#(the other being sonamy if they handle her well but still)
sonicprim3d · 11 months
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I promise I'm very normal about Sonaze.
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essycogany · 26 days
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments
Sonic Swooning Over Amy
So, Sonic’s been kind of the driving force of Sonamy recently. Let’s analyze that.
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I’ll show Sonic having feelings for Amy in almost every media aside from Fleetway and the two cartoons she isn’t in. I’ll also present the “whys” in more detail then just “Amy calmed down.” While that’s part of it, I’d like to add my own can of worms. And possible headcanons too. Bear in mind I never grew up with Sonic, so forgive my mixed opinions.
While I love Amy having a crush on Sonic like the energetic sugarplum she is, nowadays Sonic’s oddly been the drive of their dynamic. Any examples of it beforehand? Let’s look outside of the games first.
Sonic X
This Sonic takes more time to himself. He’s introverted, so his feelings for her isn’t displayed as obviously as the others. In fact, most people think he didn’t like her in this show because of how much he runs away. He even manipulated her by flirting in one episode. In my opinion this show has Sonic running away from Amy more often than not. Hot take: Sonic and Amy never had a real conversation either. They don’t…talk like they do now. Unless you count,
“Oh, Sonic I love you!” “Ah! C’mon, Amy. Knock it off!” No, it wasn’t constant but still common.
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From my point of view, the conversations were short lived to none existent. It was the same in the earlier games too. Compared to how they talked to other characters or now, you might be able to notice. At least until Sonic And The Black Night were he talks to both The Lady Of The Lake and Amy. The two would also have visual gags of Sonic getting aggressively hugged by Amy. Or Amy falling on her face while trying. Aside from one moment in Sonic Riders where Sonic put Amy in danger, it wasn’t good or bad. Just cartoony for lack of a better term.
Maybe I’m just insane. You decided.
Anyhow, their dynamic in X is clearly built on actions. Like Amy giving Sonic a seashell bracelet and Sonic giving her a rose. Those little things. While I do prefer them being able to hold longer conversations, I don’t mind how X handles them. But let’s get to Sonic’s crush. I assume in Sonic X Sonic is conflicted. He’ll run away from Amy or try to pull from her on most occasions and others Sonic would constantly hold onto her when he doesn’t have to. For a long period on time no less. Amy’s the same way. One moment she’d be head over heels and other she’s bashful. Goes to show how young they were I guess. I have no clue as to why Sonic liked her back because there wasn’t much to go off of. Except the bracelet moment or her general kindness like feeding him one time. She was a bit much to him and most characters back then.
It’s possible Sonic just liked her and that was it, but I’d imagine due to all of the hand holding and small reciprocated gestures were enough to convey something was there. Straight forward and simple like the show itself. I headcanon this Sonamy being where the boyfriend gets dragged into a relationship and is fine with it. This version of Sonic’s attraction seems to be chaotic pink hedgehogs apparently.
Sonic Boom
Should I even explain it? Might as well because not only do I have something different to say, but these two haven’t been brought up much. Sonic and Amy’s romance mostly is played for laughs. Not saying their love for each other means less because of that, but the humor is the main reason they exist. Much like why in the main canon they started out the way they did. Regardless, I’ll dive deeper into Boom!Sonic’s affection for Amy to the best of my ability.
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Boom!Sonic is egotistical, so whenever he thinks Amy’s crushing on someone else, it bothers him. Apparently he’s the only one she’s allowed to like. No “Radical Speedsters” or “Celebrities” can take her attention away from him. Like in Sonic X he tries to keep his crush to a minimum. Even though both him and Amy are terrible at it.
The moment in “Fortress Of Squalitude” a episode where everyone is a bit rude to Amy, close to the end Sonic says, “We may have a hard time saying it Amy. But…well you know.” Then she responds with, “Yeah, I know.” It’s such a sweet moment. Not as powerful as most moments with them but for Boom it’s very nice. Sonic and the others still value her as part of the team, but it’s Sonic who expresses it out loud. Goes to show how much he cares about her for even attempting to open up in this instance. Didn’t even have to finish the sentence. Amy understood perfectly. I also noticed how much he tries his best to impress her. When he needs to returned her book back, finds her hammer in Archie, (Vector did it in the show and Sonic got jealous) shows off randomly or dreams about her, and stopped racing to get her some eggs in one episode.
The funny thing about this Sonic is how much of a people pleaser he can be. Especially since the towns people are very spoiled and ungrateful. He wants to be needed and that’s possibly why he goes out of his way to do special things for Amy like go out on picnics, implied dates, and comforts her. She’s very take charge in Boom and Sonic has no problem calling her out when he needs to. Much like Amy in the show and games. Sonic will even put effort into doing things he doesn’t feel like doing for her. How honorable of him. Sure, sometimes he tries to make her jealous and isn’t perfect, but he tries. I believe Sonic likes Amy because again like Sonic X Boom isn’t canon, so more outright reciprocated feelings are allowed in this case. Not to mention the dude likes being shipped with her in the show. Which is a win in my book.
Sonic enjoys bugging Amy much like a playful boyfriend. He probably admires her leadership, but I’m saying this by observation. It could be for anything. Maybe he thinks she’s cute when she’s mad and finds her temper amusing. It could also be for her stubbornness. Some people like each other because of how much they can relate to their partner and in Sonic Boom’s case they’re two cuts of the same cloth. Although still different, due to the show’s theme, they carry the same condescending, slightly self centered, hotheaded, stubborn, and humorous traits. But they’re still good hedgehogs with a heart of gold and usually makes reasonable decisions. Not to mention they’re both equally shy about their crushes. In Sonic Boom, Sonic and Amy is that married couple who doesn’t get along much, but when they do you’ll understand why they stay together.
Reboot Archie Sonic
I haven’t read the comics (unless you count watching a few dubs and internet reviews) but I’ll give my limited thoughts. Luckily there’s not much to say. Although most people believe it was unintentional, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch that someone from Archie thought it was a fun idea to have Sonic crush on somone in this reboot. Maybe it’s unintentional but it doesn’t seem that way.
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I’m basically using this part of the post to ramble about how Reboot Archie’s Sonic still manages to be a casanova. He’s like a mixture of his old self and how he is in the games. That’s also why he acts the way he does around Amy. Could it also possibly mean he’s meant to like her canonically too? Reboot Archie did have to follow a more accurate way of writing Sonic after all. Anyways, let’s run down the list of Game!Sonic if he was allowed to be down bad for Amy like they’re already dating. Which is how I view this continuity. It’s basically if Boom and X had a weird fusion and this version of Sonic’s crush was the result. Except here he manages to be more bold and upfront. He knows what he’s doing. Here’s a run down.
First of all, THIS. No joke, more of these interactions would send me to the moon. I would explain why but the panel speaks for itself.
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Sonic says, “I was worried about you.” Which he hasn’t admitted to her before this to my knowledge. He states this by giving her a side hug. Along with other out of nowhere physical affection and flirting. Not to single out Sonally fans. Sonic and Sally clearly have a close connection people appreciate and I respect that. In any case, Sonic and Amy in Reboot Archie also matches energies so much. They’re both clearly running off the same brain cell. You’d think they were together. They’d be a chaotic couple that’ll do the most outlandish things and somehow manage to survive them. After willfully risking their lives they’d do it again because being normal and safe is boring. I promise you, this version of Sonamy would be a huge force to be reckoned with.
-I’d also like to mention my friend Salty showed an example of Sonic being jealous of Knuckles coming with Amy on a mission and it’s brilliant. Dude gets all bratty about it too. Archie!Sonic does not play around. The post in question.
Sonic Prime
Already talked about this in another post, but I want to mention it again. Prime!Sonic is the most sensitive version of the character, so it’s no surprise he displays his admiration for Amy freely and out loud.
This moment says enough on its own. Sonic’s like this throughout the entirety of Prime and even changes the tone of his voice when speaking to or about her. It’s so authentic and adorable and makes him stand out against other variants.
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Amy’s crush on Sonic in Prime is up to interpretation, but I don’t think she likes him in that way personally. Like other characters, Amy tends to be done with Sonic’s childishness. Guess she thinks he’s probably too immature to be boyfriend material whether she has feelings or not. Sonic on the other hand, acts how you wouldn’t expect. I personally see him as his own interpretation, so I’m fine with it. If he wants to have goo-goo eyes for Amy in Prime, it’s cool.
Prime!Sonic has it bad and I wouldn’t be shocked if he’d be the one wanting to go out on dates. Maybe he’d cook dinner for her sense he cooks in the show. I’d imagine Amy declining at first, but does it after his constant begging. They’d be swapped version of most emotional to least emotional. Prime!Amy would be a girlfriend who feels more like a parent than a partner.
Unleashed/Black Night
No one can bring up Sonic Unleashed without the lovely Amy meeting the Werehog scene. I love how Sonic didn’t like Amy hugging him, but right after she left he solemnly mopes around for probably the first and last time. He’s never in any game slowly moped around disappointedly before. Proving he only has certain reactions when it comes to Amy Rose. At least in some continuities. Unleashed gives you a choice to go on a date with Amy or not. Then the next game Sonic Team followed through with it, but ended up having Amy mad at Sonic for missing it. At least Sonic tried. Not to mention his reaction to The Lady Of The Lake and him flirting is fun to watch.
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See how Sonic still likes her back but it isn’t because she’s “calmed down?” She’s still the same excitable love strucked Amy. There must be something more to it. Other than the obvious answer with Sonic Team wanting to do something with the pear. I have no idea why but having multiple hints even in the past must’ve been done for the fun of it. “We created this love interest but then railed back to Sonic not reciprocating her feeling. But we still want to market them as a couple in some way.” This franchise never cease to confuse me.
Amy encouraging Sonic in one of the cutscenes could’ve been where he started liking her back. Not in the way he does now, but he admired her none stop compassion and might’ve wanted to return the favor. “Eh, she’s sweet. Maybe a date won’t be so bad.” The fact he went out of his way to get her a chilidog and flirted with a different version of her should tell you enough. Of course it would take a while before anything else happened. 
IDW/Sonic Frontiers
Yeah, after issue 2, Sonic’s never felt the need to run from Amy. From the comics to Sonic Frontiers there’s a lot of moments of Sonic being somewhat emotionally candid. Not by much, but close. I believe Amy’s the reason for that in a way. Sonic’s not afraid to hang out with her anymore. He even hugs her back on some occasions. “Ames” was a nickname from fanfics and Boom which became canon over time and he occasionally calls her that.
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Sonic wishes to share an umbrella and spend more time with her. He also gets excited to see her more often. It’s like Reboot Archie but slightly toned down. At least up until the hard to trigger lines from Sonic Frontiers. The same game where he outright admits to being worried about Amy and smiles back at her with a Coco looking between the two. Then he supports Amy’s decision to leave etc. We all know where we are now.
Crazy how the more you look into this franchise the more tiny details you notice. It’s also crazy how much Sonic’s been into the love interest he originally was already supposed to love. To me, Sonic had a crush on Amy in Unleashed but fell in love with her in IDW. What makes Sonamy gripping though is how unique it is compared to most romantic relationships. Leaves it to be more entertaining whenever something unexpected happenes. It keeps you engaged.
Why Sonic Crushes On Amy?
1. Amy doesn’t want to slow him down. Obviously because of IDW issue 2’s love confession with Amy saying “I can’t change you. I don’t want to change you.” Amy joins Sonic and he includes her more often because of that. His speed is no match for her persistence anyways.
2. She shows compassion and love for those around her. Not just to Sonic, but everyone. She’s the definition of soft hearted. Even for people Sonic and his friends would be weary about. Think about now in the recent comics and games where Sonic’s trying it out. I do think it should be more of Amy’s thing then Sonic’s but it just goes to show how much she probably inspired him. Who knows? Even in the past he had respect Amy for her tenderheartedness.
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3. Amy’s energy matches Sonic’s. Though sometimes she can be overly enthusiastic compared to him. Even before now, Amy’s always been adventurous and that’s probably something Sonic liked from the start. Not in a romantic way, but in a respectful way. If he were to have a partner he’d need someone to keep him grounded and be on the same level. No exceptions.
4. Her loyalty. No matter what Sonic does (including times she disagrees) she’s one of Sonic’s most loyalist companions. Obviously other characters are too, but Amy has her being a long time childhood friend/Sonic 06 and Unleashed going for her. 06 for trusting Sonic over Silver and Unleashed for still loving Sonic despite his transformation. Heck, before she knew who the Werehog was she wasn’t disgusted. Amy’s commendable for that.
From all these points here physical attraction isn’t included. What I like about both characters is their crushes don’t stem to how they look. Though it is worth mentioning Sonic has called Amy “Radiant” in TMOSTH, but that’s probably the closest we’ll ever get to an outright physical compliment. From Sonic at least.
- Side note thanks to @saltynsassy31 again, Sonic and Amy’s dynamic can be summed up as not a relationship but rather a situationship. Yes, it’s a real word. What does it mean? Basically two friends who has crushes on each other but doesn’t do anything about it. Just a fun detail for you guys.
Why Did Sonic Run From Amy In The Past?
I’ll make this quick, but the reason Sonic ran from Amy wasn’t because he didn’t like her. On the contrary. Sonic always could’ve ran at his normal speed to get away from her. Sonic’s the fastest thing alive. Why would he let someone he “didn’t like” catch up to him? I personally think he enjoyed the thrill of the chase. It’s why I believe he misses it nowadays. Though I do understand Sonic didn’t often treat Amy like a friend. Not in a way I can understand at least. Not that I think their relationship was bad, but from what I’ve seen, it was more told then shown due to Sonic and the gang not including her on missions. Amy normally had to catch up with them which was a running gag. Especially in SA2. It might be why some prefere her in stuff like Reboot Archie, Boom, IDW, and Frontiers. Because Amy’s friends includes her on adventures now. At least in my opinion. Correct me if I missed anything.
Final Headcanon
Since Sonic in the games has been the one to push the Sonic side of Sonamy much more then Amy does for herself, I’d like to think in most cases (especially as their dynamic grows) Sonic would start carrying other versions of him traits like trying to mess with her.
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He’d want to get her to chase him more often and Amy would probably ask once or twice, “What’s going on and why are you acting weird?” He’d definitely play it off as him fooling around. Sonic doesn’t know much about romance, but he does know what Amy likes. Maybe he’d ask her out or go on a bunch of traveling missions. Anything to get her to pay attention to him again. After all, there’s been examples of the guy feeling ignored by her in and out of canon. It’s possible.
-There’s also a consistent detail where Sonic’s finally ready to open up but has to deal with Amy doing her own thing. Or when he’s face with different variants of her, he’s flirtatious with them. For the fastest thing alive, he has terrible timing when it comes to making his mind up.
Welp, there you have it, darlings. Examples of Sonic crushing on Amy more than some would think. It’s a Sonic character analysis and Sonamy post all in one. I know there’s more, but I think this gathers examples from the actual content.
Stay Creative 💜
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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ohohohoho !!! watched a playthrough. game good :) more thoughts below (spoilers obv)
AUGH. AUUGHAUGHHGAGHHH. eugh. oof. i am biting you i am biting steam i am biting sega fuck that noise of wanting to be serene and calm abt not getting to play it blindly I WANT TO HAVE PLAYED THIS BLINDLY SO BAD. i wish it did not have to have happened this way. regardless, i am going to talk about frontiers and my opinions :)
i really liked the story! loved the characters, although eggman becoming a dad was a biit too fast for my tastes. sage is fun, i like her as well and hope she shows up in later material (idw please add her in PLEASE i am begging give eggman 5 kids and only two that he actually cares for that is SO FUCKING FUNNY ahfhsdfoia)
ian flynn wrote the story, and it is quite clear that he did! in love with how he consistently gets brought on by sega to fix the messes they caused in their storytelling due to not paying enough attention (or too much) on what was going on in the writing room. love how this game confronts at least a bit what happened in forces, and how it has affected the main characters, and if they are this intent on not scrubbing forces out of the timeline, i hope they manage to adjust the characters properly down the line so that its clear that sega are willing to admit fault and try to make things better.
my little guys, my little creachers. the voice direction was so good eugh. sonic. he. i. he is in my head now. my little guy :>. i loved his character in this game, and i also loved the interactions he had with his friends!!!! MAN. i casually ship sonknux now. you telling me sonamy is meant to be reciprocated when sonic looks at knuckles LIKE THAT? sonamy is kinda cute in this too, but i still do not see it? i tried, sorry lmao. was definitely not expecting tails addressing explicitly how he sees himself and his self-worth. little man you are EIGHT chill THE FUCK OUT!!!! him and sonic had so many good moments i am going to die from how well-fed i am istg
also, tangle and sticks being canon to the main timeline now? i vibe w/ it! i wanna see how they pull off integrating them properly, but either way im excited!
also seems like the next few games might be a bit empty from the main characters besides sonic, in a good way? amy, knuckles, and tails are all gonna sightsee or whatever, so maybe that might be the time where other characters can shine, like the rest of the gigantic sonic cast that already exists (3000 sonic characters my beloveds....) i wonder if sega will try to change any character designs because of this, i think it would be neat! maybe since they removed the ages, they might even age some characters up from being perpetually 6-8, although maybe not! (brand recognition and all that)
soundtrack is stellar, although i will probably appreciate it more when i can hear it on spotify or something.
all-in-all, i get the 7.5-8/10 reviews. the game really is that, no lower or higher, which is very good in my opinion! ending was a bit weak compared to the beginning, but i feel as if that is a small price to pay for paving the way to sonic games in the future that get to be handled with the love and care they deserve. maybe sega will realize that they should be adventurous again, and be willing to take risks. wish i could play this game 😔.
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
Sonamy prompt
It’s after the metal virus outbreak and healing has begun, Amy is still going around trying to help people out and is currently tending to Sonic before he finally gets some much needed sleep. Sonic notices her still driving herself ragged and tells her she needs to rest as well, not only for herself but for others. This ends up with two sleep deprived hedgies snuggling in for some sleep.
-Sonic normally isn’t this affectionate and the intimate closeness spooks him for a second but he’s too tired to do anything about it. And starts to admit to himself he really missed contact with others when he was infected. He also realizes he wouldn’t really want anyone other than Amy this close either. It doesn’t hurt she’s warm, soft, pretty, and smells like flowers.
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And with that, please enjoy the story :)b
"And your pillow?"
"You took your sleeping aid?"
"Check... Yuck." Sonic stuck out his tongue, being tucked in so nicely to a spare bed while Amy was fluttering around as though her tail was a propeller like a certain fox they knew... buzzing this way and that, charming but... Sonic couldn't help but lower one eyelid at her 'busy body self' while she sped by him--fiddled with some boxes and paperwork--and ran the other way to organize and set up for when she would need to go back to work again...
Little did she know...
"And your muscle relaxing pad?"
He lifted up his arm, sighing, "You know, Amy,... you left Jewel to handle all the affairs at HQ's base... you've been told to rest yourself-"
"What about your rings? You have a few just in case you roll over in your sleep and fall, right?" She... wasn't even listen to him.
Now he looked annoyed.
She lifted up the end of the bed covering to grab some things under the white, almost hospital plain looking bed.
"Amy, I'm fine. No sweat! Just gotta take a few Z's and I'll be-" he tried to smile through it, but he was beginning to realize that Amy was a lot like him... once he started running, it was hard to get him to stop...
And once Amy got going...
"And your snuggly-wugglies?"
"My what?-OFFPH!" Sonic was confused at first before Amy pulled the cover back down and tackled Sonic in a loving hug back to the bed. "Amy!" he was so shocked, but he heard her giggling under his struggles and just sighed, "I'm too exhausted for this..."
"Well, I'm never tired enough to not hug my... my..." She tried to lean back up, but feeling the warmth of the bed... the softness of the covers... Sonic raised both eyebrows as she slowly sunk across him and seemed to passout softly into a lulled sleep.
He smiled, "Well, well... gotcha." he patted and stroked her back, knowing she needed this just as much as he did.
"Hedgehogs of a array, eh?" A group of hedgehogs was called an array, but he was meaning it as they were cut from the same cloth. "You've gotta recharge that fuel every now and then, too, Amy. ... Goodnight."
He helped prop her up and lay her the right way, putting her feet under the covers and yawning himself, stretching before turning to the other side... making sure they weren't touchin-!
She turned over and pulled him into a hug, her grip almost chokingly tight as he wiggled himself a bit in his struggle. "Amy,... Amy!" he lightly tapped her arm but very quickly, "Wake up..!" he felt his eyes bulging.
He begins to panic a little... not liking to be 'restricted' in any way, but then... he hears the soft, quiet snoring of Amy by his neck... and pausing all movement, he turns to flick down an ear a few times to try and hear it better.
He peeks back to see she really is out cold... not just faking it to get closer to him, which is what he had suspected in the first place.
"Huh." He fully turned around, his cheek by her mouth now, "You really out, Amy?"
She continued to squirm a bit to get comfy, then turned her head inward towards the singular pillow and seemed to be breathing softly.
"... And I'm the one you asked to take the sleep aid and muscle relaxor." he rolled his eyes, "You're out like a light, and I'm still waiting on chemicals to be sent to my brain." He shook his head and lightly chuckled, before trying to kick and roll back out of her grasp. "Huffph! Ohmph! Come on..! Almost..! Not even close..." He reached his gloved little hands out and wiggled them to the other side of the bed, but gave up after feeling sleep start to take hold of his eyes.
"Ah, geez... Amy, we can't actually-" he turned back to rub his face, trying to stay awake.
But he took another peek down at her.
Soft, peaceful... serene in her slumber...
He just lowered his eyes as though trying to resist falling to the same fate...
"Ammmmyy...." he grumbled, flopping a freed arm over his eyes, "If someone comes in, they're gonna get the wrong impression..." he knew it was half his fault, but he thought it would be alright to put her on one side of the bed, that way, she'd nap for a second and then he'd be off.
This... was not what he had expected.
But... since when had Amy done anything he 'expected'?
He sighed a little more calmly now, feeling his body lean back and melt into the soft cushions of the bed...
Did he... smell flowers?
He looked back at Amy, seeing some signs of dirt in her hair and puffed some air into a cheek as he held in a laugh. 'Must have been working in the garden...' he knew everyone was trying to rebuild... how long was she still running on fumes?
Heh, like he was one to talk...
"Okay... I give... let's see those quills of yours." He held up his freed arm along with the trapped one underneath, surrendering to the fact that he was not to move from this bed till he was well-rested up, still suspicious if she was faking or not, and began to weave his hands through her quills to get out the plant leaves, petals, dirt, and squashed grown goods that were stuck in her quills.
Honestly, he knew how tightly bound stuff can get in there... chilidogs were a NIGHTMARE if he didn't lick his fingers first.
After stringing through and 'grooming' out the dirt from her quills, he started to feel his eyes lowering and the feeling of sleep getting heavier.
"Eh." He took off the muscle relaxers, some on his legs too. "Ow, ow..!" he didn't like the 'ripping of tape' he felt to try and get them off, so he let the legs one stay on and just patted back down the arm. "Ughhh..." he flattened himself down, Amy's arms still around him, sound asleep. "Glad it's so easy for you to take five." he flopped a hand over his face again, yawning.
"I've had so much anxiety about falling asleep... I think I've trained myself not to." He admitted, "And I used to love sleep, too... I probably... still... zzzzZZZzzz...." He began to breathe according to her heartbeat... laying on his back and having his hand slowly fall from his face onto his right shoulder...
After a minute or two... Amy peeked an eye open, rubbing it sleepily and smiled to him.
She watched him surrender, at last, to the comforts of being under the blanket of the back of his eyelids, and had to resist laughing by placing her hand over her mouth, slowly letting him go from her hold. "I knew it! Hehe~" she whispered, "You couldn't sleep unless you saw someone else, who you were protecting all this time, sleeping first." she nodded, knowing her hero's selfless heart at times.
She moved the comforting layers of bed sheets off and was about to step out when a hand firmly gripped her arm. "Ahh-eep..!" she yelped in a quiet gasp.
Flung back, over Sonic, she bundled her fists tight up by her mouth, blinking in surprise as she looked up to see she was caught, blushing at the handsome, blue, smug grin on her idol's face.
"Gotcha... again... zzzZZzz..." he flopped his head on her shoulder and was back to his power nap.
She giggled openly this time, "Okay, okay. You got me. I can't fool you, Sonic The-... the... ohhh..." it was so... warmmmm....
She ended up going back into a small slumber as her head rolled to tap against his turned chest.
Neither one of them knew how long time flew by... but they both suddenly stirred and jolted from one another.
"Ah!", "Oh!"
The two shook their heads as Amy patted her cheeks, "We're falling too fast!" she admitted.
"We... We gotta get outta this bed..!" Sonic looked to the white of the cover on the bed, "It's an evil cloud!"
"N-no, no, no! Sonic! You need to sleep!" She tried to push him back down to laying, "I'll go and get you some-" she was trying to crawl over him when he reached up and hooked her back down, rolling across her to keep her in place.
"What? And leave you to go back to working again? Fat..." He yawned, "Ahh~ Chance. You're staying here." he tossed her quite comically over and behind him, trying to get up when Amy bit his shoulder, growing. "GAh! What was that for!?"
She pulled him back down and tried to escape again, "I have duties to fulfil Son-iiiccc!!!" she was pushed back by his bum on her stomach before he sat on her and, on all fours, used his feet to lightly push with kicks to keep her to the other side of the bed. "Offph, why you-Oww!" she faked being hurt, but he was kinda shoving her multiple times to the other side.
"You work just as hard!" he argued, ripping off the muscle relaxer on his arm, "Yippe!" he rubbed the arm multiple times from the tape ripping off, "You deserve to sleep, too!"
"You're more worthy!" she summoned her hammer, pulling him back by cranking it over his shoulder and holding it back like a grapple hook. "Rrrr!!!" she pulled back with force, causing Sonic to reach out with one of his hands to try and keep himself up... but fell back towards her stomach and against the wall.
"Amy..!" he protested, "How am I supposed to sleep knowing everyone else is working so hard, huh!?"
She shook her head, "You had the worst of it! Now, sleep!" she threw off her hammer from him, as his eyes went small when he realized what position her hammer was in now... right... over his head...
"If you don't sleep... I'll MAKE you sleep!" Amy reared back her arms.
"Amy, Amy-Amy-Amy, no-no-no, wait!" Sonic held up his hands and then jumped to dodge the hammer, coming down between Amy's legs as she tried to get up, but panted as her eyes had dark circles underneath them.
Sonic also panted, his head and arm over the bed now and holding on. "New plan..." He groaned, "How about we both just take a quick breather?"
"F-... Fine..." She 'poof'd away her hammer and laid back as Sonic also rolled back up and fell flat, one hand on his chest, the other up over his head.
"Who knew getting us both to rest for ourselves was so challenging, eh?" Sonic joked, but there was truth to that, too.
"Y-yeah... it's just..." Amy turned her head away from him. "When I thought you might be... that I might... never see you again... I..." She tensed a bit, her hand to the side of her head balling up a bit.
Sonic looked over, sleep almost consuming him after all that struggling... but it was kinda fun... being able to hold or even just touch his friends again... it was... strangely pleasing for him to feel he could be close to others again.
"Amy..." He seemed to get why she refused to sleep.
"... It's all like a dream." she withdrew her legs up a bit, as though threatening to ball-up on him... "I don't... want to shut my eyes... and suddenly... you're not there anymore... you know?"
She closed her eyes, trying to not cry in front of her hero, being strong when she felt even stronger arms wrapping around her from behind.
There was a silence... but she heard Sonic's heartbeat slowing and smiled.
She took his arms and held them across herself, "Thank you..." she lightly whispered at his comforting hold.
Who cares if someone walked in on them.
"Amy..." he lightly whispered, opening his eyes a bit to see it was dark outside... this time, they really had passed out. "Amy..." He whispered again, leaning up and groaning a bit as the medication and muscle relaxers were wearing off... "I missed you, too..." he slowly exited the bed, tried to silently rip the tape off the muscle relaxers on his legs and stuffed some medical bandages in his mouth to do so silently, and then made sure Amy was still tucked in tight.
He smiled as he placed a hand on her side... "Thank you,... Amy. I needed to know how you all felt about me... and I... needed you to know I cared about that, too. I don't always say it... but... well... you know." He smiled and removed his hand, gingerly, as though afraid to disturb her. "I guess... I needed you guys more than I thought I did... and seeing you not giving up till I slept first... it made me... kinda happy, honestly." he scratched the side of his cheek, sweating a little awkwardly as he wouldn't know if he could have the boldness to speak this directly to her face. "But that's all... thank you... and goodnight." He gave her his famous wink before speeding out, being careful to shut the door quietly.
In the bed... Amy smiled in pure glee~ Blushing all across her cheeks~<3 Her hand gripped the pillow a little more and she knew Sonic had finally had some sound sleep... and peaceful dreams... for the first time in a long while...
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mysuperlaserpiss · 2 years
Why do you ship Blaze and Amy? Amy is too obsessed with the Blue Blur to even think about anyone else, not being rude it piped my curiosity so I'd thought I'd ask. 😀
Ah no worries, glad you asked :)
I like to think that Amy and Blaze fell in love during the span of all the Olympic Games. I really think that's the only time they get to see one and other (cuz let's not forget Blaze is a queen of another dimension).
I think Amy over time is getting more mature about how to handle her feelings and love for Sonic (which is understandable bc we often forget how young these characters are). We see her maturing in IDW, but she's still very bubbly.
Let's put ourselves into Blaze's shoes for a moment. Blaze is one of the few characters with major responsibility. She has to be the guardian of the Sol gems and ruler of her dimension. Can you imagine not stressing out about those things constantly? And she might even feel pressure to do well in the Olympic events- because the whole world is watching.
And Amy, being the bubbly character she is, reminds Blaze to have fun. And yes Amy might still have strong feelings toward Sonic- and she might have a really hard time having feelings for both of them. Blaze and Amy can have organically have a friendship that happens to turn out romantic later on. Like look at the difference between the Winter and Rio Olympics
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Also I feel like they would have better communication too. And think of their potential future together as queens in Blaze's dimension? Like isn't that a fun possibility? I just like to think how soft and wholesome their relationship would be, because to me they would be the most honest and open to each other. Meanwhile it's like a whole song and dance and a few near death experiences to get Sonic and Shadow to talk about their thoughts and feelings, that's just how they are written. (I imagine Blaze also isn't good at expressing emotions but I think she would open up quickly)
It's not about the "I will go down with one ship," it's more like, "Let's explore the ship and see where this goes." I like both SonAmy & BlazAmy (ShadAmy too lol). I like to explore all the different dynamics these characters will have of each other.
BlazAmy for me basically has the instant gratification of them being soft and wholesome, but when Amy is with Sonic or Shadow, I feel like I have to justify it being so lovey dovey bc it feels out of character for them at times. Sonic and Shadow may show their affection in different ways when I can just draw Amy and Blaze cuddling in a meadow and call it a day. Idk if that make sense. There's something so comfortable about them.
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anniestoney · 3 years
About SonAmy...
Yah know, some people would say SonAmy is a ship that wouldn't work when in reality we have never ever see how it would be handled in a more serious less jokey way. Until we see how it would truly play out romantically, I don't think it's fair to immediately judge & say 'it won't work.’ So far, Amy is a character that is not held back by: 1. Responsibilities (being a big shot leader of a large group that needs her 24/7) 2. Important status (royalty)
3. From another dimension that can’t interact w/ the other dimension to prevent disaster from happening
thus making her a love interest that will never chain down Sonic’s freedom. Also, the whole “I want to marry Sonic” is something that I want to address. It has never been truly stated ‘in-game’ that Amy wants that type of marriage or if she wants it as well since, in Adventures 2 it was played as a joke due to her rascally side and in Heroes, it was played as an excuse in order for each team to have a motive to fight (stated by one of the creators of the game). Yes, Sonic, the character himself, having romance causes nothing but a big mess. However, if played right with a character that doesn’t hold a heavy burden that can hold back Sonic, it is actually a romance that still has Sonic be Sonic without losing himself, the same goes for Amy.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
SonAmy - First flight
Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all have many stories about the heroic feats they achieved with the help of the Tornado. Since their first adventures they used the famous biplane to confront Dr. Eggman... but what about Amy? How and when was her first flight?
“Tails! Have you seen Sonic?” 
Amy approached the Tornado, parked just outside the workshop. She travelled all the way to the Mystic Ruins in hopes of sharing a little picnic with the blue hedgehog. The calm and warm evening served as the perfect set up for a date; but thing is, he wasn’t informed at all!
She got no response, yet could still hear some mechanical noises coming from the Tornado. Frustrated, she left her picnic basket on the ground and started walking with leaden feet towards the plane.
“Tails, I asked you a question! No need to be so rude! Tails!”
But a different, unexpected figure rose from within the cockpit.
“Uhh, Tails isn’t here.”
“Sonic?!” She froze in place for a moment. “Oh, I’m sorry! I thought it was Tails ignoring me!” 
She looked away for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed about the whole ordeal. Sonic was looking a bit rough and dirty from working all day inside the plane. He was even playing with a big wrench on his hand.
“Heh, nope. He left early and hasn’t returned... yet.” 
Amy took an extended look at him, and the plane, then back at him.
“What... what are you doing, exactly?”
He chuckled. “Hey, I can take care of my plane on my own, do a little maintenance on it, y’know!”
She covered her mouth with her hands, only her eyes left visible, shining and excited as ever. 
“Oh my gosh! Is it actually your plane?”
“Well, duh, of course it is!” He leaned over the side, pointing to the letters SONIC printed on the red fuselage. “See? My name, my plane. Tails just likes to use it more than I do, haha!”
“Oh, I see.” she looked away again, directly back at the basket she left behind. “Hey, I think you must be tired from working on that plane all day... wanna join me for a picnic?”
Sonic scratched the back of his head, a little hesitant.
“I... can’t right now. I need to test this baby and see if it’s working as intended and-”
He stopped himself for a second and kept staring at her, pouting with her arms crossed. Doing test flights alone is a perfectly fun routine, but her sole presence was enough to give him a completely new idea.
“Let me tell you something,” he asked with a smug look on his face, “how about you join me and test this thing together?”
Amy opened her eyes, shocked by the sudden proposition.
“Y-you mean f-flying together?” She blushed a bit. “I-I mean I’ve never flown in my life, but sure! I’d l-love to!”
Sonic jumped from the cockpit up on the wing, then extended a hand to her, smiling.
“Heh, then jump on!”
“What!? You mean o-on the wing? D-don’t you have another seat or something?”
“Nope, the wing is for passengers.” Sonic reassured her, then shifted his head to the horizon beyond the runway. “But don’t worry, the day is perfect for an evening flight, there’s almost no wind and we have another hour or so of sunlight. Not that I can’t fly at night... but I don’t like the look of those clouds in the distance.”
He pointed out a massive barrier of clouds still far away. She nodded and climbed on top of the wing, still a little unsure of this whole thing. She’s never been in the air, let alone standing on a wing, with nothing to hold her! Was it really safe?
Well, Sonic wasn’t too bothered about it - in fact, he was pretty excited! His face lit up with excitement as he returned to the cockpit, setting everything up for takeoff. After flipping some switches and checking everything, he raised a hand to his mouth, as if mimicking a real commercial pilot communicating through a speaker.
“Ok Ms. Rose, this is your captain and pilot of the day Sonic the Hedgehog speaking. We are just about to take off - time of day: 18 hours 39 minutes, temperature is... warm, I guess. We have a lovely sunny evening, with clouds in the distance potentially limiting the amount of air time we’re gonna get today. Hold on tight, as we don’t have seatbelts in the economic class, and please enjoy your first flight with Hedgehog Airlines. Captain out!”
She giggled through the entire speech, feeling excited as ever but at the same time scared of doing all of this for the first time. She kept her eyes on the runway ahead, standing in silence as Sonic kept flicking some switches and adjusting the stick.
Captain Sonic soon returned for take-off.
“This is Captain Sonic speaking again, we are taking off!” He said, while accelerating the plane. “This is standard procedure, so please bear with us as we reach optimum speed and...”
Amy panicked at the speed and movement of the plane. Sonic pulled the stick swiftly, and up they went!
“And we are in the air. Next destination: the Mystic Sea!”
Amy felt the rush of adrenaline kicking in as they were no longer on solid ground, but also struggled to find some stability riding on the Tornado’s wing. Sonic was right, there was little to no wind... when they were stationary. Now that they were cruising the skies at speed Amy quickly realized the challenge she was facing.
“Wah-ah! This is too fast!”
“Heh, you call this fast?” He chuckled, breaking away from his Captain character. “C’mon, don’t try to resist against the wind, just stand there and... open your arms to it!”
Amy stumbled a bit as Sonic leveled the plane to a stable height, flying further into open sea. She finally managed to find her footing, looked at the sunset... and stretched her arms as much as she could on both directions.
It felt great. She never felt as free in the wind as at that very moment. Opening her arms was like taking the role of the sail of a ship, free to be taken wherever the wind decided to. They were going fast, yes, but after facing her initial doubts and fear, she stopped caring about it.
She closed her eyes and let her head fall on her back, enjoying more than ever the warm sun and the fresh wind. Sonic looked up, watching her be so happy that he couldn’t help himself but to smile tenderly, reminiscing the first time he ever took to the skies, and how good it felt as well. It’s the small details like that, bursts of energy and happiness that sometimes get lost in everyday life, in doing the same thing repeatedly and losing that original spark in the process. He’s been flying all over the world for a while now, and it started to feel like regular business. But just at that moment, he remembered just how beautiful it should feel.
He kept smiling at her for a minute, then snapped back to reality. He wanted to have some fun now.
“This is your Captain Sonic speaking.” He interrupted her. “We are changing our route to go through the ever so impressive Mystic Crags! We’re gonna need the help of our passenger and her open arms to direct us to and through the crags. Buckle up because we’re about to start dancing!”
Amy looked at him over the shoulder, her arms still wide open and more confident than ever.
“Let’s do this.”
Sonic moved the stick north-wise, and pulled down bit by bit. In a matter of seconds, they were flying pretty close to the water and heading directly back to the coastline. Amy kept her eyes locked in the rocky and rugged terrain ahead, with tall cliffs that lead into the sea, followed right by the many, many crags sticking randomly along the shore, all in different shapes and heights. The entire place seemed like a bird’s training ground, twisting and turning between rocks and natural arches. 
“Okay, time to test how this baby truly handles.”
Sonic gripped the flight stick with determination, his sights fixed on a tentative route around the crags at full speed, but keeping in mind he wouldn’t be able to do many tricks with a passenger on board. 
No silly barrel rolls or anything like that today.
Amy felt the adrenaline rush reaching its peak as they approached the first set of crags. She focused on keeping a solid enough foothold as Sonic turned from left to right, up and down constantly. Both of them were so concentrated not a single word came out of their mouths through the entire show, just enjoying the adrenaline rush. First they raced past the rocky coast, then another lap through a different route, and another one... and after a while, a final grand tour around the entire place that culminated with them flying through a rocky arch and coming out high up in the sky again.
After such a rush, Sonic turned west right back to the sea, and both started laughing at the same time.
“That. Was. AWESOME!” Amy cheerfully exclaimed while looking at Sonic, jumping in place and then holding her hands close to her chest. “I wasn’t sure if I was excited, or scared, or pumped up, or everything at the same time! The wind felt great, then it felt so thrilling rushing by all those rocks at that speed! I hope you could’ve seen my face, I was so seriously concentrated the whole way through, haha!”
Sonic’s laugh slowly turned into a serious face of concern.
“Hmm...” He said to himself, “I don’t really like the look of those clouds...”
“Huh? What’s wrong, Sonic?”
“Uh, I mean-” He covered his mouth again and looked back at her. “This is your Captain Sonic speaking, I’m afraid we might have to go back to base earlier than intended, a storm is certainly coming soon and Tails wouldn’t like to have a soaked plane inside his workshop! Uhh... captain out.”
“Oh, right.” She looked up, watching as more and more clouds started forming right above them as the last rays of light tried to pierce through and the wind started getting a little rougher. “It’s a shame, really, but I understand. Let’s go home, captain~”
The last minutes of the flight were spent in a bittersweet silence. 
On one hand they were having so much fun and were so happy everything turned out like it did; but on the other they weren’t able to stay for longer like that, being practically forced to return home. Risking flight in stormy conditions was strictly off the table for Sonic, and so they bid farewell to the crags, and then the sea...
Sonic landed the Tornado just outside the workshop gates, and he made sure to check everything before leaping out of the cockpit and back on solid ground. 
He lended a hand to Amy, offering to help her jump off the wing, to which she nodded and grabbed it.
“That was so fun. Thank you, Sonic.”
“Thank you for flying with Hedgehog Airlines,” he joked one last time while putting one hand on his mouth and the other on the back of his head, “I’d appreciate if you rate your experience today with five stars.”
Amy smirked, then without a single doubt she jumped directly at him, hugging with more strength than usual.
“Oh, I’d rate you TEN STARS if I could!”
“Heh... ow, Amy, it’s fine haha, no need to... squeeze this much”
He slowly put both of his hands close to her back, barely touching her. Then he noticed the picnic basket she left earlier.
“H-hey, about that picnic...”
Amy let go of him, and reflected on the main reason she was there to being with.
“I... I don’t think we’ll be able to do it now.”
“Why not?”
“Well, the clouds...”
“It doesn’t have to be outside, though.”
Sonic winked at her. And her face instantly lit up.
“Oh, Sonic! You’re a genius!” Amy ran back to pick the basket, then pointed at the small door to Tails’ Workshop. “Shall we do it inside?”
He slowly walked towards the bigger hangar doors, smiling all the way through as Amy was about to open the other, smaller door.
“Yup. I’m gonna store the plane and join you in a super sonic second!”
“Oh! I’m so going to pick a movie to watch tonight!”
“Heh. It’ll be fun.”
Bonus: Ever wondered what happened to Tails? He actually came back home sometime after midnight, and wasn’t happy at all - he was completely soaked! Turns out the day wasn’t too kind for our lovely fox, and the storm that arrived earlier that night and never left did not help at all. At the moment he opened the door, all he wanted moment was to get inside his bed and not be disturbed by anything or anyone. 
Yet, when he entered the workshop and passed through the living room, he found Sonic and Amy sleeping on the couch in front of the TV, Amy in particular resting on Sonic’s shoulder. 
At first he didn’t pay too much attention to them, opting instead to walk upstairs to his room, but just as he was opening the door he had a change of heart. He silently pulled out a blanket from his bedroom and came back to cover them. Then, he turned out the TV, the lights and finally went to bed, smiling tenderly at the two on his way up the stairs. 
Even after having a completely awful day, the sole sight of two of his best friends peacefully resting together was enough to warm his heart again and cheer up his night.
[Author’s note: if you’re confused about my take on Tails’ workshop layout or you simply want to read more from me, check out Sonic’s Memento Collection! Oh, and also my Special Content Section. Happy birthday, Amy!]
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
another mood
I was in the mood to do this. I know. I’m pathetic. I have asks, yet I’m not doing them. I will get to them.
SO, there’s this person on Deviantart called MontyTH, and basically has an OC of this little hedgehog that’s supposed to be Sonic’s little brother. (Lmao he actually looks like a SonAmy fanchild though) So, that inspired me to make this!
Monty is kind of a blueish-periwinkle color, with three bangs just like Amy’s. He has emerald eyes just like Sonic. Sonic is overprotective of him, and gets jealous when someone else gets his attention.
Amy: 16
Sonic: 19
Monty: 9
Basically anyone else: 
Female: same as Amy’s.
Male: Same as Sonic’s.
   “Hey Monty! I’m home! I have someone with me! Come down, I want you to meet her!” Her? What did he mean, her? Monty went down the stairs, and found his brother, Sonic the Hedgehog, with a pretty hot pink hedgehog.
   “Hi big bro! Who’s she?” Monty asked, gesturing out to the lady next to him.
   “Monty, remember Amy Rose?” Sonic asked. Monty remembered his number one fangirl. She would always chase after Sonic, always begging him to marry her. It was quite annoying, really. However, Monty couldn’t say that out loud. Sonic had taught him to be nice to everyone. 
    “Yeah. She was your friend.” Monty simply said. He was about to say ‘fangirl,’ but stopped himself before he could say it.
     “Well, now she’s back, and she’s more than just a friend now!” His big brother exclaimed. “I introduce you, Amy Rose! My first girlfriend!” Earlier, Sonic had his arm around her covered waist. Monty looked at her. She was practically unrecognizable! Her quills had grown to her back, she wore studs on her cute little ears. She was wearing a red cropped sweatshirt, and she she had a rose pendant around her neck. She wore a black shirt under the crop top. She wore skinny jeans and a pair of red converse. 
    “Hey there, Monty!” She giggled. “You probably wouldn’t recognize me, seeing that I was very annoying as a kid, but don’t worry, I won’t take your big bro away!” Amy said in a loving voice, like she was a doting mother praising her child. Monty liked how she changed.
    “I sure hope not!” Monty replied. Amy giggled once again, and Monty decided that he liked her and thought she was great for Sonic. “So she’s your girlfriend?” He questioned, turning to Sonic. He nodded.
    “And she won’t be able to get rid of me that easily!~” Sonic chirped, nuzzling his head into the crook of Amy’s neck. Amy chuckled.
    “After years of chasing you, of course I’d hold on to you forever!” Amy cheekily replied, nuzzling back. Monty found this a bit awkward, just standing there as his brother and his old stalker were starting to get intimate. He cleared his throat, hoping they would notice that he was still in the room. They quickly separated, and blushed.
    “Uh, well, I’ll go get all of us a quick snack. Monty, can you please take Amy to the living room?” Sonic commanded him. Monty saluted him, and took Amy’s hand.
    “What spell have you used to make Sonic fall for you?!” Monty demanded out in surprise. Amy flinched, not expecting the sudden outburst.
    “Spell? I’m not a witch, Monty. You know that.” Amy stated while smirking.
    “Your face is saying something else.” Monty crossed his arms, tapping his foot, copying his brother when he would get impatient.
     “Monty, are you not happy that Sonic finally has someone to love? And that someone actually loves him back?” Amy inquired, but Monty wouldn’t have it.
    “Are you saying my brother doesn’t, ugh, love me?” Amy was taken by surprise again.
   “No! I meant love, romantically! He loves you so very much, and you have a big piece in his heart. All I ask, is that if I can have a piece of yours?” Amy gently questioned him.
  “...Why?” He seemed a bit disturbed as to why she would want to be friends with him. 
   “You’re a really nice kid. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with you? You’re adorable and I love making new friends. Last time you saw me, I was some brat who only wanted Sonic to myself, and I would kill anybody who got near Sonic. I’m not like that anymore. I mean, I would kill any flirters who got near Sonic.” Amy darkly chuckled.
   “Uhm, still as...hyper as always?” Monty tried to lighten up the atmosphere, indirectly asking if she was still crazy.
    “Not really, I only act crazy when someone does something I hate, or when they abuse any of my friends’ names.” Amy responded, as if she was prepared for that question. “Anyways, has Twinkle Park changed? I haven’t been there in a long time.” She asked, hoping he’d offer to go with her so they could bond.
    “Yeah, they added some more exciting rides there, I go all the time with my friends. We can go there tomorrow and I could show you!” Monty exclaimed, ecstatic to go on the newest ride, that only he and a few other knew about. “But you’ll have to wake up early, we have to be the first ones at the park!” He added, while Amy nodded.
    “I can’t wait!” Amy replied in the same tone as him. Sonic comes back and hands them some snacks and Monty goes back to his room to give the couple some privacy, because he saw Sonic’s hand going down her back...
They started to make-out aggressively, Amy on the bottom and Sonic at the top. Sonic bit her lip begging for entrance, and Amy happily accepted. They were like that for a few minutes before they heard Monty yell out in disgust. Amy left, after trying not to give in to Sonic’s pleads to sleep with him. (not like that!) 
The next day, Amy and Monty went to Twinkle Park, and were on the new ride, which was called “The Thrill Seeker,” which Amy admitted wasn’t as thrill seeking as being in Sonic’s arms when he’s running, but they enjoyed it. Then came one of those prize-winning game with the hammer, and Amy showed off her strength with her own hammer, breaking the game altogether. She won a stuffed Sonic, and yelled out “AMY ROSE IS BACK, BABY!” until a couple of Eggman’s robots (which were automatically programmed to attack without Eggman in sight) decided to attack Twinkle Park, but Amy and her iconic hammer saved the day.
‘She looked so cool, no wonder Sonic loves her so much!’ Monty thought, as she appeared out of the smoke, her hair dancing with the wind. He gasped loudly. Then, it was time to go back home. Amy insisted that she go with him so nothing happens. Monty didn’t mind; Amy was now his new guardian angel. Well, not exactly “Guardian,” because Sonic was, but still, he was super thankful for her. As soon as they got home, Sonic pounced on them, asking if they were alright, and if anything happened. Monty proceeded to tell him about how Amy single-handedly took down Eggman’s robots, and made Amy blush by how heroic he made her sound.
Sonic seemed impressed, and that made Amy’s heart soar to the heavens. Monty went up to his room to text all of his friends what he had experienced. Sonic smirked at Amy and pulled her into his room. They made out once again, but with Sonic being fast, attempted to pull her shirt up before Amy knee-ed him at the crotch. (DUDE I WANT TO WRITE LEMONS SO BADLY FUCK TUMBLR’S POLICIES) 
    “Sonic, your brother is upstairs, he could hear us! And, I won’t let you go any farther until you propose!” Amy declared. Sonic’s sexy smile dropped. 
     “Amyyyy, you’re only 16! You need a legal guardian to allow you to get married.” Sonic pointed out.
    “Then you can ask Rouge if you can have my hand in marriage! She took ‘responsibility’ of me, since I’m still kind of a minor.” Amy rolled her eyes. “I moved in with Blaze and Rouge, so I’m closer to everyone!” She told him in a happy tone. He was happy too, he got to spend more time with his beautiful girlfriend...
During the time passing, Monty and Amy took the time to have fun by going out to eat, take a drive, train Monty because Sonic was scared something would happen if he used his thunder powers (it fits him, I don’t think MontyTH gave him a power). And he also told her about things that happen in school, and Amy always gives him advice on how to handle it.
Then came Mothers’ Day, the day to celebrate mother figures everywhere, whether it be your mother, your sister, your teacher, anyone. Monty never knew his mother, because she died when Sonic was only 10 and Monty was a newborn. Sonic looked everywhere for an opportunity to give his little brother the life he deserved. He became a hero, earned a lot of money, got a house, sent his brother to school, gave him the life he deserves. He didn’t have a mother, but Sonic tried to be everything for him. 
Monty decided to celebrate with Amy for Mothers’ Day, seeing as she was his brother’s girlfriend, and he could trust her with anything. She was his mother-figure, as well as a sister-figure, as Sonia wasn’t around because she had become queen. Monty texted ‘Happy Mothers’ Day Amy!!!!💕💕💕💕🌹” as soon as he woke up, and as soon as he sent it, he heard someone’s phone get a notification downstairs. He ran down to find Amy wearing one of Sonic’s cotton shirts, crying with a smile as she looked at her phone. She saw Monty and squeezed the living daylights out of him, and kissed his forehead.
    “T-Thank you so much! I’m so honored that you think of me as your mother! I love you so much!” She kissed him all over his face like some doting aunt would to her nephews and nieces.
    “You’re welcome!” He managed to say, all of his breath being taken out. She let him catch his breath, before he asked her something. “Where’s Sonic?”
    “On his morning run.” That got Monty confused.
    “But, he usually goes when I go to school?” He said, not sure why his schedule changed.
    “It’s because he doesn’t want to leave you home alone, but since I’m here, he gets to do it early.” She blushed intensely, thinking of what they had done last night. “Also, someone’s going to get another big sister~!” Amy’s voice chimed melodiously. Monty tilted his head in confusion. She stuck her hand out to reveal a diamond encrusted ring on her finger. Monty’s eyes widened in shock and happiness.
    “You and Sonic are getting married?! Yes!” Monty yelled and threw and a fist up into the air. Amy giggled and nodded. Sonic zipped back into the room and ruffled up Monty’s quills and kissed Amy’s cheek. He put a hand around on her waist, representing that she was his. Amy sighed in content. 
    “Whatcha guys talking about?” Sonic asks, taking his hand off of her and grabbing a plate of toast that was on the counter.      “Amy told me that you proposed to her!” Monty exclaimed, running around, streaks of lightening traveling through his quills. He jumped onto Amy, who would’ve almost fell back if Sonic wasn’t behind her. She happily wrapped her arms around Monty and hugged him back.
“Yup! Rouge, her guardian, said that I have to wait until she’s 18 to get married, but for now, she’s engaged to me.” Sonic informed him. Monty nodded in understanding and went upstairs to talk to his friend on Discord. Amy turned to Sonic and grinned. Before they were about to kiss, they heard the doorbell ring. Sonic answered it, and found Rouge standing there with some documents.
“Here’s the papers, like I said, she’s not getting married until she’s eighteen.” Rouge simply stated and waved at Amy. “Here’s some of your clothes, hun!” She wheeled a suitcase into the house and flew away. Amy hugged Sonic from the back, avoiding his quills and nuzzling him in the neck. He turned around and kissed her.
“I love you, babe.” Her muffled voice could be heard saying. Sonic’s heart felt like it leaped right out of his chest, but kept his happiness contained.
“I love you more.~” Sonic replied.
“Says the one who’s been running away from me since I was eight.”
“Yes, really.”
“I was an immature boy back then, I’m a responsible adult now!”
“...Last night told a different story.”
“How do I even reply to that, Ames?!”
“Say I won.”
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shadowsfascination · 4 years
Sonamy (YAAU) - coming to terms [Chapter 15-A]
“You don’t have to let this get the best of you, you know?” The words cut the silence like a knife, breaking the vacuum of his daydreams, breaking in abruptly in the tormenting whirlwinds that were his mind lately. 
“What are you talking about?” Sonic asked in an emotionless way.   “Come on, hedgehog. You’re a mess ever since-“ “Don’t! Don’t say it,” Sonic snarled at the scientist.   “So you do acknowledge it?” “I just have to forget about it.”    Sonic turned his head around, just to shift his gaze to another point. He was sitting on a grassy slope, resting on his hands. The wide view over the green hills was amazing and the breeze that brought a gentle chill softly stroked the grasslands like a carpet. It was the most peaceful place Sonic knew and the most rest he could give his mind was here. Eggman kept standing behind him, staring into the open himself now too. It was one of the few times that the hedgehog and the scientist could share a serious moment without any rivalry.  Even while he had not verbalized his thoughts, Sonic could feel he was denying himself and kind of hated that it took someone else to make him realize that.   “Can you do that, though?” “I don’t know”
It had been six weeks and three, no- four, days ago when the team had split up in duo’s to investigate the widely stretched cave tunnels to learn more about their enemy in order to come up with a detailed battle plan against the A.R. Sonic remembered very well how many weeks and days had passed since then because it had awakened something in him that had taken him by surprise. During that particular investigation Shadow had teamed up with Espio, who had enjoyed each other’s quiet working style. Tails and Eggman teamed up, Knuckles with Rouge and Sonic with Amy.   The blue and pink duo had been sneaking around in the tunnels, following some A.R. members but stumbled upon a dead end in one of the tunnels. Similar to the dead end in the Cabbureine warehouse, the A.R.-members disappeared, appearing to use Chaos energy to teleport somewhere. The difference here was that this teleportation act seemed to be working for them only and so Sonic and Amy were stuck in the tunnel when all of the sudden tens of armed A.R.-members showed up in front of them, blocking their way out. They engaged in battle with Sonic and Amy, trying to seize Sonic and teleport him with them, but Amy merged into battle and knocked some of them down. Sonic had known Amy’s strength for so long that there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she would be able to handle it. That was, before he was introduced to the dark side of the A.R. in person. Sure, he’d seen the destruction they’d created in the cities and all, but their vicious ways of relentlessly hurting the ones in front of them like this… It was new to him and it shocked him to his very core.   Amy was brutally shot in her leg and chained to a rock while being held at gunpoint. With her out of the way, they turned to Sonic, aiming a high-energy gun at him, pressuring him to leave her and surrender to them. If he’d resist, they’d finish her off – slowly. Whatever business they had with him, he still didn’t know. 
They promised him they would torture her before his very eyes until death would befall her if he was playing games with them. And so, astonished by the sight of his crippled dear friend, screaming, bleeding heavily and crying until she passed out, he gave in. They handcuffed him with special equipment that was supposed to block any Chaos energy in his body, but when he was given a preview of their sickening promise, he snapped. Even without any Chaos emeralds near and the energy is his body being blocked, in a split-second the spines on his head and back curled up and darkened while sharp fingernails and teeth clasped into his enemy.  With an uncontrolled, raging roar he smashed big rocks onto the heads of the A.R.-members, scratching their limbs until the blood was seeping out of it, colouring the place violently red. The screams were blocked from his ears while he was raging and attacking everyone one who was trying to destroy the one he loved. After killing all but one, he cornered the remaining enemy and ordered them to report this to their chef, as an example of what would happen if they pulled something like this again in the future. The remaining soldier was in awe of what he had witnessed, but smiled confidently at Sonic. Unnerving and uneasy it had made him feel, doubting whether this had been a set-up all along.  
Sonic rushed over to break Amy’s chains, ripped a piece of her clothes to stop her leg from bleeding and let out a powerless whimper.  The now unconscious woman in his arms was weak from the harm they had intentionally caused her and he was overcome by so much fear at once that it just hurt. His chest cramped and he started to feel this tingling sensation in his fingers. He was going to lose her because he wasn’t strong enough, hadn’t been fast enough. Before realizing it, he was crying like a baby, uncontrollably and loud. He clamped his body against hers roughly, burying her face in his chest, wetting everything with his sobbing. When the sparkly vision between his lashes focussed on the device on his wrist, he pulled back, wiped his tears away and closed his eyes. Tails’ device was able to transfer Chaos energy to heal her, something he’d never done before. Sonic held Amy’s hand, inhaled deeply and concentrated. A strong power and comforting warmth rushed through him. His surrounding slowly faded as he let the light of the Chaos take him wherever was needed, lifting them off the ground into and endless ocean of lights. The lights drew closer to them one by one, each and every one carrying a memory of him and Amy. Some of which he had forgotten they took place. Overtaken by this transcendent experience, his mind became peaceful again and his body relaxed. His heart overflowed with warmth and a confidence so strong: he loved her deeply. And with that confession the peace was gone again, and replaced by a fear that she had been able to feel what he felt, but she wasn’t awake yet.    After that, Shadow had stormed in, alarmed by the many unknown markers that had showed up in the map where Sonic and Amy were. He had had taken her from him and took her home in his arms while Amy looked back at Sonic over her shoulder and he stared into the blooded cave, zoned out about all of it.  
And now everything had changed. Ever since this whole fiasco he had felt it so strong and now it was undeniable: he had romantic feelings for someone! And not just someone, Amy for Chaos’ sake! Amy, who had been crazy about him for years when they were teens. Amy who has been dating Shadow for almost a year now. Amy, his friend. He never pictured his life without Amy, but it now dawned to him that there was this urge to have her with him in a whole other way and he did not know how to act around anyone at the moment. He had just forgotten how he would normally act and therefore avoided most of his friends. Shame fell on him that he was in love with his friend, the girlfriend of his other friend and he was ashamed of the massacre he made in the cave. It left him running in circles through the Green Hills in attempt to clear his mind, but his mind didn’t clear. The fog didn’t lift and so he stared into the wind on this cliff, talking to Eggman.   “It might go away over time.” Sonic sighed. “Can you wait that long?” “What’s the alternative?” “I happened to find this document while we were exploring. I didn’t show it to Tails.” If he didn’t show it to Tails it was sure to be something suspicious. He handed Sonic an old, brown piece of paper that was folded twice and smelled like the dirt of the cave. Sonic unfolded and read it, slowly raising one of his brows in disbelief.   “Do you really believe this crap? That the red emerald can take away my feelings for her? Why would it work like that?” “Not just take away, it would store them inside the gem, forever. You of all people shouldn’t be the one to whom I’d have to explain this to.”   He already knew that the emerald did not only transfer energy, but also could connect with one’s feelings. He’d seen it happen, like when Eggman used the hatred of the Echidna tribe to destroy Station Square with Chaos. In fact, he had experienced it many times himself when he was transformed into his super- or dark form, but this was different and sounded like an old urban legend. A fairy tale. Or maybe, part of him didn’t want to say goodbye to these feelings. Maybe part of him was curious what would happen if Amy knew about his feelings. If it would change anything. If she still loved him. If she would choose him over Shadow. His cheeks and ears coloured slightly pink when picturing him holding her in his arms again, stroking her rosy quills and even kissing her. The second his hopes were rising, the guilt flushed it away like a stormy wave. He shook the thoughts off and rose up to face Eggman, who was holding out the emerald for him. Sonic gave him an annoyed look.   “Don’t you want to get rid of these feelings? She is with Shadow now and hasn’t been in love with you for years. You’ve had your chance, hedgehog.”   The words were harsh and stung a little, but they were true and he knew it. She would never be his.   “And besides that: you’re a complete mess. We’re at war and you’re useless like this.” “Fine, but you can’t tell anyone about this!” Sonic hissed at Eggman and grabbed the emerald.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
260. Sonic the Hedgehog #191
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Metal and Mettle (Part 1)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Josh Ray
A few days after Scourge and the Suppression Squad have taken control of Freedom HQ, Miles alerts Scourge to an interesting and unexpected visitor - namely, Metal Sonic, through whom Eggman is speaking and watching.
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Yeah, don't underestimate a fellow evildoer, Scourge. Meanwhile in New Mobotropolis, Sonic and Knuckles stand before the Council of Acorn to try to get permission to take the base back. Unfortunately for them, the council votes four to two to leave it for the time being, as they don't see Scourge as that big of a threat, and want to focus on taking New Megaopolis from Eggman before going after smaller holdings. Sonic, of course, does not take this well, and tries to talk to Knuckles about it once they exit the building.
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Oh, Knuckles. You have to stop angsting about this, my dude. Sonic leaves the city on his own, musing as he races back to Freedom HQ about how despite their recent successes in battle, and many gains against Eggman and his forces, he can't help a strange feeling that overall they're losing ground. He hopes that kicking Scourge out of the base will cheer him up, but is brought up short by the sight of Scourge and Metal Sonic battling it out on the grass outside. Miles stands nearby watching, and not-so-subtly tests Scourge's leadership by asking if he wants help against Metal, as surely the others helping him would only be an insult since he conquered his planet on his own. Sonic, uninterested in any of the politics, merely barrels in to help, offering Scourge a truce to take Metal out, but Scourge angrily refuses, and both he and Metal turn on Sonic to attack. Meanwhile, Julie-Su finds Knuckles brooding on a bench in the park, and when she presses to know what's bothering him he snaps, yelling that he can't trust himself or anyone else, as no matter what he does, someone always ends up hurt, and he can't bear to face the few remaining members of his family. Julie-Su reaches for him, looking at first like she's going to comfort him, but then…
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I mean, all things considered, Julie-Su, you make a fantastic point. Your family's loss has been largely glossed over until now - I don't think she was even given a single panel before now to mourn the deaths of her foster parents, despite how delighted she was to rediscover them before - and as you point out, it's not like Knuckles is suffering alone. Back at Freedom HQ, the fight continues, with Eggman telling Metal to hang in there as he's putting the "finishing touches" on some backup. Sonic and Scourge briefly wind up fighting each other without Metal's interference, during which Sonic criticizes Scourge for taking his advice to better himself to a brutal, negative extreme. Scourge merely mocks Sonic's restraint, pointing out how much more powerful he is as a king than as a hero.
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Ooh, dramatic parallels to their prior talk! I love it! Metal interrupts before Sonic can respond, and as the fight continues once more we move this time to Angel Island, where Knuckles is having a talk with Archimedes while Charmy sits nearby.
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So something that needs to be pointed out is that inexplicably, this is Archimedes' last appearance in the comic, ever. Unlike all the other characters who have disappeared from the comic, there's no reason given - no genocide, no dimensional portal to swallow him up, no deaths or sudden decisions to leave and find himself on another continent, nothing. He just… never shows up again. It's disappointing, as y'all know how much I like Archimedes, but again I really do think this stems from Ian's weird, irritating habit of erasing a lot of Kenders' contributions to this world. I know that he's trying to make the comic's world more like the games, and that in the games, Knuckles is the last echidna and isn't embroiled in all these politics, but dammit, there's nothing wrong with comic Knuckles being so different from game Knuckles! Personality-wise, he's still similar, still recognizable, it's just his circumstances that are different. Then again, maybe I shouldn't be blaming Ian for all of this - for all I know, Sega themselves ordered him to get rid of all of this stuff. I dunno, man, I'm just some random fan with a blog. Speaking of controversial decisions by Ian, though, it's nice to see him doing his best to treat Charmy's brain damage with respect here. He certainly acts more childlike than he once did, but he's doing his best, and isn't a punchline, still actively participating in missions and helping Knuckles sort his own problems out.
Anyway, Knuckles, encouraged by his mentor's words, uses his warp ring to head back to the city, where he and Julie-Su give a curt apology to each other with an agreement to sort things out more fully later, when he's had more time to work through his emotional distress. They consider heading to Freedom HQ to help Sonic, but Knuckles believes that Sonic can most likely handle the situation on his own. Of course, we know better - Sonic might be able to take on Scourge or Metal individually, but both at once is a real challenge. He kicks Metal aside, only to be startled by the sight of another robot coming to join the fray - a robot that looks exactly like Scourge. Wow, Eggman, you really didn't waste any time on that one, huh? How many Metal Sonics do you think he has lying around in his base just ready for a paint job and a new assignment?
Though there's another story in this issue, we won't be covering it. Why? Well, it's the first real installment of "In Another Time, In Another Place"! I've mentioned it before, but it's basically what Ian decided to do when it was clear he couldn't keep putting in half-adaptions of random games anymore, but still needed to do tie-ins for newly-released games. With the pattern we've been taking with these tie-ins lately, you'd think this one would be for Sonic '06, but nope! For whatever reason, Sonic '06 goes completely unacknowledged within the comic verse (at least for now), with the sole exception of Shadow joining up with GUN. However, as I've mentioned before, Ian did state somewhere along the way that Sonic '06 did in fact happen somewhere during the course of the comic's plotline - it's just that due to the very nature of the game's story, the events of the plot are entirely reset and erased from the timeline at the end, meaning an adaption doesn't even have to take place, as technically, even though those events did happen, they also… didn't.
But all that aside, the tie-in in today's issue is actually for the little-remembered DS title, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, which was an RPG developed by Bioware of all companies (and yes, they did include one of their trademark Bioware romance sidequests, though it's probably of little interest to anyone who doesn't ship Sonamy). While again, we're not covering it due to it being non-canon, it's an important thing to note regardless. For one, these In Another Time, In Another Place installments became pretty commonplace throughout the comic as new games were released, but perhaps more importantly, this was the game that apparently really got under Kenders' skin. The problem is that after all he'd done to develop the world of the echidnas and all the political and military factions thereof, this game's plot ended up heavily centering around a band of echidnas in dark armor emerging from a parallel dimension where time moves more slowly, with an intent to take the Master Emerald and use it to cement their place of power in the real world once more, though one female echidna realizes the error of her people's ways and abandons her army to side with Knuckles against her megalomaniacal and powerful male leader. Gee, sound familiar? While I don't believe that Bioware or Sega actually copied Kenders' ideas outright - the way I've described it makes it sound similar, but there's a ton of differences in the plot and presentation that definitely indicate they're two different ideas by different people - Kenders certainly seems to think it's a rip-off, and this was from what I understand at the core of all his problems with Sega that led to his eventual lawsuit that forced the reboot of the comic. It sucks, too, because even aside from losing all the years of history in the preboot, the plot of Sonic Chronicles was actually quite fascinating and it ended on a cliffhanger, which will never, ever be resolved because Sega doesn't even want to touch that can of worms after everything that happened. I think the game has actually been quietly stricken from canon, too, because the cliffhanger literally involved Eggman having taken over the world while everyone was away, and there's just no way to solve something like that offscreen. Just a bad time all around, folks. As they say in the fandom - thanks, Ken Penders. Still, though, we have quite a ways to go before we hit the preboot's end, so let's forget about the negative stuff and keep trucking on.
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theflashdriver · 5 years
Light Reading
This is the second part of my Sonamy Week catch up! This fic was written for the diary prompt though, arguably, it could fit with movie night as well! It’s a little over 5.2k words long, I hope you will enjoy!
Sonic gets caught in a storm and, with few other options available, takes shelter in Amy's apartment. It's an awkward situation, one he's thoroughly unprepared for, but the discovery of a little blue book will turn the whole situation on its head. 
The rain was falling in sheets, lashing against the frosted glass of the bathroom window. Sonic was shivering, both at that sound and the frigid dampness locked deep in his fur. Try as he might, dragging a soft, pink, towel through his spines time and time again; dryness seemed just out of reach. A groan slipped his throat; hanging that towel back on the radiator-rack he reached for another only to find it warm but damp. Despite his pouting, he still opted to take it; brushing his spines in an attempt to use it for all it was worth. If only he had space to run, to simply shake the water from his fur. Alas, Amy's apartment was much too tiny and that storm wasn't going to let up any time soon.
He'd been out late running, what a surprise, when the rain started. There was a flash of lightning, a crack of thunder and before the dark skies opened and rain poured freely. For what felt like hours he'd been stuck dashing from bus stop to bus stop, lingering under bridges and hiding literally anywhere that would keep him safe from the torrential downpour. But his mind wouldn't let him linger in any of those places, as much as he hated the rain he needed something to do, so when he happened to arrive outside Amy's apartment building he wasn't in a position to refuse.
She'd been overjoyed to see him of course, insisting he come in to dry himself before he could even ask and proclaiming he could stay the night before that thought had even dawned on him. The moment he agreed, to the former at least, she'd dragged him inside without hesitation; surely soaking herself in the process, but smiling and openly scheming without a care in the world. Talk of a movie had come up, something distracting enough to kill time till either the storm died down or they managed to doze off. Sonic knew he had more than enough excuses to stay, he was a long way from Tail's workshop and the rain didn't look like it'd be letting up any time soon, but wasn't this all more than a little roman…
The blue blur caught himself, he brought the soaked towel up to his already dry muzzle in an attempt to relieve his blush. Sonic didn't like thinking; that was why he ran. If he went a mile a minute, he wasn't forced to consider these things. Whenever he was stranded, be it beneath a bridge or within a cramped bathroom, he knew his mind would start to question what he really wanted and where he truly wanted to be.
Was it really any wonder he'd ended up outside her house? He'd been thinking way too much, thinking about her in particular way too much. Yet, it was because of that thinking he doubted he could bring himself to leave; seeing the smile his arrival had caused…
Feeling thoroughly uncool, yet paradoxically wet, Sonic quickly returned the towel to the drying rack. There had to be a quicker way to get dry and, more importantly, he had to get out of this room. Much of his fur still matted, he managed to push his way out of the bathroom and down her apartment's short hallway.
"Amy, do you have a hairdryer or somethin'? I'm still soaked." He padded his way into her living/dining room, surely trekking water all the way.
The room was split by a black countertop; on one side a small kitchen area while the outside was a more general living space. He had no idea how long he'd been in there, but it'd been long enough for her to prepare quite the spread. A wide selection of movies had been laid out, ranging from the romantic comedies he'd expected to the musicals he'd somewhat anticipated to a surprising array of horror and action movies. Her couch wasn't just for sitting anymore, a pink duvet and additional pillows had been added to it. Assumedly they were for both the movie and him to sleep with afterwards. It was embarrassing but, in truth, he'd expected that the two of them would end up bundled together beneath a blanket of some sort. Well, they wouldn't if he couldn't get dry. A glance toward the kitchen showed him that there was a large bag of microwaveable popcorn lounging in an open microwave, prepared for popping.
Still, despite all the signs that she was around; Amy was nowhere to be seen. A glance to her front door proved the chain-latch was still on, she was in the apartment but not this room? Stranger still, she was in the apartment but hadn't heard him? Her pad was small, consisting of only the room he stood in, the bathroom and two more rooms he'd never actually entered. One had to be her bedroom, despite the blankets and pillows he knew she didn't sleep on the couch, while the last was maybe… storage?
Sonic turned around, dark navy carpet still underfoot, and made his way back up the hallway. One mystery door was opposite the bathroom, the other the very end of the hallway. Unsure what to do, he called out again. "Amy, you're still here, right?"
Again, there was no answer. He arrived at the first door and gave it a knock, trying not to be too light but (at the same time) not too heavy-handed.
Finally, he heard something; the dull thud of falling books coupled with a squeal. "Oh, Sonic!" Stomps followed the outcry, her bedroom door was quickly thrown open and a garish (very pink) room was exposed. The walls were a subdued shade of magenta, even in its stripped state the pink bedposts characterised the bed, he couldn't help noticing coloured her closet doors were painted a sunset hue and even her room's light bulb was tinted. The only exceptions to this pink rule were the blue picture frames that hung above her bed. Books were splayed across the floor, having fallen from the shelf above her desk. He was struggling to make out their names but, more importantly; Sonic was trying to do anything but stare at Amy.
When he arrived she'd been in her usual garb, but somehow (between pushing him into the bathroom and preparing the living room spread) she'd found the time to change into a set of pyjamas. The first thing he noticed was her quills, rather than being pushed back by a hairband she'd pulled them into a small, messy, braid. He didn't know such a thing was even possible, but soon his eyes drifted lower. Amy was wearing a white t-shirt with tiny pink roses embroidered into what looked to be a soft cotton material. This would have been fine, perfectly fine, were it not for the shirt's cut. It looked baggy and comfortable but at the same time, somehow, small? It was as though the shirt was hanging on her shoulders rather than simply covering them; as if it would pass beyond her midriff if she stretched too far. Sonic heaved his eyes away before he could fully take in her pink pyjama bottoms, trying to stare literally anywhere else.
The blue blur's heart was pounding and the butterflies in his chest were flapping in time. He'd felt this many times before, but never so strongly and certainly never without some kind of contact. He tried to swallow his blush as best he could.
She was trying her best to smile, trying to look natural, but even in his current state he knew something was wrong. "Sonic, nice of you to drop by. Do you want the full tour?" She'd clearly caught his scanning, matching it with her own wit despite her clear puzzlement.
"Long time no see." He choked out, still trying to focus on her open room rather than her garb. "I-I was just looking for a hairdryer? The towels weren't quite enough."
"Oh, right, that makes sense. Just…" Her mind seemed to be elsewhere but she quickly caught herself. "Give me a second." Amy quickly returned to her room, glancing at the book pile as she sidestepped it, before turning and opening the bottom drawer of her bedside cabinet. He attempted to pin his gaze to the book pile as best he could, hearing a brief shuffling of plastic before catching her eye again upon her return. "Sorry for leaving you out there."
"I'm just surprised you weren't waitin' for me." Did that sound possessive? He was trying to show some kind of confidence. "Is everything alright?
"Oh, everything's fine. I'm just looking for something. It's not really important," She insisted, eyes already darting from him to scan the room. "Just a little part of my evening rituals, the final thing I do to sign the day off."
Sonic wanted to pry, he truly did, but the heat on his face was simply too much. If he couldn't stand next to her for five minutes, help her search for whatever this was, how was he going to manage one movie let alone the whole night? Did she have to dress like that? More importantly, why did he have to care that she was dressed like that?
"Y-Yeah, no sweat. Take all the time you need!" He wanted to ask what she was looking for, try to be of some help, but the best he could manage was. "Thanks for the drier."
"No problem, there's popcorn in the microwave if you want to start it?" Amy recommended, "I set out some movies on the coffee table too, you can go ahead and pick. I'm happy watching whatever, as long as it's with you." Usually he could handle flirts like that, but with her being dressed like that Sonic found himself blushing brighter.
A particularly loud thunder-crack punctuated the momentary silence between them. The rumble gave him a moment to consider his next move but it was much too brief for him to come up with anything of worth. He couldn't muster the gall to hold eye contact, let alone offer his assistance.
Well, if he couldn't do that, he could at least be encouraging. He shot her a thumbs up and a small grin. "Like I said, take all the time you need, Ames. The storm ain't goin' anywhere so neither am I."
"Still, I'll try to be quick. I've got you here all to myself, you think I wanna miss a moment?" She promised and joked, still managing a more genuine smile. "I'll be through as soon as possible."
Their vow made, the pair went their separate ways. Sonic was just happy he could look directly ahead of himself again without blushing. He felt uncool, very uncool, but at least his heartbeat was gradually slowing. Was her dress choice intentional? He assumed not but that didn't reduce its embarrassing effect. Perhaps when they started watching films it would be better, she'd surely try to snuggle up against him at some point but at least his attention would be drawn elsewhere.
Well, hopefully, it would be…
Finding his way back into the kitchen, Sonic quickly scanned the popcorn bag; four minutes at full power, easy enough to prepare. He turned the dial and slammed the door; soon a combination of humming and popping filled the room. Food like this made up more of his diet than it probably should have, not that he really cared; he could run on just about anything. Come to think of it, Amy had reprimanded his diet a number of times; dragging him off to restaurants for what she'd insist were gourmet chilli dogs.
The moment she re-entered his mind the image of that outfit did too, as did the fact he'd so thoroughly failed to offer his assistance. This whole situation was just so embarrassing, so uncool. He usually let his heart decided where he'd wander, it was to be expected that it would lead him to her every so often. But did it have to do that today? Tonight especially? He'd been unable to refuse himself so, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't place the blame solely on his hatred of water.
Turning his attention back to the microwave, Sonic found only ten seconds had passed. Evidently, the world was moving much slower than his chaotic mind. Four minutes, just four whole minutes to microwave… four minutes. He needed to distract himself and stop thinking about Amy for four whole minutes…
Oh, right; he'd gone to her for a hairdryer. Sonic quickly found an outlet, the extension cable connected to her TV had an empty socket, and set about drying himself. The wheeze of the device was added to the crackle of thunder and roar of the microwave. Naturally, his quills were still the wettest part of his body but his spines and tail still felt rather waterlogged too. It would take time for him to dry and, with time, his thoughts would surely return to her. He wanted to be cool by the time she came back, that was his top priority. If he could find something to focus on, something to invest himself in, he might stand a chance.
Searching desperately for another distraction, Sonic found himself taking a closer look at the various movies she'd laid out. She'd asked him to choose and, even if he did plan to let her have the final say, it was worth knowing what he was getting into. None of the names were familiar, but then he didn't often have the patience to sit through most films; they had to hold his interest constantly, any lull and he risked dozing off. Running his hand through his quills, parting them to dry nearer their base, he noticed an outlier in the pile. Among the boxes, placed just slightly askew, was a blue book; small, like a storybook, and a size thicker than the disk boxes.
There was no blurb on the back, no way to determine what kind of book it was without flipping it to see the cover. Freeing his hand from his quills he reached out and picked up the book, wiping his hand on a drier section of his fur beforehand, but turning it over didn't cure his curiosity. The cover of the book was entirely bare, marked neither by words nor pictures; there wasn't even a title on the spine. Now this was a distraction, he was interested already! He flicked the book open, rather than starting at the beginning opting to let the chose where he would start reading.
This immediately proved to be a mistake.
His eyes were drawn to the upper left corner, rather than an opening line they fell upon a date; June 12th, as he looked to the rest of the page Sonic realised what he was holding. It was handwritten, this book was handwritten; it wasn't even really a book. This was a diary and by its position in this house, not to mention its lightly cursive font and the hearts that dotted every i, he knew it to be Amy's. This must have been what she was looking for, for a moment he was tempted to return it… but then he realised, if she caught him with it, the pink hedgehog might destroy him. She'd assume he'd taken it, that he'd read it too, wouldn't she?
A cacophonous rumble jump-started his panic, on a reflex he threw the book across the room. Before it could even land the world was cast in darkness, the breath of the hairdryer died and the hum of the microwave came to an abrupt halt. In what couldn't have been more than four seconds everything that could have gone wrong had, he didn't think such awful luck was even possible.
A cry sounded from Amy's room, more a groan of annoyance than a panicked scream; he heard stomp into the hallway. "Sonic! I think the power's out!"
"I-I've noticed!" He managed to call back. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine just… feeling my way to the utility room, I know I've got a torch or two in there. I'll be through in a second!" She answered. That meant he had time, Sonic blindly rushed forward… and immediately banged his knee on the coffee table. "It sounds like the storm is getting even worse!"
Sonic grabbed his knee, biting back a yelp. "Y-Yeah! Sounds like it's getting pretty wild out there!"
Turning around, he managed to bumble his way to the curtains; pulling them open and allowing the streetlight to filter inside. It wasn't much help, Amy's flat was far above the streetlights, but it was the best he could manage. Squinting as his eyes adjusted, he managed to round the table and fumble his way toward the far wall. Once there, he knew the book had to be nearby; he dropped to all fours and spread his fingers wide, running them along the carpet. With the thunder ringing in his ears, he wasn't sure if the book had hit the wall but he knew he'd thrown it hard enough that it should have. Just as his eyes started to adjust, a flash of lightning illuminated the room; but he was ill-prepared to capitalise on the vision it granted. All it told him for certain was that the diary wasn't in front of him. Turning around, head toward the hallway now, he continued to search.
Lightning struck again, before the rumble could even arrive Sonic sighted the book just beyond this reach. He lunged forward, grasping it as the clap came, but in the wake of that rumbling another light arrived and managed to fully blind him. For as quick as he'd been, he hadn't been fast enough. Amy had found a torch and he'd fallen in the immediate path of its light. She could surely see him and that meant she could undoubtedly see the blue book in his hand. The blue book that had fallen in an open position and been picked up open, albeit its text was facing the ground.
The rain's continuous spit still rapped against the windowpanes, no thunder broke the silence this time. He squinted to see through the torchlight in an attempt to read her face, but he was too blind to properly meet her eyes. She wouldn't be having the same problem.
"I…" He started, still flubbing for what to say. "Swear this isn't as bad as it looks and that I didn't read anything?" It was blunt, honest, but he feared it wasn't enough. Before he could finish that statement, he started another. "And I would have just brought it to you but I only just found it when the power went out, it was on the table with the movies, and I panicked so I threw it and-
"Sonic." She halted him, approaching down the hallway. "Are you alright?"
The blue blur blinked in confusion, was he alright? Was she only asking because he was on the ground? Did she think he'd fallen? In an attempt to calm her he rose to his feet, but as he did Sonic recognised what had worried her. He felt a stinging sensation, no further than half an inch beneath his knee there was a throbbing patch. The light was angled down; he blinked to clear his vision and discovered he'd gone into the table quite a bit harder than he'd thought. The gash wasn't huge by any stretch of the imagination, but blood was running down his leg. Atop that he'd knocked many of the movies from the table, panic had clearly overridden all of his other functions.
"I thought that was more thunder, I didn't realise you'd gone over the table." Amy fretted. "Give me a moment."
Sonic just stood there, awestruck. She hadn't taken her diary from him, it was like she hadn't even seen it; she'd clearly been flustered looking for the book… hadn't she? This was what she'd been looking for, wasn't it? The blue blur knew Amy's wrath when she was angry, her heart was always clearly bared to him, for her to act like this dumbfounded him.
He could only watch, helpless and useless, as she went to one of the cabinets and pulled out a roll of bandages, gauze, antiseptic and a sponge pad before quickly approaching him. Lightning cracked and thunder crashed behind him but, stupefied, he didn't even flinch. He finally reacted upon her full arrival, standing directly in front of him, opening his mouth but not finding the right words to say.
She tilted her head, confusion had spread over her brow; but her tone was chipper as ever. "Take a seat so I can bandage you up."
Despite being able to see he stumbled like he was blind, slowly making his way around the table to sit atop the duvet; his remaining dampness fully slipping his mind. She quickly knelt down in front of him, passing him up the torch to free her hands and let her work. The injury was tiny, hardly even worth the effort she was putting in, but Amy was treating it incredibly seriously.
Finally having, almost, come to his senses, Sonic managed a few words; "So… this is your diary, isn't it? I didn't read it but I opened it and saw the dates and your writing so I assumed…"
"Well yeah." She quickly responded. She was very much focused on her task, but she managed to loose a quick quip. "Who else is it going to belong to?"
"You're not gonna freak out? You're just gonna believe me? I figured reading a girl's diary was just about the worst thing you could do, I thought it'd take a little more than that to convince you I hadn't read it." He grimaced, in hindsight, more than a little too quickly. He was forced to keep staring at her so as to provide the light.
"There's nothing in there you don't already know about." Her mischievous smile was bared plainly to him, she looked from her work up to him. "Of course, a girl has her secrets to keep and if you did read it that's very rude of you. Clearly content with her mocking, she tied off the bandage. "But I wouldn't love you unless I trusted you my darling Sonic, isn't that obvious?"
"Well yeah, but…" He started, not sure where he planned to stop.
"Awww, you don't want me to think you'd do that; you're worried about what I think of you. Do I need to make it even clearer that I love you?" He knew she was only half kidding.
"Th-That's not it." Was that it? That might have been it. He had to think of a comeback or some kind of quip. "I just figured, with you losing it and all, you're lucky I showed up today and not someone else. You need to take better care of this stuff."
Well, that was lame but, regardless; Amy responded with a chide of her own. "I just feel so much safer around you my dear, you put me at such ease. I can't contain my deepest secrets around you." Her job done, the pink hedgehog jumped up to sit beside him and finally took back her diary. "I wanted to write my entry before we had our movie night… but I suppose that won't be happening at all now. Who knows when the power will come back on…"
There was some genuine sadness in her voice, his hand found itself in his almost-dry quills. What was he supposed to say, what could he say? "Well, even if we can't watch a movie we shouldn't waste the evening. At least half of that popcorn's gotta have popped, how's that for a start?"
Emerald eyes connected through the dark, "A start?"
"I said I'd stay as long as the storm was around, didn't I? I've gotta keep us entertained somehow." Taking the torch, though his eyes had almost fully adjusted, Sonic made his way to the kitchen; pulling open the microwave door and retrieving the salty snack. A quick shaped confirmed that many of its occupants were still in their seed form, but bursting it open and sniffing he was sure there was some good grub in there.
Returning to her side, he pulled back the duvet. "Ladies first." Perhaps it was a little flirty, but it was the closest he'd managed to a successful quip in hours.
"Bundled up on the couch with the hero of my dreams." Amy chuckled. "Huddled together in a storm, so romantic. Just try to keep your damper spots away from me?"
The pink hedgehog slipped beneath the covers before, embarrassed as he was, Sonic followed suit. He planted the torch between the couch cushions, allowing for its use as a makeshift lamp, before holding the bag out to her. As she claimed a handful he noticed the diary was open in her lap, a pencil lain down its centre.
Her handful collected her turned the bag back to himself. Picking through the kernels, he managed to collect a good handful. "So, what kinda stuff do you write in there?"
"Oh, just typical stuff. What I did over the day, any interesting thoughts I had and future plans." Amy recounted. "There's a lot about you in here, as I'm sure you can imagine."
"Well, seeing as I already know its contents…" He popped a piece in his mouth, making sure to carefully watch Amy's disposition. "Are there any highlights you wanna share?"
She hummed for a moment, beginning to flick back through the pages. "I suppose I could read you a page if you're really that curious. It'll help to kill a little time." She proposed. "But nothing on it leaves this room, alright?"
"Ow, that hurts; you just said you trusted me, Ames. Is our love a lie?" He mocked being wounded, clasping his hands over his heart.
"Trust is one thing Sonic, but we both know that if I give you an inch you'll run a mile. That's why I hug you so close." She half sang, seeming to finally settle on an entry. "Do you promise?"
"Of course I do Ames, I know what'd happen to me if I didn't." Her stare told him that was too casual, he reaffirmed his words. "I promise."
It was with that Amy began to share her written history, holding the book so he could see. Back and forth they'd take over this impromptu narration of Amy's past life, open laughing and blushing soon a commonality.
What started as just one page soon became just a few and from there somehow slipped to take up a good hour's worth of entries; all with minimal prodding from Sonic. The two hedgehogs would gradually come to shuffle closer, the book eventually shifted from Amy's lap to reside in the duvet between them. Every so often hands would brush as they reached into the nigh-empty popcorn packet. She'd started with a rather simple entry, a rather basic day consisting of little more than shopping with Cream, but Amy's descriptors could liven any story; hyperbole seemed to be her speciality. What should have been a simple chocolate cake stain on her dress was described as 'a dark betrayal by one she'd though so lovely and sweet' and a scary old man who'd offered her his umbrella was dubbed 'a frighteningly wizened gentleman with a heart ten times what his chest could possibly carry.'
This being the diary of Amy Rose, the self-proclaimed lover of Sonic, the blue blur himself was mentioned quite a lot. Descriptions ranged from calling him 'her hero' and 'the love of her life' to 'the apple of her eye, the one who drives her every thought and causes her heart to soar.' One entry, in particular, she'd caught herself midway through reading, quickly trying to insist the day was plain and boring when he recognised it for what it was; mainly because he was there. Teasing her, he'd managed to reach his initial description and read it; "It was then that my darling arrived. His cocky, suave, attitude was so freely exposed; windswept quills and the slight sweat on his brow cementing his place in my heart more and more with each passing second. With a single look, he'd blindingly brightened what'd already been a sunny Summer's day!"
It was strange to think, for as plainly as her heart was bared to him at all hours of the day; Amy Rose' infatuation had a depth even he hadn't comprehended.
It was after countless pages, giggles and a seemingly endless amount of ribbing that the power finally flickered back on.
"Th-That clearly signals enough for now." Amy insisted, quickly flipping forward to today's blank page. "It's better to leave you wanting more rather than show my full hand."
Even blinded by the returned light, Sonic could see the red tint to her cheeks. Her little diary had rather reversed their positions; though it was embarrassing to hear about himself she clearly had the stronger blush. Even if she hadn't intended to embarrass him so much, he was finally going to get his own back!
"Come on Ames, I wanna see what else you've written about me." He nudged just a little closer, draping a soggy arm around her shoulder and finally allowing himself a proper smirk. Having endured so much embarrassment, it was nice to see her just a little flustered. "It's more interesting than any of these movies would be, I'm sure of that. Let's just keep goin'."
"You'll get to a read them in the future, you're lucky I showed you any in the first place." She insisted, twisting to face away from him. "There's a handful of secrets that even you can't see yet." Sonic tossed another handful of popcorn in his mouth, prepared to sit back and enjoy the rare sight of a truly flustered Amy. It was, however, foolish of him to assume she wouldn't push back. "After all, I keep our wedding plans in here."
Sonic almost choked to death then and there, saved only by a well-placed whack on the back by Amy; almost throwing him from the couch. Be it from the rain or his own embarrassment, she was always there to save him when he needed her most.
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
*drum rolls Presenting another list of cutegirlmayra’s amazing work! TA~DAH!!
“Boom!Sonamy: I need more jealous/concerned sonic please. Whatcha got miss?” | “Anymore Sonamy Sonic Boom headcanons” | “Ok, I got an idea! A Sonic Boom Prompt (doesn’t have to be necessarily sonamy-ish) where the gang go on a death defying mission! Like chock full of action! I’d be interested to see how you’d do this :)” | “I was thinking of a prompt that there is going to be a half hour special of Sonic Boom that features time travel where Eggman sends Sonic to the future and he meets the older version of the team, but they’re angry at him thinking he abandoned them! What do you think Mayra?? :3” | “Anymore Sonamy Sonic Boom headcanons?” | “Hiya~ it’s Alii. I got a prompt for ya! I was reading the other prompt that you wrote for an anon, and it definitely got me thinking: What were to happen if Sonic and Amy were official, but had to keep it hidden? I’m picturing them stumbling to do so, especially Amy. Try to keep them as canon as possible, which I know is hard, but it can be done!! Also, if you could, I would love to see how suspicious Tails gets. He’d probably pick up on Sonic’s change of behaviour? aa thank you!! xx” | “Ok this is just a Sonic Boom! Prompt, and you don’t have to do it if you don’t have time. Anyway, one of my major Sonic Boom headcanons for me is that all the team have mysterious pasts. So this would take place when they’re on their way to find Lyric and they find an old wise man in a temple they fall into. The man tells them they need to know their pasts in order to be a good team, so he uses his magic to help them see eachothers memories. I hope you get really detailed, but anything is great!” | “How about just headcanons for Knuckles (as in character development-ish)” | “Can you do a boom!prompt telling the story of when the gang met sonic for the first time? And possibly add some sonamy? Like what they first thought of him. (I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense xD) Thanks!” | “Mission Prompt for Sonamy” | “If you still are doing the meme prompt, can be the letter I with Sonamy? 👉👈” | “Hey, if you wouldn’t mind, could you do something with Sly/Carmelita with F from the second prompt meme? That would be amazing!” | “Mission: Prompt 4” | “Mission: Prompt” | “Oh oh oh! Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt where amy is totally stressed out bout stuff and almot pulling her hair out (not literally lol) and so sonic takes her out for a night on the town! If you please, :)” | “OKAYOKAYOKAY SO I SAW THE THING ABOUT HOW THE SONIC BOOM GANG WERE THE ORIGINAL ANCIENTS AND I TOTALLY FLIPPED COULD YOU DO A BOOM!SONAMY PROMPT BUT INSTEAD OF SONIC AND AMY YOU COULD WRITE ABOUT THE ANCIENT AMY AND ANCIENT SONIC AND THEIR STORY?? I AM SORRY BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY NEED MORE INFO TO WRITE ABOUT THAT BUT YOU COULD MAKE IT UP FOR ALL I CARE IM SORRY IM YELLING I JUST LOVE THIS IDEA (okay I’m calm now)” | “@elyzahere My internet isn’t letting me ask you this, so I’ll have to write it out here. Hope you don’t mind. ^,^’” | “Pssst, can you whip up a little modern!sonamy for me? I’ll leave the story or mood or Anything to whatever ya like, really! :D” | “Ok! A Sonic Boom Prompt where the gang is after a fox girl villain (who just so happens to be really pretty) who holds the last crystal fragment in her clutches. After drawing straws, Sonic is forced to flirt with her. That way, Amy, who has the best sneaking skills, would be able to take back the crystal piece. Amy hears them flirting and thinks Sonic is being serious and gets her heart broken…you do the rest!” | “Boom!sonamy prompt: Sonic and Amy have a flirting competition while no one is around XD” | “OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THE SLY COOPER AU!!! I actually loved, could you do another boom! sonamy sly cooper au? If you want, you don’t have to. But yeah, thanks!!! <3” | “Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt where sonic gets really beaten badly and amy is healing him? (cough cough beauty and the beast reference coughcough) And make it really fluffy! Feels galore if the missus don’t mind ;D Thanks dear!” | “have you got any lifestyle headcanons for the main sonic cast? like, a routine they always do, something they can’t stand, a particular belief they hold? this is just for any characters you like/ make headcanons about :P not really a prompt, just wondering :)” | “hey, a bit out of your norm, but could you please write something for the chaotix? headcanon, theories, anything like that? thanks very much, lovely :)” | “Here’s a prompt : Sonic Boom : Sonic and Amy are forced to share a room (or more importantly, a bed) after the team finds a village, can you write something about how they would react to that, and how they would make it work? That would be interesting!! (and evil >:D ) KAY BYE!!!” | “I would lile some cute fluff boom!sonamy, please! Whether it be flirting, singing, dancing, cuddling, anything!! Thank you, dear!” | “Okay, okay, I’m done messing with you~ Here’s a CANON prompt! (Modern) Sonic gets blasted by a laser that took his speed away! Now, he was to walk around like a normal person until Tails finds a way to fix him. WHAT WILL HE DO?!? (Just a little funny thingy)” | “Hey can I as for a special request..? Uhm, I know we all love sonamy ,everyone’s otp as well as mine and I really do love your cute stories but uh…I’m trying to get over someone and I was wondering if you could maybe make a story where Amy moves on..? Or where they except that they can’t be together and that’s it’s okay. I know it’s not very modern but maybe boom..? You don’t have to but I hold her dear to me and wonder how she would handle a break up/ getting over someone…” | “Prompt maybe: After a lot of arguing in the gang, the group decides to sit down and say nice things about each other (most of which are really corny) and then sonic and Amy’s turn gets quite cute and yea… :)” | “How about this for a prompt: Sticks sees this new guy in the village and likes him. Only problem is, SHE’S TOTALLY FREAKING OUT CAUSE SHE LIKES SOMEONE, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE, SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, and is generally freaked out (like her reaction to most things). So she tells Amy who tries to help. Take it away~” | “Heya! Could you do a Sonamy Boom Prompt that can be anything you want but on one condition: you have to include these three objects/things, in no particular order: 1. Enerbeams 2. Stars 3. A Distraction.” | “Prompt!(BOOM) (Since Amy is keeping this a secret, I decided to go that route) Sonic walks into Amy’s room to get some old books she asked for, when he stumbles upon a drawer full of love notes, poems even photos with red hearts drawn with marker around his face!! Of course, being the nosy hedgehog he is, he decides to read them all!! What will happen when Amy finds out? WILL she find out? How would Sonic react? What will be the concequences? MWAHAHAHA!” | “Prompt! Or two prompts! PLEASE! ANYTHING! MY SONAMY FIRE HAS BEEN REKINDLEDDDD😍😍” | “can you do a boom prompt about something in the 1920’s? like a detective thing? Sonic as the detective, amy as his client, knuckles and tails as the assistants? (and could you somehow add a hint of sonamy?) Idk thought it would be interesting. I’m sorry if this is weird XD” | “September cold: can you cheer me up? wildcard for sonic headcanons, whatever is on your beautiful mind :) thanks xxx” | “"strong amy” for her birthday? yes please! boom prompt maybe? however you want it…“ | "Can you do a boom sonamy prompt where sonic calls amy beautiful? Like he just says it and she freezes and is like "Wait what?”“ | "boom!sonamy prompt: Amy and sonic just being awkward around eachother, like their hands touch or something and they flip out? Just awkward and embarassing fluff!! Thaaaaank you!” | “Could you do a Sonamy Boom Prompt where Sonic and Amy are in a duo mission when after slightly flirting with each other, Sonics enerbeam goes hay wire! It ends up wrapping around them, forcing them to be quickly pushed together and they accidentally kiss….? (And try to mention somehow that enerbeam is controlled by actions from innermost thoughts or heart, so subconsciously, whether he knew it or not, Sonic wanted to give her a hug.😋) …did that make any sense at all?” | “Boom!Prompt, Knuckles’ backstory, where he use to be really small,and everyone kept calling him weak,then he decided to train himself,to become stronger and bigger.” | “Prompt! :(Modern) Sonic was running around at night when he noticed Amy sitting on a cliff, watching the stars. He gets confused, and nervously walks up to her. Turns out, she okay, and they end up just having a cute little conversation while laying rather close to one another (But not too close, according to Sonic XD), watching the stars! :D OOH! I just thought of something, PUT A SHOOTING STAR IN THERE TOO!X3 (P.S:Just so you know, not all of my prompts are for advice, I LOVE to read them!!:D)” | “Prompt :(Boom) While fighting Eggman, Knuckles gets separated from the team. As he finds his way home, he encounters a cute, young, and loud girl who claims that she’s lost her family. Being the hero he is, he agrees to help her. But, she’s a pest. She keeps setting off traps and gets into in danger, and she won’t shut up! Knuckles get’s irritated and yells at her. As the little girl ran off, he tried not to think about her safety, but, is Knuckles really a tough guy on the inside? Hint: NOPE!” | “Hmmm… Not sure if I want it a sonic and tails or Sonamy headcannon. But it’s where either sonic tries to ask tails about his "funny feelings” for Amy, trying to make sense of it, or just asking plain advise. OR tails finding out and confronting sonic about it (add some humor too? :D)“ | "Boom!Sonamy Headcanons (Cause they popped up in my head lol XD)” | “You may have already answered this, but what kind (if any) Sonamy moments do you think will be in Sonic Boom?” | “More Sonic boom headcannons please?” | “do you have any bonding headcanons for Knuckles and Amy in Boom? :)” | “Do you have any more Boom!Shadow headcannons?” | “Wait, question! For headcanon 49, what is Amy’s backstory?” | “So I heard that Shadow is confirmed to be in the Sonic!boom world. Got any headcannons between him and the gang?” | “Wait, you ship Tails and Sticks, right? I think you’re the one who got me shipping them :’D do you have any more headcanons about them? Because they’re ADORABLE.” | “Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt about sonic and amy raising a child? I don’t think you have done this before, have you?”
And while I was rechecking a few prompts on your blog…boy, I found the gold mine!! But I’m not sure if I already found some of them before and included it on the previous list I sent to you, and there are a few more lying around here that I am not so sure if I already submitted on the previous list…Can you please send the list back to me? Is that even possible?
If so, THANK YOU! ~ <3
Once again, thank you for this post! But like previously stated with (x) <-- your other list, it’s a little difficult to know which ones I’ve found and which ones I haven’t.
If anyone could let me know if I haven’t reblogged any of these, me and Cutegirlmayra would be very much obliged!
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Thank you once more for your contribution in saving many of @cutegirlmayra​’s amazing works! Continue to help the cause! We all want to be able to read her stuff in an easier way!
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crusherthedoctor · 6 years
I'm very curious about Sonudis! Can I ask how it works, and why you embraced it?
Well… (slight spoilers for those who actually care about them, lol)
The relationship between Sonic and Lutrudis becomes a more… subdued kind of romance (for lack of a better word). Rather than shout about how much loves Trudy, or getting super cuddly with her, the way Sonic expresses his feelings is more to do with the way he values her company, even if he’s often not actually with her due to his infamous globetrotting lifestyle. So even though he’s not doing much that’s overtly romantic, the intimate vibe is still very much present. I felt this was the most realistic way that an in-character Sonic would behave in a romantic relationship, as I find a lot of his portrayals in Sonally fics/Sonamy fics/etc to be uncharacteristically touchy-feely.
Likewise, Trudy understands Sonic’s needs and tastes, and treats them with respect. So for instance, she accepts Sonic’s aforementioned globetrotting lifestyle, because she knows it’s part of what makes him happy, and she would never dream of changing the person she loves against his will. Of course, Sonic still comes to visit every so often, and when he does, he always makes his time with Trudy count.
This should hopefully go without saying, but Sonic and Trudy’s relationship isn’t rushed. It slowly develops over the course of the story, and it’s only towards the end when they “officially” give it a go so to speak.
Trudy falls for Sonic because after getting past her initial admiration of his previous heroics from afar, their adventure together in Viridonia makes her understand Sonic all the more as the person beyond the heroics, warts and all… And she realises it’s only made her admiration for him grow stronger.
As for Sonic, he eventually falls for Trudy because despite what her outward demeanor would suggest, she turns out to share several of his own traits, including an excitable thirst for adventure, an absolute intolerance for injustice, and having a playful and snarky side of her own. He also finds her mature sensibilities pleasing and refreshing.
When Trudy starts to realise she might have genuine feelings for Sonic, she feels guilty, because she’s more than aware of Amy’s own love for Sonic, and she doesn’t want to risk hurting her friend’s feelings by falling for the same guy. (Fortunately, since Amy isn’t an OoC yandere in this story, it ends a bit more amicably than that for them, but I’ll save what happens there for when the time comes. Notably, figuring out what to do with Amy was the hardest part of all this for me, as I didn’t want to just conveniently sweep her under the rug and treat her like an unimportant non-entity.)
Meanwhile, when Sonic starts to realise he might have genuine feelings for Trudy… he doesn’t. Sonic remains hilariously clueless for an extended period of time, as he’s so used to living fast and not looking back and all that jazz that the mere idea of him actually falling for someone like that completely eclipses him. Amusingly enough, literally everyone else realises what Sonic is experiencing before he himself does. Even Eggman.
As for why I embraced it (aside from finding it cute, and thinking their relationship could genuinely work out in the long run)… Well initially, I was uncertain about going through with the idea, given the very negative stigmas surrounding OC/canon couples, and I was aware that fans of other ships involving Sonic would come gunning for me. But then I realised several things:
Unlike your usual OC/canon ships, I’m actually making an effort to execute it believably for Sonic’s official characterization, rather than turning him into something he’s not and/or pulling a Sonally and making him a submissive lapdog.
The potential complaint of supposedly putting a romantic story at the expense of a platonic one would be safely debunked by the fact that there are still plenty of platonic relationships in my fic. Many of them being just as important at that.
The overall plot isn’t even “sacrificed” for its sake. It’s merely one part of a bigger narrative. The adventure itself is still the primary focus.
The people who would come gunning for me for not using their preferred ship instead would do so either way, so it’s not like I have anything to lose.
Despite the stigmas surrounding the often lacking execution of OC/canon ships, canon/canon ships tend to be badly handled just as often (remember all those Shadamy fics where Sonic is suddenly an abusive spouse?), so I see no reason why they should be held to different standards.
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asiryn · 6 years
Healing Vision Headcanons: Olette/Xion/Namine/Sora/Riku Edition
will be putting this behind a cut for the length. will contain a bit of kh3 spoilers behind the cut. refer to this post for background knowledge about this verse.
as indicated by the title, this post will all be about that ship, and the subset ships of olette/namine, xion/namine, xion/olette, sora/riku, and sora/namine.  
- namette, namishi, xiolette, soriku, and sonami will all be romantic ships
- olette/sora, olette/riku, xion/sora, rikushi, and namiku will all be more on the queerplatonic end of the spectrum
- sora is pan; riku is gay; olette is a lesbian; xion is a lesbian demisexual; namine is a demiromantic ace
- xion is intersex, but i’m still deciding between her either being a trans girl or nonbinary; i’m similarly undecided about namine, tho for her i’m deciding between bigender or nonbinary
- originally in the HV, soriku and namixiolette were going remain separate. but then i played kh3, and my sonami feels were really reawakened with a vengeance; when i went to look up fanfic for the ship, i was distressed to see that the majority of them were all alternative CoM angst endings---there was pretty much no fluff, none where sora and namine just got to be happy together. so---i’m being the change that i want to see in the world :3
- many years ago now (o.o ...god saying that makes me feel old), i wrote an olette/namine fanfic, which essentially details how i think they could have met in the canon verse, and even now it’s still essentially my headcanon. this is a bit of a spoiler for the end of that fic, but namine ends up having to wipe herself from olette’s memory. in the HV, when olette sees namine again for the first time after kh3, all her memories come back, and she remembers her again
- xion and namine bond over their similar experiences of being forgotten by the ppl they cared about
- part of the reason that xion and namine are drawn to olette is bc, compared to most of the ppl they’ve known, she’s so simple and uncomplicated; she’s warm, genuine, honest, easygoing, affectionate, and compassionate, and so she’s like a breath of fresh air to them
- sora’s feelings for riku have been present for a long time, though before the events of the series, he was a bit oblivious to the true, romantic nature of those feelings, mostly bc he just didn’t really dwell on it that much. all he knew was that riku was his favorite person to be around, and he was content w/ that
- but as they grew older, and especially as riku hit puberty, riku’s relationships with both sora and kairi started to take a downward swing. riku started getting very jealous of sora and kairi’s relationship, bc he was realizing that he was in love with sora, and wanted all of sora’s attention to himself, especially romantically. but riku was also experiencing an incredible amount of internalized homophobia, and he started lashing out at sora, which drove sora into spending more time with kairi
- riku’s parents were extremely homophobic, and so riku grew up knowing from a pretty young age that he was in love w/ sora, and also that those feelings were Wrong, but no matter how much he tried to ignore them, they never went away. and as he grew up, riku knew perfectly well that his parents would kick him out, at best, if they found out he was gay, and so he grew up with a crippling fear of abandonment, and he especially became terrified of losing sora too (riku attempting to share a paopu fruit w/ sora was partially motivated as a way to ensure that sora would never abandon him)
- ftr, when sora and riku are finally together and are going to go home after kh3, they discuss how they want to handle their relationship, and when riku finally reveals his parents’ emotional abuse, sora refuses to let riku go back to living w/ them. so first they come out to sora’s mom, who’s supportive and agrees to let riku live w/ them from now on, and then after they pack up riku’s belongings, they come out to riku’s parents and the community on their own terms (bc after everything they’ve been through, they refuse to be ashamed about this, and they know that word would travel fast anyway); riku’s parents react as expected, but at this point, riku’s done giving a shit about them, and so he moves in w/ sora 
- (this is the beginning of hikari becoming the pioneer of what i call the gaywakening of destiny islands; she’s on a one-woman crusade to bring about queer education, rights, and pride, and it is 50% her being determined to be the most supportive parent in all the known universe, and 50% her being passive-aggressive as fuck towards riku’s parents. but the details of her crusade will be for another post XP)
- by the beginning of kh1, sora was starting to feel more flashes of attraction to riku. when riku first attempted to share a paopu fruit w/ him, sora kind of panicked, and thought that riku was just teasing him, and so sora tossed it away (riku of course took this as a total rejection)
- the next day, when riku brought up the idea of sharing a paopu fruit w/ kairi, was when sora’s confusion over his feelings really started. bc of general compulsory heterosexuality, and bc destiny islands was a more conservative community and thus had a lot of casual homophobia, sora never much questioned the assumption that boys and girls could only date each other (not that he had really given dating much thought before then, either). and w/ the assumption that strong relationships between boys and girls always ended up as romances, sora started wondering if his feelings towards kairi were romantic, and whether he did want to share a paopu fruit w/ her. complicating this was the fact that he really didn’t like the idea of riku sharing a paopu fruit w/ her, though he didn’t quite understand why, combined w/ the fact that he hated feeling like he was only ever second best to riku
- all of riku’s anguish came to a boiling and breaking point in kh1, as riku perceived all of sora’s actions as him choosing to abandon riku, just like he’d always feared. at this point, riku felt that he needed to be needed and necessary, and his whole identity was built on the idea that his friends needed him to be their strong protector, and he couldn’t really cope w/ the idea of sora not needing him after all; he latched onto saving kairi bc she really did need help
- as the series went on, sora became more fixated on the idea of kairi; she came to sort of represent the home that he missed so much. and w/ everyone else just assuming that it was So Obvious that sora was in love w/ kairi, he went along w/ that assumption too. upon his reunions w/ kairi and riku in twtnw at the end of kh2, and the wildly different emotions they each had inspired in him, sora began to realize the truth of his feelings, but he was still mostly in denial. when they were all home for a brief bit before the mark of mastery exams, sora was being confronted w/ the fact that his ideal of both kairi and Being Home weren’t matching up w/ the reality and things were awkward between them, but sora tried to tell himself that it was just bc they still needed more time
- all of this was even further compounded by the fact that sora fell in love w/ namine during re:com, and tho he couldn’t recall the memories of her, his feelings for her were still there, along with the aching sense that he had forgotten something important. seeing namine again at the end of kh2 really sparked and stirred up his feelings again, but sora had no context to understand them (how could he be in love w/ someone that he didn’t even know?). he kind of tried to convince himself that these feelings were for kairi, but he knew that they weren’t really
- obvs, after kh3, sora remembers (and thanks) namine; the circumstances of this aren’t fully fleshed out. partially it’s bc it’s tied in with my indecision about in what way i should alter the canon scenes of kairi being fridged. on one hand, bc i feel that the whole affair of kairi dying was entirely superfluous, i could tweak it so that she never dies. on the other hand, i could go with kairi ‘dying’ in the battle, but in a more heroic self-sacrificial way (maybe she took a hit meant for sora or someone else), and then there being an actual story arc where sora and riku go and save her. it would essentially involve them collecting the pieces of her and putting her back together (like sora did for himself in the final world), but with more...effort involved. and in said story arc, there could be an event that triggers sora into remembering namine, or something to that effect.  
- again, undecided if i want to change the canon paopu fruit scene into being a sorikai friendship moment instead, or if i’ll keep the canon version, but with the reading that it happened bc sora and kairi were both still suffering from compulsory heterosexuality, and still trying to force themselves into believing that they liked each other romantically; if i go with the saving kairi story arc, it would be the latter option
- continuing on with ‘saving kairi’ story arc, in this version, when sora and riku go off to save her together (on a meta-textual level, it’d be a way for their story to come full circle: they’re back where they started, but they’re going to do it right this time; instead of having petty fights with each other over who gets to save kairi, they’ll save her together), sora still would have been in denial about the true nature of his feelings for riku. but travelling together with him, and actually spending time with riku after being apart for so long, sora will start to understand his feelings better
- riku of course already knows that he’s deeply in love with sora and is pining, but he’s trying to keep his distance, bc sora and kairi are ‘together’ now (and mostly riku is just resolved that he won’t let his jealousy get the better of him this time, and he’s determined to be the best and most supportive friend that he can be)
- romantic moments and almost kisses keep happening anyway, but riku tries to tell himself that he’s imagining things and reading too much into it, while sora struggles with acceptance of his true feelings
- even still, sora and riku won’t actually get together until after sora and kairi have some sort of conversation where they finally talk through everything and can admit that they only love each other as friends, and they finally put to rest their attempts to force romantic feelings for each other
- after coming to an understanding with kairi, sora will then seek out to riku finally talk things out with him and to confess his true feelings (and there’ll be a lot of happy tears, probably)
- even tho sora might be a bit hesitant to potentially rock the boat this early in his new relationship w/ riku, in the interests of honesty and full disclosure, and having by this point remembered namine and had all those feelings come rushing back to the forefront, sora will quietly confess to riku that he thinks he might be in love with namine too
- to sora’s surprise, riku’s quiet for a moment, but then tells him that he’s honestly not really surprised, as he’s always thought that a lot more went down between sora and namine in castle oblivion than namine tried to let on; at this point, riku reminds sora that he spent the majority of a year w/ namine while she was trying to fix his memories, and he remembered her heartbreak and anguish as she essentially worked to erase herself from sora’s memories, tho she tried to conceal her pain
- riku remembers this as being one of the big turning points for him as a person, bc instead of being jealous about namine being in love w/ sora too, he just empathized w/ her instead, and thought that they were/would be suffering the same pain of being in unrequited love w/ sora, as he thought they’d both have to watch sora be in love w/ kairi
- while sora and riku are off saving kairi, and incidentally saving namine as well, during that time, xion and olette are meeting and getting to know each other as friends
- xion and olette may have already started going on a few dates by the time sora and riku get back w/ kairi, and namine is given her own body again; sora and riku get together not long after they get back
- at first, namine is more focused on forming friendships; during this time, the person she becomes closest to is xion, bc again, they can both empathize w/ each other a lot
- during this time, sora and namine are trying to keep their promise of being friends for real this time, but it’s not quite working out bc they’re both kinda pining for each other
- all the while, namine is coming to terms w/ her asexuality, and she’s also starting to fall for xion especially, but also olette; namine tends to experience a lot of insecurity and anxiety, and she becomes terrified of possibly ruining her friendship w/ xion, and so ends up confiding in her all of her angst. xion assures her that she’s not ruining anything, and that she’s interested in namine as well, but admits that she doesn’t really know what she’s doing either, and suggests that they consult w/ olette, who’s pretty much the relationship expert
- olette is the one who helps namine understand her asexuality, and suggests the polyamory option; xion and olette have an allosexual relationship, while their relationship w/ namine is purely ace
- meanwhile, riku can’t stand seeing sora be unhappy, and so he goes to consult w/ olette, and together they arrange for all five of them to sit down and hash everything out, w/ the end result being that sora and namine will also be dating; their relationship is also purely ace, and sora’s w/ riku is allosexual
- after kh3, axel and saix effectively adopt roxas and xion, and they’re all living in twilight town now
- sora and riku are of course living w/ sora’s mom on destiny islands, and namine was adopted by kairi’s dad, and so now she’s living w/ kairi (at first namine was afraid of kairi being mad at her for dating sora, but kairi’s perfectly fine w/ it)
- if the ‘saving kairi’ story arc didn’t happen, then during the amount of time that it would have taken for sora and riku to save her, that time was instead sora and kairi attempting to date each other; when they realized that the relationship wasn’t working for them and neither of them were happy, they finally gave up on being in denial and called it quits. during that time, riku and namine were pining for sora, while in this version, namixiolette fell for each other at around the same time and pace (instead of it being xiolette first, and then namine coming into the relationship later)
- after sokai stopped dating, the ot5 getting together went down pretty much in the same way as in the ‘saving kairi’ story arc
- is it perhaps excessive that namine has two girlfriends, a boyfriend, and a queerplatonic partner? imo, she’s been alone and isolated for far too long, so i’m giving her all the love that she deserves (and she’ll also have ALL the friends; a few of the ones she’s closest to being kairi and terra)
- every one of the ot5 ships will just be full of softness and gentleness 
- sora and olette.....are just gonna be such BROS to each other (in general, olette is just cultivating her butch lesbian #aesthetic these days). she’ll be like this w/ roxas too, but they’ll just constantly be playing video games and skateboarding; xion’ll be getting in on this too
- okay, so xion and riku’s relationship. during Days, when xion was absorbing sora and his memories, she did experience and kinda channel sora’s feelings for riku (and for his part, riku felt something of an echo of sora from her). so while she doesn’t experience those feelings for herself anymore, she still remembers the echo of it, and so things are a bit awkward between them at first (also riku still feels guilty about essentially coercing xion and roxas into dying). eventually they do find common ground and settle into a comfortable friendship (also, xion experienced the same thing in regards to kairi)
- for sora, he had a similar problem w/ xion, in that he experienced a lot of roxas’s feelings towards her (tho that was mostly the pain of losing her), so he still remembers the echoes of those emotions. but again, he ends up really becoming bros w/ her and olette
- olette and riku probably took the longest to really bond, tho they eventually did bc they discovered they liked doing little crafts together
- being both introverts, riku and namine find a lot of solace in each other when they just need some quiet time; olette and sora are both extroverts, w/ xion being somewhere in the middle
- olette does have some playful flirting going on w/ kairi, but it’s never anything serious. xion and kairi like sparring w/ their keyblades together
- if the five of them ever moved in together, it’d probably be in either twilight town or destiny islands. there’d be at least 3 bedrooms (one for if someone needed some alone time, one for cuddles, and one for activities that would not involve namine)
- the more likely option is that soriku and xiolette would each have their own houses/apartments (in destiny islands and twilight town, respectively), and namine would bounce back and forth between them. both places would have at least 2 bedrooms each
- soriku’s place is probably more of a cottage that’s closer to the seaside than the center of the mainland, while xiolette’s place is an apartment. namine has rooms set aside for her in both places, and her belongings are scattered between them. big things like her easels for paintings and canvases and things like that are at soriku’s cottage, which has more space than xiolette’s apartment, etc. 
- sora, riku, and xion are all officially keyblade wielders/masters, so that’s pretty much their occupations. olette is probably going to be attending university soon, and namine will probably go to art school (probably just for the experience more than anything else)
- tbh, idk what olette would be studying at university. maybe business management and/or marketing, bc she found she really liked working at scrooge’s bistro and wants to take over it someday? maybe she wants to open her own small business. maybe it’s a sports scholarship. fashion or graphic design? idkkk
okay, i think that’ll be enough for this post. if i have more headcanons about this ship, i’ll be making another post for them, bc this one is already probably far too long XDD
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Sonic OVA: Sonamy AU
Birthday week! So exciting! I’m posting as many prompts as I can while it’s my birthday week! :D EEEEeeeee!!!! It’s gonna be so much fun! It’s my treat for all my wonderful readers out there who have supported me so much! Here’s a little birthday gift to you from me!
Yes, prompts and commissions are open ;)b (However, if you’ve already submitted 3 prompts, please let others have a go too and hold off, okay?)
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It wasn’t long after Sonic went off on his own to find Metal Sonic that a familiar pink hedgehog showed up again in his life. Rosy the Rascal, as he heard others call her, stepped out in his way boldly but with a sweetheart expression on her face as he skidded to a halt.
Normally, he wouldn’t bother, and just race around her. However, this time there was some serious danger afoot. “Look, it’s not wise to follow me this time, Rosy.”
As he folded his arms, keeping a neutral expression on his face, she opened her eyes and raised her intertwined hands up to her pinkening face, clearly love-struck by catching his attention enough to have him wait for her to move.
“Sonic, my love, I’ve heard the awful news of what Eggman has done to you.” She began, but Sonic just raised an eyebrow and sweated a little, not sure what she was getting at.
“He does a lot on his spare time...” he grumbled, not really understanding himself why he was pausing to explain things to her.
He didn’t really mind being rude when he needed to be... anyway... so why give her a second?
“I’ve heard that he’s made a robot in your handsome image!” Her eyes opened to reveal a starlit darling that craved her hero’s safety and happiness above all things. “So I’ve come to trash that robot and put your mind at ease. He’s clearly using it to give you a bad name, and I won’t allow it!” she swayed her body back and forth a moment and lowered her bundled together hands down, ceasing to blush as his eyes remained annoyingly on her.
He lowered his eyelids, clearly frustrated and to prove it, he started to tap his foot and put his hands on his hips. “Are you done yet with the cutesy act, already? Look, flattery gets you no where in life and besides that, you’re not as cute as you’re pretending to be. Either step aside and let me handle my own affairs or get somewhere safe. I don’t have time to play around with you.” He swished his arm out, and she opened her eyes in a flinch at his words.
“Y-you... You aren’t bothered by what Eggman’s making you look like?” She seemed shocked to hear that, and quivered as he responded, parting her hands in horror.
“I couldn’t care less what Eggman makes me out to be, everyone can tell that it’s a silly impostor and not me.” He suddenly widened his eyes a moment in realization when Amy cupped her face and looked embarrassingly away from him. “Or... rather... is it just you that didn’t see the difference?”
He knew he was right, and his eyes drooped again at the nonsense of that innocent mistake.
“Oh, how embarrassing!” she covered her face as awkward tears sprayed from the side of her face in an animated way, “Not even recognizing my betrothed! I’m so ashamed! I don’t deserve to be your girlfri-ien-iend!!!” she whined in hopelessness.
Feeling something like--perhaps wanting to comfort her--he nervously held out a hand out to her, “H-hey, no need to cry over it... If it’s a honest mistake, then you probably just didn’t see it clearly enough...”
He twitched back when she peeked through her hands, looking perfectly fine. “You say... everyone could tell?”
He sighed, looking annoyed again that he fell for her girlish act. “Everyone.” he countered, growing upset he so easily was led into that farce.
She covered her face again, “Bo-ho-ho!” she faked the distressful tears, hoping he’d stay longer to soothe her ‘troubled heart’ but he just began to back up and stretch.
“Nice touch on improving the cutesy act, Rosy. But I really don’t have time to cheer up little girls who clearly can find better things to do with their day. See ya!” he raised himself a few times on his toes for the last remaining stretches and then zoomed at light-speeds to curve around her and take off.
“Ah! That meanie! Doesn’t he know he’s leaving me in the middle of nowhere! His fiance for Pete’s sake!” she straightened herself out and threw her arms down by her sides, disappointed her ploy for his tender mercies didn’t work. She sighed, watching his dust cloud take to the wind, “Honestly, sometimes I wonder how I’ll ever keep up...”
Then, as though blurring into existence, Metal Sonic’s red eyes and the rest of his menacing form sketched in behind her like lines on a television screen glitch--due to how fast he was moving, that was the image created as he looked off at Sonic, then only turned his eyes to the side to look to her.
“Huh?” Rosy turned around, “Ahhh!!! Sonic, help me!” she crunched her body to the right to avoid his frame and fell to the ground, crawling backwards, “S-stay away, you big fat fake! Ha! Ha! HA!” She kept throwing tiny hammer toys at him, but they just ‘piko’d off his metallic hide as he walked after her.
“Whhaaa!!! You don’t give up, do you!? Why can’t Sonic be this interested in me!” she shrieked, forming light fists with her hands and putting them up by her face as she cried out again, “SOOONNICCC!!!”
In her desperate cries, flowers were placed before her.
“H-huh?” She turned back shocked, “What’s this? Is this for me?” She looked up amazed as Metal Sonic continued to remain cold and silent, presenting the gift.
“Ohh... d-do you want me to take them?” She bent her eyes a bit, not sure what this was...
Metal Sonic lowered his head, and little robotic noises seemed to answer her in return.
“W-well, that’s very kind of you, but I’m in love with Sonic. The real Sonic, okay?” She held up a hand, then pushed his flowers back towards him. “And I’ve already made him upset by mistaking him for those rumors about what you’ve done! So the best way to make up for it is to kindly reject you and be on my way, sound fair?” She got up and dusted herself off, sighing and wiping some sweat from her forehead. “Phew, glad that’s over with. Now that Sonic knows my eyes are only for his organic shape and heroic smile, he won’t think twice about marrying me!” She daydreamed and swooned as she looked up to the sky and held her hands to the side of her face, longingly.
Metal Sonic’s hand twitched, and he ripped the flowers into blades of grass. His red eyes glowed brighter than before in clear rage before taking a powerful stance, as though ready to rush her.
“Ah! H-hey, what’s with the sudden change of atmosphere, huh?” Rosy zipped back in an blur, not wanting to be so close to him as he seemed to power up. “I-I’ve rejected boys before but this seems a little extreme, don’t you think? S-S...Sonnnicccc!!!” she cried out and ran, but dirt whipped up around Metal Sonic as his engine rotated to rapid speeds and pursued her.
Picking her up, he took off into the air as she cried out, “NOT AGGGAAIINN!!!”
Hearing her getting closer in the distance, Sonic just let out an exasperated sigh and looked over his shoulder, “What does she want now? Huh?” Seeing Metal Sonic holding her above, his expression quickly changed to anger. “What’s that?! Come and get her? You punk,... alright. Have it your way. But I still don’t get why you have to get little Rosy involved in all this.” He took off towards some protruding metal spikes that were also buried under thick dirt and sand, racing up it to jump and take on Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic dropped Rosy and battled Sonic, having her cry out as she fell through the air. “Noooo..!!!”
“Rosy!” Sonic broke out of the fight with Metal Sonic to reach for her, but he went behind Sonic, his spikes not bothering his metal body. Sonic was held in a choke hold while still struggling to jump down and free her.
“She may be small, but her hammer packs a punch, I remember that much!” A twirling duo of fox tails burst and jumped over the different protruding spikes, dashing over with a homing-attack to knock Sonic out of Metal Sonic’s grasp and then fly off to grab Amy, “Got’cha! Miss Amy Rose, right?”
“Oh, you remembered.” Rosy looked up to him, amazed by his speedy entrance.
“Remember? I still have a bump on my head!” Tails called her out as she twitched her ear from him yelling directly into it. “Why is Metal Sonic so interested in using you against Sonic, though? I don’t get it.”
Rosy batted her eyes, “If you convince Sonic to protect me, then maybe you both won’t have to worry about it.”
“Oh, that’s a good point.”
“It’s not!” Sonic countered, kicking a final striking blow to Metal Sonic’s noggin’ and sending him down into the sand. “Tails! Help me out!” he held out his hand behind him, still glaring down at Metal Sonic as Tails flew to his side, having Rosy switch to his other hand, “Errr... Are all hedgehogs this hard to carry?” he held his nose up, struggling to keep both hands on them.
“Ah! How rude! Sonic, teach your sidekick some manners!” Amy huffed.
“Manners?! Lady, I’m his best friend!” Tails protested, but helped the two down to safety.
“Best friend, huh? Well, I guess every groom still needs a best man. Okay, you can come along too.” She put her hands on her hips as though judging Tails, as he bent his ears back, not liking her forwardness in how blunt she was.
“You’re still on about that?” Sonic spat out, “And give it a rest, Tails, she’s only formidable when her opponents play by the rules, isn’t that right, Metal me?” After defending Tails a moment, he turned back to Metal Sonic, getting up from the impact his face made with the ground.
“I hope I got a new dent in that face.” he smirked, folding his arms. “What’s with you picking on little girls anyway? Didn’t Eggman every teach you not to bully those weaker than you?” he wagged his infamous finger out to him, and heard Metal Sonic’s engine blare in the distance. “Heh, guess not.”
“I’m not weak!” Rosy summoned another Piko Piko Hammer, but this one was slightly bigger than the last few she tossed. “See? Ha-ha-ha!” she swung it around, forcing Tails to duck and fling his two tails over his head protectively, but Sonic just ‘tsk’d as if not impressed.
“I’ll deal with you later, kid.”
“I’m not a kid!” Rosy stomped her foot down. “I’m gonna be your wife!”
Sonic rolled his eyes, “Anyway... back to reality, is that scrapped head of yours able to understand, Metal Me? Let’s settle this, hedgehog to machine, and leave them out of this!” He waited for a response after holding a hand out to Rosy and Tails.
He pulled Amy behind him, almost instantly as she was flung to his side and hid behind him, admiring his protectiveness of her.
“S-Sonic...” Her eyes shone before realizing what he had said before. “B-but-!”
He held her against him as he pointed back to Metal Sonic, “Quit sticking your nose into other people’s lives, Metal Me, what are you? Desperate or something?” she was amazed to be in his arms a moment before he lightly let her go and stumble over to Tails in her dreamy step. “Girls hate it when you hog them all to yourself, don’t ya know?” He kept taunting, getting Metal Sonic even more revved up now.
“B-but I can hit real hard...” Rosy muttered, her lower lip trembling as Tails got back up, lightly patting her head.
“There, there. Sonic’s just trying to distract Metal him from not targeting you again.” he explained, but quickly moved his hand behind his back, still not sure how to take the silly little fan-girl.
Though, he did admire Sonic, he felt she was a bit more of a extremist in her hero worship than his idolizing of Sonic.
Still, he felt he understood--somewhat--of how she felt towards him.
She sniffled in her budding tears, “You... You really think so?” She looked towards him and he nodded.
“Sure! He probably heard you pleading for help and couldn’t stop himself from jumping in. That’s Sonic for ya, always a helpful guy.” He praised him, as Rosy wiped her tears away.
“You’re much better than I thought you were, Tails! I’m glad Sonic has a buddy to help him out on his dangerous adventures! Let’s be friends!” She jumped into his arms, but he immediately dodged her, holding his hands out as the whites of his eyes were exposed in his fear.
“N-no-no, that’s okay! Just hearing you say that is enough!” he panicked, still afraid of the girl’s strength from the fighting tournament.
Sonic ditched the two, leaving Rosy to cry out, “H-hey! Where are you going!?”
“To fight.” He responded, keeping his eyes glued to Metal Sonic, waiting for him...
“Ah! W-without us!” She looked worried, but Tails also seemed to match her concerns, stepping forward with his arms to his sides.
“You’re gonna leave me behind again..? Oh, rats!” He snapped his fingers and looked disheartened.
“Do yourself a favor, Amy,”
She perked up at him using her real name.
“...Don’t get involved.” he stated very firmly, and went to take down Metal Sonic in another all-out duel again.
Her heart was broken by his words, but she stayed out of the battlefield since.
Later, Knuckles and Tails were watching the end play out, and the many awards Sonic was rejecting receiving that Sara and her father were trying to force him to wear and accept but failing miserably too.
Rosy didn’t like Sara’s fawning of him but listened in on Old Man Owl and the boys’ conversation...
“So you’re saying...” Tails began, looking a bit worried at his words.
“Precisely!” Old Man Owl hooted, “If what you said is true, I have a theory!”
“But saying that Metal Sonic actually liked that hedgehog girl because he was being influenced by Sonic’s data doesn’t add up.” Knuckles, incredulous as ever, leaned forward accusingly and shook his gloved hand out, turning his head to the side as he spoke a bit down to the mad owl.
“Ho? Isn’t it obvious?” the old owl could have sworn he was right. “She is a cute girl, after all.”
Rosy’s renewal and faith in Sonic beat back into her heart like a rocker’s drum. Hearts flew all around her as she thought to herself, ‘Aw, he must be too shy to confess such things upfront!’
“If that’s true, then Sonic has some odd tastes! And not just in looks alone!” Tails laughed.
Rosy blinked her eyes a moment, then turned to the boys, summoning her hammer to an exceptionally large height and width. “What did you say?”
The three flinched, having huddled up and not realizing she could hear them..!
But that’s when Sonic blazed by, grabbing Rosy and holding her bridal style without a word, just rushing her off with him.
“O-oh!” she blushed, her hammer disappearing from her clutches, and reverting to her coy manners. “Sonic... is everything alright?”
“I’m taking you home.” He stated, shaking his head then suddenly, “Ugh, anyone every tell you--you smell like flowers and machine oil. Peh!” he must have meant her run-in with Metal Sonic, but she swooned into his chest anyway.
“I knew you cared!” she chimed.
“About your smell? Keep dreaming, you rascal!”
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shedreamsofstars · 6 years
SonAmy Week Day 2 - Spy
The blue hedgehog scrambled backwards and found himself tumbling to the ground. He rubbed his temples woozily, blinking slowly. He looked up to see Amy Rose leaning out of an open window and eyeing him warily.
"What were you doing?" she said, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"Wh- wh- what? I was just passing by and fell over," Sonic stammered quickly as he pushed himself to his feet.
"Really?" she asked sceptically, tracking his movements with her eyes as he brushed the dirt off of his fur.  
"Pftt, of course. I mean, what else would I be doing?"
Amy raised her eyebrows in challenge, her quills floating with the soft breeze. She placed her elbows on the ledge and leaned her head on her hands. "Well I don't know, but it did kind of look like you were spying on me."
Sonic's cheeks heated instantly and he looked down to try and hide it, toeing the dirt with his sneakers. "Come on Ames. Me, spy? I mean, I guess maybe if it was Eggman but on you, never."
The girl levelled a clear gaze on him and he let out a nervous chuckle. She looked absolutely unconvinced he realised as she uttered a drawn out 'okay'.
"So uh, what are you doing home Ames? The suns out so I assumed you would be too. I didn't think you'd be here arranging the table for a ... " he paused, waiting for her to fill him in.
"Oh, I was just setting some stuff up for a-"
"A date, whoa. Why all the secrecy huh?" Sonic said quickly, unable to control what came out of his mouth. His mind was running like his feet and there was no slowing it down.
"I was going to say meeting but I guess it is a date of sorts."
"Oh," Sonic replied, blinking as he tried to piece everything together. His comm buzzed at his wrist and he tapped it to accept the incoming call.
"Hey, 'sup," he said coolly.
"Sonic, where are you? You said you were nearly here?" Tails said through the comm.
"Heh, I'll be right there buddy. Just got a little ... distracted along the way," he said, looking pointedly at the pink hedgehog. She smiled sweetly at him and he had to force himself to look away.
"Alright, see ya Sonic." The comm clicked into silence and the blue hedgehog nodded uneasily, pointing towards the town.
"I uh, guess I should be going then," he said, turning slowly to leave. Amy didn't stop him and Sonic paused a few steps away to give her another chance to say something before she went back to setting up for her meeting. He glanced back over his shoulder only to see the girl in the middle of closing the window. She gave him a small wave before disappearing from view.
"You have a great date then," he muttered as he made his way to the town to meet with Tails. "Who in the name of chaos is she on a date with ... oh I'm sorry, meeting," Sonic grumbled, kicking a loose stone into the air. It landed with a rustle into a nearby bush.
He went to kick another stone but strangely, the path was clear. He sighed as he realised he'd have to get the other one back and he made his way over to the bush. Sonic had only meant to peek in and check on the girl earlier before leaving, but when he spotted her with the flowers he couldn't help but stay a little longer.
He had watched on curiously as she  meticulously arranged the bouquet to make sure they were nothing short of perfect. If those weren't for a date, then his name wasn't Sonic T. Hedgehog. Perhaps he had been spying on her after all but a date was a date no matter what you chose to call it.
Sonic reached into the bush and his fingers touched the edge of the rock but he couldn't get his fingers around it. He stretched forward and the next thing he knew, suddenly the bush was around him and his face was pushed squarely against the dirt beneath it.
He spluttered, turning away from the ground only to get a face full of leaves and twigs instead and sighed. Of course this would happen to him. First, Amy was going on some secret date with some mystery guy and now here he was looking like freaking Ent.
Wait a sonic second ...
The blue hedgehog could almost see the light bulb flash before his eyes as the idea came to him and he suddenly understood the look Tails so often got as he planned out a new machine.
Before he knew what he was doing, Sonic was suddenly stood a little ways outside Amy's window and had a perfect view of the living room table. Except he wasn't Sonic. He was a completely ordinary and uninteresting bush who she would pay zero attention to.
Sonic pushed down the urge to chuckle at how perfect his plan was but he grew distracted as Amy passed by with her hands full of snacks. He frowned as he watched as she set out little plates filled with crisps and sweets and it only deepened as she removed the flowers only to replace them again a moment later.
Who was she meeting that the flowers had to be just so?
Sonic watched on, a petty anger overcoming him as the girl breezed around the house, daintily straightening and fluffing cushions and placing a square mat at the centre of the table. She was adjusting its position when Sonic's comm buzzed again.
He groaned softly as he remembered he'd told his younger brother he was already on his way. He pressed it to answer and before he could even say a greeting, Tails beat him to the punch.
"Where are you Sonic? I've been waiting here for ages," Tails said, a hint of impatience in his tone.
"Sorry bud I ..." He lost track of his thoughts as he realised that Amy was suddenly gone. He'd literally only taken his eyes off of her for a second! Maybe she went to get food from the kitchen he thought, shuffling the bush he sat in around the edge of her house to find the kitchen window.
"Your chilli dogs are going to be stone cold by the time you show up," Tails stated and Sonic grimaced. Cold dogs were nowhere near as good as the piping hot ones but ... he had to know who Amy was meeting first.
"I just gotta do this one thing first okay. I'll be there right after."
"I'm eating mine without you."
"Sure whatever, later bro," Sonic said as he reached the kitchen window. The comm clicked shut and he found himself trying to get closer to see in. As far as he could tell, the room was empty but then again, maybe if he adjusted his angle...
"What was all that about not spying on me again?"
Sonic shrieked and jumped right out of the bush as a rose pink face came into view. "A-a-amy? Fancy seeing you here," he stammered with a guilty grin.
"I live here Sonic," she said simply, placing her hands on her hips. "Care to explain yourself?"
"Not particularly no."
The all too familiar hammer materialised out of nowhere and cold dread filled his veins. "I just meant it wasn't particularly interesting, I'd be happy to tell you all about it Ames."
"Somehow I don't see how you ending up in a bush outside my house would be uninteresting but I'm listening."
So Sonic told her most of what he'd been doing, having the good sense to conveniently omit certain key details such as his earlier spying debacle. She was still holding that hammer of hers after all.
"So all of this was because you thought I had a date date with someone who wasn't you."
"Yes," he said quickly. "Wait no," he added accusingly. "I know what you're doing and I'm not going to fall for it. I was just worried that your date would really be an Egg attack or something. People are dangerous Ames," he said, almost convincing himself that it was the only reason.
"I can handle myself hedgehog."
"I know that, but I didn't want you to have to. I'll always be there for you when you need me Ames," he said, realising that he was still on the ground and covered in twigs and leaves. He held out a hand and Amy grabbed it softly, lifting him off the ground with an undeniable ease.
"You know, if you were that worried for me then you could have just asked who I was meeting," she said as she plucked the leaves out of his quills.
"Where's the fun in that?" He said as he let her fuss over him a little, letting his petulant anger from earlier fade away. He rubbed the back of his head nervously as he spoke again. "So uh, who are you meeting anyway ... and why?"
"Come on, I'll show you," Amy sighed, rolling her eyes as she led the way inside. Sonic hesitated for a moment, unsure if this would end up being one of her elaborate tricks. "I have snacks," she called over her shoulder, "but you already knew that right?"
"Maybe." Sonic called back as his resolve have out. He brushed off the last of the twigs and dirt and sauntered in after the girl, nervously preparing himself to meet her date for the day.
A shadowed figure approached the house of Amy Rose. The handle of a briefcase sat comfortably in his gloved hand, holding some of his most precious belongings. The other hand he raised to knock on the door, but as a set of voices drifting over on the wind he paused.
They seemed to be coming from a window which had been left open a crack and he strained his ears to hear the conversation within.
"So you were meeting someone from Puppy Club called Rob?"
"Yeah, he promised to show me his rare Pup figurines but ... huh, it looks like he's running late. We agreed on three but it's already quarter past."
"I didn't know we had a Rob here?" the boy said quizzically.
"He's new I think. I wonder what's keeping him."
"Maybe he forgot or something ... So this is the Fuzzy Puppies game you're always going on about?"
"Oh it's so much fun Sonic. I can teach you how to play if you like? It doesn't seem like Rob's coming anytime soon."
There was a brief pause before... "Sure, why not.
The figure's hand was still poised to knock but he unclenched his fingers and slowly let them drop to his side. He switched his briefcase into his other hand and began to retreat as silently as he had arrived.
"Doctor, aren't you going to go in?" a voice piped up as he made his way back towards the town.  
The figure shook their head, the hood falling away with the shadows to reveal a bald headed man with a wild moustache.
"I left my favourite Fuzzy Puppy at home so I guess I'll just leave Mr and Mrs Know-it-all to it today. Besides, evil doesn't plot itself now does it," he said grandly, unable to hide the huge grin on his face.
Ack, a day late but I have it done! Hope you enjoyed it. If you haven't already, I recommend checking out the sonamyweek tumblr for more amazing art and fics. I skipped straight to day two here, but feel free to check out my drawing for the day one theme (pokemon) too.
Thank you all for reading and I'll see you'll soon for the day three (technically today) theme Medieval. Drop me a review if you feel like it.
Chao for now :)
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