#(sam in the background lol)
swift-kwikster · 4 months
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vectorisheree · 4 months
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KC my beloved. He deserved more screen time!! (I know KC doesn't have stars on his hat but shhhhhhhhhh)
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radiance1 · 1 year
A random au thought that I barely thunk up before splotching it on here.
So basically, Danny, Sam, and Trucker are doing some bullshit thing and somehow manage to create a whole ass world out of a tabletop game they were playing or something.
Basically DnD I guess.
But anyways, the three create this world so that they can play and do whatever they want. All three of them have legends about themselves from the npc's they's inhabited the world with.
Tucker is the Pharaoh of the night less desert, known as Duulaman. Freeing the citizens from the rule of the Tyrant god Abanoub and brought peace and prosperity to all across the land.
Sam is the Queen of Nature known as Terra, directly on par and sharing interests with Mother Nature. Her legend is that she freed the Forest of Vita and defeated a powerful void entity who sought to use the powers of Gaia to further its own ends for power. Joining forces with Mother Nature who almost fell to its corruption to end the void being once and for all.
Danny, known as Astraeus, unlike the other two, have two different aspects to his legend. Prince of the undead, and the constellation Star Child.
The first one as you should know, is basically Danny being the prince of ghosts, wherein in the world they made the ghosts (and extending too other undead), were disorderly and running rampant among the other races in the continuation of a war that should have longed ended. So, he rounded then all up and took control because the person who was originally supposed to be doing it was... indisposed.
(Cough, real reason is that Pariah Dark somehow got his ghostly hands on the world cords and was like "Hmmm, my son's world is awfully boring time to spice things up" and then shit happened.)
Which in turn, ended the eons long war between ghost kind and the other races.
Constellation Star Child is one he kind of got on accident, his friends made a joke about him being the spawn of death and time itself and being molded from a star. Which the npc's took seriously.
Also doesn't help that he goes out to explore the void and space around their world on numerous occasions to identify any threats that would require his attention (Which is literally just an excuse so he can go and explore space to his hearts content.). And whenever he comes back, it's like a shooting star falling down to earth.
So, after they've done all of their adventures and when it was time for them to just scrap this world and move on. They just, couldn't.
This world grew extremely on them during their time in it (Despite the unexpected inclusion of Pariah Dark), and they just didn't want to destroy it so they just, stayed.
Not like stay stay, more so they come back to it a lot more than they should. Fermenting themselves as these deities or god-like beings who protect and care for their followers or something.
They created a space for the three of them to converse, known simply as the council. A realm sitting on the plane of reality between the world and the void, basically heaven but not really heaven?
So, continuing on with this, the trio splits apart, a feud in reality carrying into their game world that caused Danny to just leave and explore the calmness of the cosmos so he can clear his head.
Sam went to Mother Nature to talk about it and seek aid about the recent crack in three's friendship.
Tucker just went to take care of his kingdom and confide in one of his trusted advisors, much like Sam.
This is when something unexpected happened. Danny never came back to that world, not as if he went back to his reality.
He just never came back.
Something is keeping him from going back, some powerful threat that he's keeping at bay with all of his might while out in the endless nothingness that is the void.
With the absence of his presence, a powerful void creature who managed to slip between the cracks of Danny's notice suddenly sees he's not there anymore for an extended period of time and has its sights on the core of the world, Gaia, and the two goddesses protecting it. Mother Nature and the Queen of Nature.
To distract the one known as the Pharoah, it managed to find what remained of Abanoub and gave him some of its power to combat Duulaman.
Abanoub worked behind the scenes, slowly rising back to his prime state of power and with the added power of the void entity, he managed to corrupt the roots of Duulaman's kingdom and sow discord.
Unfortunately for Abanoub, it couldn't exactly kill Duulaman, so it instead caught him by surprise and put him into eternal slumber.
The void entity who named itself Akasa, just like the previous one. Sought to use Gaia as a power source, but not just the core, but the two goddesses as well.
And with Duulaman and the Star Child of death out of the way, it was free to do so however it wished, though not to say it wasn't extremely careful when it enacted this plan.
Sam didn't know that Tucker was sent into eternal slumber, nor that Danny was never going to come back as soon as she hoped he would. So, when she went to the council and found that she was the only one there, she knew something was wrong.
Mother Nature was attacked while she was on a different plane, with such a coordinated attack on both her and Gaia by Akasa, Abanoub's army, and a recent addition, Chiwa the undead duchess' pawns. She unfortunately fell and became nothing more than power source.
Sam tried, oh she tried. But in the end, after a drawn out battle between her, Akasa, Abanoub, and Chiwa. She fell as well, with the added power Akasa gained from Gaia and Mother Nature, now with the added source of the Queen of nature. He was basically unstoppable.
That didn't mean all hope was lost, with the last bit of her power, she managed to seal all three of them to specific areas.
Abanoub, the Night less Desert. More specifically Tucker's throne.
Akasa, the realm between the world and the void. The council.
Chiwa, the blood lake of the eternal lady.
Their forces were still at large however, with the ghosts under Chiwa's command wishing to continue the war from eons ago. Abanoub's armies spreading across the world to take over their various kingdoms and be forced under his rule.
All two wished to free their master's, who in turn promised to free Akasa when they were free as well.
The rest of the races didn't take this laying down at all, immediately going to war and managing to hold their ground relatively well.
Both sides were at a standstill, with Abanoub, Chiwa and Akasa sealed they lost a signifcant portion of power.
Whereas with the Star Child gone, the Queen of Nature captured, and the Pharaoh of the Night less Desert sleeping, they couldn't push forward no matter how hard they tried.
So, what did they do?
They came together and summoned people from another world of course!
And who did they summon?
The Justice League.
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ethan-is-obsessed · 1 year
ik Hannukah is still a few days away but here, have some Sam Manson
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im not jewish myself so if i did a no no lmk
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szaryherbatnik · 1 year
I had this unexplainable urge to give max and outfit so here u go
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sketchesandmesses · 8 months
hey can you doodle max in a dress 🥺
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lurensa · 1 year
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let me finish this let me finish this let me-
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heyitsmelouiss · 1 year
“I missed you..”
“You miss me?”
“I hated sleeping without you”
(I tried to take out the background noise)
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
erm hiiii one of the first spn fics i read was an older one hosted on someones blogspot and im trying to find it again
it was a wincest angel!sam thing where sam had been brought back from cage and is different in that he has giant black angel wings, he cant eat or drink, he cant speak or understand english anymore and seemingly has no memory of anything. and dean is helping him with basic tasks, attempting to nurse sam back to health and get him back on track. and it ended with sam plowing dean in the grotty panic room bed im p sure. if ANYONE knows this fic pls let me know <3
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ionanana · 7 months
Happy Halloween!!
A spider, a monster and a demon walk the street for those delicious candies.
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safety-sam · 1 year
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Hi Josh 👋
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h0ney-bee · 10 months
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Sam is better but now I have the issue of her being bullied. Been taking comms to get an entirely new tank so I can split them thank you to everyone who's helped out so far! :D
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seefasters · 1 year
i have such complicated feelings on ted lasso s4 cause sooo many characters would really benefit from another season except for. ted himself
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wosocharleeeeess · 2 years
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game-of-godhood · 1 year
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You spend the morning and some of the afternoon doing your lessons, your handler bringing you lunch around noon. The classes suck, no one really likes them, but it seems like everyone has to do them at some point, so youve learned to just deal with it. Some of the things you learn are interesting anyway, so you guess it could be worse.
An hour or so after you eat your lunch you leave for the gym. Gym training is probably your favorite training of them all. Much better than power training, where you just sit there and think hard at people. Even if most dont like it, theres just something about being so active that you like. Its really nice to stretch your legs.
When you arrive at the gym you go straight to the locker rooms to change. Not long after you get there Conner slams the door open, playfully dragging Sam in with him.
"AIDEN!! What are we doing today." Conner shouts at you.
"Please dont yell directly into my ear like that." Sam says to no one, clearly aware that Conner isnt paying attention.
"Hold on I havent checked yet" you say. You close your eyes, reaching inward to the pool of magic that sits light on your temples. Your antenna sways as you reach out to your trainers mind, sifting through the many thoughts that reside there. You push just a little further, search a little farther, and... got it. You pull your power back, and open your eyes. (When had you closed them?)
"Its endurance training today."
Your brothers groan in unison. They hate endurance training.
You leave the locker room a bit after the others, and so only catch the tail end of the trainers instructions. You dont need to hear him, he always asks the same thing at the start of endurance training. Warm up by doing five miles on the track, one walking, one jogging, and the last three running. You stretch your arms and wings above your head, and wonder who you should run with.
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courfaeriedust · 1 year
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I wrote a Harridrew bookshop au! Featuring bookshop owner Drew, post-doc Harrison, and me having too much fun with embedded tweets. And, y’know, 20k of Harridrew slowly falling in love. Hope you enjoy!
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