cavenewstimes · 9 months
JP and Taylor's Love Is Blind Breakup, Explained
Season 5 of Love Is Blind has actually been perhaps a lot more significant than typical for the social experiment turned truth dating franchise. There was the love triangle that formed in between Uche, his brand-new flame Aaliyah, and her bestie Lydiawho likewise took place to be Uche’s ex. There was the friction that occurred in between Stacy and Izzy as soon as she made it generously clear what…
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tastingforall · 1 year
A Taylor’s lança o Coronation Port para comemorar a coroação de Carlos III
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grapejuicestyless · 9 months
can you do a conrad fic based on sad, beautiful, tragic by t.s.?
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic.
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
Summery: Y/n is young, naive but not stupid. Conrad had made one too many empty promises for even her to continue believing.
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My feet stood cemented on the pavement, stuck to the grounds that lingered in deadly details of him, but never us. Not now, not ever.
I felt like an idiot, showing up now, so late. A random autumn night in Boston. The streets in the city still bustling with life, longing for the scents of pumpkin spice and apple cider. The further into the suburbs you drove, the quieter it grew. The trees became plentiful, black streets becoming canvases of orange and yellow.
We weren’t right. It was obvious. Laurel reprimanded me for this, my great attempts to salvage what little we had left between us. A dwindling flame, a broken glass spilling wine across a pearl white table cloth. She called me a fool, too blinded by what I wanted to work so badly in my head that I refused what was being presented right in front of me.
His snide remarks with his school friends, all much smarter than I. They knew it. I was never a prodigy, a prospect, gifted. Each dig was minor, easily brushed away like dust on the pages of a forgotten story page. But Conrad always had a way with his words, a tongue that made even the kindest comments come out like daggers. Backhanded and cruel, aimed at the naive.
Gullible was never written on the ceiling yet each time he smiled and pointed I looked. I was a scarlet thread, wrapped tightly around his thumb.
When the door opened, Susannah greeted me with a sad smile. Her eyes spoke a thousand sentences, pleading for me to leave, walk away while I still could. But Conrad had promised, promised that if I just gave him one more chance it would be different.
And I believed him. I believed him because when I met him, he was a good man. Shy, sweet, observant. He was charming, and god he was always handsome. The Conrad I fell for never lied to me. If we disagreed, it was quickly resolved.
Now it seemed like each phone call was just another nail in the coffin. Another reason flying by, red flags blowing in the wind begging me to follow, to leave. It was walking on eggshells, fragile. I was clumsy and they broke. I sit alone in my room sometimes, phone beeping to its death, hanging off my shoulder and I forget. I forget all the reasons I am fighting, what I am fighting for.
But then he comes back, just like he always does. A vicious cycle. He throws daggers at my deepest hurts, freshest wounds to have the pleasure to watch me crumble within his grasp. And when I’m too weak to stand, he lifts me back up. Suddenly, my stomach aches, I want to throw up. It’s bubbling up my throat, the guilt is eating at me until I am nothing. How could I ever even forget how wonderful this man is to me, how could I ever want to leave? I wipe my memory of all the nights I spend crying on the floor. We never speak of it, what we’re doing, but the guilty look in his eyes tells me he knows. We both do. I sleep on the floor for another week, I can’t move. I am paralyzed by my heavy heart, a locket around my neck. It’s golden, decorated in whimsical swirls. A picture of Conrad stays with me always, I clench in my fist. I want to rip it off, watch the chain scatter. It weighs me down, I can barely breathe.
I am a good girl, I don’t fight. I stay quiet while Conrad fights himself. I don’t buy into his attempts to work me up anymore. I know that with him, with us, we are destined to see storms. I know better now that once they pass, the sky will clear and the tragedy of it all will fade away. So I wait. I always wait for that moment of clarity. I refuse to think when I’m so worked up.
It’s sad, and it’s beautiful and oh so tragic, the way we dance around each other. How hours ago I was standing outside his door, regretting my naivety, trying to salvage us. Now I sit in his living room, waiting for him with my legs crossed. The melodic ticking of the clock alerts me of the time. I’m cold, my nose is rosy. I let the house capture me in its warm blanket. A sacred place of safety, I smell Susannah, I smell my mother. I see Belly’s old pictures on the wall in frames and Stevens gifts to Jeremiah and Conrad.
“Y/n/n, hey.” His voice is airy, lips pressed to my temple. I didn’t even hear him coming in the deafening ringing of silence in my ears. My eyes shift to his face, but I cannot move.
“Hi Con.” My voice is coarse, tired. It’s so late, my eyes hurt from being open so long. His arms wrap around me as the couch dips beside my thighs. He’s so warm, so gentle now, I find myself drifting away again. Getting lost in the calm, I forget about how devastating the storm was. I haven’t even picked up all my discarded pieces yet. Somehow, I manage to keep giving away more and more, even now. I am not sure how I can afford this.
Our conversation is warm, long. He talks about school and I talk about mine. With us being alone, I miss any snide comments or judgmental stares. He is so much kinder without the influence of others. He is almost the same man I grew up loving.
“You’ll still visit me, won’t you?” He pleads innocently. The look in his eyes is genuine, I almost crumble. A sharp intake of air is stuck in my throat, my brain becomes re-wired.
I remember the sad looks from Susannah, the fights with my mother. I remember how disappointed Belly was when I left again. How Steven yelled and fought until I was gone. Everyone in my life sees it in a bad light and I still managed to miss it.
Suddenly the golden chain around my neck feels heavy again. It hurts my skin, it’s burning the back of my neck. I hold it in my hand, it’s still heavy in my palm.
“Y/n?” His hand is on my thigh, I can’t breathe. My chest heaves, my throat is burning. There’s a lump stuck in my throat. It’s expanding and my eyes hurt. I’m tired, I’m sick, I’m sad.
Standing up, his hands drop from my lap. I close my eyes so I don’t have to look at him anymore. I can feel my lip quivering while I suck in a harsh breath. My eyebrows are furrowed, fists clenched.
“Y/n, hey, baby…” He cooed at me, palm pressing to my cheek. I am inconsolable, irrevocably damaged. Too lost in our beauty to remember the tragedy, the sadness that defines us. That is us.
“Conrad, I’m leaving.” It comes out sticky. Quiet other than my sniffles and his breathing.
“You just got here, did…have I done something?” I feel his hands slip down to my elbows. He holds me in place son the carpet. It hurts, not because he’s holding too tight, but because his touch burns.
“No, Conrad.” My eyes open, I search his blue ones. I get lost in our deep they are, collecting my thoughts. I feel trapped.
“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t. If I stay any longer I’m afraid I won’t ever leave.” His face is blank until it isn’t. It’s shifting, contorting into something that looks incredibly confused, pained.
“What, what are you saying?” His voice is less calm now, raising. Not quiet reaching the level of desperation I can see building inside of him already.
“It’s a cycle, Con, can’t you see it? We’re toxic and it’s sick because we are the ones letting it be this way. We fight but we never talk. You promise me you’ll get better but you never do! I’m tired of trying to be alright when I’m around you! You don’t make me feel good.” It’s off my chest, yet he hasn’t comprehended any of it.
“Y/n, please. We can work through it, right? I love you, I do. Please just, please. I love you, you have to love me. It doesn’t just go away like that, I love you.” He’s crying now. His blue eyes clouded in a dark overcast. He makes me feel guilty. All self respect I have is gone, and suddenly I’m back in his arms.
My head finds its place on his shoulder, I tuck my face into his neck. Not to be close, but because I feel to ashamed to show it after falling so quickly under his mind games.
Silently, I agree with him. Of course I still love him, I always will. So I stay, a fool who got so close, but remained so far away. He presses another kiss to the side of my head and tells me I won’t regret it. When I wake up alone in his bed, cold the next morning, I know I’ve been blinded to another empty promise. It’s so hard to stay when he’s mean, but it’s even harder when he’s sweet. So I pack my things quietly and leave. I won’t visit him at school. Not until he comes home will we see each other again.
Oddly enough, the thought doesn’t drain me. I don’t dread never seeing him for weeks on end. I don’t regret not choosing somewhere closer to get an education simply to be near him. I am relieved he will be gone. My heart keeps beating.
It’s barely a month before I’m stood back in front of him. Only now the carpet is cold cement and his living room is the train tracks. He is in Boston, he’ll never leave. He tries his hardest to get me to stay. He’s the nicest I’ve ever seen him. He’s persuasive, but in our time apart he doesn’t know I see it less as a genuine feeling from him and more as a twisted tactic of manipulation.
“We can settle down, we’re almost out of college. Just me and you and it’ll be great. If you’d only give us another chance.” He pleads, hands not yet on my skin, but he’s so close. I can feel his warm breath on my skin.
“I don’t want that anymore, Conrad.” I try to be kind about it, I try and blame my distance on myself. It is me who is trying so desperately to break things off. He’ll never know it was his cold heart that shattered our beautiful love. But it’s helpless, he won’t stop.
“Then we’ll travel the world. Y/n, I don’t care, I just want to be with you!” He tries again. Yet all his words are the exact same. He’s not even trying to understand me, I feel like screaming.
“No, no.” I reaffirm. I won’t look at him because it hurts me too much. I know if I look at him I’ll stay again. My chest is closing in on me, I can’t help but reach to hold onto it. My pinky grazes the same locket when I do. It’s dainty, but gorgeous. There’s stacks of photos within it. Mostly of Conrad, but a few of my family underneath.
“I’m not understanding, Y/n. I don’t get it?” He’s desperate, the train is coming. Once it pulls up to the platform, if he hasn’t convinced me one last time to stay, I’ll be forever gone. It’s the final fight, we can feel it.
“All we do is fight, Conrad. I can’t fight anymore. I tried to end it earlier and you promised me it would work out, it would stop but it hasn’t! And I can’t do it anymore.” My hands rest on the bends of his elbows. I hold him close, I look into his eyes finally, I want him to understand me, I beg for him to understand me.
“Then let me fix it. Let me make it better, Y/n. Anything, I’ll do anything I just can’t-don’t walk away.” My pleads are deaf on his ears. He doesn’t care about what I want, and it’s apparent now that he never did. He’s selfish, so he only takes. He wants me but he hates to have to deal with me.
“Conrad, stop!” He’s ranting, my voice is loud over his. A few people turn their heads. It’s so late in the evening, they’re only passing. Ready to go home.
My eyes shift around until everyone has gone back to their own business. The breath that leave my chest is heavy, harsh but quick.
“Please, Con. Please just try and listen to me.” My voice is breaking. Not because my leaving is breaking my heart, but because I am tired. I am tired of staying, of being so weak. I am wasting my youth on a boy who hasn’t matured yet. I deserve more, I crave it.
“There’s no amount of fixing either of us could do to mend whatever’s happened between us. We lost it a long time ago. And I’ll always love you, how could I not? You’re everything to me. But you’re not mine anymore, and I can’t be yours.” My hands slip from his skin to my chest. I try an even out my breathing, again I am reminded of my necklace. It feels wrong to still wear his picture around my neck when I’ve already let him go.
Unclasping it slowly, I let the gold gather in my palm. It’s warm from where it touched my skin. It’s rusting form how often it’s been worn, and my neck feels lighter. I ball up my fist, taking his hand over my other one steadily.
When he feels the warmth mixing with the coolness of the pendant, I can see him giving up. He nods, swallowing hard.
When the train comes, I wave goodbye to him one last time. He’s frozen, hand still holding the locket out and eyes still sad. I wonder how long he’ll stay there, I never see him move even as the train pulls away from the station.
The whirring of the train passing is accompanied by the occasional blowing of its horn. It’s deafening against the heavy silence that’s consumed me. There’s not even a crunch of a leaf to break it. Now that she’s gone, it’s settled in how I’m truly alone. I’ve blown it.
I wait for her to be out of sight. The caboose nothing more than a small speck in the horizon. The moon is high, the wind is chilling. It’s nearly winter in Boston, yet the weather is no where near as cold as my bones. I curl my fingers over her locket, bringing my knuckles to my lips, I breathe over it.
It doesn’t even smell like her. It’s a sad souvenir of pity. She didn’t want me, I’m certain she only gave it to me because she didn’t want a reminder of me either.
I stuff it into my pocket slowly, fingers feeling around the rough cotton of my pants. It sits snug at the bottom of it, right beside the long, handwritten note I prepared for her.
I knew I had my own demons, I know I was a mess. I treated her horribly, I gambled away our love. But this time I was serious. I wanted to fix it. I wanted to make it better.
My words meant little to nothing now. There were no amount of promises I could make when I was already too late.
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
Revolutionary love, Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius Venus conjunct Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius February 16 at 12:38 pm PST, 3:48 am EST/ 8:48 am GMT is a once in a lifetime event and a start of a brand New Venus Pluto love and changing of values cycle Today is a way better day to celebrate a brand new made over renovated Valentine’s Day “as above so below.” Venus and Pluto are both wealth planets, use this conjunction to create…
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hannaedits · 26 days
Five-Star Reads for May 2024
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daisiesanddaydreams2 · 2 months
The Tortured Poets Department (Taylor Swift)
Surprise! In a Taylor Swift-inspired twist of my own, I am releasing 2 posts this week – one today and one on Saturday! First of all, I keep confusing it with the Dead Poets Society… (don’t think I didn’t notice the nod to the film in the Fortnight music video as well). Side note – what a terribly sad film Dead Poets is, much sadder since Robin Williams passing. But I would recommend it to…
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kit10phish · 3 months
'I Love You, [Homophobia] is Ruining My Life' {both}
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theplathwitchcraft · 3 months
Sylvia Plath and Dark Academia in The Tortured Poets Department
Register on Eventbrite After the release of TTPD, in this session, we are going to dive into the literary influences and parallels between Sylvia Plath and Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poets Department. Why does Swift allude to tortured poets like Plath? Should we read her songs as poems? Does dark academia influence the album concept? How does Swift employ female artists in American literature…
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
April 2023 Deal Announcements
Adult Fiction Linda Epstein, Ally Malinenko, and Liz Parker’s‘s THE OTHER MARCH SISTERS, pitched as a queer feminist take on the lives of Jo March’s sisters, set in the world of LITTLE WOMEN, inspired by details from the very real lives of May Alcott Nieriker (Amy), Lizzie Alcott (Beth), and Anna Alcott Pratt (Meg), with each author enabling these women to finally tell their own stories, to Wendy…
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geekpopnews · 6 months
People's Choice Awards 2024 anuncia data para votação popular
Isso mesmo! O People’s Choice Awards 2024, o querido evento global que premia artistas de acordo com as escolhas do público, já tem data para começar. Nesta quinta-feira (04), organização do evento divulgou a data para a votação popular: a próxima quarta, 10 de janeiro. Dessa maneira, os fãs de música, séries, filmes e cultura pop poderão votar nos seus favoritos em 40 categorias diferentes pela…
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stoneyocean · 7 months
The Stone Collector
https://stoneyocean.com/product/the-stone-collector-mixtape/ join the wave 🌊 🌊 Front Back
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dollarsbag · 8 months
Eras Tour Propels Taylor Swift's Net Worth Beyond $1 Billion
Eras Tour Propels Taylor Swift’s Net Worth Beyond $1 Billion Pop sensation Taylor Swift has been making waves in the music industry for years, and 2023 has proven to be an exceptional year for her. With the ongoing success of her Eras Tour, Swift’s net worth has soared to an estimated $1.1 billion, according to Bloomberg News. In this article, we’ll delve into how the tour, combined with her…
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tastingforall · 2 years
Taylor's lança Very Very Old Tawny Port
Taylor’s lança Very Very Old Tawny Port
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Taylor Swift for SNL
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taratarotgreene · 4 months
17 degree theory, Leo influence strong now, Taylor Swift drama
A number of planets and cosmic objects are aligned at 17° in the skies. The Sun is at 17° PISCES, Mars at 17 AQUARIUS, North Node and Chiron at 17° ARIES, south Node at 17° Libra and Lilith at 17° VIRGO. What do you have at 17° of any sign? In degree theory Astrology 17° is LEO ♌️ association. There will be drama in the planetary nature of The planet. The important North NODE, our collective…
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whoworewhatjewels · 8 months
Taylor Swift's 'Diamonds Are a Swift's Best Friend': Sparkling Moments from 'The Eras Tour' LA Premiere
There’s no doubt that Taylor Swift knows how to turn heads with her chart-topping music, but at the premiere of “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour,” she let her jewelry do the talking, and boy, did it speak volumes! With a dazzling ensemble of diamonds, ranging from iconic Cartier pieces to her beloved jeweler, Cathy Waterman, Taylor brought Hollywood’s glamour to life, proving that there’s no such…
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