#(unofficial muse)
prettyinpunk · 6 months
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plug in...
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merryfortune · 17 days
Been enamoured with the fandom term "little black dress" recently and now I'm imagining a Bingo challenge where the idea is to pamper your LBD with all the multishipping
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quinloki · 6 months
So options 1 and 3 for my Sabo poll seem to be the set winners at this point (and honestly I’m just going to call it set so I can react accordingly.)
My question now is informally - do you all want a bonus Sabo one-shot, OR, since his birthday is around the corner, should I start my Thatch x Reader fic?
It’s set under the same rules (and maybe the same exact AU) as Some Direction - which had the government pairing people together for arranged marriages.
>.> it’s a little dark, but over all very sweet.
Just leave your “vote” in the comments 🥰😎
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ask-the-crimson-king · 9 months
Fantasy's Wings
Dusk descended gracefully upon the beautiful glittering spires of Tizca. Small lanterns, crafted by the younger children in anticipation for the celebration, hung all around the city. It was the beginning of the celebrations to ring in the new year, and tonight was the Night of Wishes, a time where children would make lanterns, make a wish, and let them fly off into the night. Some had already been lit, flying into the pale orange sky as it faded to a deeper blue, while others waited until the first stars appeared. They were all colorful, adorned with all manner of decorations from abstract patterns of colors to depictions of mythical beasts and animals.
Zikar-Sin strode around the city without much care or purpose. His day's work had been completed, and he had wanted to see the bounds of his home again. The quiet hum of everyday life around him was a breath of fresh air compared to the constant drum of war. He had only been away for approximately a decade, but he was more than happy to return. He was awaiting his placement to one of his cousin Legions for his secondment.
He had selected three of them, based on a few of the interactions he had with their warriors; the White Scars, the Iron Warriors, and the Word Bearers. He almost selected the Blood Angels, but one of his close friends -- an initiate into the Order of Ruin named Imentet -- was already selected to join them. So he chose the Word Bearers, in part because he wanted to meet the newly recovered primarch. Lorgar had been discovered and given reign over his Legion only about five years prior, and Zikar-Sin found the change from Iconoclasts to the Bearers of the Word... interesting. Not that he knew the Legion much before the coming of their primarch, just that they seemed to transform themselves into something... different. New to the Legions.
New wasn't always bad. So he wanted to learn more about it.
As the Astartes walked, he let his mind unwind a little. He rose into the lower Ennumerations with some concentration, allowing him to see the City of Light in all its splendor. Presently he stood on the edge of central Tizca, the mountains flanking him as he watched the waning dusk. Stars began to peek out of the dimming sky, which meant that it was almost time for the other lanterns to be lit and released. Zikar-Sin remembered when he first took part in the tradition; he had just been selected as an initiate into the Legion itself, and he had created one infused with his hopes to be the greatest warrior the galaxy had ever seen.
How naive he once was, he thought to himself.
You're still naive, he knew his brothers would tell him. Just a different kind of it.
He shrugged off the assumed words of his close kindred and started his walk back into the city proper. Families were gathering with their little ones, carefully taking the lanterns and preparing to send them off on their final flights.
As he walked, he kept his mind open, sensing the temperaments of those he strolled past. One child was wishing for another cat in addition to the five they already had, much to the chagrin of their older sibling who happened to be allergic. Could that be altered by the Pavoni? Zikar-Sin would have to ask later. As the child lit the lantern with the help of their sibling and parents, Zikar-Sin felt the dulled mind and presence of a stray a few streets over. With some gentle aetheric nudging, he led the animal back to the child, much to their immense delight. The Astartes was already long gone by the time the cat had made it over, and the bright light of happiness outshone their own lantern in Zikar-Sin's aethersight.
He continued onward, his mind still abroad and wandering. Another child was hoping that they could use their pyromantic abilities to turn into a dragon, or a lion with the mane of a sun. Their parents were not as enthused by this aspiration, and Zikar-Sin noticed they had already more than fireproofed their home. The parents did not have a similar lean -- one was an auramancer while the other some variation of geokineticist -- so the gentle tiredness and exasperation at their child's wish and aspirations for the coming year was nothing new for them. He allowed himself a smile.
But then something interesting snagged at his other senses. It wasn't a happy emotion, rather one of fear and sadness. Zikar-Sin's brow furrowed, and he went and followed the thread. It led him back towards the Silver District, to a side street that didn't have any lanterns hung.
Well. Save for one, being closely held by a small child.
They must've been no older than eight or nine Terran years, by Zikar-Sin's rough estimate. Midnight blues and uncertain yellows clung to them closely. They were crying. Zikar-Sin approached slowly, gently brushing his mind against theirs. He found a longing there, but before he could discern more, the child jumped and whipped their head around, looking for the source of the disturbance. They spotted Zikar-Sin and jumped backwards, trying to hide their lantern and aggressively wiping at their face to hide their tears.
"I did not mean to disturb you," Zikar-Sin said slowly.
"Am I in trouble?" the child asked. Zikar-Sin shook his head.
"Of course not. Why would you be?"
"Because you're not supposed to be sad when people are celebrating," the child answered.
"And who told you that?"
"My friends." The child wiped at their face again.
"Not all celebrations will bring feelings of happiness," Zikar-Sin said. He stepped closer and crouched down so he was more on the child's level. "I am Zikar-Sin, of the Thousand Sons. May I have your name?"
"Huitzilin," the child answered.
"It is very nice to meet you, Huitzilin," Zikar-Sin said with a smile. "Would you mind if I asked why you were feeling sad?" He sensed Huitzilin mentally brace, as though they were facing reprimand or ridicule.
"I..." they hesitated, fiddling with the tassels of the lantern still behind their back. "I just miss my dad..." Tears came to their eyes, though they did their best not to cry in front of an Astartes. Zikar-Sin feared this meant the child was an orphan of war, realizing their father was garrisoned with the 28th Expedition Fleet. But he then saw what made up part of the child's lantern, though Huitzilin wanted to hide it. Unfortunately, the child's aura betrayed their emotions. It was a letter, promising he would be home soon, and to keep watch over their cat and bird while he was away.
"You miss him dearly, don't you?" Zikar-Sin asked. "I'm sure he misses you just as much." Huitzilin nodded and sobbed, covering their eyes with a hand.
"I'm sorry..."
"No, no, don't apologize. Here." The Astartes took out a small rag from the belt that helped secure his tunic in place. The child took it and wiped at their eyes and nose. "Would you like a hug?" Huitzilin took a moment to consider, before nodding wordlessly and allowing themself to be brought into a warm hug by the Astartes.
"I'm sorry," Huitzilin mumbled.
"Hush. None of that now," Zikar-Sin said softly. "Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't allowed to be upset about missing your parents. No matter the occasion. Okay?"
"Okay." The child pulled back, still hiccuping a little. They brought the lantern to their chest, sniffling and rubbing their eyes.
"Would you like my help releasing your lantern?" the Astartes asked. Huitzilin hesitated for a few moments. They hugged the lantern a bit tighter, almost defensive over it. Zikar-Sin felt the child's worry. They worried that if they let it go, they'd be letting go of their father's promise. Their wish was obvious.
"It is okay to say no," Zikar-Sin said. "Scary thought, to let go of a wish, isn't it?" Huitzilin nodded. "You know, I bet your father made a lantern for you tonight. And he has the same wish as you." The child's eyes widened.
"They make lanterns out there?" they asked. Zikar-Sin nodded.
"Of course. And, just like the ones here, they get released into the tides of the Great Ocean itself, and through the power of great will... they may just come true," the Astartes answered. "The more people wish for something, the more likely it is to come true."
Huitzilin looked back at the lantern. It was decorated like a brightly colored bird, the note from their father inside.
"Again, it is okay to say no. You do not have to let go of it if you do not want to," Zikar-Sin said.
"I think I want to," Huitzilin said, holding out the lantern to Zikar-Sin. "That way, my lantern can find his, and our wishes can both come true." Zikar-Sin nodded, beginning to conjure a small current of wind around him.
"Are you ready?" he asked. Huitzilin nodded, closing his eyes and silently mouthing his wish. When he opened his eyes again, Zikar-Sin lit the lantern, sending it into the skies above to join the thousands of other artificial stars, buoyed by the hopes and dreams of the children of Prospero.
"I hope it works," Huitzilin said quietly.
"It will. I know it will." The Astartes slowly stood to his full height, nearly doubling that of the child's. "Would you like to join me for the festivities happening in Occulum Square? A few of my brothers have planned out quite the spectacle. I think you'd enjoy it."
"That's a far walk..." Huitzilin mumbled. Zikar-Sin laughed.
"And who said you would be the one walking? I can carry you on my back, if you'd like."
That seemed to excite the child. They nodded, and Zikar-Sin crouched down again, letting Huitzilin hop on.
"Hold on tight, we'll be there before the sun fades!" the Astartes said. He gave the child a few seconds to clasp their hands around his neck, and he supported their legs before he stood and ran off through the streets of Tizca. His sandals slapped against the paved walkways as he raced for the heart of the city, making sure to take the streets that were less occupied so that he didn't accidentally trample over anyone. Huitzilin laughed and whooped in his ear, urging him to run faster, almost as though Zikar-Sin were their noble steed. The Astartes grinned himself and did his best to comply, taking a detour before getting to the heart of the festivities. He let the child down as the opening remarks began, earning some strange looks from the other gathered Thousand Sons present.
Zikar-Sin spent the next hour accompanying Huitzilin around the festival, until they ran into their friends and said. The children were in awe at the fact that Huitzilin had befriended one of the Legion. A couple of them seemed jealous, much to Zikar-Sin's delight. They invited Huitzilin to come play some games with them, and the child hesitated, looking up at Zikar-Sin.
"You don't need my permission," he said. "If you want to play with them, you are free to do so."
"I don't want to leave you alone," Huitzilin said, wringing his hands nervously. Zikar-Sin laughed.
"Oh, don't worry. My brothers are nearby. I'll need to check in with them anyway," he said. He looked over to where three of them had gathered, talking among themselves about some higher concepts. One of them noticed Zikar-Sin looking in their direction and furrowed his brow. Zikar-Sin grinned mischievously. "Maybe once you are done playing, you all can come meet them. I'm sure they would love to say hello."
+Zikar, what in the Emperor's name are you dragging us into?+ came a psychic voice.
+You can handle being around some small children for a few short minutes,+ Zikar-Sin sent back. +Some socialization would do you good.+
+Like you have any leg to stand on.+
+I have two, actually.+ Zikar-Sin then pushed away his brother's connection, focusing back on the children who were excitedly talking amongst themselves.
"That'd be awesome!" said one of them.
"Can we meet them now?" asked another.
"Later," Zikar-Sin said, "first I need to speak with them. Go play your games and have fun, and I'll call you all over when they're ready."
There was a small chorus of 'awww's that followed his words, but the kids seemed to accept it.
"C'mon, Huitzi," one of the kids said, gently grabbing Huitzilin by the shoulder. "You've got to see this cool lizard thing! It's from one of the worlds my mom went to!"
"No way, they've got to see my new cat first!"
"I want to show them the dragon!"
"Peace, children, peace," Zikar-Sin said with a dry expression. "Huitzilin, what would you like to see first?"
"Well..." Huitzilin said, frowning in thought. "The lizard does sound cool..."
"Then let's go! Bye, Sir Astartes!" said one of the kids, grabbing Huitzilin's hand and pulling them away. Zikar-Sin waved goodbye, watching them run off. He then turned to go join his brothers, a soft smile on his face.
"Scouting for new initiates?" asked the same who had intruded on his thoughts earlier.
"Not really," Zikar-Sin answered. "Though isn't that your job, Nekhbet?"
"Sometimes, when I'm not tending to the one's we're already testing," Nekhbet answered. "You seem to like the child well enough. They could be Astartes material. They seem to be of age."
"Hmm..." Zikar-Sin frowned.
"We could at the very least test for viability," said the soft-spoken voice of Asim, hardly more than an aspirant himself. Zikar-Sin turned back to where Huitzilin had ran off, thinking of the child's wish.
"I think they may like that idea," Zikar-Sin said.
The sky churned with the might of an endless storm above him. Starlight was obscured and refracted in strange ways, making the already peculiar light cast over the landscape even stranger. The ground beneath his armored boots was shards of shattered glass, each reflecting facets of both past and future to be and never to be again.
In his hands was a lantern, light and decorated in the aspect of a colorful bird. With a breath, Zikar-Sin conjured a current of wind, lit the lantern, and let it fly off into the sky. Inside of it was a note, never to be read.
It was but one artificial star, flying alone into the uncaring heavens above. It carried a wish that was never to be granted.
A wish for his little brother to find peace and safety in whatever realm he now walked within.
A silent tear rolled down his cheek, falling and splashing onto one of the shards below. As the sorcerer turned, he conjured his tower, walking inside without another glance at the tortured sky.
He did not see that, for the barest and briefest of moments, there was a second lantern. It winked in and out of existence in the span of a heartbeat, but it was there.
And that was all that mattered.
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torakubi · 8 months
If it’s okay I have a couples questions :)
•Do you have a favorite Postal Dude?
•Favorite Postal game?
•Not sure if ur able to answer this but do u think there is a specific Pdude that Poostal and Doe would really get along with?
•Was there any inspo used to design Poostall Dude? Or was he kinda easier to make since there is tons of guy postal dudes already lol. (I wanna add that I love Poostall Dudes hair in the back.. it reminds me of cat ears 🐱)
My fav POSTAL Dude is hard to choose... it's between P3 and Redux for me. POOSTALL Dude bc I'm biased (his va is my best friend)
POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost, loved the aesthetics loved the story and loved the p2-p3 banter
i can't speak for the canon since that's not for me to decide, but for fun and UNOFFICIAL/NON-CANON I would say P2 and POOSTALL are buddies, whereas Doe and P4 are buddies
I didn't do the concept work for POOSTALL Dude, it was my buddy meulinex over on twitter who did the conceptual work! But the general process from what I remember was:
- he started off as a hobo, stoner-like character a la Jay & Silent Bob - Further down the line he started to look more like a derivative of base POSTAL Dude - I loved his spiky back hair so whenever I draw him I try to exaggerate it a good bit :) - I'll attach the thread meulinex did when the game first came out which has some neat insight right here
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dragetunge · 27 days
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@seachant sent: 👫 oh ohhhh
With Ariel's patience , Hiccup's fear of the ocean slowly becomes overcome. He is weary of it from the numerous times he's almost drowned in the sea itself. He trusts her judgement more than anything when it comes to it. He just complains about it being cold all the time.
Ariel is one of the few beings that Hiccup will allow to touch him. Extending to tight hugs and a pecks on the cheek. He often returns her hugs because he cannot say no. But he won't let anything beyond a platonic touch between them so people do not get the wrong idea.
Outside of Hiccup knowing Ariel's identity, Gobber (Hiccup's second dad) has figured it out on his own because he's extremely paranoid. He isn't surprised about his kid making friends with merpeople and has kept her secret because he knows the mayhem people would cause knowing something like that. He reassures them both that no one Berk would believe him anyway because he rambles like a mad man and no one pays much attention to them anyway.
Hiccup has Ariel's sisters names written down in his personal journal he keeps on hand so he remember their names and what they look like for when the time comes to meet them. Ariel quizzes him on it.
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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ofluckandmagic · 2 months
I love the way some of my muses experience anxiety and fears.
Alix? He’s anxious, but a lot of the time it’s an also a front to hide his true emotions (usually fears about judgment, but also on occasion his joys and excitement.) he has anxiety but also it’s his way of masking his autistic traits
Eydis is just. Riddled with severe anxiety. They have learned to cope through various means of drinking herbal tea or coffee, and they seem to be less anxious around the party. Which oftentimes showcases the opposite to Alix. Their confidence is all a front. A way to appear more sure of themself than they actually are. Sometimes they even convince themself it’s true that they are confident
Calliope though? Her anxieties stem from people seeing her not as she is, but as she was before. She hates being underestimated or treated as fragile, but she also has her own doubts about whether or not things will turn out well. She’s stubborn and selfless to a degree of recklessness, which can lead her to getting hurt if it means protecting others from harm. She does not fear death, but fears the perception others might have of her. She has a crippling fear of abandonment and her anxiety can be so oppressive she shuts down, but she tries to hide it under what might come off as anger.
(Yes this is an unofficial announcement of Calliope’s bg3 verse tho I have yet to decide what I’m doing with her. She is a Deer! Satyr/Faun. Her class is Fighter/Bard :D)
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protect-namine · 3 months
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does chiitan have an rss feed of all their mentions or something
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sunnysssol · 3 months
random character that i feel would match suzie's freak? roderich. he's obsessive compulsive and looks like he can't survive on his own in the wilderness. she's ALSO obsessive compulsive and she looks like empress sisi. it just works
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aetherose · 3 months
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...how did we get here
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liroyalty · 6 months
Since like, convincing the idea with someone else in DMs, I want to make this a plotpoint that can be used for v!House of the Dragonriders.
There have been instances in the past of people attempting to steal dragon eggs from the Dragon Den. These are DRAGON EGGS after all, the thing that gives the top 4 houses in Dracondia Scre all their power, so there are going to be those people who want that power & are brave enough to try & sneak their way into the den. None have been successful so far, as if the royal knights don't stop these thieves, the dragons themselves definitely will.
That was until recently, when the current King, Dalibor IX, was battling off the revolt of his younger brother, Prince Mojmír, someone recognized that, with the most of the king's forced mostly occupied & some of the dragons in the den being utilized for the war, it was the prefect time to strike. These thieves managed to sneak into the Dragon Den & steal three dragon eggs. At first, these stolen eggs were kept under wraps, as to not alert anyone, hoping they can be found & recovered quietly, as if they were never missing at all. Such attempts have been fruitless, as they remain missing to this day.
The issue was acknowledged by The Dragon Heiress, in which she stated, that anyone who finds these missing eggs will be rewarded with a handsome prize of coin & be allowed to keep one of the three dragon eggs, which will unofficially make them a dragonrider. The Dragonlord has said nothing on the subject, suggesting he will not acknowledge whoever finds these eggs as an official dragonrider nor allow them the rites of dragonriding, if they do not have neither of these already. His silence could also suggest he will not allow the finder of the eggs to keep one of them, depending on who they are.
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bury-me-low · 4 months
@bittcrsuite liked this for a starter
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for some time, kaliyah has been more distant than she’d like and she knows. she also knows that her regular ‘but the muse finally hit’ or the ‘i think i’ve connected the dots on this case’ excuses were old and worn down. sadly, that’s exactly what happened.. again. “i’m sorry.. again. i know i’ve been a hit or miss lately and.. i should be treating you better and i will, i promise.” she awkwardly bit her lip as she pushed a box, that she previously cradled as if holding a child, over the countertop. “so, don’t laugh but.. i’ve attempted to make a cake to show you how much i care.” alright, perhaps she merely followed a tutorial video and still managed to mess that up – but at least she tried, right? “and in the process i found out that i should never even contemplate becoming a baker, which also means that it may be dangerous to, you know, actually eat this cake.. but it's the thought that matters, right?”
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pwurrz · 1 year
quincy comforting yakumo and telling him he can sleep soundly knowing quincy will do everything in his power to keep eiden safe (even from him, as much as he doubts yakumo will lose control), so yakumo doesn’t have anything to worry about and he can finally get some rest
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tearsoftime0086 · 1 year
While i'm qubeley/srw posting, it's an absolute shame that the qubeley mk ii's funnels are only 7 range in SRW 3
The jagd dogas show up before them and they get 8 range!!! Why do they do my girl puru so dirty
Uhh guess I'll wrap up this post with their sprites (since they're cute af) and a fun fact: SRW 3 gives puru 2 a jagd doga as her main unit upon recruitment (can't keep her psyco gundam mk ii unfortunately). Interestingly, it's in Quess' colors, because Quess herself is a character-only recruit in a different chapter... you drop amuro on a building space and she crawls into his gundam lol
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anamariamauricia · 2 years
re-examining the writing credits on the musketeers and realizing that the guy who wrote knight takes queen also wrote death of a hero, two top tier annamis episodes
peter mckenna, thank you for your service
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rosysins · 7 months
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i might add new muses eheh
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