#*     starter call     //     polaris.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ starter call :
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ݁ ⠀.⠀ ݁ ⠀.  hello all , if you’re seeing this then i have all the replies i owe ( the notifications that tumblr didn’t eat ) completed .ᐟ with this being said , i would like to get more plots out there. so , comment below to get a custom starter. please note that length may vary depending on the characters and or any lack of ideas i may have. to get a starter make sure to mention which one of my characters you would like me to use and which one of your ( if multi-muse ) character(s) you will be doing. i ask this because it makes it easier for me to figure out a tone of the rp and helps me adjust accordingly , because not all my characters will act the same towards other muses.
♡ rhae 
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tayasmultimuses · 2 years
Starter Call: Lorna Dane | Polaris (The Gifted)
Like this post for a short starter from Lorna Dane (the Gifted).
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edgymuses · 10 months
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while i write bios and just figure things out, starter call! (muse list & rules) below is the muse name and fandom they belong to:
rachel grey-summers
hope summers
illyana rasputin
danielle moonstar
alison blaire (dazzler)
luna maximoff
megan gwynn (pixie)
jimmy hudson (wolverine)
anya corazon (arana + spider-girl)
lorna dane (polaris)
karen starr (kara zor-l + power girl)
grace choi
violet paige (mother panic)
scandal savage
louise lincoln (killer frost ii)
june moone (enchantress)
harper row (bluebird)
leslie willis (livewire)
artemis of bana-mighdall (artemis)
siobhan smythe (silver banshee)
nyssa raatko (nyssa al ghul)
cassandra cain (black bat)
oroku karai (karai)
cassie hack
eli (liquid snake)
emma emmerich (ee)
mei ling
reiji kido
eikichi mishina
jun kurosu
lei wulong (super cop) primary / bio & verse page
julia chang primary / bio & verse page
jun kazama secondary / bio & verse page
kazumi mishima
rebecca chambers
heather mason
red sonja
kylie griffin
cammy white
ken masters
jareth the goblin king
frankie stein
toralei stripe
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alexisisheretoo · 8 months
Pokémon of Camahi: Starters and more!
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To me, the starters are the culmination of what the region’s inspiration means. It’s representations, it’s culture, it’s art, it’s ecosystem. You should be able to tell what the region is based on by the starters alone if you know enough about the area. And so I put a lot of thought into these starters, everything I learned through my cruise, and use this as a way to show how amazing it really is.
First, the grass starter. America’s national bird is the bald eagle, but it’s biggest population comes from Alaska. It was the conservation efforts of the state that prevented the species from going instinct, and Alaska has one of the biggest avian hospitals. If I wasn’t going to make one of the starters an eagle, that would just be down wrong. What Alaska is also known for is its national flower, the Forget Me Nots, aka Scorpion flowers. Alaska has a plethora of colorful wildflowers, I even got some nice buttercream alaska wildflower soap on my trip, but it’s the Forget Me Nots that get the title of its national flower. So, for the grass starter, I decided to combine these two staples of Alaska into one Pokémon. But that’s not all i themed this lovely guy after. I also took inspiration from the natives of Alaska. Native Indian art style of Alaska is full of wonder with its shapes and way of depicting its creatures. I found various forms of merch of this art style in Alaska, with many kinds of animals, like orcas and bears. I found the style’s depiction of eagles to be my favorite, so I themed it’s patters off of that, and it’s general body shape off of the tribal clothes these natives wear.
Budglet (bud + eaglet) Grass
Sproutglet (sprout + eaglet) Grass/Flying
Scorpeagle (scorpion flowers + eagle) Grass/flying
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Next, fire starter, my personal favorite of these pokes so far. One of the two survivors of the region jumps, bears just seem to be everywhere in the west. I find it very strange that Pokémon doesn’t have a black bear yet (I’m not counting Urshifu, fuck that guy). We have a brown bear, polar bear, and a panda, but no black bear!? Outrageous, I must fix this at once! And it just so happens that bears are abundant and very popular in Alaska, I even watched a documentary on them on my trip. Probably the most well known, and to me most iconic traits of Alaska, is the northern star. Alaska is placed where you can see Polaris and the constellation Ursa Major every night. It stays almost stationary in the middle of the sky. It’s so iconic, the consolation is apart of Alaska’s state flag. So of course I had to make my bear themed off it, since the consolation is named after bears.
Cubmet (cub + comet) fire
Grizstar (Grizzly + star) Fire/Dark
Ursalaris (Ursa + Polaris) Fire/Dark
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Now, water starter! This came immediately to me, and yet took me the longest to design. While I was on my cruise, we went on a whale watch. On that trip, I witnessed something so rare that the instructor, that’s been on hundreds of trips for years, has NEVER seen it before now; a whale breach. In Hawaii, this is much more common, as it’s a form of mating call. But Alaska isn’t where whales go to mate, so it’s a spectacle when it occurs. So when it came to the water starter, it just HAD to be a whale. But I decided it wouldn’t just be a whale. It would start as a dolphin, evolve into a whale, and then it’s final form would be an orca. So what did I combine this with? Ships! First ones a tiny sailor, second is a yacht, and the third is a full on cruise ship. This was really hard to get right, but I adore it!
Porpler (porpoise + sailor) Water
Yachtleen (Yacht + Baleen) Water/Steel
Orcalantic (orca + Atlantic/titanic/gigantic) Water/steel
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You think I only made starters? Oh no no no, I have many up my sleeve, and I’m excited to show each of them off! These aren’t as extensive as the starters, so it’s lightning round time!
Doedeer (doe + deer) Normal
Cariprance (Caribou + prance) Normal
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Region’s local route one normal type. I have a strong hatred for normal types, I think the type is so dumb and inconsistent, so it was hard to design this guy. But I think it’s a nice lil reindeer. The shiny 100% has a red nose.
Mushky (mush + husky) Ice
Timbrisk (timber + brisk) ice dark
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Ok I lied, this guy is my favorite. It’s a husky that evolves into a wolf, the Alaskan Timberwolf specifically. I know last rhino had so many dogs, but I must make more. No better location for a grey wolf Pokémon then the sled dog nation of Alaska.
Padglet (paddle + piglet) Ground/normal
Shoreswine (shoreline + swine) Ground/Water
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Alaska and Hawaii have these pigs called swimming pigs and it’s just… I honestly can’t believe they exist, despite how much stuff that’s way stranger I’ve seen. Just the fact that people are swimming with pigs, and these pigs are known only by their ability to swim just… boggles my mind. Anyway, I made a swimming pig line that’s a surfer dude/life guard. Shoreswine’s nose is designed after water goggles, it has a lil floaty and paddle feet, and it’s tail is positioned like a snorkel. Definitely the most creative one so far if you ask me.
Munchcorn (munch + acorn) Grass
Darecorn (daredevil + acorn) Grass/Fire
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Ok ok ok, this might be my favorite… just look at em!! American red squirrels have these pale brown bodies, but their tails are this bright red. So I thought, let’s set the tail on fire. First evo has a stick for a tail, and then the evolution has that stick on fire! And with it being on fire, I thought inspiring it off of daredevils would be fun. It also evolves from a normal squirrel to a flying squirrel. It doesn’t actually have wings, it instead uses leaves it finds to make that lil flight suit it’s got.
Swoospook (swoop + spook) Flying/Ghost
Macardinal (Macabre + Cardinal) Flying/ghost
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In the west, there’s the belief that cardinals are the spirits of lost family members coming to earth to watch over their loved ones. It’s a belief my family has held for a long time, so I really wanted to make it a Pokémon. So here is a ghost flying cardinal! Hope I did the folktale justice.
Wattbler (watt + Warbler) flying/electric
Osprelectric (Osprey + electric) flying/electric
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The first ever fakemon I’ve made! I am so happy she’s been able to survive through the process when I’ve had to say goodbye to so many designs I loved. It’s stayed mostly the same through the process. Now the pre evolution is themed off of a warbler instead of a chat. Thanks for staying with me for all these years lil guy.
And that’s all the ones I’ve designed so far! I hope you’ve enjoyed all the designs, I had a lot of fun. Next time, I’ll be showing off regional forms, I’ve got some plans for that. Like the region so far and have some ideas? I’d love to hear your suggestions for future pokemon, as I’m running out of steam here. But no need to, simply looking through is magnitudes for me!
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devilsmenu · 8 months
Post Event Starter Call
I'll probably drop my pre event threads for my own sanity lol if you want to transition a thread of ours or a specific plot let me know and I'll hop in your DMS.
Allison "Ally" Liddell/Ally of Wonderland - Aware - Descendants
Alison Blaire/Dazzler - Aware - Marvel/X-Men
Akihiro/Daken - Aware - Marvel/X-Men
Chad Charming - Aware - Descendants
Christopher "Chris" Harley - Aware - Until Dawn
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat - Aware - Marvel
Francis Barton - Aware - Marvel
Harriet Hook - Aware - Descendants
Heiya Akane - Aware - Alice in Borderland
Irene Adler/Destiny - Aware - Marvel/X-Men
Jamie/Nine - Aware - Stranger Things
Jihyo Kim - Aware - Stranger Things
Jeon Pildo - Aware - My Name
Junwoong Choi - Aware - Tomorrow
Kim Sun - Aware - Goblin
Kono Kalakaua - Aware - Hawaii 5-0
Li Lonnie - Aware - Descendants
Lorna Dane/Polaris - Aware - Marvel/X-Men
Noah Foster - Aware - Scream
Rafael Lightwood-Bane - Aware - TMI/Shadowhunters
Romeo Montague - Aware - Romeo & Juliet
Sally Ragdoll - Aware - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Satana Hellstrom - Aware - Marvel
Tony Wyzek - Aware - West Side Story
Urumi Akamaki - Aware - Alice in Borderland
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kicktwine · 2 years
I havent watched motor city BUT im loving this au pls tell us more about what everyone is doing im begging hfdhg
hKFGS ok o7 i dont have v much though i havent thought about it that hard
so for starters motorcity is a cartoon about the rule of cool, car gangs, and oppression from a guy who built a perfect efficient city Over the normal city of detroit on a big dome. everyone above kinda lives in a rigid perfection-oriented apple product smooth city, everyone below is Alive and also Chaotic. there are also killer robots. moving on.
my ideas start and end with the mobile games (i am SO SORRY sora you know i love you. you and roxas and xion and others are probably doing cool fun stuff too)
Ephy's gang (the dandelions) cornered one of the lakes still in motorcity and monopolized it to use as their base, they run a beachy resort called Daybreak Town that provides luxury services for cheap prices to normal citizens. People love it because it's like, a resort and a vacation spot where there aren't any more, and also they can relax and not worry abt being shot at by robots because the gang is good at what they do. obviously other gang members run a higher price than normal citizens because of the increased attack risk, and if they act up inside the resort Lauriam will not hesitate to kick everyone out. the rule is Don't Ruin It. the Dandelions trade in and out a lot of money from/to their resort business, so they're good to trade with, and also have a slight reputation as being intense when it comes to trade deals and parts salvaging. you know how competitive khux got.
Ephemer and Skuld (the bear and snake, respectively) run the front desk and manage every trade deal. They're the face members, they deal with PR, management, etc. They're very nice, customer service and all that, and also very scary because they're the most powerful people on the east side and are smiling at you. Brain (the fox) runs all the computer and tech stuff, all the scheduling and activity decisions, and he's the treasurer. Behind the scenes sort of guy, absolutely the one they send in if a trade deal is going poorly and they want to outfox (hahaaa) someone else. He also makes schematics for new weapons. Lauriam (the unicorn) is groundskeeper and security -- caring for the plants (they have water, and thus they have plants, and thus their trade extends to some edible goods as well) relaxes him, which he kind of needs, because he has to be intimidating if someone rowdy is gonna listen to him. He's a twig boy still... dont worry lauri youll fill out soon. Ven and Vani (two leopards, snow and melanistic) are part time maintenance/customer service part time external security, because they like having tasks to do and also like (and are very good at) fight attack kill. Vanitas really likes fixing/making stuff, funny enough, and Ven likes to help people; and Vanitas likes ...dealing with annoying customers. I like 2 think Kane was experimenting with cadets + cyborg stuff and they ended up down in motorcity discarded and glitched out at two separate times, and now they work together. Elrena (no animal) does a lot of mechanic work because she hung around for so long and bothered Lauriam so much that they became friends, so she's ours now. Player (no animal) is head of kitchen crew because that's me and I like cooking and we were missing an important role in the hotel! So!
Ephemer has a car that looks ancient but has a whole harpoon on it, called Polaris. It's kinda star themed, kinda bear themed, kinda icy. Skuld has a whole fire snake thing going on, her car is also starry, blue fire version. It's called Ophiuchus, and it doesn't look quite as old, but it's long, and has a whip/morning star/metal junk projectiles thing. Brain's car isn't used that often, but he has a dog/wild dog theme, and it's called Vulpecula. It has a chain/traps/buffs/debuffs thing. Lauriam obviously has a gardeny mythical car, Cygnus, it is very new and shiny. it has. a lot of weapons also DUH he uses a scythe in hand to hand. Strelitzia isn't old enough to drive yet, but she's learning, and they're gonna build her a car of her own. Her animal will be the heron, and she'll help with groundskeeping until she specializes. Ven and Vani share a car, Gemini Lux, because Vani can't drive and Ven can't aim very well. Ven can drive extremely well and Vani likes to shoot things (they were pilot and combat cadet experiments respectively). They have a tank of a musclecar with two cannons on the back, wing/claw motifs, and a b/w theme.
Ephy and Skuld started this effort, it was ephemer's idea to built a resort in Motorcity. After it really started working, though, they were both in. Brain popped in because a) he prefers not to fight so often and wanted somewhere quiet to work but b) he likes the message and is REALLY good at what he does. Which is important, since the next person they found was Ven, glitched out on the side of the lake and trying really hard not to hurt anyone even if his programming was yelling at him to attack. Brain fixed him up :] after which Lauriam joined, searching for his sister, who turned out to be doing a weird rogue thing with a broken H.O.U.N.D they have all kept and named Chirithy. She tried to attack Ven on sight but it's chill now. Vani joined the main group last by doing pretty much the same thing as ven, just a lot more violently (everyone needs to STOP ATTACKING VENTUS he is NOT made of STEEL. MOSTLY.). They're a legitimate company family at this point.
Daybreak Town as a resort is pretty beachside typical, very relaxed, everyone has soft hawaiian shirts and shorts. They managed to rig some cables and controllers up for a warmer temperature and soft wind from the lake, even if they can't have the sky. They also RIGOROUSLY clear out pollution so people can swim in it, they have constant beef with a certain deluxe garbage chute. It's also: pretty big!
listen to this song
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I stick this in here and say hesitantly,,, no.,,,, because I want the khdr kids +aqua/terra to be in a samurai themed gang LMAO-- I think it would be cool if there was a bit of rivalry/comraderie between the Dandelions and these guys, or if the dandelions broke off from them and that's why all their cars have latin names, or something. Xehanort and Eraqus run their gang after usurping it from their previous leaders, who were extremely strict and had led their subordinates to infighting and sabotage. They vowed to do better, but running a business is hard, and they can't see themselves trending in a similar direction...
idk what their name would be. But they're very much samurai-jedi-apocalyptic car gang members, meticulously clean, down to murder. Good outfits. Cool base building design. I... also want to either keep Baldr as the final straw from their last leaders (he snapped and killed a lot of people allowing xeha and eraqus to take control) or keep him here as a berserker in a cool battering ram swords car. JFHKSD
that's it i think, its cool cars
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lunaerosa · 1 year
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❝ how are things looking out here ? ❞ boots crunch against the hard ground as bianca comes to the gate of the polaris base, hands shoved into her pockets to keep them warm ; there's a terrible snowstorm outside the cave, &&. most grunts have retreated into the warmth of their tents for the day. coleane, however, hasn't moved an inch from her post so far, &&. it wasn't long before bianca found herself worrying about her.
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❝ you know, you should at least come back to my tent for today ... we'll be okay ⸻ no one's crazy enough to come after us in this storm. i don't want you to get hurt ... ❞ / @achampionswings ( starter call. )
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textales · 1 year
"The Unabomber."
“It was a town, a town without milk.” I made this statement while presenting my milky-white lower leg as if it were a prize-winning cheese curd from some county fair. The saying makes no sense to most people now, but in the mid-1990s it was part of the hugely successful “Got Milk?” campaign by the California Milk Processor’s Board.  
“My legs are the color of chicken before it’s cooked.”
“Eeew, take your milk and your chicken somewhere else,” shrieked Joe. We were just waking up and nobody had coffee yet. It was day two of our great adventure - I had convinced several friends to come to my family’s cabin in the teeny town of Lincoln, Montana for a snowmobiling junket over President’s Day weekend in 1996. This was our unofficial fraternity, all five of us working in the radio business in San Francisco.  Even though we were in our 20s and 30s, we were behaving a bit like rowdy, drunken college kids on winter break.
The town of Lincoln had maybe five bars and we hit every one at least twice. A favorite was the Seven-Up Ranch, a bar-restaurant that had a few motel rooms and also rented-out cross-country skis and snowmobiles. We took a liking to the bartender who’d recently moved from Chicago.  He and his wife were urban ex-pats who, like us I suppose, didn’t quite fit-in here in the middle of nowhere.  The husband was okay with living hundreds of miles from the nearest Starbucks, but the wife made no bones about wanting to move back to the civilization of Chicago.
As Joe and I poked around the pool table, a couple families came through the saloon doors. They were wearing brand-new snow suits. Curious, I glanced outside to see two shiny, brand-spanking new black Chevy Suburbans, each pulling trailers with shiny, brand-spanking new snowmobiles.  As a kid I was always envious of those rich folk who could afford new Polaris and Arctic Cats and Ski Dos. We were regular folk, and our sleds – although well maintained – were always at least a dozen years old.
Impressed with the shiny new sleds and suits, I was of course curious who these people were and how they ended up here. Perhaps they, too, were fellow urban dwellers from real cities, here to explore the winter splendor of Big Sky Country. Maybe they were just like us, but with deeper pockets? My curiosity was killing me.
I asked where they were from – and I got odd answers. One guy I assumed to be the leader told me he and his family were from Bozeman.
“Oh really? My brother graduated from Bozeman High in 1974 – he would have about your age. Did you know Mike McKiernan?” He didn’t answer, turning quickly to the bartender to order.
Unsatisfied with the non-answer, I redirected my interrogation to a woman from their posse while Joe and Val finished the pool game.
“We’re from Helena,” said the mid-30s woman who probably assumed her prompt and curt answer would shut me up.
“Who was your gym teacher?” I ask this question because my cousin was a gym teacher at one of the two high schools in Helena, so there is a 50/50 chance the answer will be Shirley Chesterfield.
Without responding, the woman led her entire tribe to the dining room in an effort, I suppose, to escape me and my line of questioning.
“Well hell.” I felt slighted since most Montanans are friendly and I had failed in my attempts to connect. Oh well, their loss. These people were more like those “pesky Californians” my father complains about. The type of people who sell their starter homes in LA and move to Montana and pay cash for everything, pushing up property taxes and pissing-off the locals.
“Sure, I’ll have another Miller Lite. Thank you.”
It all made sense six weeks later when we were back in California. Val called me from LA to tell me the Unabomber had been captured at his cabin just a few miles from where we had been terrorizing the countryside with our snowmobiles. 
The not-so-friendly crowd in brand-new snowsuits, Suburbans and sleds turned out to be FBI agents. NO WONDER they were so dodgy and didn’t know my brother or my cousin!  I felt vindicated.
Lincoln, Montana was at the epicenter of what at the time was the most expensive investigation in FBI history.  Agents arrested Ted Kaczynski at his cabin, about ten miles down the road from my parents’ place, on April 3, 1996.  Found was bomb-making stuff, lots of hand-written journal pages with damning evidence describing his crimes, and one live bomb.
The town of Lincoln, with a population of 1,000 on a good day, was suddenly a media sensation. Reporters and producers from every network and dozens of media outlets booked every flight and rented every hotel room. Rental cars were sold out, as were RVs.
Hindsight is “20/20” and I realize now how I could have arranged to rent my parents cabin for a pretty penny. A friend living in Denver was a freelance cameraman for ABC News and the network would have easily paid thousands to put-up him and a producer and Barbara Walters for a couple weeks.  They could have admired Red’s art carvings while enjoying a “Uniburger” from the bar down the road.
I’m pretty sure the bartender at the Seven Up Ranch ended up in a couple radio interviews, since Val, Kira and Carolyn were producers for morning shows in LA and San Francisco. That bartender got to return to civilization, even if only virtually, for his fifteen minutes of fame.
And decades later, I was at KGO radio in San Francisco when the Program Director was introducing some of the talk show hosts to the sales staff.  A small world was made smaller when I got to meet Candace DeLong,  an FBI criminal profiler who helped find Kaczynski and at the time hosted a show on our station. She remembered the town, but did not remember the “Uniburger” from the bar down the road.
My mother remembers seeing the Unabomber. “Oh yeah, I remember that guy. I think I saw him at the post office.” I wish she were still around so I could verify, but a nerdy weirdo mountain man really wasn't all that odd in that little town.  A town without milk.
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girlsofthemcu · 1 year
Starter Call: The World is Doomed - Mutant Edition
Like or reblog for a starter from one of the following:
Aimee Drake / Daughter of Iceman
Sandra Cassidy / Daughter of Banshee and the White Queen
Belle LeBeau / Daughter of Gambit
Alyssa Blaire / Daughter of Dazzler
Jessica Summers / Daughter of Polaris and Havoc
Katie Cassidy / Daughter of Aimee Drake and Nathan Cassidy
Madelaine LeBeau / Daughter of Sandra Cassidy and Chris LeBeau
Sarah McCoy / Daughter of Jessica Summers and Doug McCoy
Remember to specify who you would like the starter from and, if you are also a multi, who you would like the starter for.
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burygods · 15 hours
starter call : emmeline polaris.
bridget doesn't really announce her arrival into her sister's room. she practically bounces in and throws herself down onto her bed, body splayed out and taking over half of it. they shared the same womb, had the blood of stars in their veins, but they also couldn't be more different ... and if she's honest, she doesn't mind that @storibrooke didn't follow her every whim.
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" boys are stupid. " the blonde fairy says after a moment of silence, the most dramatic of sighs. " especially prince's. "
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multiicolor · 5 months
@sparkadream gets an impulse starter
the sound of her sword dragging on the floor was drowned out by her heartbeat thudding in her ears. her once bright amber eyes were dark now, like a storm at sunset. her breathing was heavy— she had to go through that abyss mage AGAIN to even get anywhere close to him. they both knew what she was here for, and she wasn't going to let it slip through her fingers again.
gathering her strength and ignoring the cries of the fairy at the back, she lets the anemo element flow through her body - the winds of freedom echoing in her blood - but kept it steady. she had to be ready. polaris knew her brother, and this one wasn't going to be easy. but she had to try anyways.
she stopped just a step away from the stairs, her gaze turning upward towards her twin. it was a moment before he finally turned too, his cold expression only adding to the boiling blood that raged inside her. the second his mouth parted to speak, she slashed downwards- slicing through the stone floor.
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" NO. NUH-UH. I'm not even gonna give you a MINUTE to start with your crap, " she snapped, shaking her head vigorously, " No more of it, I'm DONE. I'm .. done listening to you go on about whatever you talk about- whatever bigger purpose there is, that i'll 'understand' someday. "
her heavy breathing hasn't let up yet. but she lets it carry her, nostrils flaring as she glares at her twin. her other half.
" Enough .. of whatever this is. I came seeking you in this place, after apparently 500 years! I've fought through your stupid little henchmen and minions, or whatever you'd like to call em, JUST to find you! I didn't even know you were alive until I found you the first time! " her voice trembles a little at the last part, and her shiny eyes searched his before she continued, " The first time .. I was so happy to see you. I thought ... I thought that would be it, we could go back to how it was- We could be a family again. "
her chest was starting to hurt from the unshed tears, but she couldn't risk a moment of lapse. he'd do his stupid monologue and not even let her talk again if she gave him just an inch of room. gathering herself, she drew upon her rage to keep carrying her through, a new storm in her eyes.
" I'll never doubt the bonds I've made here, but I just wanted my brother back. And I don't care if I have to drag you outta here kicking and screaming, because I will- and you know it too. "
suddenly, the limp grasp on her sword strengthens- and she lifts it to point right at aether.
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" So don't make this more difficult than it has to be. "
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riptile · 10 months
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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐄 — in tender youth, the outcast is convinced of his wrongness. an inescapable evil within that he, for some reason, is blind to. but as distance grows, confidence blossoms. the outcast discovers at last who is and realizes it was not he who was wrong.
independent & selective 𝐒𝐘𝐙𝐎𝐓𝐇 / 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐄, a tenderhearted shapeshifter in exile from 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐀𝐓. strong content warnings apply: graphic descriptions, body horror, violence, gore, & substance abuse.
( temporary rules )    ( starter call )    ( thread tracker )
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𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝚂: @honorhunt / @aniimvs / @scoundrvls 𝙼𝙾𝚁𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝙺𝙾𝙼𝙱𝙰𝚃: @delugenal 𝙷𝙾𝚁𝚁𝙾𝚁: @hellmartyr / @stalkvr
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𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 watching the 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐓 docuseries for free
come back alive foundation / cold case foundation / #relistwolves campaign / nz whale & dolphin trust / department of conservation / te papa atawhai - research of hector's and māui dolphin / 4ocean impact service / hakai institute / hakai magazine / our planet: five steps to save the planet / world wildlife action and information center / how scientists are restoring the great barrier reef / great barrier reef foundation / girls who code / polaris project / writegirl / habitat for humanity / one tree planted / sustainable fisheries / ocean conservancy / cosmosapiens / paleontological society / nexta
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everglow-synth · 1 year
@kcnhub asks... 'Abandoned Mask' 'Mask's Calling' 'Another Mask' 'Try This Mask' (i offer, the little [big] bastard that is grandpa bj blazkowicz and his dumbass not knowing how to turn off a coffee machine in a train... but ONLY if you desire my homie!!!!)
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Hoo boy, this is gonna be a long one. Alright ya' bastard, let's tackle this one by one.
Abandoned Mask: A character I no longer roleplay
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Luigi (The Four Players)
So, this one's a bit of a weird one, and was admittedly me feeding my own niche interests. This is a take on Luigi from an old Polaris mini-series called The Four Players, which featured grittier takes on Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad, being The Fixer, The Addict, The Star and The Soldier(which is like, the only one I really don't care for lmao).
A mixture of nobody really interacting with him (save for one person; you know who you are and I still love you for it ;D) and just kinda falling out of roleplaying for a while just made me drop him. Would I pick him up again? I dunno, maybe. But he isn't exactly a popular muse from my old blog, so I don't see him making a huge comeback.
Mask's Calling: A character I'm on the fence about roleplaying
So I was having a hard time with this one(it was this one or an OC), but I think I've landed on a decent candidate.
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Rimuru Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime)
My girlfriend got me hooked on this anime over the last few months, and we haven't finished it(well, she has, but I only ever watch stuff with her anymore, so I haven't). However, I've been watching TenSura with the thought that I would really like to RP as him.
As it is, I was planning on him maybe taking over my old Villain Deku MHA blog, mostly because I've fallen out of watching My Hero for a good while and the concept I had for Villain Deku was flawed anyway, but I don't know if he would be popular enough to warrant having a whole blog to himself.
Another's Mask: A muse I have on another blog
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Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS 1 and 2) - @the-devils-toybox
InFAMOUS is honestly one of my favorite series. Just ever. For starters, the neon powers used in the game InFAMOUS: Second Son (and subsequently its expansion First Light) inspired Matthew's powers, but Cole is the main character of the first two games.
The basic rundown for the uninitiated is that the series starts off with Cole, a college dropout bike courier, delivering a mysterious package. He suddenly gets a phone call that tells him to open it when he's basically at the heart of the city, an event which causes a massive explosion that kills dozens, but mysteriously grants Cole with electrokinetic abilities.
As the city comes under lockdown, it is full of rioters, looters, and overall just gangs that are trying to take over the city for their own reasons, plenty of them either super powered themselves or run by those with powers. Cole, discovering and learning to use these powers, takes matters into his own hands to either free the city... or to take it over for himself.
I roleplay as both versions of Cole; either the Hero of Empire City, beloved by the people for his selfless acts in the face of adversity, or the Demon of Empire City, a heartless beast who took as much power as he could for himself, ruling the city with an iron fist as revenge against the people for turning on him upon initially finding that it was him at the center of the blast.
...Or I would, if InFamous as a series hadn't fallen out of the public eye. I highly suggest at least giving the games a watch, they're made by the Sly Cooper devs, Sucker Punch.
Try This Mask: A Character you think I can roleplay well
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William Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein)
This one's... tricky. See, I would be willing to roleplay as him, but I haven't the slightest goddamn clue about anything Wolfenstein. As it is, I only just recently got into Doom a bit after 2016 came out, and I'm interested in Wolfenstein as well... but I have a huge fucking backlog so I haven't had the time to really get around to looking into it.
Literally all I know are a few funny scenes from... I wanna say Old Blood? I'd need to go and actually play the series for myself before I can definitively pick him up. Or, at the very least, watch all the cutscenes or something lol.
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xtraterrestrials · 3 months
@pareidolah replied to your post “starter call”:
for nami?
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"By the look of Polaris, I think we're..." Theo paused and tilted his head as he stared at the night sky. "Pointing thirty-three degrees north. Maybe thirty-five? What do you think?"
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devilsmenu · 1 year
Post event starter call
Probably I'll drop some pre event threads, but if you want to continue our threads just let me know. Like for plotting and I'll slide in your DMs!
Ally of Wonderland | Descendants | Aware
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Ally is open for ships (she's bisexual) if someone is interested. Flinging, friends with benefits, slow burn ship because chemistry is very important.
Calliope | Hercules | Unaware
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Also open for ships (pansexual). Anything at all to be honest. Also slow burn ship.
Chad Charming | Descendants | Aware
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Not open for ships but would like more friends, frenemies, roommate or anything at all.
Felicia Hardy | Marvel | Aware
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She's also open for ships (she's bisexual), we can totally discuss a more romantic environment, especially because Felicia is used to one night or fwb things so would definitely be interesting. Slow burn ship.
Harriet Hook | Descendants | Aware
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Open for ships (she's bisexual). Fwb, flings, exes, slow burn ship.
Heiya Akane | Alice in Borderland | Aware
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Open for ships (she's heterosexual). Flings, one night stands, fwb, slow burn ship.
Irene Adler | Marvel | Aware
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Decided to give a shot and putting her to shipping as well (she's lesbian). Slow burn ship as well.
Jamie/Nine | Sranger Things | Aware
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Open for ship plots. Flings, friends with benefits, slow burn ship.
Jihyo Kim | Stranger Things | Aware
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Open for ship plots. Flings and slow burn ship.
Li Lonnie | Descendants | Aware
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Open for ships. Slow burn ship.
Lorna Dane/Polaris | Marvel | Aware
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Open for ships. Flings, exes, one night stands, friends with benefits, slow burn ship.
Noah Foster | Scream | Aware
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Open for ships. Flings, friends with benefits, slow burn ship.
Rafael Lightwood-Bane | The Mortal Instruments | Aware
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Open for ships. Flings, one night stands, friends with benefits, slow burn ship.
Romeo Montague | Romeo & Juliet | Aware
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Not open for ships but would love some platonic connections, especially friends.
Satana Hellstrom | Marvel | Aware
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Just like Felicia and Heiya not someone that is very into serious relationship but would love to try out. Flings, exes, friends with benefits, one night stands and slow burn ship.
Tony Wyzek | west Side Story | Aware
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Not open for ships but would love some platonic connections, especially friends.
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magnetxgirl · 3 years
Starter Call
Like for a starter from Polaris
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