#(i'm also the sufin shippers)
miikoissant · 1 year
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Sauce: Hetalia World☆Stars episode 12
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jamtlandsarkiv · 10 months
It's hard to find densu enjoyers. What's your favorite dynamic? And during which era do you like to imagine them together? Some people who write this pairing in modern settings make Sweden cheating on Finland for instance. It's as if each historical period demands a different reason for this rare pair to be together.
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Thank you Anon for sending this ask about my OTP! I'll write my answer under the cut as I have far too many thoughts about these two.
Please appreciate this new and improved GIGABJÖRN this DenSu Swednesday.
The part of your ask where you said that some people who write DenSu in modern settings make Sweden cheat on Finland surprised me, because I have never seen this before. The only reason why I think someone would write this is because they're a SuFin shipper who uses cheating DenSu to introduce some drama into SuFin's relationship. There's no real-life reason why Sweden has to cheat on Finland to be with Denmark in the modern day, because they're all independent nations. Besides, both Finns and Danes make fun of Swedes. If their personifications shared the attitudes of their people, neither of them would want to be in a relationship with Sweden.
My favorite time period and dynamic for DenSu is the most vanilla one possible: modern era, happy monogamous relationship. I'll admit that I'm very bitter towards the old fandom's dynamic for DenSu where they were only violent towards each other. I like to write DenSu as the ideal relationship, so I want them to live in a time period where their countries don't have an active conflict against each other, where they can be open about their relationship and raise children without facing a lot of discrimination. Also, I write Mathias (Denmark) and Björn (Sweden) as human-like characters with unique personalities and life stories that have lived through their countries' entire history, as opposed to humanized versions of the countries whose personalities and lives are analogies for the country's history. This means that the history of their relationship will be influenced by their countries' mutual history, but it won't be determined by that.
Mathias and Björn are immortal magical personifications in my Nationverse, which is different from Hetalia canon in many ways. One of the differences is that humans aren't aware about the existence of magic and immortal personifications, which means that the personifications are not important figures in human society. They don't have a political role and they're not obligated to participate in every war and historical event that their country experiences, although they will be affected by these events in the same way as their fellow citizens. Another difference is that their health and physical ages represents the "conservation status" of their people and culture. Because their people and culture are not threatened in the modern day, their bodies are frozen at the peak of a human's health and strength, in their mid to late 20s.
Mathias and Björn were born when the ancestors of modern Danes and Swedes began to inhabit the land that would become the modern countries. They lived in their respective countries with their people, and they only started spending time together as children, after they figured out how to use their magical powers to teleport to each others' lands. Björn had an intense crush on Mathias but was terrified of others finding out about it, so he tried to suppress his crush by being an asshole to Mathias. Mathias obviously had to retaliate against this stupid kid who was being an asshole to him (and who he couldn't kill because Björn was immortal too). This was the start of their thousands-of-years rivalry.
As their countries formed kingdoms and started to have more frequent conflicts with each other, they formed a genuine hate for each other and challenged each other to fatal duels (being immortals, the loser would respawn). Björn's crush on Mathias only became more intense as they grew older, and Mathias also became attracted to Björn whose muscles only got bigger with time. Their duels with weapons evolved to fights with a suspicious amount of physical contact, but neither of them were willing to admit their attraction to each other because of the social norms of the time.
DenSu's fights ended in the 19th century when both of their countries lost a lot of their power and territory. As their countries experienced famines and mass emigrations, their health began to decline, and they couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of death if their countries' population and economy wasn't able to recover. Finally, they put their rivalry aside to support each other through their common struggle. I haven't decided exactly when the turning point of their relationship from friends to lovers happened, but I like the idea of Mathias living in Björn's house during WW2 after the annexation of Denmark. Living under the same roof as "friends" with intense mutual crushes led them to explore each others' bodies, and then...
The greatest strength of DenSu's dynamic is the physical attraction and passion they feel for each other. After all, if they can keep up a rivalry for thousands of years, they can turn it into love too. Both of them are the types of people who bond to one person very strongly. That person will receive their full love and attention, but they are expected to reciprocate just as much. This is no problem for DenSu, as both of them feel greatly fulfilled when they make their other half happy. While the term "opposites attract" is usually applied to DenSu, they are only opposites on the surface. They have different - nearly opposing - skills, interests and preferences, but their ethics, values, communication and thinking styles, goals in life and sexual preferences are very similar. This means that there's almost no "resistance" or "wasted energy" when they work together and interact with each other, because they can quickly agree on a common goal, know what their roles are and how to achieve their common goal. Each of them helps to compensate for skills that the other is missing. DenSu operates like a finely tuned machine with all of the parts in perfect synergy.
Scandinavian culture is reserved, so to the casual observer, DenSu doesn't even appear to be a couple, as they don't do PDA or sappy romantic gestures. The way they show love to each other is through silently doing favors for each other, remembering what the other likes, accepting their (few) differences rather than nagging the other to change. They keep the romantic gestures in private, and when nobody's watching, they are very touchy and "filled with desires" (Tumblr may not like the actual word). They're physically frozen in their 20s and have healthy diets and frequent exercise, so they get these "desires" very often. Despite what their physiques and body language would imply, Björn has a higher sex drive than Mathias, and Björn is a bottom. Mathias is vers and Björn will oblige when Mathias asks him to top, but he doesn't get any pleasure from it directly. He only feels the emotional pleasure from seeing Mathias being pleasured.
Finally, something I don't see being talked about often enough is the way Mathias and Björn verbally communicate with each other! Swedish and Danish are mutually intelligible, but the average Swede is not trained to understand Danish and will hardly understand anything. Danish comprehension of Swedish is better, but it's not great either. Mathias and Björn are definitely better than the baseline because of their thousands of years together, but they weren't together for most of those years, and they cannot fluently speak each other's language. Because of this, they modify their normal ways of speaking to understand each other better. They have memorized the most common vocabulary differences and false friends. When they talk to each other, they'll insert these different words from the other person's language, and speak in a more neutral "TV big city" accent without noticing. Björn's natural accent is not a big city one (he's from coastal northern Sweden), and I like the idea of Mathias making a special effort to travel to his hometown and study his dialect early into their relationship (before the invention of the internet).
More DenSu headcanons and essays to come. I'm thinking about creating a wiki dedicated to writing about my OTPs...
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alfredf-jones · 5 months
Look ik it's not a drawing but like LOOK AT THEN THEY'RE SO PRETTY (For those who don't know the one in red and black is Denmark who shares a picture with Sweden, and the shortest of them all is Finland who shares a picture with Norway. Also yes I'm a SuFin and DenWay shipper so UwU✌)
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darcymariaphoster · 2 years
Welcome! New Year, New Pin!
Idk how you found this space, but you're more than welcome to stay! 💕 I've somehow turned into a Hetalia/Nordic Hetalia blog, so I thought I'd better change up my pin to better reflect that.
Quick notes: I really only tag things to either gush about whatever I'm reblogging or because I believe that one day it will actually work as a functioning system that I can use to reference. So my tagging system is mostly useless to you. I rarely reblog or post anything nsfw and I haven't quite found a personal tag that will work for that, so sorry if you stumble into one of those posts.
This is a "please interact" blog! More details below! ⬇
I am an author! I have been writing fanfiction since I was 13 and I still have a lot to learn and improve upon. You can find my writing here. My top 5 fave fics that I've written this last year are (in no particular order):
Your Guardian Ghosts
Anything Goes
Finding You
I Asked for Coffee and Got You
Phantom Hearts
Ships: I am, at my core, a SuFin and DenNor shipper. However, I have also become an avid NorFin shipper, along with SuNor, SuDen, and DenFin. I have also been introduced to RomNor and ScotNor, and the people involved know that they are in the process of converting me to those ships. I'm pretty sure Iceland is aro/ace in my head because I really just don't love shipping him with anyone. (I don't hate HongIce, I just don't personally go out of my way to ship it. 🤷 Ice is just a solitary creature to me.)
This year (2023): My intention is to slow down on how many stories I write in one year. I kinda overdid it this last year, and I got burn out a couple of times. My focuses for this year are to wrap up my two almost finished wips and continue progress on my longer wip. I also have a new series I started, based off an AU I wrote in 2021 that I look forward to sharing with you! Other goals I have are to write a few more character studies and maybe expand on some of the pairings I have been exposed to, and really challenge my writing skills. There are some aspects that I feel like I've left behind recently that I'd like to bring back and hone better.
Bonus: I've decided to open my askbox this year for 1k story prompts, headcanons, refs, and some get-to-know-me's. If you have questions about my writing, writing processes, or other things about me that I haven't answered before, send them in. I'd also like to work more with 1k sprints to challenge my writing, so please send me a prompt and a pair/writing request at your leisure. I usually only write human AUs, so if you'd like any headcanons, give me a character and I'll see what I can come up with. (All of my country-verse headcanons, I feel like, are meh but I'm willing to give it a go if you want some of that, too! After all, I have done a few of them in the past.) If you want blog/artist/fic recs, lemme know!
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! And please enjoy your stay! [And don't forget that spam-liking/reblogging is not only appreciated but encouraged here!]
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princessdragon96 · 5 years
(I'm gonna be cheesy and just ask my name for that fandom ask game, lololol) D, A, W, N ????😁
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
I mentioned a while ago that fr//uk is a pairing I can’t really get into despite liking England and France’s relationship in the series, but there are others as well.  I wish I liked pride//shipping more, but I just can’t get into it.  Also (unpopular opinion) Luka//nette is really cute, but a lot of the shippers are driving me away from it.
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s) (I do not know what OTX is)
Yugioh - Of course puzzleshipping!  But also blueshipping, heartshipping, polarshipping, and mistakenshipping (super underrated!!).  Also, Mobiumshipping and Encourageshipping!
Hetalia - Giripan is otp, alongside gerita, sufin, romabel, usuk, frus, aushun.  Don’t forget frukus and the Bad friends trio.
Miraculous ladybug - Love square always with Lukadrien, julerose, marcthaniel, kagaminette, djwifi, and adrimi.  Ot3s are lukadrinette, adriminette, and adrialyanette.
Pokémon - Right now, I ship Sonia x Nessa and recently I’ve been rereading the manga, and I ship Red x Yellow.
Other otps - Azurrin (FE:F) Oddlita (code: lyoko (remember that show)) countless other ships I can’t think of at the moment.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ship.
Puzzleshipping: 1. HUGGING AND CUDDLES! 2. Afterlife reunion. 3. Movie nights with cuddling. 4. Everyone trying to get the two to admit their feelings. 5. Egypt AU
Giripan: 1. HUGGING AND CUDDLES! 2. Napping on stomachs. 3. CATS!!! 4.small, soft love confessions. 5. long naps on the soft grass.
Love square: 1. HUGGING AND CUDDLES! 2. Post Reveal fluff 3. Tikki and Plagg watching everything in the background. 4. Puns 5. sneaking away all the time to hang out.
Lukadrien: 1. HUGGING AND CUDDLES! 2. Puns (snake puns). 3. Guitar and piano duets 4. Chat and Viperion patrols 5. Plagg and Sass watching everything in the background.
Heartshipping: 1. HUGGING AND CUDDLES! 2. reflecting on their yami counterparts. 3. Shopping dates 4. Shy bois 5. Baby pandas comparisons.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
1. More talking about why you like your ships, less bashing other ships!
2. Appropriate anti-character tagging and no crosstagging.
3. less drama altogether (although that’s not happening any time soon)
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dracolizardlars · 7 years
I'm nowhere near as much of a shipper as I used to be but here's the things I still actively ship (here meaning daydreaming about them being a couple) - mostly Fire Emblem because it's got a built in Make Your Ships Canon function
- Cecil x Carlos (WTNV) (of course)
- Leorio x Kurapika (HxH)
- Mondo x Ishimaru (Dangan Ronpa)
- Takumi x Oboro, with optional x Hinata as well (Fire Emblem)
- Henry x Panne (Fire Emblem)
- Beruka x Camilla x Severa/Selena (Fire Emblem)
- Dwyer x Mitama (Fire Emblem)
- like a dozen other FE ships I still think about very occasionally
- sometimes Yukari x Mayu tbh?? best Vocaloid ship ever
Also I was gonna say I still really like half of my old Hetalia ships when I remember that Hetalia exists. Like damn, Gerita, Giripan, Sufin, Lietpol and PruHunAus (yes I ship all three in a poly and won't accept any combination of two of them) are still cute as FUCK tbh
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