#*JILL not polly lmao
artoodeeblue · 1 year
it’s been like 50+ years and people are still soooo wrong about the problem of susan and i am being so brave about it
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zodiyack · 5 years
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x petite/scrawny!princess!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing, smoking and alcohol, changing things from the movie, spoilers??, a sexual word, violence, fluff
Note: ANASTASIA AU CAUSE WHY NOT LMAO || So the movie Anastasia takes place in 1926, Anastasia was 8 (1916) when Rasputin cursed her family and killed all of them but her and her grandmother. She ran with her grandma to the train, falling and hitting her head before she could get on it. Watch the movie, I can’t explain it for you oof || AGAIN, AS I SAID, THIS IS A BIT DIFFERENT BUT STILL SOMEWHAT SIMILAR
Words: 5713 I’m sorry
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masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
It was currently 1919. Tommy and his brother Arthur had heard news of a princess, who was assumed dead, being alive and missing. They knew it was a true rumor, and boy were they determined to find that girl...or at least a girl to play her.
Polly and Ada were training the girls on how to act formal. And when the time was right, each girl would audition. Tommy always turned them down though. He claimed they were nothing like the princess.
“How’d ya even know the princess anyways, Tommy?” Arthur questioned, with the intent of teasing and out of genuine curiosity.
Closing his eyes and rubbing his temples, Tommy remembered. It was like it was yesterday.
1902 was the year it happened. Her family’s demise. The young Shelby boy was only 10 when he met the princess. Now, he was 12 and rescuing the 8 year old girl. He admired her greatly. The princess met him in a peculiar way that most people would deem unladylike;
She was riding her horse without a saddle when she was thrown off and landed on none other than the infamous Thomas Shelby. Of course, she didn’t know who he was, or what a boy his age was doing by himself.
“How rude!” She tried her hardest to seem serious about the situation. In all honesty, it was to distract from her red cheeks. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her body. “A girl lands on you.. and all y-you do is stare?”
“A lady wears trousers and all I do is stare, ma’am.”
“O- oh... Please, don’t let word of this reach the palace.”
Tommy’s eyes widened. She was the princess- that’s where he knew her from. “Of course your highness!” He knew she could sense the sarcasm coming from his voice by the way she visibly tensed.
“Whatever... You may know me, but who are you? I’m Princess Y/n L/n. But please, call me Y/n. I like being..well not a princess every once in a while.”
“Thomas Shelby ma’am. Please, call me Tommy.”
They had met every day, her telling him stories of what happened in the palace, and him telling of his family. She was fascinated by the peasant life. It was odd. Normally, Tommy would dream of being the richest man alive, but the fact that a princess, who could do almost anything she wanted, dreamt of being a commoner...that was strange.
However, her strangeness was something he needed to put aside currently. He may have thought it was one of her best traits- but now he needed to think of her safety. The sorcerer Rasputin had cursed her family and was after her wishing nothing but death. Tommy would not allow that. The commoner grew feelings for the princess he had met two years ago. Of course, he wasn’t sure she felt the same way, but he wasn’t going to let her die.
As he lead the two females through the secret door Y/n had showed him, he whispered his goodbyes. Then, right then and there, she stole his first kiss before she ran with her grandmother to the train station. He touched his lips for a second, then realizing where he was and running behind her shortly.
“Tommy?” Arthur’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “What, ya cut ya lip or somethin’?”
Tommy removed his hand from his face and inhaled. He actually missed the princess, and he wasn’t even sure he would ever see her again. “No. Back to the auditions, the girl who’ll be her must be 25, and she must have h/c hair with e/c eyes. I wanna say.. a soft voice. Oh yes, and she must have a serious side.”
His brother made a face at the demands, but added them to the list. The auditions went for an hour or two longer, and none of them were the ones Tommy wanted. Some were either too dramatic, some nowhere close to the description of the princess, others were.. well just plain scarring. It was disappointing, to say the least, but what the Shelby boys didn’t know, was that Y/n herself was waiting to be found.
. . .
“Now get out!”
“Alright alright, no need to yell Sarah. I’m out, okay? Goodbye kids!” Y/n ignored the mean old orphanage lady as she said goodbye to the kids she grew up with. She was finally leaving the place to search for her family. If she had one...
All she could remember was waking up on the train station ground and being lost. The only sign she had of family, was the necklace that never came off her neck. It read, “Together in London.” London was her only clue, and her only hope to be happy.
“Wish you luck finding your family, Y/n/n.”
“No.” The gate was then shut in her face. Sarah cackled and mocked Y/n’s necklace and dreams. That didn’t really have an effect on Y/n, for she was already walking down the road.
Humming an oddly familiar tune, she skipped in the snow. When she stopped at what used to be a wooden post, it was wrecked and covered in snow. They were her directions. She didn’t own a map, nor did she know her way around England having never left the orphanage.
She gave up and groaned. Sitting on the snow soaked ground, she muttered words of annoyance. She really thought she could find a way to London on her own. Y/n actually had hope and courage and now all she had was-
She had bark? No that wasn’t right- Just as quickly as she had sat down, she stood up and searched for whatever had made the noise.
“Bark Bark!”
A dog?
When the small animal came into Y/n’s view, she could see that it was a little brown dog. It was adorable. But what was it doing out here by itself? The dog came closer, allowing Y/n to see that it- no he, had no collar or tags.
“Aww poor boy... Do you miss your family?”
The dog tilted it’s head. Could it be answering her? Nope. He rolled over and stuck his tongue out again.
“Hm.. Well I’ll call you Pooka!” She took the dog’s cheerful barks as a good sign. “Do you know where I’m supposed to go, Pooka? ...Of course you don’t. You’re a dog-”
Pooka bit down onto her scarf, dragging it around and off of her and heading down the path to the left. Y/n grunted and chased after her new friend. This was probably normal, after all, dogs wouldn’t know how to understand humans...would they?
Only minutes after following Pooka, did Y/n realize she was headed out of Lichfield and to Birmingham. It would take hours, and she knew that. But ‘a few hours’ wouldn’t stop her from finding her family. So she followed the dog. And besides, a girl her size wouldn’t make it in the snow if she were to wait for help. In the orphanage, it wasn’t much. The meals were not always even and nor were they filling. The older kids would often tease Y/n, saying how she would fly away if she were to stand in the wind a moment too long.
The trip of following the dog turned out to be useful. She made it to a station where she ate and asked around. An odd lady told her to look for a Shelby family in Birmingham, and to not let anyone know she had told her. So off she went, now nearing the unknown place of Small Health. Every time she mentioned the name “Shelby” to the people, they shuddered and didn’t have much to say. Some women smirked but still didn’t speak.
Next, Y/n tried the Garrison. It was full of men. Like, FULL. The only women were accompanied by other men, or were..well whores. It didn’t make Y/n uncomfortable, but she was distant from everyone. Distant as in, avoiding making contact with the people in the pub. She’d only drank alcohol once, and it was after she had a small breakdown at the orphanage. Her friend Jill telling her the drink would wash away her sadness.
This time, the responses to her question about the Shelby name were answered by the man serving drinks.
“What do you want with the Shelbys? They’re not the best people to be looking for.”
“Oh...well I was told that they would have a way to London? Specifically Thomas and Arthur Shelby?”
Harry sighed. He knew what she was talking about, sadly. So did the two men standing right behind her.
“That would be us. Or, for a proper greeting, I am Tommy Shelby, and this is my brother. If you want to go to London, I’m afraid we have no more auditions available.” A deep, but soft, voice spoke into her ear. It gave her chills and made her shiver.
“I don’t know what you mean by auditions. I just want to go see my family, or whatever family I have left. They’re in London and I have no way of getting there. No money, no nothin’. Not even memories.”
Arthur glanced Tommy. The two held the widest grins on earth. “Alright...but you must be the princess in order for us to take you.” They hooked their arms through hers and led her to a corner of the pub. “See, are you her?”
Y/n observed the well made painting that rested on the table. The child looked familiar, but Y/n didn’t believe it. How could she be a princess? She didn’t even look as fancy as the people in the pub!
“Me? A princess?”
“Well you do look quite like her, dear.” Arthur walked around Y/n. “What’s your name? How old are you?”
“Y/n/n and I’m twenty-five... why?”
“Perfect! That’s the age the princess would be now!”
“But still, I can’t possibly be her, I mean look at me!” To prove her point, Y/n pulled at her dress. It was practically a large ratty coat and a belt tied tightly around her small waist. The brown tights-like-pants hugging her legs were the only supply of warmth she had. A princess would be well fed and dressed in fancy clothing. To Y/n, she looked nothing like a princess would. Her hair was knotted and frizzy, a princess’ would be combed and neat.
“Ah...how sad. Well, we must be on our way then.” Tommy turned around with the painting in hand. He walked rather slowly, and don’t even start on Arthur’s expression. She was the perfect actress for the princess, why was Tommy walking away from a good deal?! The younger Shelby elbowed his older brother, “walk slower. Three. Two. and-”
“So what if I am this princess you speak of? I can’t remember, so who knows, I could be her. That is a possibility. And hey, if I go with you and figure out I’m not her, we’ll at least have made friends, right?”
Tommy let a snarky smile slip onto his face. It was obviously aimed at Arthur 'cause disappeared when he faced the young woman. “Right. Well then, come along Y/n/n. We have a train to catch.”
. . .
“What the fuck are you doing.” Y/n looked up from her journal to see Tommy glaring at her.
“I’m writing...” She was a mess. The ink from her pen was smeared across her cheek and she was slouching. 
“No. I meant that.” He gestured to her legs, which rested underneath her bum. “Sit normally woman. No one would ever think you’re the princess with your bad posture and childish sitting.” He handed her a cloth. “And clean your face while you’re at it.”
“Oh leave her alone Tommy.” Polly chuckled, not looking up from her own book. “She still has time to learn.”
Ada, Polly, John and Finn joined their family with Y/n on the train. Ada had made it her duty to teach Y/n, Polly offering her assistance. And the other boys were probably just eager to meet her. Either way, they were preventing Tommy from making an ass of himself in front of the poor woman.
Or...at least trying to. Tommy growled and left the car, going to smoke in the smoking car. Y/n had only met Tommy a day ago, and she thought he was nice. Now that she saw this side of him, she was rethinking her opinion.
“Is he always such a dick?”
Polly laughed once more and finally looked at the girl in front of her. “Yes dear. I’ve known that boy most of his life, and trust me, he’s not changing. Especially after the war.”
“Did he serve in it?” Pol nodded, looking back down with sorrow. “Oh my..that must’ve been hard on him..”
“It really was. He said that he loved a girl when he was younger. And that the war was not only something he needed to help in, but a way to prove to himself that he could possibly be worthy of that girl’s love.”
“I personally think that the girl made the right decision, getting away from him. He’s so mean and grumpy.”
Polly shook her head. Her final laughs of the ride escaped her mouth. The reason for them being final was unknown to the two women. 
Y/n fell asleep, and Polly went back to her book. Tommy joined them again, refusing to apologize. He saw Y/n and admitted she was beautiful, although he would never deem someone as beautiful or even more beautiful than the lost princess who owned his heart.
The reason of Polly’s laughter being the last of the ride was being shouted by John. He told his family how they had the wrong papers and needed to hide away in the baggage car before they were booted off the train. Tommy went to wake Y/n, earning himself a shocked punch in the jaw. After he collected himself, he rushed Y/n to said car, only causing her curiosity to grow.
 This was the last time she trusted a stranger claiming they could supply her with a ride to London. And they were only around forty minutes away! 
“Alright, will someone please explain to me, what the fuck is going on?”
“Well, Y/n/n, Tommy and Arthur here decided to get the wron-” Slap! “Wrong car! Now, we are um.. moving cars! You shouldn’t have to sit in there worth all those filthy commoners. And- wait what’s that sound?” John didn’t even finish his sentence before he noticed something was wrong. Y/n and the others heard it too.
Before anyone could do anything, the train was jerked forward and the door to the dining car was ripped off. The other half of the train faded into the winter background. Everyone had fallen over, Tommy landing on Y/n with a large box in his arms.
“Get off of me!!”
He sighed and threw off the case, pulling Y/n up. She mimicked him as she brushed off the imaginary dirt from her clothing. It reminded him of his Y/n, if only he realized Y/n/n was not actually the mysterious girl’s real name.
“Uh Tommy..”
“What is it now Ada?”
“Someone’s um...flambeed our engine.”
“What!?” Tommy pushed over to where Ada was looking. It indeed looked like sabotage. He pulled off his coat and climbed to the front of the train. Sparks and coals were flying everywhere. It was burning hot and no one was driving the train. They would need to jump off.
He noticed the bridge for the railroad tracks was broken in half. It would cause their deaths if they were to continue in any of the cars, or even in the train itself.
First, his mission was to separate the car him and his family were in from the front two. After telling his family of the plan to escape, he hopped back to the part connecting the cars. It was somehow frozen over, so he demanded a tool to break the ice. No tools worked, he was tempted to just get up and find one himself. Luckily, Y/n saved the day, handing him a dynamite and winking.
“That’ll work.”
Once they were safe and off the train, into the snow, Y/n laughed. It made Tommy’s heart warm. Again, the warmness didn’t last long. Tommy told himself that she wasn’t actually the princess, and he was saving his heart for the real one. The chances of finding her were slim, and he knew it.
“Yes Y/n?”
“Promise me we’ll still be friends after I become queen.”
“I promise. Promise me you’ll invite me and my family to the palace?”
“My family and I.”
Tommy turned to the princess and gave her a short glare. She only corrected her grammar when she was being a form of somewhat serious mixed with worry. The fact that she doubted his loyalty to her in their friendship hurt him, but he understood. The royal family already had trust issues, and he didn’t plan on giving the princess more.
“What would happen if I were to... maybe leave England?”
“I would journey with you, Y/n. To all ends of the earth. No matter how crazy the adventure may seem.”
He watched the smile find it’s way onto her face. A similar smile appearing on his in response. She didn’t reply for what seemed like years. That was until she hopped off the tree branch that posed as a two person seat. 
“I would do the same for you, Thomas Shelby. For even just one adventure with you is the only adventure I could possibly dream of.”
. . .
Now on their way to the cottage of Helena Williams, Ada tried her best to train Y/n. She was teaching her posture, showing her how to walk like a lady. It wasn’t going to well. The book tactic didn’t work, Y/n dropping it off her head and into the dusty path multiple times.
Pol had even given Y/n a new dress. It was a sight any man would love to see. The color matched her eyes and her hair was styled in a way- well really everything about her look acted in a way that made the dress seem like it was made specifically for her.
She looked more and more like the princess. Thomas refused to admit it though. In his eyes, no one could ever make him feel the same way about them as he did about Y/n. There was a chance she was still alive, and Tommy wanted to be the one to find her. He would take the reward money and set off on an adventure to all the places Y/n told him she wanted to explore. London was first, as Y/n’s grandmother lived there and waited for her granddaughter.
All Tommy had left of Y/n was his memories and the music box that her grandma gave her before they escaped. He knew it could be the key to finding the real princess. If only he could open it.
He grunted. Tommy was in no mood to speak.
“Are you sure I have a chance of being the princess?”
‘No. Your chances are nonexistent, love.’ “Yes. I believe you might be her. Just maybe.” He let the lies escape his mouth.
“I guess that’s enough to give me some form of confidence.” She went back to her training, this time actually doing better. She mastered the wave and walk, perfected the bow and fake smile. She even knew how to dance.
They arrived at the cottage and Polly rushed to Helena. The two women shared a hug, it was much need with the years they spent apart. Helena saw Tommy and walked to him, pinching his cheeks while mumbling something about not seeing him since he was a wee lad.
“And who might this be?” She was done greeting the Shelbys, now raising and eyebrow at their guest. “Another Shelby?”
“No ma’am. I’m Y/n/n.”
“Helena, this is someone we brought to see if she’s the princess.”
“Oh but... come right in!”
Helena sat down and poured cups of tea. She had a Russian accent and a high pitched voice. Her hair was short and blond, poofy and moving every time she moved her head. She had curves that complimented her body, and her purple dress only made it better.
“You certainly do look like Y/n...but so did many of the other girls.” She inhaled and sipped her tea. “Where were you born?”
“At the Buckingham Palace.”
“Correct! And how does Y/n like her tea?”
“I don’t like tea. Just hot water and lemon.”
Some time past, and Y/n was answering the questions honestly, giving answers that were correct.
“Finally, you may find this an impertinent question, but indulge me. How did you escape during the siege of the palace?”
It was the one question Tommy knew she couldn’t answer. If she got this wrong, she would never meet the queen and he would never get the reward. It was game over. Well, until she opened her mouth for a response that made him rethink everything.
“There... was a boy... He opened a wall, and I kissed him. He was my friend..or at least I think... He.. no. That’s ridiculous, walls opening?”
Tommy’s jaw dropped. He stopped pacing and stared at the girl. He knew she couldn’t see him, but he didn’t care. It was really her. The girl he fell in love with and was waiting to meet. The reward didn’t matter to him anymore, for his reward was sitting right in front of him.
“So...is she a L/n?” Polly was the first to speak up.
“Oh well, she answered every question!”
“You hear that my dear?! You did it!” Arthur picked up Y/n and spun her around. The Shelby family cheering with joy. Y/n even let a few giggles of her own come out of her mouth. “So, when do we see the empress?”
“I’m afraid you don’t.” The family stopped cheering.
“Come again?”
“The empress simply won’t allow it.” Upon seeing their annoyed and sad faces, she smirked. “Oh! Do you like the ballet? The Empress and I see them every time, they preform in the Kingsley Room. You should check the place out, the empress loves to sit in the top rows.” She winked and walked off with her tray of tea.
“...Anyone want to go watch some ballet?”
. . .
Y/n ripped and ripped at her paper. She was nervous, and the ripping only proved her point. Tommy tried to stop her, taking the paper from her, but she kept getting it back and tearing more pieces off. Tommy hadn’t told her that she really was the princess, he was saving the reveal for her grandmother to tell her.
That unfortunately, did not happen in the way he expected. After the show, the empress refused to see Tommy or his family. She turned them away and explained how she was done hurting. Calling the guards was something she had to do when Tommy broke his way into the vip section to get her attention.
He shouted at the empress. He demanded that she at least look at Y/n. He told her that he was in the castle when it all happened, and how he was the one who helped them escape. “I’ve heard of you Thomas Shelby. You and your gang. You will quit looking for my granddaughter..if she’s even alive. All you men saying you’ve found her...I’m done hurting. My heart has had enough.”
Not long after that, she called in security. They threw Tommy out of the room. He thought the surprises were over, but there sat Y/n with a red face and puffy eyes. “You! You used me! You just wanted to get that poor woman’s money, didn’t you? I’m done with this!” She stormed off, leaving the Shelby man in his own regrets. 
No. He would not just sit around and cry. He was Thomas Fucking Shelby. He stood up and raced outside. The empress was sitting in the car, waiting for her driver. Tommy took the opportunity and pushed the driver out of the way, climbing into the driver’s seat. He sped down the road, ignoring the empress’ demands of slowing down and stopping. 
He looked into the mirror, “Sorry ma’am, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She gasped and spewed insults. He didn’t slow down, only going full speed. “I’m not going to stop until you listen to me!”
The car halted with a jerk. Tommy got out and slammed the door, opening the empress’ on the other side. He pulled out the music box from his coat. “Recognize this?”
“W-where did you get that, boy?”
“You should know, I told you the truth after all. I was the boy who helped you guys escape. Y/n/n really is Y/n. I knew as soon as she told the story of her fleeing. I love her and I can’t stand to see her suffer, so please. Just go talk to her for once. If she’s not her, you can throw me in jail for all I care. I don’t want a reward, I just want to see her smile.”
The empress tilted her head at Tommy’s determination. The fire in his soul and heart that made his love for Y/n indestructible. She could see the anger and hurt in his eyes. The same look she had in hers when she turned him down. He denied the reward she had offered, most men would not.
“Alright. But if she’s not Y/n, expect my guards to be at your doorstep.”
. . .
‘Knock Knock Knock’
“Go away Thomas.”
‘Knock Knock’
“I thought I told you to-” She stopped packing and opened the door to find the empress smiling at her. “Oh, I’m sorry.. I thought you were-”
“Thomas Shelby? I’m not dear, but I would like to speak to you.”
“Yes. You.” The woman walked over to the chair in front of the vanity, taking out the small box. “You are Y/n right?”
“Y/n/n. I’m not the princess, I’m sorry.”
“Ah. What a shame. I thought I’d be with her in London...”
“Wait!” Y/n was fiddling with her necklace. It caught the woman’s attention when she turned around.
“What is that, dear? Come here.” Y/n did as she was told and sat down. The woman grabbed her necklace and read it. “Together in London...” Her eyes sparkled as she turned to Y/n. She took the necklace and unlocked the box, a melody playing softly.
“Hear this song and remember
Soon you’ll be 
home with me
once upon a December”
The woman joined in singing with Y/n, crying and wrapping her arms around her. “Oh Y/n. My Y/n.”
It was a sweet moment. However, the women could not see Tommy as he stood outside, blowing a kiss to Y/n’s room. His brothers and sister asked him if he was sure. He said yes, and started on his journey back to Birmingham.
. . .
“It’s beautiful grandma!”
“Yes my darling...It is...”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well Y/n...somethings are also beautiful. Like the love between a princess and a bet maker.”
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. “He’s not like how he was when we were kids. He’s probably enjoying spending all of his reward money on whores and alcohol.” She was dressed in a crown and fancy dress, her hair done like she had imagined. She was living the life she was meant to live, and the man she thought she loved was probably living the one he wanted.
“...He didn’t take the reward money, my love.”
“He didn’t?”
“No. He said he just wanted to see you smile.”
“I guess I was wrong about him...”
“Y/n. Go after him. While you still can.”
Y/n nodded at her grandmother’s words. She was about to head out to find him before Pooka ran off into the maze behind the palace. Y/n groaned and searched for her dog. The maze was...off. It sent chills and uneasy feelings to Y/n. She started to notice it. The walls would close behind her, blocking her way out and others’ ways in.
Less than twenty minutes later, Y/n was greeted by Rasputin. She thought he was dead. He was. Well, somewhat. His body was decaying, limbs popping off and acid bubbling in his stomach. He was falling apart yet still aching to finish his curse and kill Y/n.
Rasputin threatened her and mocked her. He brought up the curse, refreshing Y/n’s memory on the matter. And when she didn’t respond the way he wanted, he had some of his spiritual minions claw and bite at her dress, tearing shreds off the once beautiful gown.
“I am not afraid of you!”
“I can fix that!” He growled loudly. “Care for a little swim..under the ice?!!”
A green light flashed from the glass his hands, the bridge crumbling on the side Y/n was on. She was falling, and her crown had already fallen off into the freezing water. Before she could fall herself, Tommy had appeared, his jacket off and his face red. He grabbed her hands and pulled her up with a groan.
“If we live through this-” She groaned as well. “Remind me to thank you.”
“You can thank me later.”
“How enchanting! Together again, for the last time!” Rasputin sent a cursed stone Pegasus flying Tommy’s way, picking him up and bucking him off into a part of the bridge that stood up on it’s own.
“Tommy!” She was halfway over the edge, only her arms and head showing. Y/n was struggling to pull herself onto the bridge, the struggle growing more intense when she cried for Tommy. He grabbed a metal rod and was fighting off the stone statue.
Rasputin walked to Y/n, grabbing her by the part of her ponytail that touched her neck. He lifted her slightly, “Do svidaniya, your highness.” The bridge section that was hanging underneath her fell. “Finally! The last L/n dead!” She screamed but caught a grip onto the remaining bridge in time. Tommy watched her, a newfound courage taking over, his strength coming back to him as he fought off the cursed statue.
The sorcerer was about to kick her hands off the bridge, when Pooka bit his ankle. Pooka and Rasputin were pretty much playing tug o’ war with Rasputin’s legs. More of the bridge Y/n was hanging onto fell, and she grabbed for the only thing she could. She was now hanging over icy water, clinging to a metal rod that was stuck in the side bridge.
He watched Pooka tumble away when he kicked him off his leg. When he looked back, Y/n was nowhere in sight. A splash sounded and the water rippled. “Yes!”
“No! Y/n!” Tommy raced to the water, preparing to dive. The Pegasus had other plans. Darting into him and shoving him to the other side of the bridge.
“Long live the L/ns!” Rasputin cheered.
“Right!” He kept laughing, opening his eyes and turning his head to the voice. Y/n stood her ground. “I couldn’t have said it better myself!” She ran at him and tackled him to the ground. She was wrestling him for the source of his power; the glass vile-like-thing.
He pushed her off of him, sending more minions after her. Pooka saved the day once more, biting it out of his hands and rolling it to Y/n. She stomped on it, causing the Pegasus to break into rocks. One of the rocks hit Tommy's head, knocking him unconscious. She gasped before turning to Rasputin with an angered expression.
“This is for Tommy!” She stomped on the vile. Red light glowed from it.
“Give it back!”
“This is for my family!” She rolled it backwards with her foot and stomped on it another time.
Rasputin tugged on the bottom her dress. “I’ll tear you to pieces!”
“And this. This is for you.” She stomped on it one final time. The vile exploded and the red light flashed. Both Y/n and the sorcerer were blast backwards. He started to melt, disappearing into nothing.
Tommy woke back up and searched for Y/n. When he saw her, he spun her around, kissing her before he set her back down. She giggled and kissed him again. He found his princess, and she found her commoner.
. . . 
“And on the boat back to Birmingham, I kissed her over and over.”
“Ew! Gross papa! You didn’t have to tell us those details!”
Tommy chuckled at his 5 year old son’s disgusted expressions. His daughter, Nevaeh, was nothing like Charlie. She simply smiled and clapped a the ending of the story. Her brother had heard it every year, and this was the first time the 2 year old girl got to hear it for herself.
Y/n walked into the room, smiling at her children and husband. Seeing Charlie’s face was all she needed to see to know Tommy had told their story. 
“Alright. Off to bed now, you’ve got tea with your Gran tomorrow. Be on your best behavior and remember to be formal.” She waited and smiled at her children’s confused faces. “I’m kidding. But seriously, please behave for your Grandma.”
“Oh it’s okay! Nana won’t care! She loves us!”
“Yes, while that may be true, you still need to listen to your mother, prince Charlie.” Tommy tucked his firstborn into his bed. Going to his other child, he whispered something into her ear.
“Yes my love?”
“Can you sing us that song? December or something?”
So that’s what Tommy said...”Of course dearest, only if you two agree to sleep afterwards.”
They nodded and lied down. Tommy walked around Y/n, kissing her before sitting on the chair next to the door. Y/n sang the kids the lullaby-like melody from her childhood. When the song finished, she noticed they were asleep.
“Goodnight, my little goblins.” She turned to find Tommy asleep on the chair as well. She giggled to herself. “Goodnight to my little and not so little goblins, I guess.”
Y/n grabbed her husband and carried him to their shared bedroom, struggling, but managing to do so. She was now Queen and she was glad that she had her peasant to rule alongside her.
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mallahanmoxie · 7 years
expose your most hated narnia fancasts that you’ve seen
oh boy before the manslaughter begins, shoutout to tumblr who didn’t notify me i had gotten an ask so that i only saw this message three days later when i accidentally clicked on my inbox
the thing you gotta understand though is that i am old and withered by current narnia fans standards. much like the asoue fandom, though out of different reasons, there’s a new generation of fans that seem to be producing content. when i was young? we were three people with a stick and a piece of paper. so like, the kinda content we put out before was… different. world’s changed tbh.
so i can’t tell you i’ve moved on, because i will never move on from narnia ever you’ll pry it off my dead cold fingers, but i don’t really pay attention to the fandom quite as much as i used to do. i’ve seen the new content tho! i even dragged my ancient ass to a network! that i don’t post to bc university dragged the joy and life out of me! (sorry to the admins). this current gen is producing Top Notch Content. it is not… standardized, let’s say, and it’s mostly for fun so it’s cool. i don’t take it for more than it is. hey, it’s gay and brown, right? it suffices my taste. when i wanted to make a narnia fancast with brown and gay people, i had to plot out the entire series WITH background characters and shit. i had papers of all the characters in the bloody universe fancasted with people who could actually play them (which is why my black, age appropriate pevensies idea died as soon as i had to pick somebody else but lucy, who was oscar nominated quvenzhané wallis who is now sadly too old). some a bit out there but you gotta attract big names to attract big crowds sometimes. this happens less, as the growing trend of casting models and people who cannot act develops as idk overall fandom culture, but it’s still much much better. i’m not criticizing anybody, i swear to you i love yall. you gave me park boyoung as lucy pevensie!!!! nobody’s made me happier!!!!!!!!!
now, for the people of my time…
(i speak like im 84. it’s only been like six years). anyway, a list of my most hated narnia fancasts:
bradley james as anyone. the narnia fandom’s boytoy! our generic White King! the only fucking face i saw for like fifteen and a half years!!! now i love bradley james  BUT. he was everywhere. peter? of course. tirian? why not. rilian? sure. caspian? uh yeah he was blond in the books. i couldn’t get rid of his fucking face bc everybody used him bc idk he was the top first result in blond people that look medieval but without rotting teeth or something list
katie mcgrath as susan or the lady of the green kirtle. again, same thing. pretty lady with black hair that has worn a crown and looks slightly evil, first result, our designated susan. bc what’s having a personality. also she wore a green dress Once so like, what’s the logical choice.
colin morgan as edmund. do you see a pattern here??? i guess merlin was the only medieval show everybody watched back then??? they didn’t cast angel coulby as lucy bc boy would the pevensie parents have some shit to explain.
adelaide kane as lucy. i looked at this once and promptly had a meltdown. an anon yelled at me for being too mean and look, yes, i was too mean and it was not the space to say i Fucking Hated It bc op could see it (top notch graphic tho op sorry for the cursing) but reign was going on and, nah. nah. 
elle fanning as polly plummer. i saw her be polly much more than jill so im jotting her as that, though she was used liberally by lots. at some point i hated elle fanning just bc? idk why tbqh, i can’t remember, but it was maybe that fancast. i still think she lacks all of polly’s spunk anyway. polly? literally yelled at a two meter woman presumably looking like tilda swinton? please.
asa fucking butterfield and chloe moretz as digory and polly. i have a personal vendetta for asa that i forget all about except when our birthdays come around. anyway, they made hugo and people said, well the magician’s nephew happens in the same time frame? they’re white and young? sign me up! i turned the sheet away.
freddie highmore as cor/corin. again, same old. i don’t even know if he ever acted on anything medieval??? and i love freddie okay i kissed his picture when i was in third grade bc i thought blond freddie in arthur and the minimoys (????) was the Shit. but he was Everywhere.
gemma arterton as susan. i don’t hate it i just think she doesn’t fit susan and the whole thing was sloppy when weaponized femininity was all the rage and hansel and gretel came out
sophie nélisse as jill or polly. again dont hate it but it’s uninspired. she lacks the spunk. also, if you notice a pattern here is bc whenever a period drama movie came out with white kids vaguely resembling the pevensies or something, everybody flocked to photoshop. myself included (forgive me lord ive sinned)
francois arnaud as rabadash. he’s white?????????? fam. (sorry i dont have the cedilla on this keyboard)
a few people i want to never see near this: uh, the entire merlin cast, the entire reign cast, the entire white queen or something?? cast, the borgia cast, the harry potter cast, the hunger games cast, the cast of the next child movie that comes out… idk. 
i honestly can’t think of any more but i know i’ve raged before. i have like a real clear idea of how i want the characters to look? and i have like different concepts for them, i just can’t find anybody ever lmao. 
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nylonsandlipstick · 7 years
babe whomst of all the narnia squad likes pineapple on pizza and who recognizes it for the devilry it is?? (trying to start some Discourse lmao)
first, i would like to add a disclaimer that i don’t care about pineapple on pizza and i will not judge anyone who does so and this is a safe space for you guys. nina, i will not accept this intolerance on my blog.
ok so
peter: doesn’t really care, he just likes to eat food and won’t complain about what he gets
susan: actually loves pineapple on pizza because it lets her cheat on her food sometimes since there would be fruit on pizza
edmund: hates it, does not like pineapple on pizza at all, is a traditionalist and always goes for pepperoni
lucy: pineapple-on-pizza enthusiast, loves it to death and will purposely eat it around those that don’t just to annoy them
digory: literally likes only pineapples on pizza, has even ordered pizza with pineapples as substitute for cheese
polly: side-eyes the heck out of digory whenever he pulls out any pineapple pizza
eustace: he’s a vegetarian so he appreciates pineapple pizza although his go-to is the ole’ vegetarian pizza
jill: doesn’t care, she doesn’t like any toppings at all on her pizza so pineapple isn’t exclusive
aravis: will fight anyone who puts pineapple on anything, she just does not like pineapples at all
cor: is that weird person that’s not just obsessed with pineapples on everything, but he’s actually had multi-fruit pizzas, aravis seriously considered breaking up with him
corin: doesn’t really care, he just shovels down whatever food is in front of him
lasaraleen: doesn’t like pizza in general so she doesn’t understand the pineapples vs no pineapples discourse
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caspianx · 7 years
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yes I Know the banner looks shitty don’t @ me anyways, i just reached 100 followers on this blog!! i’m so grateful to every one of my followers for appreciating my Mediocre Trash Content and being a friend to me. that said, i’ve decided to give back in a few ways to y’all to celebrate this milestone. i’m going to be doing regular blogrates, aesthetic blogrates, and make me choose edits! (no i’m not doing make me choose moodboards bc i need Inspiration to make Stuff, Shut Up)
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you may request more than one thing, but it will take me longer to do all three
blacklist #ninadoes100 if you don't want to see my Nonsense on your good clean dash
instructions under the cut!
send me a ☀︎ + something that made you happy today
format below
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | polly plummer icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | susan pevensie desktop theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | jill pole mobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | caspian x posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | digory kirke creations: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | aravis tarkheena overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | peter pevensie following: no(t yet) | i am now! | of course! | foREVER AND ALWAYS
send me a ☁︎ + a book recommendation
format below
scent: jasmine | sea salt | eucalyptus | cinnamon | fresh grass | mint | chocolate | strawberries | vanilla | fresh earth | woodsmoke | lavender | lemongrass | pine needles | baking cookies season: winter | spring | summer | fall city: new york | london | new delhi | tokyo | paris | dubai | rome | san francisco | florence | nice | são paolo | montecarlo | los angeles greek god: zeus | hera | poseidon | hades | persephone | athena | aphrodite | nemesis | hephaestus | ares | dionysus | nike | artemis | apollo | demeter | hermes | eris misc associations: crackling sound of a bonfire | howling with laughter | fluorescent lights | mechanical grease stains | mahogany furniture | running barefoot on the beach | sunlight on your skin | bustling city streets | starlight on the face of a loved one | impromptu midnight dance parties | faded photographs | sound of a roaring river | ink-stained hands | a harp with a broken string | the feeling before the curtain rises | an empty library | the sound of a full symphony
send me a ★ + two characters, series, movies, episodes, places, groups, celebrities, pairings, etc.
i'll only be taking the first 12 of these, although i doubt i'll get that many requests lmao
these may be slower in coming, however
examples of what you may get: (x) (x) (x)
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daemon-not-a-demon · 7 years
Hello, Sophia and Elijah! Yesterday Cass (my dæmon) and I decided to reread The Magician’s Nephew—the first book in The Chronicles of Narnia (as I’m sure you know are by C.S. Lewis).
   We’d gotten to about page 23 when we saw the following:
“The Atlantean box contained something that has been brought from another world when our world was only beginning.”
“What?” asked Digory, who was now interested in spite of himself.
“Only dust,” said Uncle Andrew.
   Cass and I pretty much freaked out. Other worlds? Dust? Dust from other worlds?
   Of course, it wasn’t capitalized, but it might as well have been. We continued reading, this time with considerable more excitement:
“Fine, dry dust. Nothing much to look at.
—this part was somewhat unhappier; Dust is described as beautiful, after all, and being invisible to the naked eye (but of course maybe The Magician’s Nephew is set in a different universe than one presented in the His Dark Materials trilogy, and the people from there can actually see Dust, but see it differently?)—
Not much for a lifetime of toil, you might say. Ah, but when I looked at that dust (I took jolly good care not to touch it) and thought that every grain had once been in another world—I don’t mean another planet, you know; they’re part of our world and you could get to them if you went far enough—but a really Other World—another Nature—another universe—somewhere you would never reach even if you traveled through the space of this universe forever and ever—a world that can only be reached by Magic—well!”
   By now we were absolutely reeling. Doesn’t that sound familiar?
   In fact, it’s the exact same base for the ‘Other Worlds’ theory in His Dark Materials. We can’t seem to recall when or where or who explained it initially, but it’s there, in one of the books, certainly.
   Funnily enough, there’s also a sort of place between the worlds—almost like Cittagazzè—in The Magician’s Nephew. Polly Plummer dubs it The Wood between the Worlds, and “It’s not the sort of place where things happen. The trees go on growing, that’s all.” 
    In a sort of way, Cittagazzè is the same—after all, nothing really happens, per say, kids are just kids and adults try to avoid the specters. There’s nothing going on.
    In the Wood, there are many different pools. These pools act in a manner similar to windows, except they’re just There—they can’t be made, as far as I know—and you can’t just go in and out as you please.
    For one, you need a ring to get to the Wood. It’s described by Uncle Andrew as the ‘outward’ ring, and in the books is colored yellow. It was “stuff that wanted to get back to its own place, the in-between place”. You can use it at any time, any place, in any given world apart from the Wood itself.
   To get out of the Wood, you need to actually go into a pool, and you must have your green ring on, described as the ‘homeward’ ring (and incorrectly, too). The “stuff in the green ring is stuff that is trying to get out of its own place”, and it therefor gets you out. If you don’t, you’re stuck in the Wood.
   In later books, Cass reminded me, they don’t actually use Rings to get to Narnia. Most famously, the four Pevensies use a wardrobe in the second book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Lucy, Edmund, and their cousin Eustace get in through a painting, and in The Silver Chair, Eustace and Jill enter through a door, unless we’re greatly mistaken.
    It can be noted how all three of these items could easily hide a window.
   The painting—of a sea—led them to a sea, on board a boat, also in a painting—the Dawn Treader. The wardrobe actually gave way to forest, disguised somewhat by the coats (also a nice nod to the beginning of The Golden Compass. Let’s just be glad Lyra didn’t get to Narnia), and an unopened door could hide all sorts of mysteries behind it. So who’s to say that none of these were actually just windows in disguise?
   The first book in The Chronicles of Narnia was finished in 1949; His Dark Materials were written in 1995. In other words, considering that they take place in relatively the same time period in which they were written (John Parry’s journal excerpts in The Subtle Knife were from1985; the book was published in 1997, which makes sense, seeing as Will is thirteen when the books take place), then by the time of The Last Battle, there are still open windows. However, they would’ve become closed by The Amber Spyglass (therefor making it impossible to get to Narnia).
    I’ve actually forgotten what our original point was. I reckon we just wanted to show it, I dunno.
    But it is interesting to think that, maybe, the subtle knife wasn’t the only way to get to another world. What if there were still rings? That meant anyone who got their hands on them could be perfectly able to get into another world. Wouldn’t that be an interesting concept? Just imagine!
    Have a great day/night, thanks for humoring us!
daemon-not-a-demon comment: DUUDDEEE!!!! This is legitametly (legitamately? legitimately? legit.) cool! I’ve always thought of Narnia and His Dark Materials as kind of being...enemies? Almost? Like one was made sort of in opposition of the other xD
BUT, these are some noticeable parallels and they’re really interesting! I’m not really sure what I’d say about it lmao but, followers, got anything?
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saintinblack · 7 years
За музикалното нещо: 5, 9, 10, 24 и 70
5. Latest song that made you smile.
 Million dollar man by Lana del Rey :/ You know. the “anywhere anywhere anywhere” part makes me imagine episodes of a movie I’ve never been in. (Though before i started answering this I played Man-size by PJ harvey which is generally a fUCK THE WHOLE WORLD I’M COOL AND YÁLL SUCK song and I love it and Polly Jean is the cutest prettiest most artistic person on earth and I love her)
9. Artist/band that saved your life. 
Placebo and Нова Генерация when I was 12 and lost and depressed and cutting and with an eating disorder and abusive people all around me and inlove with a girl 500 kilometers away and confused about life, Wosh MC when I was 14 and did drugs and drank too much for a FUCKING KID. жив си/ не забравяй/ духът не остарява/ в миг си от вечността/ тук и сега. IAMX when I was inlove with Pluto himself, I actually got better when I did a ritual in like this year’s January which was burning his name and a printed version of his natal chart on black paper meditating to “Say hello Melancholia” repeating the You will feel my every fear/ You will cry my every tear part, being all edgy, asking Saturn to “set my heart free from his cold hands” lmao this sounds way too dramatic written down.
10. If you could see any band/artist live, who would it be
Mindless self indulgence, Jack off Jill, general oldschool bulgarian punk scene bands. Y’know, because they all get naked or throw their blood or piss around. Or Hole, 90s Hole, cause, c’mon, miss Love was the hottest bitch alive.
24. A song that calms you down
The Cure’s Close to me, The XX’s Infinity, всичко на Ревю щото им знам всичко наизуст и мога да познавам песните от първата секунда на интрото and they feel like home
70. Okay what’s the real answer to number 1
1. A Song you’re ashamed of liking
НАПОСЛЕДЪК СЛУШАМ  THE NEIGHBOURHOOD, ТОВА ИЗОБЩО НЕ Е ГОТИК. И Ледена кралица на Азис харесвам. Неиронично. Азис е Бог.
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caspianx · 7 years
☀︎ + i received a very good review for a story i'm writing (also congrats for you first 100 followers love !!! also i follow as lost-diadem-of-ravenclaw)
thank you so much little!!! now i want to read your story lmao!! i’m going to give you a rate for @ohnarnians​, but if you want it for your main, i can do that too!!
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | polly plummericon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | susan pevensiedesktop theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | jill polemobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | caspian xposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | digory kirkecreations: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | aravis tarkheenaoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | peter pevensiefollowing: no(t yet) | i am now! | of course! | foREVER AND ALWAYS
celebrate 100 followers with me!
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caspianx · 7 years
☀︎ + well I've only just woke up so nothing's made me happy today yet, but yesterday I saw Wonder Woman and it was so amazing!!! also congrats on 100, you totally deserve it!! & can the blog rate be for @plummerpolly please? thanks 😊
ahh thank you esther!! and omg how good was wonder woman?? i’m in love with diana lmao
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | polly plummericon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | susan pevensiedesktop theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | jill polemobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | caspian xposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | digory kirkecreations: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | aravis tarkheenaoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | peter pevensiefollowing: no(t yet) | i am now! | of course! | foREVER AND ALWAYS
celebrate 100 followers with me!
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