#*waves hands vaguely in the air* Stuff✨✨✨
naivesilver · 2 years
🎲 + I'm not giving you a number. just click the button like you're hitting skip on an ipod shuffle until you see a character that you REALLY wanna make content for. And maybe make a moodboard or a ficlet for them?
WELL YOU SEE MY FRIEND, our amiable spinning wheel of fate declared I should make something for little Cedar Booth, the AU daughter of our most beloved blorbo; however, since she's fairly new compared to the other kids, I didn't really want to pick, so you get a moodboard AND a tiny experimental thing as well. Enjoy...?
Send me 🎲 + a number and I will put ALL my OCs into a randomizer and choose the first OC after the number of randomizations to make something for.
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The Rulebook of Being Cedar Booth, Age Almost Six, Storybrooke, Maine
Cedar is her father's favorite child.
Wrong already. Scratch that and start from the top. Paint over it, the way she is so good at doing when she makes a mistake midway through a drawing.
Cedar is her father's only child. That doesn't mean he loves her any less, but saying she's the favorite would be misleading, a lie. There is no one else he could choose.
Cedar's father never planned to have her in the first place. That doesn't mean he loves her any less, either.
Cedar has a father, a grandfather, and several aunts and uncles, because Daddy and Grandpa have lots of friends that care for her even though they're not really family. She doesn't have a mother, but that's okay. She doesn't need one. She's fine the way she is.
Cedar's best friends are Maddie, Raven and Cerise. Raven does have a mum, and Cerise has two, which should balance things out, except Maddie doesn't have one either, just like Cedar. Cedar feels guilty for being a bit happy about this, because Maddie's mum is dead, but sometimes she can't help thinking it all the same. She doesn't like being the odd one out, ever.
Cedar is the odd one out now. That's okay, too. Most of the townspeople are odd, or magic. Cerise and her sister Ramona are werewolves, as is their mama. Daddy was like her once, when he was small. It doesn't matter that she's turning into wood.
6. It does matter that she's turning into wood, but Grandpa says that the right people won't care at all, and that means him and Daddy and Jiminy, and her friends and Auntie Emma, so Cedar guesses she's doing well enough. They will figure it out together. Daddy promised they would figure it out together, and Daddy doesn't lie anymore, especially not to her.
7. Cedar's not hurting anywhere.
7a. Fine, Cedar's hurting a bit. In the legs. They're stiff and sore when she goes to bed sometimes, even if Daddy sweeps her off her feet and carries her off to her room when it happens, makes a game out of it for her. Cedar loves her father very much for that, and she's being a good girl for his sake, she really is.
8. No, she did not throw mud at Apple Nolan when Apple said something about Cedar's legs. That was Sparrow, Raven's brother. Sparrow likes throwing things and making noise, and he doesn't boss Cedar around ever, only picks on her like he does to his sister.
9. What Apple said doesn't make her a bad person. She's Snow White's daughter, and more importantly, Auntie Emma's sister. She can't be a bad person. She just doesn't notice she's hurting other people sometimes, Maddie said.
10. It's Cedar's own fault that this is happening to her.
10a. It's Daddy's fault that this is happening to her, because of what he used to be.
10b. It's Grandpa's fault that this is happening to her, for making his son like that in the first place.
?. She's lost count. She can't say whose fault it actually is. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be safe. She doesn't want her family to be unsafe because of what she says, even if it's the truth. She shouldn't tell the truth if it hurts someone else, like Apple's words did. She should lie.
Could she lie?
She can still lie, right?
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
One why are you scared of horses and two do you mind if we show you art not fanart like stuff we drew ourselves just a general question?
People are always free to show me what ever artwork they happen to make! :0 I don't mind at all! :}
But if you're wanting to show your appreciation for me/my artwork, don't draw something specifically for that- comments/asks/reblogs are all I want please <:}
As for the horse thing.. you know what time it is?
Ok so when I was very smol me and a friend of mine went out into a field that had one big black horse in it.
The horse was allll the way across the field just minding his own business so I figured he probably wouldn't bother us.
Now this field had a pond and a HUGE WALL of blackberries that divided the field in two. Me and my buddy wanted to go to the other side of the pond and explore.. but the literal only way to get there was to carefully trudge through this narrow path that was formed in the blackberry bush wall.
So up we went. Slooowly stepping through this narrow path.. stomping down the protruding spiny blackberry vines and carefully pushing them out of the way with our bare hands. I think we were wearing shorts and sneakers which just added to our slowness and carefulness.
Now picture this, we're almost at the top. There was probably about 2-3 meters left to go before we were finally through the blackberries.. then we hear..
We turn around and the black horse was running up the path towards us. Keep in mind that we were very small, and this very much larger than us, horse was not stopping. He was absolutely going to mow us over.
We. freaked. out.
We scrambled as fast as we could up the rest of the path, tripping in the blackberries and getting cut, screaming all the way-
We made it through just in time and stood flat to the fence. The horse made it through right after us and then jumped around and kicked his feet in the air, nearly nailing my friend in the face.
After a moment the horse stops jumpin around and just kinda looks at us. My friend and I have jello legs and are scared out of our skin-
So for several hours, tiny me and my tiny friend slowly wandered around the space behind the pond. Blubbering and shaking the whole time. With this giant black horse just kinda following us around and sniffing us.
We were terrified of this horse, and we wanted to go back to the house asap- but the only way back was through that narrow spiny path. We didn't want to risk the horse chasing us again..
Eventually an adult came looking for us and was calling out our names. The horse got spooked by them and ran through the path and back out into the field. The adult came up and escorted us through the berries and back to the house.
So anyways, since that day I have learned that horses are way more scared of you than you are of them. All you gotta do is wave your arms around and scream and they'll run. But even so, I don't go out in the field without the scary adult or horse expert by my side. And I'll only feed or pet them through the fence. I am just forever spooked by horses <XD
We found out later that the horse was just playing. Seeing us and running up to greet us and to jump and play! Only for us to be completely spooked and not really engage with him. Causing the horse to kinda sniff us and follow us around like "?? :0 Play? Hm?? <:0 What happen? (Sniff sniff) We're having fun? Play..?? Why not look at me...? So slow..??🤨"
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meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Cosmos - Akiho/Kaito one-shot
Once upon a time, when chapter 48 had definitively broken the cage to my admiration and support for the YunaAki pairing, I couldn't help but start imagining their future together.
And one of the first headcanons that came up to me was this one. Not in depth like you can see developed here, but the setting was definitely this one. An intimacy that didn't require for them to necessarily "jump on eachother". And for personal reasons, I needed to reclaim this headcanon so badly, write it down and release it to the world. Just because of that, I can already feel like this little thing spilled here will be one of my favorite writings.
I'm pretty sure this one, at more than 1600 words, is categorized as a fully fledged fic, right?
Now, this is another quite romantic one, but I managed to sneak in a tiny bit of delicious angst towards the end, just cause it's so much their element and I can't stand over-sugary stuff myself. I can't believe I also made actual research for this one. Get ready for some cosmic magic under the cut ✨
Genre: fluff, romance, a sprinkle of angst. Akiho is 17 years old. They haven't found a cure for Kaito yet, but! She has disclosed her true name to him. Snippet: "Akiho-san...do you know the origin of your name?" "...My name?" "Your true one."
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All the curtains were closed tightly. The spacious living room was completely immersed in the darkness, except for a couple of scented candles on the ground, faintly illuminating the floor. Any hindrance out of the way. A generous number of soft cushions of all sizes was arranged on the floor, on top of a large camping mattress, right between the two candles.
Akiho threw herself enthusiastically on the pile of cushions, while Kaito lay down in a slower motion.
"....Ready?" Kaito whispered with a soft smile, while the girl next to him nodded excitedly, azure eyes shining in the dark.
One press on a button of the remote controller, and the whole ceiling turned into a sparkling planetarium.
Akiho gasped. "Oh my god....this is amazing!" She instinctively brought her hands to her face, covering partly her mouth while her voice was choking with emotion, a quirk that even at 17 years old she couldn't drop yet.
The starry vault rotated slowly, while some stars twinkled, giving a quite realistic effect to the scenery. Every now and then, a shooting star would appear randomly, inviting to make a wish.
Kaito looked to the side to check the reaction of the girl, pleased with himself. The star projector had been his present for Akiho's 17th birthday, but between study, book repairs and moving out to another country, they hadn't found a moment of quiet to put it in function. That perfect moment finally came this evening of December.
Of course he bought the most expensive model out there, and this one could even add sound effects to the experience, which he had set on sea waves through the remote control. The idea was "we're lying down on a deserted beach at night, in the early summer", instead of the chilling winter they were actually in.
"Kaito-san..." - Akiho moved her finger up in the air, "what constellation is that one?"
He had vaguely studied astronomy as part of his magic education, but he had forgotten a lot of it...for a moment he was tempted to use a magic spell, but then decided against it, not wanting to irritate the girl beside him. She always reprimanded him whenever he lazily tried to use his magic for the most mundane things. They hadn't found a cure for him yet, so she wanted him to keep the use of magic at the minimum, to avoid affecting his health. Therefore, he pulled himself up and went next to the star projector, changing the little disc with a different one.
The projection changed to a similar starry vault complete with the constellations map, and plopping down next to her, he said with a smile "Akiho-san, that seems to be Virgo!".
"Really?! That's my zodiac sign!!" Her brows furrowed for a moment, then "Indeed, with a bit of imagination that could look like a maiden...without a head". Kaito chuckled. "Wait, where's Pisces?"
Kaito checked the constellation map on his phone (which he had downloaded precisely for this occasion), and after a moment he indicated it, pointing his finger towards the ceiling. "Over there."
"....That one?! Oh....that looks more like a flower with two stems than actually two fishes, doesn't it?" she blurted out, laughing playfully.
"...Akiho-san..." Kaito couldn't help but chuckle again, reveling in the cheerfulness of his beloved. Nothing could send tingles to his heart like the sound of her laughter.
"Akiho-san...do you know the origin of your name?" "...My name?" "Your true one."
Akiho stared at him with curiosity, cheeks tinted slightly with a pink hue. The topic of their true names was usually off-limits. They didn't make a rule for it, but being both very well acquainted with the customs of the magic world, the unspoken agreement was to never bring them up...unless it was something serious.
"I was named after a flower, right?"
"Of course...but do you know why cosmos flowers were named that way?"
The girl stared at him, thinking for a moment about the question. She realized she never actually thought about why cosmos flowers bore that name. So, she shook her head slightly.
"Back in the 17th century, Spanish priests found the flowers in Mexico and cultivated them in their mission gardens."
He looked away from her, turning his gaze towards the starry sky.
"Originally, Kosmos is a Greek word that means 'order' or 'harmonious arrangement'. The priests were fascinated by those flowers' orderly arranged petals, they found them...." He paused.
"...Breathtakingly beautiful. And perfect." His eyes were now twinkling, still fixed on the firmament over their heads. "Just like the universe, the cosmos. So, they named those flowers after it."
Akiho's heartbeat quickened, and if she knew the man next to her well enough, his heart was doing just the same. They had spent enough time together for her to understand all too well what he was trying to say.
Kaito felt Akiho's hand searching for his, and they intertwined them silently.
"Thank you...I didn't know all of that. I've always thought that cosmos flowers were pretty, yes, but not particularly remarkable or unique... It is nice to know that the right people could see the true beauty and worth in them."
As if replying to her, she felt him squeezing her hand.
After a moment of silence, Akiho's right index finger moved up in the air once again. "Wait, what about that one? What is its name? It's big, but the stars don't look particularly bright"
"Hmm...Aquarius, apparently. This one would be basically impossible to see by naked eye, from an urban area."
Akiho made a face once again. "The water-bearer, hmmm... I can see his legs but...these constellations all seem to be missing their heads!", she blurted out, feigning annoyance.
Kaito couldn't hold it in, and burst out laughing, causing her to do the same.
Yes, she was just perfect the way she was.
Kaito groggily opened his eyes in the dim light of the candles, ceiling still covered with stars. The clock of the living room showed it was 2 am.
Clinging onto his right arm, Akiho was soundly asleep next to him. Consciousness rapidly washed over him, remembering what happened.
Akiho's exploration of the starry vault had gone on for more than an hour, but at some point her remarks and answers had become more and more absentminded, till he realized she had actually fallen asleep. Smiling tenderly at her slumbering form, he was ready to pull himself up to go pick up a blanket for her, and eventually arrange some cushions for himself farther away from the camping mattress (he didn't want to wake her up, but didn't want to leave her sleeping alone in the living room either), but he had quickly realized with dismay that she had turned on the side and literally latched onto his right arm.
He had frozen right there and then. He didn't want to wake her up, but he had started to overthink as usual - this is not appropriate, we shouldn't sleep together, what if-- The result was that the stress made him incredibly sleepy, and after a few minutes of ruminations, Morpheus had taken a hold of him too.
Now that he was fully awake, he mentally scolded himself for falling asleep, and proceeded to do what he didn't have the heart to do before: slowly, slowly, he tried to disentangle his arm from Akiho's grip. When he managed to slip away, he rose to go pick that blanket up, because he couldn't risk for Akiho to catch a cold due to his imprudence.
"Where are you going?"
Her tone made him stop in his tracks immediately. Turning around, what he saw made his heart drop.
Akiho was propped on her elbow, staring in his direction but not quite focused on him. She was clearly still half asleep, but what ripped Kaito's heart apart was her expression, halfway between a scowl and wanting to break into tears.
It didn't take him long to understand why she had that expression. Even after 4 years, the trauma he had caused to her resurfaced sometimes in her dreams, upsetting her when she woke up.
"I'm just going to get a blanket.....I'm not going anywhere." he answered, while painfully making sure to emphasize the last part.
Akiho blinked her eyes twice, awareness coming back to her. Her expression slowly turned into one of realization, then she looked briefly to her side, panicking. "Oh my god, I'm sorry...I didn't fall asleep on you, did I? ...I didn't want to bother you-"
"You've never bothered me once, Akiho-san."
The girl stared at him, misty-eyed. His expression was kind, but tinged with guilt. His figure against the starry ceiling reminded her of that fateful night, when he fought his stubborness and the monsters inside his head to go back to her.
The girl casted her eyes down and to the side, pink hue emerging on her cheeks once again. "Then...once you took that blanket...could you...could you get back here next to me?" she said softly, finding the courage to look up once again.
Kaito had already understood long time ago that he was done for. He knew that no matter how much he tried, he would've never been able to refuse anything to those blue eyes of hers. Especially if he wanted it himself, in the first place.
They stared at eachother for a moment, before Kaito breathed out the air he was unwittingly holding and said with a smile "I'd be happy to, Akiho-san."
Akiho beamed at him, sure more than ever that there wasn't any place on this Earth or in the entire cosmos where she could've felt safer, other than next to him.
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