#*that shit is so disrespectful so disrespectful* (cardi b meme)
cutielatias · 5 months
People drawing/liking the woman mc wearing pretty and delicate dress/things give me the ick, argh i don't like it...to don't say that i HATE IT!💢🔥
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ambelle · 2 years
So you’re gonna defend violence now?
When Cardi B threw that shoe at Nicki everyone clapped and said “fuck respectability politics.”When Chris Rock drags Jada (twice now) it’s hilarious and fair. When white comedians use BW as the punch lines in their routines the entire world laughs. When Megan gets shot it’s memes and doubt it’s funny. When Rihanna gets punched it’s her fault and everyone has jokes and parody’s just like with Ike and Tina. Tyler Perry can become a billionaire playing a caricature of BW and inspire many other bm to get internet fame doing the same.
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Like the punchline of these skits are literally just “LOL BW are bald, ghetto, and manly”
The degrading lyrics in hip hop. Kevin Samuels talking about the golden ratio and how BW are naturally ugly… all this shit is fine and respectable. Everyone subscribes to him and makes little “funny” compilations of BW getting humiliated because it’s “so true”.
But Will slapping a man exactly once for being disrespectful to his wife is when everyone suddenly notices the violence.
Cool and don’t take this the wrong way. 
Literally eat shit.
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Invasion of the 20th Century Entertainment Memory Snatchers
I have paid thousands of dollars on tragic stories inspired by industry abuse protocols established by Darryl F Zanuck.
Zanuck was 23 when he started at box. He ran the studio for 50 years.
FOX has been real bad...
The stories I have consumed and learned from were created by or shared by artists (or surviving friends/associates) who were on the receiving end of abuse.
In film. TV. Music. Plays. Books. When famous people are abused, their stories do get out. Stop acting like you have not seen this and you do not know about the dirty side of Hollywood.
One thing I know about famous people is this: fmous women & famous men rarely cannot stop talking about their personal narrative. From womb to tomb. Scandals. Coverups. Everything that happened to that.bWhy is everyone acting like there isn’t an industry based off of the inevitable tragedy of committing oneself to the romanticized Hollywood lifestyle?
I have paid thousands and thousands of dollars consuming and learning from tragic stories shared (or revealed) by all artists. My family treasures information and entertainment, so I have been awake since 1988.
Brokaw every night. Jeopardy. Cheers. Seinfeld. Simpsons. Old music. New music. My parents are old and white and grew up in Miami, Florida. During the Cuban missile crisis & segregation.
My parents talk to me and my sister about those experiences and how awful they were. What scary times they were. How confusing it was to be a child seeing adults that were a different tone forced to adhere to degrading laws that were clearly wrong. I’m sorry your parents chose not to discuss things about their lives. People have many reasons for keeping secrets. My parents never liked what they saw happening to their fellow Americans & the Seminole Nation.
We used to laugh as the family about the days of “duck and cover”. My dad remembers thinking (at 10) that hiding under a desk probably wasn’t going to help if we were bombed. My mother would run home every day and play nuclear fallout shelter with her friend Elaine.
I got a lot of Hollywood scandal information for free. At the damn library in Palm Beach County, directly across from President Blondie’s international west palm beach golf course. The one right next to the prison and airport.
I started reading books in the library about Hollywood, Broadway, Music, Art folklore when I was 8 & I got ahold of a Barbra biography that I’m sure Babs hated.
I am from the most clowned on state in the Union. It took me 12 years to get a two year associates degree from a Florida college. In English. I’m not a genius. Although, I did have a psychologist tell me during my IQ test if it weren’t for math, I’d be a genius. I chose to take that as a compliment.
Everyone seems to be very unsure about their position as a star. The last 100 years of show business information is very important for all artist to learn about.
Hollywood has a documented history of using artists for their own propaganda. Propaganda for making their studios look good or to influence politics. It can be good: WWII. It can be bad: House of un-American activities/ Hollywood 10.
I have spent a lot of money on Marilyn Monroe. Her image. Marilyn Monroe’s estate probably has more money from me than any other entity over my lifetime. I studied everything about this woman. Everything. Frankly, she would be
livid by these Instagram posts reimagining Marilyn’s narrative has one where she was a beauty accepted by other women and treasured by men.
The Marilyn Monroe I know would not want you to focus on your beauty. She spent her entire life fighting off the advances of monsters who exploited the beauty she took years to create. She was terrorized by the most monstrous of all Hollywood Mogul Darryl F Zanuck her whole career. You wonder where Harvey GOT that shit from? Look at Darryl. He was in charge of 20th Century Fox for five decades. He bought a prostitute for his 14-year-old son birthday. He had this bizarre obsession with Tyrone Powers.
Marilyn Monroe created the beauty you see. Her hard work and her listening to ridiculous notes is what created that beautiful face. Her mastery of her ability to find the perfect light and hold her body in iconic ways came from studio & personal training. She didn’t just waltz out of bed confused every day and not aware she was beautiful. Oh she knewwwww.
She knew she was beautiful. She knew the pain her face and her body went through to maintain those standards. This was a time where women were celebrated in a special way? They included measurements of actresses in every article during that time.
Marilyn underwent painful electrolysis, a nose job, a chin implant. And bleaching your hair back then was not fun baby.
I’m disgusted with the whole “Be a Marilyn and not at Kim” meme. That is confusing. No matter what anybody’s personal opinion of either women is, Kim Kardashian West has the ability and agency to do whatever the hell she wants. Marilyn Monroe never had that.
Marilyn would not want you to remember her looks. And she would really like for you to stop obsessing about her and JFK. She would ask you to re-focus that energy into researching JFK and Gene Tierny. Their romance was far more romantic & dramatic.
She would want you to remember her well documented horror stories with Darryl.
She would want you to remember when she said fuck you to Hollywood, went to New York, got to hang out with everyone she ever wanted to hang out with, formed her own independent film studio.
She would want you to remember her standing next to her husband Arthur Miller at the house of un-American activities committee. No one supported her then. They thought she was an idiot for doing so.
While many are focusing on reimagining this fantasy of Marilyn Monroe’s natural beauty, I remember I know what Marilyn would want. She would want you to lead a happy life. In whatever field you want. And that you have agency over your work.
Do you want to see the saddest place on earth? Go and visit her grave. See the hordes of people taking happy selfies next to the body of this the greatest movie star ever known to mankind. Westwood is a beautiful cemetery with many stars who clearly died with funeral plans in order.
Marilyn was simply exhausted by playing so many different roles in her life. She was the greatest actress ever. She had the ability to make anyone who was in a room with her feel like they were the most important person. When you know that skill, you know that skill.
She turned on Marilyn whenever she had to. But that was a personality that had no agency for herself. Whose survival depended on playing dumb while being very smart. No one didn’t like her. People can say she did it better or worse. No one will ever do it like it her.
Marilyn Monroe was the most beautiful American creation. Based on lies and a false narrative.
Listen to the final interview of Marilyn Monroe. You have yet to see her portrayed like that in any film. Smart and over it. And ready to share her true story. She rarely shared that side with anybody. The male commentary is a real gas. Filled with victim blaming.
Marilyn Monroe did not die alone out here for you to remember & renarrate her studio sanctioned, & talent at achieving/freezing in a state of unnatural physical beauty.
Marilyn weighed 118lbs when she died, baby. She did a whole photo shoot with Bert Stern flaunting her new “fabulous” figure. The press was not kind to her. The press fat shamed (during some like it hot) her while she was pregnant with Arthur Miller, after she had a miscarriage, during the filming of and release of Let’s Make Love. Countless times. I have a book of every magazine covers she was ever on. They were not nice to her.
Fat shaming is not a new concept to the entertainment industry. It is always been done. It’s been done on everybody. Jane Fonda has documented to her lifelong struggle with body image issues. Barbarella, baby.
Marilyn’s story is famous, but it is not original. If you ever watched E!’s Mysteries & Scandals it’s the same story. The tactics monstrous man have used go back directly to Darryl F Zanuck. He started when he was 23.
Bill Cosby has nothing on Darryl Fucking Zanuck. The fucked up sexual protocols and studio control of human lives was because of Darryl.
Darryl Fucking Zanuck destroyed so many careers and lives, follow his associations.
But that doesn’t mean that I want to destroy work Darryl F Zanuck touched. To do so is abhorrent and disrespectful to culture and history.
I want everyone to know that’s where it started. Everyone needs to stop this faux shock about how dirty my industry is. If you have seen who framed Roger rabbit, it’s all there.
Stars have power. Shine your light for truth. Acknowledge humanity and perseverance.
Blessed Cardi B,
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
"Cardi don't need more press", apparently, but surely a little coverage from her favourite independent singles blog can't hurt...
Katherine St Asaph: I'm sure I'll change my mind after hearing her next splashy pop feature, but absolutely relentless Cardi might be my favorite Cardi. [8]
Andy Hutchins: Pugilism is one of Cardi's fortes, and keyboard savants Slade Da Monsta and Key Wane outfit her with some stunning ring-walk music on "Press," with plinking alien transmission synths and a squashed organ that befit their flyweight champ. And when the snares start rattling, this sounds like a wonderful inversion of the Lex Luger trap sound that stomped so a thousand imitators could walk, run, slouch, and so forth. But Cardi's not really going anywhere, exactly, just shadowboxing the same targets and talking the same shit as ever, and the gunshot sounds that punctuate the hook are distressingly generic for a song that strives to be more. A better prelude than entrée. [5]
Alfred Soto: On realizing that Cardi wasn't covering Paul McCartney's burbling High Reagan wonder, I settled for a manifesto no different in its sanctimony than comparable efforts released from Elvis Costello and Madonna to New Kids on the Block and The Smiths, even if it's more exuberant in its vituperative spirit. Like "Money," "Press" entertains the troops with the artist's tried-and-true while she prepares for the next phase -- if she's got one. This time 'round I savor the pronunciation of "ding DOOOOONG" and a vocal attack that's like a pistol, ahem, pressed into your gut. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: This is so ugly and unmusical that it turns those seeming disadvantages into strengths -- the fact that you're listening at all translates into an argument for Cardi's magnetism. "Press" is not likely to have the same earwormy quality of Cardi's prior hits -- I don't think sorority girls will be rapping along to it a year and a half on from its release -- but it's certainly a memorable work of pop mythmaking. [6]
Taylor Alatorre: The indomitable largeness of the production prompts Cardi to up the ante in order to be heard, with the result being that this sounds more like a losing struggle for dominance than a haughty proclamation of one. It's as if she's in a shouting match with the beat itself, and it makes this record sound oddly insular despite its outward-facing subject matter. The parts where the beat drops out are placed seemingly haphazardly throughout, without the satisfying build-up that's needed in order to make the release enjoyable. The only thing here that remotely qualifies as "subtle" is when she briefly imitates Offset's flow, which should maybe serve as a warning sign of diminishing returns ahead. [3]
Iris Xie: Cardi B, I'm convinced that you could murder me anytime, and I'll die gladly and willingly. However, if I was the subject of "Press," I should know that whatever I did definitely deserved receiving her ire, and whoever Cardi B is pissed about should fucking run for their life. The opening bars sound like slowed-down mutations of The Nightmare on Elm Street, It, and The Twilight Zone theme songs, followed quickly by crouching beats and hostile snare drums as merciful warnings. Cardi B only gives you a few brief seconds before, whoops, you've been sent to another dimension. It is a joy to witness this, because in "Bodak Yellow," her easygoing, sexy, infectious demeanor thinly veils her coiled, simmering preparedness to smash faces to the ground. There is no such buffer in "Press." Other people talk a big game, but Cardi B has a playful-but-forceful presence that is deeply in tune with her desire to never suffer disrespect and to know exactly where to hit them with all of her abandon. Her attempts aren't always successful; the chorus surprisingly needs a slightly deeper mockery and a bit more variance in its cadence to match the ugly venom of the verses, which diminishes a song whose short runtime means every line is a valuable currency. Fortunately, this misstep is quickly smoothed over with the final burst of "pop up, guess who, bitch?" that blends her presence with the twofold horrors of jump scares and gunshots. Still, she hasn't always been this daring; her 2016 track "I Gotta Hurt You" shows hesitation, where the tiny bit of malice gets hidden by goofy EDM trappings. Here though, Cardi B's wit chameleons to reflect that danger, with the lyric "ding dong! must be the whip that I ordered" displaying her keenness to Amazon Prime whoever disrespects her. (Also unintentionally, this line may be prime as a new meme, utterly destined for queers on Twitter ready to spring "she has a big strap" and "please step on me" references.) Her last repeat of "press, press, press" at the end is more successful in expressing a sly mockery that dissolves into a careless apathy. As for me, I've been craving songs that exhibit a willingness to play, exert power, and dive into dangerous, malicious moods, like f(x)'s "Red Light", because since I've been looking for better examples of art willing to fully tap into its dark side, I've noticed how often potentially great songs tiptoe that edge but never make the leap. Case in point, "Press," even with its faults, is what I wished TSwift did with "Look What You Made Me Do." There, our maligned heroine needed to stop hiding behind the goofy melodies, lyrics, and passivity in order to assert her glorious potential as a full-blown Dark!Taylor. Both stars have such incisive intelligence and are terrifying in their precise perception, but Cardi B is willing to do what Taylor didn't and takes her punchback at the press all the way to the edge -- making better art for it. Her readiness to be that candid, combined with her skill, makes Cardi B a standout. She reminds us that, often, there's literally nothing to lose beside ourselves in expressing our honest feelings, and that it's worth the risk, as long as you do the work (and edit afterward.) So, to those hesitant, what the hell are you worried about? [7]
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