henderscn · 4 months
another tag dump because the other one didn't work lmao oops
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propertyofwicked · 9 days
╭──╯ . . . . . the five times max tried to set his best friends up, and the one time it actually worked. . . . . . ╰──╮
PART TWO FOR ROOKIE (can be read as standalone)
warnings: none really, swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption and minor sickness
this was so highly requested hehe! im glad you all loved rookie :) lemme know what you think! ✧ my inbox is open ✧
masterlist the playlist
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max fewtrell had been plotting for weeks. the annual karting gala was fast approaching, and he had the perfect plan to set up his two best friends. max managed to get himself a date and orchestrated the perfect excuse for y/n to accompany lando as his date, knowing that he was invited but y/n, not being a karter, wasn't. since the trio were somewhat inseparable, it made sense.
and it had worked - the three of them headed to the gala together, max’s date meeting them there, the atmosphere buzzing with music, laughter, and the clinking of champagne glasses. the drinks flowed freely, and the dance floor was packed. lando and y/n however, in their boredom of black-tie events, decided to see who could drink the most. much to max’s dismay, the two of them could never back down from a challenge, and seemingly formed a crowd of people to see them take on this challenge - which resulted in the two of them finding new dance partners for the evening.
this wasn’t max’s plan - he needed them to dance together, not with other people.
but then, y/n had left the dance floor, stumbling over to lando whilst holding her dress up as to not trip over it.
“lando?" she said, her voice shaky, and her eyes widening as she looked up at him.
this is it. they're going to kiss max had thought to himself, watching from only a few metres a way.
but instead, y/n's expression changed to one of distress. "i think im going to be sick."
or not, max thought, quickly springing into action.
lando immediately took charge, his hand sliding around her waist and guiding her towards the nearest bathroom with max following close behind. they managed to get her to a stall just in time. lando held her hair back, his touch gentle and reassuring as she emptied her stomach.
"im so sorry," y/n mumbled, her voice weak and apologetic. "i’ve ruined the night."
lando shook his head, his tone soft and caring. "don't worry about it. it’s ok. you’re ok."
meanwhile, max was on the phone, trying to get hold of y/n’s mum. "hi, it's max. im with y/n - she’s ok, but she’s had a bit too much to drink. could you come pick her up?"
as they waited for her mum to arrive, lando stayed by her side, stroking her hair softly as he poured water into her mouth less than graciously. max watched them, frustrated his plan had failed, but his heart warming by the way lando cared for y/n.
max was determined. the karting gala might not have gone as planned, but he saw another opportunity to set up his two best friends at a house party. he thought a good game of truth or dare would be the perfect catalyst.
the party was in full swing when the group gathered in the living room, max quickly suggested playing truth or dare to which everyone agreed. the game started with light-hearted questions and dares. when it was lando's turn, max seized his moment.
"i dare you to kiss the person next to you," max said with a smirk, confident in his plan since y/n was seated to one side of Lando.
lando, however, had other ideas. his head looked to y/n besides him for a moment and then at niran on his other side, as though he was weighing up his options. then, he turned and pressed a light kiss to niran's forehead, catching everyone off guard. max’s jaw dropped in disbelief, while the rest of the group burst into laughter.
"that doesn't count!" someone shouted, still laughing.
"max didn't specify where," lando retorted, grinning cheekily, holding his hands up in defence.
“lando! how could you not kiss me? im heartbroken," she teased, holding her chest dramatically, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
when the game finally ended, max excused himself to the kitchen, shaking his head at how his plan had backfired yet again. niran, sensing an opportunity for some fun, followed him into the kitchen.
"you know," he said, leaning against the counter, "next time, maybe we should play seven minutes in heaven?"
max looked up, intrigued but sceptical, "you think that'll work?"
"it's worth a shot. at least then lando can't dodge the dare by kissing my forehead," niran shrugged, a playful grin on his face.
in the living room, lando and y/n were chatting and laughing, completely oblivious to max and niran's conversation. and as the night wore on, max’s determination remained undeterred. their bond was undeniable and he would go to any lengths for his efforts to pay off.
lando decided to host a game night at his house - max was convinced that without being the host, he couldn't plan any elaborate setups. the evening kicked off with enthusiasm, everyone excited for a night of fun and games, with lando eventually suggesting they play drunk twister.
"…and every time you lose, you drink," he explained with a mischievous grin.
the game started off well, with everyone mostly sober. lando was winning, especially since his strength helped him keep his body in place. however, as the drinks kept flowing, max saw his opportunity. once they were all sufficiently tipsy, he took over spinning the twister board, calling out positions for lando and y/n.
at one point, max managed to have y/n essentially straddling lando’s waist, her legs balancing precariously on either side of him. this is perfect, max thought with satisfaction. he then told lando to move his leg, and when it was y/n’s turn, her hand slipped. the sudden loss of balance caused lando's leg to jolt out, causing y/n to tumble fully, twisting her ankle and hitting her head on the coffee table.
"who put that table there?" lando groaned in frustration as he rushed to assess the source of blood streaming down her face.
"erm… that would be you?" max snorted, trying to suppress his laughter but quickly becoming serious about y/n’s condition, deciding that hospital was probably the best call of action.
“lando, you should call her mum. i had to do it last time,” he whispered, as y/n slept next to them, the painkillers they had given her had wiped her out completely.
lando groaned as he dialled the number. it was 2am, so he wasn’t surprised when he got her voicemail.
"hi y/m/n, it’s lando - just letting you know y/n is in the hospital, but she’s fine. probably,” he added before hanging up.
“probably?” y/n called out groggily, still waking up, “she’s gonna worry more now you idiot.”
“im so sorry for hurting you," he said hurriedly, grabbing her hand and gently stroking his thumb along her skin.
"it’s ok, lan - i promise. as you said, im fine," y/n insisted with a small smile, "just remember to move the table next time."
“next time?”
“it was fun until i…you know,” she trailed off, using her free hand to gesture to her body laying in the hospital bed.
max watched the exchange with a resigned smile. despite his failed attempts and the chaos that ensued, it was clear how much lando cared for her. maybe, just maybe, things would eventually fall into place naturally.
with an upcoming quadrant project, max found himself with the responsibility of finding accommodation for the team. he found a cosy airbnb and meticulously assigned the rooms, ensuring that everyone had their own space, other than y/n and lando - though neither of them minded. they’d been friends for so long that sharing a bed didn’t seem like a big issue.
when the team arrived at the airbnb, they were greeted by the chilly winter air, before max led them through the house, pointing out their rooms. to his surprise, and annoyance, lando and y/n’s room actually had two single beds, not the anticipated double bed.
nevertheless, max was determined to see his plan through, quietly turned off the heating, hoping the cold would drive lando and y/n to share a bed for warmth. the evening progressed, with everyone started commenting on how cold the house was.
“i am freezing my tits off,” y/n announced as she walked into the room, throwing herself down on the sofa next to lando.
"if it gets too cold tonight, we can always cuddle up together,” lando said, nudging y/n with a grin.
finally, max thought to himself, a plan was finally working.
“as much as i want to have you snoring directly in my face all night, and trust me i do - my dad taught me a bit about plumbing when i was younger. let me see if i can fix the heating,” she announced, to which the group felt elated to hear, fearing they would freeze to death in their sleep.
max’s heart sank as he watched y/n head to the heating system, fiddling with it for a few minutes before triumphantly declaring, "got it! it doesn’t seem like it was broken, just turned off. maybe the airbnb hosts turn it off between guests to save money?"
“guess we won’t get to spoon tonight after all,” she added, looking at lando with fake sadness.
max had never hated her competent parents more than he did at this very moment.
later that night, as the group gathered in the living room, warmed by the now functional heating, lando and y/n were nestled on the couch, wrapped in a blanket together as they usually did.
lando leaned over to y/n, his mouth settling near her ear as he whispered, "watching max sabotage his own plans is funny - we should do this more often.”
y/n giggled, adding, "maybe next time we can teach him how to actually break the heating."
“it's my favourite sport, right after driving,” lando added, laughing softly before sitting up again.
max was beginning to realise that his plans weren’t working because he was trying to make them fall in love with each other. they were already in love, he just needed to make them talk about it.
determined to help them confront their emotions, he devised a master plan. so, when he moved into his new house, he invited them over to help build furniture.
as they assembled pieces in one of the rooms, y/n soon realised she needed a specific sized screwdriver but she couldn’t find it anywhere.
“well it hasn’t just grown legs has it?” lando teased, though helping her lift boxes to see if it had fallen beneath them.
"it might be downstairs. ill go have a look," he said, casually closing the door behind him. he knew it was downstairs - he had intentionally left it downstairs after loosening the screws on the door.
the moment the door shut, the handle fell out, leaving y/n and lando trapped inside - max was convinced that forcing them into close proximity would make them talk about their feelings.
“shit, sorry guys - bare with me whilst i try and fix it!” he called out, smiling to himself thinking about how great his plan was and how it couldn’t possibly go wrong.
however, he had forgotten one crucial detail - y/n was scared of being locked in small confined spaces. they had discovered this fact following a unfortunate attempt at seven minutes in heaven.
the reality of their situation set in, and y/n began to panic - her chest tightening as her breathing became fast and heavy.
"hey, it's okay. we're not stuck forever. we'll get out of here," he said softly, opening a window to let in some fresh air and sitting beside her. his arm wrapped around her instinctively, pulling her into his side as his hand found her hip, drawing patterns into her jeans with his fingers in attempt to ground her.
both of them were angry at max, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. they had somewhat discussed being together before, but lando’s busy career made things complicated. and now, he had gone too far, forgetting y/n’s anxiety in a bid to get his own plan to work.
"deep breaths," Lando murmured, holding her hand and gently stroking her back. "that’s it. max didn’t mean any harm. he just wants to see us happy."
y/n nodded, her breathing slowing as she leaned into lando, his hand coming up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
“i know. i just hate being trapped, and i know he means well but i wish he’d just chill out," she breathed out, her voice still wobbly as she tried to regulate her emotions.
they both sat quietly for a moment, looking at each other deeply, her anxiety dissipating, unspoken feelings lingering in the air. lando’s head moved closer to hers first, tentatively pressing his lips to hers. he wasn’t surprised when she kissed him back, her hands moving to his shoulders to lift herself up slightly as he deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping her lower lip gently.
"almost got it!" max called out quickly from behind the door, interrupting the two.
lando and y/n quickly pulled apart, managing to compose themselves just as max opened the door and rushed in.
"im so sorry y/n. i really didn't mean t- i don’t even know ho-,” he stuttered, moving down to hug her quickly.
y/n forced a smile, her heart still racing.
"it's okay, max. i’m fine, i promise,” she reassured him, her arms moving to hug him back.
it wasn’t rare for lando, max and y/n to constantly be in each others houses. any free time they had at least two of them were together, and it had been the same for the entire time they had known each other. that week, they had all taken residence at max’s house to finish the final touches to the new quadrant video before posting it.
the early morning sun was shining through the kitchen windows as y/n rummaged through the cabinets, looking for a mug for her morning tea. noticing her struggle, lando walked over to stand behind her, his chest brushing against her back as he stretched to reach the mug from the top shelf.
"here you go, short-arse," he said, handing it to her with a smile, before moving across the counter to flick the kettle on.
"thanks," y/n replied, ignoring his nicknaming, "want some breakfast?"
"depends what you’re making," lando said, his eyes twinkling, “i would love some pancakes right now.”
“tough shit - im making cereal,” she responded bluntly, smiling sarcastically at him, before moving to grab the box of cornflakes from the cupboard.
“from scratch? that’s impress- OW,” he yelped, feeling the box of cereal hit him in the face.
“can we not use my cereal as a weapon please?” max announced as he walked into the room, rubbing the grogginess from his eyes.
“sorry dad,” y/n replied jokingly, sticking her tongue out at lando when max moved to open the fridge. she turned to start making breakfast, but in her movement she ended up knocking a spoon off the counter.
“fuck,” she muttered as she bent down to pick it up, lando watching on before quickly placing his hand on the corner of the counter, preventing her from hitting her head on the way up.
"careful," he murmured softly, as her forehead made contact with his hand.
later in the day, lando found himself sat on the sofa, scrolling through the comments on quadrants new video, where he had taught y/n how to kart.
y/n walked in, sighing deeply as she plopped down on the sofa next to him, her head finding a comfortable spot on his lap. lando didn't miss a beat - instinctively he began to stroke her hair, his fingers moving gently through the strands.
"you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
y/n closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. "just tired," she whispered.
max walked into the room soon after, though stopping in his tracks as he saw the two of them. he shook his head with a bemused smile.
“you wanna read the comments?” lando asked as max took a seat on the chair opposite them.
the two of them nodded in unison, y/n shuffling around to sit up as lando’s arm rested on the back of the sofa behind her. they sat quietly, reading through the comments as max scrolled through them on his own phone.
they were accustomed to reading feedback from fans, but this time, something caught them off guard. the comments were filled with remarks about how good lando and y/n would be as a couple and how fans couldn't believe they weren't already together.
lando glanced at y/n, both of them slightly amused - they were sort of used to this, but every comment seemed to mention it.
"are you seeing these comments?" lando asked, raising an eyebrow.
“i know! i can't believe how many people want us to be together."
“you know, they're not wrong. we would be great together,” he replied, entirely unfazed.
"absolutely. it makes sense i guess," she nodded in agreement, shrugging casually.
“well that’s established then,” lando stated before moving the conversation, “should we get pizza?”
“up to you,” y/n responded with a smile, before resting back into the sofa, lando’s arm thrown over her shoulders.
max sat still, watching the whole interaction in utter bewilderment.
"what have i just witnessed?” he started, eyes darting between the two quickly, “seventeen years of seeing you two interact, and you just casually decided you're together and then sorted out what you're having for dinner?"
"yeah, pretty much,” y/n laughs, leaning into lando’s side as she shoots a grin at max, who’s jaw just dropped in disbelief.
"are you serious right now?" he continued. lando leaned back, crossing his arms with a confident grin.
"it's not like we’ve not kissed before," lando added, still grinning.
"YOU'VE KISSED?" max shouted, his eyes widening further.
y/n and lando exchanged a knowing look, both bursting into laughter at max's reaction, their casual approach to this new development was seemingly more surprising than the news itself.
“we probably would’ve gone further if you hadn’t fixed that door,” y/n added, still laughing as max smiled to himself.
“you’re plan finally worked mate,” lando laughed out, watching max’s face contort into shock.
“my pla-? when did you work it out?”
“sometime between you turning off the heating and the time you pretended to be sick so we had to go to dinner just the two of us.”
“yeah the table for two and the candles was a big giveaway.”
“i need to lay in a cold dark room please - excuse me,” max said finally, picking his jaw up from the floor before walking out in complete silence.
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idyllvcs · 1 year
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Ⅰ. AYATO X GN!READER  ⅠⅠ. TAGS : fluff, kissing, established relationship/marriage, reader has low energy, physical touch  ⅠⅠⅠ. WC : 652 words ⅠV. SYNOPSIS : missing ayato after he leaves for work far from the estate english isn’t my first language, sorry ! V. A/N : hiii !! i was so busy w exams and the new semester and i wrote this fic for comfort help. anws enjoy !!
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you don’t know if it was the overbearing work dumped on your shoulder or the, what you assumed were cold glances thrown at you by the workers from the estate. it was a gloomy day– far too gloomy that you think was why your mood went down. 
it was common practice for you to be curled up in your sheets with a certain someone at this time during the weekends but, to your disappointment, you were met with the opposite. ayato’s fleeting peck and mumbling sorries about having to leave for work was the worst form of an alarm clock you could ever ask for. the feeling of the cold and soft pads of his fingertips brushing against your cheek whilst you were half asleep yet urging to hold onto him lingered on your skin even after he hurriedly left.   
even hours later, thoma and ayaka picked up on your mood. either it was thoma who occasionally glances at you circling around the garden slowly letting out soft melodramatic sighs or ayaka who catches you staring at the empty seat at her brother’s desk and sitting on the stairs of the estate, staring at the droplets of rain hitting the ground. 
“why is my energy so down,” you mumble softly. your head was resting against a desk that’s oh so familiar. ayaka quirks up and looks at your rather pitiful state. it’s not so common for anyone to see the yashiro commissioner’s partner practically sleep against his work desk depressingly. ayaka walks over to you and rubs your shoulders, “brother will be back soon. don’t worry [name]. meanwhile, you should eat– i wouldn’t want you to pass out randomly.. both thoma and ayato would have a heart attack.” 
she tries her best to suppress her giggles but the feeling of her shaking hands against your shoulder makes you giggle alongside her. “i’ll be okay, i promise ayaka,” you responded and raised your head up from the cold table. she nods before excusing herself, “i’ll see you later. i need to meet yoimiya about an affair.” you could only muster up a grin and a nod before shutting your eyes after she left the estate. 
a soft thud echoed throughout the empty estate. you drop your head back on the table and let out a heavy sigh. it was more than obvious that you missed ayato, archons, it hasn’t been past 24 hours and you feel as if you haven’t seen him for 5 years. many inazumans made comments about it before, especially elderly ladies who tease you both about clinging onto each other. you clear the thoughts in your head. it was the pitter-patter of the rain that calms you down for a bit– that gave you a moment to breathe for a bit. 
“a mora for your thoughts ?” a voice pipes up from your left side. bastard. you abruptly bring your head up and whip it towards your left. your eyes meet the lilac ones of a blue-haired and pale skin man. “you’re cruel,” you mumble at the man. cruel for leaving for work far from the estate when you could barely register what happened, cruel for not telling you he was back— cruel for clouding your mind all day.
ayato lets out a chuckle and pulls you into his embrace. you struggle and attempt to hit his chest softly but he uses his free hand to wrap around your wrist lightly. he leans his head down to litter soft kisses on your face. “i’ve missed you too, dearest,” he mumbles against your forehead. you let out a huff of defeat and melted into your husband’s touch. “my thoughts aren’t worth a mora by the way,” you quipped at him. ayato  squeezes the plush skin of your waist and lets out a hum of contentment. “i’d give up all my wealth for it either way.” 
you’ve missed him dearly too.
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vixensofsorrow · 3 months
Demolition Lovers - Ⅰ you touch me once again and somehow it stings cause i know it is the end
DISCLAIMER: This fic is a long slowburn with multiple chapters, still being updated. also on AO3 my masterlist (all the chapters are linked there) PAIRING: young!Carol Denning/fem!reader OVERALL SUMMARY: An exploration of your and Carol's relationship through the years. CHAPTER SUMMARY: You and Carol reunite after a long time apart. CHAPTER TAGS: angst, fluff, friendship, complicated feelings, reader plays soccer, high school, developing relationship A/N: no clue how to add footnotes on tumblr but Engie is a Nickname for Engine Room, which central midfielders are often described as. also english isn't my native language so mb for any mistakes. im just a desperate lesbian in a world with not enough carol x reader insert fanfiction
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“Carol! Carol, slow down!” You panted, quickly trying to sneak in shallow breaths in between your pleadings.
“I told you already, we don’t have much time!” She spoke up ominously, not even turning her head around to look at you, just focusing on running straight ahead with slight twists and turns here and there, still holding your sweaty hand tightly. She guided the both of you through the humid, pine scented, and slightly foggy forest of a small, West Virginia mill town where somewhere, underneath all the trees’ crowns, your hiding spot was.
“I see it!” Carol exclaimed, using her lungs' full potential. She briefly turned her head to take a short glimpse at your breathless and distraught self, your only reply was a slight smile of relief.
The two of you finally reached your destination. You immediately slid down the huge pine tree with your and Carol’s initials, a bunch of silly stick men and other drawings messily carved into the trunk, finally able to take a proper, deep breath.
Carol was still pacing around, hands fidgeting, occasionally tapping her foot like she was in distress, or anticipating something bad — those weren’t the signs that particularly worried your 8-year-old self, though. Upon further reflection, you recognized the pacing around as something to be concerned about, because your older sister would do the same thing whenever something unpleasant happened. What was most noticeable was her sudden change in mood, from running maniacally, smiling, to shutting down. Maybe it could’ve been from exhaustion? Why didn’t she just sit down then? You pondered.
You looked up at her, at the same time as she was looking down and when your eyes met, you were sure that something was indeed wrong. The look Carol gave you was dull, like she was trying to detach herself from whatever was happening. As your eyes locked, Denning’s began glistening, and she was clearly trying to hold back weeping by plastering a fake grin, with no success. She pulled up her glasses to wipe the tears away with the sleeve of her sweater.
“Care, what’s wrong?” You stood up, not even brushing the dirt off of your corduroy overalls, then taking Carol’s hands in yours. There was no way you could stop her crying now, and some teardrops fell on the back of your palms.
“You can tell me.” You added softly, furrowing your brows in a confused, yet clearly worried manner. You spoke with the intent of reassuring Carol that in this exact moment, the both of you were safe and sound in each other's presence and no one would be able to hurt you.
You weren’t breaking eye contact for even a second.
“Mom… Well….” At this point, Carol’s tears transformed into a full on stream, her vision turning blurry. “Not mom… I mean probably but…” Carol stuttered. She attempted to collect herself before continuing, sniffling.
“Barb… she told me that we are going to Illinois…” She tightened her grip, almost digging her nails into your hands, fully breaking down.
She was being serious about this.
Carol couldn’t hide it anymore, and even if she tried you could see everything written all over her puffy, red face. You were startled, almost frozen in place, the only sensation you felt being the occasional gust of wind and Carol squeezing your palms more and more with every second that passed by. You weren’t sure why, but it was somehow pleasant, reminding you that both of you are still alive and breathing. In this moment of silence, only broken by you sniffling and Carol gasping for air, everything hit you all at once.
The Denning's were moving out. Carol was moving out. Your best friend was moving out.
You tried to keep your cool as best as you could, so as to not upset her even more — you knew she didn’t like pity. Your attempt was unsuccessful, and you could feel your lips quivering.
Care threw herself into your arms and hugged you so tightly like she never did before, laying her head down on your shoulder. You took this as a chance to bawl your eyes out, hugging her back.
“You’re my best friend… And this may be the last time I'm going to see you.” She stuttered through the tears. After a moment of silence, you slowly let go of Carol, the both of you looking like a mess. Her hair was stuck to her sweaty, wet face, eyes puffy as if she had an allergic reaction, meanwhile your runny nose and bloodshot eyes made you look like you were ill, and you certainly felt like it.
“I’ll wait for you.” Your voice cracked, and you were frantically digging through the pockets of your jacket, eventually pulling out a jawbreaker candy and handing it to Carol.
Both of you smiled through the tears as she took the candy and hugged you for the last time in years.
The gym, covered with school representative dark blue and yellow banners, or posters with cheesy motivational quotes plastered on the beige walls, echoed with the principal asking something along the lines of “Is everyone excited!?”. Shockingly, a few people actually were, and rather loudly too.
He went on to boast about the many achievements of the school, about how great we all are, almost starting an inspirational speech. Before he could go on further, the more empathetic vice principal cut him off. “Let’s welcome MHS Band!”
“God damn, why does this shit always take ages?” The defender complained, slamming her locker over the sound of trumpets and drums in the distance. Someone from the team chuckled at the question. Other girls were spraying their hair, fixing their makeup, changing into uniform and whatnot.
“It always takes this long. You oughta get used to it.” Veronica walked up to Jennifer, who was painting little scorpions on the team members’ cheeks, to get hers done.
Tonya narrowed her eyes. “Well, yeah, but it doesn’t make it less annoying.”
The band went quiet, and the cheerleaders took over to the sound of Voulez-Vous by ABBA. “I can’t believe people actually listen to this European disco shit.” Rachel scoffed, and Veronica started singing it off-key incoherently just to piss her off, dancing with her hands, swaying to the rhythm of the bass boosted by the schools’ speaker's song.
She forgot she was getting her face painted and swung her head around to elevate her performance, which caused Jennifer to slip her hand and draw a straight line across her face.
“Ronica! Take a chill pill!” The attacking-midfielder rolled her eyes and let Jennifer clean up the mess, sneaking in a quiet “Sorry.” The team captain reflected, “Also, it’s not that bad. At least they used a song that’s not, like, 50 years old.” The goalkeeper raised an eyebrow in approval after giving it some thought.
“Ronica’s singing is, though.” You cut in and the teammates that could hear you over the loud music laughed.
“You wouldn’t know good singing if it hit you in the face!” Your friend defended herself, continuing the back and forth teasing for a while.
The team's striker finished painting the midfielder’s face and peeked out of the locker room to see what was going on in the gym. The cheerleaders were packing up their routine with a round of applause, and the scorpion school mascot ran out of the boys’ locker room.
You and Rachel were on your way to the mirrors, as you passed by you had a look at the slightly dirty, grody, blue, fluffy mascot and a chill went down your spine.
“Fucking hell man, that thing gives me the creeps.” You turned your attention to Jennifer and the goalkeeper, the latter tilting her head to get a better look. “Yeah… yeah, I see where you’re coming from.” She raised her upper lip and wrinkled her nose.
As the three of you were staring at what was going down at the pep rally, the principal spoke up again.
“And now… For the team that needs no introduction…” The whole group had gathered now. “…Let’s make some noise for the Regionals Girls’ Soccer Team Champions, go Scorpions!” He stretched out the “go” until the A/V kid put on Call Me by Blondie.
Students were crammed into the wooden bleachers, showing all the varieties of enthusiasm you'd expect from a required school event. The other jocks' encouraging yells, the burnouts' eye rolls, and everything in between.
The first moments were always awkward, since, well, not many people were that excited about a girls’ soccer team. The girls’ boyfriends and friends would start chanting, pumping their fists for all they’re worth, which usually worked in hyping up the rest of the school. As the applause built up and feet rumbled against the bleachers, you all jogged onto the court, with the beat-up school mascot jumping around and high-fiving the front row.
The whole team stood in a straight line, Jennifer put on an act of excitement, smiling triumphantly and waving. You didn’t like pep rallies very much, but honestly, most of the school didn’t either. The principal began announcing a speech about your success at the Regionals, but you drowned him out with irrelevant thoughts. “At least this is better than going to Biology…”
Your eyes lingered around the gym, recalling a pep talk from your coach about how you should always hold your head up, so you don’t come off as uninterested or ignorant.
You turned your attention from the banners to the bleachers, looking out for some interesting action. Maybe a kid kicking someone in the back and then pretending that it wasn’t them, a couple making out, just anything to make time pass faster.
As your eyes wandered, you noticed a new face in the midst of the crowd, squinting to get a better look. She looked familiar, but you couldn’t exactly make out her features since she was focused on rummaging through her bag.
You looked away for a moment, continuing the search.
Who knows, possibly it was just your mind playing tricks on you, and it wasn’t anyone new but a classmate who just got a new haircut.
Something felt off, though. You felt a weird sensation, like someone was directly staring at you — normally, you would've just brushed it off, but this was prolonged staring, the kind that made you uncomfortable.
You searched for the culprit amongst the crowd, and you immediately locked eyes when you found her. You were right; there was a new addition to your high school, and you knew why she looked familiar. You’d recognize that gaze anywhere.
Your face went pale, eyes widened, and your whole body stiffened, unable to form a single thought. Everything went silent, and your ears were ringing. From what you could see, Carol was just as shocked, only moving her hand ever so slightly to pull up her glasses.
You could make out clapping in the background, muted by your shock, and out of the corner of your eye see teammates acting all buddy-buddy, like all of you would always do at the end of every pep rally to raise “team spirit”.
It didn’t register that it was time to pack up until Gina nudged you, and you snapped back to reality.
“Yo, it’s time to go L/N.” She reminded you, immediately running to catch up to the other girls, while you just stood there for one more second before also sprinting to the locker room.
You stormed in, squeezing through the crowd to get to the bathroom, and you slammed the cabin door. You sat down on the closed toilet lid and grabbed the roots of your hair in distress, glancing at your feet.
You were confused as to what you were feeling; you were happy because your childhood best friend is back, but also shocked and nervous because, what if Carol isn’t the same person anymore? It makes sense; it’s been, what, 7 years since you last saw each other? It’s only reasonable that she changed, but you were afraid of the possibility of Carol and you not getting along anymore. Fuck.
You missed her greatly. You used to call each other, but only for the first few years after she moved out, when you were still kids. You recalled that one time, on a random evening after not hearing from Carol after a while, you rang the phone, but no one answered. Then, you called again. Almost every day for a month, until a high-pitched, squeaky female voice answered one day to tell you that the previous tenants had moved out.
Back then, it hurt. It hurt a lot, but you got over it with time. Still, the thought of carving “Y/N and Carol BFFS 4 EVER” into a tree with a pocket knife that Denning snatched from her dad, just one last time, lingered around.
You were torn apart; should you come up to her in hopes of becoming close again, and risk the pain of losing her again, or just pretend she doesn’t exist? After giving it more thought, it would be impossible to avoid her without it being awkward after the staring contest that just happened. “Fuck this.” You gave up, and opened the cabin door, just to be greeted by Veronica with her arms crossed.
“So, what’s eating you, Engie? 1” You jumped, and your heart sped up for a second.
“Fuck off! You made me spazz out!” Your brows furrowed, and you let out an exasperated sigh, walking away without an answer to change out of your uniform.
‘Ronica just threw her hands up in the air in annoyance, “That’s what I get for trying to be a supportive friend.” she mumbled. In some moments, the girls’ locker room wasn’t the most pleasant environment to be in.
You didn’t mean to blow up at Veronica like that, thinking about it, you probably could've used a piece of advice, a shoulder to lean on.
You packed up your bag, shut your locker and went to the mirrors to wash off the little scorpion on your cheek.
The attacking midfielder was leaning on the sink, listening to Rachel, Jennifer, and Nicole talking about a get-together to celebrate your success.
“Can we be civilized now?” She turned to look at you and fixed her hair.
“Yeah, you bet…” you smiled, “… I didn’t mean to explode at you like that.”
“It’s whatever, now, onto other, more important manners.” Vee joined in on the conversation about the party, as you picked at your face. School was out for today, so you could linger around until the janitor would make you leave.
Jennifer announced the gathering before anyone could leave, so that none of you would have an excuse not to go. Most of the time, she didn't care about your team interacting, which isn’t the best trait for a captain, but you all got along rather quite well (for hormonal, teenage girls), so she didn’t really bother with it. She must’ve been really excited about going to the State Championships.
As you said your goodbye’s and were about to leave, the striker stopped you. “L/N, I very much expect to see you there, and remember, no excuses!” Jennie mimicked your coach and you both laughed.
Still, what went down earlier today wouldn’t leave your mind. Your duffle bag was hitting your hips as you passed by the front of the school. You saw Vee sitting down on the benches by herself, and decided that you do need to talk about Carol. She scooted, you took a seat, and lit up a cigarette.
You were afraid of starting the conversation, and Veronica sensed that. “So, what fucked your day up, then?”
You took a drag. “You remember how I talked about that childhood friend of mine?”
“I think so?” She gesticulated and you passed her the cigarette. “Her name starts with C, right?”
“Yeah, Carol…” You hear your friend whisper a quiet “Ohhh, yeah, yeah.”
You continued. “… She was at the pep rally today.” As Veronica was about to put the cancer stick to her lips, she dropped her jaw and raised her eyebrows. “You serious?”
“Deadly serious, fortunately or unfortunately. I’ve got no clue what to do, ‘Vee.” You bounced your leg and nibbled on the inside of your lip. “Should I come up to her or something? I can’t even ignore her after the fuckin’ staring contest we had.” Ronica, once again, handed the cigarette back to you and you took another drag.
“Well, I think only Mother Theresa could help you with that.” She tried to joke as an attempt of lighting up the mood, but only got a stern look of disapproval from you.
“Okay um, well. Maybe wait until she comes up to you…” Vee thought more about her answer. “…and then you’ll know that she also wants to talk or something, reconnect, whatever… And I guess if she doesn’t, and you still miss her, you could make the first move?” Her voice went up an octave in uncertainty.
“That’s actually some solid advice, thanks, ‘Ronica.” You smiled at her, and she threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a hug. “No prob.”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence, only broken by chatter of other students, Vee reminding you to put out the cig, and cars speeding by. A beige, 1978 Cougar honked with your friends’ dad in the driver's seat. You said your goodbyes, and after Veronica left, you picked up your duffle bag and walked off in the direction of the school bus stop.
You closed your eyes and leaned against a tree, massaging your temples, trying to reduce the tension and stress that built up over the course of the day. You heard someone flickering a lighter, and you slowly opened your eyes in curiosity.
“Who would’ve thought you’d end up as a fuckin’ jock?” She stopped playing with the lighter, which was clearly a ploy to get your attention. “I mean, you could barely run half a mile without getting outta breath back when we were kids.” A way too familiar voice teased with a big, genuine smile.
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seventhell · 1 year
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  Ⅰ.   𝙰  𝙼𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙰𝙶𝙴  𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼   …   𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯  𝘳𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘯𝘺𝘳𝘢  𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘺𝘦𝘯,   〈   WATERFALL   ⸺   after  taking  a  midnight  swim  together  in  a  secluded  lake,   the  sender  &  receiver  notice  a  nearby  waterfall,   and  things  proceed  to  get  frisky  while  they  explore  it  &  each  other  together .   〉      𝘧𝘰𝘳  𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘢  𝘱𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘺 .
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            a short trip to survey the island led them astray ⸺ in to a small rowboat over the side of her ship. & on their impromptu voyage they made their way to a large open clearing of water, a lake that's mouth lay hidden behind dense foliage: that marlena had found on her very first trip around the island of dragonstone. they slow closer to the center, steep cliffs surrounding them on all sides, and when the boat finally begins to float to a slow stop, rhaenyra is the first one to make a move. the queen stands, & quickly with practiced fingers she is rid of her extravagant gown and diving headfirst into the water below them. it happens in a blur, leaving the pirate alone with a wistful smile on her face. it takes marlena significantly longer to come to her senses and disrobe, and once she has nyra is already halfway towards the rocky outcropping beside the roaring waterfall on the opposite side of the caverns opening.
⸺ the pirate pulls herself up alongside her queen not long after her, gaze wandering her curves, counting the drops of water beading on soft skin, pale against the dark stone shore. & again, rhaenyra is the first to act. not for a lack of confidence on lena's part ⸺ in the name of love & taking action, she was no stranger . . . though circumstance had brought her face - to - face with royalty, that was a first. at once she's on her, hands on the side of the redhead's face, lips pressed tightly against one another. there's shock ― a heartbeat of hesitation ― and then marlena is reciprocating, mouth opening wide to allow the other's tongue to explore her own, one hand raising to brush through silver - white hair while the other falls to the small of rhaenyra's back, urging their bodies even closer together.
⸺ ❝   my  queen,   ❞ pause comes as marlena's hand raises ⸺ barely brushes her fingertips over the soft skin covering the other's stomach, up her side . . . around the curve of her breast & up to the base of her throat. palm presses flat against the column of her neck, mouth finding the skin beside her fingers there, hungry for as much of her as she was allowed to take. ❝   tell  me  where  you  want  me  t’touch  you,   @hrtached.   ❞ voice is just above a whisper, gravely & deep, breath hot against the dragon's ear. marlena's opposite palm finds rhaenyra's cheek, then, pulling her face towards her own to lock their lips in another deep kiss. she doesn't wait for an answer ⸺ instead, the hand that held the side of her face travels down the queen's side again, thumb brushing over her left breast's nipple, before fingers find their way to the warmth between her legs, the soft flesh of her inner thigh.
⸺ the two fall to their knees carefully, bodies maneuvering to a more comfortable position with lena hovering over rhaenyra, peppering kisses into the side of her mouth, over her chin, down to her chest. she exhaled once, a warm, humid breath against sensitive flesh before marlena's lips wrapped around her. moans were music to the pirate's ears, emboldening her to curl her tongue around her nipple, to hollow her cheeks with a light suck inwards. cupping her other breast in her hand, she kneaded the swollen flesh, relishing in the way the other writhed beneath her. rhaenyra's body responded readily, her back arching up into marlena's touch.
⸺ fingers leave soft flesh, hungry mouth pulling away to move lower, to rake fingernails along her navel and slide on her knees back, until she was bent between her legs. knees parted without a word, marlena opted to lift one and drape a sleek thigh over her shoulder. she could hear rhaenyra's breath hitch, chest heaving with rapid breaths as she looked down at her, eyes half - lidded, kiss - swollen lips parted. the queen's hips lifted towards lena's mouth, and it took everything within her to bite back a growing grin. in response, rhaenyra lifted her remaining leg to mirror the other. in her glory, marlena's eyes scanned over the other's sex, hesitant fingers raising to prod gently at her folds. her face hovered closer, tongue pointed to trace the delicate ripples before circling the sensitive tip of her clitoris. a deepened kiss, her head tilts as she licks deeper into the tissue, excruciatingly slow. one of rhaenyra's hands tangled itself in marlena's matted hair, taking a fistful as a throaty moan echoed against the stone around them.
⸺ the noises that came from her only urged marlena to quicken her pace, grown ravenous as she drinks in her taste and the sounds that she made. rhaenyra's spoken words were a jumble of moans and breathlessness, but within them marlena could make out a handful of words, mostly curses, and pleas for her to continue. more, more, more . . . a smile grows, and there is a pause, a thought to pull back altogether and watch her writhe that she dutifully ignores. lena instead licks along her drenched slit, punctuated with an open - mouthed kiss to the queen's clitoris. the first fluttering of a climax rippled through the queen as marlena stroked the flat of her tongue over that very bud, and rather than let up, the pirate opted to slide two fingers into the tightened warmth of her sex.
⸺ the waterfall beside them drowned out the raising volume of rhaenyra's cries of pleasure, allowing her full release of whatever it was that had been so pent up inside. she needed this, marlena thought, and so she did not ease up. the delicate inner muscles of the queen tugged at her pumping fingers, matching the cadence of her merciless tongue. movements unrelenting, spurring her queen to another orgasm before the first had fully eased its grip on her. she screamed when she came, and lena instead opted to push a third finger in with the others. she rakes the edge of her teeth lightly over the crowning knot of nerves, driving rhaenyra to another climax so easily on the heels of her second. she was relentless in her need to satisfy her completely, willing to continue endlessly had it not been for nyra's breathless pleas for an end, a reprieve at the least. when she finally concedes, lena pulls her soaking fingers from the queens warmth slowly, all while she presses soft kisses against the inside of her thighs.
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souyaf · 3 years
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— check out my other content!
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he has you folded in the bed, ignoring your pathetic wails of pleasure. his eyes were locked on the way your messy little cunt swallowed every agonizing inch of his cock.
your pretty eyes were dazed as your stared at him, fighting through the overwhelming pleasure this position always brings you.
he loves how deep he gets, how helpless and sweet you look all folded up beneath him. you always creamed such a mess all over him, unable to do anything but cry out for him as he makes you cum and cum and cum.
you always squirt, legs pathetically kicking in the air as your eyes roll back in your head as you can do nothing but cum around his fat cock.
his favorite thing, though, is the pretty look of horror you make when he firsts grabs your thighs to press your knees against your chest. sometimes you have the audacity to try and keep him from pinning you down.
but you always turn dumb the second you feel how deep and full he makes you in his favorite position.
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with his hand tangled in your hair, keeping your face buried in the pillow, you had no choice but to take what he gave you. it was overwhelming, being stuffed so completely with every mind-blowing thrust of his hips.
you could never help the way you would reach back, crying about how he was too deep as you push against his hips in hopes of slowing his pace. but baji was mean, always snarling as he swatted your hand away, berating you to take what he gives you.
you're the one who always cries for his cock - whines for him to make you cum. so he doesn't wanna hear any complaints when he finally gives it to you.
you were dripping down your thighs, sticky strings drooling from your cunt to the bedding beneath you. he always loved how messy you got when he fucked you like this - like you were a whore, a hole for him to use.
one of his favorite things is how hard you cum. the way you wail and tremble on the bed, voice muffled in the pillow. he never even has to touch your clit, the angle of the position always has him abusing that sweet little spot inside you, forcing you to make a mess all over him like the good girl you are.
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mitsuya was an intimate soul. he desired to have you close, to make you feel loved and adored as he fucked you. his lips always found their way to your ear, whispering tender praises as his hips slowly work against you.
he always ends up lifting one of your legs, leaving your embarrassingly open and exposed. you couldn't even imagine what it would look like, the image of your own cunt being stuffed with your loving boyfriends pretty cock.
he praises you as you tremble, cumming nice and hard from how well he fucks you. his skin is slick with sweat as he holds you, cupping your breasts and reaching between your legs to play with your clit.
sometimes he pauses, letting you cockwarm him as he rubs your tender little clit, making you cream and gush over and over for no reason other than the fact he wants you to feel good.
and he adores the way you tremble and squirm in his arms in this position
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inui likes closeness and loves being able to see your face. you always cling to him when he fucks you, working his hips expertly against yours as tou tremble and cry.
he loves the look on your face, the dazed eyes and tears because the pleasure is overwhelming. you look so fucked out, so cock drunk that it never fails to make his head spin.
you're so sweet beneath him, trembling in his arms as your legs twitch through the pleasure. he doesn't stop, always fucking you through one orgasm into another. he can't give you a break, not when you cream so fucking hard that you can't do anything but babble thanks and how much you love him.
it reminds him how much he loves you when he can lace his fingers with yours while fucking you dumb in this position
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©2021 souyaf, do not repost, modify, redistribute or translate.
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uhhhitsgray · 2 years
Desire Chapter Ⅰ
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Hellooo! Just stopping by to make a quick note about the story before the first chapter. Internal dialog with readers self will always be in italics to make it more clear, I talk to myself a lot in real life so the reader will do the same, lol. I have it stuck in my head that AU Eren would have tattoos and may or may not paint his nails, so there will probably be mention to that. There will also be self harm and abuse references, just references, in this story and I'll make sure to put a warning in the chapter title, then the type of trigger warning in the first line of the work. Thanks for reading!
~ Eventual smut, bit of a slow burner. Modern setting time skip, reader and Eren are mid 20s ~
~ Pairing Eren Yeager x Fem!reader
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"You always this much of an asshole?!" You shout at Eren as tears stream down your face, your heart breaking into a million pieces.
"I guess so." His green eyes break away from you as he turns around and starts walking away.
"Eren! … Eren!" You scream, your vocal cords burning, your vision blurred as tears keep forming.
'Fuck, what is even happening right now?' You think to yourself.
"Eren.." You whisper to yourself as you see the man you love walking away from you.
↳ Table of Contents ↳ Chapter Ⅱ: Emotional Rollercoaster
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Chapter Ⅰ: We're Just Friends
Your head bops to the beat of the music that is far too loud in your headset as you wait for your best friend Armin to join your discord voice channel. You’re mouthing the words to Desire by Meg Myers for two reason - one; the song is good, and is a secret wish to fuck someone to this song, and two; you can’t sing very well.
You’re holding your pen to your mouth using it as a mic.
Baby, I wanna touch you
I wanna breathe into your well
See, I gotta hunt you
Though if you weren’t waiting for Armin to join you, you’d have no care in the world but you didn’t want Armin to go deaf because of you. 
You hear the ding as Armin joins your discord, and you pause your music. 
“Heelloooo?” You say as this is the normal way you greet your friends through discord, your hands fidgeting with a pen you were just using as a mic waiting for your friend to respond. 
“Heeloooo?” Armin says back. 
“Arminnnn! How are you, my guy?” You smile to yourself. It’s been awhile since you’ve spoken to your best friend. You and Armin were childhood friends, and though he moved a few states away for a job opportunity you two stayed close. You didn’t want the friendship to dissipate just because he moved away, once he was settled into his new place you two set up a good schedule to have weekly calls in discord together. Usually on Friday nights as it was easier for both of you, but for the past few weeks your guys’ schedules weren’t lining up causing your usual Friday’s to be canceled. Normal, annoying adult things getting in the way.  
“I’ve been good! Just busy with work, and all that. How have you been?”
"Same honestly. Just work, work and more work." You smile to yourself, still fidgeting with the pen continuing, "How's the job been, big shot?" 
After college Armin got offered a job as a marine biologist and got to work on the water a lot, which he always had a love for. You were happy for your friend. 
He laughs into the mic, "Man, it's been so good. Like I knew I'd like the job, but it blew my expectations out of the water honestly. No pun intended there." He lets out a small laugh again, continuing, "How about you? How's your job been going? Any new projects?" 
You and Armin both attended the same college together, but ended up taking didn't classes, you majoring in web design. Your job allowed for you to live anywhere and work from home, while Armin had to move. You almost wondered why you didn't go with your friend, but you still had commitments in your home town. 
"Yeah, we just took on a project for a big company we work with. We're pretty much doing a complete makeover of their website so it's gonna be a lot. We just started this week, but so far so good. Crossing my fingers it stays that way." You cross your fingers in front of your face. 
Of course I’d fucking do that. 
Good god girl. 
You two continued on for a few hours just catching up with life, talking about nothing specific as the conversation flowed between you two. 
Fuck, I have missed this so much. I've missed him so much. 
"How are you and Annie doing?" Armin and Annie had been together since your guys' first year of college and were going strong.
"It's been good, the distance has been a little hard but she'll be moving here with me soon so I think it'll be a lot better when she gets here." 
"Yeah, long distance can be tough I'm sure." You frown to yourself feeling bad for your friend, continuing, "But I'm glad you guys have stuck it out. It’ll be worth it once she moves out there with you." 
"Yeah I agree honestly. You and her should make a trip out here sometime, I think it'd be fun." You can hear the smile in his tone.
You let out a huff, "So I can be the third wheel? Come on Armin." You laugh. "I do want to come out and visit though, you know I'd come out either way." You reassure your friend. 
"Just means you need to get yourself a man then." He laughs, you can hear him typing something on his keyboard in the background. 
You sigh, "Yeah but the men here aren't that great honestly. You've seen them." 
Armin lets out a low laugh, "I have indeed, but I have someone I want to introduce you too. Doesn't need to be anything more, more of a I'd like to introduce him to our small friend group. He just started at my job, and we get along really well. I think you'd like him." 
You smile, "Yeah I'd be down to meet him whenever." 
You hear more typing in the background, "He said he's busy tonight, unfortunately, so maybe tomorrow if everyone is free." 
You pause before answering, wondering if you had anything to do tomorrow. 
Do laundry, dishes. 
Clean the apartment up cause this place is looking a mess. 
Uhh.. anything else? 
I don't think so?
"I've got a few things to do tomorrow just around the place but I'll be down for whenever." 
"Awesome, I'll reach out to him and then let you know. It is getting late though, so I'll probably let you know tomorrow, sound good?" 
You look at the bottom right of your monitor, 11:30PM, yeah it was getting late and you're pretty tired after an exhausting week. 
"Sounds good, just one quick question though." You pause waiting for Armin to say something but he takes too long to answer so you continue, "Does this coworker have a name? Orrrrrrr?" You laugh. 
Armin lets out a small laugh, "Yeah, sorry. His name is Aaron with an E." 
You raise an eyebrow to yourself. 
Aaron with an E? What.. 
Almost like Armin read your mind, "It's not spelled like normal Aaron, it's spelled e r e n." 
Makes sense.
You nod your head to yourself understanding what he's saying, "Gotcha. Eren. I like that spelling. Thank you for clearing that up cause I would have completely spelled his name wrong and Aaron with an E just confused me." You let out a laugh. 
Armin laughs back, "I figured so. But, imma head out for the night. I'll let you know about tomorrow." 
You two said your goodnights and you left the voice channel. You sigh as you turn your computer off, almost like a loneliness settling over you after telling your friend bye. 
You had other friends, sure. But sometimes you just couldn't help but feel lonely with your best friend now being almost ten hours away. Of course you had Hitch and Annie, but the person who has been through the most with you was farther away now. 
Fucking dude had to leave for his job. Maaannnn. I should have left when I had the chance.
You walk into your kitchen, running your finger across the cold countertop stopping at the fridge for a drink before walking back to your bedroom getting ready for bed. 
As you settle in your bed for the night you're scrolling through tiktoks when your phone goes off, displaying a discord message from Armin. 
Armin: Eren said he's free tomorrow evening if we all wanna hang out in discord for a while :) 
You: sounds good, you know I'll be there. What time?? 
Armin's discord status went offline after he sent that message, assuming he wouldn't respond, you put your phone on the charger and drifted off to sleep.
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You're woken up suddenly from loud rumbling outside of your window, your hands coming up to your eyes to rub the sleep away. 
You sit up looking out your window. It's gray out, heavy rain filled clouds spread across the sky as rumbles are heard along with rain hitting your window. It's almost calming. 
"Good morning Beanie." You smile as your cat lays at the foot of your bed sleeping, paying you or the storms no mind. 
You reach over grabbing your phone off the nightstand checking the time. "Hhhmm, it's only nine. Nice." Though you wouldn't complain if you were able to sleep in, sleeping in sometimes made you feel like the day was being wasted away, especially since you had stuff to do before this evening. 
You get out of bed, stretching and fixing your blankets making sure to not disturb Beanie who has made no efforts to move since you woke up. 
You make your way into the kitchen, starting your morning cup of coffee as you load the dishwasher, playing your favorite podcast over the Alexa in your kitchen. 
As you finish putting your last dish away, you hear for phone ding. Pressing the power button on your phone to turn the screen on, you smile at your lock screen as it's a picture of Beanie sleeping on your couch as the sun rays kept her warm. You see a discord message from Armin, you click on the notification and unlocking your phone. 
Armin: How does 7pm sound? 
You: sounds good to me, you can invite him to the server whenever you want btw 
You lock your phone, setting it on the counter as you start cleaning up the kitchen. Your mind wanders elsewhere as you mindlessly clean up. 
Hopefully he's nice. 
He's gotta be nice if he's friends with Armin, right? 
Armin wouldn't be friends with an asshole. 
Lowkey a little nervous. 
Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine. 
Meeting new people was never really in your comfort zone. You found it hard to spark up the "meeting new people" type of conversation, the "what do you do for work?" Or, "where did you go to school?" Shit like that. Obviously it's good to know those things, but you enjoyed conversations that were on a deeper level. 
Tell me your hobbies, your favorite band, what you do in your free time. Stuff that tells me about who I'm trying to get to know, not just the stale same ol' same ol' questions. 
You sigh to yourself hoping Eren was a bit more interesting than just wanting to answer all those boring questions or even worse, ask them to you. 
Can you say …. 
B to the O to the R to the ing 
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The day went rather quickly as you kept finding more things to do around your apartment, and before you knew it it was dinner time. 
"Beanie, dinner time baby!" You weren't too sure where your cat had been most of the day but you knew they'd come around once they heard food hitting their food bowl. 
You drop the food into the bowl, the hard pieces hitting the bowl, "Right on queue." As you see Beanie sprinting from your bedroom into the kitchen as if they haven't eaten in days. 
Typical cat behavior 
Good god 
You laugh out loud to yourself as you open the fridge pulling out your ingredients for dinner. 
"Alexa, play my feels good playlist on spotify." You say to Alexa, as she starts playing songs from that playlist. 
You spend your dinner making time singing into your spoon in between stirring the food that was cooking on your stove. Getting way into it and losing track of time.  
"Ah, shit." You say to yourself looking at the time on your stove. Seven right on the dot, and you still had just a few minutes left of cooking. You grab your phone off the counter, opening discord to message Armin. 
You: don't be mad but I mmaayyyyyyy or may not have misjudged how long it'll take for me to cook dinner. I'll be there in 5 promise 
You leave your phone on as you do one last stir of the food, and grab a plate from the cabinet next to you. As you're dumping your food onto the plate you hear your phone go off. 
You mumble the message Armin sent you, rolling your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'm comingggggggg." You say to yourself as if he could hear you. 
You set your plate down at your desk and power on your pc. Grabbing your favorite blanket, sitting down and putting your headset on. 
You hear the ding in your headset as you join the discord, it's silent but you notice Eren is muted. 
"Uh, hello?" You say stuffing a fork full of food in your mouth. 
"Oh hey, didn't hear you join, sorry. Was watching a video. How'd your dinner turn out?" Armin asked. 
Your mouth is still half full of food, covering your mouth, "It's yummy." You let out a small laugh. 
You hear Armin laughing as well. 
"What’d you make?" Your eyes shoot up to look at your screen, you hadn't even noticed Eren unmuted himself, his voice almost surprising you. 
"Ope." You laugh at your own surprise. "I made potatoes, peppers, sausage and crack two eggs in it. It's like breakfast food but for dinner I guess." You giggle again. 
"It's really good, honestly." Armin chimes in. 
Eren lets out an almost nervous sounding laugh, "It sounds pretty good." 
Okay, well at least it's not just you who seems nervous. 
"So Eren," Armin starts, "This is my best friend (y/n), we've been buds since we were kids." Armin introduces you to Eren. 
You can hear the smile in Armin's tone, "And (y/n) this is Eren." 
After introductions, conversation actually came easily between the three of you. There were a few questions of Eren asking about your job, but they seemed more like curiosity than anything. You happily filled him in on what you did and how you loved to work from home to which he said he was jealous of. One reason being the convenience and secondly because that meant he could travel. 
You smile to yourself, "So you like to travel then?" 
"If I had more time and money, I'd love to travel more. When I was younger my family did travel a good bit but now not so much." His voice almost sounded sad as he ended his sentence. 
Family talk with Eren is a sensitive subject. 
Got it. 
"But," He continued, "Once I get stable at this job, I will one hundred percent be traveling more." 
"Didn't you tell me you wanted to go to Germany one day?" Armin chimes in, he's been surprisingly quiet after the introductions but you figured he didn't want to interrupt the easy flowing conversation between you and Eren. 
He let out a small laugh, "Yeah I do. My family is mostly German, and figured going there for that reason alone would be cool." 
You nod your head to yourself, "That'd be sick honestly. I hope you get to do that!" Excitement filling your voice. 
"Yeah, me too." He lets out a relieved sigh. 
All three of you ended up staying in the voice channel for several more hours. Sharing stories of you and Armin growing up, stuff that happened in high school, Eren sharing the same about himself. 
You could confidently say this was the smoothest time you've had meeting someone in years. Usually you were too awkward, or didn't know how to fill the dead air. But with Eren, it just seemed to flow between you two. You liked that about him. 
After saying your goodbyes, you leave your office feeling almost warm and fuzzy on the inside. Relieved that it wasn't the same feeling of loneliness that washed over you yesterday after you and Armin chatted. 
You smiled to yourself as you got your glass of water for the evening, and putting your dirty plate into the sink being left for the morning. 
After finishing your nightly routine, you snuggle into your sheets turning on your phone screen. To your surprise you had a discord friend request from Eren and a message from him. 
After accepting the friend request you got into his messages, 
Eren: Hey, just wanted to say thank you for this evening. I know I barely know you, but tonight with you and Armin was really nice and well needed for me. 
Eren: hopefully that's not too weird to say.. 
Eren: oh well, lol. Thank you again, hope we can chat soon :) 
Your heart feels warm and fuzzy again as you smile at his messages. You were honestly glad you weren't the only one who felt that way. 
You start typing out your response to him. 
You: hhiiiii! not weird at all to say so please don't think that. It was super nice, and well needed for me too! I'm sure we'll talk soon :) 
Do I tell him goodnight? 
Is that too weird? He didn't even say goodnight. 
Your fingers are hovering over your keyboard. 
Girl, he didn't even say it. What are you doing? 
Your fingers clearly doing whatever they want as they move across your keyboard on your phone. 
You: goodnight eren :) 
You already hit send too late now. 
I mean you could delete it. 
Should I? 
Nah, don't be a pussy. 
Your phone vibrates in your hand.  Eren: goodnight (y/n) :)
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The next morning you’re woken up to your alarm, resulting in your groaning out in tiredness as you grab your phone off the nightstand turning the alarm off. Once the alarm is off you’re looking around your room just taking in the peace and quiet. The sun's warm morning rays hitting your bedroom casting a pretty light throughout the room. 
You reach back over to your nightstand, grabbing your phone and holding it in front of your face. You see a message from Hitch, and a discord message from Armin as well. You unlock your phone, rubbing your eye with one hand as you open your text messages to see what Hitch said. 
You met Hitch in high school, and you two have stayed friends since. She was a ride or die type of friend, always there when you needed her - being a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to whenever you needed it. Of course you did the same for her. 
Bestiiieee: goodmorning beautiful. What are you up to today? Wanna do something? 
You: good morning my beautiful friend. i should be pretty free today.
Bestiiieee: I just wanted to get some lunch with you if thats cool, ive got some stuff to do today so i can’t spend my whole day with you :( 
You laugh at her response.
You: how daaareee you not spend every waking moment today with me! :( but i’d be down for some lunch! 
You close out of your message and open discord to read Armin’s message.  
Armin: good morning! 
Armin: so what’d you think of eren? You two seemed to have hit it off pretty well
What could you say, he made you feel comfortable. 
You: good morning :) yeah i liked eren, he seems really nice. Hopefully he wants to stay in the friend group 
You go back to your text messages and finish making plans with Hitch, after getting out of bed and getting your morning coffee. You sip on your hot drink looking out your window that looks down to the streets below, the sun still shining nicely through that window washing over you with warmth. You smile, looking down and seeing Beanie sitting on the floor next to your feet looking out the window. 
“You like the sun too, huh?” You reach out and pet her head as she starts purring, standing up and rubbing her sides against your legs. You sit on the floor with Beanie as you continue to drink your coffee and keep petting her. 
“I love you so much you preeettttyyy baby.” You kiss her head, getting up off the floor, setting the cup down on your countertop and heading into the bathroom to get ready for your lunch with Hitch.
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“So, how are you and Marlo doing?” You give a small smirk to your friend who sits across the table from you. 
Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink at the mention of her boyfriend. She smiles, “Ugh! Babes - we’ve been so good.” A big smile still on her face as she continues, “He’s just so sweet, and kind to me. Treats me how I should be treated, and it’s a nice change.” 
You smile at her, taking a sip of your drink before speaking, “Well Hitch, I’m really glad to hear that honestly. If anyone deserves it, it would be you.” You point your fork at her. 
She raises an eyebrow letting out a small hum, “Yeah, but you do too girl. When was the last time you had someone? Hm?” 
She was right, it had been way too long since your last relationship. But your last relationship wasn’t a good one, he was mentally abusive to you, made you feel worthless - like you didn’t matter to anyone and it put you in a dark place. Though you got out safely, he still left his effect on your brain and your confidence in yourself. You knew it was stupid to let that idiot still have this hold on you, but healing and forgetting about that asshole was easier said than done. It was true that it kept you from having any form of romantic relationship, just too hard for you to let down those walls and to share yourself with people. 
Your eyes look down at your food, picking your fork through your food. “I know, just has been hard since Charley. I’m really fucking trying Hitch, but fuck. It’s been hard.” You feel pines in your eyes as tears gather at the corner of your eyes, you look up at Hitch offering her a sad smile. 
Her happy, curious face changed into sadness as she looked into your eyes. She reaches her hand over the table grabbing your hand, holding yours in hers, her thumb rubbing across the top of your hand. “I know babe. I know it’s been hard.” She searches your eyes for any type of reaction, but you just simply keep listening to her, waiting. She continues, “You will find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Someone will come along, and will give you that confidence about breaking down those walls and showing them who you really are. You know you’re a great person, right?” She squeezes your hand, “We all love you. But,” She looks into your eyes and offers a small smile, “You need to give people that chance to. You don’t get to know someone overnight.” 
You look down, your free hand under the table grabbing the bottom of your shirt hoping to relieve some of the anxiety you were feeling. 
You sigh, “I know, I know. I get it, I really fucking do Hitch. But it’s been so hard. It’s just easier to not get closer to anyone anymore.” 
Hitch lets go of your hand, leaning back in her chair. “I know, I get it. But promise me one thing.” 
“And what’s that?” You already knew what she was going to ask you. 
She’s going to ask for you to at least try. 
I’m sure she’ll tell me again at some point. 
God, you’re a mess, huh? 
“Can you at least try to let people in that you meet if you think they’re worth the time? Please?” She offers a small smile to you, eyes flicking between yours. 
You nod your head, “Only if I think they’re worth it. Otherwise,” You pause, raising your eyebrow, “They aren’t worth the effort.” You let out a small laugh. 
Hitch smiles at you, “Okay, fair enough.” She laughs. 
Do I say something to her about Eren? 
Like .. we’re just friends, but he made me feel so comfortable with just the short amount of time we chatted. 
She’d find out eventually from Armin, right? 
Might as well tell her either way. 
“So,” You start, cheeks feeling a little red as Hitch raises an eyebrow to you, “Armin introduced me to one of his coworkers yesterday in discord, and it surprisingly went really well.” 
“Well of course it did, you’re a hard person to not like. But how was this coworker? He pass the vibe check?” She takes a sip of her drink. 
You smile at her, “Yeah I think so. He was so easy to talk to, conversation between the three of us just flowed super easy. His name is Eren.” 
She raises an eyebrow to you, looking down at her drink as she laughs. “Why you got that look on your face, Hitch?” 
The smile on her face continues to stay, “No reason.” She giggles, continuing, “I’m glad that he seemed cool though, that’s always good to hear.” 
You roll your eyes, “Hitch, we literally just met. He just seems really nice, it’s nothing more.” 
She nods her head as if she doesn’t believe the last part, smiling, “Either way. Glad you three all got along. Do you know what he looks like?” 
Of course she’d ask that. 
You smile at her, “Nah. But if he works with Armin, probably some nerdy looking dude if I’m guessing.” You laugh, though you were sure there were all types of people at Armin’s job, you really couldn’t picture anyone looking different than Armin really.    
She shrugs her shoulders, “He could look god tier for all you know.” 
You look at her, returning the shrug smiling, “Yeah, who knows.”
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A/N: thank you for reading this new fanfic, was literally making dinner and this came to mind and i had to act on it. hopefully yall like it, and thank you for reading - pretty excited about this one. see yall in the next chapter.
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itsonlydana · 3 years
Can I request a second part of The Boy On The Bus ? It's so cute-
"warm hands" ➷ Foolish_Gamers
↳ part ⅰ
pairing: cc!Foolish x gn!reader
tags/warnings: none, fluff
an: didn´t exactly know where i was going with this but i watched a rom com-movie while writing soooo (please someone take them away for me) ↳ requests are still open!
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It was surprising how quickly Noah and you had fallen into a routine when you had just really gotten to know each other. Every morning you would save the seat next to you on the school bus until you arrived at Noah's station and after a brief greeting, you would make yourself comfortable on his shoulder and sleep the rest of the way to school where he would wake you up.
What wasn't surprising was how quickly you fell in love with each other, after all, one conversation with Noah was enough to completely fall for him and his personality.
It had started with him insisting that you touch his freezing cold hands every morning, as he had accidentally forgotten his gloves at home, which led to him holding your hands for the ride.
Of course, this was so his would warm up, definitely not because he liked the way you gripped his hands tighter while you slept.
Excitedly you slid back and forth in your seat, on your lap a small package in light blue wrapping paper on which you had neatly written Noah's name last night, written deliberately with one of your silver pens.
You could see the red bobble hat from a distance, and Noah entered the bus with the other students, pushing his way through to you with a grin on his face. At his seat, he dropped his backpack and flipped open his black coat before sitting down next to you.
"Hi you.", like every morning he placed his cool hands on your cheeks before kissing you on the lips and you could taste the light vanilla flavor of his lip balm.
Today you deepened the kiss a little, mumbling a soft "Happy Birthday" against his lips.
Noah pulled the red hat off his head, ran his hands through his black hair to make it look presentable, and then turned his attention to the small gift in your lap. "Is that for me?" he asked, examining the shark paper with a grin.
"No, I know another Noah whose birthday is today." You handed him the gift, eager for his reaction.
Noah took it, but still looked at you skeptically. "You'd tell me if you met a cooler Noah, right? Because I'm sure to be the coolest of them all."
"Of course I'd tell you."
Impatient as he was, he didn't spend long tugging at the package, ripping it open on the side and pulling out the brown box on which you had drawn little hearts, stuffing the remaining paper into the side pocket of his backpack.
As he extra dramatically slowly opened the box, you propped your chin on his shoulder, leaning your head against his.
A delighted squeal escaped Noah as he pulled out his gift and immediately examined it from all angles. It was a small synthetic bag in the shape of a penguin wearing a red pom-pom hat and scarf. "It's sooo cute!" he squealed, holding the penguin in his hands.
"Mhmm, look," you pressed the small metal plate that floated in the water that filled the bag, whereupon the liquid instantly crystallized and became solid.
Noah almost dropped the penguin, surprised by the heat the now solid object radiated. "What.. what happened?"
You turned the penguin over onto its back, which was not printed with the design, and tapped the hard surface. "There's a salt water solution in there that retains heat and when you press on the plate the solution crystallizes because of sound waves and releases the heat. When it's cold you can put it in hot water, then it becomes liquid again and can be used again," you explained the function of the pocket warmer to him.
With wide-open eyes he looked at the hot penguin in his hands, like a technological marvel, but then enclosed it, sighing. "It's like an oven." he stated, turning his head to kiss you on the temple. "Thank you, but you didn't gift me this because you don't like my cold hands, have you?"
You laughed softly, shaking your head slightly as best you could on his shoulder. "No, but if you ever have to drive alone in the morning or I forget my gloves too we don't have to worry about freezing to death."
With your hands in his and the little stove between them, you snuggled into his side, listening to him talk about his morning and what gifts he had gotten from his family, but that none were ever as great as yours.
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
May i request headcanons for all dorm leaders reacting to a drunk s/o. Thank you!
❞ 𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐲? 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤? 𝐎𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝?  ❝
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➻ content: four doughnuts!
➻ warnings: slightly nsfw on leona’s part!! mentions of alcohol!
➻ comments: since i haven’t tweaked my rules *wink* just yet, i’ve made coco use the cafe’s wheel to pick four dorm leaders for this request! hope you don’t mind! also, i don’t and haven’t drunk alcohol — ma'am this is a cafe —, therefore i did as much research (also known as making my waiters drunk) as i can when it comes to being drunk. cough also from seeing my relatives and friends go drunk cough.
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༄ kalim is from a wealthy family so it’s no surprise he’s exposed to alcohol, mostly wine but kalim – being as he is still under age – doesn’t really like drinking.
༄ what he didn’t expect was for someone to sneak alcohol into one of his banquets unnoticed. even jamil didn’t notice due to his hectic schedule.
༄ sam, what have you been selling in your shop–
༄ it was a clear liquid. having nearly the same viscosity as water, you were unaware of how much you were drinking. let’s say you’re unaware of what alcohol tastes like. sure, it tastes weird but oh boy, the heat that spread out through your neck and body was quite addictive. the way it tickles your tongue makes you giggle at times.
༄ this is some odd kind of water huh, just what else does the land of hot sands have?
༄ as it was your first time drinking, it wasn’t a surprise to see you get drunk after three glasses. apparently, it was white wine. is kalim familiar with this kind of alcohol? yes. but he doesn’t know it was being served.
༄  kalim started to notice your sudden change in demeanour when you started to giggle a lot. you would suddenly cling on his arm or nuzzle your nose against his neck. 
༄  kalim's delighted by your affection, oblivious to the fact you're drunk as fuck and will continue to giggle out of nowhere.
༄ if jamil pointed out your sudden change of attitude, kalim would go “oooohhh” and just laugh along with you.
༄ now jamil would question if kalim’s drunk too.
༄ if your laughing would go out of control, ah, our little sunshine would try to stop you and drag you away. you’re light and you’re not struggling so he could easily drag you away from the banquet and into a spare room that’s next to his.
༄ if you woke up with a hangover the next day, kalim is immediately by your side while also asking help from jamil to tend to you. 
༄ you can not get away from his stories and it would make you extremely embarrassed that you suddenly turned into a maniac during one of his parties. did anyone take a video? who knows. 
༄ you now hereby made a mental note not to drink alcohol ever again. just wait till you go to kalim’s hometown where there’s A LOT of alcohol to drink. you can’t avoid it but hey at least you know how you act when you’re drunk.
༄ kalim won’t be talkative about what happened but can you guarantee it won’t slip from his lips every now and then every time a banquet is brought up to a conversation?
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༄ okay, let’s give more attention to leona’s homeland, yeah?
༄ so there’s a party. it’s not dedicated to anyone, perhaps it’s an event or an occasion for the land. the royal household mostly consists of adults, it’s pretty self-explanatory that there will be alcohol.
༄ leona is used to the taste of alcohol. he isn’t exactly an active drinker but his tolerance is high. it would take him how many glasses before he’s drunk. there are different types of alcohols on the table. ranging from beer to whiskey. heck, there’s even absinthe.
༄ he chose to drink the safest alcohol served and that was a martini. since leona doesn’t want to interact with anyone – his brother is loud and catching most of the attention anyways – he just sat at the sides. he couldn’t really sleep with how loud his home was.
༄ what caught his emerald eyes was you. Oh man, was he surprised. you were easily drinking shots and shots of vodka without any trouble. sure he has seen you drink before but seeing you be this energetic and even rather frisky was….quite a turn on.
༄ though he is quite worried, he would love to see what happens when you get drunk. he thought you would just drop and fall asleep on the table.
༄ hell no.
༄ the moment you spotted him with half-lidded eyes, you sauntered over to him with a shot in had and sat on his lap. was he bothered? not in the slightest but he would glare at some men who would stare at you being all wanton on him.
༄ his first instinct? protect you. sure, you’re tipsy or drunk but that doesn’t mean leona would take this as an advantage and just have sex with you despite your seductive advances. he doesn’t mind you being all sexy on him but you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s his turn to pull the responsible card in the relationship.
༄ your consent is very important to him and drunk isn’t consenting.
༄ another thing, he wants you to just put a show for him ONLY, not in public. he’s possessive but your body is for his eyes only. 
༄, when you pressed your lips against his, leona would kiss you back for a brief second before pulling away once he noticed your sultry touches. you’re whining but this is leona’s chance to carry you to his room. both your drinks left downstairs while he just cuddles you to bed. 
༄ he’ll stop any of your persuasive actions since he could see you’re eyes drooping. he can make love to you some other time. sober you is better. if you won’t stop, ah leona would just passionately kiss you ‘til you eventually passed out.
༄ but that wouldn’t stop any future teasing from him. he’s not gonna lie, it was sexy to see you try and dominate him but again, be sober. 
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༄ like leona, vil is not an exception to the haven’t-encountered-or-drank-alcohol-ever gang. being a  popular influencer/model/artist means being invited to gatherings or after production dinners.
༄ he had a couple drinks here and there but vil doesn’t like getting drunk or even intoxicating himself too much. he knows what a drunk mind can do and he has an image to hold to even let something as getting drunk slip his mind. 
༄ in short, vil hasn’t experienced getting drunk and avoids doing so.
༄ he’s also picky with what alcohol he consumes. he prefers those that have a small alcohol percentage, those that don’t leave a smell, and those that aren’t strong to taste. he’s strict with his beauty regimen.
༄ so, let’s say you were invited to one of vil’s productions and had an after-production dinner. it wasn’t exactly a formal dinner, just a casual one held by the director in a private restaurant.
༄ there was wine and brandy. our dear model picked wine, of course, and you somehow got curious with the taste of brandy. he wouldn’t stop you, he simply warned you to keep the amount stable and not drink too much. he’ll keep an eye on you just in case you might get carried away. better safe than sorry.
༄ vil took only one glass and was drinking it slowly while you looked like you were going to puke. but it was somehow addicting so you took another shot. he was occupied by conversing with other artists/staff that he would simply look at you from the corner of his eye at all times.
༄ up until he noticed you leaning on your hand propped up by your elbow and just staring at the glass did he finally approach you and immediately asked how many shots did you take.
༄ “four....?” you slurred before pulling him to sit next to you and leaning on his shoulder while hugging his arm. 
༄ you were quiet, thank goodness you weren’t really that drunk, but you’re intoxicated alright.
༄ “vil…?” “yes?” “what is rook doing over there?”
༄ okay, now you’re hallucinating. you were pointing at a staff member who nearly had the same haircut as rook. it was his cue to bring you back to pomefiore. Once he was able to excuse himself, he helped you stand up.
༄ sadly, you couldn’t really walk properly without tripping and all that so let’s be thankful that vil does weights. he isn’t keen to the idea of carrying you back and calling a cab to head back since it isn’t really a sight to see.
༄ so, he called rook and made him open the mirror while he carried you bridal-style back to the dorm.
༄ epel is jealous after he found out you were able to have alcohol.
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༄ we’re going to add our king of hearts to the haven’t-encountered-or-drank-alcohol-ever gang.
༄ okay, maybe just the never-drank-alcohol-gang.
༄ riddle has a strict regimen on himself too. he considers alcohol as a junk food so it’s a big no to him. it’s also going to be a taboo for his mother. 
༄ along with kalim, he’s still a minor. alcohol is not that really discussed with anything involved in a conversation with him. academics and schools are top priority, alcohol has no space in his brain nor diet.
༄ he’s not dumb with what alcohol looks like though, so when he saw you drinking beer when he visited ramshackle, he was beyond confused and surprised. his antennas shot up too.
༄  he would scold and question on why you’re drinking something that can harm your liver and you just calmed him down by saying you barely even drink these and that you needed relief from school requirements. you also reassured it was only one bottle and you would drink it slowly. you won’t get drunk.
༄ our king of hearts is confused. since when was alcohol a mood reliever?
༄ he would huff and keep an eye on you despite being all cranky. you would just giggle it off and begin doing your homework again while he tutors you. both of you wouldn’t even notice the increasing bottles of beer that’s popping up beside you as you subconsciously drank more.
༄ don’t ask where the beers are coming from.
༄ when you started to huff and get irritated at riddle did he notice your sudden mood change. 
༄ his eyes grew wide when he saw four bottles of beer beside you. poor boy doesn’t know what to do. should he bring you to bed? feed you something? wait, are you even drunk?
༄ you were getting all cranky, you were ‘tsk’ing and growling at certain things. you would rant and pull on your hair when you would get a mistake. it was so unlike you that riddle doesn’t know if he’s getting mad himself or concerned.
༄ he eventually needed to call trey for help. when the vice dorm leader arrived, trey quickly calmed you down and sent you to bed where you quickly passed out. 
༄ poor riddle received a thorough explanation from trey about what happened and that, as your boyfriend, he should be more aware.
༄ riddle just removed all alcohols of any kind from your existence the end.
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lordoftermites · 3 years
Fairy Chess ‖ p. ⅰ
I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things I would do So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you...
Ship: Roiben x Kaye
Summary: {set immediately after Ironside} Kaye provides Roiben with a little more... entertainment at his coronation revel.
Rating: M/E for me going to hell but hey at least i’ve got reading material Part Ⅱ
He wanted only one night.
One night, devoid of drunken courtiers. Of the endless pouring of wine. No constant strumming of lutes and harps and laughter echoing through the cavernous hall, no attendants bidding for a moment of his attention with some new seemingly-urgent dispatch. Just a single, fleeting night of glorious, undisturbed peace.
But when you're a king of two courts, both of which would see the other fall to ruin, peace is a knife's edge; a balancing act—not a reward. And no amount of wishing is going to change that.
Still, as Roiben leans back into the twisted branches of birch that make up his blood-won throne, watching the frenzied, continuous dancing, he finds himself hopelessly wishful anyway.
Before the dais, a mass of fey move almost as one enormous wave to the music, their entranced twirling and swaying both beautiful and nauseating. They have all come to celebrate the second crowning of their brutal new lord.
Groups of sprites whirl their little forms above the throng, bathing the packed earth of the newly-rebuilt Palace of Termites in flickering yellow light. Roiben decides he likes looking at them better—their movements don't make his stomach quite nearly as unsteady.
But even then, the way they blink in and out, reminiscent of fireflies in the trees at dusk, causes him to squint himself into the headache he's been suppressing all evening. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, sinking further into the throne that feels so much more like a cage; a cage he killed his way to get into.
“Acorn for your thoughts,” chimes Kaye’s voice against his ear. He smiles, eyes still closed, as he feels the familiar, comforting brush of her fingers slide over his shoulder. Roiben reaches a hand up to cover them, to ground himself in her touch. Her skin is warm— a constant contrast to the chill he can never seem to thaw from his own. “I find I have had my fill of revelry, for the next ten moons at least,” Roiben answers with another sigh. His eyes open to the overcrowded throne room once again, and that weariness washes over him anew. “Unfortunately, it would seem this one has no intentions of slowing anytime before that.” Kaye moves from her position behind him, slipping between his throne to the wooden stool beside it.
Roiben shifts his gaze to look at her, and cannot stop his breath from catching: she’s clad in a fluid, iridescent dress coming to tattered strips just above her clover green knees. Pewter ties gather slashed sleeves at her shoulders, the front of it dipping below her collarbone to pool at the beginning of her sternum. He smiles again: the sheen of fabric is the exact silver of his eyes.
Her wild hair is pulled up into two emerald knots on top of her head—space buns, she called them once, much to his confusion; they resemble neither celestial body nor baked good, but he assumes it’s simply another human reference lost on him. At the roots, she’s dusted a silver glitter that catches the light of the sprites above them. Silver hoops line the length of her earlobe, and from each dangle a single star or crescent moon, respectively. On her feet, to no surprise, are the cracked leather boots she favors above any slipper made by Skillywidden, no matter how intricately stitched or comfortable they might be.
Roiben can’t help but marvel at her: a creature of two worlds, and equally as beautiful in both. He reaches out to take her hand, brushing over the extra joint in her thumb. She smiles at him, the smile that’s just for him, the smile he would burn the world down for.
“I’ve been to some pretty wild raves,” Kaye says, turning her inky black eyes to the sea of Folk before them. “But this one definitely takes the cake.” Again, another human phrase he doesn’t quite understand, but this one makes at least more sense than astronomical hairstyles. When she looks back at him, her brow raises. “It's your coronation revel, and you’re already partied out? I thought dancing till your feet bleed was just another day in Faerie for you.”
He chuckles, eyes settling on her hand in his. He’s almost sure his stomach will betray him if he dares another glance at the swirling revel-goers. “My… previous duties kept me elsewise occupied from most of the festivities,” he replies. To his great relief, neither of them need his explanation of what those duties had been. “When the guest of honor is you, it’s not nearly as easy to slip away unnoticed.”
Kaye leans over to take a fluted glass of wine from the table between them, and Roiben can’t help his gaze shifting up to the loose fabric at her chest, which opens at her slight movement to reveal a hint of the deep green curvature there. He swallows automatically, his throat suddenly dry.
“Like the view?” Kaye asks, leaning against her own arm to further accentuate that curve as she takes a sip of the plum-colored liquor. It’s a small gesture, but it’s enough to make Roiben’s breath catch. When his eyes flick back up to meet her, she’s wearing that coquettish grin that speaks true to her pixie nature. “Though doubtless you already know my answer," he says, giving her an impish smirk of his own, "Verily, I do.”
Kaye shortens the gap between them, near enough for him to smell the clove and blackberry wine on her warm breath. Near enough to kiss him, but she doesn’t. She lingers, instead pulling her bottom lip between her teeth—a move she knows all too well sets a fire alight in his veins, and it’s all Roiben can do not to close that gap between them entirely.
Her hand reaches to the collar of his doublet, where she trails a lazy finger along the silver stitching, brushing feather-light against his neck. He inhales slowly, a deliberate drawing of breath, as though to remind himself where they are. Again, he finds himself wishing the hall was empty and cursing the reality that it isn't.
Kaye pitches her voice low, so only he can hear among the raucous around them. “I think I know how to make this party a little more… interesting. A game. Kinda.”
His brow goes up at that. “A game?” he repeats, only slightly warily. While admittedly, any diversion to keep him from spoiling his own revel would be welcome—by his attendants as well as himself—he’s almost certain, from the mischievous glint in those sable eyes of hers, it isn’t likely to be something as simple as a chess match.
Kaye shrugs. Her gaze drifts down the front of his black doublet to his lap, lingering there momentarily before fluttering back up to his face. There's a craving there in those onyx depth. A shark circling its next meal.
“Unless, of course, you’re too chicken to play.”
Indeed, this will be no game on a checkerboard.
Roiben shifts in his seat, already finding himself full awake from his previously half-present participation in the night’s celebrations. He leans in, until his mouth is against Kaye’s silver-clad ear and grins at the small, sudden breath she takes in response. “If you mean to play a game of torment,” he whispers, his lips grazing her skin, “you may find I am not at all a fair opponent—nor a patient one—when I mean to win.”
Kaye, cheeks flushed with drink and something else, opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off. From below the dais, as if on cue, a throat clears. Roiben, gritting his teeth against a sudden rise of annoyance, draws himself back up on his throne. Bowed to nearly kissing the earthen floor is Ruddles, his chamberlain.
“Yes?” Roiben sighs, unable to hide his displeasure at being interrupted; he was, for the first time tonight, on the verge of actually enjoying his own celebration. Of course there would be something to stall that entertainment. “What is it now, a ninth round of toasting? More petitions? Perhaps a naming of yet another inanimate object?”
The old hob rises with a grunting effort, either unaware of Roiben’s clipped tone, or so used to it by now that he doesn’t let it perturb him. “My King,” Ruddles says formally, and even though the title has been invoked countless times since his first crowning, Roiben still can’t quell the sour taste that floods his mouth upon hearing it.
The chamberlain continues, again oblivious to the ticking in his master’s jaw. “Since it is nearly dawn, I thought perhaps you would wish to retire.” Ruddles turns to sweep his hand over the continuous movement of courtiers. “There are naught but a few simple matters of the court that myself and the other members of the council can handle in your stead—or save upon your return, should so desire."
Desire is the very thing being kept from him at the moment, though it isn't as if his chamberlain knows that. Still, Roiben can barely stifle an eye roll. "I was unaware that I needed permission to—"
The gentle squeeze of Kaye's hand on his arm stalls his scorn, and he forces himself to start over. "Apologies, Ruddles," he sighs. "I admit, I am overtired. I should indeed very much like to rise from this seat—before I become part of its ornamentation." Roiben stands, tired limbs groaning in protest from hours of being stationary.
Kaye stretches at his side, feigning a yawn. "I could totally kill for a bed right now," she says, and while she is also bound incapable of lying, the look in her eye when Roiben meets her gaze tells him there is nothing to do with sleep in her confession. The wink she gives solidifies her meaning.
The little hob nods, seeming to miss their unspoken exchange, and bows low once more. "As you wish, my King. I shall address the court of your retirement—"
Roiben shakes his head to forestall the chamberlain, and holds a hooked arm out for Kaye, who takes it with another squeeze. "No need. They are blissfully unaware of my presence as it is, let them continue. And, Ruddles—" He pauses at the foot of the dais next to the hob, leaning low enough to not be overheard. "It would please me greatly if you saw to it that we are undisturbed."
Ruddles gives a reverent nod and steps aside, clearing their way off the platform. Without stealing another glance back at the endless revel, the king and his consort leave the tumultuous celebration behind them.
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staywritten · 4 years
Over&Over│Seo Changbin
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Over&Over│ Chapter Ⅰ
Synopsis: Loving Changbin was either than breathing, but why was it so hard to accept that he can love you just as you love him. Why do you always questions your own self worth. What were you supposed to do when he went on an arranged marriage meeting?
Genre: Non idol au, fluff, angst, hurt comfort, smut
Word Count: 2k
This is dedicated to @soobinssmile​ you sweet sweet bean ❤️❤️❤️
You yawned rolling out of bed, following the wonderful smell from the kitchen. You leaned on the doorway, smiling seeing your boyfriend working on breakfast. He wasn’t much of a morning person, especially since he usually had work pretty early, and yet here he was. You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. “Mmmm smells good Baby” 
“You’re up early~” he whined, he gave your hand a comforting squeeze. “I was trying to surprise you”
“Well I woke up and you weren’t there” you pouted. “I missed you and my bed was too cold without you”
He turned around in your arms, giving your forehead a kiss. “My Baby is so needy” he chuckled, lifting you up effortlessly and placing you on the counter. “I’ll shower you with lots of attention after breakfast so I don’t burn anything,” he laughed. 
“Deal” you beamed smiling at him.
You could say you were still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship, but it's been that way for well over two years. No relationship was perfect, but you and Changbin were pretty close. It was the healthiest relationship you’d ever been in. You felt so loved, and you were so in love. You supported one another. He trusted you. 
“How was work?” he moved the eggs in the pan glancing over to you.
“Long and boring” you laughed, stretching your achy bones. Twelve hours on your feet at the bar was never a good time, but busy nights paid the bills. “You were asleep when I got home. How’d the meetings go?”
“Long and boring” he mimicked your response, a cheeky smile on his face. He’d been busy ever since he took over his parents company as vice president, he never had any complaints, he loved his parents and was surprisingly very good at business management, and being VP took off some of the stress since his sister was appointed president. She ruled with an iron fist so he just needed to back her up. 
But because of his busy schedule you hadn’t had a lot of alone time with him lately. 
“Stop looking at me like that” he smirked, not looking away from the food. His biceps flexed as he moved the frying pan. He could practically feel you gazing at him. 
You crossed your legs and bit down on your lower lip. Your eyes darkening, taking him in. His sweatpants low on his hips, his tank top showing off his muscular arms, his bed head still mused from last night.
He took in a sharp breath catching how you squeezed your thighs together in his peripheral. “Behave Baby” his voice warning.
“Make me” you smirked, your fingertips dancing down your thigh, playfully dragging the hem of your t-shirt upwards. 
He turned off the heat and gave you a stern look. “You’re always challenging me”
“Only when I don’t get enough attention” you grinned, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into you. He placed his hands on your plush thighs, giving it a little squeeze before pushing upwards and massaging your skin. 
“I was trying to be a gentleman” he whispered huskily against the shell of your ear, his fingers looping under the waistband of your panties, tugging you against him. 
You laughed and played with the hair on his nape. “I don’t recall asking you to be” you groaned as he bit your lip taking you into a kiss before dropping to his knees. He pulled your panties down your thighs roughly while kneading at your breast through your t-shirt. Hooking your thigh over his shoulder, his tongue dove in. You gasped, raking your hand through his dark hair. Your body shivering and goose bumping from his touch. It wasn’t just the way his tongue teased your clit it was how he touched you. How he gripped your thighs with absolute purpose. Changbin was always so gentle with you, he was the sweetest and kindest boyfriend but when he took you. That gentleness was long forgotten. 
He looked up at you, wiping the slick from his mouth. That cocky, shit eating grin gracing his lips. He lifted you in his arms almost too easily before carrying you over to the couch and tossing you down. 
“Couldn’t make it to the bedroom?” you bit your lip watching him strip out of his shirt. 
“I’m gonna fuck you on every surface from here to the bedroom” he lifted your t-shirt over your head. He grabbed the back of your head, bunching your hair in his fist. “You’re the one who started it”
“I did” you were practically beaming as he guided your mouth to the bulge in his sweats.
“You gonna help me out Baby?” he cooed letting you lick him through the sweatpants. He watched as you pulled down his boxers and took him into your mouth. Your head bobbing along his length as your pace quickened. His low guttural groan was music to your ears. He grabbed your freehand stopping you from rubbing the circles on your clit. “No Baby, that’s mine. I’ll take care of you later” he helped move your head a little faster. His breaths getting sharper as you became needier. He slammed your head a little harder, fucking your mouth. “Good girl” he rubbed his thumb across your cheek lovingly as he came harder. You watching his every move as you swallowed.
He sat down on the couch, pulling you on to his lap roughly. “C’mere” he whispered against your lips. You chased his kiss, whining as he pulled away and bucking your hips harder. “Binnie….” you moaned running your nose against his, your arms wrapping around his neck. “Fuck...please”
“Mmm beg some more Baby” he gripped your hips, grinding your dripping core against him. “Tell me what you want” he bit down on your earlobe snapping his hips playfully against yours.
Pulling back you gazed into his eyes, spreading yourself. “I wanna feel you inside me...please”
And hearing your sweet voice beg him, seeing the want on your face, your lips bruised from the kisses, cheeks warm from his teasing. You just looked so fuckable. “That’s my girl…” he lifted you up, pumping his cock before guiding it in you, letting you sink down nice and slowly. Your arched your chest against him, gripping his shoulders to steady you as he filled you inch by inch. 
Despite being together for so long you never stopped being amazed at just how much he stretched you out. Your eyes practically rolling back at his size. “Binnie…” you panted softly as he started to move his hips. Slow teasing, rhythmic thrusts became rough snaps in no time. His eyes watching how you lost control for him, how your breast bounced with him. The way your voice strained to say his name. The way you’d desperately grab his fingers when you were close.
How you were his everything. 
Perhaps he was a little too distracted with how comfortable he was that morning. He lost himself in you, and his post sex cuddling and almost forgot that he had a meeting scheduled. It took absolutely everything in him to sum up the energy to leave your arms. “Baby~” he whined as he gave you a kiss goodbye and you continued to pepper kisses on his lips. “I gotta go, Noona is gonna kill me if I’m late”
“Fine” you pout, pulling away. He frowned seeing your pout and giving you another kiss. 
“I love you, I’ll see you later tonight” he grinned, taking in your form one last time before he left. 
“Love you more~” your voice bliss-ed out and tired as the door finally shut behind him. He smiled to himself hearing your sleepy voice. He loved your habit of saying love you more. In the beginning of your relationship he would argue about it, but he learned it was just your way of showing affection. It brought comfort to you, and that in itself brought comfort to him. 
Changbin hadn’t even been at work for a whole hour before his sister pissed him off. Normally he never even fought with her, they were the perfect duo to run the company and he’d usually comply with her ridiculous request but he was drawing the line here. “Noona! No, I’m not doing it” He huffed crossing his arms and shooting his sister a glare. 
She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Binnie please don’t throw a temper tantrum, consider this part of your work responsibilities. It’s this Saturday and it’s rude to cancel. She is an heiress” she flipped through the morning paperwork. 
“You’re asking me to cheat on my girlfriend” 
“Relax, I’m asking you to go to an arranged marriage meeting. Just go, be polite, and tell her no.” She skimmed the paperwork making notes. “She’s the only daughter of our biggest investor all her parents want is for you to meet her” She set down her folder. “You have to be cordial and not make bad blood between business partners.”
“Then why do I have to go if it’s cool if I just reject her”
“Turns out she has a little crush and just really wants to meet you, something about you being nice to her at a banquet a while ago. She’s the one who requested the meeting” she gave him a smile. “Binnie, I know you love your girlfriend, and honestly I like her a lot. You guys are really cute.” she leaned her head on her hand. “Just be honest and tell her you have to do it for work, and there’s nothing to worry about.” 
She got up, her heels clicking as she walked to the door. “I’m doing this so Mom and Dad don’t get involved. They seem to think you’re settling because you don’t meet other suitors, I’m running damage control to show to them that you are not settling and you’re happy with your girlfriend, while meeting with requests”
“Noona I don’t want to hurt my girlfriend...I love her”
“I know Binnie but you also have a job to do. And if you don’t tell her it seems like you’re hiding something so just be honest”
Changbin spent the whole day agonizing about it. Telling you seemed a lot easier than done. It wasn’t that you were ever open about your insecurities but he could tell. He could tell that his wealth bothered you. It wasn’t that you loved him for his money, you loved him despite it. You’d always been so independent and a hard worker you never expected his big lavish gifts, you loved his acts of kindness more. 
And although you never said it, he could tell you were intimated by the money, the company, he’d catch little moments of your insecurity that you tried to hide with a smile.
“Binnie?” you waved your hand in front of him bringing his attention back to you. “I said I talked to my mom. She's looking forward to us coming to visit them this Saturday? They missed you” you smiled at him before taking a spoonful of soup in your mouth. 
“Oh Saturday...I have a meeting that morning, I’m sorry”
“Oh no worries, next time then”  you glanced at him from your glass and frowned. Ever since he got home from work he’s had this furrow in his brows. Like he was thinking too hard, not to say that it never happened he was usually just a lot more vocal on things that bothered him. It wasn’t like him to deal with stress in silence. “Baby, did you have a bad day at work? Is that why you’re working this weekend?”
“Something like that… My sister arranged a meeting Saturday morning and I can’t get out of it.”
“It’s ok, it can’t be helped if it’s for work right?”
“Right” he gave you a half smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes before squeezing your hand. “I love you”
You laughed at how serious it felt. “I know Binnie, I love you more” But there was just something about his expression that didn’t sit well with you. Lately it almost felt like a proposal was coming at any moment. There was just this sparkle and warmth to him that he radiated. And here it was a lovely evening between the two of you in a nice restaurant with a gorgeous view, and you just knew that thing on his mind wasn’t a proposal. 
He took a deep breath and glanced up at you calling your name gently, almost too timidly. 
“Binnie isn’t this soup delicious, good job picking this place it’s so perfect” the words spilled out faster than you could react. There was just something so forlorn about his tone, your anxiety spiked. It almost felt like he was going to break up with you so you interrupted him, distracted him with the dinner and hiding behind the biggest smile you could muster.
He smiled and nodded, taking a bite of the soup. “It’s perfect”
The truth was, he didn’t want you to worry for nothing. Telling you about an arranged marriage meeting, when he had all intents of rejecting her seemed like it was going to make you worry and anxious. He didn’t want you to doubt him, and he didn’t want you to have to suffer.
He was going to deal with this on his own. 
There was no need to worry you. 
After dinner the two of you returned to your apartment. Neither of you address the awkward tension that just lingered in the air. Your own insecurities eating at both of you, and neither of you willing to be the one to acknowledge the mood. 
You rolled onto your side, watching as he read over emails on his phone. His smile tugged as he glanced at you. “Yes Baby?” you cuddled closer to him, letting your head rest on his chest.
“I love you more…” you whispered before pressing a kiss to his neck. It had to be your imagination. There was nothing wrong, you loved him and he still loved you and that was all that mattered. 
You could tell by the way he touched you that he still loved you.
To Be Continued
» Next► 
Hey Friends! I was planning a 3 part mini series for Binnie if you guys like it and wanna see more let me know~ I’m also still working on a part 2 to my last Felix scenario ;)
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@skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo @tonfilm @soobinssmile
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「致斯卡提的情诗」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: A Love Poem to SKADI Translation (The Manor of Hermes: Mo Yi Route)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
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News Notebook:
MC: Dr. Mo, do you see that thing that's being sandwiched between two books?
Mo Yi: Well, I've already taken it down. It's a notebook, with lots of newspaper excerpts pasted inside it.
MC: Newspaper excerpts? What about?
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Mo Yi: They're all reports detailing about the treatment of mental illnesses, with no exception.
He instructed me to take note of the contents written within as he flipped through the notebook.
There was a string of numbers annotated above the newspaper snippet pasted on the last page of the notebook; "No. 0012".
Mo Yi: Additionally, there are also comments written beside each and every article here that says "tried", "not tried", "not effective", and so on.
MC: "Tried" and "not tried"...? Does this mean that someone was being treated with all the methods that had been in the news?
MC: Also, just who's collecting all this information?
Mo Yi: ……
He smiled, but never answered my question.
Mo Yi: Okay, let's not mull over such a complicated topic right now. I have something for you to see.
He gently took my hand, placing the thing he had been polishing off into my palm.
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MC: This is… A fragment of "Allie's Winter"!
Mo Yi: That's right. This one fell out of the notebook when I was retrieving it.
Mo Yi: I have to say, we're pretty… Lucky.
☆ Obtained: News Notebook! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[News Notebook Info]
A notebook filled with a large number of newspaper excerpts. A series of numbers is written on the last page, "No. 0012"; this set of numbers seem to have a special connection to the code case in the same room where this notebook was found. These snippets of news are mostly reporting about how mental illnesses were being treated through Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Hydrotherapy, etc. It's worth noting that there are also comments beside the reports; there was someone who was paying particular attention to the contents of the reports.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Burnt Medical Equipment:
MC: These are all really badly damaged…
MC: Can you tell what they are, Dr. Mo?
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Mo Yi: ……
He remained silent for a while, for some unbeknownst reason.
MC: ???
Mo Yi: These are all… Mostly equipment that are used to treat mental illnesses, physically.
MC: Treating mental illnesses… Physically?
Mo Yi: That's right. If I'm not wrong, these destroyed equipment should be…
Mo Yi: An electrical shocking device to assist in the application of Electroconvulsive Therapy.
MC: Electroconvulsive Therapy!?
The words that he had just uttered gave me a fright.
Mo Yi: Yes. Various physical forms of therapy that are similar to Electroconvulsive Therapy have always been…
Mo Yi: The go-to of treating mental illnesses in the past, before the successful development of Chlorpromazine.
Mo Yi: And it looks like there was at least one such patient within the Manor.
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MC: Do you know the specific circumstances surrounding the person being treated here?
Mo Yi: I'm afraid we'll have to find other leads if I am to do that.
He scrutinized the things in front of him for a while.
Mo Yi: Wait… The green shards in this corner here look like… Jewel fragments?
MC: Fragments… From "Allie's Winter"!
☆ Obtained: Burnt Medical Equipment! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Burnt Medical Equipment Info]
The Electric Shock Device used in Electroconvulsive Therapy has serious scorch marks on it. Before the successful development of Chlorpromazine, various types of physical therapy similar to Electroconvulsive Therapy were widely used in clinical treatments of mental illnesses. Perhaps, those methods may have saved a couple of lives, but the most unfortunate thing of it all, is that it has only made a greater number of people fall into the throes of another type of “despair”. 
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Surgical Instruction Manual:
Mo Yi stopped in front of the bookshelf.
MC: What's wrong, Dr. Mo? Did you find something?
Mo Yi: There are lots of instruction manuals on how to perform physical therapy on patients with mental illnesses on this shelf.
Mo Yi: Just like this book here…
He took the book down from the shelf, handing it to me.
Mo Yi: The method that's mainly explained in this book is Hydrotherapy.
Mo Yi: Its therapeutic effect is attained by letting the patient recline in the bathtub, and then subjecting them to the continued simulation of icy cold water and boiling hot water over and over again.
Mo Yi: In addition to that, there are also books here about torture, interrogation, and exorcism methods.
Mo Yi: They're all once-famous methods of physical therapy that were commonly used.
MC: But it's absolutely impossible to cure the patients using such methods, I'm sure…
Mo Yi: That's right. Not only will they not be cured, but some of their conditions might also be further aggravated in the process.
Mo Yi: However…
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Mo Yi: Needing to read an Instruction Manual of this calibre? Is the person living here really a doctor?
MC: ???
Mo Yi: It's nothing.
Mo Yi: Right, how about you look into the depths of the bookshelf? Is there still anything in there?
MC: Oh? There's something sparkling brightly in there… It kinda looks like…
I attempted to retrieve the shiny thing.
MC: A Jewel Fragment!
Mo Yi: Looks like it's just the thing we're looking for.
☆ Obtained: Surgical Instruction Manual! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Surgical Instruction Manual Info]
A Surgical Instruction Manual found on a bookshelf. The contents of this book cover almost all of the more popular physical therapies used to treat mental illnesses back then, such as Hydrotherapy, Torture, Interrogation, Exorcism, etc. However, there are a lot of myths and exaggerated descriptions being written in it; clearly not a professional medical book, and obviously not for professional doctors to pursue.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Special Surgical Equipment:
There were some oddly shaped tools inside the cabinet.
▷Choice: Open the cabinet's door
MC: What are these used for?
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Mo Yi: Don't touch those.
I attempted to get a closer look at them when he suddenly quipped.
MC: Dr. Mo!?
Mo Yi: I apologise for scaring you, but it's best if you don't touch those.
MC: Why? Is there something special about them?
Mo Yi: These tools are used for Lobotomies, and Ice-picking.
MC: ???
Mo Yi: Both of which are methods used to treat mental illnesses.
MC: But from the shape of these tools… Like this one, for example. It looks like an Awl; wouldn't it damage a person's brain?
Mo Yi: ……
He lapsed into a moment of silence.
Mo Yi: ...Lobotomy and Ice-pick Lobotomy; Ice-picking, in particular...
Mo Yi: They're both essentially methods to cut the very brain itself.
Mo Yi: Take Ice-picking for example. First, the patient will be paralyzed by an electric shock.
Mo Yi: Then, the doctor inserts a tool, shaped like an ice-pick, into the upper end of the patient's eyeball, through the orbit of the eye.
Mo Yi: After that, all the doctor needs to do is to continuously tap on the other end of the tool with a hammer, to cut off the cortex of the prefrontal lobe of the brain to achieve the desired effect.
MC: But this method will never…
Mo Yi: That's right. This form of treatment is basically self-mutilation.
Mo Yi: Many patients in the past suffered from severe post-op side effects and complications that arose, becoming what's essentially a "walking dead".
MC: So… You're saying that someone here, in this Mansion, has been, or was going to, be subjected to this sort of surgery?
Mo Yi: ...Yes.
MC: ……
For some reason, what he'd said made me feel deeply disturbed and upset.
Mo Yi: (Y/n), look deeper into the cabinet. Do you see anything else?
He pointed to something in the depths of the cabinet where a faintly discernible light flickered.
After that, following the light, he stretched out his hand.
Mo Yi: ...Looks like we're pretty lucky.
Mo Yi: It's a Jewel Fragment of "Allie's Winter".
MC: !!!
☆ Obtained: Special Surgical Equipment! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Special Surgical Equipment Info]
A special equipment used in extracting white matter.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ:
Some documents were laid out on the desk.
Mo Yi frowned as he looked at them.
MC: What's wrong, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Look at this.
MC: A Medical Record?
Mo Yi: That's right. The attending physician is Geraldi, and the patient is Allie Modro.
MC: Mr. Lasture's daughter? What illness was she down with?
Mo Yi: Based on her manifested symptoms, I'd say that some of them correspond with that of mania.
MC: Did Miss Allie get better?
Mo Yi: Not only did she fail to get better, based on this report, it seems like her condition only went downhill from that time onwards.
Mo Yi: Miss Allie was still able to maintain stability and retain her sanity for a short period of time throughout the day.
Mo Yi: In the end, she became unable to maintain her sanity, and could only be forcibly locked in the house.
MC: I see… That's such a pity… But back during the era when the Mansion was erected, illnesses like mania were…
MC: Practically incurable.
Mo Yi: While that may certainly be one of the main factors at play, I believe that Allie's attending physician also had a part in attributing to how she ended up in this state.
Mo Yi: This Geraldi person is not a doctor at all.
MC: How do you know that for sure, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Although this medical record looks like something written by an actual doctor, the way the illness is described is confusing, and nowhere near accurate enough for it to matter.
Mo Yi: And on the topic of applied treatment methods, all he did was to declare that he'd tried several well-known physical therapy methods on Allie's person.
Mo Yi: This far-fetched approach only served to further aggravate her condition and tarnish her health.
Mo Yi: Perhaps it was because he approached the matter with the wrong method, because based on her early symptoms…
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Mo Yi: She'd never have fallen this far down, to completely lose her mind, if she had received proper treatment.
MC: So, in the end, Miss Allie…
Mo Yi: The last treatment record is missing. We'll have to look for other leads.
MC: Okay.
Mo Yi: Oh, yes. I found something else on the desk other than this Medical Record.
MC: What else did you find?
Mo Yi: The Jewel Fragment that we're searching for.
Mo Yi: Be sure to keep it tucked away safely.
☆ Obtained: Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ Info]
Allie Modro's Medical Record. Her attending physician is Geraldi, but the Medical Record isn't complete, for it is missing the report on her last treatment. From the contents of the Record, Allie Modro seems to be suffering from Mania; but as her treatment continued, get condition only continued to deteriorate, before she finally ended up completely losing her mind. Additionally, based on the content being written in the report along with the treatment methods that Allie's doctor used, there's a possibility that her doctor may have forged his identity.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ:
MC: Dr. Mo, look at this, beneath the bed!
MC: Wouldn't you say that this is a Medical Record?
Mo Yi: It is; but it isn't complete. It's missing the contents that come before it.
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MC: What's written on this one though?
Mo Yi: "Patient Allie Modro's mental state has plunged into complete mania…"
Mo Yi: "...Lobotomy, or more conveniently, Ice-picking, is recommended."
Mo Yi: …...
MC: Dr. Mo…
Mo Yi: I'm fine. Let's see if there are any more leads lying around here.
MC: Yeah.
After that, Mo Yi and I thoroughly checked the objects and marks that were around the bed several times over; but unfortunately…
Other than the Green Jewel Fragment that we found in a corner…
We failed to find any other records detailing the treatment that Allie received.
☆ Obtained: Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ Info]
Allie Modro’s Medical Record. The front part is missing; all that’s left is the last and final treatment that has been recorded. It is stated in the Record that Allie's doctor had suggested performing a Lobotomy or, more conveniently, Ice-picking, due to the fact that Allie had already fallen into a complete maniacal state.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Treatment Case Records:
MC: (All the Jewel Fragments have been collected.)
MC: (The notch of the lock on this door resembles that of the sword segment on Allie's Winter…)
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MC: (I'll just have to piece the fragments I collected together and place them into it and see what happens…)
MC: (Johnny did say that the Jewels were able to open doors, after all.)
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MC: Dr. Mo? I found this in the cabinet.
I passed the few documents I had on hand to him, and he quickly flipped through them.
MC: How is it, Dr. Mo? Find anything?
Mo Yi: These documents are Treatment Case Reports. Most of the patients detailed in these suffer from mental illnesses.
Mo Yi: There was a doctor who performed Lobotomy, or Ice-picking on them, and then paid close attention to how they reacted to it post-op.
Mo Yi: They hoped to find out whether either of these two methods were effective through these.
MC: And how did these people fare after the operation…?
Mo Yi: Very badly. Most of them faced severe complications and post-op side effects.
☆⋅ Obtained: Treatment Case Records!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Treatment Case Records Info]
A large amount of Treatment Records for patients stricken with mental illnesses. All of these patients either went through Lobotomy or Ice-picking, and the person who wrote these records had kept a close eye on how they reacted post-op. But what's unfortunate is that many of these patients faced severe complications and post-op side effects.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Treatment Room's Code Case: Geraldi's Account Book
MC: It's open!
MC: Let's see what's inside…
MC: An Account Book!?
I scanned through the contents of the Ledger, shocked at what I was seeing.
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MC: What an astounding amount of money and artworks… Is the owner of this Account Book someone rich?
MC: (Let's see who wrote this Account Book…)
I flipped to the first page.
MC: "Geraldi…?"
☆ Obtained: Geraldi's Account Book!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Geraldi's Account Book Info]
An old personal Account Book owned by Geraldi. According to it, Geraldi managed to attain a large amount of wealth, including gold and artworks, in a certain period. However, there is no record written in this Account Book as to where all this money came from, nor is there any pertaining to where it all went to in the end.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅A Love Poem to SKADI⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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writejiminie · 4 years
Onsra ─ Epilogue.
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Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Epilogue
Pairing: Jungkook x reader | Jimin x reader | (hinted) Yoongi x reader Genre: fluff, (slight) angst Word count: 4.3k  Summary: It has been five years; your son is now five years old, you’re attending a wedding, and reunions are made.
Jimin, in his clean, cut suit, stands by the pillar next to the priest as everyone in the audience is caught up in the anticipation brought upon by the silence as many loved ones have their phones and cameras out on record.
Then, the piano plays.
The flower girls stroll through and a couple laughs could be heard here and there by how adorable and innocent they looked as they giggled along the aisle, grabbing uneven handfuls of petals from their small baskets and tossing them in every unknown direction.
The harp strings soon join in.
Maids and men of honor follow shortly after the children and you recognize some familiar faces, those of classmates and some of Jimin’s team members. One of the young women notices you and smiles, to which you return a small one with a short nod in her direction. She used to be rather shy and always avoided your gaze when you greeted her around campus. It seems the tables have turned now as she glowed with confidence and you were the one to remain quiet, avoiding anymore than a brief conversation when socializing with fellow attending acquaintances and guests.
It is when the gasps and shouts occur, that you realize she’s coming. Her arm linked around her father’s as he walked her across the white silk spread on the ground, now decorated, with the effort of the flower girls, with purple and pink petals which gave it a magical contrast of colors.
Bora looks absolutely stunning in her white gown, flashing and pure as you always remembered and still saw her as. She smiles with her row of pearly white teeth as flashes and cameras click, seemingly surrounding her from those sitting in the chairs on the sides. But among them you watch silently; a petite, but caring smile upon your face. You are so, so happy for them.
As she approaches the front towards the beautifully-decorated arch, you observe the way Jimin looks at her and for some reason you feel rather bittersweet. Yet, you find your eyes locked onto his expression, maybe hoping that he’d look your way? What if, today would be the day he realizes that you were his true love? 
...A soft sigh escapes your lips as you let your eyes do the laughing, your hopeless romantic fantasies almost got the best of you.
After they exchanged their vows and tied all their promises with a kiss, everyone began to stand up to gather into the wedding banquet nearby. It was time for lunch.
“Mama,” your now 5 year-old son tugged at your arm, “I’m thirsty.”
You smile and nod as you both stand up as well, “Alrig-
You turn around and your eyes widen at the person standing before you with their partner, but your face relaxes and you offer a friendly smile to the matching couple wearing black from the bottom up.
“Ah, Jungkook!” You bow politely to the woman whom you recognized as Soon-hee beside him and she returns the same gesture. “How have you been? It’s been so long...”
“It has! Everything’s been perfect, and goodness...He’s grown so big!” Jungkook exclaimed in awe as he knelt down to greet your son. “His name? How old is he now?”
“Chin-mae and he just turned five last week.” You replied calmly and all of you laughed when he began to shy away from Jungkook, hiding behind you and gripping to the hem of your light-blue dress for dear life.
“Is that so...He’ll grow up well,” He waves at your little boy before standing up and grinning at you, his smile hadn’t changed at all, it was still goofy with a touch of charm from the familiar rabbit-like teeth in the front, “Well, we’re going to start heading over to the banquet, Soon-hee’s starving!”
At that remark, she elbowed his side and he flinched in pain, struggling to keep his posture and this causes you to laugh, “Oh, we were just about to head over as well! Chin-mae’s pretty parched,” You smile softly at your small son, the poor boy’s face was red and irritated from the sun.
“Ohh perfect, then let’s go together?” Jungkook offers and you glance over to Soon-hee.
“I don’t mind,” She smiles, “I’m sure you and Jungkook have a lot to catch up on.”
And so, you joined the couple as you and Chin-mae entered, rushing to find a table before the rest of the crowd came pouring in. Soon-hee got up to bring some appetizers for us and took Chin-mae along to get some punch, allowing you and Jungkook to catch up a bit.
“Who knew these two were so popular?” Jungkook cautiously looked around, unfamiliar with most of the faces as you felt the same way. But you laughed, having realized that Bora and Jimin really did have lives of their own apart from the frolicking days where the only friends you ever had were them and them only. 
“Have you talked to Bora and Jimin yet? Do they know you’re here?” Jungkook asked you before reaching towards the center of the round table for the pitcher filled with pink lemonade and pouring it into his glass then gestures it towards you.
You and Jungkook always shared the same tastes and had many things in common. No wonder you two were so compatible, in the beginning. 
You nod and take the pitcher from him, filling your glass as well, “Ah, I came just to see their wedding, but yes they were aware I was coming,” You rub your neck shyly, “I didn’t want to make anything awkward so I haven’t spoken to either of them today. I bet they were surprised I had accepted their invitation at all as I was surprised they still wanted to send me one. As a matter of fact, Bora wanted to make me her bridesmaid actually, but I rejected.”
Jungkook raises his eyebrow while sipping from his glass, “How come? I thought there weren’t anymore hard feelings?”
“There aren’t any hard feelings,” you explained while twirling your finger along the rim of your glass, “I just didn’t feel like that was my position to take. In a way, I almost took away their happiness because of my own selfishness.”
You notice from the corner of your eye that Jungkook almost reach out to touch you, but he pauses and apologizes quickly as he retracts his hand, “Sorry, old habits die hard.”
I wouldn’t have minded. Jungkook has always been warm and comforting to you. That hasn’t changed.
But you shake your head, reassuring him. 
“Hey now,” Jungkook mutters, “You’re not selfish. Not to bring up war flashbacks from the past but it was both of them who betrayed you first. I’m surprised they even had the audacity to send you an invitation and they haven’t apologized to you for everything you had to go through.”
You watch as Jungkook irritatedly downs the last of his glass and smile at Soon-hee when you notice her making her way back to the table, carrying some dishes while Chin-mae holds onto her arm while stuffing his face with what seems to be a vanilla cupcake.
“My goodness!! They have such a variety of desserts, I can only imagine they hired the most expensive patisseurs to display such attractive pastries!” Soon-hee exclaims as she hands you a plate with a slice of what seems to be a round and glazed lemon cake, "Y/N, you simply must try this lemon cake! It’s out of this world!”
Personally, you aren’t the biggest fan of lemon cake but it would be rude to decline it after all the trouble Soon-hee went through to kindly gather as many dishes as she could from the chaos that was the dessert area. You gratefully take it from her and force yourself to a few small bites for her satisfaction, to which Soon-hee smiled appreciatively towards you.
“Good, right?” She asks with anticipation.
Your try your best to nod your head enthusiastically and based on her reaction, with a big smile spread across her face, she seems convinced enough for you to graciously busy your mouth on the other plates.
You reach out for the chocolate lava cake which works wonders on cleansing your pallet of that lemon cake that tasted of nauseating perfume fragrances.
You notice Jungkook staring at you and it didn’t take you long to read the message behind his expression before Soon-hee began shoving his face with all the desserts she claimed were his favorites.
What about Chin-mae?
What about him? He has been just fine in your care. As he lacks a father, it meant you had to play both roles. Nobody ever asked you about your struggles as a single mother, but it was hard enough work that words wouldn’t be enough to vent with. You were very much alone for the first five years of his life, with occasional support from your own parents.
After surviving on the money and food sent to you by your parents for the first couple years of Chin-mae’s life, you eventually worked two part-time jobs during the morning and the afternoon while leaving Chin-mae at day-care. You would then pick him up in the evening and prepare dinner for the both of you. That has been your daily routine until he will start attending kindergarten in a month.
Chin-mae had grown to be a rather quiet and shy child, very much similar to you as his mother because you also did not have much of a social life anymore. There just wasn’t enough time you could afford to spend for yourself and instead you dedicated it all to ensuring your son had a healthy childhood and grew up well. It took a lot of physical and mental effort for you to fill in both parent roles so that Chin-mae wouldn’t feel neglected in any way.
Naturally, Jimin had tried to reach out a couple times but you ignored him because if he were to enter your and Chin-mae’s new life, there was no telling how this would affect his and Bora’s relationship. Even when both had done you wrong, they were still people you had once called friends and the care and good fortune you wished upon them remained genuine.
You overhear Jungkook and Soon-hee’s convo which pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Here, you should eat more vegetables,” Jungkook persuades Soon-hee but she frowns at him, “Even though you hate them, you have to eat at least some! Don’t you want,” you notice Jungkook bring a hand down to her belly you just now saw as slightly enlarged, “Haru to be healthy when she’s born?”
Haru. Why does that sound so familiar?
Then it clicks.
Ohhh right, wasn’t that what Jungkook had wanted to name Chin-mae?
You then feel a nudge on your knee and notice little Chin-mae standing beside you, lifting up his frosting-covered hands so you could pick him. You lift him onto your lap and wipe his hands and face down with multiple napkins as you murmur with a giggle, “Seems my little man had his dose of sugar today!”
Your son giggles back with a big grin as he bounces himself excitedly on your lap while clapping his hands loudly, sugar high.
After a day full of eating and chatting, it eventually grew late which meant it was time for the first dance and you knew what came next from your share of weddings you had attended even when you failed to have your own. By the time the dance is over, everyone will be drunk and playing wild wedding games to extend the night. You planned to leave early before it got that point as it was fast approaching 10PM and you wanted to be home before midnight to tuck Chin-mae in, who was already dozing off in your arms.
You’re finishing your seventh glass of pink lemonade, sneaking in a couple small sips from a second glass of red wine here and there to avoid passing your tolerance, and have Jungkook and Soon-hee watch over the sleeping Chin-mae while you hurriedly head over to the restroom before the dance.
After relieving yourself, you wash your hands and feel a prescence coming up to wash her hands at the sink next to yours. You glance up to see her through the mirror and you freeze.
It was Bora.
Shortly after, she seems to notice you pause at your sink only to stop with shock as well upon seeing your familiar features.
“Y/N...is that really you...?” she whispers slowly, her eyes reflecting the same bewildered width of yours back, “So...you really did come after all.” Her voice cracked.
D@mn it.
All day you had been hoping to quietly attend their wedding to ensure everything went well and tried to avoid interacting with them at all costs. But nothing could have prepared you for this unlucky encounter.
Then, the unexpected happened. Bora immediately embraced you into her arms and began to sob.
Oddly enough, as if automatically, you also found yourself clinging to her in return just as tightly with a craving for human interaction. For so many years, the only being you had held close was Chin-mae, as your social life had severly gone down the drain the moment you became a single mother. That had always been a sacrifice you were willing to make for your son’s well-being. But nothing could stop you from being selfish right now.
You had forgotten how warm Bora was.
You then began to recall the times when hugs like this used to occur often because Bora had always been an affectionate being who could never keep herself off of you. It got to the point where you were annoyed and sick of all of her embraces. But right now, this desperate and silent hug spilling emotions of regret, guilt, care, and love was all you could ever ask for in this moment.
No words were exchanged and you both lost track of time for how long you stayed in each others’ arms. There was nothing to say. Apologies and forgiveness would never be enough to mend this broken friendship you two shared, but the love you had for each other was still there.
“Jimin must be waiting for me,” Bora laughs, you notice she has toned down quite a bit. She was a lot calmer and more composed from the energetic girl you used to remember her as. “H-how long will you be staying? I’m sure Jimin would like to meet you and you brought your so-”
“I will leave after I watch your first dance, so I can tuck Chin-mae into bed. He actually fell asleep not too long ago.” You interuppted her by sudden impulse, a reflex due to the discomfort you felt from Bora talking about your son and Jimin in the same context.
Bora nods understandingly, “I see...Thank you for coming and I hope you had fun. I hope we can talk again soon Y/N.” She bows to me as she excuses herself out of the bathroom first.
You take a long sigh and stare at yourself in the mirror. Hopefully Bora’s makeup wasn’t messed up. You ponder as you begin to clean your face up a bit as well before heading back out.
You make it back to the table just in time as Jungkook and Soon-hee insist to continue holding Chin-mae as he comfortably lays down across both of their laps, to which you nodded gratefully for your arms were a bit tired from holding him earlier.
Then, hushes could be heard as the lights began to dim and everyone went silent.
You see Jimin take Bora’s hand as he lightly brings her to her feet and walks with her towards the center of the banquet. Everyone has their phones out and you notice people wiping tears from their eyes as the couple begins their gentle choreography.
The song starts to slowly play and instantly, you can feel tears well up in your eyes.
♫ When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet ♪
You close your eyes, “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran, as you find yourself swaying with everyone else.
♪ And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand ♫
Not the most unique choice to slow dance to, but a charming song nonetheless. You open your eyes again to see Jimin spinning her and you can hear Bora’s giggle as her long white gown follows their matching steps, to which the rest of the guests laugh along too as the dance began to take a more carefree direction.
♫ I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand ♪
You feel that familiar nudge on your knee and see in the darkness that Chin-mae had woken up. Your eyes meet Jungkook’s and Soon-hee, both who shrugged with silly expressions reading, “He’s all yours again.” You smile with a small laugh to them as you take Chin-mae once again into your arms.
“I’m sleepy...” he whimpers and you lightly pat his back.
“We’ll go home soon, after this dance.” You assure him and surely enough, the song comes towards its end and the couple’s dance ends with them hugging each other.
♥ And we found love right where we are. ♫
“Alright, I think it’s about time I take this little one to bed.” You say as you begin to gather your things. Soon-hee helps you pack some desserts and foods to take home and Jungkook offers to assist with bringing everything to your car seeing how Chin-mae was already adding weight to your back.
Jungkook excuses himself and you both end up talking again on the way to the exit of the banquet. You two had always been able to naturally hold a conversation wherever you guys were.
“I can’t help but ask but, does Soon-hee know we were a thing?” you ask in a way, as if you two hadn’t been dating behind her back in the past.
Jungkook nervously scratches his nose, “I...I thought it’d be easier just to tell her we go way back, like friends since college. It made the most sense considering you were friends with Bora and Jimin as well.”
You nod, not happy about Jungkook continuing to lie to his wife and her being oblivious about everything that truly happpened between all of you, but it wasn’t necessary for you to ruin a happy marriage you were no longer involved with the people of.
“Haru, huh?” you bring up and notice the way Jungkook perks up.
“Ohh that’s right, I haven’t told you yet but the news itself was pretty recent,” Jungkook says, you notice the excitement behind his eyes, “Soon-hee is pregnant! With a baby girl!”
“Aww, congratulations guys! I’m really happy to hear that.” You smile at him to which he returns warmly with a grin.
“Yeah, life’s been good. But hey, that means Chin-mae and Haru can be best buddies huh? Maybe Chin-mad could teach her a thing or two,” Jungkook teases and you both laugh. That did sound very nice to let the children be friends with each other.
As you both approach the exit, your heart stops when you see Jimin standing outside having a smoke. Jungkook notices him as well but it’s too late, Jimin’s head had turned to your direction and his eyes widened just as Bora’s had when she saw you.
“Y/N...that’s you, isn’t it?” He blinks multiple times with disbelief as he takes the cigarette out of his mouth to bury into the dust of a nearby ash tray.
Jungkook attempts to step forward, but you put your hand to his arm and shake your head.
“Wow, you look as amazing as always! Love your dress, you’ve always loved light blue huh?” Jimin compliments as he comes up to you with what resembles admiration?
But you didn’t look much different aside from the increased depth of darkness below your eyes from overworking and lack of sleep. But in comparison, Jimin, in his clean, cut suit, looked sharper than ever. His cocoa brown hair split to the side in a way where his bangs fell gracefully slightly above his eyes, his jawline noticeabley sharper upon his freshly shaved face, and from the width of his shoulders and muscular torso he was definitely more built.
You nod your head. He seemed to still remember some of your interests even after many years later since the last time you saw him.
You notice the way his eyes transfer to the little one with his arms wrapped around your neck as he sleeps upon your back and observe his expressions. This was, after all, the first time he had seen his biological son.
His eyes are unreadable, but his smile tells it all. A hurt smile, almost forced. He knows who this child is,
“Mind if I?” Jimin gestures, offering to hold onto everything you and Jungkook were carrying. “I’ll help you take the rest to your car.”
Before Jungkook could respond, you interuppted, “Yes, that’s fine.”
Why? I shouldn’t talk to him. So why, am I allowing it now?
Jungkook turns to you with worry, but you say, “It’s okay Jungkook, it was a bit inevitable that I’d have to talk to him someday right? Just as I did with you, I should catch up with Jimin as well.”
At that, Jungkook hands Jimin the things he was carrying, hesitantly, and tells you before he goes back into the banquet, “Call me if anything happens, okay?”
You nod and you begin to walk towards your car with Jimin. 
It was dark out, but the soft breeze was calming among the stars twinkling in the cloudless sky around the moon that sure to be full tomorrow. 
“So...” Jimin begins, “That’s my-”
“He’s my son, yes.” You say quickly. 
An awkward silence follows.
“Ah...” Jimin says slowly, being careful with his words, “Right, he’s very cute, looks just like you Y/N.” Jimin says slowly and you thank him. Although both of you were completely aware that Chin-mae actually looked practically identical to Jimin. 
Not too long after, your car is in sight and you find yourself hurrying to it. 
“Well, this is my car. Thank you for helping me, Jimin.” He nods back in response as you finish putting everything in the back seat after placing the sleeping Chin-mae in his booster seat.
“Hey Y/N, thanks for coming to our wedding. It means a lot.” Jimin starts awkwardly, but you can hear the sincerity. 
“Of course, I’m hoping only the best for you two. And I contributed $200 of my hard work so, make good use of that building your lives together okay?” You joke and Jimin’s eyes widen until you both are laughing hard together in the night.
“I appreciate it and I’m sure Bora does as well. And I want you to know, you can still count on us okay?” Jimin says, his eyes soft on yours, “I can only imagine all of your struggles so far, so if you need help with anything just reach out. But, I can tell you with certainty that your son is growing up just fine, he looks strong and healthy.” You can’t help but fall for the way his eyes gently watch over the relaxed features of Chin-mae, dare you say it was fatherly.  
“I understand, thank you and I love you both.” You manage to grin and with one strong hug, you both separated ways once more. It hurt much less than the first time.
                                      . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“Chin-mae! Hurry and put your shoes on, we’re gonna be late!” 
It was time for your son to start kindergarten. He had been nervous for the past week, last night especially. 
“It’ll be just like daycare, but now you’ll get to meet more friends and learn! Isn’t that exciting? And you love stories too so I’m sure they’ll read lots more to you and you can tell me all about it!”
As a mother, you were feeling really proud and excited for Chin-mae to get his first taste of school and education. You knew he was going to be just fine, just as Jungkook and Jimin had told you he would be.
Rushing to the school was very stressful, but you managed to make it just in time as the last couple parents were coming in to drop off their children. Following behind them, with Chin-mae anxiously clinging to the sleeve of your light blue sweater, you are greeted by a man. He wore a red polo shirt with a logo located slightly above the right breast, black pants, and a lanyard with a card hanging on it. He did not seem to be the friendliest, a bit intimidating and serious by his sharp eyes and rough facial features...or so you thought, until the man knelt down to meet Chin-mae’s eyes. 
“Hi there, what’s your name?” He asks softly, not kiddy language soft, but in a tone that felt trusting and reliable.
To your surprise, Chin-mae responds to the stranger, “Chin-mae.” 
The man brushes the curled, black bangs away from his eyes and smiles warmly, “Nice to meet you Chin-mae, go ahead and head in. I’m sure all of the kids would love to meet you as well.”
You could’ve sworn your son’s eyes twinkled and after giving you a hug, Chin-mae willingly hurries inside the classroom, filled with students more than happy to see him, feeling a little more braver than before.
“Wow,” You bashfully say, unable to hold in your amazement, “You were able to calm his nerves so quickly.” 
The man stood back up and let out a sigh, “The magic of a kindergarten teacher does wonders,” He shrugs and his eyes widen when you find yourself laughing slightly at his comment.
“Ahh so you must be my son’s teacher, nice to meet you. My name is Y/N L/N, please take care of him well.” You politely bow and he nods, returning the gesture.
“Leave it to me, I see a lot of potential in that kid.” The man smiles, “My name is Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you.”
Your heart skips a beat.
                                     »»————- ♡ ————-««
Ahahah I have a LOT of explaining to do, don’t I? (^▽^;) //sweats// That’s amazing that it’s been tHReE years (//omg) since I had written and worked on this series! I never forgot about it, rather, I underwent the world’s longest writer’s block which stopped me from picking this up and finishing the epilogue I promised until now. For that, I apologize to my readers if they are still following me and my series <3 ;-;
But finally, this is the end of Onsra~!!! I hope those that have stuck around enjoyed this journey and that the long-awaited epilogue did some justice. Thank you all sooo much for reading and I’m very happy this story of mine became so successful by all your support <3 Have a lovely day everyone!! :’)))
                                                                          ~Boba  ☆ ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ ☆
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httpjeon · 5 years
❝talk (ⅠⅠ)❞ myg ― m.
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― summary: you walk in on yoongi on the phone with a customer
yoongi/reader ft. jimin | phone sex operator!au, f2l | smut | 1.6k ↬ content warnings: sex work, dirty talk, hand job, blowjob (deepthroating), cunnilingus, squirting, jimin listens in and gets off on it, feminization (jimin receiving)
a/n: the long awaited part 2. lots of people have been asking me where this was since part 1 came out. i hope you enjoy it! there will be a part 3!
→ blog masterlist     → pt1: talk Ⅰ
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You thought things would get awkward after your best friend literally fingered you while he was talking dirty to some random woman while doing his phone sex job, but shockingly it didn’t turn out that way. But to say things returned to normal, well, that would be a lie.
There are several things that changed, if you were honest with yourself.
The biggest thing that changed was your undying lust for your best friend slash roommate. Ever since you experienced having his fingers deep inside you, making you cum incredibly hard all over him, you’d wanted nothing more than a repeat performance.
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You paused in front of his bedroom, hearing him chuckle lowly from within. You could see through the crack that he was seated on his bed, his facial expression was one of brutal boredom. You had to hold in a laugh when he began to pick at his nails as he grunted in response to something said on the phone.
“Yeah baby,” He grumbled, voice vibrating low in his chest. “Your little moans are so cute, keep being noisy for me,”
Suddenly, heat began to settle in your core at the sound of his deep voice speaking such filthy things. You heard him let out a seductive chuckle, switching the phone to his other ear before cracking his neck.
“Is that little cunt nice and creamy for me?” He cooed, voice cocky but face still deadpan.
You bit your lip clenching your thighs together to relieve pressure that slowly began to build there. At the action, you felt your panties stick to your core as you gushed. Slowly, Yoongi’s hand trailed down his body to cup the bulge in his sweats. You held in a whimper when his eyes shifted over to the door, almost lazily, to meet your gaze. A filthy smirk slowly crawled across his soft lips, his other hand grew busy as he freed his fully-hard cock from the confines of his pants.
You licked your lips at the sight of his beautiful cock, out in the open and twitching against his black t-shirt. Your own hand travelled down over the front of your shorts, gently rubbing over your core to give yourself a taste of pleasure. Yoongi suddenly motioned for you to come into the room, which you hesitantly did so, hovering in front of him.
“Did you cum, baby?” Yoongi chuckled. “I barely did anything, you must have been pent up, huh?”
You whimpered softly as Yoongi trailed his hand up the back of your bare thigh, his touch causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin. The skin there was sensitive and you shivered at his feather-light grazing.
Yoongi chuckled, “Alright babe, would you like to extend your call?” You mentally prayed that whoever he was talking with would decline, but no such luck existed in your world.
“Thank you for extending the call, sweetheart,” He smirked when he saw you pouting as you glanced down at his still-exposed cock that was now leaking precum over his shirt. How he had such amazing self-control was beyond your comprehension.
He gripped your hip in his hand that wasn’t holding the phone to his ear, slowly pushing you down until you were on your knees in front of him. He mouthed the word “suck”, which you immediately began.
Your hand wrapped around his cock, nearly salivating at the sight of precum dripping down the shaft. You used your thumb to catch it, using it as lubrication to start jacking his cock at a teasing pace. The grip you had was barely enough to give him any stimulation. His head slowly tilted backwards, giving you a perfect view of his beautiful neck. You wished you could mark it up and make him beg you for more, but by how hard his cock was in your grip, you knew that he wouldn’t take a second of that.
His free hand tangled in your hair, tugging you towards his cock with eyes glaring daggers at you.
“Tell me how those fingers feel in that dirty little cunt, baby,” Yoongi drawled, eyes still piercing through you.
Ever so slowly, your tongue slipped out to taste the tip of his cock. Yoongi sighed heavily in pleasure and licked his lips as he watched you taste him. You whimpered softly as you took the whole head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around him. He let out a soft groan, making your eyes dart up to look at him. His eyes met yours in a heated gaze, his lip caught between his teeth to hold back the noises he wanted to let loose.
You found yourself completely losing any composure you had when Yoongi forced your throat down his cock, arching his hips up so you took him fully into your mouth. You gagged around his cock, making him growl in pleasure at the feeling. You felt your need for oxygen get greater the longer he held you around his cock. His head was tossed back, and he let out beautiful moans and sighs of pleasure. Tears trickled down your cheeks as you gagged once more on his cock as he twitched within the walls of your throat.
Finally, he let you up, dragging you off of his cock by your hair watching in sick satisfaction as you gasped for air, saliva still connecting you to his throbbing cock. You watched as his coated cock twitched against his t-shirt. You were still panting, eyes glazed over after having his cock in your mouth.
“Fuck yeah, baby, it feels so good to hear how my voice gets you off,”
He licked his lips and slowly stood from the bed, making you stare at him in wonder. He pulled the phone away from his ear to press the mute button before he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into a sloppy kiss. You whimpered softly against his lips as he worked on tugging your clothes off. You broke away from his lips momentarily only to reconnect once your shirt was tossed away.
You shimmied your shorts and panties off, leaving you completely bare in front of your best friend.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Get on the fucking bed right now.” He growled, giving you a light push onto the bed.
You scrambled to the center, laying your head on the pillows. Yoongi picked up the phone, unmuted it, before listening to the girl on the other end moan. However, his attention was trained on your exposed body. Smacking your thigh was his signal to spread your legs, which you did shamelessly.
He moaned softly at the sight of your pussy exposed for him, dripping wet waiting for attention. He pulled the phone away from his ear once more but instead of muting it, he put it on speaker, making your eyes widen.
“F-Fuck…” A male voice was heard over the phone, making your eyes widen even more. Yoongi simply smirked before he situated himself between your spread legs while placing the phone down next to your head.
Your face flushed as he came face to face to your cunt, the fact that he was gazing at you like that had more wetness oozing out of you. You didn’t have any time to prepare yourself before Yoongi’s tongue was sliding up your lips to collect your juices. A loud cry escaped your lips and your back arched in pleasure as he began to leave molten hot licks over your sensitive core.
“Wh-Who’s that?” The boy on the end of the phone choked, his voice still sounding fucked out.
Yoongi pulled away with a sigh, licking his lips free of your juices.
“My noisy little slut,” Yoongi growled. “I’m sorry Jimin, she just doesn’t know how to keep quiet it seems.”
“I-I have no problems with th-that…she sounds so…sexy…” Jimin mewled from the phone.
“Hear that, babygirl? He thinks you sound sexy, why don’t you give him something extra nice to get off to?”
You nodded, spreading your thighs further for Yoongi as he went back to work, tongue tasting your juices once more. You made sure to be noisy for your listener, grinding your hips down into Yoongi’s invading tongue as he swirled around your clit.
“Fuck, that’s so good,” You whined, meeting every swipe of his tongue with a grind of your hips. “You’re gonna make me cum,”
“You think she should cum, Jimin?” Yoongi asked, voice muffled by your cunt.
“Y-Yes, I wanna hear her cum, sir.” Jimin whined over the phone, panting as you can only assume he pumped his cock.
“Cumming!” You cried, your back arched off the bed, reaching down to tug at Yoongi’s black locks.
Yoongi groaned at the feeling of you tugging at his hair just as he tasted a gush of your juices as you came. He could feel your clit throb beneath his tongue as he swirled around it, drawing out your pleasure as much as he could. Your cries reached a crescendo, moaning as you felt your orgasm reach new heights. Suddenly, Yoongi’s mouth was gone but it was quickly replaced with his fingers, rubbing your clit at breakneck speed.
“Squirt for me, babygirl, give it to me,” With wide eyes, you watched his fingers work until you exploded again until you felt your juices jet out of you, wetting Yoongi’s t-shirt and make his hand soaked.
You roughly pushed Yoongi’s hand away before curling in on yourself as you trembled through the aftershocks of such an intense orgasm.
“Fuck…” You heard a breathless voice come over the phone. “That was hot,”
“I’m glad you enjoyed, I hope you take the time to call again,” Yoongi sighed into the phone. “I’ll talk to you real soon,”
“Bye-Bye Yoongi…” Jimin panted over the phone before the line went dead.
“Now,” Yoongi looked over at you, smirking at how fucked out you were. “I can finally fuck that little cunt of yours,”
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost or modify.
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souyaf · 2 years
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— check out my other content!
note: uhhhhh *drops content without any warning*
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mean!wakasa, condescending tone
his cold, detached gaze and presence had you shrinking in on yourself. it was never hard to tell when wakasa was displeased, his moods were palpable and he made sure you knew it.
even if his face remained neutral, lavender eyes lidded and a small frown pursed upon his lips, you could see how tight his jaw was clenched. his knuckles were white from his hard he gripped the armrest of the chair was was perched in.
"do you like pissing me off, princess?" he asked, voice woefully devoid of any emotion.
the sound of the question brought a whimper from your lips, "i-i didn't mean to..."
"that's not what i asked," he interrupts, narrowing his gaze into a glare, "do you...like pissing me off?"
"n-no..." you slowly answer, lowering your head as he leaned forward, elbows resting upon his knees.
"then why do you do it? hm?" you feel his burning glare on you but can't bring yourself to meet his gaze.
he scoffs at your silence, slumping back into his seat, "strip and get in my lap."
you're shocked at the demand but rush to do as you're told. disobeying wakasa was never something you would do. it never ended well. the last time you tested him, it resulted in a week of him ignoring you and rejecting you, eventually ending with you in tears, apologizing and begging for him to forgive you.
thankfully, you had learned your lesson then. his punishments were always harsh and meant to make sure you always remembered them before acting up again.
when you find yourself perched in his lap, you're shocked at the way he touches you. his fingers work expertly between your legs, spreading your puffy folds and rolling over the hardened bud of your clit.
you bury your face in his shoulder, fists clenching his sweater tight as you mindlessly rock your hips into his touched. he doesn't chastise you or stop you. instead, he deftly slips two fingers into your pussy.
the wet squelch is obscenely loud, quickly beginning to leak down his wrist and forearm up to the rolled up cuff of his sleeve.
he crooks his fingers just right, a memorized movement to prod at the tender little gummy spot that sat there. your whole body twitched meanly but he doesnt pause for even a second.
his face is neutral, the only sign that he is as turned on as you is the hardness of his cock beneath you. you don't dare comment on it or try to touch him, however, you don't want to push your luck.
you're pushed to the edge embarrassingly fast. your boyfriends wicked fingers work you perfectly, leaving you creaming around his digits in record time. no one has ever pleased you like wakasa -- no one ever took the time to learn your body and worship you like he has.
but him knowing your body like the back of his hand also meant he knew your every sign. so when your clit throbbed under his thumb and your walls sealed tight around his fingers, he pulled them away at just the right moment.
you wailed, sensitive body trembling in his lap as he held you close. the orgasm that had just begun to wash over you promptly faded with a few empty spasms of your cunt. slick drooled from you empty, clutching cunt and you slumped against him in despair.
"shh," he cooed, petting the back of your head almost condescendingly, "wasn't that so mean of me?"
you find yourself nodding mindlessly. he laughs softly, large hand smoothing down your back before he grips your ass and urges you to grind against his cock despite how painfully sensitive you are from having your orgasm ruined.
"well," he hums, "i think it was mean of you to piss me off. so i guess we're even, huh?"
soft dom!draken, "little one" as a nickname, fat dick draken agenda
anyone with half a brain knew that ken was big. his stature alone was imposing, not to mention his broad shoulders and big hands. but he was also big where it mattered most -- unsurprisingly. a fat, hefty cock that was too heavy under ur own weight, leaving it hanging between his toned thighs even when he was rock hard.
but what you didn't expect was how many complications that came with. taking his dick meant you needed extensive prep and copious amounts of lube. it always hurt no matter how much you prepared, leaving you sore even days after the two of you had sex.
he was never able to bottom out before bumping painfully into your cervix, leaving a good couple inches left outside of you. but what was worse were the orgasms -- they were hit or miss.
it wasn't that draken couldn't make you cum. no, he could make you cum harder than anyone ever could.
it was just...
his hips rolled against yours, deep, even thrusts of his cock that were practiced to keep himself from hurting you, you were creaming messily around him.
the lube, spit, and cum that he had already fucked out of you formed a frothy, sticky mess between the two of you.
the pleasure was mind-numbing. his thick length stretched you beyond your limits and rubbed just right against every sweet spot that he knew of.
you were a crying and drooling mess. a juxtaposition in comparison to his own cool, collected demeanor of concentration.
his eyes fluttered between your bouncing breasts and the messy little cunt he was eagerly stuffing full. you were stretched so wide he could barely feel the way your walls spasming around him in warning.
"ken-" you squealed, hands coming up to push at his chest as your orgasm washed over you.
a practiced method draken and you had learned was to pull out every time you came.
his thick, fat cock was just too much while you creamed his cock. your orgasm always faded and dissipated just as quickly as it formed.
this time, however, he was too lost in his own pleasure to notice the way you started coming until it was too late.
he cursed under his breathe and pulled out, using the thick head against your clit but you quickly slumped against the bed with tears in your eyes.
"'m sorry, little one," he cooed, leaning back over your body, pressing his lips against yours, "wasn't paying attention."
with a sinful shift of his hips, he was sinking back into you with a groan, enchanted by the defeated, miserable look in your eyes.
"let's try that again, hm?"
pussy drunk!kazutora, himbo!kazutora?, a lil dumbification and praise
you could tell from the hazy, bleary look in your boyfriends eyes that he was drunk on you. drunk on your perfect little pussy, your smell, your taste that still lingered on his tongue from where he'd had his head buried between your thighs just moments ago.
now he was buried balls deep, jaw hung open to let out the melodious, desperate cries of pleasure from the feeling of you squeezing and spasming around his cock.
he wasn't really moving, opting to instead simply grind his hips against yours. his length stuffed inside you, prodding all the tender little gooey spots inside you that had you twitching underneath him.
"feel good?" he asks, desperate -- almost feral for a bit of praise.
he gets it in the form of incoherent, mindless babbles. you blubber breathlessly about how fat his cock is, how well it fills you up, and how you can feel him so fucking deep.
his head spins, your lustful arousal palpable to him.
you cream around him, gushing in sticky, milky strings that cling to his skin messily. /he can see it in your face, your wide, glassy eyes fill with tears when he grinds his hips just right. he presses against your puffy clit and your legs twitch.
you're cumming.
now, usually, kazutora prides himself on his ability to make you cum. he knows your body like the back of his hand. /but sometimes. like now. when he's positively pussy drunk over you, he thinks with his cock.
the second your cunt squeezes down around him, he pulls back and starts hammering into you. he completely misses the wail of disparity that escapes you at the loss of pleasure on your clit and sweet spots.
your orgasm vanishes as quickly as it came and you're left drooling and sobbing into nothing at your dumb boyfriend who continues fucking you as if nothing happened.
he doesn't even notice the thick, sticky cum he fucks out of you.
sub!senju, pretty pussy senju syndrome, overstimulation
she laid beneath you, pretty eyes glassy and filled with tears. you couldn't help the malicious grin that was plastered on your face.
her little cunt was so puffy, clit fat and sensitive from the abhorrent amount of torture you had given it. every time your fingers met her folds, she would violently twitch and wail.
her pussy was a sticky, creamy mess. you dipped your fingers into her hole, pulling them back to watch the frothy strings of slick stick to your fingers until they broke when you got too far away.
using two fingers, you spread her lips apart, moaning unabashedly at the sight of her pretty little bud twitching beneath your heated gaze.
"want another one?" you ask, pouting immediately when she sobbed and shook her head, "you don't want to cum again?" she shakes her head again and you whine unhappily, "but i still wanna play with your pussy, baby....okay! we'll compromise!"
you don't miss the dread that overtakes her face at your words. but your fingers are stuffed inside her tight little hole before she can react. your eyes are glued to her cunt as you curl your fingers up, grinding the pads of your digits into the spongey spot on her upper wall.
her legs kick immediately and her mouth falls open to wail. you don't touch her clit this time, just watch as it throbs and twitches, peeking out from beneath the hood. you wish so badly to wrap your lips around the exposed little nerves but you're on a mission now.
you get what you want quickly. your girlfriend has always been sensitive, so easy to make cum. and she doesn't disappoint you this time either.
the second you feel her spasm and squeeze around your fingers, you pull them out.
the tears are falling down her cheeks before either of you can even speak again. you pin her legs open, giving yourself a perfect view as her precious lil pussy spasms through her ruined orgasm.
"see?" you giggle, playfully patting her folds, which makes her meanly twitch in your hold, "i told you we could compromise!"
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majesticdolans · 7 years
GENESYS [Ethan Dolan series] Ⅰ
Summary: Times have changed. The world inevitably transformed itself by the greedy hands of thirsty humans. As an attempt to escape the dark future, a group of teenagers with special abilities was created and trained their entire life, in a facility called “The Camp”. However, everything is about to change when the mission to interact with the remaining savages, organized in clans habiting their country, is assigned to Genesys and her colleagues.Trying to survive and most importantly to complete her mission, she infiltrates herself in the clan establishing connections with its members. What Genesys wasn’t expecting was the way that this would change everything she has ever known and the impact these connections would have in her life, especially with the clan’s leader.
Important shoutout: I have to thank my very good friend Sheridan [ @dolans-making-me-crazy ]. Without her help, none of this would be possible. So follow her blog and check out her writing (it is completely and absolutely amazing). SHE'S A BEAUTIFUL ANGEL THAT HAS TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS!
Word count: 2 634
Warnings: Violence, death, cursing
A/N: It’s my very first FanFic and the first “major thing” that I write in English (my native language is Portuguese), so this is kinda of a “big deal” for me. I hope you enjoy it and read it till it’s very end. Please don't forget to leave some feedback! Share your opinion with me or ask any question you want. It is very important for me and for this series to know what you guys think! I present to you Genesys.
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I opened my eyes slowly, but quickly closed them again. My body was extremely sore. I couldn't feel my legs; the cuts and scratches that deformed my face and body skin burned mercilessness.
I sluggishly looked around trying to understand where I was. With my eyes half-open, because of the intense sunlight, I saw pine trees and was able to hear the chirp of various birds: a forest. That's where I was.
"How am I here?" This question started to haunt my mind.
I had no clue how I got here in the first place and why my body was in pain. I couldn't remember where I was before. I couldn't remember anything.
I slowly moved my fingers, feeling the humid grass and soil below my body. My lips were dry and chapped and the intense desire to have something to drink attacked my body suddenly: I was beginning to dehydrate. I must have been there for a while.
But how long? And why here?
This place was slowly killing me and I had no idea why I was here. I had to remember. I really did. But my head was throbbing and my chest felt too heavy, complicating my attempt to breathe which forced the formation of tears in the corner of my eyes. I was almost sure I had a broken leg. And if it was only one leg that I had broken, then I was a very lucky girl.
I looked at the blue sky where the sun shined powerfully.
"I'm going to die here." I thought.
I closed my eyes once again and allowed the tears to slide down my fragile face. I just had to... remember.
I took various deep breaths, letting the pain of my body consume me, and in that moment it came to me. I remembered. Everything.
I woke up feeling the severe sunlight penetrating the small dorm. I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my head using the cold sheets.
"Wake up, Genesys. Today is definitely not the day to stay in bed sleeping." Peyton whispered while getting closer.
I let out an angry sigh and pressed my head against the soft pillows under my neck.
"Well, if someone hadn't had a panic attack last night, I would already be awake by now." I said with a serious tone.
"Genesys, I..." She spoke softly, lowering her head and intertwining her fingers together. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I just... Can't control myself sometimes. You know."
I knew. I knew it very well.
Feeling sorry for having spoken to her that way, I got closer, mildly grabbing her hands. "No, Peyton. I'm sorry for having spoken to you like that. I know that sometimes you have these attacks and that you can't control them. But I'm always going to be here for you. No matter what." I said, giving her a hug.
"Thank you. That means a lot to me." She added hugging me back. "I think I just feel especially nervous today, because, you know... today is a very important day, for all of us. Today is the day, Genesys." She lowered her gaze to her bare feet and let out a long sigh.
"Today is the day." That sentence echoed in my mind. And in that moment all kinds of thoughts invaded my brain. My heart started to beat faster.
"Yes, today is an important day, for sure." I stated coldly, lifting my body quickly. Now I was the one starting to have a panic attack.
"What's...?" She tried to ask, but I interrupted her. "We should be getting ready by now."
"Yeah... You're right."
I rapidly moved my body towards the closet, taking off a pair of tight pants with side pockets, a long-sleeve shirt and a waterproof jacket, all with one thing in common: the color black. After dressing myself, as fast as I could, I sat on the edge of the bed putting on my black leather boots that came all the way up to my shin, trying to ignore the fact that my heart was beating at the speed of light.
I lifted my head a little, exchanging looks with Peyton. She knew. She knew what I was truly feeling, even though I tried to look strong.
"It's ok to be nervous. You don't have to pretend that you're unaffected all the time." She said kindly.
As I parted my lips to answer her, I was interrupted by a voice through the loudspeakers that were placed on the top of the walls outside our shared dorm.
"All groups of students must be reunited at the main atrium accompanied by their respective tutors, at 09:30 am. Delays will not be tolerated."
I got up quickly and looked at Peyton. She was completely petrified. And so was I.
I pulled her into a hug. "Everything is going to be fine. We'll see each other again. I promise you." I whispered, ignoring the fact that my heart was about to explode and I was having difficulty breathing correctly.
I used all the strength I had and separated my body from hers, stopping myself from exposing the tears that were forming in the corner of my eyes. I took a look at the watch that was on my wrist: we had less than 3 minutes.
"I just... I..." She tried to say, stuttering in her own unspoken words.
"I know Peyton. I really do. I feel the exact same way. But you're stronger than you think, and you can do this. I know you can. I believe in you. I always have."
She gave me a weak smile, letting her tears roll down her face. I smiled back at her and cleaned her tears using my right thumb.
I took a deep breath. "Now, it's time to go." I grabbed her hand and led us out of the small room that we shared since I can remember.
We started to walk through the long and clean hallway. Although for the first time this hallway seemed to be endless, neither of us wanted to reach its end.
As we arrived at the main atrium that was located in the exact center of "The Camp" I started to see some familiar faces. Other students. People like me.
Everyone was very serious and it was possible to hear various whispers in the air. Nobody dared to talk louder than that. We were nervous. We're all in the same situation. In this situation.
Peyton was still very chapfallen and quiet when a familiar face approached us.
"How are you girls doing today?" Aspen asked, visibly trying to keep himself calm.
The relationship between me and Aspen was complicated, to say the least. I mean, I had feelings for him for as long as I can remember, but I never really knew how he felt about me, even though he seemed to care deeply about my well-being.
As I emerged from my thoughts, I tried to focus on his question, forcing myself to give him an answer. Now was definitely not the time to fantasize about a hypothetical romance.
"Well, we're still alive so... I guess that's pretty good for today." I responded letting out a deep sigh.
"Yeah... I don't know if you can say the same thing about Peyton. Are you ok?" He asked touching her lightly on the shoulder.
"Hm... Yeah. I think... I think I will be fine." She whispered quietly, maintaining her gaze in her shoes.
Aspen and I locked eyes for a while and I could just feel he was as scared as I was. We, all of us, have never been through this kind of situation. It was hard to deal with.
Even though I felt like we had been being trained for these type of situation all our lives, I still wondered if we were really prepared. The answer was about to unveil itself before us.
As Doctor Harris entered the enormous atrium, followed by other doctors, nurses and teachers, everyone became completely silent, and even more serious. The environment became so tense that I could feel Peyton's hand shaking. I looked at her and offered a gentle smile, trying to calm her down.
Doctor Harris climbed the ladders that gave access to the big stage, located in the center of the atrium and positioned herself in front of the podium. Nobody was prepared to hear her words.
"Today is a great day. A day that promises to change the course of history. Our history. And the power to change it's in your hands. Yes. In each and every one of you. Do not fear the future, my children. Do not fear the unknown. The change lives in every one of you. You are the future." She paused looking kindly to the group of people standing in front of her. "Now gather to your respective group and tutor and prepare yourselves for the mission assign to you." She paused again, looking at us with a more serious gaze. "Good luck." She added quietly.
For some reason, unknown to me, these last words made me feel even more anxious than I was before.
As I headed to the right corner of the atrium, to meet the group of people I was assigned with, I pushed Peyton's hand but she didn't move a millimeter.
Oh no, not now.
I looked at her, and there she was: immovable again and about to have another panic attack.
"Peyton, not now. Please." We exchanged looks. "You can do this." She nodded her head to me and finally started walking slowly.
"My dear students, I guess the day we've been waiting for, has finally arrived." Professor Allan gave us a weak and sad smile.
I really liked professor Allan, we've known each other since I was a little girl. He was always there to guide me and help me when I needed him the most. He was like a father figure to me. A father that I never had.
"Now, each one of you, jointly with your group, will go to a specific ship, that has a red number written on it. This group's ship, is ship number 7." He looked at us. "This ship will fly over certain regions of the forest. Each one of you will be left in one of those regions, and hopefully later meet the clan."
The clan. My heart started pounding through my chest faster than ever.
"Good luck to everyone." He added as he hugged some of the students as a way to say "goodbye".
He walked towards me and we exchanged a strong hug. "Now go, my students, and find your ship!" Everyone started to move towards the exit of the atrium, including me when Professor Allan grabbed my wrist.
"Not you, Genesys." He said with a quiet and serious tone.
"What do you mean, Professor Allan? I was assigned to this group." I stated, confused.
"Yes, you're correct. But you're going to be transported on a different ship."
"Genesys, are you coming?" I heard Peyton asking.
"I... I don't think so, Peyton."
"What do you mean? I need you!" She was terrified.
"Say goodbye to your friend, Genesys. It's time." Professor Allan added coldly.
I ran to Peyton and gave her a tight hug. "We're going to see each other again. Don't forget that." I repeated myself.
"But..." She tried to say, tears rolling down both of our faces. "I promise." I assured.
I turned my back on her and tried to be as strong as I could not to cry compulsively.
"Follow me." He guided me through a narrow hallway, which I have never been before.
"Professor Allan, could you please explain to me what is happening?!" I asked, wiping the tears off my face.
"Wait here, please." He opened a grey door that gave access to a small room, closing it behind him as fast as he could.
What the hell is going on?
"Do you really think they're gonna make it?!" I heard a male voice through another door. I moved towards it trying to hear the rest of the conversation.
"Honestly, I don't know." Another person responded. "I mean, these kids have been trained their whole life and some of them are really powerful, but they have never been outside this doors, so I can't be sure."
"Don't you bullshit me. You know damn well some of this kids are gonna die. And they're death is going to be in our hands!" An angry voice responded.
"Some of these kids are gonna die"? This sentence started replaying itself in my mind over and over again. I felt my body starting to shiver intensely, my heart beginning to beat so fast that it hurt.
I was paralyzed. Was Peyton going to die? Was I going to die?
"What are you doing there?!" Professor Allan asked concerned. "There's no time, Genesys. Come with me." He grabbed my arm and pushed me through that hallway leading me to a ship with the number 13 written on it. We entered the ship. My knees were weak and I felt like I was going to pass out at any given moment.
"Genesys, focus. Look at me." He demanded, losing his patience. I forced my tearful eyes to look at him.
"You're very powerful. The most powerful student I have ever had in my life, I must add." He paused looking me in the eyes. "Because of this, you're going to be sent to a different clan. Now, this is not any clan. They're very developed and organized for a savage group. We have been studying their behavior for a while now, since they attacked The Camp, in the past. Their leader is...". He took a deep breath. "One of the most intelligent people I have ever seen in my life and presents an aggressive behavior. He has a lot of influence and power in that clan." My heart was beating so fast, I asked myself if he could hear it.
"You're the only one who is able to get this mission done correctly." He grabbed my hand. "I know you can do it."
"Now prepare yourself, we're almost there."
"I can't..." I tried to speak, but for some reason... I couldn't.
"Give me your arm, please." A nurse instructed.
"What?" I raised my arm slowly. She took it coldly, lifting my sleeve and jabbed a needle in my skin, reaching my vein.
I clenched my jaw at the intense pain and looked at her completely shocked.
"Don't worry, it's not dangerous. This substance will put you to sleep in a few minutes and will erase your memories. But don't worry, they'll come to you in a near future, not all at the same time. It is a slow process." Professor Allan explained.
"Your abilities will disappear too. But they'll return faster than you expect." He added.
"Good luck my child. I've known you since you were a baby. I know you're capable of this and much more. We're all counting on you and I know you're not going to let us down. The future depends on you. You are the future." He stated with confidence while I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier until I wasn't able to react anymore and passed out.
"I remember. I remember now." I thought, while opening my eyes slowly.
I was there for a reason. I had a mission to complete. I had, at least, to try. And suddenly I felt the strength that I needed. I was going to survive.
I slowly lifted my torso and crawled towards a tree trunk, trying to grab it for support. When I was finally able to get up, I felt an intense knock on the back of my head.
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