#* A CHILD OF THE NIGHT / musing.
yellowarchivee · 2 months
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Cassidy's Art
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multimuseticles · 4 months
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"Well we failed to steal any of the swimsuits today. So like, I guess we're done with this event."
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"Yes, I think that's probably for the best. I'm sure even Sunny agrees. Right?"
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"We'll come back even stronger..."
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encrucijada · 1 year
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looked at the hypnos wikipedia last night and found out he's besties with the muses?? here's the direct quote from pausanias. Great news for piedad&hudson who are, in fact, best friends and the children of a muse and hypnos respectively in pjo
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pertinax--loculos · 10 months
Just had a very interesting Google experience.
The search term was "most rewarding plants to grow". The reason I searched is because I'm watching my orchid, Frank, like a fucking hawk at the moment because my parents finally brought him down and he's been a bit under the weather since the move, so I've done a bit of research and a repot and he seems to be doing better, but it's slow going. So I was thinking I wonder if there's a quick-growing plant that's really rewarding to watch grow in an almost day-to-day sense, cuz that would be fun.
Every. Singe. Search result on the front page was for "most profitable plants to grow".
And I'm like, NO. That's not what I mean! I mean if I want to grow a plant, and see it grow, and watch it's progress, what's the quickest, most rewarding way to do that?!
And sure I'll admit that a lot of plants you can see progress week-to-week (I can see it with Frank) and so I could've phrased the search better, but I still think it's revealing that rewarding was immediately taken to mean profitable.
So yeah. This is me railing against capitalism and the downfall of the internet, etc etc etc.
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lumikore · 3 months
I can't believe I went through a phase of hating ABBA......... shameful......... and all I listened to was jpop and lemon demon.... I literally loved ABBA as a kid as well...... 3-4 years ago was a dark period in my life Idk what happened to me but I'm so glad I'm free again now 🕊
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masquenoire · 1 year
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Roman's last memory of his parents back when they were still alive were ones of fear, the difference being that this time it was they who were the ones that were afraid and not him. Furious at having caught him sleeping with the company's top model, Mrs. Sionis went to strike Roman, only for him to snap her wrist and send her flying into a nearby bookcase where her head was cut open by a sharp wooden corner. Roman was no longer a small child they could push around without consequences; at 17, he was already far too big for even Mr. Sionis to handle and the fear they showed that night was the push their son needed to know he was ready to kill them. He still remembers the sight of fear in their eyes, how powerful it made him feel. In his opinion, it was the first time they'd ever shown him the slightest damn bit of respect and even today, in his eyes, fear is respect.
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warsinmyhead · 7 months
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FC: Cho Seungyoun
Age Range: Early to mid 20s
Specialty/Field: Psychology, Profiling
Languages: Korean (intermediate due to learning as a youth and trying to practice/keep skills strong as adult), English (fluent since 6 years old due to adoptive family), Intermediate French (high school/college elective)
Parents/Family: Birth father (unknown), Birth mother (abandoned), and Finley family (adoptive - deceased due to old age)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Bio: Shortly after being born, his birth mother (surname Sweets) who worked as a psychic in a traveling show gave him up and he bounced from foster to foster until age 6. He never knew his birth father and does not establish any kind of relationship or connection with his birth mother as an adult. Prior to being adopted by the Finley family, Lance suffered abuse and neglect from other foster parents, in some cases, this resulted in scars that he bears to this day. The Finleys were on the older side when they adopted him, but they gave him a safe and welcoming space to grow and thrive in. Lance pushed himself through his studies and graduated with good marks and completed multiple degrees to earn his doctorate in his early 20s. Shortly before he was assigned to council Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth at the request of the FBI, his adoptive parents passed away. Initially dismissed by the pair as a nuisance, Lance remains patient in working through the pair’s differences per the requirement for the FBI and eventually takes an interest in their shared forensic cases. Over time, he is tapped to help with profiling and analyzing their suspects and evidence as the Jeffersonian team works to close and resolve cases with human remains.
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liroyalty · 1 year
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"B-by the gods, all the gems are so beautiful."
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"Are you really saying that? Of course we are, remember, we've all had our appearances altered in some way."
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"... O-oh yeah! I forgot about that!"
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
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@aquaticsoul ->
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Early morning lessons were not Sielu's favorite, if only because of the required commute.
Luckily for him though, he'd stayed in the palace the night prior due to it having been so incredibly late by the time he finished up for the day.
It leaves the morning open to him, the time normally spent peeling himself up and flying over now available for him to enjoy all to himself. The sunrise always looks brilliant, but it's even better as it shines off of crystal walls and illuminates everything in warm, golden light.
A perfect time to sit back and play a tune or ten, then again he'd argue any time is perfect.
This one though... oh, this time is special. This time, he is not playing his mist. He's brought in an instrument that someone in town asked his father to repair, to which it was handed off to Sielu instead.
He's played many instruments before and heard infinitely many more songs, but there's just something so very charming about the warm, rounded tone of this particular cello. It almost sounds like the hopefulness of the sunrise itself now that it's good and fixed. He's been working on it in his spare time for days now, making adjustments to it to ensure it is in perfect condition when it's returned to its owner. Sure, the man had only asked him to replace one broken peg, but... there was surely no harm in handling other small issues as he found them too.
It takes no time at all for him to be completely absorbed in making the wooden object sing exactly the way he wants it to, the sound drifting into the air and out of the open doors as a gentle morning 'hello' as he waits for Pilvi to get there.
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ He's standing before the altar on which the Holy Blade rests and it looks just as he's been told. There's a strange feeling because it's everything that's been said to him but something he has never seen. He knows. He knows this is a dream because it always is when he's here. He's never been here and he's never seen the holy blade. He's only been told of it's grand splendor and even as he stands here before it, he somehow wonders if this is really what it looks like.
There's something about it that calls out to him. It does this every night and it has for nearly as long as he's been alive. It calls out to him as if the blade itself yearns for it's one true master and he can't say he really knows how to feel about it.
There are voices in his head again speaking words he doesn't understand. It's such a strange language and he doesn't know if he's supposed to be scared or comforted by it but it still leaves him feeling uneasy nonetheless. It's a voice and he doesn't know who it is or what she's saying but she speaks to him all the time. Is it the sword? Is it really calling out to him?
He finds himself reaching out for the blade like it's the first time he's done it because it is always the first time but yet never the last. Why does he feel such a kinship with this blade? There's an electric feeling shock that races through his body the minute his hand lays down on the hilt and he finds himself screaming through the pain. He wants to let go but he can't. He can't. He can't pull his hand back even though he's screaming at his body to let it wrench his arm away.
He's stuck there. He's stuck there screaming through the pain unlike anything he's ever felt before until there is a blinding flash of white and he -
White Mist pours from panting lips as a small frame sets up in bed with jade moons as wide as his eyes will allow. The child heaves Mist into the room as he sets bewildered for a moment while his body shakes. A knock at the door and his eyes are shooting in that direction like a frightened animal watching nervously while it cracks only to reveal a tanned face, pink eyes all framed by green hair.
"Highness?" The man sounds as he looks the trembling child over. "Highness what happened? Are you well?" He's rushing over to the boy's side who only turns to cling to the elder's form for one long moment without ever letting go.
"Shhh shhh Pilvi. I'm here. I'm here. You are safe, my liege."
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There's a bit of a distant look in his eyes when he finally floats through the door to the classroom. Opettaja is playing an instrument he's never seen before today and it sounds lovely. It was a gentle guide to lead him on his way to the room. A soft welcome even if the child floating his way in looks as though before his eyes is only ghosts.
He's quiet as he enters, moving only to float his way over to the chair that was obtained especially for him to take a seat. He's calm but he looks blank today and he had remained that way when he ate breakfast and greeted his parents. He had remained that way through the entirety of his morning ritual before he got to his first lesson of the day.
"Päivä tervehtii, Opettaja." He sounds in a meek voice, as his eyes too drift out the window.
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lilmcttens · 1 year
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expvrgction · 10 months
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The Slayer just stares at some anons being creepy and threatening to the dragon boy.
Do NOT eat the child.
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iphigeniacomplex · 11 months
so many projects in my head both personal and academic that i have to establish a new project to think about to retain sanity — all very complex, but this particular project is not burdened by “being good”. i was thinking about she’s the man (2006) and how we really need to return to the classics retold as teen comedies era, and SPECIFICALLY how a teen retelling of twelfth night now could do a lot of stuff shes the man couldnt really do. and also how silly it is to try to translate the specific type of class drama present in twelfth night to a high school setting. so im doing that now & trust i will be posting about it once i figure out my angle. thank you all
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dayplays · 11 months
Unrelated to anything at all, but to this day I think it's extremely fucking funny that Blaze, despite being a fire cat, both aspects of which are known to have an aversion to water, canonically doesn't have the slightest fear of water, and regularly goes sailing and deep-sea diving. By all accounts, she seems to greatly enjoy it.
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But this cat (creatures known to always land on their feet) who can literally fly by herself without even needing emeralds to do so, has a traumatic fear of heights. It's so much.
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
something something danny had a dog before he met rachel
then she took the dog in the divorce (that was petty af wtf) and dragged the poor senior dog to hawai'i where it died during a two week quarantine so danny didn't even get to say goodbye
something something steve wasn't a dog person but ended up getting a dog
then he left hawai'i and left the dog with danny
at least this time danny got the dog, so that's somewhat an improvement? lol idk
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redridcr · 1 year
red in short short overalls in the summer ://
or a tank top and shorts in general
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#⛥ child's play :: dash game ⛧
#⛥ ravenscar files :: headcanon ⛧
#⛥ thought boxes :: musings ⛧
#⛥ passing moments :: ic status ⛧
#⛥ bump in the night :: ask meme ⛧
#⛥ voices from beyond :: answer ⛧
#⛥ talking to ghosts :: drabble ⛧
#⛥ form the circle :: starter ⛧
#⛥ knock three times :: reply ⛧
#⛥ mucous membrane :: music ⛧
#⛥ another tool in the kit :: keepsake ⛧
#⛥ i'm john fucking constantine :: gallery ⛧
#⛥ child's play :: dash game ⛧
#⛥ ravenscar files :: headcanon ⛧
#⛥ thought boxes :: musings ⛧
#⛥ passing moments :: ic status ⛧
#⛥ bump in the night :: ask meme ⛧
#⛥ voices from beyond :: answer ⛧
#⛥ talking to ghosts :: drabble ⛧
#⛥ form the circle :: starter ⛧
#⛥ knock three times :: reply ⛧
#⛥ mucous membrane :: music ⛧
#⛥ another tool in the kit :: keepsake ⛧
#⛥ i'm john fucking constantine :: gallery ⛧
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