#(i tried following what lulu & lin already established)
goldnautilus · 2 years
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Inspired by this post made by lulu & this post made by lin. 
What if Lorelei attended Night Raven College instead of Black Moon Academy?
     Making choices always came with certain difficulty to Lorelei. Thus, when Black Moon Academy announced that it will hold an exchange/transfer program along with other prestigious magic schools, she didn’t know what to think of it at first. While everyone else seemed to be excited at an opportunity to get away from their usual routine, Lorelei couldn’t help but worry instead. When she got accepted into the program she hesitated for a while. Would she be able to handle the environment and expectations laid out before her? She had great grades and teachers always praised her for her work, but would this trend continue? Or would she eventually crack under the pressure and give up? 
     Although million thoughts kept running through her mind, she eventually agreed and transferred to the famous Night Raven College that also participated in this exchange/transfer program. She wasn’t going to give up so easily. After all, this wasn’t who she was. She would prove to everyone that she deserved this opportunity. She’d prove to everyone that she can handle whatever was coming at her. She’d prove to herself that she can do it, even though sometimes it feels like she could break at any given moment. Besides, being at NRC would allow her to keep a closer eye on her brother Aurelius, who was a second-year student there. Ultimately, these were the factors that convinced her to go through with it. 
     Unsurprisingly, upon her arrival she was sorted into Octavinelle as a third-year student— well, to everyone but her. When she first heard the dorm name, she thought it was a sick joke. Surely, the Headmaster would soon say that it was all a prank for the newcomers, but that moment never happened. Then came the denial. She didn’t want to believe in this, nor did she actually do so. Dread followed shortly after as the realization began slowly sinking in. She was to be an Octavinelle student, alongside the likes of Azul, Jade and Floyd, the very people she disliked the most. Although the possibility of transferring to another dorm existed, she already accepted her dreadful fate. Instead of sulking about something as trivial as this, instead she’d focus on her initial goal  — proving to everyone and herself that she can do this. But will she? 
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Class: 3-B
Club: board game club
Other: - she is suffering please let her out of here
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