#(named mariposa in pony town)
laulo821 · 7 months
wanted to try out pony town so i made my ponygirl
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but there's so many people i'm kinda scared hehe
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WTNV quick rundown - 129 - A Matter of Blood, part 3
Featuring the voice of Jasika Nicole as Dana Cardinal.
Read the rest here!
We make our own luck. Which is to say that things randomly happen and we apply our personal ideas about luck to that randomness. Welcome to Night Vale.
This broadcast is canonically two weeks apart from the previous one. Because of this, Cecil is able to list exactly what happened with Dana and with the blood matter from space.
Dana comes without weapon to confront her Vengeful Double, who has harmed her/their mother and was planning on murder if Dana did not come. They fight, but the other Dana hears how much our Dana has held herself accountable for the murder of her double in the sandstorm and decides she has suffered enough. The double leaves.
Dana begs the voices in Radon Canyon to choose a new mayor, believing herself to be too flaws to hold that power. They refuse, so she says she will just not be mayor and NV will simply have no mayor. A problem, since all power now runs through the empty mayors office.
Weather: “Mariposas” by Yva Las Vegass
The radio station is at a low point in the geography and floods quite siginificantly. Cecil, unable to swim, floats atop his buoyant desk, the rest of his equipment also floats.
Not only has it been two weeks since the last broadcast but clean up of the blood matter from space has also been going on that long and is still going on, leading Cecil to believe they may always be tinged with red.
From a town turning and turning in the widening gyre, I say to you: good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: My name for the pony I have been planning to get one day has been Ponye West, for years. But for obvious reasons, I have recently changed it to Janelle PoNeigh. This wasn’t written for me by Joseph, these are the actual names I’ve made up for my dream pony. Thank you.
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
With how u and others felt about season 4, mostly the second half(i dont hv mucn to say, it made no impact on me thats good or bad compare to other serie finales) how would you write season 4 and its plot lines(especially the shipping). Maybe ull inpire some people to do their own takes
according to your question, you’re asking me to keep all the plotlines the same, but change how they’re written.
alright, fair enough.
Here’s basically all the plots of this season:
Eclipsa trying to win the favors of her people (+ Globgor)
Mina’s whole thing
The Love Plot
i mean, that is the majority of it unless we consider minor detials that went nowhere as far as plot but maybe i can actually give them actual purpose (Like the spell that EATS DIMENSIONS that meant nothing).
it’s hard to believe the show could wrap EVERYTHING up in one season, so that’s not what i’m going to do, but i’m gonna try and see how much i personally feel i COULD give resolution to if i had the same plots, and one season left.
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you can probably keep the beginning mostly the same with finding and retrieving moon, though maybe foreshadow mina slightly in these episodes, even if it’s one-off dialogue.
and we can keep moon running a mewman town atm, living peacefully, and coming across mina.
Mina however, should have gotten a flashback episode, i don’t care who she’s telling it to, or maybe even moon is telling it to someone else, that one clip of mina and solaria could’ve been expanded upon.
we could’ve seen how solaria manipulated her and how every one of her pals were killed, making her into a more interesting and dynamic threat, you could even name-drop seth in here, if not just give him a small cameo as a general they face off against.
Also, if we keep the “Moon was behind it the whole time” plot twist, give her a dang better reason then what she gave, and foreshadow it better, maybe because she doesn’t trust globgor herself, maybe because meteora wrecked and almost destroyed mewni, maybe it’s because she can’t fully trust the monsters because she’s worried of what could happen if they’re in power after past destruction like what toffee did.
and don’t easily forgive her by the end, she has a lot of things to make up for for this and you could even use it for foreshadowing if you were going for a s5.
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The whole topic about star being a bad gf? Ok, good, because LHF is a good episode (And i stand by that).
What we do after however? We actually have Star LEARN FROM HER ACTIONS.
Because you know what the biggest issue with that episode is? It’s not in the episode itself, it’s the fact the episode blatantly shows us Star is an awful Gf and runs from her issues…and she never actually LEARNS from these issues in the series, the show lets her treat tom badly and then rewards her for it by giving her a new bf undeservedly
Star actually starts to try and be a better GF and person to Tom afterwards, and i mean she actually TRIES and MAKES AN EFFORT, maybe it pays off or maybe it doesn’t but having her do nothing only worsened her character.
Also, unless we’re making kellco endgame, don’t even do it at all, just don’t.
We’re gonna resolve the annoying love plot immediately, out the gate, because dragging it on for so long only hurt the show in the end. You can throw in a conflict near the end if you want but we ain’t dragging it out over and over.
Either star improves and tomstar works out and we do something neat with it at the end, everyone stays single,  or we maybe pull a tomco or stomco here.
also, the moon actually does something (Because marco saying it was all bs not only makes no sense whatsoever, but makes all the interesting questions about it seem meaningless).
The moon ain’t meaningless, it actually has a freaking point in the PLOT.
There’s about to be an all out war between the monsters and the solarians (The other kingdoms are fighting against the solarians, because that’d be a freaking GREAT shot for the end of a series).
The evil spell with no name gets sent out and starts causing chaos as well.
And so we can give that dang room at St Olga’s some actual payoff, let’s do my stupid sun-moon-star theory, and those three are the key to stopping the war between them.
They do acknowledge toffee had a point about magic and what it did, but they also make a point that magic wasn’t the enemy, it was the people who used it.
they summon solaria together, and all the dang ghosts queens, and solaria (Who looks ashamed of what she sees in front of her as far as the solarians) breaks their solarian bond HERSELF( because they pledged their allegiance to her), they fall, and so does the dark spell.
and because this show already has a habit of doing dues ex-machinas, how about the three of them, with moon, and eclipsa, and meteora, and then all the other characters, just hold hands, even the ghosts, and use the magic (Everyone just pops up with cheekmarks), to heal those who were injured, allowing for everyone to be able to use magic.
Yes, like we can watch every fan-fav character just have glowing cheekmarks from using magic with everyone else.
Earlier in the season the topic of “Butterflies restrict magic to themselves and how that affects other creatures” can be brought up to prepare for this.
Magic is widespread.
And before Mina gets taken away, if we keep tomstar, they can hold hands and we can zoom in on that as they make a note of how mewmans and monsters worked together and things are changing and all that.
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When it comes to Eclipsa’s plot, it’s full of good ideas but lacks a lot of the stuff it seems to build up.
ok, we might be too late for eclipsa, but Globgor i think should’ve been kept a little more morally grey, the guy is a war criminal but he’s just accepted too easily for my taste, i think we needed an episode about his past actions, what happened with shastacan and his regrets. And spend some time after with him making amends with his wrongdoings to do better for mewni and so they are less fearful of him
we can get more insight as to how monsters and mewmans feel about him, what the other kingdoms think about him, ect, if we spend a few episodes with eclipsa talking to the kingdoms to improve their opinion on her.
We don’t need to see all of them, some can remain in the background, and the spiderbite episode was good.
But the show could’ve taken advantage of showing us these kingdoms and learning about them and their opinions on all of this. Heck, you could have one episode with a few at a time where Eclipsa is working on several at once to find they all have differing opinions, we could learn more about the jaggs, the waterfolk, and the johansens this way.
you could have one episode be for the lucitors to not only provide some moon forshadowing, but go further into the discussion about what doesn’t count as a monster and what does and it might provide some tom and meteora babysitting shenanigans that would’ve been cute to see (Especially if he teased marco on it).
you could also mention celena was part demon as well if tom being one is mentioned.
oh and, this would be great set-up for the fight at the end if they are on eclipsa’s side to fight with her.
the monster racism plot, well it’s hard to make it much better cause it’s kinda flakey as is but you can keep some of the messages about the youth being better over time and tbh the sequences of everyone using magic together could really suit the message of unison to save everyone they love and care about.
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Also, can we not make the MHC into flat out villains? If they are working with mina, either replace them, or put them on trial, but just…make them less flat out evil.
we can keep meteora’s lesson and such.
as far as mariposa goes, you can bring her in at the end, do a small timeskip, and we see her, and she and meteora are friends.
That or, tom could be staying with star and marco on earth a little before the trip with star and we could do the GBG episode with them as adults fine enough, and maybe tom is either sleeping or hanging with them in the episode.
Tom can be with them for beach day as well, even the tacos episode which could be funny.
also, that trip tom was going on? Yeah, that’s actually at the end or the series, and kelly, marco, and star, and janna, jackie, chloe, and pony come with and see just see a lot of fun vacation pics in other dimensions and with various characters.
this entire post might be full of rambling and i dunno how much sense it makes.
But if i could write a more epic and more satisfying season, even if i can’t wrap up everything, i’d try to do it at least a little more like this.
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