#*doesn't have to say 'haha i'm sexier than all of you' for you to know he thinks he's above others BUT. AT THE SAME TIME. very often fandom
suengmi · 2 years
Ot8 skz. They find out another member was your bias!!
i don't do idol!au in long length sorry! ;_; but like i'll do a lil blurb while i write others if that's okay bc i think this is so cute!!
in alphabetical order~ no warnings needed, gn!reader
would laugh at first not believing you
"haha... wait are you serious?"
confused as f shaking his head
"wait for real?"
"why? what did he have that i don't?"
tackle hugs to try and get you to admit it was him all along
"chan, stop!!!!"
kiss attacks you until you change your mind
"now, is it changed?"
you would shake your head until he'd attack you with his kisses again
"ah!!! stop!!!"
stupid grin on his face knowing he won
"say that one more time!"
"that doesn't make sense."
"no that really doesn't make sense."
little joke punches to your waist
"are you trying to get me angry? it's working!!"
flexing his muscles in your face
just to show you he's sexier than the others
"you like this better?"
"he doesn't have these does he?"
both of you laughing together
felix just ):
): ): ): ): ):
"why tho..."
"baby... really?"
"is it because he is taller? wait we're all short."
sulks into your chest
sulks into a back hug
"you like me best now though... yeah?"
"yeah he wishes"
scoff on his face as he makes his morning coffee
"you're lying i can feel it"
making eyes back at you squinting
stares at the back of your neck trying to burn holes
turns his gaze when he's caught his eyes all wide
"hyunjin, stop staring"
"i'm not"
pushing you away for cuddles
ignoring you the whole day
pouting and saying hmph anytime you went to kiss him
"you're on the couch tonight."
"baby no"
"you've made your bed. now you go lay in it"
jeongin leaving the toilet seat up knowing it annoys you
actively moves your skincare around in the bathroom
leaves his dishes on the table
"passive aggressive little shit" you'd laugh
"please let me kiss you" ):
"okay... but you're on thin ice"
cute reluctant kisses that turn into giggles when he melts into your touch
frowning at you
then pulls a sad voice
pouting at you whenever he sees you
says nothing whenever you walk past
tugs on your shirt
"that's not fair"
"jisung you're my favourite always"
"yeah i wasn't before though..."
bites the side of your arm
"are you sure it's me now?"
"yes jisung, always"
cute smiles when you reassure him
lee know
"that's bullshit"
"you're just trying to rile me up"
jokingly grabs the back of your neck and flings you around
pinches your nose
"you're mine now, so i don't gotta worry about that huh?"
playfully slaps your ass whenever he walks past
"you're mine so... yeah."
gets kinda possessive but doesn't wanna show it
"just admit it, you're jealous lee know."
"fuck no"
says nothing when you admit it
you're kinda nervous, he just goes along with his day
"doesn't it upset you?"
"no, i'm not insecure"
you watch his moves through the day, he's just same as always
"besides, it's me you're with at night so, yeah."
you'd probably blush at him
he'd enjoy you being a bit of a mess
over thinking about it
would stop you with kisses
a/n: hope this was okay!! i had fun writing this xx
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stellaluna33 · 11 months
How about that time when ASP bragged that Rory only had her first time when she was 19/20 or something, wasn’t it weird that she was so proud of that, especially when she “made” her have such a lousy first time, married man and all?
Why was Rory being a virgin until “late” that groundbreaking for ASP, I wonder?
If I’m not mistaken she was shading other teen shows that had their protagonists/leading ladies having their first times earlier, and idk once again it just looks like she digs shaming girls for having sex.
Personally, I used to love that Rory was still a virgin until college bc I could relate to her even more because of that, haha, I just got kinda disappointed that Amy seemed to see it as some sort of quality?
Sorry, English is not my first language so idk if I’m expressing myself very well, but yeah I’m curious to o know more opinions about this.
The way I understand it, Amy was under a lot of pressure from the network to make Rory "sexier." But why should a teenage girl character HAVE TO have sex to be a worthwhile or relatable character? She shouldn't! But that kind of mindset was what ASP was pushing back against, and maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I actually really appreciated that. What you have to understand is that when I grew up watching teen media from the 80s and 90s (and going into the early 2000s), there was persistent messaging that still being a "virgin" by the time you graduated from highschool was kind of embarrassing. Losing your virginity was widely viewed as some sort of necessary "milestone" instead of a very personal and optional choice. (Especially for boys, but there was a lot of that for girls in TV and movies also) It wasn't until right around the turn of the millennium that I remember starting to see movies/shows that QUESTIONED that idea, that started asking well, WHY, though? When there started occasionally being characters who expressed that they shouldn't HAVE to have sex just to fit in. That it should be a PERSONAL choice. And like, I'm not a historical scholar- I haven't done a STUDY of whether this is accurate or not, but this is what it FELT LIKE to me as a teenager. And it FELT LIKE Rory was a really refreshing character for nerdy girls like me and my friends- that it was OKAY if you hadn't had sex yet. It was OKAY for a teenage girl to be focused more on academic or career aspirations rather than "losing her V-card," or that maybe she just doesn't feel ready yet, and it doesn't make her a "loser" or a "prude!" Like, that felt like SUCH a rare thing! ASP wanted to write a character like that, partly because it hadn't been done much, and she got a lot of pushback from the Network about it (which is kind of gross?). And I just... don't think that necessarily means that she was "slut shaming" anyone else.
I confess to being surprised when I started seeing people on here saying that Gilmore Girls had a "negative" view of sex. (This got long, sorry!)
Like, Lorelai has an active sex life with a variety of different partners over the course of the series, and that seems to be portrayed as normal and morally neutral. Sookie has an active and healthy sex life. When Rory is sleeping with Logan in college, the narrative seems to paint Richard and Emily (and the unfortunate Reverend they brought in) as ridiculous and controlling for objecting. Paris and Doyle have an active and enthusiastic sex life, and the narrative doesn't seem to judge them for it... I do admit that there does seem to be a pattern of unfortunate "first times" for the younger characters, but I wonder if that's more about Amy's addiction to "drama" than her views on sex. About Paris specifically, I always interpreted her paranoia about being "punished" for having sex as being commentary about how SOCIETY judges girls for having sex (because Reality for girls was a lot different from the pop culture fantasy norms). Gilmore Girls just wasn't interested in portraying some kind of "ideal world." They were just "putting these guys in Situations." And I mean... it's a show largely about generational trauma stemming from a teenage pregnancy! The characters are going to have some complicated and probably even unhealthy feelings about sex! And can I be honest for a minute? Much like attitudes towards our bodies, I'm honestly a proponent of what I'm going to call "sex neutrality." Because, yeah, sex is supposed to be fun and feel good and even be beautiful... And ideally it is! But sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's bad or painful or awkward or emotionally messy or damaging or degrading. Are we supposed to pretend that doesn't happen? Because it does. Are TV characters just not supposed to acknowledge that side of it? I don't know. I don't think Gilmore Girls is a perfect show. I don't agree with everything ASP thinks or everything the characters do. But I do think sometimes viewers want to see some kind of "message" where there just isn't one. Anyway, this is just my opinion, and I may be wrong about one or several things! 😆
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
existing in fandoms and reading other fans’ opinions, or “am i stupid and blind, OR is this statement made from a very... black-and-white point of view, and not much thought was given to it?”
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clawsnoir · 3 years
would love to see your favorite batcat moments in The Batman ranked!
oh god, okay. so I loved every single moment they had almost equally but I will try this for you, anonymous friend!! I'm gonna stick with top 5 or else we'd be here all day, haha.
1) Bruce stopping Selina from killing Falcone.
I love that he doesn't make an appeal towards her morality - he doesn't try to lecture her about what's right and wrong, he stops her because he cares about her wellbeing and doesn't want her to make a mistake she's going to regret for the rest of her life. Also the way he holds her, so firm and yet so gentle, the gun in-between their hands is just sooo erotic, imo. The closeup on how she relaxes her grip when they lock gazes is Peak Romance!
Bruce finally understands that Selina has been forced into a life of bad choices vs worse ones - telling her that she's paid enough, that she's suffered enough...and Selina trusting him, not the system, but Bruce because she knows he cares about her had me like 🥺
2) Selina saving Bruce on the catwalk, and him returning the favor.
What's sexier than two people being so terrified to lose another they push themselves to their utmost extremes to stop that from happening?? Selina, who was in the middle of running away from her problems, running headlong back into the fray to save Bruce because she just can't help it. Bruce, in so much pain he can't even speak, summoning all of his extensive willpower and rage because Selina needed him. That kiss? One of the sweetest moments I've ever seen in a comic movie romance.
The way they looked at another after Gordon pulled him off that man - checking in with each other, desperately reassuring one another that they were alright, putting everything neither of them could say with words into their eyes. Yeah. That got me bad.
3) The 'Look at Me' scene
Bruce is SUCH a fucking tease and he doesn't even realize it but the way he blue-balled Selina with the promise of a kiss during this moment was so sexy and unintentionally hilarious. Selina was visibly disappointed too, she was practically pouting. This is the moment that cranks up that slowly burning heat between them into a simmer. His gloved fingers underneath her chin had me SQUIRMING.
4) Bruce replaying their argument in the club over and over when he's back in the Batcave
He's down horrendously bad for this woman. The way that their relationship is still firmly in the 'reluctant allies with mutual attraction' stage yet he's completely disturbed at the thought of another man having any kind of pre-existing romantic or sexual history with her is delicious. Healthy? No. Problematic? Definitely! But it is extremely hot to me and I will not apologize for it.
5) Selina kissing Bruce for the first time
This is peak Batcat right here - flirting and fighting and kissing just to shut each other up. I love how she shatters all his incorrect assumptions and forces him to empathize with her, then forces him into acknowledging the mutual desire between them. Bruce's reaction kills me, because you can literally see him short circuiting lmfao, Selina is constantly breaking his brain in this movie by making him feel and it's so fun to watch.
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hoetolegist · 3 years
Just friends
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Summary: Y/n is his best friend so why is he thinking of her like this
Warnings: Masturbation (male), mentions of sex, mentions of riding, dirty talk (kinda?) that's all I think lol
This was kind of a quick story. It isn't that good, I wrote this cause I was bored in summer school haha. Leave feedback, comment and reblog please <3 Thank you
Y/n and Stefan lounged on the mint green sofa, taken playing on the wide screen tv. They are both so invested, not even thinking about what the other is doing right now, just focused on the movie. "Oh my God, that's Kim's jacket" y/n yelped out of nowhere, making Stefan jump a little. He nodded his head then re-focused on the tv, this movie could be a reality to a lot of people and that's what bothers him the most but he agreed to watch with her anyway. "He is so skilled" she complimented, turning to look at Stefan with a finger pointing at the screen "just look at the way he swerves when he drives, such persistence". He doesn't know how to reply to her endless comments. Watching movies with y/n is different from watching movies with say Caroline or Elena
With Caroline and Elena it's quiet, they don't make much comments, they just eat the popcorn and watch the movie but with y/n it's not so quiet, she makes comments about everything, loud comments at that
He thought he could shut her up by hitting her in the face with a pillow but that just made her louder. "What the hell was that for?!" she snapped at him, popcorn found its way into her hair and shirt, she exhaled loudly and stood up to go change. Great, now she smells like butter and salt (she always drowns her popcorn in butter). Stefan turned the tv off and followed behind her "I'm sorry but you just kept talking and talking" he tried to explain, flailing his hands around to exaggerate. She turned around, glowering in his direction, he bit his lip to suppress a laugh that was building up. She took a step closer to him "you could've just told me to shut up!" she hissed into his face, kind of scaring him a little. It was just popcorn, he doesn't understand why she's so worked up about it
"Well I'm sorry" he apologized with genuine sincerity to his tone. Y/n turned around to go dig through her dresser, her house clothes are getting washed right now so she has to wear her white sports bra that she wore sometimes. Stefan gawked as she removed her shirt and bra, currently covered in butter and salt. They have been roommates for three years, they met through Klaus who tried to hook them up but it just didn't work, they hit it off but not in the way that Klaus wanted, she became his best friend
He has seen her fully naked so many times but he's never felt anything toward her, he never wanted to run his hands over her whole body, or kiss every inch of her smooth skin...until now. He never realized how gorgeous, how wildly sexy she is. Her wavy hair made her big pretty eyes stand out, making her look sexier than ever
Damn she has such a beautiful set of boobs, he just wants to hold them and suck her now cold stiffened nipples. He didn't realize how long he had been staring until he saw a hand waving in front of his face, "earth to Salvatore'' she giggled before walking around him and out the room. He opened his mouth to talk but decided better of it. "You were practically drooling" she teased once they sat on the couch again. His cheeks flushed with embarassment, how could he be so stupid? She probably thinks he's a huge perv. "I'm sorry, I-'' he tried to apologize but y/n cut him off by placing a hand on his thigh
"It's fine Stef, you've seen me like a dozen times and vice versa. It doesn't mean anything" she dismissed the situation with a laugh but her hand is still on his thigh and it really isn't helping the growing situation down there. He looked at her with pleading eyes, as if telling her to move her hand before he does something he'll regret but she wasn't even looking his way anymore. She turned the movie back on and now she's quietly invested again
She finally removed her hand, emitting a sigh of relief from Stefan but she soon replaced it with her head, if she turned around those pretty, pink lips would be touching the tip of his clothed cock. He quickly but gently moved her head and stood up "I have to uh go to my room...now" he said nervously before scrambling to his room, leaving a wide-eyed Y/n on the couch alone. Maybe he’d just find any girl attractive right now, not just Y/n right? She’s his best friend, he can’t think of her like that
Y/n sat there for a while, worrying about Stefan, had she done something? She slowly got up and walked over to his room. “Stef are you oka-” she cut herself off mid sentence and her face flushed as she heard small moans through the door. Is he doing what she's thinking? She pushed the thought out of her head, no way
Stefan was currently laying in his bed, pants around his ankles with one hand wrapped at the base of his cock and the other rubbing his balls. "Fuck Y/n" he quietly moaned into the emptiness of his room. He pictured her on top of him, riding his cock like a little slut. Her tight, wet pussy wrapped so deliciously around his cock, her breast bouncing up and down each time she did and her ass jiggling with each thrust. He whined at the thought of her lips, those plump lips wrapped around his throbbing cock, her wet tongue flicking across his tip so good. "Oh shhhit, feels so good" he thrust up into his hand. It was the thought of his best friend screaming his name as she came around his cock that pushed him over the edge. "Fuck y/n-" with a final thrust and a loud groan white ropes of cum shot out and spilled over onto his hand
"fuck" he panted. If just mental pictures could make him cum that quickly imagine the real thing
"Stefan, are you okay?" Y/n managed to finish her earlier question once she found her voice again. She heard frantic scrambling before Stefan’s door flew open, he stood against the frame in nothing but black basketball shorts and he was sweating like he just ran a marathon. "Uh yeah I just had to change, I hit my toe on the dresser" he lied, bending down to grab his foot
She scanned over his naked torso, he had chiseled abs, they were like nothing she's ever seen before in real life, kind of like the kind you see in movies. The sweat caused them to glisten against the room light. Her mouth opened slightly as her eyes traced his abs over and over down to the deep V shaped cut in his lower abdomen leading to his....."Oh okay, well take your time" she interrupted her own thoughts before rushing back to the couch, slightly confused on why her panties are so damp after looking at Stefan, her best friend
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sunarou · 4 years
♡Akaashi, Kageyama, and Oikawa with a S/O that dances well♡
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Requested: By anon
The original ask: hi! can i request a headcannon for how the pretty setter bois would react when their S/O dances a sexy hiphop routine for their school talent show without letting them know abt it beforehand? dbsnns sorry if it doesn't make sense, hope u have a nice day/night!
A/N: Y'all I think I'm shadow banned on tumblr 😣 My posts aren't on the recent page and idk why, is anyone else having this problem?? Anyways enjoy~
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Akaashi Keiji
—You would dance to 'All I wanna do' by Jay park, you decided to this one solo. You wore a black cap suited with a white adidas tracksuit and black combat boots, you lookin like a bad bitch 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
—The auditorium's lights turned off as you walked to the stage, then a spotlight shone on your figure, then the music started. Your body started flowing with the music
—A lot of cheers and whistles erupted from the audience, clearly enjoying the dance. "AKAASHI! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME Y/N WAS GOOD AT DANCING!" Bokuto yelled on top of the other screams
—Akaashi covered his ears, "I didn't know either!" He yelled back, Bokuto just focused on the dancing.
—Then the music stopped, finishing your dance you bowed and left the stage. You walked to where Akaashi was sitting, scooching over the people that complimented your dancing.
— "You did really great Y/N!" A guy classmate complimented you, "Thanks!" You said, you noticed Akaashi glaring at your direction, "I-I gotta go bye!" You said scurrying to your bf
— "Hey Akaashi!" You said smiling, your sweat still visible, Akaashi took a napkin from his pocket while you sat on his right, he wiped your sweat off. "You danced well out there, I was impressed" he smiled.
— "Thanks! Were you surprised?" You ask, "Yeah, I didn't know you danced" he placed his napkin back in his pocket, as he placed his hand on top of yours.
—Enjoying the other performances the students put on.
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Kageyama Tobio
—There was a dance routine that you and your dance partner practiced for like 2 months because of this school talent show, and it's called 'Dally' by Hyolyn.
—Your dance partner (guy) was more like your back up dance but it's okay 😂 you wore a more revealing clothing than you usually do, fishnets and knee high boots, your top showed a little bit of cleavage and hand tight black shorts, showing your figure ;)
—It was certain that most of the boys in your school got nose bleeds while the girls wished they had your body, the teachers don't even do anything cause they're at awe when you started dancing.
—There was a lot of body rolling and grinding on the floor, your partner had his hands (respectively) on you, you caught Kageyama's eyes, his mouth in a slight pout, seeing you getting touched by another guy
—You knew he was gonna be sulky the whole day, maybe even tomorrow. You wink at him nonetheless, biting your lips as you finish the dance.
— "T-Thank you Y/N and Hiro for that wonderful dance" the Mc said as the two of you walk off the stage, Kageyama comes up to you backstage, securing you by your waist as he glares Hiro down, "Haha, don't worry dude, I'm just dance partners with Y/N" he chuckles as he walks past the both of you.
— "You didn't tell me you were gonna perform, and with another guy! And it was a sexy dance!" He blushed when he heard himself say the last part, you smirk at him.
— "So you thought it was sexy huh?" You said, placing your hand on his shoulder, he diverts his eyes from yours, "S-Shut up.." he mumbled, "Did you enjoy it though?" You ask, "Of course I did.." He whispers, looking back up at you.
— "Maybe I'll teach you to dance next time, so we can perform next year!" You exclaim, hugging his jealous ass.
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Oikawa Tooru
—The dance you decided to do was 'Lip and hip by Hyuna, and you have like 3 guys to be your backup dancers, which were your friends.
—You wore very trendy clothing, a black tube top complimented with jeans that have the sides sliced in half, exposing your legs, black converse and to top it off, hoop earrings and a black bucket hat.
—When you walked onto the stage with your friends, Oikawa's eyebrow rose as he crossed his arms, easing down the chair. "This is gonna be interesting.." he smiles, Iwaizumi sitting beside him.
—Then the song started to play, you were shaking your hips outwards very suggestively, Oikawa leans forward more, licking his lips. As the song went on your moves got more and more sexier, Oikawa's lips now wore a smirk. "You okay with Y/N dancing this?" Iwaizumi asked, "Of course I am, it's interesting to see boys jealous of me, not like they weren't before." He replied
—When the song finished you headed down, wearing a proud smile. "Nice moves baby girl" Oikawa said appearing in front of you, he looks at your friends behind you, his eyes boring into them, it was subtle but he gotta admit he was a b i t jealous.
— "Ya liked it?" You asked, walking beside him to where he sat, "No duh! You were up there showing your moves, how can I not like it, it was very unexpected to say the least" he winks.
—Now sitting with Iwaizumi, Oikawa leans over to you to whisper, "Can you give me a private show later? Show me how you move your hips hm?" Iwaizumi just looks at Oikawa with a 'wtf' face.
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~Love Lola 🦋
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