#(it's even worse since we don't have shit for breakfast- actually that's another reason I need to make money hh
neganium · 1 year
The crushing dilemma of needing to do one thing, but also really really wanting to do another, bc it might be advantageous to me; but also not really having the time to do either of these things bc I'm dallying on which one I should prioritize. hh.
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theaudacitytowrite · 8 months
Stay Awake! - Part 1
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
A/N: An attempt at a spooky fic:) This is based on a creepy story my siblings used to tell me when we were little and back then it scared the shit out of me. Whether it really is scary is debatable^^
Time wise it starts a day before Halloween.
Also, since I only started watching SPN (on S4 currently) I'm quite sure this might be a bit off timeline wise. For example I needed an animal for the story but I have no idea when/how long Mircale is around in the series.
warnings: dolls, cursing, implied smut, bad horror (Season 1-esque storyline), Canon? What's that?
Golden divider = new day
black dividers = new setting/some time has passed
word count: 5.891
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Dean’s feet lazily dragged over the ground. He groaned and huffed, sometimes a yawn would leave his throat.
„Come on, big boy. Let’s try it here.” you dragged him behind you while holding his hand so he would actually follow you.
You stepped up to the bed and breakfast, a rustic little single-family house. Dean and you were in desperate need of a place to stay the night. You had just finished a gruelling hunt and were beyond exhausted. But so far you hadn’t had any luck. All the motels in the area were booked.
“We can just sleep in Baby,” Dean muttered groggily.
“So you can whine about your sore back for the next couple of days?” you looked over your shoulder to look at him with a raised brow, “No thanks.”
"I wanna go home! My feet hurt, my back aches already and I'm tired! We've been on our feet the past 3 days!" he whined, pouting like a little overtired child.
“I know, my feet hurt just as bad and I’ve been awake just as long as you, you little baby.” you teased, “And I want to go home, too, but I don’t think it would be a good idea to drive another 5 hours to get home, while you nor I can keep our eyes open.” Dean grumbled but seemed to follow you more willingly now as he heard your reasoning.
When you entered the B&B a foul smell made its way to your nose immediately. It was sweet yet sour at the same time. You were surrounded by weird-looking paintings, figurines, and a collection of creepy dolls. It was quite dusty and weirdly gloomy in the house, and something just didn't feel right.
"Since when are bed and breakfasts worse than motels?" Dean muttered into your ear as he tried to not touch anything while walking through the small, crammed foyer to head to the unoccupied front desk.
"I don't know. We rarely visit bed and breakfasts." you shrugged as you let your gaze wander through the odd room. Dean scrunched his nose and almost pressed himself against you as he followed you like a shadow.
"Something wrong?" you glanced at him with an amused look.
"Nah." he shook his head and took a step back, "Just hurry up and ring the bell, so we can leave again."
“Leave again? You don’t think they have any vacant rooms?” you chuckled, “You’re so pessimistic.”
“I hope they have no free rooms.” Dean huffed.
"We have to tell Sam about this cosy little B&B. He'll love it here!" you snickered as your eyes roamed over the décor.
"He sure would…" Dean pressed his lips together, trying to breathe as little as possible. He bumped into you when you suddenly halted your steps, your gaze fixed on the fireplace in the next room.
"Do you see that doll?" you pointed in the direction of the fireplace. On top of it sat a little wooden doll with a rancid-looking dress. What caught your attention was, besides her size of an actual baby, her fluent movements. The doll seemed to wave in your direction, a wide grin plastered on her face.
"You mean that spawn of hell that creepily waves at us?" Dean dryly asked.
“Mhm… unnerving.” you hummed, completely focused on the doll.
„Good evening!“ the warm voice of an elderly woman suddenly chimed up, making you and Dean jump. “Oh dear, I didn’t mean to scare the two of you.”
“All good.” you chuckled, clutching your heart.
“How can I help the two of you?” the woman smiled endearingly.
“We were wondering if you still have a room available for one night. We tried every motel and hotel, but they’re all booked.”
“Yes, my dear. We still have enough rooms.” the woman quickly looked through her little notebook, “We got two with single beds and another free one with a double.”
“I wonder why…” Dean muttered next to you, earning a swift nudge from your elbow into his ribs.
“We would love to take the one with the double bed.” you smiled sweetly at the woman.
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After checking in the old woman led you to your room. To your relief, the room itself was much brighter and less smelly than the foyer. And even the number of dolls was drastically lower and the décor was much more modern.
“Heh… weird.” Dean chuckled as he looked through the room.
“What?” you hummed as you rummaged through your bag.
“Isn’t that the doll that sat on the fireplace downstairs?” Dean inclined his head as he approached the doll that sat on an old commode.
“Maybe she got two?” you shrugged, heading into the bathroom to take a shower.
"Mhm." was Dean's only response as he inspected the doll. It seemed like there were no mechanics at all. Still, her motions were so fluent and lively. Dean carefully picked her up to not break her. He pulled away the crunchy feeling fabric as he searched for the battery pocket but couldn't find one, no matter where he looked.
"Must be some kind of solar thing," he murmured to himself and shrugged. He plucked down the little dress the doll was wearing when an idea popped into his mind, a mischievous grin spreading on his lips.
As you returned from the shower half an hour later and opened the door without suspecting anything bad, you jumped immediately.
“For fucks sake, Dean!” you growled as the doll sat in front of the bathroom door, smiling sympathetically at you as she waved. Dean meanwhile was giggling while lying on the bed, elated that he had scared you successfully.
“Got you!” he cackled triumphantly, making you roll your eyes at him.
“You're lucky I love you.” you grumbled.
“I know.” he smiled sweetly, before heading for a shower himself, pecking your cheek swiftly as he passed you. "Shouldn't have let your guard down..."
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The two of you soon settled down in bed, overripe for a good night’s sleep. Dean was out almost immediately as his head hit the pillow. You on the other hand seemed not so lucky.
You lay wide awake in the bed, not knowing why. All you wanted to do was sleep. Maybe it was the unfamiliar surroundings, maybe it was the rest of the adrenaline from the hunt that still ran through your veins. And it didn’t help that Dean was felling trees right next to you. One day you’d smother him if he wouldn’t get that snore checked out.
You jumped slightly when there was a soft thud echoing through the room. You glanced at the clock that stood on the bedside table. A few minutes past 3a.m. You glanced at Dean who was still fast asleep, completely unbothered by the sound. He really was exhausted.
You sat up in the bed and scanned the room. You chuckled when you realised that your duffle bag had fallen from a chair onto the ground. You lay back down and sigh, trying to give sleep another try. You nuzzled against Dean who quickly encased you in a hug, pulling you against his chest. You hummed contently and finally managed to drift off to sleep.
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The next morning you and Dean woke up early, quickly throwing everything into your bags before you zipped them up and quickly checked out.
The old woman wasn’t too thrilled that you declined her breakfast buffet which consisted of off-colour sausages and weirdly looking eggs. She was appeased when Dean and you at least took a bread roll each before saying your goodbyes and hurrying out of the smelly B&B.
As soon as Baby rounded the corner, you threw out the stale bread rolls in favour of stopping at a drive-in to get a quick breakfast that wouldn’t get stuck in your throat and take you out.
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It was around noon when Dean and you finally arrived back at the bunker, and you quickly started to get your bags out of the car and restock the ammunition and the rest of your weapon arsenal. You'd had a lot to get done, unpacking your dirty clothes to get them washed and repacking the bags for the next hunt as soon as possible. This had been all you've been doing lately, hurrying from one case to another without getting a real break.
When you wandered into the bedroom and opened your duffle bag you almost fainted.
“DEAN! What the fuck!?” you screamed enraged.
“What?” Dean looked at you innocently as he entered your shared room.
“Don’t look at me all innocent!” you scolded him, “You know exactly what you did!”
“As much as I want to take the praise for it, …I don’t.” Dean dryly replied, smiling at you tight-lipped.
“Then please enlighten me how else this freakish thing appeared in my bag!” you pointed into your bag in which the doll from the B&B laid neatly on top of your belongings.
“Dunno.” Dean shrugged, “I swear, Y/N. I didn’t put it in there. It must’ve fallen over when we packed. I mean, I didn’t even touch your bag until you gave it to me to put it in the trunk.”
“Sure.” you glare at him, not believing a single word.
“I swear.” he chuckles, trying to get your good grace back by hugging you tightly from behind, peppering your cheeks with kisses.
“Don’t suck up now.” you giggle.
“But I gotta cheer you up.” he murmured.
“Then be a dear and throw it out. I’m not gonna touch that thing.” you muttered, looking at the doll in disdain.
“Sure thing, my love.” he gave you another peck on your cheek before unravelling his arms from your waist. He picked up the doll, holding it in front of his face. “Bye-bye, Y/N.” he tried to mimic a creepy voice as he walked backwards out of the room.
“You’re such a dork.” you chuckled, shaking your head and continuing to unpack.
It didn’t take long when you heard another shriek resound through the bunker. You quickly hurried to the source of the turmoil, coming to a halt in front of Sam’s room. You were met by Dean who was toppled over in laughter while Sam was sitting on the floor, chest heaving while the doll was sitting on his bed, smiling endearingly as she never ceased to wave.
“Dean, you’re an idiot.” you can’t help but giggle a little.
“I had to, darling.” Dean wipes away a tear he had shed from laughing so hard.
“Did you?!” Sam snarled, scrambling to get back to his feet.
“Oh come on, Sammy. T’was just a joke.” Dean grins triumphantly, shrugging innocently before patting his brother's back teasingly.
“You good, Sam?” you tried so hard to bite back a grin yourself. Sam cleared his throat and nodded.
“Now that I got the two of you here, we could talk about the agenda of the coming days.” Sam changed the topic, earning a groan from Dean.
“How about you let us come back and settle in first.” Dean huffed annoyed.
“Bobby called me repeatedly already. He needs us down at his house. He got a pressing case for us and told me to come down as soon as you two came back.”
“Can we at least have one more day?” Dean bargained, letting his head fall back, “I still need to wash my clothes, else I’ll have to wear my boxers inside out.”
“Gross.” you grimaced.
“If you wanna take the blame for the delay.” Sam hummed, raising his arms in surrender.
“I’ll handle that.” Dean scrunched his nose, “Then it’s settled, we’re going for drinks tonight.” Dean proclaimed with a cheeky grin.
“What? What about your laundry?” Sam narrowed his eyes at Dean.
“What ‘what?’?! Can’t do much while it's in the washer, now can I? Might as well grab a drink then.” Dean smirked smugly. “And I know exactly where we’ll go!” Dean waved a piece of paper around. You swiftly grabbed it from his hand. Sam peeked over your shoulder to get a glance as you read over the flyer.
“ ’Come dressed up - get a free shot’ …?” Sam read out, raising his brow sceptically “Really, Dean?”
“Admit it, you just want to dress up.” you hummed as your eyes drifted from the flyer to Dean. You almost snorted when you saw his eyes sparkle gleefully. He definitely already knew what he’d wear.
“Nonsense.” he protested nonetheless, “I just think a free shot would be neat.”
“Sure, Dean…” Sam shot him an incredulous glance and shook his head.
As you and Dean walked back to your room you could tell that he wanted you to guess what he'd wear. He stared at you expectantly, not watching where he was going.
“Let me guess…” you hummed amused, trying to hold back a laugh. “Cowboy?”
“Cowboy.” he grins giddily, nodding enthusiastically. “What’s your pick?”
“I dunno… I’m not that big on costumes.” you shrugged.
“You can’t tell me you don’t have any costumes.” Dean gasped almost offended, closing the bedroom door behind him.
“Welp… I don’t.” you shrugged, "Unless you count our disguises as a costume."
“And you’re supposed to be my girlfriend…” he tsked and shook his head in feigned disappointment. Suddenly a mischievous grin tugged on the corners of his lips. “I got an idea for the perfect costume though… and we could probably modify some of your clothes for it…”
„If you say sexy nurse, I’ll hit you,” you warn him, shooting him an unamused glare.
“Ok, no sexy nurse then…” he raises his palms in defeat, “But… I’m sure it would suit you perfectly.”
"Of course, you’d think that…“ you shake your head, rolling your eyes at him.
"I‘m being truthful.” he grins, pulling you closer by your waist. “You‘d look irresistible… but then again you look irresistible in everything." Dean purred into your ear.
"Nice try Romeo.“ you push him away gently but firmly, “I will wear something a little less cliché.”
"Was worth the try…" he shrugged, pecking your lips before letting you go to get ready.
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The night at the bar was just what you needed. Dean, Sam and you drank together, bellowing to the music in the bar and indulging in old memories.
Around 3 am Dean and you came back completely hammered. Sam had opted to go home with a girl in a devil costume.
As Dean and you barged into the bunker, you were leaning on each other heavily as you giggled together. You barely made it to your bed when you fell onto the mattress. Dean immediately hugged you close to him, nuzzling into your neck as he took a deep breath. He lazily pressed a few kisses along your neck, making you squirm against him, but his lips stopped just as quickly as they had started. Soft snores resounded from him, his warm breath hitting your skin. But you couldn’t bother, you were already drifting off as well when Miracle suddenly started to growl lowly.
“Mira’ shut up.” you slurred annoyed, but Miracle wouldn’t stop. “Miracle!” you groaned, searching for a pillow around you and throwing it into the darkness.
You heard a dull sound and Miracle fell silent. You could hear him sniff around but soon darkness encased you fully as your drunken mind fell asleep.
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"Y/N?" Dean called through the bunker hoarsely when he had finally fallen out of bed.
"I'm in the library," you replied, cradling your pounding head between your hands as you sat at the table. Even the smell of your coffee in front of you made you slightly nauseous. You regretted the last three shots from last night.
There was a moment of silence in which you could hear him waddle towards the library.
"Did you put that creepy doll in the kitchen?! You scared the shit out of me!" Dean’s face was still pale as he entered the library in his bathrobe. You weren’t sure if it was from the hangover or the shock. “Was that your revenge for yesterday? I swear I didn’t put it in your bag!
"I didn't.“ you mumbled slurred, not even bothering to look at Dean as your eyes were closed, „I wouldn’t have touched that thing for a lame revenge like that. Probably was Sam.” you shrugged, “He came back like an hour ago… probably wanted to pay you back.”
"Sammy!" Dean bellowed, already taking off to Sam’s room. You winced at his loud voice and groaned when you heard the brothers start to bicker.
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After an agonizing hangover that lasted till late in the evening, you finally felt good enough to help Dean pack for the next morning when he'd leave with Sam. You felt extra clingy tonight even though you knew that they would probably be back in two or three days.
But as the tradition dictated, Dean and you cuddled in bed together before going to sleep.
"When do you have to leave again tomorrow?" you murmured against Dean’s skin as you lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"We gonna leave at… like 7.30-ish?" Dean hummed, his hand lazily running up and down your spine.
“That early?” you whined to which Dean chuckled. He softly kissed your forehead, wrapping his arms tighter around you and holding you close.
“The earlier we leave, the earlier we get back,” he mumbled against your neck.
“And how long will you be gone?” you huffed against him.
“A day, maybe two?” Dean hummed, “So you only have a single night without your handsome and wonderful man.” he grinned against your skin, making you chuckle.
“Now that I’m thinking about it, I can probably survive a night without you.” you retorted in feigned annoyance.
“Oh really?” he smirked, starting to tickle your sides.
“Hey! No! Stop!” you started to squirm against him, trying to wriggle away from his attack. Dean grinned triumphantly as he continued to tickle you for a moment before stopping.
“Still think you gonna be fine without me?” he looked at you challengingly.
“More than ever.” you grinned cheekily, biting your lip.
“Don’t be mean now…” Dean murmured, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
“Mhm… ok… maybe that’s something I’m gonna miss…” you smiled against his lips.
“Is that so?” Dean smirked smugly, giving you a passionate kiss, “I can remind you of a few more things you gonna miss.” he grinned, swiftly flipping you to lay on the mattress. You yelped in surprise as he towered over you, trailing hungry kisses down your skin, making you gasp in delight.
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You groaned softly when you woke up in the middle of the night without seemingly any reason. At first, you thought it was thanks to Dean’s snoring. As you glanced at your alarm clock it was shortly after 3am… again.
It seemed to become a daily occurrence for you to wake up around that time, you just couldn’t understand why. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a soft shuffling around your bed. You tensed for a moment, glancing around the room. Your eyes landed on the slightly ajar door that you were sure had been closed when Dean and you went to bed.
You rolled your eyes amused at yourself for being scared for a moment when Miracle had probably just pushed open the door to get to his sleeping spot at the foot of your bed.
You nuzzled back into your pillow, closing your eyes to go back to sleep when there suddenly resounded what could only be described as a giggle. Your eyes widened immediately, and your hands tightened on your blanket.
You swallowed hard as you listened into the darkness.
"Dean!" you whispered. No response. You began to shake him slightly, "Dean, wake up!" you whisper-yelled panicked.
"Hmm… what's wrong." Dean groaned sleepily as he began to stir awake.
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"That giggle!" the fear in your voice was apparent.
"Giggle? Go back to sleep Y/N, your imagination is playing tricks on you."
The floorboards softly creaked making you jump.
"Did you hear that!" you almost shouted.
"Yes, I did. It's just the wood settling, telling you to get some sleep. Nothing more." Dean mumbled, pulling you closer to him before he fell right back to sleep. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Thanks, douchebag…" you muttered, pulling your covers up to your nose and staying alert.
Every creak and crack made you scoot even closer to Dean until you were pressed against him completely. You battled with falling asleep as exhaustion seeped into your bones but once the clock struck 6am the bunker fell silent apart from Dean’s snores. Your eyelids became just too heavy to keep open and soon you were fast asleep.
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"Outch!" you cried out, clutching your hip. You were still half asleep when you pottered around in the kitchen. When you had turned around your hip crashed into the open standing cutlery drawer, "For god’s sake Dean! How often do I have to tell you to close these damn drawers!" you hissed in pain at Dean who sat on the table, nursing his coffee. He looked up, startled for a moment.
"I wasn't even near that drawer," he replied groggily, his hand rubbing over his cheek.
"Sure." you grumbled, “That seems to be your standard excuse.”
"No, for real! I only got my coffee. Don’t need cutlery for that." he defended himself and held up his cup. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Don't give me that look Y/N!" Dean warned you jokingly, "I swear, I'm telling the truth. Maybe you opened it in your delirium and forgot about it."
"Maybe." you grumbled as you took a spoon out of the drawer and closed it, "But you can't blame me. I slept awful."
"Why? Didn’t I tire you out enough?” Dean smirked into his mug, “You seemed really exhausted when we fell asleep…”
“Sometimes I wanna smack your pretty face…” you sighed, shooting Dean an unamused glare, "I woke up in the middle of the night because I thought that I had heard somebody or something shuffling through the house. There was creaking and giggling the whole night."
"Giggling?" Dean drawled amused, raising a brow at you.
" I know it sounds weird but I know what I’ve heard.”
“Maybe it was just the whistling of the wind or something like that." Dean shrugged dismissively, “Maybe Miracle whined in his sleep."
"Cause I can’t tell the difference between a dog whine and a giggling sound?" you scoffed, “Miracle wasn’t even in our room last night cause of certain activities…”
“Maybe you were making up things in your post-blissful haze.” Dean grinned cheekily, immediately receiving a hit against his shoulder, “Ow!” he chuckled, “Why are you being so mean to me lately?”
“I’m not mean! You’re just a dick at the moment.”
“Am not!” Dean protested amused, rubbing his arm, “You’ve been on my case ever since we returned from our hunt.”
“Because you started the war with the doll!”
“I didn’t do that!” Dean laughed, “But maybe that’s why you’re so jumpy. Your subconsciousness still tries to get over that little scare.”
"I’m a hunter, Dean. Spooky shit is my daily bread, so I doubt that a little doll could scare me into hallucinating sounds at night.” you scoffed, “And it's not like I was dreaming. I was wide awake!"
"So, you wanna tell me some creature scampered through the bunker last night?” Dean looked at you sceptically, “I would’ve heard it as well. I mean, I was right next to you… Wait a minute… is that why you tried to wake me up last night? It feels like we talked about this already."
"Yeah… and you jackass fell right back asleep.” you huffed, “You wouldn’t have heard a fire alarm over your snoring!”
“I don’t snore!” Dean scoffed offended.
“Oh trust me, you do.” you huffed dramatically, “And yes, I know, there wasn't anybody scampering around… I just. I don't know, ok? Something just felt… off."
"It was probably the wood settling over the night. The nights are getting colder now, the wood draws together.” Dean reasoned, gently rubbing your arm up and down in a soothing motion.
"Presumably…" you mumbled unconvinced.
"And the most plausible," Dean added with a shit-eating grin.
"Bite me!" you quipped, glaring at him as you shrugged off his hand.
"You know, only in our bedroom!" he called after you with a cheeky grin as you walked out of the kitchen, flipping him off.
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When the boys left the bunker to drive down to Bobby, you left with them through the garage, saying your goodbye to them before heading in the other direction towards the town to get some groceries so you wouldn’t have to get takeout yet again. Sam, Dean, and you had been almost exclusively on the road for the last couple of months, so the pantry looked quite meagre while other chores had piled up around the bunker. You would have to get to them as soon as you came back from grocery shopping and running a few errands as well.
Around noon you finally found yourself back at the bunker, the trunk of your car filled with multiple bags and the dry cleaning you had picked up on your way. Dean and Sam had the bad habit of wearing their suits until they started to reek and would bring almost every suit they owned to the dry cleaning at once. Usually, you refused to bring or pick up the clothes since it was hard to carry the 10+ suits back and forth but you actually had to pick up a coat of your own, so you tried to be a doting girlfriend and friend for once and picked all of the clothes up.
Just as you killed the engine and tried to figure out how you could carry everything inside without having to take too many trips, your phone began to ring.
"Perfect timing, Mister Winchester." you chuckled as you accepted the call.
"Just came home?" his raspy voice resounded from the speakers. He sounded tired.
"Yup, had a busy day already. How’s the trip going? Taking a break?”
"Sammy had to stretch out his freakishly long legs.” Dean hummed and you could hear a muffled ‘Hey!’ in the background.
“But traffic’s ok?”
“So far, it’s been a breeze. We almost passed the halfway mark, we should get to Bobby around 6pm if we’re lucky.” Dean hummed.
“Where are you right now?” you asked curiously, getting out of the car to walk around to the back.
“Somewhere in the middle of Missouri… I think.”
“How’s it there? Any better than in Kansas?” you tried to keep Dean talking, already missing his voice. You pinned your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you opened the trunk and got the first few bags out of it, walking towards the bunker's main entrance.
“Slightly better weather-wise but I'd much rather be with you right now," Dean murmured into your ear.
"Aw, you're sweet. I'd love that too… then I wouldn't have to carry in all these suits that I picked up at the dry-cleaner's and all these groceries on my own." Dean only snickered on the other end of the line, “We really have to get them cleaned in more reasonable batches instead of every single suit you guys have been wearing till they smell.”
"So, what do you have planned for tonight?" Dean tried to change the subject.
"Not much," you said while fishing for your keys in your coat pocket while balancing the grocery bags on your leg, "Maybe do some of my laundry.”
Dean could hear you unlock the front door and suddenly you screamed and there was a thud.
"Y/N?" Dean asked concerned, his brows furrowing as he listened attentively for any sounds.
"Dean what the heck! Was that necessary?" you panted into the speaker as you picked up your phone from the ground.
"Was what necessary?" he asked confused.
"Don't act so innocent. You have to stop with those pranks!" you laughed, your heart still racing, "You scared the shit out of me. Again. Congratulations!"
"…and with what exactly?" Dean chuckled bemused.
"The doll you sat directly behind the door?"
"Ahh… erm… yeah. Got you!" he forced a laugh. Hadn’t he thrown that weird thing out before they went to the bar 2 days ago? Maybe Miracle had found it in the trash outside and dragged it back inside.
"Ok?" you raised an eyebrow and kicked the doll out of your way, "Moving on. Please remember to tell Cas that he has to come by the next couple of days for the translation of the Enochian we found." you carried the bags towards the kitchen.
“Why me?” Dean grumbled.
“Cause Cas only answers your calls…” you hummed amused. Dean sighed exasperated.
"Yes, sweetheart, I will." he groaned.
The rest of the day you busied yourself with the chores. You started a load of your and Dean’s sheets while tidying your shared room, vacuuming, and dusting off every surface. Afterwards, you busied yourself with restocking the pantry and cleaning out the fridge from unidentifiable containers of what arguably had been food at some point in time.
After cooking yourself a late dinner you let yourself fall into a recliner in the Dean cave. Miracle joined you, getting a few bites of your pasta dish as the two of you watched a movie. In the middle of the movie, your phone vibrated, notifying you of a goodnight text from Dean and the info that he and Sam were on their way back to the bunker and should be back around noon. You quickly send back your reply before stashing the phone into the side of the recliner and turning your attention back to the movie.
You didn’t even realise how tired you were until you woke up in the middle of the night to a completely dark room. The TV must’ve shut off a while ago and Miracle was nowhere to be seen.
You sighed as you tried to wake up enough to get up and wander back to your room. That’s when you realised that you had forgotten to put the sheets back onto the bed after you had washed them and put them into the dryer. You groaned and shuffled in the opposite direction to the laundry room. You didn’t bother turning on the lights, hoping you would be able to fall asleep quicker if you didn’t get blinded by the harsh lights of the bunker.
As you gathered all the sheets out of the dryer you hummed in delight as the scent of freshly washed laundry filled your nose. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep while being encased in this heavenly smell. Your thoughts were rudely interrupted when Mircale suddenly started to bark out of nowhere.
“What is it, Miracle?” you called out annoyed. Maybe he was scolding you for not being in your room when he wanted to sleep, “I’ll be there in a sec…”
You were a little confused when his barking turned into growls and snarls.
“Miracle, what’s your deal?” you groaned.
Your heart stopped beating for a moment, your eyes widening as you froze in the doorway. You swallowed hard and tried to pull yourself together. This probably was just a nightmare. Or as Dean would tell you right now, just the wood settling. Very amused Wood being in a giggly mood…
You felt a chill run down your spine when you heard it again.
The giggling.
“H-hello?” you asked into the darkness, thinking that maybe Dean had already talked to Cas who had come by.
But you never got a response. And usually, Miracle wouldn’t snarl at Cas either, nor would Cas sound like a giggling toddler. So, this was more than odd.
Your stomach felt queasy as you crept up towards your room cautiously. Your heart was dancing tango in your chest. Suddenly you heard pitter-patter grow louder behind you and without another thought you booked it to your room, not even looking back. As soon as you reached your room, Miracle scurried in after you and you slammed the bedroom door close.
You panted as adrenaline shot through and your brain was slowly processing what just had happened. You began chuckling and shook your head amused.
“Miracle, you scared me.” you chuckled slightly relieved and a bit amused that you got scared that easily when a sudden slam against the door made your heart sink again.
You quickly locked the door, backing away immediately and stumbling backwards a few steps until the back of your knees hit the mattress. You threw the washed sheets onto the bed, your eyes never leaving the door as you searched for Dean’s emergency blade under the bed. Once you had the knife secured in your hand you searched for your phone in desperation. It slowly dawned on you that you had forgotten your phone on the recliner, so you had no chance of calling the boys for support. But then again, they probably couldn’t help you in your situation right now anyway since they were still thousands of miles away from the bunker. All you could do was wait it out until they came back and stand on guard.
At some point during the night, you gathered the courage to slide a chair under the handle of the door before you sat down on your bed again. You didn’t hear anything anymore outside of the door, but you didn’t trust the silence one bit. You invited Miracle into the bed for emotional support. Dean would kill you if he found out that you had let the dog sleep in bed with you, but you didn’t really care right now.
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Harsh pounding against the door jerked you awake. You had no idea how late it was or when you had fallen asleep. You almost fell to the ground when you scrambled out of bed.
“Darling? Y/N?! Are you in there?” Dean’s worried voice resounded from the other side of the door, the handle turning frantically as he continued to knock against the door.
You quickly scurried to the door and pulled the chair away before you opened the door, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.
“You’re back.” you tried to sound enthusiastic, but the grogginess was quite apparent on your face.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Dean asked worried, grabbing your shoulders as he inspected you, “What happened? Why did you lock yourself in our room? You look pale.”
“N-nothing.” you stammered sheepishly. You didn’t want to tell Dean what had happened. He probably wouldn’t believe you and tell you that you had probably just imagined it again. Or he’d turn it around and tease you about ‘how much you had missed him’ and that ‘your strong, handsome man was back to protect you from bad dreams again’. And you really didn’t need that right now, especially with the lack of proper sleep.
“Look who we brought,” Sam announced suddenly, making you sigh relieved as the conversation was stirred away from you when Sam stepped aside to reveal Cas tagging along behind him.
“You look awful.” Cas greeted you in his monotone voice.
“Hi, Cas… nice to see you, too.”
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Taglist: @hellowgoodbye @fuckyoutommie @loz-3 @whorefordean @kayful00595 @drasticemotions @deans-spinster-witch @tweakingin2 @winharry @jackles010378 @marvelfanfn2187a113
Divider by @talesmaniac89
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daegall · 3 years
↳ to feel in love/love-struck
pairing: Lee Donghyuck x reader
Genre: fluff... uh... overall fluff 🤧
Warnings: mentions of death and a dead body (but nobody's dead), swearing (?)
Word count: 3.7k words
alsooo this is part of the first collab made by @renhyucks (thanks bby <33) please do enjoy, and do not hesitate to tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or anything bad i wrote!! thank you!!
(guess who's expert procrastinator and wrote like 50% of this a week before his birthday AND finals </3 thats right </33 finals too </33)
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You’ve been bragging about your braggable boyfriend for around a year now, and now you’re worried if you’ve bragged about him too much.
Today is the day. Donghyuck is going to meet your family. After months of postponing and delaying, he’s coming home with you for Christmas, a very big deal for your family, it’s like a big present for them.
"Holy shit. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. Hyuck I’m gonna die. I’m screwed. Tell them I love them.”
You were clearly overreacting, it can never be that bad. Your boyfriend snorts, squeezing your hand reassuringly as you two make your way up the stairs. You wish something happens within the short span of time until you get to the door.
“Babe it can’t be that bad, you’ve told them lots about me, right?” You shoot Donghyuck a quick glare, before nodding a bit reluctantly, “I think a bit too much though.” To your dismay there are no people around to stop you, nobody to stop and postpone the meeting for. Darn Christmas holidays. “Do you think they won’t like me?”
This time, it’s you who lets out a quick laugh, “No, they will love you. They’re gonna tell you all my embarrassing stories and phases in my life. Oh my god no, no no no, you can’t know. Let’s turn around, yeah?” Donghyuck ruffles your hair playfully with a shake of his head. “Really? But we’re already here! And I see your brother by the window there.”
You instantly light up when you see Sungchan’s familiar bright smile, laughing affectionately when he starts to jump up and down and yell something. Once you get in front of the door, you can finally hear what he’s been yelling, “JAEHYUN HYUNGGGG!!!!! THEY’RE HERE THEY’RE HERE!!!”
You don’t even have to knock on the door, it already swings open to reveal both your brothers with bright smiles on their faces, bright smiles that brightens up your own. “NOONA!” Sungchan rushed up to you and instantly wraps his arms around your waist, giggling into your chest as you embrace him back just as tightly.
He then turns to your boyfriend, with even lighter eyes, and to your surprise, he gives Donghyuck a hug as well, “It’s nice to finally meet you!” Donghyuck stumbles back a bit and is definitely startled, but eventually he becomes soft and wraps his arms around your brother with a small smile. “Y/n’s told me lots about you,”
Sungchan pulls away enthusiastically, jumping up and down, “Wait! Let me go get mom!” And in an instant later, he’s dashed into his house yelling out for his mother. Your eldest brother, Jaehyun, smiles brightly at the sight of Donghyuck tugging nervously at your hands, a light chuckle leaving his lips gloriously.
He walks up to you, and you spread your arms out for a hug, but all that happens is your hair you spent 20 minutes on getting ruined by him ruffling his hand through it. “Nice to see you’ve finally got it together and got a nice boyfriend, twerp.”
“G-good? I’ve always had taste, Jeffery!” You scowl and push your brother’s hand away from your hair, huffing and shaking your head to fix the messy mop of strands. Jaehyun then turns to Donghyuck, his eyes practically shining with stars when your boyfriend bows politely.
Jaehyun nudges at your shoulder, “Wow, you’ve got a good one.” He snickers when you groan and swat him away once again, before turning back to Donghyuck with the same smile as before. To your boyfriend’s shock, and definitely to yours, Jaehyun leans down to give Donghyuck a brotherly hug, almsot melting into his embrace. What is up with your brothers today?
Christmas music can be heard softly from in the house, and despite being outside you can hear Sungchan beckoning your mother to go outside to see you and Donghyuck. It warms your heart, it feels so raw, and it’s even better with Donghyuck by your side. Jaehyun quickly lets your boyfriend go, when your mother’s voice rings out nostalgically and warmly greeting you with a warm smile, “Y/n! How are you dear?”
You run into her arms with no hesitation, feeling especially excited after so many months of missing her. The feeling of home rushes over your senses at your mother’s familiar embrace, sighing when she clings harder and sways side to side. A delightful smile curls your lips upward as you mumble a small response, “I missed you so much,”
The second she pulls away she’s patting your cheek softly, chuckling, before she notices Donghyuck behind you. His nervosity is so intense that all your family members can sense it wherever you are, and you find it frankly funny. His eyes are practically shaking when your mom approaches him with slow movements. Sure, they’ve met through facetime, but that’s nothing compared to a face-to-face encounter.
A cheeky smile creeps up to your cheeks when your mother stretches out to grab ahold of Donghyuck’s hands, holding them gently. (you assume it’s because of how much they’ve been shaking) “It’s nice to meet you in person, Donghyuck-ah,”
At her soft words, you notice Donghyuck slightly melt in relief and comfort, his smile growing 2 times bigger, “Y/n’s told me so much about your family,”
Beside you, Sungchan tugs at your hand, “Let’s go inside, mom and I made cookies!”
Indeed, they made cookies. They made great cookies.
Donghyuck hums loudly in bliss the moment he bites into a freshly baked cookie, closing his eyes and leaning onto you, “You should learn to bake like Sungchannie, Y/n,”
From deep in the kitchen, you hear your little brother snort loudly, “I would teach her for free Hyung, trust me.”
A scowl is the only response from you, as you munch harshly on the (delicious, but you wouldn’t admit it) cookie and shrug Donghyuck off your shoulder. Your boyfriend cackles out at your pettiness, wrapping his arm around your waist to tug you close to him.
You can’t stop the smile from spreading through your face when he tries to nudge another cookie at your lips, the ‘say aaa’s he says right by your ears resonating through your head. With a glance at the cute expression on his face, a light laugh falls from your lips, and you open your mouth to take a bite.
“They’ve been here for 15 minutes and are already all over each other.” At Jaehyun’s comment, you give him a dirty look and finish yet another cookie you stole from the fresh batch. “Hey! You were even worse with that random girl last year! Where is she now, Jae??”
Your older brother chuckles, walking over to help Sungchan and make sure he doesn’t burn himself, “She’s spending Christmas with her family this year.” You turn away from his teasing gaze with your head high up in the air, eyes shut in fake arrogance, “It’s your turn to suffer from the lovey-dovey stuff now.” (Sungchan grimaces in the corner, pulling his mittens off harshly, “When’s it not my turn?”)
“At least mom’s happy I brought Donghyuck home.”
“I’m happy you brought a good one this year, unlike the one 5 years ago,”
Donghyuck chuckles and leans on the counter, resting his head on his hand as he gazes at your family argument, “Glad you don’t think I’m bad,” When you glance at him, and the soft look he has, you look away, flustered, “Hyuck you’re like.... my first good boyfriend.” Your voice grows quieter towards the end of the sentence, and suddenly you feel so flustered for some reason. The soft Christmas music fills the silence, and you grow even more embarrassed.
You turn your head cautiously to see the reactions of each of your loved ones, surprised to see a warm look in each of their eyes, as if they’ve seen a puppy tumble and get right back up. Your mother bites her lip to contain the squeals when you make eye contact with your boyfriend, choosing to continue her cookie work and look away when you shift in sheepishness and try to act nonchalant.
Sungchan decides to break the tension, placing the last batch of cookies in a jar, “Speaking of boyfriends, Shotaro’s brother is bringing his boyfriend when they come to visit.” Donghyuck breaks away from the sudden daze of love he had, turning to Sungchan with interest, “Really? So how many people are we expecting?”
“Around 3 more people,” Your little brother replies, “More if Sicheng hyung invited his Chinese friends as well.”
“Wow Sungchan, you’re quite the popular one aren’t you?” Sungchan smiles smugly at the sudden boast, proudly nodding as he tries to shrug cooly. You appreciate Donghyuck complimenting him, it’s not everyday your boyfriend gets along with your family, and definitely not always when Jaehyun greets him with a hug.
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The next day, you wake up late (as usual after a movie night), and you go downstairs only to see your older brother and boyfriend eating their breakfasts next to each other on the couch as they watch yet another Christmas movies and talk about something.
They acknowledge you, but don't bother stopping anything to talk to you. You're glad they do, you wouldn't understand anything they would say with such a hazy state of mind. Pulling out a carton of chocolate milk from a big pack (presumably Sungchan and Shotaro's), you trudge back to the living area and sit on Jaehyun's usual spot.
There's snow outside, you notice, it's pretty thick. You don't realize in your half-asleep form, but both men have stopped talking and are now staring at your sleepy form.
"Y/n, you should eat actual food, and not just drink chocolate milk."
The statement is unexpected, and all you to is stop sipping and look at Jaehyun with questioning eyes.
"He's right, go eat some cereal, boo."
Your face scrunches up at the sudden pet name he would never use on you, already standing up to obey his orders, "Since when did you call me boo? Also, where's mom and Sungchan?"
"Since now, boo. And mom and Sungchan are out getting Christmas gifts."
Your heart leaps at the fact that Donghyuck called your mother 'mom' so comfortable already, you wouldn't blame him after last night when she was especially paying close attention to him and taking care of him nicely. Not to mention the fact that she added and added to his plate instead of her own children's.
You hum back as a reply, pouring some coco pops in a bowl (both the cereal and bowl are Sungchan's), before pouring in a generous amount of milk into the bowl. You smile down at the nostalgic breakfast you used to eat everyday, when was the last time you had cereal?
Instead of joining back to the living room, you decide to eat on the counter, which is right by the window, and admire the twinkling snow covering the ground. You live in the city with Donghyuck, which doesn't have that much snow, but here outside the city, the snow is so beautiful and evident, you just want to sleep in it like it was a warm bed -except it wasn't warm at all.
Still a little bit asleep, you don't notice Jaehyun in the kitchen with you until he speaks up and startles you once again, "You wanna go outside and make snow angels like we used to?"
Your shock bubbles into excitement at the suggestion, quickly nodding with a big smile on your face.
"Then eat up quickly, I'll meet you outside."
He leaves you alone in the kitchen, yelling a 'we're gonna go play in the snow, you wanna come man?' to Donghyuck, to which he gets a 'fuck yeah!' in return.
And like that your bowl of cereal is in the sink, long abandoned by you, the you who is currently throwing on your padded jacket and slipping on some boots hurriedly. You can already hear the yells of it being so cold from your boyfriend, and the loud boyish laugh from your beloved brother on the other side of the door.
You can feel the excitement coursing through your veins, it feels good, you haven't felt like this in so long. You finally open the door, and step outside onto the cold snow. Just as a blissful smile reaches your lips, there's a struck of ice cold trickling down your neck and back.
You turn to find the culprit is no other than Lee Donghyuck himself, laughing along with Jaehyun at your shocked expression.
You don't even waste a second, you're instantly picking up a handful of snow and patting it in your hands securely and creating an imperfect, but firm snowball. With no hesitation, you launch it into the air with all your force, and to your utter delight it his Donghyuck straight at his chest.
Your celebratory dance is short-lasted, as you know if you stayed in spot for too long you would be attacked as well. With playful laughs and taunts, you rush past the 2 men and behind the tree for (poor) protection.
You need to make snowballs, you need to make them quick. Gathering as much snow as you can in your hands, you squeeze hard only for a few seconds, before gently dropping the snowball and repeating this process for as much snowballs as you can muster. You can hear the faint discussion of your temporary rivals, the more shuffling in the snow gives you that feeling of thrill.
There's a spilt second of silence, no shuffling in the snow anymore, no whispers of which side which will take. The second, is of course, like every other second, short, before you hear yells and feel the coldness of the snow hit your skin like gunshots.
Dropping all your snowballs, you act like it was a gunshot, falling dramatically to the ground as you clutch your hands to your stomach, "I've been shot! I've been wounded! Jae, Hyuck, tell Sungchan and mom my will is all to them."
"What about us?"
You pant dramatically and point at them accusingly, "You fuckers get nothing." Your head rolls back to the snow, your hand falling over your stomach as you hold your breath.
A fake sniffle falls from Jaehyun's lips, and he kneels down next to your 'dead' form, "WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!" He takes your hand in his, "WHAT HAVE WE DOOONNNEEE!!",Your boyfriend slowly falls next to your as well, this time cradling your face in his hands, "We're monsters.... WE'RE MONSTERSSS!"
He flops right on top of you, burying your body deep in the snow, "WE'RE SORRY Y/N, WE'VE LET YOU DOWN! WE'VE FAILED YOUUU!" A smile cracks through your numb, icy face, and you let out a hearty chuckle at the small skit you've started.
"Okay, get off me I'm cold!"
"No! You said you wouldn't give us any of your will!"
"Wait no! I'm starting to feel numb! I'm sorry I swear you'll get a little bit!"
Donghyuck shuffles a bit, before he carries himself off your body. The tingling ice cold sensation of snow doesn't fade away, instead it becomes even sharper when Jaehyun splats a pile of snow on top of your head. He giggles cheekily and runs back into the house when you send him a glare, leaving you and Donghyuck alone in the snow.
To your delight he has the decency to at least help you up from your seat on the ground, thoughtfully brushing away the snow on your shoulders, "I like your brother, he's very playful."
You give him a quick look, "Reminds you of someone?"
Donghyuck bumps your shoulder as he laughs, rushing past you towards the house, "Race you there!"
Yes, reminds you exactly of Donghyuck.
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It wasn't long until Sungchan's Japanese friend and his brother came. Just 3 days after you and Donghyuck arrived. And just like your little brother mentioned, his Japanese friend's brother brought his boyfriend. His boyfriend's friends decided to turn down the offer, instead wanting to spend Christmas with their own families.
You clicked with them instantly, and it's no doubt your boyfriend did either.
"Taro! You have to see the new soccer shoes I got for my birthday!"
The said boy gapes, practical stars shining in his eyes, "Soccer shoes? Dude, you have to show me some moves in them!"
The two lads scatter off upstairs to Sungchan's room, where you could hear stomping and loud thuds. You remember the first time you caught Sungchan practicing soccer, it was when you had enough with the loud noises and went to complain, only to find your brother covered in sweat with a ball in his arms.
Ever since that day you would help him, whether it was saving up with Jaehyun to get him his first ever pair or driving him to soccer fields and accompany him as he played, you've grown used to all of it (and grown to love it as well).
Jaehyun comes in the room with the collection of Christmas movies he had stocked somewhere deep in his room, you wouldn't dare going in there. Last time he had even cleaned it up or even actually lived there, he was in his angsty teenage days. There was no way you would go in there.
"Okay, what do you guys want to watch?" He stops right in front of the TV with 5 DVD's in his hands, observing each one with contemplation. "We've got A Christmas Carol, Home Alone, Polar Express, Love under the-"
"Oh God, not Love under the Christmas table!"
You snicker at Sicheng's upset tone as he slumps in his seat, rolling his eyes, "Ten's forced me to watch it soooo many times. And it's so cheesy too!"
"Jae has it just because of his girlfriend~" Jaehyun groans at your words, pointing a finger at your face in betrayal, "You promised not to tell anyone!"
This is what you like about Christmas, getting back together with family and friends, it's affectionate moments like these that you miss. You miss teasing your brothers. But the fact if it happening so rarely and only 3-4 times a year makes it extra special when you do.
"Shotaro! Sungchan! We're gonna watch some movies, what do you guys want to watch?"
At the mention of a movie marathon, both young boys look at each other briefly, before somehow telepathically agreeing on racing to the couch. They land next to you with belly-flops and giggles, hitting at one another as they shift comfortably in their seats.
"How about A Charlie Brown Christmas?" Jaehyun suggests with a friendly smile, looking up to the two boys for their confirmation. You thought they would agree, even you would, but apparently they had different plans.
Shotaro deadpans at the childish option, "Are you serious? What's a Christmas movie night without starting with Polar Express? I swear you adults have no taste." There's a nod from Sungchan, as he nudges for his best friend as some kind of hyping up action. They stop and laugh mischievously for a moment, elbowing and knee bumping, you don't understand at all. You miss having friends as a child.
You try to stifle your laugh at the look on Jaehyun's face, but you seem to fail so, a small snicker coming from you as he selects Polar Express with dark eyes. Your brother walks to his empty armchair, plopping down with a deep sigh.
Maybe Sungchan and Shotaro are right, Christmas marathons must start with Polar Express, It's just how it is. Or maybe A Christmas Carol, but that scared Sungchan so it's no longer and option.
At this point, you don't realize your mother and boyfriend walking in the living room from the kitchen, where your boyfriend insisted on helping with the dishes, the movie already captivating your attention as you stare at the familiar scene you've watched just so many times already. Donghyuck flops to the far left, next to Yuta, and instantly melts into the warm atmosphere, his attention adverting to the TV screen as well.
It's just halfway through the long movie when both young boys completely pass out, of course they weren't going to last that long. Shotaro is leaning on your shoulder, mouth open with small, quiet sneers pouring out his lips peacefully. Your younger brother is leaning forward next to his friend, occasionally nodding awake but falling asleep only seconds later.
You want to reach out past Shotaro and bring his head to your lap or something, but that would just wake the young boy on your shoulder. Instead, you just keep an eye out for him, and make sure to always check up on him.
Just to your luck, Donghyuck notices as well all the way from the other couch, and decides to take action when Sungchan almost face-plants to the floor. He swiftly stands up to pick your brother up to replace himself in the spot, and drape Sungchan's body over his as he secures him in a warm embrace.
At first, you're shocked and taken aback, Donghyuck was always unexpected but you never would have thought he'd cuddle your brother. It's a warming sight to see, 2 important people in your life being so comfortable and affectionate despite knowing each other only for a short span of time.
Donghyuck rubs Sungchan's back with care when he shifts in his embrace, eventually pressing his plush cheek flush against his shoulder, lips puckering out adorably.
A sudden wave of gratitude splashes over you like the waves washing up on the shore, towards nobody in particular. You're just very grateful for the fact that you have such a nice family, a warming family that will always welcome you with open arms whenever, grateful to Jaemin who introduced you to Donghyuck, grateful for having a chance to be in such an atmosphere.
This Christmas is very special to you, your boyfriend and your family meeting, you honestly thought they wouldn't like him that much, but now you're pretty sure they love him more than you do.
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mysinsforbts · 4 years
Be careful what you wish for~
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(HAPPY BIRTHDAY Namjoon!~ 💜)
Dom! Namjoon lion hybird x Sub! (female) reader
Semi Hybrid au, Friends to lovers
Rating: 18+
About: Namjoon and you always had been friends because your parents knew each other, you played together in the sand, went to school together, studied together but you had no idea that you also would spend your lives together. As you and Namjoon became roomates, things start to get serious. He noticed his crush on you, while you had to deal with his heat and your hormones. You kept your fellings a secret, while he acts without thinking. Holidays were happening and than Namjoons heat broke out.
Warnings:  semi angst, mentioning of death, cursing, Smut, dirty talk, masturbation, vaginal fingering, oral (female), possessive behavior, bareness, ass spanking, hickeys, marking, biting, breeding kink, Dom!Namjoon, Sub!Reader, Daddy kink, begging, teasing, overstimulation, squirting, size kink, window sex, Semi publix sex, rough sex, eye contact, (It's just a lot okay lol) (Let me know when I forgot something~)
(I hope the time-jumps aren't to bad! Sorry for gramma mistakes! Please enjoy~ 💜)
"Y/N meet Namjoon, today is his birthday so be nice to him okay?", is what your mom told you back than. You saw a boy maybe 8 years old, wachting a tv show. Carefully walking towards him and sitting next to him you said, "Hello, what are you watching?". The birthday boy turned smiling to you, "Friends", he said before mustering you interesterd in who you are and where you came from. His dimples catched your eyes and you decided you liked them. "Do.. do you want to watch with me?", he asked gently, smiling at you. You nodded and turned to the tv. 'I like him!', you thought.
>> 7 years later <<
You went up the stairs infront of Namjoons house and ringed the bell at the door. A bit later a boy, 15 years old came out, still looking tired, "I couldn't even finish my coffee. Why are you so stressed today Y/N?", joonie, your best friend asked. You laughed and pulled out a book from your bag, giving it to him, "Happy Birthday Joonie. Isn't that the book you always wanted to read?".  As he took the book from your hands, you saw him smiling. His dimpels, that you liked so much were showing. Before noticing what's happening, joonie hugged you, "GOSH! Thank you so much! I mean it Y/N! I couldn't find that book anywhere, where did you buy it?? No! Don't tell me! I-", as he rambled on, hugging you tightly a sound of a dump was heard. Than you realised the book had fallen down in the rain, "No! No! Shit!", you heard him curse while letting you go, picking the book up and running, in a hurry, back in his house to dry it.
You stood outside and laughed. 'I like him so much', you thought.
>> 6 years later <<
You moved out of the car and brought the last bag up the stairs, putting it infront of your door. Thanks to your university you had to move farther away from home. But finding something for you was difficult, everything was expensive. Than your smart best friend, Joonie had the idea to share one apartment as roomates. At the beginning you weren't sure about the idea, after all you had a crush on Namjoon since the last year of highschool. Beeing around him 24/7 would be hard on you. But your parents had other ideas. "Thank you for helping me", you smiled at your parents, who got back in the car. "No problem honey~ Don't worry to much, as long as it's with Namjoon there is nothing wrong with it!", your mum loved Joonie, but is that a suprise? Namjoon is handsome,tall, smart, funny and friendly. No other boy that you had met was like him. "Thats right! Namjoon is smart, he can help you with your studies and he promised me to take good care of you. From man to man!", your dad laughed at his last comment. Your mum just sighed and looked at you, with a nod that you should go. You said goodbye and went up the stairs. As you came to a hold infront of your door, you noticed that your bag was already inside. A shock overcame you and you opened the door to your apartment. In that bag was Joonie's birthday present, what if he breaks it??
You closed the door and walked in the living room, with the small kitchen. So in panic you just ran through the room and bumped into Namjoon's back, who made coffee. He got scared and looked at you confused, catching your shoulders so you didn't fall, "What are you doing?", he asked with a teasing smirk on his face. "Where is the bag? The bag that was infront of the door?", you rambled and looked around for it. Joonie looked at you concerned before answering,"In your room, but why-". Not letting him finish you just ran off in your room, checking on the bag. Well it looked fine.. Namjoon kneed next to you. Looking concered at you, than at your bag, "Why did something got stolen?". Busy opening your bag and taking the 'thing', which was wrapped into paper out. You sighed and shook your head. Carefully opening the paper and looking at the beautiful candle glass that you bought for Joonie. It was exactly his style and would fit perfectly to him."I thought it would break. I was so scared that it would shatter", you looked up at him and laughed, "No offense Joonie".His eyebrow raised as he laughed than too. Shaking his head he stood up and walked back into the kitchen, "I made coffee precious, come here have some~", the birthday boy said. 'Precious' that was your nickname from him since highschool. You loved it, it made your heart beat faster.
Standing up while taking the candle glass and the card you wrote for him with you, you walked back into the kitchen. Joonie put the cups down on the table and sat on one of the chairs. You sat down too and smiled at him, "Happy Birthday Joonie", gently you put the candle glass on the table. "I also wrote something for you, read it later~", you nodded towards the card while taking a sip from the coffee. Enjoying to see his dimples after such a long while. After highschoole ended and the holidays started you hadn't really seen each other, but now you would see each other everyday. Of course you were excited and so happy to have him around, but also very nervous. Joonie walked around the table and hugged you, hiding his face in your neck, "Thank you! This candle glass is so beautiful. How do you always know what I like?". You felt him smelling your neck, it was nothing new. After all he was a lion hybrid, what you forgot sometimes since you never talked about it openly. Namjoon didn't like talking about it. All you knew about him in this subject, you knew from his mother. Namjoon's mother was a kindhearted person. She trusted you and knew you liked his son but she also knew that it was difficult to be together with a hybrid, since they have to find the right partner to be with them forever. So what if you weren't the right one? Would Namjoon be unhappy than?
That is why his mother told you everything. She wasn't his real mum. His parents adopted him as he still was a hybrid baby. Joonie didn't know his real parents. He also never had friends besides you. His mother was thankful for everytime you protected him as he got bullied in school. Namjoons live wasn't easy. It never had been easy. Neither was it easy as his mother got in a bad accident 2 years ago. Since her death he became a lot quieter and more serious. But to you he seems still the same, he hasn't changed much while beeing with you.
Of course he hasn't, you were his light. You made his live happier. But you never saw those looks he gave you, the looks of someone who also liked you.
>> Today <<
It already has been 1 year since Namjoon and you lived as roomates together and nothing changed. Actually a lot changed. You two were still best friends but closer than ever. Namjoon also met new friends. 6 boys, who did go to the same university as you do. You already met them, they're all nice, funny hybrids. 'Crazy what kind of suprises live throws at you sometimes', you always thought thinking back on how they met.Namjoon wanted to join the music club since he always had a talent for writing lycris and rapping, and so did the other 6 boys. Out of different reasons, but they all had the same goal. Wanting to make music,wanting to do what they love. You also met 'army' your best friend next to Joonie. Army and you went almost to every class together and decided to become friends. Often you all spend time together.
But now we had holidays, everyone had their own time to kill. Army went home to her parents. Some of the boys were here, some of them went home. Namjoon and you spend time together in your apartment. Like now..
It still was before noon but you sat happily chating at the table, eating your breakfast. "Did you read that book already that I gave to you last month?", he asked while slurping on his coffee. You tilted your head, "You mean the one about the 'map of the soul'? Didn't I give that back to you? Saying it was to complicated?", you took another bite from your pancake."Ahh true! You did.. But listen Y/N it isn't that complicated! Look it's just about the shadow,the ego and-", joonie tried to explain but you cut him off with a giggle."What??", he asked now pouting. You leaned over the table and caressed through his hair, "I know you're smart and you love theorys and storylines but I'm very bad at that. You should know Joonie~". Than you stood up and started to clean the kitchen. Namjoon stood up and hugged you from behind, hiding his face in your neck, "You're smart too! Let me help you precious~". You could feel your heart beat faster but tried to sound normal, "Please do~", giggling nervously you continued to wash the dishes. One thing that hasn't changed, was your crush on Namjoon. It got even worse, you were actually so in love with him.
Tomorrow was his birthday. You had to plan something special. So while laying on the couch in the living room you were so lost in your thoughts, that you didn't realise how Joonie cuddled next to you. Laying his head on your chest, hugging you gently he looked at you. Just enjoying your calming nature, your warmth and your whole beeing. You were his safe place, you were always there. You were his home, so it was just normal that he wondered what you could be thinking about. Everytime he looked at you, his heart were going crazy. You were his Love. Opening your eyes, you felt Joonie softly breathing against your neck. You both must have fallen asleep. Laying one hand on his back, you started to caresses over his back muscles. Than all of sudden you heard him growl and grab your hand in his, "Don't tease me!". You laughed in his ear, "Is someone ticklish here?", while caressing over Joonies back with your other hand. He got up on his knees and tried to grab your other hand. Noticing it before he could act, you moved your hand above you. Namjoon tried to grab after it again and started to laugh as he missed. "To slow~", you teased him and pushed his hand away. Trying to get your other hand free in the progess you pushed him slightly off the couch. As Joonie looked at you with his 'death' glare you bursted into giggels and laughs. The wrestle fight between you two continued for a few minutes longer, as like almost everytime something awkward happened.
The two of you had so much fun wrestling, enjoyed the laughs from the other that you didn't notice how close you two had become. Yours were so close to Namjoon's face that you could feel his breath on your cheek. One wrong move and it was done. Joonie finally managed to grab both your hands and grinned like a child that just got sweets, as he noticed the feeling of his lips. They were pressing against something. You stopped to giggel and just layed there, not moving at all. Your brain had left the chat. Your heart was out of control. You two kissed. Without a second thought you closed your eyes, not wanting to meet those of your crush yet. Scared what you would see, scared how he would react. Unsure about what to do you didn't make a move. Than you felt how Joonie's lips continued to kiss yours, it felt gently, soft with a bit of insecurity. Your heart jumped happily and made you kiss him back in the same way. Namjoon still held your hands in his, now pressing them over your head. It didn't hurt, it felt good, dangerously good.
After a few seconds of passionatly making out you heard Namjoons phone go off, that layed on the kitchen table. Both shocked, acting like children they just got caught by their parents doing something forbidden you jumped apart. Joonie stood up, the blush on his face clearly visible, "U-Uh..Sorry Y/N..I..I will look who it is", he said, quickly walking over to take his phone call and to stop the annoying ringtone. As Namjoon was out of the room your brain started to work again. 'WHAT JUST HAPPENED??', you asked yourself,slight panic overcame your body and you stood up. You needed a shower now! You just took your towel with you and went to the bathroom. While opening and closing the door you were so busy thinking how to behave infront of your best friend now, you forgot to lock the door.
'Best Friends huh?', you thought while starting the warm water. 'What are we now? Best friends don't do this kind of stuff! Maybe Best friends with benefits?..No No! We didn't go that far!’, while showering your mind all of sudden started to imagine Namjoon's body infront of your eyes. You saw him a few times walking around without a shirt, he looked so good. Those arm muscles were something else. You often thought about him lifting you up, pressing you against the wall, fucking you against the-.. 'STOP! Get it together Y/N! You can't go crazy just because of one kiss!', you shook your head, trying to forget those thoughts. 'Well it was more like a make out not just a kiss! But his lips felt so soft and the way his strong hand was holding both of mine..', you sighed and almost got teary eyed. You still had no idea how to look in Namjoon's eyes ever again. Lord.. this was so awkward.
After you were done you moved out of the shower door, grabbing the towel. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and a shirtless, just in boxers Joonie was standing there. Mouth agape, eyes almost falling out, blinking a few times and not moving. He just stared at you.
You stared back at him, forgetting you were naked. You couldn't help but to check this fine man out. He was perfect, from his hair to his legs. Namjoon always had a beautiful body. You knew since you saw him back in highschool on the pool. Oh boy, you never would forget this day. The day your crush on Namjoon almost got exposed. Back than you thought it was just a crush, it would go away soon. That was why you behaved openly about it, lucky for you Namjoon was still oblivious back than. He never noticed the looks you gave him, the compliements you made him or the way you got jelaous over other girls. On that pool day you were so excited to see Namjoon shirtless  without it beeing weird or awkward. But that feeling was short lived as you saw another girl make out with him in the corner. All your hope got shattered in one second. You didn't know what you had expected, you were just a friend.
Later on you didn't talk to Joonie for 3 days. He always wanted to talk to you, worried what was wrong but you avoided him. After a week you slowly talked again and everything was normal. From him you got to know about his first heat and that he had it with that girl he made out in the pool. You came to the conclusion never to speak about your feelings to him. You weren't a virgin either so you couldn't blame him.
You lost your virginity to one of your friends, Namjoon's friend. Hoseok. He knew about your love towards Namjoon. Everytime you got hurt Hoseok was there. One day, you were so down from seeing Namjoom with this girl that you were crying in a corner were nobody saw you. But someone did. Someone saw you. For someone you were all he could see. To Hoseok you were a Sunshine, beautiful, bright and all he could see. Hoseok found you in that dark, lonely corner and helped you out of it, out of that party. Well, after that Hoseok helped you to make Namjoon jelaous but instead of solving your crush, you slept with Hoseok and had a short realtionship with him. 3 months than it also was over because Namjoon lost his mother. Of course you were at his side, day and night, 24/7, not caring for anyone else at that time. You didn't even care for yourself. You were starving for him. It was unhealthy, Namjoon felt horrible and so did you. All that came to your mind as you saw Joonie standing there shirtless.
Step. Step. Step. You heard Namjoon moving towards you but you didn't move. Paralyzed from the emotions you felt. Frustration,shy, sad but also hot. It was so hot, you could feel how your clit pulsed. "You will catch a cold precious~", joonie said in a soft but deeper voice than usually. He wrapped the towel around you and started to dry your hair gently. Not saying anything else, just helping you calm down, finding your braincells again. "Didn't you bring clothes to change?", he asked looking at you. You shook your head, holding the towel tighter against your body. Joonie laughed, "You're so cute.. I will bring you clothes, wait here~", he said while walking out of the bathroom. Sitting down on the bathtub you waited for him to come back. 'Did I just get horny from him seeing me naked?', you thought, feeling yourself get wet. You couldn't help yourself but to let one hand wander under the towel, caressing over your wet pussy. Playing a bit with your clit, not thinking about Namjoon who could come in any second. You were so turned on. As you heard the door opened you moved your hand quickly back to the towel, looking the most innocent as possible.
"Here, wear that. Its mine.. but I didn't know what to bring you.. all I could find was panties and some socks", joonie stuttered while holding towards you a white shirt and some boxers. "T-They are washed and comfy..", he said while looking at you smiling a bit. You took them and smiled back, "Thank you~". Than you just stared at each other. You didn't wanted him to leave but also didn't wanted to make the situation more weird than it already was. "C-Can I.. Can I help you?", he asked all of sudden while scratching the back of his neck. Looking shy, so adorable. At your confused look he repeated himself more clearly, "Can I help you.. putting your clothes on?". Your mind went blank but you nodded. 'What?', you asked yourself at the same time. 'No! Not now.. I need to go to my room', you bit your lip but your body didn't move a bit. As soon as you felt Namjoon's hands on your shoulders you threw every thought of not wanting this out of the window. You wanted him to touch you. Namjoon carefully started to dry your back with the towel until he reached your ass. Without asking he just grabbed your ass in his big hands and massaged them dry too. "Turn around", he whispered in your ear, his voice gave your chills it sounded so deep. Listening to him you turned around, now your face against his chest. Your eyes looked away to not get caught of beeing horny af.
Namjoon started to dry your shoulders and moved down, grabbing your breasts through the towel and gently rubbing them dry. You tried your best to act normal but failed, as a moan past your lips as he massaged your nippels through the towel. Namjoon didn't stop, he rubbed your stomatch dry and moved down to your thighs, leaving the rest of your body visible.
Biting your lip at the sight you had, Namjoon kneed infront of your thighs, on the same height as your pussy was. The thought alone of him eating you out, almost made you moan again. He rubbed your legs dry and than all off sudden you heard a growl and felt his head pushing between your thighs.
'He is a hybrid! Of course he would smell it!', than it came to you. That's why he was acting like this. Namjoon was about to go in his heat. That all makes sense now. But before you could give it more thought you felt backwards, almost falling into the bathtub. You catched yourself against the wall and couldn't help but to let out another moan. Joonie started to lick against your clit. If you didn't stop him he would eat you out and for sure regret it later. Hybrids in heat tend to lose theirselves in their lust and desire. But that wasn't as easy as you thought, since you were wet as well. Your body screamed for more.
"You taste so good Y/N~ Your smell drives me crazy! Let me have more?", joonie leaned away, looking up at you with blown eyes. Before you could answer you felt one of his fingers gently push into your hole, "You're so wet without me doing anything. You want this too right?". Than he removed his finger and brought it back up to his lips and licked it. "Mhh~", he sucked on it, smirking as he was standing up. Your eyes were now on the perfect height with his crotch. The outline of his semi hard cock was already visible on his boxers. "See? You did this to me Y/N!  Since 1 year you tease me and made me wait. But I can't wait anymore! I want to have you as mine~ Please let me have you?", Namjoon asked while rubbing his hand against the outline of his cock. What should you do? You wanted him, like he wanted you. Your hole was clenching now that it had a taste of what it could have. Taking a deep breath you made your descion, "Let's move to the bed first okay Joonie? I'm a bit uncomfortable here~", you said while trying to stand up.
Namjoons ears, that caught your eyes now like how for the first time you saw them, twitched up at your words. Your struggle of standing up ended as his two strong, buff arms lifted you up and carried you out of the bathroom. Your legs moved around his, as you hugged him and enjoyed the touch. You could smell his perfuem, he smelled so good.
Than you felt a spank at your bare ass, "Don't get to comfortable there princess~", he teased, half growled while walking into his room, not closing the door. Namjoon carried you over towards his bed, on the window. He dropped you and leaned over you, starting to kiss you again. This time it felt different, it felt wanted, desired and passionated. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, laying your arms around his back. Caressing through his hair you felt his lips move down your neck, kissing it, sucking it and leaving a few hickeys on it. Than he kissed down your chest, leaving hickeys here and there too, while Joonie's hands gently massaged your breasts, circeling your nippels. The moment you felt a tug on one of your nippels you moaned and qickly bit your lip afterwards. You enjoyed that feeling so much that your nippels got hard, rubbing your thighs together and moaning as he pressed his lips to one of your breasts, sucking on the nippel. You tossed your head from one side to the other. Joonie's lips felt so good on your skin. You loved beeing marked, you loved beeing his.
After all this years, where you made yourself cum over and over again while imagine this situation, you finally could make it reality. You for sure looked fucked out, eyes blown wide, hair messed up, hickeys everywhere, nippels hard and your pussy was dripping wet.
"P-Please more Joonie~", you whined as he still played with your nippels. Namjoon looked up to you and what he saw made his dick just harder. You looked so good under him, he would ruined you more. His dick painfully pressed against his boxers at the thought of finally taking you. Finally you would be his. Not Hoseoks! His! How he hated the thought of seeing you with him. Namjoon liked Hoseok, they're friends. But he never would forgive himself for noticing the love he felt for you not sooner. For leting Hoseok having you first. Now you would be his! His forever. He wanted to breed you one day, but now it was to early. "Be carefull what you wish for princess~", he said while kissing down to your legs, spreading them gently. "Your smell is driving me insane. You're so beautiful!", he growled and started to kissing your thighs, leaving hickeys all over them. Namjoon moved one finger through your slit, to your hole and started circeling it. He loved to see you whine and beg under him. His dominace came out to play, in such times. You loved his dominate side. Or how would army call that? Duality! Yes! You loved his Duality!
"What do you want precious? You have to tell me otherwise Daddy doesn't know~", joonie whispered against your clit, he gave it a gently lick. You moaned, wanting to close your legs. Joonie held them open and did the same thing again. "Is that what you want? Want me to lick your clit? To suck it and flick it with my tongue until you are sore?". He did it again, this time adding more pressure on your clit. Your legs started to shake as you moaned louder, "Please daddy!~ Please put your fingers in me! Play with my clit!", your voice gave out as you begged. Namjoon growled and pushed his head in your cunt. At his limit to control himself any longer, he pushed 2 fingers gently in your hole and let you adjust to them. His tongue sucked your clit and flicked it all few seconds. He loved your moans, the way your legs were shaking and your walls clenched around his fingers. After a few seconds he started to move his fingers in and out at the steady pace, which got faster in minutes. Joonie tried to thrust them as deeply as possible, making the 'come here' gesture. You couldn't help but to moan loudly, your mind was blank, the only thing you could think off was Namjoon and his long fingers. The only thing that you could hear was your moans and the wet, dirty noises from your pussy. Namjoon's fingers fucked you at a insane speed. You were so close, your legs started to shake more. You caressed your hands through his hair. "Are you close princess? You're clenching so much! Cum! Cum on my tongue! Let me taste you~", he whispered as sucked more on your clit, biting it slightly, carefully. Than you just saw white, something in you snapped and you let your head fall into namjoons pillow. You just came, all over namjoons tongue and fingers,even the sheets were wet. You squirted.
"Did my precious girl just squirt for me?", Joonie said while looking up at your hard breathing face. You tried to calm down, to figure out what just happened but you had no chance as Namjoon moved his fingers slowly again. "I wonder if you can do that again? You came so quickly, maybe you can squirt again? Come on! Show me your dirty side precious~", joonie sounded not like himself. It was the lion speaking. The lion that he hold back for all those years finally was free now and it wanted everything you could offer.
Namjoon flicked your clit once again, sucking on it a bit more. His fingers thrusting into you at a faster speed. You didn't know what do to with yourself other than just to moan and push your cunt against his fingers, wanting to feel more. "You want even more? What a naughty girl you are! Are you that needy to be filled? Than come on! Take one finger more~ I will fill your needy hole!", joonie pushed one more finger in your dripping pussy. All three fingers were moving deep inside you, while the flicks on your clit just got more intense. Than your eyes rolled back and you came again. All over his fingers, more wetness dripped down your ass  over to the sheets. "What a good girl you are! You deserve to have my cocķ! But let me clean you up first precious", namjoon said as he removed his fingers from your hole and licked them clean. Joonie leaned down and started to lick your hole , "You made such a mess~ Everything is wet because of that needy pussy of yours~", he slightly pushed his tongue in your hole, moved it around a bit. You whined and bit your lip as you felt his tongue inside, moving deeper. It felt so good but also so new to you.
After a few seconds he leaned away and moved away from your cunt, "Are you ready to get owned by daddy? Are you ready to be filled precious?", joonie asked while removing his boxers. His cock jumped out and your eyes grew wide. It was huge. You wanted to have it in your mouth, you wanted to suck him off. Just as you were about lean up, Namjoon pushed you down in the matress again, "Next time princess! I can't wait anymore! I need to feel your thight walls around me! Get ready precious Daddy will push his cock into you now~". You could feel the tip of his dick sliding up and down on your cunt, as he looked at you. "Look at me when I take you! Look into my eyes as my cock spreads you apart! I want to see your face when I pount into you and hit your sweet spot~", joonie moaned and grabbed my chin, to make me look at him. You got fluestered as you saw his eyes, dark and wild but beautiful and full of love.
Soon you felt his tip pushing into you, before with a 'plop' his whole, huge cock was inside. You felt so full, but in a good way. Even if it's burnt a bit in the beginning, after seconds you just felt incredible pleasure. The need to be fucked, to be ruined. "P-please move joonie~", you moaned while he leaned over you. Namjoon grabbed both of your hands and pinned them over your head,he hold them together without even trying. "I told you to be carefull with what you wish for precious~ Now you gonna get it!", he growled and started to move his hips in a hard and deep pace. You throw your head back again and moaned at the feeling. Namjoon hit your g-spot everytime he thrusted deeo into you. Your walls felt so warm and clenched around him. "Do you feel this?", he asked while giving one hard thrust, hitting your g-spot. "Next time I will breed you and fuck my seed deep inside your pretty pussy", he growled while getting faster and leaning down, kissing you. You couldn't help but to scream at his new pace, kissing him back passionatly. You were close, you would cum for the third time today. With him now pounding into you, having his eyes closed and moaning himself you just couldn't control yourself at this sight. You screamed Namjoon's name and came again. With that Namjoon stopped and leaned down to your ear.
"What a needy princess you are~ You came again and you still clenching around my cock~ Are you okay precious? Do you want more?", joonie kissed your ear gently and sucked on it a bit. You were so fucked out but you wanted to feel him cum too, wanted to pleasure him too, "I want you too cum too, Joonie Please use me!~", you whispered in his ear and kissed it too.
Namjoons hand caressed your cheek, pulling out of you, "Turn around than! Kneel over the beed, face to the window". Doing what he said, you had the perfect few out of the glass window. You were high up so there was no chance for someone to actually see you, but you could see people walking by, sitting on their desks and eating food. It made you just more wet. The thought of someone might see you getting fucked against a window turned you on.A spank against your ass made you whine and you forgot all those thoughts you had. "Lean forward! Press your breasts against the window!", he caressed over your back. You followed every word he said, now hissing at the feeling of the cold glass against your hard nippels.
Busy with geting used to the new feeling you weren't ready when Namjoon pushed his cock back into you. He pushed deep inside your cunt, leaning over you. You could feel his breath against your ear, over the back of your neck. "Do you like this precious? Does it turn you on that those people could see you naked, getting fucked by me?", he whispered in your ear while slowly starting to thrust into you. With every thrust your breasts bounced and rubbed against the window. You moaned and glass started to blurr. A few minutes later Joonie was fucking into you faster,you could feel his balls slappinh against your clit everytimd he pushed in. You closed your eyes and moaned louder, not seeing clear anymore. "Open your eyes princess! Look at this women with her child!", he growled while spanking your ass, he loved the way it jiggled everytime. Scared to got caught you opened them and looked down, out of the window to a bit older women than your mum. "What would you do if your mum saw us like this? Would you cum infront of her? Would she still think I'm a good school boy?", with every word joonie thrustes deep into you than pulling almost completly out and thrusting deep into you again. This had you screaming and the thought alone made you cum again. You let yourself fall against the window and tried to catch your breath. "See I knew you would squirt for me again~ What a good girl~ Now let me cum on your ass precious!", namjoon moaned while grabbing my hips and pouding into you like the lion he is. A few minutes later he whispered in your ear, "Happy Birthday to me", than he pulled out and came all over your red ass. You had just enough strenght to lift your gaze out of the window to the clock. It was 1 minute past midnight, Namjoons birthday was today and you had no present.
You were so tired. You hadn't noticed when Joonie stood up and came back with a wet towel and clothes to get you cleaned up. "Are you okay precious? Was I to rough? Let me help you", he caressed through you hair and lifted you up to lay your head on the pillow. You yawned and shook your head, "You were perfect joonie~". Namjoon cleaned you up and smiled at your words, "Everything I said was true. I love you Y/N! I hope you know that!", he sat next to you and wanted to put the clothes on you. As you heard the words you always wanted to hear, the words you already gave up on to hear, you jumped up suddenly wide awake. You craweld on his lap and grabbed his cheeks in both your hands, "WHAT? Say that again!", you thought that you had dreamt he said it and you just looked like a psycho now. But that thought changed as he took your hands in his, "I love you Y/N! I always have. I always wanted to be more than friends. Please be mine?". You jaw dropped not knowing how to react. "Love- I- do- too", came out and than you kissed him. This time the kiss felt complete. Namjoon chuckled and kissed your back,still holding your hands as he pulls you closer. You ended up falling asleep in the same bed, cuddling each other that night. The night on Namjoons birthday.
>> 5 years later <<
The last the day of your study live, that was today for you and for your boyfriend Namjoon. He already got your present, the other boys, your friend army and you gave him a huge birthday cake with a song they prepared called, >"Magic shop". It was such a sweet, beautiful song. Namjoon cried on your shoulder as he heard that song, he was so happy and touched. But of course he would get his 'special' present today night from you.
"Now, before we say goodbye and I let you leave this classroom, tell me where do you see yourself in 10 years?", asked our class teacher for the last years. As Namjoon's  answer came up he said, "I want to be a dad", while looking at you, smiling before looking at the teacher who laughed. You got fluestered and looked first at your friend army, who smirked and clapped with the rest of the boys and than back at Namjoon who winked at you.
After a while your turn came up, already knowing what you wanted you said, "I want to be a mum", winking back at your boyfriend Joonie. More clapping was heard and army started to laugh. Namjoon was the one blushing now and looked down at his calender. It said September 12th.
( I hope you enjoyed~💜 )
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tk-productions · 4 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.9 Kiss and Makeup
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Yua’s pov
I felt like I was going to throw up. My emotions were running all over the place and so was my brain. It was late but I knew I had to talk to Haru. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. I thought, reaching for the doorknob with sweaty palms. The cold air hit my face as I walked down the familiar street remembering the last time I was here. 
It was a few weeks after we broke up. Haru stopped coming to school and stopped answering his phone. I knocked on the front door calling out his name but no reply. His parents' car wasn't in the driveway. I peaked around to the back to see the back gate was unlocked. That wasn't like them. I grabbed the doorknob and it opened. Stepping inside there was nothing. Not a couch, a painting, not a single piece of evidence that a family once lived here. Every room was completely empty and so was I.
“Haru?” I called out disparately. Falling to the floor the tears I had been holding back started to spill.
“You can't just leave me here.” I cried. 
Here I was again, standing in front of his house with tears threatening to fall. 
“Yua?” Haru puzzled, shutting the front door behind him. “What are you doing here?” he asked walking closer. I don't know how long I was standing there but I didn't hear him open the door. 
“We need to talk.” my voice came out more as a whisper. 
“It's midnight. Couldn't this have waited until tomorrow?”
“No. I'm tired of you running away. I'm not leaving until we talk.” Haru quickly looked around before grabbing my hand and leading into the house and back to his room. Nothing had changed. Everything was back in its place like the house wasn't empty a few months ago. Every picture frame, piece of furniture, even the flower pot Haru’s mom kept by the front door. Being back reminded me of all the nights we would spend here watching movies and doing homework together. All the times we pulled all nighters for midterms and ended up eating way too many snacks. Then we would walk sleepily to Mystic cafe for coffee before our test.  I finally met Haru’s eyes and he stared at me worried. He still had his hands wrapped around mine.
“Why did you leave?” I asked bluntly. When he didn't say anything I asked again. 
“I thought we were okay. You told me you loved me and then disappeared. Haru I tried calling you I even came back here but you were gone. Why? You left me here and that hurt!” I cried out.
“Hey don't be so loud. My parents are asleep.” he said calmly. He took his free hand and tried to wipe my tears but I swatted his hand away. I stood up walking away from his bed. 
“I don't even know why I came here. You obviously stopped caring about me a long time ago. And what makes matters worse is that I still love you. Even after all the shit you put me through, I still love you!” Haru pulled me into his lap. We stayed in silence until Haru spoke.
“Yua I still love you. I always will.” he whispered into my ear.  I was torn. Those three words are what I waited months to hear but now I don't know what to feel.
“I know what I did was wrong but I had no intention of hurting you.”
“Then why did you leave?” I mumbled. I turned to face him, still teary eyed.
“I had to. I didn't want to but I had to. I had so many family issues and they all piled up at once. The next thing I knew we were packing up and headed back to our family home. I never meant to hurt you that night. When I came back I knew that I hurt you and didn't know how to talk to you so I kept avoiding you.I meant it when I said that I loved you. I never knew if I was coming back. I thought it would be better if you forgot about me.” 
“ We've been friends forever and dated for two and a half years. Haru I couldn't forget you.” I had been playing with the necklace around my neck while Haru talked. It was a habit that I picked up anytime I thought about him. I laid against his chest trying to take in everything that was happening. 
“You still wear it?” he smiled, brushing the hair out of my face.   
“Of course idiot”. We talked for a little while longer. I zoned out for a little while taking everything in. Nothing about him had changed.well maybe his hair. His hair had grown out a little but I still liked it. He still had that same smile that I loved since we were kids.  “You know you could have just told me what was going on.”
“I know. I should have but everything happened so fast.” I looked at my phone and it was 2am. I let out a yawn and got up.
“I should probably go home.”
“I'll walk you back. It’s late.” I nodded and yawned again before following him out of his room. Haru held my hand as we walked back to my house. It was silent but it was comfortable like it had always been. 
“Thanks for walking me home.” I said once we got to the front door. He let go of my hand and pulled me to his chest. 
“Let's talk some more when it’s not 2 am.” he laughed and I nodded against his chest. He leaned down to press  a light kiss on my lips.
“Good night Yua.” 
A few weeks later
“Why are you so smiley?” Hikari asked from across the table at breakfast. She gave me a confused look before digging her fork into her french toast. 
“No reason.” I smiled, looking up from my phone and sipped my orange juice. Hikari shrugged and continued to eat while scrambling to finish her math homework.
“If you weren’t up all night with Hisako playing video games then maybe you would have finished.” I joked. She looked up for a second to give me an angry glare before going back to her homework. 
“Girls! Hurry up with breakfast before you're late!” Mom yelled running through the house while biting into an apple. She had a meeting this morning and has been running around the house since 5 am. 
“Has anyone seen my phone?!” She yelled pulling her sweater over her head.
“Living room!” Hikari and I yelled back in unison. 
“Why is she always like this?” I asked, shaking my head. 
“Oneesan! Let’s get ice cream.” Hikari said happily as she and Hisako waited for me after school.
“Oh… I actually have plans.” I looked over her, smiling at the figure walking over towards us. 
“With who?” She pouted cutely. 
“With me.” Haru said leaning down to kiss me. 
“Okay ew. I guess I’ll go with Hisako.” Hikari said, walking away disgusted. She only walked a few feet before turning back to face us. 
“Wait are you officially back together?” 
“Maybe.” I winked, reaching up to kiss Haru’s cheek. Hikari walked away again with the same disgusted look walking faster to catch up with Hisako. I laughed reaching for Haru’s hand.
“Where do you wanna go?” Haru asked after walking around for a few hours.
“Let’s get ramen!” I cheered, grabbing Haru’s hand. There was a ramen shop that had opened up in Harajuku. 
“I see why you wanted to come here?” Haru laughed once we got to the building. I looked at him with a mischievous grin on my face.   
“How could I miss out on a Naruto themed ramen shop?” I squealed. Haru playfully rolled his eyes before following me inside. Everything felt normal again. After we talked at his house that night we talked a few more times before deciding to give our relationship another shot. I found us a table when Haru ordered the food. I felt off like someone was watching me. I haven't felt like this in awhile. It couldn't have been just me right? Hikari seemed fine so maybe this time it was really just me imagining things. I felt at ease when I saw Haru walking to our table.  
“Extra scallions, no garlic, firm noodles, extra spicy, and iced tea.” Haru smiled now sitting across from me. I smiled back happy that he still knows my ramen order. 
“And aren't you missing something?” I questioned. He laughed and pulled out a charm from his pocket. 
“And a Sasuke charm that you wouldn't let me leave without.” I smiled watching him add the charm to my keychain.
“Thank you.” The waiter came by with our food. I enjoyed every bite and planned to make Haru come back. While we were eating I noticed that Haru tensed up a bit. Maybe he was nervous. That wasn't like him though. After dinner we walked around Harajuku for a little while longer, popping in a few stores along the way. I noticed that Haru seemed distant and distracted. He only replied back to me with “yeah” or “okay”.  
“Haru?” I stopped him by standing in front of him. 
“What’s up?” he asked, confused. 
“Why are you so distant tonight?” He came closer now standing right in front of me, looking down. “Why are you so tall?” I mumbled looking up at him.
“Babe i'm fine.” he reassured, leaning down to kiss me. “Are you sure? We promised not to keep secrets from each this time.” 
“I promise I'm fine. Let’s go home though. I don't need your mom yelling at me because I brought you back past curfew.” he laughed. 
“It wouldn't be the first time.” 
Haru’s pov
I dropped Yua off and told her goodnight. Her mom gave me some lemon bars to give to my mom. My mom loved Naomi’s lemon bars. Walking back to my house I felt someone following me. I picked up on his scent. It was the same from earlier. I turned around to face where the scent was coming from.
“I know you're following me so just come out. I don’t bite well, not always” I was met with a teen boy with blue eyes dressed in all black. 
“So you’re the one that’s been stalking my girlfriend.” 
“I wouldn’t call her your girlfriend since she’s been crying about how you left her for a long time now. Maybe you should leave her again. That would make my job a lot easier” The boy said completely unbothered.
I looked him up and down before grabbing him by his collar “Who the fuck are you and what do you want with my girl?”
The boy yawned as if he was bored and pushed me off of him. “ You're in my business, don't do that. I’m pretty sure you have your secrets that you wouldn’t want her to know right?” He looked at me and his eyes were very cold. The boy smirked at me “you're pathetic and not worth my time so  let me handle my business in peace.”
He tried to walk away from me but I wasn’t about to let him go without knowing what he wanted from Yua. I grabbed his shoulder, turning him back towards me. “ If you think i’m just gonna let you leave then you got another thing coming. Now answer my question what the fuck do you want with Yua?!” I yelled as I attempted to punch him in the face but he dodged me and held a blank face as if he was bored.
The boy sighed before smirking at me. “You really wanna do this? Alright” He said before hitting me with a roundhouse kick catching me off guard hitting me directly in my jaw. I got ready to send another punch his way when I felt his knee hit me in the stomach with extreme force. I stepped back gasping for air. “Damn this guy is fast how did he land two hits in a blink of an eye!?”I looked at the boy who just looked at me and there was no smirk this time his face was serious.
  “I can do this all day. You wanna keep going? You seem out of it already so how about you dont waste anymore of my time.” he kept the same bored tone.
“Stay away from Yua and then I’ll leave you alone.” I growled this time using my speed and tackling him to the ground putting him in a headlock. I had to move faster than him if I wanted to get somewhere.
The boy sighed again and I heard him speak under his breath. “Idiot.” before breaking out of the headlock and elbowing me in my neck and sending a right hook across my face.  And just when I thought he was done he sent another kick hitting me straight under my chin sending me flying and hitting the concrete ground roughly.  “Next time you get in my way I won’t be so gentle.” the boy said before walking away.
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noctuascion · 5 years
Don't think I've sent you a prompt yet. So here ya go. Possible fluff prompt: Crypto gets sick and Mirage has to look after him.
Ahh, the good ol' sick fic, my favorite. Ty for your ask!! I'll do my best!!! ✨
Mornings were always particularly hard for Park. The night prior was either spent restlessly looking through files on his computer, or he was struggling to remain asleep due to constant nightmares or insomnia. Sleeping was something that merely evaded him, and he was thankful the cameras never zoomed in too much, otherwise they'd see just how fatigued he usually was during games, even if he still managed to pull his weight, if not just by a sliver.
Mornings were spent sleeping in until he couldn't stay in bed any longer. Breakfast was either skipped entirely or the bare minimum—toast and coffee—and all of his other meals were relatively spotty as well. He sometimes forgot lunch entirely, and, if it wasn't for Makoa politely asking him to join them for dinner, he'd probably forget that, too.
He ate very little, unconsciously trying to conserve his food, a habit likely picked up from his days with Mystik at the orphanage. His preference for junk food and takeout didn't provide for a healthy diet either, hence why he could admit he was a bit on the skinny side.
Coupling that with his horrible sleep schedule could likely provide an explanation as to why he woke up one morning feeling uncomfortably warm, head aching something terrible, throat sore, congestion in his nostrils, and limbs weak, a feeling of fragility he despised. He hadn't been feeling the best these past few days, but he had just assumed it was just a lack in sleep.
The hacker groaned when he tried moving, the action upsetting the headache he was currently nursing, before looking to the clock beside his bed. It read six thirty-seven, which meant he was up way earlier than he normally was. The other Legends tended to tackle the day before the sun was at the zenith of its arch, but Park preferred sleeping in, especially on days off.
However, with how horrid he currently felt, like he was overheating in his blankets, he couldn't see himself doing much else besides laying in bed, more miserable than he usually was.
That is until he heard a knock on his door, a rhythmic seven taps that indicated only one person.
"Rise and shine, butterscotch!" came Elliott's voice, providing yet another ridiculous appellation assigned to his person. "You said we could go see that cool fireworks show later, and I thought: why not get there and enjoy the festival for a bit?"
Oh, he had completely forgotten about the supposed "festival" being hosted by Hammond Robotics, some ridiculous, over-the-top celebration about nothing Park could bring himself to care about. He had said he didn't want to go, but Elliott had nearly begged him to go—and he agreed, though he didn't want to be around people for too long. His boyfriend understood his introverted tendencies to a degree, but Park knew there were still aspects he was oblivious to—much like how Park was completely oblivious to any and all aspects of Elliott's extroverted personality.
When no answer was had, Elliott opened the door with the spare key provided, something Park entrusted him with for situations just like these. Sunshine incarnate stepped inaide the surveillance expert's gloomy abode, donning that fond smile and gentle eyes. If Park didn't feel like absolute garbage, he'd happily welcome the other into his room with a hug and a kiss—if he was feeling confident enough, that is.
"Hey, you wanna get up anytime soon?" he asked gently, nothing condescending or belittling in his tone. He sat down on Park's bed, the mattress dipping with the added weight, and cringed upon seeing his boyfriend. "Wow, you look like shit—worse than usual—n-not like you're ugly or bad looking—it's just that you don't sleep much and—"
"I'm sick…" Park managed, immediately regretting it when he heard just how congested he sounded, how his throat burned at uttering just two simple words.
"Y-Yeah, I can tell."
Elliott's too warm hand came to rest on Park's forehead, the back of his hand pressing delicately against heated skin. He already felt like he could snap in half—he didn't need Elliott treating him like he would.
However, Park couldn't find it in himself to be angry—not when Elliott was shining those puppy-like eyes at him, concern painting his handsome features. Frankly, he felt bad for making him worry, but it wasn't exactly something he could stop.
"My poor shortcake. You got hit hard, huh?" the trickster whispered, likely taking into account Park's possible headache, his hand sliding along heated skin to gently cup the other's cheek. "Lemme go to our lil' clinic and grab you some meds. I'll ask Makoa if he can get me some tea for your throat and sinuses, too, m'kay?"
"Unnecessary…" he mumbled, hoping the quieter volume wouldn't elicit any flaring pain; it did, but not as severe. "I'll wait it out… Don't worry…"
"… And you call me an idiot."
Park wasn't exactly the easiest person to get a request from. Elliott had asked him countless times what he wanted and needed, getting the same responses over and over again, like he was a broken record. He hated feeling like a burden, and hated feeling indebted to someone. Elliott had to learn from picking up on social cues just to figure out he wanted a hug. Getting him to voluntarily ask for help, especially since he's too sick to go to the festival, the one Elliott really wanted to take him too, would be potentially be near impossible.
Park was stubborn, but Elliott was, too.
"Sweet angel that fell from the heavens, my beautiful boy, the cutest shortcake to exist—just let me do this for you." Hopefully, the puppy eye look was enough to get his stubborn lover to finally give in and let him be taken care of. "I love the shit out of you, and I hate seeing you sick. Lemme help you feel better—or I'll just have to kiss you better."
"Then you would end up sick, moron." Park pulled up his blanket a bit to cover the cough suddenly shaking his frame, expression pinched and pained; it was probably murder on his already sore throat. "Fine… But I promise to make up for the festival…"
"You don't have to, hon. Just feel better soon."
Despite knowing Park would protest, Elliott leaned down to press a kiss to the other's skin, a hand leaving the comfort of his blanket to swat him away, eliciting a laugh from the trickster.
Quickly, he made his way out of the hacker's room, shutting the door quietly behind him, before hurrying off to fetch the promised items. He asked Makoa first if he'd be willing to make some tea, explaining that Park was feeling under the weather, and even offered to make soup for him. The man was a saint, laughing off Elliott's "would that be asking too much?" with that same boisterous laugh. Afterwards, Elliott made his way to the clinic, their resident medic checking over medications and organizing her supplies. After explaining his symptoms, Ajay provided some ibuprofen, asking if he'd tell Park to "get better soon so they can even the score."
Once the medicine was acquired, Elliott returned to the kitchen, where the scent of ginger and tomato seemed ever so prominent. Makoa waved him over, allowing him to see the progress. He wasn't finished just yet, but he would be soon.
And, once he was, Elliott placed everything on a tray and brought it back to Park's room, where the hacker had fallen asleep in, though his slumber looked anything but peaceful. Elliott set the tray at the end of Park's bed, making sure it wouldn't tip over, before gently placing a hand on the slumbering man's shoulder, gingerly shaking him awake. Glazed over hazel optics moved to blearily stare at Elliott; said man could only smile once seeing him awake.
"Makoa made you some tomato soup and ginger tea, and Ajay gave you some ibuprofen," he said, moving to grab the tray and bring it over. "You think you're strong enough to eat and drink?"
A tired nod was all he got in response, Park's arms moving to push him up into a sitting position. Elliott moved his pillows around a bit so they'd provide some support for him, setting the tray in his lap. The hacker attempted to take a whiff through his congested sinuses, humming when the ginger tea provided some semblance of assistance.
"Okay, you eat, take your meds, and I'll go run you a cold bath."
"Cold…?" the hacker suddenly asked pitifully; he wasn't particularly fond of lower temperatures…
"It's to help with your fever, baby. I doubt feeling like you're cooking alive under your blankets is a good feeling."
Park let out a huff, a hand reaching for his ginger tea and the other taking the recommended dosage of ibuprofen. "I guess you're right…"
"I'm always right. The rightest man on the Frontier. You won't find a righter man than me." Elliott leaned over to press another kiss to heated skin, receiving yet another swat for his efforts, which, in turn, elicited yet another chuckle from the taller. "Enjoy your soup and gross meds, angel cake."
With the wave Park sent his way, Elliott hurried off to do as promised. The bath wasn't frigid, but it was just a little below lukewarm. He didn't want the other actually freezing; his sensitivity to the cold was cute, sure, because it meant more snuggles and hugs when they were out in the cold, but he didn't want to actually bring his boyfriend any discomfort. He even put in that little Nessie rubber toy the other insisted he hated, even though Elliott's seen him admiring it or even having it in his tub when he's washing up.
When he finished, Elliott returned to see Park had finished up most of his soup and that his tea was nearly gone. He assumes he took the medicine; Park's never given him any reason to doubt in the first place.
"Finished?" he asked, receiving a nod. He lifted the tray off the other's lap, setting it on his desk, which had a few takeout containers and papers strewn about. They'd have to clean that later. "You okay enough to walk to the bathroom?"
"Cool, cool."
And, despite the answer that couldn't have been anymore straightforward, Elliott moved forward, pulled the blanket off, slipped his hands under the baffled hacker's legs and back, and lifted him up like he weighed almost nothing. Park's arms unconsciously wrapped around his neck in a panic, already red-hued features darkening at the sudden action.
"I said I can walk," he muttered angrily, glaring up at his uncaring boyfriend, who didn't seem bothered by the scowl adorning the hacker's visage. Frankly, it's lost any intimidation it used to have and just reminds Elliott of a feral but sweet cat.
"I know."
"Then put me down."
And if bathing with Park, who had rested against Elliott's chest the entire time, pliant and quiet, nearly dozing off, wasn't worth missing out on the festival, then watching as the hacker drifted off to sleep later that night, content and comfortable in Elliott's arms, definitely made it worthwhile.
He couldn't help but press a kiss to the other's forehead again, knowing that, if the other was awake, he'd just swat him away like he normally does. Even though Park's fever worsened, fluctuating between stable and unstable, and eventually broke a few days later, Elliott didn't mind any of it, didn't mind the fact that they missed out on a few date opportunities, that they missed movie night and a few hours of sleep. Seeing his lover get better made any problem worth it, and the smile he got was all the reward he ever needed.
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nithyanelson-blog · 6 years
I have got a story to tell!!!!
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I have got a story to tell!!
I went for a trek recently and as usual uploaded the photos stories in WhatsApp and Insta. One of my best friends insisted me that I should write about the experience in detail since I went with zero company. I'm not so good with words or metaphors but here I'm trying to detail what I've experienced.
Usually, I have the habit of exaggerating everything. But when I decided to write about my trip, I wanted it to be damn honest and the way I experienced it and not for the usual Insta update.
For a long time, I was thinking of going on a solo trip and experience what actually it is. So when my colleague Keerthi who is an avid trekker told me about his experience, I got a spark that I should try this one. It took me around 5 months to convince myself that I will be able to make it and it took another 2 months to convince my paranoid mother why I wanted to do it.
After getting the blessings from Mommy Dearest, the date for the auspicious trek was finalised as Feb 3rd 2019. The plan was to reach Delhi by flight and train to Dehradun from Delhi. So I started to Delhi on 2nd Feb morning. Morning dawned as usual and I got ready as usual and boarded local train to airport as usual except the fact I'm carrying 60 litre bag. It was quite heavy and I still wonder why the hell I packed so much for a trek(First timer- you never know what you'll need :P) I left Singara Chennai with much love from two of my best friends Ani and Vaishu. To be honest, I didn't feel a thing till I landed in Delhi. The moment I got into the Delhi metro station alone, the feeling of doing something for the first time started to kick in. Now many of you think what's fuss about this going alone as if I'm going to Moon or other planet(I feel you guys!) but I'll tell you why. This is not something that happens in our household often. Even I go to Bangalore or any other place for office trips or any other trip for that matter, my mother make sure that I call her before, after and during the journey and book the safest mode of transport suggested by the company itself or being accompanied by a friend or colleague. I won't say that I have never travelled alone then it would be a big load of bull shit but this kind of trip and trek with bunch of strangers in no network area is not a usual one for us.
So I met two of my trekmates in the Delhi railway station and we started our journey together to Dehradun. Around 6:30 in the morning, I reached Dehradun and met the other trekmates who were waiting outside railway station. Then the introductions happened and a guy who looked not more than 20 came and introduced himself as my trek leader and he is Himanshu. Haha I was shocked. I had to check twice whether he was the trek leader for real. Then our journey to the village of Sankri began. Sankri is the base camp for our trek. It is around 180 kms from Dehradun. 10 of us got into tempo Traveller and started our journey to the base camp. On the way we had our dinner and lunch.
I still wonder why did I order Dosa in the pahadi restaurant. It was so worse all I wanted to do was to take a flight back to Chennai and have a Saravana Bhavan Dosa. And yeah I don't blame anybody. On the way I saw the glimpses of snow and Yamunotri ranges. Man I was damn excited for this trip!
At around 5, we reached our base camp and got settled in the rooms provided. I explored the village for some time and went to the temple and prayed without knowing who's the God🤦 Back in the camp, all the prerequisites for the trek(medical history, documents) were checked by our trek leader and he started the briefing for trek. We gave a brief introduction about ourselves and it reminded me of my college first day. Then I was so nervous but now it was so fun. I was smiling for no reason. 20 of trekmates came from different cities of India. One big gang from Bangalore, one couple from Mumbai to celebrate anniversary, one couple to celebrate honeymoon, one engaged couple, a father daughter duo from Kolkata, guys from Rajasthan, Mumbai. It was a mix of everything. Once the briefing was done, I went out to have my dinner and felt the first cruel chill of the trek. To be honest, I have never been in a place where the temperature is below 18° C. That too because this year we had actual winter in Chennai. So when you put me in the 4° C, obviously I would shiver and freeze. I was about to cry when I couldn't feel my hands. Himanshu smiled and said 'Hota hai hota hai'. Adeii!! All I wanted to do was to smack his face at the very moment. Then I grabbed the hot tea vessel and had some food for the growling stomach and retired to bed soon. I couldn't help imagining how I'm going to survive for the next 4 days. Truth to be told, I was excited for the trek and panicked for the cold. Somehow I was drawn into a dreamless sleep.
The next day I got up to the commanding voice of Himanshu. This time he wanted to check blood pressure at 6:30 in the morning. Phewww!! There gone my sleep with him. We got ready and had our breakfast and all set to go for the trek. On the first day we had to cross 2.5 kms. But believe me when I tell you it's not just 2.5 kms. When you ascend the mountain, you would feel it requires double or triple the energy to cross than the one guides have mentioned.
After getting the do's and dont's from Himanshu, we started our trek following the trail. We would have walked hardly for 500 m , then it was just snow. I came to know that this year the snowfall was very heavy and usually on this trek we get to see snow only on 3rd day but this time we got it 1st day itself. I was quite happy and excited and got into my usual jumpy mode to see the snow.
I had to pinch myself to make sure that I was not dreaming. I was walking on the 3 feet snow and all I could see was just snow. I played and played and played throughout the trail and fatigue started showing it's face before I could reach the 1st campsite. With much struggle and constant Chalo chalo echoes from the guides Sunil Bhai and Upi Bhai, I reached the camp.
It was such a mesmerizing sight! One side its a valley of snow and other side stood the glorious pine trees bathed in snow yet giving the majestic looks. We have got two local dogs to play with and it accompanied us to other camp sites as well. We played mafia, cards, some funny games for introductions and had a blast on the first day. It felt so very good to get rid of my inhibitions and be able to mingle with a group about whom I knew nothing of. Once the dinner done, some of us decided to go for star gazing and the argument, discussion about various topics during star gazing we had, are something that's gonna stay with me forever.
Second day dawned little cloudy and sun was not ready to come out and meet us. Today we had to cross 4-5 kms. There were three steep ascends in the trail and I was dreaded and excited as usual. But it was much better than I expected and was one of the firsts to reach base camp. On the way we had so much fun and as for me, 2nd day was the best. I sang the loudest on the way and threw snow at everyone I saw and we played with the fresh snow on the whole trail.
I stopped at so many places and wondered whether I'm in heaven. The moment I saw the frozen lake Juda ka thalaab, I fell in love almost immediately. How can everything be so pristine white like there is no hint of cruelty or bad vibes in it! Words fail me to describe the magnificence of the nature. No adjectives are enough to express the beauty of it. All I could do was to be in the moment and enjoyed it till lasts.
The same joyous mood stayed for the complete day. Even in the campsite, we played games but this time, on the snow. I was so carefree, and didn't have any worry about anything in the world. I made snowman(with huge help from Rahul), engaged in snow fight, played so many games. It was just merry making time for us.
After the two days of trek, I was confident that I could manage to reach the summit. So it was never a question of whether I could do or not.
Himanshu told that we would be starting at 5 in the morning for the summit. Around 11 pm, I woke up to the butterflies in my stomach. I thought it was the excitement and nervousness of climbing the peak. But later I found it was the butterflies of sickness. I threw up twice and Himanshu was called and he gave medicines and clearly told me that he wouldn't allow me for summit if my condition remains the same. So I prayed all the gods to keep me fit and healthy just for a day.
Around 3:30 am, we got the woke up call and we were welcomed with snowfall and bone breaking cold. I hoped that weather and my health get better before trek get started. An hour passed with the refreshments and nokjhoks. Weather got much better than me. I was feeling breathlessness for walking from my tent to dining area. Himanshu told me that I'm not going anywhere and asked me to take rest. After much pleading and him not wanting a debate in the morning, I started the trek. I took my father's muffler with me and keep on talking with it as if with my father. I keep on telling 'Appa epdiyadhu poidanum'. I pretty much managed half way then suddenly I started feeling nausea and was about to faint. I had to walk to a hut which was 100m away where I could take rest and start again but I couldn't even reach there. At that moment I realised I'm not gonna make it to summit and I failed. I informed my guides and Himanshu that I'm not coming and they can go ahead. I sat in the hut for 20 minutes feeling dejected and listening to a guide and other fellows who decided not to go to summit for various reasons. I listened and listened and suddenly I couldn't any more. I came out controlling my tears and looked at the majestic Kedarkantha peak for one last time and started to run to the base camp. Alone. Defeated. I blamed myself, my father, my health, Himanshu, anything and everything that came on my mind. And then I stopped and took a look around me. It was just snow and mountains looking at me. I sat there on the snow and started thinking why I failed. Then I realized I triumphed the moment I took the TT to Sankri with 10 odd strangers. It was never about the climbing the summit at 13000 ft. It was about me coming out of my comfort zone which I have drawn for myself. I still remember when I was roaming on the streets of Delhi, I gave a thought of going back to Chennai without even showing up in Dehradun. But I came to Sankri and for 3 days I was among the strangers doing things which I have never done in my life and lived my life like never before and survived -20° C. This is the success for me and this is what I wanted. If I climbed the summit, that would definitely been a cherry on the top but I can't sulk over it and not seeing the happiness and fulfillment I got every other minute over the past 3 days. I have never seen snow in my life but here I'm walking on the snow and couldn't see anything other than snow and beautiful ranges. Why would I worry for something which I can't control?? With determined mind, I started walking to the base camp. This time contented and happy. I danced, I sang, I laughed, I played, I talked with the mountains and I slid down the snow. Simply I lived in the moment and enjoyed the time. With the whole hearted happiness, I reached the base camp, gulped the medicines and waited for others to join. I heard the stories of people who climbed the summit and to my surprise I didn't regret the decision of coming down. We stayed in the pahad for two more days and enjoyed the bliss and started our way back to Dehradun bidding good byes to our guides, Himanshu and the black dog who accompanied me throughout the trek! Being emotional type that I'm, I shed two or three tears when Himanshu hugged and asked me to come back to finish the summit.
When coming back, all the memories of the last 5 days rushed in my mind and probably the precious memories of my life. I'm sure I will go back to see the mountains again. May be they wanted me to come again and that could be the reason for my sickness 😝 (When you're are so optimistic, you can say anything)
This 5 day trek was not just another vacation for me. It was the best time and there is a feeling of content and self realisation! I realised it's ok to give yourself a break and live the life a little at times!!
While we were on the trek, everyone had a story to tell. When they looked at me, I told them with much embarrassment that I don't have any story. Rahul cheered me up and said 'Now you have got a story'.
And yeah now I have got a story to tell everyone💛
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sanaseva-archive · 7 years
i read ur tag about how people don't read ur evak headcanons but im new here and would love the shit out of them
sorry this took ages because it’s a lot to collect from a lot of places, but like. it’s not that they don’t read them. it’s that when i tell them they tell me to stop (probably bc it’s emotionalé :P)
but i usually send headcanons to sunny, anki and faiza!!! (and a couple of others on twitter but that was between seasons mostly lol)
read under break!!
1. pianist!isak
when isak was younger, he played the piano. he took classes, he understood the instrument, he felt the music flowing through his fingers and into the air, an echo from his very soul. he could switch it up and he could make a happy song sad.
then, people started to comment on how gay it all was. he started to panic and put the piano lid down, never to touch it again.
his father moved out, brought the piano with him, and isak never really cared. he could skateboard instead, hang out with jonas and play video games instead. jonas tried to ask once, “what’s up with you never playing the piano anymore?” but isak shuts him down easily with “it’s boring and i hate it”. they never touch on the subject again.
years later, when even and isak are out travelling, isak finds a public piano. he gravitates too it and even says something about “no, let it be, it’s not a toy, love,” but isak doesn’t care-- doesn’t listen. he hasn’t touched a piano since-- well-- since he stopped playing. he has, however, missed the piano so much. he missed the control he had. god knows he can’t sing to save his own life, but the piano? that’s something he can do.
he goes there, and does the thing, leaving even and the crowd speechless. who could’ve guessed, that the young man in trainers and snapback could do that?
even shines with pride, he hugs isak tightly when he’s finished and kisses him, and tells everyone to “look at my boyfriend!!! isn’t he fantastic? amazing? absolutely perfect?”
2. even + the balloon squad, growing up
okay so, this one was with faiza. remember the handshake in the hei briskeby video?
even was there when it became a thing. he was there for a long time. they knew each other for a long time, in fact.
so i couldn’t stop thinking about all !! the !! events !! they have shared, all the things they remember doing together, all the things they grew up doing together. such as:
at the bakkoush' it was not uncommon for many years to see the boys pretend wrestling and hugging and racing the house. when the boys were really small they used to run outside on various branches pretending to play quidditch and even could recite his favourite parts by heart and mikael too
about painting nails
imagine even and mikael and yousef painting their nails together for the first time and they spill probably on sana's favourite shirt and they're super sorry and sana is like UGH YOU CAN'T EVEN PAINT YOUR NAILS PROPERLY ALRIGHT LET ME DO IT SO YOU DON'T SPILL IT ALL OVER THE PLACE and they're like YES PLEASE SANA HELP US
faiza added:
i continued
and then they can't stop showing elias and mutasim and mama and papa bakkoush their nails and they keep complimenting sana's skills like "we ruined her shirt" "were so sorry :(" "but she helped us with the nails and LOOK LOOK!!!" and mutasim is probably like "looking good bros" and mama bakkoush goes "very nice boys, ooo look at that colour even!! it really brings out your eyes" and even literally shines up and sana is like ughhhhh these boys can't do shit
about biking
imagine them biking and racing each other and then like. elias falls and scrapes his knees and it Really Hurts and the boys are like oh No and try to help him and they get Elias back home and nobody's home and Yousef is like. "Well, first we need to clean it" and Elias tries to Be Cool but his eyes sting when they help cleaning the cuts and Sana comes home and Elias is crying in the bathroom with all the boys, Muta probably tries to calm the situation but Sana is like WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER and they're like "no no he fell when we were biking" and Sana puffs out some air and takes the charge and she calls their dad to get help over the phone and then they help Elias to his bed to lie down and they're all So Concerned but by the next week they're at it again, biking down the streets because it's what they do 
If they were really young when they met imagine them learning how to bike 😭😭😭 
about harry potter nerding
(imagine that, a preteen even is sitting on his bed, his legs crossed and he tries to do magic like they do in harry potter, and he tries to magically make sure his friends are okay before he goes to bed every night, and later, when he doesn't understand why he's starting to loose interest in things and feel endlessly sad all the time, he puts a hand to his heart and whispers lumos, because once, when he was crying because someone had been mean to him, mikael tried to cheer him up by putting his hand on even's heart and said lumos with a small smile, saying that now his heart should feel lightened)
faiza added:
all the boys having / a harry potter marathon / though /those are what nights are made for
i continued:
And Even and Mikael battling about who knows the most trivia / Yousef is always the one butting in about "but that's not how it is in the books" but even just laughs and says "its a movie, they can't have everything in it" and mikael just nods enthusiastically and they both sigh and blows out a wish about how they want to be a director one day 
3. random evak headcanons
i sent this to anki, for example:
imagine when they're like 30, even blows out a sigh in the car and wishfully says something about wishing to have a motorcycle and just,,, couple of months later, isak has bought him a motorcycle and (if the license for motorcycle doesn't come with the regular driving license as it used to in Sweden in like the seventies or smth) he takes the license with even, and then they go on a trip somewhere ;nnnn;
and we’ve talked about isak’s sleeping problems too. here’s the convo:
okay, but like. i can't fall asleep. so im thinking about isak not being able to fall asleep. and that makes me just Upset
it's gotten a lot better now that he gets to sleep next to even every night. but sometimes, the thoughts still creep up on him, making it impossible for him to fall asleep and then he tosses and turns around in bed, kicking the bed linen off himself, then covers himself up again because he freezes and even wakes up from it, whispers a "can't sleep?" all groggy and isak nods, cuddles closer to even and takes a breath. one, two, three, four. tries to calm himself down. even's hands hold isak's, firmly but soft. "i'm here"  even whispers and isak breathes out again. one two three four
and even doesn't force isak to tell him all his thoughts, if isak wanted to he'd tell him, and that makes isak calm down even more, he's getting a lil sleepier still not sleepy enough to actually fall asleep but at least he's napping a little
even notices the difference immediately. isak's response time slows down, his words get bundled together before they leave his mouth, his gaze is glassy and far-away, and sometimes, it feels like he's speaking to a ghost.
even tries to do a lot of things for isak. but he knows this isn't something he just can't. fix. much like how isak can't fix /him/. but that doesn't mean he doesn't try.
he lets isak rest against his chest because the even's heartbeats makes it easier for isak to find some peace.
he lets isak gaze off mid-conversation, and easily gets him back to track when isak blinks a couple of times to find himself in the present.
he helps isak find someone to talk to-- a professional-- and he hates to see how it doesn't get any better. it's not that it's getting worse per se, but isak feels a lot worse (which makes even feel much worse) because he got his hopes up. instead he's just. a walking zombie sometimes.
one day on the weekend, even wakes up to isak softly snoring. he rolls off the bed, gently, to make some breakfast. and when he gets back to their bedroom, he can see the absolute terror in isak's eyes.
"what's wrong" he asks, and he's starting to panic.
it takes a while-- most of this part of the memory is locked behind a door in even's mind, but later when isak comes back from another doctor's appointment, he learns that it's called sleep paralysis.
"i saw monsters," isak tells him quietly, and even can see isak's hand shaking a little. "i thought i was going to die."
even doesn't know what to say. he recognises the feeling-- from the monster inside his own head that sometimes visits him and overstays its welcome. when he wakes up one day, feeling the depression slowly dissipate, he tends to think, "i thought i was going to die" too.
he holds isak tightly instead, and doesn't really say anything. but isak hugs him back tighter (but much weaker than he would've a month ago) and he knows that they'll get through this. 
and i’ve talked to both anki and sunny about pokémon go and the boy sqad so...
since even is a '97 there's no reason for him not to be completely hyped up about pokemon go. like. magnus is like lowkey, jonas is probably more with even on this and mahdi and isak are like ?? but even and jonas definitely drags them all around oslo, trying to catch the fucking digital creatures and nearly screams when a Rare appears on their nearby list.
guess who gasped when gen2 was released? even. 
guess who groaned? isak.
but it's actually quite useful, isak finds, for when even is getting restless and can't sleep. isak suggests, "let's see if there's any new pokémon, shall we?" and out they go. for half an hour, an hour-- maybe two hours late at night, just strolling and trying to get them. when they get back home, even finally manages to fall asleep, and isak is holding him tightly, muttering about "guess im not the only nerd in this relationship," before he too falls asleep.
what they’re scared of:
what even is scared of:
being alone for too long, being left, being lost at an unfamiliar place, breaking something he's gotten as a gift, forgetting important dates, losing someone he loves, baring his soul, of himself when something feels Wrong but still not really wrong at all, making mistakes
what isak is scared of:
being left, dark and small spaces, getting bad grades, Weird Insects™, hurting someone he cares about,
(spiders especially:
me: so i totally think isak would be scared of spiders and literally shriek when he sees one this summer and jumps up on a chair calling for even to come save him and even is like..... mate It's our roommate Bengt or smth
And isak is like no take it outside!!!! and then when Bengt has been let out to live its spidery life even just gently teases isak a little and isak is like no this didn't happen idk what you're talking about WHERE'S YOUR PROOF 
anki: "I'm the master of liking spiders. they're so very...... nice"
me: "especially their..... legs?"
anki: "they have like....... eight legs don't you think that's......................... A LITTLE BIT TOO MUCH"
me: "a little bit too much" is definitely said with a squeak)
whatever you do absolutely do not think about the squads having a movie night at evak's place and isak falls asleep on even's shoulder, and even lets him sleep there for a while, even though he notices how isak starts to drool all over him, and when the movie is over the squads fall quiet because-- wow isak really is the softest boy around even???? and even just gestures them to be quiet and carries isak over to their bed and isak wakes up a bit, asking if the movie is over and if it was any good and he's sorry he fell asleep and please tell everyone good night from me and that i love my friends
and even does that, and when he comes back to bed isak is fast asleep again and he was honestly just going to lie close to isak for a while before cleaning up the plates and bowls for snacks they've used but he falls asleep to, holding isak closely and hearing his boy's deep breathing.
when he wakes up, in the middle of the night however, isak has managed to turn the tables and he's being held by isak again. he doesn't mind, even if isak has started drooling on his neck again
about even’s first movie being about isak:
do you ever think abt even making his first movie and it isn't directly about isak but it's about his /love/ for isak and when isak watches it for the first time he is a sobbing mess
also the credits just begin with "for you" without putting a name in there and isak just SOBS AND SOBS AND SOBS
evak + snowboarding
next winter even definitely takes isak out for some snowboarding but isak is definitely hopeless at it and isak can be heard muttering about "is it even normal to want to be this high up on a fucking mountain and wanting to race down this shit on a fucking snowboard"
u know when u eaten spicy food and u wake up feeling hangover the next day? (i don’t but my apparently this is a thing lmao)
one day even makes the food too spicy but isak really wants to prove him he's Tough(TM) and eats it all and tries not to complain or show he's suffering and the next day isak wakes up feeling like he's hungover because there was so much salt and seasoning and shit that his body is like. mate. water pls.even laughs as he hands isak a waterbottle.
this summer evak moment we won’t see:
one day this summer, even will wake isak up at like 9am and be like "we're going to the beach today yes we aaaaree" and isak is like, tiredly, "we are?" and even is like YEP GET UP YOU LAZY BOY and the breakfast is in the table for isak when he has finally managed to roll out of bed and when he enters the kitchen isak opens the freezer bc "it's too hot even I can't live like this" and even closes the freezer bc "we have food in there isak, please" and then they get to the beach and isak rolls out the blanket or the towel and literally slumps down and falls asleep again, only to wake up to even touches his legs with.... something??? and isak squeaks "what are you DOING" and even stops for a second before he says "you need sun protection my pale boy, or do you want to turn into Donald trump?"
and then even plays some music on his phone, probably nas bc why not, and then isak wakes up again and is like "I need water NOW im BURNING" and they race into the water laughing and tripping and then they probably kiss in the water and isak challenges even into another hold your breath under the water competition and isak is so so grumpy that he never wins that shit 
like there’s a lot? of shit i’ve shared? like ?? i can’t go through everything im sorry ;n;
this is a fkn mess, im so so so so sorry
and i’ve shared tonnes of headcanons with sunny amongst others, like. it’s impossible to mention all of them rip
also this is super not in order we’ve spoken about them?? and they’re like. sometimes in swedish and sometimes in english it’s? a mess honestly? and like. all of the above is basicaly copy paste bc im too lazy trying to make sense hahhahaa sorr,y
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myheartisbro-ken · 7 years
Hi! 💙 I hope your are doing well. Congrats on the article. The reading will probably be okay. Are you a fast or slow reader? I read rather slowly, especially if I'm enjoying what I'm reading. It sticks with me better that way, but it takes me longer to do things. 😅 My semester ends next week, then have finals period. l'm taking Summer courses tho to get ahead. I get what you mean. I don't party, but around TH and F there's a certain restlessness about some of the students to drink/part. (Pt 1)
Ugh, I hate group work. 😐 Best of luck to you. Maybe your for a decent group. Anyway, I prefer morning courses. I get up at an obnoxiously early time to attend though. I’m fine with it though because it lets me take my courses in a block with out breaks, so once I’m done, I’ll be done for the day. 😥 Probably an unpopular schedule though. Oh, so My Immortal can actually be constructive to writers. That makes sense. It’s what a writer shouldn’t ever do. About JK, I think it’s an attempt (pt 2)(pt 3) Lowkey don’t recall my train of thought..Anyway, wow, I definitely agree with your statements about Lena knowing Kara’s dual identity. Snapper knowing wouldn’t help anything, since he’s too minor a character to do anything useful with information. Lena knowing would create more depth, tension, plot possibilities etc., which is why’d it would be a shame for her to be left in the dark. Also, I feel her not knowing (or at least theorizing Kara’s supergirl) is ooc. I suppose the writers– –haven’t had an issue with that based on what they’ve done to Alex. :-/ Hmph. I’m still so annoyed about that. Partially, because I’m a SuperCorp shipper, but mainly because it’s an insult to Alex’s personality to force her to advocate on Mon El’s behalf. Who was your favorite character from S1, btw? I’d probably go with Kara, but for S2 it’s definitely Lena. Anyway, yes Lena looks so amazing in the trailer! Heh, I intended it to be a soft FMK…I was going to make it all Katie, but wasn’t–(4)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)(6) Uh, let’s see. I’m going to assume they are all brought to current times, so the 21st century. I would marry Morgana. You know what? I’d marry Morgana S1 or S5 because I’ve so many emotions for her and what she went through. I’d want her to know someone would be on (*cough* and by *cough*) her side. Also, she has magic that’s cool, but not the point. I don’t really want Supergirl to kill me or be sad. I wouldn’t kill Lena as of now; she’s not done anything wrong. Also, her company is (TBC)(8?) So, yes: M:Morgana, F: Lena, K: Kate. Hmm, I see yours and raise you: FMK: Lucy, she’s a vampire now but has some control over it | Kara Danvers, more so S1 in personality, but she’s still elects to become a reporter and encourages you | Lena, before she met Kara and is still learning to be a CEO…I guess that’s a younger!Lena? Idk. Okay, that should work. I hope you have a good day and night. Do you read comics? I don’t, but was curious if you did. U seem to know some lore. :-)
Heyyy! I’m not so sure I’m a fast or slow reader, it depends on my state of mind, if I take my meds and external interruptions. Usually I can read pretty fast if it’s something I’m interested in but I tend to miss things and have to read it again, with school things I’m the worst. I still have things from last year that I never got around to read and one of them was about superman (I miss studying cinema because we could have an entire class about superman and co and then write fanfiction of the world as an activity). We don’t have summer classes here, that sounds interesting, it’d be nice to get ahead, also it’s about to be winter here so after July we’ll get maybe a month off and then it’s back to being unresponsible adults. I’ve nothing against drinking and partying, I like drinking (parties are usually weird but sometimes it’s cool) but don’t freaking leave class to do it, go after the class, how disrespectful is it to leave the poor teacher there waiting 20 minutes to see if the rest of the class will show up or they’ll have to do with six or seven people? Also you pay over 1.000 bucks a month to study and you don’t give a shit about being in class? it’s throwing money away and it’s disrespectful to whoever is paying school, even if that someone is yourself. I’m not those kids that say you should only do what’s right and never skip class never drink or do anything because you have to study instead of throwing your life away. But school is expensive and respect is something you should have for everyone (unless someone is a jerk, because it’s not murder if the person is a jerk…jk)
I never liked studying in the mornings but it’s sort of better, however, my classes only exist at night, there is morning journalism classes, but it’s in another neighborhood and we have to cross the bridge and there’s no cool campus. I like my campus.
group projects are the worst. They end friendships, they end marriages, they end happiness, they lead to murder… it’s never fun. I always imagine that scene with the guy getting pizza and coming back to the place on fire and people bleeding, or that one from Mean Girls with the fighting over Aaron Samuels in animal style. Those are the only representations of group projects that are realistic.
I love how you just started to talk about JK, had two words in and
Honestly Alex has been so ooc this season it’s almost sad. No offense to Sanvers, but I think even that relationship is a bit ooc. Not the fact that there is a relationship but how it is being handled. Not gonna go into it cuz I don’t want to rant here. but I would ship Sanvers if they had put a bit more of effort into getting them together not ‘I don’t want a baby gay rn, so let’s be friends. PSYCHE I just got shot in the most harmless area of my entire body, let's make out!’
The same Alex that thought James wasn’t good enough for Kara and decked Maxwell Lord for existing would never make excuses for someone that is basically the dumb alien version of Lord with worse hair and more aggression and more pretending to be a #goodguy who’s just trying so hard and changed because after 9 months on earth as a grown man he decided to read a book, feed himself and clean his own mess… or pretend to clean his own mess while Kara actually does it and he just sits there and says she’s annoying because she doesn’t want to run away from her problems. (hey look, ranting… she said with surprise in her voice for some reason)
My favorite character was definitely Cat… and Kara. Both at the same time, I can’t choose between them, please don’t make me. and now it’s Lena… and still Kara even though she’s basically dead inside and that girl who cries because her boyfriend is moving away and it will destroy her life because that person she knows nothing about and met 9 months ago when he tried to kill her and has been lying to her and shoving her self-esteem down ever since is apparently the most important person in her life and she can’t live without him. he cooked her breakfast so he can’t move away and face his responsibilities, she’s the best thing he’s ever known, not person, thing. That woman in the best thing… god, this is so gross I cannot continue even to joke about this. so yeah, Kara is SUPER ooc this season, but I still love her and have faith she will recover from this terrible illness and come back to us, I miss her.
Yes! I would totally still marry Morgana even season 5 Morgana. poor thing just needs a hug and a friend to tell her she’s not a monster for being born different. I might start crying now so I’ll change topics. 
Definitely Marry Kara, no questions asked. Fuck Lena because, I mean, just look at her. And Kill Lucy, my poor bby, but she’s a vampire so she has to go, control or not, ‘vegetarian’ vampires are dumb.
I do read comics, not as much as I’d like, but I also watched all of the DC cartoons (minus Legion because it looks dumb) most of Smallville and Lois & Clark and when I want to know some more I read about the storylines and all, like even when I don’t read the comic itself, I read about the comic. I won’t say I know all about everything, but I can hold my ground, I guess, I’m also not above admitting I don’t know/haven’t read enough about one subject/character and reading about that on one of the sites I trust. Also watched a lot of Marvel cartoons and most of the movies aaaand I read a lot of Marvel comics, specially Balck Widow, Hawkeye, and Young Avengers.
Did you watch any superhero cartoons? They were a pretty big deal in the 90′s and early 2000′s.
Hope you have a great day and night 💙😊
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yaneka-blog1 · 7 years
What they don't know, I'm a broke bitch with nothing in the bank.
Currently at Intercontinental Hotel 9:12pm
So you see me driving a latest Sports car and having a bit designer clothes and bags and you think that my shit is in perspective. You’ve got no idea of how much you don’t know about how fucked up and messed up my little life really is. The car is not even mine. It’s not even his, it’s from his company named after his kids. House owned by same company, apartment paid by same company ( I will make a topic out of this). I’m actually writing here because I feel safe knowing that this place can give me anonymity, from the nosey boyfriend’s sons who want to fuck me of cause if they get a chance ( from a confession) and all others who think that my poor life is perfect.
So today I am particularly very cranky because I haven’t had decent sex since last Christmas. Reason being, boyfriend drinks into stupor which is not bad but now he had such a terrible psoriasis attack facially he looked like Quasimodo and his dick looked like a dried out salami with scales and all. He actually started calling his dick Chipolata. His face swelled up and I had to drag him to a doctor who was so shaken he requested an HIV test. Yikes. Came back negative. So boyfriend got steroids and creams which work but the erection went on holiday and he looks like he is undead.
If that was all of my problems I would not have been complaining, I really screwed my self over for being with this man reason being, he is still legally married even though they haven’t been together since 14 years. He is an alcoholic. He feels obligated to look after a woman who has now a child with another guy, happily living together at my expense. We have to make sure that first wife is catered for before I can get what I need. I don’t know what I was thinking when i had a child with this man. It’s really crazy because he will not divorce because he won’t share his “empire”. What really annoys me the most is that even though we are not legally married we’ve been living under the same roof for six years. And I’m obliged to refer to him as my husband, with that limp dick and Quasi face. Not even mentioning that he’s still married to a woman who will inherit everything if anything ever happens to him,most likely to happen coz dear husband is a painful alcoholic. (Another topic) God she will kick me out from the house before he is buried.
Did I mention that they broke up after he found wifey fucking her current boyfriend in his bed? Why? I’m still holding on to get an answer about that.
What pisses me off the most are the empty promises. If you don’t wanna do shit for me, do for your illegitimate child. Buy a property or do a trust fund or whatever. You know. To make it worse I endure insults, left right sand center, degradations, I’m put down, told to shut the fuck up always. He is the man. He is the businessman so little me must always say yes.
Moving on today I got pissed off because I went for breakfast this morning and had to go and organize a credit note at Prada. Ended up sitting for lunch with little one because I stopped milk a few days ago. Little one need time to eat properly. I took doggy bag which was put on a bag that resembles a shopping bag. All hell broke lose. Where was I from 11am to 1 pm?Im shopping and using money and I’m disrespectful and a lot of blah. I got upset and shoved back the credit card back to its owner. I’m still fuck upset. So boyfriend will fly out tomorrow so I will see what will happen.
PS: I maxed out the credit card after I got an empty watch promise. (Will show what I got if you request)
So from now on I will be posting the rest of this journey.
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