#*bo burnham voice*
misternohair · 2 years
Updated the ol' blog since I'm Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving.
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ghostlytableteehee · 9 months
SBG voice claims 🤯
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Ashlyn Banner - Carrie Hope Fletcher (Veronica Sawyer 2018 musical)
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Aiden Clark - Jamie Moscato (J.D. from heathers 2018 musical too lol)
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Ben Clark (before pookie had his vocal cords turn into an 80 year old car) - Bo Burnham
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Logan Feilds - Tails from sonic (I'm sorry 💀) or Ash from Pokémon (I'm also sorry 💀)
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Tyler Hernandez - Eddie VR
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Taylor Hernandez - Zendaya (pretty voice for pretty gurl :3)
Go ahead and criticize me for anything, especially the Logan one 💀
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sapphicfeedist · 7 months
does my tummy hurt bc one of the only things i’ve eaten today was mac and cheese or bc i’m having an anxiety attack
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beps-brainrot · 2 years
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. . . Oh.
Yeah, it was just a dream.
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Sorry, friends. We can’t cope, au, retcon our way out of this one.
Spoilers for context: Circus Baby confirmed that Eclipse has the blueprints for the device that she used to remove the maternity chip. And it’s strongly implied that Eclipse stole Roxy’s eyes too. Both of these things can’t be good for obvious reasons, and I’m clearly... handling it just super well!
textless/no background:
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digitalcarcrash · 11 months
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@theangrypomeranian made a post where they said Gene is Bo Burnham coded and I loved that so much that I made an AI Cover of Gene singing Welcome to the Internet. It’s not perfect, because it’s AI, but I actually kind of like how it turned out??
The tone of this song and some of the swearing is a little out of character for Gene, but I digress.
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whitepeachrum · 2 months
Fandom: Hetalia (personified) Pairing: Arthur x Kat (EngUkr/UkrEng) Content Length: Chapter (~1500 words)
“You ready yet, my love?” Arthur looked at Kat through the hallway mirror as he fidgeted with his tie. He’d been wearing his ties to work all week and absolutely hated how suffocating he’d felt in them. He would’ve loved to rip the stupid fabric off his neck but decided to hold out for the night. He just knew that Kat would get a big kick out of taking it off his neck later tonight and, honestly, so would he. For that, he was willing to endure his suffering a bit longer. 
“Almost.” Her earrings dangled as her head swiveled to look at him. "Need some help with your tie there?"
“No, it’s fine. I can do it myself. Just keep working on your makeup.” He waved his hand and worked on evening out his askew tie. It was always something that had to be imperfect.
“Alright, I'll do just that,” Kat spoke softly. She returned to gingerly apply her makeup in front of the mirror. Kat looked to confirm that her eyeliner was more or less even on both eyes and carried on to layer her lip products as Arthur continued to play with his tie. He must’ve been nervous about their upcoming date. She smirked to herself, finding it charming that he still got nervous before their dates.
Arthur’s eyes darted to her mirrored image, admiring the way she looked so effortless when she applied her lip balm. It looked so much easier than tying a tie. Just one or two swipes and she was done. He loved the simplicity of it all. He especially loved it when she dispersed the product over her lips and gently smacked them together. It was mesmerizing to watch her lips squish and plump out to their natural elasticity. As she started removing some stray product with the tip of her nails, Arthur snapped out of his sudden trance and looked back at himself.
“Ah, goddamn it,” he muttered. He had been mindlessly undoing his tedious work. Kat glanced at his reflection and turned around to help him with the tie. He sighed and let her take care of the mess he's made for himself. Screw this tie.
“Are your fingers tying themselves into a knot?” Kat chuckled.
“Yeah, seems like it.” Arthur nodded, asserting that his flustered state was wreaking havoc on his digits. Something about the idea of getting dressed and slicking your hair back once in a blue moon made him anxious.
“You smell nice, honey. Did you get a new cologne?”
“I did. I thought I’d switch things up a bit for tonight.” 
She brought her nose to his neck and took a whiff of his cologne. It seemed to smell like bergamot and... lemon? No. Kat checked again. Orange? Grapefruit? Well, whatever it was, she just couldn't get enough of it.
“Oh, it’s so good. Wow..” 
Arthur looked into her sparkly eyes as she leaned back, noticing how big her pupils had become when she looked back at him. He adjusted her bangs so that they weren’t in her eyes when she did. It was like looking into an ocean that beautifully glistened from the setting sun: peaceful and stunning.
“Good. I’ll be sure to wear it more often.” Kat hummed contently in response. She gently pulled him close by the ends of his tie, kissed his lips, and smiled. She was so excited to spend date night with him. Arthur, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to get back home to get more of her kisses.
“You look so handsome tonight,” Kat commented on his attire, patting down his lapels after finishing with his tie. He slid his hands around her waist and kissed her neck. It's a good thing she didn't put any of her makeup there. He just didn't have the heart to ruin her diligent work.
“And you, my dear, look absolutely ravishing.” She gently pushed off of his chest. Kat hoped to get away from his warm hug quickly before either one of them decided to cancel date night altogether, but her actions only made him bring her closer to him. He gave her a firm squeeze and kissed her neck again.
“Arthur,” Kat chuckled at his reaction, “We’re going to be late for dinner!”
“I think they could wait for a few more minutes.”
“Mm. Tempting,” she pecked him back on the lips, “but no. If we want to make it to dinner, I have to finish getting ready.” He looked at his watch to see how much time they had left.
“You’re lucky I love you enough to let you go…” Arthur sighed and gave her butt a gentle, loving pat. She slipped out of his embrace and returned to the mirror to finish up her makeup. After taking a moment to gawk over his wife, he looked at himself in the mirror one last time and groaned.
“Great.” Off-center again. You know what? If Kat couldn’t fix it, chances are this tie was doomed from the start. He moved the tie side to side, gently loosening it. He was fed up with the damn thing.
Kat noted his irritation and decided to distract him from his festering thoughts by including him in her makeup process. She quickly swatched two colors on the back of her hand and turned to face him.
“Which should I go with? Glossy or matte?” Kat showed him two red-colored options. Arthur inspected the swatches and was intrigued that she was going with such a bold color for the evening. The two didn’t vary much in color, but the sheen for one was the polar opposite of the other. He debated which one of these he’d want to be branded with later. Gloss was sticky, but matte was harder to remove… Mm. 
“This is a tough decision, Kat.”
“Well, yeah. That’s why I asked you.”
“Hmm.” He brought her hand up to her lips so he could compare the colors better. The gloss would glide on smoothly, but the matte lipstick would look sharper… “I’m thinking the gloss will be good for tonight. Easier to fix if anything.” 
“Gloss it is.” She applied the product generously without looking in the mirror to save some time. 
“Maybe I should’ve said matte,” Arthur said to himself, second-guessing things.
“How is it? Is it even?” Arthur glanced at the application and nodded.
“Almost perfect.” He picked up a clean tissue and carefully cleaned up anything that stood out. The more he stared at the color, the more he noticed all the different little specks of gold and silver glitter that made her lips look even juicer than before. If they weren’t late, he would’ve loved to take a bite or two.
Arthur subconsciously smacked his lips together in thought and Kat grinned at the little mannerism he picked up from her. It was refreshing to see him put this much care and effort into her new rouge.
“Does it look better now?” She rubbed her lips together to tease him some more.
“Ah. Yeah, it looks great,” he pulled away from her, wiping the lip balm she left on his lips earlier with the napkin, and tossing the used tissue into the bin by the mirror. Arthur put his hands on his waist and re-assessed the makeup combination with her strappy black dress and shiny jewelry. “You look great. Really great, actually.” The matte lipstick probably would’ve looked even better. Damn it.
“I wonder how it would look on you.”
"On me? I don't wear lip gloss like you do."
Kat swiftly planted a kiss on his cheek and took a step back to admire her artwork. Her smile grew wider as she watched Arthur’s face flush from the accessory he sported on his cheek.
“You’re right, darling. It does look great. Reaaally great.” Kat beamed, extremely proud of ruffling some of his feathers. His eyes darted to the mirror behind her and he caught a glimpse of his pink face. He had completely forgotten about the tie by now. He was much more focused on stopping himself from blushing further.
Arthur wanted to hate it for how cheesy it was of her to brand him like that, but he loved that she made him feel like his teenage self. Specifically, the teenage self that showed up to their first date looking like a trainwreck. His flush deepened as he realized how ridiculous he would look in the public eye. But hell, he loved the affectionate stamp. He never thought his date would proudly leave kiss marks on his face like that. It felt like something out of a movie or a dream.
“Should we head out now?” Kat asked, grabbing her little purse and checking for the car keys. Arthur didn’t know what to say or do. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings by ruining her masterpiece, but he didn’t want to leave the ruby residue on his face for the world to see.
“..What?” she asked innocently, looking over her shoulder. He shyly pointed to his cheek, then returned his hand to his waist, and mumbled something. She raised an eyebrow and smirked. Did he call it a beauty mark? He cleared his throat and looked back at her, waiting for her to do something about it.
“Oh? Did I leave a mark?”
“…Yeah.. Mark..”
“Oh, sorry about that. Let me fix it for you.” She gave his other cheek a matching stain. Arthur’s hand flew over his nose and mouth as he tried to contain his flustered self. He felt his heart working hard to quickly pump the blood to his face as she toyed with his emotions. It didn’t help that she looked so adorable when she played him like that, cocky smile and all. Why did it have to be a bright crimson?! He would've been fine with a peachy gloss!
“I’ll drive tonight, so you can look at the menu in the meantime. We don’t want to waste any more time, do we?” Kat cutely lifted her shoulders and walked out to go to the car. Arthur’s gaze lingered on her, his heart swelling with affection as he watched her leave.
When Kat noticed he wasn’t following, she turned with a huff and made her way back to him. Grabbing him by his tie, she playfully tugged him along.
“Come on. Don't make me help you with this tie again. I only know how to untie it.”
Arthur’s teenage self would’ve combusted if he knew how his love life was going to turn out.
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microwavepopcorn · 1 year
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ciphercalamitiez · 1 year
i want to know who was the person who said bill cipher’s musical voice would be bo burnham because i want to personally thank them and punch them at the same exact time for engraving that into my mind.
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
lmfao sorry for dipping for like a week ive had the worst fucking week of my life, basically all my shit got stolen including id and my phone and i had to block everything and also buy a new phone so it was great time 👌
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xiaohuaaaa · 7 months
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barkilphedros-hat · 11 months
The worst part of a birthday is having to change the number on all my bios 😂💀
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aroace-poly-show · 1 month
if i had a dime for every time a song reminded me like exactly of my old christian summer camp when they’d start like preaching and stuff during a song while the instruments in the back were going and they have a really specific tone of voice id have two dimes which isn’t a lot but. neat? idk
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curlytemple · 4 months
for the past couple years i’ve been setting the radio volume in my car to match my age cus it’s a good range and i think it’s funny. idk don’t ask i have a certain joie de vivre. but recently when i need to listen to a song louder and i crank it up to 30 i laugh to myself and say i’m thirty. me when i’m 30! yayy.
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kitweewoos · 4 months
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Me at work today
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supernova-151 · 1 year
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kissing lessons chapter one is up dead flower nation
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