#* scruffs daughter like a mama cat *
ms-scarletwings · 11 months
Obsessed with how Membrane picks up his kids and how unbothered they are by it
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Why must you make me picture things!?!?!?
*Pictures Mama Meliodas with one of his daughts sleeping on his face when in a sleeping pile.*
*When the Daughters start to wonder to far for Mama Meliodas likng he walks up to them and Grabs them by their scruff like a Mama cat and Carries them back. Plopping them right back into the nest*
That sounds super wholesome.
I feel like he did that with Zel when he was a young kit as well. Baby Zeldris crawling out of Meliodas' bed, babbling incoherently. Meliodas' eyes slide open, a smirk donning his features as he watches his brother squirm on the floor.
"Where do you think you're going, little one?" he asks as he picks Zel up by the back of his onesie, his brother letting out a startled noise as he's carried back into the nest.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Cat madrigal au part 1, everythinf was the same until after the gigt ceremony wich they then turned ti cays and luisa told her abojt brunos room.♤♡◇♧
They made their way to bruno's room."mirabel" julieta jumoed infront of her, "mama" she sighed "I won't let-" she was cut off by bring picked up from the scruff of her neck and placed back down after she passed. Mirabel opened the door and entered. "Mirabel" isabella whispered, th3 girl turned round and gave a bored expression "oh no, I'm dying" she saud sarcastically and wave dher hands a little. "So bad, it's not at all nice" she walked off. The cats hesitsntly entered. Mirabel felt the waterfall of sand when camilo shoved her by clawing her a new. She fell, theh looked over to see her sitting up and spitting out sand. "Bleh" she mumbled and got up dusting the sand from her dress and hair. "Ummmm" pepa touched the sand with her paw then mirabel started digging the mini hill."what are you doing!?" Isabella asked with a yell as they fell down. Mirabeo caught antoni9 in her arms. "Hiw darw you" dolores hissed her tail swishing. "Now if you don't come I'm keeping antonio" she hummed waking away and starting tk go up the stairs. Pepa ran and jumping onto her shoulder then curling round her neck for support. "I wanna watch antonio" she hissed "and threaten you" she smiled and purred as antonio jumped onto her shoulder. Julieta jumoed ajd scrambled her way into mirabels bag. "We don't wanna walk!" Felix complained. "I'm taking her head" isabella mirmed as she jumped on. Mirabel currently didn't care. "Fine" luisa scoffed and just sat on mirabels other shoulder. Alma chose to walk, felix jumped and sat next to his wife who was now sat up, dolores took a seat next to isabella, antonjo climbed onto mirabels free shoulder with agustín. Mirabel currently walked up the stairs with alma next to ver."Why did we come here!? It was very irresponsible" alma hissed. Mirabel noticed she ws slowing down so She picked her up in her arms."MIRABEL!?" She yelled but mirabel kept walking "I don't want you falling of the edge" she hummed as the cats smiled. "Cat carrier!" Antonio squealed. Mirabel huffed as she climbed each step obviously tired."we can stop if you want?" Julieta asked concerned for her daughter, "if I stop I won't get up" she argued back as they reached the top! Mirabel dropped the cats but julieta stayed in the bag. "Realy?" Pepa asked."it's comfortable for some reason" julieta purred, mirabels eye brows furrowed with confusing at the broken bridge. "You csnr cross this" camilo said as the board broke under his paw. Mirabel gripped the rope and pulled it until the bridge broke"now how are you gonna cross!?" Felix asked until mirabel tied a knot and threw it onto the stalagmite (pointy stone on roof). Mirabel Oulled it tight. "Mirabel" agustín walked towards her. "Mama I'd jumo out" mirabel whispered" your swinging across, as if" she jumped and swung but flipped. She hit the ground with a thump. She got up and julieta shook her head "Jump!" Mirabel did as the floor broke. "Stay there! Ill be back!" They walked down the long corridor and to the door. Mirabel found the handle, she pulled it open "strong" julieta mruked jumping out the bag and entering the cave. Mirabel soon folloeed
Julieta saw the wall crack, she ran to the door and scratched St ir. When she didn't open she rak to mirabel and but her hand firmly. "OUCH!" She pulled but julieta pulled her hand back, she drew blood but didn't care. "What!?" Mirabel asked as julieta spat her hand out not liking blood. "Look!" She looked go tve massive cracks. She pulled julieta into her arms and ran to the sand, "MIRABEL!" She yelled but the girl dug putting the cat down, julieta helped seeing the green light through the sand. Mirabel grabbed it and shoved it intk her bag with the other vision peices then ran tot he door, julieta followed. Mirabel hut the door repeatedly "if we die I'm killing you!" Julieta yelled when the door opened! They fell out. Julieta jumoed onto mirabels back when they stopped. Mirabel scrambled back from the edge. "JULI!" Pepa yelled, mirabel swung back across. "You nearly died!" Theg all yelled as julieta hit mirabels head with her paw repeatedly. "Tgat doesn't hurt" she smoeld "it will when we're human ahain" she hissed. "I don't wanna take the stairs" she mumbled and smiled. She got the rope and threw it to the wall, she tightened it then jumoed and skidded down the wall, she smiled as the cats ran the stairs. Julieta hissed again "your mrie protective as a kitty" Antonio smiled. They walked off. Mirabel opened the door "yojr covered in sand!" Akmq said to julieta as mirabel got the sand from her hair. She went to her door and closed it! Mirabel started to peice the vision together but pepa started to jump at the handle" pepa whag are you doing?" Alma asked as pepa stood on the door knob. "It opens by being spun" she explained and walked, the door clicked and amshe jumoed down and pushed it open, rhey entered and lirabeks hid the vision. "H hey" she smiled awkwardly "let us see mirabel" isabella said sternly. Casits tried to hide it aswell! It didn't work as felix jumoed up behind her and pushed it to the ground. Theh loked to mruabel, then the vision "you truend us-" "look!" Peoa said as she used her head to tilt the vision! "It's double!" "So she hasn't...then how do we fix kt?" Antonio asked. "I miss my gify" dolores murmed. Even jf it was a pain she still missed it. Mirabel stopped when she heard someone fall? She went to the wall and saw a hole. She looked through, a tail! A cat tail none the less.
Love them all just hitching a ride on Mira. And she doesn’t even care 💀💀 Poor Alma, she might not say it, but she definitely was getting tired <333
I lob them very much
Still can’t draw animals heck yeah
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darkkakyuu · 2 years
“I swear she’s the only person in this family who isn’t afraid of him.” Itachi watches with a proud smirk as his mother tells off the elder before coming to join you in the living room when it’s time for games.
“Alright the first game we’re going to play is guessing how big mama’s belly is!” Sakura announces with a smile as she has Sasuke hand out mini spools of blue ribbon to everyone. “The only one who doesn’t get to play is Itachi because he already knows the exact measurement from Kirei’s last appointment.”
Your husband scoffs playfully as his hand finds your to hold, leaning over to place a kiss on your shoulder. “As long as Sasuke doesn’t win the new Switch we’re giving away then that’s all I care about.”
Sasuke immediately pouts at the knowledge that it was a new switch was the prize. Grabbing our cats by their scruff and dropping them in his daughter's lap, he scoffs. "But you know how much I — I mean Sarada wants one!"
"Don't be using my niece like that." I giggle as I stand up so that everyone could get a good guess at how big my son has made me. I just knew he'd be a big baby based on how Sarada was. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes as Sasuke walks up to me and states intently at my belly. "Anyday now."
Sasuke pouts as he takes the spool from his fiance and cuts his desired amount. Another frown forms when he was just short of completely circling my belly. "Shit."
I smacked up on the side of his head. "Not in front of Sarada." I scold him. Everyone else took a turn but in the end it was Naruto who won.
"No fair! Hinata probably told him."
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Garcia Flynn’s Outfits, Ranked
Here is a totally unbiased ranking of Garcia Flynn’s various outfits through the series.
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Pilot Flynn: Hot mess, looks like a longshoreman. He just started his angst filled journey so we’ll give him a pass.
Score: 5/10
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Lincoln Flynn: First full vest & tie suit of many. Simple, but perfect for flinging his overly dramatic ass over the balcony later.
Score: 7/10
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Atomic Flynn: Is this a turtleneck or a dickie? I honestly have no idea at this point.
Score: 4/10, unless you’re really into arms, then 8/10
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Varlar Flynn: Yes, please slowly pan the camera up. The real crime of this show wasn’t Christmas but the serious lack of use of pinstripes on Flynn. Real effing tragedy.
Score: 9/10
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Alamo Flynn: Casually deadly, a bit of a swagger, but also looks like he rolled through the dirt on the way in.
Score: 6/10 (8/10 for fans of scruff)
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Watergate Flynn: Eh, maybe if you’re hot for teacher.
Score: 6/10 (9/10 for the teacher kink group)
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Husband and Father Flynn: Rough, modern, kinda chic, but he’s standing at his wife and child’s grave so…
Score: 1/10 (refuse to pro-rate this one for anyone, even you, you know who you are)
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Stranded Flynn: Sir Not Appearing in this Episode
Score: 0/10
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Space Flynn: Vertical stripes? Open collar? Casually crossed arms while talking to someone you’re about to murder? Two out of three ain’t bad. I’ll let you guess the odd one out.
Score: 9/10
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Good Boy Flynn: Very clean and appropriate for visiting his mama. You know you got a good man when he respects his mama. But this really isn’t a good time to talk sexy.
Score: 7/10
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Bonnie & Flynn: The sass on this one, with bonus hat. Flynn does give good head… for hats. Get your mind out the gutter.
Score: 8/10
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Benedict Flynn: Too many buttons.
Score: 4/10 (okay, fine, 9/10 for the angst kink crowd, 10/10 for the button kink crowd, you know who you are)
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THE HOTTEST FLYNN: This is it, this is the benchmark of all Flynn looks. Sassy, swagger, gun, hat. Downright sexy and armed. Nothing can top this.
Score: 10/10
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Columbian Flynn: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we’re back to hobo Flynn.
Score: 4/10 (9/10 for you know who you are and I’m sorry but this really is a hobo look, please don’t hate me, I <3 you)
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Jesse Flynn: Sassy, got a gun and a hat… that tongue... thing...
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for tongue kink crowd)
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Snowy Flynn: Okay, now he’s just leveled up into the fantasy of every girl (or boy/other) who grew up watching Man from Snowy River.
Score: 9/10
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Karma Flynn: Flynn at possibly his most emo. All black and everything.
Score: 6/10 (9/10 for the emo kink group)
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Lost BamBam: Oh, hey, how did you get in here you tall glass of water you.
Score: 9/10 (BamBamLives)
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Lost Flynn: So. Much. Sass. Too much sass. We can't repel sass of that magnitude!
Score: 8/10
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Public Flynn: The shear audacity of this man and his light-up Apple watch.
Score: 8/10
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Flashback Flynn: Adorable, but also looking at his five year old daughter.
Score: 4/10, unless you have serious daddy issues, and then, eh, 7/10
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Red Flynn: Vulnerable and still dangerous. But loses points for improper use of C4 in demolitions.
Score: 6/10 (fine, 9/10 for those who don’t know how to properly demolish a building)
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Date Flynn: A little formal for a first date, especially when it’s not even a dinner date. Eh, he’s out of practice.
Score: 8/10
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War Flynn/Darlington Flynn: This gif is actually from Hollywoodland but can you tell, no, cause it’s the same unflattering orange jumpsuit. Ugh. Did he piss off the wardrobe department this season?
Score: 2/10 (point for the dramatic eyeliner)
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Armed Flynn: This is basically just arm p0rn but the hand cuffs really elevate it.
Score: 5/10 (9/10 for the arm kink group)
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Escaping Flynn: Menacing. A little disturbing.
Score: 1/10 (8/10 for you know who you are)
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Hollywoodland Flynn: Look at the swagger on this one, with a little bit of a popped collar to show he’s just that cool... and deadly.
Score: 9/10
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Salem Flynn: Bitch please (wash your hair).
Score: 6/10
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Kennedy Flynn: Okay, you defo pissed someone off in the wardrobe department? Nothing fits!
Score: 1/10
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Beer Flynn: Comfy, but if I have to hear about “the wiggle” one more time I’m gonna cut a bitch.
Score: 4/10 (9/10 for wiggle fans)
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Winky Flynn: I dare you tell me this man is heterosexual.
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for the Flogans)
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King Flynn: Pretty much same ol’ reliable vest and tie, but the mix/matching of stripes with Lucy’s outfit is a nice touch.
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for you know who you are)
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Deleted Flynn: So soft, like a human puppy.
Score: 5/10 What? I’m a cat person. Fine, 9/10 for dog people.
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Sherlock Flynn: One of the best uses of the vest & tie… the man knows how to dress for a little Bromance.
Score: 9/10 (cause we all Flufus)
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Reagan Flynn: See, that’s a proper turtleneck. Great Arm definition.
Score: 8/10
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Cereal Flynn: Confirmed, this man is a cereal killer. And we love him for it.
Score: 9/10
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General Flynn: So drab. Like, was he even trying? Or did he mean for all the focus to slip down to his hands?
Score: 5/10 (8/10 for the hand kink crowd)
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Horse Flynn: Admit it, it’s the horse that makes him sexy here, cause it sure as hell ain’t the outfit.
Score: 7/10 (10/10 if you’re Loki, or named Kate)
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Scaredy Flynn: Sassy, but like, your dad’s sass.
Score: 5/10 (8/10 pro-rated for the daddy issues crowd)
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Chinatown Flynn: Gun, check. Sexy table flip, check. Sexy sidekick… g-damnit Wyatt!
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for the Flogan’s)
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Future Flynn: Why don’t you just wear every emotion at once, why don’t you?
Score: 6/10 (9/10 for those who revel in their own emotional pain)
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2012 Flynn: Perfectly soft for a dad playing with his daughter. But hella sad cause, well, you know... they all gonna be dead soon.
Score: 4/10 (8/10 pro-rated for those with daddy issues, or just like to emotionally hurt themselves)
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São Paulo Flynn: Oh baby, who hurt you? (Don’t answer that, we know.)
Score: 2/10 (9/10 for the hurt/comfort crowd)
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Christmas Flynn: He is literally committing suicide, so how about no?
Score: 0/10 (10/10 for you know who you are)
Don’t @ me. This is science.
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Stark-Strange Tradition
"What is that?"
Tony grins. "What does it look like?"
"Did you get that up here by yourself?" Stephen raises an eyebrow and walks over to help him.
Between the two of them, it took them a few minutes to put up the Christmas tree that Tony had dragged in from the elevator. Stephen had no idea where he got it from, but Tony always got a real one. He always turned up his nose to fake ones, and to make up for "killing trees" as Diana had accused him of last year, he made sure that for every tree cut down for Christmas, a new seed was planted along with the ones the companies usually planted. It appeased their daughter and the rest of them were happy to get a real tree.
"Is this supposed to be a surprise for the kids?" Stephen asks.
"Eh...sort of. They love decorating the tree and the penthouse. I asked Sam to start digging out the decorations and I think he might have dragged Bucky and Steve to help him."
Stephen chuckles. "Good call. It always looks like Christmas threw up here when the kids are done."
Tony smiles. "Expect the penthouse to be overrun today. I think there's going to be a day of it. Where's Lulu?"
Stephen points up the stairs toward the bedroom. "Miraculously still asleep like the rest of the cubs."
A fond look passes the engineer's face when he looks up in the direction of the bedrooms. Lucy had come into their lives just days ago, and she was perfect...just like her sisters had been. She and Tony bonded immediately, and even though it irked Stephen that she preferred her father over him, he was more glad to see Tony have such a close relationship with one of their daughters. Yes, he may have had those five years with Diana when he didn't, but in a way, Tony missed out too. He was lost in his grief and Diana ended up bonding with Cassie more than him.
Stephen still suspected that Tony felt terrible about it...but he couldn't blame him. He might have been the same way.
"Boss, Lucy is awake and fussing. She seems to have woken Valerie." Friday says and Tony chuckles when he looks at Stephen.
"Let the chaos begin."
Stephen smiles and walks into the kitchen to start his tea while Tony goes upstairs to retrieve their two youngest. As he grabbed his canister of tea from the cabinet, the elevator doors opened and both Wanda and Vision stepped out and the witch joined him in the kitchen. He rolls his eyes when she stands on her toes to kiss his cheek, then walks over to the refrigerator to pull out everything she would need to start breakfast.
"Good morning Wanda." He says.
Wanda smiles as she reaches around him to grab a pan. "You look well rested for someone with a newborn."
"Astral projection has its perks." He smiles.
"Projecting is cheating." Tony complains as he walks down holding Lucy and Valerie walks down holding his other hand.
Both girls were still in their pajamas but Lucy was clearly diapered. She was content enough to doze on Tony's shoulder and wait for her bottle which Vision started on right away. The moment Valerie stepped off the bottom step, she walked straight over to Stephen and held her arms up, and he complied.
"Hi, Mama." She mumbles softly.
Stephen kisses her temple. "Hi. Did you see the tree?"
"Uh-huh. Why is a tree inside?"
"Because you and your brothers and sister are going to decorate it. It's going to be our Christmas tree."
"With lights?"
"Yes." He chuckles and puts her back down. "Why don't you go watch your cartoons until breakfast?"
She shuffles away into the living room, asking Friday to put her cartoons on, and Stephen helps Wanda with breakfast while Tony feeds Lucy. The next few minutes quickly swung into chaos as the rest of the kids woke up and joined them. Sam, Steve, and Bucky came off the elevator with boxes and boxes of decorations, and all of the kids jumped up to start decorating the penthouse. Peter, of course, climbed the walls and ceiling to hang up the garland, and just as he was hanging the mistletoe above the elevator, it opened and Cassie stepped off with her cake decorating tools.
Peter grins and hangs down a bit to greet her with a kiss. "Hey."
"Hi. You guys aren't wasting time." She kisses him one more time before walking off to join Stephen, Wanda, and Bucky in the kitchen.
When Quill steps off the elevator and comes face to face with Peter, he looks at him flatly. "Don't look at me. I ain't kissing you."
"Only Scott wants to kiss you."
Quill gives him a dirty look and then looks up at the web he's hanging from. "Hmm...I wonder…"
He grabs the back of Peter's shirt and tugs him down, and then cackles when the web makes Peter bounce back up to the ceiling. He laughed even harder when the trigger of the young adult's webshooter hit the ceiling and somehow cocooned him in his own webs.
"Hey!" Peter yelps as Scott follows Quill onto the floor. When he follows his husband's gaze, he bursts into laughter.
"Oh my god! You finally get to know how I felt! Nobody help him!" He exclaims.
For a while, nobody did. They continued with decorating the penthouse and making breakfast, and only when the food was ready, did Stephen dig out some web dissolver and hand it to his cloak. Levi happily flew up and helped Peter out of his cocoon until he dropped to the floor. The rest of the Avengers joined them upstairs to eat and when breakfast was eaten, decorating was continued and Cassie and Diana started making Christmas cookies after cleaning up the breakfast mess.
"Friday! Play some Christmas music!" Thomas says, and the tv shuts off in lieu of the requested music. "Thanks!"
"Didn't we put these in the boxes nicely last year?" William pouts at the Christmas tree lights entangling him.
"They always come out tangled." Stephen chuckles as he helps him out if the lights. "Ready to put them on now?"
"I think so?"
William gets up from the floor to start putting the lights on the tree, and Tony helps him once he gets Lucy in her swing. She was wide awake and curious, watching everyone move around to decorate even if she couldn't really move her head. Lucy easily fell asleep in the middle of the chaos a little while later and didn't even startle when Flynn ran into one of the side tables in his excitement and knocked off an open box of glass ornaments. Or when Quill reprimanded the fox rather loudly as Harley quickly swept up the mess.
Athena was resting at Stephen's feet as he dug through another box to look through the tree decorations, Tibb was already looking up at the lights on the tree like he had never seen them before (Stephen could see someone digging the feline out of the tree in the near future), and Emir had taken his usual spot in front of the elevator when he first came up with Scott and Quill. Of course, Scott had to lead him somewhere a little more out of the way when Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey almost tripped over him when they arrived.
"Pfft. Those ornaments were ugly anyway." Tony shrugs.
"Weren't you the one who picked them out?" Harley asks and Tony points at the floor.
"You missed a spot."
"Diana, why don't you come put a few ornaments on?" Stephen calls.
In the meantime, Stephen hands Valerie an ornament for her to hang up and when she walks over to the tree, William picks her up to help her hang it. With six kids now actively decorating the tree, it was finished in no time at all. Thomas was putting on the finishing touches with silver tinsel, and once he was finished, Tony dug out the tree topper and handed it to Valerie.
"Do you want to put the star at the top of the tree topolina?"
Valerie takes the star and looks up at the tree and then further up to the top and frowns. "Can't reach Daddy."
"Ask one of your brothers to help you." Tony smiles.
The two year old predictably looks at William, but to their surprise, she turns to Harley and holds her arms up.
"Harley, help?"
"Okay. Ready?" Harley hoists her up and holds her up to the tree, and she carefully places the star on top. When Harley puts her back down, he smiles. "Perfect. Good job Val."
"There's a cat in the tree." Sam announces before stepping forward to grab Tibbs.
"I'd rather it be him than the tiger." Stephen says and both Quill and Scott look at each other before looking at Emir.
Thankfully the tiger didn't seem interested enough in the tree to climb it. He was content to sit on the floor next to Scott with his head in the thief's lap. Natasha had taken a seat in the couch next to Stephen to help with the ornaments, and when everything was put up, the boxes were shoved somewhere out of the way and everyone but Cassie and Diana found somewhere to sit in the living room to watch a Christmas movie. They also took turns grabbing Tibbs and Flynn when they got too interested in the tree.
"Like having a toddler." Quill grumbles as he leans over to scruff the fox that was currently entertaining himself by batting at a low hanging ornament.
He was promptly deposited in front of Emir who started licking the kit's head immediately.
"Makes me wonder if he'll make wrapping presents hard too." Stephen says. "Wrapping gifts is already difficult enough with my hands, but Tibbs has this radar that lets him know when someone is wrapping gifts."
"Ugh! I ended up wrapping him last year just so I could actually get something done!" Peter groans.
"I...will keep that in mind." Stephen chuckles.
Harley shrugs. "I just gave him a bow and it was distraction enough. He played with it around my room."
"Where's the traditional...Christmas drink?" They hear Thor say from the kitchen.
"That's for tonight." Bruce says after looking at him over the back of the couch. "Leave...leave it!"
Thor sighs and obediently closes the fridge to return to the living room and sit next to Bruce. The next movie was watched in a comfortable and companionable quiet, with the brief interruption of Lucy waking and loudly letting everyone know she needed some sort of attention, and Tony swiftly took care of her. After she was changed, he held her out to Stephen with a grin.
"Maybe Mom can feed you."
Stephen turned bright red when the adults looked at him curiously. "That's not funny!"
"My answer is still the same. I never know with you and your magic." Tony grins.
"Douchebag." Stephen narrows his eyes and takes Lucy, accepting the bottle that Diana had brought over after Cassie had made it.
Lucy thankfully didn't complain about who was feeding her this time and took the bottle without a fuss. She drank greedily and was finished within minutes, and once she was lifted to his shoulder to be burped, Steve looked at the doctor.
"...can you actually do that?" He asks.
Stephen answered wordlessly by chucking the empty bottle at his head and Bucky and Sam both burst into laughter when it audibly 'thunks' against Steve's head.
"What?! Tony has a point!"
"You're both grounded!"
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little-wicked10 · 5 years
Purely Precious (part 3)
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Pairing: Negan x Unnamed OFC
Warning: Swearing, mentions of smut, smut
Summary: How could something so beautiful, so precious, have been created from a man who lusted for blood? How could fate be so cruel as to make her have his distinct dark hair and his dimples?
Part 1 Part 2
She and Negan sat in the infirmary alone. Negan had an excited smirk on his face while she had her arms crossed in irritation. “Oh cmon, baby, don’t be mad at me,” he chuckled trying to hug her. She turned away from him, “No. This is your fault.”
“If I remember correctly, you’re the one who said, ‘Cum inside me, Daddy! Please!’” Negan laughed as she hit him.
“You’re not supposed to take it seriously!”
“What do you want me to do when my hot ass wife is begging me to fuck my baby makin’ juice in her?” Negan asked sarcastically.
“Pull out! Now I’m pregnant again! I hope you’re happy!”
“I’m very happy actually,” Negan smiled.
She hit his chest again as he laughed. In all honesty, she was over joyed to be pregnant. She was only irritated at how reckless Negan was to get her pregnant again. “Cmon, baby. Imagine how good of a big sister Georgia will be. She’ll be so excited to have a little brother,” he smiled standing in front of her. “So confident it’s a boy?” she raised an eyebrow at him. Negan laughed, “I can feel it in my guts.” She just laughed and shook her head at him. With a content sigh, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he gently wrapped his around her waist. Negan’s smirk showed how happy he was. “Dada?” a little voice pierced the quiet. Both looked towards the door to see Georgia in the doorway with her fingers in her mouth. The little girl had been sitting outside while her parents found out their little family just got bigger. “Hey Angel,” Negan smiled turning towards her. Georgia gave a toothy smile and ran towards him with her arms up. She collided with his tall legs before Negan picked her up with a content groan, “There’s my big girl.” Negan ruffled her unruly dark hair and kissed the dimple on her cheek.
She giggled and put her chubby hands on his scruff covered cheeks. “Mama ok?” she asked pointing to her. She smiled at her little girl, “Yes. Mama ok.” It was hard to believe Georgia was almost two years old, and now they had another baby on the way. “Mama’s gonna have a baby,” Negan announced. Georgia looked a little confused at the information, observing her mother up and down before looking at her father like he was crazy. Negan laughed knowing it was hard for a two year old to grasp the idea of someone having a baby.
In their room, mother and father sat on the couch and watched Georgia play on the floor. Negan smirked as his daughter crawled towards his beloved bat Lucille. “Negan! Don’t let her play with that!” she chastised as Georgia tried to put the handle of the bat in her mouth. Negan chuckled as he took the bat from her, “That’s not for you, rugrat.” He stood up and placed Lucille out of reach from Georgia, who whined in protest. She watched as Negan picked up their daughter and blew raspberries on her cheek. “I hope it’s a boy,” she admitted resting her temple on her fist. Negan looked at her with a smile, “Negan Jr. has a ring to it.” She laughed at him, “Over my dead body we’re naming him Negan Jr.!”
Negan suddenly held Georgia upside down making her giggle and yank her back up. She smiled as the two played this game until an awful thought crossed her mind. Negan looked to his wife and saw that a dark thought crept into her mind. He could see it on her face. “What’s wrong, darlin’?” he asked, stopping the game and sitting on the couch with the two year old. Georgia decided to crawl into her mama’s lap and play with her hair, gently tugging on it and attempting to put the strands in her mouth. “I’m scared,” she whispered to her husband. Negan reached out and held the side of her face in his hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb, “Don’t be. Everything will be fine.”
“This is why I didn’t wanna get pregnant again. The apocalypse is a bad place to be giving birth. There’s nothing in case something happens.”
Negan sighed, “You’re over thinking, darlin’. Women been givin’ birth the old fashion way since the dawn of time.”
“I was lucky with George,” she looked at her daughter that still played with strands of her hair, “The doctor said if we had waited an hour longer she would have flipped and I could have died. The way she was positioned meant she was about to flip until I started pushing.”
Negan let the information settle in his brain. He sometimes forgot how dangerous it was to bring a human into the world, especially since it was more dangerous to attempt something like a c-section in case something wrong happened. All he’d ever wanted was a horde of kids to spoil and teach. He’d finally found the woman he wanted that with, but the apocalypse now put him in a position that if something did happen, he might have to choose between her or the baby.
Negan shook the bad thoughts from his mind and looked at her. He needed to be the rock right now. “You’re stronger than you think. Fuck, baby, you snuck outta here and to Alexandria without me noticing then gave birth. That’s some tough shit,” he smiled, “If anybody can give birth in the middle of this hellhole, it’s you.”
It had spread throughout the Sanctuary that Negan’s wife was having another baby. Neither of them could walk ten feet without someone congratulating them or giving Negan a dirty comment. It was amazing how fast shit like that traveled. Negan basked in the attention, mainly because of how proud of his virility he was. Mean while, she was having the on coming effects of pregnancy. Her morning sickness had luckily passed within a week, but the moodiness was much worse this go around then with her first pregnancy. The feelings were stronger, but it wasn’t anything she or Negan couldn’t handle. Especially on this specific occasion.
Negan sat in his office listening to a couple saviors go over the supply runs that were sent out this morning. Things had picked up lately, and it required his full attention to make sure none of these dumbasses messed up and caused problems. One of the Saviors, Henry or something like that, was going on about the surrounding communities and what they had collected. It was all tedious at this point. The boring meeting was interrupted by a knock on the door and it creaking open. “Negan,” his lovely little wife called, “Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were busy.” Negan’s eyes lit up as she peered in, “Baby! Come on in. We’re just finishing up.”
She hesitantly walked in and past the group of men to Negan’s side. He pulled her on to his lap and kept an arm around her waist and a hand gripping her thigh. “Just let daddy finish things up real quick,” he smirked, trying to show off a bit to his men. Looking to his men, he urged them to continue with her sitting silently on his lap. The Saviors hesitantly continued and eventually ignored her presence. Negan listened and kept her in his grip at all times. Something was different though. She seemed to squirm a lot more than usual while sitting on his lap. Glancing down, he noticed how her hands were clasped together tightly in her lap.
Something was bothering her. Negan brushed his hand up her back to soothe her and felt a shiver run down her spine instead. The shift to have her thighs press together more surprised him. The smirk that dawned his lips told her he knew what she was trying to control. To confirm his theory more, Negan’s hand that rested on he thigh traveled a little higher, slowly tracing circles on the soft skin. Her body couldn’t hide the tremors this action caused. “Alright, that’s enough from you assholes. I think you guys can handle it from here,” Negan dismissed them. He didn’t miss the sigh of relief she gave when his men started to walk out. When they were finally alone, Negan turned to her, sitting back in his chair and letting his hand graze softly against her hip.
“Now, what is it daddy can do for you?” a playful smirk etched into his features.
“You know exactly what I want.”
“Do I? Or maybe I just wanna hear you say it,” Negan teased.
She bit into her bottom lip again. That lip was about to be more abused. He loved teasing her like this because of how much she didn’t want to admit that she was desperate for him. “Tell daddy, baby,” he whispered into her ear and gripped her thigh tighter. Her eyes suddenly went dark with lust as she finally released her lip and spoke, “I want daddy to make me cum so many times I’m begging him to stop.” Sitting on his lap allowed her to feel how much that comment effected him. Both suddenly acted on their instinct, crashing their lips together in a hungry and passionate kiss.
Negan stood, picking her up in his arms and laying her across the table in front of him. Her small hands went to work on his belt until he backed away from her hands to throw off his leather jacket. “Wait! Don’t take it off,” she stopped him. Negan’s smirk grew as he readjusted his jacket on his shoulders, “Damn, princess. You are just all kinds of kinky today!” Rough hands slid her skirt up to bunch around her waist and tore her shirt off over her head. His rough jeans rubbed against her center making her moan as he leaned down again to kiss her lips and neck. His teeth bit into her bottom lip and neck until both were bruised and abused to his liking.
HIs little wife writhed beneath him like a cat in heat, frantically reaching for his belt buckle as he switched to sucking on her tits, skillfully unclasping her bra and throwing it across the room. Negan grabbed her thighs and wrapped her legs around his waist as he heard his belt jingle and felt his jeans become loose. His jeans were worked down his thighs and her panties were pushed to the side. He released one of her legs, taking his length in his hands and rubbing the tip against her entrance. She whimpered and moaned, “Daddy please! Don’t tease me!” His smirk didn’t last long after he thrust into her, walls clenching around his cock made both groan. She dug her nails into his leather clad back as he started a fast and rough pace. “Fuck, darlin’. Daddy has been waiting all day to fuck this pussy!” Negan moaned, “You just couldn’t wait till tonight could you?” She didn’t respond, and he didn’t like that. He slowed down and chuckled at her whine. “Answer me, baby. You couldn’t wait could ya? This greedy little pussy couldn’t wait to have my dick inside it?” He questioned.
“Yes, yes, yes, daddy! Fuck please keep going!”
His pace picked up again, “There ya go, baby.”
What they both didn’t know was Negan’s saviors were standing outside the door listening to their leader fuck his pregnant wife. All of them had their ears pressed to the door listening to just how well fucked that little woman was getting fucked. Some of them had to admit their jeans got a little tighter hearing her call out for their leader and moaning in ecstasy.
Sweat ran down Negan’s forehead, determination to get his wife off before himself fueling him. Rough fingers found her clit suddenly and rubbed has hard and as fast as his thrusts. She started to clench around him. “Ooh are you gonna cum? C’mon, baby, cum for me. Soak my cock,” he growled. On command, her body seized and tremors went through her legs as her walls took a vice grip on his girth. Negan stuttered in his strokes, coming to a halt before unloading into her. Silence filled the room before they both began to pant. She was the first once to break the quiet, “I think you pumped twins into me.”
Negan laughed as he kissed her tenderly before slipping out of her and tucking himself back in his jeans. She sat up and slipped off the table, fixing her skirt as Negan handed her, her bra. Once both were dressed and somewhat fixed up, Negan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. “Damn, baby, I am enjoying the shit out of those mood swings.” She playfully hit his chest and giggled.
“I’m glad someone is enjoying them. They get exhausting,” she admitted.
(Part 4 maybe?)
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mandareeboo · 5 years
Write about that kitty you've been talking about lately (I'm sorry I'm drawing a blank on their name it's almost 11). Whatever you want to write about them.
“Elmkit, I’d like to have feeling in my tail again please,” Weaselface meowed, gently pulling the appendage away from the tiny molly’s sharp teeth. Elmkit chased after it, taking it between her thorny claws. “Well, it was nice to be able to climb while I could.”
A soft laugh vibrated the fur along her spine as Sweetshine nestled her chin against it. The calico’s stomach was fit to burst. “Such a vicious little monster, isn’t she?” she asked, voice practically oozing with endearment. “I wonder if mine will be hellions like your’s.”
Weaselface shrugged. “Only time will tell.”
“Got you!” squealed Featherkit. The black kitten had successfully pinned her sister, Spottedkit- though, judging by the lackadaisical sprawl of her limbs, it was Spottedkit’s idea. “I got you, I got you, I- hey, Spottedkit! You got another spot!”
“I did?”
“Yup! Right about... here!” Featherkit squished a paw to the side of the kitten’s face. “Mama, come look!”
Weaselface reluctantly shuffled her way out from under the other queen, missing the warmth and her scent almost as soon as she was up. Featherkit eagerly gestured to a speck on her sister’s muzzle, sitting just above her nose.
“Got some dirt on you, kiddo?” she meowed, licking a paw and dragging it across her face. To her surprise, the spot stayed. Weaselface squinted down at it. “Wait a second... that’s white.”
Spottedkit’s nose wrinkled. “All my spots are white.”
“Maybe, but you didn’t have a nose spot.” Weaselface glanced over her shoulder. “Sweetshine?”
The calico stared at her, baffled. “I never noticed anything strange, Weasel. Maybe you should go ask Mintfern?”
The kitten flinched. “Am I gonna get sick?”
“No, no,” she reassured awkwardly, bending down to take Spottedkit’s scruff in her teeth. “We just wanna make sure you’re growing big and strong.”
“I am big and strong!”
Weaselface didn’t respond. Deep down, she’d always been a little concerned about Spottedkit’s looks. Elmkit was all brown, just like her, and Featherkit was dark as the night. Spottedkit was black too, but with white spots on her paws and tail tip. Black and white didn’t run anywhere in her family, and it was impossible to deny how much it reminded her of Antpaw’s pelt. She’d hoped it was just a fluke, but if her spots were spreading... what if it was a curse?
It better not be, she thought viciously. If StarClan thinks making my babies suffer for my actions is some great justice, I’ll personally see to it that they get all their whiskers pulled.
“Oh,” said Mintfern, upon examining the new patch closely. “I’ve heard of this! It happens sometimes.”
“Is it dangerous?”
She snorted. “Hardly. It’s just uncommon. Kits will be born as black as night, only for white spots to come and grow. I’ve even heard of black cats becoming almost entirely white.” She paused thoughtfully. “I’m pretty sure that only happens by elder-age, though.”
Spottedkit stared up at the medicine cat in horror, eyes wide and uncomprehending. “Will it hurt?”
Mintfern’s ear flattened indecisively. “I’ve never heard of it hurting, but I’ve never seen a cat with it, either. Just stories. How about you come in once a moon for a checkup, and we’ll see how it goes? Maybe sooner if you start feeling icky.”
“That sounds great,” Weaselface interrupted. Now that she knew it wasn’t anything curse-worthy, she felt rather stupid. Of course it’s just a pelt thing. Cats have all kinds of pelt things. “Sorry to bother you, Mintfern.”
“Not a bother! I find these sorts of things fascinating.”
Weaselface quickly scooped Spottedkit up and left, fuming. She’s not some new herb for you to gawk at!
Getting the kittens to take a nap was particularly easy that afternoon- Spottedkit was tired from her scare, Elmkit was tired from munching on tail, and Featherkit just liked being included in things. Weaselface stared down at them with contemplation in her features. She honestly didn’t know where to go from here.
As if sensing her dilemma, Sweetshine playfully nipped her ear. “She’s got your eyes, you know.”
“I can’t let anyone know they’re Antpaw’s,” she meowed miserably. “Spiderstar would have my life for ‘cheating on his son.’ But how am I supposed to keep them safe when they look so much like him?”
“Hey, don’t overthink it. Antpaw was white with black spots. Spottedkit will be black with white spots. It’s completely different.”
“Not different enough.” Weaselface remembered vividly the suspicion she had faced for being the daughter of Mudcloud, and he was almost entirely different from him. I won’t have her going through what I did. “Maybe... Mintfern will take her as his apprentice?”
“You can’t force her to be a medicine cat! StarClan’s kits, Weasel, that’s just low.”
“It’s the only option! What else can I do- leave ThunderClan?” Again, Weaselface was reminded of the night she fell into the Moonpool and meeting the strange cats. The name they’d called her. Weaselstar. 
But that could never happen. Her place was in ThunderClan, and that was final.
Sweetshine heaved a sigh and settled in. “You’re right. I hate it, but you’re right.”
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Warrior Cat OC's
I came up with a Small family of Warrior Cat OC's from Pre-Into the Wild. Like Pre Mapleshade and such. They are Sandclaw (Shadowclan's best dad), Gorsefang (Dark Forest Resident) and their kits Yarrowfoot (made of anxiety and curiousity) and Hawkflower (Trans momma and resident badass Lesbian).
I'm going to put this undercut and give the kits their own posts but let's start with mom and dad!
Gorsekit is born a few days after Sandkit. Gorsekit grows up alone with no siblings, but with a loving mother named Larksong. Her father Bluetail had died in a border skirmish before her birth. Her mother loved her and encouraged her daughter to play with other kits. Gorsekit never saw much reason to play, mostly because no other kits listened to her rules. Sandkit at least considered her rules and orders so when Larksong asked Gorsekit to play she went to Sandkit. Sandkit thought Gorsekit was odd, but fun because she didn't think he was bad for being small. Sandkit was the runt of a big litter of 6 kits and rarely got much attention. The two gravitated together throughout their lives.
Once an apprentice Gorsepaw's need to control those around her got even worse when a bolt of lightning struck her mother in front of her, killing Larksong. The medicine cat claimed that it was no women of Star Clans, but rather a freak accident no one could control. Gorsepaw's subconscious need for complete control began to turn deadly after that. Her mother had long helped keep her control issues from spiralling away but with her gone Horsepaw started to manipulate every cat around her. She always has a way with words and managed to turn everyone of her flaws into someone else's fault. No one hated Gorsepaw, they thought she had the short end of the stick and they pitied her. The only cat Gorsepaw didn't manipulate or harm was Sandpaw.
During this Sandpaw stuck by Gorsepaw's side. He was struggling as an apprentice due to his small size and weak frame. Gorsepaw took it upon herself to help Sandpaw improve, the two would sneak out to train together. Gorsepaw towered over Sandpaw, but never threatened him. The day Sandpaw got his warrior name was the day he saved his Border patrol from a Thunderclan ambush. Having broken off to hunt a vile, Sandpaw found the waiting ambush. Unwisely Sandpaw attacked them, loudly proclaiming them trespassers. The sounds of fighting and Sandpaw's howls brought the patrol to him. They patrol found Sandpaw taking down a Tom twice his size his claws digging deeper into his foe than any other. Thus he was named Sandclaw.
Gorsepaw got her warrior name for her long Fangs, nothing to heroic. In fact Gorsefang avoided standing out too much, only enough to get the clan to do things her way. She and Sandclaw became mates shortly after Sandclaw got his warrior name and not a moon later they were expecting kits.
The coming of her kits only made Gorsefang even more manipulative. She became outright bossy and snappish. The clan put it off as nerves having lost her parents early in her life. Gorsefang was ecstatic about her coming kits and she gave birth to two Tom's. Sandclaw named the smallest Yarrowkit, and Gorsefang named the biggest Hawkkit.
Now Gorsefang was not a good mother. She was already manipulative, having turned most of the clan either against one another or turning cats on themselves. Now with Kita Gorsefang believed she had the means of completely redoing the clan in her image. She knew she'd never be leader. But maybe Hawkkit would.
Gorsefang ensured that Hawkkit and Yarrowkit only believed what she told them. Everyone else lied, only their Mama knew the truth. When it became clear they Yarrowkit was to weak to uphold her vision Gorsefang neglected him. She withheld milk, claiming that he was a 'little glutton' who 'never left enough for his brother', and so on. She also managed to make it seem that any little harm that befell her or anyone else was Yarrowkit's fault. Yarrowkit, turned in on himself.
Hawkkit on the other paw, was the golden kit. He could do nothing wrong and if he did he was told not to be his brother. Gorsefang forced her visions and ideas on Hawkkit who was more their father in personality. Hawkkit knew herself enough to rebel some. But it always ended badly.
Whilst the Queens tried to voice concern Gorsefang's deceit was to entrenched. That was until Sandclaw witnessed his Kit's abuse at its worst.
Yarrowkit ran away one day, and Hawkkit followed. Sandclaw and a patrol went to find them, Gorsefang howling for her kits at camp. They found Hawkkit and Yarrowkit staring down a Fox trap and muttering to each other. Sandclaw talked them away gently and grew concerned when. They flinched from the kindness. It was then that Sandclaw saw bite marks on Yarrowkit's scruff. He tried to find out what caused them but his kit would not say. Sandclaw gently took the two home furious with himself for allowing his duties to interfere with the family he loved so dearly.
Upon returning to the nursery Sandclaw vowed to remain by the kits sides along with his mate and went to tell Jaystar, their leader, he was retiring so young. As he left there was a small talk between mother and kits, then a yowl of pain. Sandclaw turned back to find Gorsefang biting down on Yarrowkit and hissing to Hawkkit about obeying and never acting out again. Disturbed Sandclaw lunged at Gorsefang, the cat who had stayed by him al his life, and slew her. She cursed him to never draw blood again as she died.
Sandclaw accepted this and any punish.ent to befall him for killing his mate, but Jaystar believed he was in the right. The work and manipulation of Gorsefang was being revealed and the clan had a lot to undo.
Sandclaw retired from Warrior duties to serve in the Nursery as a guard and adoptive parent to any orphans. But first he worked to love, nurture and cherish his four moon old kits that Gorsefang had nearly broken. It took moons but eventually Hawkkit, now Hawkpaw, and Yarrowkit, now Yarrowpaw, recoved some. Yarrowpaw suffered anxiety and never truly became a warrior, rather he moved more towards the Medicine cat den and eventually became the Medicince cat Yarrowfoot. Yarrowfoot fell in love with a Tom named Bramblefur, and the two shared a kind romance that never resulted in a mateship.
Yarrowfoot would later discover on a trip to the Moonstone. That his Mother Gorsefang, was in the Dark Forest and had sworn revenge on Shadowclan. Yarrowfoot did all he could to ensure her treacherous whispers never fully took hold in the clan again.
As an apprentice Hawkpaw eventually revealed to their dad what had been said that Gorsefang flew into a rage about. Hawkpaw was a Molly, not a Tom. Sandclaw immediately supported his daughter and did everything to ensure she felt supported to as he did Yarrowfoot when he came forward as Gay.
Hawkpaw found that she loved Hunting and became a hunter for the clan. Upon recieving her warrior name, Sandclaw approached Jaystar with a request. Hawkpaw cried when Jaystar named her Hawkflower, showing that the clan saw her as she saw herself. She mated with a Molly named Flintear and had three litters with her until the final litter of 3 Molly's and 2 Tom's, killed Flintear. By then Sandclaw had retured to the elders den and took her father's place in the Nursery caring and guarding all kits.
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superpsychonutcase · 6 years
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A short story I wrote and submitted into a contest. Based off play I am currently writing which was inspired by a monologue for a Theater Appreciation class that was required for my grade. 
The smell of paint lingered in the air even after four days. The odor was worth it though; maroon suited my parlor rather well. Perhaps another week and my friends will stay longer than five minutes before the scent chases them away.
I was cleaning up the tea service when someone began pounding on the door. “Bella? Bella, are you home?”
Hearing the panicked baritone of Damian Blackthorn made my lips curl in derision. Four days since Aria’s disappearance and he finally comes knocking at my door. I set down the china laden tray and dusted off my lavender tea dress. Kept me waiting long enough.
Damian continued his assault as I breezed through my childhood home. The small mansion felt almost too large. With mother five years dead and father slipping further into depression at the asylum, the halls seemed bigger. Tokens from our lives, their travels, pictures of us three, still dotted the rooms and walls of Atwood Manor. They invoked painfully sweet memories every now and then, but I couldn’t bear to store them away. Everything from the giant Ming dynasty vases in the parlour to the Faberge eggs display in the kitchen took up space, but moving the expensive knick knacks would only make the house emptier. The vacant rooms were mockery enough, a constant reminder of my humiliation by the hands of a man who once promised me the world.
I stopped in front of the gilded mirror in the foyer for a quick check as no self respecting belle should open her door before making sure she looks her best. My shiny auburn tresses were secured in a flawless french chignon. My makeup was impeccable, my clothes cleanly pressed, and my jewelry elegant yet simple. Perfect for watching a man grovel.
Another quick touch up, just to be safe, and I opened the door.
Standing on my porch, looking downtrodden and pathetic, was Damian Blackthorn. His black hair, normally in artful disarray, appeared to have been quickly combed. The man’s clothes would have sent his mother into a raging fit if she could see the wrinkles in his linen suit. Dark bags hung under red rimmed gray eyes, which lacked their usual spark. Even the family crest ring on his right ring finger seemed to have lost its luster. A white rainflower was tucked in his breast pocket. So he wishes to atone for his sins, does he?
His shoulders slumped upon seeing me. “Bella.” he sighed in relieved despair.
While he was weighed down by his woes, I stood tall and proud. “Mr. Blackthorn.” I replied.
He flinched at my formality. I had never said his name so coldly. “Bella, may I please come inside?”
It was tempting to shut the door on him, but it wouldn't be ladylike of me. I took a step back and bid him enter. Damian sighed, as if he has been holding his breath, before tentatively padding into a house he knew as well as his own. I wanted to slam the door, but Mama taught me better than to show weakness where others can see.
I shut the door with faux calm and followed the gentleman into the parlor. Damian was examining the walls in confusion. “You repainted?”
“It was time for a change.” I reveled in his hurt. Back when we were little, my parents had decided to redecorate. Papa had allowed Damian and me to choose the color for the greeting room. After much bickering, we had settled on a light, sea foam green. “Like your eyes,” Damian said. While we weren’t allowed to help paint, I remember we had been so proud. The parlor is an important room in a home, the first place a guest will see and must be maintained to make the best impression. Mama and Papa had liked it, too. They said it made the room feel lighter. Now the once bright walls had bled into a dark red, like my heart did when he announced his engagement to that floozie and made me a laughing stock.
Damian looked around the room again, his expression troubled. “Shame. I had a fondness for that color.”
A lady is a master of small talk, but I was in no mood to entertain him. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be out sending apology letters?”
The man peered down at his feet and heaved a despondent sigh. He twisted the ring upon his finger, a nervous tick he has always had. “That is what I’m here to do, Bella. Of everyone in this town, it is you that deserves an apology the most.”
Fury licked at my chest with white hot flames. All these months of minding my temper had been a test of my will, and it was crumbling under the strain. “So I am suddenly deserving of your gallantry? And what are you apologizing for exactly, Mr. Blackthorn? Are you apologizing for your behavior in the town square? How about for breaking your promises, hm?”
“Bella, please don’t do this.” A hand came up to rest over his eyes. “I’m trying to make things right again.”
I barely contained an unfeminine snort, instead crossing my arms under my ample chest. “Is that so, Mr. Blackthorn? Pray tell, how do you think you could make things right? Did you honestly think an apology could ever fix what you’ve done?”
Damian’s hand dropped to his side, clenched in frustration. His voice held a note of restraint as if he had the right to be angry. “Damn it all, Bella! What do you want me to say: that you were right all along?! If so, then I admit it! You were right about Aria! You tried to tell me that she was only after money and security, and I didn’t listen! I’m sorry for spurning you! I’m sorry for ignoring your suspicions! And I’m sorry for breaking my promise! Are you happy now?!”
I watched as he stood there panting after his loud tirade. Only after he gained his breath did I respond, calmly as a lady should. “No, I’m not happy, Damian. Do you want to know why?”
He didn’t say anything. All he could do was stare at me with depressed longing.
“I’m not happy because my hopes, our dreams, our future together are gone. Shattered and broken, torn asunder by your hands.” I began to stalk around the room, circling the man as a cat would a mouse. “I had always known we would marry one day. We would spend hours in our backyards laying in the grass and planning our lives.  You pursued me before my presentation, the suitors at my debut only attended in name as you had staked your claim for my hand. You were my shoulder to cry on when my mother passed, and I yours when your parents died. Even as my father retreated into his own mind, you promised that you would take care of me. Then you went on your three year trip to expand your business. Before you left, you gave me your grandmother’s bracelet. You said that would place a diamond on my finger once you returned. You asked me to wait, and wait I did.
“Several men came knocking at my door barely a month after your departure. Suitors of all kinds came bearing vows to love me till their dying breaths. Still I turned them away saying I was spoken for. No matter how long it took, I was determined to wait for you.”
Damian, the man I had dreamed about for as long as I could remember, looked so downtrodden. His eyes watered, tears threatening to fall. He reached out, his hand extended to take mine. “Bells…”
“No!” I draw back violently. “You don’t get to call me that! You have lost the privilege, Mr. Blackthorn, after you threw away our future to pursue that money-hungry harlot you supposedly put in the pudding club!”
He collapsed on the couch, hands running and gripping his thick, wavy hair. “What else could I have done, Bella? I know I made a mistake! I was only trying to do what was right!”
“And where did that get you?! Your fiancée got cold feet and ran off, taking with her an engagement ring that has been in your family for the last six generations along with a box of your mother’s jewelry!” I almost missed his quiet sob. The small shake of his shoulders was the only sign of Damian’s distress. “I warned you about her! I told you that a daughter of mobster would bring you misery! And what did you do, Damian? You brushed me off. And only 3 weeks ago, you dressed me down in the town square! You held that snake in your arms while you tore me to pieces for commenting on how thin she looked!”
Tears began slipping down his face, catching on his scruff. “She had a miscarriage.” His voice wavered with doubt.
I fought back another snort of derision. I rolled a manicured hand, loosening my aching muscles. “A confession she made not long after my humiliation, I’m sure. Tell me, Mr. Blackthorn, did it ever occur to you that Miss Kita lied about being pregnant? Lied so that she could marry into your money?”
Damian’s silence was answer enough.
I gave a haughty sniff, just like Mama taught me, and began padding toward the foyer. “I reckon you better be leaving now, Mr. Blackthorn.”
My trek came to a sudden halt as Damian gently grabbed my arm. “Miss Atwood, Bella, I know I’ve done wrong by you. However, if you would find forgiveness in your heart, I would uphold my promises I made to you and our parents.”
And so it begins. I fought the grin tugging at my lips. I whipped around, yanking my arm from his grasp, wearing a mask of rage. “You would uphold your promise?! Just where was this attitude when Aria came waltzing into town? When she was bawling on your doorstep, proclaiming that she was with your child? Now that your precious hummingbird has flown off I’m suddenly worthy of your name? Well I’m sorry, Mr. Blackthorn! While you were off nesting with Miss Kita, Mr. Callaway has been courting me.”
Damian, in a most ungentlemanly act, choked out a chortle. “Charles Callaway?! The head of Callaway Lumber?! He’s new money!”
I calming picked lint off my shoulder. “He may be from new money, but he is an honorable man.”
A soft wheeze of disbelief escaped Damian’s mouth. “So that’s it, then? You’re going to court Charles Callaway.”
“Perhaps.” My delicate shoulders lifted in a shrug. “The man seems to like me well enough.”
The male before me regained his senses. Anguish flared to life in his silver orbs. “But Charles?! Out of all the men in Whysteria, you chose the gambler?”
“He is a respectable man and seems to have a good head for business.” My back ached. Perhaps I should skip my embroidery today and take a nap.
Damian snorted lividly, not unlike a bull. “He leeches off his father’s success. Charles has as much head for business as a swine.”
I fiddled with a vase of light purple mallows and blue lobelias. The silky petals felt pleasant under my skin. “Perhaps he just needs a wife to steer him right.” I turned and faced my childhood sweetheart head on. “I am 25, Damian. For three years, I waited for you. I watched as my friends got married and had children. I wanted nothing more than to have that with you. And you returned only to be followed by a tryst you had on your travels and pledged your life to her.”
“I was only trying to…” I placed a finger upon his lips. They were chapped though still as soft I as remembered.
“Do the gentlemanly thing, as you were taught.” I lowered my hand back to my side. “You made your choice, Damian. And in doing so, you left me open to courtship offers. Unfortunately, you also made me the subject of gossip. Mr. Callaway wasn’t my first choice, but all other bachelors are either taken or refuse to challenge your claim.”
Damian reached out to take my hand only to drop it when I pulled away. “So you will settle for nw money?”
Breathing heavily through my nose, I nodded in confirmation. “It’s far past time for me to start a family.”
He took a tentative step. “And my promises to our parents?”
“Considering your short-lived engagement to Aria, they obviously meant nothing to you.” My voice was harder than I meant it to be, but his flinch pleased me.
Another step forward and I could feel his hot breath against my forehead. “But it does, Bella! Aria has run off. We can still be together.”
“I am not your consolation prize, Damian.” I let my head fall, closing my eyes. “I’d like for you to leave.”
The two of us, childhood friends long grown, stood in silence. Our soft breathes were the only sounds to be heard. The air was laden with bitter heartbreak. After an indeterminate amount of time had passed, Damian shuffled out of my ancestral home. Before he could close the door, I let loose a sob. It was soft and watery, yet loud enough that it made him pause before closing the door. My chest and throat shuddered as the wooden porch creaked under his retreating footsteps.
My abdominal muscles constricted again, and the sob was replaced with a snicker. Then I was outright laughing in the empty house. I stumbled along the hall, catching myself on the walls, all while laughing in euphoric triumph.
I wound up in the kitchen as my laughter trailed off into twisted giggles. Gazing out the back window as I caught my breath again, I let my eyes fall on the garden. The garden that was my mother’s pride and joy when she was alive. Under my care, the blooms weren’t nearly as healthy. It wasn’t hard to admit my mother had a thumb greener than mine. Gardening was never one of my passions, but I did my best to maintain Mama’s flowers and produce as best as I could. “That almost went too perfectly.”
Portraying hurt and anger wasn’t exactly difficult as just thinking of Aria stealing my future husband away from me always stokes my rage to a wild flame. “But he’ll come back. He’s too honorable to let to let me marry such common filth.” And if he didn’t, I’d have to stage some domestic dispute. “I’ll give it two, maybe three weeks time before he challenges that brute away from me.”
I sighed contentedly and took one last look at the garden. My roses were looking rather wilty. Hopefully, the plants will grow and thrive with Aria fertilizing them.
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pinkamour1588 · 6 years
Oh please a need the A-Z headcanons with mckirk(your hc give me life)
A = Attractive what do they find attractive about the other?
(Besides personality, because they do obviously find each other’s personalities attractive. And the list of nonphysical things is quite long.)
Len is quite fond of Jim’s eyes…and his ass. He thinks Jim has a nice ass. Jim’s toned body is a nice bonus as well.
Jim, much to Len’s surprise, likes the little bit of squish that Len has on his stomach. He’s a bit of a fan of the scruff that Len grows sometimes when they’re on leave. And, like Len for him, Jim likes Len’s eyes.
B = Baby do they want a family? why/why not?
Technically, they do. Len has Joanna, though she lives with Len’s sister. If they were not fully dedicated to their careers and were not living on a starship, they would likely have kids together. Len always wanted kids and, for Jim, it wasn’t until Joanna came into his life that he really considered being a parent to someone. So, they’re happy either way.
C = Cuddle how do they cuddle?
Jim clings to Len. Like, head on Len’s chest and holding onto him. They also cuddle through spooning, either Len curled around Jim or Jim curled around him.
D = Dates what are dates with them like?
Casual most of the time. On the rare occasion they will go out somewhere nice, but a dinner or lunch at a diner or a night in watching movies or one of them cooking a nice dinner for the two of them are all very common.
E = Everything you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world…)
Len to Jim: “You are my idiot. (and I love you.)”
Jim to Len: “You are my grumpy boyfriend/fiancé/husband. (and I love you)”
F = Feelings when did they know they were falling in love?
Jim knew when he started thinking about Len more and not just in the “my best friend” way (before they were dating). Then (after they started dating) it was when he realized that he was the happiest he’d been with a partner ever.
Len knew after he was in too deep. It was a situation of the two of them sitting together talking and laughing and Len just looked at Jim and it hit him like a ton of bricks. Scared the hell out of him. As he processed it more, he realized that Jim made him happier with a partner than he had been in a long time.
G = Gentle are they gentle? If so, how?
Absolutely. If one of them is upset, the other will comfort them in the best way they can. Jim’s a bit like a cat sometimes in the sense he likes when someone “pets” him (aka, he likes when someone plays with his hair), so Len is gentle when he does that. (To be honest, I’m not 100% sure how to answer this question. I’m not really sure what exactly it’s asking.)
H = Hand/Hold how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
The normal way? Like it depends on the situation as to if they have their fingers interlaced or not.
I = Impression first impression/s
Len’s of Jim: “There’s something up with this kid. He looks like he got in a fight.”
Jim’s of Len: “This guy is fucking crazy. Who joins Starfleet if they have aviophobia?”
J = Joker are they into pulling pranks?
Jim kinda is, and he’ll pull the really minor pranks (I’m talking like the stupid, cheesy pranks) or mess with Len on the rare occasion. However, Len isn’t really a fan of pranks. He’s not one to play them and he’s not really a fan of being on the receiving end of them.
K = Kisses how do they kiss?
Like hand holding, the normal way? It depends on the situation. It can range from a quick peck on the cheek to hot and heavy making out.
L = Little things what little things do they love/notice?
Jim loves when Len makes pancakes, the little bit of squish on Len’s stomach, Len’s sense of humor, how great a dad Len is, how caring Len is.
Len loves how excited Jim gets about things, how interested Jim is in everything, the fact Jim actually remembers the most random dates (like their first date, their anniversary, Len’s mama’s birthday, Len’s dad’s birthday even though Jim never met David, etc), how much Jim genuinely loves Joanna and that Jim thought the fact he loves Jo is the most obvious thing. (In other words, Jim never thought twice about loving her. It just made sense. She’s Len’s daughter. He loves Len and by extension, he loves her.)
M = Memory their favorite moment together
I don’t think they have only one. They’re both fond of the memory of the first time Jim met Len’s family in person as Len’s boyfriend. After they get married, that’s one of their favorite memories together.
N = Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
No, not really. Like, Jim’s more inclined toward the “I saw this at the store and thought of you so I bought it” but it is something they both do. When they buy each other gifts, they tend to buy very nice things.
O = Orange what color reminds them of their other half
Blue reminds Len of Jim, for the obvious reason of that being Jim’s eye color. Green reminds Jim of Len because that’s Len’s favorite color.
P = Petnames what petnames do they use?
They both use sweetheart. Jim calls Len “babe”, and once called him “baby” before Len asked him to never call him that again because it reminds him of his ex. He also obviously calls Len “Bones.” Jim will occasionally start using the super sappy and obnoxious pet names has a joke. Len alternates between “sugar” and “darlin’” for Jim, but it’s usually “sugar”. Len is also one of the very few people who Jim allows to call him “Jimmy”.
Q = Questions what are the questions they’re always asking?
The normal ones? Like “How was your day?” and “What do you want for dinner?”
Len often asks “why?” and “how?” a lot in regards to Jim. For example, “why did you think doing that on the mission was a good idea? You have just landed yourself in medbay for a few hours.” And “How did you rip your shirt again?”
R = Remember their favorite memory of each other
Um…Probably the same as their favorite moment together.
S = Sad how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Len cheers Jim up by holding and cuddling him and playing with his hair. If/When Jim wants to talk about what’s upsetting him, Len’s there to listen.
Jim cheers Len up by letting him have his silence and space. Jim’s never too far away and is ready to listen when Len’s ready to talk.
T = Talking what do they love to talk about?
I’ll preface it by saying, they talk about a lot of things but not all of them make the “favorites” category of topics. They love talking about Joanna and the rest of their families, things they’ve read recently, exciting things that have happened, etc.
U = Universe use a metaphor, what are they to each other? (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
The only thing I can come up with is that they’re each other’s lobster (cause FRIENDS reference ftw…and I think I suck at coming up with metaphors for this stuff)
V = Very ___ they’re thoughts about each other (e.g she’s very smart, he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying etc.)
Len thinks Jim is intelligent, impulsive, stubborn (and a little annoying at times).
Jim thinks Len is caring, smart, and patient (and a little grumpy sometimes).
W = Why reasons why they love each other
Specific reasons is a very long list. Overall, it’s that they’re best friends. That is the basis of their relationship. They’re there for each other through the shitty times and the amazing times.
X = Xylophone What’s their song?
“Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
Len to Jim: “You are the pain to my ass.” (Not the most romantic thing, but he would say it to Jim)
Jim to Len: “The sunshine to my moon.”
Z = Zebra if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
A dog. Probably a lab or golden retriever…or mutt.
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shimmershae · 7 years
"I'm dying."  (a Walking Dead One Shot, Daryl + Sophia, Caryl).
He's been told It's a rite of passage for every girl, but there's nothing in the step-daddy handbook to prepare Daryl for this. 
 I don't even know with this, hahaha.  Just read it.  Hopefully, you'll find it sweet and not off-putting. 
 With appearances by Lori and Tara because I love them both. 
      Carol’s out of town when it happens—some sort of mandatory conference for work.
  They’ve been making it work, him and ‘Phia.  Kid’s been awful quiet, though.  Softer and more careful than usual, but Daryl ain’t paid that much mind because they’re still new at this.  This step-daddy/step-daughter thing.  Still finding their way, and he don’t want to upset any of the hard-earned progress they’ve made so he gives her space.  Tries not to hover.  And they’re fine.  They really are.  Neither one of them’s been known to talk somebody’s ear off in the first place so he ain’t too bothered by the lack of chatter, is comfortable with it actually.  He figures if she needs something, she’ll come to him, and he ain’t wrong because that’s exactly what she does. 
  Two o’clock in the morning and Sophia knocks at the bedroom door, peeks inside. 
  The mutt grumbles tiredly from Carol’s side of the bed, thumps his tail against the mattress in sleepy greeting, and Daryl’s sitting up in an instant, fumbling for the lamp’s chain to turn on the light.  “’Phia?  Somethin’ wrong?” 
  She’s all big, shiny hazel eyes and skinny arms and legs.  Sun-kissed freckles and wobbling lips as she takes one step, then two into the bedroom, the hem of her pajama shirt twisted between her fists and her naked toes digging into the plush carpet they still haven’t gotten around to ripping up. 
  She looks six years old instead of twelve, and Daryl feels his heart give a funny tug, swallows the worried ache creeping up his throat as he throws the blankets from his legs and shifts until his feet are first touching the floor then carrying him to her.  “’Phia,” he tries again.  “You alright?”  He knows he ain’t gonna like her answer soon as that chin of hers finally crumples and the first tear falls. 
  “No,” Sophia whispers.
  “No?”  She shakes her head, the waterworks starting in earnest, and fear seizes his heart. 
  “I’m dying.” 
    He ain’t good at comforting little girls.  Little kids at all.  Never knew what it felt like being on the receiving end as a kid himself so he never had no example.  But he’s good at listening, always been good at doing that, and he finally gets it out of her.  The truth of it all in tears and gulping breaths.  Witnesses just what’s upset her so much for himself when she leads him to her bedroom and points. 
  Her purple comforter is thrown to the floor, her matching sheets a bloody mess. 
  His cheeks burn bright as he swallows hard.  ‘Phia’s too, he’s sure.  He just nods his head and steps over the threshold into territory he’s never braved before, both literally and otherwise, and reassures her, best as he can.  “S’alright.  Gonna be alright.  Gonna take care of it.” 
  It don’t take long to strip the bed, not near as long as it takes him to figure out the fickle old Maytag anyway, what with the cat watching him in silent judgment and ‘Phia herself a quiet little shadow in the doorway.
  She’s chewing on those lips again, all fretful like. 
  Damn if he knows what to do to wipe that fearful look off her face.  It’s not like he’s ever had to deal with this before, never even considered it.  But he closes the lid to the washing machine and turns toward her, his blue eyes squinting at a point somewhere over her right shoulder while he scratches absently at the scruff that’s grown on his chin in his wife’s absence.  “You thirsty?” 
    He’s settles her at the kitchen table with a mug full of warm milk and escapes to the safety of his and Carol’s bedroom to think but his mind goes in circles because it ain’t like he’s got any experience with this shit.  Carol’s the only woman ever gave him a second look.  Before her, well.  It’s not like glossy pictures in magazines and the women in Merle’s stories count for much.  Times like this, he wishes he watched more tv, but there’s nothing to be done for it now, and he wants to call his wife.  Fuck does he want to, but she’d sounded tired when they talked before supper, sounded tired even before she left two days ago, and he ain’t gonna bother her when he’s capable of taking care of things himself.  Uncertain but perfectly capable.
    Holed up in the bathroom, he calls Lori instead.  Figures at 3:39 in the morning, she’ll be up with Judith anyway, and she is. 
  “Daryl?  Hey.” 
  She sounds stressed but fully awake and it don’t take him long to figure out why.  Asskicker’s over at the Grimes’ house giving an operatic performance, and he don’t waste Lori’s time, isn’t delicate at all about the news he blurts out.  “Kid’s bleedin’ all over the fuckin’ place.” 
  “Sophia?  Daryl, what happened?  Did you call 9-1-1?  Hang up with me and call—”
  He’s quick to put an end to her frantic rambling.  “She ain’t hurt.  Least I don’t think she is.  S’just…there’s blood everywhere.  All over her bed and all over…shit,” he mutters, spying Sophia’s favorite pair of pajama pants shoved in the trash can beside the toilet.  “All over her clothes.” 
  “Oh.  Oh.  She started.  Carol thought she still had some time.” 
  Lori’s voice softens into knowing, losing that hard, worried edge of a moment before, and for some reason, that makes him more agitated.  “Started what?  Crying, yeah.  Wants her mama.” 
  “And you called me?  Woke me up?” 
   He can hear the smile on the woman’s face and it rankles at him, but he knows she’s only teasing.  Has learned her ways well enough by now not to take offense.  Still.  “Better you than her,” he grumps.  “’Sides,” he points out to her when Judith lets out another wail that makes him feel sorry for Lori’s entire household, “ain’t nobody over there gettin’ any sleep anyway.”
  She makes a sound on the other side that sounds like a cross between a sigh and an exhausted yawn.  “You’ve got a point.” 
  “Yeah, yeah.  Look.  Ain’t got all day.  Left the kid all by her lonesome in the kitchen and Jude sounds like she’s fresh outta patience.  Can we hurry this up a bit?  You tell me how to help her?  Can’t stand seein’ her cry.” 
  “She’s right, you know.  You really are a teddy bear at heart.”
  “Woman,” Daryl growls. 
  “Fine.  Here’s what you’re going to need.” 
    He finds a full box of tampons beneath the bathroom sink but none of the pads that Lori had insisted would be easier for Sophia to use as a complete novice, and fuck if he don’t feel like he’s stuck in some special kind of hell going into that kitchen and telling the kid to put on her jacket while he grabs his truck keys. 
  The parking lot at the 24-hour drug store is almost deserted. 
  ‘Phia’s still nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, though, when he holds the door open for her.  She blushes the same pretty pink as her mama and tugs that jacket tight around her narrow shoulders, tucks her chin close to her chest and keeps her eyes down as they wander the aisles.
  When they reach the feminine hygiene display, Daryl almost loses what’s left of his shit because there’s row upon row.  All kinds of colors, shapes, and sizes.  Different absorbencies and he’s a fish out of water.  Can’t even catch his damn breath for close to a minute and it ain’t like ‘Phia’s much better.  The kid’s just as overwhelmed as him and her chin starts that little tremble again.  A return of the waterworks seems imminent, but she powers through.  Remains stoic and silent and Daryl feels no small measure of pride fill him.  “Hey,” he says softly.  Gets her attention.  “S’gonna be alright.  We’ll figure things out.” 
    In the end, he grabs one of each kind in the hopes of getting them out of there because they’re both dead on their feet.  Staggering around like a couple of zombies. 
  The girl working the graveyard shift ain’t much more than a kid, college age at most.  Has her hair pulled back in stubby pigtails and earbuds in her ears, and she’s bobbing her head to some song only she can hear.  One look at Daryl’s armload and she rips those earbuds clean out, crosses her arms across her Motormouth Mabel tee shirt and frowns.  “Dude, no.  Just…no.”
  She’s walking around the counter before Daryl’s brain has even caught up enough for him to spit out a response.  Bending to Sophia’s eye level and having an animated albeit one-sided conversation that ends in her taking the kid’s hand and leading her back down the aisle of purgatory.  “The hell,” he swears, dumping the various packages of feminine napkins—he’ll never understand that one, don’t know if he even cares to—on the unmoving conveyor belt and taking a single, tired step after them both before she turns and stops him in his tracks. 
  “Chill.  Okay, Dad?  We’ll be right back.  Keep an eye out, make sure nobody steals anything while I’m gone.  And I do mean nobody.”   
  They’re not right back but it hardly matters to him in the end because when they do come back, ‘Phia’s laughing in that sweet and shy way of hers, and the girl?  Well, she’s wearing a grin so big and bright, he can’t find it in himself to be mad.  Not even when she plunks two exorbitantly overpriced pints of rocky road ice cream down on the counter with the rest of her hand chosen items and gleefully tells him she’s giving him a steal.  Despite the fact he’s really paying out of the nose. 
  “Remember what I said, Sophia,” she says as she rings them up.  “It’s a rite of passage.  Milk it.  Twist dear old dad tighter around your finger.”
  He’s about to protest, sure Sophia has her own objections, but he’s floored by her simple response.  Her ready nod as she loops her small arm around his own and leans heavily, sleepily against his side.  That flicker of pride he’d felt earlier returns, along with a tsunami of unexpected affection, and his hands shake as he opens his wallet and counts out the necessary bills for payment, places them in the girl’s upturned hand.  “Thanks.” 
  “Tara,” she chirps. 
  “Tara,” Daryl tries it on for size.  “Thanks,” he repeats. 
  She beams.  “Anytime, Dude.  Better get going before those,” she nods at the pints of bagged ice cream, “turn into milkshakes.  See you around, Sophia.  Don’t forget.  Any questions you still have, ask your mom, okay?” 
  “I will,” Sophia vows softly.  “Bye, Tara.” 
    Twilight’s slowly fading away into early morning when he pulls into their driveway, the early risers in the neighborhood are just starting their day.  Shadows moving behind drawn curtains while she fights to stay awake and so does he.  Silence settles in after he kills the truck’s engine, and he grips the leather steering wheel, maps out each crack with the rough pads of his fingers while he marvels over what happened back at that drug store.  “She called me your dad.  Understand if you don’t want…” 
  Sophia cuts him off before he can go any further.  “I do.  You are.” 
  He blows out a shaky breath.  Smiles.  “’right then.  Good.” 
  He stations her on the sofa with a veritable mountain of pillows at her back, the remote, and a pile of blankets at her disposal.  “Need anything just holler.”
  “Stay?” she pleads, lifting the edge of one of her blankets. 
  “Ain’t goin’ nowhere ‘less you want me to,” he promises.   
  Carol comes home early to find them cuddled together on the couch sound asleep, the dog at Daryl’s feet and the cat curled across Sophia’s short legs, and it’s such a sweet sight, she immediately takes out her phone and snaps a picture.
      Two weeks later, that grainy image is joined by another one on the refrigerator.  That box of unopened tampons beneath the sink stays unopened for quite some time. 
  Oh, give or take nine months or so. 
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happypastelponies · 6 years
Mother Majesty
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Sundance held her head high and proud as she kept pace with the royal and radiant ruler of all of Ponyland; the pristine white mare that she was ever so proud to call her mother. Her polished pink hooves clacked noisily upon the white tile floors, though she tried hard to match the way her mom seemed to glide effortlessly over them, as if she was levitating.
Majesty inwardly cringed, ears drawing back slightly at the ruckus her eldest daughter was making. “Sundance Celest Harmonia! A Princess does not clop about so noisily when she walks.” she lightly chastised.
Grimacing visibly, the young heir bowed her head, glaring at her own reflection in the polished floor. She knew her mother meant well, ans she was honestly trying to be the very best Princess that she could be, but she hated it when her mother used her full name! Curse the maids who had cleaned the floor to be so...well, loud! “Sorry mother.” she apologized quickly, while she made more of an effort to emulate the elegant ruler of Ponykind.
Majesty all but sighed. It was a joy, truly, to have the time spent with her beloved daughters in the midst of her hectic schedule, but they were still children, and children required training. Thank goodness she had seen fit to request a summons with the Princess Ponies who lived in Royal Paradise, in order to have them serve as mentors in the field to her foals. The six mares had far more time on their hooves than she had, after all.
“Baby Bellaluna,” Majesty hummed, upon receiving a gentle nip at her tail. “Do keep up, little one.” she urged her youngest; while adopting a tone that allowed her far more gentleness than what was given to her sister, who knew better.
“Mama, look!” the cornflower blue mare whinnied.
Majesty’s eyes widened as she focused on a sparkling swirl of magic manifest in the castle hallway before her. She, Sundance, and Baby Bellaluna stood frozen in place, watching in keen interest as a little pink unicorn winked into their presence in a flurry of stardust. “My, my,” Majesty cooed. “What have we here?”  her head tilted slightly to the side, and her nostrils flared, sniffing the air and the remnants of magic that began to dissipate. The scent that she identified was vague, but seemed to be that of the Great Star Unicorn’s, if she wasn’t mistaken. A quiet sob from the intruder alerted her to something being terribly wrong. “Oh dear. Come, come now little one.” she shushed, advancing toward  the small foal, who seemed oblivious to her presence, and collapsed on the floor in a shivering, shaking heap; her head buried in her hooves while the sobs got louder. “What seems to be the matter?” she inquired, while positioning herself nearer to the child. A second whiff confirmed her suspicions- the scent surrounding this stranger was indeed what she thought it to be. What a fine predicament.
Still sobbing, the filly felt a hoof slip beneath her chin, and her gaze forced up into kind, blue eyes.
“Do you have a name, little one?” Majesty pressed, keenly aware of the faintly glittering stardust within the girl’s multicolored tresses. What ever could’ve possessed the Great Star Unicorn to drop this girl in her domain, she idly wondered?
The pink pony nodded slowly, her lip trembling as she struggled to bite back another harsh sob. “S-Star Dr-Dreams.” she stuttered, wiping her eyes free of the burning tears that soaked into her furry cheeks.
Behind her, Baby Bellaluna was happily trotting about, excited at the sight of the stranger. “Yay! A new friend!” she declared with unrestrained glee.
“Luna, quiet!” Sundance shushed her sister before their mother could.
Majesty weighed her options. The time she had scheduled for personal endeavors, such as scheduling an audience with the Great Star Unicorn in order to interrogate him wouldn’t be until later in the evening, and her daughter’s studies took priority for the moment. Her eyes narrowed, and she promptly called for a guard, who was at her side in an instant. “See to it that this little one is put in the custody of Twilight.” she ordered. She knew that her most trusted mare would be capable of handling this little pony. After all, she had put the young filly known as Ember under her watchful care some time ago, and known that it had turned out for the best.
“Yes, your Highness.” the guard spoke, saluting the crown and lowering his neck to take the scruff of the filly’s neck in his mouth like a mother cat.
“Oh, and do be gentle with her.” Majesty chimed, her eyes gleaming knowingly. ‘That child is something special.’ she thought, idly; eager to get to the bottom of the mystery before her. She gave one last look at the sniffling filly, and continued to proceed down the halls with her Princess procession. “Come now, children. We have work to do.”
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