#*it's 23:37
jtl-fics · 11 months
Math nerd pls!!! I want someone to just absolutely deck cass
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"So I'm sure those kids are telling the truth and I'm not sure Richard is rotting in hell with Drake. He was pretty uninvolved with the foster kids wasn't he?" Andrew says voice even as he looks at Cass' face. He remembered the brief hope before Drake's gaze crashed it to the ground.
He still thinks about the knock on his window. About Alex. Is it strange that he looks at Cass' face and it makes him think of some of the best times in his life. No one had ever had him like how Alex had had him.
"But you washed those kid's sheets didn't you Cass?" he asks and he watches her go red with anger. He sees her hand coming up and hears Luther yell but nothing happens as Neil catches Cass' hand before she can even start to swing.
"I think it's time you listen to the owner of this house and leave." Neil says.
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flipchild · 16 days
flash flicker dash press burn slash flicker flash
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floridakilo · 21 days
which age gap sounds the worst… 24 and 38 or 25 and 39 or 26 and 40… im leaning toward 25 and 39…
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oshiawaseni · 3 years
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Psalm 37:23 (NKJV) - The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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Lament over Jerusalem
37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’” — Matthew 23:37-39 | New King James Version (NKJV) The Holy Bible; New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. Cross References: Ruth 2:12; 1 Kings 9:7; Psalm 69:25; Psalm 118:26; Isaiah 5:4; Isaiah 5:9; Jeremiah 36:26; Matthew 21:9
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he didn't know crimes were illegal :/
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klaudia2646 · 9 months
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I’ve been MIA for several days, life has been a bit busy. Longer hours at work and for a change it was busy since deadline was up for classes, lots of testing and orientation, etc. Then I would come home and David was here already. Got some last presents and stocking stuffers. My mom asked my sister in Texas to get a couple of Christmas presents for the little man ( my sister has my mom’s credit card), she was stressing about it because it wouldn’t get here in time. I suggested to buy it via Target and I could go pick it up. At the end, I have many more present to wrap up.
Wednesday we went to David’s work Christmas party, however this was only for the department heads with their spouses or partners. It was at a small bar downtown, I don’t really know all of them but it was fun.
Our main campus sent some donuts on Thursday, cute Christmas donuts, too cute to eat! They got to work too early, good thing I had gotten there earlier than usual. They sent the Christmas donuts and regular glazed ones. I was good and had half of a glazed donut. Thursday was crazy busy.
Little man had his Christmas party at daycare.
David had bought tickets to go see a jazz group named Big Bad Voodoo Daddy on Friday. They’re a fun group and there was some room in the front for people to dance. It was completely full and I just kept thinking that so many people have covid around here.
Yesterday they had a small party for the little man who’s turning 3 tomorrow.
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robinsceramics · 1 year
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A closer look at some of my summer creations.
[image descriptions: photos of clay sculptures. On a shelf are two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters, a cabin with vines and a flower bush and tulips on and around it, and two luna moths in green and blue. On white fabric are two shaggy-feathered kiwi birds and two vaguely humanoid canids with their hands in their laps.]
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jtl-fics · 9 months
math nerd my lovvvvvvve
hmmm do I want riko and ichi, or more of the main duo of dumbasses (aka andrew being a simp and neil actually reading it like the open book it is)
idk. you decide!! ♥️♥️♥️ it’s all amazing anyway
WIP Wednesday 12-27-23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Alex opens his mouth once more but then closes it before he nods, seemingly accepting his fate for the evening. Alex fell back asleep exhausted utterly by the short conversation and likely the stress of his initial awakening when Cass came in the room.
20 minutes later had Alex shooting back up when Cass' footsteps approached Andrew's room. "Andrew, can you get the door? It's a bit hard with the tray in my hand." Cass requests.
"Yeah." Andrew sets the book down and makes his way to the door opening it and allowing Cass inside of the room. She smiles and there are two turkey sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, tomato, chips, and cut fruit as well as two large Blue Gatorades.
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flipchild · 1 year
Despair is so well-worn a groove, so easy. Each carving lifeline slips to despair, and yet a new groove entrenches as I carve a lifeline and slip to despair. Though I may slip to despair, I must disallow the carving to meet with despair. A separation is needed between habit-forming and life-ritual when life-ritual is self-consumptive— "as for there to be incense one must burn incense".
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Today is the day!!! Happy Public School Arc anime premiere day!!!
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oshiawaseni · 3 years
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Remember how we predicted feral omega!Izuku protectively cradling his Kacchan, ready to kill whoever harmed him and then being a bit disappointed when Hori didn't draw it in the manga?
Heh… 😏
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Psalm 37:23 (NKJV) - The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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