#(nah funk it i ain't doing it)
starlitfunkster · 9 months
New Years 2024 Updates List
Hello! It's the first time I am ever doing this. It's because.. well, how do I put this? I got distracted. Very distracted. And also very unmotivated with my writing skills. Which is why there will be updates for EVERY blog. It will go in order of "how big the update is". In order it's "Not that bad" to "Oh god, the blog is on a long ass hiatus". I apologize in advance to Melody, the only other person who's helping work on Objects in Orbit!
@lonelystarmenagerie - "It's no surprise that we are being ignored now. Obviously. Blogs with OC's that aren't based on the currently trending topic are very unpopular. Especially if they aren't fuckin' mary-sues/gary-stus. It sucks, but that's just how the world of Tumblr is right now. So yeah, that's our update for this year." ~Piko (Oh yeah, my resolution is to actually be out there more. You can figure out the rest.)
@starsoscsonas - "My my! We are also being hard ignored. It makes me very sad, though that's just because we are not truly out there yet either. I think my resolution is to make the blog much more interesting by bringing in some contestants that have been eliminated from my show! (It will uh.. come back eventually, from what Aria has told me.)" ~Star Lamp
@aibmonsterau - "I am.. honestly not surprised. Guys, this is AIB we are talking about. The one the community no longer posts about because the series is most likely dead. I hope it isn't, for the record! My resolution is to be there when Starlight Espresso comes out with the others. We wish you well, Groink." ~Recycling Bin
@pokemon196, and also @eeveelutionsdoingreviews - "I am 100% sure that the review blog is dead. I will go and delete the Discord Server, Application, and Blog. I will still be here on my own blog, and Kuro can do whatever she wants to do with hers! My resolution is for there to be people watching the blog's plot grow!" ~Sunny the Espeon
@askdusknfriends - "God, the images look cringe. Fuck it, we are doing whatever Quint's doing. My resolution is to get Aria to start doing that." ~Sugar (And don't worry, I'll see to it that there's no profile images b/c they look bad. ~Aria)
@asksomerobotmasters - "I think we are just going to stick to doing sketches, and have full-colored refs in the Characters page. I honestly don't want Aria to be stressing herself out. To be honest, I am worried for her. I shouldn't be, but I am. My resolution is to get Aria some therapy of some kind." ~Quick Man (Also I am not the one you should be saying this to. ~Aria)
@towermaidenpiz - "Guys the plot isn't going to start on its own." ~??? "Golly, this blog sure has been inactive, hasn't it? You guys do know I can still answer questions, right? I really want to! It's getting boring here. :(" ~Aria (PT)
@askiireplacements - "We're still here, the blog's just been very inactive without any questions to move the plot along. It's sad, but it is what it is. Also, my resolution is to find out what's in that mansion. No more fear.. I need to." ~Bamboo
@lrgs-tboiau - "Although the askbox is going to be emptied out, we will be accepting new questions! H-Hopefully this gives everyone more to do!" ~Lazarus (If a question gets ignored or deleted, just assume its for plot reasons. And most likely spoilers to that plot. ~Aria)
@asktheshadow - "I think I should just link it to the main blog.. maybe that'll give the poor guy some attention." ~Aria
@objectsinorbit - "Objects in Orbit will be on permanent hiatus until I can get over my writers block and write Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, and Episode 5. Then I can go back to taking a break from there. Until then, stay tuned for the new year." ~Aria
@dailydoseofditto - "…That blog's been dead for a while. It's still going to be up for archival purposes, just like eeveelutionsdoingreviews." ~Vi
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rebouks · 11 months
Let's be nosy and see what a few folks have been up to recently and/or since Somnium ended, shall we..? 👀
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Kaden/Joey are still around, somewhere.. Joey would probably tell you by accident, but Kaden keeps him on a tight leash. I very much doubt either of them have changed their ways, you can't teach an old dog new tricks and all that... I dunno if we'll really see em again properly, though I never say never!
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Brynn, Ace and Robert may have left Del Sol, but Randy and Genesis are still stuck in their old ways. Sissy likes the attention and money from her "job" too much to leave. I think part of her still hopes someone's gonna whisk her away to a life of luxury and she'll live happily ever after, just like Brynn did.. assumedly 😩 Randy won't leave without her ofc, and he doesn't really like change anyway. He's lazy, what else is he gonna do?! The motel barely makes any money either, but he manages with a few odd jobs from the less savoury folks around town. They're doing swell 👍
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Luckily, no one ever ratted on Darien and he was far too careful to end up under the microscope without being exposed - especially since Wyatt left the scene - so he moved back to San My eventually. Ever the workaholic, he found himself a job at the same accounting/law firm as Wade (props to anyone who remembers him lmaoo) he doesn't need the money but he'd probably go insane without a job ngl 😆 He doesn't really find it easy to make friends either, and Wade recently found himself behind bars for a lil tiny bit of tax evasion so he's pretty lonely-.. although he did meet a fellow asexual lady friend he's been on a couple dates with recently. They have fun n' get on well, but she thinks he's this straight laced/awkward accountant and it makes him feel weird, like he's lying about himself.. so idk how long that'll last. I think he kinda misses being part of a "family", however fucked up it was.. but most of all, he just misses Wyatt 😔
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Alma and Mack have been hanging out more often recently, just casually tho u kno?? She likes her freedom too much to give it all up, and although he's a great lover, he's a terrible boyfriend lmaoo.. I think she's accepted that Mack is Mack so they're not making it serious or official this time. They're not exactly getting any younger either, may as well have some fun whilst they're still here, right?! Kobe's considering moving out 'cause eugh 😆
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Brivan n' co are just kinda living life right now, working, hanging out with Jacob/Suzie/Miya a fair bit and tryna get used to the news of Jude n' such u kno? Pixie's hitting her milestones like a champ ofc, but she's a picky eater just like her pappy 😅 Bruno insists he's fine but he's been a lil quiet and weird recently. Part of him still struggles with his old self and his guilt, though he ain't exactly a talker, so he retreats into himself now and then instead. He's been thinking of proposing to Ivan occasionally as well, but he doesn't want to do it whilst he's in a funk AND he's a lil worried (aka majorly overthinking) the fact that Ivan might not take too well to being proposed to?? But wait, nah.. he'd love it, right? Maybe-.. unless he hated it, maybe he'd rather be the one to ask-.. should he? Yes-.. no, wait-.. maybe?!!? Probably-.. AGHHHHHFJSDK <- said Bruno's brain 🙈
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Jessie and Ivan have been taking it slow, mostly since she's so damn busy all the time, but also 'cause they hardly know each other n' all. Ivan's kinda bummed she's slow to trust him, but he can't exactly blame her so he's being patient n' meeting them whenever he can. Jude is so smitten with his new pappy tho, he even wanted to grow his hair just like him 😭 Oscar n' Robin have tagged along a few times as well since the kiddos are practically the same age, but idk if Robin is too sure abt Jude just yet! He's very talkative and he's a big hugger.. I wonder where he gets that from?? 🤣 I think Jessie's finally warming up to the idea of sharing Jude 'cause she agreed to leave him alone with Ivan for a sleepover soon! They're gonna get dressed up n' head to Oscar's for a spooky party! Oh, and Oscar thinks Jessie has a nice rack....... boi plz 🙄
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Not pictured/spied upon..
Tilda - she's just existing rn tbh! She hangs out with Brivan/Pixie now n' then which she enjoys more than she'll let on! She's tryna stay away from dating and focus on herself too.. but she's not all that keen on herself so that's hard work 😩 a few dates here n' there but nothing interesting! She's also still ignoring her family.
Noah n' co - Aspen started teaching a few mommy/toddler yoga classes in the upstairs portion of Noah's gallery since he barely uses it, Juni loves it! Juni started ballet recently too 🩰 Noah's still salty with Oscar for not hanging out more but the man's busy dammit! I think Oscar's glad he's on semi-decent terms with everyone but he'd rather keep them at arms length so it stays that way skdjskjd
Salton - Alton's still Alton lmao.. though Sid gives him more shit nowadays since she's mostly retired she's realised he's even lazier than she thought and I'm sure she regrets letting him get a TV! She's a bit bored/lost tbh, which is why she hasn't fully retired yet.. introspection doesn't suit her (so says she) and she doesn't like all this extra time to think n' shit.. ough 🙈
Rhys & Tommy - both finished uni wooooooo! They're staying with Rhys' parents for now tho, Tommy's not rlly sure what to do with his psychology degree yet but he still thinks he'd like to be a psychologist so maybe he'll get a job/save up n' do his masters or smth?! Rhys has been taking on jobs as a wedding/event photographer for now, but he'd like to veer more towards photography as an art form-.. tho he's not sure how to go about that just yet either 🤔 they're figuring it out and they're happy so it doesn't rlly matter toooo much for now
Uhhhhh idk I've probably missed some folk out but feel free to ask abt anyone else in the comments! 🧡
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cassbrookes · 1 year
#Sol's RV with @solreznik
Cass Brookes
-After her conversation with Isaac, Cass took a walk around town to clear her head before she went to Sol's place. After the amazing night they'd had the night before, the last thing she wanted was to go in and bring the mood down. That could wait until after she told him she'd be heading outside the walls. Rapping her knuckles lightly against the door, she called out- Guess who!
Sol Reznik
-After his morning chat with Ike, Sol hadn't left his RV. Ate what he had stashed in his cabinets, whittled idly at a few carving projects, and lazed about--completely and utterly unlike himself. Hearing a knock and Cass' cheery voice just about knocked some pure happiness into him--the stars the night before, the easy way she'd cuddled up to him. But then the morning's conversation rang in his head again.- C'mon in...-her face appears- ain't this a pretty surprise.
Cass Brookes
-she didn't hesitate once he gave her the okay to come in, poking her head through the door before stepping inside- Hey you. -He was shirtless, so she had to do her best to keep her eyes on his face, especially since he didn't have his ribs all wrapped up this time. After a moment, she moved over to where he was sitting and leaned in to give him a gentle kiss before settling in next to him.- How are you feeling today? Kinda figured you'd be out tryin' to fix something.
Sol Reznik
-oh, that easy kiss was like a balm to his overactive mind. But even still, he couldn’t avoid her question- Nah, no use to anything today…in a bit of a funk, I guess.
Cass Brookes
-his response pulled her lips down into a small frown of worry, her hand moving to the middle of his back to rub small circles on it- Did you not sleep well? Is it pain?
Sol Reznik
-closing his eyes in delight at her touch for just a moment…before the morning’s guilt came rushing in- Nothing like that, I slept like a baby. No, it’s…got to talking to somebody earlier and it reminded me of some shit that always gets me in my head. Been thinking it over all day.
Cass Brookes
-her hand pauses as her frown deepens, concern washing over her- I know what that can be like. I'm not gonna try and pull anything outta you, but if you wanna talk about it, I got nothin' but time right now. -she moves her hand around so that she's hugging his shoulders, giving him a little squeeze-
Sol Reznik
Shit, feels unfair to you…we get one nice evening before I’m unveiling my sad sack ways -he tries to tack a little laugh onto it, but it sounds half-hearted, even to his own ears- I just…man, I think you deserve the whole damn world. The very best. And I…historically speaking, I fuck things up. In all the crazy shit in this world, I’d wanna protect you, do right by you. But I couldn’t even get Ginny through one night out past the walls.
Cass Brookes
Hey... -While his last words weren't unexpected - hell, she knew he'd have to have this guilt eating him - it still didn't soften the blow of basically hearing him blame himself out loud- Ginny... it wasn't your fault, Sol. I know me sayin' it isn't going to immediately change your mind, but I hope someday you realize that it's true. There was nothing you could've done differently. You don't control the weather. -Now she moved her hands to cup his cheeks, forcing his head to turn and look her in the eyes- The past is just that. The past. I'm a big girl, Sol. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've spent a fair amount of time outside these walls myself.
Sol Reznik
-he presses his cheek into the comfort of her touch and closes his eyes- Shoulda been more cautious about the barn. I knew it was old, I shouldn’t have risked it. I can’t…I can’t shake the guilt. You deserve someone who’s not carrying that shit around, ‘cause I’m gonna have bad days, Cass. And I gotta warn you now, I’m going back out there. I gotta finish what sent Ginny out there, I gotta try to find Henry. Or I’m not gonna be able to live with myself. But god, that’s a shitty thing to put you through.
Cass Brookes
-It was impossible to stop the deep breath of air she sucked in at the idea of him heading out into the world to try and find a kid he'd never even met. Bless him, she understood his need, the reason behind it, but damn. Rather than focusing on that right now though, she presses her forehead to his.- If you think I'm not carryin' shit around, I'm puttin' up a better front than I thought. We've all got baggage, babe. Hell, some of us had it before the world went to shit. -she strokes her thumbs over his cheekbones, quiet for a moment before adding- I won't lie, I'm not a fan of you going out on what feels like an impossible mission, but I get it. I do.
Sol Reznik
-her understanding in that moment, the way she gets closer instead of pulling away…it breaks him. After building all day, the emotion of it comes spilling out of him in quiet tears- Lemme help you carry some of it, okay? I know right now I’m the one crumbling, but when it comes time, put some of that baggage on me, please?
Cass Brookes
-seeing the tears, hearing the break in his voice, she wraps her arms around him and pulls him in close, as though she can somehow shield him from the hurt he's experiencing- Only if you share yours with me, yeah? If we're gonna do this, we're in this together, good and bad. -her fingers stroke through his curls reassuringly, silently urging him to let his emotions out, because she's not going anywhere- I want to be equal partners with you, Sol. You lean on me, I lean on you.
Sol Reznik
-he hooks his chin over her shoulder and hugs her back- It’s gonna take some practice…I know my habits. But I’ll try. Shit, think I’d try anything for you. Just…tell me if I’m fucking up, okay? ‘Cause it’ll never be on purpose. But it’s been a long time since I let someone close.
Cass Brookes
I promise that I will do my best to warn you before you even get close to fucking anything up, okay? -she turns her head so her face is pressed into his neck, taking a deep breath before pulling back a bit. She's hoping that opening up a bit to him in return will help ease his own fears about himself- You have every right to tell me if I'm fucking things up, too, cause I'm just as likely to as you. My last relationship was a nightmare and I haven't trusted myself with anyone since.
Sol Reznik
-he doesn’t like the sound of a nightmare relationship, but he tries not to let his face get too grim. He takes her hand- You can tell me about it, y’know? Help me know how to treat you better?
Cass Brookes
-For a moment she almost makes a callous, offhand comment in response to his questions, but at the last second she reins it in, knowing now isn't the time for jokes.- It's a pretty cliché story. Girl meets boy, girl falls in love, girl's dreams start coming true and boy's don't, boy gets mad, boy hits girl. -Okay, it still came out more callous than she meant to, so with a sigh, she squeezes his hand and continues- He started out alright, turned into a jerk at the end. I hate admitting it, but I stayed way longer than I should've, thinking he'd change back.
Sol Reznik
-the idea of hitting Cass is so completely fucking foreign to him that it hadn't crossed his mind as the source of the nightmare. As soon as the word "hit" leaves her mouth, something new and angry starts taking shape inside him. He tamps it down for some other outlet, but she can probably still feel his tremble. He loosens his posture, gentles his body as much as he can, and squeezes her hand back- Fucking shame you had to go through any of that. I can see why you'd be cautious, then. I hope you know...the boxing, the fighting shit I've done, that has always stayed in the ring.
Cass Brookes
Oh, God, Sol-- no. I've never worried about that around you. Ever. -Even having felt the shift in his posture twice over, there's no fear when it comes to being this close to him- Not even after learning you did the whole boxing thing. -To reassure him as much as herself, she leaned in again to place another soft kiss on his lips-  Steve just-- it took awhile for me to admit how bad things were, and it took even longer for me to stop blaming myself. You're nothing like him though.
Sol Reznik
-he sighs relief against her kiss, then presses one of his own to her forehead- I hate knowing you went through something awful like that...and being totally honest, the idea that someone laid their hand on you in harm makes me wanna tear down a whole goddamn building in rage. If zombies haven't gotten him, I wouldn't mind the chance to take him out myself. -he takes a deep breath and focuses back on her, pets her cheek with his thumb- But I'm proud you got out.
Cass Brookes
Zombies probably did get him, but even if he's still out there somewhere, he's not worth it. -She offers him a small smile- So you can leave the poor, innocent buildings alone. -Now she twists to a sideways sitting position, wrapping her arms around him entirely and pulling him into her chest, every bit as protective as he wants to be- What about you? Why've you held people at arm's length so long?
Sol Reznik
-the intensity of that question sobered him right up and he blew out a big puff of air- I got this tendency to just...not be as much as people need? The one serious relationship I was in, I couldn't be who she needed. Couldn't...-he cleared his throat to stall, but figured he oughta be upfront- she wanted kids--we both did--but it never happened. Years after we split, she got married, had a whole bunch of babies right in a row. That's just one example. Somewhere along the way, I guess I figured I was saving folks the disappointment? I got older, realized that was a cowardly way of living. But by then, I'd gotten used to my own company. -he rests his head against her shoulder- holy shit, I never do this, just spill my guts out.
Cass Brookes
-she can practically feel the gravity of his answer in the weight of his frame. The comment about the kids - well, she could see how that would make anyone feel 'not enough'. Cass had always dreamed of having kids someday, but now, with the state of the world, she wasn't so sure.- I'm glad you feel like you can. Share with me. And for what it's worth, you should never think you're not enough for someone. -She wanted to reassure him that of course it wasn't on him that they'd never had children, but she couldn't say for sure and to try and tell him otherwise would probably come off as patronizing. 'Maybe it wasn't meant to be' wasn't any better. So instead of saying any of those things, she tilted her chin to kiss the crown of his head, continuing to run her fingers through his hair.-
Sol Reznik
You're real good at this, y'know? Still got the little ball of guilt in there, but for the first time all day, I don't feel like my goddamn chest is gonna cave in. -he sways a little against her, then hums when a thought comes to mind- Shit, I didn't even ask, how was your day?
Cass Brookes
-she let out a soft chuckle, kissing the crown of his head again- Like I said, we're a team. It's easier if it's shared. -oof. Her day. Hopefully her new plan didn't bring back that chest caving feeling again.- Not so bad. Didn't come across anything on my security rounds. -She paused, and now she was the one doing the stalling. Another sigh.- I stopped by Isaac's place earlier to run an idea past him.
Sol Reznik
-Ike was about the last person he expected her to mention, but he tried not to let his surprise show, put on a joking voice- Now that sounds like all sorts of trouble.
Cass Brookes
Surprisingly not. -She never had told Sol about everything that had gone down between her and Isaac, so she didn't mention the semi-truce they'd come to- At least not running the idea past him. He was actually all for it.
Sol Reznik
Well that's good, what's the idea?
Cass Brookes
-Well there was a loaded question, considering she hadn't even told Sol about all of her family yet.- Going back to my ranch to see if some of my older brother's 'bugout bags' are still hidden. He had several stashes hidden around the property.
Sol Reznik
Is that Alex, then? Send a couple of raiders out there to bring back the goods--that's smart.
Cass Brookes
Not Alex... Nate. He's not-- he was with Alex and didn't make it. And no, not a couple of raiders. -she tenses slightly, already anticipating that Sol isn't going to like her next words- Me, Alex, and Ike.
Sol Reznik
-compassion hit first, when she mentioned a brother that was dead. Then she wasted no time in dealing the second blow- Jesus...I don't like that. I--I'm sorry to hear about Nate, I'm guessing that was news Alex brought with him? Shit Cass, you been grieving and I'm fucking...hitting on you? -he hung his head down and sighed- I'm guessing there's a reason Ike can't just take Alex?
Cass Brookes
Hey - you have been a fucking shining light in the middle of all of this. I've been grieving yes, but I didn't say anything, because in a way, I've already grieved all of my family. -Shit, she'd already gone through it once today, and if anyone deserved to know the story, it was Sol- We lost my parents about a year into everything. About maybe a year after that, Nate and Alex went out for supplies and just... never came back. I waited a year for them, hoping, but by the time some people wandered by and told me about Redwood forming, I had nothing but the horses. And I'm not gonna lie, Ike could easily take Alex and leave me behind... -she used her fingers to tilt his chin up so she could look him in the eyes again- But I feel like I need to go.
Sol Reznik
-he felt a surge of fondness for her, setting out with just her horses, brave and determined in the face of loss- I get it. Hell, I'd be a raging fucking hypocrite if I said otherwise. And I trust Ike. Not that I don't trust Alex, I just know Ike. If I had to pick someone to watch out for you, it's him. I just...-he took both of her hands in his and brought them to his mouth like he could impress the words on them- I know you will, but please be careful. Be smarter than I was out there.
Cass Brookes
Of course I'll be careful. I promise I'll be careful. Besides, it'll only take us a couple of days, a week at most. Easy peasy. And I'll be as smart as I can. -she wanted desperately to ease his mind, although she knew it was impossible to completely ease his fears- I'll have Ike and Alex to keep an eye on me, and you know Zodiac won't let me get into trouble
Sol Reznik
-the mention of Zodiac did actually reassure him- Yeah, I take it back, if there's anyone I pick to watch out for you it's Zodiac, that's one very good boy. You need anything taken care of at the farmhouse while you're gone? Anything I can do back here?
Cass Brookes
-she snorted a laugh at his sudden turn, although she couldn't blame him after Zodiac was the one to carry him home- I'll let you know if I can think of anything for while I'm gone. But...for tonight? Do you mind if I just stay here? -Partly because she just wanted to be close to him, partly to prove to him that she wasn't scared of whatever baggage he had, and partly to reassure him that she was real and there and would come back to him-
Sol Reznik
-relieved beyond words that he doesn't have to watch her walk out tonight- Course I don't mind, whatever I got is yours. Which...ain't a lot, mind you. But I got a couple of clean t-shirts and sweatpants if you need something comfortable to sleep in. Might wanna lock the door though, apparently I'm still "recuperating," which means folks walk in with soup at all hours of the day.
Cass Brookes
I hadn't even thought of that. No one is gonna like, panic if they can't get to you, right? -she could only imagine how embarrassing that might be for everyone involved- I already told Alex not to wait up for me, so he's not gonna be looking for me. -She glances down at her current outfit, realizing that jeans would definitely not be comfortable to sleep in- I'll take you up on the t-shirt... sweatpants might be too warm. Got any of those cute little shorts around?
Sol Reznik
Nah, I'm not expected anywhere til the afternoon tomorrow. -he scoffs at the shorts comment and shakes his head- I have one clean pair left, you're welcome to 'em.
Cass Brookes
You laugh, but I'm used to sleeping in just a t-shirt and underwear. I'll take the shorts over full on sweatpants any day. -glancing around the RV, she turns back to Sol- Where can I find said shorts and tee?
Sol Reznik
-with that glorious mental picture searing into his brain, he levels her with a knowing smile, kicks the heel of his good foot against the underside of his bed, and scoots to the side- There's storage under here, I got it. -he leans down and snags the shorts- for shirts, I've got grey or navy blue, what's your flavor?
Cass Brookes
Very efficient use of space. -In a way, she envied him this cozy space. More often than not, the farmhouse felt entirely too empty and lonely- Hmm... -she pretends to think, as though it's some very important decision- I'm feeling the navy blue. It'll up my stealth factor. -as though she was at all stealthy-
Sol Reznik
-handing the garments over with a smile- Should I be concerned you're tryna be stealthy in my bed? -he catches himself- That's alright, yeah? Sharing the bed? I assumed...
Cass Brookes
-She takes the clothing before kicking off her boots, and with only a little hesitation, shucks off both her jeans and top right in front of him, replacing them with the offered clothing before answering his questions- Well, I promise you I'll be anything but stealthy, and yeah... that's kinda what I was anglin' for...
Sol Reznik
-not prepared for her to undress right away he catches sight of her bare breasts and long legs before glancing away in the name of privacy. He still wanted to wait until he was in better shape, but tonight would test that resolve- Never need to angle with me, Cass, I'm very unlikely to ever tell you "no."
Cass Brookes
Then in that case, I want to stay the night to be close to you, so yeah -she paused, locking the door of the RV before stepping over to stand in front of Sol again- if you're okay with me sharin' your bed, that's where I wanna be.
Sol Reznik
-staring up at her, a little mesmerized- Then that's where I want you. You still okay with waiting?
Cass Brookes
-she takes the time to let her gaze move over his body, nibbling her lower lip for a contemplative moment before she settles on the bed next to him and nods- I'm telling you right now, I am coming back from the ranch, so yes, I'm still good on waiting. -she scooches up further onto the bed and pats the spot next to her in unnecessary invitation-
Sol Reznik
-her promise made his heart sing, even if he knew this was a world without guarantees. So he maneuvered onto the bed beside her til they were shoulder to shoulder and lowered his voice to a whisper- You like your own space when you sleep, or can I hold you?
Cass Brookes
-In answer to his question, she rolled over and settled herself in against his side as she had the previous night, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close, nuzzling into the crook of his neck- I make no guarantees once I'm asleep, but right now I don't want any space between us. I don't want anything between us. -After tonight it felt like there was no space, no secrets, nothing to hide-
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seasonofgiving · 3 years
Say baby, can I be your slave? I've got to admit girl, you’re the shit girl And I am digging you like a grave. Now do they call you daughter to the Spinning Pulsar Or maybe Queen of 10, 000 Moons, Sister to the distant yet Rising star? Is your name Yemaya? Oh hell nah, it's got to be Oshun Ooh is that a smile me put on your face child? Wide as a field of jasmine and clover Talk that talk honey, walk that walk money High on legs that'll spite Jehovah But they call me brother to the night And right now I’m the blues in your left thigh Trying to become the funk in your right Who am I? 'll be whoever you say. But right now I'm the sight raped hunter Blindly pursuing you as my prey And I just want to give you injections of Sublime erections and get you to dance to my rhythm Make you dream archetypes Of black angels in flight Upon wings of distorted, contorted metaphoric jizm. Come on slim, fuck your man, I ain't worried about him It's you who I want to step to my scene Cause rather than deal with the fallacy Of this dry ass reality I'd rather dance and romance your sweet ass in a wet dream Who am I, well they all call me Brother to the night and right now I am The blues in your left thigh, trying to be the funk in your right… Is that alright?
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scorpihoe-666 · 2 years
I'm not going to ask about any details cos it ain't my business to know but the fact he went and talked about you on a public podcast is so bitchy. Like there's boundaries and there should be some mutual respect no matter what the situation may be.
nah im gonna tell you details since he wants to put shit out there.
this man and i started talking in the summer of 2020. back then it was just friendly stuff since i was fresh out of a breakup. so whatever we kept talking on and off until we really started talking last summer. shit got spicy and we were coincidentally at the same concert so we met up in person in September. after that i realized that i was into him. so we would talk all day everyday.
fast forward to december and i was in a funk. my dad was getting re-married and i was going THRU IT. so i didn’t text him back during this time. after 2 weeks i texted him back and explained how rough life had been and how i was in a funk. i apologized like 5 times and then responded to a few things from the last convo and asked questions. all he said was “i hope everything’s okay”. that’s it. he stopped watching my stories and stopped liking my stuff.
fast forward to present day. he has started liking my stuff again and started watching my stories again. i occasionally listen to his podcast, but for the sole purpose of being a supportive friend and not because it’s good. because it’s not. and this mf started talking about what he wants out of a relationship and his expectations. he started talking about vulnerability and then he said something along the lines of not understanding why people take days or even weeks to respond to texts. he started saying how he makes time to respond and he was like “recently i was taking to this girl and she texted me back 2 weeks later. like who does that? you have to see how the receiver must feel.” and like he went on to say how that’s a way to avoid being vulnerable??? he said i was a lesson lmao.
like okay his feelings are valid i guess, but if he felt some type of way back then he should have said something. but i also told him how depressed i was hence the super late response. like you think my depression was an excuse not to be vulnerable? and what does texting you back have to do with being vulnerable anyway?!????
but yes i agree that was SOOOOO bitchy and there indeed should be boundaries and mutual respect. he at least had the decency not to name drop, but this wouldn’t be the first time he talks about me on his podcast. except the last few times he had nice things to say smh.
but whatever, if he wants to see me as a lesson then so be it. im over it. not rlly but i will get over it eventually.
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theghostofdomencio · 7 years
Brother to the Night (A Blues for Nina)
Say baby, can I be your slave?
I've got to admit girl, your the shit girl
And I am digging you like a grave
Now do they call you daughter to the Spinning Pulsar
Or maybe Queen of 10,000 Moons, Sister to the distant yet
Rising star
Is your name Yemaya? Oh hell nah, it's got to be Oshun
Ooh is that a smile me put on your face child?
Wide as a field of jasmine and clover
Talk that talk honey, walk that walk money
High on legs that'll spite Jehovah
Shit, who am I
It's not important
But they call me brother to the night
And right now I am the blues in your left thigh
Trying to become the funk in your right
Who am I? 'll be whoever you say
But right now I'm the sight raped hunter
Blindly pursuing you as my prey
And I just want to give you injections of
Sublime erections and get you to dance to my rhythm
Make you dream archtypes
Of black angels in flight
Upon wings of distorted, contorted metaphoric jizm
Come on slim, fuck your man, I ain't worried about him
It's you who I want to step to my scene
Cause rather than deal with the fallacy
Of this dry ass reality
I'd rather dance and romance your sweet ass in a wet dream
Who am I, well they all call me
Brother to the night and right now I am
The blues in your left thigh, trying to be the funk in your right
Is that alright?
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muvagypsy-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Say baby, can I be your slave?
I've got to admit girl, your the shit girl
And I am digging you like a grave
Now do they call you daughter to the Spinning Pulsar
Or maybe Queen of 10,000 Moons, Sister to the distant yet
Rising star
Is your name Yemaya? Oh hell nah, it's got to be Oshun
Ooh is that a smile me put on your face child?
Wide as a field of jasmine and clover
Talk that talk honey, walk that walk money
High on legs that'll spite Jehovah
Shit, who am I
It's not important
But they call me brother to the night
And right now I am the blues in your left thigh
Trying to become the funk in your right
Who am I? 'll be whoever you say
But right now I'm the sight raped hunter
Blindly pursuing you as my prey
And I just want to give you injections of
Sublime erections and get you to dance to my rhythm
Make you dream archtypes Of black angels in flight
Upon wings of distorted, contorted metaphoric jizm
Come on slim, fuck your man, I ain't worried about him
It's you who I want to step to my scene
Cause rather than deal with the fallacy
Of this dry ass reality
I'd rather dance and romance your sweet ass in a wet dream
Who am I, well they all call me
Brother to the night and right now I am
The blues in your left thigh, trying to be the funk in your right Is that alright?
0 notes