#(they're not)
onaperduamedee · 1 year
I don't know if it's show bias, but I struggle to understand the reading of Moiraine as someone who is so driven by her mission that she doesn't care.
From the get-go, she flees the White Tower for fear of ending up Queen of Cairhien and as cruel a leader as the rulers in her family, although it would have meant control and power;
Getting knocked down and unable to channel, she stabs a former teacher to stop her from killing innocents who have little to do with her mission;
She rushes to the Blight to bond Lan and keep him from basically killing himself, even if again it is a gamble, and later on, the bond transfer is about saving him, albeit cruelly;
She uses her body as a shield to hold off a Forsaken in order to help Rand, sustaining serious injuries in the fight, although her sacrifice is mostly useless considering how overpowered she is;
Many times, she heals villagers, soldiers, Aiel, wolves, sometimes until she is on the brink of passing out;
She fights Shadowspawns in Tear, in the Waste just as bravely as Lan, despite not being battle Ajah and often being surrounded by Aiel who can do the job by themselves;
She tackles Lanfear, toppling with her inside a collapsing ter'angreal, effectively dooming herself and cutting herself from the narrative, to help Rand, Egwene and Aviendha.
Obviously, you could argue that each of these actions would bring her an advantage and in acting so, she was only playing her part in the pattern, without a care for the people she was helping, but that's such an ungenerous reading of the character given what the text provides.
Her mindset is utilitarian and pragmatic, but to see her ever-present doubts, her growing despair and raging hope in Rand and still interpret her as uncaring is mind-boggling to me.
Her whole speech in TSR regarding "People [fighting] for you who do not know it, any more than you know them" tells of someone who believes saving the world will require a lot of collaboration and awareness of each other, not merely machinations and control.
She is a hard woman, but uncaring she is not.
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not-eli · 6 months
"Let me hold you, hold you close, I long to hear your voice."
"But dearest, I know better, now I must give you this choice."
You don't know how important these lines are to me.
Stolas always had an obvious attraction for Blitzø. The both of them had a strong connection that was sadly only fulfilled by sexual encounters.
The first time we see Stolas and Blitzø interacting in the first episode the latter makes it clear that it is NOT a good time to talk at the moment. Yet, Stolas doesn't care and proceeds to propose their now well known full moon deal, to then begin with his - insanely - long dirty talk. So, we can say that at first he could not care less if Blitzø was in the mood or not - he HAD to have him when he wanted.
With the progressing of the series, however, Stolas begins to slowly acknowledge the meaning of "time" and "moments".
To quote, "You know, Octavia is with her mother all the weekend so we could-"
"I'm NOT fucking you tonight Stolas I- I'm really not in the mood."
"...We could watch a movie.. or cuddle <3"
(Blitzø still rejected, but we can't blame him)
I like to believe that at that moment, even if he did want sex Stolas would not have insisted for Blitzø to do anything against his will. He would have just let him go, as long as he was comfortable.
That is a clear demonstration of his already present feelings, that were slowly becoming more and more pure.
So, while at first he did not give a fuck about the right or wrong time, and would just focus on his own pleasure, Stolas getting the Asmodeus crystal and wiling to break their monthly deal just so Blitzø can be comfortable is so important to me. He finally understood the importance of comfort and consent, and would never - ever - force Blitzø to sleep with him just to have his book.
He's also quite challenging him. If Blitzø really loves him, he'd want to be with him even without their deal.
(im so not ready for this episode.)
So, with the "Now I must leave you this choice" lyrics Stolas shows to have understood - or at least is trying to - what Blitzø is going through, and wants to be there for him desperately. He wants to help him, lift him up, even if that means never seeing him again.
Look at me in the face and tell me they're toxic I dare you.
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lukielstuff · 2 years
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Loid's girls <33
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lettherebemonsters · 2 days
Reddit has people talking about the cannibals eating Adam and I just don't see Lucifer allowing that to happen.
Either Adam survived or he's buried. I highly doubt he was chopped up with the Hotel gang partying, unless Charlie is that level of fucked up and we're supposed to believe she's the good guy while dismembering people.
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gametriprant · 3 days
I see no fucking solution except the WW2 solution of grabbing a weapon and start headshotting Conservatives....
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Awww people have unfollowed me. Guess they can't handle how hot and sickly I am. Sucks to be a pusst I guess
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soldierofsirens · 2 years
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dwtdog · 3 months
i think george’s final response and how he moves going forward will be the defining factor in the trust his close friends have for him, i wouldn’t write anyone (except punz 💀) off no matter how they respond rn as long as they don’t do anything crazy.
yeah rn their communities r demanding responses and it can feel very overwhelming. them sending support to victims and expressing their shock is pretty neutral all things considered
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krokaxe · 6 months
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VII: Fate Abraham and @koilarist's Caledon for a revised Tarot deck.
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thelunastusco · 1 year
"Are we really plural if--" Yes. This is a non-exhaustive flowchart with a small sampling of origin labels, system experiences, and how being disordered can (or doesn't) fit in.
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These questions share a lot of overlap, but they are still separate issues. (Note: not all wDID/OSDD/etc identify as plural or as systems. This chart is purely for folks who are plural/systems.) A huge problem these days are some people, including systems, conflating it all.
We didn't include topics such as age of onset, overtness, or types of system members. To us, that is covered by the blurb at the end: YES. If you& are "more than one", that is plurality. And you& can use the term "system". Everything else is details. 
The community needs to go back to embracing the concept of "more than one" being the only requirement for being plural/a system. Microlabels can be important for articulating experiences, but they don't make or break what plurality IS. Cheers.
PS: When we say “disordered” outside of like, a dx’d disorder, we mean knowing that your system has struggles that impact it but might not be severe enough for a dx. Or that don’t really impact functioning.
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anatomight · 1 year
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Hello im back from art block
I bring cat man bird
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Herald At Dawn: Writing excerpt thingy
Hi! I wrote a thing, and then I went and did the thing that I almost never do and typed it up! Its from the very beginning, at about the tail end of the first scene.
Word Count: 174 words TW/CW: Referenced government corruption, nothing other than that Taglist: @thelaughingstag @gr3y-heron @another-white-void
Alex laughed, and turned the door to James’ office. She closed it behind her. “Hi, James. Miss me?” James leaned forward in his chair. “Ooooh, whatcha got?” Alex grinned. “How’s rigging and bribing court judges sound?” “Oh, I like it.” He took the sheaf of papers she handed him and thumbed through them, then grinned. “Oh, this is brilliant, Alex.” She smiled. “Thank you, James. Any preference for the next article?” “Something that gets you a bit farther down on the police captains list of people he wants an excuse to throw in prison, maybe?” “But all the good stuff pisses Aubdurn off, that’s why its good.” “I know, I know, I just worry. Be careful, Alex, alright? Don’t stand in dark alleyways with strange men at ungodly hours of the night.” “What if I know the man?” “What you do in dark alleyways with men you know at ungodly hours of the night is not my business.” “Good! I’ll see you once I’ve got a rough draft, or at least something, then?” “Sure!”
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peculiary · 1 year
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New Mutants #10 June 10, 2020
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lettherebemonsters · 2 months
I definitely hope I write Adam enough of a bastard without making him full on evil. Like.....I guess neutral? Or antihero?
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clockworkbee · 2 years
a jordelia/herondaisy snippet
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Sorry guys, had an anxiety attack. I'm fine now.
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