#-- Mutantmen of the Apocalypse ||
-- @knightlier || (for Hal Jordan)
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"I anticipated further trials." "First, red ones brought their plague. Then, the black lanterns claimed the land with death. Now, will I defend Genosha against a rainbow? What apocalpyse does this green signify?"
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Song prompt: Lacrimosa - Zbigniew Preisner Theme: Fall of Magneto on Arrako TW! Gore
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In the midst of this desolate landscape, the air hangs heavy with moisture, every stone and piece of metal seemingly weeping as the planet's haunting legacy lingers on. Rain, absent for so many years, now falls upon Mars, a new and unfamiliar presence in the air. Magneto's eyes, usually focused on the world below, lift to the island's sky to seek the sight of the sun. This weather carries with it an echo of profound sorrow that penetrates deep into his soul—a lament for the never-ending tragedy that has befallen this place.
It keeps happening. And he is always in the middle of it.
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The rain, an absent friend returned, brings a reminder of life to Mars.
Were it not for the ash ground below him. The planet of war had been silent without it, the outside world reduced to the shadow of its existence. Yet, in this moment, the master of magnetism cannot sense the vibrant life that once so briefly thrived here—only the weight of his own sorrow growing heavier in his chest.
The land, though technically reborn, still feels hollow, its past horrors continuing to haunt it. It stands as a desolate place. He is among the corpses.
Magneto's gaze remains fixed on the sky. His eyes are heavy with the burden of his emotions. His chest is now as hollow as the planet's surface is empty. It's a reminder of the life that was lost.
Amidst the rumbling storms, he has no intention of leaving, no desire to return to Councils or the wars that once consumed him. This is his grave, his sanctuary.
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In the solemn silence of the moment, Max feels the magnetic waves resonate like a requiem—a mournful lullaby that seems to transcend time and space. Each syllable carries the weight of eternity, a lament for a world tipping over, on the brink of reckoning.
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Spotify Wrapped Inspired Starter (25) "Take Control" by Old Gods of Asgard || TW: blood, possible gore and the undead
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Once upon a time, armies of dark undead rose from the ruins of Genosha, taking each and every living soul with their army. Their destruction found no end. Until one day, the island disappeared from the oceans of Earth, taking the endless supply of corpses away from the unbeatable army.
Saturn's weather is a feral nature of its own mind. Whatever disappears in the gaseous planet shall never see the light of the sun again. It is a prison now.
"It has been long overdue that this is taken care of."
The ruins of the island form long shadows upon the black-tinted clouds and debris. What had once been Genosha, stood in the storm winds of the grand planet. The air whipped around it and its visitors with painful screams. His kinetic shield bent and twisted underneath the impact. Magneto imagined he could hear the screams of the dead here, of all those that had been buried in the foundations of Genosha and rose once more with the dark army.
The sky breaks open. The skylights of the storm fade. The demons rage as they dig their way out of the clouds. Undead, flying creatures tumble in masses into the hurricane. Their bodies are shredded and dragged, yet their howls mix with the screeching weather. Not even death intends to keep them. The ferocious hunger has never let go of those that held onto the hollowed grounds of the broken island.
"The hydrogen here created a magnetosphere. Whatever will I do?"
When Magneto takes hold of the shrapnels of the ruins, they feel familiar in the ugliest way. His stomach felt hollow and noxious at the thought. The very air bends around them, and the hydrogen of Saturn drags the power right from his fingertips.
"But my dear, I am sure a planet of storms is exactly your playground as well. I like the possibilities."
-- @untamedtempest ||
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(includes descriptions and tags of everything that is not the 'normal' 616 based lore and universe. All always available.)
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↪     --MAGNETO 2099 || dominion
Charles and Moira came to him-- told him of the future, of timelines destroyed and failed. And he was not satisfied with that. He lost Genosha. Lost his children. No more. A temporal storm took apart the ruins of Genosha, only contained by Storm. As a result, Magneto and her found themselves teleported to Krakoa in 2099. He is the crusader. The protector. This island shall not fall as it travels the multiverse to harbour all mutants who seek a home ... and he shall find what he seeks.
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↪    -- #—GOLDEN TRACKS || AU
In a world where Art Deco 1920s meets Mafia movie, families and mobs have taken over various parts of the grand city of New Genosha, Max "Magnus" Eisenhardt rules the steel and mechanical industry and created the first, consistent cross-country train system. The Acolytes, who have the regional radio under their whim, follow his lead.It took a revolution for them to get power and more powerful groups intent to get a piece. Former alliances and enemies quickly go out the window for new eras.
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↪     -- ANARCHY X ||
-- Set During #--UXBLUE ||
What if there are no X-Men to stop Magneto? After Magneto’s third destruction of Genosha, mutantkind lies scattered across the world. The X-Men are nowhere to be found. Trash dumps are filled with mutant bodies, in whole city parts, mutants sleep an eternal sleep. 
Magneto destroys London on a grand scale to unearth the perpetrators behind the ruthless torture. Mutants become more and more riled up. With no place to go, their fear becomes rage. Humans believe Magneto gone after the London incident, but a team of unlikely and chaotic allies form.
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-- Alternate Storyline to #--UXBLUE || Continues AnarchyX
What if Krakoa!Magneto was already existent during this time? What if someone else took the mantle of the mutant fighter? A year after London’s destruction, Genosha rises from the sea. It is formed from metal and debris of humankind, a new home for mutants. Magneto wears a holy white. The X-Men have gone more or less rogue. Pride is celebrated and mutants allow themselves to live in safety and flourish. But something is afoot. Sharks don’t sleep.
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↪     -- Mutantmen of the Apocalypse ||
-- Alternate Storyline to #--UTOPIA || Continues & Ends Paradise Genosha
#Mutantmen of the apocalypse (Formerly DC/Marvel Crossover Event)
What if the pest of death strikes, controlled into armies that take down all that lives upon Earth? All heroes unite to fight on their own fronts. But there are other forces interested in playing against death that offer a helping hand if one can stay alive long enough. (Black Lanterns or the Symbiotes invade Earth. Verse to play god to)
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↪     -- TERRA X ||
-- Alternate Storyline to #--KRAKOA and includes #--ARRAKO ||
Earth and Sol is still a habitat of mutantkind. As much as humans seek to destroy it, or it seeks to destroy itself, a group of mutants has taken it as their task to take care of Mother Earth and the other planets of the solar system, the natural needs of Krakoa. (includes Planet-Size X-Men and Storyline of Magneto:Jupiter)
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List of the WILDEST things that have happened in each of the Alternate Storylines (some have not yet happened in RP or are from cancelled RPs to be honest)
- Fabian Cortez told Shaw that Magneto is a communist and Shaw was repulsed enough to make it everyone else's problem.
— Anarchy X ||
- Magneto attacked London to uncover mutant experiments and Tony Stark de-magnetised London, causing the city to be majorly destroyed (biggest RP event to this day and one of the biggest mistakes). Magneto was severely injured and disappeared, not to be seen again for a long time - Quentin Quire was almost killed during an anti-mutant rally but saved by Magneto - They formed the team 'Anarchy X' under the leadership of Quentin and mentorship of Magneto, a black ops and spy mutant team that took out experimentation facilities and mutant prisons - Magneto made Quentin a new suit -> so much Quentin-Magneto bonding
— Paradise Genosha ||
- Quentin and Magneto rebuilt Genosha once more with the ruins of London and created a safe haven for mutants - Quentin was supposed to step into Magneto's footsteps and take his role as Magneto stepped away from the main villain role. He even got a new suit and the name "Captain Genosha" - Magneto found the mentally-alive and physically-dead remains of Charles and took him in to take care of him - Magneto became a saint of Genosha and mutantkind, donning the white suit already and choosing a peaceful path and welcoming most X-Men
— Mutantmen of the Apocalypse ||
- an undead Black Lantern Cyclops attacks Genosha, raises armies of the undead mutants, kills Charles, destroys parts of Genosha - Magneto loses an eye - Quentin becomes an undead black Lantern by being beaten by his former girlfriend - Emma Frost watches the corpses of her former students - Xorn heralds the coming of the apocalypse after just telling Magneto he is proud of him for being at peace - Magneto abandones peace and beats the shit out of undead Cyclops and Quentin with metallic statues of their greatest fears (the Phoenix personifications) - Magneto becomes a Yellow Lantern, a personification of fear - Magneto does not kill Quentin but insteads teleports him to a hidden space station close to Pluto. Legends say, one day they shall have their show down there.
— TERRA X ||
- Magneto moved the sun and a Dyson's Sphere - The Terra X Team travel to the Earth's core - Terra X Team terraform Mars (pre-Planet Size X-Men) - Magneto and Storm retrieve an old, lost moon of Arrako from the depths of Saturn, housing banished Arraki mutants that have survived in the depths of the planet - Storm and Magneto fought undead aliens inside Jupiter
- Fabian Cortez grew a tree that is basically the forbidden fruit
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Inspired by this, a list of themes for Magneto's Alternate RP Verses
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THEME: "The World We Knew" by Frank Sinatra
— Anarchy X ||
THEME: "Come As You Are" by Nirvana and "Gimme Gimme Gimme" by ABBA
— Paradise Genosha ||
THEME: "Love Love" by Take That and "Judas" by Lady Gaga
— Mutantmen of the Apocalypse ||
THEME: "Goodbye" from Arcane and "She Knows" by J. Cole
— TERRA X ||
THEME: "One Way Trip to the Sun" by Ditch
THEME: "Blood In The Wine" by AURORA and "I Am the Antichrist to You" by Kishi Bashi
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-- Alternate RP Verses (RP-made or otherwise)
These are alternate story lines that developed over the course of my long RP life. Some of them were events, others were only planned and some were dropped. But I still hold them very dear and am open to it if anyone wanted to RP in these story lines! They are listed in chronological order.
-- Golden Tracks AU ||
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-- Anarchy X ||
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-- Set During #--UXBLUE ||
What if there are no X-Men to stop Magneto and Mutants are prosecuted with no fear of the consequences? After Magneto’s third destruction of Genosha, mutantkind lies scattered across the world. The X-Men are nowhere to be found. Trash dumps are filled with mutant bodies, in whole city parts, mutants sleep an eternal sleep. 
Magneto destroys London on a grand scale to unearth the perpetrators behind the ruthless torture. Mutants become more and more riled up. With no place to go, their fear becomes rage. Humans believe Magneto gone after the London incident, but a team of unlikely and chaotic allies form.
-- Paradise Genosha ||
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-- Alternate Storyline to #--UXBLUE || Continues AnarchyX
What if Krakoa!Magneto was already existent during this time? What if someone else took the mantle of the mutant fighter? A year after London’s destruction, Genosha rises from the sea. It is formed from metal and debris of humankind, a new home for mutants. Magneto wears a holy white. The X-Men have gone more or less rogue. Pride is celebrated and mutants allow themselves to live in safety and flourish. But something is afoot. Sharks don’t sleep.
-- Mutantmen of the Apocalypse ||
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-- Alternate Storyline to #--UTOPIA || Continues & Ends Saint Genosha
#Mutantmen of the apocalypse (Formerly DC/Marvel Crossover Event)
What if the pest of death strikes, controlled into armies that take down all that lives upon Earth? All heroes unite to fight on their own fronts. But there are other forces interested in playing against death that offer a helping hand if one can stay alive long enough. (Black Lanterns or the Symbiotes invade Earth. Verse to play god to)
-- TERRA X ||
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-- Alternate Storyline to #--KRAKOA and includes #--ARRAKO ||
Earth and Sol is still a habitat of mutantkind. As much as humans seek to destroy it, or it seeks to destroy itself, a group of mutants has taken it as their task to take care of Mother Earth and the other planets of the solar system, the natural needs of Krakoa. (includes Planet-Size X-Men and Storyline of Magneto:Jupiter)
- Apple of Krakoa  
(to be filled in)
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All of my event-related - Black Lantern Cyclops - Edits
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RP Event Edit snippets~ ( I did not RP him but a friend did and these were for him! )
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Web Weaving RP - fear
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/// The RP snippets of the end of “Mutantmen of the Apocalypse”
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- a collection of quotes from the RP
- my first try with CapCut
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Summer has come and passed  Innocence can never last
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“You Have No Idea What You Have Just Done.”
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And his armour shines golden in the morning sun.
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things making me happy about the edit video I just posted!
- The song is called “Sharks Don’t Sleep”. Before the “Mutantmen of the Apocalypse”-Event, Magneto was rebuilding Genosha, the world thought that after his last terrorist attack in London a year ago and with his peace with the X-Men and some collaboration, he is peaceful now. This was thought due to the absence of Charles Xavier as well. Prior to Black Lantern Cyclops arriving in Genosha, Mags and Xorn had a talk about how in the paradise of Genosha, the warlike, bloodied Magneto cannot find peace and therefore has no place in Genosha. This opinion QUICKLY changed with dead Cyclops’ arrival at the shore. Magneto realises that the war-like him is what Genosha needs and what it needs is some fucking dead X-Men.
He is a shark, a hunter that will not rest.
- The images. gorgeous.
- “God is brutal here” - Is God? Is Cyclops? Are the Black Lanterns who are controlled by Thanos? Thanos? Magneto???? I will let you interpret
- I am just really proud of my first try :D
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