#*gulps* anywaaaay.
defiledtomb · 2 years
will we be able to show some fighting skills in new path? Like i know that mc will eventually be dragged back, bcs story must progress, but if we play as blood kell for example would we be able to do some dmg? I like to imagine that when my mc would finally be dragged back bloody cursing and with missing limbs lol there would be at least 2 or 3 mercs would have to be dragged unconscious behind them :D
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[You approach the furthest blade with your breath caught in your lungs, their back still turned against you. Stabbing in the neck is out of the question, but you spot their hood loose around their neck and decide to pull it, bending them backwards. You help them along with a kick to the back of their knees. Your knife sinks in between armor and clothes. A squelching sound, blood seeping onto the grass now.]
This is one variation in a larger body of text, race and choice of trap will influence the route a lot!
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botherkupo · 5 years
Tumblr is being weird tonight so I hope you'll get that one haha but 😕😭😬😑😂 with Chat Noir and Rena Rouge!
(I’m so happy you picked these two. They’re one of my favourite bronamics.) 
“So,” Rena said, planting her hands on her hips and staring at him with laser-pointed focus. “Chat Noir …”
He gulped. “Yes?”
“I have a question for you. A very important one.”
“Uh, okay?”
She leaned forward, lips pursing as if she were already pre-judging his doom. “Who do you ship?”
A blink.
Two blinks.
“What?” he said.
“Don’t try to deny it, cat boy. I know you know.”
He tugged at his collar. Oh no. He’d been caught. The fanboy was exposed. Wait! Did that mean she also knew about his fanfic binge-reading habits?
“Relax,” she said, placing her hand on his shoulder. (This was not relaxing, not with that gleam in her eye.) “You’re in safe company. I also speak the language of OTPs and sailing ships.”
The tension eased out of his body.
“Plus, any idiot with eyes could see that you’re a total fanboy nerd who probably reads and cries over Ladynoir fanfiction.”
His shoulders slumped. (Catch his dignity crying on the inside.)
She slung her arm around his shoulders, a grin surfacing. “Anywaaaay.” A nudge to his ribs. “Who do you ship out of the miraculous users. Aside from yourself and Ladybug, of course.”
“The miraculous users?”
“Yeah. Our team.” Another nudge. “C’mon, don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”
“Huh, well, I guess it would be you and Carapace.”
Dusts of colour bloomed on her cheeks. “Oh. Wow. Really?”
“Yeah. I mean you guys are adorable together.”
“Awww. Chat Noir, that’s so sweet.”
He shrugged and smiled. “I’m just being honest.”
“Just for that, I’ll tell you who I ship aside from you and Ladybug, because obviously Ladynoir is my OTP.”
“And your support is much appreciated.”
She nodded in bro-support. “Right, well, next to Ladynoir, it would have to be Multispik.”
He choked on his own phlegm. “Y-you mean Multimouse and Aspik?”
His face warmed. He tugged at his collar again. “W-why—but they—I mean he’s … and she’s …”
Rena laughed. “Why are you blushing?”
He couldn’t explain. Rena had no idea she was shipping him with Marinette. The same Marinette who was one of his dearest friends and who was so clever and amazing and adorably cute and—
“Wow,” Rena said, eyes widening. “You’re going really, really red.”
He pulled away from her. “Let’s just get back to patrol.”
5 emoji game
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