#*getting strange kingdom hearts namine vibes here*
blackidyll · 3 years
New neotwewy trailer dropped!! Neku glitching thru the streets oh no D: he better be ok!!! Also the new twewy anime ep made my whole day, Neku's fanboying over CAT was SO wholesome how's this cuteness even legal
i finally had some time after work hell deadlines to look this up and it’s the opening movie right?? for a two minute clip it packed in so much i’m kind of still breathless after watching it. two of my favourite things about the original game was the super distinct artstyle and the unique soundtrack and literally this trailer/movie had ALL OF THAT DIALED UP TO THE MAX and it just makes me smile so so much omg. and that ten second sneak of twister. and the lyrics 
neku neku neku they’re just going to keep slipping us glimpses of him huh? so i’ve absolutely missed this memo somewhere but is it true that neo is set three years after twewy??? (i know a lot of japanese gaming mags + the ntwewy japanese twitter release snippets/trivia but i can’t keep up). so it’s true then that neku does seem older than fifteen here. the glitch effects and the fact that he’s been in (and surviving) the freaking game/UG for three years is convincing me more than ever that he’s playing a secret report/acting behind the scenes type of role for this game. like at this point, has he even managed to reach some unique form of noise, kind of like minamimoto in his taboo form? the original game has always emphasized how unique neku’s abilities were (the fact that he can use all the psychs, and can even call on rhyme’s noise form from a pin despite not being a reaper) so it won’t surprise me at all if he’s managed to transcend the frequencies and become a new unique kind of entity in the UG............. especially if the composer and the producer are actively backing him behind the scenes. or even if they aren’t, I mean, aren’t noise/players/UG/alive people in the RG/all the way to the angels all just a matter of tuning to different frequencies? gosh who knows maybe even shinjuku’s destruction has messed up the frequencies so much that neku is able to take advantage of it on his own (but i like the idea that he’s supported by at least someone, whether that’s the composer/producer or whoever, since twewy was all about -trust your partner- and opening up to others, so i like to think neo!neku is living that principle loud and clear, and not lone-wolfing it). 
(i am dying to know what is going on with the composer and the producer. i know we’re not going to see any hint of them at all in the neo trailers, because spoilers! but ahhhhhhhhhhh) 
i haven’t had time to catch up with the latest anime episodes (i watched all of shiki’s episodes up to the end of week one!) so once work hell improves (i’ve been dying since labour’s day which IRONICALLY I HAD TO WORK ON) and hopefully deadlines will end by next week I can binge watch all of joshua’s episodes! i’m really excited for those and your previous message about them having ice cream makes me all \(*u*)/ because i love them and having more little moments between the characters will be excellent (i love the little hangout sessions we saw of shiki/rhyme/beat/neku in the anime that we didn’t really get in the game ahaha) 
thank you as always for keeping me updated with twewy news!! and letting me hype about the series as a whole!!!!!! 
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darkvolley · 5 years
The energy/vibe each KH game gives off for me:
(Turned out way longer than I expected so it's under a read more)
KH1- It's kinda creepy and I think it's mainly due to most people, including myself, playing it at a young age. There's a giant shadow monster right off the bat as the tutorial boss, a creepy figure in a brown cloak with a deep voice that you meet in a dark enclosed area that no one else should be in. The first new world you go to is permanently in nightime. Everything feels empty(but not in a bad way), like even with two others in the party you still feel alone and helpless. As cute as some of the Heartless can be, they all still feel creepy and lifeless in a way. Hollow Bastion almost has a haunted mansion feel to it and The End of The World needs no words to descibe its eeriness.
CoM- There's something oddly calm about CoM. Being in the white rooms of Castle Oblivion feels relaxing. Nothing feels urgent and everything is contained solely in the castle. It's sorta slow feeling I guess. There's lots of moments where characters are just talking. Even despite the obvious issue of Sora and Co. losing their memories it still strangely feels unconcerning.
KH2- I think because of the battle system it makes the game feel fast. Most movement and combat is fluid and easy. Fights are very action packed and flashy so it sorta feels like a fight straight out of an action film, adding to the fast-paced vibe of the game. Things are very familiar so it loses most of the creepy feel of KH1 and replaces it with action and more humor.
Days- I think it's sorta sad and melancholic. A big part of it is constantly being in the grey room before missions with the hollow music in the background. Everything is white and almost feels like the world is frozen with its inhabitants being foreign to the world(which the Org actually is). The other worlds have the same empty feeling as in KH1 which adds to the melancholy vibe. Adding in the story of a friendship being ruined just makes it worse, especially when you know ahead of time that things don't turn out well. The Roxas vs Riku fight feels like a final last stand that you know Roxas won't win but by God is he gonna try out of pure rage and spite anyway.
Coded- In a strange way I think Coded feels like learning, if 'learning' had a feeling associated with it at least. Most of said feeling revolves around Data Sora. He starts out as just a data copy of Sora but I feel through everything he learns, he becomes his own person and not just a data copy. There's also everything that Data Riku(i.e. the journal) explains throughout the game and eventually in the end when we learn from Data Namine that the hurting needs to be mended. I feel that learning all these things are a major part of the game's overall feel.
BbS- Despite it's downer ending BbS still somehow feels very cheerful and bright. The first thing that stands out is how much brighter all the models look compared to other games. There's a weird shine to everything that just screams 'bright and cheery'. A lot of the worlds feel like this too. Dwarf's Woodlands has the shiny diamonds and jewels in the mines as well as the brightness of the sky when outside and not in the creepy part of the woods. Enchanted Dominion also has it's own woods and the castle, which despite being empty, is still brightly colored. The inside of Cinderella's house and the castle are just as bright as well. It's daytime in the Keyblade Graveyard and Radiant Garden, not to mention how vibrant Radiant Garden is in general. And Disney Town is the most cheerful of all with it's upbeat music, overall Disney feel, the fun of the minigames, and sweet moment with the ice cream prize. The Command Board even adds to this. Everything is just colorful and fun in BbS, which probably makes the ending much more dissonant, but not in a bad way.
3D- It didn't feel like this the first time around since a lot of things went over my head for 3D, but looking back on it now, it sorta feels like there's an encroaching danger that gets closer the further you go, which is probably a perfect description of the game considering the further Sora goes, the deeper he gets lost in the dream. The feeling of going deeper into the darkness makes sense with 'dropping' being apart of the game. Even when you don't know where the story is going there's still a sense of worsening danger that no one, including yourself and your Dream Eaters, will be able to save you from. Even on Riku's end it's a similar feeling all the way up to the Ansem fight with him trying to drag Riku back into the darkness like he did once before.
0.2- This game feels almost old and antique in a way. I believe it has to do with the Disney worlds chosen for it and the overall dark lighting. There's even something about the models and their prototype feel compared to KH3's improved models. The worlds are all old movies. Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, these are Disney's earliest princess movies. The aesthetic of each world reflects the oldness of the movies they originate from. And the darkness consuming them along with the way each world feels like its being broken down by said darkness makes it all feel antique. Like an old vase that's seen too much in it's life as evident by all the cracks in it.
KHUX- I think the style kind of overwrites any other feeling the game could give me, sadly. Even when things get dark its still feels... cartoony. Like the whole game could be a cartoon. Of course, this doesn't lessen the impact of tough moments such as the war, Strelitzia's death, and every other sad or creepy moment we've had in the game. Cartoons can be still be sad even when they're cartoons, but it's still the most striking thing about the game for me.
KH3- This one really drives home the feeling of things ending. Of course, things aren't actually over, but so many plot points have been wrapped up by the end that some things really truly did, indeed, end. The whole game builds up to the final battle between light and dark and stresses finding Aqua in order to find Ven and Terra. There's focus on trying to get everyone back together and ready to face Xehanort in the final clash. Especially at the end of the game there was still the lingering feeling of things being over. From here on out things won't be the same as any of the other games. Everything is heading in a new direction, so in a way, the feeling of things ending is very much true. Kingdom Hearts isn't over, but many of the things we've been fighting for since 2002 are over.
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