#(tbh after all this i'd cry of joy if you heart it)
berrykis · 2 months
Ace x Sabo Badminton AU 🏸 of @februairy
After Ace and Sabo won the Olympics badminton tournament, the crowd went wild with cheers. As the final point secured their victory, Sabo suddenly dropped his racket and dashed to Ace’s arms who were open for his hold.
In a spontaneous move, Sabo kissed Ace. The crowd gasped in surprise, but those gasps quickly turned into even louder cheering and clapping. The cameras were quickly focused on them.
Ace and Sabo’s first PDA and clearly a somewhat form of announcement of their relationship <3
The entire audience was filled with the sound of celebration. Ace and Sabo shared a long, heartfelt kiss, their victory and love on full display for everyone to see.
Holding each other tight, Sabo started to cry, his tears fell on Ace’s cheeks while he was being held up high in Ace’s arms. It was an overwhelming feeling of joy and love, after years of playing with Ace and being with him as a lover, it made everything worth crying for.
They’ve trained hard and made it their absolute goal to take their gold medals home..together.
The opponents, the audience, and even the officials stood in awe, witnessing this moment of pure joy and love as Ace and Sabo celebrated their hard-earned victory together.
They pull apart and Ace let’s Sabo back on his feet. Hugging each other tightly more then locking eyes,
Ace smirked and leaned in close to Sabo, "You know, 'Bo, if I had a dollar for every time you made my heart race, I'd have enough to buy a badminton court."
Sabo's cheeks flushed as he scoffed, pushing Ace back a bit with one hand while covering his blushing face with the other. "Pfft—stop it, Ace. You're so annoying!" Wiping his tears and laughing that makes Ace’s heart truthfully race fast.
Sabo’s smile and laugh never fails to make Ace feel at home and so in love..
They were then interrupted when their coach wrapped them both in a tight hug, arms securely around them.
The cameras were flashing at them when they were taken pictures together and brought over to the rest of the players who were also receiving their respectful medals.
Without even letting go either way, they held hands walking over to the staff. Even as they bowed and lifted their medals to the camera next to their Indonesian/Japanese flag (whatever country u prefer to see them from tbh lol)
Their friends, especially Luffy all surrounded them and congratulated them both for their relationship and victory. By hugging them and ruffling their hairs.
They pulled out their engagement rings from under their shirts and proudly showed it off to their friends and family. It was a personal moment for them both to finally announce their engagement.
They have no regrets whatsoever as long as they’re together.
The atmosphere was all so.. right.
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of 1987 Michelangelo’s character? I have the hardest time writing for him outside of the super obvious “surfer bro” persona honestly
tbh,, I rarely write for 87... they're too witty,,, I have some wips but as far as writing the 87 boys are definitely not my strength
That said! 1987 Michelangelo! Love that guy. hmmm strengths and weaknesses
-he can be clueless at times. needs things explained multiple times or doesn't pick up on things other characters were counting on him picking up on. this can be a very useful for plot reasons, he can simply forget what he was told or not understand it and therefore fail to act on it
-very obsessed with pizza. more so than the other turtles
-along that vein, generally not difficult to distract
-hard to motivate. he mostly wants to make himself and those around him comfortable, and he's very good at finding simple easy ways to do that. So whatever task needs to be done for whatever other reason, better find a way to make it comfortable and fun, he has a high threshold. For example during training sometimes he would simply rather enjoy the nice weather and there is nothing Master Splinter or anyone else can say
-this goes with hard to motivate, but in the ep where Leonardo leaves and the others have to try to lead, when it's his turn he's just very passive. he is pretty good about knowing what needs done, but he is definitely not one to take charge, and more than likely he'll wait to be told what to do unless the situation is very urgent
-he does not enjoy watching pro-wrestling, to his brothers' dismay
-sweetest heart of all time. brings home injured animals, takes them to the zoo so he can learn about how to take care of them or give them to someone who can
-btw he can talk to animals
-often is the one tending to his brothers if they're sore after a battle. not first aid, but like fluffing a pillow or just patting their back. He probably holds their hand while antiseptic is applied. Definitely hugs them when they cry
-very loyal. throws a birthday party for Irma. never believes something bad he hears about someone he knows (he'll say "no way, amigo" if someone who isn't present to defend themselves is accused of literally anything)
-strong moral compass, AND
-the ability to communicate persuasively about what he thinks is right. More often than not he uses the same sentence (what you're doing is majorly wrongiouso) (or something like that siahdhsj), but it's the way he says it amd the timing that's important. He understands people, and as much as he always sees the best in them, he also knows how to bring out the best in them. Idk I don't think I'm explaining it too well, but... he's not just blindly trusting. Trust is a choice he makes out of kindness, but then he will hold people to a standard. Does that make sense?
-great with kids
-he's a good mediator, hears out both sides
-faces his fears (he has the most stage fright of them all but by the end of the ep where they appeared on camera he was also handling it the best)
-he can put his foot down when he needs to. very cool trait for the Nice Guy character to have, y'know?
-not afraid to emote! sobs openly because the stove is broken! hugs! speaks up when he is upset! expresses joy for the little things! 🧡
-psychic (i think? probably? might not know it? i remember feeling like it was implied but I'd have to go find the episode(s) alskjdjvf) (pretty sure it wasn't explicit but like. he's psychic okay)
-so much patience
-everyone loves the way he talks. they're always mimicking him. i remember one time when Leonardo asked a question, Michelangelo was standing right there, and Donatello literally said, "Well as Michelangelo would say" and then said what Michelangelo would say and was in fact about to say, then Michelangelo went to say it and got all confused alfjshsjj. Also Shredder will do this too! And you know you're good when Shredder copies you. He had aspirations of being a writer before he turned to villainy, you know (or maybe you didn't but now you do)
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
Mimi, oh my god, Mimi, what did you just put me through?😭
In all honesty, it was a terrible day. The thrice in a year sort of terrible day, and the mere notification on my phone reassured me. I had something to look forward to, and I can't express just how much I feel better by reading this.
That aside, OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL??? The tension that had been growing so thick was just set loose like a whirlwind in this chapter. Oh my god, everything - I'm literally rendered speechless. I can barely form the words rn because oh my god did they just kiss? YES THEY DID😭😭💗🫶 The way I cried out loud when Jungkook finally decided to talk to Y/n. I was soo happyyy and relieved and tbh, I was beyond the stars and moon when I read what followed. The subtle teasing from Jungkook literally blew my mind, and I have solemnly commited it all to my memory and saved it all so that I can read it over and over and over again. And the kiss, oh my my, it was literally fire. It set loose all the desperation I had been feeling, and put me on cloud nine. I loved, loved, loved it. I can't express enough just how happy I am😭🫶
And also, the way the story finally clicked into place after Mr.Ri's confession. His story is so tragic, and in a way, the ultimate declaration of deep and unconditional love that he feels for Y/n's mom. It was such a beautiful story - heart-achingly so. Everything that had been lurking was finally out for us to know, and the revelation was just so wonderfully done, Mimi. Hats off to you for writing such a climax, because your writing and storytelling is just *chef's kiss😭
I also love how particularly Jungkook understood Y/n and choose the decision to let go. Ultimately, love is letting go when the time calls for it. And you writing that in text just reminded of that, and was such a gentle nudge to our own reality that stands to face us outside all known comforts. I was crying every few lines😭 Like, quite literally. Today had been emotional and this fic just made me experience all of those emotions in more depth, and relieved me so much of that well known crippling anxiety. I can't thank you enough for that, Mimi.
I loved, loved the chapter, and I love how Y/n finally allowed herself to truly acknowledge her feelings. The last scene stood a reminder for that considering how she's not one of those who lets themself cry that easily. It was just so heartbreaking, but I love to think that Jungkook has caused this change of heart in her where she allows herself to truly feel things for what they are, and what gravity those emotions hold. Just as Y/n allows Jungkook to do the same. I love their understanding of each other, and how they are the same when it comes to these thing but still willing to subject themselves to change, all for the sake for their feelings for the other person.
It's truly wonderful to see this change in both of them, and seeing how far they've come.
And I'm so heartbroken for Jungkook, knowing he will hate to let Y/n out of his radar, but he will do it all the same for her sake. It's just so tragically beautiful to see him like that, so down bad for her. The way he's down bad for her tho, lol. I'd swear all hell will be set loose at some point in the fic once again (or more *fingers crossed), like it did in the kiss scene, hehe. It's just so satisfying to see him break like that. I live to read that, I swear.
Well, that's enough of a rant and I hope you have had a great week so far. Don't pressurize yourself too much, as I sense that you're quite the person to push yourself. Take care of yourself and pat yourself for all that you do everyday - even the tiniest tasks.
You have me whipped for this beauty of a fic you've written, Mimi🤍
Hii I'm sorry this is late. And the fact that I didn't get to reply considering you had a bad day. I'm sorry you did but I'm glad that the chapter gave you a bit of joy. I hope you're feeling much better now! ☺️☺️
And yay. I did hope that the chapter would make people go through a whirlwind of emotions! I mean, JK went from teasing to being down so bad and then... yeah. We at least got to see that side of him!
As for Mr Ri, tragic is the right word. It's one of those times where either choice he made would've hurt him regardless, as if he was fated for that life. But I'm glad the revelation had that impact! Literally that storyline just came to me one day and it ended up being such a core aspect of the plot. Thank you for liking it!! 😊
Jungkook has caused this change of heart in her where she allows herself to truly feel things for what they are, and what gravity those emotions hold - this is such a good point! We know that OC doesn't like feeling all that much. Sure, she's kind and warm but a lot of times, it's all towards others, it's like her defence mechanism so that she doesn't share herself. And JK is making her feel all these intense emotions. It's just that she doesn't know what to do with them, just like JK. But still, we'll see how it's really not easy for either of them to manage it. I think that'll be the heartbreaking part that we'll see in ch12.
This was so lovely to read. I'm glad you've enjoyed it. And yes, I do pressure myself a lot haha but it pushes me to write something worth sharing and I'm just happy you like it! Thank you so much for dropping by!! 💕💕
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gxldencity · 1 year
I GOT to learn more about Dolores!
@allyennah also asked this lmao
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Full Name: María Dolores Adelaida Alvaros y Marasigan
Gender and Sexuality: bisexual (cis) woman
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Half Drow/Half Human
Birthplace and Birthdate: 10th day of Ches 1464 in a small barangay (town) in Cupang, Sina Una :)
Guilty Pleasures: Kids. She would never have them and had nightmares about being a parent but she's fond of them on their own. Like she's so weak to kids. The one time she got utterly mad so far was when Kagha was threatening to imprison and torture a child (like...the eldritch powers truly came out when Dolores was intimidating her to spare the kid)
Phobias: spiders lmao. She would not last a day in her father's homeland in the Underdark. Kar'niss would be an interesting person to meet.
What They Would Be Famous For: She already is (in)famous in the islands of Sina Una for nearly destroying an entire town :).
What They Would Get Arrested For: Murder :) and bc of her pact (which IM still trying to figure out the full conditions) she has been almost arrested in every town she's been in but thanks to the "kind" mercy of the eldritch creature she has a situationship with, she almost always gets away.
OC You Ship Them With: None tbh :) she truly zoomed in at the one person who has been appreciative of her efforts this entire time and has planned out their life together lmao.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them:
Also none. If anything Dolores would probably adopt them.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
Comedic plays I'd say. Anything to make her laughs.
but okay okay assuming this in the modern day and they share the same media as we do, she'll be a Romance novel and movie lover! She's a perpetually tired eldest daughter. She'll love the escapism and unabashed joy of a good Romance novel. The Brown sisters trilogy by Talia Hibbert would be her favourite.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:
Same idea as the last question...assuming this is in the modern day and we share the same kind of media as they do then she generally won't be a fan of doorstopper books and incomprehensible movies. She can appreciate the artistry of them but that's it lol.
Talents and/or Powers:
Aside from the powers given to her by her patron, Dolores is good at weaving and has knitted shawls and scarves for the camp. (Withers is fond of the hat she made him)
She's also highly organized and good at most housework thanks to her parentification :)). Not that she likes doing them. She still hasn't cooked for the camp because she finds no joy in cooking.
Why Someone Might Love Them:
Dolores is fiercely loyal and wears her heart around her sleeve. She has a lot of love to give. She's also compassionate and a good listener, an open shoulder to cry on.
A lamplight left on in the darkness, leading them home...so to speak :)
Why Someone Might Hate Them:
She can be overbearing, thanks to her wanting to find fulfillment with being needed. It's like something that she clashed with nearly everyone in the party early on bc like...just bc they have problems doesn't mean she has to solve them or god forbid use her illithid powers to read their minds (Gale and Wyll did NOT like that at all). She can be nosy as well and it is something she struggled with Shadowheart at the initially as u know Shadowheart prefers to keep things a secret as part of her calling to Shar.
How They Change:
She learns that it's okay to be selfish from time to time and not to sacrifice herself constantly. She also learns to channel the deep-seated anger she had for her family into something more healing. Like finding peace doesn't necessarily mean forgiving and forgetting the person who has harmed you.
Why You Love Them:
Dolores is like...my answer to most eldest daughter stories I've encountered :)). They almost always are too fluffy and ends with the daughter forgiving and reconciling with her parents after years of neglect and/or abuse. And that is fine I guess but I hate how most of the narrative around eldest daughters is basically that.
Sometimes your parents are abusive and they suck ass. Sometimes siblings also perpetuate the same kind of abuse your parents and living in the same abusive environment does not excuse or forgive their actions. And it's totally okay to have a negative reaction to this, to be utterly pissed off and angry about your situation.
It's fine to be resentful and hate your family. If they didn't want to be hated then they could've spent the entire time you're alive not being...abusive.
And there is absolutely No Need to dress eldest daughter obligations as "a way to show love to the people she cares about." Fuck that lol. Dolores can love and want to care for her family without being forced to give up her freedom to care for her siblings bc her parents suck at being parents.
Without getting too deep into it, Dolores is the most personal OC I've ever made. Moreso than the Ryder twins who were already very personal OCs (but for a different time period in my life and a different set of trauma lmao). There are some parts in her backstory (which I shall eventually post) that are similar to things that happened to me irl. While my family isn't That bad compared to Dolores' own family, a lot of the feelings are still there lol.
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the-punforgiven · 2 years
It's me tag
was tagged by @catfacedvampire It's been ages since someone last tagged me in one of these lmao
- Are you named after anyone?
No, apparently my name was a fairly last-minute affair when I was born and my mother took one look at me and realized I'd make a terrible Wolfgang
2. - When was the last time you cried?
December 18th, 2022. I wouldn't remember were it not for Discord timestamps lmao I had accidentally double-dosed on my antidepressants and was weeping tears of love and joy over the fucking Claymore being in Elden Ring while I was mid-shift at work
Interesting day, that was
3. - Do you have kids?
No. Don't really plan to either, not on my budget, and given I was crying over a sword in a videogame barely a month ago I don't think I'm mentally fit for one either lmao
4. - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Usually either their hair or clothes tbh, I'm faceblind as shit lmao
6. - What's your eye colour?
Idk either brown or green, depending on the light
7. - Scary movies or happy endings?
Idk honestly I love the horror genre but my tastes are so insane, weird, and specific that I also don't love a huge chunk of the horror genre and would prefer like, literally anything else Also I'm just a sucker for characters being happy, so sue me I like that things can work out alright as long as the story preceding it isn't boring lmao
8. - Any special talents?
I'm surprisingly good at playing music on like, small things that play notes that it isn't super expected to actually play music on, like how I used to be able to play the tetris theme on my mother's old cell phone keypad when I was like 12, or how I can play Unwelcome by Arsis on the Warframe Shawzin now
I used to be able to play the intro to Through The Fire And The Flames on Big Band's trumpet in Skullgirls back when I played that, but it's been a while and I'm pretty certain all my muscle memory for that game's long gone lmao
9. - Where were you born?
That weird little dirt orb that sometimes shows up between Venus and Mars
10. What are your hobbies?
Art, making stupid little tunes in Beepbox.co, fighting my friends with swords (highly recommend), Whatever you call the Fromsoftware Souls Game Brainrot that possesses you and makes you do co-op forever, loving it deeply and never tiring of it @mutuals I am begging you to play Elden Ring with me PLEASE Making music with instruments and my voice outside of Beepbox.co (though admittedly I've been having more fun goofing off with Beepbox lately lmao)
11. Have you any pets?
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12. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I don't play sports, but I have an interest in fencing, though idk how well I'd play with not only a light whippy sword (I'm a longsword kinda person at heart) as well as having a sword restricted to only one hand (again, I'm a longsword kinda person at heart)
13. How tall are you?
idk like 6'3 I think? (Don't let my sister lie to you, she keeps telling everyone I'm 6'4 and I can't make her stop)
14. Favourite subject in school?
I barely remember school at all tbh but the student councilor also ran a creative writing class that was rad as hell, though I don't remember more than like three things that happened in it over the two years I was taking it lmao I also remember liking art class, but I was so bad with rules I'm kinda surprised I passed lmao, I just doodled whatever the fuck every day and the teacher was just like "Yeah sure, this'll do" and passed me lmao
15. Dream job?
Tbh Daisuke Ishiwatari is already living my ideal career path and I haven't thought of anything else I really want to do yet
That's a lie I just like, really deeply want to be in a shitty metal band made up of friends that tours in a van who doesn't sound all that great but you can tell is just pouring their fucking hearts out up there and so you kinda forgive them because the performance is just so raw even if the technical skill isn't great and there may be some issues with the faulty electronics and at least one of them hasn't changed their strings in like four years but they sound good they love what they do and they're easy to headbang too so like, what more do you need, really?
Idk who to tag but like, if you wanna do this, feel free to do it and just like, say I tagged you in it, I won't tell
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benefits1986 · 10 months
One Big UP Fight
Watching yesterday's game, my dark blue maroon heart is euphoric. It's fantastic.
I dragged myself to Araneta to watch the Battle of Katips just because I need a legit distraction in time for the long weekend. And, boy, I've realized a whole lot of things on top of rooting for the Fighting Maroons. There's so much joy in seeing the mightiest bleed in blazing blue for a change. Wala na akong paki kung fave color ko blue kasi it started with gapang sa lusak Maroons and ended it with karneng Katips in all levels kahit na mala-larong bente po both teams. It's also a solid reminder that may araw din ang kahit sino, kahit ano, kahit saan. As the camera pans on the crying boys as they graduate defeated, my exact feeling right then and there is euphoria. Sabi ko nga, sanay akong sumugal sa patalo. Actually, back in LA's days, sabi ko pa, 'pag siguro nakapag-masteral na ako sa UPDi, baka naman makapasok man lang sa Final 4 ang UP. Delulu levels 100000. Again, ayoko lang kasi ng pagka-green ng Archers. Siguro kung ibang shade of green siya like emerald green, I will reconisder.
What's nice about being part of the school wars late is that I am able to move beyond the prestige and peril it carries. Dati, dream ko ng school spirit of the so-called Big 4. Sobrang hassle ako sa idea na 'di man lang NCAA, all girls' school pa akong ayaw ko naman talaga. Pero, sabi ni mother dragon na wala siyang ibang dream apart from maging dalisay girl from Leon Guinto ako. HAHAHHAHA.
1000% delulu levels n'ya na kaya ko kahit ayoko at hindi ko talaga kaya, tbh. BTW, I will write this out until 4 PM because, the socket in today's coffee and tea shop is giving SCAMMER mode. I'd also be downing a few alignments para sa small projects ko. Need ko na talaga ng sagarang pang-JaFunds saka pang-gatas ng bunso ng kapatid ko. Saka syempre, Shein ko pati pang-Montessori toys niya at iba pa.
So, ayun na nga. Kahapon ko nakita ang pikunan just because one side is maroon and the other side is blue. As in, I am like watching a social commentary that reminds me of how much labels can constrict a nation, a community. Kung baga, oks sana kung sa court lang e, pero, no. Sadly. Madalas, ang pikunan ay nadadala rin matapos ang last second ng game. 'Di naman kasi lahat may wide biases which is also part of human nature. O baka kasi outsider-ish lang din ako. Baka kasi I joined the universe of the Big 4 nung mature enough na ako, like sabi sa reference letter and sa evaluation ko for grad school ages ago. Baka kasi, iba rin ang tatak Leon Guinto kahit aminin ko pa or hindi na may combo ng Ikot at Toki. Baka kasi, universal alignment na 'di man ako taga-Katips na shala side, solid na solid ang distilled training from my second dad na walking and talking Atenistang OG. LOL. Baka naman, it's time for me rin to look at things from the better side, the blind side and the bright side, too. TBC kasi medyo nahihirapan akong i-process ito and food coma 10000000 na naman meee, mhie. Laters. So, we continue after food coma sa buffet and sinundot natin ng more than 1 bott ng Cerveza, sisig Kampampangan style and of course, gambas with super lovely bread and butter on the side. Pagod ako, pero much needed detox from work. Medyo antok na rin ako pero sige, tatawid natin ito to remind myself a year or so from now.
Back to my realizations as I was cheering all the way from the upper box because the tickets are prized off the roof. School rivalry is but a social construct. Lucky and blessed ako to be in an organization na 99% walang kaganapan tungkol sa kung saan ka ba galing. :) Ngayon nga, the Big 4 look at non-Big 4 talents kasi iba na talaga ang mundo. My ultimate question is: Schools never define a person. It's the person who defines the reputation of his or her school. Also, nagiging by the way na lang talaga ang school after the usual get-to-know you. HAHAHHAHAHA. Kung baga may stereotypes, pero since mature people na tayo, 'di porke magaling mag-English, magaling na. 'Di porke, straight na Tagalog, malalim na. Was also watching how the game that I used to dream about are shrunken to marketing ploys of all sorts. :D LELS. Honestly, I stopped following UAAP nung nagkaroon ng issue na benta or luto and may sindikato sa likod nito. Fan ako ng conspiracy theories pero ewan ko ba. May something off and kahit may mega PR mode sila noon, iba ang high school basketball sa college and even sa pro. High school kasi, parang you play the game because you love the game. May goal ka na magkaroon ng chances of getting a way in whether need mo or trip mo lang.
As I saw the blurry faces of the players, the cheer dancers and the pep squad which the crowd watched closely, I can't help but wonder, anong mangyayari sa kanila a decade or so from now.
Yes, naging people watcher mode ako sa game kahapon on top of praying na, all UP needs is 1 point more than Ateneo to win it hard.
Speaking of winning, marami mang ways to win, isang percent better lang sa kalaban mo ang need mong itawid para masabing nanalo ka nga, at natalo 'yung kalaban mo.
Also, sobrang tense nung players which is okay and totally understandable PERO, to win any game, you need to allow yourself to be in the zone. As an example, alat levels ni Cagulangan is 11 out of 10. Siya pa naman pinapanood ko this season. HAY. Iba talaga 'pag bitbit mo 'yung passion and purpose kesa sa putting so much pressure sa'yo at sa team mo.
Siguro kasi, fan ako ng dark horses and underdogs. While your school will definitely look good on your folio, the truth lies in what you do, what you don't do and what you try to do.
Lakas maka-Gladiator nung game kahapon. Angasan everywhere. Sagutan and masasabi ko naman talaga na gigil na gigil ang Maroons, pero medyo triggered pero cool pa rin ang Blues. HAHHAHAHAHAHHA. 'Yung nagpipigil pero at the brink of malalang patol na. May uuwi't uuwing sugatan, at meron ding luhaan.
At the end of the day, kahit anong school ka pa, social class, gender, regional location, abtp. ang totoo lang e nasaan ba ang moral compass mo. Nasaan ba ang loyalty mo? Sa school mo ba o sa sarili mo. Nasaan ang core values mo? Sa school hymn ba derived 'yan or sa song of your life na ikaw mismo ang tumahak at tumawid?
Also, a game is just a game, after all. It's just like watching a Netflix show with a beginning, middle and end. It's more about seeing each other eye to eye once the shot clock dies. It's more about giving props to anyone who played the game well that's devoid of Maroon or Blue. It's all about enjoying and looking forward to the finals. HAHAHHAHAHAAHHA.
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kaibacorpbros · 4 years
I Just Wanted to Say Hello
Seto checked his watch. He always took note of the time whenever he was dimension sliding. Time was finicky across dimensions of course. But it was still helpful to keep track a little bit at least. He hadn’t been here too long, be he could already tell he was fatigued from the last Slide. It had been a greater leap then he had done in a while. Both the dimension system and himself needed to recharge.
So he stepped into a cafe to kill some time. Get a coffee, maybe even something to eat to recharge before he attempted another Slide, even if he really didn’t feel like it. Pulling up the dimension map he’d been marking all his travels with he idly set a new entry while he waited for his food close by the door. A brief glance around the city and it was easy to tell that this world was placed in the past by quite a few years. If a version of himself existed in this world, he would at least be very young.
What would you like to name this dimension, sir? Lalna, his A.I. spoke softly through the duel gazer.
The bell to the shop interrupted his discreet fidgeting with the markings with settings and details on the map.
“Excuse me,” a lady’s voice huffed.
Seto’s head snapped up, the holograms disappearing. An all too familiar seemingly immortally young face and short black hair greeted him. The face of someone he admired like no one else, one he only now saw in his hallucinations and nightmares.
“Deactivate,” he rasped in a low voice. The light of the duel gazer died, and Lalna’s voice faded away.
“Hey, I don’t have all day. Lunch breaks aren’t forever– but you’re one of those actor-types or stage performers, aren’t you?” she said, noting his eccentric state of dress. “I doubt you have that problem.”
She didn’t recognize him. That narrowed down the possibilities slightly…
“O-Of course. I apologize.”
His hands were twitching as he hastily stepped out of the way. All these years and her stern voice still made him feel like he was caught stealing sweets from the kitchen cabinet.
This was unreal. She was right there. Right there. He could reach out and touch her. Hug her. And she didn’t even know who he was.
Either this was a dimension he didn’t exist in, or he had simply not been born yet or was too young to bear any resemblance to him now.
He re-approached her after both their orders had been filled. “About earlier, sorry for the holdup."
She stared up at him from her seat like his face had just turned blue.
"Don't...mention it? At least you didn't get an attitude like most you fancy kid types do."
Ah. Right. He was definitely in the demographic his mother used to get annoyed with all the time back then. Young guys that used to push everyone else around as they saw fit.
Shit. He needed to find a way to stay. To talk to her. Any normal person would have walked away long before this. He had to make something up, and quickly.
"I-- you look familiar. I think I may know your husband,” he noted the ring on her finger. “Not exactly well, per se. I'm a scientist as well, just uh, computer engineering."
She raised an eyebrow at him. Scrutinizing his story most likely. Of all the times, this was one where he actually wished his mom wasn't so damn smart! Although, Seto supposed it did make sense. She probably just saw him as some weird guy who had too much money to invest in what should definitely not be tech of this time. He powers both the duel gazer and disk down and slips them into his coat pocket, taking the seat across from her.
"Ah, some prototypes they've been having me test."
"Huh. Some kind of fancy new mobile phone?"
Right. Bluetooth wasn't even near to being around yet. Seto latched onto that idea and mentally apologized to the real inventor, whoever they were. 
“Yes. We hope to create a completely hands-free phone one day.”
Looking like her interest was slightly piqued, his mother took a bite of her sandwich. 
“Well, likely won’t see that in my lifetime, but boy would that be nice.”
After a pause, Seto realized she was fishing for a name. “Isono.” It was the first thing that popped into his head. “Nice to meet you.”
“Shigaraki. Chihiro Sigaraki. So what’s a group developing a new fancy mobile phone doing with biologists?”
Mentally he kicked himself. He should have come up with something better than that! 
“Ah, well that’s not the only thing we do of course. It’s a fairly new branch honestly, we make lab equipment and such, that’s how I met your husband. It was a brief conversation, but he nearly talked my ear off about his work.”
At the mention of her spouse, the air around his mom changed significantly.
“Oh, that’s him alright. Heh, let me guess did he go on and on about salamander poisons and regeneration?”
A bittersweet smile tugged at his lips.
“Hm. Indeed he did. The one that makes you go blind for about three minutes if it squirts you in the eye?”
“Hahaha, and those idiots time how long effect lasts instead of-- I don’t know, seeking medical help. I know it’s just a little amphibian, but come on. There’s plenty of tiny frogs that can kill you too.”
Seto laughs, the purest one he’s had in a long, long time.
“Exactly! But he’s happy I suppose, so as long as he’s careful I guess.”
“Well, it looks like you absorbed some of what he said. I’ll have to let him know, I’m sure he’d get a kick out of his ramblings actually being memorable to someone. I’m surprised he didn’t mention you. You aren’t exactly ordinary-looking. You always wear that outrageous coat?”
Seto deflated real quick at that, he almost would have fidgeted in his seat if he hadn’t been taught better. 
“Ah. Erm. Not always. Just for experiments. Lots of pockets. And uh... my brother designed it.”
Your son.
That made Chihiro pause. Seto guessed she could tell by the way he said it that meant something to him. 
“Oh, I see. Well, tell your brother he’s got quite the... imaginative mind,” she said with a small laugh.
A small burst of pride for Mokuba flared in him.
“Thank you. That will mean a lot to him. Truly.” 
More than she could ever know. 
“So, compter engineering. That’s quite an up and coming field, I’ve heard. How did someone so young as yourself get involved in it?”
Seto really ought to have thought out his cover story better. He made a mental note to properly write one out for any future Dimension travels. 
“Er. My true passion is game design. Though my... mentor kind of directed me through engineering and such first and it branched out from there, but it wasn’t exactly, what he had intended.”
Not by a long shot.
“Oh, like those video games? I can’t say I know much about them-- but I do quite like chess and some gambling card games.”
I know, you taught me chess, was what he wanted to say.
“Those too, actually. I do hope to create some fun video games, especially action ones, but I really have an affinity for those trading card games as well, so I plan to do something with those someday as well. Something to bring them to life, you know?”
Perhaps it was because she saw him as another young kid compared to her, wide-eyed with curiosity and awe for the future, but she laughed, though Seto could tell there was no ill-will intended. 
“I’m at a loss of how all that stuff works, a bit past my time I’m afraid to say, despite my face looking like a highschooler,” she said with poorly masked irritation.
She tucked her bangs to the side as she finished the last of her meal. 
“But all of that sounds very interesting. If it ends up happening I look forward to it. I think you may have something there, Isono.”
Of course he did. And it worked. It earned him billions and brought the company out of the red after the majority of their shareholders bailed when he took over. Placing them back farther up the corporate ladder then they had ever been, soon after everyone was scrambling for a piece.
Yet her simple praise, her belief-- 
He certainly wished he could have heard those words when he was still in an uphill battle trying to get the company off the ground. The simple words filled his essence with something long lost, now so foreign, something that he wanted to hold onto forever.
He’d been silent for far too long.
“T-Thank you very much, honestly. I... haven’t had anyone say that actually.” 
Which was true. No one had supported it like that when Solid Vision was in development. 
Only Mokuba. 
“Of course, I--”
Her words were interrupted by the beeping of her watch. An alarm. Chihiro muttered a swear under her breath, and Seto could very accurately say that was the only time he’d ever heard her utter such a thing.
“Sorry--I’ve lost track of time, I need to get back to work, can’t give my stuck up boss another mark against me.” 
She stood and grabbed her bookbag and headed for the door. Seto nearly knocked over his own chair to follow her out.
The bell rang again as the door closed behind him.
“One of those huh? Keep your head up, things will change. Slowly, but I promise you, they will.” 
It was a stupid and weird thing for him to say, Seto knew. But given how much his mother always raged about it, he felt like he needed to say it, even if she didn’t believe him.
She gave him an odd look. 
“Wishful thinking you got there, but I certainly hope so. I’ll fight the good fight regardless.”
There were so many things he wanted to say, so many things Seto simply couldn’t. If he explained it all she would understand she would--
“Maybe we’ll see each other around sometime? I can have Tatsuya invite you over next time he sees you.”
A silent breath left him as he tried to pin down words, but eventually, his expression fell back into neutrality.
“He- uh, probably won’t. I er, don’t really get assigned there normally. I was filling in for someone who was sick.”
A questioning frown appeared on her face, but Seto could tell she was more preoccupied with worrying about making it back in time.
“But... but maybe we’ll meet again.” Seto extends a hand.
His mother takes it, and he holds on longer then he should. Bringing up his other hand to hold hers, he’s surprised when she doesn’t whack him upside the head for that. 
Perhaps it’s something in his eyes.
“It’s been an honor meeting you.” 
Truly meeting you. 
He regrets pushing so many memories to the back of his head to collect dust and slowly wither away. Yet in that exact moment, he is also reminded of why he did that. They’re on borrowed time.
Bewilderment crosses his mother’s face, and he can see the gears turning-- perhaps somehow she did know the person in front of her? But that was impossible.
“Thanks? Heheh.” 
There’s an awkward laugh. She doesn't think him a creep, but she knows something isn’t right, but she can’t put her finger on it.
“In that case, Tatsuya and I will keep a lookout for you in Domino. It’s been very nice to meet you too.”
She pulls away and disappears down the stairs of the closest subway entrance.
Seto should forget about this dimension. Forget he was ever here. Bury it all again. The past is dead.
But it isn’t the past here. This was his parents’ present. And perhaps there was still time before this world’s Seto existed if there would be one. And if there wasn’t... there couldn't be any true harm, could there?
He needed to stop thinking like that. Forget about this place. Forget again. Forget. Forget. Forget.
He powers up the dimension system again.
Lalna continues where it left off. What would you like to name this dimension sir?
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saintobio · 3 years
Hi Saint! 👋 I hope you're doing good
Ok, blimey, SN was a rollercoaster of emotions but I absolutely loved it! You write amazingly!
My thoughts. Y/N has all the right to be p*ssed off with Gojo. She has all the right to separate and live her life. She's not obliged to stick around and "fix" Gojo. But, big BUT, she had no right to keep their son from him. Was Gojo an arsehole, heck yeh. But he was really trying after the first divorce incident and nanas death. He was stupid for the house thing and not just being honest when trying to fix their relationship. I think that Y/N is going to feel like absolute shite when she finds out that Gojo tried to unalive himself when he thought she got rid of the baby. And now the accident because he realised he was alive this whole time!
Gen and their dad, wasn't a great idea to support hiding the munchkin from Gojo. Yes protect your daughter and sister, but you're making her do some silly things.
Now saying all of that, I'm going to counter myself 😅 I can somewhat get why Y/N would have wanted to get as far away from Gojo. Especially holding on the beginning part of their marriage. Then to hear his stupidity at the end would have brought up the previous thoughts. As a woman, I may do the same to protect my child (maybe not exactly the same tbh... lol I still don't like that Y/N hid this from Gojo for 3 flaming years!). I can see she was trying to protect herself and her child, but it wasn't a great way imo.
In the same way, I get Gen and why she may have supported this. As an older sister, I'm a surrogate mother to my siblings and can be protective.
Right this was too long. I'm sorry 😅 don't even know if I made any sense whatsoever.
My main ask was going to be: may I get permission to write a mini one shot type scenario based on the last chapter? I was so wound up in my emotions after reading the last chapter, I had all sorts of thoughts and ideas that I'd like to jot down and share. But only with your permission! X
hahah it’s very conflicting right ?? i love how ur analysis on it tho :) and yess you may write a oneshot as long as i get tagged <33 looking forward to it !!
@hollowpurpl said
I'm not blaming y/n for keeping the baby then hiding it. Yes, it is true that my heart aches because satoru didn't get to cry in joy after the baby was born, but what matters is the munchkin is alive. It would burn me more if the lil munchkin died. Besides, it was the most selfish thing y/n has done in a while. I can't hate her. Her ex-husband was a selfish cheating asshole. I understand that satoru wanted to change but, he's not that deserving to have an expressway to happy ever after. It's just karma (or saint) doing its job.
For toji, i think he won't have the audacity to cheat on y/n because of gen and the kids like hello??? But i do think mc just reminds him of his wife, that's why he wants to marry her. (This shit hurts so much because im a toji fucker)
And im sorry for sending lots of asks. I just love sn so much i cried when i didn't get on the sincerely yours taglist.
Drink your water and eat veggies saint! Every sn reader is praying to u ❤️
Anonymous said
Y/n keeping munchkin from gojo makes so much sense to me. She just prioritised her child's health and happiness more than theirs IT WAS LITERALLY THE BEST THING TO DO IN THAT SITUATION AND PPL WHO HATE HER FOR DOING IT CLEARLY DONT KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT LIKE????? imagine a child growing up in the kind of negative publicity that surrounded gojo post the scandal... yeah no. she did the right thing definitely and I rlly hope she knows that :((
Anonymous said
I think some people forget that soulmates who don’t end up together can fall in love with someone else. Granted the connection won’t be as deep as with their twin flame, but it’s not impossible to love again. Tbh I don’t care if gojo x uhtamie happen, Toji x y/n or gojo x y/n. I just think it’s unfair that her hiding her pregnancy is going to hunt her ten fold. I really like that she didn’t hide from munchkin who her real daddy is though. Mad respect for that.
Anonymous said
Omg I’ve been dying to send an ask in! First off congratulations on sn1, it was amazing!! Okie, I’m sorry for all the upcoming grammar mistakes lmao, but I need to write it before I forget x.x Over the past few days I analyzed both y/n and gojo’s situation. I’ve seen how most people are upset with y/n for depriving Gojo 3 years of his sons life and thinking he “killed” his baby, and some agree that y/n made the right call faking the abortion. I was just shocked at how quick people switch sides instead of analyzing both parties. I remained neutral.
I do agree that her depriving him from the birth of his son and making him believe that he was at fault was wrong, but did the readers take a step back and think how his past consequences drove her to do it? It hurts that Gojo never got to tell his side of the story, and now with amnesia probably never will, but it also hurts knowing that y/n was treated horribly throughout most of their marriage. Yes, he had a lovely redemption arc, but the thing about Gojo and y/n is that although they’re soulmates, they’re badly flawed. He had this ideal dream family, but didn’t know the current y/n. Just bits and pieces. He was more familiar with the little girl he was best friends with, whom he made a promise too. Y/n suffered a lot the first few months in their marriage, which causes her to start having trust issues, and clearly those trust issues were still rooted just untouched. In my honest opinion, seeing as to how badly flawed they both are, if there was no divorce, munchkin would be the only thing that would tie them together. I’m sorry this was long :’) also hoped this made sense.
Also, I noticed something. You said the zenin family is y/nxToji, but everyone else is GojoxY/n. Does that mean Gen has forgiven Gojo? 😟
nooo gen hasn’t. i take back what i said. very few people in the snverse are rooting for gojoxyn 🥲
Anonymous said
imo, I think y/n had a good enough reason to hide munchkin from Satoru. BUT y/n should have told Satoru when she had the chance, when he came to see her.
Anonymous said
Yooooooooo I sad .
Because I don’t know who’s in the wrong in the SN finale ?? Like I get each of Y/N’s and Satoru’s feelings and mistakes and whatnot, but now at what cost? While I definitely believe Satoru is much to blame for actions to Y/N, his past and how he was brought up shaped him that way, yet he was able to change; and he’s even worse for wear?? And even now Y/N, who’s suffered so much and very much doesn’t owe Satoru anything (besides telling the truth of baby Gojo), will have to go through this again???
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there’s really a huge divide among the readers bc some people understand yn’s pov (like u guys in this case) while some choose to side w gojo for good reasons. but all in all, thank u for sharing ur reactions <33 it allows me to understand how people are reading into the series and i’m glad that most of my readers are still looking at this story with depth
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
heyyy hello to you too calliee!!💕
i apologise for not replying sooner, i reeeally wanted to but i have a pretty big exam coming up so today was a full day of studying, great way to spend a saturday🙄 so yeah we could say my weekend didn't start in the best way possible, but it's alright.
totally relate to the morning struggle to get out of bed ugh. WHY does it have to be soooo warm, soft and comfortable??! wish i could stay curled up in bed forever, it's so cozyy
and HOW DARE YOU kill me like that by announcing there may be a NEW FIC TOMORROW???!!!!! aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm sooo excited (tbh even if it ends up coming out in a week i'll be just as excited lol)
hope your saturday was just as fantastic as you and that you accomplished everything you planned to♡
yeah unfortunately no thirsty asks but can't wait to see their comeback, they're so fun and make me feel less alone about my strange, dirty thoughts lol🥵
love the nickname teddy btw, so cute and fluffy kajhshajajdjkkas🥺🧸💓
also loved <3 anon's idea of this blog being a little book club of Oscar Isaac stans, cause that's definitely the vibe, just coziness, comfort, love with just the right amount of smut🤭 (oh <3 anon, loads of love to you too, you're such a precious soul and seeing an ask from you again made me so so happyyy)
also THE COFFEE PICTURE!!! mmm HELLOOOO??? I'M NOT FEELING SO GOOD. his hands, THE HANDS DEAR LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME wkkahshsjsskhdhdj (so so glad to see I'm not the only one OBSESSING over people's hands, 🌻anon totally agree with what you said and I hope you're having a great day too <3)
last thing, umh HOW can i possibly choose just ONE of your fics to be my favourite??? no, you're asking me the impossible. ugh they are all so goooood callie, i can't😫 literally everything you write just takes me to a whole new dimension that i never wanna leave ugh. you are such a talented writer callie, for real🥺💕 but like IF my life depended on it, IF i had a gun to my head and i had to choose my favourite i'd probably say the morning after. it's the first fic of yours that i read and it made me follow you instantly, so yk it holds a special place in my heart. then i fell in love with all your other works and can't wait to fall even more with each story you create💞💞
as usual this came out a huge mess, just me blurting out every single thing that crosses my mind lmao
i hope you're having a great day/night callie and can't wait to talk some more with you, love you to the moon and back💓💓
teddyy, happy sunday to you my love ✨
oh my, no worries sweet !!! school is def no joke haha. but i really hope your exam goes super well :) i’m sending you the best of luck your way, you’re going to ace this and i will cheering you on from all the way over here 🍀🥰
my saturday started out slow but then something came up later on so i wasn’t able to finish writing 😭 but it’s alright! i’m going to work on the fic this afternoon and have it all ready for tomorrow :)) i’ve written half of it so i’m pretty confident that it’ll get done by the end of the day heehee.
and yeeees!!! honestly it’s been so fun with all these asks about oscar and moon knight 😭 just chatting and crying and simping about them together literally makes my incredibly happy like you don’t understand skjdjdjj. i wish we could have one big group chat here where we all can just *sob* at the same time lololol.
but omg you’re too sweet??!!? you’re making me cry right now forreal ahsjdjdkd. i’ve been so highly critical of my writing but your words are always so encouraging and uplifting 😩 i really appreciate all the love and support and ughh this is going to turn into a long sappy post if i don’t stop now so lemme put on the breaks for a sec lmao we don’t want another crying fest @ me.
as always, it’s been such a joy chatting with you love babe :)) hope you’re having a beautiful day and staying hydrated, love you and talk to you soon 💗
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jannabbb · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Valerie
may everything happy
and everything bright,
be Yours on your birthday
from morning till night
and then through the year
may the same thing hold true
so that each day is filled
with life's best thing for you
may your all wishes and dreams came true,
and your future always shine,
you glow, you shine the light of Christ,
keep fighting for God's calling in your life
written by Arabella
Happy Birthday Bayeeee! Patangkad kana ha pero okey na den naman height mo cute hehe. Bawasan naden pagiging mainitin ulo, smilee lang lagi :)) Alam ko minsan naiinis ka na den sa pagiging nega ko pero thank u kase ur always there when I need someone to listen to and mostly when I cry??? HAHAHHAHA jk. Malapit na ko humiwalay sa inyo ni janna gawa ng shs pero hope to enjoy my last year with uu and bugers. Tsaka after covid ah simba tayong tatlo hehe. Wish ko matupad mo lahat ng dreams mo at maging succesful ka sooooon! God will always guide u, miss u and love uu baby shark!!
written by Ivan
To me valerie is kind and quiet person and she is so adorable I wish she grow few more centimeters. Happy Birthday!!!
written by Shayne
Happy Birthday Valerie! MISS U BEBE KO. Patangkad ka hehehehe joke cute nga yon e. May the Lord be your blessings and more birthday to come. Kahit di na us masyado nakakapag-usap, I'm still here kung may problems ka or whatever sa life HAHA. Ayun, I wish you the best things in life. You deserve the world. I miss you. Stay safe palagi and stay healthy. Stay positive rin (pero wag sa COVID) enjoy the rest of the day. Hope to see you soon!
written by Andreahna
We’ve been best friends for a long time now Im blessed to know that Im able to call you my bestfriend even though we’ve had arguments in the past HAHAHAH and Tbh, Im so grateful for our friendship co’z one of the hardest things is to find true and loyal friends, that’s why I feel so lucky to have a bestfriend like uu vaye! Thank you for always being there for me through the good times and the bad times I really appreciate it and of course if u need someone to talk to, Im always here for u:) miss ko na kayo ni bugings hope makapag bonding tayo soon! Enjoy your day luv u always vaye, WE STAYING BFFs NO MATTER WHAT!
written by Zyvene
Happy Birthday Valerie! Malapit na ulit magpasukan alam mo na wag mo akong kalimutang idamay sa mga sagot mo at sana payagan ka na tuwing may mga gala laging magbabait. More kopya to come HAHAHAHA Mbtc! Ingat kayo!
written by Jessica
Si bayee ano yan mabait yan tahimik lang minsan tas luka luka din HAHAHAHA tas pag may mga gagawin pag di ko gets tatanungin ko jan di din niya gets iba HAHAHAHA tas pag nag aaya mag among us pag napatay yan chinachat sakin kung sino yon HAHAHAHA
Happy Birthdayyy Bayee! Patangkad na ikaw HAHAHAHA char miss uu na gala na uli tayo pag pede naa. Pag may problem ka dini lang kami ha. Enjoy ur day loveuu God bless!
written by Tyrone
Hii bayeee! Happy Happy Birthday hehe stay kind pretty humble! Ano pa ba haha pakabait mong kaklase Haha akala mo tahimik tas pag tumawa e hanggang oval korni haha jk basta ako yung makakatuluyan ni kim jojo ako yung pinili nya abangan mo sa season 2 haha basta happy happy birthdayy enjoy your day bayee gotchuuu Godbless uu!
written by Marcko
Happy Birthday Bayeee!! Godbless, Stay Healthy and Mbtc!!! (simplicity is beauty)
written by Angel
Hello bayeee! Happy birthday!🥳 Thank you for being a good friend and classmate. You're one of my close friend in room, I guess hahaha. You are kind and lovely person so just stay in that personality. Ang wish ko para sayo sana matupad mo yung mga pangarap mo. I also wish for your health. Just study smart and always work hard to achieve your future plans and goals. I believe na matutupad mo den yung mga pangarap mo sa pagpa-fan girling mo someday. Just keep believing in yourself and always be happy. I'll wish for your success in life! Sana naging mabait na kaibigan den ako sayo hahaha. Happy Birthday bayeee! Enjoy your day!
written by Francis
Happy birthday Valerie! Salamat sa pagiging mabait. Wish ko wag ka magbabago kahit may lovelife na ako.
written by Jason
Happy Birthday Valerie! Napakabait mo at napakacheerful! Ang wish ko para sayo matupad wish mo, wag ka mag-alala sa height mo tatangkad ka rin (siguro)
written by Ashley
Si Vaye kasii yung klase ng friend na kabait minsan tas minsan luka luka kapag may prob ka magtatanong yan kung okay lang ba or may prob ganurn tapos lagi niya ko niyaya mag among us HAHAHAHA
Happpyy birthdayyy Vayee! Yun sana tumangkad na ikaw kahit konti charr lab kita lagi. If need mo ng friend, dito lang me enjoy your day godbless loveuu mwahh
written by Sammantha
Si Valerie? Ano apaka liit magsulat kahirap kumopya WHAHAHAHAH joke lang mabait si baye maliit din.
Hi Baye HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!! enjoy your day babes matangkad ka na ba ha? Char WHAHAHHAA wag lalabas haa mag ingat palagi. Happy birthday ulit MBTC!
written by Sher-Ann
Hi Valerie, happy happy birthdayyy. Enjoy your day. Sana tumangkad ka na hehe. Love youuuu
written by Kaye
Si vaye? Super responsible na tropa as in then napaka bait ang ganda ganda pa. Full package na si vaye ihhhh. Sana sana eh stay mabait lang lalo na sa akin HAHAHAHHA. Atsaka, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! DITO LANG ME PALAGI, GOT URR BACK. LOVEUUUUUU
written by Jelaine
Valerie is that type of friend who's very observant and sensitive in a good way. She's that type who'd notice if someone's upset or someone's having a bad day. She knows where she stands. She's strong. I noticed, she won't cry as long as she can endure it. And I really admire her for that. Honestly, she's the only friend whom I considered as my family. I mean, I've been a stray all my life, I've been depressed and suicidal. And everytime I'll feel down, I was actually looking for a friend or just a random person who'd ask me if I was okay. And I found it in Valerie. She might not remember it or she might think that it's just a question but it really made a deep impact on me. That simple 'okay ka lang?' save me from suiciding. It made me realize that there are still people who cares. Who notices, and that I'm not alone. That simple question made me realize that I gotta help myself for Valerie. That I gotta survive for her. If I'd surrender then that means I'll leave her behind too. So thank u bayeeee. Omooo don't mind what I said hihi, I guess I'm still the same old cry baby Jelaineee. But yeah, thank u! And happy happy birthday! Uwu this is impromptou so I don't wanna say some usual wishes like mbtc and such. I'll just pray for you. Enjoy your special day. I love uuu and I miss you so.
written by Chelzea
Hi Bayeeeee!!! Happyyy Happyy Birthdayyy to youuuu... Wish you that continue to love life and never stop dreaming. You deserve all the happiness in the world because you are such a great person and a wonderful friend. Ikaw kase yung taong di ko aakalain na magiging kaibigan ko, magiging kaibigan namen kase sobrang bait mo at tahimik ganon pero iba pala talaga pag naka close mo madaldal, makulit, sumasabay sa trip tapos parang baby cutieee ganon ang saya ko, namin ni chinny na naging kaibigan ka namin kahit sa panandaliang panahon kase vibes vibes tayo non dahil bet na bet natin kpop hehehe happy birthday uli labyuu miss you godbless more birthdays to come keep safe wish you all the best enjoy your day!!!
written by Jubeth
Si baye kase yung tipo ng kaibigan na tahimik pero pag nakasama mo eh sobrang kalog HAHAHAHA tawa ng tawa kung san san tas lagi deng napapagalitan kase kung ano yung niliit nya yon den yung niliit ng sulat nya HAHAHAHAHA tas si baye den yung akala mo walang pakialam sa mundo pero pag nakausap mo, don mo malalaman lahat. Solid ni baye gagi yung pagiging aports namen sa gilingers HAHAHAHAH maaasahan mo pag may prob HAHAHAHAH sa mga activities HAHAHAHA basta solid non tas wish ko sayo eh sana yung ma-achieve mo yung mga goals mo sa buhay hehe wish u all the best buddy iloveyou hehe
written by Janagurl
I see you as one of a kind woman. A friend whom I can be real and never pretend and always see's the best on everyone. Can't believe that you are gettin' older again today. Thank you for not giving up on me. Always remember, I'm always here for you no matter what the circumstances are. And I will support you in everything you want. Thank you for always bringing the best in me. Continue being you and don't be afraid to express yourself and continue fighting of what you think is right. We may never get along at all times and a lot of things may change, always remember that you will always hold a special place in my heart and you will always have me. May you have all the joy your heart can hold, all the smiles a day can bring and all the blessings a life can unhold. May you gave God's best in everything. Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
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