#——      i got a rock    ↻     ⌊   jared mccoy   ⌋
starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring: S’Chn T’Gai James, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, S’Chn T’Gai Avery, Acyi Elaine, Melinda N’Livek Kirk McCoy Chekov Chapel Verrin, Kai N’Livek Kirk McCoy Chekov Chapel Verrin, Jared McCoy, Doug Karidian, Emma Mitchell Guest starring: N’Livek Sollem, Rowan Kirk, MacKenna “Mac” McCoy, Khristyana Chekov, Ray Chapel, Verrin V’Lonn, Isaac
James wrings his wrists, not asking for the time even though he wants to. It’s today. They’re coming today and finding out tonight and oh no this is terrifying. Isaac notices his agitation. “Lieutenant, you are showing signs of elevated distress. Please explain the problem, perhaps I can correct it.”
“He’s meeting Mackenzie’s parents and telling them that they’re engaged AND that Mackenzie’s pregnant tonight, Isaac,” Jared remarks from his station. “It’s got him on edge.”
“I see. In which case, lieutenant, I urge you to ignore all thoughts about this irrelevant topic until such a time that it is relevant,” Isaac corrects himself at Jared’s comment.
Jared sighs and shakes his head, rolling his eyes a bit.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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Anonymous said: Bones and Carol don't even say anything to their youngest. They just mutually roll their eyes at his appearance and click off the transmission.
Jared frowns. Of course he knew what had happened with his siblings but--
But this just doesn’t make sense--
And it hurts--
Ginger. He should reach out to the Kirks, see if they have any clarity. So he tries to call his best friend. It’s all he can do.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
Tag Dump - Muses 1/2
#——      you’ve got the heart of a phoenix; let them see you rise    ↻     ⌊   addi janeway   ⌋#——      you know what they say; no guts no glory    ↻     ⌊   angie mccoy/tigan   ⌋#——      everyday a little more alive with all that i leave behind    ↻     ⌊   audrey parker   ⌋#——      like a kid playing pretend in his father’s suit    ↻     ⌊   chad dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      two steps ahead and staying on guard    ↻     ⌊   dahlia brown   ⌋#——      bring on any challenge    ↻     ⌊   dakota pike   ⌋#——      even if the whole world thinks i’m crazy    ↻     ⌊   doug karidian   ⌋#——      no matter what they tell you the future’s up for grabs    ↻     ⌊   acyi elaine   ⌋#——      woman in total control of herself    ↻     ⌊   emma mitchell   ⌋#——      i got fire in my soul    ↻     ⌊   genevieve dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      i don’t think; i’m just acting impulsively    ↻     ⌊   ginger   ⌋#——      maybe i’m just a girl on a mission but i’m ready to fly    ↻     ⌊   gwen   ⌋#——      sending my love from the other side    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai hailey   ⌋#——      i am a diamond on the inside; just add the pressure    ↻     ⌊   hannah mccoy   ⌋#——      you can’t raise hell with a saint    ↻     ⌊   holly chekov   ⌋#——      i never miss a beat; i’m lightinin’ on my feet    ↻     ⌊   iris chekov/kirk   ⌋#——      make no plans and none can be broken    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai james   ⌋#——      i got a rock    ↻     ⌊   jared mccoy   ⌋#——      they say i did something bad; then why’s it feel so good?    ↻     ⌊   jesse riker troi   ⌋#——      but me i’m still a sunbeam    ↻     ⌊   kai   ⌋
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