#(not the best @ writing philip as emperor belos but if you love a character you'll go '๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ' and write them anyways lol)
enchantedchocolatebars ยท 1 year
The Rock๐Ÿชจ
Story inspired by this ask.
"Pip, catch!" Caleb happily exclaims, tossing the grey pebble he had to his little brother who stood across from him.
The two boys were outside playing their third favorite game - catch.
When Philip catches the small stone, he hops up and down in glee. "I caught it!" The brunette exults to the blonde.
"Good job!" Caleb beams, the older boy raising his opened hands in the air. "Now throw it back, but not too far. Okay?"
Philip nods. He's got this. He sticks his tongue out in concentration.
Cocking his arm back, Pip throws the pebble with all his might past Caleb. Both boys watch as the rock disappears into the woods.
The corners of Pip's mouth instantly draw downwards.
"Aww," He starts off with a sad coo. "It's gone now." His small shoulders slouch in disappointment.
How was he and Caleb going to continue their game now?
"Don't worry!" Caleb reassures his little bro, a look of confidence crossing his face. "I'll get it back! I promise. Wait here!" He then rushes into the woods to retrieve their rock.
Meanwhile, Belos, without his mask, was wandering aimlessly around in the same woods, his eyes taking in the earthly environment.
The green trees and blue skies said it all - he was back in the human realm. Back in Gravesfield, he assumed, due to the forest feeling familiar.
Home at last, he thought.
But how?
Suddenly, something small and round strikes him on the head.
"Ow!" he yelps, gently rubbing the spot that was hit.
He growls in pure annoyance.
That hurt!
What in heaven's even was that?
Bringing his attention to the brown ground, he spots a pebble and picks it up.
He begins examining it.
Looks like he found his answer, but who was the culprit?
In an instant, his cut ears pick up on the sound of twigs being crunched under feet.
He looks forward.
Someone was approaching.
But who?
Perhaps another human?
When Caleb appeared, he froze. He didn't dare take another step. His eyes widened at what he saw. A witch! A really old one. He looked to be a thousand. Maybe even older.
The blonde couldn't believe it.
The employer's eyes copy Caleb's. Before him was his little big brother. He looked to be about twelve. His shock soon shifts to anger at the boy. Caleb! The name alone made his blood boil. That traitor! That witch lover! How he hated him so.
Belos felt like morphing his arm into something sharp and shoving it through him, but he refrains from doing so. The action remains a thought. This version of his brother hasn't betrayed him yet. The one that did was dead.
Though, that didn't stop the tyrant from sending a glare at the young elder.
As Caleb was deciding in his head to fight or flight, he spots his rock in the witch's hand.
He points a finger at him.
"H-Hey!" he shouts, his voice terribly shaky. Despite his fear, the boy was trying his best to sound brave. He was a witch hunter after all. "That's mine! G-Give it back, you witch!"
Witch? Tch! Philip rolled his eyes.
"This is yours?" Belos asked, holding the pebble up in irritation. Looks like he found his culprit.
"Yes! N-Now give it back right now o-or else!"
Or else? Philip raised a brow at this. Arms are then crossed as chapped lips curl up in a smirk.
This could be fun.
"Or else what?"
Not a word was spoken.
Belos smugly chuckles at this.
"Well, I'm waiting."
Terrible man.
"I'll... I'll... I'll..." Caleb was stumped. What would he do? Could he do anything? As he thinks, the answer suddenly hits him. Aha! >:D He gives the witch a cute, cocky smile.
"I'll snitch by yelling. My screams will get the attention of someone in town. Maybe even a mob. They'll flock in droves here. Once they see you, they'll tie you up and you'll get taken to--"
"The gallows?" Belos rudely interrupts, his smirk spreading. He knows he's right.
Caleb shakes his head. "Not there. You'll probably be tossed in the pyre."
"Pyre?" Philip had to laugh. "Please. Don't be ridiculous. The people of Gravesfield are far too smart to burn their witch hunter general alive."
Witch hunter general? Now it was Caleb's turn to laugh. "Witch hunter generals don't have pointy witch ears," The little elder informs. "They have normal round ears like mine."
Looking at both his ears, Belos begins to realize something. Caleb was right. He goes back to glaring at him.
"Not so funny now, is it?" Caleb snickers, crossing his arms.
Philip narrows his eyes. "You wouldn't dare..."
This only made Caleb's grin grow.
As he's about to scream, a goopy, green hand lunges forth and grabs him.
He squeaks.
When he's brought over to Belos, he felt frightened. Being face-to-face with a witch made the small blonde tremble.
Philip took note of his terrified expression, it looking all too familiar.
"Please, Philip, you can't! You mustn't do this!" An adult Caleb begged his little brother as he stood across from him, a knife in hand.
The two were facing off inside a fiery cave as the flames burned strongly, smoke drifting into the atmosphere.
A beyond vexed Philip starts to slowly approach Caleb, his grip tight on his dagger.
He was ready to strike.
The blonde begins to take a step back, his brown eyes filling with tears.
"Please, don't do this..."
A sigh at the past memory, pain and grief swelling inside his chest. His grip slowly loosens. When Caleb was released, he was surprised to see the old witch look so... hollow. Like he was lacking something. Someone? Did he... have a family? Nonsense. Witches can't feel sadness, or have families. They weren't human. Was this witch... different? Only one way to find out.
"Mr. Witch, what's wrong?" Caleb would go on to ask, concern in his voice.
"Nothing," Philip grumbles, trying not to tear up.
"Are you sad because you're all alone in the woods? And you're old? And you... smell funny?"
A gasp emits. Belos took great offense at that blatant lie Caleb had said at the end. "I smell just fine!" He shouts, defending his "amazing" scent.
"...You mustn't yell to get your point across. I always tell my brother that," Caleb notifies the senior.
A groan came from Belos. He couldn't believe he of all people was being lectured by a child.
A child who was technically his older brother, but still a child.
"Perhaps you're disheartened because you lost your family." Caleb takes the old man's hand as if he were a child far younger than him. A little brother almost. "Shall we go look for them?"
Belos immediately pulls his hand away. "No," He refuses in a stern, authoritative voice. He was still the adult here. "I don't need some snot-nosed little..." His arm suddenly morphs into slime and falls off. A pressed sigh passes his lips. How fun.
A second squeak left Little Caleb as he saw the limb lying down on the forest floor.
He directs a pointer finger at it.
"I-Is that normal for you!?"
"Unfortunately," Belos murmurs, bending down to pick up his own arm with his free hand. When he fixes it back on, it falls again.
The emperor frowns in frustration at this.
"Looks like you could use a hand." Or rather, an arm in this situation. Caleb was willing to offer just that. He picks up the upper limb. "Hold still," He instructs Belos, who does just that.
Standing on his tippy toes, the blonde sticks the arm back onto the shoulder joint.
The limb manages to reattach, green goo forming back into human skin.
With his upper arm connected, Belos was already begining to feel better. "Thank you," He mumbles, scratching the back of his head as he looks away in slight embarrassment.
This causes Caleb to give him a sunny smile.
"You're welcome! I think you might need to sit down after all that." Coincidentally, the blonde spots two side-by-side stumps close by.
Sitting down on the first stump, Caleb looks to Belos and happily pats the second one.
It was quite obvious what he wanted the old man to do.
As Belos takes a seat beside him on the other stump, he can't but help raise a suspicious brow at the boy.
"I thought you said I smelled funny."
Caleb chuckles before giving an honest answer. "You do."
Philip gave the child a glare. This younger Caleb was being a thorn in his side. One more crass comment about his scent, just one more, and he'll--
"But you also seem harmless. I'm not sure if you're a good witch or a bad witch, but you haven't used your powers to hurt or curse me or take my soul, so... thank you."
His words were genuine as he continued. He then holds out a hand for the old witch to shake. "My name is Caleb," he'd go on to say. "Caleb Wittebane. What's yours?"
Blue eyes glance at Caleb's hand before looking back at him. Belos was reluctant to shake hands and share his real name. His guilt wouldn't allow it.
Instead, he pulls out Caleb's pebble, holding it between his forefinger and thumb.
"Take your rock and leave."
Caleb shakes his head, smiling again. "Actually, you can keep it. Who knows, you might find someone to play catch with... if you're nice enough," he chuckles.
"CALEB, HURRY UP!" A young, impatient voice yells from out of the woods.
The blonde knew who it belonged to. He rose from his seat, turning to Belos. "That was my little brother. I have to go now." Before Little Caleb leaves, he wraps his small arms around the witch.
Eyes closed, he clings to him fondly.
The sudden embrace catches Philip off guard, his eyes wide.
Adult Caleb's eyes were closed as he continued to hug the dark figure that was his baby brother, a gentle smile on his face.
"Oh Philip, I'm so happy to see you again..."
Letting go, Caleb bids Belos a farewell. "Bye!" The boy beams as he rushes off, leaving the old fart flabbergasted.
"There you are!" Little Philip watched as Caleb came back to him safe and sound. "What took you so long? Did you find our rock?"
Caleb gives him a head shake. "Sorry," He says. Despite the white lie, his apology was sincere.
Seeing the sad puppy look appear on Pip's face, the blonde lifts a hand above his head, gently patting it. "Aww, don't be sad."
He shined his sibling a sympathetic smile.
"How about I take you to the pond? They'll be plenty of rocks there. We can even skip a few in the water. Would you like that?"
Such a suggestion greatly excites Philip, his blue eyes gleaming in delight. He liked the sound of that! Quickly nodding his head, Caleb chuckles, taking his hand. "Let's go then."
As the two were on their way to Pious Pond, a thought crossed Caleb's mind. The witch. He thought about the hug he gave him. It felt instinctive for some reason.
Would the two ever meet again?
Only time would tell.
Inside the Emperor's bedroom, the ruler awoke from his slumber.
He let out a neutral sigh.
It was all just a dream.
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enchantedchocolatebars ยท 2 years
๐Ÿฆ”Tea With Kittyโ˜•
(A sort of part two 2 this story lol.)
The sun was shining.โ˜€๏ธ
The bees were buzzing.๐Ÿ
The flowers were flowering.๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒท
Pitchforks and torches were on sale.
"Witches" were being burned brutally at the stake.
Just another mundane morning in the town of Gravesfield.
Inside the Wittebane household, a sleepy Caleb was seen yawning into his hand as he trudged to the kitchen.
The bags under his eyes said it all.
He didn't get enough sleep last night.
After leaving the room, rather than rest, the blonde started to stress again about that letter he received.
He knew the negative talks of his brother were false, but...
What if they came to be true someday?
Caleb wanted to believe that Pip would always stay sweet forever, but...
What if he didn't?
The thought bothered him endlessly.
He had to get it off his mind.
Maybe whipping something up might do the trick.
Stretching his arms, Caleb enters the kitchen where AAA!!!
He stops the second he sees that THING from yesterday still on the kitchen table, its dead eyes looking directly at him.
A staring contest commenced between the two as a frozen Caleb stood there.
All of the dead animals that Philip brought home with him from the woods freaked the elder out, but this one?
It took the cake for being the most chilling.
Something about it was...not good.
He had to depose of it quickly before--
Called a chipper Pip as he rushed past Caleb and over to the table where he grabbed Kitty and pulled his pet into a hug.
Little Pip loved Kitty with all his heart!โค๏ธ
Their bond could never be broken!
The cuteness coming from his baby brother made Caleb sigh.
'Too late,' he thought.
Later on, the living room clock strikes four as afternoon tea began.โ˜•
Philip and Caleb were both gathered at the table as Kitty sat in the lap of the smaller.
He couldn't contain his smile, his little feet bouncing idly while seated.
His friend was having his first ever tea with him!
How exciting!
Sitting in the center of the table was a wooden teapot along with a small tray that contained a crumpet and an English muffin.
Both breads had a spread of homemade butter on them.
Placing the crumpet on Philip's plate, Caleb goes to put the muffin on his.
When Pip picks up his tea cup, he starts to eagerly shake it sideways.
It was quite obvious what he wanted.
And lots of it!
To the tippy top!
Caleb sees this and chuckles at the keen child, taking the tea pot handle.
"Hold it still, Pip," He instructs with a sunny smile as Pip does just that and Caleb begins to pour.
Satisfied with the amount, Pip takes a small sip. Ah, hot!โ˜•๐Ÿ”ฅ His tongue, his tongue! He blows on his tea for a bit and takes another sip. Much better.๐Ÿ˜Œ
Setting his cup down, Philip picks up Kitty and holds him to his ear.
He had said something, but Pip didn't one-hundred percent hear him.
"What was that, Kitty?"
His gaze goes to his older brother who was getting ready to pour himself a piping hot cup.
"Caleb, wait!"
The elder puts his pouring to a stop and looks to Philip.
"Kitty says that HE wants to pour you a cup of tea!" Pip happily informs, pointing to his pet.
"Isn't that nice of him?"
Shifting his eyes to Kitty, Caleb felt the thing PEERING into his soul.
He just could.
It was creepy.
Eyes now back on his little bro, he shines him a nervous smile.
"V-Very nice. Kitty is such a caring, uh, creature."
Clearing his voice, he continues.
"But Pip, I think I can pour my own cup."
Hearing this, Philip forms a pouty frown.
"Aww, come on, Caleb. Let Kitty do it just this once."
With a hand near his mouth, he whispers, "You're making him feel bad."
"But Philip--"
He proceeds to pull out the puppy dog eyes.
Those big blue orbs sparkle with adorableness.
Caleb sighs, "Okay, fine," he groans, giving into the minor manipulation.
Philip beams at his brother's okay as he brings Kitty over to the teapot.
He tries laying his body against the handle.
"It's okay, Kitty. Go on. Take your time. There's no rush," Philip would kindly reassure.
But, ultimately, Kitty falls flat on the table and accidentally tips the pot down, sending the scorching liquid from the sprout spilling onto Caleb's lap.
Judging from the contorted expression on Caleb's face, the tea hits the one place every guy his age wants to protect from trauma.
Philip could clearly see the painful state his sibling was in.
Tugging on his shirt sleeve, Philip asks in a small voice, "Caleb, are you alright?"
A wheezy chuckle came from the blonde as he spoke.
"Me? I'm fine! No, really, I am. I just... need to change is all."
He rises from his seat.
"Excuse me, Philip."
Watching his brother stagger off, Pip looks to Kitty.
Philip nods in agreement.
"Yeah, I don't think he's okay either."
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