#(this flipflops between violent bloody pseudobdsm stuff and super soft fluffy cuteness so fast)
ckret2 · 5 years
afsms super random but what are your hcs for now Pen and Al like to kiss/cuddle?
Under a cut just because this post is like 900 words, but like, isn’t really nsfw. Unless you consider Maybe Too Much Biting While Making Out to be nsfw.
But yeah kissing involves lots of biting. Like, lots of people in Hell have sharp teeth—most people, by the looks of it?—so the mere fact that they have sharp teeth doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to be inclined to use them; but like... these two, these two definitely do use them.
I can hear you asking "hey when you say bites do you actually mean hickeys?" and the answer is NO I mean bites! They draw blood. They're violent people.
We have been told that Sir Pent supposedly does have venom but we haven't yet been told how it works/what it does, so we have no idea whether or not he can like, consciously decide to turn off the venom when he bites—like the dude is a cobra/rattlesnake with a thousand eyeballs, he doesn’t have to follow real world snake rules—but if he can’t turn off the venom he’s just gonna. Have to bite carefully. It would be smarter for him not to bite at all but things happen in the heat of the moment and also Alastor's just a little bit of a glutton for pain so Alastor miiight also be encouraging biting despite knowing what will happen. Sometimes Alastor is woozy for a while after they make out. “Sorry about that.” “Worth it.”
With fangs like they both have, both of them just automatically leave bitemarks without even trying if they go past the lightest nibble. Alastor’s like “eh it’s a thing that happens, whatever” BUT Sir Pent is like “hey Alastor it looks like a drunk vampire tried three different times to latch onto your neck. ... Wear your shirt collar low tomorrow, I want everyone to see that you let me tear up your throat."
Because, listen. Above all else, Sir Pent is two things: power-hungry and image-focused. There is power that comes with being the only guy in hell (or anywhere else) that The Radio Demon has ever made himself vulnerable to. And oh, boy, does Sir Pent feel like the sexiest badass motherfucker in the nine circles when the public at large gets presented with a periodic visual reminder that every demon's personal bogeyman is happy to serve as Sir Pentious's chew toy. And if Alastor is the scariest thing in Hell, well, what does that make the one person who can make him bleed?
In response to this, Alastor goes "sometimes it's hilarious how big your ego can get," while he cheerily adjusts his collar to display last night's bites because he's never going to be opposed to making Sir Pent's big ego even bigger.
(Of course, Alastor leaves bite marks too, but doesn't ask Sir Pent to show them off. Sure, that might leave people with the inadvertent impression that Alastor's the only one getting marked up. But what does Alastor care what people think? He's every demon's personal bogeyman.)
And besides that, their kissing habits are mostly normal. What else do I have tho.
Alastor is more into licking than most people are. Not just using-the-tip-of-the-tongue-during-kisses licking either, just like full flat-tongued MLEM, and it’s gross.
When Sir Pent is doing that quick-peck-kiss-while-in-a-hurry thing people do, he substitutes in a snake-tongue-flick instead and just sorta brush Alastor's face with the forked tips. Alastor's pretty sure Sir Pent doesn't notice he does it and Alastor is never going to tell him in case he stops when he's conscious of it.
And that's it, that's all I've got on kissing, except for one very special super secret surprise that I'm not sharing because it'd be a spoiler for the slow burn fic.
On to cuddling!
Sir Pent's #1 cuddling instinct is "if I love it then I will wrap myself around it as many times as physically possible." Alastor's #1 cuddling instinct is "if I am cornered and/or restrained without constant, uninterrupted, easy access to an immediate exit route, then I will create an exit route, messily, through the nearest fleshy body."
Understandably, this causes a few problems.
(Part—although not all—of Alastor's touch-aversion is being-trapped/restrained-aversion. Which is why he's more okay with touching other people than he is with being touched by other people. If someone wraps an arm around his shoulders, then he's Trapped. If HE wraps an arm around someone else's shoulders, then THEY'RE trapped and he can let go and escape at any time. Sir Pent is only a partial exception to this aversion. He can flop on top of Alastor—especially if he distracts Alastor from the fact that he’s pinned down—but coiling around him is straight out.)
What they eventually figure out works best for them both is Sir Pent curling up in a U-shape or O-shape and Alastor sitting/lying in the dip between Sir Pent's coils. (Like this or this, or imagine if this thing was them instead of an ad for a swimming pool inflatable thing.) That way, Sir Pent still feels thoroughly coiled around Alastor from below; but Alastor's arms and legs are still free and so he feels like he can escape no problem, he just needs to push himself up and out of the nest of snake coils.
Most of their cuddles will be things like that that let Sir Pent feel like he's properly wrapping up Alastor and still let Alastor feel like he can get out without trouble.
Besides all that, there's occasional more normal cuddles as the situation calls for—flopping their legs/tail across each other's laps on the couch to watch a movie, things like that.
Occasionally, in his sleep, Alastor will get really extremely super clingy. More common after stressful days or long separations. He'll roll over, maybe get half on top of Sir Pent , and wrap anything around Sir Pent he can—arms, legs, weird shadow tendrils, etc. Sir Pent has absolutely no problem with this. He takes it as an excuse to get more clingy himself, with the justification that Alastor probably wants that, probably, even though he's asleep and can’t say so. So far Sir Pent's been right.
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