#(keith catches it)
melanthiosthescreamer · 2 months
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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Consoling cinnamon roll 🥐
Shop, Patreon, Commissions: linktr.ee/mezzy
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sweetpaintedladie · 2 months
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Keith Richards in Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg (2024)
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heynhay · 1 year
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ghibli-style klance.......
oh u like it? well leenfiend made one too!!
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kiyomisworld · 3 months
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twooowabajiyy…. towobjttrmayhhhrewwwssss…. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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justaz · 2 months
lance tailors keith’s jacket since it doesn’t fit him anymore and is very paranoid about making sure the jacket is perfect before he gives it to keith so he spends months on it. once he’s finished, he wears the jacket and does all these different stretches to ensure the jacket doesn’t tear. when it doesn’t, he goes to take it off and wrap it up to give to keith when his brain is like “what if i wore it down enough for it to tear when keith wears it?” so he pulls it back on and keeps moving around to see if it’ll tear. finally, keith’s birthday rolls around so lance forces himself to make the finishing touches and wrap it up to gift it to him. keith loves it. he pulls it on and the jacket carried the overwhelming scent of lance. keith doesn’t take it off for a while.
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cherryisagamer · 7 months
to hell with personal blog consistence, THIS SCENE ENDED ME
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callmelyc · 10 months
Just gonna start cross posting every single bit of Twitter nonsense soooo
Lance joining Keith on blade missions post war and calling him "Captain" in the most flirty tone. He does this during meetings and such just to make Keith blush or stutter in his words.
The first time lance does this it catches Keith so far off guard his reaction isn't at all subtle.
"Excuse me, Captain~" Lance all but purrs the title in that lovely lilting tone of his and Keith damn near chokes on his own spit right in front of a room of BOM personel.
He clears his throat best he can trying to gather himself- because what the fuck- "y...yes Lance?"
"What if we went in teams of two? That way at least two people could tackle that northern section there."
Keith turns to look at the map, fluster momentarily forgotten, and sees Lance is right it would make more sense.
So plans are changed with unanimous agreement and things move on.
The flirtatious captain is forgotten until it happens again, this time in the halls.
Keith is talking to a commander for one of the resistance outpost when he feels a presence slide into his side so smooth and efficiently he nearly ignores it.
He knows it's lance, it always was, and he's more surprised by the fact Lance stays so silent.
It's not until the Commander, a man named Zyre, starts to comment on lack of trust that Lance speaks up before Keith can even get a word.
"Excuse me Commander but I can assure you Captain Kogane has it all under control" he says it with a charming smile that seems to ease all of Zyres worries.
Keith never knows how he managed it with such ease and simplicity, to calm someone's worries as if it's his living purpose.
He watches as the two talk, ending with a light laugh and a kind goodbye.
As the commander leaves Lance turns to look at him, blue eyes sparkling like the ocean "what's wrong Captain?" And there it is again that flirtatious sing song of his title that makes Keith gulp. A tanned hand smoothly slides up Keiths arm making his mouth run dry "cat got your tongue?"
Keith fights the flaming blush rising up his cheeks, he turns to rush away in place of a reply knowing it was far more incriminating thid way.
If he hears Lances twinkling laughter as he turns the corner Keith makes nothing of it.
The third time is, unfortunately for Keith, during a joint BOM and Atlas meeting.
Griffin was arguing the benefit of using some of his crew alongside one of the other branches of the resistance and it was draining Keith's patience to no end.
Sure they get along now, somewhat, but that didn't mean he found James particularly pleasant to listen to.
He drones on and on about the efficiency and things he'd already covered in his pitch but despite a good amount of the room being a tad annoyed no one seemed willing to stop him...yet
That's when Keith sees It, the look™ on Lances face and he knows oh God does he know.
Lance smiles when he notices he's caught Keiths eye and tosses him a knowing wink.
Keith fights everything in him not to groan as Lance shifts to cut Griffin off without even looking at the guy. Those blue eyes zeroing in on Keith from across the room with terrifying accuracy and focus.
"Captain Kogane" he says oh so sweetly it shuts everyone up in an instant. Lance even bats his lashes for extra effect because his new favorite thing to do is apparently publicly torture Keith.
"I-" Keith starts far too distracted to even notice the way some have started giggling at his demise. Too far gone for this boy that his loss for words is so heavy for something so small.
"You had a contact in that Sector didn't you? Why not utilize them?"
It's not until after the meeting that Keith realizes others have taken notice to Lances....well, whatever it is he's doing.
Keith tries to ignore the look, the whispers, the focus. He really does. But then Shiro has that shit eating grin on his face as he walks up next to him and Keith would rather be literally anywhere else.
"So Captain Kogane huh?" Shiro asks smugly.
Keith glares at him "shut it grandpa, he's just being respectful."
That makes shiro snort "yeah sure respectful is definitely the word for that."
Keith reserved to say nothing as they walked to the cafeteria and did his best to ignore every giggle and whisper thrown as he passes.
If he thought that was bad he wasn't ready for the way people mockingly called him Captain at lunch. They'd say it with that same flirty lit and over the top gestures that made his skin crawl. Its not in a mean way, he knows. It's more in the they were clearly mocking Lances tone kind of way and Keith found that unacceptable.
It irked him to no end. If they were gonna poke fun at him fine! But don't bring lance into it.
So Keith did the only rational thing left. He left the cafeteria.
He tracked down Lance because even if he was the cause of the teasing Lance was still far better company than anyone else on this god forsaken ship.
He found him in the ships artificial courtyard humming to himself as he played with the vines.
He sits next to Lance enjoying the simplicity of the moment since they usually don't get much time like this and returns the smile Lance throws his way. It's comforting when they're together like this. Just the two of them with no prying eyes or mission discussions.
"What brings you here Samurai? I would've thought you'd eat lunch with Shiro."
Keith huffs a bit "with everyone jokingly calling me Captain I'd rather sit somewhere relaxing."
Lance frowns "do...do you not like being called Captain?"
Keith looks at lance dumfounded, he's unable to reply before lance continues "should I stop?"
The two look at eachother wide eyed for a moment.
A beat pases.
Lances surprise fades into a small smirk, a dangerous understanding filling his eyes "oh so you do like it when I call you Captain?"
"I- well..." He stutters trying to fight the rising heat on his ears. Keith wouldn't dare admit it out loud he can't. He can't give lance a weapon like this, his heart wouldn't survive.
But despite the lack of voicing his agreement Lance picks up on it anyways. Those sharp eyes always on target, lazer focused, and amused much to Keiths dismay.
Lance chuckles standing to leave "well, I'll see you around then Captain~"
And Keith has never wanted to smack himself more for being such an oblivious idiot.
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willowtreebee · 5 months
Anyone else start audibly wailing and experience intense agony whenever they see Klance stuff?
No? Just me?
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Very likely I’ll delete this later.
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the-klance-lover · 3 months
Remember when there was a fake site for Dreamworks dropping a Season 9 for Voltron Legendary Defenders?
Yeah, I genuinely waited with the countdown.
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vulturevanity · 1 year
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Babygirl you are smitten
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jalapenobee · 1 year
"Are we there yet?"
Hunk uses his shotgun position to pelt him with tiny rocks he collected beforehand, the pebbles aimed straight for Lance's eyes. And mouth. "Oh my God, no, we are not there yet!"
The teen in question smirked mischievously, attempting to duck away from Hunk's attacks (unsuccessfully). He cowered behind Pidge, who was currently enraptured by a video game (which, if he may add, hasn't even come out yet. They probably got it off the black market.) and didn't appreciate the sudden jostling. They shoved Lance back in his seat, earning a wet sock to the face and a press of the power off button on their computer. The sock in turn was flung back at Lance, and The Great Car War V had started. Keith lifted his head off of his fist and shouted up to the driver. "Oi. Can't I drive?"
Shiro shook his head and snickered. "No chance. Last time you drove you got pulled over twice and nearly committed a hit-and-run. I think that says enough. Besides, you took all the M&M's out of the trail mix again when I specifically told you not to."
"I said I was sorry!" He wasn't. And besides, isn't it general code to do something someone else explicitly told you not to?
"Suck it, Keith. I'm just a more experienced driver."
"Oh, so now you wanna admit you're old."
"Isn't he the youngest? He's like, six," Pidge chirped from the floor of the car. Lance had his foot on top of them and was spamming their blank screen with random keyboard smashes as Hunk started throwing larger rocks. "Leggo of that!"
Shiro, regretfully, took a look in the rear view mirror. "Pidge, put on your fucking seatbelt or so help me God-"
Hunk snickered. "Oooh, you're in trouble, Pidgeon."
"You wanna switch spots with Keith?"
"..." Hunk sighed and slumped back in his chair after throwing one last rock at Pidge (he'd love to keep going, but being in the front means he can harm and not be harmed. That's not something to give up.)
"Ow! Shiro, make Pidge stop biting me!"
It was gonna be a long ride.
Two hours later, Pidge was sleeping and Lance was…well, not looking at Keith. Who, in question, was looking out the window. Lance prided himself on being in the middle; he was just out of reach of the sun's grasp while Keith was its indifferent victim. It was the perfect place to take a nap without waking up to a burning smell that you'd quickly realize was you.
Or maybe not indifferent. Lance didn't watch as Keith bent down to rummage through his duffel bag to pull out a small hairband. He definitely didn't watch as Keith tied up his hair, and absolutely didn't notice how…y'know what, maybe Lance should stop thinking about it and focus on his chess game. He was losing to AI, by the way. Completely Keith's fault.
He also didn't gawk at Keith's exposed neck, and didn't take note of how he looked so much more…uh, OLD. Yeah, not mature or handsome or anything. Just plain old. The thin sheen of sweat on Keith's forehead that should've been gross was still gross. It didn't make Keith look like a shining angel or whatever.
Later, Lance would tease him for it. For now…a nap would suffice. He shifted so that his back was to Keith and started to doze off. Hunk was the one driving now, and he took a sharp left onto the highway, causing everyone to slide to the right.
Lance fell asleep soon after, slightly pissed at himself for not moving off of Keith's shoulder.
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discordiansamba · 7 months
Personally I think Keith's growth was kind of all over the place growing up. He either hit his milestones very early, or later than most kids. He learned to crawl, stand, walk and run in rapid succession, but he was definitely the kid who didn't really start talking until he could form full sentences.
He already had a full set of teeth when he was born. He lost his baby teeth like a regular human, but his canines would frequently keep falling out and regrowing afterwards. He shot up like a weed between ages eight to nine, and as a consequence was awkwardly taller than a lot of his classmates. He then grew very slowly until he hit his next major growth spurt at sixteen.
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sweetpaintedladie · 5 months
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Keith Richards in a new clip from Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg (2024)
my gifs! credit if reused please :)
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heynhay · 1 year
klance but they traded jackets and lance is absolutely clowning on keith’s stupid fucking cropped monstrosity but keith can’t retort because lance’s jacket is so comfortable and it smells like him and and and and—
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you guys are good at this hang on
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humanmorph · 3 months
I wish PAL49 was transcripted because it would be so much easier to get back in by reading the transcript. There's just a weird mental block with listening & remembering how annoyed I got last time
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