#*    .・    whatever you do you’re still my brother.            »        florian.
philipcharmont · 2 years
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                     the charmont family tree
                                                         past gen 
the parents;;
hubert charmont ( nick hargrove / derek jacobi ) - the king who is trying his best to not only save his sons but keep his kingdom as well. feels he has let down his sons after the passing of their mother. he just wants what is best for them especially as his time on this earth draws to a close.
adele charmont (née friedrich) ( abigail cowen / bryce dallas howard ) - the queen with a fire burning in her soul that matched the hair atop her head. loved fiercely and was adored by all. she was truly a diamond. tragically passed away leaving behind three beautiful boys and a broken hearted king. 
                                                  present gen 
kit charmont ( richard madden / colin farrell ) - the eldest charmont son. future king of ulstead. the golden son who had far too much responsibility placed on his shoulders from a young age. his entire life has been given to his kingdom. but now does he listen to duty or follow his heart ?
florian charmont ( chace crawford / ewan mcgregor ) - the middle child. the rebel prince. he onced believed love and hope could save all until it couldn’t save the most important person to him. anger and resentment now lay within this lost prince but is it still possible to save him from the edge ?
philip charmont ( zac efron / james marsden ) - the youngest charmont. future king of ylisse. the prince who’s heart threatens to leap out of his chest and ride into the sunset. he’s on a mission to complete his hero’s quest but has learned that the journey to becoming a hero is not always the easiest. 
aurora capulet ( phoebe dynevor / amanda seyfried ) - future queen of ylisse. the dreamer who still seems to be figuring out exactly who she is. she’s been hidden away from the world for so long she’s ready to discover it. happily ever always seemed guaranteed but when darkness and a curse linger over who will the ending ever some true ?
sorrel white ( park soo-young ( joy ) / seo yeji   ) - the fairest of them all. her beauty and kindness made her a target to someone who was meant to care for her. now in a new city is she finally free from the wicked queen ?                               
                         next gen
william ‘ liam ’ charmont ( brenton thwaites ) - the oldest son of philip & aurora charmont.
seviathan ‘ seth ’ charmont ( jacob elordi ) - the middle child of philip & aurora charmont. older twin to rose. 
rosalie charmont ( emily alyn lind ) - the youngest child of philip & aurora charmont. younger twin to seth.
arthur charmont ( josha stradowski ) - the oldest child of kit charmont. father to isolde charmont. older twin to vivienne.
vivienne ‘ viv ’ charmont ( florence pugh ) - the youngest child of kit charmont. younger twin to arthur.
cosima charmont ( adeline rudolph ) - the oldest child of florian & sorrel charmont. 
basil charmont ( huening kai ) - the youngest child of florian & sorrel charmont. 
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
I agree that Ned treated his daughters as more "child like" than his sons. Even then he had a scene with Arya, where he warned her of the danger they were in, winter is coming and the pack survives, all that. He bonded with Arya better than with Sansa. Among all his children, Sansa was the most sheltered one. No wonder, she was so naive!
One of my side-theories is that Sansa’s insistent preoccupation with love and songs, her escapism into fiction and her desire to trust in ideals, is related to Ned’s “bastard” son. 
She is naturally romantically inclined, and she grew up witnessing her parents sharing a loving relationship. And at some point this happened:
He missed the girls too, even Sansa, who never called him anything but "my half brother" since she was old enough to understand what bastard meant. (AGOT, Jon III)
So Sansa, somewhat sheltered, learned about the meaning of bastard in a way that may have been similarly traumatizing to her as it was to Jon. 
That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell."
I thought I had forgotten that. Jon could taste blood in his mouth, from the blow he'd taken. (ASOS, Jon XII)
Not on the same scale and not for the same reasons, of course.
But the realization that there was a chink in that love, and a very vicious power imbalance between her parents, would have been traumatizing for a Girl who knows her Destiny is to follow in her mother’s footsteps.
THIS is the mindset Cat grew up with:
Many men fathered bastards. Catelyn had grown up with that knowledge. It came as no surprise to her, in the first year of her marriage, to learn that Ned had fathered a child on some girl chance met on campaign. He had a man's needs, after all, and they had spent that year apart, Ned off at war in the south while she remained safe in her father's castle at Riverrun. Her thoughts were more of Robb, the infant at her breast, than of the husband she scarcely knew. He was welcome to whatever solace he might find between battles. And if his seed quickened, she expected he would see to the child's needs. (…) She had come to love her husband with all her heart, but she had never found it in her to love Jon. She might have overlooked a dozen bastards for Ned's sake, so long as they were out of sight. (AGOT, Catelyn II)
The mindset of duty, of sexism, of pragmatism. It is an ugly mindset for romance. There is a contradiction there that cannot be resolved between them because Ned never gives Catelyn a resolution on Jon. He refuses to share information and he refuses to spare her the sight of the son of the “woman he loved” and apparently cannot let go of. So his mother remains and shadow and Jon remains a thorn in her side. Catelyn can not do anything about it. Ned has all the power. This power Imbalance, and Ned’s willingness to take Advantage of it, is anathema to romance. Cat blocks it out, most of the time, because it is how she was taught to live.
But the expectation of infidelity and pragmatism is not the marriage Sansa and Arya witness, the idea of marriage they are shown by their parents. 
He looked at her uncomfortably. “My aunt Allyria says Lady Ashara and your Father fell in love at Harrenhal—” “That’s not so. He loved my lady mother.” “I’m sure he did, my lady, but—” “She was the only one he loved.” “He must have found that bastard under a cabbage leaf, then,” Gendry said behind them. Arya wished she had another crabapple to bounce off his face. “My father had honor,” she said angrily. “And we weren’t talking to you anyway. Why don’t you go back to Stoney Sept and ring that girl’s stupid bells?” (ASOS, Arya VIII)
Arya deflects, she cannot resolve the contradiction there, either. Because it shadowed the marriage of their parents. 
So, Sansa - and this is another beautifully wrought example of trauma shared in the family and wreaking havoc on everyone - grows up with the necessity of accepting and blocking out contradictions. Her father is a good man, so his absolute power and his use of it cannot a bad thing. But Jon clearly causes her mother emotional pain, so this contradiction must be blocked out. Arya does the same, never ever having dwelled on where Jon came from, while still deeply aware of how bastardy is a bad thing.
When Arya had been little, she had been afraid that meant that she was a bastard too. It had been Jon she had gone to in her fear, and Jon who had reassured her.  (AGOT, Arya I)
“Half-brother”, Sansa will always insist on calling Jon, never bastard and never full brother, a compromise, but that is the extent of what we see on that subject. There is zero textual evidence of any animosity between them.
And yet we have Sansa dreaming of romance, of Jonquil and Florian, of Aemon and Naerys, of knightly valor, of true knights. 
She pulled a chair close to the hearth, took down one of her favorite books, and lost herself in the stories of Florian and Jonquil, of Lady Shella and the Rainbow Knight, of valiant Prince Aemon and his doomed love for his brother's queen.  (AGOT, Sansa IV)
This is her coping mechanism with trauma.
Learning about the power imbalance between men and women, between her parents, about her potential future of having to bear humiliations and infidelity from her husband with no recourse, that may well be one of the roots of her “head in the clouds” insistence on romance and songs. It may be one of the roots of her somewhat distant relationship with Ned, too. 
If her life is a song, then her future husband will be a source of truth and of love without abusing the power he is legally bestowed on her.
Of course, starting in his first chapter, Ned proceeds to arrange the opposite for her:
"Gods, Catelyn, Sansa is only eleven," Ned said. "And Joffrey … Joffrey is …"  (…) "Sansa must wed Joffrey, that is clear now, we must give them no grounds to suspect our devotion.” (AGOT, Catelyn II)
He outright hands her over to a family he distrusts, to a future husband he knows is not kind, for pragmatic reasons. He uses his absolute power over her in a very careless way.
I think it is pretty reasonable to assume that Arya’s rejection of the entire Concept may be rooted in the exact same traumatic realization. Unlike Sansa, her Coping mechanism is to back away from the female social role altogether. Ned is equally unhelpful with that until he at last grants her lessons with Syrio Forel. He never has the Chance to make up for his mistakes with Sansa.
Ned and Cat’s marriage, and Sansa and Arya’s reaction to the visible power imbalance is such a big aspect of GRRM’s feminist message in the books. Jon unlearning at least parts of his sexism, his relationship with Arya, his respect for different facets of feminine power, his appreciation of soft power and his failure as an “absolute monarch” when he “kills the boy” as Lord Commander at the Watch, as well as Sansa’s journey examining the feminine social role and power abuse in general, all of that is a dismantling of the Hero and the Lady in oldschool romances. Deconstructing and reconstructing.
They are all being reforged, like Ice, pared down. Oathkeeper goes to Brienne, the true Knight. Widow’s Wail stays behind. 
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what is the point of this. besides that. because d&d didn’t bother with that.
"Sansa's work is as pretty as she is," Septa Mordane told their lady mother once. "She has such fine, delicate hands." When Lady Catelyn had asked about Arya, the septa had sniffed. "Arya has the hands of a blacksmith."
sansa’s guy apparently has fine and delicate hands. got it. who’s sansa’s guy? it’s joffrey right?
"What are you talking about?" Arya asked suddenly. "We were talking about the prince," Sansa said, her voice soft as a kiss.
"Joffrey likes your sister," Jeyne whispered, proud as if she had something to do with it. She was the daughter of Winterfell's steward and Sansa's dearest friend. "He told her she was very beautiful." "He's going to marry her," little Beth said dreamily, hugging herself. (...) "What did you think of Prince Joff, sister? He's very gallant, don't you think?" "Jon says he looks like a girl," Arya said. Sansa sighed as she stitched. "Poor Jon," she said. "He gets jealous because he's a bastard."
"What are you talking about, children?" "Our half brother," Sansa corrected, soft and precise.
what is this switcheroo between a bastard parading as the heir to the iron throne with the heir to the iron throne parading as a bastard. oh dear. surelly nothing.
"Look at the arms on his surcoat," Jon suggested. (...) "The Lannisters are proud. (...) He makes his mother's House equal in honor to the king's.” (...) "Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister."
i’ve got news for you jon. in your case, your mother’s house claimed you as their bastard and completely erased the honour to the king’s. this coat-of-arms nonsense between you and the dumb bitch joffrey is all over agot / acok / asos.
"Have no fear, lady. I am almost a man grown, and I don't fight with wood like your brothers. All I need is this." He drew his sword and showed it to her; a longsword adroitly shrunken to suit a boy of twelve, gleaming blue steel, castle-forged and double-edged, with a leather grip and a lion's-head pommel in gold. Sansa exclaimed over it admiringly, and Joffrey looked pleased. "I call it Lion's Tooth," he said. (...) "You're safe with me." Joffrey drew his Lion's Tooth from its sheath.
"Then my uncle Jaime killed old Aerys, and my father was king. What's that sound?" Sansa heard it too, floating through the woods, a kind of wooden clattering, snack snack snack. (...) "I want to see what it is." 
"That was my lady's sister you were hitting, do you know that?"
Then a grey blur flashed past her, and suddenly Nymeria was there, leaping, jaws closing around Joffrey's sword arm. The steel fell from his fingers as the wolf knocked him off his feet, and they rolled in the grass, the wolf snarling and ripping at him, the prince shrieking in pain. "Get it off," he screamed. "Get it off!" (...) The prince lay in the grass, whimpering, cradling his mangled arm. His shirt was soaked in blood.
Arya whirled and heaved the sword into the air, putting her whole body into the throw. The blue steel flashed in the sun as the sword spun out over the river. It hit the water and vanished with a splash.
The queen had her hand on Joffrey's shoulder. Thick silken bandages still covered the boy's arm. (...) The queen was furious. "Joff will carry those scars for the rest of his life."
in summary, joffrey “attempted” to protect sansa / arya (ahah whatever, that’s what he says he’s doing), then got trolled and manged his arm / hand forever. arya did not enjoy being “rescued” and threw his lion sword into the river.
"The king's dead."
I will ask him about my mother, he resolved. I am a man now, it is past time he told me. Even if she was a whore, I don't care, I want to know. (...) He fathered a bastard, a small voice whispered inside him. Where was the honor in that? And your mother, what of her? He will not even speak her name. Ghost stood on his hind legs, scrabbling at the door. Jon was startled to see how tall he'd grown. "Ghost, what is it?" he called softly. (...) "There's someone out there, isn't there?" he whispered. (...) That was when he heard it; the soft scrape of a boot on stone, the sound of a latch turning. The sounds came from above. From the Lord Commander's chambers.
Ghost leapt. Man and wolf went down together with neither scream nor snarl, rolling, smashing into a chair, knocking over a table laden with papers. Mormont's raven was flapping overhead, screaming, "Corn, corn, corn, corn." (...) The severed arm was wriggling out of its torn sleeve, a pale snake with a black five-fingered head. Ghost pounced and got it between his teeth. Finger bones crunched.
He had burned himself more badly than he knew throwing the flaming drapes, and his right hand was swathed in silk halfway to the elbow. (...) "The maester says I'll have scars, but otherwise the hand should be as good as it was before."
Carefully he pulled it from its scabbard and raised it level with his eyes. The pommel was a hunk of pale stone weighted with lead to balance the long blade. It had been carved into the likeness of a snarling wolf's head, with chips of garnet set into the eyes. The grip was virgin leather, soft and black, as yet unstained by sweat or blood. (...) “I put it aside and thought no more of it until we found it in the ashes of my bedchamber.” (...) "I would not be sitting here were it not for you and that beast of yours." (...) "A sword's small payment for a life," Mormont concluded. "Take it."
in summary, jon successfully protected mormont, then got trolled and manged his arm / hand forever. mormont enjoyed being rescued and offered him a wolf sword.
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me." “He is! (...) I'll give him a son with golden hair, and one day he'll be the king of all the realm, the greatest king that ever was, as brave as the wolf and as proud as the lion." Arya made a face. "Not if Joffrey's his father," she said. "He's a liar and a craven and anyhow he's a stag, not a lion." Sansa felt tears in her eyes. "He is not! He's not the least bit like that old drunken king," she screamed at her sister, forgetting herself in her grief. Father looked at her strangely. "Gods," he swore softly, "out of the mouth of babes …"
more coat-of-arms nonsense and ned finding out cersei plagiarised lyanna with her baby dragon. sansa’s delicate hands ARE NOT joffrey’s, he’s no aemon targaryen! then who is? who would find if he hadn’t died????
Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne."
oh dear. He already did.
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why must i suffer
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Reading One Piece pt 243: New Arc But No Ace???
Chapter 490
- Fpos/cs: Giants from Enies Lobby/Water 7 are going back to their home island! Good for them!
- Straw Hats are sailing off too. Lots of waving and goodbyes :) Chopper, that’s dangerous, get off that railing, you can’t swim (I really like Sanji’s shirt, it looks so comfy)
- “Thanks for the sun!” :D
- Oh? Narrator is telling some spooky story about Florian’s Triangle
- But before I’ll start typing all of it for no reason, let’s figure out what I know about the arc we’re getting into.
Nothing. I know nothing. Not even the name. (I’ll give it a few chapters before I One Piece Wiki this, just because)
I mean, I saw some spoilers for what probably happens in that part of the story but it’s more of a “Ace is here, Prison Time, MIHAWK!???” type of thing. What I want to say, up to Thriller Bark I knew nothing but I felt like I was going right to the “Nothing Happened” moment in a “holding a rope” kind of way. Now I’m swimming in a soup of facts and probably-spoilers, and feeling as lost as Zoro on a straight road. I don’t even know where we are going, not for sure.
I have exactly ONE understanding here: New World is coming and it will be a complete disaster. Let’s find out in what way.  
- Alright, Triangle Narration
- “Nobody knows what occurs in the mysterious sea called the “Florian Triangle”” aliens
- “Every year, 100 passing ships disappear into the depths of the mist.” You know, it’s actually weird. Grand Line is known for its inconsistency, constant weather change and different climates but Florian Triangle just. Always has mist. Whatever happens, mist everywhere. Weird
- “It has been a mystery long before the Giant Pirate ship, Thriller Bark, arrived in that sea 10 years ago.” Hm
- “It is fortunate that the white mist hangs over today, as well… concealing the sea’s bizarre face with a white veil.” Wow, ok, you have my attention
- There really IS something in that stupid fog. Something Big. Hey, Something Big, touch Hobo Pirates with your evil vibes and I’ll touch your face with my fist, thank you and goodbye
- But Straw Hats are out of the mist for good and are planning what next arc will be about
- Apparently, it won’t be about rescuing Ace???? Were my sources wrong????
- Luffy, you’re being a very little brother right now and I respect that
- Yeah, he think Ace will be fine cause that’s his adventure. It kinda makes me worry to be honest, that’s so very not like every other shounen ever it makes me nervous
- Meanwhile, LET’S HAVE A PARTY! Not everyday do you welcome a walking skeleton/musician into your crew :D
- Place change!! We’re in Holy Land!! Politics!!
- (Mark it as only time I was excited about politics ever)
- “What do you mean, they ran away!?” oho, Kuma is getting a scolding
- He takes it like a champ
- Garp is there too! Hey Grandpa
- Should I remember Sengoku’s name or…
- “Don’t tell me you took pity on a injured pirates” well, yes, but he was also super impressed by literary everything that happened, I think we can agree at that
- (he also mentioned Dragon. Who thinks Kuma’s a double agent? *raises hand*)
- (I suddenly want him to be a good guy, ignore me)
- Huh. Straw Hats will go right by Marine Headquarters, so marines will just wait for them now
- With Straw Hats again
- What the hell is Grand Line, this is ridiculous
- ‘Several days later’ “We made it…” made it where
- “We are halfway done! The Twin Capes, where we met Laboon, are on the other side of the sea and connected to this wall!” I discovered that the older I get, the less I understand geography. And One Piece maps just don’t make sense to me. We’re halfway, cool, don’t tell me anything else
- Oh wow
- They’re at the Red Line
- Wow
- (That’s just. A wall. A Gigantic wall. A ‘Stops clouds like nobody’s business’ wall. Wow)
- Straw Hats are so happy :D They’re remembering how they entered Grand Line (apparently Franky came from South Blue as a kid. We have a whole set, guys, all seas residents in one crew)
- I understand there’s The New World behind that wall. How will they get there?
- Zoro!
- “I must become stronger! I’m still too weak!” jezz, Zoro
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- If you’re weak then what are we
- ! Luffy, Robin and Brook are in a submarine
- They’re looking for a way in of course
- Oh, they don’t know how to get to Fishman Island. Right, it’s underwater
- Sea monster
- ??? It spit something out when Luffy punched it
- Woooo A mermaid! And a friend!
- Sanji is so happy :D
- The mermaid is named Camie! That’s the same mermaid we saw in fpos/cs long, long ago!
- ahahahahaha
Ahahaha, so much confusion in that last panel :D
rOP 242  rOP 244
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dc41896 · 5 years
First Impressions
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Since a certain rude giant wants to attack us lol, this is a quick idea I had that’s also paired with a prompt request from @lovelymari4. I did change some things around with the prompt so hopefully that’s ok and that you guys like it😄!
Pairing: Florian Munteanu x Black Reader
Prompt: Florian makes the reader feel some type of way with the choice words he has about her favorite artist
⚠️: None💕!
Watching the metal doors of the elevator slide open, you let out an exasperated breath you’d been holding in since leaving labs. Being in classes since 10 this morning, saying you were happy to be home was an understatement. You couldn’t wait to soak in your tub with your favorite bath bombs and light candles all around as part of your new mini self care routine you recently adopted so you could de-stress.
That is if you could get through the door.
Finally reaching your apartment, you find multiple boxes labeled with various household items blocking the entrance while your neighbor’s door in front of you was wide open. Music not blaring, but at a loud enough volume you could hear a few feet down the hall, you use the knocker below the peephole hopefully banging loud enough they could hear you.
“Um hello?! Scuse me, but I’m trying to figure out who’s stuff is in front of my door?!”
Appearing from around the corner in only his cotton shorts and socks stood who you assumed to be your new neighbor.
Your freakishly good looking and fit neighbor.
Shouting at someone in the room he just left in a language you couldn’t immediately catch, he makes his way towards you taking his shirt from the couch to quickly pull it over his head.
“Sorry about that, we’re moving in and kinda just left everything in the hall since it’s only our apartments on this end. Plus we knew you weren’t home-,”
“Wait how did you know I wasn’t home exactly?”
“Hey Y/N!,” your friend, Dana, smiles appearing from the same room followed by another man.
“Dana what are you doing in their apartment? And I guess you told them I wasn’t home?”
“I’m doing my part in helping the new neighbors move in of course!,” she smiles, helping slide one of the boxes inside before moving to stand beside you.
“...but you don’t even live here and you also hate packing or unpacking.”
“That’s not true, I helped you when you moved!”
“With one box and then you left to get food and it took you two hours to get back,” you retort with a smirk making your new neighbors quietly laugh to themselves and Dana roll her eyes.
“Anyway! I didn’t tell them you weren’t home they figured that out on their own but I did confirm said suspicion.”
“Yea earlier this week we went to everyone on the floor and introduced ourselves. We tried your door a few times but never got an answer. We figured you were either very busy or a hermit,” the originally shirtless one laughs. “I’m Florian by the way and this is my brother Masias.”
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you,” you reply shaking both of their hands. “Well since you guys are busy I don’t want to be in the way so I’m gonna head out.”
“You won’t be in the way if you stay, in fact we’re almost done for the day if you want to hang out for a bit. That is if you’re not too tired or don’t have a lot to do.”
“C’mon I know you’ve been stressed out with school, hang out and get your mind off of it for a while! Plus these are two super hot guys and I’m trying to get us dates,” she responds, whispering the last part and making you give her a look.
“Alright sure just let me put my bag up and change,” you answer as your best friend lightly bounces on her feet as she cheers.
After returning from changing into one of your university tees and sweatpants (which Dana insisted you not wear in a text she sent not long after you left knowing your usual go to outfit for when you’re home), you joined everyone else on the couch.
You got to know Florian and Masias more as you guys talked and they learned things about you as well, like how you weren’t a hermit but in graduate school working to become a Physian’s Assistant, which explained why you were never in your apartment.
A little later, Florian suggested watching a movie on Netflix to which you first were apprehensive about considering you should probably be spending your time in a more productive way, like reading over your notes and studying. However like Dana said, you didn’t have any tests for a while so you could afford a free day.
Handing the remote to Dana, both men agreed to let you guys pick which movie you wanted to see. You weren’t picky and up for anything leaving the choice to Dana.
Flipping through the different titles, you notice her instantly light up seeing her all time favorite singer, Beyoncé’s, Coachella documentary. “Ok just telling you now, if we don’t find anything else to watch this is gonna be it.”
“D, I’m sure they would rather watch something else than see Homecoming,” you lightly laugh, Dana rolling her eyes as she waves you off continuing to scroll.
“It’s fine, whatever you guys want to watch we’ll be ok with,” Florian replies, softly smiling as the setting sun shines through the open blinds onto his face making him look even more gorgeous.
“Jesus who are his parents, Greek Gods?!,” you thought as you turned your attention back to the bright screen in front of you to not stare.
“I’m not gonna lie though, I don’t really see what the excitement is about her though,” he spoke instantly causing everyone to go silent as all eyes were now on him.
Even Masias knew his brother had just messed up as he looked down shaking his head. “Flo you did not just say that in front of them.”
“I mean she’s beautiful don’t get me wrong, it’s just the music I can’t get into,” he replies, ears turning red from his nerves about what would happen next.
“Ok so I take it you’ve never really sat and listened to a Beyoncé song?,” Dana asked hands pressed together on the table in front of her as if trying to solve the greatest mystery to man.
“I mean I have, but still it didn’t do anything for me.”
“We might need to get your ears checked then.”
“Dana! Don’t listen to her, I understand. Beyoncé does make music more so for women or those who love pop and R&B. You’re more into rap so she’s not really on your music radar,” you explain trying to not only make Florian not feel bad but also let your crazed fan girl of a friend calm down from hearing the slander.
Dana was the textbook definition of a beyhive member. Any form of “disrespect” from anyone towards the queen wouldn’t be tolerated and she definitely had something to say. Never in a threatening way though like how some others were who took it too seriously.
You on the other hand were beyhive adjacent, as you liked to call it. You were technically part of the hive from your love of Beyoncé, but you definitely weren’t about the drama that would happen at times. Thus, you were off to the side of the hive in your own little honeycomb condominium.
“You know what? Just for that, we’re definitely watching it now,” she smiled starting the movie and humming along before the music even started.
Now after 11, you helped Florian in the kitchen clean up the glasses and two large bowls you guys used for snacks as Dana talked with Masias on the couch about the places in LA he had to check out.
“You guys don’t hate me too much do you?,” Florian asks leaning against the counter as he wipes water off his hands.
“No why would we hate you?”
“From the looks on your face when I said I wasn’t really into Beyoncé, you’d think I kicked a puppy,” he deeply chuckles making you laugh.
“I’m not gonna lie, when you first said it I did have a couple points listed if it would’ve led to a debate,” you lightly laugh. “Butt it’s like I said you have different preferences in music and that’s ok. Just maybe never mention that in front of Dana again,” you reply making him laugh harder.
“Yea don’t worry, I definitely learned my lesson.”
You spend a few more minutes talking and laughing before a small yawn creeps it’s way out of you as you cover your mouth.
“Uh oh, have we kept Cinderella out pass her curfew?,” he smirks.
“Afraid I’m gonna turn into even more of a bum than I already look?,” you ask matching his smirk as both of you laugh at what others would probably look at as a dumb joke. “I have had a long day so I probably should get going.”
“Ok, let me walk you out.”
“Florian I live literally across the hall right in front of you, you don’t have to.”
“True but anything could happen in those 10, 15 feet. Then not only will Dana hate me for not listening to Beyoncé but also because I let her friend walk out by herself.”
Giggling, you grab your phone and keys from the counter before slipping your feet into your slides beside the front door. “If you insist,” you reply slightly shrugging your shoulders. “D I’m about to leave, are you staying with me tonight?”
“And hear you up at the crack of dawn? I love you girl but I need to sleep in my own bed so I’m gonna head out in a few too,” she answers with a small stretch.
“Ok well text me when you get home. It was nice meeting you Masias!”
“Nice meeting you too Y/N! Hopefully we can all hang out again,” he smiles waving as you and Florian walk out the door.
“Thank you for walking those dangerous 10 feet with me! Who knows what would’ve happened if you weren’t here,” you say, doing your best damsel in distress impersonation.
“I’m sorry I’m a gentleman that always makes sure to walk a lady to her door,” he laughs. “But seriously though if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to get one of us. Even if you just want to get away from your work you’re welcome over here.”
You were trying to continue your cool, nonchalant attitude but the more you stood outside with him, you could feel yourself breaking. Unsure if it was the intense yet soft gaze of his green eyes looking back into yours, or how although he was nervously rubbing the back of his neck he still exuded all the confidence in the world, you felt your palms become sweaty and hoped you didn’t do or say anything stupid.
“Thanks I appreciate that. Well I have class tomorrow so I guess I should get to bed,” you softly smiled as you unlocked your door. “See you later Florian.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
With a smile and small wave, he waited until he heard you lock the door from inside before going back to his place. Smiling to himself just as you were doing with your back pressed against your door.
Taglist: @momobaby227 @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @melinda-january @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @lovelymari4 @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged and don’t see your name, only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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A background on how Diego came to Auradon would be nice... maybe via a wish?
“One wish. Any wish in the entire world, what would it be?” The group seated around the cafeteria table exchanged a look at Jane’s question, taking a moment to think on it before Mal perked up, grinning widely as she tapped her fork on the table.
“A mountain of chocolate covered strawberries. That’s my wish, right there.” Ben chuckled, sliding a small bowl of said strawberries towards the purple haired girl, and Mal beamed as she picked one up. Evie shifted in her seat, smiling at Jane as she thought on the question before responding.
“I would probably wish for a magical sewing machine that didn’t have to have it’s thread changed. It was just always the right type and colour no matter what!” Beside her, Jay snorted, and Lonnie raised a brow as she looked at him.
“Alright, Mr. Hotshot, what would you wish for?” Jay leant forward slightly, as though his wish was a huge secret, grinning widely as he spoke.
“To be able to do Tourney and Swords and Shields instead of classes. Duh.” Lonnie rolled her eyes, and Jane cleared her throat to gain their attention.
“I’d wish that I was cooler.” She stated in a small voice, causing everyone to assure her she was cool on her own. Doug wrapped an arm around Evie’s waist, grinning widely as he gazed at her with a love struck look on his face.
“I’ve already got everything I could wish for.” Beside him, Lonnie made a gagging noise, and he shot her a look. “Well what would you wish for, Lonnie?” Lonnie hummed, tapping her fingers on the table top as she thought a moment before letting out a cackle.
“I’d wish for something ridiculous, like Fairy Godmother breakdancing in the middle of the cafeteria or something. Ben?” Ben raised a brow, glancing up from where he had been slowly feeding Mal strawberries to consider the question.
��I’d wish for all world conflicts to be dealt with via laser tag.” Jay reached out for a high five, and Ben grinned before noticing that Carlos hadn’t stated what he’d wish. “Carlos? What would you wish for?” The table fell silent for a moment, all eyes on the youngest boy as he stared at the table top for a long moment, contemplating. After a few minutes, he looked up, his eyes fixed on Ben as he spoke his wish, words almost too quiet to hear over the din of student’s around them.
“I’d wish for my cousin to be brought over from the Isle even though he’s eighteen now.” Silence fell over the table, no one quite sure what to say, and Carlos pushed his half eaten tray away, excusing himself from the table to go to his dorm. The group exchanged a look, and Ben frowned as Mal leant towards him with a sad look.
“He’s sort of right, Diego and the Bad Apples are too old to be brought over for school but they shouldn’t be left on the Isle either, Ben. They’re good people…and it would do wonders for Carlos to see that his cousin’s safe. He’s been worrying about it ever since Cruella and the others went missing.” Ben frowned at Mal’s words, thinking over the list of kids Evie and Mal had put together for him the month before. None of the kids had been older than 17-still young enough to attend at least their final year at Auradon Prep. He hadn’t even considered the young adults on the Isle; too young to be truely evil like their parents, but too old to be brought over with the younger kids.
“How many kids are there Diego’s age?” 18 was old enough, in Auradon, to do a lot of things. To start college or university, to have a full time job if you weren’t a sovereign of your land, to rent an apartment. He hadn’t considered the fact that 18 was also young enough to show the way of good, to being brought to Auradon for a better life.
“Diego, Aren, Edith and Eli are all 18. Harry’s sister Harriet is nineteen I think, she graduated Serpent Prep before we left the Isle. Gil’s brothers have to be nineteen now too I think?” Mal glanced at Jay for confirmation, and the ex-thief nodded before pointing his fork at her.
“Yeah but I think they’re beyond saving after what they’ve done over the years.” The Islers at the table fell silent for a moment before Mal cleared her throat, turning her attention back to Ben.
“That’s pretty much it though. They were the first wave of kids, mostly villains who were pregnant when the Isle was created and stuff.” Ben nodded, leaning back in his seat as he contemplated the information. There had to be something he could do for the older kids. They couldn’t attend school, but…
“I’ve got it!” Dropping his napkin onto the table he pushed his seat out, beaming before leaning to kiss Mal excitedly. Mal raised a brow, and Ben’s grin widened as he waved her look off. “I have to call a council meeting. I’ll see you after Tourney practice Mal!” With that he took off, leaving the table slightly baffled.
“Well alright then.” Mal snorted, pulling her bowl of strawberries closer with a grin.
“Carlos? Are you in here?” Ben’s voice barely gave Carlos warning before the king was pushing open the door to his dorm, the younger teen scowling as he crossed his arms over his chest where he sat at his desk.
“Benjamin Florian what have we talked about barging into bedrooms?” Ben had the sense to look sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck, scuffing his shoe as he offered Carlos a nervous smile.
“Knocking isnt a precursor to opening the door, it’s to ask for an invitation in. But I have something really important I need your opinion on. I found something roaming the school grounds and I’m not sure what I should do with it. Please?” Carlos tilted his head slightly, curiosity roused as he neatly closed and piled his notebooks to the side of his desk, tidying his work space before standing up.
“Alright, I’m coming. But stop just opening our door please. What if Jay was in here masturbating?” Ben flushed slightly and Carlos chuckled before moving toward the door.
“I would apologize profusely if that happened. Besides, we both know he masturbates in the bathroom in the middle of the night, not in the middle of your shared dorm during Swords and Shields practice, Carlos, honestly.” The two shared an amused grin, and Ben gestured for Carlos to follow him down the hall. “I wasn’t sure the safest place to leave it so I brought it to one of the empty doem rooms for now. I figure if anyone knows what to do with strays its you.” Carlos hummed, wondering if Ben had found a stray dog in the quad.
“Well, I’d have a better idea what to do with this mysterious creature if I knew what it was, Ben.” He teased, and Ben chuckled as they came to a stop outside of the empty room between Chad’s room and the one Doug shared with another student.
“Nah you’ll see it in a second, go on in. I’m pretty sure he won’t bite.” Carlos rolled his eyes at Ben’s secrecy, pushing the door open carefully so whatever animal Ben had picked up wouldn’t be startled and bolt for the door.
“I don’t know why you keep bringing me strays, you know Fairy Godmother won’t let me keep th-“ Carlos’ words cut off as his eyes landed on the tall, slim teen standing near the bed; taking a moment to take in the quirked smile and familiar dusting of freckles over tanned skin, the black and white mohawk that the other teen had spent years of their childhood working on. “Diego.” The name was almost whispered as the older teen grinned at his cousin, opening his arms wide.
“Hey, lil’ cuz.” Ben barely had time to step into the room before Carlos was across it, throwing himself into his cousin’s arms with a half laugh, half sob. “Hey, it’s good to see you too man. No need to cry, I’m here now.” Ben leant against the doorframe, watching the reunited relatives for a moment before clearing his throat, Carlos turning to look at him without letting go of Diego as though the older deVil would vanish as soon as he let go.
“I was thinking we could keep this one, actually. I hear he’s even house broken.” Carlos snorted as Diego huffed, turning to press his face into Diego’s chest as he squeezed his arms, laughing.
“You’ve heard wrong, he sorely needs obedience training. He bites and plays dirty when you’re wrestling. Evil’s sake D, how are you still so much taller than me, I’ve grown a whole two inches in Auradon!” Diego chuckled, rubbing his cousin’s back as he glanced at Ben.
“Well first of all I take offense to that obedience training comment- I’m totally house broken, don’t let Carlos tell you otherwise your majesty. Secondly, eight months isnt enough time to kill the foot I have on you, dream on C. Are you gunna let go?” Carlos shook his head, murmuring something into Diego’s shirt and causing the boy to frown. “Wanna repeat that without the mouthful of shirt?” Carlos pulled away a fraction, his eyes focused on a rust coloured stain on the collar of his cousin’s shirt.
“If I let go you might disappear just like you do when I dream you come to Auradon.” Diego’s eyes widened, and in the doorway Ben’s expression softened as he moved towards them, placing a hand on Carlos’ back.
“He’s not going anywheres, Carlos, I promise. I started a work program for the older kids on the Isle- as long as Diego shows up for work at Lumiere’s and stays out of trouble, he’s here to stay.” Carlos turned to look at Ben, eyes wide as he gave the king a warm smile.
“Thank you, Ben. I can’t imagine the council was very happy with that decision…” Ben shrugged, letting his hand drop away as he took a small step back, giving the cousin’s some space.
“They weren’t as opposed to the idea as I thought they’d be, actually. We brought over all of the Bad Apples and Harriet Hook, though we decided against offering the opportunity to Gaston Junior and Gaston the Third.” Carlos nodded, and Ben grinned at the two, nodding towards the door. “I’m going to dinner with Mal, so I’ll leave the two of you to catch up. Diego, if you need anything at all please let me know, and remember your first shift is in two days at seven am. “ Diego gave a half salute as Carlos dragged him to sit on the bed, and Ben stepped out into the hallway, grinning to himself as he closed the dorm room door.
“I did a good thing. “ his grin widened, and he started off towards the girls dorm, whistling contently.
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Howdy! I just came to drop by to say that your Sansaery fics are amazing. I re-read The Double Date series and I have question. It was mentioned that Margaery had a promiscuous reputation before and it was said it was not true. What were the instances that Margaery gained that unfair and undeserved reputation? You're welcome to make that as a prompt. Hahaha. ;) Btw, I also hope we get to have a glimpse of the first Christmas of their twins. :)
I hope to answer the first part of this ask in another response, but for now, here’s the first Christmas!
Waking up early on Christmas had always been a Stark family tradition. Early Christmas even bed times guaranteed all the kids would be out of bed before dawn. Even when Sansa was old enough to know Santa wasn’t a real person who visited every house in the world, excitement and anticipation for the presents still drove her to challenge Arya as the first one up to open presents.
           For the first time in years, Sansa felt like a child on Christmas. The boys wouldn’t remember their first Christmas, but Sansa and Margaery would.
           “Look! He ate all the cookies!” Sansa pointed at the empty plate of cookies she and Margaery decorated with the twins last night.
           Florian tucked his head back into Sansa’s shoulder and yawned. Margaery was holding Aedyn, who was slightly more awake than his brother and mother. Unable to contain her excitement, Sansa had woken up Margaery before dawn. A cup of coffee had done little to improve her grouchiness.
           “Sansa, they don’t even know what youre talking about,” Margaery groaned.
           “Shush,” Sansa reprimanded. “Who wants to see,” Sansa gasped dramatically, “the presents! From Santa!”
           Sansa darted to the living room, where the tree was still lit, surrounded by boxes of presents. She plopped down by the coffee table from which the stockings were hung. She pulled Florian’s stocking off the holder. It was red with a large penguin face in the middle. Margaery sat beside her, doing the same with Aedyn’s stocking with a reindeer face.
           With one arm around Florian to keep him upright on her knee, Sansa began digging through the stocking. She pulled out the first stocking stuffer: a blue pacifier. “What’s this! What did Santa get you?” she gasped. She held the pacifier in front of Florian. He looked at it, then went back to pulling on Sansa’s top.
           Margaery took a different tactic. She dumped out the contents of the stocking in front of her and Aedyn and gave Aedyn free reign to do whatever he liked. He picked up the tiny yellow blanket, dropped it, and moved on to the pink and blue rattle.
           “Marge, you’re supposed to show him all the presents,” Sansa gestured to the mess.
           “He’s not going to be interested in all of them at this very moment. Neither is Florian, for that matter,” Margaery rolled her eyes.
           Sansa hadn’t noticed that Florian had gotten hold of the stocking. He turned it around nutil he could pull on the enclosed end, and spilled all of they presents out of the stocking.
           “Florian!” Sansa barely restrained herself from cursing. This wasn’t how she imagined her boys reacting to their presents.
  ��        Florian was more engrossed with the stocking than with any of the presents. He squeezed it and shook it up and down, giggling when the plush beak jiggled up and down.
           “That’s not a toy, sweetheart,” Sansa grabbed the stocking and gently pulled it out of Floian’s grasp. Florian’s face crinkled, his lips puffed into a pout, his face grew red on the verge of tears. Sansa picked up his green and yellow rattle that fell out of the stocking and shook it. “Here. Don’t you want to play with the presents Santa got you?”
           Florian shoved the rattle out of Sansa’s hand and shrieked. He reached for the stocking.
           “Let him have the stocking. It won’t hurt anything,” Margaery said. Unlike Florian, Aedyn was completely content with his presents.
           Sansa sighed, but relented to Margaery’s advice. Florian squeezed the penguin beak again and giggled. There was no sign that he had been upset just a moment before.
           “Sansa look this way,” Margaery called.
           Sansa turned her head.
           “Say cheese,” Margaery smiled, her phone held up to take a photo. Sansa grinned and Margaery snapped a few photos.
           By the time the twins had finished with the stocking toys and were ready to move on to the big presents, everyone was wide awake. Sansa scooted to the boxes with Florian in her lap. Margaery chose to walk around with Aedyn.
           They started with the biggest box, which was a playpin for the boys. With a twin on each side, Sansa helped Florian find a grip on the wrapping paper and pull up. The paper ripped. Sansa tossed the strip to the side and tried to help Florian find another place to pull, but this time he became distracted by the first piece.
           “Come on Florian, there’s more,” Sansa groaned. This morning was more frustrating than she had imagined. Why couldn’t he cooperate, like Aedyn. He was tearing piece after piece off.
           When Sansa looked up to see how far along Aedyn was on his side, she found that Aedyn hadn’t made any progress at all. Like Florian, he was playing with a pile of wrapping paper, crunching it up and pulling tape off. Margaery, however, had made pulled off nearly the entire side.
           “Margaery! That’s for the boys to do! They need to open their presents,” Sansa sighed.
           Margaery tossed the last piece aside. “Sweetling, you can see they have no interest in this. They have all this colorful wrapping paper they’d rather play with.” She tugged the box closer to her so she could finish off the other side as well. “The way they see it, the wrapping is the present. They’ll eventually play with all this other stuff, but they’re happy now.”
           “But half the fun on Christmas is opening the presents!” Sansa pouted. She crossed her arms over her chest like a child.
           Margaery laughed. “That’s our fun, then. We can open the presents, they can play in the mess.”
           “I guess,” Sansa grumbled.
           Margaery picked up one of the presents and handed it to Sansa. They tore through the rest of them pretty quickly. The boys eventually tired of the paper and moved on to the singing train that was part of Aedyn’s pile of gifts.
           After all the boys’ toys had been opened, Margaery and Sansa watched them poke buttons and clap their hands and garble over the train as it played song after song. Even Lady decided to join the fun, nuzzling between the boys with her new squeaky toy. The living room was covered in wrapping paper that would need to be thrown away.  Sansa couldn’t help but smile.
           Margaery laid her head on Sansa’s shoulder. “I think this one goes in the success column.”
           Sansa grinned down at her. “It goes in the major success column. Oh wait! We almost forgot our presents.”
           Sansa stretched her long arms behind her, laying out to grab the last two presents under the tree. She sat back up and handed her present to Margaery.
           She was about to tear into the paper when she noticed the boys crawling toward them, babbling along the way. They both stopped in front of Sansa, reaching for the present. “You want to open this for mummy?”
           Sansa held out the present and let the boys tear apart the paper on top. Florian giggled and tried to put a tiny piece of the paper in his mouth. Margaery lunged out in time to keep him from doing so.
           “Not so fast you little bugger!” Margaery laughed.
           Sansa took the lid off the top of the dull brown card board box. She lifted the book that was inside and read the cover. “Babe! How did you even get this?!” she exclaimed. It was a first edition Mark Twain novel.
           “Hours of endless searching and a very intense bidding war.”
           Sansa gently placed the novel back in its box and took it to a shelf that the boys couldn’t reach. “Thank you. I love it.”
Margaery pulled the twins into her lap. “Can you get mine? My hands are a little full.”
           Sansa laughed to herself and unwrapped her present to Margaery. Unlike Margaery’s gift, hers was still in the original box.
           “Merry Christmas!” Sansa held up the box.
           “Ah! I knew I shouldn’t have let father show you all those photos of me!” Margaery giggled.
           It was a batman lamp with a bat signal emblem to outline the light. Every photo Sansa had seen of young Margaery was her in pretty dresses, or playing with her brothers outside, or in the garden with her grandmother picking flowers. Until, of course, Mace had brought a new photo album with him when he and Alleria came to meet the boys. It was filled with photos of Margaery as a middle schooler with DC clothing and reading comic books. She was a nerd and Sansa couldn’t get enough of it.
           “But you like it right?” Sansa put the box down and crawled to Margaery’s side.
           “Of course I do,” Margaery touched her forehead against Sansa’s.
           “Good,” Sansa whispered. “Because part two of your gift is waiting in our bedroom and I’d really like you to use them tonight.”
           Margaery smirked. “I’d love to. Too bad I’ll be sleeping instead.”
           Aedyn crawled out of Margaery’s lap and into Sansa’s, dragging his new blanket with him. Sansa grinned and plopped him down. “This morning was worth it.”
           In the end, Florian and Aedyn’s first Christmas was everything Sansa had anticipated.
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philipcharmont · 3 years
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𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎: 𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚙'𝚜 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎
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philipcharmont · 4 years
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philip charmont + tv tropes
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dc41896 · 5 years
Cross Her, Cross Me
Warnings: None (at least that I know of..? If anybody sees any just let me know and I’ll update this part)
Word Count: 4,072
A/N: Hey guys! So this is something I thought of based on the song “Cross Me” by Ed Sheeran ft. Chance the Rapper. If you haven’t heard it, it’s a really good song so I would suggest you give it a listen :). Ok that’s all, hopefully you guys like it!
“Hey Y/N, I hate to ask you this since it’s not your job, but can you make copies of this for me? My assistant left for break and I have to get back to a conference call,” your boss, Mr. Tyson peaks into your office to ask holding a stack of papers.
“Yeah Mr. Tyson, no problem,” you smile standing up from your desk to make your way to the copy room. You weren’t doing anything since you had finished all of your work and were about to leave in the next few minutes, so you didn’t mind doing this quick favor.
Waiting for the last bit of copies to exit the machine, you pull out your phone to scroll through Instagram and see what you missed throughout the day. “Last time I checked, I thought this was a copy room and not a lounge area,” your co-worker, Ryan, says pointing at the phone in your hand.
For whatever reason, Ryan always seemed to have a problem with you, which baffled you since you never bothered anyone at work and was just there to get your work done. If he was in the same room, he’d have some side comment to say at the smallest thing you did, which became annoying the more it happened.
“Oh, I was waiting for the last of these copies and was just checking my messages,” you say putting your phone in your pocket and trying to collect all of your things so you wouldn’t have to be bothered with him anymore.
“It’s insane how people are so addicted to their phones nowadays,” he shakes his head taking the now vacant place in front of the copier. Side comments like that made you want to snap and ask why he insisted on being so rude to you.
Trying to be professional and not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing a reaction out of you, you exited the room with the papers to give back to your boss acting like you didn’t hear what he just said.
Back home, you just wanted to relax and forget about the events of the day. Everything was fine before Ryan had to appear in the copy room acting like his usual smart aleck self. You hated to be rude, but if he could somehow disappear and never be seen again, you’d probably be the happiest person in the world.
Sitting on the couch watching your favorite show, and still deep in your thoughts, you didn’t hear Florian walk up behind you. “Y/N!” he excitedly says as he grabs your shoulders, causing you to jump what felt like 3 feet in the air.
“Florian! Don’t scare me like that! Now what would you have done if I had a heart attack or fell and hit my head?” you ask moving out of his grip, not trying to hide your annoyance. “I would have taken care of you like I always promise I will,” he smiles sitting next to you.
Whenever he scared you in the past, you always tried to be upset, but it never lasted long since you’d end up laughing with him and trying to get him back somehow. From your reaction to his joke tonight and now seeing you lean away from him, he can sense something is wrong.
“What’s wrong? You act like you don’t want to be bothered,” he asks turning his body to face you. “You know whatever it is, you can talk to me. Or if you just need space I can do that too”.
In times like this, you wished he wasn’t so amazing. Although you were in a mood and weren’t treating him very nicely, he still showed his love for you by being whatever you needed him to be in that moment, whether it was a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or even to be gone for a while so you could have some alone time.
You didn’t want them to, but the tears quickly started to run down your face thinking about how caring he was, and from your work situation, which caused him to become more concerned. “Hey it’s ok. I hate to see you cry love, but if you need to that’s fine. I’ll be here,” he says moving your body so that you were now sitting on his lap with your head resting on his chest.
“It’s just work,” you manage to hold back your tears long enough to speak clearly. “It’s this guy and-“
“What he said something to you? He didn’t touch you did he?” Florian asks looking down at you, pausing from rubbing your back to hear your answer and see if he was going to have to leave to handle the situation on his own.
“No, he didn’t do anything. He did say something though, but at the same time he didn’t,” you respond wiping the remaining tears from your eyes that hadn’t made their way to his shirt. “Not gonna lie I’m a little confused but ok…” he answers continuing to rub circles on your back.
“Ever since I got there, the guy, Ryan, acts like he has some problem with me and I’ve never done anything to him. At first it just started out as like side eye looks but then it’s escalated to unnecessary side comments,” you explain.
“Like today, I was making copies for my boss and while I was waiting, I was on my phone just looking at Instagram right. He then comes in and says ‘I thought this was a copy room, not a lounge area’ and I said how I was just checking messages while I wait for the machine to finish. Then when I’m leaving he talked about how people are so addicted to their phones as an obvious dig at me,” you finish lifting your head from his chest to sit up.
“And he doesn’t do this to anybody else on your floor?” Florian asks as his eyes begin to look dark due to his growing anger for this Ryan guy. “No! I even asked Ari one day because she heard what he said to me after my presentation and wondered what happened for him to say that to me,” you answer now playing with his fingers.
“And what did he say that time?” he asks with eyebrows slightly furrowed together. “After my boss and everyone was saying how I did so well and people were leaving, he said ‘huh she has the brains to be with the big boys!’ with a smug look that I wanted to knock right off his face,” you answer noticing his hands becoming warmer and his knuckles start to redden.
“You need to talk to your boss about this Y/N and soon. Why this guy thinks he can talk to you like that, I don’t know, but if he does it again I promise it’s not gonna be good, and you know I always keep my promises,” Florian replies tucking a piece of your hair that had managed to get in your face back to its correct position.
“Yea I know, I was just trying to ignore it and not let him see a reaction so that hopefully he would stop, but apparently he’s very persistent,” you respond. Part of you was also fearful of him finding out that you were the one who complained and started acting worse, which is why you went so long without telling anyone.
Now, you were tired of the antics and just wanted to be able to go to work and not have to deal with his mouth. “I get that, but if it’s bothering you that bad, then you need to tell your boss, HR, or someone that can look into it,” Florian says, eyes becoming softer from him calming down.
“I will tomorrow. You know how I am with confrontation though,” you reply looking down at your fingers, not for long though after hearing a deep laugh escape from Florian’s lips. “I don’t mean to laugh love, but seriously? You? Afraid of confrontation? Do you remember the club incident last year?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
While you were in Germany, you guys decided to meet his friends at a popular club there to hang out and have a few drinks. Everything was going great, until a guy decided to try to talk to you while you were away from Florian.
You politely declined his advances and told him that you were here with someone, but, like Ryan, he was very persistent and decided to amp it up by trying to grab your arm, which is when you lost it. Snatching your arm away, you yelled at him to leave you alone or the drink in his hand wouldn’t be the only thing going down his throat.
When you arrived back to your section, you were greeted with claps and bows from his friends who had seen the whole thing. “We thought we were all gonna have to come down there, but we see you can handle yourself,” one said raising his glass up to you.
“I knew she was a fighter!” another one shouted making everyone laugh. “Ok but that was different though. I was in a potentially dangerous situation and he gave me no choice,” you softly laugh remembering the shocked look on the guys face after you said what you did.
“Yea, but like my brother said you’re a fighter. Don’t let anyone trap you in a corner. Okay?” he says touching your forehead with his. “Yes coach,” you smile before being pecked with kisses all over your face making you giggle and squirm in Florian’s arms.
The next day at work went by smoothly. Ryan didn’t say anything to you, but that was also due to you being confined to your office with the amount of papers you had to fill out.
Luckily, it was towards the end of the day, which is when you were also planning on talking to your boss about how you were feeling. Yeah you could’ve done it first thing in the morning, but you also didn’t want to deal with the possible effects from it throughout the day.
Plus, you were sure your boss would probably be busy completing his own work and you didn’t want to disturb him. So instead, you immediately busied yourself with the new stack of papers on your desk and thought it best to let the discussion wait until later.
Before you could stand up from your desk to get everything over with, your office phone rings flashing what seemed like a familiar number, but you weren’t exactly sure. “Ed Tyson Management, this is Y/F/N Y/L/N. How may I help you today?” you cheerily ask.
“Hey! I just called to see how your day was,” Florian answers while in his car, from the way the background sounds. “I didn’t interrupt you did I?”
“Hey! And no, I actually just finished for the day not too long ago. I appreciate you calling!” you smile as you collect your things to get ready to leave. “No problem, you know I always gotta check on my girl,” he says letting out a small laugh.
Because you were bent down and focused on making sure you had everything you needed, you didn’t notice Ryan make his way into your office with his own stack of papers in hand. Seeing you were on the phone, he decided to wait until you were finished to not be disruptive.
However upon hearing what you were saying, his quiet state wouldn’t last long. “Yea yea I know, so where are you going? I hear you’re in the car,” you ask placing your bag on your desk to look for your keys.
“Now that doesn’t sound like a business call,” Ryan smugly says making you jump and let out a small gasp. “What? What’s wrong?” Florian asks concerned.
“Oh, hi Ryan I didn’t hear you walk in,” you answer watching him walk closer to the front of your desk. “Wait Ryan? As in the Ryan? Y/N what did he say?” Florian asks pulling his car over so he can fully hear what’s happening.
“I’m sure you didn’t with your ‘phone call’ and all,” he says using air quotes. “Tyson wants to see you and Ari in his office to go over some things dealing with the papers he gave you guys. I’m sure you probably didn’t finish though seeing how you’ve probably been more concerned with your phone,” he smirks before walking out of your office.
“He said something didn’t he? I promise if he did…” Florian sternly responds starting his car again. You know he didn’t mean to pester you with his questions, but with him talking in your ear and Ryan being himself, you felt yourself start to get anxious and just wanted to leave.
“Flo let me call you back,” you respond, hanging up before giving him a chance to reply. Of course today couldn’t continue to go by easily, and he had to find someway to bother you.
Your lack of answers and annoyed tone gave Florian all the answers he needed on what was going on as he made his way to your office building.
“Hey Florian!” the receptionist for your floor, Denise, greets. Because he had been there plenty of times before, they were pretty much on a first name basis. She would even help out in those times that he wanted to surprise you and make sure you stayed in the office so it would be successful.
“Hey Denise. Is Y/N in her office?” he asks tapping his fingers on the counter. He was trying to hide his frustration and growing anger, but because of his expressive eyes he could easily be read.
“No, I just saw her go in Mr. Tyson’s office. Is everything okay?” she asks now concerned. “Honestly, no but it will be though. Thanks Denise,” he quickly smiles before making his way to your office to wait for you to get out of your meeting.
Sitting on the edge of your desk with his knee bouncing, Florian tried to calm himself down to not cause a scene at your job and potentially get you fired. But, the more he thought about the things Ryan said to you in the past, and what he potentially said to you today, the task was starting to grow more difficult.
“Um can I help you?” Ryan asks, stopping as he was walking by your office upon seeing this random man sitting alone. “Nah I’m just waiting for my girl,” Florian answers. “You Ryan?”
“Yea, and you are?” he asks walking into your office with a confused look on his face. “Oh I’m sorry I’m Florian,” he replies with a plastered fake smile, standing up to meet Ryan halfway. “Answer me this quick question though Ryan, are these offices shared or are they only for one person?”
“Sure, they’re all private. Each person on this floor has one,” he answers confused as to why Florian would ask him this. “Ok, so if someone has to make a call they have the privacy to do that in the confines of their own office right?” Florian asks again holding his arms behind his back in his usual dominant stance.
“Um yeah pretty much…?” Ryan answers mimicking Florian’s body language and completely lost now. “So if that’s the case, then why is it your concern who Y/N talks to on the phone and about what?” Florian adds with furrowed brows, eyes seemingly a dark hazel color instead of his usual light green.
“So that’s what this is about. If Y/N had a problem with me, I would think she would be adult enough to come to me herself instead of sending a goon,” Ryan softly chuckles. “This guy was really something else to still try to talk big in this moment,” Florian thought as he moved closer to get in his face.
“She doesn’t need to send me to solve her problems, but I don’t like the things I’ve been hearing you say to her or around her. And when you mess with her, you’re messing with me. I’m sure you can probably see I’m not a guy most people like to mess with,” Florian replies completely in Ryan’s personal space as he stares him down.
“Florian? What are you doing here?” you ask walking in your office to see an angry Florian probably seconds away from slamming Ryan to the ground. “Seems as though your knight in shining armor came to defend your honor. He talks tough, but I’m sure you won’t do anything to put her job in jeopardy now will you Florian?” Ryan smugly smiles taking a few steps back from.
With that comment, Florian balled up his fist ready to swing, but was surprised when you literally beat him to the punch. Next thing either of you knew, Ryan was holding his face screaming that you were crazy and Florian had both arms around you to stop you from jumping on Ryan.
“Say one more thing! I promise it’ll be the last thing you say in life!!” you yell, seemingly using all the oxygen in your lungs to get out the words. “What is going on in here?!” your boss yells rushing into your office to see what all the yelling was about.
“She punched me in the face! She’s crazy and just snapped on me Tyson!” Ryan fusses removing his hand to reveal his swollen and bleeding nose. “Is this true Y/N?” Mr. Tyson asks looking at you with anger in his eyes.
“Yea it’s true and I’m sorry sir, but Ryan has been harassing me since I got here and I was gonna talk to you about it before I left today, but things just got out of hand,” you explain out of breath and still being held by Florian. “It’s true! I’ve witnessed it plenty of times,” Ari says from the doorway.
“I have too,” Denise chimes in standing next to Ari. “He’ll randomly go up to her and say hurtful things when she’s done absolutely nothing to him”. 
“Jesus again Ryan?! That’s it clean your stuff out your office. You’re fired!” Mr. Tyson orders making Ryan angrier than he already is.
“Fired?! Tyson-“ he tries to reason before getting cut off by your boss holding up his hand to tell him to stop. “When you first started working here I told you I would be watching you from the complaints you had at your last job. I thought you learned your lesson, but I see in your case old habits don’t die,” Mr. Tyson says as he motions for Ryan to leave your office.
“And who are you?” he asks looking at Florian and returning back to his normal tone of voice. “I’m Florian, Y/N’s boyfriend. She told me about what was going on with Ryan and I came here to talk to him myself,” he answers moving his arms from around your waist to hold your hand.
“I understand and wish we were meeting on better circumstances. Y/N, I’ll speak with you later, I suggest you go ahead and leave so there’s not another conflict,” Mr. Tyson directs at you before leaving out of your office to make sure Ryan collects his things.
“You okay?” Florian asks bringing you an ice pack for your now swollen hand and bruised knuckles. You couldn’t lie, it felt good to punch Ryan and shut him up for good, but you knew you shouldn’t have done it. Now you didn’t know if you would be coming back to a job or if you might be arrested in the event that Ryan decided to press charges.
“If you’re referring to my hand? It’s alright. Overall though, I’m kinda freaking out,” you answer sitting up in bed and letting him bring you closer to his side as he slid into bed. “Although I know it felt good, why’d you hit him?” he asks placing the frozen block on your hand, causing you to wince a little from the applied pressure and how cold it was.
“I honestly don’t know. I was just tired of him and his voice and then him saying you wouldn’t do anything when I know you would’ve and-“ you explain before being cut off by Florian finishing your sentence. “And instead of me feeling guilty about making you possibly lose your job, you decided to do it yourself so it’s on your shoulders,” he nods understanding all of your reasons.
“Yea that was also part of it. I still didn’t mean to give him a bloody nose though, but I just saw red and next thing I knew you were holding me back and he was screaming,” you explain laying your head on his chest as he grazed his fingertips up and down your arm. “He did deserve it though,” Florian admits causing you to let out a small laugh and smack his thigh with your good hand.
“What?! It’s true! He was either gonna get it from you or later from someone else. He better be glad it didn’t come from me, or else he’d have more than a messed up nose,” he says in a cocky tone and earning an eye roll from you. “Yea I know Rock em’ Sock em’ robot, but still though you’re not supposed to be making jokes. What if I get fired or go to jail?” you ask sitting up to look him in the eyes.
“Well I doubt you’re fired because your boss would’ve done that before you left today. But if he does then we’ll have to get you a new job, and if you get arrested, which I also doubt will happen, then we’ll deal with that too,” he answers with a smile as he rubs your back. Before you could respond, your phone rung, causing you to leap to the other side of the bed to answer it in time.
“Hello Mr. Tyson,” you answer trying to calm your nerves. “Hi Y/N, this phone call isn’t a bad one so don’t worry. You’re definitely not fired and Ryan decided not to press any charges, which is smart of him since he’d more than likely lose,” he explains causing you to let out a sigh of relief.
“Okay that good. I apologize again for the way I acted. I know it wasn’t professional and-,” you apologize before your boss cuts in. “I accept your apology, but from how Ryan was treating you, you honestly don’t even need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing for you having to deal with that for so long and having an unsafe work environment,” he explains.
“I accept your apology Mr. Tyson and I know I should’ve said something when it first happened. Then we wouldn’t be in this situation now,” you softly laugh causing your boss to let out a small chuckle as well. “Yes please don’t hesitate to tell me if something like that happens again. Whether it be to you or someone else in the office,” he says making you smile from his caring tone, reminding you of how a father would be with his child.
“From this experience, I definitely will,” you respond rubbing the back of your neck. “Good, now I’ll see you first thing in the morning,” he replies in a cheery manner.
“Ok see you at work Mr. Tyson,” you smile before hanging up your phone and turning to look at Florian. “So guess who has their job still AND isn’t going to jail?!” you happily shout snuggling back into his side as he laughs at your reaction.
“That’s great love! I told you nothing would happen,” he smiles softly nudging your shoulder. “So what did we learn?”
“That I need to say something early on when I’m being bothered instead of just trying to ignore it,” you admit playing with his fingers. “Exactly, and you want to know what I learned?” he asks holding your injured hand up to his lips so he could kiss your bruises.
“What’s that?” you ask genuinely interested in how all this could be a learning experience for him. “Not to make you mad because I don’t need you messing up the money maker,” he answers giving you a wink as you laugh at how unbelievable this man was.
Taglist: @honeychicana @melinda-january @themyscxiras @crushed-pink-petals @lady-olive-oil @ellixthea @lovelymari4 @jojolu @jnk-812 
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, just let me know! :)
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dc41896 · 5 years
Worst Fear (1)
A/N: So I had this idea for this little fic (that’s only 2 parts btw) and thought it would be funny to write and was also really excited about it, but honestly looking back on it, idk how I feel about it. Hopefully what I had in my head transferred over how I wanted and is entertaining to you guys :). Not gonna lie i honestly don’t feel like it does, but I also might be being hard on myself so again I hope you guys like it! Oh and Florian’s not really in this part as much as he’s in the second so sorry about that.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,603
“Alright SO, today I’m thinking after we eat, we go to the mall and shop for a while. Then we go to the movies and maybe tonight we get lit!!!!” Alani, your best friend since high school, cheerily says as you both walk into the restaurant. You haven’t been able to hang out as much as you’d like due to your hectic work schedules, so you planned for today to be a much needed girls day to do any and everything you wanted.
“Sounds like a plan, but we both can’t get lit. Well at least your level of lit, so you can do that for the both of us while I make sure you don’t get us kicked out or banned from said establishment,” you laugh causing your bestie to roll her eyes.
“Hey, I’m not THAT crazy when I drink thank you ma’am,” she replies laughing along with you as you both are led to your table by the hostess. Before you can get seated comfortably in your booth, your friend hits your arm making you yelp an “Ow!” And look at her like she’s lost what’s left of her mind. “What was that for?!” You whisper yell trying not to cause too much of a scene. “Oh that didn’t hurt! Stop being dramatic and look at the mountain of men over there!,” she replies nodding her head in the direction of the table located in front of yours.
Following her head, your eyes land on a table of 3 nicely built men talking amongst themselves. One was shorter in height than the rest but had a very suave and high-class vibe about him, but not in a snobby way. Like he owned a yacht that he would occasionally take out in the warmer months. The next was tall, but seemed like he was more so on the reserved side. Mainly when it came to new people though. The last one was just as tall as the second, but was more muscular than the first two combined. With his backwards cap and chain, he exuded a vibe that was like no other and would immediately draw anyone to him. However, that last statement was something you knew all too well and experienced first hand for yourself. “Y/N?!” You heard, snapping you out of your trancelike state. It seems that you were so busy looking towards the men that you didn’t realize you caught the eye of the last one and he had since made his way to your table.
“Florian! Hi!” You smile hoping that you weren’t staring for too long and potentially about to make this an awkward experience. “Hey! How’ve you been?!” He excitedly asks as he slips next to you in your booth and gives you a strong bear hug.
“And who’s your friend?” Florian asks as he reaches his hand out across the table. “Alani. Nice to meet you Florian,” she smiles while shaking his hand. As you both chat for a minute, she can’t help but to look shocked at how you seem to know the man she was just drooling over and never mentioned him in conversation before.
“I can’t stay for long, but I would love to hang out with you before I leave. Your number’s still the same right?” He asks as he stands up to leave, “Yea it is, um just let me know what day works for you. I have some time off so I’m free for the next few days,” you reply not breaking eye contact from his expressive green ones.
“Ok great! I’ll text you next time me and my brothers plan something,” he smiles before saying goodbye and leaving you and Alani a shooken mess, but for different reasons. “Florian! Hi!” she mockingly repeats, “How do you know him and why haven’t I heard anything about him before?! Spill the whole tea kettle!”
“You have heard of him, remember muscle beach bae?” You sigh as you slouch in the booth relieved that the interaction was over. “Yea the one who could get it any day? WAIT A MINUTE!!” Your friend gasps finally putting the puzzle pieces together to realize that Florian was the bae in question.
“Yea,” you reply taking a drink from your glass of water. While you weren’t a heavy drinker, you honestly wouldn’t mind a shot or two at this very moment. “Just don’t be weird about it ok?”
“I won’t I promise. But our plans have now changed for the day to be any and everywhere that man and his brothers are” your friend smirks making you wish that you stayed in bed today.
“The way I see it, you have a lot of explaining to do, starting with how this all got started,” Alani says as you both look through the rack of colorful clothes in front of you. “Alright alright, you want the sparknotes or the play?” you ask referring to if she wants to hear the long or short version of the story.
“What do you think?” she replies taking a shirt out of your hand that you were currently looking at so she has your full attention. Being your best friend for so long, Alani knows how you’ll busy yourself doing the first thing you can get your hands on whenever you get nervous or anxious. Seeing how she had never heard about this guy in detail and yet he had this effect on you, something had to have happened between you two.
“It happened about last year this time,” you start with a sigh mentally preparing yourself to have to relive this story all over again. “So as you remember last year I was helping out my uncle at the restaurant for a while until he could hire more employees. Since the place was right by the beach, on my breaks I would walk to the water and just sit either reading a book or laying down and that’s where I met Flo,”
“Wait Flo? Oh we got nicknames now! I KNOW something happened then” Alani interrupted with a Cheshire cat smile making you laugh. “That doesn’t count as a nickname, that’s just a shortened version of his name,” you explained with arms crossed and a smile similar to that of a child who just got his way.
“Still it’s informal, which means that there’s some comfort there that you could use it,” she retorts with a smile similar to yours causing you to drop your arms and mimic what she said in the manner of your favorite spongebob meme. “Anyway! One day while I was there reading, a soccer ball rolled beside me and he ran up apologizing and asking if it hit me. I kept telling him it didn’t but he was really sweet and wanted to be sure I was fine,” you smile at the concerned tone he had and how he squatted down to be somewhat at your eye level.
“Aww that was sweet! What happened next giggles?” she asks leaning on the rack of clothes and making you glare for the nickname she just gave you. “He told me have a good day then grabbed the ball and left. The next couple days though we kept seeing each other at the beach and while I thought he probably didn’t notice, he did and mentioned it when he came up to me. We talked for a minute about what we were doing in the area and then he said that seeing each other that much must have meant something so we exchanged numbers before we both went our separate ways.”
“Ok all this seems innocent enough, so why are you acting like you’re afraid of this guy or something? He didn’t do anything while you guys hung out did he?” Alani asks in a more serious tone, straightening up from her relaxed state. “No! No nothing happened…and I’m trying to keep it that way,” you reply looking down at your sneakers. You knew nothing was wrong with having a crush on him, but crushes came with feelings, which would more than likely become stronger and make things even more complicated.
It’s not that you despised love, you felt quite the opposite actually. You couldn’t wait until the day you found the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and do everything those cute couples you saw on YouTube and Instagram do. But you also knew with love could come unexplainable behaviors and that’s what scared you the most.
Of course for your family and best friend you would do any and everything you could to make sure they were happy and taken care of. However, having that same love for a man to potentially take advantage of and cause you to go to a place you never thought you would added to that fear and caused a feeling of dread to envelop you whenever a crush developed.
“Look, I know you’re trying to guard your heart and feelings, which is totally understandable, but also don’t potentially miss out on something great because of a fear Y/N,” Alani responded knowing how you tended to view crushes and would distance yourself when you felt yourself falling even more. “Plus you don’t even know if he feels the same! He might just look at you as a really close friend and not want to go there, which would kinda hurt but also you wouldn’t have to worry!”
“Yea but that’s the thing we don’t know. I mean that may be the case now, but what about the future? Plus that doesn’t stop my own feelings,” you reply giving the hanging clothes in front of you your attention again. “Then why don’t you tell him?” Alani suggests making you quickly snap your head up to look at her as if she had just revealed she was actually from Mars.
“Um are you insane?! I can’t do that! Didn’t you just hear me say I would like to keep nothing from happening?” you ask looking around to make sure no one was staring at you from your outburst. “Yes I did, but calm down and hear me out. You want to get over your feelings so why don’t you write a letter, email, whatever you chose that is for him but you don’t send it to him. That way you technically did tell him, but he doesn’t know so nothing becomes weird and everyone is happy. Total win-win if you ask me,” she explains before picking up a dress and holding it up to herself.
You had to admit, she had a point. You could get these feelings off of your chest, which was a way to start getting over Florian, and he would never know anything about it since you wouldn’t send it to him. Well, unless you randomly decided to tell him one day or during a drunken night out. Other than that, no harm no foul and you guys could continue being friends like nothing happened.
“You know, that’s not a bad idea,” you admit holding out your hand to join with hers to do your secret handshake. “I know, I’m a genius,” Alani replies acting proud of herself by doing a hairflip. After making your purchases, you continued walking through the mall stopping at your favorite stores to see what else you could find that you didn’t need.
Although you guys planned to stay out all night, you both felt that after eating way too many nachos at the movies you should call it a night. The last thing either one of you wanted to do on your full stomachs was squeeze into outfits and be trapped like a bunch of sardines in a club. Making your way back in your apartment, you feel your phone vibrate and see Florian’s name flash across the screen.
Flo: Hey! I was thinking we could all hang out tomorrow sometime. You and Alani, me and my bros. Any ideas?
Y/N: Hey and sounds good! Honestly no not really lol, we’d be down for anything though, we’re not picky I promise
Flo: Lol ok cool. Meet at my place around 1 then we can all decide what to do
Y/N: Ok that’s fine. See you then! :)
Flo: See you tomorrow! Night :)
Y/N: Night!
“Ok, let’s get started on this letter,” you say to yourself after you send a quick text to Alani letting her know the plans for tomorrow. Clearly she must’ve been asleep or away from the phone to not immediately say anything about the goodnight text or smiley faces.
Since you knew the message would be long, you decided to use your iMessage app on your laptop to write everything you needed to say to Florian. Hopefully he wasn’t still in your conversation or else he would definitely see the dots and know you were about to say something. Seeing as though he said goodnight, you assumed his phone was closed.
At first it felt silly typing all your feelings and you felt like a school girl sending a “Do you like me? Check yes or no” letter to your crush. But as you began to let go and release everything, you felt this weight lift off your shoulders. As you finished your last sentence, you looked over everything proud of the fact that you finally shared what had been going on in your mind. In a way, it was actually therapeutic and you were a little surprised that Alani had a good idea this time.
With heavy eyelids and a yawn, you turn towards the clock to see that it’s 2 am and you still need to get ready for bed. You started to erase everything then, but since you were so sleepy you decided you would do it in the morning before you left to hang out with the guys. Closing your messages and your laptop, you placed it on your desk before moving towards the bathroom.
“Wakey Wakey!!” Alani screams in the call box making you lean backwards so your eardrums would remain intact. “Ow! Could you not yell at me please, thank you!” you laugh before buzzing her in to access your apartment. It doesn’t take her long to arrive at the door and knock as loud as she possibly can, which you’re sure woke up your neighbors if they weren’t awake already.
“I’m just making sure you’re up! Ready to go?” she asks before flopping on your couch. “Yea let me get my phone really quick,” you reply walking to your room to retrieve your phone that was still charging on your bedside table. However, you noticed your coworker texted you to ask a question about one of your clients.
As an attempt to multitask, you decided you would use your Alexa to send the message right before you walked out the door. “Hey Alexa! Send message to Dorian,” you say waiting for her to respond with her usual reply.
“Ok! Sending message to Florian” her robotic voice echoes through the living room making you freeze and look at your machine hoping it didn’t say what it just did. “Alani….did she say Florian or Dorian?” you ask feeling your heart race and palms become sweaty. You already knew the answer, but there was a small part of you that hoped that it wasn’t so.
“She said Florian, but from the look on your face the real question here is what was sent to Florian just now?” Alani asks standing up and making her way over to your side. “Please tell me you deleted the message you ‘wrote��� to Florian to get your feelings out.”
To Be Continued...
Tags: Tags: @themyscxiras @honeychicana @crushed-pink-petals @lady-olive-oil @ellixthea @lovelymari4
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