#——      you’ve got the heart of a phoenix; let them see you rise    ↻     ⌊   addi janeway   ⌋
starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Where Monsters Walk Starring Orville assholes Guest starring CANON Orville assholes
“Captain,” Isaac remarks from his station, “It would appear that the composition of this planet is flagged as similar to one we have encountered before. Would you like me to find our match?”
“Go ahead,” Ed nods, curious.
In a brief moment, Isaac answers. “Located. The match is near-exact to a planet that held a former Federation colony, the planet being Kasaxton-4.”
“Tori’s old colony?” Ed frowns, sitting up. “Mx. Janeway--”
“It wasn’t a Federation colony, sir, and if they had the technology to put out a quarantine warning, they didn’t activate it,” Addi turns from their station, a hand at their earpiece, shaking their head.
Ed frowns a bit, looking at Kelly, who shrugs. He does as well. “Any life signs?”
“Hm, only a few, just like Kasaxton-4, but...” Addi pauses, eyebrows furrowing. “I’m picking up something else, too, sir. Not sure what, but I think I saw it last time, too. Just that last time...”
“We were focused on getting ahold of the survivors because they were Federation,” Ed nods with a sigh. “Great. What is it?”
“Not sure, sir,” they answer. “It’s reading really weird on the scans, like there’s some kind of life sign but it’s not a regular lifesign. Maybe we should ask the kids...?”
Ed sighs. “Probably. Someone’ll need to get them to my ready room here on the bridge.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @riseofthemuses​ Starring Victoria Mercer, Bethany Bashir, Wynn Scott, and other assorted Orville muses. Guest starring canon Orville muses.
“My god,” Ed mutters under his breath.
It’s certainly befitting of the situation, seeing the planet from orbit. There was allegedly a Federation colony down there. Or, well, the remains of one. “Any lifesigns?” Ed glances to Addi at their station.
“Captain...” They frown. “I’m picking up an automated signal.”
“Play it,” he orders.
“--tine. Please be advised, do not approach. This colony has signs of an unknown virus that has proven extremely hazardous and has been placed under quarantine. Please be advised, do not approach.”
Addi clicks it off after a moment, frowning at their screen and gasping. “Definitely life signs, captain, but... not very many.”
“Hail the surface,” he orders. “Let’s see if we can establish contact.”
Addi nods and reaches up to respond. “This is the Federation starship Orville seeking contact with Federation colony Kasaxton-4. Please respond.”
Victoria looks up from where she’s dabbing a cloth at Bethany’s forehead at the signal on the computer. Her fever hadn’t broken yet, and hope for her looked bleak. She looks at the boys, chewing her lip a moment and then nodding for them to respond.
They had to try and get help, right?
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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Open Starter! Starring Addi Janeway
“...made a wrong turn somewhere,” they mutter sarcastically, looking around where the transporter had left them. “Where am I?”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
What kind of flower are you?
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You are optimistic nearly to a fault. The friend everyone goes to when they are upset, you are selfless and caring by nature. But you have likely had a hard past, and understand what it means to commit towards stretching up to the sun. You're hard working and beloved by everyone who encounters you. Extroverted, a leader, not a follower, and someone who delights in being surrounded by others. Sometimes, you struggle to speak your feelings or admit to struggles. But it's okay to say you're not okay love, it's okay to be the one who needs some comforting every now and then! Let yourself rest sweetheart.
Tagged by: @parallaxedcaptain​ (thank you!!)
Tagging: @unscrxpted​, @riseofthemuses​, and anyone who wants to!
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
Tag Dump - Muses 1/2
#——      you’ve got the heart of a phoenix; let them see you rise    ↻     ⌊   addi janeway   ⌋#——      you know what they say; no guts no glory    ↻     ⌊   angie mccoy/tigan   ⌋#——      everyday a little more alive with all that i leave behind    ↻     ⌊   audrey parker   ⌋#——      like a kid playing pretend in his father’s suit    ↻     ⌊   chad dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      two steps ahead and staying on guard    ↻     ⌊   dahlia brown   ⌋#——      bring on any challenge    ↻     ⌊   dakota pike   ⌋#——      even if the whole world thinks i’m crazy    ↻     ⌊   doug karidian   ⌋#——      no matter what they tell you the future’s up for grabs    ↻     ⌊   acyi elaine   ⌋#——      woman in total control of herself    ↻     ⌊   emma mitchell   ⌋#——      i got fire in my soul    ↻     ⌊   genevieve dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      i don’t think; i’m just acting impulsively    ↻     ⌊   ginger   ⌋#——      maybe i’m just a girl on a mission but i’m ready to fly    ↻     ⌊   gwen   ⌋#——      sending my love from the other side    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai hailey   ⌋#——      i am a diamond on the inside; just add the pressure    ↻     ⌊   hannah mccoy   ⌋#——      you can’t raise hell with a saint    ↻     ⌊   holly chekov   ⌋#——      i never miss a beat; i’m lightinin’ on my feet    ↻     ⌊   iris chekov/kirk   ⌋#——      make no plans and none can be broken    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai james   ⌋#——      i got a rock    ↻     ⌊   jared mccoy   ⌋#——      they say i did something bad; then why’s it feel so good?    ↻     ⌊   jesse riker troi   ⌋#——      but me i’m still a sunbeam    ↻     ⌊   kai   ⌋
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