#- its bc she uses any and all prns)
henriiiii-1001 · 4 months
oc ask game for Adam and Estrella!
betrayal and skin
oooo ty for the ask!!!
betrayal: both adam and estrella experiences betrayal differently; estrella was betrayed by her former husband, as he promised to be there for her and eva but never acted upon those promises. adam was the one to betray someone, specifically his many lovers. he’s even betrayed one of his contractees, and as much as he hates to admit it, he regrets it every single time.
skin: stella is p comfortable w her current self, at least in terms of her body. their feelings towards their morals are constantly changing, but thats a different can of worms i might open one day. as for adam, he’s constantly trying to fight an urge he’s never able to hold back for long. lilith can deal w this urge a lot better than him. but the more adam lets the urges take over, the more he loses the humanity he’s been fighting to keep for about two decades.
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dykeyote · 10 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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coconox · 4 months
just a little coco redesign :3c
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link if you wanna see the old design
not gonna post the full details of the design here cause i dont think that rlly matters lol also don't mind the boots i cannot draw anything past the knees like at all 💀💀
ik i wrote lil drabbles of them from time to time but this post will be the "official" one introducing them since i never rlly gave a proper introduction
as a heads up i'll be using both commandant and skk interchangeably bc i'm consistently inconsistent 👍
basic info
name: coco
prns: they/them
vocation: cerberus commandant
always carries chocolate wherever they go and would even snack on it while carrying out missions on earth.
most people would often know if coco is around by the sudden scent of chocolate in the air. vera, 21, and noctis are the only people constructs that associate coco's scent w smth other than chocolate
is often hidden away in their squad's lounge area when on standby for missions, usually handling any sort of files or paperwork
if they're not in the lounge, then they're in the library either working or conversing with noan or simultaneously doing both
expresses their gratitude through actions and gifts rather than words
often seen as very reserved due to only speaking when spoken to when around most people that aren't in their squad
with that being said it's rumored that if you bad mouth any of the cerberus members, whether you noticed their presence (during the bad mouthing) or not they will haunt you in the worst ways possible
another rumor has it that while their smile is generally more comforting than the uh... other members of cerberus.... their smile when confronting those who slander cerberus is more terrifying than the trio combined
how they became cerberus' skk
formerly gray raven's skk, vera carried out her plans of kidnapping coco and make them cerberus' skk, tho rather than coco trying to fight against it, they willingly complied and offered to help w the coverup, even as far as talking to murray directly abt transferring him to be gray raven's skk so that he can finally be alongside lee in the closest way possible. this whole plan took place right around chapter 15, the last spark, after skk successfully returns from atlantis
tl;dr rozen's secrets 10 and 12 came true, murray and gr skk just switch places lol
relationship w vera
vera would always try to tease and make lies to see some sort of idiotic expression on coco's face, but they picked it up rather quickly and would either play along or tease back
vera tends to give most of the paperwork to coco just cause she doesnt want to do it
even tho the two of them have looked at each other's files and vera even going as far as hunting down every little detail abt coco's past, neither of them could really understand each other, nor do they really have the social skills to get to properly have that conversation
despite not really knowing each other to the fullest, the both could at least agree on maintaining the existence of cerberus and their teammates
vera often worries abt coco, but would never outright say it. its not everyday you see an f.o.s. chief be so willing to break every rule they learned when training to be a commandant. she often thinks they're just as reckless as noctis at times if not more than him
despite everything, its still a mystery to vera of why coco was so willing to transfer out of gray raven
relationship w 21
took the most time to adjust to coco
given cerberus now has an on-field skk and 21 needing to be more closely monitored than the others, it took a while for her to be comfortable w having constant m.i.n.d. connections w coco
once 21 fully became comfortable w their presence, she'd ask them to join her to watch animal documentaries
indulges 21 in her story writing, giving her books and movies from the wgaa for inspiration
coco basically semi-treats 21 like she's their daughter
relationship w noctis
they're married :) /hj
noctis was the most excited out of the 3 when coco officially became cerberus' skk
also was the least obedient when it came to listening to coco due to his very "lone wolf" mindset at times
to get him to listen, coco decided to attach a leash on him, in which vera's initial reaction was of both amusement of coco's stupidity and disbelief that it'd actually work
much to either of their surprise, it did work 💀 which made vera and 21 laugh their asses off over how noctis could be easily tamed w a rather small and albeit dumb trick
nowadays coco carries the leash as an intimidation factor for noctis to behave
out of the 3, noctis is the one that spends the most time w coco, considering his reputation of being obnoxious has led to him being held back on quite a few occasions and have coco watch over him while vera and 21 go on missions as per nikola's orders. during those times, coco would need to do a remote connection and would update noctis over what's going on
calls each other "partner" when not on missions/formal occasions
cerberus on-field
while coco is on-field alongside their teammates, they tend to let the trio complete missions in whatever method they're most comfortable w, only intervening when asked by the members or if a certain method will create too drastic of a casualty
coco's main job is to give a brief overview of the mission and clean up the trio's mess/deal w the aftermath, they'll often do other small tasks in the meantime while the trio handles the bigger (and supposedly more "fun") tasks
a lot of other commandants would comment abt this tactic being "lazy" since coco doesn't appear to do all that much on the surface, only for coco to retort w "ok so why don't you be cerberus' commandant for a day and show me how i'm supposed to act" with a shit-eating grin on their face which makes the others immediately take back their statement and shut up abt how coco operates as a commandant. the trio (if around) would also chime in and scare the others even more than what coco initially intended
some other bits that idk where to categorize them in
earpiece would almost always have music playing
coco's reputation slowly deteriorated over time. a once beacon of hope now often seen as someone who's fallen from grace
the unapproachable nature of cerberus made people believe that coco, as a former gray raven commandant, would try to "fix" them, only to find out that coco fully embraces and encourages cerberus' behavior, which made the whole squad more terrifying than before
coco now often refuses to partake in any sort of mission that would make them go solo (i.e. constructs from cerberus wont be joining directly alongside them), stating things like "there are many other commandants out there that can easily perform just as well if not better than them" and "only cerberus can fully guarantee their safety"
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emeraldoo · 10 months
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hi, my name is bastion!! i have lots of other names im ok with tho, like bb, b, 8, shiver, weird, etc! im not ok with the nickname EM or EMERALD!
i am a zombie, jumping spider, maned wolf kin and fict kin Shiver from spl3 <3 i am also NOT a minor!!!!!! 18 yrs :•)) im also a rogue of mind!! (homestuck hoe.)
i am a trans male! i use he/xe/it prns! currently questioning my romantic attraction (pretty sure im bi-gay), but i am asexual!
i am the host in the zipties system, a did system!! some of the head mates have their own blogs, which ill tag :•)
i am audhd, gad, ocd, and a general cluster b pd haver!! i also have some delusions from ~an unkown disorder~ so! working thru some stuff still!
HERE IS MY COHOST!! please please PLEASE follow me on here bc it is my current fave social media :)))
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SPLATOON AUGHHHHH most of my blog is splatoon....
i freaking LOVE nnsg :•3333 the anime of ALL TIME!!
SCIENCE!!!!!!! i plan on majoring in microbiology and synthetic biology but i luv ALL science!!
MUSIC/BAND!! i play euphonium and play in marching band and concert ensembles <3
i luvvv itsv and atsv and all of the spiderverse stuf!!!!!! my fave spider in spider man india btw.!
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not all of our alters choose to make profiles, and we arent going to force them to make them. if you need to know them, just send a DM or ask
* = written by alter
BASTION (☘️): DAS ME BITCH! im the host and core of the system >:•D i am the main guy in this blog soooo ya. (he/him, xe/xem, it/its)
EM/@riddlekid (🧪): the rat. horrible terrible (/hj... i guess..!) obsessed with horrible ppl sooo. erm yeah. he is also a prosecutor.!! also second most freq fronter :•P (it/its, he/him)
JON/@just-dr (🎃): jon!! he is a protector and a fictive of jonathan crane.. he is nice :•)) he doesnt associate much with his source tho so shrugsies (he/him, they/them)
MILES (👤): i actually dont know much abt them... they do their job rlly good tho! protector n stuff.. cool! (they/them)
CORNELIUS (🩸): um... so it just split and formed prtty recently (as of 12/8/23) and i also. don't know much abt it! other than it's a fictive of cornelius stirk from batman unburied.. and a prosecutor! (it/its)
JADE (🌐): cutey patootie wolf thing! fictive of jade from homestuck andddd yeah!! cool (she/they)
KARKAT/@karkat-cornbread (🔥): fictive of karkat homestuck guy. gets very angry very fast. idk role but yeah. the amgry one ig (he/they)
* DAVE/@karkat-cornbread (🕶️): yea. is this bitch predictable or what lmfao (he/any)
* HAL/9K/@timothy-timeaus (🛑): Beep boop. Coolest splinter of Dirk. I'm also cool with the name Odyssey or 9k. (They/Them)
* EQUIUS/@runningfromred (🐎): Yes hello I am Equius I am more active on the cohost but might still use this platform.
* TIM/ @timothy-timaeus (🔗): I'm my own subsystem of splinters. I'm just a ye ol Dirk splinter.
* CALUM/@timothy-timaeus (🧢): bro strider splinter and a real goof. heeheeee
* JAKE (🦎): Your caretaker and funny guy! im from meat timeline and have alot of pseudos, sorry if im hesitant to interact with sourcemates :B
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#emeraldo slay posting: all of my posts! that i leave words on are tagged with 8)
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DNI :•(
its not rlly. much? the only stuff i rlly care abt is jerks.. if ur a jerkkk (terf, racist, zionist, ableist, antikin, sysmed, transmed, antikink, whatever girl u git the gist....)
i don't have especially strong opinions on most discourse... slurcourse, syscourse, flagcourse, shipcourse... its kinda silly.! so um. whatever.
* (Hal writing.) Our take on pro/antiship is "It doesn't fucking matter". We aren't proship, we aren't antiship, we are just kind of shipping whatever the fuck we want. If you think it's problematic, we most likely won't care. Unless there's a genuine reason to be concerned, don't bother.
exclusionists!!!! i don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!! aphones, panphobes, biphobes, mspec gay/lesbian haters, antixenogender, anti neoprns, whatever! i do not like you at all >:•{
hp fans... you know why :•) please find a better media ..
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
i feel like what u said about using male terms in male reader imagines is SO important like it makes me so happy when im reading something and it has a 'pretty boy/my boy/my man/my boyfriend' i think its really importanr to have it there and im so glad u do it
on a really super genuine note : it makes me feel so affirmed in myself to see masc terms being used in x male readers. because ive been so used to only feminine tersm being used bc i used to have to just read x fem readers (ltr like years ago since i dont think x male readers were that "common" as they are now) as a source of [character x reader] content. and the plot and writing of the story would get me so wrapped up in it id forget the readers gender!! but then i'd see "she/her prns + baby girl/princess/any other fem term" and i'd just remember that what im reading is not for me and it never will be (and thats not the writers fault, they were doing what was fitting for their story. it was definitely at my own discretion to b reading fem reader stories -- im not blaming the writers at all LOL just giving my experience w reading ffs and stuff). and now that i write for male readers, i just really wanna assure my readers that i write specifically and especially for them. i dont know; smth abt seeing masc terms being used in x readers makes me really happy, and im v glad i can spread that happiness to u as well <3 and ofc everyone else that may agree and feel the same ! <3
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weed666 · 10 months
hi welcome 2 my gay sex & weed blog. my main is @fefairys my nsfw art blog is @feferriswheel
23 years old ♠ any pronouns ♠ polyam verse + switch
minors dni obviously. if ur age isnt listed clearly on ur blog i'll block u.
this is the blog where i talk about sex and weed and alcohol and stuff. more about me below the cut ^_^ pls read before sending asks! last updated: 4/14/2024
feel free to send asks of any kind :3 i love intrusive sexual questions >:) if u ask/say horny stuff abt my ocs i'll love u forever
i may be slow to respond because chronic illness is crushing my libido
fav kinks you can expect to see here: -robophilia and general objectophilia for electronics -blood!!!/knifeplay/cannibalism/gore sometimes -monsterfuckery and furry stuff :3 -petplay -bondage -EDGING/orgasm denial -cnc -somnophilia -intoxication -praise and degradation (mixing them together is top tier) -voyeurism & exhibitionism (im more of a voyeur myself teehee) -breeding (no preg) -vore sometimes maybe :3c -micro/macro -sadism/masochism -i dont post abt it as much but i love piss its like my main kink in private im just shy abt it lol. i like holding and wetting the most but also being used as a urinal :3 or using someone else as a urinal. soaking things.. hehe.
here's my irl pics tag here's my art tag (see more on my nsfw art blog i mentioned above) 🧃 is the tag i use when i talk about my fiance, juice :3 (/posts that make me think of it) 🧃pic is where i show it off <3
also, we're a plural system! there are actually 3 (maybe 4? or 5??) of us who use this blog. dante/ruby (he/she) tags posts with #🃏 while cat and sam (both any prns) dont signify themselves in any way. also sometimes ruby doesnt even use his tag lmfao.. but she always will when answering asks n stuff scythe (it/he/xe/ze) tags posts with #🩸 (it also has xer own blog now! @kismoirailsis but will prolly still post here sometimes as well since we have more followers here rn lmfao)
things we like being called: -good/bad girl/boy -slut, whore, toy -pet, dog, puppy/pup -fag/faggot!!!!!!!! -freak, pervert (<- ruby esp likes 'pervert')
hard limits: -pregnancy -incest or anything that reminds me of family dynamics, including "mommy/daddy" stuff -misgendering?? which is tricky lol bc i use any pronouns and am genderfluid, but dont imply im actually a cis girl or anything like that. -vomit -scat -feederism/weight gain -dont fetishize my fatness in general, im v sensitive to feeling like my weight is being fetishized and i do not like it. finding myself having a hard time defining the line of what feels fetishizing and what doesnt lol ... just be considerate. absolutely NO degrading comments abt my weight. praise is usually okay but i can be sensitive to it if i feel like its all you care about, i guess? its hard to explain 😭 -dont ask for nudes. i only take and post/send them on my own volition.
will add more if we think of anything.
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pro-crastinate17 · 2 years
 (a remake of my previous intro post bc Shit Has Changed)  
you can call me maxim and / or refer to me by my kin names. my prns are it / he / they and any neos! mix it up i need enrichment in my enclosure djskfhdsjf 
i am a minor!! also im white!! 
im genderqueer + transmasc and non-sam arospec / demiromantic, and i have one queerplatonic partner and two romantic partners! 
im AuDHD and have GAD and HPD and i have psychosis, i suspect a few other things (including NPD) but those are the important ones lol 
i am physically disabled! i am not diagnosed with anything other than a knee condition, but i have chronic pain and suspect i have EDS and potentially POTS. i wear knee braces and am currently trying to get crutches or a wheelchair.
i trigger tag when i remember + have the spoons but i dont tag cursing or caps anymore so be aware of that pls!! 
i use tone tags and appreciate when they are used in interactions with me (but i dont require it) 
i have SO many interests please talk to me about them!!!! including but not limited to: the Muppets, the Librarians tv show (2014), the Descendants movies, musical theatre, Greek / Roman / Norse / Egyptian mythology (trying to expand my tastes in mythology as well so tbh talk to me about any type of it), my own stories, various bands/musicians (Will Wood, Steam Powered Giraffe, the Stupendium, Jonathan Coulton, Fall Out Boy, Everybody's Worried About Owen, Trashbag Ponchos, Pansy Division, Sycamore Smith, Noah Kahan, Jayden Wark, and more), clown taxonomy (especially my own clowns, Glitterbomb, Dismal, and Bludgeon), and more!!! 
also im otherkin + fictionkin! if that bothers you, fuck all the way off! my main kintypes are Gonzo - the Muppets (it / they / he / she), Jacob Stone - the Librarians (they / he), Monty - A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder (he / they) , Ludo - Labyrinth (he / it), T'noy Karaxis aka Tinky - Hatchetfield (he / it) and Harley Quinn - DC (she / it + any neos). im also werewolfkin and robotkin!
i am often low on spoons and messaging is difficult for me, please feel free to talk to me but understand i may not respond right away (or potentially at all) 
im working on developing a tagging system but its Very much still in progress!!! 
- basic dni criteria (https://dni-criteria.carrd.co/) 
- transmed and / or anti neopronouns/xenogenders 
- aro / ace exclus 
- anti otherkin / fictionkin (as stated above) 
- t erf / sw erf / radf em etc 
- conservative 
- doesnt support blm / acab / stop asian hate 
- cringe / flop blogs, discourse blogs unless i interact w you first, blogs focused mainly / only on politics, EXTREMELY pro / anti shippers (having an opinion on it is chill, but if your blog is only or mainly shipcourse, please dni)
- pro-ana / pro-mia / pro-sh 
- stigmatizes personality disorders, believes in "”narcissistic abuse”” or any other ""pd abuse"", stigmatizes psychosis  
- anti educated self dx
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Um hiya vinnie,I've liked kagepro since i was like 13 so um do u have any prn hcs for the mekadan? If thats ok 2 ask
ayano: she/her but in a deeply transgender way
kido: they/them but also...why not a lil bit of he/him. transmasc kido my beloved...
seto: he/him also in a deeply transgender way.
kano: he/they/it YEAHH WOOO YEAHHHH also transmasc btw if u even care. but i could also transfem ray him he has the range tbh
mary: she/they, doesnt rly care much though. that sonic comic thats like knuckles what are ur pronouns. (saeru: SETO WHAT ARE MARYS PRONOUNS seto: we usually just use she but they dont really care)
momo: she/it, probably a bunch of neos too. the more the better. transfem btw. that whole thing distances her and shintaro even more as kids bc he doesnt understand it very well. meeting ayano helps
takane: they/she/he/it. idk if its bc theyre a favorite or they just have that much gender. canon blue hair and all you know. so nonbinary it makes you look stupid
shintaro: he/him. hes the diversity hire and the only cis person in the dan. ive seen transmasc shintaro hcs and like ofc its awesome but to me it just changes his whole foundation... if a boy, to me he is cis. if trans shintaro...ok hear me out. transfem shin COME ONNN COME ON COME ONNNN C ok yeah that rly self indulgent hc aside, cis 💔 also has a hard time understanding...everyone else. when finding out ayano is trans his brain breaks. he especially cant understand the nonbinaries hes like JUST PICK ONE !!! sry cis shintaro is so funny he keeps wanting to act like a victim for it (confusion and self hatred shed feel in a transfem hc...oughoigh ok sorry ill move on)(puts down the stress ball with shintaro face printed on it)
hibiya: HE/HIM BABY TRANS💗💗💗 gets his first binder from the dan as a gift. kido teaches him to put it on. weehhh wehhhhh sniff sniff but also transfem egg hibiya would be so awesum too😳 both are good. but he is so deeply transgender either way
haruka: he/she. demiboy or demigirl whichever but so epic and genderfluid :) when he is a girl and she is a boy
konoha: it/its cuz unauthorized fucking thing /pos /pos /pos but when it was around, the dan used he/him sort of in the same way they use she for mary lol (kido: indicative but not exclusive to your gender identity. konoha: stop swearing at me)
hiyori: she/her, transfem. no one knows. knew she was a girl since like 0 seconds old. in my sick twisted mind the way hibiya and hiyori become friends in a route like the novels for example, where they didnt rly speak much before their trip together is cuz hiyori finds out hibiya is trans and decides he HAS to be her friend but doesnt Actually tell him that she's trans. probably only tells him after meeting the dan bc thats the whole lgbt community so she's like damn okay
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turtle-trash · 11 months
Okokokok SO the concept that’s been living in my head rent free is how exactly Ecolo goes from they/them to any prns (that’s a bit of a generalization honestly, they were technically already fine w it but this specifically made them go "oh..!")
So. Dark arle. She’s referred to with she/her canonically, which by extension means that Ecolo was being referred to with those pronouns. And that sort of planted a seed in their mind of "oh I kinda liked being called that", which eventually causes them to go to ringo to basically go "hey can I borrow your body for like. A day. It’s for totally unrelated reasons to gender exploration haha. I swear ill try and be normal" and normally while ringo would say no, her transgirl mind goes "oghhgh I need to let them (her? Her.) have her positive gender experience consequences be damned" and so shenanigans ensue 👍
So Yeag. Ecolo gets a gender experience ™️ and properly starts using any and all pronouns bc it makes her go :D
[I feel like Ecolo would be so used to people referring to her w he/him, they/them, and even it/its that she hasn’t experienced she/her until possessing arle, which is why this concepts been living in my brain so much]
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theclosetedskeleton · 11 months
INFO DUMP TO ME ABOUT YOUR JIMINY OC (/nf obv) i need to learn more about them they seem so cool/gen^_^
OKAY SO Jiminy Rivers (aka Jenni by close friends ^_^) is the oc name
She uses he/she prns !!!!
SOME sort of like undead being. I was GONNA go for him being a vampire but idk anymore. so im going with that shes a product of necromancy and was originally dead BUT is now alive sorta due to someone (which that someone i have in mind is the person in pov of necromancin dancin) (IT FITS SO WELL BECAUSE LIKE. NECROMANCIN DANCINS ABOUT LIKE NECROMANCY AND WHEN IM DEAD LITERALLY HAS A LINE OF "I guess I wasn't satisfied to begin I wanted more than the everything at the end" HSJNS GRAHH /POS)
I imagine the jiminy album being like jiminy exploring the mortal life again WITHOUT realizing hes dead until vulture where he then becomes a ghost/becomes fully dead AGAIN
usually with album ocs i mainy imagine the album ocs being the speaker in songs HOWEVER i dont see that the same with the like prev released songs rivers is a vampire, BTBBRBBBQ, + sirens, you already HAVE an oc of rivers is a vampire that i FUCKING FORGOT THE NAME OF. me when im bad with names im sorry 💔💔
ALSO hc??? i imagine your rivers is a vampire oc + jiminy to be good friends muhahha
shes genderfluid + aroace :3
REALLYREALLY LIKES FLOWERS!!! if he could she'd ramble to anyone whos willing to listen about flowers and plants etc for HOURS !!!!
he doesnt remember much of her prev life, usually it just comes as deja vu, shtugs it off and doesnt realize it was just his prev life's memories
ironic with the death thing shes really afraid of death and stuff so when he realized she was already dead that was a fucking nightmare
After me, the flood is abt like this weird "not alive" space he lived in before being fully "alive again"
Heavy news deals with like "holy shit im back and this place im in sucks lmao im not listening to your shit rules"
Peas & love is about this person. jiminy keeps seeing and looks familar (its the person who made jiminy back alive again but she doesnt know) and reminds him abt a past lover but. "who was it again"
skipping the reinserts bc i imagine they have their own stories and characters
Bark skinpson deals w/a silly group of people jiminy found and now in this point of the album jiminy is starting to see signs of death and panicking (also the "silly group of people" are ghosts only jiminy can see because the group of people are already dead + "you'll be one of us" refers to her)
The mario cliche is jiminy starting to realize who the person from peas & love is someone important, more and more signs of death are around and he (jiminy) realizes she cant be around them
When im dead is basically the whole "holy shit im fucking dead was this entire adventure any better" and realizes who the person in he keeps seeing is the person who like. made him alive again
LAST BUT NOT LEAST vulture is abt jiminy starting to semi-decompose and realizing what regret yet anger he has for all of this that the necromancin dancin person had to go through just for all of it to end.
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
waitok. rottmnt headcanons GO.
autism + ocd (hes just like me for realsies)
trans/nb, bisexual (he/they/it prns)
hes YOUNGER THAN LEO (by 5 minutes. he figured it out w science stuff idk)
likes baking bc its like chemistry but you can eat ur experiments it w/out dying (usually)
stress baker
knows asl and a little bit of japanese (from splinter)
back/posture issues (worse after the kraang bc of shell damage)
chronic back pain...bones of an 80 yr old
agender + aroace (uses any pronouns but mostly he/she. none gender left boy is how he describes it)
has a deep interest in psychology and would pursue a career as a therapist if it wasnt for the whole. turtle thing
looks up to leo and thinks hes sooo cool until she turns like 12 and realizes oh hes kinda lame actually. still his idol though bc hes funny
besties w sunita ^_^ bc i said so. new sister acquired
likes watching raph knit
chronic pain after the kraang, as well as tremors
adhd + autism
needs glasses like donnie but thinks they make him look like a nerd so he never wears them..hed rather be blind (until he eventually gets contacts that is)
is actually a nerd, just in denial
trans + gay (he/him)
the WORST flirter ever. so bad at it. absolutely abysmal. he gets zero bitches
is afraid of cold, dark spaces after the whole Kraang Fiasco
saw gram gram in the prison dimension for a bit b4 being rescued <3
knows the most languages (english, asl, spanish, japanese)
likes boxing
cried for an hour when casey jr accidentally called him dad
anxiety + ocd
trans + biromantic asexual (he/they)
loves knitting <3 he makes his brothers and april new sweaters every year
stress knitter. it helps him calm down. after the kraang incident he knit so much that he ended up w 3 piles of scarves, blankets, sweaters and other various items. april donated some bc there were just So Many
watches donnie bake a lot and vehemently denies eating the raw dough (even when donnie catches him)
sometimes sees gram gram in his dreams
rly good at dancing actually
sleeps w a mountain of teddy bears. cries if he accidentally knocks one off the bed
adhd + anxiety
nb lesbian (she/they)
TWO GIRLFRIENDS (cassandra + sunita)
has a cat named mona lisa :] shes a calico and frequently hides in aprils backpack to sneak into the lair. donnies her second fav
has Eldest Sister Syndrome
literally the only hamato who actually knows how to take care of herself. frequently reminds her brothers to do that as well
HUGE gossip. w donnie specifically. she'll come over after work and shit talk customers/shitty co workers and he'll just listen and occasionally suggest manslaughter
lied abt being 18 to get a crane license </3
helps the brothers w their post kraang issues
trans lesbian (she/her)
casey jrs biological mom despite saying she found him in the trash
named him after the greatest warrior she knows. herself
raphs bestie! he scruffs her like a cat when she gets too violent.
theyre vigilante buds! shes commited murder before
bit so many kraang zombies. claimed they tasted like bubblegum (they did not)
slightly feral, maybe rabid
actually scarily intelligent, she's just. a little insane
cried when she met casey jr. shes so proud of him
casey jr
So Much Trauma. All Of It. anxiety + ocd + autism
trans + questioning (no time for teen romance in the apocalypse, he/him)
once he gets more comfy w the turtles and family he stops w the sensei or master and starts calling them uncles ^_^ (leo is dad, casey + april + sunita r mom, draxum + splinter are grandpa and big mama is nana)
so many parental figures, watched them all die
the worst fashion sense known to man. its so bad its embarassing
very smart bc he was taught by future donnie, ended up just going to college immediately despite being like, ~15/16
very proud of his stubble :]
loves hockey! plays it w his moms
showers everyday once he figures out what showers actually are
cant sleep alone, if he wakes up alone he freaks out rly bad
good at cooking! not amazing, but good! was mostly joking about eating rats (thinks its funny)
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the ask thing but with werewolf pls
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of course... el woowoo himself my darling angel
Sexuality Headcanon: i dont think sexuality is something werewolf actively thinks about but hes bisexual Gender Headcanon: this is something i have held on to for a WHILE i love any prns bigender werewolf so so much. i have a lot of indepth hcs regarding her upbringing and backstory and i think its shaped into her having a pretty complicated relationship with his own gender. ive actually used she/her so much for werewolf in servers where i rp him and such that i forget he isnt canonically referred to with them and ive had friends w similar feelings bc of me LOL
A ship I have with said character: well.... *tucks ear*.... darkwolf..... obviously......... but if i have to mention anything else, i also really like werecrow and uniwolf a lot. i will never stop thinking about how crowberry called werewolf beautiful u_u + i think a lot about how werewolf and cream uni are both animal shapeshifter characters characterized a lot by their own loneliness w contrasting aesthetics
A BROTP I have with said character: werewolf and adventurer being friends is SOOO fun i think..... me and a friend i rp w/ have a lot about them being friends and addie helping werewolf open up and i think its very sweet. and also kumiho + werewolf bestie friendship is of course very very fun. darkwolf and kumipom should go on a double date together and have it go really really badly . and of course the trio of werewolf + crunchy chip + red velvet will
A NOTP I have with said character: herbwolf. wont elaborate
A random headcanon: the village werewolf lived in for a time (and was then promptly ran out of) is the snow village cotton resides (resided?) in. it just feels right to me and i cant imagine it any other way tbh and since a recent cutscene confirmed its in the same general area as the cacao kingdom it also works in darkwolfs favor so i always win.
General Opinion over said character: i lvoe him so much. genuienly an underrated character with so much potential to be explored i really wish devsisters WOULD FINALLY GIVE US AN ANSWER AS TO WHO HIS FRIEND IS AFTER ALL THESE YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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buntsukim · 2 years
my gasa4 pronoun headcanons!!! yippee
i tell to call them all by any prns or they/them a lot bc . well idk i just like doing that but yeah!!!
dummy - they/them (he sometimes)
cashier - he/they (mainly he/him though)
player - they/he/any (includes neos but im still getting used to using neos srry)
party person - she/they/he (party person enby agenda)
aware cashier - he/they/it (in my main au him and cashier r like from separate realities while being the same person. idk ill explain someday)
nooby - they/them or just nooby tbh. (noob/noob??)
father figure - he/him ("i dont use pronouns")
orby - they/them (orb)
kyu - they/she (cube)
ratty - is a rat (is a rat)
waiter - they/any (like any w preference?)
tiny terson - they/vem (urge to just . tiny prns. to upset them)
sleepy weepy - NONE!!!!!!!!! (it/its sometimes though)
pizza person - she/her (doesnt care if u use something else)
paper hat man - any/all ("what")
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dykeyote · 2 years
Do u have any juniper x rowan or salem x marisol hcs :00? Ur hcs r so good!!
GASP!!!! u all need to stop saying my hcs are good yr gonna give me an ego .... /pos it makes me very happy . but yes i DO!!!!! >:)
ROWANIPER FIRST!!!!! i think junipers pretty bad at expressing her genuine feelings sometimes . shes good at AFFECTION but she finds it difficult to say i love you and you mean so much to me and things like that because she finds it intimidating . like shes being Too Vulnerable . but rowan knows that when she goes quiet and takes his hand and squeezes it thats what shes Trying to tell him and she sllwly gets less scared of conveying it verbally (:
juniper gets rowan one of those tents with stars on the roof and shit so that they can go on a "stargazing" date without rowan bring terrified and getting visions and shit . its very silly and turns into them just giggly kissing
junipers diabetic and rowan reminds her to eat before her blood sugar drops and to check her levels consistently (: juniper gets squeamish about jabbing her finger so she can use the monitor so rowan does it for them
NOW MARISALEM MY BABYGIRLS!!!!! salem has a really bad back she gets backaches really easily and struggles to sleep because of it a lot so marisol gives her little massages before bed and snuggles her to help her fall asleep (:
theyr t4t . salems a transmasc nonbinary boydyke and marisol is obviously canon transfem <3 love wins!! bc i havent gotten to talk about my nb salem hcs ill take the time to talk here . i think she binds and plans on getting top surgery and going on testosterone but currently hasnt had the opportunity . she uses all prns (: she basically sees being a butch lesbian as his gender
salem and marisol have lots of matching earrings (:(: they have ones where the other has jam and the other has peanut butter or one has sun and the other has the moon and things like that they like having little matchy things . neither of them are super big jewelry people HOWEVER they make an exception when they cna be matchy and cute (:
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inklinefan · 2 years
ooh, who’s loomy? i adore all of your characters designs they’re so cute <33
SO GLAD YOU ASKED (and thank you so much!! i used to be really into chara design & like to think it sticks with me)
Loomy is my Most Emo oc. LOL. I love him (any prns!). Hes also probably my least consistent bc i like to have fun with it!!! Hes test subject 10,001, exactly 7 before 8! Was captured in a group with 4 other octarians, 9,997-10,000 respectively, while they were all on their way to the surface after hearing the Calamari Inkantation. Was the leader of them, being an elite octoling!
Its a whole overly angsty mess. Good for your health to write like an emo 11 year old, I think. Was honestly not having too terrible a time, having fun exploring her identity while going through the easier tests with her friends. Obviously that didnt last very long, and 9,998 failed a test fairly early on, letting them all know what exactly is at stake. In any case, Loomy & 10,000 make it through all the tests, theres a mishap with tartar (Meat Arms Edition!) and Loomy just ever so luckily makes it out alive by itself. Or Not! Thats the happier version, but theres also one where they get blended up as well, and one where theyre sanitized. I said it was inconsistent… AUs, if you will. The sanitized one is like the “true” ending, if u will.
Thru his ventures in the Deep-sea metro, Loomy makes really good friends with Iso Padre! You can Just barely see it, but in the second picture below she has a charm on her hip thats an octotrooper plush like Iso Padre’s. Given to her by him! Kind of a father figure to her.
In the “good” end, Loomy doesnt come into contact with any other agents besides 8! Her relationship w 8 is… Not good. Loomy feels extremely guilty whenever she shes what 8 was able to achieve under her same circumstances, despite the outside help. 8 would like to be on good terms, but Loomy isnt able to move past herself, for now. Take survivors guilt & up it by about 4000. Loomys got issues. But she moves out to the splatlands, taking up a job with a suspicious group, making money thru near-assassinations. Still thinking about this era! Since im more interested in the sanitized story..
Ah! But! Im still considering… So i dont know how i want the end of the sanitized version to be. Because i still wonder about what happened to all the other sanitized octarians in Kamabo Co.. So it has to wait!
Posted these pics on my main back when i made them, but Loomy is the star of these! Shes really been thru the ringer. And fun fact she actually doesnt adhere to my octoling headcanons since he has bioluminescence & white sclera.
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22bananapudding · 10 days
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masterpost / about me
my name is elijah/roma i go by she/he
polish/english POLSKA GUROM 🔥
ehh this is mainly an art blog/yapping blog usually abt whatever shit im fixated on currently
not rlly taking art requests currently but feel free to send me an ask!!!!!!!! or yap about whatever you want!!!! in my inbox its rlly whatever ehehe🤔🤔
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do not interact ⭐ proshipper[minorxadult, incest etc], homophobic/transphobic/whatever, racist/etc, anti palestine, pretentious :/, just dont be a bitch and we're good basically
yess 🍀 non problematic
i am a MINER INDEED‼️‼️‼️ blog is intended for 13+ people but i do not guarantee that I won't post mild suggestive or gore stuff (obviously all censored and with tw lol)
21+ you can follow and all i guess but dont interact w me directly
also if you're mdni and im following/interacting w you plsss tell me.. im a bit DUMB and probably didnt notice.......... same thing for if im interacting with problematic people/following them please js tell me that i should stop ty ty..... im pretty dense so ill mostly rely on clear communication for boundaries ok ty
ahhh idk where to put the keep reading cut so uhh lets just put it riiiiiight HERE
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details 😁😁😁
🌈 current fandoms ; minecraft story mode, undertale, deltarune, mob psycho 100, breaking bad, better call saul, chainsaw man, yume nikki, petscop, vocaloid, inside job
🍮 current interests ; mineral/rock/crystal collection, nuclear history, rpgmaker mv gamedeving, other stupid nerd shit *kicks trash can*
🍌 content creators i like ; jacksfilms, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, kwite, squiddo, mumbo jumbo, chad chad, pinely, ratskewer n putridslug
🧇 games i play or something i dunno ; slime rancher, ultrakill, roblox, minecraft
🎧lalalalala ; tyler the creator, 100 gecs, joost, weezer, goreshit, rory in early 20s, goreshit, whokilledxix, atols
currently hyperfixated on uhh mcsm like real bad so i reblog a lot of mcsm stuff especially umm romeo I LOVE THAT GUY romeo i love you romeo minecraft story mode.... sometimes i do stuff and i thnik to my self "damn..... im drinking water......heh.... romeo probably drinks water.........." ahhh romeoo ugh I HATE THAT GUY
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i draw on a huion tablet with medibang paint ☀️
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#bananadraws - my original art
#bananaedit - edits of fandom stuff
#bananaocs - stuff about any of my ocs
#bananafd - yapping about my oc universe - fine day [name prone to change as it might be a placeholder]
#bananautdr - me blogs about undertale and deltarune stuff
#bananamcsm - minecraft story mode posts golly jee i will surely use this a lot ... me when the fandom loyalty from 2018 comes back full force 💯💯💯
#bananawrites - any fics or paragraph i write 🤔💭 will most likely just end up being mcsm stuff and maybe gasterxgrillby
#bananablogs - just life updates or whatevs heh not like YOU CARE... 😔😔
#bananabrbabcs - bcs and brba stuff, probably wont use this since i dont tag reblogs anyways
#bananaask - ask responses
more coming soon cuz i am SURELY forgetting something
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💗strawpage 🎼prns🍇uh i'd post my toyhouse but its.... REAL BAD.... maybe one day tho 🌈
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dividers taken from @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more yayy
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