#(no. hahah you wont get paid
veryintricaterituals · 3 months
What if I... hahahaha... but what if I hired you 🥺🥺 and you were my employee 📊📊 for years, and you discover you are a manager killer 🔪🔪🔪 by lineage and by birthright and you killed 😜😜 a bunch of high level people from other companies to protect ours 💼💼 .... so I promote you to bodyguard 🕴🏼🕴🏼and we end up fighting 💢💢 in my bedroom and you almost kill me, hahaha ... so I propose invite you on a business trip ✈️✈️ to my homeland 😳😳 and finally offer the promotion 😅😅 you've been waiting for by the end of it hahahha... but you stand me up 😡😡and go to London with one of my other coworker instead,😤😤... and by the time I come back you threaten to quit 🥺🥺 ... what if to stop you I make you my best man 👯👯 at the wedding I don't even have a bride for 👰🏽 lol.. and then turn my bride into a clone of your boyfriend💑 .... so you decide to betray me 😤😡🔪 by going to another company to become a half manager behind my back🤯🤯 ...and when I finally discover it I have to kill you😞😡😓 but end up meeting your mom💖💖 and forgiving you instead😤😓.... Then I give you the final push so you can get a full promotion🩸🩸, (and we can ✨be coworkers✨ even though I know you're not ready🙈🙈) ...and when you finally realize that you're not cutout for authority😭😭😭 I create a whole ritual so you can get demoted and kill the 🤢🤮🤢"""CEO"" 🤮🤢🤮 of the other company to make you happy🥰🥰.... what if we did that 😜😜... a hahahaha... 😂😂just kidding ... unless...👀👀👀??
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arunneronthird · 1 year
on comics the secret is, I've been into comics for... coming one 20 years now? and none of us have read everything, thats 85 years worth of books no one has time for that, so we all have little corners of the comics universe we really love, areas we oddly know a lot about, like me for example, my childhood comic shop had a ton of back issues but like... random as fuck so I think I read every issue of the Detroit Justice League, an era everyone else would rather totally forget. it's why the only Marvel comics I've ever read were Speedball, Wonder Man and West Coast Avengers.
any ways, point is read in any order its what we all did, ignore what you hate, love what you love even if other people don't know about it or care, and have fun its only worth it if you're having fun.
oh also canon is a fucking joke, this is comics, we invented reboots, recons, alternate time lines, evil twins, mirror universe, "no I didn't die" and the goddamn multiverse and again comics are 85 years old now, all the original writers are dead as fuck and the characters are being written by people who's parents weren't even alive when Superman and Batman were first published so the only difference between fanfic and published comics is those writers get paid by Warner Bros
hahah this made me v happy! thank u! i gotta say its been a challenge coming from manga which is written by one (1) person who generally knows what they are doing
as much as i complain about things though, im having lots of fun, i reeeeally like 90s batman and most of the new batman too, i really like all the cartoons and sometimes i like reading things i know i wont like and then being mad for a bit
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
tuesday 11th October 2022 journal
today has been a good day. im in a better mood than i was yesterday. I feel good man. the moon looks so beautiful tonight too! it looked gorgeous yesterday but today its even more special because its in taurus rn and its a full moon and taurus is my moon sign so ykwtfigo! you guessed it nigga im high. great high btw. i also need to get something to eat. gonna have that plantain and spinach stew again me thinks. save money. it’s currently 20:00pm and im listening to Remedy by Cherise again. life has been so kind to me today and the last few weeks/months. im so fucking grateful that im being heard by the universe and shit. thank you God fr. I love you. People from my past have contacted me. Two Sagittarius women. both quite similar in few ways but still similar. Juliet and Eunique. never thought id put those two names together but surprise from the cosmic whatever, God, universe, idk nigga but like damn. And i checked my astrological compatibility of Juliet and I and we are very compatible. its like i was meant to meet her in this lifetime or something idk. cause i’ve deffo said that i feel like she’s gonna be in my life for a while for some reason and even though i dont really want to speak to her like that its just interesting that there’s a weird attraction we seem to gravitate towards each other during long periods away. i’ve only known her 2 years. its weird though man. I had a conversation with her today for the first time in months. im only just deeping that omg. i genuinely dont remember the last time i spoke to her so it was weird doing it today in a way. its also cosmic convenience that happened to be listening to me on my way home as i saw Naia i said to myself “wouldn’t it be funny if i see Juliet” as i exit the doors and walk to the exit WHO DO I FUCKING SEE? Juliet and Jacob lmaoooooooo like what are the chances??? i could’ve seen anyone but I saw the person i thought about hahah thats weird man. But anyways i had a nice little catch up with her about agencies, how she wont be doing theatre unless she’s getting paid properly, and how she spent some of her summer as well as how rehearsals are going for her(and jacob) at the moment. they said it was very physically demanding and that they were meant to have a tech rehearsal yesterday but they’re doing it today. there seemed to be alot of fatigue in the space from both Juliet and Jacob. Chloe came to give Jacob a form to fill out to do with allergies or some shit like that. Juliet told me about how she was in Rhode Island over the summer and how she flooded a hotel there lmao. apparently the fine was $9.000 or some shit like that. It’s just so weird that we’re talking like nothing between us has happened and that she ghosted me for months and then randomly yesterday sent me a tick tok? and cause i have her archived in my whatsapp i saw a notification in there and was thinking who’s this? and saw it was her and saw a tik tok on the message and thought huh??? why?? whats going on here?? anyways i ended up replying to her and then i decided to do a birth chart compatibility and we probably knew each other from another lifetime because we’re quite drawn to each other for some weird reason. i dont know why and i kinda wanna know why.  Role Model by Brent Faiyaz has been my song of the day. Danny Lee also left today. i dont know where i’d be without him man. God bless him! i need to be more considerate of Honey and i plan on doing that. I need to listen to her when she talks about herself to me. i love her. we’re doing tech tomorrow. this rehearsal process is coming to an end. i cant believe it. well i can but like its been 4 weeks or something like that like damn! i didnt think i’d be the version of who i am now when i started lamda let alone third year. proud of myself man. this thought is proudly brought to you by time 20:46pm. dont miss out. nah come on tell me that wasn’t a good little slogan for time. come on man. i gonna add that to the rambles. right now. im gonna sign off here. i’ll talk to you soon. Sign out time: 21:10pm.
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rqs902 · 4 years
my beautiful boys in the same screeeenn ill just ignore the clothes lol man look at jin fan’s side profile 
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aw they look so happy lol how did dxy become kc 
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lol when volunteer li hao on his CELL PHONE is a better video editor than the entire youku paid staff
oof the video was so funny and highlighted a bunch of the kids qualities like lin mua and csp’s cuteness and it was touching.... lol ycw “I DONT HAVE SLEEVES LEND ME YOUR SLEEVE” to wipe his tears loll
LOL im amused cto were some of zlj’s first friends and they guilt trip him into joining their groupppp HAHHAHA
pretty sure that was xue en telling zlj to be careful and put safety first :’) 
im literally crying at this suitcase
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but also still wished they gave more screen time to everyone not-zlj LOL but i guess at least we saw some more lin ran and yzx. but zlj did do a great job!! i really appreciate his skill and im glad the non-cto kids said such nice things about cto aw but really their age difference is not that big??? LOLLLL making cto seem so old??? but xue en is only 1 year older than lin ran and 3 years older than cxh and ycw LOL plus 1998 is xikan’s age too lol.....
omg xo crew being all these creatives including li chenxu ayy thats cool, i feel like we havent gotten to know much about him so this puts him in a new perspective for me
is akey supposed to be in the group? LOL zhan yu is going wild for him tho LOL
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im happy akey is making more rap friends!!! i feel like hes been working on that since qcyn
cjh has always seemed so real, i respect that
LOL hwx looks so awkward standing on stage in the middle. jin fan’s vooooiceeee and huang junrong yessss HAHAHAHA THE AKEY STANDEE IM CRYING HAHAHHA man jin fan has gotten to live up to his vocal name in this show, i hope that makes him happy. he still !! has not !! shown off !! his bboy !! dancing skills !! :( 
LOL lin mo being so amused that akey had no idea about the standee. hes a dork. so were they not allowed to do 3 stages? bc i feel like akey wouldnt have needed that much extra prep time to do all 3 of his stages just sayinggg hahahha but ay extra tyger screen time ill take it! i can see why he picked the creatives group though, that performance definitely better fits his musical and stylistic interests. 
AYYY CSP DANCING but lol qby calling him cui duopeng aw 
omg so sparkly!! LOL syh looks so scandalized by their confetti ribbons HAHAHAHHA but yay for mxy really owning this stage! 
LOL the way lin mo’s face scrunches up when su er points out he’s “momo” and then he just nods and tells hwx “momo is supporting you from behind” awww
oh rip this luo jie gaokao segment, was this the last time they saw him? 
lol ycw is always the one with the doggo but i appreciate xzx for not abandoning him like everyone else so he could still do 100 ways and fulfill his dreams
aw good for them being able to make a fun and entertaining stage and do well and bring everyone amusement. lol ycw throwing random flower petals everywhere so casual 
LOL rip renyu hes just sitting there minding his own business and then gets personally attacked HAHAH TWICE hHHAHAHAHA 
LOLLL SBR YESS and sbh hahahhaha csp being all scared of why theyre watching him and sbr is just like oh nothing~
lolll xikan curling into a little ball when everyone else is laughing and csp’s “why did i lose again?” LOOL
oh rip bye yan an 
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ouch syh..... going back to singapore to do adult things gosh i appreciate him going after mhw after it seemed like he had given up
man ycw cries a lot
kinda sad they cut the tyger perf BUT they did perform my favorite song (always thankful for akey’s composition skills!!!) AND at least they showed off zhan yu’s high notes and listed akey as a composer and gave lin mo some screen time to talk i guess its okay bc i appreciate the performances that they have shown fully so far, and i get that they cant show everyones in full. and it looks like all the kids liked the perf so thats fun
OOF A JUNRONG FEATURE THIS IS WHAT WE ALL NEEDED YESSS man i didnt realize he had so many show experiences already man.... ooo dxy vocal time!! 
OH GOSH THEY BROUGHT UP FAN YUUUUUUUU man the way renyu smiles watching fan yu play piano im softtt oof renyu’s voice is so nice even when hes like on the verge of crying
ahhh xu zhaohao’s song has me crying... i really like his voice too. 
wow im surprised so many of them took footage of themselves on their way to snzm? lol wait did they cut out li chenxu’s part on stage? 
HAHHAHAHHA LI HAO OMGG xu shengen wow this is amazing li hao is gonna be like a great director one day i can FEEL it. THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE ONLY PART OF THE ENTIRE EPISODE THATS SUBBED HAHAHHAHA look at li hao, making better videos than youku since 2020. li hao’s story man.... he and shengen and chenxu must be close 
i see why people were like whoa theres actually tygers in the next ep preview! what a unusual experience!! but ay there was huang enyu too! ahh he looks like hes desperate oh gosh but everyones crying it looks like :c ill keep my hopes up that lin mo’s is happy tears but its still rough to see 
aw su er...... oof the fact that they put in clips of some kids on other shows (i even saw super idol omg) and him putting lin mua at the end, they must really have grown to like that haha i saw someone posted about li hao saying he liked the lin mua too and appreciated that it was something lin mo promised to his fans. im glad they dont make fun of him for it in a mean spirited way. 
im grateful for this “extra” episode outside of the actual competition. they did seem to get to do performances that they wanted to be in. im guessing some kids’ perfs didnt get aired? so im hoping they get released elsewhere so we can still watch them. again i will say that having only half the number of trainees compared to other shows and having them for 3 stages rather than the usual 1 has allowed me to feel like ive gotten to know most (if not all?) of these kids, similar to how i felt about ip, which is nice. like i at least know their names and faces. at least it wasnt like qcyn where kids got eliminated before they even had 1 stage ugh. grateful and excited to see yixing again too next ep! hopefully this means we wont get some nonsense judging like last time... also excited to see momo with his pink hair! and in the same perf as zhan yu and akey (what happened to jin fan lol) everyone having colorful hair will be exciting! 
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and this is a jason band.  and he sings it shortly. and we blame us lol and he is a sod kicker no a shithead.  wea re big bosses of military operations not small nor miscreants and hit you madly now.. are up and send in rapid strike teams.  and tons of them and mac does too and he is right there and fires on youo blows your big ones saves ammo.. you die fast are very very sick people.  and are full of nonsense and ruined his rule.  his riegn...he loves our idea. and his brother will start it up as your gone now jason and bja and you brad and spouse and gross your all married to your sisters.  and gone shortly.  and he says it and always has no clue hahah ehhehe ad is a dhmmy never figures it out so loses.  Hera Zues your in the way asshole and use us and kill us. no more.  and your not dan. so i said who are you. and he said i am not dan...and then we are in control and no.  it is lighting.  and we heard it power surge. and jasons stuff broke and it is a hit by us yes.  and he falls. but he is a jerk na dloser no murderer. and i looked yup and tons of work to get him. yes. lynn 2 the princess yes i am one yes. Hera too and i say this the ride will be up tonight and we test it and hire tons to do so tehy will do the ride and have fun and be paid.  we had it ready hired from here and tons knew no. a secret.  and fun like disney was.  and mac will take over disney now.  and is.  jason had it. loses now ons of hits ni the movies are on him.  tons.  oh yeh we did the biker stuff he says.. .and did. an then this we drop you caa he says and no we drop you we say lynn says and your cadre of failure your evil and we documented it.  and you wont shut up about tomm f hitting you and you needed it got themb urned are  a fool  and you too damnit trump lit up no bja did and oh. so we say this your asses.  and were hit by orc not mac. his car yo uu needed it. and to be an arson now no thanks. and yo u go after him he will meetyou and hit. and tons say otherss do and yes. they do mostly mrlock and he says oh boy ad mac says damnit.   and you do it now mac sees you your done lyn princess says. and we are jason the dead boy says and i isuse a hit on him. his head seperte good and other such stipulatoins. and a race then ok mac says. easy does it though. and we sent the Carriages.  we do th pumpkin trick with holograms yes. and it is weasy an elevator. and some say wow and ohters no. and huge pumpkin and then it appears. and we walk it in no roll yes.  tos say wwo looks real and it does. so fun.  and ohters yuk i feel sick tons say imagine it is so nice.   and feel great.  we run it now a few times and yes we have the African drivers. and the mice and all of it.  teh three sisters and the floor washing and you mop no washing and they are there chastising..and all part of the ride it is fun...very fun. and up and  on it they say now. and tons go and see it..and wonderful lighting and magial trees and bushes and fairies flying by and real people too...and on mechanical wings. amazing skill and mac hires them too and for disney and is hooked. and he did not lisen what wizard no. and we start it up Oz and use it too  and balm is angry adn oh you need a part but wrote it. and he says i am the woodsman andno not little red riding hood ahahaha no not whearwolves no.  and the Wizard had has a Castle and mac puts it in.  we use it ok and good.  now we see it he says and ok.  good. and tons sign up to do the acting and more and we say ok all over and we make more Disney places and he says ok by contract. and we shall.  tons of them and we follow.  now too. and he is thrilled.  and will own it again. and tommy f stays on he says and first. yes.   Hera Zues
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mejomonster · 3 years
Reading hanshe still and this writer GETS me
Zhang Qiling like: stay away from Pangzi and panzi
Wang Meng like: I don’t have any bad opinions about gay I swear, please dont be mad
Wu xie: yun cai is dead maybe, Panzi is who Pangzi is calling Yuncai, say NOTHING
Wang meng: oh... is Pangzi having... problems??
Pangzi shows up and goes WHOS CALLING ME CRAZY
Wu xie: the WEATHER is crazy lol just WONT stop raining hahaha hahah aahh
Zhang Qiling: grabs wu xie’s hand and says “come with me”
Pangzi: IN BROAD DAYLIGHT WHAT ARE YOU LOVE BIRDS UP TO, wu xie what debt exactly DO you owe him
It should be noted wu xie and Zhang Qiling aren’t even a couple yet. Wu xie crashed at Zhang Qilings inn rent free for like a month and never paid and now he works there. Hence he “owes Zhang Qiling a debt” of a lot of money lol. Also zql probably fell in love saving wu xie’s life like 3 times I mean. You know just the usual for zql. And as usual for wu xie he thinks Xiaoge’s hot and kinda wants to be soulmates but he’s not presuming Xiaoge thinks anything except “Wu xie this bitch never paid me even a sliver of rent” lol
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kittytishers · 7 years
gdi spacey
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? uhhhh id be pretty fuckin weirded out but considering he lives in georgia id just be like “FIRST OF ALL HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE?????” but like why would i be naked anyways thats the real question who sleeps without their pjs?? dont answer that please i beg
2. What’s going on between you and the last person living being you kissed? He’s pretty sick so we’re taking him to the vet today :(
3. If your significant other was into drugs, would you care? depends on the drugs. if they were into weed id want in on some obvi but anything else and id just be eeeehhhhh naaaaahhhh
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? how does 11 letters sound?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? ive never been drunk in my life so take a wild guess
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? nope.
7. What does your last received text say? “Ooh”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person living being you kissed? more than i can count -w-
9. Where was your last kiss at?  in my house because we both live there
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? This monday before she headed off to disneyland for her honeymoon!!
11. What do you drink in the morning? milk because its in my cereal
12. Where did you sleep last night? my fuckin bed -.-
13. Do you think relationships are hard? i think with the right person it shouldn’t be that bad.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? i wouldve done a different story for my creative writing project
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person living being you kissed, any problems? he’s sick so that would be bad :(
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? sunny
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? lol nah
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? PAJAMA SHORTS HAHAH
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? I hope so
20. Does anyone like you? Not that i know of
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? nope
22. Is the last person living being you kissed gay? I mean he’s neutered so technically he’s ace
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? the guy who sits behind me in english -.-
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?  yeah. proll ynot gonna tho
25. In the past week have you cried?  probably
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? my dog is an english springer spaniel so
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out of the shower duh
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? HAHAHAHAH
29. Do you think you’re old? if i think im old i cant call my friends old so im just gonna say no
30. Do you like text messaging? yup
31. What type of day are you having? S T RE SS 
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? no but i like how it looks on other people
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? cold because SWEATERS
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Three! @pseudonymouslps​ @celestialbomber​ and @luciferhimshelf​!!! they are all great btw follow them if you arent already
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? i want a relationship first and then ill figure out how i feel about flings
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? is anyone a simple person???
37. What song are you listening to? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etb0xDIFXR4
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? yeah of course.39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? @2cutepandasian​ knows a lot i think. she is my first mother after all40. What made you start liking the person you like now? i mean i don’t have a person i like rn so41. When did you last receive a text message? not quite sure. all i know is the convo started like 6 am my time lmao42. What is wrong with you right now? everyhting???43. How well do you know the last female you texted? my mom continues to confuse me -.-44. Does anyone disgust you? my dog sometimes45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? DEPENDS ON THE PERSON I GUESS??? IDK I THINK ITD BE KINDA WEIRD46. Are you in a good mood right now? i guess so47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? mi madre48. What color shirt are you wearing? black likE MY SOUL49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? i dont want to hear anything my mom says tbh50. Anyone you’re giving up on? nah51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? lol i didn’t really fall for anyone
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? no i dont like giving up on people wtf???53. Do you like rain? im an ml fanatic of COURSE 54. Do you care if your significant other drinks? at this age? yeah. when im older than 18 i wont give a fuck55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? yeah thats always how it goes 56. Do you like to cuddle? HWO DOESNT??57. Are you shy? not shy just unwilling to engage in conversation with people i dont know or carea bout 58. Do you get along with girls? i get along with anyone i want to59. Have you dated the person you texted last? he’s 5 years older than me ew no like god hes like a brother to me but to date him no wtf??? 60. What do you carry with you at all times? a hair tie and my phone 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? hells yeah. the two outcomes are death or living life rich its a win-win 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? i mean i hope so 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? HAHAHAHAHHAHA 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? i dont like anyone right now but the person i liked a lil while back,,, yeah its be adoarble..;l.,,65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? i mean i saw my sister get married like if that isnt cute then idk what else is
66. How old are the last three people living beings you kissed? 4 and 10
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? dude nail salons are the best but i can make my own nails i dont really care68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    animal print in general is lowkey trashy imo69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    dont have a car lolol70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    who??71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?   iphone fuck yeah 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    looooong time73. Do you like diet soda?    never had any so i cant say74. What color are the walls in your room?    white75. Are you 16 or older?    nope but next year76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    no77. Do you have a job?    no  78. What are your initials?    LZ80. Are you from the south?    I’m from SoCal but not The South™
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    facebook thats cute82. Do you still talk to the first person living being you ever kissed?    of course how else will i yell at him to stop fucking with my shit?83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    dad definitely84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    ive done gymnastics before yeah85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Hidden Figures87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    im in a flip flop mood rn. ive been wearing heels all weekend -.-88. Is your phone touch screen?    yeah90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    no where tf would i go91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    pool please i dont appreciate fish feces being on my body92. Have you ever made out in a car?    HAH i wish93. …Had sex in a car?    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA94. Are you single or in a relationship?    take a wild guess based on previous questions its not that hard to figure out i promise95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    screaming at myself to FINISH THE DAMN PAPER96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    4th o july97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    it serves its purpose98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    nope99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    nope100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    youre asking as if facebook is still relevent101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    im 15 and ive never had sex in my life. no.102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    WAKA WAKA103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    no but its getting warmer so soonthaank god this bs is over. i wish i could say i hate you but i dont lie
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s3venpounds · 7 years
YA CHEEKY LITTLE CUNT love you tho because its always fun to do these asks even though everyone who reads will probs forget all these details in like the span of a week.
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
wanna go again?
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
nothing anymore
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
depends on what drugs, the severity of the side effects, the cost of said drugs, and how addicted they are to it. like if its weed sure go ahead long as it isn’t around me not a big fan of the smell. crystal meth however i would probably be turned off or just attempt to get them off it. over the counter drugs though is fine too.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? yep
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? sober
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes. horribly messed up. still think about it tbh
7. What does your last received text say? “ well i think you can just wax with whatever length but it wont be able to cling to your hair well”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? lost count too busy being happy at the time
9. Where was your last kiss at? a bus stop
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? yesterday
11. What do you drink in the morning? nothing. i dont wake up in the morning
12. Where did you sleep last night? my couch because its fucking comfier than my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? most def. wouldn’t have it any other way though. 
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? yeah
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
yeah, the fact we haven’t talked in months, and because i’m pretty sure she wants nothing to do with me lol
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? rainy, free shower
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? dont got a middle name so i guess yes?
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? boxing shorts 
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? ahahaha no.
20. Does anyone like you? trust me, if i knew i would do something about it
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? its rude to say but i don’t remember but from what i do remember its a no
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? not gay specifically at least from what i’ve been told by said person
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? 3 people specifically. not gonna name them
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? multiple times, talked to tattoo artists, people who had multiple tattoos, people who are first timers so yeah i want one maybe 5
25. In the past week have you cried? yeah anime hurts the feels bro
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?does pictures on tumblr count? if yes, a shiba inu, if no, golden retriever
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out of the shower, i feel like im gonna slip and fall if i stay in there too long
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? yeah he doesn’t use lip balm often so it was kinda rough
29. Do you think you’re old? yeah
30. Do you like text messaging? most def. i like texting more than talking since i can think about my words and play it off as just “ yeah i was busy” also i find myself a better conversationalist on texts than in person
31. What type of day are you having? a shitty one but i showered so im feeling refreshed at least
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? nope, i have thought about getting spider bites on my lower lip but i dont think i can pull it off
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? cold weather, i hate bugs and indoor volleyball is nice
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?yeah
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? a relationship. flings hurt afterwards and to me theres no feelings behind it so youre left feeling empty
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? i wanna say simple but everyone knows everyones complicated. if someones simple that just means theyre not letting off everything at the get go
37. What song are you listening to? lie to me george nozuka
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? of course i do. does it mean i wont make the same mistake? nope. it just means i’ll take steps to preventing it from happening again. if it happens again then ill keep trying. all you can do when you fuck up is to just keep trying to prevent it from happening again. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? i’d like to think so40. What made you start liking the person you like now?vibrant personality that draws you in. playful demeanor. likes geeky things like i do. has deep thoughts that make me want to ponder existence with them. likes physical intimacy. and the first thought when i saw her was that i wanted to protect her, care for her, and guide her in life if ever she needs help. 41. When did you last receive a text message? 8:43 am monday42. What is wrong with you right now? im not independent? i rely on friends and other stuff to grant me happiness when really the only source of happiness i can rely on if to draw it from myself. friends help but they can’t be the only source. i have trouble moving on from past issues, constantly weighed down by past decisions and mistakes when i should have passed it a long time ago.43. How well do you know the last female you texted? not very well however she knows me very well since i vent to her lol44. Does anyone disgust you? yeah the same 3 people i mentioned that i cannot stand.45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? most likely yeah46. Are you in a good mood right now? nope. neutral if anything47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?me mother before she left for a bus shuttle to fort mac48. What color shirt are you wearing? nude. no plans today, or guests so that means no pants, no shirt and occasionally if im feeling happy enough, no underwear either49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? not recently. i have a feeling that i’ve given off the vibe to all my friends that they have to tip toe around me about a lot of topics else they’ll make me sad. i’d rather a splash of cold water in the face than some shitty lie50. Anyone you’re giving up on? myself mostly.51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? i never hate the people i used to date. i hate the decisions i made that lead to breaking up. i tend to think things are never someone else’s fault but more of mine. even if by some weird chance it wasn’t i would twist it so it was my fault. its just easier for everyone that way if people have a scapegoat.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? yeah.53. Do you like rain? i love it. sometimes on rare occasions i can almost feel the shitty person inside me just kinda slide off my skin and drip off the tips of my fingers and i feel … complete? is the best way i can put it54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? nope. party all you like, im just not too keen on drinking very often or partying very often. although when i do party ill party hard.55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? who hasnt?56. Do you like to cuddle? love it. spooning, arm on shoulder, hugging from behind, them sitting on your lap, them holding you from behind. my skin feels electric when the person i love has their skin against mine.57. Are you shy? i’d like to say im not58. Do you get along with girls? i’d like to say i do59. Have you dated the person you texted last? not going to lie hahah i considered it at some point60. What do you carry with you at all times? phone, wallet , keys.61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? yeah most likely. the economy sucks bro.62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? yeah assuming i dont fuck up lol63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?nope. sadly.64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? DAMN STRAIGHT.  shit would be like a good luck charm65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? my niece tried to say duck and instead said fuck
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? probably going to get some questionable looks from this but 16, 24, 21
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? pay for a pro, i am NOT an artistic person.   68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    zebra. black and white. leopard print makes me think a white 40 something year old with plastic surgery, hair thats half a meter tall and nails that are longer than most men’s penises talking with a southern belle accent that tries to hit on pool boys69. Do you have any stickers on your car? none70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? i hate country and im not a fan of lil wayne anymore so i guess lil wayne if i absolutely have to.71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    android 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    couple days ago?73. Do you like diet soda?    hate it. feels fake to me74. What color are the walls in your room?    boring beige75. Are you 16 or older?    yes.76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    heard of it, seen gifs, dont plan on watching it77. Do you have a job?    as of now yeah.  78. What are your initials?    SM79. Did you ever have braces?  nope.  i had retainers but i kept breaking them so my parents were like okay thats enough, its too expensive to replace them lol80. Are you from the south?  im about as north as you can get without living in igloos
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    “day barely started and 4 things putting me in a shitty mood. looks liek today is gonna be loooooooooong”82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    i wish.83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    mother. although im not on good terms with either of them. my mother just has more patience to deal with me84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?   i did pom squad which was a pretty shitty version of cheerleading i guess. 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? beauty and the beast i thoroughly enjoyed it =]    86. Do you smoke?  weed or cigarettes? either one ive stopped both. not worth it, plus i dislike smelling gross.87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    i’ve worn heels before but not for a prolonged period of time but they felt nice so i’d say hells. flip flops keep making annoying sounds and it makes me grind my teeth thinking about it88. Is your phone touch screen?    yes89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    straight. i’d love it to be a bit curly. i even permed my hair last year apparently it looked good says some friends of mine.90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    i snuck out last night lol. the family gave up on stopping me.91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    pool. rivers and lakes have the possibility of germs, leeches or other shit. its a hassle to have to take extra precautions92. Have you ever made out in a car?    yep.93. …Had sex in a car?    almost.94. Are you single or in a relationship?   single. 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    playing overwatch with my friend reo.96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    AW COME THE FUCK ON. the last relationship questions weren’t enough to jab a knife in my chest but this too? fuck. whatever. it was at capital ex or k- days whatever the fuck you wanna call it. i had fun. the fireworks wasn’t the only thing that sparked. fuck. instant bad mood.97. Do you like the camera on your phone? yeah its really good. i can take pictures of my friends and even see the condition of their pores and shit its pretty nice.   98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    nope. i’d like to try it though99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    not yet.100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?  yeah. i should really just delete my facebook.  101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?  nope.  102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    Die young103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    nope.104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? sure why not. i’d probs wear assless chaps too if i had a nice ass
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toomanysinks · 5 years
Facebook wants up to 30% of fan subscriptions vs Patreon’s 5%
Facebook will drive a hard bargain with influencers and artists judging by the terms of service for the social network’s Patreon-like Fan Subscriptions feature that lets people pay a monthly fee for access to a creator’s exclusive content. The policy document attained by TechCrunch shows Facebook plans to take up to a 30 percent cut of subscription revenue minus fees, compared to 5 percent by Patreon, 30 percent by YouTube which covers fees, and 50 percent by Twitch.
Facebook also reserves the right to offer free trials to subscriptions that won’t compensate creators. And Facebook demands a “non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use” creators’ content and “This license survives even if you stop using Fan Subscriptions.”
Distrust of Facebook could scare creators away from the platform when combined with its significant revenue share and ability to give away or repurpose creators’ content. Facebook has consistently shown that it puts what it thinks users want and its own interests above those of partners. It cut off game developers from viral channels, inadequately warned Page owners their reach with drop over time, decimated referral traffic to news publishers, and most recently banished video makers from the feed. If Facebook wants to win creators’ trust and the engagement of their biggest fans, it may need a more competitive offering with larger limits on its power.
“Facebook reached out to offer Hard Drive early access to a “fan subscription” product” tweeted Matt Saincome, who also runs satirical news site The Hard Times. “I asked my editors about it and the complete distrust amongst our team was kinda funny. We read through the terms and found a couple things that were hilarious when compared to Patreon’s 5% . . . Up to 30% and the rights to all our stuff? From the people who let us build an audience on their platform before pulling it out from under our feet? Hilarious. Here’s a crazy alternative: let people who signed up to see our content see it and then we can monetize that hahah.”
Instagram is refocusing on creators too. Instagram’s Android app reveals the prototype of a feature that lets users switch their profile into a Creator Account, similar to the Business Profiles it launched in 2016. Instagram first told The Hollywood Reporter about Creator Accounts in December but now it’s showing up in the code. Reverse engineering specialist Jane Manchun Wong generated this screenshot showing the option for Creator Accounts to hide their contact info or profile category. Fellow code digger Ishan Agarwal gave TechCrunch an exclusive look at the Instagram code that shows the Creator Accounts are “Best for public figures, content producers, artists, and influencers”. Creator Accounts give users “more advanced insights and reach more people with promotions”, “more growth tools” and “a new inbox that makes it easier to manage message requests and connect with fans.”.
Trading Control For Subscribers
Facebook began testing Fan Subscriptions a year to give creators a financial alternative to maximizing ad views after watching the rise of Patreon which now has 3 million patrons who’ll pay 100,000 artists, comedians, models, and makers over $500 million this year. This month Facebook expanded the test to the UK, Spain, Germany, and Portugal to allow users to pay $4.99 per month to a creator for exclusive content, live videos, and a profile badge that highlights them as a subscriber. While Twitch owns gamers, YouTube rules amongst videographers, and Patreon is a favorite with odd-ball creators, Facebook may see an opportunity to popularize Fan Subscriptions internationally and turn mainstream consumers into paid supporters.
The terms for Fan Subscriptions are not publicly available, and only visible on Facebook’s site to Pages it’s invited to test the feature. But TechCrunch has published the full policy document below.
Thankfully, Facebook isn’t taking a cut of Fan Subscription revenue during the test phase, and creators get to keep 100 percent of the money paid by any patrons it signs up before the official launch. Facebook tells me that it hasn’t finalized its percentage cut, though the terms permit it to take as much as 30 percent. That would qualify given Facebook tells me its rake will be in line with industry standards and creators will retain the majority of their earnings.
But whatever cut it takes will be after processing fees and the 15 to 30 percent tax Apple and Google levy on iOS and Android in-app purchases. We’ll see if Facebook tries a workaround that pushes users to their mobile browser where it can take their subscription money tax-free. And if Facebook decides it want to give users a free one-month trial or discount to any creator, they can’t stop it even if that lets people download all their exclusive content and then cancel without ever paying.
But what’s sure to raise the most hairs is the clause about “Supplemental Data” that gives Facebook a license to display a creator’s content as they might expect, but also a royalty-free license to use it however they want, even after a creator abandons Facebook Fan Subscriptions. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed that Supplemental Data does in fact cover all content provided by the creator. They claim it’s so if a creator made a custom fan sticker, a subscriber could use it in their own Facebook post, but the rule gives Facebook vast power beyond that. Patreon has a similar clause, but gets the benefit of the doubt in a way Facebook doesn’t after so many scandals.
Facebook’s spokesperson claimed that the Supplemental Data terms were similar to Facebook’s standard terms, but the normal Facebook terms say “You can end this license any time by deleting your content or account.” Not so with Fan Subscriptions. I don’t expect Facebook is going to try to outright steal and resell creators’ content, but it will have jurisdiction to use their art however it wants to fuel its war with Patreon, Twitch, and YouTube.
Creators will have to decide whether access to Facebook’s 2.3 billion users is worth the platform risk of building a following somewhere they don’t control and that has other business priorities. If Facebook’s strategy suddenly veers away from Fan Subscriptions, it could be hard for creators to score new signups or retain their old ones. At least with a dedicated site like Patreon, creators know the platform can’t abuse them without the threaten of ruin.
Here’s the full Terms Of Service for Facebook’s Patreon competitor Fan Subscriptions:
Fan Subscriptions Creator Terms
The fan funding feature (“Fan Subscriptions”) allows Facebook users to support their favorite pages, creators, group administrators, gamers, or others (“Pages”) through a monthly subscription with Facebook (“Subscription”) that gives those people (“fans”) access to digital content offered by Pages, such as exclusive digital content, fan recognition, and merchandise discounts. These Terms (“Terms”) govern how Pages use Fan Subscriptions.
With regard to your use of Fan Subscriptions, you agree to the following:
Your use of the Platform with respect to Fan Subscriptions is subject to, and you agree to comply with, the Platform Policy currently available at https://developers.facebook.com/policy/.
Your use of Fan Subscriptions to offer digital content and/or services to Facebook fans is subject to, and you agree to comply with the (a) Monetization Eligibility Standards currently available at https://www.facebook.com/help/publisher/169845596919485, and (b) Content Guidelines for Monetization currently available at https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/get-started/monetization_contentguidelines. You agree to follow any additional instructions and/or technical documentation we provide to you for Fan Subscriptions.
You will provide accurate information to fans in connection with your use of Fan Subscriptions, including but not limited as part of any digital content or services you choose to offer to them. You must clearly and conspicuously disclose all material terms regarding your offer and the nature of content or services you will provide to fans once they choose to subscribe. You agree to comply with all laws applicable to your use of Fan Subscriptions.
You confirm that the content you offer via Subscription does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party and that you have secured all rights necessary to distribute, copy, display, publicly perform, or otherwise use the content.
You will not use, incorporate, or provide any music or physical goods in connection with your use of Fan Subscriptions without FB’s prior written approval (email is sufficient).
You will not offer discounts on physical goods that exceed 80 percent of the offered goods’ retail value.
Your fans’ Subscriptions may be processed as payments to Facebook via Apple’s In-App Purchase or Google’s In-App Billing services, which are subject to Apple’s and Google’s separate payment terms and conditions. Apple and Google may charge Facebook a revenue share and/or other fees for such payment services according to their respective terms and conditions. FB will pay you a revenue share calculated as a percentage (“Your Share”) of what’s left after deduction of those fees/charges and of any other fees or taxes incurred by Facebook. As a the date of these Terms, Your Share of that net revenue is 100%. However, Facebook may in the future change these Terms such that Facebook keeps a revenue share of up to 30%. We will give 30 days’ notice of any such change.
Facebook reserves the right to offer discounted and free trials for fans from time to time in our discretion, whether to incentivize Subscription sign-ups or otherwise. Where we do so in relation to your Fan Subscriptions, your revenue share will be reduced accordingly: we only pay you a revenue share based on the amounts fans actually pay (less fees and taxes we incur).
If you have accurately completed and timely provided to FB any forms or documentation that FB reasonably determines are required to set up payment to you, and subject to and only in the event that you are in compliance in all respects with these Terms, payment of any net amounts FB receives from Apple and Google for Subscriptions made by your fans during your use of Fan Subscriptions will be on a monthly basis, within approximately 60 days after the end of the applicable month. Facebook will not be responsible for any subsequent fees applied by your financial institution to complete payment of the Monthly Fee to you. Furthermore, in the event the payment due to you would be less than One Hundred U.S. Dollars ($100.00), Facebook reserves the right to roll such payment over month to month until such payment threshold is met, at which time Facebook will make the applicable payment to you. Facebook also reserves the right to set off and/or withhold any amounts that Facebook reasonably considers are or are likely to be payable by you to Facebook under these Terms (including under any indemnities).
If you are providing (or allowing us to access) any data, content, or other information in connection with your use of Fan Subscriptions (collectively, “Supplemental Data”), then you grant us (and our affiliates) a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use such Supplemental Data. This license survives even if you stop using Fan Subscriptions. You are responsible for obtaining the necessary rights from all applicable rights holders to grant this license.
You are responsible for paying any applicable taxes owed with respect to any amounts you receive through your use of Fan Subscriptions. Facebook will charge you taxes with respect to such amounts if it is required to do so under applicable law.
Facebook can terminate or suspend your use of Fan Subscriptions at any time in our sole discretion, and we may change or stop offering Fan Subscriptions at any time in our sole discretion. In no event will we be liable in any way for terminating or suspending your use of Fan Subscriptions, for the discontinuation of Fan Subscriptions, for the removal of or disabling of access to content, or for the withdrawal of the content or Fan Subscriptions.
If you change what’s included in a Subscription in a way that could be considered material, you must give fans reasonable prior notice such that they have a reasonable opportunity to cancel their Subscriptions if they so choose, with the change only taking effect after their next Subscription fee payment.
If you are using Fan Subscription on behalf of a third party (including, but not limited to, as an agent or representative of a Creator), you represent and warrant that you have the authority as agent of such party to use such features on their behalf, agree to these Terms, and hereby bind such party to these Terms. You agree to indemnify and hold Facebook harmless from any claims, suits, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses resulting from your breach of the Terms. If you are accepting these Terms as admin of Facebook Business Manager for your business, these Terms shall apply to Content on all Facebook Pages and profiles owned or operated by your business at the time of acceptance and thereafter.
By using the Fan Subscriptions feature, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically any important information regarding your use of Fan Subscriptions, including without limitation as to Your Share and any payments. We may also provide notices to you by posting them on our website, or by sending them to an email address or street address that you previously provided to us. Website and email notices shall be considered received by you within 24 hours of the time posted or sent; notices by postal mail shall be considered received within three (3) business days of the time sent.
Facebook reserves the right to update these Terms from time to time. If any change to these Terms will materially disadvantage you, or materially affect the availability of the Subscription, we will provide you with notice before the changes become effective and you can choose to cancel your Subscription. Your continued use of this feature constitutes acceptance of those changes.
Fan Subscriptions is part of the “Facebook Products” under Facebook’s Terms of Service(“Facebook Terms”), and your use of Fan Subscriptions is deemed part of your use of Facebook Products. In the event of any express conflict between these Terms and the Facebook Terms, these Terms will govern solely with respect to your use of Fan Subscriptions and solely to the extent of the conflict. These Terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with Facebook. Facebook reserves the right to monitor or audit your compliance with these Terms and to update these terms from time to time, and your continued use of Fan Subscriptions constitutes acceptance of those changes.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/26/facebook-vs-patreon/
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wnsyafira-blog · 6 years
So where do I start? My life changed, 360 degree. Thats for sure. I spent most of my 2017, 11 months to be exact, in Dengkil. I was doing my Foundation in Law, I graduated with a CGPA of 3.59. I did pretty good for my second semester to be compared to my first semester...hahah I got straight A’s, with a GPA of 3.85. It was hard tho. I sacrificed all my social life for it. I deactivated my Instagram hahaha if you know me well, yall will know how I love posting picture on Instagram. But it was totally worth it, I shall say? Well I kinda ignored my boyfriend, we don’t really talk to each other everyday. Ignored my best friend as well. I wonder if Aike still read my tumblr tho. I dont think he will. I am pretty sure he dont even know this page exists? He tends to forget little things like this.  I learnt alot. It was my first time of living alone on my own from my family. I learnt to wake up at 6 in the morning everyday, by my own self. Without mama have to knock my door and shout at me. I learnt to make my own breakfast. I learnt mostly everything, things that I dont have to do at home. It was pretty tough at first. But I was blessed with good souls there that make me learn these things. Despite all of that, the main highlight here is, I get to know people. I learn to acknowledge different character of humans.  Aisyah, or Eca. She is my roommate for 2 semesters, we got close to each other after 2 weeks I guess? On our last semester, we were placed in the same class, L13. I was kind of scared tbh? Bcs I am more comfortable to not have the same class because ya know, its quite challenging if you were to see each other alot, the chances to gaduh or get misunderstand is higher ya get me? And yes, its true tho.. we kinda had a little fight not really a fight but a silent treatment thing if that makes sense? But it got sorted out pretty quick. Shes nice. But I ever since she got close to Jo, she would choose Jo over me which is pretty sad, but its okay. Maybe I am not a good listener/adviser. Maybe Jo is a better friend for her. I got over this anyway! Auni, she is my jiran depan hahaha our jodoh is quite strong, we were placed in the same class for 2 semesters straight! Man, this is my bae. My bae! We were very clingy to each other. I freaking love Auni, I have no words to describe my love for her. I can feel that she is very sincere to be my friends. But, I believe that things are not always good. We got a little misunderstand over something really small and we got drifted apart ever since. It was totally heartbreaking for me, it got sorted out but yeah after the fights, it was kind of awkward for us to be back to normal I assumed? And I started to distance myself from her because I was kinda terasa because she kept to her own self about her problems...I mean..its fine but it was frustrating seeing your friends sedih? And even more, I told Auni almost everything and she did not anggap me the same thing. i mean, I thought I was your best friend? But if I were to choose one person, I would definitely go for Auni. She is the nicest person.  Wafa. This one is totally complicated. I love Wafa, I love our friendship. I would do anything for her. I hate watching her crying. I was there whenever she cried, because man, she did the same thing. We got each other’s back. I hate it when people talk bad about Wafa because I know her true self. She is not always bad, she is a really good friend. Shes the type of person who would come over whenever you are having a bad day even if its 2 in the morning, yes that is Wafa. But I guess she dont anggap me how I anggap her. Maybe I am just another friend. She cut me off from her circle macam tu je even when I asked her ‘’hey is there anything wrong between us? If ada, please let me know.’’ She said nothing is wrong but I can totally sense something. Its okay, I will always pray for her happiness.  Syed Syafiq, people would always sees us together. Whenever ada Nadia, ada Syafiq and the other way round. We helped each other. Whenever I have a problem, I would talk to him, hes 25 this year, so I kinda preferred to talk to him because he always sees problem differently. And whenever Syafiq have a money problem, he’ll always find me. I dont mind though, because I know he helped me alot. But yeah, things are not always good, again. He ignored my text, my calls after we finished foundation. I wonder what went wrong, what did I do...and soon enough, on 11/12/2017, I found out he went to UM’s bachelor of Laws interview, I never knew there was an intake for UM. He never told me, I felt betrayed, because we freaking did everything together I spent my whole study week with him. We studied for our first semester’s final, together, we ate during our study week together, we shared our notes, we freaking shared everything hahahah I cried for 2 days straight? yeah. I dont get out of my room for 2 days. I skipped my meals, I went out for toilet only when my parents were sleeping. When we were applying for UITM’s intake, we were doing it together....I even asked Ema to help him out to tanya the lecturer if we can apply for Econs..but it wasnt his fault anyway. Its my own fault to be exact, I yang tak aware that there were an intake for UM. But if you were in my shoes, you’ll understand. Theres alot more to describe. But these 4 are the main friends back in Dengkil. I dont hate them, never. Because of these 4, I learnt alot. Maybe its not them. Maybe its me. My main problem about me that I noticed is, I always expect more from them. Maybe if I dont have such expectations, things wont ended this way. Maybe if I anggap them as friend, only friend, not a freaking best friend, I dont have to cry every night thinking of them. Basically in 2018, in my next life, in my next steps of life, I would not be too nice to others. I have to learn to say no. I will learn to be heartless..... I swear I was too nice. Too nice. I ran to the main gate in my pyjamas when I was sleeping because my friend called me suruh bayar uber, not once, twice. I sacrificed my money to bagi pinjam to my friend while that time I only have 50 bucks to survive, I split it into 2. I bagi dia 25, and I 25. I can simply say no but I dont have the heart to say so? I did my friend’s debate speech because he was busy? I paid for every printing work. They never pay me back or even bother asking ‘’berapa eh print tadi?’’. But God is fair enough, I got pretty good marks and results. I was too nice of offering all of my food stocks, i only got to makan roti with nutella thrice then I found out dah habis. After everything pun, they never anggap I as best friend, there will be always another person as their best friend. I will just stay as another friend, yes. Another friend yang baik. Thats what I am.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and they are committed to thier cause die doing it know it is fatal, as in they are gone. and forever.  and then this your messin with me and a mac is wiht lot. and has been for a long time years. and with our son. we have a plan. need to have to. and it is working..tons see, it.  no.  and it has been for ages back up after backup too. now you are up there going after Kat and others.  and you see, it. dont you they thought so but not that.  and we heard this we are after him you wont get him.  and he says i have my car. oh boy which and both Hera ads and yes we do.  and what else...well the ring is on nz as is mine.  both.  your wrong to say its not.  and we use it too. used it.  nand well..it went there as a result.  oh boy we see.  now we are at a loss what to do imprison him...and we take over your prisons they are black holes..a.nd build them we occupy. now too. any other threats. fine we see.  we move in too here and with SIM restarants and cafes and bars and food joints and grocery stores and a huge huge addition massive feather in my cap, SIM MART global too we blow walmarts prices out of the water, it is like a chinese store in china they remark.a.nd tons of jobs for ours.. none for you losers. and you try all day long to do stuff. are asked to leave constantly.  and you are at a loss... we also open a Grocery line, Krogers no there is one...and we call it SIM Grocer and we use it..and you dont. and we get you now...we filter in here big time. ok huge .  let you know and bump into you adn push you as you do to him.  and ken has been abused...he needed it..ken was uppity...and you can sit and relax and he did...and said wow..and you helped..and i wont ok.  and he saw fights after fights...and he did it and you said well it is like our most feirce egotarian, me, hahah lol bu ton me so not me..prob was..and he laughsyeh damnit...and fun..oh oh boy and no you dont...and geeezus this is a strain..ok.  and she is her Uma Thurman well one of them...and she laughs yes...ok...and youll learn ugh...well ill skip swords oh no you wont Posiden and Goddess Wife say nope you learn now and then and  more and now.  and ok...and i see it..how my glasses lol and i see. it is hard but you work out and i see why. it is tough there. too many dopes aholes and then egotarioans macs and touchy ppl who have taken a beating....and then you take a nice long warm shower...then help hyour grandfather he is in a battle...he was and then he stretched what can i do and you needa x a wing..and then he saw it you..and moved  and why. and tons up and saw the work..tons of it..and then wow we win it..now. and they hiti and hit and hit and he is famous it is anakiin showed all in the movie they got it and move now bja is wanted again here.  tons see.  and we go there now to help huge lines at SIM we wish you could see.  they are huge.  massive.  adn tons try it out and see and saw how and use the method and will patrol and tommy a puts in a huge order and for brass his bronco...and says you can have one....oh but im not brass. and he laughed ok...and i see i do yes and will and special colors.  tons say yeh this rocks...and sand rails tons love em mac had one very fast. we supe them up..ohh how.  we buy a kit tommy a says it is bolt on..and you follow the instructins implicitly they ahve great tech suiopport can look too use your phone show me and  it is on and they see and we have fun...boots it by two in some cases adn at ful lrpm more it is a wonderful co. and he si breaking his back adn wins..we win actually.  xwing delivered and on time tons of them. h uge huge lots.  we won tommy a says and he says bikesup and regular patrols need em protect your women and stuff we agre tommy a says and you will get some of your money i promise...tons up and he says paid patrols adn with our currency...he bites his lip.  now we do this and it is fun tons of SIM and tons more are bought huge huge lots and so many it is not funny.  huge lots.  and he is rich now and huge. no. but is better off.  and now trump swallows who is that guy looks like a mac.  and hmm.  so does hell boy well. and ken. ok.  so we see lol. and after me, ok no the machine odds are cannot make a charge anywhere near the edge of the inner atmospher at all we knkw this..and it worked they want jc ok Thor
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