#(other side note being lazy is literally my treat to myself and I cannot wait to tell my therapist I gave myself a whole day of down time)
Also, I made a realization today. Today was the first time EVER where I have officially been too stoned to watch a horror film
#I love the horror genre and many of my comfort movies are actually horror#namely midsommar bc I grew up in a cult#and it's cathartic in a weird way#anyhow today I had on American horror stories on bc I didn't realize that was a thing until today#and I realized I wanted to watch AHS but I didn't want to commit to a full season when the new one is coming out soon#now I need y'all reading this to understand#I was having that exact thought before I even opened Hulu to hit play#so it felt like Hulu was reading my mind when I saw that in my recommended#started watching from the beginning#and oh my fucking god that two part premiere fucking GOT ME#the nostalgia of revisiting Murder House? Grown up Sierra McCormic (who I hadn't seen on tv since I was a child and ant farm was on)#which of course was it's own wave of nostalgia#all the queerness in it#just literally EVERYTHING ABOUT IT#just like holy fuck I loved it so much#anyways I kept it on for the next two episodes as wel#and after the very end of the third episode I was just like hooooooly shit#and I 100% was like Lex you should stop there you're too high for this#I shouldn't have started the next episode but I did anyways cuz I'm high and lazy (actually lazy this time bc I'm having fun)#(other side note being lazy is literally my treat to myself and I cannot wait to tell my therapist I gave myself a whole day of down time)#(he's gonna be really fucking thrilled tbh)(you like all my parenthetical statements don't y'all)#(it's all the fun of the adhd side train of thought and I bet it's relatable af)#anyways I hope everyone who reads my tags today appreciates them
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lacewing707 · 4 years
[Mind Blind] Trappers
Never have I thought I‘d write something that isn’t my first language (at least not this early), but I just love Mind Blind so much I have to do something to contribute to the fandom. Here’s a fanfiction about Nick and f!Button as a result. Dedicated to @mindblindbard for creating such an amazing game (And I would also like to apologize beforehand for the possible OOC.) Summary: a bit of Snickly, less bit of GrayxButton, and a whole bundle of Button’s monologue. Enjoy!
A small “click” echoes from across the room, taking over the quiet essence that previously engulfed the house. Someone is entering, and with only two people living in this place, it’s not hard to guess who it is by the door. My brother Nick, with a coat on his forearm and slightly disheveled hair, is trying too hard to loosen his tie, as if it would strangle him somehow should he fail. He seems to be in a more solemn mood than usual.
I cautiously edge over the sofa, taking a good look at his face. Dreadriness seems to drag down those poor brows on his forehead. When he notices my gaze, my brother slowly drags his eyes up to meet mine. One brief moment of tortured silence follows, then suddenly his shoulders loosen:
“It was you, wasn’t it?”
I grin, relieved to notice his confrontation sounds more of exasperation (or amusement dare I say) rather than of anger. His eyes crinkle with indulgence as a smile steadily plays on his lips. After all, Nick could never really be angry with me. I mean how could he, with his sweet, loving, adjective-adjective little sister, even if she kind of locked him in an empty room for hours, with no one but her best friend Sally, who happens to have a massive crush on him ever since elementary school.
Now, before you all begin to judge, I just want to state that my intention is utterly and undoubtedly pure in heart. It was none other than a wedding vow under a Ferris wheel, with heaps of flowers blooming in the background like July fireworks. Sally is going to wear a lily-white dress, cascading down the curve of her body until it floods the ivory stone pavement. The color matches Nick’s ridiculously flashy suit, which...should not come as a surprise knowing how much of an extra he is; and when the pope finalizes the vow, standing aside a model bridesmaid as I am, I will be SCREAMING on top of my lungs “kiss already!” - or better yet, preparing to kiss alongside them, in the delightful scenario of a double wedding (in which the other spouse is definitely not decided by-the-by).
I admit, being stuck in a closed room is not the most creative way of starting a romance, very much beneath a creator such as myself. But you know what, Nick has always expected me to be innovative, so let’s surprise him with this epitome of cliché shall we? In fact, it can serve as a double trap, an unexpected tactic that could put the opponent off-guard and unprepared and, and…
Alright, screw it. After Rosy’s one hell of a training, I was exhausted, okay? Exhausted and, well... a bit lazy. Still, at this point, might as well just start throwing things aimlessly. I’m sick and tired of waiting for my best friend and my brother to be an item. For all I know, Sally’s feeling has been pretty clear, and I am sure there’s something from Nick’s side, but those doofuses just keep throwing at each other meaningless banter and even insisting on the weird, full-first-name basis. What was that all about?
The squeaky sound from one of the cupboards abruptly cuts through my train of thought. I raise my head, only to find Nick already standing beside the kitchen counter. Even though I did prank him a good deal, he still wants to make sure his sister has good nutrition for the night.
“How did you even get access to that room?” He wonders.
Well my dear brother, you obviously have not made aware of my very resourceful friend Glitch. It only took an avocado toast and some treats (vegan, of course!), made and packed by Nick with love. Never would have thought they could be used against him just like that.
Ouch, feeling a bit guilty here; but a double wedding is awaiting, and I just cannot ignore that call from the future. It is my (self-proclaimed) duty to make such vision a reality.
I may have developed some other questionable methods for Nick to come all the way down from the top floor, such as making Grayson unknowingly lead his best friend into a trap. Now, I’m sure I could get Gray involved in a more volitional manner, with just a few shed of crocodile tears, but as much as I love him (I mean, not literally, ahem!), the guy is a disastrous liar. No doubt Gray would be figured out in the blink of eyes.
I need not say a word, as Nick must have known all about my schemes from my open daisy field of a mind. For a brief moment, his brows creased into contemplation as an unreadable expression sets upon his features. It is one of those times where I wish I could just read his mind.
I would assume he’s questioning my ethicality, which is seriously weird coming from him, but I guess it’s different now that he’s the victim? Regardless, I approach the counter, a cheeky smile plastered on my lips.
“So how was the quality time with Sally? Anything...interesting?”
A faint blush flashes across his cheek, and I don’t need to be a Ment to know what’s going on. It’s no challenging feat to imagine that squishy feeling like marshmallows, blooming in his chest; that thumping sound of heart whenever that person’s image conjured in one’s mind; and that sweet-yet-bitterness when ones almost-but-not-quite touch...
I mentally clear my throat, now is not the time.
Nick seems to be resonating my mental throat clearing as well. Dishes clank as he’s trying so hard to form an intelligible answer.
“W-What do you mean interesting? Nothing’s interesting!” He swings around, almost colliding with the edge of the counter. “Let’s eat, Button!”
“Really, Nick?” I smirk.
It’s rare to see Nick like this, very rare. My brother always likes to pride himself on being the suavest of the suave, yet he’s acting like some hormonal teenage kid with a crush. I smile so hard, it’s a miracle that my cheeks are able to contain it. One toothless, dazzling grin as I try my best not to laugh my arse off in a villainous manner. Thousands of suppressed thoughts loom beneath my subconscious.
Then, they all explode.
“So much for all those teasing her before eh?”
♪“Who said, who said “I don’t love her”?”♪
It felt immensely glorious. Waves after waves of thoughts come crashing down at once as my heart is bursting with sheer excitement. My head must have been a hell ground for Nick, which can only be worsened by his Pollard Score of 10. This means he can dissect my crumbling mess of thoughts very clearly, and no doubt that Nick can very well hear all my gloat, teasing, as well as a bunch of old songs to which I so horribly butcher the lyrics just to further torment him.
♪“And you’re never ever ever, gonna fool yourself now”♪
Nick’s face is so red, might as well make some marinara sauce. Immediately, he turns around and bolts to his bedroom, despite knowing how little it can help when my mind is already a full-on broadcaster. For the first time in my life, I am actually grateful for my sucker of mind blindness.
Makes the teasing a whole bundle of fun!
I barely hold my breath as I settle down on my diner seat, making a mental note to wrap Nick’s dish in case he’s done sulking in his room. Still giggling to myself, I muse, today has been a fun day.
Glitch stares at the neatly packed lunch box temptingly dangled in front of his eyes. An amused smile plastered on his lips.
“It seems that I’ve been attracting a lot of deals with the Wiseman lately, have I?” He chuckles. “What’s with you and all the locked rooms?”
Nick grins. False innocence imprints on his handsome features while he struggles to contain a devilish satisfaction. Button will be so pissed, knowing her own recent scheme actually inspires the trap that has yet to befall her. How he wishes to see her face when it all comes down.
He may or may not attempt this as payback, but one thing Nick is very certain of.
He is not the only person who wants the best friend - sibling scenario.
I’ve just realized that K is the only one from the main cast who doesn’t make at least a cameo appearance. 😂 Oh well, I do have another idea specifically for them anyway (if I ever manage to write it down =)) ).
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: candy apple kisses; sam winchester
So way back in halloween, I wrote this after getting an ask on the main. It got buried but.. after finding it? I definitely enjoyed writing for Sam Winchester and cannot wait to attempt doing it more. I can’t say this is the universe I’d go with though as i’m much more drawn to the whole /angel/ and Sam one I had in mind. Idk..
All Sam was supposed to do was protect her from the being they were hunting. But then they wind up talking. Sam saves her life, she patches him up.
drinking - alcohol tw, mentions of violence, blood mention. kissing.
Sam Winchester x OFC, Raine
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“Oh come on. It’s a Halloween party. At least pretend you want to be here, damn.”
“If only I did. Hey, where did you get that?” Raine eyed the candied apple in her best friend’s hand, her mouth watering. She reached for it and Enid stepped back, laughing and shaking her head as she took another bite. “Over there. And you can go get your own, food thief.”
“Hey! I don’t always steal your food.”
“Only on days that end in Y?” her friend teased gently and Raine flipped her off, eyeing the table at the end of the room hesitantly. She pouted. “But it’s all the way over there.”
“So? You have working legs.”
Raine mimicked her, but she started to head in the direction of the table where the candied apples were. She made it about halfway across when someone shoved her from behind and sent her lurching forward, right into the back of the giant of a guy standing in the middle of the room.
His suit stood out like a sore thumb, despite the nature of the party and Raine couldn’t help but think that costumes had to be a big thing with the guy.
Sam Winchester turned around, glaring, thinking that it was probably Dean, fucking around when they previously both agreed that  they had to get in, get what they came for and get out, and his mouth opened and closed as his eyes settled on hers.
“Hi.” Sam finally muttered, staring down at her. The black cat costume she was wearing had him resisting the urge to stifle a laugh, because it was quite literally a lazy attempt at a black cat, with ripped black skinny jeans, a black tee shirt that seemed to cling to her body just enough and she had the nose and whiskers painted on and the ears attached to a headband. He got this sense that she may have been dragged out to this party tonight by friends. … Or maybe it’s just the fact that you want to find some way to connect you two, to make you alike… the idle thought came and went and he chuckled to himself again about it quietly before pushing it out of his mind in it’s entire. He was here to make sure the shapeshifter didn’t get it’s hands on her, that was it.
She was simply a part of the case he and Dean were working and the sooner he started looking at things like this, the better off he’d be.
“Hey.” Raine tilted her head slightly, frowning when the stupid ear on her headband dipped down again. Sam saw her gazing at the candied apples and he remembered what he and Dean seemed to think about the methods of the shapeshifter they were trying to track down currently. The use of candy or booze to lure out it’s victims before preying upon them.
“That’s probably not a good idea.” Sam blurted out, his eyes fixing on the table filled with treats. Raine eyed him, scoffing at what he said. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Sam answered, his gaze following her gaze to the tray of candied apples. He allowed his eyes to dart around the room just to make sure that the shapeshifter who followed her in earlier wasn’t still lurking, because when he’d noticed them, it hadn’t given him a good feeling.
A crowd pushed past them, forcing them closer. Raine rolled her eyes as her friend stopped and told her excitedly, “Oh my god, Ethan is about to go to war with Nick. You gotta see it. Remember the last time they played Civil War? The entire room looked like it got visited by Linda…. Blair” and she happened to catch sight of Sam, going quiet, giving her friend a wink. “Oh… Oh..If you two go back to our place, hang a bra on the door?”
“Jesus, Enid, I literally just bumped into the guy!” Raine groaned as she bit her lip, fidgety as her gaze met Sam’s. She didn’t even know his name, they hadn’t quite gotten to properly introducing themselves.
She hadn’t seen him around before. Her mind went back to the rumors going around campus, all the missing girls and how they were last seen with some guy who nobody ever remembered seeing around before.
“And? See? I told you.. Halloween is magic.” Enid gave a smirk as if she were now justified in dragging Raine to the party, because Raine had found someone to talk to. She’d told her that moping in the dorms, or worse, studying, well that wasn’t gonna be any fun. She was obviously right because Raine was smiling right now and she actually seemed relaxed.
Raine laughed and gave a sheepish shrug as her friend staggered off, to a back corner of the room. Sam chuckled and then asked, “Civil War?”
“Basically, it’s two drunken idiots standing in front of each other. The object is to keep yourself from puking the longest.. Or completely covering the other guy in your vomit. Winner is the one still standing when their bottle is empty.”
Sam cringed. That was… definitely one thing he did not miss about college. The mindless drinking games.
This one, he found himself thinking, sounded particularly gross. He remembered that she hadn’t told him her name and he hadn’t told her his own, so he backtracked, flashing a grin.
Maybe she could tell him something.
… Oh come off it. You just want to talk to her, you’ve been sort of casually watching her all night…
… For good reason… you saw the shapeshifter  watching her come in… if you could’ve gotten to it in time, this would all be over and you could be back at the hotel, watching shitty horror movie and tossing back a few with Dean…
“My name is Sam. What’s yours?”
It felt so good, breaking Dean’s big rule and telling her his actual name. He honestly meant to give her the name on his fake badge, but when his mouth opened, his real one came out.
Raine repeated his name, -so you won’t forget it if you get lucky enough to scream it later, she quickly shoved that thought out of her head because she was not that kind of girl, and Sam asked her again what her name was.
“It’s Raine.”
“Raine.. I like that.” Sam happened to spot the shapeshifter again, in the crowd and suddenly, this urge just took over. The need to get her out of the party, take her out of the shapeshifter’s radar took over and Sam nodded to the door. “Want to take a walk with me, Raine?”
Raine mulled it over. With all the girls going missing on campus, she wasn’t entirely sure that was the best idea, then again to be fair, coming out tonight probably hadn’t been either. … But the guy looks harmless and he’s so tall… Big.. Strong… If something did happen, I have no doubt in my mind he’d protect me…. While the more rational parts of her mind argued, …. What if he is the something bad that will happen?…..
Raine went with her gut and nodded, but glanced at the table of candied apples. “Okay, but first, I’m getting myself one of those. I don’t want this party to be a total booze filled bust.” she started to walk towards the refreshment table, stopping to look back at him, beckoning for him.
Sam bit his lip and started to walk towards her, easily catching up to her in the crowd, his hand resting against the small of her back as he came to a stop behind her at the table filled with treats and candy and booze.
“Okay, alright.” he chuckled, leaning down and in slightly so he could whisper against her ear. He saw the shapeshifter lurking, obviously lying in wait.
That shapeshifter was going to have to wait a while. And it wouldn’t be getting Raine, Sam had already gotten this in his head.
Raine grabbed for a candied apple and as soon as she had it in her hands, she took a big bite, groaning in satisfaction as the sugary sweet rush hit her tongue. “I haven’t had one of these since I was twelve.”
Sam eyed the apple and then her mouth. Juice ran down the corners of her mouth, and he bit his lip, leaning in to wipe it off as he laughed. “Do I need to leave you alone with that?”
“Nah, I’m good. Just a girl who loves her junk food. So, about that walk. I’m ready to get outta here when you are, big guy.”
Sam linked arms with her, leading her towards the door right as he saw the shapeshifter making it’s way out the door on the side of the building, like it was intent on lying in wait in the alley. Sam smirked to himself. If that shapeshifter even thought he was about to get his hands on her, it was dead wrong.
Just as they rounded the corner, the shapeshifter stepped out, stopping in front of Sam, a smirk on his face.
“Sam Winchester. I believe I owe you for Oregon. But I’ll get to you shortly. Right now,” he nodded to Raine, who Sam had moved behind him, out of the shapeshifter’s immediate reach, “I’m here for her.”
“You know my ex?” Raine groaned as she looked from Tommy -or the thing currently wearing Tommy’s body, to Sam. “Tommy, don’t you have some bimbo to be on top of right now?”
“Aw, c’mon hon.”
“Tommy, get fucked. It’s over.”
“It’s not over til I say.” the shapeshifter stepped forward and when it did, Sam didn’t think, he just brandished the silver blade, smirking when the shapeshifter eyed it and then him. “The only way you’re getting to her, Albert, is through me.”
“His name isn’t Albert, it’s Tommy. And if he doesn’t get the entire fuck away from us I’m gonna punch him right in the cock, I swear to fuck.” Raine tried to step out from behind Sam, intent on settling this mess for herself like usual, but Sam’s arm shot out, stopping her. “You don’t understand, Raine. This thing is not your ex. This thing is a shapeshifter. And he’s about to join his brother.”
“Hey, whoa.. No need to go all stabby.” Raine was starting to panic a little, looking from man to man. When ‘Tommy’ opened his mouth and she saw the razors that served as teeth, Raine screamed and did the only thing that came to mind, bolting.
She couldn’t just leave Sam behind. She found herself stopping just around the corner, out of sight, watching in fear as the Sam fought what she believed to be her ex. When it changed to a snarling and angry gray wolf, she screamed and she didn’t think, she just grabbed the silver blade she’d seen Sam waving around that he’d lost during the scuffle. Running over, she lodged it between the shoulderblades of the animal and as it turned to dust, she screamed until Sam sprang up from the ground, pulling her against him so she didn’t have to look at the thing anymore.
She was shaking so hard Sam thought she’d shake apart.
He tilted up her chin. “It’s okay, you’re okay. That was good aim.”
“That was me, afraid a nice guy was about to get fuckin eaten right in front of me.” Raine’s eyes darted to the pile of dust that remained and she swallowed hard. “You’re not just some student…. Are you?”
Sam shook his head and swallowed hard. “Nope.. My brother and I, we… Hunt this stuff.”
He grimaced as the adrenaline from the fight wore off and he felt a dull throbbing in his arm. If she hadn’t stabbed the shapeshifter when she had, it could have turned into him.
And it would’ve gone straight to Dean because Dean killed it’s pack leader back in Oregon.
Raine’s eyes widened as she saw his arm. She grabbed hold of his hand, starting to drag him towards campus housing. “Where are we going?”
“We can’t take you to the ER or campus security without a whole lot of questions, okay? Lucky for you, stud, I’m a nursing student and I keep a fully stocked first aid kit up in my dorm.”
“Lucky for me, indeed.” Sam muttered as he let her sneak him up the back stairs and onto her floor. They stopped at her door and she dug out a key with shaky hands. Sam pressed against her a little from behind and she looked up at him over her shoulder as the door swung open. He stepped into the room and Raine grabbed the first aid kit, gently pushing him to sit on the bed.
She sat on the edge of his knees, and Sam took off the suit’s jacket. He tore the sleeve away from his shirt and Raine giggled, despite the serious nature of everything she’d just seen.
“What’s so funny, huh?”
“You did that like one of those guys on Magic Mike. Ignore me, I’m… still in shock I guess.” Raine opened the first aid kit and the scent of candied apple on her lips, the situation they just came through, all of it combined and made Sam lean in a little, cupping her cheek, making her stop what she was doing to look at him.
“Are you going to kiss me or not, Sam?”
“Do you want me to kiss you, Raine?”
“Well, I mean you did just save my ass out there…” she leaned in boldly, closing the distance between their lips. Sam groaned as the taste of candied apple filled his mouth and Raine shifted closer to his body, her legs wrapping around his waist as her fingers tangled in his hair.
“I’m not gonna see you again, am I?” she asked him as the kiss broke, a pout forming as all he could do was shrug because honestly, he didn’t know…
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