#(this is ok to rb)
librarycards · 4 months
wrt that last rb, if you have any money to spare and want to support my university's encampment, ask me off anon or dm for a link to the camp venmo. [don't want to share here to protect privacy].
it's going to be over 100F/38C next week, and after a month out on the quad, students need support w. food and hydration, ice packs, mini fans, cooling towels, sunscreen, etc. these help us avoid heatstroke and ensure we're able to hold the line despite escalating university threats against the undergrad-led encampment + grad led strike.
tagging to possibly boost? @closet-keys @killy @osmanthusoolong @fatehbaz
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elvain · 8 months
there needs to be a real discussion about why some of you are so comfortable being so out of bounds with others on the internet, especially when their identity is anonymous... you wonder why people don't engage with fandom anymore, you wonder why tumblr isn't fun anymore, you wonder why a certain community has disappeared... maybe there's a reason that people leave these spaces and maybe we all need to play a part in that reflection.
a simple tournament that was made for fun and to appreciate other characters has turned into a complete shitshow and you're not even brave enough to make your OWN post about it - you have to send a 500 word essay into an anonymous blog that owes you nothing and is not in any way, shape, or form in charge of how people behave in its notifications. if you're not brave enough to come off anonymous or make your own post, what right do you have to force this post/ask/burden on someone else?
let's just all have a little more grace, folks. pictures on a page will never matter more than the feelings of the real human being who has been endlessly harassed and degraded for something that has no bearing whatsoever on our real lives. there's something bigger happening out there and your inability to see it has cost your "fav" their chance to... what?? to what?? what are we even doing here?
when did an anonymous poll blog's result become so be all/end all for you people? if you think a drawing on a page is queer, then that's it. it's like magic! they aren't real. the person behind that blog was.
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sunhowler · 1 year
when you suicide bait bad people in public, youre not hurting the bad person, they almost definitely dont give a fuck, but you are hurting any number of uninvolved innocent people with suicide-based trauma. just a reminder. saying shock value edgy bullshit online isnt activism, its just inconsiderate and irresponsible. do better
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meadow-dusk · 8 months
I tend to forget this every once in a while when I go around in emotional circles so I'm writing it down:
if it feels more difficult right now than it ever has before, if it feels like you're working harder and tiring faster, maybe it's not that you got off track. maybe it's that you're finally on the right track.
maybe you feel the impact of all those external forces because now you know what your own internal force is saying, instead of just bending to the outsiders, and living for the outsiders.
maybe you're finally trying to live for you.
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nohkalikai · 3 months
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segatoys · 2 years
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i’m sorry
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elytrafemme · 1 year
human resilience is so beautiful to me. this morning i’ve already (1) gotten out of bed (2) used the bathroom (3) washed my face w/ a cleanser (4) gotten myself breakfast. it’s been a few hours since i’ve woken up but i have already been productive, and pushed through, and told the body that has been fighting against inconceivable odds to keep me alive i love you, i love you. there’s sunlight entering my room in rays, and i’m biting down on an orange slice and thinking about how my friend is visiting here for a few days, and how i’ve been reaching out to old friends, and how there’s a future for me that i can hold in my head for a few seconds, even, but that’s enough. the world is living and breathing around me and it’s allowing me to interact with it, its giving me the privilege to see mushrooms in the grass and to taste fruit juice and to feel warmth against my skin. and i cannot possibly understand how any of us just adapt to this, these incredible processes. the world is loving us because the world builds off of love, the way that trees love the sun and the way chalk loves the concrete and the way wind loves the sound of its own voice as it crosses its lover, the sky, and we’re all here loving each other and even if we don’t realize it, we’re doing these small favors to ourselves so we’re loving ourselves, because we’re getting out of bed today and even just doing that? to sit up in bed means moving all your muscles, and making that conscious decision, and even if that’s all you did you still did something. if i had a thousand lives i would choose to be a human every time, because i’m so certain that birds have a beautiful perspective on life too, as do tigers and bumblebees and lizards. but there will never be enough time for me to truly admire and love every little thing i get to experience here. i could live to be 500 and miss something absolutely incredible, and i think that’s breathtaking. that as a human collective, we have knowledge we share with each other. 
and i think all of that is resilience. and everything is love.
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ikeasharksss · 7 months
whenever i'm sad or stressed or i fucked something up, i imagine i'm someone's blorbo in a fic.
like, listen: when IIIII read a fic about my blorbos, i can only see the good in them. & even if they're assholes or doing terrible things in the fic, it's always fun bc that's my BLORBO!!! & when my blorbo, say, embarrasses themself, i'm always like yes blorbo legend your actions are always nuanced & your character is multifaceted & i love you & i love how you mess things up sometimes bc it keeps you interesting.
so i imagine i'm a blorbo. & someone is looking down upon me, reading about me in bed or something, & they're like, wow, look at ikeasharksss, my weird little freak blorbo <3
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sunhowler-art · 2 years
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head over toilet water
i want to drown myself in my own shit
listening to red hawk sing soulful tunes and i
wonder where i'm going
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menlove · 1 year
we hear all about the girls who inherited their dad's anger issues and explode every relationship they have because of it but what about those of us who did also but stuff it down so deep that they are incapable of expressing a sliver of a negative emotion bc they are so afraid of being like him? where's OUR representation when is it our time!
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
stairwell sequel
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elvain · 9 months
if i see y’all reblogging pjo shit i’m just assuming your allyship to palestine is performative and without value at this point cause riordan’s just one more zionist making it big with disney’s blood money. what’s more, rick riordan has ALWAYS been racially insensitive and has more phobias and isms in his writing than i can count on two hands. leave your childhood nostalgia in the past where it belongs and look to the future of a liberated world with justice for all. it’s enough already. let it go.
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frozenhi-chews · 11 months
How do I calm down I've got BBQ pulled chicken in the crockpot and my family's gonna eat it soon
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kasper-k · 1 year
Absolutely not a fan about tumblr deciding to give people the power to blaze OTHER PEOPLE'S posts especially considering how even the most innocuous posts I've seen blazed have had dozens of people harassing the ops in the replies and that's not counting anons on their blogs.
Considering how staff does not give a shit about harassment, (unless it's a suspiciously specific group of people, but that's another convo...) this is absolutely going to be abused for targeted harassment campaigns ESPECIALLY because it's opt OUT and not opt IN
The question will be can you edit old posts to opt out?? Probably not bc of how broken this site is... this is obviously a cash grab by staff and this kinda just shows how much they dont give a shit about harassment on this site if they can squeeze a couple bucks out of it. Kind of despicable to be honest.
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
self-care is a relative term. practicing self-care does not always mean getting showered and into bed at a specific time when you cannot force yourself to do those things yet. sometimes self-care is just doing whatever you need to do, as frivolous or seemingly "time-wasting" as it seems, rather than self-destructing, and allowing yourself not to hold that against yourself
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I had quite a few quite bad days and I don’t want to die. I am in pain and I want to recover, I don’t want to die. I know that something is wrong and I want to be better, not be done. It’s a small thing. I know I’ll have days that are that bad again, since healing is a trajectory, not a checklist. But today, I don’t want to die.
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