#(poor cacao tho lol)
cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 4 months
Hello CRK fans... I had a bit of a concept of something while we must wait for the next chapter of Beast Yeast(Cacao-Kingdom chapter).
Spoilers warning ahead, and this is also just a concept:
I had a tense feeling that in the next chapter.. Dark Choco will show up in each parts,but I also had a tense feeling that he will die.. by tragically sacrificing himself. Get this and hear me out right now—
Dark Cacao is now wandering alone after his warriors that he loved are gone, officially gone but who knows if they'll either get revived or not when Mystic Flour is defeated.. but we'll see.
Til he had stumble upon...a familiar cookie who is also wandering alone. Which concerns Dark Cacao at first..
A cookie so familiar, that he recognized who this was when it turned around!!
"....Dark...Choco Cookie?"
Yep, he is here. Cacao doesn't know why he is here in such concern that he has to himself.. but he must have thought that his son also wanted to restore peace back from the Plague. But now, the two decided that they will save them together.
Father-bonding time montage yippee!!
But until... Right at the boss chapter.
As they reached to where the final boss shall start, Mystic Flour is ready to finish this. So is them.
But little didn't Cacao know... That he is about to witness a tragic sacrifice that made him shocked.
Cacao is now injured we, but Choco... was injured at first.. until.
A new voice calls him out.
Dark Choco Cookie, can you hear me?
I know you and your father wanted to stop this madness.
But I know a way to defeat Mystic Flour Cookie.
You had to use your father's sword.
It's the only way for you to have a strength that you must have... Faith.
Faith is a strong word, don't you think? Dark Choco Cookie.
Faith is what importance is all about, to feel what determination is protect your loved ones.
And Faith is where you will save your kingdom.
Good luck.
And with that, Dark Choco knew what he must do to seek redemption despite never deserving it. He slowly wield his father's sword.. that shocked Cacao to witness what his son is doing.
Anxiety is spreading because Dark Cacao lost his warriors, he knew the only way to revive them is to defeat Mystic Flour but NOT THIS!!! He refused to see his son doing a "cowardly" move.. but he was injured, too injured to stop him and now he is forced to watch.
As Dark Choco wield it, he can feel the Soul Jam's power giving him a power of faith. A power to end it, and the power to end this plague and to end the Beast who caused this terrible spell.
It is Dark Choco Cookie's Power of Faith. (costume concept.)
His own scarred eye was open to be glowed in purple, resembling a power of the Soul Jam and the power of Faith.
Bonus! Costume Bio!!:
Dark Cacao Cookie had really witnessed a tragic sacrifice that his son is about to have... He doesn't want this, he doesn't want this at all right now.
And so... Dark Choco had lunged forward.
— —
Dark Choco Cookie sometimes think that he didn't deserve redemption,when he had mistakes. But now... When he heard what he calls "A Voice of Faith".
Perhaps that this is the only way to seek it when he first wields his father's sword to end Mystic Flour Cookie once and for all.
This is the Power of Faith after all.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 5 months
Here, have a Dark Choco doodle
Don't worry, the next comic page is coming soon! It's just taking me a little while due to school and other projects that I have on my plate at this time qwq.
So, have a doodle that I drew in my Spanish class. (this one basically ties into my New Life AU that basically ceased to exist. It's still ongoing. I just don't work on it as much as I used to)
I give you, a chubby Dark Choco:
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He got the dad bod lol. As I've mentioned before in some random post, this version of Dark Choco is a little chubby, thanks to being away from the COD and the Dark Cacao Kingdom for a long time. During his time in the COD, food was basically kept away from him, which led him to be pretty underweight. Same thing kind of applies to the Dark Cacao kingdom, but only in this case, it wasn't a proper diet.
Thankfully nowadays, Dark Choco has no worries and he can eat as much as he wants. Unfortunately for him, he kinda let himself go and now he has a more chubbier appearance. It's not all that noticeable tho. (He's pretty self-conscious about it tho. Poor bebe)
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They snuggle UwU
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crk odyssey chapter 2 day 3 reactions
- “a black feather, smells like dried fruit” WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS?! BLACK RAISIN IS OBVIOUSLY HINTED HERE?!
-”I have been conducting experiments while sipping on a quadruple-shot espresso” i have diff preference for coffee but hes just like me fr
-LMAO ESPRESSO NOT WANTING TO LET LATTE FIND OUT HE DRANK LATTE COFFEE---wait does that mean that latte is also from creme republic???????????????
-”we’ve always been good partners, haven’t we?” HMHmMHHMMM I LIKE THE TNENSION BETWEEN THESE GILFS
-huh, are oyster and caviar secretly aiding the choco mud hole?
-hmmm mille-feuille is also a visitor of choco-mud town... interesting. i dont have time to make these pasta tho
-the kelp cats in the market are so cute
-crunchy is kinda having culture shock rn but like,yeah
-i wonder how poor is dark cacao kingdom, or are the prices just unfair in the night market
-wildberry casually buying the herring pie lol
-”dark cacao may be more understanding than you think” dark choco laughing sarcastically somewhere
-the researchers having a breakdown bc of researching--mood
-”he’s stronger than he looks” ofc he is he was taught by hollyberry cookie herself
-wildberry’s words abt creme republic’s shadows have so much weight to it considering he used to live in the streets in the hollyberry kingdom as well
-the discrimination in creme republic truly doesnt apply in hollyberry or dark cacao kingdom since it goes against their ruler’s values. i like how its established here.
-ship aside, wildberry and crunchy chip’s newly formed friendship is really nice
-”if the guards ever did their jobs well, i wouldnt have become captain in the first place”... i wonder if its because wildberry and crunchy who are outsiders are involved so they dont want to lose face... or that this a fake arrest and that the masked cookies are actually working with the guards
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ano-po · 6 years
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A trip to Southern Cebu — Whale Sharks encounter in Oslob — Buko pie of Naga — Chicharon of Carcar
Although I’m not a big fan of Cebu cuz the men here are like animals who still catcalls women unlike in Calabarzon, I could say there are a lot of galaan and unique encounters.
But unfortunately, the cons outweigh the pros, and here’s why.
—Cebuanos are rude. As someone who grew up in an easy-going and calm environment, Cebuanos are a great shock for me. But that could be just a personality, no? Maybe we can forgive that.
—Cebuanos are sexists. There’s always a clear boundary between men and women here, and men usually thinks women are just for comfort, a usual disrespectful talk over alcohol. There’s always scandals against women in the top 3 schools (uc, usc, usjr). They think women like it when they are catcalled, and let me tell you, it’s a bad kind of whistle. It’s like they see women as animals. I hate it. These Cebuanos are those who are uneducated, jobless, or truck drivers. They catcall even students in their uniform. Ew. But when the woman fights back, they get scared and they cower away. Pathetic. Never in my entire life have I ever been catcalled in Batangas even when I’m wearing mini-skirt. But here? Man, I get it twice a week while I’m in my lousy slacks, over-sized cardigan, and face mask. Just animals, really. That’s why I don’t want to recommend my gf to come here. I might actually kill a man. (and this is coming from a 144 cm college girl who never leaves her house without her favorite pink artwork blade. Brave.) Parents are also very clear with gender stereotypes, pink for girls, blue for boys. If someone without this concept accidentally buys pink for a baby boy, the parent would say, “You’re making my son gay.” Well, sorry, Lorna. I didn’t know a child’s sexuality could be determined by the color of the 50 peso bill. At a very young age, they also dress the girls with really skimpy girly outfits (backless, mini-skirt, etc.) and encourage them not to play because they’re wearing girly outfits. Well, fuck it, Lorna. Your children probably don’t want to be prostitutes. The sons are somehow thought to be very manly, too, some fathers even teach their children to catcall sexy women. This encourages machismo, chauvanism, and sexism. This is what I hate the most about Cebuanos.
—Cebuanos are racist. I get how Cebuanos are so recentful over the fact that Bisaya people are seen as maids in Luzon. However, Bisayas are worst racists… towards themselves. They always think Manilenyos hate them. Whenever there’s a contest and the Cebuano didn’t win against the Manilenyo, they always rationalize it by saying “it’s because Tagalogs are racist and they don’t want us to win.” They’ve always been bitter that Cebu is not the capital city, that Lapu-lapu is not the National Hero, and that Cebuano is not the national language. I’m not kidding. The professors here talk about this. Maybe they have a claim since Cebu is really a progressive city by itself, but its grounds came from the Spanish regime. In addition, the reason why the tagalog Filipino heroes were so bitter about Cebu was because they didn’t join the revolution immediately, and it seems they are happy being under the regime. Mindanao even joined the revolution. The 3 stars in the flag is not Luzon, Visayaz, Mindanao. It’s Luzon, Panay Islands, and Mindanao. That’s how bitter they got, and I think the Tagalog vs. Bisaya fights started there. —Cebuanos hate Muslims. (except the rich-looking ones) But as soon as they see a poor-looking Muslim, they have no qualms being harsh to them. Why? Because they are minority and Cebuanos like acting strong against the weak. Well, most Filipinos are like this. Haha. Some Tagalogs are also like this, too. However, the Christian-Muslim devide is stronger in Mindanao. Sad.
—Cebuanos have the strongest Colonial mentality I’ve ever seen. As soon as you get down from Mactan National Airport, you’ll see signages in Korean. There are also signages in Korean, Japanese, Chinese outside… And they don’t have english/tagalog/bisaya translations. They are business establishments though, so maybe they are foreign investors who want their countrymen to feel welcome. That’s fine, BUT WHY EVERYWHERE? Even the Business establishments by a Filipino is like this. Didn’t the foreigners come here to experience the Filipino Culture, not a cheap copy of theirs? Oslob has so much signs in Korean, and it made me sad. Why do we need another foreign signs? English is enough! Do they think these Koreans don’t know how to speak in english? And if they don’t, we have to be the one to adjust? And don’t get me started with Filipino Research getting kicked out from College Curriculum and Korean getting in as an Elective. Just don’t! I love that Filipinos are hospitable that they want to feel the tourists comfortable. However, what cebuanos are doing is not Hospitality anymore. When lining up in Oslob, one caucasian man approached a korean lady and asked how she sees Philippines. She said, “It nice. Just like mini dirty korea.” I almost cried. As a filipino, my pride has been hurt. You know what, if the people, the government, and these Cebuanos don’t want us to be patriotic, edi wag. I don’t have to be patriotic to be alive. Maybe we just let korea invade us, okay lang naman. I don’t mind if we blow up. I’m tired of my own countrymen, of my fellow Cebuanos.
—Cebuano service Quality. IS NOT GOOD. (Unless they are serving a foreigner) Cebu Jollibee service is still good and within the standard, thank goodness. Other businesses (including Cebu Mcdonalds) have weird kind of customer service. For example, they already know you came to the counter, they already made eye-contact with you, but they would still keep on talking with each other until you call out to them. Unlike when they treat a foreign customer, they would immediately come over and smile, “yes maam/sir how may I help you?” In addition, Cebuanos have this habit of shouting their orders even when it’s not yet their turn. Excuse me, didn’t you see me here?
— There are good sides of being a Cebuano, too, like extended family closeness (the drama, tho), people being honest (but not really loyal - cheating is really rampant), the professionals being professionals, the students being hardworking, the city planners already realizing the mistakes of 1950s city planning, the sinulog, the over-religiousness (not that faithful tho, just very traditionally roman-catholic.), the approach and considerability of professors, the friendliness of the girls, the artistry, the scenery, the wifi-signals, those are the things I like the most. However, it’s just that… the cons outweigh the pros. I dunno, maybe it's maria Cacao's fault for being an inactive benefactor. Haha. I mean, look at Maria Makiling and Calabarzon. Cebuanos don't even know who Maria Cacao is. Lol.
I’m a Cebuana, too, and the reality makes me sad. So for those Cebuanos out there, I apologize, but what I said were the truth. Don’t deny it.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 6 months
I made another CRK OC-
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No reference for today. Just her default sprite.
This is Toasty Marshmallow Cookie: Dark Cacao Cookie's personal maid and massage therapist! She's a Healer and Rear cookie! I don't have the best idea for her skill just yet tho, but I do want it to relate to her job in massage therapy lol.
Personality-wise, she's basically the Isabelle of Cookie Run Kingdom. Just like the dessert she's based on, Toasty Marshmallow Cookie is a very sweet, warm, and happy young lady. She's an exceptionally hard worker, always prioritizing her king's needs with a smile. If you ever need to talk with Toasty Marshmallow Cookie, you'll likely find her scurrying about the Citadel to appease her king or beside him.
Here's her backstory:
Ever since she was a young cookie, Toasty Marshmallow Cookie always wanted to help other Cookies overcome their aching pains through the art of healing instead of facing their pain on their own with no one to come to their aid. However, her kingdom was built on a foundation of stubbornness, whether it be for better or worse, and was openly criticized by her friends and family that her softness would get her nowhere in a world of hardship and frigid cold.
Determined, Toasty Marshmallow Cookie continued forward, not letting anyone stand in her way of achieving her goals. One day, Toasty Marshmallow Cookie came across a severely wounded Dark Cacao Cookie, having just fended off many foul beasts of the forest, with no one to come to his aid. Upon realizing this, she managed to drag her king back to the black citadel to provide him with the proper care he needed.
However, a bruise deemed irrelevant by the pharmacists caught Toasty Marshmallow Cookie's attention and requests to aid the king's injury, to which he agrees and has it tended to through a massage. Soon revealed that the bruise was in a very vital spot in the king's dough and if left untreated could have left a kingdom with no king. Upon recognizing her talent, Dark Cacao Cookie offers her a position as his personal masseuse and she has been working for him ever since.
Silly fun facts about her:
-Whenever Toasty Marshmallow Cookie walks around, the sound of jingle bells can be heard. -Is in a relationship with Choco Marine Cookie (@foxatron-ze-geek132's OC) -Loves collecting scented candles for her sessions. Her favorite scents are fresh vanilla, peppermint, pinecones, and (of course) marshmallows! -Has her own studio at her cottage in the Milk Village and one in the Citadel (Dark Cacao set it up for her) -Even tho she is very sweet, she is a no-nonsense kind of girl and she'll shut down anything if she has to -Will follow Dark Cacao around like a puppy sometimes. Just to make sure that Dark Cacao doesn't pull his back out. (I like to headcanon that Dark Cacao has terrible back pain if he gets too angry) -She accidentally flirts a LOT and poor thing is oblivious about it
That's it lol
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 months
Ngl I tried this bot and it turned into a version of y/n x projection dark choco so fast and now it got me wondering...idk if you do hca or not but just something to do a funny brainstorm of since I daydreamed about it...what would a y/n x this dark choco be like? Like if dark choco and/or (preferably and) the projection fell for y/n? Sorry for thought out of nowhere but wanted to ask incase the creator of this amazing character and this amazing bot themselves had any ideas...unfiltered ideas that aren't controlled by an ai lmao! If ya don't do hcs, that's OK! I just wanted to spark up a fun thought lmao!
That is a great question in all honesty. To be frank, I honestly never thought of Projection Dark Choco x Y/N headcanons before, since I mainly focus on his character and lore. I've always considered Projection Choco Aroace or at least on the Ace spectrum like Dark Choco (Dark Choco is canonically ace in this AU), but this looks like a fun challenge!
Here are some that I could come up with:
-Projection Choco never really cared much about romance since his existence is nothing but spreading pain and misery to others (*cough cough* Dark Choco-) and always saw it as just a form of weakness and "disgusting" in his own words... but that all changed when he met y/n.
-A MAJOR flirt. Projection always sees flirting as a game of establishing dominance over another, like threatening someone but socially acceptable. He loves seeing others cower before him in fear, but seeing y/n redder than his cuffed wrists just makes his heart sing.
-Even though he is a major flirt... that doesn't mean he can handle what he dished out. Pin this spirit to a wall and that will be MORE than enough to rile him up!
-A big tease! He loves teasing y/n whenever he's bored or when Dark Choco refuses to acknowledge his existence.
-This spirit is 100% touch-starved and does not know how to handle physical affection. So, whenever he gets a hug or a smooch on the cheek, that'll make his face go red and he'll be left absolutely dumbfounded that someone dared to show him affection.... he does like it tho.
-Poor guy has a shit ton of problems since, well, y'know: a literal incarnation/reflection of Dark Choco's trauma and stuff? Not to mention that he's been left alone for YEARS until Dark Choco picked up the sword, so my guy needs some love. That doesn't mean he'll stop bullying Dark Choco tho...
-Call him an it and he will get very offended and will get grumpy until y/n apologizes. He thinks people calling him an "it" is EXTREMELY offensive and rude. So what if he's a spirit who psychologically torments his other half because he wants to get revenge against Dark Cacao? That doesn't mean you get to call him an "it"! You big meanie!-
And there you go! This was pretty fun to do! If you guys want me to make more of these headcanons then let me know! (Helps keep you guys occupied while I work on the next comic page lol)
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