#I also cant wait to finish the actual chapter and not just the addition to the intro
makahimetenshi · 1 year
Follow me inside the wastelands - Chapter 9  -Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor Fanfic
This one will be a long fic with a lot of chapters, I already write the concepts. Since I don’t play as Nora in Fallout 4 because Nate for me is the real protagonist the personalities and ideas are pretty fanbased from another fanfics I read
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
 -Im sorry, what did i broke this time? –she said in a low voice before he went to hug her and leave kisses in all the side of her face.
-You saved 9 soldiers and the brotherhood could not be more proud from a having a sentinel as skilled and capable as you, but I also fear for you a lot, I am always worried when you go out but when I see you this time in the gurney I whished that the one knocked out was me instead- her hand went to caress the back of his head and Arthur sighted relieved at the touch, its been more than a month since the last time she touched him there and it was so calming and warm…-what do you need? Where does it hurts? What can I bring you?
-Im surrounded by people…-she said and he leave a big smooch in her cheek, surprising the woman.
-I don’t care, I been worried sick for more than a month so I decided that I don’t care anymore, -he made that realization with an actually surprise for himself like it was liberating to say it- I cant care, I need to be with you right now –Nora breathed out and rest her cheek over his shoulder.
-Mmm lets see…I want a nail clipper, a notebook and a pen, a mirror, a cozy blanket…and…-she bited her lip before saying this actually nervous to overstep- would you sleep with me? Here, at the room, im sorry, I feel pretty tired right now…
-A nail clipper? –his eyes went down to see at her nails and sighted, terrible attention to details- don’t worry, I don’t plan to leave your side, ill bring a pillow, a blanket and my most comfy slippers –Arthur went to took and kiss the inside of her palm, looking at her eyes.
Even disheveled, greasy and tired looking at her chocolate eyes makes all his worries goes away.
-Thank you
-Ill tell the nurses to come and do the check ups while ill go to pick up some stuff okay? I don’t want to comb your hair and touch your scar so they will do that yes? –Nora nodded and yawned- wait for me awake, I see you sleep enough for a entire life.
Oh  boy Arthur was a man in love. Walking in slippers and underwear in the Prydwen just for a woman. The most amazing one.
At coming back to the nursery they were checking her breathing. He wasn’t being stupid or brute, he had the things…in a little bag to not drag unwanted attentions…and while they were working he will step a side and wait, any exam will help to her recovery in the future so no interruptions. Arthur felt the look of Knight Cade over his shoulders, and when he looked at him the man turned the eyes to the rooft, not wanting to cross gazes.
Yeah, he noticed the old man judging him.
-My jaw hurts…the entire mouth –at hearing this Arthur put attention after all it was the cosmetic surgery he paid.
-Sentinel you lost a lot of teeths in the combat, here at the Prydwen we tried to recover and recreate them but since you were in coma,  you could not carry out the treatments that you have to carry out, in addition to the fact that you was not eating solids yet
-When I will start eating solids?
-After we are done with the cocktail of medication –Nora nooded and they started checking her ears –are you cold sentinel?
-I see some mucus, guess youll need more blankets at night, don’t worry –how the hell everybody was around her since almost 2 months and no one realized there was few shelter? Arthurs blood boiled a bit at hearing that.
-When can drink things like tea? I want a hot drink
-Not until you start leg training, you have been prostrate for almost two months, your legs are sored for being inactive so long, right now the amount of liquids and  hydration are controlled by us so you don’t have to pee that much, but if you wish to go just call one of us by pressing that button over there
-I wish for some privacy…
-Don’t worry, we are experts at it and you also have very bad scars at your legs, the plasters have been removed two weeks ago since you were still sleeping and the openings needed to close at open air despise of being cleaned, but the training to move properly again is going to be guided with professionals so you don’t move wrong and break by accident the surgery procedure done when you arrived –Nora nodded, a bit depressed but visible to everyone- don’t worry Sentinel, youll be back to walk and run normally after the training, if you try now your knees and ankles will fail to stand up because your body is unused, once the therapy starts little by little its going to be better, youll be dancing in no time.
Arthur was observing the nurses work and say all important information we wanted to be up to date, but half hour later Nora was looking kinda tired, so he went inside the room and sit in a chair next to her gurney, not bothering or interfering the nurses job, he just wanted to make her know he was around and better not fall asleep just because he wasn’t close. It was selfish but he wanted to expend time together, shes been so close but so far for so long he was craving to be around her.
Two hours passed until they were ready to let the sentinel finally rest, the chekings were done, cleaning, cures, medicine, changes…the nurses were clearly uncomfortable with the elders presence but they weren’t not only authorized to say anything but at no position to ask…They left and the two of them were alone, a few seconds later the elder breathed out and his forehead fall into her shoulder, Noras hands placed in the back of his head caressing a bit to reassure him. Ah its been so long since she was able to do that…
-Everything is alright –he whisper and went to hug her by the waist, wanting to be as close as possible now he was able after so long.
-I cannot go to the bathroom by my own
-Its temporal, what were you thinking? –he knew it was a bad idea start a fight over this subject barely waking up but it was beyond his imagination why she would do something so risky.
-You fight a Deathclaw too
-But I didn’t pull his tail to fall all over me
-Sorry, I went desesperate at the moment –he waved a hand and let it pass, he wouldn’t discuss it right now.
-It was reckless and dangerous but we are all in debt with you for bringing everybody alive, despite how you achieve it –he went back and look at his bag, finding the nail clipper and grabbing her hand –let me take care of you okay? You went enough for a decade –she nodded and settled on the pillow behind her back, raising a hand for him to work over, she smiled relaxed with her heart melting on her chest
-Hey do you have that mirror?
-Yes –his other hand went to search in the bag and give it to her, Nora used her free hand to raise it and take a look
-Damn they cut my hair –she said a bit disgusted looking at the image.
-Beautiful as always –he whisper still cutting her nails.
-I don’t like it, its now how I imagine my head half shaved before
-Women Scribes shaves their heads at the Brotherhood and also look beautiful
-Ill cut different this bangs
-Try to be carefull with the stiches in your wound -she nodded and smiled at him, she had a caring and soft smile.
-You must be tired too, its pretty late
-I spend many nights unable to sleep thinking in your state, now I have you here I want to do as most as possible –he finished a hand and took the other, caressing it slowly with a finger –Nora most of the times you…slip away from me…-he smiled sad and she went forward to kiss his forehead.
-Theres no place for me at your side
-I can create it –she raised an eyebrow confused- I can do it, im the elder –since from a long time he was expeculating with telling her the possibility about…marriage…but it was obviously so soon and a nerviosism take all over him each time he thought about it so he had a better alternative-I read your notebook
-Shit, Preston…-Nora whispered by low closing her eyes and taking air out her chest.
-He was following orders…
-I didn’t think he would do it
-A trustable soldier, im glad he has your back –Nora look at the other side and Arthur thought that was strange while starting to clip her nails on the second hand –Whats wrong?
-Nothing, I didn’t  want you to read it so soon.
-Its an amazing text, sometimes  I have to do similar  tasks  and it really inspired me to do it better.
-I told you I was a lettered before bombs dropped
-Anyway I can…protect you from that side…you have the talent and I have the power –he didn’t have the guts to look at her eyes but at least he was presenting this opportunity, is she wanted to take it or not was completely on her. He would prefer she would…
-We help people because is the right thing to do for everyones happiness, not for the possibility of a more comfortable life for us at all, there’s no such a thing on the wastelands –again, Arthur cant argue against it but she was being despicable of the only life he had the opportunity to ever knew- there’s no other option for me or anyone
-You have to admit that my bed is the most comfortable and safe in all the Commonwealth
-No one is safe, ask the ex mayor synth of Diamond City –Arthur didn’t want to get in this type of discussion now, he preferred to keep it In peace, at least that came out his chest. He was vocal and open about his worries and plans with her in his life.
-Keep doing an excellent work Sentinel
-The most positive thing about being feeded this way is that I wont have to savour anything…
Arthur sighted and finished her hands, now her nails were short and round so there’s no chance of cutting or scratching her skin by accident
-Ill bring you scissors tomorrow for your hair
In a pair of hours both were sleeping, Nora in the gurney pretty pretty covered in blankets and Arthur in a chair, with a pillow floating between the back of his chair and the pillows in Noras gurney, he was covered with one of her blankets extended. At first he didn’t want to sleep, he didn’t want to miss a minute with her, but her eyes were closing and it feeled like torture try to talk to her to avoid sleeping…so he eat his guts and wished her to wake up this time. Also he was tired and sleepy too, he handt have much sleep either this week.
Nora grab his hand under the blankets and both closed their eyes to sleep, connected, looking at each other side, the elder was glad that she was so attentive of his fears and…try to trust with all his heart that she will wake up in a few hours.
Morning came, 7am came, his normal waking up hour and he was afraid to open his eyes and find Nora asleep in a coma again, that everything from tonight was just a dream like the ones he had over this weeks, that dreams were like a pleading, a wish for her recovery…
But he swallow his fears in the end and do it, as elder he had to move forward from his fears a lot and this…wouldn’t be the exception, he was the elder, no matter how difficult everything was he had the duty to not let himself down and overpass each situation.
He open the eyes and look at her chocolate ones, gazing at him, at seeing him awake Nora greeted with a smile.
-Good morning –she whispered and his heart stopped, his heart was running a race before in nerviosism and it just stopped, she was there, right there like she wasn’t in almost two months. Now he can be in peace again, she was at his side.
-Im so glad you are here this morning
-Ill rather be in the most comfortable and safe bed in the Commonwealth –his cheeks blushed from the implications but it make him more happy that she remember the conversation they had just a few hours ago, she was sane and sound –but my mouth is really really dry and since an hour I want to pee but I didn’t want to wake you up since you look so tired and like needing the sleep –instantly Arthur went up and pushed the button to call the nurses, went to kiss her forehead and get up. Their hands were still holding together
-Im tired but you are more important, if you need anything just ask.
-I wanted you to sleep without inconveniences, you take care of me tonight and…all this time…
-And I want you to recover as fast as possible, tell the nurses  all you need, im going to change and get breakfast, ill pass here by lunch, I know you cant eat for now but I want to use my break time with you before heading to my other meetings –she smiled pressed his hand a bit- take proper care of your needs okay? Ask for anything, I insist
-Could you give me my notebook then? I have an idea –the man do as he was told and she gave him a naughty smile –have a nice day at work honey
Oh my god it was all that pre-war American wife fantasys all over again, he had missed it so much. Arthur went to leave kisses all over her face laughting with her before leaving the room.
Arthur made at lunch time to see her, his plate and fork on hand, she cant eat but sharing a meal together was an excuse to talk and he needed to hear her voice after so long desesperatly.
-You know those bastards were already designing a statue for the capital wasterland in case you perish? –Arthur said biting on his bramin steak actually annoyed from the conversation
-My ghost will take a ride to that place
-I know that travelling for your sounds kinda impossible but think that all the soldiers in the Prydwen came from another region and stablished here, is possible to travel far distances
-Back in my days you could be driving for three days and still be in the same state. Anyway  you said I could ask anything right?
-Im glad you ask something
-This is my idea –Arthur left the plate to one side and take the notebook in the page Nora marked him, there was a drawing of a coach with a lot of indications at the sides.
-Elaborate, im not a carpenter
-Silly is a massage chair, its actually pretty simple, it’s a coach or a chair with some vibration device in some parts, some have the functionality to get the seat or the back warm on temperature, I get one as a wedding gift but obviously is not in my house in sanctuary hills anymore
-It’s a good idea, it could be therapeutic
-My legs are sore, it may be good for me to sit there for a few minutes before trying to get up –Arthur nodded and smiled, she was something else.
-I can get it done for when you finally get able to do the training therapy, the most difficult part will be saying goodbye to one of my good chairs
-Oh ill just be fine if its actually clean, don’t worry too much –Arthur went fowards and kiss her cheek, she deserved the best, and he was kinda smoochy today. Nora can understand, he waited a lot for her just like when she waited for Nate to return safe and sound.
Arthur worshiped this beautiful non radioactive goddess, she performed the miracle of getting up from a coma by her own and be enough okay to have a nice healing, not getting in the middle of the elder activities too much, not like he would complain  if he had to but it was a relief to have her in a good state, he would be okay if she was okay and now he cant complain at all, from all the horrible endings que imagined when his mind went to dark places that weeks…this was the best turn of events.
Eventually the nurses give the okay for her to start the training therapy so she would be able to recover mobility. It was such a relief being able to use crutches to at least go to the bathroom by her own, not like she wasn’t in a hurry for actually walk and run but after so long of not being able to pee whenever you want this feeled magical.
Arthur send to the nursery a bouquette of flowers when he heard the news of Nora starting the therapy, but the flowers were rejected, his heart ached at hearing the response but the mature side of his brain told him to calm down, there may be a reason and she wasn’t a completely bitch…she was sometimes for not taking him in consideration before this incident…not staying around much…he was resent lately that they didn’t spend much time together before she disappears no matter the reason and now that he had her she was in a coma.
He made his way with his dinner and a fork, like nothing happened, she was drinking things now which was an advance…she wasn’t saying anything about the bouquette so he would address the subject like a mature man who want to talk things and problems, chatting would solve every problem right?
-Where are the flowers I send in the lunch time? I sorry I cannot attend today but I have meetings
-I rejected them –well no shit Sherlock, what a nasty way to say it, sometimes Arthur hated her manners-I don’t like the flowers of the Commonwealth, the smell is horrible to me, im not going to contaminate the room closed air
-Not only food but also smells? Are you sure you don’t have a problem on your senses?
-You don’t know what the smell of lavender is…or jazmins…I would die to see a bouquette of legit roses, not plastic dry ones –the melancholic tune on her voice make the man a bit sad.
Nora often had melancholic thoughts and attitudes, she often missed her old life and home and told everyone that no one can understand that type of sorrow: except the ghouls, one of the reasons she fraternized so much with ghouls was because they share the living experience from before the bombs falls. Some remember few, some other remember more, some others didn’t care about the past, some others the life in the wastelands overpass them and they don’t remember the better times anymore, some others just move on and accepted this terrible fate…
She adapted with no problem to this reality but sometimes the memorys suddenly appear on certain situations turning down the mood for her. Like getting an unsolicited flash of your dead parents ruining your day and getting you all sad. But everybody’s lost someone, the sorrow was common, the reasons only gets more and more bizarre.
Only  so she wouldn’t die, Arthur will ask later Neriah to try to clon…and mutate…some plants into flowers the most similar as possible to roses to give Nora a surprise.
Neriah find…uncommon a solicitude directly from the elder, especially one that didn’t appear to be so urgent or important but…she wasnt in position to ask or even get a context.
The day she was able to eat solids again Arthur went to eat lunch with his most precious possession, no matter how deep in love he was before he always hesitated about the idea of giving up but now…yeah he was knocked up in love like he never felt before and it was time to let it go…for love, to enchant that beautiful goddess into his arms hopefully forever.
Nora cried while eating a fresh melon, a freacking fresh melon, it tasted exactly like one from before the bombs and her teeths wouldn’t get so sensitive about it.
It was fresh, and watery, and sweet and…a watermelon! She never see one that wasn’t the rad ones!
-It is rare to find –said Arthur laughting at her tears
-The day I kissed you was a good that but today is even better –the man blushed at the memory and smiled silly, it make him happy see her happy.
-Gosh you have a difficult palate to satisfy
-Don’t worry you satisfy me in other ways –now he seriously blushed, but laughted too, she often made this games go to this places.
-Well it does get wet and sweet too –now she snorked over her piece of watermelon, seeds flying from the air coming out her nose, laughting hard and loud.
-Sweet? –Nora asked with her rose all red.
-Well I like…am i bad at dirty talking? I have the suspect...-everytime she does it to him he end in his knees drunk in ecstasy and when he does it she ends up laughting in no time, no fair..
-I do get a little horny actually, getting results…-when Arthur approached for a kiss she went back laughting- nononono not in front of the watermelon! After I finish ill thank you properly –her hand went up to place a cube of watermelon in front of his lips, Arthur open soft and she pushed the fruit inside, the man lick her fingers to dry all the liquid going down and she sighted at the view, hothothothotohot- I don’t tell you enough how handsome you are –her voice come out throaty and low, like it was more an internet thought than something she meant to said loud.
No, she didn’t, it was evident in bed how powerfull their attraction was but she wasn’t as vocal as him, and he was very reserved and not a man of many words.
They never said I love you, yet.
-Id love to hear it –he was right there in her web, eyes locked, gazing at each other, lips open seriously waiting for a passionate kiss, his chest moving up and down on expectation.
Nora smiled and leave the watermelon to a side for a minute with all the pain in the word but it was worth it, her sugary and sticky hands took his cheeks, he felt the coldness for a second but his stomach and chest went full warm  almost instantly
-Arthur Maxson –she stated, getting more and more close, the man went forward slowly to kill distances – I would love to have such a handsome and beautiful man at my side for a long long time-his hands took her by the waist, soft, delicate, but still firm, feeling the curve of her waist and back, she gasped and close her eyes, turning the head to the side expecting a deep kiss.
-Then don’t slip from me, don’t go away, stay at my side for a long long time –Arthur sealed their lips in a kiss, one sweet, wet and warm.
They were at their element, together. Exactly were they were meant to be.
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defiledtomb · 2 years
will we be able to show some fighting skills in new path? Like i know that mc will eventually be dragged back, bcs story must progress, but if we play as blood kell for example would we be able to do some dmg? I like to imagine that when my mc would finally be dragged back bloody cursing and with missing limbs lol there would be at least 2 or 3 mercs would have to be dragged unconscious behind them :D
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[You approach the furthest blade with your breath caught in your lungs, their back still turned against you. Stabbing in the neck is out of the question, but you spot their hood loose around their neck and decide to pull it, bending them backwards. You help them along with a kick to the back of their knees. Your knife sinks in between armor and clothes. A squelching sound, blood seeping onto the grass now.]
This is one variation in a larger body of text, race and choice of trap will influence the route a lot!
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tazanna-blythe · 3 years
Chapter 5
~Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie~
"Wellcome ladies so how's school?" Sabine said with a motherly smile smile then placing a freshly baked Croissants on the table.
"Where fine, just another day at the clown house, I swear that our classmates have no brain cells not one of them "Chloe said while spreading butter on her croissant then without any hesitation she ate it.
"I beg to differ dear but i think they still have one connecting brain cell,seeing as they are one and no one can break their bond"Mari and she also ate the croissant happily
"So Dumb,Dumber,Dumbest then? or all equally dumb?" Chloe mumble (she took another bite on her food)
"No it's like they all have an on and off button for their reasoning and common sense and Liela has the button" Mari
"And She uses her sausage her as an antenna the give them signals hahahahahahahhaha"Chloe
"Ladies that's not nice besides everyone has their own preference or style that they think is fashionable ... all though i wanna know who told her having a sausage as an inspiration for a hairstyle especially when she moves her head she looks like a paddle ball a had when i was a kid" Sabine
both Chloe and Marinette bust into laughter
Collège Françoise Dupont Clinic
*Bell *
Adrien is still sleeping soundly and the kind nurse doesn't want to wake him up and clearly from how pale his face is and how dark his eye bags are and how bone to skin he is, she made a decision to call his guardians to pick him up and have him take a proper rest and some good soul food too judging by how boney he is. this child is a model she understands this but this is to much and it has a medical term called MALNUTRITION so she's not gonna stand by and do nothing.
So she quietly and gentle as she can took photos and notes on Adrien body. because he is wearing a plain white T-shirt and a loose pants all she has to do is hold some of the cloth of the T-shirt to make it tight to show how small and boney he is and she all so did the same thing to the pants. His wearing a T-shirt so his some of is upper arm is shone so the nurse took a measuring tape and measure his arms and leg. And lastly because of the akuma attacks the School funds for the clinic doubled and because of this most of their equipments are brand new and the latest model so the bed has a scale built in it so she took his weight and height. and all of this is recorded in the clinic's CCTV camera she made sure of it.
After all that is done she neatly filed this info on her computer and flash drive then she called his guardians. fortunately for him his father and his assistant is so busy that they cannot answer their phone so it was Gorilla who was called to pick him up.
When Gorilla arrived the nurse was so scared of him she almost scream in fear when he suddenly appeared in front of her luckily she didn't.
"Hello Sir. how can i help you" Nurse
"Hi my name is SImon and I'm here to pick up Adrien" Gorilla (HIS NAME IS SIMON OH MY GOSH I JUST FOUND OUT TODAY!!!)
"Hi my name is Katty and I'm the school nurse nice to meet you"
"Im sorry but before I hand over Adrien to you i need to see your IDs please"
"Ok it seems that everything is in order then you may take him home, and also my advice is to keep him stress free, eat and sleep more cause we don't want him to suddenly collapse now do we"
"Yes ma'am"
Then Gorilla slowly and Gently picked up Adrien like a porcelain princess and took his backpack/sling bag and went home.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collège Françoise Dupont Gym
"Ok class since Adrien is sick we need to still proceed to class. Now, I want all of you to make two lines.One for boys and one for the girls CHOP ChOP!!! " Gym teacher
“Um Sir. What about lila??” Rose
“What about her?“
“Lila Sprained her risk and ankle so she cant stand very long“ Alya
“Ok then Who’s Lila, Raise your good arm“
“Sir. I’m Lila Rossi“ Liela replied with a small smile and leaning into her left foot for effect
The Teacher saw her and slowly walk towards her while inspecting her body for injuries
“Which foot is sprained and which arm?“
“My right foot and arm sir “Liela said weakly.
“Can i check your arm and foot?“ The Teacher ask nicely
“Yes of course“ 
So someone brought a chair for her to sit while the Gym Teacher inspect her injuries
“Awww, Aw aw aw awaaa that hurts“ Liela cries dramatically like a spoiled dog. While the Teacher was just holding her arm not doing anything other than carrying it like a sausage
“Ok then Lila where's your medical note seeing as this is a “BIG INJURY” your parents shouldn't have let you go to school?“ The Teacher looking and talking to her like a person would to a two year old
“My Dad left us since i was young and my Mom is so busy that she’d forgotten about me“ Liela said sadly trying to make her tears drop not realizing that the teacher don't buy it
“Hush now don't cry dear I’m sure your mom is just tired now why don't you sit here and be quiet while all of us start the class,O.K“
“Yes sir“ with a final fake sob she smile at the Teacher.
“Ok,now two lines people, great now everybody just jog 20 laps then you are dismissed.But remember do not break your line and JOG NOT RUN OK ALIX AND KIM! if i see any of you break your line or run i’ll make everyone do 15 jumping jacks then additional 10 laps. Am I Clear! “
“Yes,Sir!!“ the Students then do as they were told while lila stayed seated smiling at her small victory and proceeds play on her phone and to search for more things to lie to make her even more popular.
While everybody was busy doing their task no one noticed the Gym Teacher also take’s his phone and contacted the School Nurse asking for Lila’s medical records and telling her what happen today.
Faking an injury to a teacher who was an athlete himself was a big No No but he cant just outed the child right then and there because she’ll get emotional and he doesn't want to cause another akuma.He’ll just do it the old fashion way... Making the parents discipline their own child. but first he needed her records. 
“Did you just see what i just witness?“ Chloe while looking at her exhausted classmates after they finished 20 laps.
“What?“ Mari while handling her a bottle of cold water
“You really didn’t see that?,Thanks“
“You mean Liela’s ridiculous lie then yeah and so?“
“So? So?, Mari she just gotten away with it and it wasn’t even a good lie and acting“
“No, I don’t think she did“
“Huh?! Would her majesty care to explain?“
“Our gym Teacher is an Athlete who won medals in his time. He out of everyone here would have known just by looking at someone if they have any physical injuries“
“So he just let her go?“
“No. I don't think he would so let's just watch and see what he'll do, besides if he really fell for it then his just another idiot who needs to be replaced” Marinette said as she and Chloe backed their bags and left.
“Hey Nino do you have any info about Adrien??“ Alix
“Yeah Nino what happen to him?, you were the last person we saw with him?“ Alya
“Well he looked sick so i send him to the clinic, I didn't know that he was that sick“ Nino
“Well I Just hope he gets better“ Alix
“So has anyone gotten started researching yet??“Alya
“Nope we were just hoping that will do it together like in a slumber party?“ Rose
“Actually that’s not bad soo who's house are we going?“Juleka
“What are you guys talking about? and where are we going?“ Liela walked to them when she saw her minions talking without her and of course she was escorted by the ever loyal dog Kim
“I umm“ Juleka
“Yeah where are we going?“ Kim 
Everyone was looking at each other knowing that they can fool kim but not Lila.
“Well-“ Alya
“We were planning on a slumber party tonight but we haven't decided where will be staying?“Juleka
“Oh!! why don't we stay at my place my parents arent how so i have are house all to myself and you guys don't have to bring anything with you because and my parents just went to the supermarket yesterday“ Rose
“Really that's great so it's settled will head home pack then will go directly to Rose’s house“ Alya
“Great I can't wait to spend time with my very BEST FRIENDS! but aren't we gonna invite Marinette and Chloe?“ Liela 
“No need they’ll just destroy and ruined the party. So what are we waiting for let GOOOOOO!!!“ Alya
After that everyone started packing their bags and left to their respective homes with a smile on their faces.
It's been so long since I Uploaded something and i hope you guys liked it....        If you guys have any suggestion i’ll be happy to read and maybe include them in my next work.
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sakkac · 3 years
re: fumetsu no anata e as of chapter 139.2
this started as a response to @bestbonnist​‘s post on chapter 139.2 but now i’m just dissecting differences and similarities between tonari, mizuha, and kahak like im writing an essay for a uni class. i interchangeably use he/they pronouns for fushi and my writing may be clumsy (bc im not actually writing for uni ❤️).
mizuha is a broken mirror to tonari (and kahak a foil to the two aforementioned) in this modern-day arc, especially in their expressions of love for fushi. tonari’s love for fushi is aged over hundreds of years and mizuha’s, at first glance, is an infatuation just based on how long they’ve known each other. im the biggest kahak stan ever, but even i understand kahak’s love started as an infatuation for parona’s form. though, i’d consider the word infatuation compromised when it comes to defining mizuha’s love, bc u cant be sure if her love for fushi is entirely her own, seeing as it had been passed from generation to generation of guardians.
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(chapter 134, read right to left)
tonari and mizuha aren’t that different once you look deeply into the both of them. mizuha’s personality and actions are factors in tonari’s dislike of her, but what ultimately repels tonari from mizuha is that she knows they’re similar, and that manifests most clearly in how she reacts to fushi being with mizuha. i.e. resenting fushi for using her friends’ vessels to help their “love life” in chapter 135.5. she can’t stand mizuha bc mizuha is able to express her love for fushi and fushi does not reject (or accept) it; tonari still hasn’t fully admitted to herself that she likes fushi romantically (perhaps because she can’t separate it from the devotion that led her to harden her body to poisons and to promise her corpse to rest at fushi’s feet), so seeing mizuha appear to progress further than she has irritates her. as for kahak, tonari only has the biases of the other pseudo-immortals and her own of past hayase reincarnations to rely on. (this is not as plot-related, but these two also both like books. kahak read tonari’s fushi book, so i wish they actually met, but in a world where tonari didnt hate hayase beyond death.)
tonari as a child seemed like she thought herself superior to others, perhaps a natural result of her upbringing. she was raised on a prison island, but she herself never committed any crime; banding together w other kids like her, writing about her life in her book (which keeps her separate from or above others in a way). but this thinking ceases at her relationship w fushi. however, i believe this started before they even met. tonari’s childhood dream at seven years old was to write a book her father would be impressed by. she also used to believe in god, while her family was still whole. she even prayed to god when he decided to participate in the tournament in chapter 35. however, she stops referring to god by the time her father had shown tarnish. coincidentally, she meets fushi, who would “upend everything... jeannanda and [her] fate.” she ends up, instead of writing for her father, writing a book to allow a peaceful existence for fushi for whenever they decided to come back. this act shows that the adult tonari has written fushi to a level above her, out of her reach. 
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(chapter 35)
here i’ll quote ray’s words about kahak and tonari: “she also has a surprising amount in common with Kahaku, too, with the ‘I want to protect you even if you disagree.’” the way tonari had waited and honed her body for fushi resembles kahak’s attachment; she had finished living for herself, so now she was only allowing herself to live to further create an ideal vessel for fushi (which also brings up one of hayase’s goals). the difference is that kahak lived for fushi because, as raikkousaki said, fushi was the only thing he was “ALLOWED to live for.” however, while tonari is unquestionably devoted to fushi now, what pulled her to him was black hood’s coercion. as a result of black hood’s words to her, she manipulated fushi into helping her solve her problems, to save her from the island. this first “meeting” also revealed that she was attracted to their white hair; she later admits that she admires their fair skin, contributing to the idea that she could view fushi as the equivalent of a god or at the least, a vision of purity (which is :/ imo, bc of her dark skin). we should also keep in mind that, this, technically her first impression of fushi, and his later display of violent immortality in the arena would further his image as a “legend.” 
mizuha was exposed to fushi’s immortality and reveres him like tonari and kahak respectively do and did. instead of the specific word “legend,” it’s “immortal monster.” her first formal exposure to fushi’s fabled power was not unlike tonari’s, since mizuha had went into her grandfather’s library and read on fushi in chapter 124.1. after this, she manipulates fushi to save her, again paralleling the beginning of tonari’s relationship with fushi, but it’s from her overbearing mother and herself. both tonari and mizuha forced their problems onto fushi, but mizuha doesn’t have black hood stepping in front of her saying “you must lead him.” instead, she may have been influenced by the left hand, but i believe mizuha’s thoughts are majorly her own (left hand lies in wait within mizuha’s consciousness like a predator), and what they appear to say is that she’s leading fushi until he decides to follow her willingly. as for kahak, we only have a few pages on his childhood and what we can make of it and of his actions as an adult is that he was willing to follow fushi wherever they went, until left hand betrayed them both.
mizuha’s superiority complex comes from a different place than young tonari’s; she was a prestigious child from young, in addition to her fear of her uniqueness fading as she aged. this caused her to feel separate from other children. when she meets fushi, she sees how different he is from everyone else and uses subtle ways to keep him with her, while never directly admitting she wants him to stay with her, except for ch 125′s “i’m scared. stay with me tonight,” after her mother’s sudden murder. she usually uses excuses instead, like cutely demanding fushi to walk with her after school and go on dates with her.
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(chapter 36 vs. chapter 128.2)
as fushi was introduced to the people around tonari and mizuha, they received similar reactions, i.e. “your hair is so pretty!” and “woah, his hair is white!” in the pages following these, the similarities continue into tonari and mizuha gaining ownership over fushi: in ch 36 oopa declares “tonari found him. so he belongs to tonari,” while the islanders try to get on fushi’s good side, and in ch 128 fushi goes out of their way to ask which club mizuha belongs to when asked to join a club (vocalizing her claim on them so she doesn’t have to directly do so).
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(chapters 38, 106, and 139)
when the opening comes for mizuha to actually admit her feelings in chapter 139, she tries, but demands instead, “so... love me.” this recalls kahak’s confession to kai in 105.3, that he wants to “protect fushi’s humanity.” kahak and mizuha were both covered in blood when they spoke, but the atmospheres and characters are different; mizuha is clever w her words, but still too immature to let go of her pride, whereas kahak was the exact opposite. he rid of himself of his pride for fushi when he was a child, but said a lot of the wrong things to fushi when it came down to it. additionally, mizuha, when she wants something, she’ll phrase her words so that it seems like there’s only one choice: to follow her. this has been the case for others including fushi (chapters 120.2′s testing of hanna with “if i died, would you cry for me?” and 132.1′s “i’ll teach you about love” and the following guilt-trip). tonari is more direct with her words and meaning than either mizuha or kahak, bc of her personality. she directly confronts fushi when she realizes he had felt betrayed by her in chapter 38, because she still needed him for his plans. but mizuha is more direct with her actions; in chapter 129.1, she latches herself onto fushi, while trying to get information out of him. after the failed marriage proposal, rather than physically attaching himself to fushi like mizuha, kahak used acts of domesticity and protection to subtly appeal to and maintain his space next to them.
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(chapter 38 vs chapter 139)
tonari’s “there are people in this world who are better off dead” above isn’t far from the knockers’ reasoning behind “wishing for death is paramount to being dead” and the reason for mizuha’s mother’s death: left hand decided to “eliminate the cause of [mizuha’s breaking point’s] stress.” what this shows is that tonari can also justify murder, though granted, this is from a hundred chapters ago. however, this black and white thinking comes back in the modern era where tonari holds prejudice against mizuha because of her relation to hayase. tonari knows her dislike of mizuha is unfair, she can’t get around it. tonari is still as prideful as she was when she lived on jeannanda; it’s just that she is able to use fushi to justify her opinions now. i also want to bring up mizuha’s reaction to her mother’s death and funa’s knocker’s “purging and guidance.” mizuha seems comfortable with the sight of death, despite having a more normal childhood than tonari, because her actual main concern overwhelms it; she is always thinking on how she can appeal to fushi (almost like kahak), or in other words, how to salvage her pride. so instead of being concerned over being the actual murderer, she is concerned with appearing as a murderer to fushi.
so to actually answer ray’s question, objectively, tonari’s love is as excessive as kahak and mizuha’s. but personally, i think tonari’s love for fushi right now is also unhealthy, though it comes out of good will. kahak’s love also ended in fushi’s benefit, but it was undoubtedly unhealthy. and ofc, mizuha’s love is also unhealthy; she reaches for fushi for perfection, tonari reaches for fushi for humility.
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delfinodreams · 3 years
OKAY i said i would make a post about my thoughts on paper mario a while ago and im finally writing it out
ill put it under a break because its probably gonna be long-ish
update: yea this bitch is LONG
okay so overall i really really enjoyed it!! it was really solid for the first entry in the series and i could definitely see the inspiration that ttyd later took from it. one thing that i didnt know about was partners not having HP, which threw me for a little bit of a loop. partners as a whole in this game don't play as active of a role as i wouldve expected because they have so little lines but using them in battle is still very fun! another small thing but i also hadn't expected mario to be completely silent, but it later grew on me!
i'm also gonna list my experiences and opinions on each chapter so here we go!!
chapter 1 - pretty alright for an introductory chapter! i didnt find anything especially notable, apart from getting 2 partners in one chapter. navigating the koopa bros. fortress was fun, and i loved the battle at the end!! their theme is SUCH a banger i had to sit back and listen to it for a bit when the fight actually started ehe
chapter 2 - not quite a fan of this one imo? i liked the first part through the mountain, but the trek though dry dry desert kinda took it out of me. BUT the addition of my favourite partner made up for it! parakarry my beloved <3 also the cutscene where dry dry ruins rise up??? that shit was SPECTACULAR. i absolutely loved how it turned dark when it first came up, i wish it stayed like that for more than just until you entered the ruins. the boss itself wasn't too exciting for me, probably because there wasnt much of a story?? i dont know how to describe it. actually its like that for quite a few of these bosses, but its the first entry for this series, so i wont fault it too much.
chapter 3 - this might be my FAVOURITE chapter- the suspense buildup throughout the entire chapter was AMAZING holy moly!!! first through the forever forest when you have bootler ask for you, and then wandering the mansion itself. i TOTALLY thought that boos were gonna be actual enemies when i saw them floating around. sneaking around tubba blubba's castle was so so fun to do, and i legitimately panicked when you ran into him in the hall and also when he wakes up and chases you back to the windmill. i didnt actually think the heart itself was the boss, just a miniboss, so i freaked out when i left the windmill and was immediately thrown into a battle with tubba blubba. i cannot express just how much i enjoyed this chapter, seriously!!
chapter 4 - coming back to toad town with the music change threw me for a bit; i wasnt expecting action to pop up so soon! figuring out that you could actually go into the toybox was such a "wait, what??" moment for me, but like, in a positive way. it was really cool to navigate this chapter and the lantern ghost encounter genuinely creeped me out at first because it was COMPLETELY dark. the fight against general guy is also a BANGER i could listen to it all day
chapter 5 - man i LOVE the whale. just a big guy willing to take u across the ocean :^) i really appreciated how you weren't stranded on the island too, like how you were on keelhaul key in ttyd. the ravens are also funky little guys, love them too. again, the lava piranha didnt really have any substance to it BUT it was a nice fight nonetheless! when it popped up again i was shocked but i made it through!! also fuck kolorado he doesnt deserve his wife
chapter 6 - this one's formatting is really neat- one central area with lots of branching paths, which i hadnt seen in my past pm experiences! i loved the quest leading up to the big beanstalk, plus the environment was so pretty!! the little part with the sun tower popped out to me, i'm not sure why though. maybe it was the music, it was so different from the flower fields theme. at first i had actually expected to go up to the clouds earlier, maybe like midway through the chapter. i thought that would be the "dungeon" of this part, so i was a little bit let down when i realized that the fields were the majority. however, the bit of the clouds we do see is SO good i LOVE the atmosphere!! huff n puff was actually relatively easy, using parakarry and lakilester for their all-around attacks. the guitars were a nice touch for his theme as well!
chapter 7 - oh dude i LOVED this chapter. i didnt know what i was expecting when i first went into the pipe in the sewers, whether it would put me into a village immediately or if i would have to make it through some screens before. needless to say, i was relieved when it popped me out into shiver city. the whole place felt "warm" which was really nice!! i was comparing it to ttyd's chapter 7 and fahr outpost which i didn't really vibe with, so it was a nice change! the whole murder plot was also unexpected but i enjoyed the whole "whodunnit" mystery! omg as im typing this i realize just how many aspects of this chapter i love this is gonna be long,, the entire snowy atmosphere is just so PRETTY and starborn valley felt so solitary to the rest of the land, like its own little bubble. i also had no idea that ninjis were in this game so when i saw one at merlon's i was like HUH?? anyways the way up the mountain to the crystal palace kept me on my toes; i thought that was the dungeon at first! the small bit where you see madam merlar and she tells you the story of the palace really got to me i have no idea why. the music and mysticality of it all was just SO good. dont even get me started on the crystal palace itself HOLY MOLY. the whole reflection bit was SO SO clever and the moment you realize its NOt actually a mirror?? fucking magnificent. this has to be my favourite dungeon in the whole game because it has such a NEAT gimmick!! it also has my favourite mario enemies, duplighosts! FUCK the crystal king though. he stunlocked me with his freezing move because i could not get the hang of blocking it. my partners really carried me for that battle; thank god for quick change
chapter 8 - THIS CHAPTER DELIVERED. the buildup for the entire game leading to this point. OUTSTANDING. i had to sit back and admire star haven because its so pretty- did i mention i love the water graphics in this game?? it has a pixelly look but it works SO WELL. going to the ship to take you to bowser's castle really felt like a "this is it" moment. the entirety of bowser's castle was So Good, it kept me on my toes the entire time!! slowly advancing as the music got more intense REALLY pumped me up. tracks that start off with only a couple instruments and eventually add more as you progress is one way to make me go BONKERS. the one bit where you make your way outside on the bridge and the music dials down and then you re-enter on the other side to it SLAMMING you in the face- that was Great. and then the complete silence as you get outside peach's castle HOLY SHIT. and then you actually enter the palace and the music is SO EERIE and youre like OH SHIT THIS IS REALLY IT. seriously, the buildup for this entire castle is done SO magnificently. i hadn't expected to fight bowser twice, i guess it was the game's way of letting u level up One Last Time before u got to the big bad. that being said, i wasn't too worried on getting a game over since i was fucking stacked on items. but that's besides the point- the fight itself got my heart POUNDING. the effects for the star rod and the star's powers were really nice to see in action, and the little section with peach and twink was so cool! i was expecting a little interlude where you would get your stats maxed out because thats how its like in every pm game, but it was still moving :)) bowser's final battle theme fucking SLAPS. the guitar especially sounds AMAZING. you really see him as a threat here and its so badass. his healing move fucked me over multiple times- i probably ended up having to deal with double his base HP over the course of the fight.
after the fight was over and you got to see peach's castle float down with the soft music in the background, it really hit me that its done, its over. again, the effects in this game are so pretty and theyre utilized SO well for the n64. visiting toad town one last time with all the npcs was a really nice touch- for some reason i really loved being able to interact with vanna t. (chuck quizmo's toad assistant) she's ADORABLE and i will probably end up drawing her sometime :)) the credits were also something that i really enjoyed- i LOVE the ongoing theme of parades at the end. seeing everything and everyone in the game condensed into a short 8 minutes really got me, i cant remember but im pretty sure i was smiling the whole time! and a small sidenote- TOADS WITH GLOWING SPOTS ON THEIR HEAD HELLO?????? I WANNA DRAW THAT SO BAD.
the ending screen with peach and mario looking at the fireworks made me really soft and i teared up a little because i was finally finished. the addition of pop diva's solo in the track was also so touching, it was my favourite sidequest in the game so hearing it again brought up Emotions :')
one thing i wasnt sure of was if there was a post-game mode and my completionist heart was disappointed a little when i found out i couldn't advance from the end screen and was forced to reset. although not many games from this era had post-game content so i cant dock too many points for that.
the paper mario series has a fond place in my heart, and finally being able to play the game that started it all really was a special experience. it really cemented my love for the original formula and i could see many places where ttyd took inspiration from. this game really is fun, and i would highly recommend playing it yourself if you have the means!
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sinfullytempting · 4 years
Temptations (Greed)
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Its your favorite asshole!! Seonghwa!!
Tag list: @chanberrys @needyateez @marooneclipse @a-revolution-teez @choisanzs​ if youve reblogged the master list ill assume youd like to be tagged, you can also be asked to be added!
San (Lust 1) / Yeosang (Gluttony 2) / Seonghwa (Greed 3) / Wooyoung (Envy 4) / Filler Chapter (5)
“Sanggie already saw here and thats not fair!”
Seonghwa twitched as he waited for San to open the door, ignoring Wooyoung’s yelling from the phone as he rose a curious brow, waiting for the boy to open the door. “Wooyoung shut up.” Seonghwa ended the call and shoved his phone in his pocket as he leaned closer and knocked on the door harder. “San!”
San growled lowly, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter as he glared at the door. He pulled away. “Finish cooking, please.” The ‘please’ being tacked on as a last minute addition. San stood up straight before walking towards the door and swinging it open.
“Can i come in?” Seonghwa watched San, gold eyes watching red, not stepping foot inside the room. Seonghwa couldnt come in unless he had San’s permission, or you gave him permission. San’s lip curled as he shook his head. “No you cannot.” Seonghwa make be older but San is stronger. “No you can not~” San smiled widely before he saw you come around the corner. “San who is this? Another one of the sins?”
This male was tall, caramel colored hair, sharp gold eyes (those have to be contacts right?) and a cunning smile once he saw you appear, gold eyes lighting up. “Hello~ May i come in?” You frowned. “Of course why wouldnt you be allowed?” His cunning grin turned into a smirk as he pushed past San, automatically bee lining your way and gently holding your hand, kissing the back of it. “You do smell delightful, Thats wonderful.” You blinked, not expecting the boy to appear as quickly as he did, San quietly closing the door.
“Yes, this here, is Greed.” San came around and pulled you away from Seonghwa’s hands, a nasty look being sent towards Seonghwa as San stood behind you. Seonghwa stood up straight, lips pulled into a polite smile.
“Yes, i am greed but my name is Park Seonghwa. Its a pleasure to meet you Y/n.” His smile was tempting in all the wrong ways, but the way San had a hold of you, an arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you into his side, said he knew what you were thinking. Of course he did thats the first thing he did when you woke up.
“Uh...likewise?” You muttered, a questioning tone. “Uh how did you get here- Wait did you said i smell delightful? Yeosang said the same thing.” Seonghwa’s eyes brightened at the mention of Gluttony’s name. “So youve met Sangie? Ah, indeed, you smell absolutely devine its a shame San got to you first…” A deep rumble next to your chest hold you that San had growled- Wait growled? You fidgeted, noticing the thick tension in the room.
“Uhm...i need to finish cooking…” You squirmed your way from San’s iron hold and escaped into the kitchen.
Taking a deep breath you thought back to the small conversation you had with San. ‘Think hard enough and you can summon him’. You closed your eyes tightly, thinking and imagining the pretty boy infront of you, almost begging for someone sane in the current situation that is happening in your living room.
A familiar presence next to you made you relax, coming face to face with Yeosang. “Oh thank you for showing up.” Yeosang cocked his head to the side, eyes darting to the hallway that led to the two sins. “Sannie...and Hwa are here? Greed and Lust but heads all the time. But you’ve been claimed so it shouldnt be this bad.”
Yeosang glanced at the kitchen then to you. “...is that chicken?” You giggled, nodding and plating the food and guiding Yeosang to a table. “San said you liked chicken.” He giggled and nodded. ‘He’s so cute, like a little brother’ You smiled and turned back to the kitchen only to see Seonghwa and San standing infront of you. “I cant believe it actually worked, you summoned Yeosang…” Seonghwa mumbled. “She’s stronger then you said.” He turned towards San, seeing the smirk on his face. “Thats my angel, so full of purity and innocence, so strong and you dont even know it.” He grinned, San lifting your hand to his lips as he pressed a kiss against your knuckles. “Everytime you do something somewhat sinful you just smell that much better, youre so intoxicating.” He smirked as Seonghwa sat infront of Yeosang.
Shuffling closer to you he pressed his face against your neck, almost groaning. “You smell so good~ Its so worrisome that no one has noticed you til now…” San tensed, head turning towards the door. “You must’ve had a guardian angel, keeping you from us, hiding your scent, dulling it so we cant sense it…” San purred quietly in your ear, eyes scanning the area. “But where is he now? He must have been one of the strongest to be able to dull your scent almost completely.”
You blinked, confused. “If i did...i didnt know…” Seonghwa chuckled. “Of course you didnt know, theyre supposed to stay out of sight, only guard you from death.” You threw a glare toward the sin who merely smirked. “Hush, i didnt know you sins existed til this one introduced himself, quite rudely, this morning. And ive met two others in one day, so you can imagine how tired i am correct?”
He wiggled from San’s hold and placed a plate infront of Seonghwa then one next to Yeosang for San. “Sit down and eat, both of you.”
“She sorta smells like...Felix?” San stopped at Yeosang’s words. “Felix? Like The guardian angel Felix?” Yeosang nodded absentmindedly, chewing on his food. “What happened to Felix for him to leave her side...and how do you know Felix?” Yeosang hummed, swallowing a bite. “Wooyoungie knows one of his mortal friends? Changbin? I think thats his name.”
San hummed quietly, thinking about why Felix could have disappeared from your side. “He’s strong tho, what could have pulled him away like that?” San mumbled, eyes gliding towards you. “You said i could summon Yeosang if i tried hard enough right? And i did, it worked...do you think i could somehow summon Felix?”
“...also i had a guardian angel? Apparently how you’re speaking of him he is...a strong angel?” San scrunched his nose but nodded, not sitting well with the feeling of talking about how to summon an angel, let alone a guardian angel. Especially with Felix being a higher being then just an angel.
“Yes...Felix is a very strong guardian angel. He usually works alone but he has, two other angels he works with and mortal friends for some reason, but they arent important, what is important is, what happened to Felix. Even though hes an angel he was supposed to guard you, and its increasingly frightening the more i think about how he disappeared enough for me to find you and claim you.”
You nodded, backing up on your thoughts. “So? Do you think i could try and summon him?” The three sins turned and looked at you. “You want to try and summon an angel?” Seonghwa spoke, a mocking tone as he spoke. “Let alone a guardian angel? Who you dont even know what he looks like?” You couldnt help but shrink a little bit at his mocking.
“She did summon Yeosang...and we do know someone who knows what Felix looks like, and one who knows someone he works with…” San mumbled, looking around. “But is it a smart idea to search for him? Maybe he doesnt want to be found? But he wouldnt just abandon the person he was sent to protect right?” Yeosang spoke up as he finished his plate, orange eyes locking on you. “But summoning me seemed to drain you, so how about you eat then rest, the rest of us will look for ways to find him, this guardian angel-”
“I think this is a bad idea.” Seonghwa stood up.
“Why would it be a bad idea?”
“Hello? Yeosang? The two strongest sins are going to look for a guardian angel? Does that sound ok?”
You puffed your cheeks as you listened to the duo talk. “What if i want to find him? He should be around right? Do i need to put myself in danger for him to show up?” San blinked at your words. “Love, you smell like me now, i dont know if he’d come to save you. Im pretty sure, if he was still around he wouldnt saved you from me as soon as i appeared. Some low level demon wouldnt smelled Felix on you and bolted...but it was so faint i could barely smell it.” He hummed quietly.
“We can try tomorrow ok? We can talk to someone who knows how to find him.” He sighed. “Since youre so persistent on it.” You smiled and nodded. “Now...can all of you leave so i can clean up and go to sleep…”
“Dont worry about it, ill clean up for you.” Seonghwa stood up, grabbing the plates and walking towards the sink, Yeosang standing up and stretching before nodding. “I’ll leave, thank you for the food Y/n.” You smiled as the pink haired boy nodded, disappearing with orange smoke. You coughed a bit before hesitating to leave with one unknown sin in your kitchen cleaning up. The feeling of an arm around your waist guiding you to your room startled you. “San-”
“Dont worry, he will probably end up cleaning your whole house…” He snickered as he opened your door. “He’s a clean freak.” Seonghwa hissed from inside the kitchen. “Shut up San!”
He chuckled and closed the door behind you both, guiding you to the bed and humming. “Change. Maybe ill sing for you.”
You nodded and grabbed clothes before heading into your bathroom, throwing a glance back at San who grinned at you from the chair at your table. “Go on or ill come in to help you change!” You threw a glare before slamming the door shut behind you, letting San’s laughter seep through the door.
“I hate sins...”
“Dont lie baby you love us!”
“I only tolerate some of you, aka Yeosang!”
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seriestrash · 6 years
The List - Chapter Twelve
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- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 
Summary: It’s summer vacation and TJ and Cyrus fill their days checking things of Cyrus’ list.
Read on AO3
Chapter Twelve: 101
Word Count: 5471
A few days pass after Cyrus’ fight with TJ and it’s been just shy of a week since they went to the carnival. Although Cyrus’ conversation with his mother made him feel better about himself, he felt absolutely awful about how things were between him and TJ. The two have had zero contact with each other since TJ stormed out of Cyrus’ room in a huff. 
Cyrus convinced himself that his logic to push TJ away made sense but what he couldn’t do was make himself feel any better about it. Leslie’s comment about TJ not hating Cyrus but rather being hurt by Cyrus’ distant behaviour is what weighed on his mind most. Cyrus knows how much TJ cares about what people think of him, even if TJ spent a lot of time convincing Cyrus that he should just be himself instead of worrying about everyone else's opinion. So Cyrus knew that it wouldn’t have felt good for TJ to hear Cyrus practically call him annoying. Cyrus might not believe that TJ could ever like him back romantically but he did know that their friendship was special and he believed that if he was upset by their separation, TJ would be too and being the cause of that pain made Cyrus feel tremendously guilty. 
Also to add to Cyrus’ guilt pile he had unintentionally confirmed Marty’s concerns about the rest of the Good Hair Crew returning. As soon as Cyrus’ other friends came home he did pull away from the friendship group that blossomed over the summer.
It’s a Friday morning and Buffy and Cyrus lay on the floor of his father’s office. The reasoning behind this is that it’s an extremely hot day and the air-conditioning is best in the small room. The two lay on their backs with their heads beside each other but with their bodies in opposite directions. 
“I wonder what Jonah and Andi are doing.” Buffy says as she stares at the ceiling. 
“Jonah is probably listing all the things he’s clued into since checking into reality.” Cyrus jokes lightly and there was no malicious intent behind the comment. 
Buffy lets out a soft chuckle and the room falls quiet again before she cautiously asks, “So are we going to talk about TJ yet?” 
Cyrus groans and a frown settles on his face. “We're supposed to be avoiding our problems remember?” 
Buffy sits up and crosses her legs and Cyrus does the same after feeling like he has to. “I love you, Cyrus,” Buffy says with a kind smile as she finds her best friends gaze, “And I hate seeing you so miserable.” 
“I’ll get less miserable..” Cyrus says unconvincingly. 
“I still don’t understand why you cant even be friends with TJ anymore?” Buffy knits her brows together. “You were friends with Jonah when you had a crush on him.” 
“I really like, TJ.” Cyrus says and a sad expression falls upon his face. "I don't think my feelings for him are going to go away or change like they did with Jonah. How can I keep being TJ’s friend and keep that secret from him?” 
Buffy frowns at how Cyrus describes his feelings like he’s being immoral or perverted for simply having a crush on a boy. 
“People have crushes on their friends all the time, Cyrus,” Buffy reaches forward and places her hand on Cyrus’ shoulder, “You’re not doing anything wrong for developing feelings for TJ.” 
“I just wish I could go back to being oblivious about my feelings.” Cyrus sighs.
Buffy takes a moment to think through what she was about to ask next, she nods as if she had silently agreed with herself about the wording. “Do you not want to be TJ’s friend because you’re worried that won't be enough for you this time?”
Cyrus just offers up a weak shrug but his facial expression was confirmation enough for Buffy. 
“You need to talk to, TJ.” Buffy gently insists. 
“I can’t.” Cyrus shakes his head. 
“Do you remember when I asked you to choose between me and TJ?” Buffy questions and Cyrus nods. “And even though you picked me I was still angry with you. Do you know why?”
“Because even though I said I picked you, you didn’t believe I would stop hanging out with TJ.” Cyrus had talked about this with Buffy whilst they were in the midst of the fight so he knew for a fact that was her reasoning. 
“I knew you wouldn’t,” Buffy says as she holds Cyrus’ gaze. “Because that’s not you. Cyrus Goodman does not walk away from a friend. I did not understand your friendship then and I can’t say I fully understand it now but I see that it’s important to both of you. I can’t tell you to put your feelings out there especially while I’m sitting on my own but I think you should call TJ, get him to meet you somewhere so you can talk.” 
“He’s at work.” Cyrus says as he was very familiar with TJ’s schedule. “Every second Friday.” 
“Leave him a message asking to meet you afterwards.” Buffy encourages. “You can use my phone.”
Cyrus takes a deep breath and decides that Buffy was right. Even if he did feel wrong for keeping his feelings hidden from TJ, Cyrus couldn’t help but want to be selfish in this scenario. Cyrus missed TJ and he certainly would never be able to live with the idea that TJ could hate him as a result of his distant behaviour. 
Cyrus makes the call and as expected it goes straight to voicemail. “It’s TJ, I’m not here or I’m ignoring your call.. Leave me a message and I might get back to you.” Cyrus listens to the voicemail message that used to make him laugh but now it just made his stomach churn with nerves. There was a beep to signal it was time to leave a message, Buffy is quietly watching and gives Cyrus an encouraging nod.
“Hey, TJ, it’s me, Cyrus..” He begins nervously, “I’m using Buffy’s phone because mine is in the ocean somewhere..” Cyrus laughs anxiously as he wasn’t sure where this was going, “Anyway, I know you’re at work but I wanted to talk. If you can, meet me at the park after your shift.. Okay, bye..” 
Cyrus hangs up the phone and hands it back to Buffy. 
“Was that so hard?” Buffy questions. 
“That was excruciating.” Cyrus frowns. “Can we go back ignoring the issue at hand before I have to go to the park?” 
“I can’t,” Buffy says as she stands up from the floor, “I actually have to go.” 
“Where?” Cyrus questions. 
“If you must know, Marty asked me to meet up with him.” Buffy says sheepishly and Cyrus’ smile grows. He jumps to his feet excitedly. “It’s no big deal!” 
Cyrus knew it was a very big deal. The both so obviously liked each other. At least one of them might get a happy outcome from this all.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were abandoning the avoidance ship like Andi?” Cyrus asks. 
“I thought it was important you decided to work things out with TJ on your own.” Buffy explains, “I didn’t want you to speak to him just because I was speaking to Marty and Andi was speaking to Jonah.” 
“You still convinced me to see, TJ.” Cyrus highlights. 
“That’s called being a friend,” Buffy coaxes her head, “And you wouldn’t have called him unless you wanted to.” 
"You’re right.” Cyrus mumbles. 
“Aren’t I always?” Buffy grins, they really were her two favourite words. 
Cyrus has to wait two hours after Buffy left his house for TJ’s shift to be over. So that meant he had two hours to obsess over the impending conversation. Cyrus wasn’t sure how he was going to explain away being weird without telling the truth but he hoped his overall quirkiness that he’s known for would be excuse enough for them to move past the fight. 
Cyrus was sitting in his room trying get his mind off things. He’s cleaning up when he happens upon the crumpled piece of paper that is the list. Cyrus hadn't realised that he was the one that ended up with it after the carnival. Cyrus takes the sheet and sits at the edge of his bed as he looks over it. Cyrus glances at the first and only incomplete task on the list, the pier jump. He then looks at all the things crossed off under it and thinks back to the memories of how he achieved them. Cyrus admires the little scribbles and drawings that were there from when TJ wrote the list down or from when someone added it over the summer. 
Cyrus turns the piece of paper over and looks at the back. He looks at the number 100. and the blank space beside it, the space that’s supposed to be TJ’s final addition. Cyrus folds the sheet of paper back up and sticks it in his back pocket.
Since there was no way Cyrus could back out of it now he makes his way to the park. Cyrus gets there ten minutes before TJ’s shift would end and he knew it would take TJ just over ten minutes to walk to the park. Cyrus sits on a park bench in the shade and waits, he didn’t have working phone so he had no idea if TJ had gotten back to him or not. Cyrus also had no idea if TJ would even show up after Cyrus was mean to him the way he was. 
Two hours later Cyrus is still sitting alone at the park. By now it’s getting close to dinner time and the park is practically empty. Cyrus makes his way over to the vacant swings and quietly curses at himself for royally screwing things up with TJ. 
Cyrus solemnly swings for a few minutes before deciding to leave. TJ clearly wasn’t showing up and in Cyrus’ mind that meant he was probably never going to forgive him so why put himself through anymore agonising silence on the swings?
Just as Cyrus gets off the swing he hears his name called. It’s, TJ and he sounded out of breath.
“TJ, you came?” Cyrus smiles as the taller boy approaches in his work uniform. 
“Work asked me to stay back till close, I didn’t hear your voicemail until I finished.” TJ quickly gets control of his breathing. “I couldn’t call you back obviously, so I thought I’d quickly come by here on the off chance you were still waiting.” 
Suddenly Cyrus felt lame for waiting around so long. There’s a drop in conversation, both boys appeared awkward which was no surprise considering how they left things last. Finally TJ speaks up, “So you wanted to talk?” 
Cyrus nods and motions to the swings like they would make him brave enough to actually form a coherent sentence. TJ sits first, Cyrus follows but sits on his swing facing the opposite direction to TJ. The two stay stationary and let another moment of silence pass. Finally TJ forces out a deflated laugh, “Talking usually involves words..” 
“As soon as I think of some to use, I’ll let you know.” Cyrus frowns.
“How about we start with why we had some stupid dramatic fight when we had a really good summer up until now?” TJ suggests. 
“I didn’t really mean it when I said I thought we should hang out with other people.” Cyrus turns his head sideways to look at TJ.
“Then why did you say it?” TJ meets his gaze.
“I don't think I can answer that.” Cyrus frowns. 
TJ appears a little frustrated, “Why ask me to come here if you didn’t really want to talk?” 
“I wanted to get over our fight. I don’t want to stop being friends.” Cyrus states firmly. 
“But you also don't want to tell me what I did wrong?” TJ points a look at Cyrus.
“You haven't done anything wrong.” Cyrus insists. “I have. I just can’t talk about it.” 
“That’s a really sucky apology.” TJ furrows his brows, “If that’s even what this is.” 
“It is.” Cyrus sighs, “Can you accept that I’m really sorry and want to be friends even though I have zero explanation that I can give you?”
TJ is silent as he holds Cyrus’ gaze, then he wears a small smile and nods, “Okay.” 
“Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought it would be.” Cyrus mumbles. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine.” TJ shrugs, “I would like if you did but I won't force you.” 
“And you forgive me just like that?” Cyrus questions. 
“We had some stupid little fight,” TJ laughs softly, “You might not have meant what you said but there is some truth behind it. We have spent the entire summer together, we were bound to get restless eventually.” 
“I’ve spent the past week making this fight sound a lot more dramatic in my head.” Cyrus furrows his brows and TJ can’t help but laugh. 
“I also didn’t mean it when I called the list stupid.” TJ says genuinely, “My feelings were hurt because I felt like you were ditching me.” 
“So you haven't done the pier jump with Walker and Marty?” Cyrus questions. 
“No way, not without you.” TJ shakes his head. “Have you?” 
“No way.” Cyrus laughs. 
“Then how did your cellphone end up in the ocean?” TJ wonders. 
“I can’t really explain that either.” Cyrus frowns. 
TJ lets out a loud exhale, “I know I said I was okay that you didn’t want to talk about it but having a conversation is a lot easier when the other person contributes.” 
“I’m sorry.” Cyrus rests his head against the chain of the swing. 
“It’s okay,” TJ half smiles, “But if I didn’t do anything, has something else happened?” 
Cyrus could feel himself sweating, he felt like there was no avoiding this conversation. TJ might be able to move past it as easily as he did but there would definitely be some confusion and lingering questions. 
“Cy?” TJ leans over and grabs the chain of Cyrus’ swing and tugs it gently to get his attention as Cyrus was non responsive to his previous question. When TJ lets go of Cyrus’ swing it sends them both gently swaying sidewards. 
Cyrus looks at TJ’s expression, it was soft and curious and overall concerned about whatever had Cyrus so stressed out. Again Cyrus had the urge to tell TJ about his confusing web of feelings, it was something he had thought about a little over the summer before realising his feelings were also linked to TJ and not boys in general. 
“Can I ask you something?” Cyrus doesn’t answer TJ’s question although his own question was leading up to doing that. 
“Sure.” TJ nods and he seemed to just accept that it appeared as if Cyrus was still avoiding what was really on his mind. 
“After Amber’s party you seemed off..” Cyrus opens and TJ grows visibly nervous. 
“I was sick.” TJ says unconvincingly. 
“Sure.” Cyrus pretends like he believes him. “I was just wondering if you maybe overheard something me and Iris were talking about?” 
This seems to confuse the older boy and therefore confirm for Cyrus that TJ didn’t hear what they were discussing. 
“I was on the other side of the room. Amber made sure of that.” TJ gives Cyrus a quizzical look. “Why?” 
Because I wanted to know if you already freaked out about me being gay or if you could be as understanding as I thought you would be.. Cyrus thinks but what he says is, “Iris and I were talking about a sensitive matter and I thought you might have overheard and misinterpreted..” Even though she was right, Cyrus thinks to himself. “And that was why you were a little distant after the party?” 
“I didn’t hear your conversation.” TJ says honestly, “That weirdness had everything to do with me and not you.” 
“So something was bothering you?” Cyrus questions. 
“I can’t talk about it.” TJ uses Cyrus’ own tactics against him. 
“Fair enough.” Cyrus nods with a faint laugh. “Up until a couple weeks ago I happened to think we were very good at the whole talking thing.” Cyrus jokes lightly even though it wasn’t a joke at all.
“You mean tricking me into getting all sappy about my feelings?” TJ laughs.
“I trust you, TJ.” Cyrus says and it feels out of place but it makes the smile on TJ’s face creep wider. 
“I trust you, too.” TJ nods slightly. 
Cyrus really did trust TJ, it was exactly one of the reasons why Cyrus liked him so much. TJ had always made a point to assure Cyrus that being himself was more than enough but more importantly Cyrus actually believed TJ and as a result he thought more positively about himself. That’s why in the moment, under TJ’s kind and understanding stare, Cyrus decides to open up. 
“I’ve been lying to you about something.” Cyrus takes a deep breath. Surprise crosses TJ’s face but he doesn’t interrupt. “The pier jump is actually the thing I’m second most afraid of on the list...” 
TJ’s already furrowed brows deepen, “But that’s the only thing left on the list other than one blank?” 
“When I first sent you the list, back when you helped me with the somersault, there was one thing on it that I removed before giving it to you.” Cyrus admits. 
“Really?” TJ coaxes his head, “Why did you delete it?” 
“At the time I didn’t feel comfortable sharing it..” Cyrus says, “But I think I am now.” 
“You can tell me anything.” TJ nods encouragingly. 
Cyrus loosens his grip on the metal chains of the swings as his palms were growing sweatier from holding onto them so tightly due to his nerves. 
“So as you know I went out with Iris last year,” Cyrus explains and TJ nods, “We were boyfriend and girlfriend even though we only went on two and a half dates... She was my first - and second -  kiss..” 
“Okay?” TJ was unsure where this was going and he wasn’t certain he’d enjoy listening to it but for Cyrus’ sake he was willing to push his own feelings aside. 
“In a way that’s not as awful as it sounds, kissing Iris made me acknowledge something I had been ignoring for a while..” Cyrus was getting closer to the truth but it wasn’t getting any easier for him. “As much as I liked Iris I didn’t like her that way...”
“Okay...” TJ repeats with a nod and he waits for Cyrus to continue. 
“Usually people work out what I’m talking about before I have to say it myself.” Cyrus frowns. 
“If you have something to say you should be the one to say it.” TJ says in a not at all pushy way. 
Cyrus nods because TJ was right. Cyrus did have to be the one to say it, he had to learn to own his feelings and accept himself always and not just after the people he’s talking to have shown their understanding first. 
Cyrus takes a deep breath and he watches TJ’s face as he says, “I didn’t like Iris that way because she’s a girl.”
TJ stares blankly for a second, it wasn’t that he had misunderstood what Cyrus said it’s that he was in complete shock and not at all sure how to process. Cyrus grew anxious about TJ’s non reaction, “Say something please?” 
TJ shakes his head with a tight blink as he tries to form a sentence, “How does that tie into the missing item on the list?”
Shock, that was a reaction Cyrus could live with so, although still nervous he felt comfortable enough to continue, “At the time I didn’t fully understand why I didn’t like Iris that way. I just knew that as far as first- and second-” Cyrus scrunches up his face, “kisses go it didn’t feel right... So when I was entertaining the idea that I might be gay I decided that I had to kiss a boy so I could know for sure... So I wrote that on the list.”
“Okay.” TJ manages to force the word out. 
“Okay.” Cyrus repeats nervously. “It’s an unimportant task now. I’m not asking for your help with it or anything,” Cyrus anxiously rambles and the comment made TJ laugh nervously too. “I worked it all out for the most part... I just wanted to get that off my chest.” 
“So you’re, gay?” TJ asks in disbelief. 
“Yep.” Cyrus pops the P as he had nothing else to offer. 
TJ nods longer than necessary as his thoughts were racing. TJ picks up his gaze and looks at Cyrus, his creased forehead decorated with tiny beads of sweat from his nerves. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Cyrus grows nervous under TJ’s intent stare. It wasn’t like he was being judged for opening up but Cyrus couldn’t work out what was happening in TJ’s head right now. 
“Have you ever thought something was so impossible that it would never happen and then something changes and it makes you think that maybe it’s not as impossible as you originally thought?” TJ says and his intent gaze doesnt waver for a second. 
“What are you saying?” Cyrus’ heart picks up and an impossible thought pops into Cyrus’ mind. 
TJ takes a moment to battle with himself about whether he was really going to say this or not but after a deep breath he decides to take the leap. “I was weird after Amber’s party because I was jealous...” 
“Of what?” Cyrus doesn’t break his stare with TJ. His impossible thought was feeling more possible, although, Cyrus couldn’t let himself get his hopes up that way. 
“I was jealous because you were talking to your ex-girlfriend.” TJ says almost uncomfortably. 
Now Cyrus was the one staring blankly as he tried to process the thoughts all bouncing around in his mind at once.
“I was jealous because I like you, Cyrus.” TJ still looks at Cyrus whose gaze was now staring off in the direction his swing faced. 
“And when you say you like me, you mean you like me?” Cyrus’ voice wavers. 
“Yep.” TJ pops the P this time in the same cute and nervous manner Cyrus had.  “That’s why I got a little defensive after the carnival because I thought I might have done something to raise your suspicions and I was worried that was why you were pushing me away.” 
“No.” Cyrus turns to him with a frown. “That’s not at all what happened. It’s the opposite really.” Cyrus says, “I got weird after the fireworks because I worked out that I like you, like really like you.” 
“You do?” A sweet and hopeful expression crosses TJ’s face. “You’re not just saying that because I said I liked you first?” 
“TJ,” Cyrus coaxes his head, his frown settles because TJ could think that. 
“I just never imagined you could like me that way.” TJ says. “I mean, you had dated a girl in high school, I didn’t think my chances were good.” 
“Would you have told me if I didn't tell you about being gay?” Cyrus questions. 
“I can’t say for sure,” TJ shrugs, “But honestly, probably not.. I had my super lame feel sorry for myself week after Amber’s party and then Marty gave me a reality check. I was just going to get over it and go back to being friends.” 
“Marty?” Cyrus sports a quizzical look. “You told Marty?” 
“He kind of guessed it himself after the party.” TJ explains. 
“That explains why he was being so weird.” It clicks in Cyrus’ brain. 
TJ looks mortified by that. “I also think Amber worked it out when we were leaving.” 
“Again, that explains her interest in why we haven't been hanging out as much.” Cyrus can’t believe he had been so oblivious. “Full disclosure, Andi, Buffy and Jonah all know I like you.” Cyrus says, “Apparently I was the last one to know.” 
“Walker knows I like you too,” TJ announces, “Well I don't think he officially knows but back when we were rollerskating, you went to the bathroom and he asked me how long we had been dating. I did not react as casually dismissive as I hoped. He definitely suspects..” 
“Iris asked me if I had a crush on you at the party.” Cyrus shares. “I didn’t think I did but I was wrong.” 
“So you didn’t like me until the carnival?” TJ questions and he felt dorky for it. 
“That was just when I realised, I’m not sure when I actually started liking you, I just knew that I did.” Cyrus explains, “Even though I freaked out and tried to convince myself I didn’t.” 
“You freaked out?” 
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” Cyrus frowns. “So Amber’s party, that’s when you knew?” 
TJ shies away. “I might have known before then.” 
“When?” Cyrus’ smile creeps wider and he still couldn’t believe they were having conversation like this. “Please?” Cyrus asks with a kindness in his voice. 
“You know how we ‘tricked’ Buffy into playing the one on one match?” TJ asks. 
“Yes.” Cyrus laughs nervously as he recalled the plan that resulted in a spontaneous rap quite well. 
“After she forgave me I was so happy because I genuinely didn’t want her to hate me but I also realised I was happy because it meant that you and I could hang out more.” 
“So before summer even started?” Cyrus is surprised. 
“Yes...” TJ is still shy about it. 
“You liked me this whole time?” Cyrus is in disbelief. 
“Why do you think I was so keen to lock you into hanging out all summer?” TJ feels super dorky at this point but he didn’t feel judged and that’s what really mattered. 
“TJ Kippen has a crush on me.” Cyrus says out loud with a crinkled nose. 
“Shut up.” TJ huffs. “Stop tricking me into talking about my feelings.” 
TJ childishly pulls at Cyrus’ swing chain and they both buckle sideways from the sudden jerk. Cyrus’ laugh is so soft and fluffy as he grips onto TJ’s swing chain to try and steady himself. Their laughs tangle together until they tapper off slowly. The two still had one hand gripping onto the others swing, their bodies are in different directions but their gazes are locked on each other. With the swings pinned together as they hold on, everything falls silent and before Cyrus even knew what was happening they kissed.
This kiss was different to his kiss with Iris. It was still soft and full of nerves but it was exactly the kind of kiss Cyrus would imagine for a proper first kiss. 
When they part Cyrus hangs his head forward with clearly flushed cheeks. They’re both holding onto the others swings so they’re still close. 
“What do we do now?” Cyrus asks with a nervous giggle. 
“I don’t know.” TJ shrugs and matches Cyrus’ soft laugh. “There’s a week left of summer and one thing left of the list. How about we start with that?” 
“The pier jump?” Cyrus questions. 
“Do you think you’d be up for it?” TJ asks. 
“I’m feeling a lot braver than I was this morning.” Cyrus laughs, “I think I can do it.” 
TJ smile is soft and pure in response. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Cyrus snaps out of his blissful little bubble - although he still was feeling the effects of it - “You have one blank left on the list too.” 
“Technically the list is already at 100 things if we count the kiss.” TJ is sheepish over the mention. 
“101 sounds far more interesting.” Cyrus shrugs, “I still think you deserve the last task.” 
“This is your list, Cy, not mine.” TJ shakes his head. 
“This is more than just my list now.” Cyrus says with a smile, “This list has been a summer guide for us, it’s brought people together, it’s helped me grow and I wouldn't have been able to complete those tasks without you or Walker and Marty and I certainly wouldn’t have even started it if it wasn’t for you encouraging me.” 
TJ smiles at Cyrus’ kind words, “Okay, I’ll think of something.” 
“You have to think of it before summer ends,” Cyrus insists, “It just makes sense.” 
TJ agrees with a nod. A small smile creeps on his face and he is a sheepish kind of confident as he asks, “Are you going to let me kiss you again without me having to write it on the list?” 
Cyrus could feel his cheeks burn red with giddy nerves. “I think I would be okay with that.” 
TJ tries to hide how much that made him smile but he fails, “Okay, so I think I have something we could do.” 
“Do tell?” Cyrus begs. 
“Well you’ve gone through a whole list of things you’re scared of, I think it’s only fair that I try one thing I’m afraid of.” TJ says. 
Cyrus already has a suspicion about what TJ had in mind. “Are you going to hold a snake?” 
“I think we should start with lizards first but why not?” TJ laughs with a single shrug of his shoulder. “I’m feeling brave.” 
“The zoo has an interactive reptile exhibit,” Cyrus says excitedly, “We could go together?” 
“Yeah, sounds perfect.” TJ nods, “Tomorrow?” 
“Count me in.” Cyrus smiles. 
“So it’s a date?” TJ asks nervously. 
“Like a date, date?” Cyrus tries to clarify. 
“Only if you want.” TJ backtracks anxiously. 
“I want.” Cyrus nods and the two resume their cute ‘I don’t really know how to act around you anymore’ moods. 
Things were definitely different now, but the good kind of different. 
The following day Cyrus and TJ head to the zoo and nervously fumble through their first date. The two weren't really sure how to act around each other now that feelings were present but neither of them cared. By the end of the day TJ bravely held a snake and Cyrus held TJ’s hand. 
The two agreed to keep things secret for the time being although all of their friends caught on to something happening between them. It was obvious, the pair couldn’t wipe the giddy smiles off their faces when they were around each other. Although all of the others were happy to pretend like they didn’t notice and let the pair have their private moment to work things out between themselves.
On the Sunday, the day after the zoo, it’s the last day of summer and the group of friends head to the beach. Jonah and Andi seemed to be in a good place, Marty and Buffy were friendly again and even Amber was getting along with Andi again. Surely enough Walker was completely fine to spend time with Andi and Jonah and they also strangely adapted to his presence too because of how comfortable he was. 
They all spend a day on the sand, Iris and Amber joined them as Cyrus felt it was important that they both be there as they had contributed to Cyrus’ growth this summer. 
As the sun began to set on the final day of summer Cyrus suggests they all make their way down the pier. 
“Are you really going to do it, Cyrus?” Buffy asks unconvinced as he had never done it when they were kids. 
“I’m going to do it.” Cyrus says confidently and he smiles at TJ for a second. 
“Let’s all hold hands.” Andi calls over the individual conversations that were taking place. Everyone starts to link hands with whoever was closest to them. TJ holds his hand out and Cyrus smiles like a fool as he takes it. They each creep towards to the edge of the pier and the nine teens all stand connected in a line. 
“On the count of three?” TJ looks to Cyrus for confirmation that he really wanted to do this. 
“On the count of three.” Cyrus says with a nod and loud enough so everyone could hear. 
“One... Two... Three!” TJ and Cyrus say together and they all leap forward after the final count. They teens splash into the cool water with various gasps and other reactions. Cyrus swims up to the surface and paddles to keep himself afloat. A wide smile is plastered on his face after finally completing the list. 
TJ is looking to Cyrus with a proud smile as he swims. Everyone was paddling around them but it was like they were the only two there. “Best summer ever.” Cyrus says and even though it was ending, Cyrus was excited for what was to come next. 
End Notes: SO THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER!! (Although there will be an epilogue and bonus chapter!!!!!)
Firstly I want to say sorry if this feels rushed... I really wanted to get it posted and I hope it meets all my expectations for their conversation!!!!!!
243 notes · View notes
lil-purplebird · 6 years
Handle with Care - Chapter Twelve
Fandom: Pokémon
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Drama
Words: 22,220
Pairing: Mewtwo/Mew
Summary: Having been loving mates for five years, Mew desires for a baby, even though Mewtwo feels the opposite, believing he cannot have offspring. As strong as their bond is, receiving nothing but bad news and unfortunate events slowly tears them apart and pushes their relationship to the edge. A fragile heart can break in any hand that handles it for too long. It can be put back together as many times as possible, but it’ll never be the same.
Note: while the fan fic is still on-going, uploading the chapters are going to be sporadic at best. The chapters may be uploaded daily, weekly, or whenever I get banners finished.
Can also be read here.
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Time no longer mattered the more Mewtwo allowed himself to be consumed by his research. As a parallel of his nomadic days, he wandered in search of answers, a light at the end of the tunnel, anything that could be of help. He was plagued by dreams, perhaps nightmarish visions, of the Mew he once knew and loved taunting him with happy has-beens and what-ifs. And that was if she let him near her. In person was a whole different experience.
He had taken Dr. Mime's prescription to heart and made his first attempt to talk to her in weeks, but it wasn't the progress he had expected. She never once looked at him, nor showed she was listening, and her silently getting up to head outside could've caused him to snap had he not been so willing to try. At the very least, he knew she wasn't going to leave the house for long periods of time if she was intentionally avoiding him, though the cold rejection made him take pause from trying again.
But there was a question that had been bothering him for some time, shackles fastened to his heart that only Mew had the key for. It had caused sharp stings when it first came to mind, and the longer he pondered on it, the more it adapted to gentle squeezes to dull the pain. He couldn't bring himself to approach her about it, yet as he wandered out of his study to prepare a quick meal, the window of opportunity was open that very moment—literally, as she was seated on the windowsill. Back still turned to him, as usual, though her tail swayed slightly from the breeze.
He hadn't gotten a good look at her in quite some time, he realized. The distance between them had blurred some details on her he used to be wary of, and he was certain she wasn't so frail before. She was still eating so she wasn't losing too much weight, yet she just looked so loopy, so out of it. Perhaps she developed insomnia, or she found a way to hypnotize herself—a thought that made him ill to his stomach.
Shaking off the dark thoughts, Mewtwo stepped forward to be behind her. "Mew?"
Outside of her tail's uninterrupted swinging, she didn't make any movement from her spot at the window. It was hard to tell if she was even listening. He took a breath to coax himself into speaking his mind, consciously raising his voice to ensure she could hear him.
"Mew... when did you love me?"
She remained silent. His hands clenched, a reflexive tic he had been meaning to break.
"I am sorry for asking such a ridiculous question. I have just been bothered by it lately, and..." He trailed off, unsure how to continue. It had been such a long while since he last talked to her that he hoped his voice hadn't grown jittery. It couldn't be helped that his mind kept berating him for thinking of such stupid concerns because of course he knew the answer to that. If she didn't love him, she wouldn't have requested becoming his mate for—
"...I don't remember."
He felt his heart being ripped out of his chest, and the fragile hope he had desperately been clinging to slipped from his fingers. Despite being spoken in such a soft monotone, it echoed in his ears until it overtook his thoughts.
"What about you, Mewtwo?" He flinched, having not expected the inquiry, not when he was just barely comprehending it. "When did you claim to love me?"
Mewtwo fought to steady himself and cover his new weak point, but he was already losing it when his eyes drifted downward. "I... still have feelings for—"
"I don't care about what you feel now. I asked when."
She didn't even wait for him to give a response when she suddenly swerved around in her seat. The dull glint in her irises caused him to drop his stare again as a chill struck the raw hole his heart was dangling from. He wasn't focused on anything in particular, trying to pull his thoughts back together when she let out a harsh scoff.
"Not that it matters. It's typical of a male to have eyes only for the body."
His figure twitched at the accusation, wondering if it was actually just a coincidence Mew caught his gaze hovering on her lap for that split second. He didn't follow after her when she got up and strode by without another passing glance. The click of a door down the hallway snapped him out of his frozen state, and he cracked the sill with his fists upon crumpling to his knees.
A vine snagged the hammer mid-swing, allowing Mewtwo to blink down at the splintered wood he had been working absentmindedly with, feeling his co-workers' stares on the back of his head. It was unusually silent at the playground, though he hadn't been paying close attention to their chatting or bickering, if any. They had found the time to construct a long-overdue addition to the park as planned, though the clone had randomly decided to re-work the previous structures so he could have time to himself. That hadn't even been an hour ago.
His jaw locked up slightly, knowing Vic's words before he voiced them. "You should go home, Mewtwo."
The memory of Mew sneering at him still hadn't faded from mind, her words continuing to eat away at him. Shaking his head, he stated, "No, this is my top priority right now." He jerked his arm to free it, but the Flycatcher Pokémon tightened his grip on the tool.
"We have it under control," he said, eyes narrowed in concern. "You've been working yourself to exhaustion one-too many times, and frankly, we can't stand by any longer. Go home to the mate."
"I have nothing to return home to." He managed to yank the hammer free, but he instead gathered up the broken wood as he rose to his feet.
Mewtwo couldn't tell anymore if he was lying to himself to excuse why he was pushing himself to work longer hours. Even with his testy attitude, he was still making the attempt to converse with Mew in spite of her rebuff from that moment. Yet, there had still been no progress, no sign she was waking up, and his pessimism was catching up to him.
Swampert snatched the wood to stop the clone as he was passing by, sternly meeting his glower. "Just so you know, I respect you, 'Two," he said, voice low. "Even when one of us—or at least me—irritated you, you've done so much for us and never expected anything in return. So I think it's about time for us to rectify that." He eased the bundle and hammer out of his hold, looking tense as if expecting to be lashed out at. Mewtwo felt a painful twist in his gut for even thinking it. "I can only imagine the pain you two are going through, but this is nothing to work yourself to death over. Leave this to us."
So much for working his woes away; he must really be a wreck if he could be talked into going home. Though even with such bitter thoughts, Mewtwo had no energy to spare to be dismissive toward his peers for looking out for him. His expression fell slightly as he turned to catch their silent nods.
"I should at least stay on the sidelines—" he started only to be interrupted with gruff throat clearing.
"We've already made up our minds," Wiles spoke up, puffing out his chest. "If it'll make you feel better, we're not going to rush this, but we'll finish with or without you."
"Fingers crossed, boys!" Rugby crowed, then eyed his paw as it flexed.
When Swampert patted his back, the feline closed his eyes in defeat, feeling a small smile grace his mouth. "I will hold you to your words," he yielded. "But I will not hesitate to return should you call for it."
In agreement, they let him go without another word. He dusted himself off as he was passing the construction barricades, glancing over his shoulder when he heard someone jogging up to his side. Goddard didn't slow from the eye-contact, which he had to tilt his makeshift hat to do so.
"I'll walk you home," he offered.
"No need—"
"I insist."
Mewtwo didn't have the energy to argue, so after the water fowl gave a webbed thumbs up to the others, he allowed him to follow. He half-expected for it to be in silence to give his thoughts a break, but almost as soon as the park was out of sight, Goddard took the opportunity to speak.
"Sir—I mean, Mewtwo. Sorry if this comes off as insensitive, but..." He quickly trailed off, a frown on his beak. "No, I shouldn't. It was stupid to even think about..."
Not wanting there to be awkwardness between them, the clone gave in. "Ask away."
He nervously scratched at his chin, the gem on his forehead shimmering as his head canted. "Nngh... before... before things turned out for the worse, erm... Well, I mean, were you excited? Or proud about it? The egg, that is."
Mewtwo had figured he was going to ask about the egg during his stuttering, clearly trying to approach it carefully. He couldn't blame him for his hesitance with such a raw subject. "...There was a time, yes," he responded, his tone soft-spoken. The memory of him smiling down at the egg in his hand had faded into the background as time passed, so although he couldn't recall that fleeting feeling, his behavior showed in his mannerisms and stance.
Goddard seemed to relax some. "So... it's normal to be worried about an egg, then?"
"I would assume so, given how fragile they are."
"Yeah, this was stupid of me to ask," he muttered, slumping his shoulders with a sigh. His gaze strayed over to the treetops. "But it's just that I still remember how you looked with the egg, and I was kind of... expecting that to happen with me... Kind of like it did for the others, you know?"
So Mewtwo hadn't imagined it when the Azumarill walked away from their yard. "Congratulations."
Goddard got more flustered from the sudden praise. "W-Well uh, Aqua hasn't—she hasn't laid it yet. She's supposed to any time now, and uh... Thanks."
Nodding and looking up as the house came into view, the clone then swerved sharply off the path. His colleague let out a quack of confusion, but hurried up to his side. "Whoa, what was that for?"
He paused right beneath a tree and leaned his back on it, keeping his gaze down. "Let me know when Lil is finished."
"Oh, huh?" The Duck Pokémon peered over at the house. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all. It... just has been a while, is all."
He didn't want to go into more detail, and luckily his companion caught on and turned back to the path to keep watch. Eyes glued to the splotches of light filtering through the trees' shadows, Mewtwo undid the tool belt to drape it over his forearm when it started chafing. Right then he noticed from the weight a few tools were missing, though he had no use for them at the moment. He trusted they would be returned to him later in the day.
"Oh, here she comes."
Pleased he didn't have to wait long, he stepped out into the sun when the Lilligant was in earshot, looking light on her feet in spite of the solemn visit. Their gazes crossed paths as he wordlessly nodded to her, expecting to pass by when she stopped with a graceful twirl. "What's troubling you, Mewtwo?" she asked softly.
"It is nothing to be concerned about," he answered, a little too hastily. He didn't wish to be rude to the Flowering Pokémon, though as relaxing as the atmosphere was around her, he was still a little petulant.
If she noticed, she didn't let it show on her petite face. "I dropped off some herbs for Mew," was what he scarcely heard, but it got him to pause and look back at her. "They're for aromatherapy, though I do recommend using the rosemary for tea. They should relax her."
Goddard sighed, hands rested on his hips. "More like you need them most, gotta be honest."
Despite the quick shrewd glance he sent his colleague, Mewtwo knew he couldn't argue with that. "Thank you for your help," he said. "Even though it may not seem like it, Mew is grateful you have been looking out for her."
Lil's leaf-like hands rested before her waistline. "I sadly don't have much to offer, but I just want you to know Tangrowth and I understand what you're going through, and are willing to listen if you ever want to talk."
He blinked in surprise. It was all on him for not making an effort to befriend Tangrowth, and therefore learn of it, but it was suddenly hard to take in. They were still newly-mates, coming up on their first year, and yet they hit this cruel roadblock. From what he could tell with Grass-types, fertility was hardly an issue between them—although as he came to expect, there were exceptions.
Not wanting to press for details, he carefully worded out his inquiry, "Is... it hard?"
She glanced down in thought, her sparkling scarlet eyes glazing over for a moment. "Sometimes. I know it's outside of my control, I just can't help feeling really bad about it because Tangrowth would like a few sprouts, but he still chose me despite it. So we had decided together very early on to instead put that mindset into raising strawberries. Though admittedly, we're growing a bit too much." She giggled, like that of tinkering bells as she blushed. "In fact, I'm actually inviting the whole community to come pick strawberries next harvest. I'm hoping you and Mew will join us, though you don't have to pick them if you don't want to, Mewtwo."
While he wouldn't express it out loud, he wished her optimism was contagious. "Thank you. I... hope we can come, too."
Lil put her hands together under her chin. "Oh, good. Tangrowth would like to talk to you more, but I guess he hasn't said anything since he's a bit shy. So I'll pass along to you that he and I had prayed day and night that your egg would hatch."
"You are too kind."
Her face lit up as her eyes smiled sweetly, then her flower crown twitched as she turned to their silent peer. "Oh, congratulations on the egg, Goddard."
He jolted. "Eh? How'd you know—did she lay it already?" A wheeze was squeezing its way out of his beak.
"No, I just knew."
Mewtwo politely cleared his throat to hide a chuckle. "Thank you for checking in on Mew," he said, body half-turned to resume walking. "And thank you for the generous offer."
"Not at all." Lil waved, swaying like she was in the breeze.
"And Goddard, I appreciate you accompanying me home," he added to his colleague. "Please return my tools when you are finished with them."
Steady on his feet again, the water fowl smiled. "Sure thing, 'Two—I mean, sir! Er, uh... yeah, sir."
He smiled in amusement, and made his way to the house. He didn't show it on his face that he could sense their worry swelling until he reached the bottom of the slope, keeping his back turned as his calm demeanor dropped. By then the pair had left, and Mewtwo felt the weight of solitude pushing down on his shoulders. Approaching the front yard, he paused to lean against a fence post for a quick breather.
Once he talked himself into entering his home, he nearly knocked over the basket of herbs that had been left on the floor. Hissing under his breath, he snatched it up as he stepped inside, barely glossing over Mew laying on the couch, back to him, until he noticed how unusually stiff she was. Her breaths also sounded irregular, like she was having trouble breathing or was trying to hold it in.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Eh?" she choked, her shoulders wincing. "U-Um... why should you care?"
That wasn't what he wanted to hear, but her response was good enough. "I just talked to Lil," he reported with a huff, hanging up his hat and tool belt. "It was considerate of her to bring you herbs, but it is rude to leave them in front of the door."
She made no other movement to look at him, though she was stabilizing her breathing. "You can have them," she murmured. "Why don't you grow your own garden?"
Mewtwo's knuckles cracked when he swiftly flexed his fingers, trying to keep his composure. Right as he was walking past to drop the basket off in the kitchen, he happened to take a second glance, noticing the tips of her ears were red. "Are you sick?"
Possibly because of his tone of voice, she twitched again, almost curling in on herself. "N-No..."
Her timid reaction concerned him, though he counted down in his head before speaking up again. "If you need assistance—"
"No, I do not!" she snapped, swiftly sitting up to leer over at him, her face flushed. Even with faded eyes, it was the most emotive she had been in weeks, but he wasn't fazed by the outburst.
He broke the gaze to leave the room when he did another double-take at the couch. "Mew, did you wet yourself?" he asked, watching as she tensed again. "Is that what happened?"
With pursed lips, she hurried into the kitchen before he could get another look at her face. "...I'll clean it up right now."
Mewtwo didn't immediately correct her that he knew from the scent it wasn't urine. They never brought attention to it, but it wasn't entirely abnormal for Mew to have what the humans called a "wet dream". Since they'd first mated, there were nights he'd get up for a drink or for the bathroom and find her face flushed and breathing slightly more rapid, then he'd connect the dots to her cleaning up in the morning. There had even been a few times he himself had such nocturnal emissions, but occurrences became scarcer over time (and he'd counteract such dreams by then being spontaneous with Mew). What he found a little disheartening in this case was the time and place; she had to have only been napping on the couch anytime between when he left and when Lil visited.
Scanning the cushions once more, something caught his eye that got him to lean in for a closer look. Pinching one of the clumps of rosy fur, he instantly gritted his teeth. Damn it, Mew... if you would just let me help you...
He stood back up just as she paused in the entryway to glower, a damp washcloth clenched in her grip. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she seethed, voice deathly quiet as her tail whipped at the base. "Why're you sticking your nose in it?"
The accusation rubbed him the wrong way, but he knew her thought process would have her take his words and spin them against him. Instead of talking back to her, he just swiped his finger across his muzzle as he walked into the kitchen to store the herbs away, intentionally keeping his back to her. There was no indication she got the gesture, no other sound came from her nor did she follow him, making him crack a sly smirk. But as he let the moment sink in, he got more and more upset with her and with himself.
It was shameful how easy it had become to turn their backs on each other when she wasn't fighting him off. He didn't like raising his voice to her in the slightest, and their arguments would just end up going nowhere, but at least it was some form of communication. At least she would acknowledge his presence instead of ignoring him, but he never could shake off Mime's statement about it.
If she was indeed thinking of him, why would she actively avoid him? He would understand if she was angry with him, but he sincerely wished to talk about it. And yet, she seemed... content with locking him out.
What is the point of us being mates if she refuses to reach out?
Mewtwo nearly dropped the herbs he was putting away when his body racked with shivers. It was a dreaded question that kept popping up now and then, but it had stayed in the recesses of his mind where it belonged. He didn't want to consider it so soon, not when he was certain there was a better solution to their problem. Casting her aside to let her fend for herself was something that could prove disastrous in her current, vulnerable condition. If not sooner, it would become apparent later.
Shaking his head clear, he stared down at what still needed to be sorted out until his eyes drifted to the cluster of lavender buds. Glancing down at where dust still clung to his fur, he let out a slow sigh through his nose. Perhaps his co-workers had a point in sending him home, and Lil was kind in sharing her remedies with them. There was more to Mew's condition than she was letting on, but any form of relaxant would help with rational thinking and soothing the body.
Filling up a tea bag with the buds, he finished storing the herbs away then carried it with him for the bath. Mew wasn't in the front room, and the bedroom door was still cracked open as he passed by, so she had to have left the house—odd that he didn't hear her, although he was that deep in thought to tune everything out. Closing the door with his tail, he took out the washcloths and a towel from their shelves and stepped up to the tub, checking it for residue before turning the knob all the way. Once hot water was coming through, he pulled the drawstrings and dropped the tea bag right by the drain, and then wet the washcloth to rub on the soap.
The clone spent the next few minutes scrubbing himself down, eyeing the light pouring in through the frosted glass. It felt silly of him to think about bathing close to the afternoon when he could still head back outside at any time, perhaps minutes after getting out. There wasn't even any guarantee Mew would want to take an early bath, let alone an herbal bath on her own accord. And with her being out at the moment, she may not return for a while without him tracking her down to drag her back. He snorted at the thought, mentally kicking himself for acting too hastily—or desperately, he felt in this case.
Mewtwo nearly reeled from the combination of heat and lavender scent as he shut off the tap. Either his sense of smell was too strong, he used too much of the buds, or a little bit of both. If it was already too much for him, Mew would be overwhelmed by it as well. Perhaps he could soak first to test it out before turning it over to her, but if the steam was going to fill up the room with the scent, that alone could have the same effect. And personally, he didn't want to come out heavily smelling like lavender, even though the house was going to be permeated with it throughout the day as is.
Just as he sat back down, he heard the door open, but only managed to catch a glimpse of pink before it was slammed shut. It should've been a small relief she hadn't been gone for long after all, yet his brows furrowed as he felt his morale start to sink. She was becoming more difficult to read as time passed. So she thought about an early bath after all, but wasn't she aware it was occupied if she didn't want to stay?
The thought bothered him. They hadn't bathed together in months, so he shouldn't have been so disappointed by her reaction. Did he honestly expect her to take in a good look, or for him to quip about the intrusion before she could turn away? What good would any of that have done?
As soon as he finished his rinsing, he pulled out her seat and checked the bathwater before exiting the room, rustling the towel over his torso. He paused when he unexpectedly spotted her sitting by the door, arms and tail curled around her knees. She didn't even glance up at him, though he quickly averted his gaze in the off-chance she were to yell at him for staring.
"I already prepared the bath for you," was all he told her before he strode for his study. Just as he was closing the door, he watched her slip inside, and he slowly took a breath.
Steam coated the water and left condensation on the tiles, carrying the faint scent of lavender through the room. The tap was still dripping while Mew peered dully down into the tub, eyes hovering on a tea bag sitting by the drain. She wasn't going to soak after washing, anyway, but that was a suspicious sight. Just what the hell was Mewtwo plotting in getting her to come out smelling nice? Was he trying to tell her something about her hygiene? What was his end goal here?
"How disgusting," she darkly muttered.
Plopping herself on her step stool, she soaped up the wet washcloth, but didn't stop even when the bar snapped under her fingers. The squishes were nothing but white noise, and the tinge of fir mixing with the lavender was more of an annoyance than sweet. Wringing the cloth tight, she ignored how the suds dribbled onto her thighs, then balled it up to rinse and repeat.
Mew blinked rapidly upon recognizing her drowsy state, letting the gnarled washcloth hang from her fingers as she stared at the floor. Focusing her vision, she could just make out her dark reflection, but it was mostly a blur. It was probably for the best; she didn't want to see what she looked like. Sitting back, she noticed something else moving before her. Squinting, she could just make out a familiar figure looking at himself as well—no, he had his eyes on her.
Glancing up, the feline wanted to tell Mewtwo off for coming into the bath, but she couldn't find the voice for it. It had been a long while since they last washed each other, she could at least give him that right to get it out of his system. Letting out a small huff, she whirled around in her seat and held out the washcloth over her shoulder. "Do your thing, and then get out."
Nothing happened, not even a breath sounded. Her jaw hardened as a vein throbbed in her temple, her fingers curling tighter against the cloth. The silence was maddening, making her squirm impatiently.
"Well?" she hissed. "What're you waiting for? It's getting muggy in here, and I want to get out, but I'm not leaving my back dirty." She hadn't even washed her front, but she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction, knowing him.
There was a shift in the air, and Mew let out an exasperated sigh—only he didn't take the cloth from her. She flinched as the tips of his fingers raked slowly up and down her back, almost in a massage. Her mouth opened to snap at him, but she straightened her spine in response. With no resistance, her arm dropped to grip the back of the stool as she raised her head, eyes falling shut. She felt her frustration melt into the blissful darkness, deeply breathing in the heat that enveloped her.
His hands put more pressure on her lower back as he bent down, firm lips feathering the nape of her neck. The feline sharply sucked in air through her teeth, brows knitting upon recognition. "That's not what I meant!" she groaned, though she couldn't will herself to shrug him off. Her head tipped back when the clone leaned in further to circle around, nose skimming the soft flesh beneath her chin. "Mewtwo, you jerk..." was her next breath, steadily losing her train of thought. "Oh, Mewtwo..."
Her diaphragm went taut beneath antsy fingers, tracing along grooves of her sternum and edges of her rib cage. He mouthed her jawline, suctioning his lips to a faint, but rapid pulse as her heart pounded harder. She couldn't bring herself to turn her head in his direction, though she was twisting in attempt to get him to move. She was vaguely aware the washcloth had fallen from her grip, but she was more focused on how slick his touches were becoming due to perspiration.
Purposefully or not, his hand slipped to her thigh where soapy water still lingered. With it smeared on his palm, he immediately glided over to cup her groin, an action Mew knew he planned, but still found herself floored by it nevertheless. Scarcely able to tell the difference between fluids, she lifted her hips with a mewl through parted lips.
"N-Not fair—ooh!"
Slipping off the stool, Mew used it as a headrest as he quickened his pace, about to rub her raw. As she kicked out a foot, her toes bumped against an object, which she hazily noticed peeking over was phallic in shape. Scarcely moving from her spot, she dragged it over and squeezed it between her legs, gasping at how it pushed against her entrance when Mewtwo withdrew from her. She twisted it around using her thighs, marveled by the way it slid along the folds and put the perfect pressure on her clitoris.
"Please," she whimpered. "Take me, Mewtwo..."
He didn't take heed, his way of teasing her. A little frustrated at his lack of a response, Mew lifted herself and held his penis in place as she lowered herself onto the tip—only to struggle getting it to penetrate.
"Nngh... why can't you get in?" She bit back a yelp from an angled push, blinking down at the oblong shape. "O-Oh... when did you get so round? And so thick...?"
Abandoning the attempt at penetration, Mew hugged the base of the shaft and leaned in for a lick, moaning at its slick surface. Mewtwo never tasted that good, she recalled, but waived it off the harder she kissed it. As her mouth closed over the head, her tongue brushed against odd bumps she knew weren't there before, though it was driving her wild. How had she not noticed it before?
For a moment when she squeezed him, Mew wondered if he climaxed, but it was a sharper pressure that caused her to choke. Shoving him away, she was accosted with water and swallowed more stray droplets wrong, bending forward to cough her lungs out.
She flinched when the door opened a little too hastily, and she blearily stared wide-eyed at Mewtwo as he looked her over. "Are you alright?" he asked, sounding a little strained.
Something deep down inside her flipped from his concern, a prickling reminder of how he was checking up on her. It was quickly overridden with irritation at his interruption. "I'm fine," she snapped, still a little breathless. "How long have you been out there?"
"I was in the study when I heard you coughing."
Her ears flattened, not liking that he had an immediate answer. "That's a lie. You just want an excuse to come in here to peep on me."
The clone's brows twitched. "Why would I do that?"
Mew didn't know the answer to that, but she still didn't need a reason for why he had to barge in. She crossed her arms across her chest, twisting her back to him. "You've got a good look at me. Now get out!"
Mouth set in a thin line, Mewtwo roughly shut the door when he left. She waited until she was certain he wasn't listening in before grabbing the shower nozzle to turn it off. Refusing to get in the tub, she remained curled up where she sat, growing numb from her damp fur.
The lavender buds gone to waste, Mewtwo had to reconsider using the herbs as they were, but he held off on making any tea or more herbal baths with them. At first, he had to pick which stalks he could hide near where Mew would sit, knowing she'd throw them out if she found them. When that wasn't working, he extracted oil from a few when she was out that he decided to squirt near the furniture, by the windowsill, in the corner, wherever he felt she could still catch a whiff. But then she was moving around, and staying outside longer—which would've been a good thing for her to get sunlight and air if he wasn't trying to talk to her.
He sought to approach her about why she was regularly avoiding him and to figure out what it was about the attempts at aromatherapy that bothered her, but as always, she was dodging the questions or making accusations. He hated having his words twisted around and being condemned for showing concern for her personal welfare. It frustrated him that Mime had to tell him to "keep it up" when he gave the first progress report, because the doctor chose to hone in that she had "newfound" energy in leaving the house. She wouldn't let him accompany her, which was the desired effect in mending their relationship, but having any interaction with the outside world was seen as positive, even if he felt otherwise.
Every other night, the clone continued to do his research, including going back through the texts he had previously read to see if he had overlooked anything. Looking more into depression was a good start, though he felt it went deeper than moods. It had to have manifested sometime in her past, perhaps a previous trauma she had repressed that got triggered back to the forefront. Maybe there was something from her childhood that affected how she viewed adulthood, or just the lack of a parental figure in general. She had to teach herself, after all. It was probable she had gotten the wrong information of how to act or behave like her own species, instinct notwithstanding. She also had multiple mates in such a short amount of time, which had to be rather unusual behavior even in Pokémon. Her obsession (not a desire like previously thought) with wanting kittens had to have played a role—
Mewtwo suddenly halted his skimming and went back a couple of pages until a lone word popped out in italics.
Something clicked in his head he had been looking in the wrong direction. She was depressed, of course, but what led to it? Was she always depressed, or was it after the loss of the egg? She kept saying she "missed" him, always putting emphasis on it. What did she mean by it, exactly?
It was clear the textbook was only touching upon the subject given it took up a page-and-a-half. The main addictions mentioned were drug and alcohol abuse and how it caused chemical deficiencies, but that wasn't Mew. No, he had to go more into behavioral.
He searched through over half of the books he had on him until Mewtwo believed he found it. There was not much of it written (and the text noted it was considered debatable), but what he read brought him pause. He reviewed it, paused some more, and then read it again out loud, slower to take it in:
"...'distress about a pattern of repeated sexual relationships involving a succession of lovers who are experienced by the individual only as things to be used'..."
And the memories came rushing in like a tsunami.
"We must have sex for a month."
"There appears to be no sign of ovulation... Mew cannot remember her last heat cycle—if at all."
"Every one of them... they didn't care for me!"
"She had about fifteen mates prior to you, Mewtwo, give or take a few."
"Please take me with you as your mate."
"The night we met, I hated myself."
"I had thought for sure that he was going to be the one."
"I want kittens."
"You're no different from them! None of those bastards cared for me, so why should you?!"
"It's always the male that leaves. The female has no right in saying who goes and stays."
He remembered the dark thoughts he had after they had their fight and she went after Marjorie. There were all of the accusations that flooded his mind afterwards of her lying about her past mates and using him for sex. All the times she was coy, eager, brought to tears... how easily she yielded to him their first night... He wasn't in the clear, either, for having unintentionally fed into it once he accepted his libido, but he was uncomfortably correct.
"Oh, Mew..."
He shakily pushed himself up out of his seat.
"Ha... mmm—ah!..."
Pushing tiptoe on the mattress, Mew gyrated her pelvis to rub flesh against the palm of her hand before her fingers pinched. She pursed her lips and pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth in attempt to silence herself, but the temptation to sigh was too great. Flipping onto her stomach, she grazed her lifted clitoral hood along the wrinkled sheets and gasped into her pillow.
She didn't know where she was going with her thoughts of Mewtwo, if he was still licking her or allowing her to grind her hips into his abdomen. He was more-or-less just there gazing down on her and not making a sound. She once questioned his silence, wondering why only the sounds of her breaths and heartbeats filled her ears when usually she could hear his groans and the bed crackling under his weight. Not to mention the headboard sometimes thumping the wall whenever he got rough, which she hadn't heard in a while, either.
"Ooh..." She shakily reached out to grab the bars, and hoisted herself up to thrust her hips as hard and fast as she could. Outside of clitoral stimulation against his midriff, she didn't have the body mass to reproduce the same weight and friction to get the right rhythm she was looking for. But it didn't matter that she couldn't get Mewtwo rocking with her, she felt like she could still become one with him from the way she sank into him.
Mew trembled and froze as she gauged the moistness between her legs, but her orgasm still held off. She was just in reach, a few more brushes should do...
Her eyes blearily opened half-lidded, still feeling his name linger on her lips. She ached and twitched from ballasting herself, and though her skin was hot, the cold emptiness of the room kept her from feeling her own body heat. That was because he was always the source of warmth, from the way he would run his hands over her pelt as he held her to his chest to how his body would loom over her and shield her from moonlight. The back of her neck prickled from the thought of him behind her, noticing her pillow had replaced him without her knowing.
Swallowing to rehydrate her throat, Mew turned her head to look at the door like she expected him to be standing there, watching and waiting, perhaps even enjoying the view. He only just wanted to see her from a different angle, was all? Eyes drifting downward to watch him stroke himself, her claws restlessly tapped the bars as her hips jerked involuntarily. A squishy pillow was a poor substitute to his firm abdomen, but it had to do. She couldn't let him down.
Shifting her weight, a sharp gasp sounded deep in Mew's chest as a thick sheath suddenly pushed against her opening and slid past the tight walls. Tightening her grip as Mewtwo took her, she angled her pelvis while still keeping in contact with the pillow. Normally he didn't do it from behind because she liked looking at him, but for tonight she'd make an exception. At the risk of friction rubbing her raw, it wasn't often she felt two textures simultaneously touching her bead.
Panting thickly, Mew tearily glanced up to find Mewtwo had stepped up to the bed, penis still in hand as he hovered over her. She scarcely focused her vision past it at the lustful smirk that graced his face, feeling her mouth water as she crawled forward without further enticement. Grabbing onto him, she leaned forward to lasciviously lick it, running her tongue along the length of the shaft. The thought about its wooden taste was nothing more than a blip on her radar, her mind too clouded with desire. She couldn't take him fully into her mouth, although it didn't stop her from trying.
"Mewtwo... you're too big for me," she mewled, her lips cradling the tip. "Oh, God, you're so big..."
The withdrawal from between her legs left behind a wet prickle as she got off the mattress. She gingerly climbed on top of Mewtwo's lap, wondering for a brief moment why he wasn't laying a hand on her to aid in her balance. As she lowered herself on his erection, she twitched at the smooth push against her entrance—and she struggled to burrow him inside.
"H-Hey... why aren't you coming in?" she whimpered, wriggling her hips and stroking his girth. "Mewtwo... Mewtwo, please..."
She trembled the longer she couldn't open up further, her breath catching in her lungs. Something wasn't right, she always accepted him inside. She could take him with little difficulty, albeit not fully. Her thighs hugged around his stiff circumference when her vaginal walls constricted at the thought, feeling hollow, incomplete.
As Mew lolled her head back to meet his heated gaze, a thought teased from the back of her mind: Why not make him jealous? Make him beg to give you a good fuck.
She furrowed her brows slightly, unsure what that meant, but her eyes trailed back down to the pillows. Slowly licking her lips, the feline got up to return to the bed in a kneel, pulling one of the cushions between her legs. Running her palm along the creases, she skimmed her vulva on its surface for a test. A tingle spread upward into her abdomen, and closing her eyes, she hurriedly put pressure to curb the growing throbbing in spite of her need for penetration. Her stomach knotted, unused to the idea of her putting on a show for him, yet she was faintly acquainted with the smooth, rhythmic strokes.
"Aahhnnn... oooh... sh-shit..."
With a well-timed shift and squeeze of her thighs, she slipped her paw below to pull back the sticky clitoral hood and purred, rocking her pelvis in quick successions. Movement beneath her sent her sliding onto her backside, repositioning her legs out from underneath to keep them from cramping. Glancing up with a breath to find herself once again sitting in Mewtwo's open lap, Mew paused in thought, noticing his eyes had softened, as did his figure. He rolled his hips forward, and the feline was mesmerized by the rippling curves and perkiness that wasn't on him before—it was oddly feminine. Another feature she found unusual was she couldn't feel his genitals beneath her, but there was something wet pushing against her that took her a moment to register.
Since when could Mewtwo change sex? was her puzzled thought.
The feline realized she became breathless after another slick skim, and once she regained her bearings and stretched out a foot on a thigh, her hips lurched forward to keep pressure to her folds. Mewtwo moved against her, and with a deep sigh, Mew fell back a little bit and returned the thrusts. Gnawing on her bottom lip, she watched themselves gently rock back-and-forth against each other, taking in the size difference and musing how she could even rub up against anything. In her mind's eye, she recalled a vague memory of being in a similar flexible position, though she didn't have to stretch that much. What she had liked about it was how much her body cried in need for penetration every time flesh meshed, yet relished the lack of it all the same. Even long after the years had blurred the memory, it still remembered that heavenly sensation she had shared with another...
Oooh... oh God, that's good...
Sweat cascading down her body, Mew propped herself on her elbows and spread her thighs to quicken the grinding, panting through her teeth. The clone shifted again to go rougher, showing off some plentiful bounciness that made her gasp from the sight and lament that they couldn't press their chests together without parting. Fantasizing she had her own pair to caress, she let out a string of mewls at the warm moist rubbing on her entrance, even trembling from how frequently their clitorises flicked together.
"Yes, yes, oh Mewtwo, yesss!" she moaned, adverse to tearing her gaze away to tilt her head back, hands kneading her chest. "Ohhh, harder, push harder! It feels so good... so smooth... ooh!"
Hurriedly scrambling to her knees, Mew ballasted herself over Mewtwo's writhing figure and wildly lurched her hips, even angling more to stay connected. Hanging her head for a moment with a groan, her fingers crept up her hot figure, taut abdomen quivering at the touch. Before they reached her watering mouth, she whimpered when her lovely mate prodded and circled her puckered lips, the knobbed ends coated in thick fluid—her fluid—and a curiously furry texture. She opened wider to take it in, swiping her tongue along the underside.
Mew staunchly flattened their puffy cores together at orgasm, her eyelids fluttering and drool dripping out of her mouth as the object pulled out. She blearily watched her tail flop to the side, and once she slumped in exhaustion, stared down at herself. Her thighs still hugged the pillow to herself, her eyes slightly widening at the glistening wet spot that covered the entire bottom half. Slowly, she bucked to brush her throbbing vulva across it again, finding intrigue with its cooling stickiness and loving how it felt, but she missed the reciprocating pressure of a partner. Then she noticed the pinned tail, and as it bumped against sensitive flesh from sliding away, her figure spasmed and she tossed back her head with a startled gasp. Without meaning to, she met Mewtwo's familiar needy gaze as he eagerly jutted his erection more against her raw mound.
Although she had found herself grown used to (and wanted more of) the curvaceous Mewtwo, she managed a smile at how passionate he had become. "M-Mew... two... Ah... you ready to do it for real?" With wavering breath, her eyes closed and spine arched as he pricked her entrance, and her mate shifted forward to push her backward on the bed to claim her.
The sheets rumpled in his grip as Mewtwo fell to his knees, body limp. Resting his forehead on the mattress, he breathed heavily, vainly trying to divert his thoughts elsewhere while still thinking of Mew. He tried to button his lip to soften his sobs, but when her big, bright blue eyes locked on his gaze in yearning, he couldn't help a throaty groan.
There was no getting around that he could no longer hold back. It had been too long since he last held her, last kissed her, last knew her. He was beginning to forget her loving caresses, her gasps at his ear, her heel digging into his thigh, her tail looping around him as he entered her tiny body. He had five years' worth of memories to sift through, but they weren't the present time. Interspersed were fantasies of what he had wanted to do with her, of what he would like her to do. As much as he loved her, she was so reserved in bed, always having to be goaded with his touches into reciprocating. What he would give to have her take the initiative more, like when they were in the back room of the clinic and she took him into her mouth...
Mewtwo sat trembling as he watched himself unsheathe. She just had to be so delicate, didn't she? He could hardly be rough with her out of fear she'd break under him, and she could scarcely fully take him. That lack of trust in himself to not hurt her kept him from expressing his wishes and going all out.
You like having sex with her, he reminded himself, swallowing as his throat went dry. Stop over-analyzing it. So what if you cannot go all the way in? Not everything needs to be perfect.
A headache was steadily thrumming to life the more he struggled to think of something else, yet words such as "succession of lovers", "things to be used", and "addiction" mockingly circled around him. It didn't help that the voice in his head transitioned to Mew's like she was there whispering them in his ear. His member twitched from the thought, burning in need for her touch.
This is wrong. I should be with her to help her. And help myself—no, just her! It is Mew who needs help, not I!
Mewtwo gasped when fingertips gently skimmed his penis, and glancing down, he ran his thumb along the weeping tip as he pulled back the foreskin. What he'd give to have her there and bury himself into her frail. If she were any bigger, she could comfortably sit in his lap and throw her limbs around him, squeezing him closer to better match his momentum and breathing. Perhaps she could have a fuller chest, as well? Would she be firm pressed up against him, or would she be pillowy? Could she whisper her naughtiest thoughts against his mouth, and would she beg as his hands ran along her bouncy figure?
"O-Oh, Mew...!"
He nearly jumped out of his skin when objects clattered around him, removing his hand as he whipped his head around. There was no one else in the study with him, yet his books, papers and tools had been scattered on the floor. Exhaling a trembling breath as his heart pounded against his rib cage, Mewtwo moved to stand, but his knees were wobbling too much and his groin too hot to ignore. Hoisting himself to sit on his bed, he gawked at the mess before dropping his gaze.
Was I...?
He opened and closed his hands for a long moment to let it sink in, taking notice of how his softening member twitched the longer he dwelled on it. It felt like something in the back of his mind was scratching to get out, pleading to take over for a while. It was going to drive him mad if he didn't do something about it soon.
...should I...?
In an abrupt movement, Mewtwo strolled over to the door just to pause before it, staring at the wood. He didn't know why, exactly, he thought he felt Mew's presence outside. It was faint, possibly a result of them not being as close anymore, but it was her. Perhaps she had been startled by the noise and was coming to check it out—a thought that got his hand hovering at the doorknob, thinking about what expression she might have on her face. If they could talk it through, however, they could come to a solution together, perhaps even reconcile...
The tender notion then faded as quickly as it came, leaving behind an aching void. He was foolish for getting his hopes too high. Besides, he heard nothing beyond the door to indicate she had even considered leaving her room. Such a daunting thought accompanied him as he picked up a few books to return to his studies, but he couldn't take in any new information.
"This has been troubling you for a while, now?"
Staring listlessly at the floor, sluggishly kneading his brows, the clone nodded as Mime jotted down some notes. "It has only just been a week, but I can barely stand it," he murmured. "The more I fight it, the more I know deep down I am going to lose."
The morning sun still had of yet to ease its spindly rays into the study. Mew had her appointment earlier, which supposedly played out no differently from the last session in her being uncooperative in answering questions. He couldn't get a good look at her when she left, but she had seemed more restless. Mime had of yet to bring up anything that was said between them, which he concluded meant there were more private matters brought up as a result of the rift separating them getting wider. And as they jumped immediately into probing his mind as soon as he sat down, he was quick to get to his current state.
"Why does the thought of masturbation bother you so much?" The doctor took a quick sip of what little was left of his drink. Mewtwo couldn't figure out why it was Mew even bothered putting tea together if she wasn't going to touch her share. "It's clear here you do not enjoy it, so there should be no reason to be fretting over it."
Eyes drifting back down, he sighed through his nose. "It is because she is not there with me. I think about her so much that I sometimes wish my thoughts would manifest her before me, and we would be together again." Now that he was hearing himself speak his thoughts, he was aware of how much it sounded like he was sniveling. He had legitimate concerns, but there was a lack of coherency. It was somewhat embarrassing.
"Does it have any correlation with your lack of sleep? You've been studying well into the night, I take it?"
Mewtwo scarcely passed a glance at the textbooks he had sloppily shoved under the bed. "To be frank, I am unsure anymore. I only ever seem to have erotic thoughts, which just get worse the more I look into it. I thought a change of subject would help."
He was being vague about what he had been reading up on lately, but he trusted Mime to catch the hints he was dropping and push for more information. For some odd reason he didn't mind wanting to share his findings, even if it was just to clear his conscious.
Mouth scrunched in thought, the Mr. Mime scribbled down another note. "Have you ever desired sex before Mew?"
"No." The clone paused in remembrance, and not just for good measure. "At least... not in that way. At first the concept disgusted me, then upon looking into it further on a biological standpoint, I became intrigued by its hidden intricacies. Yet I had no desire for a mate, so my body never had a reaction. The night Mew and I consummated our relationship, I suppose that was awakened in me, though I did not recognize it. After some time passed, I realized I liked it, and that soon grew into a love for sex."
"That's normal."
He almost chuckled, wishing he could believe it. "So I love sex because I love Mew. Or do I love Mew because I love sex? Which was it that awoke inside me on that night?"
"Males develop emotional bonds with their mates through intercourse," Mime explained. "That's just how dopamine works."
Mewtwo could believe it. He never dwelled on it, having always been too high with bliss each time they rested after intercourse, but he had found it curious how easily he opened up to Mew a little more as they lay together. It had tended to ebb by the morning, though gradually over the years, it steadied out to where he equally enjoyed his time with her at all times of the day. She became his closest companion, and before he knew it, he had stopped inwardly struggling over the thought.
Perhaps that was due to all the sex they had, and subconsciously he knew that had a grip on his emotions. His mind, however, wanted to prove it wrong. "That may be how nature designed it to work, but Mew and I defy nature just by being together. I had to have loved her before we became mates. After all, she had fallen in love with me by then."
"How did you know?"
A quick palpitation of his heart almost kept him from answering. "She told me. Why else did she come to me to become my mate?"
There was a small rattle behind him that perked him up, but he figured Mew had just left the house and he dropped his eyes again. Mime hemmed as he mused, "Your stress levels need to decrease if you wish to help Mew."
"But if she loved me," the clone continued, his thoughts running off the rails again, "then why did she leave me?"
"Mew never left you, she isolated herself."
He just shook his head for a moment. "I do not like being alone. I was alone for so long that I became numb to it, to the point you could say I was used to it. Yet I feel like despite the circumstances surrounding my birth, I was not meant to be alone. My creators were there, but I had no connection to them. I was the only one of my kind by design, and it was as if the weight of the world closed in around me."
There was a sudden flash of an image that went by too fast to comprehend, but there was a feeling of nostalgia that lingered. When he tried to think back to it, Mewtwo hissed from a sharp throb in the back of his head. He was aware Mime got to his feet, and hurriedly turned down any aid he offered. Gently massaging his temple, he took slow deep breaths to dull the ache and quell his trembling.
"I... I had dreams in that cultivation tank," he whispered. "At first I thought they had happened, but I have no memory of them, so I wrote them off as just dreams. They were the most realistic dreams I have ever had, however... It is not a pleasant feeling to have, so I do not dwell on it much anymore. But there was a time when I went looking for that place in my dreams, even sought out the faces..."
"Faces of whom?"
He gritted his teeth as he fruitlessly tried to recall the images. The best he could conjure up was a simple white dress, perhaps the shapes of small Pokémon. "I cannot remember. I get excruciating headaches just trying to think back to it..." His gaze drifted to the sunlight that finally started seeping in, a sight that he oddly wasn't happy about. He seethed at the tiny pools of light, almost daring them to touch his skin.
Dr. Mime seemed to have noticed his mood, but didn't comment on it. "What was your life like before coming here, Mewtwo? Were you always alone?"
Still leering at the light, he shook his head as he slumped back in his chair. With the confidentiality of their session in mind, he answered truthfully, but sparsely, "I had created clones like myself to combat my loneliness, albeit for a more selfish reason. I was close with them, but at some point we all parted ways. The odd thing is I did not mind being alone after that. Perhaps it is because I had a choice in the matter, and I chose selflessly to let them all live their lives. I had made my own decision to live the way I did, and I was content with it."
Mime hadn't written anything down in some time, which Mewtwo was secretly relieved about. He listened intently with small polite nods here and there, and he hardly showed a reaction to the glimpse of his past. "And yet you fear loneliness," he noted, his tone of voice calm to show he had no intention to poke holes in his statements. "Perhaps that was one reason why you chose to become mates with Mew, because the opportunity presented itself to combat it?"
He mulled on it for a moment to gather his thoughts. "I had been used to the concept of loneliness that if I did fear it, I was unaware of it. I had taken it for granted, but five years living with Mew allowed me to recognize the opposite feeling of what I had known—of what I was missing. The thought of turning her down that night is almost alien to me now."
"Would you have asked Mew to be your mate?"
Mewtwo's brows furrowed in discomfort before shaking his head. "Never on my own terms. If we had gotten to know each other longer and I had developed an interest in mating, I could have considered the thought, but I do not believe she would have been my first choice. What got a hold of my attention then was she was the one to approach me, and it was difficult for her to do. She was the most... nervous I had ever seen from her."
"Nervous" was too simple a word to describe what she was like that night. He used to smile fondly at the memory, but further analysis brought to light the implications behind her anxiety of being less "nervous" and more "desperate". She was bold in telling him her feelings, that he admired, yet he had felt something breaking under pressure that she tried to keep at bay. As much as she ultimately had him wrapped around her little finger that night, it was an emotional tug-of-war that they called a truce on to join in union.
Mime shifted his weight as he picked up his cup. "Want my educated guess?" he asked for permission, which Mewtwo nodded for him to continue. "You observe a lot, Mewtwo, soaking up information one after the other and seeking out answers to get a better understanding of how or why the world is the way it is. Curiosity is a trait that's commonly associated with younglings, but it's healthy to ask questions, to stimulate cognitive development. This is because you cannot gain experience from just being a bystander, you must become a participant."
The doctor paused to finish his drink, giving the clone a moment for it to sink in how perceptive the Mr. Mime was. He recalled the many crossroads of life he had come across that crafted his character: his many accomplishments and mistakes, the lessons he learned, the wonders he saw, the people he met. Every crucial point of his life was a result of him taking action when he could've easily remained an observer. How much more different would his life had been if he had been more accepting, more quiet, or just more obedient? Could he have still chosen his own path as readily?
"If you had chosen to not accept Mew as your mate," he resumed, cup still in hand, "you might not have been able to learn of your fears, at least not as fast. You would still be walking the earth and still be content, as you put it, but would you have ever faced your fears? Ever come to terms with them? Ever been able to live?"
Mewtwo winced slightly at a quiet whisper in his head, but he couldn't bring himself to bring it to Mime's attention. He could sense the session had come to a close from the way he wrote something down on his clipboard and got up from his seat, and prolonging it sounded selfish. While he felt the doctor would be intrigued by his thoughts, learning about why "life is wonderful" was a long-term goal he wanted to answer on his own.
"I find it interesting how you two are so far apart from each other, and yet you share the same concerns," he mused out loud.
The feline blinked in surprise. "We what?"
Mime quirked a brow, tucking the clipboard under his arm. "I've been doing a little digging of my own, and found it's quite common for two psychics—of any species—to share psychosis. But it almost always leads to disastrous results."
Mewtwo wasn't liking what he was eluding to, but he cautiously leaned in. "...we have become psychotic?"
He canted his head from side-to-side. "Not necessarily. Psychics have to be extensively trained from a very young age to control their powers to keep their minds from falling apart, but even the most senior of psychics can fall victim if they're not careful. There's a human term for it: folie à deux—madness of two. It's been mostly documented with lower-leveled and poorly-trained psychics, so I just can't help wondering the effects it'd have on someone of yours and Mew's stature. You're still grounded in reality for the most part, it's just been Mew who seems to straddle that line. And from what she's told me, she must like it that way."
As much as he wanted to know more about the condition, something told him the double entendre was intentional. "Pardon?"
"I don't feel it's a coincidence you're just as hung up on your lack of sex as she is, Mewtwo." He gave a stern stare that made him nearly look away. "I've told you to talk with her. When you're not, she loses what it's like to have companionship while still desiring it. It will become more and more difficult to get her to stop engaging in fantasy the farther away you two drift from one another. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't gone off looking for an actual body yet."
Unintentionally, Mewtwo rose to his feet with clenched fists and teeth, his gaze hardening. "What are you implying, doctor? That Mew will become a whore?"
Mime was unfazed by his sudden behavior. "That's not what I'm saying at all. How about you, Mewtwo? Have you ever had or are currently having thoughts of Mew being a 'whore', as you're accusing her of?"
His mind cruelly overlaid a recording of himself reading the definition over an image of Mew sprawled beneath another male, one of many he had thought of in the past week. Quickly regaining his composure, he shook his head and went over to his desk to hunch over it. "...I... I do not want to believe it..."
"Pokémon being promiscuous is nothing new, but putting such human terms on their behavior is hardly fair." He found himself agreeing with the doctor, though he still couldn't relax his tense muscles. "Many Pokémon have multiple mates in their lifetime, although that typically means having offspring with different mates. And mating for pleasure is limited to a few species, it seems, though exceptions exist. I'm going to be honest that given the rarity of her species, it's plausible she was just prone to it."
"If she is tired of me, she should have just left," Mewtwo hissed before he could stop himself, whirling back around to face him. "But it was Mew who suggested we be mates for life."
"...I see." Dr. Mime let out a slow sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced outside. His voice then lowered, "This community is quite the oddball, Mewtwo. Most everyone here has had more than the one mate, and yet the mates they do have are the ones they are raising children with. And here, of all places. This is not a breeding grounds, it is just someplace humans don't travel to much."
"What are you getting at, doctor?"
"Outside of you and I, no other Pokémon here has had human interaction. My hypothesis is the Pokémon who have congregated here with their mates are all wired differently from the general population. And as the need for companionship is hard-wired into our DNA, like-minded individuals will always find each other, someway." He gave a small, sad smile, age showing once more on his face. "Mew has everything she needs here to recover, but only if she allows it, and if you are open to it. I know you truly care for her, Mewtwo, but something has got to give if you two are to move forward."
At that, Mewtwo reluctantly dropped his eyes to stare at his hands, his destructive hands.
He offered to go with Mime back to the clinic for the mere purpose of returning the books, but the doctor insisted he keep them on hand a little while longer. And as he lingered in the doorway to watch him depart, his thoughts went over what he said as well as the concerns of their neighbors. Glancing at the bare soil that once flourished with Mew's handiwork, he wondered about the gift of herbs Lil had dropped off. They were more for calming purposes than seasoning, and far as he knew they hadn't been touched since he stored them away.
He hadn't used all of the sprigs, but there was a limited amount, and he was running out of a few of them. While grateful for the gift, he knew they couldn't keep leeching off their neighbors' generosity. Even if it was just to calm her down with scents (which she was consistently rejecting), he had come to accept he wasn't doing a proper job at it. But on the off-chance it were to start working, he'd need to have the knowledge to do it, as well as regular access to supplies. Though in being honest with himself, it was so he could have a way to clear his head.
Mewtwo thought about telling Mew he was heading out, but as the bedroom door had been closed since leaving the study, he believed she was getting a little more sleep. Besides, he figured he wasn't going to be out long, and he'd be back in time to fix themselves breakfast. And so, he exited the house to take his first step to starting his new nurturing hobby.
One of the hands running along Mew's chest slid up to poke its knobbed fingers inside her mouth, subduing her moans just before she curved from soft skims between her shoulder blades. Breathing sporadically through her nose, the feline rubbed her cheek against the muzzle nestled in the crook of her neck, writhing her hips in tandem with the pelvis digging into her backside. A leg snaked over her thigh to draw her closer, and the unoccupied paw raked grooves down her abdomen. Their tails coiled out of reach, tips stroking, with the thicker appendage easily pinning the smaller of the pair.
There was movement as her partner feathered up her face to lick at her ear, bringing her to bend backwards without breaking skin contact to catch a quick kiss. The freed fingers held her by the chin to keep her still as their tongues danced and explored, Mew's heart fluttering from the dual wet texture of their mouths and between her legs. Without parting, she half-flipped onto her back until their chests brushed, dropping a hand to knead a firm breast.
Mewtwo was going the extra mile, having remembered her unfulfilled desires and changed much more than physique to meet her conveniences. It had taken a few trysts and some trial and error before the transformation could come smoothly, now at the point where the clone was ready at first eye-contact. Not that the rosy feline wasn't satisfied to begin with, it was just that the new form tired less and was softer on the body no matter how rough they would get. Though it amused her that the sex had gotten better as a result...
She sighed into the kiss from the memories. Even as their pelvises met and slowly rocked in yearning, Mewtwo still fondled her, burying deep inside to blindly search for a raw spot. Mew whimpered and swerved her legs around to rest them on the shoulders, sinking far enough into her pillow to sloppily break away and gaze up at her beautiful mate.
"We know she's not real."
Her eyes snapped over to peer at what had to be a mirror sitting at the foot of the bed. At least, she thought that was what she was seeing, but it was just a lone figure of herself, staring at them with contempt. Brows furrowing slightly at the interruption, Mew muttered, "Why should it matter?"
A shrug, glassy eyes narrowing mischievously. "Because the real one feels better."
As Mewtwo pecked along her chest, she winced from a small twist to sensitive flesh. "What real one?" she grunted out.
Her reflection's face curled slightly into a devious smile. "'What real one', indeed."
A moan escaped her parted lips as the clone sat up to impatiently grind their crotches together, her ankles slipping from the momentum. Mesmerized by how the breasts and curves swayed, their hips gyrated with irregular speed for a few rounds without parting. Mew's heated cries then petered out upon noticing her other self hadn't moved from her spot, let alone changed her expression. Growing self-conscious about her performance, the feline reached up to grip tighter and lunged harder against her, breaths shortening out over swift slapping flesh.
"Hah-ha-ahh, Mewtwooo—AAUGHH!"
Her voice suddenly contorted with anguish at a bolt shooting up her legs, a result of harsh penetration. Feet still hovering at Mewtwo's hips, she was distraught to find he returned to normal in size and anatomy inside her, though their eyes didn't meet. She convulsed from the increasing thrusts, realizing the pain had extended further into her abdominal cavity like a dull knife searing into her flesh.
"Mewtwo, wait!" she gasped, tightly gripping the pillow. "Y-You're too far in! It hurts!"
A quiet laugh vibrated at her ear, hands gently cupping her jaw from behind. "'It hurts'?" was the coo. "But don't we like pain?"
Mew threw her head back more to gape up at the sly smirk plastered on the illusion's face. Her legs tingled from the blood rushing to her hips, having an unsinkable feeling Mewtwo wasn't going to slow down any time soon. Shaking her head, she whimpered, "O-Only the good pain!"
"But if pain hurts, how can it be good?"
Her eyes fell shut with another cry, growing nauseated from her rocking. "Mm-mm-mm... M-Mewtwo hurt me..."
"Oh, yes," her double sighed, sounding lost in a memory. A paw gently slid up to touch her cheek, slowly tracing a circle, and she realized it felt too real to be a mirage. "He was very sorry, wasn't he? Though he never did apologize for the other time he hurt us, has he?"
Mew squirmed once she dropped from her face to her chest. When their eyes met, a sinister gleam flared in her still-faraway gaze, and her paw slipped down her figure to cup her clitoris. Sharply gasping and bucking her hips, the feline reached up to push her away only to end up fondling hers as well.
"If he were like the other males, we'd have left him a long time ago, wouldn't we?" she purred, slowly swaying to her touches. "At least then, he wouldn't have had the chance to hurt us."
Distantly, she realized Mewtwo had pulled out of her, but he didn't move away. Her abdomen quivered when his hand caressed it, weaving around her reflection's arm but moving no further up than her ribs. Mew darted her gaze between them, her breath catching at the smoldering look they shared.
"So why does he stay?" her other self continued to whisper, leaning in closer. "Why do we still want him inside, even though he hurts?"
A quiet whimper was silenced when their lips touched right as their fingers entered each other. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds until she pulled away for Mewtwo to take her place, hardly giving Mew room to breathe. The difference in pressure sent her mind spiraling, opening her mouth out of habit for him as she stroked his jawline with her other paw. Images flashed through her mind's eye of her mate holding her, seeing him shrouded in moonlight, covered in dust, reclining in the bathtub... resting on his side as they held hands.
"It's because he's a good lover."
Mew couldn't tell if she said it against his lips, or if it was from the mirror image of her. She mewled when his thick digits also fondled her, not seeming to mind the second hand already preoccupying itself with her. Pushing up on tiptoe to encourage them to go deeper and flattening herself on the bed, she slinked her tail between his thighs.
"But that's a lie."
Her heart skipped a beat when Mewtwo forcibly lifted himself from her like she burned him, yanking her tail away. Exposed and aching, she mourned the loss of his touch and dropped her hands until another twist disoriented her thoughts. Turning her head, she froze at the icy glare drilling into her soul.
"It's because you don't love yourself."
Even if she wanted to, she had no rebuttal to give, instead quietly admitting to herself there was truth to it. Laying a paw over her heart, she willed herself to break the gaze upwards for the ceiling, thinking of the nights she and Mewtwo had worked at trying to get her pregnant. "I-I just..."
"What good will having kittens do for you?" was the retort. She winced at the harsh tone and from when a hand roughly caressed her stomach, claws lightly scratching her skin. "You were happy to know you being infertile meant having all the sex you could milk from him."
"No, that's not—" Her voice stuttered when her reflection compressed herself into her side, mouth peppering along a shoulder. A leg hooked over her hips to roll her closer while the petting increased. "Get off!" she gasped, shoving her away.
"That's all you're ever good for, sweetheart," the shadow drawled, licking her lips. Her frosty irises roamed her body as she giggled. "You're just a good fuck. That's as unmotherly as it gets."
Mew rapidly shook her head, trying to crawl away from her prying eyes only to find herself in a warm lap. She let out a yell when strong hands held her down, spreading her legs for room. "Hey, wait!" She shivered at the lecherous smirk on Mewtwo's face as he rubbed his erection against her slick entrance. Looking up to find her double smiling fiercely and her fingers suggestively hovering parallel to her clitoral hood, she didn't need an explanation for their intentions.
"I've gone mad," she whimpered to herself, eyes tearing up. "I'm in a bad dream."
Chuckling under her breath, the second Mew strode forward with a swing of the hips. "Your fantasies get wilder every day, toots. But it's what you've wanted."
"I-I didn't want this! I swear!" She tried to throw off the hand when she was gripped by her chin.
"But you do want to know what it's like to mate with another of your species. It's why Mewtwo's so irresistible." Mew gritted her teeth to bite back a whine, squirming uncomfortably from the intrusive erotic thoughts that suddenly bombarded her mind. "And with two of us here before him..."
A commanding look was shot up at Mewtwo, and he released her, allowing her to be swept up in the other's tail and pulled into a body hug. Try as she could to fight her way out, she was forced to keep eye-contact as her figure was felt up, unhurried and sensual to relax her tense muscles. She could scarcely stay afloat, but was too tangled up in the appendage and probing limbs to even fall away. A teasing nip to her neck got her to jerk and grab on, her breaths growing shallow.
"Why're you doing this?" she managed to choke out, scrunching her eyes shut as a finger stroked her mound.
"Because it is what you want," was the sultry purr, snouts bumping when she raised her head. "Deep down, you want to mate with another Mew, but alas, it's just been you." She chuckled, her breath ghosting over her lips. Mew's mouth dropped in a strangled cry when her labia was pried apart, feeling hot liquid oozing down her inner thigh. "Mm, slippery. Just the way Arceus intended."
She was then pushed to the bed, her assailant straddling over her hips. Wrists pinned above her head, the feline looked up in time to watch her duplicate lean in for a full-body massage, putting the most pressure on her abdomen. She found it difficult to breathe from the added weight, but more-so as she twitched against her each time her teats were stimulated. Her legs flailed to kick her off, but they were wrestled down in return and entangled beneath her.
"Stop fighting it," was the demand, angling her backside upward. "You like how it feels. Yield yourself to your desires as before."
Weakly shaking her head, Mew gave a pitiful mewl, "No, please..."
"And leave Mewtwo unsatisfied?" A nod was gestured in his direction with a click of her tongue. "You're such a bad mate and a bad tease. This is a rare sight for him, so at least have some courtesy to give him a good show."
Her eyes flickered briefly over to where he sat, taking note of the thin film of sweat being smeared along his swollen penis. Quickly turning her head away, she whined at the lick to her jugular, feeling her vaginal muscles automatically squeeze. "I-I..."
"Would you like to be on top, instead?" came the muse, a smile quirking on her lips. "That should be more empowering."
With little effort, she rolled themselves over so Mew was forced to peer down at her shadow. Her neck too tense to keep up for the moment, she collapsed into her hold, their lips meeting as a result. A hand gripped the back of her head to prevent her from moving away, the kiss growing in vigor. She hardly could keep up, her muffled protests quietening down to contented moans as she became accustomed to letting her partner lead, their bodies pressing closer. The only ineptitude she felt was whenever they tongue-kissed overtly and messily, done to give Mewtwo a better view.
Gradually they slowed, resorting to licking and nipping each others' lips to catch their breaths as hands wandered. The rapid sound of wet flesh came to a grinding halt as a groan rumbled from the clone, and Mew choked on a gasp when she felt drops of sticky fluid splash over her back, returning her to her harsh reality. Feeling a little sick to her stomach, she squinted down at the bottom feline, disturbed by how she leered beneath her lashes.
"Turn around, slut," came the growl, tongue between her teeth.
Gulping, Mew shakily lifted herself to turn in a half-circle, purposefully avoiding looking at her lone spectator. Resting once more on her belly, she glanced down at the glistening mound, hesitantly pulling it back for a better look and feeling herself widen as well. When she flicked the fleshy nub, she, too, jerked from the same touch. Easing a leg to the side to make room for her head, she cautiously leaned down to pucker her lips on the clitoris, wincing at the skim of teeth from below.
That shouldn't be happening, her thoughts whispered anxiously. How am I��
"Lower," was the murmur behind her, claws pricking her hindquarters.
She tried again, brushing her lips to sensitive flesh. The movement was also mirrored between her legs, making her breaths quicken and her stomach to churn. "No, I-I can't...!" she attempted to gasp.
"Do as I goddamn say!" came the hiss, and she squealed in surprise. "Use your tongue and lick me like the bitch you are!"
Mew half-expected Mewtwo to step in and stop it, perhaps even pull her into his arms where she belonged, but a swift glance in his direction crushed that hope. Trembling, she gave in to the demand and ran her tongue along the bitter folds, trying to ignore the same sensation being done to her but failing. She couldn't prevent a moan from emitting in her throat, didn't miss the slight differences between the slimy textures. They started to move their hips, as much as they held tighter to keep themselves still.
There was something about her scent that was catching her off-guard. It might've been the familiarity of it, making her question what was her species' natural musk, but it was being covered up by the pheromones. Pheromones, she realized, that she shouldn't have even been affected by if they were coming from herself. And yet, it got her to think past the wild tang that bit at the tip of her tongue to delve deeper and faster, getting the same treatment in return.
Was this how Mewtwo felt each time he had his head between her thighs? Although she wasn't a fan of the taste and couldn't speak for him, did each lick and each breath drive him just as crazy?
Her neck still ached, and there was a pinched muscle in her back, but she didn't want to be snapped at again. Pushing her cheekbone into the inner thigh, Mew dabbed at the side of her clitoris, keeping brief contact as she circled around it and ended with a gentle suck. She fought back a whimper as her pelvis spasmed, nearly ramming herself into her partner's face.
"Having a hard time up there?"
It was an oddly teasing tone when it had been just minutes ago she was getting jeered at. She wet her dry throat, still keeping her head down. "U-Um... I can't hold this pose..."
She heard a soft apathetic scoff until it was replaced by a sigh of disappointment. "You need to work on your flexibility. Same goes for your technique."
"But I've never done this before."
"You were thinking it earlier." She yelped in shock when a hand smacked her behind. "Now get up, but don't get off."
Taking it easy to stretch out her back, Mew scooted herself into a sitting position while remaining on her knees, glancing over her shoulder to find a look of boredom on her reflection's face. She raised a brow up at her, then rubbed a thigh to her vulva, a tingle coaxing out a startled gasp. "H-Hey, no!"
"You should know your likes and dislikes, what gets you hot and bothered. You're still on top, so now act like it."
Unable to counteract, the feline gently pushed the leg away, then lowered herself to sit crisscross with a shaky moan. Like her partner had expected it, her hips immediately elevated to roughly grind against her, and passing a glance to their enchanted spectator, they then rolled in sync as voices fervently climbed. Flesh wasn't fully touching outside of some pressure and skimming to the clitoral hood, yet she could feel themselves become slicker and stickier with each swaying motion, accompanied by a yearning to be filled with something, anything. When grasped tightly in place, a succession of hard bucks got her to coo and push back more firmly in return as a pleasurable numbing spread further up her body, licking her lips in anticipation and hugging the bent knee to her chest. And for a euphoric moment, their duet crescendoed as their thighs squeezed and groins melded from a suction.
Flipping herself around to better look her in the eye, Mew kept a leg hooked over a thigh and straightened out flat, letting out a wailing sigh upon resting together at the pelvis. Their hips hastened their rocking, finding herself loving how their teats brushed every now and then the higher their ecstasy soared. Blinking down at her mirror image, she wondered what it was about her sharp, devious gaze that bothered her.
She jerked at a furry, bulbous end stroking against raw flesh. "Fuck me with your tail," was the command, just as she wriggled it inside without missing a beat. "Shove it in if you have to."
Whimpering, Mew obeyed, finding it not as strange a sensation as the thought implicated, and she slid through the cavity with ease. Then again, her tail was acclimated to her size, even though it wasn't enough—
As a pair of hands gripped her hips, she whirled her head around with a gasp. "Wait, what're you...?!" She could scarcely finish before Mewtwo entered another orifice, and she let out a scream at the stretching, yet odd stimulation that came from the penetration.
She didn't realize she had stopped pumping until her head was yanked back by the ears. "Harder, you fucking whore!" her partner barked. "Move your ass!"
"Ooh, you like that, don't you?" The laugh that burst out of her throat was cruel. "If you want more, sing for me, toots. Tell me you want me."
Mew really didn't, she wanted to have ended it long ago. But something inside her broke, too overwhelmed by everything she was taking in. Now she couldn't speak her thoughts, not when her voice was betraying her with moans that wavered from increased momentum. Sighs echoed in her ears, and her lips constantly craved for kisses, no matter how biting. Their legs were in a tangled mess to stay joined, almost pulling her away from physical contact with Mewtwo who appeared very invested in their sexual escapade. Before she knew it, she couldn't pick out his touches from her double's, and presumed he stepped back to give them room to tussle about and explore each other uninterrupted. Then losing herself to lust, she abstained his presence in favor of her shadow who knew the right parts, the right touches, the right positions to gratify the female body.
Once their mouths wetly parted for the umpteenth time, Mew noticed her vision hazing over and her hips pounding wilder as her groin went numb against her partner's thigh. Her arms strained to hold herself up, pulling harshly at the sheets as her head tossed back with every cry. Shifting beneath her with a naughty smirk, her reflection raised a leg to rest on her shoulder, slipping their mounds together with a squelch without slowing. Panting heavily, the rosy feline whimpered and buried her face into her hot collar, feeling her heart was about to pop.
Right at the very cusp of her orgasmic throes, she was flipped over and pinned onto her back, clefts smashing at an angle. Her voice tightened from a high-pitched scream, keeping her pelvis lingering in reach of skin contact as her thighs squeezed and figure quaked. She closed her eyes when they rolled too far into her skull, her hands reaching for something but only grasped space.
"Ooh, she came her brains out!" was scarcely caught in the void, a weight lifting from her. "Looks like Mewtwo never got that far. Well, as they say, 'No one knows you better than you'."
Air burned her throat as she struggled to remain conscious and steady herself. Sinking into the mattress, her fingers snagged the sheets above her head only to wince from the aches in her muscles. She was briefly aware of her double looking down at her, the thinnest of smiles on her face.
"That's a good girl," she murmured, leaving behind an electrical current each time she stroked her face. "Rest up, now. I'll take over from here."
Mew clenched her fists as she braced herself, but nothing came of it. She looked over in slight confusion at Mewtwo the moment he went up to the shadow from behind, wrapping his arms around her torso. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she moaned in encouragement, reaching back to pet his cheekbone right as his mouth pecked her neck.
The feline's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as she helplessly watched her mate ravish her other self. The passion increased when he ran his hands over her tiny body and nipped her skin with a growl. "H-Hey," she weakly rasped out, trying to lift her head. "What're you... he's..."
The icy stare silenced her as their tails entwined, a devilish smirk on her lips. "Just relax, Mew," she cooed, "I'm only fulfilling my duty as a mate. Just sit back and enjoy the show for once, maybe take some pointers." And she turned her head without breaking eye-contact to kiss him, moaning deeply as his tongue plunged into her mouth. The wet sucks between their lips seemed to increase in volume, laughs rumbling in their chests.
Mew's thighs involuntarily squeezed at the sight of Mewtwo cupping her crotch, taking in how his knuckles flexed as he pumped his fingers in-and-out of her. Her mate never touched anyone else but her and her alone, and his movements affirmed his loyalty. He knew the workings of her body, how to thrill her and get her to think of nothing else but of how his body felt draped over her. He valued their intimacy, building it up to levels she could've never dreamed of to the point she'd beg for him to please don't stop.
Even if the female he was fondling looked like her, it was obvious she wasn't her. Her touches were too possessive, her figure too curvy, her voice too husky. She looked at him with lustful eyes, not adoration. She kissed him too sloppily with such a dirty mouth, not bothering to try matching up. She was too loose, too loud, too wild to be her.
How could Mewtwo not see that? Was he too blinded with hormones to notice he was with the wrong one? Did she hypnotize him into thinking she was her?
Mew fought back a sudden wave of nausea upon remembering that night. Some of it was a blur, but only because it felt like she was more of an observer than a participant. Her body had moved and writhed to his touches like clockwork, yet her mind was left behind to pick up the pieces. She had the desire to love him back and strengthen their bond, but she was stopped by a thin barrier that she couldn't break, no matter how weakened it became when he had dived into her heart for a look. Even then, the knowledge of the egg's fate had been looming over her head like a guillotine, and with it the reason why she couldn't be in full control.
Mewtwo knew that and had tried to dance around the subject, to keep her in blissful ignorance so she wouldn't feel it when it eventually sliced through her. As a result, however, his heart wasn't in it. It hurt him just as much as it hurt her that they couldn't fully love each other.
She just couldn't recognize in time that he shared her pain with her.
Mew covered her mouth at the sight of him burying his face directly into her double's vulva, tongue drawing crazy circles over her folds and lapping up her fluids. Tiny paws gripping his head, she humped in tune to his movements, nibbling her lip. She dreamily glanced over at their little voyeur and let out a pleased laugh, loosening her tail to drop between his legs. He jerked under her touch, aiding her to stroke in the right spots.
Tears trickled down her cheeks. She didn't want to watch anymore, didn't want to know of the fire in his irises burning the brightest she had ever seen. If she had the strength, she could get up to pull them apart, snap him out of it, and remind him of why he chose her as his mate.
Her other hand had slipped its way down her body without her knowing, sinking into her puffy core to plug herself up. Her fingers weren't of his girth, the size she was most attuned to, but she just needed something to impede the throbbing. Biting down on her knuckles to stifle her sobs, she squirmed to get into a more comfortable position without drawing too much attention to herself.
Harmonious yowls broke her concentration, and her eyes refocused on the copulating pair, Mewtwo hunched on his knees and her other self on her face, pelvis in the air. Though her expression was unpleasantly distorted, there was a smirk quirked on her lips. "Ahhh, fuck, that's the spot!" she crooned, quickening her pace. "Plow my pussy deep, Mewtwo! I want to feel it all!"
Even though she couldn't find her voice, Mew felt her lips mouth the words and leave herself in a buzz. She wouldn't have dared say them, she felt her actions were more important, yet Mewtwo responded rather positively to such vulgarity. The act was too crude, too feral to even be enjoyable—but there they were, lost to euphoria and to themselves, not caring about who could come across them.
The Mewtwo before her was a different creature at this point, but she couldn't help feeling envious of the Mew he risked crushing beneath him. It was a side of him that may not even exist, yet he was confident enough in his little mate to show it to her. For all the times he believed himself unnatural as a product of science, the insatiable driving force of nature came instinctively to him as it did her.
She missed him... she missed him so much...
With a heavy sigh, Mew tipped back her head as her tail reached an opening, envisioning herself switching places. "More... more, Mewtwo..."
As he stepped onto the path for his house, Mewtwo's stream of positive thoughts kept flowing towards Lil, feeling he couldn't thank her enough for her help even with the impromptu visit (though it was no real surprise she was a morning person). He thought it a little embarrassing he was starting up a garden in the winter season, yet her gentle smile convinced him otherwise. She happily gave tips for the herbs and lent him the containers so he could start it indoors, although from the way she had danced about gathering them up, she was more excited that he was even taking up gardening. Far as he knew, being more adept in tinkering with scrap metal meant he couldn't possibly have a green thumb, but he didn't want the herbs to go to waste.
"Although what would Vic say?" he smirked to himself, amusing himself with the most viable responses of the pitcher plant should he ever learn of his new hobby.
He almost came to a stop by the fence, briefly sensing a disturbance in the air. Unsure of its origins, he inhaled deeply and hoisted the items in his arms to psychically sort them out. He had a good picture of how he could reorganize his study to be better suited for the plants, which he would get started on right after their late breakfast—
Blood ran cold so fast that he trembled and collapsed on a knee. It was muffled, yet the urgency in the tone sharply rippled through his body. Without a second thought, he dropped everything at the gate to hurry inside, nearly stumbling over the threshold. "Mew, what happened?!" he gasped, poking his head into the empty kitchen.
There came a sneer from the back of his mind, telling him he was crazy for being frantic until her cries interrupted it. Shooting his gaze down the hall, Mewtwo ran to grab the doorknob to find it locked.
...locked? Why would it be locked?
"...more, Mewtwo... your cock feels so fucking good!"
He stood frozen as he listened to Mew shout his name again beyond the wood. On top of her no longer sounding as urgent as he thought, she was audibly out of breath, but that didn't bother him as much as how brazen she became. It was rare for her to use harsh language even in anger, and the concept of "dirty talk" wasn't something they considered. He shook in place, heart pounding in his ears as he cursed under his breath.
Something was wrong.
Telekinetically, he turned the lock just as he heard the creak of the bed followed by another string of moans. "Mew, are you all ri—?" It was when he shoved the door open that he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.
Mew, draped upside-down over the edge of the disheveled bed, had an unfocused stare as her gasps became irregular, drool slipping down her cheek. Her raised hips gyrated to the rhythm of her paw and tail, which was plunging deep into herself at an angle. The other hand, palm slick with sweat, was tightly gripping the sheets hanging around her head and yanking it with every thrust out of passion.
"O-O-O—OHH! Oh, harder, Mewtwo! Fuck my brains out!"
The clone was sure his mouth was agape from the shock of what was displayed before him, but he couldn't feel his numb body apart from the icy chill that continued to run up his spine. He could scarcely stand to look at her as she deliriously writhed on the bed, and yet he couldn't turn away as if mesmerized. The taunting nag hovered in the back of his mind as if to further rub it in his face:
She sometimes screamed your name during sex, remember?
"Mewt... Mewtwoooo... God, yesss..."
Mewtwo involuntarily gulped as her moans echoed in his ears. The way she mewled his name triggered the bitter loneliness that made his core throb with every hollow heartbeat. His vision struggled between her puckering lips and puffy groin, suddenly unsure which to focus on. His curiosity went to a dark, sick place in wondering just what it was she was thinking of, in how it was she could pretend to enjoy herself without shame. And rising up from the depths was frustration he had been hoarding for a long time. He loathed that he was still around and still willing to make it up with her, and yet she refused him to instead replace him with some false image he couldn't see nor hear.
And he wondered if that Mewtwo could pleasure her tenfold than he ever could.
As her panting grew heated, Mew's tongue weakly ran across her bottom lip, her back arching and tightening in preparation. Her voice started to peter out, the sheets further rumpled in her fist, her midriff quivered when she ran her paw over her exposed teats, and tail blurred as her parted legs quaked from holding herself up. Feet firmly planted on the mattress, her body thrusted long and hard as her head tilted further back and her mouth widened with an inhale.
That all came to an abrupt halt once they made eye-contact.
Mewtwo shivered at the recognition that sparked to life in her wide, teary eyes, and noticed he hadn't been gripping the doorknob. Swiftly removing her paw and tail from between her legs, Mew rolled to sit on her knees and hide herself, her lower half visibly shaken up. The flush on her face darkened, drops of sweat clinging to her.
"M-Mewtwo..." she croaked out.
His heart painfully squeezed from the whiplash of her tone going from heated to timid. Trying to regain his composure, he just shook his head and waved his hand around. "No, no... d-do not mind me, Mew..."
"Mewtwo, I-I'm sorry!"
"Do not get up, Mew... That was rude of me to barge into our bedroom." He swallowed to find his mouth had gone dry from the strong scent that permeated the room. "If I had known you were going to be... busy..."
"Mewtwo, please! Don't be like that!" Tears cascaded down her cheeks, her sobs bursting from her chest.
He turned his head to finally avoid her gaze when his throat tightened. "I just remembered I need to be somewhere. I would like to return in an hour for breakfast, but I could always stay out longer."
"STOP IT, I'M SORRY!" she screamed over him.
"Actually now that I think about it, I may be home tonight at the latest. Do not wait for me." He then quickly pulled the door shut and rushed back to the front room, narrowly keeping his balance. His hand just touched the doorknob when Mew ran into his back, taking hold of his sides.
"I-I am late enough as it is..."
"No... no, I will not..." Mewtwo pried her off, pushing her back far enough to momentarily exit the house and close the door shut, psychically jamming it.
From behind the wood, he heard her wail and claw anywhere between the knob and the boards themselves, continuing to scream for him to not leave and chanting her apology on repeat. Too caught up in her own grief, she never once teleported outside, to which the clone was glad she didn't. Gagging back his sobs as the taunting image of her orgasming rapidly flashed in his mind, he collapsed against the door when his legs gave out, twisting his body to shield his now-flaccid genitals.
It was one of the longest days of his life. Unable to face anyone in the community, he had left to take a breather on the farthest side of the mountain range where he'd be left alone, but his attempts to meditate were futile with the intrusive damning thoughts. What once was his safe haven for self-reflection, solitude became his self-torture and a battle of wills he had no probable chance of winning. And he didn't.
He had tried to convince himself it was normal, that in their current situation it was the only way to find temporary relief, but he knew in his heart it wasn't. Mew had never once touched herself—as far as he was aware of. He wasn't always around her, there were days he was gone for long hours, and it was rare of him to be away overnight. If she had ever gotten urges at any of those times, it was possible she may have had a way to release it.
No, he knew her long enough to know she was too reserved for such a thing, even around him. So why did she do it? When did she start doing it, and how did he not know of it? There was no way it was her first time judging from her cries and position.
Exhausted in heart, mind and body, Mewtwo carefully timed out when she would start on dinner before he would step back through the door. He kept his entrance quiet, hovering in the living room to avoid seeing her in his line of sight, not ready to confront her. What prevented him from doing so was the heavy atmosphere that still pressed on his shoulders, a sensation he couldn't shake off. As much as he wanted to forget what he had seen and done (and he was positive he could wipe out his own memory on a whim), something nagged at him that it wouldn't make a difference.
He grunted under his breath as his loins started to burn again in need, looking for a distraction from the mental images. His eyes fell upon the table by the couch, and stared at the white envelope laying there. Within moments, he felt his insides drop as a memory flashed by, remembering he had not been happy about the delivery. He shakily picked it up and held it to the dying light as the sigma glinted at him. It hadn't been opened; that tidbit left an odd taste in his mouth.
Carefully, he peeled the sticker off and pried it open. A single, laminated card was tucked inside, front facing him. Taking it out, he gaped down at it, looked it over, and reread it. Then he barked out a small laugh, shaking his head in disbelief.
He received it months ago, and yet the printed date was only a few days away.
"You have got to be kidding me," he scoffed, yet couldn't stop smirking. He readied himself to rip the invitation in two—but stayed frozen when he noticed his hands were trembling.
"No, don't!"
Mewtwo snapped his head up to find Mew in the kitchen entranceway. Her face was still dark, but her eyes shone of anxiety. His brows furrowed a little that this was what she greeted him with after the events of that morning. "Why are you so concerned?"
"He thought of you, Mewtwo! Don't just throw it away like that!"
For a brief moment, he questioned how it was she knew what it was since it was left gathering dust; then it occurred to him the envelope had nary a speck on it. His heart ached at the thought Mew kept it unopened since it was he who was invited, even though she was the one who convinced him. Glancing down at the invitation, he let out a sigh through his nose.
"He will not get offended." Mewtwo tightened his grip on the card, and managed to tear halfway before Mew snatched his wrist to stop him.
"But you should respect his thoughts! You should go to the ceremony!"
Forgoing another question of how she knew it hadn't yet happened, he pulled himself away. "I cannot trust you can take care of yourself."
Her shaky hands continued to hover. "I will, I promise! If I have to, I'll stay with one of the girls while you're gone! But...," and she clenched them as her voice grew thick with melancholy, "...the nights will be lonely."
Mewtwo's core quivered from a sudden image of her curled in bed with both paws between her thighs. She ducked her head to avoid his gaze, quickly returning to the kitchen. Dropping the invitation on the couch, he followed after her, pausing by the table. She shot him a brief glance before turning her back to him and picking up a knife to chop a small bundle of celery.
"It's nothing, Mewtwo..."
As static as he was, he couldn't help shivering, sensing the uneasiness emitting from her. She had to be berating herself for stepping out of line after what happened. Staring over at the window as the last of the sun's rays dimmed, he slowly exhaled.
"Mew... please be honest with me," he muttered, noticing he sounded sober.
"I'm busy right now," was her quick response, her posture not once moving from her place by the stove. She started to chop louder, vainly making the attempt to end the conversation.
"I just want a simple response from you is all."
"Can you do it later?" Her voice was more strained and the slices even louder and rougher, as evident from the small pieces flying off the countertop.
"I have held off on this for far too long. Procrastinating will only make this more difficult."
The shunck! of the knife cutting the board pierced the air, Mew's ears flattening and shoulders rolling back. She remained in place, not moving to even crane her head for a glance. The only visible sign was the tip of her tail flicking in an irritable manner, and right arm trembling.
Silently and warily, Mewtwo strode into the kitchen to turn on the light above the stove, standing where his shadow wouldn't overlap with any part of her. He cautiously eyed the knife still in her hand, finding no reflection on its blade from the angle it had sunk into the cutting board. Then glancing at the boiling soup, he reached over to turn down the gas, keeping her and the knife in his line of sight. Though he knew she could see the movement at the corner of her eye, she remained still.
Straightening back up, he inhaled long and deep. "Do you want to stop being my mate?"
He heard a strangled gasp interrupt her breathing until she slowed it down. Her body twitching and squirming in discomfort, she continued to refuse looking at him as she quickly scooped up the celery to throw into the pot. It was a reaction he expected, but he did not want to play the quiet game.
"Answer the question, Mew."
"It's a silly question," she mumbled out, reaching for another bundle to chop.
He telekinetically slid it further down the countertop. She tensed and flattened her ears, her jaw locking up. "Fine, let me reword it. Do you want to end our relationship?"
Given where they stood, normally, Mewtwo would have disregarded the knife to drape his arms over her as he watched her make dinner. If not pouting about the teasing "keep away" game, she would be chatting about her day or anything on her mind, rolling her eyes or smirking at any joking remarks he would say. The kitchen would be livelier, more welcoming, their countenances brightening the atmosphere.
That moment had slipped past his fingertips a long time ago.
Despite the stinging silence, it was like he was the only one talking, his voice on an endless loop by reverberating off the gray walls. He remained still, numb to the growing emptiness inside as he waited for her to react, keeping an eye on the knife. Judging from how much she struggled to steady herself and breathe, she never thought he would ask such a biting question—or she was having second thoughts.
"I..." She paused to take a few more breaths. "I need time to think on it."
Mewtwo welcomed her response, knowing she was going to need it. "I will give you until after dinner," he stated, and then left for the study.
Just as he reached the door, he heard the knife sink once more into the cutting board as she sobbed. He stood in place, hand trembling on the knob, fighting back any conflicting emotions that were bubbling up. And he was losing.
Try as he might, as much as he wanted to, he could not convince himself that it was the right thing to do. They could talk about it all they want, even as civilly as possible, but whatever the decision was, nothing good was going to come from it. It was as if they were in a stalemate, yet were unable to, or refused to reconcile.
Such thoughts made it hard for Mewtwo to eat as he sat in the living room, waiting for Mew to finish. Where he sat, he could peek over at the kitchen to see her engrossed in her dinner, positioned so she wouldn't have to see him. The discarded invitation was still within reach, though he tried to keep it out of his peripheral each time he cast his eyes about. He didn't need anything else to add to the problem, and he hoped it would stay out of the conversation.
Mew got up to wash her bowl by the time he found the motivation to gulp the soup down. It was stone cold, but such a trivial detail didn't bother him. Whatever gave her a few extra minutes to collect her thoughts, even if it left a knot in his stomach. Just when she came into the living room, he exited to wash the rest of the dishes, avoiding looking over at her. He glanced over at her bowl on the rack, frowned at how poorly-cleaned it was, and rewashed it without a word. He tried to ignore how his hands shook, and to look past the size differences between the dishware, and not to think about how they were able to calculate the amount of food to prepare for the two of them with such normal-sized pots. It was almost pathetic how much he was stalling to reminisce about just the kitchenware. They weren't even made by his own hand like the house, yet Mew never minded.
Mewtwo forced himself to return to the living room, and briefly hesitated sitting down next to her. She made no attempt to move from her side nor stop him, which he took as a silver lining. The heavy atmosphere had lightened up some, but it still made him shift as he thought on the question once more.
There was no turning back now.
"I will ask again, Mew," he started off somberly, glancing over at her. His mate looked frail and limp, her pale skin more visible through her thinning fur. She only breathed, not a twitch to be seen on her. "Do you want to end our relationship?"
Her eyes remained distant, but she had heard him. "...I don't know..."
"Why do you not know?"
She covered the right side of her face. "I feel I should know..."
With a quiet grunt, Mewtwo turned away to pinch his brows. As much as he despised hearing the "I don't know" answer, it was her default response. It was already taking all of his willpower to remain calm and keep his thoughts on the matter at hand. If he wanted their talk to go well regardless of direction, getting into a shouting match was going to do much more harm. Though secretly, he was a bit relieved her saying "I don't know" guaranteed them an excuse to talk it over.
"...you're asking because you're not happy... isn't it." From what he gathered in her soft tone, it was more of a statement than a question. It pained his heart for her to point it out, but it was an excuse to spill his thoughts.
"Neither of us are happy. I cannot remember the last time either of us smiled, or were able to be confident that we were happy together." When he glanced over, her expression was still unchanged, though an ear flicked. "We no longer talk to each other like we used to, neither do we have nice things to say about one another. We no longer do anything together such as eating at the same table and sleeping in the same bed and... dating... Hell, we do not look at each other anymore. There is no life in this house, no interaction. We are always exhausted, we reject any support our... friends have tried to give us..."
Mewtwo had to pause to breathe. "There is literally no 'we' anymore... if it was ever 'we' and 'us'. It is just two strangers who happen to live under one roof. It is possible that if this relationship was never a 'we' relationship, then everything we did was more of a 'friends with benefits', so it goes in human terms. That was not what I wanted from the start, and I hope—I plead that is not the case."
Mew had dropped her arm and hung her head, but she remained unresponsive. It was almost insulting that she was coming off as emotionless while he spilled out his heart for her to see.
"So I will ask one more time. Mew... do you want to stop being my mate? It is just a simple 'yes' or 'no' response."
Her fingers twitched in her lap. "You're going to get mad," she murmured.
"I am not going to get mad," he whispered back, fighting back a shiver.
Mew opened her mouth in attempt to speak, but her voice kept cracking. There was a hint of a tear in her eye, though he wrote it off as either tiredness or her getting frustrated at herself for choking up. He slightly turned his head away, wondering if she wasn't comfortable being looked at to answer.
Mewtwo closed his eyes and covered his face, trying to muffle his sharp inhaling. He knew she was going to say that, and it pissed him off. But as much as he couldn't trust himself to keep calm, he held it in for her sake, waiting for more of her response.
She breathed enough to raise her voice. "No, I don't want to end this relationship. But because we're not happy, it should be the right thing to end it, right? It's just that... it's going to be so awkward. I don't want to not be with you anymore, but if we end this relationship, would that mean ending our friendship?"
Once he cleared his mind, Mewtwo straightened up. "If you feel it is the right thing to do, we will go our separate ways," he muttered.
She shook her head. "I don't want to... b-because we... we did so many things together... so many happy things. And..." He caught her shyly glancing up at him, her face flushing. "...And we had sex... Many times."
Her feeble voice pricked a hole in his heart. "What are you getting at?"
Her gaze faltered as she hugged her arms close. "You can wipe memories... right? If we separate, you will have to wipe my memory of this, or I'm never going to move on."
"I refuse," he interjected, brows furrowed. "I only resort to that technique when necessary. Erasing all memory of our relationship is going to do more harm than good. That is at least five years' worth of memories, Mew."
Her grip tightened. "I don't want to be sad anymore, Mewtwo... it's just that..." Struggling to keep her voice steady, she got up. Her tail dragged on the floor when she moved for the entranceway, quivering in place. "Even if we're not in love anymore, even though we don't talk like we used to... for some reason, I don't want to leave. We were happy. I know it because you were able to smile. I... we made this place our home, put our hearts and love into it. I love being home with you, Mewtwo. E-Even if we don't ever have children, we still have each other, and that is why we were happy."
She hiccuped from her sobs and braced against the wall. "I did this... everything that went wrong here... It was a mistake to care for that... that egg. It... she ruined—no... I ruined everything. I ruined our lives."
Mewtwo got up and startled her when he grasped her head to look her firmly in the eye. "Mew, no one is at fault, not you, nor Marjorie. She made a mistake, and she wanted a solution. She thought of you and how much you wanted a child." His hands began to tremble, and he quickly swallowed down the tears when her eyes lightened up. "You happily agreed to adopt the child—we both did. It just somehow was not meant to be. No one knew it was defective, we discovered it too late."
"I discovered too late, Mewtwo!" she exclaimed, jabbing herself in the chest when she pulled away. "It was you who knew something was wrong, but I refused to listen! Everything that happened is all my damn fault! Don't pretend it isn't, Mewtwo!"
He shook his head. "No, not everything is your fault. I turned a blind eye myself, believing you were happy... but you really were not. And as your mate, I should have caught that. Everything that got worse happened because I let it happen."
"Mewtwo, no—"
"Stop pretending it was all on you, Mew!"
"No, it wasn't just the egg! I-It wasn't just that... it was before then..."
"I know, Mew."
"Then why didn't you say anything?!" she wailed. "Why did you pretend everything was okay for five years?! God, Mewtwo, I trusted you! I loved you!" She hiccuped and rapidly shook her head. "And all while I couldn't even trust myself!"
She dropped her face into her hands in a vain effort to hold back her bawls. At the risk of setting her off, Mewtwo carefully reached out for her, cradling her close when she sank into his chest without hesitation. Although concerned she was sending mixed signals, he pressed his cheek between her ears as he rocked her, finding himself glaring at the thin moonlight streaming in from the kitchen and wishing a cloud would roll over. He didn't need to be reminded of their happier moments underneath the silver rays, neither he nor Mew were worthy of it. For it to shine on a stressful moment was like the moon mockingly spit on their faces.
He tilted his head to look behind him, laying his eyes on the invitation. Then burying his face into her temple, the clone gingerly murmured, "Let us leave tomorrow."
It took a bit more of silence before Mew's reply could be audible. "You sure?"
He briefly rubbed her shoulder. "Think of it as a vacation. It will give us a few extra days to breathe."
She sniffled and squirmed in his hold. "...thank you..." She lifted her head with a hand at her nose and mouth, tears slowly slipping down her red face. "Um... can you stay with me tonight?"
Mewtwo gritted his teeth to block the sobs bursting from his throat, but managed a small nod of assurance. "Of course... dear."
A tiny beam of gratitude graced her face, and she wiped her eyes before ducking her face into the crook of his neck. He held her close for her to weep it out as he made the rounds of securing the house for the night, purposefully taking his time. As he entered the hallway, she squeezed tighter.
"Mewtwo... how big is the other bed?" she murmured, still keeping her head down.
He paused in front of their bedroom door, mulling on her question. "It is fit for one person," he answered after a few moments of silence. "Why do you ask?"
She shifted as her head turned, but didn't pull away. "I defiled our bed..."
Mewtwo shivered, staring at the door. "It is all right... it was about time to make a new one anyway."
Upon pushing the door open, she let out a shuddering breath, curling more into his arms. "Don't! Please..."
Pausing to stare at the lunar rays as she sobbed into his chest, try as he could to push the unsettling memory from mind, he could still feel the heavy weight in his stomach rooting him in place. The atmosphere was unusually stifling, and not because he hadn't stepped foot inside for months. Mew was deeply troubled by whatever she did inside, a dark curiosity he knew better than to further probe.
She relaxed a little when he pulled it closed and he changed course for the study. It was still cramped, but not as suffocating, and the bed looked more welcoming. Like custom, he gently tucked her in on her side of the bed, allowing her to use the fuller pillow, then quickly tidied up the room to open it up more. Once the curtains were drawn to shut out the night sky, he hesitated to climb in himself, gauging the width and how scrunched up she'd be against the wall if he took up residence. Her eyes gleamed from tears when she glanced up at him, a look of concern in the blue depths.
"Is something wrong?" she whispered, hugging the pillow closer.
He didn't sugarcoat his answer. "There is not going to be enough room for you if I join you. Besides, I need to do some nightly reading before I retire to bed."
She sat up and scooted closer to reach out to him, but didn't even graze an arm. "No, it's... it's okay, Mewtwo."
"Are you sure?"
Slowly, she nodded, dropping her hand and stare to the blankets. "Y... You don't have to fall asleep, but... I want you to stay."
"I am not going to leave the room."
"No..." She then smoothed out the flat pillow, shyly meeting his gaze. "Here... with me..."
He silently chewed it over, fighting off a chill creeping up his back. He watched her eyes glaze over, looking almost as though she fell into a trance while taking him in. The clone saw a glint of what he interpreted as desire, perhaps longing. She didn't appear to be aware of her change in expression, even when he heard her breath start to hitch in her chest.
On any normal night, he would have fallen upon her without hesitation and made love with her well into the twilight. However, the differences between then and now were visible in the gap that separated them. He could lay a hand on her as he did earlier gathering her in his arms, yet he would receive no reciprocating stir in return. She could plead with her eyes, perhaps even envision the same scene as he, but she wouldn't handle any physical touch without breaking.
Mewtwo didn't deserve to be in the same bed, let alone the same room as Mew. He felt unworthy to even look at her, a broken soul he had unknowingly assisted in wrecking further when he wanted to help her. He had failed her and himself time and time again, and there was no rewarding failure.
And yet, his body disobeyed and slipped into the covers, facing her as they lay down on opposite ends of the mattress. As he thought, even when he chose to lay as close to the edge as possible, there was little wriggle room for the two of them, and they couldn't look away from each other. She didn't look uncomfortable being in close proximity to him, however, in which a cruel tease at the back of his mind reminded him that all she had to do was stretch out a paw and stroke his chin, and he'd be putty in her hands.
He blinked down at the open left hand, her delicate fingers nervously curling as if hiding themselves from his gaze. Her timid voice broke the silence, "Can... can we hold hands?"
He was going to ask, but chose to hold his tongue as he gently took her paw to lay in his palm. She grasped his thumb, shivering as his fingers brushed along the outside of her wrist. Her eyes drifted not in coyness, he realized, but in shame.
"Are you still going to be here in the morning?" she anxiously asked, pulling her tail close to her chest.
Though he had no intent to leave in the middle of the night, Mewtwo couldn't blame her for asking it. So he answered her with a nod, "I plan to."
Mew briefly crossed visions again and slightly hiccuped on a couple of breaths, tightening her hold.
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cheswirls · 7 years
i have so many thoughts and its about 430 am so lets get started before they get scrambled.
i decided to read red potter and the middleground, but because i finished one so early in the morning, i had to hold off on the other for a bit, until this -past, i guess- evening. i had read for sure a chapter of the middleground previously, maybe two, but i’ve read too much now that the recollection isn’t coming to me like it came in small bursts through reading through chapter one again. i think it was another instance when i got extremely busy and had to put it down, maybe tac2 took over, dunno, but i got back to it now bc im still on the post-playthrough-of-white high and anything deep in unova is good and lu is fantastic so i knew this would be fantastic and is was right.
it’s a very dark read? unexpected, then again, its centered around a war, so also i shouldve expected it. the realization hit me around the third chapter, i think, when the nimbasa incident happened. very dark and very good. and emotional, i dunno how many times ive cried tonight but its been a night/twilight. the whole story basis with the center legend of unova and all the olden history is really good, its all really boosting my unova high like this is exactly what ive been needing to find, and all the characters it brings in despite the animeverse of it all -benga, n, touko!!- and the roles they play just really made it better, its kind of shallow but i like it even moreso because of the additions and though the story kept me highly entertained and drawn in there were a couple moments when i wished like oh man i hope the story has n in it bc n man jus n i need n content and then bam mentioned and now hes officially in it sort of i mean yeah he is. in the story. and this was early on like during the first few chapters so i had to hold out but it was worth it like, the story is interesting with the anime characters and i knew it was gonna be aniverse going into it and it was good and fine and still is good and fine. 
i dont remember when i started wishing for touko but man oh man it happened and i was like damn this could happen i wish she was kinda here bc i think i had begun to pick up on something and then later i really picked up on it which i will get to later and them bam another happy revelation and i am still like. touko. shes here. shes a part of the story. this is awesome.
anyway before this gets too long to massively too long, this is basically going to be a big analysis and happy-rant post, so if you have not read the middleground by the amazing @pkmncoordinators, you should do so here but then like leave this post until you do and then come back, that would be good. the rest is under a cut to save peoples dashes, sorry this is mega long already aha.
i played ghetsis’ battle theme through a chapter and it mustve been a shorter one bc it lasted me -30min- near the entire chapter. maybe the one beginning w the drayden and alder talk? or the dragonspiral tower one? or maybe theyre the same, its been a long night of binging this entire work. anyway. it set the mood for whatever chapter like i intentionally was like oh this theme is a little foreboding lets play it. and i had it down so low sometimes i could only hear the percussions to it, but it was still there, setting the tone.
otherwise, i found myself only keeping to n music. maybe there were a couple plays of unova e4, way in the very beginning of the first/second chapters, maybe, but for the most part, i kept with n’s songs. the bridge, some, the castle and battle theme, a lot. some renditions of such in b2w2 style. i tried to play through the music of n’s room in the castle, but i had to stop after a little into it, maybe ten minutes, because it was getting all these feelings out of me and i felt like if i played it all i would ‘tire it out’, so to speak, even though that hasnt happened w any of the tracks thus far, but i really want that to be a special one i  have on to draw inspiration from. later into the night/morning, whenever, i did decide to try out a remix of it via the b2w2 track of the same theme. the tune is in a slightly different pitch, but more than that, it gets distorted, almost corrupted, throughout and differentiates itself that way from the original, so i did end up playing through that no problem. i cant recall now if i ever played a theme back to back, i think i switched after the 30min was over, which, understandable, it’d been looping for half an hour. but i think i did play it again maybe once, which is fine. good.
but enough with music meta. its interesting, maybe thats where the draws of ‘where’s n?’ came from, but its not the focus.
oooh boy lets talk about various things that i will address here bc its 5am now and i need to not lose track. the n thing. um. the touko revelations. remember liberty, because the truth will set you free. the hero of truth. the opening chapter remarks. the possible sourgrapes. the viewpoints thing. there is probably more i will get to later in a different post but these are the current things for the morning.
first i wanna talk abt touko, hilda, whatever. small note so i dont appear brash, to ppl who dont really follow my content, i just dont really like the names hilda and hilbert. hilda is slowly growing on me, but missy always called the protag touko, and it really grew on me, and i live the name now, so thats what i always defer to her as. jus a preference thing.
so, i had no idea and i had every idea. oh my god. lu, you are so good at the foreshadowing stuff, serious. a master at it. i didnt pick up on the nimbasa trainer mention, or maybe i did but its been long ago now and i dont remember it. if she appeared before then i already dont remember the callback to it, oops. anyway. it was after that, for sure, if not before, that i did pick up on the brunette trainer and thought ‘damn if that was touko tho thatd be so rad’. really thinking it was in the electronic store in striaton, but that seems so far away from nimbasa like there mustve been something in between but i dont think so? so that. and then in the next, black city? abt the brunette trainer watching the tv, and i think i had the same thought except it was during ghetsis’ speech so between both moments brunette trainer was mentioned. i think i picked up on the repeated mentions of brunette trainer when she and iris locked eyes to see her also packing to leave the center. it was a thought more along the lines of ‘brunette trainers seem to be standing out to me more or are i guess being detailed more than other trainers’ than out of suspicion. i was picking up the repeated characteristic, but more of the notion that it was being named over and over, instead of anything real behind it. like, okay, there are a lot of brown haired trainers around, that works.
it was maybe in icirrus if that was the next thing, i tried to look and think i confirmed that was the next thing based on the recall conversation, so yes. in icirrus, my memory is really failing me sorry!!, somewhere, the first mention or maybe if that first mention was the brunette trainer across the hall in another room, my mind clicked. and it was like, oh, this brunette trainer might actually be all the same person. and i started to think again, wow, what if that person was touko bc i was really passionate abt it and i couldnt come up with who else bc i didnt have the focus i was still actively reading the store yknow? if was nothing about the being followed, i had to wait for the others to catch on and tell the reader before i got that aha. but i did! get! the touko part. it was when iris woke up from the comatose and all those scenes started playing out, maybe she mentioned not disturbing the others or cilan when they were talking, or georgia when she ran off, or something abt the trainer in another room, or a revelation dawned i guess somewhere in those scenes. and i was like oh my god that has to be touko god wow. im really losing my original train of thought i apologize. still recovering from sickness, and the whole long night thing. so something along that thought, but then it sorta got forgotten bc shit got real w virgil and the truth seekers being there, and i didnt recall again until she approached cilan during the counter sheidl -niiiiice throwback, by the way- training, and i was like !!!!!!!!!!!! that HAS to be touko and then she led him away and the whole scene played out and i remember scanning the page briefly, jus flicking my eyes over to see if i saw the namedrop and didnt, so i got entranced in the scene and then benga was like ‘hilda get the other three’ and TOUKO!!!!! WAS THERE OMG!!!! like confirmed, in the flesh, it was great its great what a great thing to add wow. and then the recall conversation happened and i began to pick up and was like wow they were being followed and didnt even remember the brunette trainer mentioned in nimbasa, barely remembered someone with a samurott led the charge to put out the fires, so that was a surprise. of course, that was such an intense scene, and i remember having a small breakdown around then bc burgundy said something about how she couldve been in one of those rooms and that chilled her and it sent me wild bc it was scary to think about, it really was chilling, this story really is dark che wow. 
so i was proud of myself for picking up on that, the touko thing, but i probably wouldve been in the dark completely had i read it and not recently played through white and mind being constantly on that region and those characters right now. 
that was super long. um. next thing is liberty bc i can remember it. the line is, im pretty sure, just remember liberty, because the truth will/can set you free. and its really only because im so into unova right now, but back at the first chapter today, my mind immediately picked up ‘oh liberty island’. except its not island, its liberty garden-island, thing, but still. the liberty just connected, and i had it, and so like when iris busted out like hey we’re not flying to nimbasa we’re going to liberty garden i was like yh guys cmon take a hint. but i really think it was probably creative and thought-provoking to others, a bit of a twister, to liek other readers like this isnt a callout on an easy riddle, jus a notion i picked up on easily. actually i remember the castelia thing confusing me, but there was also some disconnect because the liberty line want being used, it was just being mentioned that everyone seeking the seekers was heading to castelia, like the two were never paired i dont recall of. and it happened every time. i was like okay yes theyre at libery garden, then castelia was mentioned and i was like okay theyre at castelia. they never really crossed so they never crossed in my mind. it wasnt until the group landed in castelia i think that my mind connected, ah yes, liberty garden is off the coast of the city. i do wonder how plasma figured it out though. i think earlier speculation was on the touko-n relationship compromising the location, though im not sure how that would work in the first place, so it seems more likely someone jus picked up on the insinuation like i did, jus made the connection, tho i dunno who.
really quick hero of truth revelation thing. it took me a couple reads to grasp, like iris realized something cilan didnt but he went away and it took me, i had to read it over a few times because she realized something so therefore the readers have to realize as well, and then i made the connection that cilan was related to the hero of truth therefore making him the hero of truth. that couldve been phrased better unless cress and chili are somehow included which i think not, too many motifs, but the point comes across. i might not have made the connection had i not read earlier in the day about iris slipping cilan reshiram’s pokeball, something i stumbled upon before i started reading the entire thing oops so maybe that was a giveaway that helped me work through it, maybe i just connected based on the ancestor stuff, dunno. 
i still havent figured out whos writing the chapter intros and its getting to me!! i dunno if we’re supposed to know yet, at first i felt like cilan, and then a vague collection of others, maybe trip with the camera capture in black city, and then maybe touko at the end tho i feel like something was mentioned that was confidential and that she wouldn’t have known about. then again i suppose sharing stories and then recounting could come into play, in which case benga could also be writing them.. i dont’ feel like its someone currently irrelevant, tho. like, i don’t think it’s luke, or bianca, or someone kinda disconnected like that. its probably a spoiler for you to say whom, which okay, fair, but i hope someone signs off on the intros in the last chapter, or that theres something to pick up on to discover it ourselves, or maybe its not important, but i really gotta know eventually.
someone mentioned days ago about something like not being into wishfulshipping and then something about sourgrapes was mentioned, i really dont remember that well, but i started to pick up on it throughout, especially with all the camping scenes, and remembering you liked sourgrapes so much, and is it possible to confirm that thats a ship in this fic? or, has a possibility? i think i’m picking up on it, but it could be friendship, im not sure.
these next two are the last two for now i think. first, viewpoints, because this story delves into such a cast of characters and i think the same story told from the viewpoint of others would be so interesting, like told through the eyes of benga or touko, or even elesa possibly, and if you ever like wanna divulge in that or after you get done wouldnt mind someone taking a shot at it and working with for accuracy reasons, that would be pretty cool. and you have your first volunteer.
second and last is the n thing. i think a little is just meta, which i want to make a full post on later in time, so this may or may not tie in not sure. just, real brief, isn’t n such an interesting character? i really just, i dunno if i like him like i like others, but i really find his dynamic interesting. keeping it short, bc meta, the boy really grew up differently than a “normal” human. the proper socialization was there, sort of, because he can walk and speak and was educated like hes a math geniusa nd stuff, but he wasn’t socially educated. a lot of people dont realize the two are different, i didnt until i took an intro to sociology course this past fall semester. anyway tho. he really wasnt socially educated, and you can see that through all representations -cant speak for spe actually i havent read the arc yet- even in the anime, though far less likely than i would have liked, having rewatched the n arc a few days ago. the disconnect from people is there. n had tutors, but other than that he was in a room with his only company being pokemon formerly abused by people. that was it. not even normal pokemon, but those he had to gain the trust of first because they were misled by trainers. he doesn’t really know how to act with people. he talks fast, hes very blunt, he doesnt know the meaning of personal boundaries, et cetera. he was, practically, raised in a cult. led to believe only the cult’s beliefs. and its only through getting out of his room and around unova, at least in the game, that he begins to develop his own thouhgts and ideas and morals, that he begins to doubt what hes been preached his whole life. this is getting a bit like so im gonna cut, but i just, n is such an interesting character. the tie in. already, in the tv announcement, his voice is ethereal and i could picture it, could play the sound in my mind based off the anipoke and the gens voices, because both of those are genuinely how n sounds to me, i can see it perfectly it just works like there is no other voice for him. i could picture that when he spoke. and already, with the dreamy, far-off gaze, and it hardening, i can see his characterization is going to be so great in the middleground, and im so excited. i recently finished a fic where his characterization to me was absolutely perfect, and even as it evolved, that standard didnt diminish, because the evolution was so seamless and good that the changes to him felt right, felt realistic.
im realizing now this sounds like a do-good-or-there-will-be-consequences thing, which is not my intention. im just, i really wanted a story with n, one i knew would be good, and the middleground is it at the moment. and i know youll do a good job because i liked tac so much, which featured n, and already its the little things with middleground!n that are already so good, and this was really just me saying thank you and i cant wait, and so thank you and i cant wait for more. i cant wait to see more of n, no matter how small a role, or how big iunno, he plays, its already so good for such a complex character with such a grey background. morally grey, ethically grey, realistically grey, just grey. 
all in all, the middleground is amazing so far, i love it so so much, and once again, i cant wait for more. thank you for such an amazing piece thus far, lu. its past 6am now so its taken me a bit to get through this post, i hope the majority makes sense. and i cant wait to see what comes next with the story.
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shadowmellow · 7 years
Let me tell you about Ray Gigant
this is just a general, probably spoilery rant post about this game i just need to puke out my thoughts about it somewhere
warning: very long post im so sorry
okay so i first saw this game in a youtube video recommending jrpgs which i cant find anymore. it just recommend interesting, not fantastic games that didnt get the light of day. it mentioned that the game had its flaws but was worth a look.
so i put it on my steam wishlist and forgot about it til the steam summer sale. When i saw it was on sale I thought “hey just five euros what can go wrong” and just bought it for the sake of it.
So now, having played it for 10+ hours and having to watch the last dungeon in a let’s play cause i had to send in my pc to repairs and couldnt wait the 4 weeks til i got it back to finish it, I have a few things to say about this game.
it starts off well enough, with the world having been attacked by huge monsters fittingly called gigants. all the major cities were being destroyed until one teenager named ichiya manages to fuse with a being called a yorigami and defeated the gigants attacking tokyo. Now, six months later, ichiya is released from the hospital and is sent straight to the front lines to fight to save humanity, being one of the few people able to fuse with a yorigami. having been just thrown into this situation with no idea whats going on and no choice, he is naturally apprehensive about the whole thing and doesnt want to risk his life like that.
from there, you expect ichiya to meet others fighting for humanity, grow as a person and in the end win the fight and save the world. well, that kind of happens. sort of.
first, ichiya is not the protagonist. he is one of three protagonists. the others, kyle and nil, are also yorigami users and each get their own part in the story and of course in th end they all come together to defeat the ultimate evil. that in itself is not a problem, split narratives are a good opputurnity to show conflict from different angles and make the player question the morality and validity of each character’s actions. the problem comes when it’s handled poorly.
since each character has their own story part and a party consists of 3 characters plus one operator, each story has at least 3 new characters in addition to the protagonist of that part. since the story is very linear and there are only a handful of conversations between dungeon crawling sessions, there is not a lot of time to establish each and every one of them and get the player attached.
so what do you do when you have to have a lot of characters and dont have a lot of time to establish them? you fall back on the good old anime character tropes. you have ichiya, the typical shounen protagonist, mana, the stock female childhood friend (who ironically only knew him like for a year in third grade and then forgot about him so does that even count), kazuomi, the hardworking serious one, chiharu, the little sister, kogarasu, the polite transfer student, eri the teacher and nanashiro the mysterious leader of the whole organisation.
when you look at those character list, you might think that they only seem so superficial and tropy. that maybe as the story goes and ichiya grows and learns from them that they show depth and grow.
now take that and throw it out of the window because ray gigant doesnt play by actual story rules. at the beginning of kyle’s chapter, only four characters from that list actually stuck around. mana, because she is now a hostage because of course, kogarasu, because she is revealed to be a spy for the organisation kyle is working with, and nanashiro and ichiya who are probably the only fucking constant in that in this game.
the rest? eri and chiharu are stuck in japan cause they arent important enough and i guess fair enough but kazuomi? yeah, no, he died. in a really halfassed way too. he had a brief character arc about how is actually afraid to fight but has to to honour his father who died in the first gigant attack protecting humanity.
mind you, he was the only one who had character development at that point and they just killed him off. he had a short conversation about his reservations with ichiya where they seemed to be able to come to an understanding but that was it. there was no more development because despite having the ability to look around the base, the game doesnt allow you to talk to other characters. the story is the only way to get information on the characters and that is all you get.
and this pattern continous through every other story part. one character, in addition to the main character, gets development, that character dies maybe in addition to others and we move to the next story with half the characters.
the worst offender is probably the third story part. story two ended with the protagonist fleeing from an attack and crashing into the sea. story three begins with... a girl waking up another girl. girls we have never seen before. okay. they find out about what happened in the last story part but decide to do nothing about it it. okay. you then proceed to play for 4 hours until there is even a hint about the other characters appearing again.
story two at least had the decency of letting their main characters appear in story one as minor antagonists. story three had no forshadowing, no buildup, no previous appearances except for one character who is pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. we spend hours with these girls (+mana) who we know nothing about before the plot moves anywhere because they need to clear like 2 dungeons first which are ridiculously large. not to mention their dungeons are very obnoxious and i hate them.
the worst of it is that the girls dont even get that much development. in story one and two, the characters that got development were only the boys. since they wanted a full girl team for part three, they couldnt do that but they couldn’t let the girls jump too far from their tropes either so their development is weak.
Our protagonist Nil starts to question the views of her father, who is the leader of the anti-gigant organisation on the island. that in itself is fine and dandy but she doesn’t really grow from it. she is the same naive girl as before, just now she knows her father lied to her. the designated dying character, her little sister may, only gets that she has no memories from before coming to the island and really loves Nil and their father. thats it.
compare that with ichiya who learns to step up to his responsibilities and kazuomi who confronts his weakness. compare to kyle who (kinda?) gets over his hate for humanity and connor (oh yeah story two’s dying character is a gentleman named connor) being a war veteran and finally breaking free form the chains of command. yeah, their arcs were rushed as hell but at least they had arcs. the girls get a lesson any child learns early on at best and most of their development post mortem at worst.
I could hold a long rant of how shitty this game treats its female characters in general (for example how when ichiya and kyle activate their super mode they look in control but when nil does it looks like she is passively being sexually pleasured) but that is a rant for another day i believe.
with how rushed the story is in general, it should come to no surprise that the deaths are barely glanced over, if they get mentioned on screen at all. kazuomi’s death naturally has a huge impact on the emotional ichiya, who cries and mourns the death of his friend (we never really see them being friends but lets leave that for now).
the way it’s cut and how the other characters react, it feels like the game wants us to see ichiya as being dramatic and that he should suck it up. mana tries to justify it by saying that she had grown numb to death due to how long she had been fighting gigants but that doesnt justify her belittling ichiya. no one ever shows him any consideration for his pain except for connor, who helps him overcome his grief. in one conversation. but hey at least he helps.
speaking of connor, his death is only mentioned at the end of story two where both ichiya, kogarasu and kyle thank him for his sarcfice and kyle even calls him a friend before he dies. he is never mentioned again after that but at least we got a moment where the characters accept his fate.
cant say the same as another important character in kyle’s story, annie third. annie third is an AI that operates most functions of the base the story takes place in. she was the one who found kyle’s compatibility for the yorigami and recommended him. kyle, having previously been abandoned by his mother, immediately gets attached to her and talks to her every day. during the story, she is a major factor for kyle’s character development, calling him out on his refusal to see the good in people and how it made him similar to his abusive mother. it’s again only one conversation. she decides to blow up the building at the end to save the protagonist from gigants, having come to care about kyle like a son despite being an operational ai.
all that makes her sound very important to the plot, right? like something the rest of the game would build on, maybe even show the pain kyle feels about losing his mother figure. nope, instead we get one offhand comment about kyle crying when he found out annie died in part three. seeing that kyle is the most abrasive of the protagonist, it would have been a good way to humanize him, maybe make the other characters sympathise with him over their losses. but nope, just one joke and thats it.
and nil. poor poor nil, who lost 3/4 of her family in the span of a day. she has lost by far the most and reacts accordingly, crying and wailing. kyle, being the dick he is, tells her to stop crying and focus on the job like her entire world hadnt been shattered. thankfully ichiya points out that they should let her grieve for a moment.
after that though, she returns to being a bubbly airheaded girl. the characters point out that its probably just a defense mechanism because she doesnt want to worry anyone and how fast things are moving. it’s a good reason, it’s a real thing people do but, again, her pain is only confronted in one conversation. chiharu, who still isnt over her brother’s death in part one understandibly, finds nil sitting alone and they bond over the loss of their family. there are no other mentions of their pain outside that one conversation besides a short dialogue between ichiya and chiharu.
you could chalk it up to them not wanting to worry anyone but they could have at least shown some hints of it. small moments, like nil hesitating when talking about her family. or chiharu flinching when kazuomi is mentioned. the game is too busy telling you about what characters feel than actually showing it.
and then there’s nanashiro. nanashiro, whose character is probably the only one with decent build up and payoff. he pulls a heroic sacrifice at the end, saving ichiya and giving him the power to defeat the boss. ichiya is allowed to grieve him for a short moment before having to go right back to battle. after its done, he says farewell to nanashiro and the game ends. after the credits there is a short epilogue about what become of our main charaters and nanashiro’s death is not mentioned again. which is really frustrating because he was probably the one good character to come from this game.
in addition to that, the game doesnt utilize the split narrative in an interesting way. you cant question the morality of the characters because the game makes it blatantly obvious who is a good and who is bad. you cant even say you can see the same even happening from two perspectives because it’s chronological with no overlaps. the split is only used to move from one charater to the other which is just... really boring.
and the worst part is that the game had potential. i love the “humanity’s last stand” scenario and it had decent elements it could have worked off of. some forshadowing there, the ability to talk to characters outside of story events here and this game could have gone from rushed and unsatisfying to a good story with sympathetic characters.
it wouldn’t have saved the game completely since the gameplay is very repetitive, a dungeon takes one to five hours to finish, part three’s dungeon reek of padding and the pc port is awful to the point that the rhythm minigame (yes there is a rhythm minigame in this dungeon crawler) is so desynced that you literally play the last third in complete silence. not to mention the issue where putting the game in fullscreen can break it.
its an unsatisfying game with an awful port with good ideas but poor excecution. now if you’ll excuse me i will be off writing fanfic for this game because boy if the devs dont want to fix it then i will
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wishesunderthestars · 3 years
Haiii I just read every chapter of Eunoia..actually at first ive not been reading it for a while because i dont want it to be over and have to wait..but i also cant do that because i love reading hybrid aus..so i dont mind waiting i would really ask to be added on the taglist but its closed now :(( ...i really love the story i would really love to read more so i will wait for it no rush ofcourse! take your time do it at your own pace..im really excited for all of them especially yoongi..he is trying i love it..i also cant wait for taehyung to come..whatll be his story? will it cause a bigger problem/situation?..i have a feeling that they will be seeing Taehyung in Virginia for some reason...im really hooked up to the story!..i just finished the latest chapter today and im happy that yoongi decided that he wanted to be adopted by Y/n...AHHHHHH i love how affectionate Joon Jin and Y/n are!! theyre so cute!! ...but i also hope that jimin will found out about the relationship the three has so that jimin will realise that its ok to have something with jungkook and the others without fearing the worst..poor baby..I REALLY LOVE THE STORY HAHAHA im inlove with it and im excited to read more of it thank you so much for creating such wonderful story and im very happy that i found your story and blog!! i saw a post on twitter and it reminded me of Jin! because hes wearing a sugar glider onesie hihi and I just wanted to show you thank you again!! stay safe and stay healthy!! <33
First of all, that video of Jin is everything and it really made my day. He's so cute in this onesie I want to wrap him up in blankets and never let go. Ok... Creepy moment over... 😂
I know the feeling of reading a story slowly because you don't want it to end and it's kind of worse when it's ongoing because of all the waiting. The waiting is hard for me too. Believe me, I would much rather be writing than studying for exams.
Taehyung's appearance will definitely shake things up like any new addition would. I haven't come up with all the details yet but so far, this part might be my favorite, looking at my planning.
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