#*sound of uncontrollable subs from a distance*
firyferdinand · 1 month
I would promise you all of my life But to lose you would cut like a knife So I don't dare, no I don't dare
'Cause I've never come close in all of these years You are the only one to stop my tears And I'm so scared, I'm so scared
Take me back in time maybe I can forget Turn a different corner and we never would have met Would you care
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lady-october · 1 month
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : 01-17 On Ao3
Story Content : Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Sadism/Masochism, Dom/Sub, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
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Chapter 18: I’m so terribly lost
Chapter title is lyrics from "LosT"
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The view took me by surprise as we pulled up to the hotel.
I’d offered to drive the van from the venue to here despite never having driven on the right side of the road before. While I was scared of new driving situations on most days, it turned out my brain was entirely too preoccupied with everything else going on in my life at the moment, making this particular challenge seem relatively insignificant in comparison.
Plus, it gave me a reason to not interact with either Oli or Mat for two hours straight.
The road between the venue and hotel had started quite industrial – dreadful even, making me doubt any nice destination could be anywhere nearby, but during the second hour the roads turned windier, growing thicker with nature. It was around 1pm when we arrived, the sun was high in the sky and the sound of birds chirping could be heard all around us as I took in the front of the hotel; it was a relatively large structure, maybe four stories tall, made of wood and stone with an abundance of arched windows.
Architecturally it wasn’t too impressive, but you could tell the place must have cost a fortune to book considering its surroundings, which was nothing short of spectacular; a mixture of manicured greenery framed by what seemed like acres worth of woods, overlooking a lake peppered with little islands, popping out of the water as random tufts of green in the distance.
It was truly stunning.
“Not as nice as in summer, but still bloody brilliant, innit?” I heard Mat say somewhere behind me, but I could barely take my eyes off the magical body of water as I stepped out of the van.
“Yeah, not bad that.” Lee agreed.
Liam sighed deeply before one of the van doors slid shut, “Wish I could fucking live here.” He muttered as he nudged me to help him with the luggage.
But when I turned around Oli was already pulling things out and delegating them to their owner, causing the guys to walk off towards the hotel entrance one by one. 
When I got closer I could see my own luggage at the very front, but he kept reaching for everyone else’s first anyway.
I felt myself smile when I realised what he was doing.
Mat walked past me with his luggage in hand, “See you in a bit, yeah?”
He smiled at me, causing me to awkwardly smile back at him as Oli was watching us.
“Yeah, I won’t be long.”
Once Liam left, it was just me and Oli standing next to the open van door, looking out over the lake.
“Aren’t you gonna give me my luggage?” I asked teasingly, knowing damn well he’d orchestrated getting me alone.
But he had no interest in keeping up the pretence, instead he immediately slipped a hand to the small of my back and pulled me intimately flush against him. I would have been worried someone could see us if it wasn’t for our large van blocking the hotel, effectively giving us privacy from anyone in that direction.
Instead I welcomed the affection, having missed it last night when I went to bed.
He looked down at me with longing in his eyes, and for a moment I thought he was about to kiss me, but instead he spoke.
“You never responded to my texts.”
I’d been avoiding it since I didn’t know how to break the news to him about what I saw Mat do last night.
Or how it had affected me; how it had stirred further confusion in me.
“I’m sorry.” Was all I could think of to respond for now, but he seemed uninterested in my apologies.
With a finger under my chin he studied my face before guiding me in for a kiss. It was so soft – so tender, instead of the passionate and carnal kisses we usually shared.
Yet the hand on my back seemed to have other ideas, pushing me closer to him before proceeding to slip under the hem of my shorts.
He pulled away, frowning.
“You’re not wearing any underwear, love.” He said against my lips.
I should have pieced it together sooner, but it wasn’t until now that I realised this had all been about my imminent date with Mat; how he’d sent me a text, instructing me to wear the garment that he otherwise wanted me to skip.
“I’m getting changed in a minute. I’ll wear some.”
A lazy smile spread over his features, and with a sparkle in his eye, his hands returning to caress my back.
“Good.” He murmured, before he gave me another equally delicate kiss. I reached for his neck, letting my fingers feel the hair there as warmth spread throughout my chest. For a moment the world fell away from the intoxicatingly tender kisses, but he untangled us, pulling me in for a hug that caused my heart to ache instead.
He’d buried his face in the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms around me with a sense of desperation, like he didn’t want to let go.
Like he was in pain.
We stood like this for some time, and all I could think of to do was hug him back, hoping it would comfort him; hoping it would ease my own heartache as well.
When he finally pulled away he was wearing a big smile, but it didn’t fool me, I could still see the sadness painted all over him.
He let go of me entirely, causing my heartache to intensify, making me want to skip my date with Mat for a moment.
Before remembering that Oli was the reason I was going in the first place.
I took the luggage he was handing me off of him.
“I’ll see you tonight.” He said with a grin, then stalked off towards the hotel.
Leaving me to melt against the van, feeling as if I was being yanked in a million directions.
Once I’d managed to pull myself together and get inside, I saw Liam waiting impatiently in the rustic yet contemporary foyer.
“Sorry.” I said sheepishly when I got closer, having forgotten entirely that we’re sharing a room this time as well, like we had the entire first week of the tour.
While impatient – made obvious by how he essentially shoved me into the elevator – his expression immediately softened from my apology, “Ah, don’t worry about it, love. I may be grumpy and tired but my troubles pale in comparison to the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. At least I get to rest today.”
I sighed, “You heard about all the dates then?”
“Yeah.” He said with a laugh.
Our room continued in the same airy yet rustic design as the foyer, making everything look expensive; the ceilings were high and littered in dark wooden beams, contrasting against all the light colours of the room, with large windows looking out over the woods behind the hotel.
Liam collapsed onto his bed.
“Fucking amazing.” He breathed.
While it looked incredibly plush and comfortable, I didn’t have much time to get ready for my date with Mat, so I skipped the otherwise obligatory trying-the-bed ritual, and grabbed some underwear, jeans, and a sweater and went to get changed in the bathroom. It had seemed like the perfect choice for a day by the lake, especially since I didn’t want to wear anything too revealing, but when I re-appeared from the bathroom with my new outfit, Liam sat up in the bed looking utterly appalled.
“You can’t wear that.”
“Why not?” I said, feeling slightly offended.
“You’ve been parading around in all your slutty clothes for weeks now, why are we shifting gears all of a sudden? You did the same thing last night with that other frumpy sweater.”
I frowned, “I don’t know, I just don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”
“Wrong idea!?” Shocked and confused, Liam shot out of bed to start rummaging through my luggage, “I know you’ve got stuff going on with Oli, but why are you even bothering going on a date with Mat then?”
As I watched him search for clothes, I searched within myself for answers, attempting to figure out exactly why I was going on this date. Because while I had initially agreed to it for Oli, it turned out that I also needed to know whether there could be something more with Mat – not just for Oli’s sake, but for my own.
“I guess… I guess I want to know if there’s something between me and Mat.”
“Alright, can’t do that while holding back, can we? Take that bloody sweater off.” He handed me a tight, completely see-through crop top I’d intended to wear over a dress – not just over my bra.
With an open mind, I replaced my sweater with the top he’d picked out.
“Okay, now you look like you’re going on a date.” He said as I stepped in front of the mirror. A sense of freedom flooded me as I took in my own reflection, causing the woman in the mirror to smile back at me.
“Fine, you’ve convinced me, this is a lot better.” I admitted with a sigh.
And from the expression Mat wore when I stepped off the elevator it was pretty safe to say he agreed.
“Well don’t you look incredible.” He said, eyeing me up as he opened the hotel entrance door for me.
“Thank you,” I responded with as much confidence as I could muster up, but I still felt my cheeks heat up as I passed him in the doorway, the close proximity allowing me to smell his rich cologne which matched his warm and earthy personality quite well.
I let myself glance at Mat’s outfit when we stepped outside, but I made quick work of it as it somehow still felt inappropriate to look at him in that way.
“You’re not looking too bad yourself.” I added shyly, feeling more heat creep up my face.
Mat usually wore long sleeves, but today he’d opted for a short sleeve button up, showcasing most of the tattoos on his arms that weren't on display too often.
The image of his tensing arm, gripping the armrest while he came last night flashed in my mind.
I pushed it away immediately, not wanting to turn any redder than I already was.
“Why thank you,” He threw me a cheeky smile, “It’s not far, just down that path.”
He pointed down a narrow path along the treeline next to the edge of the lake.
“Great, do you want me to take those?” I asked out of habit, inclining my head towards the two plastic bags Mat was carrying, which were clinking as he walked.
“Absolutely not! You’re not working today, love.” His smile grew, and I couldn’t help but match it as we made our way down the path.
“You know, we’ve been coming here for over a decade now, every time we tour the US.”
“I can see why.” I said before I narrowly avoided getting hit in the face with a branch while passing a particularly narrow part.
“Oli used to hate it actually.” His eyes darted to me after he’d said it.
I frowned, “Why’s that?”
“There’s nothing going on out here, just peace and quiet. I think it made his head a bit loud, at least back when the drugs used to be an issue.” The look he gave me was serious, “He’s very different now though, quite reliable.”
My frown deepened. 
I couldn’t help but wonder where he was going with this, or why he was talking about Oli at all right now.
“Why are you telling me this?”
He stopped in the middle of the path to face me, right before a bend, “Because Oli’s an amazing guy, but he doesn’t seem to think he is. Pretty ironic really, for someone who changes all the time, he gets a bit stuck in the past sometimes, thinking he’s the same person from a decade ago – when he’s not. He’s grown so much more than he gives himself credit for.” He took a deep breath, “You should hear that from someone before you go on a date with him.”
While I was grateful Mat had confirmed my suspicions about Oli being too hard on himself, I was still perplexed why he had chosen right now to tell me these things.
“But I’m currently on a date with you.”
He huffed out a laugh, “Which I’m incredibly happy about, but if I know Oli right, he’ll probably end up saying some nice things about me as well.”
Which to be fair, Oli had already done.
Mat’s eyes turned thoughtful, “I guess my point is that Oli will be my best friend no matter what happens today, so let’s have a nice time, yeah?”
I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips as he essentially settled one of my main worries about today, “I’d like that.”
“Good.” His features mimicked mine before he started walking again, finally turning the corner.
I followed, but as soon as I did, I was blown away.
The trees in front of us had grown in a massive arch, framing the view of the lake with their branches, and right down the middle you could see all the way across to the other side of the rather large lake, as if all the tiny islands had decided in unison to let you sneak a peek, but only from this very particular location.
“Holy shit.” I breathed.
“I know, it’s nuts, innit?” He said as he took a seat on the stone wall behind us.
After I picked my jaw back up off of the forest floor, I joined him, watching him pull out two cardboard tubs, handing one of them to me, along with a fork.
“Here you go. Careful– it’s still hot.”
“This is strange, it’s usually me bringing you food.” I said, taking a bite of the absolutely heavenly risotto.
“Well, I know it’s your job, but I’m still very grateful for all you’ve done for us the past month.”
I shook my head, “Oh please, I barely get anything right.”
I just stared at him.
“So you mess a couple things up here and there.” He admitted with a smile.
“I dropped Lee’s guitar once.” I said sheepishly, causing his eyes to widen, “It was in its case, but still…”
He burst out laughing, “Let's keep that between us, he’ll wring your neck for that one.”’
We ended up talking about past touring incidents for a while, and I was happy to learn that I was far from the worst assistant they’ve had, with someone having short circuited the speakers right before a gig.
The conversation was flowing long after we finished our food, but every so often I’d catch him looking at my lips, and every time he did my mind would be flooded with images of him from last night.
It was growing increasingly distracting, requiring more effort each time to push the intrusive thoughts away.
When it happened again, the conversation suddenly stopped, making me wonder if he was experiencing something similar.
Making me wonder if I had imagined the faint flickers of lust in his eyes, merely a projection of my own feelings onto him, or if he was struggling to concentrate as much as I was.
“Do you like whiskey?” He asked after a moment of heavy silence, rummaging through one of the plastic bags next to him in order to produce two glasses and a bottle with amber liquid inside.
“Yeah, it’s alright.”
He handed me a glass and proceeded to pour us both a healthy serving each.
Then instantly downed his entire glass.
“Are you okay?” I laughed nervously, noticing how he wasn’t looking at me anymore.
He smiled, but his eyes were still on the lake, “Bit nervous to be honest with you.”
I felt myself fidget slightly out of discomfort, “You don’t really strike me as the nervous type.”
“That’s the thing, I’m not.” He started, eyes darting to mine, “But last night rattled me a bit.” He took a deep breath, “Sorry I know we said we’d pretend it never happened, but it’s just been looping in my head all day– anyway, let’s talk about something else–”
“I can’t stop thinking about it either.” I interrupted him, without thinking it through; without considering the potential consequences of agreeing to address the elephant in the room.
I just couldn’t pretend any longer. It was as if ignoring the elephant only made it grow larger, impossible to ignore, completely overtaking my mind.
“Can I confess something to you?” I had never seen him look so nervous. 
There was something unsettling about seeing someone so calm and collected in that state.
I nodded as my pulse sped up.
He spoke slowly, “When we were hanging out backstage last night, I wasn’t sure we had too much chemistry. Not that I don’t find you attractive, quite the contrary, you’re really fucking fit Alice.” His eyes quickly darted to my breasts that were clearly on display in this top, before clearing his throat, “We just didn’t seem like we connected in that way. Sometimes that stuff just takes a little while to develop though, which is fine.” There was a short pause, and I’m not sure my face could be any warmer when he continued, his voice low, rough, “But the way you looked at me last night when you walked in on me…” He visibly swallowed, “...The way you’re looking at me right now.”
His eyes fell to my lips again and I felt as if I was about to pass out.
Not only had his eyes turned dark, but his demeanour was dripping with the same energy from last night. The same dirty, rough stare that made me wonder if he fucked like an animal.
“Can I try something?” He asked, sounding surprisingly collected considering his appearance.
I was bewildered, but curious.
“Yeah.” I breathed, giving away too much of my state as always.
He stood up, his gaze not leaving me once as he stepped in front of me, his warm hands firmly grabbing my knees, spreading my legs for him, causing me to gasp before he stepped between them. Our faces were mere inches apart, our bodies not connecting anywhere except where his hands rested on me, having travelled up the outside of my thighs.
“Is this okay?” He asked under his breath, heavy eyelids resting over his green eyes.
I could smell the whiskey on his breath, feel the heat radiating off of him, making me want to pull him in for a kiss, to crush my body against his, to feel the hard cock against me that I couldn’t stop imagining all day.
But guilt was pushing in from every corner, suffocating me. Logically I knew I hadn’t committed to anything with Oli yet, logically I knew that this is what dating was all about.
While my feelings were convinced this was wrong, my body had other ideas.
My body was ready to shut my brain up so it could enjoy the man before me.
So I nodded, shakily, letting him know that I was accepting what was transpiring between us.
His eyes darkened further, “Don’t worry, I’m not expecting anything.” His voice had dipped even lower, “I just want to see if there really is…”
“A spark.” I whispered.
His hands were suddenly on my ass, pulling me flush against him – against his erection. My breath hitched at the sudden motion, the sudden pressure between my legs, making my hands grab at his chest, threatening to elicit a whimper from me, but Mat was quiet; his eyes on me were focused, determined to stay collected even though the sexual tension had reached a boiling point.
One of his hands firmly travelling up my back, pulling me closer – pulling me in for a kiss.
Panic started to set in, but I didn’t get a chance to react before his lips connected with mine and my thoughts scrambled completely for a moment.
It wasn’t until I heard myself moan into his mouth that I came back, and I was just about to push him off of me, to tell him I can’t do this, maybe even confess that I already have feelings for his best friend, tell him that his best friend has feelings for me, when he pulled away, stepped out from between my legs and casually sat back down next to me.
I was stunned and breathless, but Mat was just smiling, pouring us fresh drinks.
“Well,” He said with a grin, handing me my refilled drink back to me, “Safe to say there’s a spark.”
He dinged his glass against mine, “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” I breathed, more confused than ever.
... Subscribe to the story on Ao3 for future updates
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
tiny hoe thot that's been rattling around in my brain all day:
making sub!eddie munson eat you out in a dingy bathroom at a show 😵‍💫 he doesn't even care about getting caught, he'll do whatever, he's just happy you're finally giving him the time of day
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No, see, because honeybaby's got a magic tongue. That gif solidifies that hc for me.
You'd been flirting with him for quite some time. You couldn't help it, he was just your type: long shaggy hair, leather jacket, jean vest, studded jewelry, and those rings. Those. Fucking. Rings. But that physical stuff didn't matter all that much, because Eddie Munson was the sweetest guy you'd ever met.
He made you feel safe and cared for, like he thought you were one of the most important people in the world. And to him you were. He couldn't believe a girl like you was even letting him within spitting distance. So you could imagine the excitement he felt when you accepted the invitation to a concert just outside of town.
"Fuck, that's it, baby," you moaned freely, the thumping of the bass and muffled chords drowned out all the sound you both were making. Eddie was kneeling between your thighs, holding you open as you sat on the edge of the sink with your back leaning against the mirror behind you. "O-Oh God! Eddie! Fuck— faster, faster, yeah yeah yeah oh god yes! "
Eddie meant to groan, but the sound that came out of him was more akin to a whimper. He was rock hard in his black jeans but that wasn't the focus right now. He was focused on the way your hand pulled at his long hair and the way you told him what to do in such a firm, confident voice. He hasn't been with someone so bossy before, but fuck, he loves it.
You sigh his name again and let your eyes flutter open to gaze down at the sweetheart eating you out. You smile at him when you see those big brown eyes beaming back up at you. Eddie can't help but smile back at you, his tongue still thrashing wildly at your clit.
"You gonna let me fuck your face, Ed?" You purr and caress his cheek, noting the way his eyes roll back and flutter at the touch. He groans this time, deep and throaty and eager. Eddie nods and pets your thighs, pushing your skirt up even higher while he pulls you closer to his face. "Yeah? God, you're such a good boy, Eddie," oh he liked the sound of that.
"Stick your tongue out for me, baby. Stay still, don't move," you moan as he does what you ask, your hips grinding against his face in time with the heavy music blasting outside. Your hands grip the back of his head and fist his hair, and Eddie just knows he's done for. He claws at your legs, his hips thrusting into nothing as he moans and whimpers into your throbbing cunt.
"So close, Eddie, gonna cum! You're gonna make me cum!" You cry out into the empty bathroom. You're fully riding his face at this point, desperation overtaking you both as your highs come closer and closer.
With one final cry of his name, your cum floods Eddie's mouth, soaking his chin even more. The sweet taste has his taste buds singing and his cock throbbing uncontrollably. He humps the air one, two, three more times before he's filling his boxers with his cum. He whines and shakes as he cums.
With a shivering sigh, you release his head and pet his hair. A giggle bubbles from you when you see your date. He looks something like a caveman; with his wild hair sticking all over the place and the far off dreamy look in his eyes. He grins up at you and licks the remaining droplets of your cum from his lips and chin.
"Well," he starts with that iconic impish charm, "that was interesting."
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I no longer have a taglist! Follow @littlelioncub-library to be kept up-to-date!
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics 💖
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thottyunicorn666 · 2 years
I begin to pant. My heart races. Sweat beads across my forehead and chest, and my backside is sticking to the black leather. He places his hands on my thigh and I jump. Leaning over, he looks down at me. “You let me know when the pain outweighs the pleasure. Understood?” Pain? I thought this was about orgasms. I feel like that would be a stupid question, so I just say. “Yes.” “Your safe word is black. Repeat it.” Safe word? “My safe word is black.” He nods. “Good girl.” He walks away, leaving me alone strapped to this table, and I hear him on the other side of the room. A drawer opens and closes, then I hear him walking back over to me. “After each orgasm, I’m going to ask you if you’re okay. Say yes if you are, and black if you want me to stop. Understand?” “Yes.” I lick my lips and hear a vibrating noise. “What is …?” Something presses against my pussy, and my body arches. I cry out as the sensation tickles my clit. “Oh God …” I gasp. My body fights the restraints. What felt cool seconds ago now feels like needles pricking my body. “Tita …” Before I can even finish his name, I’m coming. Harder and faster than I ever have. The sensation stops all of a sudden, and my body sags against the table. “Are you okay?” I’m sweating, panting, and every inch of my skin feels extra sensitive. “Yyyeess.” This time, I feel his fingers spreading me wide before he shoves two into me while placing the vibrator back on my clit. He finger-fucks me while the amazing toy takes me to a whole new level. The room spins. My eyes close, and I’m breathing so hard I feel like I’m hyperventilating. I’m coming again. “You okay?” I hear his voice in the distance. “Yes,” I croak out. Why does my voice sound hoarse? My throat is sore. My body tenses again. I’m riding another wave. I don’t want it to stop. Ever. I’d be his sub if this meant being strapped to a table. His voice gets farther and farther away, but I always say yes. I always want more. TITAN TURNING OFF THE wand, I place it on the stand next to the table. I undo her wrists first, then her neck, hips, and ankles and pick her limp body up off the black leather. She shakes uncontrollably in my arms. If I hadn’t just watched her come six times, I would say she’s having convulsions. She’s covered in sweat. Her eyes are closed, and she’s gasping for each breath. She kept telling me yes. To the point she was going to lose her voice from all the shouting she was doing. Entering the bathroom, I place her in the large Jacuzzi tub that sits in the center of the large room and turn on the water. When it’s the temperature I want, I quickly undress. Climbing in behind her, I lean her back against my front. I pick up the cup next to me and fill it with water before pouring it over the front of her. She moans, and her head falls to the side. I check her pulse. It’s racing. Maybe I pushed her too hard.
0 notes
oneofthosesimps · 3 years
The Animal in Him
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pairing: levi x fem!reader I nsfw
word count: 1986
summary: after erwin stares at you all day, levi's dark side takes over
warnings: anal, rough sex, dirtytalk, swearing, public sex, exposure/ humiliation, sub x dom
authors note: short stories suit me better, i think. and this time i really felt it again. besides, i wanted to try something anal, because it seems to me that this is rather rare among fanfictions (for whatever reason). if you like it, i might do part II, because i've already started <3
all credits to the artist of this pic
(unfortunately, i don't know who it's from. if anyone can help me further, feel free to write me)
The sky is red orange, the sun is low and casts its last rays over the hills. Your hair shines as it falls down your back and individual strands wrap around your face over your shoulder. How beautiful it must look outside, you think to yourself, as your hands claw into the straw beneath you. A warm breeze comes in from outside, swirls around you, and continues to make its way down the hallway behind you. Far away you hear birds singing their songs as the sound of flesh hitting flesh almost drowns out the rest. The hand in your hair gets harder, gripping tighter, pulling at your scalp. You give in to the tugging, your head falling back into your neck, and a long moan escapes you. You hear the click of hooves and a horse snorting, disturbed by your sounds.
"Shut your mouth," it hisses behind you and your head is pulled back even further so you can see the wooden ceiling above you. Of course, you don't see a single spider web.
You moan louder and your legs begin to wobble beneath you. The hand loosens and joins the other one gripping your hip. Strong hands dig into the skin beneath them and you gasp.
"Everyone hears you, you little slut. Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut?".
"I-I'm sorry, sir."
At that word, his hands grip harder, leaving marks on your skin, clawing into your flesh. The thick cock inside you bores deeper into your creamy cunt, the angle changing slightly as it presses forward on your G-spot with each thrust. You drop your head forward, peering at the bale of straw below you with your image wobbling. Your half-open blouse shows just enough. Your bra sits uncomfortably under your breasts, pushing them up as they jiggle from front to back.
Your pussy feels drained, sore, as Levi thrusts indispensably into it. His eyebrows are drawn together, his teeth slightly bared as his dark gaze keeps wandering from his cock inside you, to your ass, to your back, to your face he can barely see, and back again. His brain tries to memorize every single spot on you and preserve that scene like a brand. Beads of sweat form on his forehead.
The knot in your belly tightens and more juice flows out of your core, making you even wetter. The next thrust hits differently, better, deeper. You moan loudly again, which is shattered by a slap to your ass. "Fuck, pet," he growls. His big hands grip your shoulders and he pulls you toward him, stopping his thrusts. His hot breath hits your neck, enveloping you. His hands drop to your breasts, trapping them. Your hard nipples stick forward and he pulls on them, almost painfully. Your eyes roll into your skull.
"What can your brain actually remember?" he hisses. "You can't keep your mouth shut. You can't stay standing on your own legs so I can fuck you. Hell, you can't even hold back in front of other men." The pain in your nipples intensifies as he pulls harder on them and you bite your lower lip. You squeeze your eyes shut and taste blood.
"I'm going to show Erwin what's mine, shit," he growls again. "If I catch him touching you one more time - no, if I catch him looking at you one more time, I'm going to break his bones." You whimper beneath him before he pulls his hands away and places them on your hips, but doesn't continue. The feeling of not having come, floods through you. It's no longer enough just to have his cock inside you. You want, no, need to come. You squirm slightly in his arms, trying to push his cock deeper inside you, more pressure. "Please, more, sir", you beg.
A deep, dark sound comes from his throat. His cock twitches inside you and he hears you sigh out. His gaze falls outside, out of the stable into the distance to the headquarters building. You follow him in confusion, seeing a few cadets walking around, lunch seems to be over. If you could see his face, you would notice through his half-closed eyes that there is no more of the silver left in his eyes. His pupils are blown, his look as dark as night.
"You know what, pet, you want to be heard all the time because you can't keep your damn mouth shut. Now you have the opportunity to give everyone a show." With his cock still buried deep inside, he drags you to your to the open stall door, out of your safe corner. The air is a little cooler now, circling around your nipples, which are hard again. You try to pull your blouse closed with your hands, but Levi pushes them aside, opens it again. "Oi, you don't want to do that".
"L-levi, no, please don't, it's not the same," you stammer.
"Ohh, it's not the same, she says. Stop whining."
You shiver a little and his body heat comes to you. You press against him tighter, hoping that no one around you will accidentally lay their eyes on you. You're aware that you're far away and probably no one could see anything, but the excitement inside you is rising anyway.
"I have another, better idea," he murmurs in your ear before pulling his cock out of you. You mewl at the loss of something inside you and are about to turn around when Levi takes your hips in his hands again and holds you tight.
"Bend over and spread your ass." Renewed confusion reflects on your face and Levi clicks his tongue in annoyance. He presses his hand into the small of your back and bends your torso forward. Your hands settle on your ass cheeks, spreading them for him, and he enjoys the sight.
"You know, pet," he murmurs as his hands caress your skin, "Erwin's gaze has been on your ass most of the time today. A thought popped into my head. I wonder what it feels like."
Your eyes widen as his glans touches your little hole. Your legs start to shake at the touch and your hands dig into your flesh. You look back over your shoulder at him. He rubs his cock back and forth, spreading your and his juice as a lubricant. In addition, he collects his saliva and spits on your most intimate place. His gaze falls on your face and he holds your gaze as he gently pushes and his tip enters you. You wince your face, but not in pain. This is different, the feeling is hard to describe. Your asshole is way, way too tight for him. Every single ring of your muscle is sucking him into you step by step, taking him captive. Levi's expression was indescribable. He had never felt anything like this before. You had always been tight, but this is a different act. A moan escapes him and you look at him. His eyes are closed and his lips are slightly parted. Your cheeks turn a deep red and he pushes further, your eyes twisting and you hold onto the frame of the door.
Reaching the end, he pauses for a moment, waiting for you to accept him a bit and for your body to get used to him before he slowly pulls his cock out again and repeats the motion. His body is screaming at him to be faster, to fuck you hard, to stretch your hole, but he wants to at least give you a few thrusts. Again, you feel every muscle accepting him, but this time much more easily. This repeats a few times before the first harder thrust comes. You finally groan out and that breaks the ice.
Levi increases his speed, the thrusts get harder, he literally fucks you away from him. His hands grip your waist to hold you back in place.
"I can see why Erwin keeps looking at your ass all the time," he growls. "He's probably dreaming about taking you like this. Any man would dream of fucking that hole if they knew how good it felt." At these words you moan loudly, your words lost in the surroundings and your anal muscle twitches. His moans get louder and he clenches his teeth. Around you, you hear the snorting of a horse again and you blush again as you think about what you are doing right now in this place. Never again would you have another connection with the stable.
"Fuck, pet, more of that. You are so infinitely tight." Levi's hand in the small of your back pushes you down harder and your ass comes further towards him. In the distance you can see more of your comrades and wonder all the way inside if they can hear and see you. What would you do if they could? The better question should be what would Levi do?
This sex is very different from others. The knot in your stomach isn't forming, there's no orgasm in sight, but the feeling was still one of the most pleasurable you've ever felt in your life. And Levi's reaction makes it all worth it either way. He looks like he's floating in heaven. His eyes fall on his cock in your asshole and he almost comes. He gives himself two slow thrusts, memorizing the image of your hole swallowing him before pulling his cock out. He has to pull himself together, he wants to enjoy this longer after all. At the sight of your little hole pulsing and trying to grasp the emptiness, the knot almost explodes again and the air in his lungs is forced out of him. He is speechless. He won't be able to stand another minute. He had never seen anything so erotic. Your face covered with a blush looks at him and his heart skips a beat. He now regrets using your hole for the first time here in the open. No one but him will ever see you like this, he swears to himself. What was he thinking, fucking you here? You deserved more. Never again, he tells himself, before thrusting into you again with one smooth thrust and fucking you like a madman. Your moans become uncontrolled, louder. He has only one thought: to fill you. To fill your asshole with his juice. To show Erwin that you belong to him, will belong to him forever. God, he loves you so incredibly. He loves your cunt as it milks him. He loves your asshole as it sucks around him.
Another thrust, another thrust, another thrust. The knot in his belly loosens, his juice squirts into you, filling you to the top. It's too much, which is why it's being pushed out the sides of his shaft as he tries to survive his orgasm. It almost knocks him out, the world spinning, coming apart at the seams. He clings to you for a constant point and you moan with him at the sounds he makes.
When he regains consciousness, he looks into your eyes, which sparkle at him, and he pulls out of you. Again, your asshole twitches at the loss and he would love to start all over again. Your body relaxes a bit and your back aches from the bad posture. It's already dawning on you how your butt will feel tomorrow.
"I'm sorry you didn't come," he murmurs, pulling you into his arms. His lips meet your forehead and he pulls your blouse down over your breasts. You snuggle up to him and enjoy his tender touch. He looks past you at the wet spot you just left on the floor - a mixture of your juice and his sperm. The animal in him takes hold again and overcomes him. His lips meet your ear, "I'll take you inside now, and then we'll repeat."
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
I Love You | Quackity
Requested? No but I did 
Warnings? None just really wholesome and chaotic Quackity 
Summary: You tell Alex you love him for the first time 
Word Count: 1,653
“WE POPPIN OFF CHAT!!” Alex yells excitedly and you giggle from his bedroom upstairs.
Your boyfriend Alex was going to be streaming practically all night long. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for him to be streaming and playing video games with his friends all night while you relax in his room.
You often turned on his stream, listening to your rambunctious boyfriend scream to his friends about god knows what and thanking fans for various subs and gifts. Tonight, he was playing Five Nights at Freddy with George and Karl, and then George picked skribbl.io, and then Karl was going to host Jackbox.
You never mind Alex streaming as much as he did, Alex loved streaming and he always left you laughing for hours. Not only that, his friends were your friends so you loved listening to them as well. It closed the distance you all were feeling incredibly these days. 
You hear Alex thank his chat for subs for a bit and just as he greets George and Karl into the stream, you decide to try and get some work done. You and Alex were both still in school, working on your respective majors, and had millions of little study sessions together. 
You loved spending time sat across from each other on the couch, work spread out around you, and neither of you doing any of your homework for long. Whether it be Alex getting distracted, sitting on his phone for a bit before coming to bother you, nudging his face into your neck. 
Or, you get distracted. Flopping yourself down into your boyfriend's embrace as he giggles cutely, running a hand through your hair before kissing you softly. 
You both did get your work done though, helping each other to push through difficult finals and assignments. You were always there for each other. 
Tonight you were focused on an important essay that was due in the next few days. You were hoping to get a good portion done while Alex was streaming but it was proving to be difficult without your boyfriend but also with your boyfriend streaming.
As you finish your first page of the night, you check in on the stream, watching George yell loudly at Alex to press the button in FNaF. You giggle lightly as the boys continue and you decide to leave it on as you continue to mindlessly write your ideas hoping they sound somewhat coherent for when you go back to edit them. 
As you type, your phone suddenly dings with Alex’s text tone and your eyes scan the text. He tells you to come downstairs and your head tilts in confusion as you hear him over stream tell Dream to repeat the same thing over again. 
“Let’s just play GTA,” Dream responds and Alex and George gasp dramatically. You roll your eyes as you know exactly what Alex is getting at so you head downstairs before anything happens. 
When you knock on the door to Alex’s streaming room, his face lights up at the sight of you. 
“Babe!” Alex greets before turning and making grabby hands at you. 
You make your way over to him and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into frame. You wave to the camera and listen as you’re greeted by the boys. 
“Baby? Ask Dream what he just said.” 
“Dream what did you just say?” you ask now confused that Alex and George are harping on the same question. 
“We’re gonna play GTA,” Dream repeats uncertainly. 
Alex presses play on something and suddenly his voice starts to play over the speakers. Your smile widens and you start to laugh uncontrollably as Alex stands and stretches his arms wide. 
“Where are the askers my friend?” Alex sings over the speakers and you’re on the ground laughing as your boyfriend chants excitedly knowing he got Dream. 
“WOOO!!! NOBODY ASKED!!” The boys yell and Dream is silent making you cackle even harder. 
“Baby thank you for the help,” Alex says helping you up and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. 
“Glad to be of service. And Dream, nobody asked,” you mention before leaving the room. 
“That’s my baby!! Dream! Dream!” you hear Alex yelling as you exit the room. 
You giggle uncontrollably as you head back upstairs and sit down at your desk. Moments like those, practically any moment spent with Alex reminds you why you’ve fallen head over heels for the energetic boy. 
He kept you on your toes constantly, you never knew what was going to happen next whether it be him streaming, you two studying, out in public, whatever. His intense personality kept you entranced and you loved that. 
You loved that he was sweet to you. He was known for his loud voice and meme culture but with you it was soft touches, sweet words, encouraging smiles. Every little thing made you fall in love. 
Neither of you had said it to each other despite being in a relationship for over 6 months. You felt it in the deepest part of your heart all the way through your body whenever you were around Alex and you knew he felt it too. You weren’t scared that Alex wasn’t going to say it back, but you were nervous to say it first. 
A few hours pass as you continue to work and get over halfway done with your paper when you decide to check in on stream and take a break overall. You stand, stretching a bit before grabbing a sip of water and heading out to the kitchen for a snack. 
When you’re back in Alex’s room at his desk, you realize that it’s almost 2:30 am and everything is starting to wear on you. You definitely needed to get some sleep but you were almost finished with this paper and you knew you could finish it tonight and get some sleep the next day. 
As Karl’s stream now plays in the back and you listen for your boyfriend’s voice, your smile widens hearing him talk and yell with his friends. 
The boys had just finished their first game of quiplash and Alex was starting to worry about his girlfriend. He knew you worked yourself to the bone most days and he wanted to make sure you were taking breaks or at the very least heading to bed soon after writing practically all night. 
“Boys I’ll be right back,” he tells the guys before dipping from his setup. 
When he gets upstairs, the scene before Alex is nothing short of adorable. There you were, Karl’s stream still playing in the background as you snoozed lightly on your hands. 
Alex smiles at the sight, heart filling up with love instantly as he walks over to you. He grabs your phone first, turning it off before working on cleaning up the rest of your stuff surrounding you. 
Once finished cleaning up, Alex bends down till he’s looking up at you. He places a hand on your knee, shaking you awake lightly and you groan in response. 
“C’mere beautiful,” he says. 
Alex maneuvers you so you’re facing him before pulling your arms around his shoulders. When you have a good enough grip on him, he wraps his hands around the back of your thighs and lifts, pulling your legs around his waist and his chest is flush with yours. 
You snuggle into his warm embrace and while he takes a second to steady himself, he places a kiss to your temple. He finally moves, walking over to his bed and carefully places you upon it, and wraps you up in the blankets. 
“I’ll be back up soon,” he whispers, pressing another kiss to your head. 
“Alex, I love you,” you tell him sleepily. 
Alex stops dead in his tracks, his heart beating a million miles a minute. He had loved you the minute he heard your laugh. The second you had said a word to him. He couldn’t believe you had told him you loved him first. It was perfect for the two of you. 
“I love you too baby.” 
He leans down, gripping your chin lightly before pressing a kiss to your lips that’s basically all smiles from the both of you. Alex giggles, unable to contain his happiness as he leans down, pressing kisses all over your face and you return the same laugh and try to squirm away from his touch but to no avail. 
“I love you so much,” he says again before kissing you. 
He practically runs back downstairs, wanting to scream at the top of his lungs that you had just said I love you but when he gets back to stream, all he can do is smile. 
“Quackity?” Karl asks noticing the younger boy is back but hasn’t said a word. 
“You alright?” George asks knowing something's up. 
“She told me she loved me,” Alex says in a dreamlike state. 
“(y/n)?” Karl asks. 
“She told me she loved me,” Alex repeats again like it’s the only thing he’s gonna be able to say or think about for the rest of his life. 
“Oh my god!” Karl yells
“Congratulations!” Sykkuno responds sweetly and in between the noise, Alex realizes he needs to go be with his girl. 
“Hey guys? I gotta go,” he continues. 
“Go get her!” Karl yells. 
Alex signs off, shutting everything off quickly before racing back upstairs. He finds you still half asleep on the bed and his heart melts all over again. 
“Baby!” he yells before running and jumping into bed. 
He partially lands on you, making you groan in response but when he pulls you into his embrace, laying on top of him and you see him beaming up at you, you know you’re the reason he’s hyper tonight. 
“I love you,” he says. 
“I love you.” 
“You know I’m gonna say that all the time now right?” he asks. 
“I hope so.”
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goingmorry · 3 years
The Art of Domesticity [Trafalgar Law x Fem! Reader]
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Synopsis: On a whim, Law decides to indulge you with a hot bath. Feeling lethargic despite your nap, you are more than delighted to take him up on his offer.
Tags: domestic fluff, sexually suggestive themes, male and female nudity, established relationship
Word Count: 2,161
In the depths of the Grand Line, deadly sea creatures swim idly by, patiently waiting for the next unsuspecting shipwrecked pirate to serve as their next meal.
Not long after, an unknown object of immeasurable speed barrels across the ocean floor, whirring past the mess of Sea Kings. Intent on chomping down on the foreign entity, the creatures join together in pursuit.
A yellow submarine, adorned with a Jolly Roger resembling a smiley face and inscribed with the words "DEATH,"  shakes beneath the water pressure.
The Polar Tang, home to the notorious Heart Pirates, aggressively reverberates in response to the Sea Kings' pursuit, mimicking the chaos inside the ship.
Meanwhile, in the control room, Captain Trafalgar Law stands at attention, face impassive as he calmly assesses the situation. In contrast to the rest of the crew's panicked behavior, Law had complete confidence in his crew's ability to make it out of this predicament unharmed. Right on cue, Law watches as his navigator, Vice-Captain Bepo, expertly maneuvers the ship away from dubious underwater beasts and excess debris. Under Bepo's supervision, Shachi and Penguin carefully operate the numerous controls to keep the sub afloat. In the engine room, Ikkaku and Jean Bart attend to the ship's generators, air compressors, and fuel pumps, ensuring their pristine condition during the onslaught.
After weeks of being submerged, the Polar Tang steadily heads to the surface. And with every second that passes, the distance between the pirates and the monsters increases until the vessel can no longer be seen by their pursuers. Sure enough, having lost sight of their target, it became apparent to the Sea Kings that they were no match for the submarine's speed. Where the ship once was, only faint bubble traces remain.
Unbeknownst to the pirate crew, loud rumbling sounds vibrate across the sea bed, the Sea Kings' roars echoing across the deep oceans, scaring away small fishes that dare to come close.
"We've lost sight of them, Captain," Bepo exclaims, swiveling his chair in Law's direction.
"So it seems," Law says, grabbing the nearby Den Den Mushi to announce their successful escape to the entire crew.
Almost immediately, Penguin and Shachi cheer in conjunction with the rest of the crew's boisterous laughter. To celebrate their victory, the Polar Tang resurfaces, providing an opportunity for the crew to receive some much-needed sunlight.
The turbulent atmosphere moments ago can no longer be found, replaced by a serene calmness. In celebration, the Heart Pirates gather in the upper deck, engaging themselves in various recreational activities. The perfect time to disappear for a bit, Law thinks.
Voicing these thoughts, Law directly addresses Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. "I'll be in my room."
Shachi nudges Penguin, suggestively wiggling their eyebrows at each other. Bepo curiously looks at the duo, sneaking glances at his captain, while Law scowls at their childishness.
"Don't worry, Captain! We'll make sure no one bothers you two!" Penguin blurts out, earning a swift elbow to his ribs.
"You idiot! Be more discreet next time!" Shachi angrily whispers in Penguin's ear, looking around to see if anyone was eavesdropping on their conversation, before continuing, "They're still in the honeymoon phase."
"More like hornymoon phase," Penguin huffs, causing both of them to break out in uncontrollable giggles. Bepo lets out an innocent smile.
Choosing not to respond since nothing he could say could convince Shachi and Penguin otherwise, Law hurries to his quarters, leaving the two to their incessant bickering.
- - - - - - - - - -
Standing in front of his bedroom,  Law raises his hand to give two light raps to the door. He frowns at the lack of response, turning the door handle to reveal your upper body sprawled on his desk. He pauses for a moment before walking over to your slumped form. Upon closer inspection, you were sleeping soundlessly, seemingly unaware of earlier's events. Your head was nestled atop your forearms, an expression of serenity overcoming your features. Sheets of paper and various writing instruments were strewn across the corner of the desk, haphazardly pushed aside to accommodate your slumbering figure.
Law lifts his tattooed hand, gently brushing the stray hair that had fallen on your face. He runs his fingers across your unruly hair, noticing several tangled knots that had formed. Despite your less-than-ideal appearance, however, you never looked more beautiful in his eyes.
Deciding to let you sleep for a moment longer, Law saunters over to the bathroom, intent on running a bath for himself and you, should you choose to wake up in time to join him.
The sound of the water steadily splashing as it fills the tub is enough to rouse you.
Your eyes flutter open, turning around in search of the source of the noise before landing on the ajar door leading to the bathroom. A familiar lanky figure - sporting his signature leopard jeans - crouches over the tub. You couldn't see the top half of his body, but you were pretty sure he was monitoring the tub's water level. Not long after, you hear the sound of the faucet turning, and the water stops. Law stands up, walking over to lean against the doorframe. His golden eyes meet yours in amusement, mouth turning upward in a slight smirk.
"Mmm... Did something happen?" you mumble, voice raspy from your nap. You stretch your arms over your head, groaning in satisfaction before leaning back against the headrest of the chair. Despite the needed rest, you didn't feel as refreshed as you'd hoped. You felt so exhausted, your lips dry and your mouth parched.
Law must have noticed your tiredness in your appearance and voice. He reacts almost immediately, enveloping you in a familiar blue film. "Room," he says in that low tone you've come to love before a mug of water appears on the desk in front of you. You blink at him in surprise, humming appreciatively.
"I... Thanks," you say, gripping the mug between your hands before taking generous gulps. He can be so thoughtful when he wants to be, you think, unable to hide the smile gracing your lips as you do so.
He returns your hidden smile with a smile of his own. "Nothing important," he vaguely adds.
You look at him in confusion before realizing his was response was to your previous question. You nod in acknowledgment, deciding not to pry, before setting the now empty mug aside.
Law walks over to his side of the bed, pulling his cap off to set it down on the nightstand, keeping it relatively safe and away from tonight's activities.
"I ran you a bath. Get in it."
He glances at you before striding over to the bathroom. You cock an eyebrow at his retreating figure.
Before you have the chance to retort, he pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it over to the laundry basket. The sight of his muscled backside, inked with his jolly roger, makes the words die in your throat.
Before you can stop yourself, your tongue peeks out from the corner of your mouth to moisten your chapped lips. Your thirst was for an entirely different reason now.
"Don't keep me waiting." As if seemingly aware of his effect on you, Law disappears behind the door, the sound of clothes rustling reach your ears, no doubt the sound of the remainder of his clothes being shed. You can hear the amusement dripping in his honeyed tone, can picture the full-blown smirk evident on his face.
You reflexively gulp, feeling your body flush in response to his invitation. You've seen Law naked plenty of times by now, you reassure yourself. Have become well-acquainted with each other's bodies. Know firsthand how the heart tattoo inked on his chest ripples under your teasing touch as your hands trail down his chiseled abs. How the sweat glistens his toned skin and how his usually impassive face contorts in pleasure as he thrusts into-
You shake your head to keep the dirty thoughts at bay.
We're just having a nice relaxing bath together, you think, not entirely convincing yourself.
Following his lead, you stroll over to the laundry basket, stripping yourself of your clothing to join Law in the bath. Your head peeks out from the corner of the open bathroom door while the rest of your naked body remains in the bedroom, away from his prying eyes, your nervous gesture making it appear as though you were an innocent virgin.
Adorable, he thinks.
You look at each other expectantly, your eyes admiring his perfectly relaxed posture. His jet-black hair was in disarray, poking out in all directions, evidence of his combing through them in a careless fashion. His arms were stretched to the sides, slim fingers gripping the edges of the tub. His naked upper body was in full display; the dark ink of his tattoos was a stark contrast to the white bubbles that formed on the surface of the water, obscuring the lower half of his body.
You clear your throat, eyes returning to meet his golden ones that were alight with apparent amusement. "Sorry to intrude."
Law chuckles, the sound of his baritone voice echoing across the bathroom walls, only for your ears to hear. When you take a step forward and close the door behind you, his eyes drop to your naked form, shamelessly admiring your breasts and derrière.
"You look like you're enjoying yourself," you say indignantly, pausing right in front of the tub, his brazen admiration of your nudity quickly restoring your confidence.
"I am," he says without hesitation, golden hues darkening with desire at your bold gesture.
Leaning over the tub, you bring your face close to his, lips a breath away from touching. For a moment, you pull back to admire his rugged handsomeness, fingers ghosting over his goatee to his cheek before settling on the back of his neck. Lightly tugging his hair, you pull him in for a chaste kiss, your free hand grasping the edge of the tub for balance. Law has other plans, however, as he reciprocates by licking the bottom of your lips for permission to dive into the wet expanse of your mouth. You let him, of course, moaning at the feel of his demanding tongue as it fights against yours for control.
His hand snakes across the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of hair and tugging, mirroring your previous actions, while his other hand firmly kneads your breast. You groan against his mouth at the display of dominance in his rough handling of your body, loving how depraved he can be when aroused by you.
After what seems like an eternity, his hands gently encircle your waist, coaxing your body to join him into the warm pool of the tub. You oblige, breaking off the kiss to positioning yourself in between his legs, facing toward him. You sigh in contentment at the feel of the bubbled water and the warmth emanating from his bare body. Making an executive decision not to escalate further should both of you decide to forego the bath in favor of more risque activities, you avoid the softness of his lips. Instead, your mouth latches onto his neck, leaving trailing kisses to his jaw before stopping to rest your head at the crook of his shoulder. In response, Law sighs in defeat, hands rubbing reassuring circles against your back. The heated passion of your earlier kiss was replaced with soothing affection.
"Will you wash my hair?" you ask, voice slightly muffled against his skin.
Law looks down at your head nuzzled against him, eyes softening at your vulnerable state. "Honestly, you're hopeless without me," he says before nudging you over to turn around.
You do as your told, adjusting yourself into a comfortable position. His hands reach over the side of the tub for your shampoo, squeezing a sizable portion onto his hands, lathering it up into a foam. His hands weave into your hair, softly massaging the shampoo into your scalp in circular motions, careful to avoid your ears.
You can't help the wide grin that stretches across your face, thankful that your lover can't see your smile from the way you're positioned away from him. Trafalgar Law - a notoriously fearsome pirate, Captain of the Heart Pirates, and a former Warlord of the Sea - is the perfect picture of a doting boyfriend as he methodically applies shampoo onto his girlfriend's head, eyebrows furrowing in deep concentration.
"I love you," you say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
His hands still for a moment before resuming their ministrations. And though you've said it plenty of times before, he can't help the wild beating of his fragile heart in response to your sincere declaration.
While words fail him, actions don't. Law pulls you into a comforting hug, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders as you lean back against his defined chest, blissful in each other's embrace.
- - - - - - - - - -
Please like and reblog if you enjoyed my writing! I'd love to hear feedback. 💖
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pars-ley · 3 years
Pure unadulterated payback
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Pairing: Jaebeom x Female reader
Summary: After getting stood up one too many times you decide to torture your husband in the most painful way you can...sexually.
Genre: Smut / Established relationship / Husband au / Dom reader / Sub Jaebeom / Sexual punishment 
Rating: 18+ (NSFW)
Warnings: Masturbation ( female and male) / Dildo use / Mentions of gagging / Oral f.receiving / Unprotected sex (you know the dealio) / Explicit language / Dom/Sub themes
Beta reader: @sugasbabiie thank you for the best suggestions!
Notes: This is for @ssssssul for her request from my prompt game 'milestone madness'. Sorry it took me such a long time, really hope it's what you were looking for.
You could hear his footsteps on the stairs. An excited knot in your stomach tightens as the sound grows nearer and nearer to your bedroom. 
You change the position of your naked body to give him the full, front row experience when he enters, to show him exactly what he's in for tonight.
"Baby, I'm so, so sorry. I got stuck at work and couldn't call." He calls out to you, genuine sorrow in his voice, almost making you take pity on him...almost. "Please, don't be ma-"
He freezes at the threshold, his eyes wide as he takes in the sight of your legs spread eagle and your fingers delicately exploring your already wet pussy.
Moaning, you watch the agony contort his face as he quickly realises the game you're playing.
"Baby, I am sorry." He pleads, sinking to his knees and crawling to the end of the bed, knowing his place and assuming his role.
"Please." He looks up at you with a pained expression. "Don't make me beg."
Your expression, however, remains cold and hard as your eyes remain focused on his, baring down and refusing to give in until you've had your fun.
You slide two fingers into yourself, biting your lip as you beckon your own sweet spot. Every move is slow and deliberate, bringing across your other hand to massage your swollen, throbbing clit. A bolt of pleasure shoots straight to your core, fresh arousal coating your fingers, the warm slick only spurring you on.
The feel of his warm, firm grip wrap around your ankles makes you still. 
"I don't think so." You say, raising a challenging eyebrow at him, daring him to make another bold move you disapprove of.
He begrudgingly removes the clasp around your legs and sinks back to the end of the bed.
Sitting up, you stalk towards him, watching the hope light up his eyes like a match in the dark. 
You push your two wet fingers inside his mouth and watch as he sucks them in eagerly, moaning and rolling his eyes as your arousal hits his tongue.
The sensation of his tongue along the length of your digits has fresh lust flowering in your core. When he grabs your wrist to push your fingers further inside his mouth, you decide he's had enough and shove him away. He steadies himself and crawls back, gripping onto the edge of the bed, knuckles already white.
Sinking back on the bed and leaning over to your bedside table, pulling out your trusted dildo and hearing him groan as his face collapses against the bed. "Baby, please. I'll make it up to you; you know I will." He says, voice muffled in the bedsheets.
Ignoring him, you stick the dildo in your mouth, letting it hit the back of your throat, the reflex of gagging coating the shaft with your saliva.
You hold it against your entryway, smirking seductively as you slide it slowly inside you, the stretch causing you to call out with pleasure and back arch up towards the ceiling.
“You’re killing me here.” He whines, the sound so needy you can’t help but laugh, smugness overwhelming you for a moment.
You watch him lift one knee on the frame of the bed, palming at his erect crotch through his trousers with sheer frustration. 
“Please, please let me touch you, taste you. God, sit on my face, ride me like a bull, please, whatever you want. Use me.” the desperate quiver in his voice brings you even more satisfaction.
Sliding the sex toy in and out, hitting that sensitive spot inside you repeatedly made your toes curl. The wet sounds of your soaking pussy bounce off the walls along with your lustful moans in the otherwise silent room.
You feel the tight pull low in your stomach, the sweet build-up growing and making you writhe with desperate want, seeking your end. 
You look over at Jaebeom, wanting your eyes to be on him when you finally let go, only to see him standing, leaning over you, pumping his shaft eagerly. A sheen of sweat on his furrowed brow glitters under the light. The sight of him pleasuring himself is enough to tip you over the edge of the pleasure precipice as your body twitches with bolts of ecstasy.
His face inches away from your pulsating sex contracting around your dildo. You ride out your orgasm, crying out and repeating his name. 
Once your body steadies, your heartbeat not yet returned to normal, you slide the dildo out and collapse back on the bed.
"Please, forgive me, god, I'll do anything." His whisper cuts through the silence like a knife. He clings to the edge of the bed, his throbbing erection still out, precum leaking from the tip.
You sit up and close the distance between you, crawling along the mattress. "I'm getting real tired of being stood up, Jae. You do it again, and I'll have your balls resembling blueberries. Do we understand each other?"
He nods vigorously. "I do; I'm so sorry. I'll be better. I'm sorry, my love."
"You are forgiven." You agree. You've barely finished your sentence when his mouth is on you, lips crushing yours in a heated, passionate dance.
He gently but firmly pushes your back onto the bed, kisses traveling down to your breasts at rapid speed, sucking in your nipples and massaging your generous chest.
His mouth and hands feel like they're everywhere at once, as your sated hunger comes back with ravenous force.
You gasp as you feel his hot, wet mouth envelope your sex, his lips and tongue expertly exploring every part of you.
You find your back already arching, your core pulled tight and ready to spring so soon with every perfect flick of his tongue.
He's making you a babbling mess underneath him, a punishment of his own, you were sure, but you're more than happy to oblige.
"Oh baby, you taste so good." His breath fans out across you, sending a delicious shiver up your spine.
He climbs up your body and kisses you, your orgasm coated on his lips, and you taste yourself hungrily.
He lines up to your entryway and slides in, both of you whimpering against each other. 
"Oh, fuck!" He calls out when he's bottomed out inside you.
He moves his hips in the most hypnotising, rhythmic manner, and you find yourself uncontrollably grinding against him, searching your end already.
"Baby, I want you on top. Ride me, use my dick to make yourself cum." He gently flips you both over, positions switched, and you waste no time in doing as he says.
You wind your hips in circles, reducing him to a moaning mess underneath you. His hands grip onto your buttocks so hard they'll surely leave bruises, but you don't care. You're chasing your high as you feel your orgasm building, your arousal running down his length and the sound of it spurring you on to pick up the pace.
"I'm gonna cum." You announce knowing how much it turns him on.
"That's it, baby, let go." 
Your legs stiffen and twitch as you contract around him, milking him of his own orgasm,  feeling his hot seed spill inside you, and watching his face contort in the most perfect way. You lean down and kiss him, both of you breathless and basking in love for each other. 
His arm snakes around your waist, pulling you down beside him as his fingers trace soft lines against your skin, causing little goosebumps to appear in their path. 
"I am sorry. I will do better, my love." He says quietly into the silence.
"Good, I hope so."
"Let me cook; we'll have a nice dinner on the patio, then I'll run you a bath."
"Sounds perfect. Do I get a free service with that bath?" You ask, sliding your foot up his leg.
"You can have anything you want." He winks at you, excitement blooming inside you.
You can't help but take his plump bottom lip between your teeth and bite down. "I want you, all night."
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koutarouthighs · 4 years
『 orange slices 』
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S U M M A R Y ― orange slices are usually eaten during or after sports events to replenish hydration, vitamins, and antioxidants; these characters can be forgetful, so what will you do to help them remember that sometimes it’s important to take care of themselves even though all they want to do is get lost in the game of volleyball?
post type ➺ headcanons fandom  ➺ haikyuu!! characters  ➺ daichi ⧾ bokuto ⧾ kuroo genre ➺ fluff tags ➺ college!au; established relationship;  word count ➺ 2k+ request ➺ [YES/NO]      ↳ request here!
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⤭ people always tease you and daichi, calling you mom and dad, or playing around and saying, “oh, it’s like you two are already married!” and you suppose, most of the time, they’re right. you two just click. ⤭ you try to make it to as many of daichi’s intramural games as possible, given your busy school and work schedule. and every time, without fail, whenever he spots you on the green chatting with another one of the player’s girlfriends, that signature little bento box is seated safely beside you. ⤭ after the game is over, he snags one last refill of water from the team jug before jogging over to you, standing in the way of the sun so you’re not blinded when you look up at him. although, he shines brightly enough all on his own that it’s still tough not to narrow your eyes even just a little. ⤭ he makes small talk with the girls around you, their boyfriends slowly trickling in as they wrap up from their games. daichi sits next to you, hand on your knee, careful never to interrupt or overstep, always aware of you in every capacity. there is laughter as you all share stories about your least favorite professors and that one assignment you just can’t shake. ⤭ daichi waits until his stomach growls to make a move for the bento, knowing that the box is big enough for the both of you. you unravel it carefully, putting the cloth wrapping to the side before allowing him to unlock the lid.
more below the cut ↴
daichi’s eyes practically roll into the back of his head as the steam from the still-warm meat and rice wafts upward to his face. he sighs and leans forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek before taking the set of chopsticks and digging into the food.
everyone else is watching you two, in awe or disgust at the natural ease of your relationship. you two sit closely, read one another’s minds as you get him a napkin when you see sauce drip from his chin, and he passes you the thermos filled with some sort of tea when he notices you trying to stifle a cough.
“thanks, honey,” daichi wipes his face clean before kissing your temple this time, one hand on the back of your head to steady you as he leans forward. he tucks his tissue into the empty box and nuzzles your cheek with his nose, “you always make such good lunch.”
it’s a simple recipe, one even tanaka couldn’t screw up, but the affectionate words are not lost on you. your face still heats, your eyes still avert his saccharine gaze, and your skin still buzzes at the sound of him. you thank him in that small voice you get when you feel self-conscious, and daichi wraps you up in his arms, pulling you tightly against his still-damp chest, mouth against the shell of your ear, “i’m so lucky to have you, y’know? always looking out for me.”
“daichi,” you groan, your skin burning as he kisses your cheek relentlessly, uttering little sweet nothings against your face like stardust. you wrinkle your nose and shove at him, but it has no intent. you curl your fingers around his jersey, “we look after each other, you silly goose. no need to thank me.”
daichi huffs and you look up at him, noting the wrinkle in his brow. just as you go to ask him what’s wrong, if you’ve said something that’s hurt him, his lips part, “i will never stop thanking you for being the wonderful person that you are. if i do, then i’m taking you for granted and that’s not fair.”
you know that he’s being overly dramatic, but you don’t have the heart to refute him. rather, you press your palm to his cheek and tilt your head upward to meet him halfway, a warm kiss passed from you to him. daichi’s hands seize around your waist, an anchor holding you to the grassy lawn you’ve been camped out on since early this morning. he sighs as you pull away, utterly enraptured by your graceful nature, “you deserve the whole world, darling. i just hope that what i can give you comes close enough.”
and you know that it will be. daichi was always more than enough.
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⤭ bokuto always forgets his water bottle, no matter how many little notes you leave around the apartment as a reminder for him to pick it up, or how often you place it in the most easy-to-find and obvious places, he still manages to forget it entirely ⤭ even though he’s too focused on the intramural game to text you and ask you to bring it, you always show up after you’ve done your morning study routine with his huge water canister filled to the brim with ice cold h2o ⤭ after the first set, when he gets a five minute break before they start up again, bokuto spots you with that signature black water bottle hooked by the key chain attached to it’s lid looped around your finger, swaying it back and forth in midair, a little smirk-turned-smile on your pretty lips ⤭ bokuto has no bashfulness when it comes to your relationship. he loves you, is totally smitten, and wants everyone to know it. so he has no qualms with running across the green to pick you up around the waist and hoist you into the air, twirling you as he blabbers a dozen different thank you’s ⤭ he’s always so appreciative of the way you never get upset that he’s forgotten something yet again. rather, you pick up his slack, helping out where he lacks. today this trait shows by you bringing by his water bottle [and a little bento box filled with his favorite food for after the game is over]
"i left it on the front doorstep, bo,” you chastise him just before he manages to plant a kiss on your lips, effectively cutting short your admonishments. he chuckles, the sound reverberating his chest and yours, before settling you down on the ground so you can get your bearings straight before he kisses the breath out of you all over again, “yeah, but then i wouldn’t have had an excuse to come over here and kiss you.”
your whole body goes hot, from ears to toes, and you look down at his sneaker-clad feet so you don’t have to stare up into his shimmering golden irises. but bokuto, ever the steady-hand, notches his knuckle under your chin to tilt your head upward, “thank you, baby. i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“dehydrate,” you deadpan, trying your hardest to keep from turning to a molten pit of lava right here on the campus green, “starve.”
“you little...” a mirthful smirk tugs on his lips and then he’s devouring you all over again, grabbing you around the waist and invading your space as he leans forward to kiss you square on the mouth.
“bokuto! time to start the next set!”
reluctantly, and with a low growl, he departs from you, raising a pale brow as he nudges your nose with his, planting one last chaste kiss to your mouth, “gonna watch the rest of the game, babe?”
you nod, smiling as he pulls away, “of course, bo. i always watch your games.”
“just checking,” bokuto pinches your hips before finally unraveling from you, “can’t wait to show you my new power serve i’ve been working on! you better watch me!”
pushing him away, you lick your lips and grin uncontrollably, his energy infectious as he bounces on his heels at the sight of you and the thought of playing another set of volleyball. you take a breath before nodding up at him, “i can’t wait to see it, kou. you’re always amazing.”
he can’t help but to kiss your cheek one last time before jogging back towards the volleyball court, his water bottle still hooked around your finger, forgotten once again.
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⤭ kuroo is not forgetful of his things like jerseys, water bottles, etc. but he can lose track of time. usually he’ll have played so many games without eating that you have to interrupt him after a few games too many and only then does he realize how lightheaded he is. ⤭ you press your palms to his heated, sweaty face and force him to focus on you, reminding him that he needs to take a break every now and then. his eyes will flit around for a moment before he finally zeroes in on your features. ⤭ one of his classmates who has been taking a break on the bench tells kuroo that he’s going to sub in for him, he wants to try blocking against the other team for a while. you know it’s just the classmate trying to help you out, so you give him a small nod over kuroo’s shoulder and then turn back to your boyfriend. ⤭ you force kuroo to sit down on the grass underneath a big tree, the shade already cooling him down as he guzzles water from his bottle for a few moments without speaking. you simply sit next to him, keeping your distance because you can tell by his posture and the flush of his skin that he’s overheated, and you don’t want to contribute to his warmth by touching him with your palm to his knee. ⤭ finally, after a few minutes, he looks across at you with a genuine grin on his lips, his eyes practically lighting up at the sight of you now that he can see you in your entirety. he reaches towards you to press a palm to your cheek, tilting his head before kissing you slowly.
"you worry me, tetsu,” you whisper as he pulls away, your fingers clutching at his jersey.
kuroo kisses the tip of your nose and then your forehead, smoothing your hair away from your face before sitting back on his thighs, still towering over you even as you sit close together. his free hand drifts to your knee, drawing little swirling motions along your skin, warmed from the sunshine beating down through the sparse leaves of the tree, “i know, sweetheart. i just get lost in the game sometimes, i forget how long i’ve been playing. i promise i’ll be better.”
the same promises every time, but you know that he misses playing with nekoma. he misses being a captain. he misses the camaraderie. and who are you to tell him that he can’t have that any longer? who are you to rob him of his sidelined dreams that are played out now in the form of recreational volleyball?
instead of arguing, you purse your lips, silently asking him for another bout of affection. kuroo chuckles before obliging, rather enthusiastically, tackling you down into the grass. he loiters over you, lanky and long and bulking as always, broad shoulders down to a trim waist, knees caging you in on either side of your hips.
“thank you,” he murmurs as he pulls away, translucent lids still partially hiding his amber irises from your view, “i don’t know where i’d be without you to bring me back down to earth.”
“you’d manage,” you whisper, tracing his jawline with your thumb, “but i like to think i make your life a little easier.”
a slow blink and the gentle tilt of his head has you completely enraptured in the beauty of his eyes coupled with his smile. every time you see him, you’re completely blindsided by his mere presence, and he never ceases to amaze you, no matter how many days you spend together. your fingers slot into his hair at the nape of his neck, thumbs brushing along his throat, like this is what you were built to do, easy and smooth.
kuroo kisses your lower lip and then your top lip, paying closest attention to every part of you, “i don’t think you know how much you mean to me, baby. guess i’ll just have to remind you.”
if you two get lost in each other against the tree trunk, the sun setting and bringing about a newfound chill in the air, nobody seemed to notice. almost as if you two were in your own world, completely lost, unable to know where one of you ends and the other begin. eventually you have to go home, but for now you’re going to bask in one another’s presence.
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subscorpsupremacy · 3 years
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Fire and Ice    
Chapter 1: You Will Scream
Sunlight filtered down the serene bamboo forest. Somewhere in the distance, a bird called out to its mate faintly, and even fainter, its wings flapped into the distance. If tranquility were to have meaning, it would be this. A lone figure clad in yellow and black hood stood in the middle of the forest. Silver armor that adorned it glinted under the soft daylight. It was as still as could be and not even its breathing made any sound. Then, swiftly, a glint of steel, and a bamboo pole split along its length, cut cleanly in two. The bamboo halves fell on the ground with a dull thud. A blur of yellow made its way across the forest floor and in its wake, bamboos started falling.
A few moments later, a group of people dressed in black with yellow bands or masks followed the falling bamboo. They appeared to be following the yellow figure, and failing spectacularly. All they were catching were the falling bamboo, and the elusive target was extending its distance by the second.
The group desperately tried to speed up until finally they seem to have caught their target in a clearing. At least that was what they thought, for apparently the figure appeared to have stood still and waited for them.
"Your instructions were to catch the bamboo before they even reach the ground. How could you hope to track me if you couldn't catch up at all?"
The group bowed their heads in shame. "Apologies, Grandmaster."
"I do not wish to resort to harsh measures, but I am very unhappy with your lack of progress. You have until next week to show me some progress. Dismissed."
Hanzo scowled as his students took their leave. They did not dare talk back to him, but he could hear them muttering in the distance as they ran farther. He was lost in thought on how he could hone his students so much so that he did not notice a flash of sunlight reflected from a throwing knife until it was mere inches from him. It was too late to deflect. The ninja vanished in a flash of flame and reappeared amongst the bamboo. He barely just materialized when again knives flew at his direction, as if anticipating him. Hanzo rolled over and was forced back into the clearing. His assailant seems to be familiar with the his evasive tactics.
Hanzo's eyes darted left and right as he tried to scan his surroundings, trying to assess the situation and determine where his attacker might be. Very few would dare to take on the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster in his own territory, and even fewer would be able to land such close calls.
From behind him the air protested as it was split by more daggers cutting their path towards the ninja. He was able to deflect the first dozen of them but a stray one almost hit his left foot. Hanzo was forced to reposition, and this cost him his balance, and his attempt to deflect the last dagger instead disarmed his katana.
Wasting no time, he drew out his rope spear. Hanzo gritted his teeth. He was getting annoyed at his assailant. Earthrealm has been quiet for a few years now, and there has been no alerts sent out by the Special Forces or the Lin Kuei of any new threats.
Hanzo quickly drew a map of the bamboo forest in his mind. He knew that his assailant would have to be within the forest as well, and judging by the angles the weapons were coming from, whoever threw them would have to be very quick as well. In fact, quick enough to match his movement. Hanzo decided he had no choice but to scout his attacker by quickly hellporting across the forest. Bursts of flame and cinder littered the forest as the ninja scanned the area, trying to locate his opponent. At last he found his attacker covered in black darting around the forest clearing. Before Hanzo could attack, a dagger flew in front of him. It came from another direction.
"Two assassins?" Hanzo thought. That was troubling. The assassin he spotted picked up speed and vanished.
Hanzo flung his spear into the direction where the dagger came from and pulled it back as soon as the rope became taut. The spear dragged with it what looked like another assassin dressed in black, except, it began to crumble as it flew through the air. Hanzo retrieved his spear completely empty. Whatever it was that got caught by the spear completely disintegrated in mid-air.
Hanzo landed on the forest floor and before he could jump or hellport, there was a flash of faint blue light and he found himself unable to move. His spear fell limp and hung just a few inches from the ground.
A pair of feet landed softly from behind and Hanzo thought he heard fabric being unfurled and thrown to the ground.
Hanzo was prepared to burst into flames but before he could muster the strength, he felt a hand grab the knot of his hair, pull it back briefly only to bash his head forward. Hanzo hit something solid and he was dazed from the impact. His vision was blurred and he could not figure out what kept him immobile. He felt another hand around his waist, reaching around for the belt that kept his blades in place. The groping hand seemed satisfied that the katana was already disarmed, so it went for the wakizashi instead. The shorter blade was removed from Hanzo's belt and was thrown into the ground several feet away.
The hand on the back of Hanzo's head relaxed and withdrew just a little and then combed aggressively through his hair and pulled, forcing Hanzo's head back up.
Hanzo could hear soft breathing from his right ear as the assailant drew closer.
"Are you burning out?" a familiar deep voice asked.
Cold air wafted against Hanzo's skin as his pants were forcibly taken down. And fingers that felt familiar, fingers that usually gripped his thighs, clawed his back, and grasped his cock, were instead pushing themselves inside Hanzo's exposed hole. The Shirai Ryu grunted as he was penetrated and stretched by the invading fingers he knew very well. His heart raced as he quickly tried to detect if any of his students went back because of the commotion. At that time he was thankful his students' perception were not up to par, for they would have seen their grandmaster caught and being loosened by an old sworn enemy. And as the Shirai Ryu grandmaster uttered a small sigh of relief at the absence of his students, his hole stretched open as it was penetrated by an impressive manhood that was uncommonly warm for its owner. As the cock pierced through the ring of muscle, Hanzo's ass seemed to welcome it and pulled it in smoothly, until it was completely plugged by the base of the shaft, and balls gently touched the entrance of his hole. The cock's girth imposed steady pressure inside Hanzo, and it was a comfortable combination of pleasure and pain.
"I hope you understand the stakes of the game you are trying to play, Sub-Zero," Hanzo grunted as the Lin Kuei Grandmaster rocked his hips in a circular motion, sweeping Hanzo's insides and probing for the sweet spot.
Hanzo let out an embarassing moan, one that is usually heard from Kuai, as the probing cock pressed against the ninja's prostate.
Kuai chuckled. "You will scream."
Kuai pushed Hanzo's head back a bit more and started to rock his hips ever so slightly, tortorously slow and deliberately steady. And yet its effect on Hanzo was profound, as it forced him to really feel the stimulation of his spot and the stretching of hole. Hanzo bit his lip. A drop of sweat slid from his forehead down to his nose. Sub-Zero's calculated cool approach had the Shirai Ryu curling his toes with only the first few gyration of hips.
Kuai thrusted in again at a glacial pace, and Hanzo could only respond with a drawn out moan.
"Damn you, Kuai," Hanzo cursed. Kuai should be under the ninja's mercy, and not the other way around. Kuai pulled back very slowly again, not heeding Hanzo's protest. "Fuuuuuck..." Hanzo said but his voice trailed and his body shuddered.
Kuai kept his firm grip on Hanzo and slid in slowly again, Hanzo's hole stretching and closing, feeling the angry tip and every engorged vein along Kuai's shaft until once again it is plugged by the base.
"Fuck you, Kuai," Hanzo said, his eyes rolling up uncontrollably.
"I think you'll find I'm the one fucking you, Hanzo," Kuai whispered very softly to Kuai's ear, just before licking it purposefully slow. Hanzo's erection grew stiffer. The Lin Kuei pulled himself out yet again, stopping just before the tip slides out completely. "Surely the esteemed Shirai Ryu Grandmaster can easily free himself..." Kuai removed his grip on Hanzo's hair and held both hips instead. Hanzo braced himself for another slow and steady thrust.
Still hovering beside Hanzo's ear, Kuai's mouth curled into a wide grin. "..but he won't." And in Kuai thrusted suddenly, hitting Hanzo's vulnerable spot with deadly precision.
-to be continued
Full image in my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33567382/chapters/83408371 or my twitter.
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misssquidtracy · 3 years
Noble Intentions (Part 1).
My contribution to Gordo’s FabFiveFeb week. Chapter 2 will spill over into the first day of Alan’s week, courtesy of a certain gorgeous aquanaut who insisted on making this 2x as long as originally planned.
Sorry not sorry, Alan ❤️
All credit for FabFiveFeb goes to the amazing @gumnut-logic 💚
Prompt: A memory.
Warnings: Mild strong language.
Genre: Humour.
Characters: Sea Bean & Land Cabbage.
“And that, ladies and gentleman, is a wrap!”
A sigh that somehow managed to bridge the gap between despair and disbelief filtered over the comm channel, “Don’t go Hollywood on me now, Thunderbird Four. Are the targets clear of the danger zone?”
“Yes siree,” came the rather chipper reply, “Hazardous material has been removed and ultrasonic sweeps show no more underwater casualties. Danger zone is officially cleared. Standby for pickup, Thunderbird Two.”
“F.A.B,” came the rich tones of brother Numero Dos, “Can you be Pacific about your location, please?”
“Careful, Virg. I have a license to krill, you know,” Gordon warned playfully, aligning the little yellow sub so that she was within grabbing distance of module four’s cable.
A snort was offered by Virgil in lieu of a verbal reply, “I never knew it was possible to stick one’s head so far up one’s ass. Tell me, what did you have for dinner last night?”
“Same thing as you, bro,” Gordon countered, watching happily as his newly relinquished charges swam off to freedom. An emergency call had come in from a concerned student at the University of Otago claiming that several members of the dolphin pod she was satellite tracking in Kaikoura had run afoul of a discarded fishing net. Ever eager to help an animal in distress and with the right gear at his disposal, Gordon had roused Virgil and politely requested that the engineer taxi him the two and a half thousand miles to New Zealand’s South Island.
A decent number of locals had joined the rescue effort by the time Thunderbird Two arrived on scene, and it was with unbridled joy that they cheered as the last dolphin was cut free by Four’s robotic arms. Aside from managing to dodge an animal welfare bullet, the cetaceans were a tourism magnet and thus, an invaluable source of income for the town.
“Kia ora! Thank you!” a young woman called, scurrying up to shake Gordon and Virgil’s hands, “I’m Mandy Harrell, and on behalf of the IMMA, I just want to say how grateful we are to International Rescue for your help here today.”
Gordon smiled warmly, “I’ve always admired the work of the Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force. The pleasure is all mine.”
“Having two representatives from the world’s most elite rescue organisation here will do wonders for our public image,” Mandy enthused, shaking her head in excited disbelief, “We’re trying to raise enough funds to conduct a clean-up operation along this section of coastline. We suspect the net you just removed is one of several left by a group of unregulated fishermen we apprehended last June. Our goal is to have the first five hundred meters of coast cleared by the time the humpbacks arrive next month, but at the rate things are going, we’ll be several thousand dollars shy of our target.”
A soft series of beeps sounded as Gordon’s comm picked up an incoming call, but he ignored it in favour of giving Mandy his undivided attention. It was probably just John checking in. Or Scott forewarning him that Grandma was cooking and that they were out of laxatives.
“Perhaps we could donate the remainder?” Gordon offered, “I’d be delighted to help you guys in any way that I can.”
Virgil felt apprehension crawl up his spine when Mandy smiled, but didn’t instantly accept the (rather generous) offer that had been had laid down.
“That’s incredibly kind of you, but we like to be as self-sufficient as possible where money is concerned,” the young woman replied, tilting her head to take the sting out of her words, “If you’d be willing to donate your time however, that would be greatly appreciated.”
“Sign me up!” Gordon exclaimed, raising his hand in a similar manner to Scott’s scout oath, “I’m sure Alan can cover for me if I take an extra day off this week. You get that, John? Take me off the roster for tomorrow, please. Forward all emergencies necessitating the use of Thunderbird Four to Alan. I’ll take over his Monday shift next week as compensation.”
“Done and done,” came the smooth reply of the middle brother, “And now we wait for the inevitable tantrum.”
A chuckle bubbled up Virgil’s diaphragm as he adjusted his sash and fixed Mandy with an inquisitive gaze, “So, what will you have him doing? Shovelling seaweed? Litter picking? Seagull whispering?”
Mandy let loose a laugh that sounded a fraction forced, “Not quite. We’re a new partner of Otago University and recently signed a collaboration agreement with their School of Arts for the upcoming semester. We were going to host a series of life drawing sessions out on the open water, but the university probably won’t commit after the publicity this incident will undoubtedly be on the receiving end of. Do either of you have any experience with modelling by any chance?”
Virgil had less than a second to intervene before Gordon started uncontrollably word vomiting.
“Oh yes!” the aquanaut swanked, preening like a peacock, “Vogue, Armani, Cosmo, Grazia, Gucci, Vanity Fair, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, Fendi, Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Balmain, Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and KFC have all had a piece of this perfectly symmetrical face over the years.”
The squeal that tore out of Mandy had Virgil wondering if she was as smart as her paper qualifications claimed. A discreet search of IMMA on his comm gauntlet had revealed a string of abbreviations after her name that rivalled the Cambodian alphabet, yet she seemed perfectly willing to believe that Gordon really had modelled for all of the companies he’d just listed.
In truth, the closest the fourth Tracy had come to modelling was when his swim trunks had ripped during a family trip to the Seychelles. The scathing email that Scott had penned to the CEO of Speedo had been accompanied by multiple pictures of said trunks (both on and off their owner), along with the threat of legal action should Gordon end up deported for ‘indecent exposure’.
“Perfect!” Mandy effused, her green eyes glowing with excitement, “Ticket sales will skyrocket with a member of International Rescue as the subject! I must ring Shona and tell her to re-book the town hall.”
Valuable blood drained from Gordon’s face as the reality of what he’d inadvertently signed up for dawned on him like a sunrise in hell, “Uh, I thought you just wanted me as a poster boy for your open water sessions? Y’know…posing with porpoises, photobombing seals…helping to smooth over the bad publicity, right? Getting people to focus on the good rather than the bad?”
Mandy shook her head, her brown curls bucking in the breeze that was buffeting the shore, “It’ll be all over the news that it was you guys who saved the day, not us. International Rescue’s presence here is the catalyst for a financial surge we can’t afford to miss. I’m begging you. The dolphins are begging you. Please, help us to help them.”
Gordon chewed his lip. While he was probably the brother least phased at the prospect of getting his kit off for charity, he knew that Scott would be on him like shit on velcro if his derriere ended up plastered across the front of every global news channel in all its bare glory.
“Thunderbird Two, a priority call just came in from a couple of wreck divers in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia,” John’s voice, ever calm and authoritative, served as both a welcome distraction and an excuse to leave, “Alan and Kayo just got called away to a flood in Columbia and Scott is on a conference call with Colonel Casey, which makes you two our closest and only available option.”
“Please say you’ll come?” Mandy wheedled, panic slipping into her voice when Virgil and Gordon began to walk towards Two’s cockpit platform, “It’ll just be for a few of hours, and there’ll be a free lunch.”
That got Gordon’s attention. He’d been prepared to agree for the sake of the dolphins and inbound humpbacks, but the promise of free food sealed the deal.
“Ten o’clock tomorrow!” the aquanaut yelled, waving as the platform began to ascend, “I’ll need a toasted cheese on granary and five of whatever your equivalent of Celery Crunch bars are!”
“Uh, Gordon?” Virgil’s voice was low and gentle, a stark contrast to the shrieks of delight Mandy was emitting, “Do I need to remind you about what happened last time you signed up for something like this?”
Any confidence the aquanaut had vanished quicker than a burp in a dust storm as a memory he’d worked hard to suppress began to surface.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
West Moon (坠月之宴) Chapter 2 Part.ONE
A story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. Contains detailed spoiler from the AU (Alternated Universe) - 坠月之宴 West Moon Story.
Read the previous chapter here
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There’s some sub-chapter which full of battle stage so I didn’t put it here.
Stories under the cut-
Chapter 2-1
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You are my only dream.
The wind passed through the bamboo forest that day,
I passed by a good dream.
Want to hear the sound
But he strayed into a scene in spring.
It broke the black city.
This time,
Who disturbed whom?
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The jade chess piece fell on the chessboard with a crisp sound and broke the silence around.
I opened my eyes in the mist, and the sky light had dimly lit up for unknown time.
The morning breeze brushed over the bamboo leaves, blowing away the mist, and the green lake in the distance also had its starting point ripples.
The stone tables and benches are still the same, but the pavilions surrounded by bamboo shadows make me feel a bit strange.
MC: Strange. Where am I?
At the last moment of my memory, obviously still staying in the backyard of the wine shop.
I propped up and looked down at the table that had just fallen. The magic qin that was originally placed on the stone table was gone, only a criss-cross chessboard.
On the chessboard, black and white pieces are clearly distinguished, and white pieces are surrounded by black pieces.
There was no smell of demons around, I faintly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to wonder if I was in a dream.
The situation in this dream seems to be familiar, as if I have seen it many times in the past.
During the three years of deep sleep, my consciousness has been trapped in long dreams for some reason. The blurry and chaotic dreams are like fragments of colored glaze, which cannot be put together into a complete picture.
Sometimes I traveled in the wilderness, sometimes in the purgatory, every dream, whether absurd or cruel, is a long torment.
But occasionally there will be moments when the breeze comes, like this pavilion.
MC: Will I see that person again this time?
Inexplicably, I have a kind of expectation in my heart that I can't express
There was no one around, so I picked up the white piece on the side of the chessboard and placed it according to the memory in my dream.
The person who played against me doesn't know where it came from
In my dream, the five senses are not working at all times. I don't remember his appearance very much, but I still remember a little voice.
Dreamer: You messed up like this
His voice seemed to sound in my ears again, and I was slightly lost. The chess piece between my fingers had just landed on a corner of the chessboard, and a gust of breeze suddenly passed over the bamboo forest behind me.
??: If you play in such a mess, you will ruin the game.
A gentle voice rang in the ear, as if overlapping with the voice in the memory.
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I turned around subconsciously, but a pair of hands came from behind and surrounded me.
The wide sleeves engraved overturned the chess game in front of him, and the black and white chess pieces rolled to the ground, making a jade-like sound.
The temperature that was about to fit behind my back came through the thin clothes. I was shocked, suppressing the exclamation from my mouth.
MC: ... It's you.
With a chuckle in my ear, the temperature that surrounded me left.
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Mysterious Man: We meet again.
There is a faint smile on the corners of his lips, and his gradually clear face gradually overlaps with the figure in the dream
MC: It's you who helped me repel those monsters. Who are you?
I squeezed my sleeves tightly and looked calmly at the person sitting opposite.
He didn't explain, letting his sleeves skimmed over the messy chess pieces on the table, he twisted a black piece casually.
Although the hidden energy in his body is strange, but he has no devilish energy in his body, and he does not look like a bad person...
But maybe because of the little bit of familiarity, or maybe because he saved me once, I didn't feel nervous.
MC: Sorry, I didn't mean to play this game of chess...
Mysterious Man: How can you conclude that this game of chess is mine just because I am here?
I was choked by his words, turned around and had to ask again.
MC: Where exactly is this?
Mysterious Man: Don't you know it?
He did not directly affirm my guess, but I still feel that he seems to be suggesting something.
MC: Why... you appear in my dream?
Mysterious Man: How do you know this is your dream, maybe you broke into my dream?
I froze for a moment, and met his dim eyes.
Those eyes were like cold pools with no bottom, but just a moment of looking at each other gave me a suffocating feeling of oppression.
But he casually continued to play with the chess pieces.
Mysterious Man: Or, the owner of the dream is not you and me.
Hearing what he said, I seemed to really feel the prying eyes in the dark.
The abrupt sound made my whole body tremble, and I turned back abruptly, but only a bamboo leaf fell to the ground.
I breathed a sigh of relief. A thin layer of sweat had formed on my back, but the uncomfortable feeling had not disappeared.
MC: When will this dream end?
I desperately wanted to leave the dream, but the only insider hid the chess pieces and placed them on the messy chessboard.
Mysterious Man: Can you play chess?
MC: .... I understand a little.
He looked up at me with a smile but didn't reveal my clumsy chess skills.
Mysterious Man: There is a way of talking in chess called "raid".
Mysterious Man: Once the catastrophe occurs, the two sides will be trapped in a cycle of incomprehension. Therefore, after the raid, one party can pick up one son, and the other must make another move before the raid can be resolved.
Although I don't know how to play chess, I know a little about these terms, but I don't know why he mentioned this.
Mysterious Man: The catastrophe in this game is you.
I heard it inexplicably, but it seemed that I knew what he was talking about, and looked at him more defensively.
MC: When you will tell me your identity?
He did not answer, playing with the last sunspot on his fingertips. When I looked down, I realized that the previous game had been restored by him, but my white piece was missing.
Mysterious Man: This game of chess cannot be returned.
He sighed softly and threw the black stone between his fingers to the chessboard.
With a light "break" in, something was pierced.
Like a calm lake being broken by flying stones, the ripples in front of my eyes are like dissolving ink and still water.
I can't see his appearance, only the figure blurred by the waves seems to be reflected on the other side of the water.
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Mysterious Man: We will meet again soon. By then, you will know who am I.
His voice gradually dissipated, and the cyan layers in front of me faded away. I woke up like a dream. I shook my dizzy head and found that the person before me was gone.
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And there was no such splendid bamboo forest and water pool around. Fortunately, I was in the courtyard of the wine shop, and the magic qin was quietly placed on the stone table.
The sun in the sky has just risen, and from time to time we hear the singing of birds and the shouts of the morning vendors in the deep alleys in the distance.
MC: Was it a dream just now?
I rubbed my swollen temples, still echoing what the man said.
What he meant by the robbery in the game...what exactly did he mean?
Before I could think of a reason, a small shouting came from behind me.
When I turned around, the lady boss was looking at me in surprise.
Boss lady: MC, why are you here early in the morning?
Boss lady: ...Did you sit here all night?
Suddenly seeing a real figure appear in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment, and the lady boss suddenly saw that something was wrong with me.
Boss lady: What happened?
MC: Nothing, I was a little tired recently and fell asleep accidentally.
I shook my head, afraid that she was worried, so I concealed the bizarre dream.
Boss lady: The weather hasn't warmed up yet, what should I do if you catch a cold? Go back to your room and freshen up!
My mind gradually returned to clarity, and I nodded to her.
Whether it is this mysterious dream, fragments, or maybe the puzzles in the magic qin. For me now, they are hard to solve.
I took the magic qin back to the room and locked it, changed my clothes and planned to find the master.
After all, now only the master can tell me how to take out the fragments.
Chapter 2-2
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When I walked out of Three Dreams Square, the sky was already bright.
The street is bustling today, and the crowds are rushing in the same direction.
The golden sun shines over the glazed dome on the palace building. The water fell on the tall white platform standing in the far north of the city.
That is the tallest and most sacred building here.
My heart was slightly still, and then I realized that today is the day of sacrifice for the West Moon.
My steps uncontrollably followed the flow of people to the pure white platform, but an indescribable complex emotion surged in my heart.
The worship of West Moon Kingdom has always been presided over by the master. And I will also stand on that high platform during the annual ceremony.
Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation and noise from the crowd. At the same time, the vigorous bell rang from the northernmost end and awakened the entire city.
Commoners: It's an envoy of God!
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My heart jumped suddenly and I raised my head. As expected, there was a man in profound clothes standing on the towering hidden spirit platform.
It's Master!
The lingering sound of the bell dissipated, and everyone's voices fell silent, except for the hunting sound of the dark blue curtain being blown by the wind.
First, the hundred officials, and then all the people at the banquet bowed down and worshiped, toward the direction.
That tall, sacred and inviolable figure is the only person who can communicate with God in this world, and it is also the belief of West Moon Kingdom.
It is the gods who have guarded this country for hundreds of years since the establishment of this country
I looked at the master's back, and my heart shook slightly.
Master... was also the one who saved my life.
The sacrificial ceremony ended in a solemn sound of bells and drums. Seeing the master's figure leave from the high platform, I wrapped my cloak, passed through the crowd, and continued to the hidden spirit platform.
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There was a commotion behind him, and there was a rush of horse hooves galloping in this direction.
Passersby: Hey, girl! Be carefulㅡ
I didn't have time to get back to my senses, and there was a scream of horses behind me, and the sound of horses hooves close at hand, as if it was about to hit me in the next second!
I quickly flashed aside, and the tall horse passed me by, and the turbulent wind almost turned the cap on my head.
In a hurry, I had to saw the teenager on the horse.
The teenager who rides by has a handsome face, and his long hair is also raised high, with a strange color in the daylight.
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MC: Why is he?!
I was shocked, I quickly held down the veil, turned and flashed into the dark alley, fearing that the little magic star would notice.
Passersby: The second prince is out of the palace again?
This person has always been arrogant. A few years ago, His Majesty controlled him strictly and would not let him out of the palace easily. How can he let him go on the streets now?
Teenager: What's going on today? I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back!
The sound of horse hooves finally stopped. I hid behind the crowd and heard the familiar voice sternly scolding the restrained horse, but his tone soon softened again.
Teenager: Don't be afraid, I won't use you to make horse meat hot pot.
MC: This person, as expected, is still the same...
The officers and soldiers in the distance had already rushed over, and I quickly lowered the brim of my hat and flashed into the market with my back facing them.
I don't know how long this worry about being discovered will last.
Fortunately, the sacrifice was still going on, there was no one around, and I came to Master's residence with little effort.
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Haven't seen it for three years, the layout here is still the same as I remember.
Except for the necessary living utensils, there is nothing else, spotless, still cold and not like the place where people live.
I lifted my foot and walked in.
The warm sunlight flooded into the room through the window, and a new set of clothes was placed in a tray on the table, neatly folded.
I'm not familiar with the patterns on this dress. There was nostalgia in my heart, and I subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch it.
This is the uniform of the Miko. It is also the clothes I used to wear once a year.
In the past three years, I was in a long dream, and the rituals of the hidden secret was forced to shelve for three years.
There are not a few months left before this year's ceremony for the secret ceremony, is there already a new selection of Miko in the middle of the kingdom?
At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the back of the temple, and the ground shook.
My heart shuddered, and I recognized that the abrupt sound came from the backyard.
The backyard has always been a forbidden place for the master, and the master is still presiding over the sacrifice. Who would be there?
Listening to the movement, I had a bad feeling for some reason. Although it is a forbidden area, I haven't broken into it before.
Thinking like this, I stood up and walked towards the door to the backyard
Suddenly there was a door opening behind me, and there was a scream in my heart.
MC: Master is back!
Fortunately, the Master hadn't entered the room yet, so I went back to the room and picked up a book, pretending to look through it.
The familiar sound of footsteps gradually approached, and I lowered the book I opened and couldn't help but go to the door.
It might have been expected that there would be someone in the house, and the master had not even entered the door, and a cold voice had already come in.
Master: You are not allowed to come in without my consent next time.
Chapter 2-3
My heart sank, Master was not so indifferent to me in the past.
The door opened with a "creak", and the master stepped in at the answer, and I quickly raised a smile.
MC: Master, you're back!
Master: Why are you here?
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Master seemed a little surprised when he came in and saw me. His previous clothes had been changed, and the sense of distance that he could not reach seemed to fade with it.
MC: There are some things to ask Master for help.
He was startled, and nodded faintly.
MC: Master, I seemed to hear noises in the forbidden area just now, and I don't know if someone broke into it by mistake.
Master sat down opposite me, as if he didn't hear my reminder, and asked directly.
Master: What’s wrong?
MC: .....It's not a very important thing either.
I took a deep breath and started telling stories directly.
MC: Yesterday, when I was in the back of the wine shop, a qin suddenly fell from the sky.
Anyway, no matter what excuses, Master would not believe it. I simply let go of my courage.
MC: Who knew there was a hidden crystal fragment in this qin, It may also be that the hidden crystal fragments in my body have the power to summon.
MC: So I want to ask Master how to take out the fragments.
Master listened to my clumsy lie without saying a word, and there was no wave on his face.
MC: If you don't find the pieces quickly...
I paused and swallowed back the words.
Master: Wait for me here.
The master retracted his hand and walked towards the hall. I looked at his back in a daze.
These three years are just a long dream for me, but for Master, what three years are they?
Soon, Master took out an exquisite and simple black box.
Master: Take this with you and don't lose it.
MC: What is this?
I took the palm-sized black box from him, it heavier than I thought, and there's chilly sensation, as if some kind of energy was attached to it.
Master: This is the box of retreat, which can help you recover the fragments attached to their media.
Master: But before taking it back, the body attached to the fragments must be annihilated.
He motioned to me to open the box. I opened the lid of the box curiously, but found that there was nothing in the box.
I just wanted to ask, suddenly a chill spread across my body, and the spar on my chest actually resonated faintly.
Master: Feel it?
MC: Yes... I feel it.
I nodded, only feeling that my heart was filled with this strange yet familiar energy in the box.
This energy is indeed as sacred and clean as the master, but for some reason, I somehow remembered the power that I felt in Three Dreams Square last night.
That kind of pure and evil power.
Master: What's wrong?
As if he saw me distracted, and frowned slightly. His voice brought me back to my sense.
MC: Nothing, thank you Master.
In any case, Master will never harm me.
Having figured this out, I immediately put aside the worries I had just now.
Master glanced at me, and was about to ask something, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
The visitor was the emperor's attendant, and he was asking Master to go to the palace to discuss matters. Master responded and looked at me again when he got up.
Master: Be careful.
MC: Thank you Master, Master, take care.
Seeing the corner of the black robe disappear behind the door, I carefully put the box of retreat into my arms. I looked around, the voice I heard before was still suspicious
At this glance, I noticed that there were still a few brightly colored red spirit fruits on the table, which seemed to have just been picked off.
I couldn't help but murmur in my heart: Does master like this kind of fruit so much?
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I thought about it, grabbed a piece of fruit on the table, and ate it as I went outside, when I suddenly heard a strange noise in the courtyard.
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MC: Who?!
I stopped and looked around warily.
I don’t know if it’s my illusion. From the moment I enter the door, I feel like I have a pair of invisible eyes watching in secret.
While I was fully alert, a civet cat suddenly got out of the bushes and shook all the blades of grass.
Those black eyes looked at me, and then ran away quickly.I was relieved, speeded up and walked out.
After walking far away, my heart choked suddenly. Master's courtyard has always been a place where all the beasts are kept away. How come there are civet cats?
I looked back at the ebony gate in the distance. The stone lion head is majestic, but I suddenly feel a little ominous.
Is something wrong with the master?
When hesitating where to go next. Suddenly something was faintly hot in sleeve.
I took out and looked, and found that it was the black feather that fell from the boy in the dark alley yesterday.
The black feather was faintly glowing and deflected in my palm. I moved my palm, and it moved with it.
This is... pointing a direction?
My heart moved, and there was a subtle curiosity that the young man was calling me, or just my intuition?
For some reason, I always feel that the boy who held a sharp knife yesterday will not hurt me. And I even have an urge to see him again.
I thought for a moment and walked in the direction that black feather pointed out.
Chapter 2-5
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Following the direction guided by it, I gradually heard the noisy voices not far away.
This strange feather did not lead me to the remote and deep alley as I thought.
MC: Could it be that I was thinking wrong?
Not far away, the people watching the crowds in the city square went inside and outside for several times. I lowered my head and dialed the black potassium in my hand, but it slowly turned back to this direction.
MC: Okay, just let me see what you want to lead me into.
From time to time there was exclamation and applause from the crowd. I stood on tiptoe and looked around for a long time, only to see a golden hair top in the distance.
Looking at this posture, it seems that some strangers are performing some novel tricks.
The city have always been a place where foreign business travelers gather. Ordinary tricks have long been popular. Why is it so lively today?
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MC: Excuse me.
I squeezed into the crowd and saw a round table in the open space, there's stood a light blond boy.
His facial features are a bit unreal and delicate, and his friendly and clear smile has narrowed the distance again. No wonder the business is so prosperous.
At this moment, he turned his head to the side of my sight in the crowd.
MC: It's you?!
This boy is clearly the assassin I ran into in the alley that night!
My exclamation stuck in my throat. The boy's eyes seemed to stop on me for a short time, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he continued to look away from the crowd.
I confirmed that I didn't mistake the look in his eyes. But is this hearty blond boy really the same person as the silver-haired assassin who raised his sword?
If only the looks are similar, why would that black feather guide me here?
I subconsciously pulled the curtain down, intending to observe again.
The blond boy fetched an empty bowl and quivered back and forth. A stream of clear water poured out of the bowl.
The crowd suddenly cheered, and his fingers tapped the side of the bowl flexibly, and smiled as he spread the water around him like a flower.
I was caught off guard, so I had to lift the half-wet gauze on my hat.
At this time, someone screamed again, and I ignored the water droplets. I was surprised to see a red koi suddenly jump out of the bowl held by the young man.
There is a row of small fish tanks under his feet. As he rotates, the red and gold fish jump into the tank one by one from a high place, splashing clear water.
But the scene did not last. Sudden shouts rang from behind the crowd, interrupting the boy's performance.
I turned my head and looked like everyone else, and saw that the city guards appeared.
Guards: Today, the whole city is under martial law, no one can stay here!
Passerby: Why did the martial law suddenly come?
Passerby: I heard that the second prince was stabbed at the city gate just now, and I don't know if it was because of this...
I hadn't heard it really, the people watching the excitement were quickly scattered, and those who were slow were pushed a few times.
These brave guards do not seem to maintain order, but rather come to add chaos.
I wiped the drops of water on my face, pulled the veil down again, and quickly entered the crowd.
Guards: The one in the hat, stop! Take off the hat!
My heart sank suddenly, pretending not to hear, bowed my head and walked forward quickly.
Guards: I'm talking to you! The one in front, stop for me!
The officers and soldiers behind we shouted, and the curious eyes all around fell on me.
Oh no!
The situation is critical now, and I cannot expose myself in any case.
There was a burst of brisk laughter behind.
The conjurer put down the water bottle, jumped lightly from the stage, and stopped between me and the guards.
MC: ...Get out of here!
I lowered my voice, my anxious heart couldn't hold back and was about to pop out
He bends down deafly, picked up a small white porcelain fish tank, and put it in my hand without any explanation.
I stared blankly at the fish tank in my hand, a small red and white fish swimming slowly in the water.
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Mysterious Boy: For you.
He blinked, and before I could reply, he turned to face the guards.
Mysterious Boy: All the adults also join the show, how about my newly learned trick?
Guards: Get out of the way and don't hinder official duties!
The boy was not angry, but smiled and reached into his arms to get something, but after a while he took out a handful of soybeans.
The guards were about to get angry. The corners of the young man’s lips were raised, and his hands were held together. The soybeans thrown high into the sky turned into yellow coins.
Passersby: It's money now! Pick up the money!
People scrambled to pick up the copper coins scattered on the ground, and the streets that had just been evacuated were instantly blocked.
Guards: Hey, don't run!
He grab my hand and ran forward. Seeing that my hood was about to be blown away by the wind, he quickly reached out and pressed my head.
MC: Youㅡ
Guards: Find me that guy!
In a hidden alley, facing this familiar face, I didn't know what to say for a while.
MC: You, you run too fast.
Mysterious Boy: I will lead them away first, and you will wait for me somewhere else.
MC: Somewhere else?
He pointed to the back, and a large tree was far from behind the high wall that was twisted and looped.
MC: You mean, we will meet there later
Before I got a confirmed answer, I was pushed out by him and involuntarily rejoined the crowd.
And he slid in the direction he had come, but turned his head halfway, as if confirming, and glanced at me from a distance.
The guards saw him as the most conspicuous in the crowd at a glance immediately shouted and rushed over.
The young man shook his hand in the air, a burst of golden smoke suddenly exploded in the air, and the lazy smile on his lips was so beautiful and dazzling.
My hand was empty and I lowered my head. The little goldfish disappeared along with the fish tank.
Without thinking about it, I tightened my veil and hurried to the place he said before.
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There was no one in the depths of the alley, only an old tree.
There are still some dirty child footprints and messy feathers scattered under the trees.
MC: Strange, has anyone else been here?
With many doubts, I hesitated for a moment, but decided to wait for him.
I don't know if it's because he just offered to help, or the lingering sense of familiarity that always lingers in my heart.
But how could he and the assassin I met in the dark alley be the same person?
There was a sound of footsteps in the quiet alley. I turned around and held my breath nervously.
MC: Youㅡ
However, it was not the boy who appeared in front of me, but a few tall men in black. The leader saw my face and sneered.
Man in black: Finally found it.
I took two steps back quickly. I didn't know where these people came from, but I felt the strong murderous aura in them.
MC: Wait a minute! Did you admit the wrong person?
The man in black didn't listen to my excuse. He raised his hand to his companion behind him, and showed a dark color around his waist without warning.
MC: A Talisman? Are you a Master?!
The black-clothed man's eyes dimmed suddenly, and I realized that I shouldn't be so reckless. He knew that I had discovered his identity and would only want to kill me even more.
MC: We.... Let's talk first, in fact, I am also a master of the hermit, and I just joined yesterday. Everyone is a colleague...
Man in black: Stop talking nonsense, come on!
Read Part.TWO here
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joontier · 4 years
The King’s Guard | the minis ii. 
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pairings: kim seokjin x reader ; jeon jungkook x reader ; min yoongi x reader
rating: R (18+) | genre: established relationship! au, historical! au smut, fluff 
warnings: explicit sex; (dunno what this kink is called) but jinnie likes being called the king by the lohs; kink discoveries; oral (m receiving); dom-sub undertones
word count: 4.9k 
g/n: and because it’s seokjinnie missing hours~~~ Okta is also based off Okta in Hwarang and YES AHRO MAKES AN APPEARANCE WOOTTT also,,, chapter 6 might also come out real soon aCIfjoasdfj
The King’s Guard - Masterlist  ||  navi.
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It’s been a while since Seokjin had retired to your shared room after a long day. He’d initially considered waiting for you while he changed into his sleeping garments but after some time and eventually managing to finish a scroll he’d taken from his office, Seokjin gets up from where he’s seated by the window and asks for Yunho. 
A different voice answers from outside, “Jeonha, the guard you are looking for is not with us right now.” Seokjin tries to push away the worry that’s starting to creep through him. The king chooses not to reply, quickly heading over to the dresser to put back on the clothes he was wearing earlier. 
You’d never stayed out this late before and as much as he hated to admit it, the capitol isn’t always the safest place, even for its own citizens. There were rumors of an uprising rebellion in the south and the thought of you in danger - he couldn’t risk it. He won’t risk it. 
The king asks for Chaeyoung, who was told to be by the palace kitchens. He flees out of the hanok as soon as he gets dressed, taking his sword with him. Just in case. With haste in his steps, Seokjin arrives at the kitchen in no time, asking the cooks if they happened to see you anywhere in the palace. 
He receives no response concerning your current whereabouts from the gungnyeo’s quarters either, so he gestures to the guards to follow him, the group walking briskly towards the stables. When Seokjin discovers Yunho’s horse is likewise missing, worry grows in his chest, already praying to the heavens that nothing bad has happened to you. 
Gesturing for the troop to hurry, he arranges the saddle on his horse by himself. “Jeonha!” Seokjin breathes a sigh of relief as he hears Yunho’s voice calling him from a distance. He pulls on the reins, directing the horse to turn around. The king, however, doesn’t see you with Yunho, nor does he sense any security in the guard’s worried expression. 
“_________?” The guard bows briefly, before opening his mouth to speak. Realizing his current predicament does not need to reach the ears of the other guards, Yunho manages just in time to stop himself from speaking out loud. 
“My King,” Yunho speaks, voice low as he guides his horse nearer to Seokjin’s. “Jungjeon-mama is uh…” the guard racks his brain for a better word to explain your present condition but attains nothing. Instead, he settles on the plain truth, despite how strange it sounds rolling off his tongue, “the queen is...um… she’s drunk, your grace.” 
It takes Seokjin a moment to process Yunho’s words - the possible image of your drunken state too much for your husband to even picture properly. Seokjin worries for your safety - knowing that you’d never had any proper alcohol in your life. The king quietly prays to his ancestors to watch over you for the meantime while he  recollects himself before anyone notices, not wanting to cause any more worry. 
When Seokjin deems everyone ready, Yunho suggests the troop to prepare a palanquin after having seen your state - clearly far too intoxicated to even sit upright on a horse. Yunho escorts the king to the establishment where Haesoo had called for his help. 
Much to yours and Seokjin’s luck there aren't many people on the streets, given it was already deep into the night - which only got Seokjin worried and wondering; what could possibly be the reason for you to visit such a place? And at such a late hour? 
Were you unhappy with your marriage? Was he lacking as a husband? As a king perhaps? A million questions are running through his head - unable to think straight as his horse gallops along the dirt road. 
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 “Lady Ahro! Why do I feel like my husband is here?” you giggle, leaning nearly all of your weight on the poor lady. Ahro has been watching over you since she called for Haesoo’s attention who then called for Yunho, and now the same guard had paid her for such a task. Watching over royals was never in her line of duties, especially those whose drunken selves are a pain to attend to, but the lady was willing to do anything as long as she’d get paid. 
 When someone came to inform her earlier this afternoon of the soon arrival of an elite client, she was banking on one of her regulars paying her a visit, but she never expected the nation’s queen to visit such a place like Okta. 
 The establishment was built by and for the elites, yes, but it catered to a more generally younger and more… for lack of a better word, carefree audience. People usually came to Okta for two things: to meet new people of the same societal ranking and to have fun, occasionally, a little too much fun in privacy of the rooms it provided. 
 It was awkward, at first, unsure how to approach each other. You take a deep breath and speak first, and you can sense her gratitude in the small smile playing in the corner of her lips. “I need your advice,” you start off, voice barely above a whisper. 
The lady in front of you lightly raises an eyebrow at your request. “I believe you have to be more specific with your request, my queen. It is my belief that I am knowledgeable on most things - but I am not sure which field in particular you wish for me to share my insights.” 
You gulp, completely frozen in place. Chewing on your bottom lip, you consider rethinking your life decisions. Why were you here? What actually got you here in the first place? Ah yes, to learn more about what goes on behind the doors of a married couple, or, if you were being completely honest with yourself, you wanted to know more about the pleasures of the flesh. 
Confessedly, you and Seokjin were relatively a young married couple, you were together for quite a few years already, but you only had the chance to stay in the privacy of your shared room only after your marriage. Other than that, the only displays of affection you had with Seokjin never really went past kissing, or that one time he accidentally groped your chest when you almost fell out of balance while on a horse… if that even was to be considered under that category… 
And it wasn’t that the both of you hadn’t been on that certain level of intimacy yet, but during those times - you felt like you could have actually contributed more. If you were being completely honest, you had mixed feelings about the whole matter - even questioning the fact that you are even concerned about this in the first place. 
Due to the hushed rumors circling the noble class of the city, you’ve had the chance to eavesdrop about this particular establishment which allowed the citizens to enjoy art and music in a more...unconventional manner. 
Okta was a crossover between an inn and a canteen but people apparently spent more time consuming alcohol while enjoying each others’ company (whichever came first) in the common and private areas inside the place. 
You’d even heard of a lady who told tales of all genres, including erotica, in exchange for a few silver coins. The price was reasonable and with your curiosity and your married-woman-insecurities out on your sleeve, you thought Okta was perhaps the place where you’d finally discover the answers to your unspoken queries. 
So you had secretly scheduled a meeting with the infamous “Ahro” and the only other person who knew of this rendezvous was Haesoo, who swore on her ancestors that she wouldn’t tell a soul of your whereabouts, unless it would be of a life and death situation. 
Your intoxicated state was apparently considered one. 
You had most definitely not intended to actually consume alcohol but considering the fact that Lady Ahro’s stories ultimately had the small hairs on your nape stand on end, not to mention those tips she occasionally throws in for you to use, (tonight too, just as she had advised!), you figured you might as well have a little wine running through your veins to boost your lack of courage. 
How you got to this point however - practically clinging onto Ahro for dear life as you giggle uncontrollably - was beyond you. Both your mind and vision have become hazy as the hours pass and you’re barely aware of what’s going on in your surroundings. 
She hears rustling from outside the room where you spent talking for hours on end, and she wonders if her temporary guardian duties will finally end. At least the handsome guard had already given her more than three weeks worth of her wages. 
The king pokes his head in, eyes scanning the room. He finds you practically draped over Ahro who looks like she’d had to deal with you since time immemorial. Apologizing in your stead, he requests Ahro to leave the two of you for a moment. 
It takes the pair quite some effort to pry you off the lady. Seokjin offers another bag of silver in exchange for her silence and Ahro almost considers not taking the payment to preserve her dignity, but quickly remembers she didn’t have much of it in the first place so with a wave and a gentle reminder to Seokjin to never leave you alone again in the establishment, Ahro takes her money and scurries off. 
“Sarang, it’s time to go.” Seokjin tugs at your hand to pull you up but you decline, looking away as you put on your best cutesy angry face. He just chuckles at you, gasping in surprise as you tug him downwards, ultimately landing on the spot next to yours. “I still want to play.” 
Feeling Seokjin’s chest vibrate with laughter, you pout at him. Since when did Seokjin have such a wonderful neck? It seems like this is the first time you’ve seen his bare neck in years - his throat and whatever is that lump that’s sticking out from his throat is suddenly so...attractive? 
In fact, you’ve found it insanely attractive that you’re unable to stop yourself from placing a wet kiss on his neck, just below his jawline. His breath hitches and the action only spurs you further, peppering his throat lingering kisses, working your way down to his collarbone. 
Seokjin exhales shakily as he gently tries to pry you off him. “_______, dearest. Not here jagiya. We need to get you home.” 
“Can we play then? When we get home?” 
He’s never seen you reply like this before and your husband is tempted to ask who you were and what could you have possibly done to his wife, but judging by your current state, he deems it’s not going to end well if he does. Instead, Seokjin just nods at you in reply. 
He’s surprised when that actually gets you on your feet. Wincing at the sudden headache that booms through your temple, Seokjin holds you steady as you stumble in your stance. As the pain subsides enough to be tolerable, you shake yourself off of Seokjin’s grasp, skipping giddily out of the room. 
Finding difficulty bearing with your drunken mood swings, your husband lets his head flop forward in exasperation as he rubs his face with his palms. Realizing he has yet to watch you in case your inability to walk in a straight line might strike again, Seokjin quickly runs after you. 
Just as he had thought, you fall midway to the back door, landing on your knees. Your husband rushes to you, asking if you felt any sort of pain. The boisterous laugh that escapes your lips answers his question efficiently. 
Because of the sudden sound, Seokjin sees some of the people from the common area are trying to peek through the slits between the wooden panels covering the hallways, wondering where that sound came from. With graceful haste, Seokjin scoops you up from the floor and walks briskly towards the end of the hallway where Yunho and the rest of the group were waiting with a palanquin. 
Your husband ushers you into the litter but your unusually stubborn self continues to cling onto the silken fabric of his jeogori so Seokjin had no other choice but to climb in as well - the palanquin, thankfully, spacious enough to fit two passengers. 
Latching onto his arm the moment you’ve settled in your seat, Seokjin wonders slightly if you’ll have any recollection of this once you’ve become sober tomorrow. The king heaves a sigh, finally getting the chance to feel that certain level of relief now that you were quiet and beside him at last. 
Seokjin might have spoken too soon. 
Next thing he knew, you were snuggling into his chest, fingers dancing lazily along his thigh while you’re at it. Your husband didn’t find it suspicious at first, but when he feels your digits trail dangerously up north, Seokjin gently pushes your hand away keeping them secure under his grasp as he places them on your lap. 
Desperation can’t seem to stop anybody though. Even with your hands cuffed beneath Seokjin’s huge palms, you manage to latch your lips on his neck one more time, sucking on the sensitive spot along the creamy expanse of his throat. 
The sound that reverberates throughout Seokjin’s body is something you’ve never heard of before - the almost animalistic sound canonically shooting a jolt of pleasure straight to your core.
You continue your ministrations until Seokjin gets a hold of himself after an embarrassing amount of time, pulling away from you with a stern look on his face. He calls you by your full name, scolding you slightly of a behavior unbecoming of a queen, reminding you that you both weren’t in the confines of your room and any occurrence of a scandalous event is unaffordable by the royal family. You cower slightly in your seat, not expecting your very own husband to use his authoritative king voice on you. 
But just like the interesting turn of events in a short time span tonight, the alcohol coursing through your veins seem to have a mind of its own. 
Instead of letting your husband hinder you from your intentions, you take advantage of Seokjin’s loosened grip on your hands, climbing onto his lap swiftly and gracefully, that the palanquin manages to not move much so as not to raise any suspicion from outside. 
“Have I been a very bad queen, Seokjinnie?” Your hand purposely brushes through his crotch before trailing upward to cup his jaw. Seokjin staggers at the teasing tone of your voice, thoughts drifting off to whatever they made you drink inside that made you a completely different person.  He badly needs to get a hold of those too. 
Pushing yourself further into his lap, so close that he feels your breath fanning against his nose. “Jeonha,” you whisper salaciously, nipping at the shell of his ear, “Aren’t bad queens going to get punished?” Seokjin remains silent as he stares at you with an intense gaze, lust clouding over his dark orbs. 
“Hmm?” you tap his chin once, feeling the faint stubble of a promising beard. Your husband’s face remains stoic even with your provocative efforts, so you decide to take it up a notch, inspired and fueled by one of Ahro’s stories earlier. 
Your hand travels under your skirt, lifting it just a little to reveal that tiny sliver of skin to your husband and as you raise yourself a tiny amount from his lap, you swiftly untie the cloth covering your most private of parts, throwing them aside somewhere else inside the palanquin. 
“I am most willing to take any punishment, jeonha...” you whisper as you grind your core on his crotch. Even with your thick skirt hindering you from experiencing the intense pleasure from grinding on his clothed cock, there’s still that faint feeling of his erection as you grind even heavier. “Twofold,” you state, gyrating your hips to match your counting. “Threefold…” another one. You see the lump on Seokjin’s throat bob up and down as he gulps. “Fourfold.” 
“Don’t worry, my queen. I’ll be sure to punish you accordingly,” comes Seokjin's equally strained reply, not taking his eyes off you as he thrusts upwards. 
Seokjin returns you back to your seat beside him effortlessly, not a word spoken. Well, it’s not as if it’s needed. The tension inside in the now-seemingly cramped space is enough for you to perceive what might happen in the next few moments. As if in sync with your thoughts, Seokjin reminds, “Stay still in your seat, unless you want more punishment later.” 
You manage to stay still in your seat, despite your thoughts completely haywire. Maybe you wanted more punishment? Or are you already asking for too much? Was he really going to punish you? 
Not before long, the palanquin halts, indicating your arrival at the palace. Seokjin spares you a look, heart melting at the sight of you already asleep, snoring slightly in your sleep. 
He chuckles at your slumbering form, climbing out of the palanquin first before asking Yunho to assist him as he clambers to get you out of the litter. Seokjin then proceeds to carry you in his arms and up the stairs to your hanok. 
Laying you gently on the bed, Seokjin undresses you layer after layer, knowing how uncomfortable it will be for you if you continue sleeping in the multiple layers of clothing you have on. Your husband delicately tears off your jeogori first, then laughs to himself as he turns you to the side to untie the knot on your skirt, remembering your alcohol-induced bravado earlier. The young king makes a mental note to ask someone tomorrow to get a sample of whatever they had given you prior...for research purposes. 
He takes the bowl of water he’s kept by the fire to maintain its temperature, pulls out a small washcloth from your dresser and dips the same into the bowl. Seokjin drags the white fabric along the expanse of your skin not covered by your undergarments. When he deems you freshened enough, he pulls on the ribbon holding half of your hair up in a ponytail. 
Fishing your favorite brush from a nearby drawer, a satisfied smile plays on the corner of Seokjin’s lips, running the brush along your hair fanned out on the pillows. Though he loves you for who you truly are, one physical attribute of yours that appeals to him most is your hair - he can’t quite put a finger on it, but there’s something about your hair that he finds so feminine, something he finds strangely, but insanely attractive - much more than he can ever admit out loud. 
Propping an elbow for something to lean on, he finds brushing your hair particularly soothing and therapeutic, enough to even lull him to a deep sleep, one hand on the brush and the other holding your hand. 
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A raging headache and a parched throat wake you from your peaceful sleep, squinting as your eyes adjust to take in your surroundings. You try to recollect what happened last night, vague splashes of last night’s events splayed across your thoughts. 
A royal robe covering haphazardly draped over someone’s legs discontinues your momentary reminiscence. Twisting your torso to the side, you see your husband, mouth slightly open as he snores away happily in his sleep. He must’ve taken off your outer clothes last night and — you rack your brain thinking hard if you had done something unintelligible and embarrassing. 
Your brazen advances last night finally dawn on you, face cringing as you remember bits and pieces of how you were the night before. ‘It must have been a nightmare for Seokjin,’ you think to yourself, already conjuring up a lame apology for your inexcusable behavior. 
Pushing your robe away from Seokjin’s legs, you take notice of the erection hidden beneath the confines of his pants. You make an attempt to not stare at it perversely but it was standing tall and proud like that, and oh - your eyes widen as you see it twitch, as if demanding all of your attention.
Wasn’t this a common occurrence in the morning? You might have felt it a few times during your rising when Seokjin spooned you in his sleep, but your timidity can’t seem to address the concern to your own husband. 
Looking away, you shift in your position to share your blanket with your husband. Seokjin unexpectedly wakes up at the action though, giving you a small fright. “Sarang, you’re awake already? Seokjin is talking slower than usual, voice still groggy from sleep. 
You nod at him with a shy smile, embarrassed at the fact that you almost got caught eyeing that thing between his legs. “Are you alright? Dizzy, perhaps?” 
“Just a little, but I’ll be okay. Thank you for taking care of me last night,” you place a kiss on his cheek as Seokjin hums delightedly. “You must have taken quite the beating last night.” Fiddling with your fingers as you apologize for your behavior last night, Seokjin grabs at your hands and takes them between his. 
“It’s fine, sarang. Actually, it was quite...amusing, if I do say so myself,” your husband comments, winking at you. Seokjin sits up, resting his back against the wooden board and beckoning you nearer to him. 
As you scoot closer, you snuggle into Seokjin’s chest. Your husband places a kiss on your temple, before playing with your hair, just silently carding his fingers through them. “Do you mind telling me what actually happened last night - the things I said, perhaps? I can’t really recall them properly…” 
“Truthfully I was worried when I didn’t see you here yesterday. It was already late when I returned from the office and I don’t really want to be that type of husband that locks you inside the palace but I became really anxious when you still hadn’t returned.” 
“I’m sorry I made you worry,” you frown, mentally noting to inform Seokjin of your whereabouts before leaving the palace. 
“It’s alright, really. Anyways, I found you practically attached to Ahro, was it? And then we went home. Now we’re here.” 
“That’s it?” With the evident Seokjin’s haste in his recollection, you’re starting to get suspicious about how the previous night could have ended that quickly - that...uneventful. 
“Nothing else happened? Like I didn’t do or say anything? Am I a quiet drunk?” Your husband looks overwhelmed with all your questions, gulping before he responds. 
“You kind of said a couple of things...but! It’s nothing really, nothing major…” Seokjin chuckles nervously, scratching at the back of his head. 
“That can’t be the whole story?” You raise an eyebrow at your husband, testing him. Sliding lower down his chest a little so you have a better view of him, you trace the faint stubble on his chin. “Tell me, my king? Please?” 
“Don’t call me that,” Seokjin mumbles, looking away. “Doesn’t seem like you dislike it though, jeonha.” Your husband heaves a sigh, knowing you’ve won again. “You do know I love you with all my heart, right? And I don’t want you to think that I might take advantage of your drunkenness - which I didn’t, really, because you fell asleep too before anything actually happened…” He was stalling, you figured, as it might involve something that made him uncomfortable. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell the whole thing… I just… why do I only remember me saying something along the lines of punishment?” Seokjin looks down at you with dilated pupils. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you...it’s just…” your husband pauses, thinking deeply about what his next statement might entail. “I can’t think about it without getting hard…” 
Seokjin looks almost strained as he looks to the side, avoiding your eyes. “If only you’ve seen - heard yourself last night, gods! It was like a different you completely” 
Just as if the universe is on your side, you’re starting to get clearer recollection of last night’s events, realization slowly dawning on you. Likewise, Ahro’s words ring inside your head, urging you to go make your move. Relying on the last possible ounce of alcohol remaining inside you, you gather all your courage and make a proposition. “Am I still up for punishment? Jeonha?” 
Seokjin dramatically exhales, rubbing at his face. “Don’t say things like that, ________!” Laughter is already bubbling in the pit of your stomach (just as much as the anticipation for what’s to come, in case your plan works out) but you control yourself, maintaining a straight face as you continue to query him. 
“Why? Did I say something, my king?” 
Your husband makes a sound, somewhere between a grunt frustration and resilience, and looks at you dead in the eye, “You saying those things just makes me really want to punish you.” Pulse rapidly accelerating, you make a final question, “What’s stopping you, jeonha?” 
Seokjin wastes no time with your affirmation, connecting your lips together. Moaning into the kiss, he shifts in his seat to cage you between him and the bed, strong arms holding him up as he deepens the kiss.
Shamelessly grinding his erection against you, Seokjin grunts, gripping at your thighs to keep them spread, “Do you feel how aroused you get me all the time?” Mewling at the sensation, you manage to choke out a reply, “As do you, my love.”
Your husband deftly unties the undergarments you’ve slept in. “Seok…” a breathy whine escapes you as he latches onto on of your nipples. The foreign feeling of his warm, wet tongue sends you shivering and it takes all your might to stop him as you remember Ahro’s advice yesterday, squeezing at your husband’s lithe biceps.
“What is it, sarang? Do you wish to stop?”
“N-no. I want to take control, Jinnie.”
Albeit slightly taken aback by your behest, Seokjin nods, sitting on his heels. “Lie down, my king. I want to pleasure you.” Shock is evident in your husband’s features as he complies with your command, cock already twitching in anticipation. “Take off you clothes too.” Seokjin obeys without further questioning, unknowingly easing the mild worry nipping at you.
Just as what Ahro had told you yesterday, you splay your hands on his chest, before bending down slowly to place kisses all over the milky expanse of his skin. Moving further south until your reach that thin trail of hair, Seokjin’s sudden intakes of air continuously urge you on, until you finally get to his crown jewel.
Licking at your lips, you hastily pull his pants down, your desperation for a mutual release guiding your actions on instinct. As soon as his cock springs free from its confines, you get into action, placing a wet kiss on the tip of his length before slowly taking the head in your mouth.
“O-oh, fuck! What did that lady tell you back at Okt…” Seokjin cries out a broken moan as you pull your mouth back up then diving back in, eventually getting lower to the base. You feel your husband tremble with your every bob, subconsciously tugging at your hair in pleasure.
Seokjin starts to squirm around you, pushing your mouth away from his shaft. “My love, please…. please let me be inside you. I can’t cum like this, please.” Seokjin beseeches, torso already covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
Your husband switches your positions as he pushes you gently onto the bed, but your hand shoots out to grab at his wrist. “C-can...can I be on top?”
There’s a slight furrow in Seokjin’s brows at your request, but he smiles nonetheless, keeping his excitement at bay. “Of course, love. You’re free to sit on your throne anytime.” 
He lies back down, both palms out to support you in your task. Gladly placing your hands on him, you crawl back on his lap, moving on your knees to position yourself to impale yourself on his cock.
Taking his length in your hand, you languidly swipe the tip against your wet folds. With one final breath, you push downward, sinking down on his cock until he’s fully seated inside you. Slowly you start, swiveling your hips just as you were told. Seokjin keeps his gaze at you through hooded eyes – a definite boost of confidence for you.
You settle on a particular rhythm, just gyrating your hips around before it gets too much like you’re almost at that point, but not quite yet. You start alternating by bouncing atop him, while your fingers find your clit, rubbing at your nether bud vigorously to push you towards your high.
Seokjin grabs at your breasts, twisting and tweaking your nipples, stimulating you further. He feels you clench around him as you orgasm nears quickly and his balls tighten likewise, painting your velvety walls white as he reaches his climax after you.
You fall to his chest, panting just as heavily as Seokjin. He decides on keeping himself still sheathed inside you for a while longer, reveling in the feeling of his cum dripping out of your pussy and onto his thigh. “The next time you go to Okta, take me with you, alright? I’ll have whatever you had back there.” 
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© joontier 2020
84 notes · View notes
slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [28]
xv. blood must have blood pt. 1
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Death, blood, angst. 
Summary: War is full of losses, and this war is no exception.
a/n: PART ONE OF THE SEASON TWO FINALE IS HERE!!!!! HOW ARE WE FEELING? WHAT ARE WE THINKING?! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist // map
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You and Bellamy take a minute to recover from the explosion before you follow the vents back to the harvest cages on the third floor. You and Bellamy crawl out of the vent and into the harvest room, welcomed by the sounds of moaning Grounders. Bellamy makes a beeline for the Grounder from before, pulling keys out of his pocket and reaching for her lock. “Get up. It's time to go. Our people are marching on Mount Weather right now.”
He swings the door open, waiting to help her out, but she just stares at him. You shake your head and come to stand behind him, dropping your voice to a soft level and introducing yourself. You gesture to Bellamy and add, “This is Bellamy.”
You smile and say, “Listen to me, Echo. There's an army inside this room, and we need you to help us get them ready to fight. Can you do that?”
She nods and you whisper, “Good.”
You both help her out of the cage and Bellamy hands her the keys. You and Bellamy look around for something to use to break the locks, and you spot some pipes nearby, which you use to pry the locks open. As you work, Echo asks, “How do we do this?”
Bellamy glances at her over his shoulder. “There's an army outside going for the main door. When they get it open, all hell will break loose. That’s the signal for our friends to come here, and-”
He’s cut out by the P.A. system for the mountain crackling to life, and Cage’s voice projection throughout the mountain. “My fellow citizens, this is your president speaking. For 97 years, Mount Weather has been our home. It's kept us alive, but it has also held us captive. Most of us have made peace with what we've had to do to survive. We've done these things for one reason...so that our people could someday return to the ground. That day is today.”
You and Bellamy turn to look at each other, and you can hear the fear in his voice. “He's going public.”
“Before my friend Lorelei Tsing was murdered by the Outsiders still at large in this mountain, she found a cure. It was in their bone marrow.”
“Bellamy.” You say it as a warning, and he’s already nodding his head, realizing what’s happening. You both turn to Echo. “We'll be back.”
“Where are you going?”
Bellamy steps away, pulling you with him. “He's trying to get his people to turn on each other. They'll find our friends.”
You think for a second before telling her, “We’ll have to bring them here. We'll send them in groups. You get your people ready to go, but wait for us to come back, do you understand?”
She nods and you both start to walk away again, but she calls out, “Wait! Thank you.”
Bellamy yells over his shoulder, “You free your people. Protect mine when they get here. We can thank each other when we're all outside.” 
And then he ushers you into the vent first, sliding in behind you. “Take us to level 6.”
You both crawl through the system quickly and quietly, maneuvering through the vents towards level 6 and your friends. You can tell you’re getting close when you hear muffled arguing coming from the other side of the vents up ahead. You turn and glance back at Bellamy and he nods, urging you forward. “If you want her, you’ve got to go through me.”
“Dad, please. They'll kill you.”
You reach the opening and peer through, taking in the scene in front of you. A guard stands at an angle from you, gun lifted and aimed at Vincent, who stands in their way. You can see Maya, Jasper, Fox, and Miller behind the guard. You reach for your gun and slide it from your holster, pushing it to the edge of the vent as the guard says, “Don't make me do this, Vincent.”
“Sorry, Paul.”
When you see the guard’s finger start to slide towards the trigger, you slide your finger to your trigger first, and pull. The shot echoes loudly in the small space, but you ignore the ringing in your ears as Vincent runs over and pulls the vent off the wall, freeing you and Bellamy. You both slide out quickly, your guns aimed at the other guard, but you drop it when you realize Miller has already taken care of it. Vincent reaches out and squeezes your arm, whispering, “Thank you.”
You smile before jogging over to the guards and pulling the keys from their pockets, tossing a pair to Jasper. As you both free your friends, Bellamy stands guard and informs them, “You need to get everyone into the harvest chamber. You'll be safer there.”
“Safe in the harvest chamber?”
“Just trust us.”
They nod and Vincent turns to Bellamy, “Monty's with the other group on level 3. You should go there next.”
Bellamy nods and steps away, motioning for you to follow him as he looks at the others. “Go on, Vincent will take you. We won't be long.”
“Hey! I'm coming with you.”
Bellamy shakes his head, “Jasper.”
You touch his arm. “They already know we’re here and we could use the extra weapon.”
He lets out a soft sigh and nods his head, “Let's go.”
He turns and runs around the corner and you follow. There’s silence behind you for a minute until you hear two sets of feet behind you. When you glance back, you see Maya running at Jasper’s side, and you bite back a smile. You all follow Bellamy as he leads you to the third level, and you creep down the halls quietly, guns drawn and ready for a fight. “We don't have much time. The last 12 are on this level.”
Bellamy glances back at Maya, “Which way?”
“This way.”
She starts to lead you down the hall, but stops when the P.A. system begins to blare a message. “Attention. Class one quarantine protocols are now in effect. All citizens must report to level 5 immediately. Hard seal lockdown in T-minus 30 minutes and counting.”
You can see fear take over Maya’s body, and she starts to shake. Jasper steps in front of her. “Listen to me. It's gonna be okay. We're not gonna let anything happen to you.”
“Jasper, in 30 minutes, all backup power gets diverted for species continuity. That means level 5 for life support and security. Radiation will seep in everywhere else. I can't go to level 5 without being shot in the head.”
Jasper is about to answer her when a gunshot rings out, just around the corner. You all exchange a look before creeping towards it, guns lifted. Bellamy whispers, “Be ready for anything.”
When you come around the corner, you see an open door in the middle of the hallway, and a body on the ground just outside of it. It’s a woman, surrounded by blood, a bullet wound in her head. Maya whispers, “It's Mrs. Ryan.”
“She was hiding the last 12.”
You shake your head, “Where'd they take them?”
“It's got to be level 5.”
Jasper tries to walk away, and you and Bellamy both reach out and grab him, pulling him to a stop. “Jasper, are you crazy?”
He glares between you, “Get out of my way.”
Bellamy steps right in front of him, voice low and serious. “Every person inside this mountain is on level 5. Every soldier.”
Maya backs Jasper up, “After the lockdown, it'll be almost impossible to get them out. It's now or never.”
“But how do we even get-”
You’re cut off by a thump and you all lift your guns, but quickly drop them when Monty comes stumbling out of the open room. You see the look of horror on his face and you step closer, “What is it? What's wrong?”
He drops down to Mrs. Ryan’s side and brushes the hair out of her face, muttering, “They know about the Grounders. That's why I hid. I..I didn't do anything to save the others. I let them kill Mrs. Ryan.”
Bellamy looks at him in confusion, “What do you mean they know about the Grounders?”
“It was on a soldier's walkie. They're going for the harvest chamber.”
“If they take it, we lose everyone.”
And that’s all he has to say to get you running again, legs carrying you as fast as possible. You reach level 3 faster than anytime before, fear and adrenaline fueling you all. Bellamy swings the door open first, with you right behind him and the others at your back. The first thing you notice is the eerie silence of the room, the second thing is the body. You can tell it’s Vincent, even at this distance.
Maya can too, because she lets out a heart wrenching scream before she takes off running towards him, dropping on her knees beside his body, sobs ripping from her uncontrollably. Jasper follows her to comfort her and you lower your weapon, tears springing to your eyes as you think of the last time you saw your father. Two different men killed for doing what’s right. You wonder if Maya will carry the guilt the same way you do. 
You lean against the wall beside you, taking in deep breaths as you will the tears away, pushing your emotions back down and locking them up tight. You hear Bellamy call your name, and you look around and spot him at the opening to the rest of the chamber. You walk over and stand beside him, following his gaze as he looks around the room, the hundreds of cages empty and abandoned. Your army now gone.
And your hope gone with it.
next chapter
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Eudyptula minor
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By J. J. Harrison, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Etymology: Good Diver
First Described By: Bonaparte, 1856
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostaylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves, Aequorlitornithes, Ardeae, Aequornithes, Austrodyptornithes, Sphenisciformes, Spheniscidae
Status: Extant, Least Concern
Time and Place: From 12,000 years ago until today, in the Holocene of the Quaternary 
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Little Penguins are known from the coast of Australia and New Zealand
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Physical Description: Little Penguins are some of the most adorable penguins alive today, and the reason is clear: they’re smol! Little Penguins range in size between 40 and 45 centimeters in length, and none weigh more than 2.1 kilograms. They are a blue-grey on their backs and white on their bellies and necks. They have very small flippers, which can be entirely blue or blue only in the center with white banding around it. They have short little tails and small feet, which are formed into lightly orange flippers. Their beaks are short and round, and either light in color or dark depending on the population. The juveniles tend to be a somewhat duller color than the adults, but usually very similar overall. 
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By Magnus Kjaergaard, CC BY 3.0 
Diet: Little Penguins feed mainly on fish that form schools in the pelagic zone of the ocean (rather than closer to the coast). They’ll also feed on cephalopods and crustaceans. 
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By Francesco Veronesi, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Behavior: These nocturnal penguins will capture their food via pursuit-diving, mainly swimming around schools of fish in tighter and tighter circles until finally - woosh! - they dive into the middle and grab as much food as they can. In shallower water, they do pursue the fish more directly. They can dive as deep as 50 meters underwater, sometimes more - including 69 meters deep. They go up to 62 kilometers away from the nesting and sleeping colony sites, though they can usually only go a fraction of that in a single day and longer distances are reserved for multiple day trips. Females tend to forage more than the males. They feed alone, though they do forage in groups. They are extremely noisy in their colonies, making a variety of trills, brays, growls, grunts, yelping, trumpeting, and wailing sounds to one another. They do not migrate, but do stay near the breeding colony extensively during the moulting and nesting season. Juveniles will leave the colony for a large amount of time, but do eventually return to breed where they were born. 
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By Phillip Island Tourism, CC BY-SA 4.0 
Little Penguins begin breeding in July and continue through December, though it varies from colony to colony and from year to year. They tend to stick to one nest site for their whole lives and are also fairly monogamous, though they do divorce from their partners around 76% of the time. If they are unsuccessful in raising any chicks one year, the next year they are more likely to divorce than not. The nests are made in a little bit far apart from one another in the colonie, usually a burrow in the sand lined with plant material. Usually two eggs are laid in the nest and are incubated for a little more than one month by both parents. The chicks hatch extremely fluffy and greyish-brown; they then molt to look dark brown and grey another month later. At this time young birds will form creches together for two more months, hanging out and learning from each other. They then fledge and become juveniles two more months later. They become sexually mature at two to four years of age, and can live for up to 20 years (though shorter is more common). The chicks and nesting colonies tend to feed at dusk. 
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By Mark Nairn, CC BY 3.0 
Ecosystem: Little Penguins live mainly in sandy and rocky coasts, usually near the bases of cliffs and in sand dunes. They will spend most of their time in temperate to sub-arctic marine waters, many miles offshore. They are preyed upon by cats, dogs, rats, foxes, lizards, snakes, ferrets, stoats, seals, and some other ocean predators. They are mostly affected by introduced mammalian predators at this time. 
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By fir0002, GFDL 1.2 
Other: While Little Penguins are, overall, doing alright and are even common in terms of population  management; however, a number of human-created threats are affecting certain colonies and bringing many of them to the verge of collapse. Uncontrolled hunting by domesticated dogs and cats are major causes of colony destruction, as are oil spills, fishing interactions (including being caught in nets), human interference and development, as well as cullings by humans attempting to manage populations of other birds. As such, Little Penguins are of major interest for ecological groups in order to preserve their populations in light of these threats. Fossils of this species are known from its current range from the recent ice age.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
Baird, R. F. 1992. Fossil avian assemblage of Pitfall Origin from Holocene sediments in Amphitheatre Cave (G-2), South-western Victoria, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 44:21-44.
Banks, Jonathan C.; Mitchell, Anthony D.; Waas, Joseph R.; Paterson, Adrian M. (2002). "An unexpected pattern of molecular divergence within the blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) complex". Notornis. 49 (1): 29–38.
Bethge, P; Nicol, S; Culik, BM & RP Wilson (1997) "Diving behaviour and energetics in breeding little penguins (Eudyptula minor)". Journal of Zoology 242: 483-502.
Boessenkool, S., J. J. Austin, T. H. Worthy, P. Scofield, A. Cooper, P. J. Seddon, and J. M. Waters. 2009. Relict or colonizer? Extinction and range expansion of penguins in southern New Zealand. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276:815-821.
Carroll, R. L. 1988. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution 1-698.
Chiaradia, A., Forero, M. G., Hobson, K. A., and Cullen, J. M. (2010) Changes in diet and trophic position of a top predator 10 years after a mass mortality of a key prey. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 1710–1720.
Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2017. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2017.
Flemming, S.A., Lalas, C., and van Heezik, Y. (2013) "Little penguin (Eudyptula minor) diet at three breeding colonies in New Zealand". New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37: 199–205.
Fordyce, R. E. 1991. The Australasian marine vertebrate record and its climatic and geographic implications. In P. Vickers-Rich, J. M. Monaghan, R. F. Baird, T. H. Rich (eds.), Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia 1165-1190.
Grosser, Stefanie; Burridge, Christopher P.; Peucker, Amanda J.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2015-12-14). "Coalescent Modelling Suggests Recent Secondary-Contact of Cryptic Penguin Species". PLOS ONE. 10 (12): –0144966.
Grosser, Stefanie; Rawlence, Nicolas J.; Anderson, Christian N. K.; Smith, Ian W. G.; Scofield, R. Paul; Waters, Jonathan M. (2016-02-10). "Invader or resident? Ancient-DNA reveals rapid species turnover in New Zealand little penguins". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283 (1824): 20152879.
Littlely, Bryan (10 October 2007). "Fur seals threat to Granite Island penguins". The Advertiser. p. 23.
Martínez, I., Christie, D.A., Jutglar, F. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Numata, M; Davis, L & Renner, M (2000) "[Prolonged foraging trips and egg desertion in little penguins (Eudyptula minor)]". New Zealand Journal of Zoology 27: 291-298.
Rawlence, N. J., A. Kardamaki, L. J. Easton, A. J. D. Tennyson, R. P. Scofield and J. M. Waters. 2017. Ancient DNA and morphometric analysis reveal extinction and replacement of New Zealand’s unique black swans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284:20170876.
Rodríguez, A., Chiaradia, A., Wasiak, P., Renwick, L., and Dann, P.(2016) "Waddling on the Dark Side: Ambient Light Affects Attendance Behavior of Little Penguins." Journal of Biological Rhythms 31:194-204.
Saraux, Claire; Chiaradia, Andre; Salton, Marcus; Dann, Peter; Viblanc, Vincent A (2016). "Negative effects of wind speed on individual foraging performance and breeding success in little penguins". Ecological Monographs. 86 (1): 61–77.
Simpson, G. G. 1946. Fossil Penguins. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 87(1):1-100.
Tennyson, A. J. D., and P. R. Millener. 1994. Bird extinctions and fossil bones from Mangere Island, Chatham Islands. Notornis, Supplement 41:165-178.
Tennyson, A. J. D., J. H. Cooper, and L. D. Shepherd. 2015. A new species of extinct Pterodroma petrel (Procellariiformes: Procellariidae) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 135:267-277.
van Tets, G. F., and S. O'Connor. 1983. The Hunter Island Penguin, and extinct new genus and species form a Tasmanian midden. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston 81:1-13.
Wallis, Robert; King, Kristie; Wallis, Anne (2017). "The Little Penguin'Eudyptula minor'on Middle Island, Warrnambool, Victoria: An update on population size and predator management". Victorian Naturalist. 134 (2): 48–51.
Wiebkin, A. S. (2011) Conservation management priorities for little penguin populations in Gulf St Vincent. Report to Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. SARDI Publication No. F2011/000188-1. SARDI Research Report Series No.588. 97pp.
Williams, Tony D. (1995). The Penguins. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Williams, M., A. J. D. Tennyson, and D. Sim. 2014. Island differentiation of New Zealand’s extinct mergansers (Anatidae: Mergini), with description of a new species from Chatham Island. Wildfowl 6:3-34.
Wood, J. R., K. J. Mitchell, R. P. Scofield, A. J. D. Tennyson, A. E. Fidler, J. M. Wilmshurst, B. Llamas and A. Cooper. 2014. An extinct nestorid parrot (Aves, Psittaciformes, Nestoridae) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172:185-199.
Worthy, T. H. 1998. A remarkable fossil and archaeological avifauna from Marfells Beach, Lake Grassmere, South Island, New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum 12:79-176.
Worthy, T. H., and J. A. Grant-Mackie. 2003. Late-Pleistocene avifaunas from Cape Wanbrow, Otago, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 33(1):427-485.
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yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
Fem! Reader x All Courtiers || Open Your Legs, Little Magician~ || Part 1: Vlastomil x Fem! Reader
If you have noticed from the title this is going to be a juicy one.. I’m here to earn now that is is one of my major fantasies for The Arcana so you can judge if you want but I won’t fucking care because I know for a fact considering how many of you liked the Nsfw with Arcana post I made...that you all get hella horny just like me.
Um so I’m not sure how to do explain what I’m about to write but please work with me here...
Kinks Included: breeding kink, edge play, dom/sub, primal, medical kink, role play, Service Top Vlastomil, sensation play, rough sex, pet play, cock and ball torture, overstimulation, oral sex, consensual nonconsent, consent, collaring, aftercare.
What To Look Forward To/Watch Out For: sex between literally everyone...Vulgora x Valdemar, Vulgora x Vlastomil, Vlastomil x Volta, Valdemar x Vlastomil, Vulgora x Volta, Valdemar x Valerius. Roles can and will be switched wherever I feel like it. Also...A LOT OF P*RN SCENES HERE!
Enjoy Babes! Also if anyone wants to do a literate rp, join a Arcana server I plan on making, or simply talk about kinks hmu!
When Valdemar came up to you the last thing you suspected them to bring up was something like that.. something as lewd as sharing yourself with the other courtiers.. What even made them think of that, sure sometimes you would notice that hungry look in Vulgora’s eyes when you sat in Valdemar’s lap or how Volta bit her lip around you from time to time but really this had never come to mind.
You would have never thought of them asking that of you nor have you ever thought of agreeing to such.
Next week, 10:44 pm. That was the time, the plan to meet each other...when all the lights were out and not so many eyes would be around. The only time everyone would be free from their busy schedules in order to breed like rabbits. You were... excited. Excited to do this under their noses- away from the eyes of the Count and Countess. You wondered what they would do if they knew you, their precious little witch, would be skipping a meeting with them in order for a night of pleasures. Honestly you couldn’t care less especially not with Vlastomil towering over you at the moment, your body bent over the desk- books tossed down on the floor as he’s hands ran over your body.
How’d you get here? Well to be honest you didn’t know for sure. You had been alone looking around for something to do when a presence suddenly made itself known. For a second you thought it was Valdemar but with the energy you knew better. You greeted Vlastomil with a sweet grin, his height making you look up at him like a child to a parent. He returned the look before swinging on closer to you, invading person space but you didn’t mind.
“Y/n! Darling! I was just looking for you, are you busy?”
He asked looking around at the area you decided to surround yourself in. The lights off and just a candle to light the way. The candle flickered as you purred.
“Of course not Praetor, what can I assist you with today?”
You asked coyly before looking over him biting you lip, now that you thought about it you only talked about the plan with Valdemar, did everyone else know? You didn’t now but as you looked over his body you notice a rather large bulge in his trousers and a blush coloring his cheeks. You smirked feeding into that horny side of you, feeding the slut that his behind closed doors.
“Did your worm get out again Praetor sir?~”
You teased closing the distance as you playfully tugged on his robes making him come closer, he came over until the small of your back met the desk and his hands caging you in. Vlastomil giggled leaning down kissing your cheek which you gladly permitted, his lips cool against your hot skin as he kisses led to your exposed neck. You shivered snaking your hand in front of his pants before cupping the heavy load he was supporting. You felt him shiver, his cock twitching making you purr once more. He bit down on your neck making you jump a little feeling the sharp fangs.
“Not yet~ Did Quaestor tell you of our plans yet?”
You nodded rubbing him, you hand rubbing up and down, squeezing him, groping in love with the feeling in of him in your smaller hands. He loved it too, before Valdemar told you of any plans you did have a little something for each courtier..When it came to Vlastomil you did get touchy with each other but nothing like this before but shit, you didn’t mind. Vlastomil grabbed your dress, pulling it up revealing your thighs, stockings hugging them. His hand slithered between your legs, his middle finger pressing firmly against your clothed clit.
You jerked, hips bucking at the sudden touch your hand moving from his cock to his hip. Your nails digging into the fabrics wanting him closer. You moaned wrapping your other arm around his shoulders as your breath hitched.
He giggled as his finger slipped past you panties which were quickly growing wet. He teased you entrance, the digit sliding in and out rubbing against your pink insides. You trembled around him whining when he pulled the talented fingers away. He kissed you ear catching your slowly drifting attention.
“Turn around little magician, as much as I want to breed you now is not the time. We must hurry”
He let you go and quickly, like a trained dog you flipped over ready to get your treat.
You bit your lip peeking back at him as his hands found your hips, his front pressed against your back as he shuddered. Even in the dark room you could see his heavy blush and you cooed a little, your panties slick with need as you rolled your hips back against that heavy noticeable bulge. Vlastomil grunted lightly, his cock twitching in his pants as he pulled up your shirt showing your underwear and the soaked part between your thighs. You shuddered getting impatient, you shouldn’t be doing this..one reason being that to between the Count and Countess was like wishing for death and not to mention you knew the others would be angry.
However, the burning in your belly was getting worse... a coil that could only be released once you were filled to the brim with seed, bred like some sex slave, manhandled like some slut. Oh god you were so wet..
“Come on Praetor~ Hurry up, we don’t have much time- haah~”
He stops you giving your plump ass a quick slap, the hit making you jump and look forward again as he leans against you, over you, on top of you. His robes running over your back as he hand moves between you legs cupping your pussy, massaging the clothed clit...chuckling as you tremble, shaking lewdly under him. He’s in your ear, his lips clasping around the sensitive flesh before both his tongues dart out teasing you. He hums as he tugs your panties aside carefully running a nail around your vulva.
You jump, a gasp leaving your lips as your hips snap back to meet his desperate for more touch. You want it, want it so fucking bad. You couldn’t wait till next week and Vlastomil was currently being one reason.
“It’s a few thousand years too soon for YOU to be bossing me around, little magician. Be patient or suffer the consequences.”
He spoke with a teasing edge, even so, you could tell how serious he was. That didn’t stop you from whining like a little bitch though. He seemed to ignore it, voices from outside catching your ears and for a second you grew worried, his hand tugging the panties aside exposing your heat to cool air and you arched letting out a little moan. His cock was suddenly on you, you wondered if he had used some of his demon power to free himself but as he pulled back and slid his cock between your folds your found that you didn’t really care for the answer. His hands on your ass kneeding the mass panting as he watched his cock in and out from between your thighs.
The grinding of his cock, slipping and sliding against you as you held your thighs shut had you whimpering. Slick, wet and sloppy sounds coming out as he sped up, lean hips slapping against your own as your clit grew harder, more sensitive. The last thing you expected was for one of his thrust to angle and his throbbing cock to slam into you. The sensation surprised both of you and a cry of pain and pleasure almost came out of you, quickly he covered your mouth groaning as he pressed over your back firmly rolling his hips just the right way to be massaging your g-spot.
You choked out a sob, an orgasm rushing through you making you tremble all over as you coating his cock in your liquid. He let out a gasp before slowing his hips leaning over to chuckle in your ear. It was teasing once again, to rile you up...and you fucking loved it. The hand over your mouth trailed down to your throat, clasping around it tightening as his other hand gave you ass another slap. You choked out a moan, eyes rolling and cheeks a dark crimson as he spoke.
“Already, my little magician? I haven’t even done anything drastic yet...”
He pouted against you leaning in to kiss your lips tilting your chin his way, you happily returned it, legs shaking uncontrollably at the sex no human man had ever giving you. You were a little embarrassed, he really had done little and you came like a faucet. Any human man you slept with weren’t as nearly as good, couldn’t tease you G-spot like Vlastomil had just done.. you moaned against his mouth wiggling your hips, you sloppy pussy squeezing his stiff cock as he hummed. His tongues slid out licking your bottom lip before he pulled away letting go of your throat. The voices in the hall still present as he pulled out, his cock long and veiny, your orgasm running down the underside dripping off his balls and you found the want to suck him off. You whines though turning your head to glare at him.
“W-what are you doing, where a-are you going? We’re not finished yet!”
You spoke brattily. He chuckled pulling his trousers back up, stuffing himself back into his pants. Once finished he came back and place his hand on your ass, he spread you cheeks revealing the flushed pink pussy of yours and tight asshole which he could gaureente wouldn’t stay tight for long. Air seeping in your pussy made you shudder- moving your hips a little made a farting sound and he cooed. His eyes looked to yours making you blush more.
“Careful with how you speak darling, you’ll get more sooner or later. For now, you’ll have to deal with it. I must go now, duty calls. Good luck getting the smell of me off you.”
He smiled innocently as he gave your ass one last slap, a hand bruise appearing much like the others colored your (s/c) skin before he gently rubbed the mass before turning on his heel.
“Good luck darling, you’ll need it.”
He growled the last part before opening the doors, light flooding the room kissing your skin before he closed the door behind him leaving you there needy for more. You scoffed though a bit pouty, as you got up on slightly shaky legs. You felt a little sore but it was bearable, you slid your panties back up huffing at the wet feeling they still held.. you pulled your shirt back down watching as it fluttered before walking over to the door. You peeked out, you didn’t want any of the more ‘loyal’ servants to figure anything out.
It was clear, some people were still around but not so many that you couldn’t slip away. Vlastomil most have made some room for you.. it did take two to tango afterall, if you got caught he did too. He slid out the room fixing your messy hair as you went off to continue your day elsewhere.
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