jung-koook · 3 days
240615 - namjoon on instagram: must not forget
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for-yoongi0309 · 3 days
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— ig.rkive
잊어버리면 안돼요 You cannot forget
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taeyoonge · 3 days
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bts-trans · 3 days
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240615 RM’s Instagram Post
잊어버리면 안돼요
Must not forget
Trans cr; Aditi & Rinne @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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magicshop · 11 hours
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handsome and cute ♡
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dolly-jk · 3 days
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P͟a͟n͟c͟a͟k͟e͟s͟ & m͟u͟s͟h͟r͟o͟o͟m͟s͟ ✿⃘
৲ ৲⠀ ౨ৎ⠀⠀ 𓈒 𓈒 M͟o͟n͟ diary
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perfectlyoongi · 2 days
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who takes showers with you just for the intimacy. it was the silence of the moment, the purity of the intimacy, the way you two felt so comfortable with each other with something that had become so vile and perverse by society, that made Taehyung venerate your baths together; no words, just Taehyung's gentle touch across your body, as you rest on his chest and feel the tranquility of your love. “i like this, you know? of our intimacy. how none of us feel obliged to be something other than ourselves.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who only trusts your opinion when it comes to his clothes. before leaving the house or when he goes shopping, Taehyung always asks your opinion about his outfit, patiently waiting for your honest reaction, never feeling bad when the feedback comes back negative — after all, he just wanted to continue to impress you, it was only your opinion that mattered. “tomorrow i have to buy a new coat. do you want to come with me? i would like to have your opinion.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who loves coming home and lying down with you, his head resting on your chest. Taehyung couldn't live a whole day without having your affection; in an extremely stressful and quite complicated job, it was in your arms that Taehyung found peace and serenity, the way you touched his hair, his face, his arm, took Taehyung to a distant land of dreams and rest. “today was so tiring. all i could think about was how you would be here for me and make me feel good again.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who takes your perfume with him on tour, just so he can deal with missing you. it was a simple memory, something that could last the long weeks of touring the world without ever losing its value; your perfume was intoxicating, something so delicate and beautiful that made Taehyung remember all the hugs and kisses and caresses and moments he had spent with you. “i promise i won’t spend it all. please. i really need something that reminds me of you or i'll go crazy. seriously!”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who accompanies you on any and all purchases you make just to share some mundane time with you. whether it was for groceries or clothes, an electronic item or a gift for someone, Taehyung was always by your side, giving his opinion, holding your hand and always walking with a smile on his lips because he was next to the one he loved. “oh, do you need help picking a gift? i don't mind going with you. can i? i just want to feel normal for a moment. please.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who watches the stars and clouds with you while trying to discover shapes and meanings among them. lying on the grass, your head on his belly, you and Taehyung told stories with the various shapes you saw in the sky, laughter flowing as naturally as time passed, endless memories of tales created comforting your hearts. “that star is so bright! oh, and next to it those stars form a heart. see? even the heavens believe that our future will be bright.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who only said he loved you when you confessed first, a huge weight leaving his heart as soon as the words left his mouth. as soon as he heard your confession, Taehyung's heart began to beat quickly without having any time to assimilate what he just had heard, his words running after yours to try to embrace them. “oh, thank god. yes. finally. i love you. i love you. i love you so much. oh my god.”
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jeons-catalyst · 2 days
Hey this might seem like an odd question but if you were asked to describe Taehyung and Jungkook’s dynamic, how would you? I really love the way you explain things so i would love to know what you think about their dynamic. Thanks
Hey anon,
The question isn’t odd at all so don’t worry.
The very first thing i’ll say about taekook as a pair is that their relationship with each other is extremely misunderstood. They are misunderstood by the multitude of shippers they have and it has been like this since the very beginning.
I think there is a part of Jk that will always hold some deep gratitude towards Tae because he was instrumental in helping him break out of his shy shell. I don’t think anyone can deny that Jk has some sort of soft spot for Taehyung. I think that when taekook were younger, Jk liked Tae so much and liked following him around like a puppy because Tae was the only member in the band he could completely be himself with (at some point). This was the member he could goof around with, get in trouble together with, do fun things together with and most importantly, i think for a time being Tae was sort of his safe place in public and/or uncomfortable settings. Jk mentioned that Tae helped him break out of his shy shell so i can imagine that anytime Jk felt shy or anxious while in public, he would seek out Tae because that is where he felt most comfortable mainly because of Tae’s personality. Tae was quirky, fun and weird in a good way. Being around him guaranteed anyone a fun filled time so i guess things like this helped put Jungkook at ease.
Now, i don’t mean that he didn’t feel comfortable with his other hyungs but because they were much older than he was and there was always a certain boundary he couldn’t cross whereas with Tae, he could to totally feel like he had a same age friend he could have fun with and just be a kid with without having to worry about coming off disrespectful or crossing boundaries. We have to remember that Jk was only a kid when he joined bighit. He was 15 years old. What do typical 15 year olds do? They play with their friends after school, goof around together and just have fun. Jk was the youngest stuck with 6 other boys older than him whom he knew he had to respect to a certain degree. Tae to him was like that same age friend he was missing in a normal life setting and craved so bad. Watching fetus taekook, you cannot miss how close those two were and how much Jungkook liked Taehyung and how much Taehyung kinda took Jungkook under his wing.
In my opinion, taekook are friends who really love and care about each other and connect in so many ways, especially in things that are fun. I however don’t think these two have ever really had that much of a deep emotional connection. What i mean by this is, i think their interests in each other is mostly centered around the fun things they can do together and not how many deep talks they can have or how much they can understand each other’s hearts. Let me give you examples. When Jk was younger, he would almost always pick Tae to play games with. Even when he was asked who he wanted to share a room with, he picked Tae. What was interesting wasn’t the fact that he picked Tae but the reason he did. Some other person might have said something like “ i picked X because we get along well so i know we wouldn’t fight” or “ i picked Y because i he is neat and doesn’t leave a mess” but Jk said he picked Tae so that they could play games all night long. Mind you this was fetus Jk who was less media trained and pretty much blurted things out as he thought them.
Now let’s look at how he picked Jimin (for example). When Jk was asked who gives him most comfort, it was Jimin, who knows him best, it was Jimin, how he overcame the harsh trainee life, it was Jimin, who influenced him the most, it was Jimin, who was easiest to talk to, it was Jimin, who his heart connected to, it was Jimin. Plus he has attributed his ability to be kind and thoughtful to Jimin several times. Just by looking at this two, you can see what i mean when i say i don’t think Taekook ever had that much of an emotional connection.
Let’s look at another example. The deepest things Jk has ever said about Tae is that Tae helped him break out out of his shy shell. He has also called Tae innocent and said he liked tae’s innocence. Other than this, you would mostly only ever hear Jk commenting on or praising Tae’s looks. Let’s use Jimin as an example again. Jk has spoken about Jimin’s personality, his kindness, how caring he is, how hardworking he is. Jk was asked to describe Jimin’s charm and he said it was his thoughtfulness and how considerate he is of others. Jk gets praised for being kind and thoughtful towards the manager and his first thought is to attribute it to Jimin. Jk sits on a show and talks about how much he admires Jimin’s zeal and drive and how hardworking he is. Jk talks about how beautiful Jimin’s personality is and how nice he is. When Jk talks about Jimin, he talks about who jimin is and not what he is. Now don’t get me wrong. You look around and you can find clips of Jk complimenting other members but not the same way he does Jimin. When Jk talks about Namjoon, you get the sense that he really admires him and sees him as a mentor of sorts but when he talks about Jimin, you literally feel just how much he knows Jimin and connects with him on a deeper level. It is not the same with Tae in my opinion. The highest thing one would learn about Tae after listening to Jk talk about him is that he is handsome. Jk rarely ( not never) , talks about anything else.
The way i see taekook now, they are two friends who enjoy spending time with each other doing something fun. I think they those types of friends who always need a reason to hang out and hanging out is probably more fun for them with other people around. I don’t see Jk just going to sit in Taehyung’s room for hours doing nothing. I see Taekook spending hours, even days together when they have something to keep them occupied. That thing gets taken away and they don’t feel the need to be around each other much. They are in my opinion, typical guy friends. I think they really enjoy talking about music and songs. I think they recommend alot of songs to each other too, i think they enjoy doing outdoor activities together and attending concerts together too. Jk did say it is fun when he is with Taehyung so i think one of the greatest things that bonds them together is the fun. This would explain why somethings began to get awkward with them when they started spending more time apart and Tae starting becoming quieter. I think Tae’s quirky and fun personality is one lf the things jk really likes about him and one of the ways they relate to each other the most. Take that away and these two will still have alot of love for each other but will probably not feel the need to be together much.
Watching their Vlive from May 2020 and the Vminkook Vlive from November 2021 explained so many things about Taekook’s dynamic as adults. When taekook were younger, putting them together was guaranteed fun but now as adults, it feels like they barely have anything to talk to each other about if they are not doing some activity. Think of their instagram Live from February 2023. Taekookers watched that Live and saw two lovers being all shy and giggly but i saw two people who didn’t know what to say to each other so sat in awkward silence. It’s not like i expected them to start discussing family secrets on Live but the conversation just doesn’t flow as you would expect. I think this is partly because they have never been used to just sitting and having conversations or getting to know each other on a deeper level. They both don’t seem like people who are good at conversations so gaming and goofing around or going out to have fun always the place of just sitting and talking. They also don’t seem to rely on each other for emotional support. I cannot recall a single time i ever saw Jk seek Tae out when he needed emotional support. This ofcourse doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other. Jungkook hugging and comforting Tae during MAMA 2018 was proof that Jk hurts when Tae hurts but that isn’t exclusive to Tae. He hurts when all his members hurt and he made that clear in his song “begin”. You just never see him or hear him talking about depending on Tae for emotional support the way he has mentioned needing it from Jimin.
Jimin and Jungkook on the other hand seem like they actually converse with each other. I can think of that moment in BV when Jungkook was telling Jimin about his day and how sand fleas got stuck under his shoes and Jimin just listened attentively. Or in the documentary when Jimin talked to Jungkook about how his friend said he thought Jimin was depressed and Jk just listened. These are such simple moments but they tell so much about Jikook’s dynamic. Jk isn’t much of a talker so seeing him actively telling Jimin about his day and about the sand fleas that got stuck under his shoes showed how much Jimin had created a space where Jk felt comfortable enough to just talk about even the little things like sand fleas. I don’t think i have ever seen taekook like that.
I also think Tae might kinda see Jungkook as the closest thing he has to a sibling. I remember Tae saying that he isn’t close to his siblings and they only speak to each other a few times a year so it is possible that Jungkook feels and has always felt like a sibling to him. Maybe he is having the kinda close relationship he always wanted to have with his siblings, with Jungkook.
So in a nutshell, Taekook are two besties who love and care about each other and are also very comfortable being affectionate with each other but unfortunately, the softness and physical affection that has always been present in their dynamic gets mistaken for romance.
I think this is the best way i can describe the way i perceive taekook’s relationship based on their words and actions.
Hope this answered your question anon💜
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spideyjimin · 2 days
Un cielo di perle (teaser) | kth
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“un cielo di perle” means a sky of pearls in italian
⏤ pairing: taehyung x female reader
⏤ genre: college au, rich kid!taehyung, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, and smut
⏤ rating: 18+
⏤ summary: taehyung doesn’t know how to love, he actually has never loved anyone, not even himself. he dreams to escape this life, a life where he can do whatever he wants and where his parents don’t exploit him. his dream becomes a reality when he meets you; however, it comes with a challenge. at first, you hate him. but as the saying goes, there’s only one step between hate and love. and when taehyung loves, he can steal a sky of pearls for his lover.
⏤ author’s note: well, i’m currently working on this fic. tbh, i’m very inspired lately & i’ve been desiring to write for the other members for a while already. i’m quite excited for this one 😬 seeing the boys all together again has definitely made so happy & pushed me to write even more. i hope you’ll like this one 💜
⏤ playlist: brividi - Mahmood ft. Blanco
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⏤ tag list: let me know in anyway if you want to be tagged when i post this and if you are part of my permanent taglist, you will be automatically added ✨
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jkvjimin · 2 days
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MAKNAE LINE ↳ we are bulletproof: the eternal
[cr. namuspromised]
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a-namjoon-a-day · 3 days
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taechnological · 3 days
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no comments..................
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jmdbjk · 3 days
A full heart
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Full hearts all around, theirs and ours. Four months until our Hobi is free. About a year and they will all be free. The joy will be through the roof for us all. Be safe and healthy until then pookies.
Photo: rkive on Instagram
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7ndipity · 3 days
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jimzittos · 3 days
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ㅤㅤᭊ᭪᮫̯᳜᳝᳜̑⃛ ♥︎ ᳝᳜᳝᳜᳜᳜᳝ࣴᰯ    ㅤ angel  tears  and  silk  wrapped     confessions  𓉮ֶ
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magicshop · 2 days
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wow 😳
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