#*[ MEMES & STARTER CALLS ] . . . we light the way
amongthevipers · 8 days
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STARTER CALL! like for a starter, please specify which muse(s) of mine and yours if you are also a multi
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illuminatedgod · 2 years
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( 🐮 ) ― tag dump! ; list of 'em under the cut!
( 🐮 ) ― the unknown beckons : IC.
OOC ( 🐮 ) ― in light of your bond! : OOC.
Art/Aesthetics/Musings/Headcanons ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Visage ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Aesthetic ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Musings ( 🐮 ) ― Curious about me are you? Delightful. : Headcanons
Ask memes/dash memes ( 🐮 ) ― Could we not speak? : OOC . Ask Memes ( 🐮 ) ― Could we not speak? : IC . Dash Memes
Crack ( 🐮 ) ― I take pride in that—but it can be confusing. : Crack
Starter Calls ( 🐮 ) ― This path must open! : Starter Call.
Answered Asks ( 🐮 ) ― Which path to take : answered.
( 🐮 ) ― I imagine each world connected to all others... : Promos.
Main Verse ( 🐮 ) ― Opening the Way : Main Verse.
NY Verse ( 🐮 ) ― Gods Renewed! : NY Verse.
Character Specific:
Embla / @enclosedgod
( 🐮 ) ― Goddess of Bindings : Truly - from the bottom of my heart.
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henderscn · 7 months
another tag dump because the other one didn't work lmao oops
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lcmplightcr · 10 months
tag dump: general blog things
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fxrina · 11 months
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tag dump
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blackjackkent · 5 months
"I never thought I'd say this, but I need your advice."
Any BG3 character of your choice to Minsc, just for fun, haha
(Sentence starter meme)
Ahhhh this was fun. :D I'm not entirely sure this turned out my best work, but I do love Minsc muchly and it was definitely fun to bounce two characters off each other that I don't normally. ^_^
TY for the prompt!
"I never thought I would say this. But I would welcome your advice."
Minsc looks up as a lithe, stringy shadow falls across the light from the campfire. The interruption is unexpected but not surprising; he has been deep in a conversation with Boo, and he finds quite often that those around him see fit to interrupt such conversations as if they were not happening. For a time it bothered him, but Boo has reassured him that there is no offense to be taken. Boo will always be there, after all; all others in Minsc’s life ebb and flow with the tides of victory and tragedy.
So he tucks the hamster with practiced ease into his pocket and smiles genially at the githyanki warrior standing outside his tent. “Then it you shall have! What may Minsc of Rashemen do for Lae’zel of Creche K’liir?”
Lae’zel shifts uneasily from foot to foot. Her cat’s-pupil eyes are narrowed as if in wariness, though Minsc cannot fathom why. He has fought many gith in their raids upon his homeland, but he has never - that he can recall - shown threat to Lae’zel here in Baldur’s Gate.
“What troubles you?” he asks, his tone lowering in volume slightly. “If it has a butt that may be kicked, Minsc and Boo shall remove it from your sight!”
“Chk.” The young warrior flinches defensively. “You suggest I cannot fight my own battles?”
“By no means!” Minsc smiles widely. “Minsc has seen too many githyanki blades piercing unwary bellies to believe so! But Minsc and Boo never saw a righteous battle to which we could not add a blow in service. You have only to point the way.”
“It is not battle for which I require you, berserker,” she says, staring with distinct interest at the cobblestone next to his boot.
He tips his head slowly to one side. “For what, then?” he asks agreeably.
There’s a short pause. “You are from Rashemen,” Lae’zel says quietly. “You have traveled far from the place you would call home. You have seen loss as much as you have seen victory. Yet you thrive among strangers and show no fear of failure or of mockery. You are… joyful.”
Minsc nods vigorously. “All of these things are true, yes!”
A muscle works sharply in Lae’zel’s jaw. “I would know by what secret you manage it,” she says gruffly, and drops into a sitting position opposite him in a single motion, her legs crossed. “For I am also far from home. And each day I feel farther still.”
“Ahhh… I can understand this.” Minsc’s smile fades and he nods gravely. “However far Minsc has traveled from Rashemen, Lae’zel has surely traveled farther from the rocks of wildspace.”
He considers her for a moment thoughtfully. “But what tongue would dare to mock you? Minsc has seen Lae’zel fight. The ferocity of at least ten hamsters. No, twenty!”
In spite of herself, Lae’zel’s lips twitch with a flash of amusement. “This is a compliment, among the Rashemaar?”
“It is a fact only,” Minsc says gravely. “Boo confirms it.”
“Indeed.” She does not fidget, but Minsc can tell by her intense stillness that she would like to, and she still does not quite meet his eyes. “There is much in which I have failed.” She admits it flatly, like a soldier at attention reciting a patrol report. “My former goddess seeks my head. I once thought to ride a red dragon through the Astral, and instead I crawl upon Toril’s face like a broken beast.” A slight pause. “And we seek a monster even among ghaik, the creature of ultimate nightmare, my people’s greatest enemy. We hunt ghaik at the expense of all other endeavors, yet in my first hunt I shamed myself twice over in failure and capture. Meanwhile, the people of this realm cannot comprehend true githyanki majesty; they look upon me and see a brute animal, alien and vicious.”
Her lips draw in a tight line. “To fear such things is shameful. It serves no purpose. Ch’ka m’vakoth sta’leth - ‘where faith goes, fear stands aside.’ But my faith falters, and so I feel it. I know my own weakness, my own strangeness in this place. So I would know your secret, istik, that you stand among strangers, and bear the worm’s curse and the mocking of weaker folk, and laugh.”
Minsc clicks his tongue thoughtfully, and within his pocket Boo gives a loud squeak of dismay. Neither of them knows Lae'zel very well - and indeed this is probably why she speaks with such candor to him - but Boo's endless compassion is roused on the gith's behalf, and Minsc shares it. She is young; she does not yet know how to carry all the conflicting feelings within her, while Minsc is an old hand at the maelstrom. 
He thinks for quite a long time in silence before he decides how to answer. Lae’zel waits in patient stillness, like a spring coiled back on itself, unsprung. Her eyes glint in the flickering firelight. 
“Minsc has often been told,” Minsc says gravely after a while, “that his mind is as full of holes as the cheese within his pack. But his eyes have no holes and and his ears only two, and they see and hear much. And true it is that at times there is mocking at Minsc’s expense. But Minsc has found it is not all alike.”
He begins to tick off on his fingers. “There is the mocking that is true and right, where Minsc has failed. In these things Minsc mocks himself as well - to have fallen thrall to the worm and seen his mind made not his own. To have seen friends fall while he could not save them. These are fearful matters, and as when Boo encounters a hungry cat on a dark night, there is no shame in feeling all the fur stand up. In these things, Minsc thinks there are matters to be learned within the story of his failure, and so he sifts about for those good bits among the rotten and counts them a blessing.”
He tips his head pensively to one side. “Then there is the mocking of evil tongues. Those who taunt so as to distract Minsc’s boot from their buttocks.” His lips curl in a tight, feral smile. “These bear no thinking of at all, except for the thinking that chooses where my blade might slice them.” 
He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and the smile fades again. “Then there is the mocking which is foolish, cruelty without cause. Those who decry Boo as no more than a common hamster, and Minsc as a mad mongrel to be kicked about. This is the sort you mean, I think.” He waits for her to nod before he goes on. “Minsc has traveled many leagues from Rashemen, and in that time he has learned much. And one thing he has learned is that not all those who speak are worthy of the hearing. So Minsc stays among those who would value him, and kicks off those who would not as he would kick dust from his boot.”
“A thing easily said and less easily done,” Lae’zel says bitterly. “In K’liir, one is not afforded such choice. The eyes of judgment are always watching, and they suffer no failure.”
“But we are not in K’liir,” Minsc says brightly. “And so Lae’zel may choose which of her failings are worthy of scorn, and need not suffer the opinions of rude strangers whose tongues would prattle foolishness. Or - if they are not strangers, she will tell Minsc, and Minsc and Boo will see to it the rudeness is well thrashed out of itself.”
She says nothing for a long moment, but he can see the wiry, tight muscle of her shoulders start to relax slowly. “Hardly spoken like a sage,” she murmurs dryly. “And yet well-spoken in its own way.” 
She lets out a slow, heavy breath. “In truth it is not any current mockery that troubles me,” she adds in an undertone, “but the fear of it in the future. Of being found wanting, when all is said and done, by those whose opinions mean most. Among the githyanki, the weak are culled out, dishonored, sometimes killed. I would not…” 
She trails off and makes a noise of frustration as she struggles to find the words that express what is in her mind. “My people and my goddess are behind me now, and that is a shame I carry, but there are others I would still not wish to fail.”
Minsc nods. “Your people hone themselves to a sharp point, and perhaps their cruelty is worth its cost where they travel among the stars,” he says. “But where we stand upon the ground, there is no call for such culling. If it brings you comfort, you may look upon Jaheira - for she has found Minsc wanting many a time, and has told him so in full voice, but always with friendship, and always remaining by his side.”
Lae’zel lifts her head and looks at him fully for the first time, and chews the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. This, it seems, might be a new concept to her - that her failure could be censured and forgiven in the same breath. “That is some comfort, yes,” she says, with uncharacteristic softness. “I thank you.”
“No thanks is necessary,” Minsc booms cheerfully. There’s another soft squeak from his pocket, and he nods. “Only Boo asks that should you ever travel again into the skies, that you keep your eyes widened in search of another such as he. Surely you, of all our comrades, might have heard tell of other such miniature giant space hamsters, and Boo has sought a mate for many a long year.”
Lae’zel actually laughs softly. “You may tell your hamster I have heard no such tales - but in return for your counsel I shall report any I might find, and we shall consider it an even trade.”
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dreamsoffantasty · 3 months
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━━ ❀               Over the Moon Lyric Starters    ❀ ( lyrical meme appreciation featuring songs from the album, please feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit  ! some of the lyrics changed to fit better for RP purposes. )      
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On the Moon Above
❛ Long ago, an ancient story beautiful and kind Chang'e and a handsome man named Houyi were in love. ❜
❛ True love ? ❜ / ❛ True love. ❜
❛ But she took a magic potion giving immortality. ❜
❛ Then she floated leaving her true love and she waits for him on the moon above. ❜
❛ And that's where she waits now, on the moon with only jade rabbit to keep her company. ❜
❛ Houyi died here on Earth. ❜
❛ And when she cries her tears turn into stardust. ❜
❛ Longing, hoping for her one truе love… Now she waits for him on the moon abovе. ❜
❛ Forever. ❜
❛ Stuff ! Roll! Press! Smack ! Sift the flour, let the eggs crack. Knead the dough on every hour, then we start it all again. Form the dough around the filling, brush with egg and please no spilling ! What a lovely gift they are ! ❜
❛ There's tradition in these mooncakes. ❜
❛ We make every one with care. Then we bake them full of fondness, sweetness lofting through the air. ❜
❛ There is magic in thеse mooncakes. ❜
❛ You can feel it all around, Mooncakes whеre the magic is found. ❜
❛ Each one holds a message from the moon above "Cherish life and everything you love". ❜
❛ Magic in these mooncakes, hidden in these mooncakes for you. ❜
❛ How the leaves are changing, soon the festival begins ! Such a special feeling ! ❜
❛ There are memories in these mooncakes, all these memories shared with you. All the stories that you told me, mother, make me think of you. ❜
❛ Magic in these memories forever I hold true. Mooncakes and the memories of you. ❜
Rocket to the Moon
❛ I look up in the heavens and I can see your face, your gentle eyes in moonlight, I feel your warm embrace. ❜
❛ We were the perfect family: Ba Ba, you, and me. ❜
❛ I never thought that he’d find someone new and not remember you. ❜
❛ Of all the tales you told me, Chang’e was what I loved. She lost her precious Hou Yi, then floated up above. She waits for him forever. ❜
❛ So Ba Ba – why can’t he ? ❜
❛ If I can prove to him hеr tale is true he’ll rеmember you. ❜
❛ Fly away - Chang’e, are you calling to me ? ❜
❛ Are you up there looking at me ? ❜
❛ Can you see what nobody sees ? ❜
❛ Can you hear my voice up on the moon ? ❜
❛ Wish I had the wings to take me high away, to a place where no one doubts me. ❜
❛ I’d walk on a lunar dune... Could I find a way to get there soon ? ❜
❛ Build a rocket to the moon. ❜
❛ I would fly beyond the stars to keep my family. ❜
❛ If I did, I’d show my father love lasts all eternity. ❜
❛ I would prove truth’s in the heart, not only what you see. ❜
❛ Could I discover a way to break through ? ❜
❛ What could a girl like me possibly do ? ❜
❛ Build me a rocket, imagine the view ! ❜
❛ Oh, how I want to… Fly away Chang’e I am coming to you ! ❜
❛ Ba Ba, I will prove it to you I’ll be free of all gravity. ❜
❛ Hey, Chang’e, I’m gonna be there soon In my rocket to the moon ! ❜
Rocket to the Moon (Reprise)
❛ Magnetic levitation, frictional cessation... That's the key F is force, of course and G is always gravity ! Power, lift, duration Gyronavigation... ❜
❛ The thrusters are starting, I'll be departing soon. ❜
❛ Candles make a paper lantern fly so tell me, why can't I ? ❜
❛ Astronauts they rise above the sea so why not me ? ❜
❛ With each piece the puzzle turns my hope into reality ! ❜
❛ I can have lift-off at one more degree. Countdown is starting and soon they will see I think I've got it, I'm going to be free ! ❜
❛ I'm the light every night in your world. Are you ready to watch me be legendary ? 'Cuz I'm... Ultraluminary. ❜
❛ You wish on me in my glitter light. First star you see tonight. So wish away, wish with all your might ! Upon this radiant sight. ❜
❛ The stars ignite they flame from dust, born out of gravity and force, they combust. ❜
❛ Though they try in rivalry, they'll never shine bright as me. ❜
❛ I'm the light every night in your world, you revel in the glory of my beauty. ❜
❛ Ready to watch me be legendary ? ❜
❛ 'Cuz I'm ultraluminary. ❜
❛ Thе cosmic shine of my fine display, can turn the night to day. ❜
❛ I hеar they say that the Milky Way can't help but envy me. ❜
❛ It was a desert on the moon when we arrived. ❜
❛ Gathering all of my tears, heartbreak, and sighs, Jade made a potion ignite and turned the night. To a radiant city of light, from tears I rise ! ❜
Hey Boy
❛ Welcome to my game - sweet Chin. ❜
❛ You think that you're so fast, well you better think again. ❜
❛ I'm the best, I'm the queen of Lunaria and my serve is spectacularia. ❜
❛ Oh Cho, another point for me ! ❜
❛ There's only one way out of this misery. ❜
❛ Poor Chin, I don't want a rift, but it's time for you to tell me the location of the gift ❜
❛ See I am a legend and I always win. ❜
❛ The stars in the cosmos they bow to my whim. ❜
❛ Come on Chin, I"m running out of time. I'll keep you here forever 'till you give me what is mine. ❜
❛ Hey boy, don't you hold back If you do betcha, queenie's gonna getcha ! ❜
❛ Hey boy, better talk soon or never leave the dark side of the moon. ❜
❛ Fei Fei is my sister and I think that she's the best. ❜
❛ I've got a super power - I'm a cut above the rest ! ❜
❛ She needs a picture that I'll prove you're real. ❜
❛ I'll break through walls and seal this deal I'll smash it, pop it, top it and in the end I'll win it ! ❜
❛ I'm losing my patience I've no time for this. ❜
❛ This little nuisance is mine to dismiss. ❜
❛ Fei Fei says I'm annoying and maybe that's a sign of another super power ! ❜
❛ This game is mine ❜
❛ I'm faster than a comet I'm a rocket through the galaxy. ❜
❛ You ain't catching me and soon I'll have that picture and your Houyi will just have to {pfft} ! ❜
❛ If you weren't so selfish he'd have immortality. ❜
❛ You will tell me what I need ! ❜
❛ Do you ever hug your scales ? Shake your tail and make a light show a dance of colors and hues - Well, I do. ❜
❛ Here, right before your eyes a bright kaleidoscope surprise ! No moment is the same and that is wonderful-ul ! ❜
❛ Here, right before your eyes A bright kaleidoscope surprise! No moment is the same and that is wonderful-ul. ❜
❛ Do you ever watch the earth ? Lounge around and see it floating a swirl of white clouds and blue - Well, I do.. ❜
❛ It changes everyday It spins and turns and twirls away It just keeps rollin' on. ❜
❛ Look at the world surrounding you ! All possibility, every moment we have is a chance at something nеw to glow, to grow. ❜
❛ Do you ever feel afraid ? Curl up when you arе hurting and hold your memories tight to you. Yeah, me too. ❜
❛ If you release the past, you'll move ahead and bloom at last. The heart grows and it knows you can glow. You're wonderful... ❜
Yours Forever (Reprise)
❛ Always and forever, in this heart of mine. ❜
❛ Longer than the heavens and the stars that shine. ❜
❛ I am yours, I am yours forever. ❜
Love Someone New
❛ I know you're feeling sadness I see it in your eyes, the pain is overwhelming… When a loved one dies. ❜
❛ But it's time for you to let go and set your heartache free. ❜
❛ For there's life that's waiting there for you. ❜
❛ If you can let love through. ❜
❛ If you can give love, you will find your family. ❜
❛ Though it may not be like it was before. ❜
❛ If you give love, you'll never lose love. ❜
❛ It only grows. ❜
❛ No need to build a rocket, for you can now be strong. The things that you've been searching for have been here all along. ❜
❛ Though it hurts to miss her, her spirit's always near. ❜
❛ So trust that she will always be with you and love someone new. ❜
❛ The gift is not the answer and you are not alone. ❜
❛ Love is all around you a love you've always known. ❜
❛ Though it hurts to miss him, his spirit's always near. ❜
❛ The heart grows and it knows you can love. ❜
❛ You're wonderful. ❜
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chernayavidua · 3 months
due to the fact that i've been struggling to string together replies for the past month or two, i will be going back to being plot based. i will be putting out a permanent interaction call sometime in the near future to make things a bit easier for people since i no longer do starter calls. as always, memes are 100% the way to start interactions with me, but know that i will more than likely approach for light plotting regarding character dynamics. especially if we do not have anything established or if we have not plotted in a hot minute. if plotting of any kind is not your thing then this blog might not be for you.
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earlydew · 1 year
family death cw //
update. i lost the most important person in my life earlier this week and i spent the last few days with my family, grieving and mourning the loss with them. it's all still very new and hard and real, but i think, i'm actually ready to face things fully and try to move forward ?? do things that give me joy and make me feel full without feeling so terribly guilty about it. i feel like that's what my mom would want anyway <3
this is to say i'm planning on easing my way back into writing here again and would love some new stuff! i will still be attempting to make a dent in everything i owe, but i think i need some new stuff to gain some momentum ?? nothing too distracting that takes my mind completely off off the things that have been going on irl, but i'm down for some light plotting, hc or just winging stuff!
so please send in memes, reply to my opens or like my permanent starter call if you'd like especially if we currently don't have anything going bc i'm thinking of doing another cleaning spree soon! ( also please softblock if you don't intend to interact. i promise there'll be no hard feelings, but staying mutuals w people who've never shown interest to interact ic or ooc makes me feel super anxious and makes me not wanna be here )
that is all! i'll work on the memes sitting in my inbox after i shower
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sideofmischicf · 1 year
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runnin' through this strange life / chasin' all them green lights / throwin' up the shade for a little bit of sunshine .& indie rp blog. 21+ only. mun is 25. she / her. muses are 21+. rules page under construction. rping on both tumblr and discord. enter at your own risk. oc and canon muses welcome.
rules (mobile rules under the cut). wanted plots. wanted opps. requestable fcs. plotting calls. memes. open starters. muse page (under construction)
don't be a jerk. you be nice, i'll be nice, we'll both be happy and can excitedly get down to business!!
21+ from this point forward (including muses & fcs). if you're younger than that, thanks for stopping by, don't pass go and don't let the door hit you on the way out (affectionately) babes.
typical triggering topics aren't written here. inc*st, stepc*st, nonc*n, ab*se/t*rture, bathroom stuff / watersports / petplay. beyond that it's pretty much free rein. also no phobes of any kind here, pls and thank you. we be respectful on this blog.
discord is available for writing, purely cause i find that sometimes it can be easier for access wise (not having to cut / edit etc) so i'm down to rp there or here!
**as you might've noticed, this isn't a resource blog, so please don't treat it as such! please reblog things from the source unless it pertains to our thread / pairing.
side note: trans muses & milfs/dilfs will forever get bonus points on this blog (they all need more love in my opinion), so toss them all at my muses!
muses (currently):
izabel acosta. (camila mendes fc). 24-29. bowie elliot. (madelyn cline fc). 22-27. gavin elliot. (theo james fc). 30-36. adelaide fraser. (vanessa morgan fc). 26-31. as always, i'll have requestable fcs tagged and will be open to making muses for my partners!
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amongthevipers · 5 months
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LIKE for a starter ! specify which muse(s) of mine or else (i'll pick randomly) specify muses of yours if you're a multimuse too
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crystalmarred · 10 months
name — Allen, but some call me Joker.
pronouns — They/Them, but He/Him works.
preferred comms — Depends! I use Tumblr IM until I figure out if I'm actually going to talk to the person. I have, way too many times, added someone to Discord and later removed them when they didn't seem interested in talking. So I stick to Tumblr IMs for a while, then switch to Discord.
name of muse — I'm a multi-muse, so that's a list that's getting a little long. Primary canon muses are Erenville and A'aba Tia. Original characters are A'atahni Tia, Liun'a Jakkaya and X'kijin Lyzej—who is sometimes a Warrior of Light, depending.
experience in RP — I've been role playing since I was... 9? Might have been a bit earlier. Started in an old Inuyasha chatroom before upgrading to forums where I got used to routinely writing 800+ word replies, since it was a requirement in some of those RPs. Moved to Tumblr in... 2014, I think? Been here off and on since.
best experiences — I would hesitate to call anything the best, but probably one of my best experiences would be role playing as of late. I came back to Tumblr with, initially, the intent to write only with existing friends. Instead, I met two people that have become such good friends, that have really rekindled a lot of the love for RP that I used to have. Meeting two people completely by chance and having that friendship extend beyond RP, beyond the ships we share, into playing games, watching movies, partaking of things the others like is really nice and not as common as I feel it used to be.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — Negativity and aesthetics are the obvious ones, as those are in my rules. Apart from that, I hate it when people are passive in their interactions and assume my characters will blindly chase after them. If I receive a starter where a character is sitting quietly, not speaking to anyone, I didn't get a starter. I got exposition so that I could come up with a situation and write a starter for someone who didn't want to write one.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I don't really write smut, but I love fluff and angst. Where angst is concerned, I prefer something along the lines of hurt/comfort, not just angst. I find angst and only angst to be a bit overwhelming sometimes.
plot or memes — Either! I like to plot things; I also like winging it. I can usually do either, even for muses that I don't know. The big thing for me is that threads still need to have substance. If things don't feel like they have direction or devolves into pointless small talk, I get bored.
long or short replies — I have a preference for multi-para replies. I feel like anyone following me should know this, just based on the replies that I do. Short replies don't last long for me. I have my fun with them and stop replying once they begin to bore me. I consider them good for testing the waters, but not much else.
best time to write — Late nights. I struggle with being able to focus, so late nights being slower with less going on is probably why I find it easiest to write when it's late. I tend to get more done quicker.
are you like your muse — I like to think most people have something in common with their muses. I definitely share bits and pieces with mine, like X'kijin and I are both chronic nappers. Liun'a puts on a strong front because of trust issues. A'aba is a little on the obnoxious side. Nok'to is commonly referred to as "the anxiety cat". So on and so forth.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess (thank you, Rae!!) Tagging: @hyaciiintho, @vierandancer & @starsasunder, if y'all want to! Also @oathofpromises & @diademreigned since I mentioned y'all's lovely selves already.
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A quick and dirty RP policy guide
Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something. Either reblog or repost. Feel free to add anything I may have missed in the appropriate category, or recategorize something that is in the wrong place!
My blog is _______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Only going to RP with mutuals (meaning we must follow each other or at least I have to be following you)
Mostly going to RP with mutuals
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms
Only fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom
OCs with no fandom ties (in both OC cases though it depends on whether I'm into the oc or not, I value them the same as canon character, as in I must think we can have fun and it depends on their personality and story)
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text
Gif icons
Formatted text
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in it’s content
Light fluff
Death (not Emma's or my rp partner's muses but npc people can die)
Dark humor
Assault (not roleplayed between our muses)
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Answer an open
Message me OOC
Message me IC
Make a starter
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes
I expect my rules/about to be read (!!!) (if I know you didn't I'm unlikely to want to rp with you)
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like suicide and assault tagged
I expect all smut to be beneath a read-more (I expect it to be avoidable either because of that or because you tag it without special characters and I can block it)
I am a multiverse blog
I am multi-muse
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length to be matched
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy.
I want to add that I'd like an about page too, if only because I need to know if I want to rp with your character BEFORE I start roleplaying, because I have a hard time saying no to people or disappointing them, and not starting an interaction is way easier than say 'I don't like this'. Which is also why I prefer to let my 'follow people' speak first
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memepocalypse · 1 year
Californian Soil
Starters and memes built from the lyrics from London Grammar's Californian Soil album!
Californian Soil
"I left my soul on Californian soil."
"I left my pride."
"I never had a willing hand."
"I never had a plan."
"I'm glad I found you here."
"You do what you're told."
"This life is just a game."
"They keep trying it on."
"I wish I was your favourite."
"The dogs who love the drama."
"She's in the kitchen."
"She's cooking up a real storm for you."
"Everyone's got their own idea of right and wrong."
"I worry that one day you'll go missing."
"Who will notice when you're gone?"
"Love to see you happy again."
Lose your Head
"I need to learn."
"It's a mirror, baby."
"Can you see all those parts of me broken across the world?"
"I need to find some kind of peace of mind."
"Have you got a friend in the night?"
"You say you miss me now."
"What a way to lose your head."
"What a way to go to bed."
Lord it's a Feeling
"I saw the way you made her feel."
"I saw the way she tried to hold you."
"You heart was just a shell."
"That broke my heart."
"It was a living hell."
"You laughed behind her back."
"You fucked somebody else."
"Lord it's a feeling."
How Does it Feel
"Let it burn."
"Do you yearn for a change?"
"I hope that you've learned to never make the same mistake."
"Do you think about me when you're alone?"
"Where will you go?"
"Do you think about us?"
"How does it feel?"
"Will you call me tonight?"
Baby it's You
"All these lights are changing."
"I don't even care."
"I don't wanna move.
"All I see is you."
"Nothing else matters."
"Baby it's you."
"There's an ocean here."
Call Your Friends
"I saw the way you made her feel."
"She should be somebody else."
"Your heart was just a shell."
"I saw the words she wrote that broke my heart."
"It was a living hell."
"I saw the way you laughed behind her back."
"I know you think the stars align for you."
"Lord, it's a feeling."
All My Love
"Oh, darling."
"I see all of your colour drain from you."
"I feel all of your energy."
"I see your shadow."
"People, they want more from you."
"All my love."
"Oh, ever since I was a child."
"I kept a place in my heart safe for you."
"All of these changes."
"Visions that wake me."
"Leaders mean nothing to me."
"I see you in dark corners."
"Are we talking now, baby?"
"There is a life here for free."
"All of these roads are leading to nowhere."
"When this world ends as we know it, what's left will be you and me."
I need the Night
"There's a voice."
"It is chastizing me."
"I was so cold."
"What had become of me?"
"Give me a dream and I will give you my word."
"I need the night."
"I need this drink."
"Will you sit with me?"
"And I hope that you find it."
"I hope that you stay young and wild and free."
"You'll have America."
"I hope that you're better than all of your friends."
"I hope that they hold you until the end."
"She never had time for me."
"All of our time chasing a dream."
"And yes, my looks, they'll go away."
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essentionesque · 2 years
I’m not an RP meme blog but...
[[Lyric RP Starters - STARSET Edition Pt. 1]]
STARSET Pt. 2 - MNQN Starters
“Would you let fear consume or would you overcome?”
“We can change our fate.”
“Light the way and I’ll follow.”
“I’ve lost my way again...”
“If you need me to, I will save you.”
“If it means the death of me, I won’t let go.”
“No one needs to hear your words. Let it go.”
“Who I am is not good enough.”
“I will travel the distance in your eyes.”
“I will find you...”
“We will face the odds against us!”
“It has begun...”
“I can’t fight this forever...”
“We are one and the same.”
“The more I fight, the more I work...”
“If you wanna break free, you know where to find me.”
“I found in you what was lost in me...”
“How could you just walk away and leave me here?”
“There’s nothing left but I’m not leaving.”
“If you love me, let it die.”
“They said there was no way...”
“I will bring you back to me!”
“I can’t go back...”
“I won’t turn around.”
“They could never blind me.”
“You push my back against the wall.”
“If you lead, I will follow.”
“They pale against the light in your eyes.”
“I can feel your heart change...”
“You wanted war? I am the war!”
“The only hell I know is without you.”
“There’s no pain that I won’t go through...”
“You left me with a bittersweet taste...”
“They won’t know my heart; it’s the darkest part.”
“It’s okay, I promise.”
“A thousand armies won’t stop me.”
“Is this real or in my mind?”
“I can hear it calling.”
“Your heart is unveiling...”
“The beauty alone is worth it.”
“Set me free...”
“Is this death or rebirth?”
“The world is cold... But it’s beautiful.”
“I could never let go.”
“There’s something inside you that isn’t right.”
“Now the lie’s collapsing.”
“The monsters are my only friends...”
“All that I was, I left behind me.”
“You thought I’d forget but it’s always in my head.”
“Seems the monster always wins.”
“I don’t wanna let you go.”
“Should’ve never felt this way...”
“You leave me frozen...”
“Take my pain into you...”
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hexedsouls · 1 year
Tumblr media
I am not in any way associated to the creators of any existing series on this blog.
I expect it to be understood that the actions and views of my muses are not reflective of my own values, they are reflective of the character in their environment. Mun ≠ muse.
About the Blog
Many of my muses are divergent. Fanon and word of god especially hold no sway here.
This blog is 21+ If your blog does not say that you are 21+ ( doesn’t need to be specific ), I will not follow / write with you. I will block minors that follow me. My blog will contain content not suitable for those under 18.
I don’t format. I don’t mind if my partners do. My use of icons is sporadic at best.
I don’t like posts, I’ll reply instead. I am the maniac that actually utilizes likes for organization- and I cannot stand ‘ghost likes’. Generally instead of hitting the like button, I’ll drop an emoji or short comment using the reply box.
PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG DOSSIERS, HEADCANONS, VERSES, OR META. You are free to ‘like’ whatever you wish!
I do not follow for follow. Most interactions are mutuals only. I follow blogs that I want to interact with. I may unfollow if the interest is not reciprocated, or we aren’t super close & haven’t interacted in a while. There are no hard feelings! We can always reconnect later!
I do look at all blogs that follow me, though it may take me a week or two do do so & follow back if I am going to.
I will unfollow / softblock for — Abundant real-life politics / news — Callouts, bullying, ship/character/actor/etc bashing, ship wars, etc — Any other discourse / drama
I will only interact with OCs that I approach first. Meaning if I follow your OC without prompting, we’re gucci, but please don’t ask to to RP with your OC if I haven’t followed you first / followed back. It’s not because I think OCs are trash, it’s because I have trouble interacting with characters I don’t have at least a baseline familiarity with.
Activity & Partners:
With very few exceptions, I do not do mains/exclusives. I am however here pretty much purely at the behest of @holmesdepot, as a resident purse bunny.
My blog is very low-activity, and I don’t seek out many new partners. Please don’t be offended by this. I’m a busy self-employed artist with low spoons. Mainly, I meet RP partners because they are friends-of-friends.
Inbox & Starter Calls: HC Memes/General Questions ⯎ Open to all Interaction Memes ⯎ Mutuals only Starter Calls ⯎ Mutuals only Anon/Inbox Interactions ⯎ TENTATIVELY open to all (I make no promises about replying to inbox interactions, but these were fun back in the day! Just keep it light!)
NOTICE: If you need fast replies / daily communication, I am not the blog for you. I am slow. I have limited energy. I am a busy. Just because I don’t send messages every day does not mean I love my friends & partners any less.
Triggers & Adult Content
Potentially triggering & adult content will be present on this blog. I tag any triggers I can think of using ‘trigger cw’. If you need something tagged, you are free to ask and I will do my best to accommodate.
Do NOT under any circumstances attempt to police my writing. I will not ever fight over the moral high ground. I expect my partners to be aware of the warning labels and curate their own content, rather than restricting mine. If there is questionable content happening in a thread, you can bet it’s been thoroughly discussed with my partner, & we are both aware of its nature.
I will not actively write the following topics. Those marked with a #, I would greatly appreciate being tagged so that I can block. Those marked with a * may appear in backstories, be mentioned off-screen, or in headcanon, but will not actively be written about.
— #Animal violence / death / injury — *Acts of sexual violence — #Zombie Apocalypse Scenarios ( zombie-like & undead characters are fine- it’s the whole apocalypse/hoards of endless infected thing for me ) — Racism & Transphobia
Please be aware that, because I write queer characters in historical settings, mild homophobia may be a relevant topic to some muses. This will always be tagged, and you are more than welcome to tell me to avoid it even in passing in our threads if we interact.
Shipping & NSFW
All muns and muses must be adults to ship.
⯎ Feel free to tell me if you ship our muses, ask about OTPs/NoTPs/OT3s/etc, and send fluffy memes to test the waters ⯎ Please do NOT assume a ship without discussion, assume canon ships are acknowledged/automatically okay, or send unsolicited NSFW interaction memes if we are not already shipping.
I will not auto-ship. This means that whether or not I ship the thing OOC, I may not automatically ship the thing with your interpretation.
I will never pressure someone into shipping. Chemistry that is agreed upon by both partners is a must.
I will typically utilize fade-to-black rather than writing smut. I do write sexual themes, and will participate in Sinday through memes, drabbles, and suggestive starters. All suggestive text will be tagged ‘ mind the citrus ’.
NSFW imagery may be present on my blog. This includes but is not limited to NSFW fanart and image/gifsets, however all suggestive imagery will be tagged ‘ NSFT ’ (Not Safe For Tumblr). I am looking into the idea of implimenting citrus scale in tagging as well.
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