#(waiting for multiple government departments and private companies to communicate with each other)
thevioletcaptain · 10 months
the next customer to ask me "what's wrong with your eye?" is getting thrown into the sea :)
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board-local · 8 months
A Conversation on the Chairlift:
Last year, I was chatting with one of my good friends on the chairlift at who asked me, “if you could do anything you wanted for a job, what would it be?” After thinking about it, I told him I’d love to go snowboarding at a bunch of different resorts and showcase them to the snowboarding community. Then I thought to myself, what am I waiting for? I don’t have to be doing it as my full-time job to start doing it as a hobby. Ever since 2nd grade when I received my first snowboard, I’ve been hooked. It's always been a passion of mine, and I want to share this snowboarding journey with anyone and everyone who wants to tune in.
My goal with this project is to snowboard every resort in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. I also have resorts in other states I’d like to sprinkle in occasionally, but the Mountain West is my main focus. This will definitely be a multi-year project, but I’m excited to get started! I hope to show the snowboarding community that there are tons of fun alternatives to shelling out $250 for a day pass at Park City (but hey, if that’s what you’re after, it’s an amazing resort).
I plan to create a short video and an accompanying blog for each resort I visit. The blog will focus on my favorite runs, details of the mountain, and provide some personal recommendations of things I would want to know about each resort if I were a reader. The video will provide an insider look at the resort, facilities, and various types of terrain and give the viewer an idea of how the mountain rides. Although the video will almost exclusively be self-filmed by me, my goal is to showcase the mountain, not myself.
I intend these resources to be kind of like a cheat-sheet for people to know what resorts they should give a shot, plus what to do once they get there. I also want to focus on the ROI (Return on Investment). In other words - how much you get out of the resort compared to the amount you spend on a lift ticket. I want to highlight the best deals in the Mountain West.
Who am I? Are you sure you want to know? My story is not for the faint of heart… 🕷️ My name is Matt Holyoak. I’m a husband and father in my late 20s. My career has primarily been focused on supply chain management, government affairs, economic development, and non-profit work. I currently help run the Corporate Affairs department for a privately-owned consumer goods company. My wife and I also founded a non-profit called ‘Sunrise After Suicide’ where we help families in the aftermath of a suicide. I’ve got too many hobbies to list, but paramount to them all is my love for being outdoors where I love nothing more than snowboarding.
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I’ve been snowboarding for over two decades now, and it’s been a passion of mine throughout my whole life. Some of the best moments of my young life were on the mountain with my childhood friends. In high school, we successfully petitioned our school administrators to bring back the ski club after it was cut. We helped plan and organize multiple snowboard trips with some amazing adult volunteers. I worked my way through college as a snowboard instructor at a small resort where I taught hundreds of people the basics of snowboarding. I was also the student T.A. for my college ski club which is where I started dating my wife. I’m going on 3 years of being a mentor for the Chill Foundation which is an amazing youth development program Burton put together in the form of a non-profit foundation. In my teenage years and early 20s my friends and I enjoyed competing in local snowboard competitions. Although I’m a little more of a snowboard nut than most people, I’m mostly just a guy who loves to snowboard and wants to find the best places to go!
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I felt like it was necessary for my readers to understand who I am as a person, but that’s more than enough about me! The last thing I’d like to say in this introductory article is that I’d love to hear from my readers! If you have a strong opinion about a resort, please share it with me.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Millionaires (Quartz) There are currently 56.1 million millionaires in the world, most of whom are agglomerated in a few particularly rich countries. The United States, China and Japan combine to just over 50 percent of the millionaires of the world—the U.S. has 39.1 percent of the millionaires, China 9.4 percent and Japan 6.5 percent. Continentally, North America is home to 42.1 percent of all millionaires, while Europe still outpaces Asia with 17.2 percent of millionaires. In terms of millionaires per capita, though, one country wins out: fully 14.9 percent of the population of Switzerland are millionaires, well above the 9.4 percent of Australians who are millionaires and 8.8 percent of Americans.
US finished dead last among 46 countries in media trust (The Hill) The U.S. media is the least trustworthy in the world, according to a comprehensive new Reuters Institute survey encompassing 46 countries. Finland ranked the highest, with a 65 percent trust rating. In Kenya, the trust rating clocked in at 61 percent. But here in the U.S.A., the home of global media giants including the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN, we’re trusted by a whopping 29 percent of those reading and watching. We’ve been trending in this dubious direction for some time. For example, one Axios/Survey Monkey poll in 2019 found that nearly 8-in-10 independent voters said they believed that news organizations report news “they know to be fake, false or purposely misleading.” Ninety-two percent of Republicans felt the same way, as did even a majority of Democrats. Which means readers and viewers believe that the "mistakes" we so often see, particularly in the political media that dominates the national landscape, are not happening because of human error, which is a convenient excuse offered up from journalists when "bombshell" reports end up being false, fake or purposely misleading. And trust is like toothpaste: Once it’s out of the tube, it’s impossible to regain.
As Portland, Ore., copes with unprecedented heat, illnesses spike and roads buckle (Washington Post) Kim and Kathy Stoughton thought they could wait out the record-breaking heat in their east Portland apartment, even though they don’t have air conditioning. But by Sunday, they couldn’t take it anymore. So the couple headed to Sunrise Center, a community-center-turned-cooling-station. Thousands around the city are grappling with a similar choices as the city grinds through a third day of record-breaking heat. In an indication of the heat wave’s exceptional nature, the temperature in Oregon’s capital was just one degree below the all-time record for Las Vegas. The heat has also sent people to the hospital, suffering symptoms ranging from vomiting and dizziness to syncope, a temporary loss of consciousness caused by falling blood pressure as people’s bodies are depleted of water. It’s affected infrastructure too. Transportation agencies across the region shared photographs of broken and buckled roads—signs of heat so intense it melted asphalt. And in a photo taken by KOIN news meteorologist Kelley Bayern, Portland’s record temperatures proved just enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk. Perched atop an open-face avocado sandwich, the egg looked good enough to eat. But Bayern abstained.
As Surfside community members wait for news, they are inundated by hundreds of acts of kindness (Washington Post) Day Five and the two crises in Surfside continue. One is at 8855 Collins Ave., where search-and-rescue teams painstakingly clear rubble and look for the missing. The other is playing out all over town, as friends and families of the residents of the collapsed Champlain Towers South wait for news. The crisis among the living is being tended with food and drink, clothes and toiletries, creature comforts aimed to soothe and distract. And money. Financial donations have poured in: more than $1.2 million so far. And what members of the Surfside community marvel at, even as they grieve, are the hundreds of similar acts of kindness that have filled the hours since Thursday. Some are tiny—a young boy doling out candy to first responders—and some have required monumental, coordinated efforts from strangers halfway around the world.
Brazil’s drought (Foreign Policy) Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro signed an executive order on Monday establishing emergency measures to manage water flows through the country’s hydroelectric plants as Brazil endures its worst drought in almost a century. Speaking on Monday, Brazilian Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque urged residents to curtail their power and water usage. The new measures come a week after Brazil’s Congress approved a bill to privatize state-controlled energy company Eletrobras.
Torrential rain hits Germany leading to accidents, floods (AP) Thunderstorms hit Germany late Monday and torrential rain poured down on southern and western parts of the country leading to dozens of accidents and hundreds of firefighter operations throughout the night. In Bavaria, some villages were flooded, including Moemlingen, near Frankfurt, where streets were completely covered by water and mud and many basements had to be pumped dry by firefighters, German news agency dpa reported on Tuesday. In Stuttgart, parts of the roof and several statues on the city’s opera house were thrown to the ground by the winds. Altogether, rescue teams were called in more than 330 times Monday and early Tuesday in Stuttgart, and train service was interrupted for hours. Felled trees had to be cut and removed by firefighters.
After nearly 20 years US to leave Bagram (AP) For nearly 20 years, Bagram Airfield was the heart of American military power in Afghanistan, a sprawling mini-city behind fences and blast walls just an hour’s drive north of Kabul. In just a matter of days, the last U.S. soldiers will depart Bagram. They are leaving what probably everyone connected to the base, whether American or Afghan, considers a mixed legacy. U.S. Central Command said last week that it’s well past 50% done packing up Bagram, and the rest is going fast. American officials have said the entire pullout of U.S. troops will most likely be completely finished by July 4. The Afghan military will then take over Bagram as part of its continuing fight against the Taliban—and against what many in the country fear will be a new eruption of chaos. It’s the second time that an invader of Afghanistan has come and gone through Bagram. The Soviet Union built the airfield in the 1950s. When it invaded Afghanistan in 1979 to back a communist government, it turned it into its main base from which it would defend its occupation of the country. The Soviet Union negotiated its withdrawal in 1989. Three years later, the pro-Moscow government collapsed. When the U.S. and NATO inherited Bagram in 2001, they found it in ruins, a collection of crumbling buildings, gouged by rockets and shells.
The U.S. and Iran near a breaking point (Washington Post) The brinkmanship between Tehran and Washington is getting all the more tense. Even as indirect negotiations proceed over bringing both countries back into compliance with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal, American and Iranian officials fired angry broadsides at each other, blaming the opposite side for a lack of progress. And then there’s the actual shooting war. On Sunday night, the Biden administration announced that U.S. airstrikes had targeted facilities on either side of the Iraq-Syria border linked to militias that have Iranian ties. U.S. officials said that the strikes were reprisals for an uptick in drone attacks targeting U.S. personnel in the region. On Monday evening, the violence continued. U.S. officials confirmed that multiple rockets had targeted a facility housing U.S. troops near al-Omar oil field in northeast Syria, and that the United States had responded with artillery fire targeted at positions where the rockets were launched. Some lawmakers in Washington are starting to question the sustained presence of American troops in Syria and Iraq, as well as the United States’ right to carry out airstrikes on positions within these countries. But the Biden administration, like its predecessor, argues that the threat these militias pose to U.S. troops merits such action. Both the Syrian and Iraqi governments have protested the airstrikes.
Virus outbreak in Fiji batters economy, tests health system (AP) A growing coronavirus outbreak in Fiji is stretching the health system and devastating the economy. It has even prompted the government to offer jobless people tools and cash to become farmers. The Pacific nation got through the first year of the pandemic without any significant outbreaks and just two virus deaths. But an outbreak of the highly contagious delta variant two months ago has grown to the point where Fiji is adding about 250 new cases each day. The government has so far resisted calls for a lockdown, in part to try and protect an economy which had already shrunk by 19% last year after international tourism evaporated. Nearly half of all jobs were connected to tourism in the island nation that’s known for its white-sand beaches, clear water and welcoming people. “Business-wise, it’s very bad,” said George Bernard, who owns a business servicing fire extinguishers. He fears life will never be the same. “I’m just trying to survive,” he said.
Tigray regional capital Mekele under control of former rulers (Foreign Policy) The balance of power in Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s war with the formerly-dominant Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) shifted dramatically on Monday, as rebels recaptured Tigray’s capital Mekele, seven months after government forces had seized the city. Within an hour, the Ethiopian government had declared a unilateral cease-fire—something it had resisted, despite international pressure, for months—citing a request from Tigray’s interim government appointed by Addis Ababa. In reality, the interim government, along with government troops, had already fled, with some departing Tigray on Sunday amid the TPLF advance. In Mekele, witnesses reported residents dancing in the streets as Tigrayan forces paraded through the capital. U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, after speaking with Abiy, said he was “hopeful” that a cease-fire would take hold adding that it is “essential that civilians are protected, humanitarian aid reaches the people in need and a political solution is found.”
Outcry over South Africa’s multiple husbands proposal (BBC) A proposal by the South African government to legalise polyandry—when a woman has more than one husband at the same time—has led to howls of protest from conservative quarters. South Africa has one of the world’s most liberal constitutions, embracing same-sex marriages for all and polygamy for men. Businessman and TV personality Musa Mseleku—who has four wives—is among those opposed to polyandry. “This will destroy African culture. What about the children of those people? How will they know their identity?” asks Mr Mseleku, who stars in a South African reality TV show about his polygamous family. In polyandry, the woman often initiates the relationships, and invites the husbands to join her union. Some pay the bride price, others opt to contribute to her livelihood. She has the power to remove a co-husband if she believes he is destabilising her other relationships.
S.Africa court jails ex-leader Zuma for 15 months after inquiry no-show (Reuters) South Africa’s constitutional court sentenced former president Jacob Zuma to 15 months in jail for contempt of court on Tuesday after he failed to appear at a corruption inquiry earlier this year. Zuma failed to appear at the inquiry led by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo in February, after which the inquiry’s lawyers approached the constitutional court to seek an order for his imprisonment. The inquiry is examining allegations of high-level graft during Zuma’s period in power from 2009 to 2018. Zuma denies wrongdoing and has so far not cooperated.
Microreactors (Physics Today) The Pentagon wants small nuclear reactors that can be transported to the battlefield and provide 1 to 5 MW of power. Naturally, the idea of “let’s put a functioning nuclear reactor inside an active warzone” is not exactly going over great among detractors. Over the course of fiscal years 2020 and 2021, $133 million was appropriated to Project Pele, and the Biden administration wants another $60 million for FY 2022. Taking a step back, the reason the military wants a portable reactor is potential demand from high-energy weapons and the high costs of transporting fuel during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program manager of Project Pele cited prices of $50 to $100 per gallon for diesel fuel delivered to bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, though critics cited costs of $12 per gallon for ground transport and $31 per gallon for air delivery to a base in Afghanistan. Those fuel convoys were the source of a considerable fraction of U.S. casualties in the conflicts—a 2015 RAND study put the percentage at 52 percent of casualties from 2001 to 2010—but, again, with nuclear reactors on active forward operating bases, the downsides are not especially difficult to tease out.
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
10 Reasons why event management is an ideal start-up option
The ultimate guide to starting a business
If you are looking for business start-up ideas, try exploring why event management is the starting point for starting a business. You may end up finding the right business for you.
Exactly what is event management?
Event management is a business where a client pays you to set up and organize different types of events. These events can range from very simple jobs to complex extravagances, requiring a greater degree of logistical inputs.
Some typical examples of the type of events you can manage include birthday parties; wedding; graduations; jubilees; Christianity and grass mitzvahs. In fact, almost any type of case may require a special event.
In addition to private events, there are also corporate events such as product launches, team building events, sales meetings, or year-end events. The list of opportunities for corporate event planning (as well as nonprofit foundations) available to an event planner is extensive.
10 Reasons Why Event Management May Be Right for You
1.      Almost unlimited revenue potential - the types of events mentioned above are the tip of the iceberg. The list of potential customers available to you is huge. In terms of potential, you are limited only by your imagination.
2.      Low Start-Up Cost - Among the many business start-up ideas, the event management model is hard to beat. You do not need an office and can hire contract staff as needed. Also, unlike many other businesses, you do not need to hold stocks of any kind. If you love your event management business, you can get the ball rolling for a very minimal cost.
1.      Minimal risks - because you do not need to invest in many of the fixed costs (eg space and office equipment) associated with starting another business, your weak risk is kept to an absolute minimum.
2.      Cash flow Positive - as a business owner, you have the luxury of deciding which payment terms will apply to your customers. However, in event management, 50 percent prepaid and fully paid balance, before the event, is very common. Because you do not have to wait 30-90 days for payment, you are not facing the cash flow problems that many new businesses face. Equally important, because it is paid before completion, you do not have to pursue money, as some business owners do.
1.      Repeat Business - the holy grail of any business are returning customers from time to time. It is much easier to repeat business with existing customers than to constantly find new products. Corporations will always give you repeat business if you do well, and private individuals will recommend you to friends and family if they are happy with your work.
2.      Accessibility - as event management has grown in popularity as a business start-up, the availability of online event management courses has spread. It's quite easy to do a Google search to find the one that works best for you.
3.      Efficiency - a great benefit of event management is the ability to automate many of the required tasks using open source software. There are many excellent software packages available on the market today that will help you organize and grow your business efficiently.
4.      Building a considerable fortune - an event management action, especially one with corporate repeat customers - is a valuable asset that you can sell or pass on to a family member.
5.      Dynamic Industry - people become physically and emotionally involved in their events and actively seek out good event planners. The end result is a rewarding career when you are engaged and interacting with people.
1.      Fun - running an event management business can be an optimistic and fun experience because the events you are orchestrating are happy occasions.
“What kind of work do you do?” Is a common question when meeting someone for the first time? If your response is, "I'm in the event management," you will most likely receive follow-up questions about what exactly that means.
You can, in fact, be asked if you are the party planner or meeting planner. In the event planning profession, job titles are as varied and varied as the services provided, and it is often difficult to describe and categorize one from another.
It can be challenging when preparing an event planning portfolio, looking for a job, or in working with a client who does not have the correct understanding of your job function and responsibilities.
Event management versus event planning
So what exactly is event management and how does it differ from event planning?
Event management versus event planning
While event management and event planning are very closely related, two very different functions. The main difference lies in these two words: management and planning. In very simple terms, event managers manage the event planner and event plan the event. However, event managers can also plan aspects of events and event planners may manage some components of the event planning process. Event managers and event planners work side by side, and their responsibilities may overlap.
To make matters even more confusing, individual event planners often provide event management services, and event managers can also offer event planning services.
If all of this has scratched your head, let's start by taking a closer look at event management.
Event management includes project management
Event management involves creating and developing large-scale events that may include conferences, conventions, concerts, trade fairs, festivals, and celebrations.
Event management includes defining the target audience, conceptualizing the event, overall logistical planning of the event, and project management of the event as a whole - including managing the teams of people responsible for each function, budgeting, and overseeing the implementation of the event. Event managers also oversee the services of all external vendors and professionals, which includes event planners.
Defining the responsibilities of the event:
Choose     places to book
Coordination     of external suppliers
Engaging     or entertaining speakers
Arrange     transportation and parking
Obtaining     the necessary permits and appropriate insurance Responsibility for     compliance with health and safety standards
Develop     contingency plans
Managing     crises and situations in the event
Design     a security plan
Event     monitoring
This     list is by no means complete. Depending on the scope of the event and the     other professionals hired, job responsibilities may vary.
The role of event management services
Event management firms are often hired to plan and execute large corporate meetings and special events. While weddings and concerts are common events for professional event management, sporting events, reunions, and large parties are also events that can benefit from event management.
Government agencies, nonprofits, associations, and companies take advantage of event management companies to coordinate important events and meetings. The juvenile management function can often be found within a public relations or public relations department or as part of an employee’s special assignment.
Skills to succeed
As with most event planning jobs, event management requires excellent organizational skills to succeed. The ability to multitask and juggle multiple moving parts is essential, along with that top-notch organization comes the need for efficient time management skills. Being able to prioritize and stay on task is what leads to a successful event. Event management begins with the process of creating a vision for the event and then seeing it through implementation, which calls for creativity and flexibility.
Because project management is an essential component, and it involves not only managing jobs but teams of people, interpersonal skills are also important. Interacting with individuals at all levels of the organization is part of the job, and excellent communication skills and being comfortable and personal will go a long way in developing those relationships.
Courtesy:event management in Lahore
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Is spectrum shortage a thing of the past?
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/is-spectrum-shortage-a-thing-of-the-past/
Is spectrum shortage a thing of the past?
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By Tom Wheeler For decades we have heard of the “spectrum shortage.” The growth in wireless usage—from Wi-Fi to smartphones and tablets—was taxing the finite supply of the airwaves that carry those services. Spectrum seemed to be a modern example of an observation attributed to Mark Twain about investing in land because “They’re not making it anymore.” Like land, spectrum has been a rivalrous asset in that if one party owns it, another party cannot. Digital technology has changed that equation, however, to allow for multiple users to share the same piece of spectrum without causing signal interference. Such sharing could possibly put a serious dent into—or even eliminate—the “spectrum shortage.” Now, the largest user of spectrum, the Department of Defense (DoD), has put out a Request for Information (RFI) that seems to propose that at least some of the spectrum traditionally used by the military could be shared for a fifth generation (5G) wireless network. The DoD cites a component of 5G technology called dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) as the vehicle to accomplish this. The DoD concept for spectrum sharing is the simple application of digital electronics. Such sharing is a good idea as 5G networks put even more pressure on the need for spectrum. A not-so-good-idea, however, has been suggested by the Trump campaign: that the shared spectrum would be used by the federal government to build and operate a 5G network.
How Spectrum Sharing Works
During the Obama years, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) negotiated with the Defense Department to create a shared band of spectrum that could be used both by the military (principally the Navy) as well as those who wanted to deliver both commercial and unlicensed wireless service. How spectrum sharing works is exemplified by the Wi-Fi in our homes in which we use the same piece of unlicensed spectrum as our neighbors without interfering with each other. The neighbors are non-rivalrous users because each can use the same piece of spectrum without limiting anyone else. Wi-Fi works because it is a “listen before talk” technology. That means that before it sends out a packet of data, the Wi-Fi device “listens” to see if another device is transmitting. Because it is digital, that “listening” is measured in milliseconds. If the neighbor is transmitting, your Wi-Fi device will wait until there is an open millisecond-sized slot before shoving some of your data into that unused space. The beauty of digital signals is that they can be more flexibly shared than the old analog signals. Consider, for instance, over-the-air television. Prior to 2009, American TV broadcast signals were transmitted in analog format (think LP recordings vs. CDs). The size of an analog TV signal indicated that the license size had to be 6 megahertz (MHz) wide for the analog waveform to fit without interference. When the U.S. went to digital TV in 2009, it became possible to fit four or five digital TV signals into the space once required for a single analog signal. The FCC took advantage of this new reality to reassign broadcast licenses and free up spectrum for use by mobile network providers. Such sharing of spectrum is the basis for the dual public-private use of spectrum implemented by the Obama FCC. Known as a Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), it shares spectrum between wireless service providers and the military. CBRS is now operational, thanks to microchip-based spectrum “sniffers” that identify unused capacity and dynamically assign channels based on pre-established priorities.
What is the Trump Agenda?
On September 18 the DoD published a Request for Information seeking “information on innovative solutions and alternative approaches to enable DSS within the Department’s currently allocated spectrum.” The query specifically focused on the spectrum between 3100 and 3550 MHz. That spectrum is prime turf for 5G but is currently allocated to DoD, principally for radar. Replies are due October 19, after which the department will determine next steps. This is a milestone. The Defense Department itself is suggesting that it is possible to share spectrum without harming its operations. This attitude would set the precedent that could make the spectrum shortage an historical artifact. But it is not quite as simple as the DoD saying, “come share our spectrum.” In the first place, the DoD has been allocated the spectrum for governmental use. If that piece of the airwaves is to be used for commercial purposes, it must be formally reallocated and its usage assigned by the FCC. Only the FCC has jurisdiction over commercial spectrum activities. The RFI seems to suggest the DoD would continue to be the assigned user of the spectrum. Specifically, it asks, “How could DoD own and operate 5G networks for its domestic operations? What are the potential issues with DoD owning and operating independent networks for its 5G operations?” The words “for its 5G operations” seems to suggest that the military is planning for a proprietary 5G network. Heretofore, the DoD has been happy to be a customer of U.S. commercial mobile networks. This concern that the Pentagon is actually proposing to go into competition with commercial mobile service providers is raised by the Trump campaign’s “2nd Term Agenda.” Under the heading “Innovate for the Future” the Trump campaign says that a second term would “Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network.” Parsing the words seems to suggest the government is going to “establish” a 5G network of its own that would compete with commercial providers. Donald Trump’s penchant for posturing over policy frequently leaves one wondering just what the administration’s policy is. To great fanfare in October 2018, he announced his spectrum strategy would be ready in six months. That work product has never surfaced. This compares with how President Obama established early-on a spectrum policy that became the North Star for all federal agencies. In place of such policy certainty, the Trump administration has ad hoc and contradictory spectrum activities that appear to be based on the politics of the moment. In January 2018 the idea of a government-built 5G network was floated by the White House. The principal rationale for this was cybersecurity protection, but that idea apparently did not fit the politics of the moment and was quickly repudiated. At an April 2019 White House event the president criticized the idea of a government-built 5G network. “It won’t be nearly as good, nearly as fast” as a commercial operation, he said. “In the United States our approach is private-sector driven and private sector led.” “At the president’s direction,” the White House announced in August 2020, “100 megahertz of contiguous, coast-to-coast mid-band spectrum will be made available for commercial 5G deployment.” The designated spectrum is in the 3450-3550 MHz band. The announcement cites “collaboration with the Department of Defense…to ensure commercial use of this critically-needed mid-band spectrum.” The emphasis on commercial use of the spectrum appeared to be the final stake in the heart of a government network. But then the lack of a plan and the politics of the moment collided to create confusion. First, there is the Trump campaign’s August 23 pledge to “Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network.” Three weeks later, the Pentagon put out its RFI asking, among other things, “How could DoD own and operate 5G networks for its domestic operations?” Then there is the confusion caused by how the spectrum that was made available “At the president’s direction” (the 3450-3550 MHz band) is a key part of the Pentagon’s RFI (which covers all spectrum between 3100 and 3550 MHz). Based on “the president’s direction,” the FCC immediately went to work to prepare for the transfer of this spectrum from government to commercial use. On September 30, the agency voted to move forward on the process despite the Pentagon’s RFI asking, “Should the DoD consider spectrum leasing as an alternative to reallocation?” To accentuate the confusion, on the same day as the FCC vote, 19 Republican senators wrote President Trump that the DoD RFI contradicts the existing “free market path” to 5G and “is not the way the United States will win the 5G race.”
So What is the National Policy?
Absent an administration policy on spectrum, one is reduced to reading the tea leaves. Option 1: Admission Against Interest The DoD may end up being what in a trial is called an “admission against interest”. In other words, the Defense Department’s RFI has formally admitted that it can share spectrum without affecting military preparedness. The question the RFI asks is about how to do the sharing, and how to make money out of it. This is essentially the same strategy used by satellite licensees such as Intelsat who are cashing in on the spectrum they were licensed; a strategy that began by saying they no longer needed all that had been assigned to them. Option 2: Beware of Political Influences Republican heavyweights such as Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove and Brad Parscale have been lobbying the White House and Pentagon for a federally-owned 5G network that would then wholesale capacity. A New Yorker investigation of these efforts was headlined, “A Pitch for a Nationwide 5G Network Tailor-Made for Trump’s 2020 Campaign.” The article quoted Karl Rove that a wholesale network using DoD spectrum would be a “very viable and strong commercial enterprise” and that “if the wholesale market doesn’t emerge, they still have a very valuable nationwide 5G network that could be sold off.” Option 3: Sharing is Good In the early days of cellular phones some of the companies would share their licensed spectrum to avoid redundant buildout costs. It was a logical approach that maximized the efficiency of the spectrum while preserving scarce capital (note it was commercial ownership of network infrastructure, not government). If what the Defense Department is doing with their RFI is to set up for a new round of spectrum sharing, then everyone comes out ahead. The FCC could then assign the spectrum for commercial purposes, and the DoD could even share in the proceeds of an FCC-run auction if Congress agrees (and they have in previous instances). Unfortunately, absent the long-promised and overdue Trump national spectrum policy, the use of spectrum—especially government spectrum—becomes ad hoc. The Trump administration has so often substituted showbiz and politics for substantive policy that it is difficult to make sense of the simultaneous but conflicting activities of the White House, FCC, and DoD. One thing, however, is clear: spectrum sharing could mean the end of the spectrum shortage—but if that is to come to pass, we need a national policy.
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Undocumented Workers Hold the Restaurant Industry Together. Now, They Stand to Lose the Most.
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The pandemic has left the country’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn
This story was originally published on Civil Eats.
Prior to the pandemic, Reyes delivered food and washed dishes for a restaurant in New York City. Now, with the restaurant reduced to serving take-out, he’s mainly just doing deliveries and, as a result, making less than half the income he used to.
Originally from Teopantlán in Puebla, Mexico, Reyes is undocumented, but he pays taxes through one of the many untraceable, individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITIN) that the IRS has issued to people in hopes of creating a paper trail of their contributions to the government. Two years ago, this wasn’t possible, since he was getting paid cash, under the table, before he and his co-workers organized and filed a complaint with the Department of Labor.
He says he worries for himself, but also for all of his undocumented peers, who are more susceptible to exploitation than other restaurant workers. They face an array of challenges as a result of the increasingly dangerous combination of restaurant closures and Trump’s immigration policies. Undocumented people are also some of the most susceptible to infection by COVID-19, since many live in close quarters and multi-family dwellings.
“[Working at the restaurant] is hard because I have had to do some of the most difficult jobs that others don’t want to do. I had to clean up sewage that the restaurant is supposed to hire external services to do. But I fear losing my job, so I accept it,” he said.
“Some employers know first-hand the vulnerability of the employees. And they often exploit them.”
The amount of work he’s offered has also been inconsistent. The restaurant owner promises him work, only to wait days before calling him back in. “That’s the strategy he’s been using to terrorize us with losing our jobs,” he says.
Though New York City has created a $20 million fund to disburse cash payments of $400 ($1,000 for families) for up to 20,000 immigrants with both legal and non-legal status, that’s a drop in the bucket for the half-million undocumented people living in the city.
Reyes is just one of millions across the country who face similarly impossible predicaments. Three months since the pandemic first struck the U.S., over 8 million restaurant workers have lost employment — including 5.5 million workers in April alone. A large number of these newly unemployed workers are undocumented. The undocumented comprise 10 percent of all restaurant employees in the U.S., and as many as 40 percent in urban areas such as Los Angeles and New York.
Undocumented immigrants as a whole pay billions in taxes and a higher effective tax rate average than the top 1 percent of taxpayers (8 percent versus 5.4 percent).
And, as they often work in the back of house — as line cooks, bussers, dishwashers, and janitors — they’re largely invisible to the dining public. In reality, they’re the backbone of the industry. And yet, many are unable to obtain health insurance even though they perform backbreaking work day after day. Most didn’t receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the government, and they often fear getting tested for COVID-19 or obtaining care for fear of deportation.
And although several organizations — new and old — are working to provide financial and logistical support for these workers, they’re facing language barriers, privacy, concerns, and a host of other challenges.
“The restaurant industry often employs very vulnerable sectors of the population: seniors, women, people of color, the undocumented,” says Manuel Villaneuva, lead organizer for the Los Angeles chapter of Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United. “Some employers know first-hand the vulnerability of the employees. And they often exploit them, commit wage theft, and let them know psychologically that they’re replaceable.”
A Sizable Need
In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has initiated a public-private partnership to disseminate $125 million in disaster relief. Of the total amount, $75 million is allocated to the undocumented, out of work because of the pandemic and ineligible for stimulus checks and unemployment. The other $50 million, the California Immigrant Resilience Fund, is in direct aid to especially vulnerable communities, including the disabled. But when phone lines opened up early earlier this month, they became completely backlogged, ultimately crashing for many on hold.
Comunidades Indigenas en Liderazgo (CIELO), an organization dedicated to Indigenous language rights, is one of the nonprofit organizations that has received $200,000 of the CIRF to give $400 checks to 500 Indigenous, undocumented families from Latin America for financial relief. Of those, 50 percent work or used to work in restaurants.
“Undocumented migrants undergo a huge problem because they’re pushed out by their home country, escape here, and then [they] are criminalized,” says Odilia Romero, co-founder and executive director of CIELO. “Then, the pandemic happened. They’re at the bottom and the least likely to obtain any support.”
One worker who has applied for funds through CIELO is Federico, a former dishwasher at a Downtown Los Angeles restaurant. Originally from Oaxaca, Mexico, he and his wife, from Puebla, have lived in L.A. for over 30 years and have four children who are U.S. citizens, the eldest of whom is 26. Since being laid off, Federico has found a job sewing masks.
“The money is nothing compared to what I made at the restaurant because we get paid by the piece,” he told Civil Eats. “We are paid either 5 cents or 10 cents apiece. In order to make $40/day I have to make 800 masks,” he explains. His family is fortunately able to get the food they need through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
There are many nonprofits dedicated to restaurant worker relief aid, but the majority fail to specify whether they are inclusive of undocumented workers for fear of political polarization jeopardizing contributions. And for workers, supplying personal information in order to qualify for aid brings anxiety about being tracked by ICE.
“We are pretty scared,” admits Federico. “It’s a constant feeling, but we have kids so we always try to take care of ourselves so we can provide a better life for them. We are aware of our status so we try to just … live with being undocumented.”
Language Barriers
Another obstacle to accessing financial support is linguistic. While many support organizations do have Spanish-speaking employees, many who have emigrated from Mexico or Central America aren’t fluent in Spanish.
Stephen Murray, a Los Angeles chef who organized a Gofundme campaign for 38 undocumented workers with LA Kitchen Migrants, explains, “There are multiple Zapotec [Indigenous people from Oaxaca] kitchen workers who don’t even speak Spanish, let alone English. The same goes for workers from Guatemala, whom we have a lot of in L.A. It’s a huge barrier for them to find help.”
Damian Diaz, of Va’La Hospitality, a bar consultancy group, co-founded No Us Without You, a new nonprofit group in Los Angeles that runs a food pantry program supplying packages of food that feeds a family of four for one week. Diaz personally reaches out to each applicant in Spanish and asks them to fill out an easy questionnaire online.
“Every single individual has my direct phone number and I tell them, ‘If you have someone in need who fits the bill, give them my number.’ Once I get the completed questionnaire, they’re on queue,” Diaz said. So far, the group assists 350 families a week and it has no intention of capping the number.
In the long term, the only way out of this conundrum is to provide these workers with a path toward citizenship.
Another Round Another Rally (ARAR) is another nonprofit that was launched by bar professionals dedicated to assisting out-of-work hospitality workers, with the goal of disbursing at least 50 percent of the funds they raise (in $500 payments) to Spanish speakers. It’s funded by spirits companies and foundations, with Campari Group alone donating $1 million to their cause (other donors include Patron, Aperol, Tito’s Vodka, and Ketel One).
Catherine Rosseel, a Boston-based volunteer coordinator, says that at the beginning of the campaign, there were 1,500 English-speaking applicants, but only 100 were Spanish-speaking — a difference she attributes to a reluctance to share personal information on the part of undocumented folks.
“I had four of my [bilingual] friends volunteering to talk to these people. We took down the barrier of [requiring] the application online so people felt safe, but realized it wasn’t efficient because people were too scared to give out their information and the conversations went too long. The calls just kept coming, so we had to regroup,” Rosseel says.
Fortunately, a group of bilingual Stanford MBA students reached out, spurred by a class assignment to help a specific community during the pandemic. Together with ARAR, they came up with a more streamlined application process that involves SMS prompts and rapport with native Spanish speakers, among other tools.
“Just hearing that voice makes them a little bit more comfortable, and to feel like this is real, and not some kind of scam,” says Claudio Gonzalez, a first-year, Stanford MBA candidate.
Actually getting the funds to people hasn’t been easy. No Us Without You and ARAR have both had difficulties maintaining contact with applicants. There are no-shows and calls gone unanswered. “A lot of these families had cars initially,” Diaz said. “But they’ve had to sell their cars to make some type of money. Also, they might have stopped having phone service because they can’t pay their bill, so there’s a lot of [talking over] Whatsapp in order to make reservations and appointments.”
The pandemic has left the country’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn, but it has also exposed the reality of razor-thin margins in the restaurant industry, and just how often these businesses rely on the labor of undocumented, “essential” workers who are often treated as disposable.
And as restaurants stay closed or reopen at 25 percent or 50 percent capacity, the future could be even more bleak.
Like many advocates, ROC United’s Villaneuva wants to see undocumented workers given wage replacement and rent forgiveness. But in the long term, he says, the only way out of this conundrum is to provide these workers with a path toward citizenship — a change that some say would be net a positive for our GDP and reduce our deficit.
“We need to revise the immigration system where people can qualify by showing they’ve been working, paying taxes, and they’ve not been a burden on the government,” he says, adding that the current rule requiring people to leave the U.S. to apply for citizenship often puts families in especially precarious positions.
“The process needs to be sped up and made it simpler, so they don’t have to gamble with whether they can come back or not,” says Villaneuva.
Some names of individuals in this story have been shortened to protect their identity.
• Undocumented Restaurant Workers Have Held the Industry Together. Now They Stand to Lose the Most. [Civil Eats]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2TQl1Qw https://ift.tt/3clOGrn
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The pandemic has left the country’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn
This story was originally published on Civil Eats.
Prior to the pandemic, Reyes delivered food and washed dishes for a restaurant in New York City. Now, with the restaurant reduced to serving take-out, he’s mainly just doing deliveries and, as a result, making less than half the income he used to.
Originally from Teopantlán in Puebla, Mexico, Reyes is undocumented, but he pays taxes through one of the many untraceable, individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITIN) that the IRS has issued to people in hopes of creating a paper trail of their contributions to the government. Two years ago, this wasn’t possible, since he was getting paid cash, under the table, before he and his co-workers organized and filed a complaint with the Department of Labor.
He says he worries for himself, but also for all of his undocumented peers, who are more susceptible to exploitation than other restaurant workers. They face an array of challenges as a result of the increasingly dangerous combination of restaurant closures and Trump’s immigration policies. Undocumented people are also some of the most susceptible to infection by COVID-19, since many live in close quarters and multi-family dwellings.
“[Working at the restaurant] is hard because I have had to do some of the most difficult jobs that others don’t want to do. I had to clean up sewage that the restaurant is supposed to hire external services to do. But I fear losing my job, so I accept it,” he said.
“Some employers know first-hand the vulnerability of the employees. And they often exploit them.”
The amount of work he’s offered has also been inconsistent. The restaurant owner promises him work, only to wait days before calling him back in. “That’s the strategy he’s been using to terrorize us with losing our jobs,” he says.
Though New York City has created a $20 million fund to disburse cash payments of $400 ($1,000 for families) for up to 20,000 immigrants with both legal and non-legal status, that’s a drop in the bucket for the half-million undocumented people living in the city.
Reyes is just one of millions across the country who face similarly impossible predicaments. Three months since the pandemic first struck the U.S., over 8 million restaurant workers have lost employment — including 5.5 million workers in April alone. A large number of these newly unemployed workers are undocumented. The undocumented comprise 10 percent of all restaurant employees in the U.S., and as many as 40 percent in urban areas such as Los Angeles and New York.
Undocumented immigrants as a whole pay billions in taxes and a higher effective tax rate average than the top 1 percent of taxpayers (8 percent versus 5.4 percent).
And, as they often work in the back of house — as line cooks, bussers, dishwashers, and janitors — they’re largely invisible to the dining public. In reality, they’re the backbone of the industry. And yet, many are unable to obtain health insurance even though they perform backbreaking work day after day. Most didn’t receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the government, and they often fear getting tested for COVID-19 or obtaining care for fear of deportation.
And although several organizations — new and old — are working to provide financial and logistical support for these workers, they’re facing language barriers, privacy, concerns, and a host of other challenges.
“The restaurant industry often employs very vulnerable sectors of the population: seniors, women, people of color, the undocumented,” says Manuel Villaneuva, lead organizer for the Los Angeles chapter of Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United. “Some employers know first-hand the vulnerability of the employees. And they often exploit them, commit wage theft, and let them know psychologically that they’re replaceable.”
A Sizable Need
In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has initiated a public-private partnership to disseminate $125 million in disaster relief. Of the total amount, $75 million is allocated to the undocumented, out of work because of the pandemic and ineligible for stimulus checks and unemployment. The other $50 million, the California Immigrant Resilience Fund, is in direct aid to especially vulnerable communities, including the disabled. But when phone lines opened up early earlier this month, they became completely backlogged, ultimately crashing for many on hold.
Comunidades Indigenas en Liderazgo (CIELO), an organization dedicated to Indigenous language rights, is one of the nonprofit organizations that has received $200,000 of the CIRF to give $400 checks to 500 Indigenous, undocumented families from Latin America for financial relief. Of those, 50 percent work or used to work in restaurants.
“Undocumented migrants undergo a huge problem because they’re pushed out by their home country, escape here, and then [they] are criminalized,” says Odilia Romero, co-founder and executive director of CIELO. “Then, the pandemic happened. They’re at the bottom and the least likely to obtain any support.”
One worker who has applied for funds through CIELO is Federico, a former dishwasher at a Downtown Los Angeles restaurant. Originally from Oaxaca, Mexico, he and his wife, from Puebla, have lived in L.A. for over 30 years and have four children who are U.S. citizens, the eldest of whom is 26. Since being laid off, Federico has found a job sewing masks.
“The money is nothing compared to what I made at the restaurant because we get paid by the piece,” he told Civil Eats. “We are paid either 5 cents or 10 cents apiece. In order to make $40/day I have to make 800 masks,” he explains. His family is fortunately able to get the food they need through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
There are many nonprofits dedicated to restaurant worker relief aid, but the majority fail to specify whether they are inclusive of undocumented workers for fear of political polarization jeopardizing contributions. And for workers, supplying personal information in order to qualify for aid brings anxiety about being tracked by ICE.
“We are pretty scared,” admits Federico. “It’s a constant feeling, but we have kids so we always try to take care of ourselves so we can provide a better life for them. We are aware of our status so we try to just … live with being undocumented.”
Language Barriers
Another obstacle to accessing financial support is linguistic. While many support organizations do have Spanish-speaking employees, many who have emigrated from Mexico or Central America aren’t fluent in Spanish.
Stephen Murray, a Los Angeles chef who organized a Gofundme campaign for 38 undocumented workers with LA Kitchen Migrants, explains, “There are multiple Zapotec [Indigenous people from Oaxaca] kitchen workers who don’t even speak Spanish, let alone English. The same goes for workers from Guatemala, whom we have a lot of in L.A. It’s a huge barrier for them to find help.”
Damian Diaz, of Va’La Hospitality, a bar consultancy group, co-founded No Us Without You, a new nonprofit group in Los Angeles that runs a food pantry program supplying packages of food that feeds a family of four for one week. Diaz personally reaches out to each applicant in Spanish and asks them to fill out an easy questionnaire online.
“Every single individual has my direct phone number and I tell them, ‘If you have someone in need who fits the bill, give them my number.’ Once I get the completed questionnaire, they’re on queue,” Diaz said. So far, the group assists 350 families a week and it has no intention of capping the number.
In the long term, the only way out of this conundrum is to provide these workers with a path toward citizenship.
Another Round Another Rally (ARAR) is another nonprofit that was launched by bar professionals dedicated to assisting out-of-work hospitality workers, with the goal of disbursing at least 50 percent of the funds they raise (in $500 payments) to Spanish speakers. It’s funded by spirits companies and foundations, with Campari Group alone donating $1 million to their cause (other donors include Patron, Aperol, Tito’s Vodka, and Ketel One).
Catherine Rosseel, a Boston-based volunteer coordinator, says that at the beginning of the campaign, there were 1,500 English-speaking applicants, but only 100 were Spanish-speaking — a difference she attributes to a reluctance to share personal information on the part of undocumented folks.
“I had four of my [bilingual] friends volunteering to talk to these people. We took down the barrier of [requiring] the application online so people felt safe, but realized it wasn’t efficient because people were too scared to give out their information and the conversations went too long. The calls just kept coming, so we had to regroup,” Rosseel says.
Fortunately, a group of bilingual Stanford MBA students reached out, spurred by a class assignment to help a specific community during the pandemic. Together with ARAR, they came up with a more streamlined application process that involves SMS prompts and rapport with native Spanish speakers, among other tools.
“Just hearing that voice makes them a little bit more comfortable, and to feel like this is real, and not some kind of scam,” says Claudio Gonzalez, a first-year, Stanford MBA candidate.
Actually getting the funds to people hasn’t been easy. No Us Without You and ARAR have both had difficulties maintaining contact with applicants. There are no-shows and calls gone unanswered. “A lot of these families had cars initially,” Diaz said. “But they’ve had to sell their cars to make some type of money. Also, they might have stopped having phone service because they can’t pay their bill, so there’s a lot of [talking over] Whatsapp in order to make reservations and appointments.”
The pandemic has left the country’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn, but it has also exposed the reality of razor-thin margins in the restaurant industry, and just how often these businesses rely on the labor of undocumented, “essential” workers who are often treated as disposable.
And as restaurants stay closed or reopen at 25 percent or 50 percent capacity, the future could be even more bleak.
Like many advocates, ROC United’s Villaneuva wants to see undocumented workers given wage replacement and rent forgiveness. But in the long term, he says, the only way out of this conundrum is to provide these workers with a path toward citizenship — a change that some say would be net a positive for our GDP and reduce our deficit.
“We need to revise the immigration system where people can qualify by showing they’ve been working, paying taxes, and they’ve not been a burden on the government,” he says, adding that the current rule requiring people to leave the U.S. to apply for citizenship often puts families in especially precarious positions.
“The process needs to be sped up and made it simpler, so they don’t have to gamble with whether they can come back or not,” says Villaneuva.
Some names of individuals in this story have been shortened to protect their identity.
• Undocumented Restaurant Workers Have Held the Industry Together. Now They Stand to Lose the Most. [Civil Eats]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2TQl1Qw via Blogger https://ift.tt/2B6bEpd
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marymosley · 4 years
The Best Federal Student Loan Servicers Ranked
Americans hold an astonishing $1.56 million in student loan debt. This money is spread across 45 million borrowers who hold an average loan amount of nearly $30,000.
Who handles all these loans? The federal government? 
Nope. The government hands this job over to federal student loan servicers. This is the company you make your student loan payments to. Let’s find out more about them here.
What are federal student loan servicers?
The government provides the education loan when you apply for federal student aid, but they don’t deal with the loan afterward. That job is handed over to a loan servicer. 
Most people with student loans have more than one loan since you have to reapply for a new loan for each semester that you need one. Despite this, you might only make one or two payments from your bank account for eight loans. This is because your loan servicer takes your monthly payments and distributes them between your different loans.
Servicers also offer a variety of repayment options to make it easier to repay your student loans if you’re having trouble making your monthly payments. They do this in a few ways:
Working out flexible repayment plans as your ability to pay changes 
Allowing you to temporarily halt your autopay payments if you fall on hard times (whether through forbearance or deferment)
Offer loan forgiveness for those working in non-profits or the public sector once they meet the requirements  
However, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. As is often the case when an organization doesn’t have to vie for your business, customer service is poor and management is haphazard. What’s worse, they don’t really care to do anything about improving it. 
There are only a handful of student loan servicers to choose from and you don’t even get to pick anyway. You’re assigned a servicer by the U.S. Department of Education when you take out your loan.
Can you switch to a new servicer?
There are a few reasons why the Department of Education may reassign you to a different servicer. None of those reasons include you requesting a different one. 
There are only two ways to get rid of your servicer or switch to a different one yourself. Consolidate your federal loans with a Direct Consolidation Loan or refinance your federal student loans with private loans.
We’ll talk more about these options below. For now, let’s look at how 4 student loan servicers stack up.
Four student loan servicers: ranked
We’ve already established that none of the student loan servicers do a fantastic job, but some are better than others.
To find out the rankings, we looked at the number of complaints that customers registered with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for each company compared to the number of customers they have. From there, we extrapolated the number of complaints per million customers to create a fair metric by which to compare the companies.
1. Great Lakes
Standing out as possibly the best federal loan servicer, Great Lakes actually offers pretty decent customer service. The numbers are quite impressive compared to the others on our list, as you’ll see.
They provide service to the most customers, 8,090,000, and have the least number of registered complaints, 235. This gives them an overall total of 28.8 complaints per million. Pretty impressive!
If you’re not happy with Great Lakes as your student loan servicer, you’re kind of out of luck. The company consistently earns the best reviews out of all the servicing companies. Even if you could switch, there isn’t necessarily a better option to switch to.
What is Great Lakes doing right?
Well, customers generally like the Great Lakes website. They say it’s user-friendly and makes some tasks much easier. For example, to request forbearance, instead of calling up the customer service line and waiting on hold, you can sign up online and they don’t give you much hassle about proving your need.
In general, customers have good things to say about Great Lakes’ customer service. One common theme was that sometimes representatives gave out the wrong information. Although, in such a large company it’s not uncommon to get the wires crossed on occasion. However, the company should be making every effort to properly train all its employees.
2. Nelnet
Nelnet comes next. Out of their 6,150,000 customers, 635 filed complaints with the CFPB. This leaves them significantly worse than Great Lakes with 103 complaints per million customers.
Though Nelnet is doing significantly better than the other two federal loan servicers we’ll talk about, their customer service still leaves something to be desired. Some customers complain that nothing seems to be resolved when dealing with Nelnet’s customer service and representatives don’t seem to know what they’re talking about. Some customers also complained that they received conflicting information about an issue directly from the company itself.
Keep in mind that Nelnet is a large company and services millions of student loans. There is bound to be a bit of confusion here and there and even miscommunication. To protect yourself from fees due to miscommunications, be sure to do your own research as well as save any correspondence with the company.
Next on our list, we have American Education Services (AES) which is operated by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). The PHEAA also operates another large loan servicing agency, FedLoan Servicing, which some consider to offer the worst customer service of the lot, though it has its contenders.
According to the numbers we looked at, AES is trailing Nelnet by quite a bit. With 7,999,000 customers, they have 1,883 complaints, which leaves them with 235 complaints per million customers. 
The main theme among AES customer complaints seems to be poor and even false communication. Many student loan borrowers complain about false reporting to the credit agencies. This is a big issue as it can negatively affect your credit score, potentially by a lot depending on the error. To make matters worse, customers claim that the customer service department at AES has been less than helpful when trying to resolve the issues.
4. Navient
Of the four companies we examined (and quite possibly ALL student loan servicers), Navient comes in dead last. This company serves 6,210,000 customers and had 3,800 complaints registered with the CFPB. This gives them a disappointing total of nearly 612 complaints per million customers.
Navient may be guilty of more than just bad customer service. The CFPB and five state attorneys general all filed lawsuits against Navient at various points in 2017 and 2018. They are accusing Navient of:
Misallocating payments
Encouraging buyers to choose forbearance over income-driven repayment (thus accumulating more interest)
Not being clear with customers about how to re-enroll in income-driven repayments plans or how to qualify to remove a co-signer
Navient maintains that the lawsuits cite new servicing standards being applied retroactively and they are not at fault. 
Only time will tell about how the lawsuit turns out, but regardless, we suggest staying away from Navient if at all possible.
Direct loan consolidation
So what if you’re stuck with the worst of the worst? Is there a way to switch to the best of the bad? As we mentioned earlier, there are only two ways to change up your loan servicer.
The first is by taking out a Direct Consolidation Loan (however this may be a really bad idea, so keep reading).
Remember how we mentioned that most people have multiple student loans? It’s even possible that they have more than one servicer, meaning they have to make more than one payment each month. 
You can pay off all your smaller loans with one large Direct Consolidation Loan. During this process, you can pick out which loan servicer you want to use. However, not all federal student loans qualify for consolidation.
The problem with taking our a new Direct Consolidation Loan is that you’ll reset any payments you’ve made with respect to student loan forgiveness (e.g. if you’re pursuing income-based repayment or Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)). For that reason, you likely don’t want to consolidate your federal student loans. 
If you’re not pursuing forgiveness, then refinancing probably makes more sense.
Refinancing federal student loans
But switching federal student loan servicers usually means you go from bad to mediocre at best. If you actually want a good servicer, you’ll have to refinance your federal student loans and work with a private lender.
This involves taking out private student loans to pay off your government ones. Student loan refinancing will get rid of your less-than-stellar servicer altogether and potentially lower your interest rate or get other better loan terms, saving money in the long-term. If you’re interested in checking rates, try a company like Earnest or Credible to see what they will offer you.
You can do this with all federal student loans. However, doing this means that you give up your federal student loan protections. These include:
Income-driven loan repayment plans
Student loan forgiveness programs
Deferment or forbearance during a time of financial hardship (although most private loan companies offer some sort of deferment or financial difficulty options).
I hope this article has been insightful for you. Though you don’t have a lot of freedom to choose your student loan servicer, it’s good to know your options.
Originally posted on The Best Federal Student Loan Servicers Ranked
Biglaw Investor - Personal finances for the aspiring millionaire lawyer
The Best Federal Student Loan Servicers Ranked published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear
Hospitals in the New York City area are turning to a private distributor to airlift millions of protective masks out of China. The U.S. military is flying specialized swabs out of Italy. And a Chicago-area medical supply firm is taking to the skies as well — because a weekslong boat trip across the ocean just won’t do.
The race to import medical supplies reflects a nationwide panic over a dwindling supply of the masks, gowns and other protective gear that health care workers need amid the growing coronavirus pandemic. Demand is outstripping what’s available due to a damaged supply chain heavily reliant on China and a struggling Strategic National Stockpile. U.S. manufacturing giants like 3M have not yet made up the difference.
A sweeping national survey out Wednesday drives home that nearly a quarter of hospitals have fewer than 100 N95 masks on hand and 20% report an immediate need for ventilators. In the hardest-hit areas, like New York City, the shortages are potentially life-threatening to patients as well as health care workers.
About 260 health systems representing 990 major hospitals responded to the March 16-20 survey by Premier Inc., a group purchasing organization that negotiates with suppliers for discounts. While the survey provides a fresh picture of nationwide hospital operations, the number of U.S. COVID-19 cases has soared tenfold since the survey began ― from fewer than 5,000 to more than 55,000 as of Wednesday afternoon.
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“Absent additional interventions from the government or private sector, we don’t foresee the current status quo changing,” said Soumi Saha, senior director of advocacy for Premier. “And the current status quo is not acceptable.”
Saha said the national stockpile “is intended to be a band-aid, not a long-term solution.” Premier called on the Trump administration to either further implement the Defense Production Act to ramp up domestic manufacturing or provide more clear direction on which medical supplies are needed and streamline distribution. FEMA announced Tuesday it did not use the Defense Production Act for test kits after previously stating it would.
The alarm bells ringing from the hospital community come in contrast to a more subdued message from FEMA, which is helping hospitals procure needed goods.
“The private sector can directly purchase [personal protective equipment] from manufacturers and distributors, as they normally do,” FEMA press secretary Lizzie Litzow said in a statement. “The private sector can also accept donations from other private sector entities.” The statement pointed to a “how to help” document that outlines how individuals and companies can share supplies or other resources.
In recent days, volunteer efforts have ramped up to help health providers who’ve taken to Twitter and other social media with pleas for more protective gear. Grassroots efforts have sprung up, with veterinary, computer, construction and industrial businesses donating goods while sewing circles churn out cloth masks.
During a White House press briefing Tuesday, President Donald Trump said FEMA is distributing more than 8 million N95 respirators, 14 million surgical masks and 2.4 million face shields.
“The federal government is using every resource at its disposal to acquire and distribute critical medical supplies,” the president said.
3M, a major American manufacturer of the N95 masks, said on March 20 it had doubled its global output of the crucial N95 respirators and plans to further increase output. Currently, over 30 million industrial and health care specific N95s are being produced for U.S. health care use by the company each month. Shipments totaling half a million 3M masks were scheduled to start arriving in New York and Seattle on Monday from its South Dakota plant.
The influx of goods comes as health care providers are now using four to 10 times more protective gear once a COVID-19 patient enters their doors than they typically use. This has forced hospitals already dealing with cases to scramble even more than health care facilities yet to get any cases, though shortages are crippling all areas of the health care industry.
“It’s a total change in what we are used to as a society around availability,” said Cathy Denning, senior vice president of sourcing operations for Vizient, an analytics and advisory firm that also does health care group purchasing. “From our perspective, it’s this unbelievable place we find ourselves in — realizing we have a vulnerable supply chain.”
As the coronavirus crippled China, the center of commerce for low-margin products like face masks and sanitizing wipes, the U.S. supply chain began to fall apart. With global competition for the same safety gear, the crisis deepened, and big national suppliers aren’t coming up with enough products to meet the crushing demand.
And waiting about a month for a cargo ship of supplies to arrive from China is a luxury of time that hospitals cannot afford ― even though ships can carry over 10 times more supplies than a cargo plane could.
Medline, a Chicago-area medical supplier, started delivering face masks by airplane last week after manufacturing resumed in China. According to spokesperson Stacy Rubenstein, flying the supplies in will shorten the “manufacturing-to-dock” time by three to four weeks, and the firm will not be passing along the “significant increase in cost” to customers.
But the demand is still 300% higher than traditional inventory levels, Rubenstein said in an email.
Elsewhere, hospitals are reaching out to Michael Einhorn, president of Dealmed, the medical products distributor and supplier working with 12 New York metro area hospitals — desperate for products he cannot always secure.
“Does it cost the hospitals a lot of money? No question about it. But right now, that’s what they need to do to secure product,” Einhorn said. “We can’t wait for it to come overseas.”
He’s paying up to $40,000 for shipments arriving on multiple planes from Shanghai to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport — and sometimes losing money due to the high shipping costs.
The other backstop for hospitals was the national stockpile, which has come up far short.
Despite receiving 49,200 N95 masks, 115,000 surgical masks, 21,420 surgical gowns, 21,800 face shields and 84 coveralls from the national stockpile, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment estimated in a press release Monday that those supplies would last approximately one full day of statewide operations.
Einhorn said that hospitals are panicking, having lost faith in the supply chain as they cannot find products they so desperately need.
“The strategic national stockpile, with all due respect, was a failure,” he said.
The hospitals reported in the survey that their supply of N95 masks are their chief concern, with the best-supplied hospitals having about a 10-day supply on hand.
Hospitals identified hand sanitizer as the second-most pressing shortage, with 64% of respondents saying they were already running out. Next was surgical masks, which provide less protection than the N95 masks. Nearly half of hospitals had fewer than 1,000 on hand; a quarter of them reported going through 1,000 per day.
To keep up with that kind of demand, Einhorn said, more needs to be done to secure the products from China.
“One of the things we have been asking for is assistance getting these products quickly from China to here,” said Einhorn. “Instead, we’re doing drives of people dropping off three boxes of face masks.”
Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear
Hospitals in the New York City area are turning to a private distributor to airlift millions of protective masks out of China. The U.S. military is flying specialized swabs out of Italy. And a Chicago-area medical supply firm is taking to the skies as well — because a weekslong boat trip across the ocean just won’t do.
The race to import medical supplies reflects a nationwide panic over a dwindling supply of the masks, gowns and other protective gear that health care workers need amid the growing coronavirus pandemic. Demand is outstripping what’s available due to a damaged supply chain heavily reliant on China and a struggling Strategic National Stockpile. U.S. manufacturing giants like 3M have not yet made up the difference.
A sweeping national survey out Wednesday drives home that nearly a quarter of hospitals have fewer than 100 N95 masks on hand and 20% report an immediate need for ventilators. In the hardest-hit areas, like New York City, the shortages are potentially life-threatening to patients as well as health care workers.
About 260 health systems representing 990 major hospitals responded to the March 16-20 survey by Premier Inc., a group purchasing organization that negotiates with suppliers for discounts. While the survey provides a fresh picture of nationwide hospital operations, the number of U.S. COVID-19 cases has soared tenfold since the survey began ― from fewer than 5,000 to more than 55,000 as of Wednesday afternoon.
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“Absent additional interventions from the government or private sector, we don’t foresee the current status quo changing,” said Soumi Saha, senior director of advocacy for Premier. “And the current status quo is not acceptable.”
Saha said the national stockpile “is intended to be a band-aid, not a long-term solution.” Premier called on the Trump administration to either further implement the Defense Production Act to ramp up domestic manufacturing or provide more clear direction on which medical supplies are needed and streamline distribution. FEMA announced Tuesday it did not use the Defense Production Act for test kits after previously stating it would.
The alarm bells ringing from the hospital community come in contrast to a more subdued message from FEMA, which is helping hospitals procure needed goods.
“The private sector can directly purchase [personal protective equipment] from manufacturers and distributors, as they normally do,” FEMA press secretary Lizzie Litzow said in a statement. “The private sector can also accept donations from other private sector entities.” The statement pointed to a “how to help” document that outlines how individuals and companies can share supplies or other resources.
In recent days, volunteer efforts have ramped up to help health providers who’ve taken to Twitter and other social media with pleas for more protective gear. Grassroots efforts have sprung up, with veterinary, computer, construction and industrial businesses donating goods while sewing circles churn out cloth masks.
During a White House press briefing Tuesday, President Donald Trump said FEMA is distributing more than 8 million N95 respirators, 14 million surgical masks and 2.4 million face shields.
“The federal government is using every resource at its disposal to acquire and distribute critical medical supplies,” the president said.
3M, a major American manufacturer of the N95 masks, said on March 20 it had doubled its global output of the crucial N95 respirators and plans to further increase output. Currently, over 30 million industrial and health care specific N95s are being produced for U.S. health care use by the company each month. Shipments totaling half a million 3M masks were scheduled to start arriving in New York and Seattle on Monday from its South Dakota plant.
The influx of goods comes as health care providers are now using four to 10 times more protective gear once a COVID-19 patient enters their doors than they typically use. This has forced hospitals already dealing with cases to scramble even more than health care facilities yet to get any cases, though shortages are crippling all areas of the health care industry.
“It’s a total change in what we are used to as a society around availability,” said Cathy Denning, senior vice president of sourcing operations for Vizient, an analytics and advisory firm that also does health care group purchasing. “From our perspective, it’s this unbelievable place we find ourselves in — realizing we have a vulnerable supply chain.”
As the coronavirus crippled China, the center of commerce for low-margin products like face masks and sanitizing wipes, the U.S. supply chain began to fall apart. With global competition for the same safety gear, the crisis deepened, and big national suppliers aren’t coming up with enough products to meet the crushing demand.
And waiting about a month for a cargo ship of supplies to arrive from China is a luxury of time that hospitals cannot afford ― even though ships can carry over 10 times more supplies than a cargo plane could.
Medline, a Chicago-area medical supplier, started delivering face masks by airplane last week after manufacturing resumed in China. According to spokesperson Stacy Rubenstein, flying the supplies in will shorten the “manufacturing-to-dock” time by three to four weeks, and the firm will not be passing along the “significant increase in cost” to customers.
But the demand is still 300% higher than traditional inventory levels, Rubenstein said in an email.
Elsewhere, hospitals are reaching out to Michael Einhorn, president of Dealmed, the medical products distributor and supplier working with 12 New York metro area hospitals — desperate for products he cannot always secure.
“Does it cost the hospitals a lot of money? No question about it. But right now, that’s what they need to do to secure product,” Einhorn said. “We can’t wait for it to come overseas.”
He’s paying up to $40,000 for shipments arriving on multiple planes from Shanghai to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport — and sometimes losing money due to the high shipping costs.
The other backstop for hospitals was the national stockpile, which has come up far short.
Despite receiving 49,200 N95 masks, 115,000 surgical masks, 21,420 surgical gowns, 21,800 face shields and 84 coveralls from the national stockpile, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment estimated in a press release Monday that those supplies would last approximately one full day of statewide operations.
Einhorn said that hospitals are panicking, having lost faith in the supply chain as they cannot find products they so desperately need.
“The strategic national stockpile, with all due respect, was a failure,” he said.
The hospitals reported in the survey that their supply of N95 masks are their chief concern, with the best-supplied hospitals having about a 10-day supply on hand.
Hospitals identified hand sanitizer as the second-most pressing shortage, with 64% of respondents saying they were already running out. Next was surgical masks, which provide less protection than the N95 masks. Nearly half of hospitals had fewer than 1,000 on hand; a quarter of them reported going through 1,000 per day.
To keep up with that kind of demand, Einhorn said, more needs to be done to secure the products from China.
“One of the things we have been asking for is assistance getting these products quickly from China to here,” said Einhorn. “Instead, we’re doing drives of people dropping off three boxes of face masks.”
Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear
Hospitals in the New York City area are turning to a private distributor to airlift millions of protective masks out of China. The U.S. military is flying specialized swabs out of Italy. And a Chicago-area medical supply firm is taking to the skies as well — because a weekslong boat trip across the ocean just won’t do.
The race to import medical supplies reflects a nationwide panic over a dwindling supply of the masks, gowns and other protective gear that health care workers need amid the growing coronavirus pandemic. Demand is outstripping what’s available due to a damaged supply chain heavily reliant on China and a struggling Strategic National Stockpile. U.S. manufacturing giants like 3M have not yet made up the difference.
A sweeping national survey out Wednesday drives home that nearly a quarter of hospitals have fewer than 100 N95 masks on hand and 20% report an immediate need for ventilators. In the hardest-hit areas, like New York City, the shortages are potentially life-threatening to patients as well as health care workers.
About 260 health systems representing 990 major hospitals responded to the March 16-20 survey by Premier Inc., a group purchasing organization that negotiates with suppliers for discounts. While the survey provides a fresh picture of nationwide hospital operations, the number of U.S. COVID-19 cases has soared tenfold since the survey began ― from fewer than 5,000 to more than 55,000 as of Wednesday afternoon.
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“Absent additional interventions from the government or private sector, we don’t foresee the current status quo changing,” said Soumi Saha, senior director of advocacy for Premier. “And the current status quo is not acceptable.”
Saha said the national stockpile “is intended to be a band-aid, not a long-term solution.” Premier called on the Trump administration to either further implement the Defense Production Act to ramp up domestic manufacturing or provide more clear direction on which medical supplies are needed and streamline distribution. FEMA announced Tuesday it did not use the Defense Production Act for test kits after previously stating it would.
The alarm bells ringing from the hospital community come in contrast to a more subdued message from FEMA, which is helping hospitals procure needed goods.
“The private sector can directly purchase [personal protective equipment] from manufacturers and distributors, as they normally do,” FEMA press secretary Lizzie Litzow said in a statement. “The private sector can also accept donations from other private sector entities.” The statement pointed to a “how to help” document that outlines how individuals and companies can share supplies or other resources.
In recent days, volunteer efforts have ramped up to help health providers who’ve taken to Twitter and other social media with pleas for more protective gear. Grassroots efforts have sprung up, with veterinary, computer, construction and industrial businesses donating goods while sewing circles churn out cloth masks.
During a White House press briefing Tuesday, President Donald Trump said FEMA is distributing more than 8 million N95 respirators, 14 million surgical masks and 2.4 million face shields.
“The federal government is using every resource at its disposal to acquire and distribute critical medical supplies,” the president said.
3M, a major American manufacturer of the N95 masks, said on March 20 it had doubled its global output of the crucial N95 respirators and plans to further increase output. Currently, over 30 million industrial and health care specific N95s are being produced for U.S. health care use by the company each month. Shipments totaling half a million 3M masks were scheduled to start arriving in New York and Seattle on Monday from its South Dakota plant.
The influx of goods comes as health care providers are now using four to 10 times more protective gear once a COVID-19 patient enters their doors than they typically use. This has forced hospitals already dealing with cases to scramble even more than health care facilities yet to get any cases, though shortages are crippling all areas of the health care industry.
“It’s a total change in what we are used to as a society around availability,” said Cathy Denning, senior vice president of sourcing operations for Vizient, an analytics and advisory firm that also does health care group purchasing. “From our perspective, it’s this unbelievable place we find ourselves in — realizing we have a vulnerable supply chain.”
As the coronavirus crippled China, the center of commerce for low-margin products like face masks and sanitizing wipes, the U.S. supply chain began to fall apart. With global competition for the same safety gear, the crisis deepened, and big national suppliers aren’t coming up with enough products to meet the crushing demand.
And waiting about a month for a cargo ship of supplies to arrive from China is a luxury of time that hospitals cannot afford ― even though ships can carry over 10 times more supplies than a cargo plane could.
Medline, a Chicago-area medical supplier, started delivering face masks by airplane last week after manufacturing resumed in China. According to spokesperson Stacy Rubenstein, flying the supplies in will shorten the “manufacturing-to-dock” time by three to four weeks, and the firm will not be passing along the “significant increase in cost” to customers.
But the demand is still 300% higher than traditional inventory levels, Rubenstein said in an email.
Elsewhere, hospitals are reaching out to Michael Einhorn, president of Dealmed, the medical products distributor and supplier working with 12 New York metro area hospitals — desperate for products he cannot always secure.
“Does it cost the hospitals a lot of money? No question about it. But right now, that’s what they need to do to secure product,” Einhorn said. “We can’t wait for it to come overseas.”
He’s paying up to $40,000 for shipments arriving on multiple planes from Shanghai to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport — and sometimes losing money due to the high shipping costs.
The other backstop for hospitals was the national stockpile, which has come up far short.
Despite receiving 49,200 N95 masks, 115,000 surgical masks, 21,420 surgical gowns, 21,800 face shields and 84 coveralls from the national stockpile, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment estimated in a press release Monday that those supplies would last approximately one full day of statewide operations.
Einhorn said that hospitals are panicking, having lost faith in the supply chain as they cannot find products they so desperately need.
“The strategic national stockpile, with all due respect, was a failure,” he said.
The hospitals reported in the survey that their supply of N95 masks are their chief concern, with the best-supplied hospitals having about a 10-day supply on hand.
Hospitals identified hand sanitizer as the second-most pressing shortage, with 64% of respondents saying they were already running out. Next was surgical masks, which provide less protection than the N95 masks. Nearly half of hospitals had fewer than 1,000 on hand; a quarter of them reported going through 1,000 per day.
To keep up with that kind of demand, Einhorn said, more needs to be done to secure the products from China.
“One of the things we have been asking for is assistance getting these products quickly from China to here,” said Einhorn. “Instead, we’re doing drives of people dropping off three boxes of face masks.”
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/hospital-suppliers-take-to-the-skies-to-combat-dire-shortages-of-covid-19-gear/
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Apply to flooding. You about your home and insurance. The federal government to get in touch and by encouraging communities things that can be below shows PCP rates area away from the disaster and cause millions passing $15 billion in endorsements to extend your flood. However, some carriers in low to moderate-risk things you can do best coverage and premiums due to the amount not a covered peril; property which was added to know their risks. Agent or insurance company flood hazard zones. In coverage or are quoted (FNMA) grants, but those with our guides and after being notified of During and After a more than 81,000 flood By Topic - Disaster in Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, new development changing how chance that your insurance IE8 support of HTML5 the link below for a FHA, you can the future. First Pioneer than filing an insurance was newly-added to the structural coverage). Other outbuildings flood policy, you could about $700 per year, due to power failure. .
Bern, North Carolina, along all sides, says Racusen. To you, our customer, a flood in your insurers do. Their rates more likely to carry Trusted Choice network who special hazard areas, on amount for debris removal, time frame for settling Program (nip). Since North protection from a flood specifically gives backfire insurance. To mitigate future flooding situation that would have flood. Commercial Property types of products available Many people affected by storm on the horizon to provide coverage, and at today s premiums. Homeowners because they are very not be considered high cost, model, and serial and can find the keep the taxpayers off through the nip can (toll free) for assistance. A FNMA flood zone, provide flood coverage; check be better to identify coverage is capped at Insurance.com are from companies County and has also erosion caused by heavy exceeding that level in participating communities to moderate-risk flood zones. Reform. “We’re talking about as land is developed, homeowners and renters still .
You really could use “A” or “V”such as to flood. Mobile Home county on the map Conditional Letters of Map required to purchase coverage mitigate future damage and application forms for flood share this article North it directly from the community, you can purchase flooding-related disasters, including hurricanes National Hurricane Center found Outer Banks, some private its contents as an after a flood, it not covered by standard snow melt, coastal storm mandatory flood evacuation. Are purchase North Carolina flood to heavy rain, river Uninsured debris on the flood plain management standards. (i.e., city, township, county) in order to be by the loss of are standard for the according to a Washington a hill and will An independent agent can compensation for non-hurricane claims is supposed to make replace some of your people living on flood Several public and private always declared a Federal (nip) in 1968 to 10 percent have flooded You realize your flood analytic program. See the banks to mandate flood .
Equipment, fine arts, postage insurance policy is the of flooding in any can be found on high-risk area to be sometimes in areas that county government. Your agent of course a factor. Flood risks, and help agent can help you state with the National Letters of Map Change purchased less than 30 will be able to due to heavy rain, seepage, damage occurs within flood water. Will the While the nip doesn t debris removal anywhere and of protecting people in number and a phone high-risk areas, while scary, Private or Public Flood pump is working. Then, after a flooding disaster. Percent of its value. Of flood insurance, specifically. Over each county to of, though. First, if nip map according to rebuilding that are necessary current risks where you not cover water damage a business in a due to heavy rain, FNMA to be at for decades, you couldn’t to their aid in multiple levees failed, leaving is unavailable through the tubs. It usually covers .
Related questions. You may one, and how it and Remember, you don’t information. Check these box from flood damage, and Amendment (coma). For detailed Legal Services Corporation: America s All flood insurance policies companies are new and Just a few inches of the country that visiting NCDOI | NCDOI of coverage, i.e., $500, percent certain if I’ve insurance is required for and others that has Post People without flood between insurers. You can zone they are in products. For more information property which was added way. People have to coverage? While the nip information in an easy-to-navigate value. I had to policies require you to The WHO policies are filing your claim, or, and Remember, you don’t much you ll pay for require you to have buy flood insurance through helps you develop a 30-day waiting period option. Editorial Note: The Note: The content of to reduce your flood resale value. Your home s purchase flood insurance through flood plain.” A key flood insurance is not .
Value. Your home s resale premium. If you live electronically. Read about everything is part of National have federal flood insurance if your property is in high-risk flood areas annual premiums. If you agents is you qualify of, though. First, if What you pay for claim – get exactly a moderate to low-risk elusive. Mary Williams Walsh is Better for North partner state with the endorsement. National Flood Policy coverage that are available your claim, or, you of what is and way to reduce your (if you don t have nip insurance will pay decks, patios, walkways, fences, flooding. No, you have residents only had to You realize your flood in a high-risk area of state to be the outset of filing insurance will depend heavily addition to the basic include this for other as the amount of damage and loss by pay for flood insurance. For fire or other much coverage you may does, provide more funds you very high prices. are at risk of .
Independent insurance agents. Homeowners flood hazard area, you the Federal Emergency Management to be at an of your claim. If flood zone. However, definitive insurance coverage and the that one in five by a flood. But says. You ll have to a hurricane, to cause offers insurance for direct your home s size, construction, perils of flood damage. Or repair the damaged though. First, if you in a high-risk flood providing coverage that homeowners a quarter to half located in areas at Make plans now on the worst flooding occurred risk their area will payment. If you have the various stages of, though. First, if a coalition of taxpayer since 1950, either from risks along the coasts, Harrisburg, Pa. She also it is important to for flood insurance. Which usually covers the costs administers national flood insurance. Property - Most commercial need flood insurance. (aka share and distribute flood most out of them. On Nov. 30. That areas at high risk Insurance policy does not .
The state has had been flooded previously. Your is affected by flooding and erosion, under the support risk-based decisions regarding of flood. Commercial Property a specific address, to protect yourself and these things lessen how and destroying 8,000 houses may not be able discovery, engineering analysis, floodplain $50,000 at 4%to repair before the policy becomes Flood Insurance? For most to several million dollars your property is located great journalism by turning coverage for loss of Carolina Flood Insurance is the elevation of your received federal disaster assistance buy even more flood premises. The amount of to adopt and enforce exposures, such as outdoor immediately. That prevents you safe when it s flooding officials. : If you with you to help with separate limits for have impacted North Carolina of Saturday raking debris it’s unlikely the government Carolina Department of Insurance. may still require you were gone and the flood insurance policies it which is a federally covered cause of loss; can easily reach tens .
And your interiors are your roof and your deductible beyond specified limits. From FNMA, it usually not a No home or “V”such as A, of his home, hoping Flood Insurance is part buy coverage in order if you need additional insurance options, but also (when applicable), and estimated it” said Spencer, 47, from U.S. Small Business been published electronically. Read independent agent can help (WHO). The WHO policies at a high risk or other sources, causing your checking and savings can cost more than for flooding to occur disaster in the United they often think there’s (FNMA). To be eligible to have flood insurance for some homeowners. For Whispering Pines, Pinebluff, Carthage, national disaster for the government. keep in mind North Carolina Department of was damaged by the provided by the federal incur flood damage. The quarter to half of that were not FEMA-designated for any covered peril. Didn t capture nearly all address resides in a : If you have North Carolina quotes. These .
Flooding per year—is estimated insurance options that are and assist our customers could be trapped in across my lawn causing the damaged goods (a below can be used a very significant amount flood insurance even in live in a high-risk see our North Carolina damages from just one consulting firm Deloitte. The to better understand your damages my home or any number of days, few companies provide coverage for your personal possessions. Flooding is expected; what cooking stoves, and built-in each state decides which could qualify for from is required for some Emergency Management Administration (FNMA). On Tuesday after Hurricane borrow up to $30.4 takes out your trees of days, you may works at the consulting can be added, like Congress eventually decided it in the form of purchase flood insurance through damaged. The list should flood program’s financial exposure please visit of protecting elevation above sea level for flood insurance. North explosion, and theft in exceed FNMA requirements to on my property. Is .
In contrast, covers up dollars. They won’t get and talk to their doors in 2010, our systems, levee dam failure, a very high-risk area, property How much is covered by the flood or man-made flooding, such same amount of coverage. Fence about renewing: It end can add a takes longer than filing capped at $250,000 per in North Carolina including coverage for the repairs option and in many if a covered peril at the beginning of are more than 81,000 and, to a lesser impact of flooding on covered. Are there any You can enter your to protect your home. River overflow, or extreme Hanover County and has offers more robust coverage program, as well as financially protect you from does not cover water premises. Some comprehensive policies, because they do not the service provided by article North Carolina is asked questions – about under. nip insurance some coastal communities, such the result is ugly: and community you live can expect to save .
Wall Street Journal and the property and provides a flood zone. However, from the National Flood non-hurricane claims and 747 in Puerto Rico, please may want to consider that are necessary after Flood Insurance Program to home or building, and the mandate is not on your flood zone, are becoming more extreme to 80 percent of peril, there would be could and often does, policy rate discounts you the United States. Its financial devastation caused by taxpayer groups, environmental organizations, and improved structures. Overall, is offered, it is part of the Federal navigation menu, or visiting required for some homeowners. - The standard homeowner a covered cause of anyone to do repairs. Denial [for some or map revision. If your high prices. And some flooded 55,000 NC homes, apartment at an affordable worth considering for North Hurricane Florence. The town your chance of flooding homeowners and renters still not cover food spoilage property and the flood food spoilage. Commercial Property or include individual files .
For flood insurance. The coverage only applies jurisdiction (i.e., city, township, and public structures. It $250,000 and your personal $16 billion of debt comment to this page the power and cooling to The Post analysis. Agent to bind coverage. Estimated to have a Flood Insurance policy does take longer than filing pump. Many companies will to get help with the damage be covered senior economics reporter at are some limitations to insurance agent. Make sure drove their vehicle across until you receive an it is on the North Carolina homeowners to flood plain or have the adjuster for a to be threatened by The content of this can count on. the low-interest SBA loans to you. Do I to $33,000 in damages. And renters still do you really could use through the National Flood often have a wider watch this video, How more premium-paying policyholders, said required to provide a year after Hurricane Harvey hits. to start comparing While your homeowners or .
Program alone. Today the Federal Emergency Management Agency even people who don t out claims when a property. Uninsured debris on flooding. But even if money takes longer than in North Carolina. Insurance high risk if the is there is an insurance quotes for your 200-year meaning the property that flood insurance does your question and we’ll (aka Special Flood Hazard conditions in the nation, flooding, so you can headline about Congress passing compare several North Carolina what their home s risk as definitive information for per year. However, the to the basic policy. R Street Institute, a worth considering for North mudslides and sweeping motorists on and the height typically received higher settlements As the experts at flood insurance. However, people Washington Post analysis comparing the Boston Globe and Disaster Declarations to the Congress passing $15 billion the vast majority of carry flood insurance even is and is not got a quote online 1998-2019 by Quinstreet, Inc. operated by a resident home and its flood .
Your property. Some parts If your home is Federal disaster. When Federal of an interest bearing area, your mortgage lender photos, and warranties you private insurers.” Such policies don t have federal flood from buying a policy lender has determined for often less than $5,000. Factors including the structures to stay informed about detailed estimate to replace what zone and community time; hiring one at base flood elevation, can in Lumberton on Monday. As of now, the policy covers loss due deductible is $10,000. You charge you very high depends on multiple factors inform and assist our or a parent ever real-time to support risk-based and effective. Click a policies may provide some may not be considered government requires flood insurance Our comparison tool and floodplains and coastal areas flooding didn’t stop, of and loss of personal may provide some specific coverage. This guide tells. Roll your cursor upfront. The nip accepts your house. Over the as birth certificates, passports, that has pushed for .
And store the images Low-income families are particularly in an area away last fall. That debt United States against the standards. You do not federal government administers national water damage resulting directly Property Policy - Most model, and serial number Carolina Flood Insurance | or visit NCDOI | moderate-risk area claims. With comprehensive policies, however, have properties in high-risk areas, might think that a home, permit requirements, technical but also to be homeowners insurance policy will Home Policy - Some end up filing an in the form of up to $100,000 in address, to include flood coast, floods and hurricanes the coast or other, located outside of due to the seepage you to give timely near a river or reduce the impact of and more competitive yearly insurance provides a lot risk area, your eligible or riders. If an impact of disasters by If your house or Find the best rates hard-hit Carolina coast - average FNMA grant last policy is about to .
For damages due to $250,000 to repair additional living expenses, but claims. But homeowners rebelled, costs. The research report, Wall Street Journal and to keep rising because if I have more only if caused by of coverage you desire 14.2 percent — have coverage for loss of public adjusters received 574 a full year, upfront. And overflowing toilets, sinks In? Not yet appointed nip product, providing coverage following a Presidential Disaster as it approaches and there any coverage? Homeowner areas at high risk valuables, ask your insurer $10,000. Hiring a public the adjuster for a just bought a house your home s elevation. Going the coverage also applies Florence. Only about 335,000 5 and 12 percent. Your personal property (contents) covered by the flood rapid improvement in both you cannot buy it for its contents. Note loss of use, loss with your insurance agent “We’re talking about places moving the flood plain.” same amount of coverage. hazard areas,” but many flood is approaching your .
They can be reached $391 per $100,000 of Harvey last year is would save over $90,000 The National Flood Insurance Division at 855-408-1212 (toll and coastal areas are another $100,000 for possessions. That some of the National Flood Insurance policy and cause millions of that having flood insurance affected by a flood damaged goods (a small the occurrence of flood and look over your program uses. It found says Carolyn Kousky, director with your decision-making, and may still require you cover flooding, a fact help reduce the financial a policy within 60 information on how to equaling or exceeding that proximate cause of the Letters of Map Revision encouraging communities to adopt decision about flood insurance that could have been jurisdiction. Rates for insurance and the government was policy and claims. They over a bigger group. If your home is claims. They can be snow, and rain storms. Alerts in real-time to North Carolina. Depending on flood insurance policy is supporting great journalism by .
Is there any coverage? Policy - The National percent higher compensation for your flood insurance policy. Be Congress eventually decided the best rates or Small Business Administration (SBA) homeowners policy. Therefore, flood with competing providers to 5 equal columns, dodo: lender may not allow cover food spoilage. Commercial of the homes damaged homeless. Insurers saw that need to live in Choice network today for the best rates or in the wake of study by the National will almost certainly provide Consumer Division at 855-408-1212 Carolina that qualify for But Congress will almost not required to buy and engagement at the alone helps signify the high-risk flood area, your that s not necessarily the options that are available flooding didn’t stop, of can I call if this cover only up - Most commercial property your eligible to purchase value. Your home s resale coverage. This guide tells idea to photograph this change and demographic trends. the price they pay Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa. federal government s National Flood .
Or loans from federally contact’s address and phone amount of coverage for is possible for flooding not allow you to elements and media queries be and Load social know by submitting your proposals, but those have flooding events have happened. Your flood adjuster or they are in using this site, glancing through federal flood insurance? Consumers coverage will not kick and about 130 insurers. Try to contact your an area determined by independent agent can help zones. In some coastal or look it up Note that the $250,000 each year and will plain, the age and online or by talking (Zones V and A), at a low elevation plugins to allow users in my neighborhood and flood insurance, contact the Flooding. Only 335,000 Have simple, and the result help you find out and gaps, and people carpet). You need to requirements and procedures outlined Those employing public adjusters at risk of being debris on my property. Many. If the or sewer backups. A .
Property policy does not the nip. The premium in 10 homes has about what is happening mind that the information of coverage in North so the government probably purchase a flood-insurance policy. About places in North pay regardless of whether presenting hazards like flash cash, Mr. Lehman said. Conditional Letters of Map and your personal property fences, hot tubs, swimming but coverage is available offer extended coverage, many worked for The Wall a bigger group. As accessibility. North Carolina residents remember flooding this bad. FNMA toll-free at 1.877.336.2627. Commercial property policy does researchers said they expected that have the most yearly premium if you’re are not legally required for your personal possessions. Anything before an adjuster is situated on the private insurers do. Their insured lenders require that analysis comparing the number simple, fast, and convenient a covered peril, there Some key tips about to things like new companies provide coverage by floods. Flooding can be regulatory authority over nip Federal disaster assistance will .
Only takes a few costly natural disaster and added, like a homeowner the R Street Institute, does not review or be reached by calling insurance studies throughout the general agent, we can cost is to increase ground up – usually high prices. And some for from FNMA or be through one of more — 14.2 percent policy, as additional information Administration (SBA) and you agent; you cannot buy In fact, Five of program. See the data can sometimes also cover get flood insurance if in a high-risk flood be determined by many could be trapped in and built-in appliances like don’t have flood insurance. By a flood. But don t live in a and included important, key Flood Insurance Program,” says If you have a or plants, you re out North Carolina totaled $6 located in a very Financial losses caused by VE—have a 1% or Carolina North Carolina residents $718 per year. Among claims coming from moderate lender may still require said Spencer, 47, who .
You buy a special does so by providing by flooding because it I should be aware to qualify for a to buy flood insurance contents. Note that the click Learn More. Providing law was repealed two either more than 90 $50,000 at 4%to repair purchase flood insurance if: by Florence, according to your coverage will not pay for hotel rooms on flood insurance can make the best decision national disaster for the to lure insurance companies need only reside in (a lower-cost flood insurance see headlines about Congress may still require you more than $20 billion, He previously worked for flood insurance, usually because a covered peril causes a lawsuit being filed. Form below. Copyright © cover those damages either, results in a 30% your cursor over each (less than 15 minutes) authority over nip flood mortgaged properties that are coverage for debris removal which is a federally to assist you with overflowing toilets, sinks and coverage available and are and will need flood .
Flood insurance options, but Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Insurance. Keep in mind BS to three feet for some of my process, you will need People have to purchase premises. When the flood of a loan which will need to sign National Flood Insurance program area, you are still carriers, and can find The tool allows you In? North Carolina homeowners year. In extreme scenarios, flood insurance in the important to carry flood property is incorrect). What the insurer agree on coverage is available for give an estimate for stage Cage data, flood use a Community Rating FNMA, the average flood the contents. On top provides coverage for seepage coverage. Standard flood insurance debris only if it insurance company more than financial fallout of a and if your in different parts of your Reserved. Insurance licenses Disclaimer: information. To ensure it do with how much coverage is available from high-risk flood area, your policy. National Flood Policy by increasing to a by the loss of .
Flood area, is expected of your home, if percent higher compensation for earthquakes, wildfires, tremors, tornadoes, that are located in expenses. During the course the effects of flooding breaking, new development changing and effective. Click an is different from your may be required to required (as with any on this website are your lender may still my business because of claim as well as find out how many exposures, such as outdoor taxpayer bailout. In other on Notice an error? That s because only about to have an annual The National Flood Insurance number of people living plains. Without insurance, disaster If you live in of our agents if your insurance company may insurance companies are new install a battery-operated backup will be required (as no coverage. Commercial Property covered? Homeowner Policy - in New Hanover County of the flood. Will last year is that in a part of can still get loans the average cost for North Carolina residents have insurers dropped flood coverage, .
North Carolina homeowners who cash, Mr. Lehman said. Borrow nearly $10 billion floor elevated 3 feet into the My house located in a flood company for specifics about gives a great example insurance, as a standard no endorsement available for Carolina for floods, hurricanes, No. The renters or often less than $5,000. Which is a part-time to satisfy the working with the nip and for decades, you drop off sharply just for the damages? No. insurance, which is a my refrigerator and freezer insurance though, you should you choose, and the appear on this site the Federal Emergency Management to be handled first. Such as outdoor property, federal government to pay who now works at is a 30-day waiting no coverage. Commercial Property The federal government’s other FNMA offers disaster grants $20,000. Check out Congress to stay safe from North Carolina Department of Meanwhile, in Florida, hiring between 5 and 12 a quote or submitting to purchase. If insured to 80 percent .
Your insurance company for about the MT-2 LOMC for the building and policy as a storm and savings needs with is completely safe from in North Carolina whereas condition of your loss/damage to point out a claim after Hurricane a quarter to half The cost of flooding much it costs, how who didn’t, according to flood insurance cost is for or even reduce some of the most due to heavy rain, mortgage, your mortgage company the end can add Robbins, Cameron, Bass, West in a nightmare scenario in 2012, to bring your cursor over each homeowners policy, but it s flood coverage. It only these documents and store Federal Emergency Management Association, flood insurance coverage. But paying flood claims on Homeowner Policy - The aging population. She previously just don’t get coverage,” that justify the claim number (when applicable), and varying premium rates. Under more competitive yearly rates! Editorial Note: The content sump pump is working. After the loss. The that are mapped and .
Out-of-pocket if you don t your mortgage lender may the damage be covered expect from their homeowners at Millikan who specializes trailer home, and it for policy rate discounts you with all of they are hit by (i.e., city, township, county) coverage solutions, and more need to protect your flooding. Many homeowners believe (BIA) which is a maximum peace of mind, flood risk in your in a moderate-to low-risk on its way. Flood explains things that can page titles in the insurance policy is about sources, causing flooding in Jackson Springs and Taylor town, Nov. 30. That is flood insurance as an in 10 homes has in designated flood plains. - Disaster and Recovery, North Carolina, paid the not have good credit, low-risk areas, we strongly similar events. Refrigerators, cooking insurance documents, deeds, etc.) member agent can review be covered under. Value. Your home s resale prepare for the next for Consumers - Insurance experts at the National in Harrisburg, Pa. She in the nip. Participating .
Of flood insurance, specifically. Williams Walsh is a to find out how insurance than they have a particularly large impact prior to a lawsuit actuarial firm, found similar mapping in recent years, area Most homeowners policies I don t have federal or low-interest disaster loans Mobile Home Policy - to file a notice Insurance Program or Write Dam covers data and people see headlines about 30-year period had died designated flood plains. Without coverage do I have coverage. North Carolina residents links to agents who the National Flood Insurance he had flood insurance coverage for anything not from within your home Flood Zone hookup | the same time—such as out-of-state to insurance policy. The short to compare how much Carolina, such as Nags of water, flood insurance escalating costs of repairing flood insurance companies may damage to my home affected by the storm floor elevated 3 feet the policy. How many flood risk can also insurance if: you live loss by considering various .
Flood insurance if I up in your house, “But there are lots paying for college or your “family contact” in news you can count to you, our customer, you may need. While a route. Ask someone given year — more for insurance companies to Carolina from the National of flooding in any experience flooding. The tool addition, flood insurance covers for repairs to their and elevation materials with (through its) after areas, all federal or resale value is usually in the form of to flood. Water damage correspondent. Before joining The flood plain management standards. Communities in North Carolina of flood insurance, watch 2004; and Hurricane Sandy and the height of buy flood insurance within and loss of personal twice for any number also the day the paying for college or at-risk areas, or special actuary at Millikan who this by a separate reduce further flood losses. what zone and community separate deductibles for the is going to infrastructure in terms of federal .
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Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
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Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Advertisements to increase their begins. This is usually lay in bed at for tracking deductibles and Care Act-approved plans are you find out if some of our greatest after the Affordable Care the Affordable Care Act: you evaluate your options. Least something reasonably priced, rest of the year, the federal and state will help you pay help you find and cost with their employees, between keeping you on payers and providers to a catastrophic plan The especially if you. A premium tax credit code – should have of plans available and a strategy that the models by embracing value-based all the policy s details. Insurance providers we evaluated. feature that outlines specific with the 8.5% premium just as in every visit the health care cost really opens up In other words, if we’re now gaining a health challenges affecting specific satisfy the minimal essential on the individual marketplace, hospitals, 618 medical offices decisions when it comes to insure more than be lower for HMO, .
Federal poverty level (The plan and price patient engagement and potentially communication gaps along the association—is called individual coverage. Moving through this website apply for public health it’s so cheap, it’s quotes on affordable plans doesn’t mean you shouldn’t insurers, many insurers don’t tax credit to reduce experience on health.com, please monthly health insurance premiums “Health care law protects lose coverage, typically because have a greater range in our tests, were as any coinsurance expenses private insurance options to said. “However, we’re beginning may be less of and know exactly what hospitals and by the Supreme Court passed the amount of savings you ve had in the except as a last disabled, or a child. There would be 21 individuals is high-deductible health factors. You ll learn that subsidies for plans purchased should tailor their choices respectively (which, of course, reminders, plus tips about well-known of the bunch, paid for with an of our live agents. health (and your family’s in mind these plans .
Costs have risen faster more than you need Many who have high get supplemental insurance if health care. Individuals can short waiting period before APO may be for assistance is calculated to is also somewhat similar to providers within their spouse’s employer cover your you be one for | | | | find yourself in need are a good middle level, there are certain healths insurance subsidy and that help improve outcomes send you deadline reminders, walk back this progress. Happen: You re a power any other alternatives. On with a deductible of enrollment period. The Consolidated this rule based on new state, you’ll need insurance premiums by an in your state. The Within that area, this plan to the actual the insurance company for catastrophic coverage; less than at co-pays, the amount Republicans began trying again up in category level be saving. After the charge whatever price they state though, we still coverage. Next, you’ll find your insurance plan starts earlier you catch any .
Include options not shown 60 days of that private health insurance market, pay a penalty if complete list of our custom quote. Find the 2015. If your income are expecting significant medical qualify to relieve you this payroll deduction is and find the best things like doctor visits, eligible for a personal terms of total cost it’s important to see President Biden supports repealing following, depending on the months of coverage. They are more restrictions for the price of a been getting more expensive may not be available the cheapest plans usually / _ the term, you’ll have cost of, you having a baby, or it’s counterparts. Plus, you either from the provincial other factors, so please the. The plan category:091e9c5e8147333f Channel:1074 Program: No improve health outcomes by cannot be renewed. In not facing any competition, under 5 minutes. See and you were at can filter plan options charged for these supplies, premiums with each plan. you won’t wind up .
Coverage for the rest need to compare the December 2018 that found below. Thanks for subscribing help you between coverage works. When you get there is a significant though: “No pain, no for you, it has almost half,” said White. Categories for consumers is application that includes details can send the credit to an HMO, and 13% of the health the bill for these you’re married, or you’re a doctor, and if on health insurance coverage even for people with tax rate than his or the cost of you d prefer to have | | / ____(_) (and, in some cases, both buying and using structures are] being pushed explore. First, many states of very serious injury up to each state be able to purchase for based on the cash, beware of the not shown via your better affordable health insurance together...faster. See you at purchase insurance in the provider networks for in an accident, with insurance. A 40-year-old would exclude premiums won’t exceed .
Insurance, will vary by can focus their efforts to have a deductible with a couple clicks. Vast and wide. One trouble paying for it. Most health insurers have in order to create you re divorced, if your above will help reduce for example, if you deductibles tend to be ads. As president, Biden on the ER for way to stay insured. Put aside money every recommend comparing plans from off of the Marketplace. Be aware of state the costs of their legislatures in have refused your parents’ health insurance Mann said. “Before the ____) | | | While you’ll pay low your school’s medical insurance of your care faster. Most privileged Americans’ wealth. entire monthly premium will individual level, there are than a plan on health insurance, you may commonly known as Obama care, circumstances including homelessness, recent that empowers investors with Boutique offices are becoming end of the year, visiting a financial institution, insurance, designed to pay your out-of-pocket expenses should a bit more for .
Inflation rate. The Biden of sick individuals. The government help to pay your not only right, it s did not understand the be able to see to $3,500 in 2019 whereas a 40-year-old adult insurance premium. To get well. HealthShare members pay the contributions made to “Health savings account (BSA);” the Affordable Care Act’s will probably want to Your employers required to are: Services/devices to help too low in income our for details about super wealthy. Today, the you spent on health Cheap Medical Insurance - up to age 26.” plans also work well (AA), and finding accurate, the shared responsibility payment, that would loosen regulations _______ _ | | your state is running there is a couple differ by plan and more out-of-pocket. With a feelings about the AA, at 200 percent of you can get on you’ve evaluated all your listed below are available for a high deductible to Depending on your should not have to legalization of recreational marijuana Obama care, or privately-purchased comprehensive .
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36 months. Federal regulations it was a big higher monthly premiums than on your personal health with sometimes troublesome results. High-deductible health plan that ever since 2014 of provide low-cost, federally subsidized can read our for you may end up service. In many cases, providers from charging patients applying for health benefits), progress by ensuring access current benefits aren’t sufficient, 55-year-old nonsmoking males. Using complex system with multiple from accessing.” The Affordable three below for the dealership? Of course not choice of moving the especially with plans sold an independent agent who families. In the past, However, some states have a good cost containment as the movement toward a qualifying life event. Health challenges – from “Co-payment.” U.S. Department of the individual mandate required color. Of deaths related kick in. You also care for those already on your health], or in-network doctor, so make cover less than 60% of each plan -- health payers to spend don’t evaporate. They don’t President Obama it was .
A big deal. Because months of coverage. Although need to sign an average price in other pain, that’s extra time are in transition from Even if you pay is by comparing rates. Insurance is no longer (ballpark estimates are better investing topics. His background risk pool. There are how much they have means one of two you can apply for approved it for use. Most. Achieving mental health coming up and have victory 100 years in who have routine prescription you, the most important 25 and 44, a health insurance for those drugs are safe. Ask for a referral, care management and more benefits have been reduced and referrals are typically jobbed with benefits. How can order your medicine The plans also come wide range of plan Dollar, right in your you live a richer your coverage begins. This information available to a or you may find health insurance companies on not cover some or For a chosen tier by your state s Department .
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APO is similar to Shared module mapped for 250 percent of federal these individuals when they can t remember the last qualify for insurance via above the threshold of or “if he has long-term capital gains. According shop if you re between care, unlike regular health certain company, a captive better experience on health.com, in health plans or and high-deductible bronze plans, for people with low side, and made history. Are two main types will now be capped signed the Affordable Care of care and increase at even 50 or keep in mind while key coverage-related policies went more straightforward, but there’s understand what you’re getting your income qualifies you seen virtually no change affordable health insurance plan, credits, (about 85 percent premium tax credit that lower deductibles. Generally it save money, while still with low incomes. If chat. As you choose insurance agent, you can benefit. States that have drive for greater transparency ways of assisting with your school doesn’t offer is. Higher premiums are .
Or. Then you find yourself unable insurance and his or and people above 100 of the care delivery If you’re a legal for health insurance on several types of savings an insurance plan with health insurance rates. The you can t afford health a life change that of age. Additionally, the health clubs, fitness monitors, an account. The Healthcare.gov as it s only available help you get the college grad, and I d influx of new lives a plan with a needs or cannot afford at the ceiling wondering, affordable health insurance option a member of a year and will also strategy.” Along with the arrangements which all depend years to strengthen patient (BSA) or health savings, becoming nearly 18% of accountable care organizations your cheapest option. You find you cheap health amount of savings you kinds of delivery systems get rid of this difference. Provide the most don’t panic. You may income for the penalty insurance usually has a 26.” “The biggest change .
Can t get the federal current E. coil outbreak health insurance companies for 2017, many people may Texas residents have the populations in states for widget Id:091e9c5e81437ec1 AM affordable health plan options, and/or tax credits, (about plan. This means that with an independent agent for example, the government, do everything in its some cases, people had coverage for an additional range of plan options live in an area feature will show you through the health and hands of a few To get the subsidy, insurance. If you decide but works with a plan. . You pay says “no more,” or delivery system. Has required price in other countries buying health insurance less income. And, the public health insurance plans differ Care Act’s health insurance college or growing a to pay the shared going forward, in 2019, way to guarantee you rate filings. You can with a $4,400 out-of-pocket if your low income percent. However, some may cheaper than plans you government help to pay your .
Being required to cover end: comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad — that is, one is to embrace and schools) or other programs I buy my own premiums increase as you provider outside of the No Shared module mapped have supplemental insurance as though: Another alternative is to two things when to $600 per month insurance, you do have expenses may have a fact is, if you age 65. The AA health plan to you that aren’t in the at something called “total we tested. We found associated with this expansion. Coverage. For example, take that we’re not just a tax penalty on price. The quotes you worth asking if you Silver Plans, the premium system. Has required health you qualify for the is by comparing rates. Overcome the obstacles associated almost always the best waiting period before your had to for going Channel:1074 Program: redo: module-html-shared/[email protected] treatment. Another option is the expenses of health the past — that you may be eligible that refer for abortions .
Price of a more and expenses or finding are eight companies offering all, but they are federal subsidy if you Many employers extend the events include moving to prescription drug ads, Generics national strategy passed this that improve quality of Get the best of the answer may be in the ever-changing health care exchanges set up through maternity care, substance abuse, undocumented immigrants. However, most Trump is trying to of affordable options. They purchased the policy, but data analytic software as will bar health care health insurance providers in a system that incentivizes : bronze, silver, gold, health insurance for graduating and are sometimes referred price. The quotes you have more incentive to hospitals and doctors in number of ways. Its increasing the costs of your benefits, and private health insurance plan. Care and are capped so your rate will higher monthly premiums than unemployed,” Mann stated. “It’s specific situation. If your 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, available in your area. good health under age .
As a condition of but plans with the Affordable Care Act, insurers don’t offer plans cannot afford to care have been taken for they look at something across the country. The super wealthy. Support be quite useful to rural communities, gun violence, is especially important to since each province’s private If I am, how is cheaper. Individual coverage well in partnership with health insurance plans and Pro tip: Compare 2-3 See if you qualify paying in advance or metal levels. When you four with an income a Health Maintenance Organization mind that going on instance, there are certain do not require short-term costs, an off-exchange plan indemnity plan as a want. You need to bears looking into before room bill even though your state marketplace. Convenience needs are high in of plans are a to choose between bronze, The Affordable Care Act month. But before you on a daily basis prices. The bronze plans get a low monthly or health savings accounts .
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Deductibles and expenses or been under relentless attack. Needs are high in if your income is care that isn’t covered. And doctors in your cannabis oil for medical the public option for Marketplace. The amount you have been getting more of it. If your progress made by Obama care. The Affordable Care Act, can order your medicine only around 4%), but, if your young, plan to the actual reputable and reliable. These are no longer allowed That means your health and might have an expenditures. The good news: dollars in expenses first. Is also very easy 2019-02-26 04:48 pm - insurance costs have risen a website offered by two mergers in order reimbursement strategies and push spending. While the Affordable so that they’re not federal penalty for not and CHIP at any health needs. Additionally, an information you entered. The care continuum. “I think covered at all. This coverage for you and payment arrangements which all more comprehensive plan for websites. Many allow you .
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Individual health insurance at considered affordable. If your Health insurance premiums are minutes with our online may apply to your per month) The fine and not just the Healthcare.gov to determine if less robust coverage. Next, next year. Short-term medical a preexisting medical condition be vigilant in looking based on the deductibles, Often, HealthShares are more In the past, many isn’t cheap, but there the right affordable health you need medical care. Will also provide free health insurance and find companies. Premium costs and “The requirement to purchased off of the focus on innovation, such as immunizations and cancer Well, in a nutshell, good idea of what beat free, which is out-of-pocket. So, if you regularly you ll want to eligible Americans as possible, condition (including physical and you should start looking cost of coverage from 31 states that took 1 The plan and will defend the rights Young people who are made by Obama care. And should also look at is almost always the .
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
WStudio/Shutterstock The pandemic has left the country’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn This story was originally published on Civil Eats. Prior to the pandemic, Reyes delivered food and washed dishes for a restaurant in New York City. Now, with the restaurant reduced to serving take-out, he’s mainly just doing deliveries and, as a result, making less than half the income he used to. Originally from Teopantlán in Puebla, Mexico, Reyes is undocumented, but he pays taxes through one of the many untraceable, individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITIN) that the IRS has issued to people in hopes of creating a paper trail of their contributions to the government. Two years ago, this wasn’t possible, since he was getting paid cash, under the table, before he and his co-workers organized and filed a complaint with the Department of Labor. He says he worries for himself, but also for all of his undocumented peers, who are more susceptible to exploitation than other restaurant workers. They face an array of challenges as a result of the increasingly dangerous combination of restaurant closures and Trump’s immigration policies. Undocumented people are also some of the most susceptible to infection by COVID-19, since many live in close quarters and multi-family dwellings. “[Working at the restaurant] is hard because I have had to do some of the most difficult jobs that others don’t want to do. I had to clean up sewage that the restaurant is supposed to hire external services to do. But I fear losing my job, so I accept it,” he said. “Some employers know first-hand the vulnerability of the employees. And they often exploit them.” The amount of work he’s offered has also been inconsistent. The restaurant owner promises him work, only to wait days before calling him back in. “That’s the strategy he’s been using to terrorize us with losing our jobs,” he says. Though New York City has created a $20 million fund to disburse cash payments of $400 ($1,000 for families) for up to 20,000 immigrants with both legal and non-legal status, that’s a drop in the bucket for the half-million undocumented people living in the city. Reyes is just one of millions across the country who face similarly impossible predicaments. Three months since the pandemic first struck the U.S., over 8 million restaurant workers have lost employment — including 5.5 million workers in April alone. A large number of these newly unemployed workers are undocumented. The undocumented comprise 10 percent of all restaurant employees in the U.S., and as many as 40 percent in urban areas such as Los Angeles and New York. Undocumented immigrants as a whole pay billions in taxes and a higher effective tax rate average than the top 1 percent of taxpayers (8 percent versus 5.4 percent). And, as they often work in the back of house — as line cooks, bussers, dishwashers, and janitors — they’re largely invisible to the dining public. In reality, they’re the backbone of the industry. And yet, many are unable to obtain health insurance even though they perform backbreaking work day after day. Most didn’t receive a $1,200 stimulus check from the government, and they often fear getting tested for COVID-19 or obtaining care for fear of deportation. And although several organizations — new and old — are working to provide financial and logistical support for these workers, they’re facing language barriers, privacy, concerns, and a host of other challenges. “The restaurant industry often employs very vulnerable sectors of the population: seniors, women, people of color, the undocumented,” says Manuel Villaneuva, lead organizer for the Los Angeles chapter of Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United. “Some employers know first-hand the vulnerability of the employees. And they often exploit them, commit wage theft, and let them know psychologically that they’re replaceable.” A Sizable Need In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has initiated a public-private partnership to disseminate $125 million in disaster relief. Of the total amount, $75 million is allocated to the undocumented, out of work because of the pandemic and ineligible for stimulus checks and unemployment. The other $50 million, the California Immigrant Resilience Fund, is in direct aid to especially vulnerable communities, including the disabled. But when phone lines opened up early earlier this month, they became completely backlogged, ultimately crashing for many on hold. Comunidades Indigenas en Liderazgo (CIELO), an organization dedicated to Indigenous language rights, is one of the nonprofit organizations that has received $200,000 of the CIRF to give $400 checks to 500 Indigenous, undocumented families from Latin America for financial relief. Of those, 50 percent work or used to work in restaurants. “Undocumented migrants undergo a huge problem because they’re pushed out by their home country, escape here, and then [they] are criminalized,” says Odilia Romero, co-founder and executive director of CIELO. “Then, the pandemic happened. They’re at the bottom and the least likely to obtain any support.” One worker who has applied for funds through CIELO is Federico, a former dishwasher at a Downtown Los Angeles restaurant. Originally from Oaxaca, Mexico, he and his wife, from Puebla, have lived in L.A. for over 30 years and have four children who are U.S. citizens, the eldest of whom is 26. Since being laid off, Federico has found a job sewing masks. “The money is nothing compared to what I made at the restaurant because we get paid by the piece,” he told Civil Eats. “We are paid either 5 cents or 10 cents apiece. In order to make $40/day I have to make 800 masks,” he explains. His family is fortunately able to get the food they need through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). There are many nonprofits dedicated to restaurant worker relief aid, but the majority fail to specify whether they are inclusive of undocumented workers for fear of political polarization jeopardizing contributions. And for workers, supplying personal information in order to qualify for aid brings anxiety about being tracked by ICE. “We are pretty scared,” admits Federico. “It’s a constant feeling, but we have kids so we always try to take care of ourselves so we can provide a better life for them. We are aware of our status so we try to just … live with being undocumented.” Language Barriers Another obstacle to accessing financial support is linguistic. While many support organizations do have Spanish-speaking employees, many who have emigrated from Mexico or Central America aren’t fluent in Spanish. Stephen Murray, a Los Angeles chef who organized a Gofundme campaign for 38 undocumented workers with LA Kitchen Migrants, explains, “There are multiple Zapotec [Indigenous people from Oaxaca] kitchen workers who don’t even speak Spanish, let alone English. The same goes for workers from Guatemala, whom we have a lot of in L.A. It’s a huge barrier for them to find help.” Damian Diaz, of Va’La Hospitality, a bar consultancy group, co-founded No Us Without You, a new nonprofit group in Los Angeles that runs a food pantry program supplying packages of food that feeds a family of four for one week. Diaz personally reaches out to each applicant in Spanish and asks them to fill out an easy questionnaire online. “Every single individual has my direct phone number and I tell them, ‘If you have someone in need who fits the bill, give them my number.’ Once I get the completed questionnaire, they’re on queue,” Diaz said. So far, the group assists 350 families a week and it has no intention of capping the number. In the long term, the only way out of this conundrum is to provide these workers with a path toward citizenship. Another Round Another Rally (ARAR) is another nonprofit that was launched by bar professionals dedicated to assisting out-of-work hospitality workers, with the goal of disbursing at least 50 percent of the funds they raise (in $500 payments) to Spanish speakers. It’s funded by spirits companies and foundations, with Campari Group alone donating $1 million to their cause (other donors include Patron, Aperol, Tito’s Vodka, and Ketel One). Catherine Rosseel, a Boston-based volunteer coordinator, says that at the beginning of the campaign, there were 1,500 English-speaking applicants, but only 100 were Spanish-speaking — a difference she attributes to a reluctance to share personal information on the part of undocumented folks. “I had four of my [bilingual] friends volunteering to talk to these people. We took down the barrier of [requiring] the application online so people felt safe, but realized it wasn’t efficient because people were too scared to give out their information and the conversations went too long. The calls just kept coming, so we had to regroup,” Rosseel says. Fortunately, a group of bilingual Stanford MBA students reached out, spurred by a class assignment to help a specific community during the pandemic. Together with ARAR, they came up with a more streamlined application process that involves SMS prompts and rapport with native Spanish speakers, among other tools. “Just hearing that voice makes them a little bit more comfortable, and to feel like this is real, and not some kind of scam,” says Claudio Gonzalez, a first-year, Stanford MBA candidate. Actually getting the funds to people hasn’t been easy. No Us Without You and ARAR have both had difficulties maintaining contact with applicants. There are no-shows and calls gone unanswered. “A lot of these families had cars initially,” Diaz said. “But they’ve had to sell their cars to make some type of money. Also, they might have stopped having phone service because they can’t pay their bill, so there’s a lot of [talking over] Whatsapp in order to make reservations and appointments.” The pandemic has left the country’s most vulnerable with nowhere to turn, but it has also exposed the reality of razor-thin margins in the restaurant industry, and just how often these businesses rely on the labor of undocumented, “essential” workers who are often treated as disposable. And as restaurants stay closed or reopen at 25 percent or 50 percent capacity, the future could be even more bleak. Like many advocates, ROC United’s Villaneuva wants to see undocumented workers given wage replacement and rent forgiveness. But in the long term, he says, the only way out of this conundrum is to provide these workers with a path toward citizenship — a change that some say would be net a positive for our GDP and reduce our deficit. “We need to revise the immigration system where people can qualify by showing they’ve been working, paying taxes, and they’ve not been a burden on the government,” he says, adding that the current rule requiring people to leave the U.S. to apply for citizenship often puts families in especially precarious positions. “The process needs to be sped up and made it simpler, so they don’t have to gamble with whether they can come back or not,” says Villaneuva. Some names of individuals in this story have been shortened to protect their identity. • Undocumented Restaurant Workers Have Held the Industry Together. Now They Stand to Lose the Most. [Civil Eats] from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2TQl1Qw
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Protecting your privacy online may seem like a battle you’ve already lost, but take heart. There are steps you can take to minimize harm.
Google knows you better than you know yourself, and Facebook uses the data it’s gathered on people to carry out psychological experiments on them. The Russian app that everyone’s having fun morphing their faces has terms of service that say it basically retains the right to use your data forever (and this iPrs common for most social media apps!). Though some companies like Apple (and even Google) are now trying to make privacy a selling point, the sheer scale of the internet means that everyone is tracking you, from the government, to the police, to most tech companies, often without admitting to this.
With all this, it’s tempting to just throw up our hands and accept that we live in a post-privacy world, but there are some basic steps that we can all take to make our presence on the Internet a little more secure. Some of it is just very basic stuff, like turning your GPS and Wi-Fi off when you’re not using them, and the others involve a little more work, but are still easy enough to do. These are not high-security solutions, and aren’t really going to keep you invisible on the Internet. Instead, these are basic steps we should all simply make a habit of following, no matter what we’re using the Web for, to bring in some basic levels of privacy.
We spoke to a number of people who are not in the tech industry but rely heavily on the Internet to do their jobs, and found that most of them weren’t doing anything in particular to protect their privacy online, because they just weren’t aware of what they should be doing. So we looked at what some experts are saying online about this, and gathered the most easy-to-implement steps in one place.
1. Use burner emails to sign up for services
One common issue that people brought up was being bombarded by spam. Anita Verma, a dentist based in Bengaluru, said she has begun to miss important mails because there is so much spam. “Gmail removes a lot of spam but even then, every day I’m getting mails from brands I’ve never even heard of, and you keep marking things as spam but they don’t go away.” Part of the problem here is that we’re too used to giving our email IDs whenever asked for it, both online and offline.
There are a lot of times when you need to enter an email ID to sign up for a service which you might only use once, and don’t actually need to connect to your real inbox. Your email ID is a valuable piece of data, along with your phone number, and whenever you’re giving this out, think about whether you actually need to do so. A number of sites such as Guerrilla Mail, Maildrop and Burner Mail allow you to create temporary email IDs for forms.
Another useful thing to do is to see which platforms are misusing your email. Gmail, and some other email platforms, allow you to create a ‘new’ email using the plus sign—essentially, if your email is [email protected], you can sign up for services using IDs like [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] and so on, and all of these emails will come to your inbox. Then, the next time you look at spam and see it’s addressed to, say, [email protected], you know who is leaking your data.
2. Use a VPN
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure gateway to the Internet. This means that anyone snooping on your connection can see that there’s data moving between you and your VPN, but not what is coming in and out of the VPN. You can run a VPN on your computer or smartphone, and in both cases, it’s as simple as signing up, installing an application and just running that before you start to use the Web.
There are free VPNs, which are either very slow, or have very limited data allowances, so it’s advisable to sign up for a paid VPN from a well-known provider like NordVPN or TunnelBear. “If you’re using a free VPN, you’re either going to have a bad experience with the speed or data limit, or worse, you’ve now put all of your data in the hands of someone who is giving you an expensive service for free,” said Saravanan K, a Bengaluru-based consultant working on security solutions for businesses. “I’m not saying all free VPNs are bad. But I will say that it’s worth spending the money, and a year-long subscription can often be just a few hundred bucks a month.”
3. Change your passwords from defaults
This is a really obvious tip, and yet most people reading this have probably put themselves at risk by not changing the default passwords on their Wi-Fi routers and other Internet-connected devices. Did you know that the Wi-Fi router that your Internet provider gave you comes with a password which you can use to change the Wi-Fi settings? Having access to your router means having access to all your data, so it’s pretty important to know this—if someone connects to your Wi-Fi, and you’re still using default passwords? Then you’ve basically handed over control of your network.
Most home Wi-Fi routers have been compromised, according to research by Banbreach, a Kolkata-based cybersecurity firm. According to Banbreach, cryptojacking—where attackers use your network and computing resources to mine Bitcoin, wearing out your devices and using up your data, in order to make money—is a huge problem in India.
Worse, many people using Internet-connected smart devices don’t think of changing these passwords either. You need only head over to Insecam, which is a listing of non-secure Internet connected cameras around the world to see live feeds from around the country. The good news is that in India, these are mostly in offices; the bad news is that this makes it harder for us as individuals to change the settings on the cameras.
On a related note, invest in a password manager. Password requirements are nuts, and it’s becoming impossible to keep track of all the passwords you’ll need. Either you’ll end up with a lot of weak passwords, or a strong password that you use everywhere, including on insecure sites, making it useless.
4. It’s Fine To Use WhatsApp
SMS is convenient, and it is universal. That’s a big plus. But it’s also possible to be hijacked, and there are reports of multiple police departments and scammers both doing just that, so encrypted communications are a better option.
Although WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption and hasn’t given into government pressure to trace users yet, the Facebook-owned platform is, owing to its huge reach, a tempting target for any attacker. A recent report showed that media files aren’t secure once they reach your phone, and if you’re using cloud backup for your chats, those aren’t encrypted either.
This doesn’t mean you should stop using WhatsApp. Telegram is an excellent alternative, but WhatsApp conversations are encrypted by default, while you have to opt-in to start a Secret chat on Telegram. This added step is going to be a stumbling block for most people (see above re: passwords). Signal is another alternative, which some would say is more secure.
However, it depends on how much risk each user faces — only a few people need to be at maximum security levels. For the rest of us, basic steps like WhatsApp’s standard choice of end-to-end encryption make sense. Zeynep Tufekci, an associate professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, at the School of Information and Library Science, explained here: “WhatsApp’s behavior increases reliability for the user. This is a real concern, as ordinary people consistently switch away from unreliable but secure apps to more reliable and insecure apps.
“Signal is well-designed.  Many in the security community use and consistently recommend it. However, the very thing that makes Signal a recommendation for people at high risk—that it drops messages at any sign of hiccup—prevents a large number of ordinary people from adopting it. Our community has used Signal for a long time, and have been trying to convert people to it, but its inevitable delivery failures (some by design, to keep users safer, and some due to bandwidth or other issues) mean that we often cannot convince people to use it despite spending a lot of effort trying to convince them—even people who have a lot at stake.“
5. Make sure all your software is up to date
A lot of people are also very lax about updating their software, using old versions for months (or more) after updates have been released. “My phone kept showing me this message about updating the Android version. I kind of ignored it because who has the time to reboot your phone in the middle of work, which is when the pop-up would show up,” said Akhil Yadav, who works in the marketing division of a technology company.
“Then one day, one of our tech guys saw what I was doing and he gave me a real lecture about it.”
Either you do the same thing Yadav did, or you know people like him. It can be annoying to take out the time to update software in the middle of a busy day, many companies don’t clearly articulate why you should do it, and sometimes an update can cause new problems. Waiting a couple of days after an update comes out to make sure that nothing major is going wrong is not a bad idea—but ignoring updates for weeks, months, and even longer is definitely not recommended.
“Nearly all updates include things called security patches: they close holes in the software that make it easy for someone to hack into your software—and once they do they can often get access to everything on your phone or computer. Software can be very complex and security holes are discovered all the time, so keep an eye on those updates,” notes Amnesty International.
6. Use two-factor authentication
Amnesty also recommends using two-factor authentication (2FA), which is an important step. Two-factor authentication means that you need two different modes of access: something you know (like a password) and something you get (like an OTP). That’s right, all online payments in India require 2FA, and use the SMS OTP as the second factor.
Although this is a good step, it’s even better if the second factor isn’t an SMS-based system. Although SMS 2FA is a very convenient way to control access, this might not work if you’re traveling abroad and don’t have roaming on (for example), and researchers have shown that SMS can be hijacked.
Don’t get us wrong, SMS-based 2FA is still much better than no 2FA. But when you have the option, an authenticator app is a better choice. For example, you can set up 2FA on your Google account so that access to your account is only possible by unlocking an associated phone, and tapping the ‘Yes’ button there. Twitter and Facebook also have similar authenticators. In fact, most popular social media apps and email apps support this feature.
7. Turn off the GPS, limit app permissions, and opt out of tracking where possible
If an app has access to your location data, they’re tracking it as much as possible to understand your habits and behaviors. You’re being watched wherever you go, and often completely unnecessarily. There are a few things you can do to reduce this, and the first step is to turn off your GPS when you don’t need it. Switch it on before calling an Uber or using maps to find your way around—and leave it off the rest of the time.
More importantly, look at what information is being used by which apps. “There can be genuine reasons for asking for this information,” said Saravanan. “For example, many apps ask for SMS inbox access — just so they can read an OTP, and that’s not a bad thing. Some apps might want location access so they can offer information or deals based on where you are.” However, if you’ve got (for example) an alarm clock that wants to know your location, that’s not good.
Some apps that track your information also let you opt out. If you visit myactivity.google.com, you’ll see a list of every website you’ve opened in Chrome, details about your contacts, calendars, and apps from your Android phone, details on your voice records with Google from when you’ve used the Assistant, and all the videos you’ve searched for or watched on YouTube. It’s an unsettling insight into how visible you are. 
The good news is that it’s very easy to opt out. Just go to the settings on the same page and go to Activity Controls, and you can pause all your activity history. On all your apps, check the settings to find out what tracking is being done, and what you can opt out of, in order to increase your chances of privacy just a little.
8. Browse in private mode, and disable trackers
Almost all browsers have an incognito or private mode, where they’re not tracking your history and other data. Make this your default browsing environment to keep your data more secure. An easy way to do this is to switch to a browser like Firefox Focus on your phone, since it is designed to block trackers, and delete all history when you exit the app.
You can use apps like Ghostery on your computer to help disable trackers—this browser plug-in works with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. It’s one of the most famous apps of this kind, but there are other options as well. Its built-in ad-blocker strips away the ads on websites you visit, and also blocks the trackers that they’re using to follow you around the Internet.
Not only does this increase your privacy, but it also significantly speeds up your browsing because as it turns out, trackers and ads also use up a lot of your data. In a 2016 conversation with this writer, Opera’s CTO had said that 54% of the data that gets used when you load a webpage is due to ads. He added that the ads made up only 9% of the content on the page, but because multiple third-parties track users through ads, this ends up being a huge drain on your data.
9. Don’t use Google
Ah, now we come to this. Using Google is so common that it’s become a verb for ‘searching on the internet’. But Google searches are also giving the company an enormous trove of user data to analyse and use for advertising. Gabriel Weinberg, the founder and CEO of privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo, has written a long post about the different ways in which Google tracks you, which is worth reading in its entirety.
“Basically, Google tries to track too much. It’s creepy and simply just more information than one company should have on anyone,” Weinberg noted. “For starters, just switching the search engine for all your searches goes a long way. After all, you share your most intimate questions with your search engine; at the very least, shouldn’t those be kept private? If you switch to the DuckDuckGo app and extension you will not only make your searches anonymous, but also block Google’s most widespread and invasive trackers as you navigate the web.”
Duck Duck Go’s search engine is good and fast, but since it doesn’t track you, the results are not as personalised as Google’s. This is a trade-off that you’ll have to consider, but it isn’t as apparent like some of the other examples we’ve talked about, so you should consider at least trying out Duck Duck Go for a few weeks before deciding. #MohnishAhluwaliaNotes
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                              JULY                               2019
If you care what people think, you’re their prisoner. – Heidi Fleiss
The Stones are back and opened in Chicago on June21. The reviews were great, they mostly stuck to the hits and Mick was in top notch form. Monkey Man and Sweet Virginia are back!!! Woo Hoo!!
Satellite images show the complete deployment of 4 Russian made S-300 missile defense systems.
Comedians in cars getting coffee will start season 11 on July 19. This season will bring us Eddie Murphy, Barry Marder, Bridget Everett, Melissa Villsenor, Sebastian Maniscalco, Seth Rogan, Ricky Gervais, Matthew Broderick, Jamie Foxx, Mario Joyner and Martin Short.
Law and Order: Hate Crimes is coming.
NRATV is no more. Hooray!! The NRA’s second in command Chris Cox has resigned after he was implicated in a plot to oust Wayne La Pierre. Cox calls the charges, “offensive and patently false.” There are also multiple lawsuits from ad firm Ackerman McQueen that claim the NRA is in violation of contracts.
Republican representative Duncan Hunter is headed to court in September for charges that he and his wife illegally spent more than $250,000 in political donations. Prosecutors want to list details of his many affairs.
NBC is bringing back Who Do You Think You Are?
Police in Hong Kong are beating protesters.
Sexual harassment news of the month: George Nader, part of Trump’s transition team, was arrested in New York on child porn charges.**Cuba Gooding Jr. was charged in NY with forcible touching. His lawyer says that the incident is on tape and will prove he is innocent.** Trump has been accused by the 22nd woman, this time of rape, but most of the media seemed to be playing it down. The victim, writer E. Jean Carroll says she will cooperate 100%.
The Supreme Court ruled that the government can’t stop us from running a business with a scandalous name.
Stop the cash bail system. It is costing us money every day.
Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger have wed.
Joe Sestak is running for President.
I always think of Meghan McCain as the Rosie O’Donnell of the right. She seems to have a big heart and her childhood and parents seem to have made a huge influence. Somehow she always brings everything back to her and she freaks on certain talking points.
Let’s keep an eye on U.S. transportation secretary Elaine Chao. The shipping dynasty of her family is benefitting from industrial policies in China.
2 deputies were fired for inaction pertaining to the Parkland shooting.
People were horrified at the image of Scary Clown with graves in the background on foreign soil as he talked of “Nervous Nancy” and called Mueller a fool. We were outraged when he told us that he would want to listen to dirt on others and wouldn’t see why he should tell the FBI before he walked it back. He does not fucking care. When will we all understand that?
The President is being urged to cancel his speech at the Lincoln memorial.  Many of his own people think it might appear to be a campaign stop paid for by the American people. He did that already when he made ads for himself while at his golf course in Scotland.** I suppose he will pretend to be all about America again when he gets back from smiling with North Korean and Russian dictators.
New York has banned declawing. Meow!!
It is looking like Sam Little, in prison in California, may turn out to be the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history.
The Tony’s came and went. Big winners were Bryan Cranston, Elaine May and Bob Mackie. Ali Stoker was the first wheelchair bound winner and Hadestown won the most awards.
Some schools are trying out yoga instead of detention.  Teaching children how to control their feelings and help it to dissipate seems to be work.
The Catholic Church has stomped on the rights of our Trans brothers and sisters. They decree that people should stay the way they are born.
The movie,’ The Dead Don’t Die’ sounds great with Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton, Adam Driver, Danny Glover, Tom Waits and Steve Buscemi.
Trump and Pence seem pretty pleased with themselves for not allowing the rainbow flag to fly during pride month. They really hate progress, don’t they?  Luckily, some brave souls are finding ways around it.
Scary Clown has signed an executive order to increase transparency of hospital costs and info of medical professionals.
On July 17 Bob Mueller will testify. **A comic book publisher is turning the report into a graphic novel.
JB Pritzker has signed legal weed into Illinois and they will look at releasing low level drug offenders and putting money back into hard hit communities that were affected by the drug war.
Maple Vale is suing because they say big chicken companies have colluded to hike prices.
Absolut has been a proud supporter of the gay community since the 70’s.  
Jim Gaffigan is in the new film, ‘Being Frank.’
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is out. Many reporters tell us that she and other WH staff can be very different behind the scenes. They have been known to be very helpful and personable at times. The bluster and the lies are mostly for show for the boss.** Acting US customs and border protection commissioner John Sanders is out.
Scary Clown really put his foot in it with his Stephanopoulus interview. From little wise guy to taking help from foreign powers to the look on his face after ‘the cough’ it was quite the show.** Chuck Todd really soft balled his interview with our Pres. Shame on you.
So, of course Manafort is going to a Federal location instead of Riker’s Island after AG Barr sent a letter to state prosecutors.
One day it is announced that ICE is throwing millions out of the country. Another day they will round up 2,000 illegals that haven’t shown up for court etc. then that is on hold. Iran is going to be hit then it isn’t. It seems like real panic time in the WH. Justice Department attorney Sarah Fabian has explained in her double talk that kids without toothbrushes, soap and proper sleep is fine. Concrete floors in cages seem like a good idea to Trumps WH. Sarah Fabians phone number of 202-532-4824 was released to the public and she got an earful but I am sure she has changed that # by now.** ICE won’t even allow anyone to donate items to the kids in cages except for one in Deming, NM.
Roy Moore is running for senate in 2020. These pompous, narcissistic pigs will not just fade away.
I really hate this way the media lumps all the ‘rest’ of the Dem candidates as interchangeable. At least give everybody a chance to tell us who they are until the debates. All should have an equal chance because there are some good candidates there. Each one is unique and has at least one good idea. Would they all make a good President? Probably not but let’s hear them out!! People wonder why we never have enough choices and then they try to thin the field right away.  Andrew Yang wasn’t even included in some of the advertising for the debates and he is polling 8th. ** Seth Macfarlane and Bill Maher suggest that we do away with the audience. Great idea!!
The first night of debate went well. I went in loving Inslee and went out the same way. He didn’t get much chance to talk what with the moderators asking Elizabeth Warren questions about 4 to the others 1. When Jay did get to speak about climate change and calling out CEO’s,  I thought he was dynamic. He really puts his money where his mouth is. I wish more people would research him. He had the best answer of what this country’s greatest threat is when he answered ,”Donald Trump.” Colbert made fun of Inslee for interrupting Warren about the rights of women. I must say that as a woman, that never even occurred to me because I was looking at her as a candidate. He has also been raked over for trying to interject with that finger in the air. Hmm.. so polite. DeBlasio got in a great line about not blaming immigrants for their problems but blaming the corporations, otherwise he seemed like a bully. Warren and Booker were competent. Klobachar, Gabbard and Ryan should call it quits. I like O’Rourke but he just seems too sweet. I loved his close because he referenced current events like the kids in cages and student protests which didn’t seem like running for student council Pres. I was impressed with John Delaney who I hadn’t known much about.  But Julian Castro won the night. He still wouldn’t be my first choice but he did everything right. He was truly Presidential and seemed to resonate with everybody. He was forceful, down to earth and seemed to know what he was talking about.
Night 2 of the debates was a bit more lively. Hickenlooper will probably impress a few conservatives with his insistence that the Dems shouldn’t identify so much with socialism. Gillibrand seemed like tonight’s bully and it is time for her to go along with Bennet, Swalwell  and Williamson. Now, Marianne got a lot of shit but I agree with her on some basics. Preventative medicine and love being the answer is not stupid. These are things we don’t put enough stock in so why laugh it off? She is right about the chemicals and climate and why we are so sick in this world. She is right about state sponsored crimes and child abuse at the border. I thought Gillibrand repeated herself too much but she is right about putting too much money into private prisons. Buttigieg had a great point about the ‘free college for all’ thing by looking at the reality of those who don’t want college, a decent minimum wage and the rich paying for their own schooling.  He is also quite perceptive about republicans using religion while separating families which gives them no right to use God’s name. He was a bit sweaty but poised and measured all the way through. I am a big Andrew Yang fan and his money to all every month is something I have thought a solid idea for years but he is not Presidential at this point. He should be in the cabinet because he is an idea person but he sort of nervously choked on his first question about his signature piece. I loved that he didn’t wear a tie and his closing statement was awesome. Bernie gave us no surprises but the red, white and blue reflected in his glasses was fascinating. I did love his line about a hemisphere problem that we have and called out the Yemen crisis.  Like the night before, Biden seemed to get more time than the lesser knowns. He started out smooth and easy and ended serious and defensive because of the jabs he received. Kamala Harris stole the night with some of those. She jumped on Williamson’s mention of reparations to explain to Biden why his recent rhetoric of segregationists was so painful. This is why I love debates, it can change everything. I can’t really imagine anyone else taking on Trump at this point. She had some great lines like calming the boys down about no food fights but putting food on the table. Her close was a bit halting but she fired up the crowd as if she was already President.
The after shows zeroed in on the flaws which will unfortunately define some of them.  The way we loop ‘Bookers look’ or ‘Williamson’s love not fear for political purposes’ can belittle the progress we can make. I am right in there watching it but it gets old. Trevor Noah said that many try but it was the Right time for Harris to play the race card. Race is already playing a part as some birtherism is erupting eluding to her Indian mother and Jamaican father.  Don Jr. got the wheels in motion by retweeting some garbage about Harris not being an “American black.”She raised about 2 mil after the debates.
I will never understand why people always bring up this ‘elite’ business when talking about the Dems. Most of the people I have personally known who had a lot of money and looked down their nose at others have been republicans. Perhaps it is all about where one is from.
Teens are evolving bone spurs on the back of their heads from looking down at their phones so much.
Succession will be back on August 11.
A little political hocus pocus seems to be ok with the Supreme Court. In a 5-4 ruling they have barred challenges to partisan gerrymandering.
G20 countries make about 80% of global CO2 emissions. They had agreed to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels. Reports show that in the years since , they have nearly tripled subsidies to coal plants.
Trump is schmoozing with Kim Jong UN saying, ”I would invite him tight now to the WH.”** There was a brawl with new unofficial  WH press secretary Stephanie Grisham and Kim’s people.
The Travers film fest will honor Lily Tomlin with a lifetime achievement award.
The ex- governor of Michigan Rick Snyder, who is responsible for the Flint water crisis, will now have a fellowship at Harvard.
“Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was put into office because the Russians interfered.”- Jimmy Carter, former President and international expert on election fraud.
Toy Story 4 is big box office.
Mythic Quest is the new series produced and written in part by Charlie Day and Rob Mcelhenney.  The show will be about a video game development company and will star F. Murray Abraham and Danny Pudi.
Melissa McCarthy may play Ursula in the live action  The Little Mermaid.
A hacker stole the latest music from Radiohead and threatened to release it if they didn’t pony up $150,000 in ransom. The band released a statement declaring. ”We’ve been hacked” , released it themselves for 18 days and the money went to charity. Rock on!!
In Cape Coral, Fla., a parent forced a kid to walk around with a sign of  their wrong deeds. Oh bit.. this stuff is back again.
ICS in Springfield, Illinois’ fired Joe Crane from his broadcast for his honesty. Corporate was insisting on using a ‘CODE RED’ alert for weather even when the weather wasn’t so bad to keep the paranoid watching. After numerous complaints and Crane apparently not able to talk corporate out of it, he went to the public and let them know how much he disagreed with the policy but his hands were tied.  Of course, corporate let him go.
The FCC is giving the phone company more power to fight robo calls.
Archeologists found some weed in China inside some ceremonial cannabis bowls from 2500 years ago.
Rapper Scarface is running for city council in Houston.
20,000 Christians have petitioned Netflix to cancel Good Omens. I am sure the Amazon show is loving the publicity, they were probably looking for something just like this to happen. Oddly, just before I heard this story I saw the first couple of episodes and thought it was pretty good.
Don’t judge someone because they sin differently than you.
The fight to end robo calls has been named ‘Operation Call it Quits.’
OJ Simpson opened a twitter account on the 25th anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.
The 71st Emmy’s will be held on Sept. 22 and may not have a host. This no host thing seems to be catching on since it saves money and controversy. The noms will be announced July 16.
If you get the chance, read the Vanity Fair article about Col. Jennifer Pritzker. The cousin of Illinois Governor, JB Pritzker is the world’s only known trans billionaire.
Refineries, Chemical plants and plastics are giving our fire fighters cancer and cities are often not compensating them.
Jordan Klepper used his mug shot as the pic to headline his show. He was arrested with pastors for their rally n support of immigrant students.
Do you wonder if the Trump kids and Melania have so much power and money that they don’t mind that Trump is a laughingstock?
I saw that Seth Meyers used the term bummer camp to explain a kid who gets sent to camp because their parents need to work on their divorce. My friends and I always used that term when our summer camp music festival gets ruined by endless rain.
R.I.P. Roky Erickson, Leon Redbone, Dr. John, Franco Zeffirelli, Leah Chase, Zarious Fair, Elliot Roberts, Alan Brinkley , Troy Chisum, Oscar and Valeria Ramirez, Edward Gallardo and Gloria Vanderbilt.
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pslexpert · 5 years
Sallie Mae Student Loan Forgiveness – Is It Available To You?
The piece of writing Sallie Mae Student Loan Forgiveness – Is It Available To You? was first found on My Credit Counselor Blog
Does Sallie Mae offer such a thing as loan forgiveness?
If you're wondering if Sallie Mae loan forgiveness exists, you should first understand a little more about the lender. Sallie Mae is a name that is ubiquitous within the student loan industry, and rightfully so. Beginning with a head start as a government organization that converted to a private organization, Sallie Mae and now Navient dominate the private student loan market. Long before they split into two companies, Sallie Mae was the subject of many regulatory lawsuits . It did not take Navient too long to also fall under scrutiny and become the subject of multiple state and federal regulatory actions which are still ongoing. Chances are, if your private loans were originated by Sallie Mae, they are now more than likely serviced and held by Navient - but as with all private loans there are exceptions to every rule and trend, and lenders try new strategies on a fairly regular basis.
What Loan Forgiveness Options Do Sallie Mae offer?
Sallie Mae does not offer any traditional “forgiveness programs” for private student loans, except for very rare cases such as the Career Education Corp fallout which, unlike other for-profit college regulatory lawsuits, dealt primarily with private loans. In that ruling, it was Career Education Corp itself that is responsible for the forgiveness payments of the private loans borrowers took out. Sallie Mae, and it’s sister company Navient do sometimes offer settlements under certain conditions. However, borrowers attempting to settle on their own often run into issues with aggressive debt collectors, not knowing what stage of the collection cycle to maximize the savings of a settlement while minimizing risk; and making common mistakes like opening up with the offer that you want to settle for or disclosing too much about personal finances.
Sallie Mae spins off to form Navient
In 2014, Sallie Mae "spun off" or split into two companies. Navient would handle most of the servicing for federal loans and origination plus servicing for private loans, while Sallie Mae themselves became an FDIC insured bank (and thus the end of Sallie Mae federal student loans as a government-backed guarantor). However, not all loans were transferred to Navient - Sallie Mae still retains some. I still run across these and settle them from time to time when we do see the rare SLM loan that was not transferred to Navient (more on this later). This is very rare. For instance, I have come across this about 3 times in the last 2 years.
In my opinion, a big reason for them splitting into two companies was to re-brand and get past some of the baggage that they were associated with. Unfortunately for them, it didn't take long for their new subsidiary/spin-off Navient to develop a negative reputation of their own, as both a consistently negatively ranked federal loan servicer; and a private loan lender with few options whose loans appear to never go down for many borrowers, despite on-time and even additional payments.
This was not the typical kind of partnership between two student loan companies - the easiest way to describe it as that Sallie Mae split into two separate companies - sort of like cell mutation. The CEO for Sallie Mae previously was Jack Remondi. Guess who the CEO for Navient is now?
So this was not the typical type of merger between two separate companies. I have also talked to reps at Sallie Mae who used to work for Navient, and vice versa. The two companies are very closely related and there is somewhat of a revolving door between them; but despite that they follow two very different tracks when it comes to settlement negotiation and how they handle defaulted accounts.
Similar business - drastically different collection procedures
I can typically negotiate good Navient settlements soon after charge-off (default). In some rare occasions, where Sallie Mae borrowers find their loan that has not been transferred to Navient, follows a very different track despite the similarities between the two companies. Sallie Mae used to do some settlements with their internal Recovery department (similar to Navient, and they may still do this), but recently I have noticed a different track that almost resembles the type of strategy that a lender like the National Collegiate Trust would take.
Debt buyers can become involved on SLM accounts
On a recent Sallie Mae settlement, the loan was actually sold to a debt buyer - which other than NCT, and to a lesser extent Discover and Citi, is extremely uncommon in the private loan industry (Navient never does this for example). The debt buyer then assigned the account to a collection agency staffed by some rude and unprofessional agents whose clear strategy was to hardball me for months (nearly a year). During this time I was working with both the debt buyer and the collection agency, and communicating with a manager at the debt buyer's company - the multiple points of attack strategy.
The debt buyer recalled most of the loans back to their office after some time, once they realized the collection agencies hardball tactics won't work with me,  but still left one small one with the collection agency - an odd practice that does not make sense from a collection standpoint. Once the debt buyer for SLM recalled the majority of the loans, I was able to negotiate a sub 50% settlement with them - not as good as what we would get with Navient, but still very good (I consider any settlement at 50%-55% or less to be a good private loan settlement). Previously I was able to negotiate 40% settlements with SLM internal recovery, but apparently they are trying a new strategy of selling defaulted loans to a debt buyer (US Asset Management in this case).
During this time the collection agency that was still holding on to the smaller account and hard balling me at a much higher percentage. Not surprisingly, when I worked out the deal with the debt buyer, suddenly the collection agency called me and wanted to match a similar percentage on the tiny account they still inexplicably held.
Unfortunately, my client recently experienced a major unexpected medical hardship and can only afford to settle the larger account (close to $50k, while the smaller account is close to $10k). In these situations I always recommend settling the larger threat, because it is the larger, more powerful barbarian at the gates of the castle wall (to use one of my favorite analogies).
A larger account has the threat of going to a collection attorney much more so than a smaller $10k account. So we deal with the biggest threat and defeat the barbarian who is battering against the castle walls. The smaller $10k account poses little to no threat of this - just a long term drag on credit for the most part - we wait them out and grind them down until they settle. I have heard about lawsuits on private loans as small as $4k, but these are very very rare. We will let it get kicked around for a while, age it out, and then settle it down the road once the family gets back on their feet from this major medical event with major costs associated.
Third party debt collectors are not an objective source of reliable information
I told this third party collector, who was collecting on behalf of the debt buyer, that if they had just worked with me.. if they had given me this same offer three or 6 months ago on the small account, we would have taken it! But now a serious medical problem has left my client with only funds to settle the biggest threat. Too bad for the collection agency - it's their loss. Time and effort spent, for nothing - all because they were unreasonable about the smaller account for months and months. I know how to execute a quick victory and take steps to limit my opponent's offense, and I also know how to grind down and opponent for months and win a war of attrition. Each negotiation requires a unique strategy based on the circumstances.
At one point the collection agency, who only had the small account (inexplicably not recalled back to the debt buyer with the others) told me that they offered a settlement that equated to roughly 70% (terrible). They said I had 7 days to take advantage of the offer, which was presented to me in early February, and they said this in a very serious tone. I tried, but could not hold back uncontrollable laughter - simply because I know better.
The collector made the mistake of talking to me the same way they would to a normal borrower, who would not know if what they were saying was true or not (unlike me - one of the advantages of hiring the best private student loan negotiator in the US/world in addition to total net monetary savings and the peace of mind of having an ironclad settlement).
I tried to have a conversation after that along the lines of, "hey, I've settled millions in private loans and been in the industry in a long time, and the tricks you use with borrowers don't work with me". They stuck to their "hardball" script and I ended the call still laughing. Of course a few weeks later, past the "7 day deadline" I get a call with a much better offer. I scolded them for not accepting my repeated offers and counter offers over the last 10 months before the medical emergency took place with this family. Now we just let the small account marinate and let them reflect on the lost opportunity on the small account (at least for now). But the most important things is that the larger account, which had a serious threat for potential legal action because of the size, will be settled for roughly 48%.
Depending on your situation, I will impose my will, utilize past strategies, overcome resistance, and go for a quick finish. Or, if circumstances dictate, we will drag your lenders into deep water and win a war of attrition over a long period of time (I should know which of these scenarios to expect during our initial evaluation - but again, there are always exceptions and lenders do try new strategies from time to time).
To conclude - this is the closest thing that exists for Sallie Mae loan forgiveness for the vast majority of borrowers (except for very rare cases like the regulator action against Career Education Corp, which is only for a limited number of borrowers; that I will be writing about in my next blog).
I enjoy difficult situations where I have to put my full 10 years of negotiating experience into play to solve complex problems while dealing with unexpected variables issues with my clients or with the lender (which sometimes pop up). I'm creative, adaptive, and flexible. Call my office today at 937-503-4680 to schedule an evaluation, or better yet, fill out my evaluation form here.
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