knew she was the one for me our first date. She cried and then called her mom to tell her.
Y/N: My parents love him, maybe more than me to be honest.
Chan: What was the first achievement we got as a group that made me feel like I had made it?
Y/N: This feels like a trick question.
Chan: I promise it’s not.
Y/N: There are two answers because your first win is so memorable that I’d pick that one but you also always say you haven’t made it, because you’re still going, still reaching and setting goals and achievements for yourself.
Chan: You worded that perfectly. She’s right. First win on a music show was huge for us but honestly as a group we have a lot of goals and want to achieve them all, I don’t know if we’re ever going to truly feel like we’ve made it but seeing our fans celebrate our achievements always makes it feel like we’re heading in the right direction.
[the camera shifts and pans to y/n running her thumb on the back of chan’s palm, she whispers something in his ear before they continue]
Chan: What was my favorite sport growing up?
Y/N: Easy! It was swimming and you were really good at it.
Chan: Don’t say that they’re going to believe you.
Y/N: Babe I’ve seen those awards your mom has lining the walls of your house, trust me, you were good.
Chan: My dad owns a swim school so I swam a lot as a kid and naturally went on to compete at meets and stuff. If I wasn’t here doing this, I’d be a swimmer.
Y/N: He’s really good at it, and he taught me how to swim so like he’s a good teacher too.
Chan: I can’t believe I taught you to swim that memory is so engraved in my mind.
Y/N: Mine too! I could not learn for the life of me and then suddenly on my first date with him he taught me. That should tell you how good he is at swimming.
Chan: I don’t know if I’m good now but back then I wasn’t terrible.
Y/N: My boyfriend is so humble!
Chan: What’s one thing that you hate that I do but I love it?
Y/N: Sleeping in the recording room?
Chan: (he lets out a sarcastic laugh) Ha Ha Ha. Close but no.
Y/N: I don’t know, I don’t hate anything you do honestly.
Chan: Want me to tell you?
Y/N: You so want to tell me.
Chan: I do.
Y/N: Tell me.
Chan: It’s when I spend too long in the studio, so long that you have to come get me.
Y/N: You’re so….(she’s cut off by chan’s laughter)
Chan: Let me explain before you blast me in front of everyone!
Y/N: Mmm…go on…
Chan: I know you hate coming to get me but some of my favorite times are when you come because then we spend hours together listening to things I’ve made or messing around and recording things. It’s nice to have you so interested in what I do because I love you and I love music, it’s like my two favorite things are interacting and meeting one another.
Y/N: I hate you so much! You know I’m a sap, I’m going to cry you meanie, that’s so cute what even is this!
Chan: My revenge worked!
[the video cuts to the next clip and the viewer can see that y/n now has a tissue in hand]
Chan: Next question, who gave me advice when we first started getting to know each other and dating?
Y/N: Was it not one of the boys? You said you told binnie first no? So I’d assume him.
Chan: Nope! Guess again.
Y/N: No? Hmm I don’t know…maybe one of your other idol friends?
Chan: It was actually our choreographer.
Y/N: What? Really? Why?
Chan: They saw how stressed I was because I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend officially and it was making me distracted so they sat me down and made me spill what was bothering me. Funny too because when I told them they told me to just go for it, and I did and then later on they told me they were glad I had because I looked so much happier.
Y/N: Wow this tissue is being used to its fullest today. I am making a mental note to buy them anything they want right now like wow, imagine if they had never told you to just do it. Where would we be?
Chan: Still sneaking around to hang out as “friends” probably.
Chan: Final question, what’s the title of our new collab song coming out?
Y/N: Oh you’re terrible, did you even get permission to reveal this?
Chan: No but I feel like it’ll, a) this will be out by the time we announce it or b) I don’t have a plan B since I’m hoping plan A is successful!
Y/N: Stay please pray for your leader, he’s so going to get us in trouble for this!
Chan: Don’t say that pretty, have some faith in me.
Y/N: Our collab song is called “Here for you,” and it was written and produced by us.
Chan: It’s a love song if you didn’t guess that.
Y/N: I think they got that one babe.
Chan: Making sure they know it!
Interviewer: Can you tell us a little about the song?
Y/N: Well like Chan said, it’s a love song. It’s about finding the right person and immediately knowing they’re the one.
Chan: Immediately knowing they’re your person.
Y/N: We wrote it one night in the studio after fighting, nothing huge but we both had a bad day and it was intense, when you’ve been with someone for a while you have those days you know? He wrote something down to blow off some steam and so did I. We realized that we’d wrote one half of a song each. Then we put it together, fixed it up and made it that night.
Chan: It’s a really special song to us both, that’s why I’m so excited to announce it.
Y/N: We’re really excited to have you all listen to it.
Interviewer: Well thank you both for coming. We appreciate you making some time for us! 
Y/N & Chan: Thanks for having us! (they send a smile to the camera and bow in thanks to the crew)
Y/N: We had a lot of fun today, really thank you.
Chan: Maybe we will come back in like ten years, married, and all that and do it again!
[ the camera zooms out and in fades the couples quiz logo, you can see the couple as they whisper to one another after the director yells “cut” ]
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Chan: Why do I love Y/N? That’s a big question to ask, and if I named all the reasons we’d be here for a long time, to put it simply she’s my soulmate, I don’t think there is anyone else in the world more right for me than her. She’s caring, fun, creative, so many more things and it’s like wow, people do exist like her out there and I was lucky enough to find her? She must be my soulmate.
Y/N: Why do I love Chris? Hmm let me think. As a society I know we don’t believe in soulmates, and for a long time I put no thought into them you know? But meeting Chan and being able to experience the love he gives, has honestly changed that for me. I don’t think there is anyone out there more perfect for me than him. I can’t put into words why I love him but I can try to describe it. It’s like when you find a new favorite thing to obsess over, and that becomes something you love so dearly but in the case of me and Chan, it’s that feeling on and on, it never falters and my love for it stays consistent.
[ the video ends with a black screen fading out the image of y/n from frame ]
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coco’s <3 note: FINALLY SHE IS HERE! I’ve been talking about this fic for almost three months now 😭 and finally it’s done! Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do :) Thank you @odxrilove for being my beta reader for it! I love you wifey 😻🫶🏽 As always, feedback & rbs are always appreciated!
SKZ TAGLIST! - @cherry-bushes @en-fvr @nikis-mum @bloom-bloom-pow @kyublr @enhacolor @fxckingshame @stealanity @haoreo @jxp1t-3r @chaerybae @vatterie @tytrackfebreze @veryjeongintxtkid @haechan-nahceah @mnwrld @queen-klarissa
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