#--they're really vague and don't do the episodes' plots justice at all.
luciolefire · 4 months
Can we just slow down with the preemptive Earthspark Season 2 hate? People are making huge assumptions about the entire story based on a 30-second trailer and a few (not very good) leaked episode synopses.
The season hasn't even started to release yet. Maybe give it a chance before you throw it away.
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coddda · 3 months
Hiiiiiii. Episode 25/26 lawlight analysis rant thingy here. I don't know how to write an intro for this so let's just get to it LOL
I think one of the reasons that the rain/foot scenes stick out so much (the. Sheer insanity of a Foot Massage Scene in an anime revolving around two guys trying to kill each other aside 💀) is the fact that the anime specifically suffers a bit in terms of adapting a few of the "emotional" moments in death note.
And I don't mean "emotionally impactful" exactly. For example I think the adaptations of scenes like Raye and Naomi's deaths were very impactful and the atmospheres of their final scenes were great, but I mean more from a characterization standpoint (if that makes sense). Being more focused on mind and logic games, Death Note as a whole isn't as invested in individual characters' deeper feelings as it is in its action (which isn't necessarily a criticism per say, it's simply part of the nature of a mystery thriller series). But just because they're fewer and farther between doesn't mean there are none at all. In the manga we do get to see, for example, how much Light actually cared for his family and especially Sayu, and how he actually felt more conflicted and suffered lack of sleep/appetite when he first used the Death Note.
The anime specifically as an adaptation is pretty good at adapting the main mind fuckery and action of Death Note, but its lacking in properly adapting scenes like the ones I mentioned above is a criticism I see somewhat often, and it's pretty fair imo. Compared to all the other adaptations, it certainly seems to fall short on an emotional level: the musical has entire songs going in depth about the characters feelings and relationships, the 2015 jdrama is. Insane and has its emotional moments in spades (because it's a TV drama, which are more focused on portraying emotional conflict and the like), even the 2006 movies has its emotional beats and L Change the WorLd is. Well. Oh Man.
Anime Light to a lot of people is like. Light but he's "already evil" (which I have my own thoughts on but I digress). Light but after using the Death Note for like 2 minutes he's already like "fuck yeah time to kill criminals". Basically the anime doesn't take as much time to delve into his less cynical sides or really delve into his already vague and harder to decipher feelings in general, he is noticeably colder from the get-go here, etc.
But that's part of why I think episode 25 manages to stand out so much tonally (apart from it being, y'know, the episode L literally Dies). I love the episode so much and could probably rant for hours about how much I love the artistic choices made in it but what I'm trying to get at here is that it's one of the very few moments where the show tries to go deeper into specific character's emotions, and one of the very few moments where the show Attempts (emphasis on "attempts" because, well, you'll see in a bit) to get more in-depth into Light's feelings apart from his cynicism/apathy/justice. ness.
L in these two scenes in episode 25 is, well, pretty damn open about how he feels. It's usually interpreted as him knowing that he's going to die, and you can see it. He visibly looks/sounds lost, somber, etc. He never really had much to hide around Light to begin with (since he doesn't really care about hiding himself the same way Light does) but especially not now and it Shows, and I personally thought it was pretty cool to delve into his thoughts/show how he feels this way. The somberness can be felt throughout the entire scene, even people who don't already know the plot of Death Note from the manga could probably tell that he's about to die.
In the manga, once L starts suspecting Misa again and Rem realizes what Light is trying to do, it goes straight to Watari and L's deaths, but the anime instead gives a distinct and unexpected pause in the middle of this where L contemplates his own death. It's fucking great, and the shift from straight action to slower emotional weight makes these scenes stand out a lot, since, like I said, the show usually focuses more on the former. But it's kind of ironic, too.
Not only does the anime open up L's feelings more in these scenes, but it also tries to dig deeper into Light's feelings as well through L. And it's really funny honestly because while, yes, these are the more "emotionally open" scenes of the anime Light still manages to be Incredibly avoidant and contribute almost nothing to the entire ordeal.
L is visibly upset -> "Yeah Ryuzaki, you're not making any sense at all" (Not addressing the obvious conflict from L)
"Tell me, Light. From the moment you were born, has there ever been a point where you've actually told the truth?" -> "[The most stale, over-explained, avoidant answer to a "yes/no" question that you could ever hear + blatant attempts to reframe the question]"
(L's half-smile here kills me) "I had a feeling you'd say something like that" -> [Nothing]
"I'm sorry" -> [Nothing]
"It'll be lonely won't it? You and I will be parting ways soon" -> [Nothing]
^ From this point Light continues to say literally Nothing for the rest of the scene. I'm not even joking, from then on the rest of Light's voicelines are reduced to nothing but vague noises of confusion.
Everytime L calls Light out as a person ("Has there ever been a point where you've actually told the truth?" / "I had a feeling you'd say something like that." / "Won't it be lonely?") he doesn't actually acknowledge anything. Out of those three lines, he only answers verbally to if he's ever told the truth, and even then it's the most blatantly people-pleasing answer ever, as it usually is with Light. And I don't think it's because Light just. Doesn't care about any of what L's saying at all, or that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about (questioning Light's authenticity as a person, saying it would be lonely when they part), instead he's choosing not to acknowledge any of what this means about himself or him and L at all. He's like a fucking wall.
And like, for the truth question in particular, the show makes sure that you know it's not something that Light just. Doesn't care enough about to answer. The hard cuts to silence are a very rare but extremely effective way that the show conveys an extremely important moment (see: Light regaining his memories, Matsuda noticing Light opening the warehouse door before he escapes (not as much of a "direct" cut to silence but still)), and cuts to multiple angles/framings/zooms of the exact same shot are also used for the same purpose (see: Light hugging Misa when she was crying, Matsuda aiming his gun to shoot Light, Light regaining his memories Again). Just like the scene where Light gets his memories back, the moment L's question finishes the show utilizes both. That question cut Deep. There's is a solid Almost 5 seconds of silence before the sound of the rain gradually starts fading back in, and honestly that should be telling enough as is (but of course Light doesn't actually admit that. Or anything at all really, so). Oh also another fun detail! We do not see Light's face At All (except for the shot where you can see his mouth moving but not his eyes), for the Entire time that he's going on his spiel to L. We Will Be Revisiting This Later, by the way. This is not, in fact, the first time you're going to see this detail from Light.
The only sort of reciprocation that we see from Light during Any of these two scenes is when Light dries L's hair while L dries his feet. Biblical meanings/references aside it's interesting because it's the only time he directly does anything "for" L in these scenes, but even then he doesn't try to pass it off as anything meaningful really the same way L does ("You're still soaked", a purely neutral and factual statement. It doesn't Add Anything compared to L's. Sin atonement loneliness grieving stuff. While Light is showing his own reciprocation to this more personal moment he also tries to keep it impersonal enough that it doesn't actually have to mean anything deep). And when L says "I'm sorry" after he once again gets no response from Light. It's also after this that L gets that pained look on his face, like he knows that at this point he's not actually going to get anything meaningful from Light (again, very significant and rare from L in the show. We've seen him in distress (see: when Ukita died, hell, when Watari dies), but even then he mostly manages to keep his usually neutral expression), we never see him "look sad" like he does here):
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I just think it's interesting that this is one of the few scenes in this particular adaptation of Death Note where they try to open up the character's thoughts/feeling (especially considering the fact that they. lowkey blunder in adaptations of original scenes from the manga), and L himself is being rather open (not that he ever really tries to hide what he thinks nearly as much as Light), and yet all Light contributes to it in return is like. Actually nothing. Bro fumbled it. There is no resolution to any of this, to any of what L asks at all, to any of the many opportunities for a meaningful conversation, and the only thing even relatively close to an answer that you can get from Light is what you can infer from how he acts in the episode after L dies, where he's just going through the motions, but hardly acting as if he's actually living at all.
(Honestly I think the transition from this scene with the taskforce to the subsequent scene with Misa says enough on its own. Light's expressions and tone says everything:)
(Oh sidenote but. This shit again:
"Light, this is our first date in forever. can't you enjoy yourself a little more?" ('Why don't you seem happy? We can finally be together since L is dead') -> No response, Light instead changing the topic to him wanting to move in with Misa without changing his mannerisms at all
Also there's that one detail again. You pretty much don't see Light's expression when he speaks here at all, except for one shot of his eyes, which is quite literally the exact same shot they used when he "saw" L, just altered for the new setting. You have No idea what he looks like when he's responding to Misa, although it's probably fair to assume that it's the same empty stare he has for the whole Two Shots where you can clearly see his whole expression in the entire scene.
Something something Light Yagami bad at feelings I think you get the point though)
I guess Light's Kind of showing what he's feeling now? He'll admit to himself that it's boring without L, but no more than that. Light never actually admits to anything "significant", and L's dead already anyway, so what would that even do?
And then we get, uh. Basically nothing from Light. For the next 5 Years. Except that he joined the NPA, so, uh, yay? Good job, Light you totally nailed it! Thank you for allowing us as an audience to delve deeper into your inner thoughts and feelings as a character so we can find out more about you as a person! Very helpful! Thank you for not sabotaging one of your few dedicated opportunities to look into yourself as a person and reflect on your relationships with others and being 100% honest with yourself! We stay winning guys.
Anyway, this got way too long for a scene that's over a decade old, and I've probably just said everything that everyone else has already said in this fandom before. But unfortunately this has been living in my head for way too long and I must scream. I just think this episode's neat is all :)
tl;dr Part of the reason why the rain/foot scene (tbh episode 25 in General) stands out so much is because the Death Note anime specifically was a bit robbed in terms of its more emotional character moments compared to the other medias, which makes more somber/introspective scenes like the ones in episode 25 stand out a Lot in comparison. But it's also incredibly ironic because it's one of the few moments where the show (or specifically L) tries to look deeper into Light's character, but because he is so avoidant for the entire duration of these two scenes he adds basically nothing at all. It's almost funny. Mostly sad. It's also very gay. Aand post
Okay actually nevermind one more thing I talked about how the jdrama is supposed to be more emotionally in-depth because it is a TV Drama and just for the record, same thing happens there! I could probably do an entire analysis of the Blue Scene in this context like I did with episode 25 but I'd literally be here forever, so uh, just take this iconic line as my main example:
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Same Thing. L's statement "I wish we could have met some other way" is personal. It's his own wish, his own regret that he is expressing to Light. While Light's reply obviously has that same regret implied it's also phrased in a specifically impersonal way. It's closed off. "This is the only way we could have met" it closes off the topic and simply renders L's wish as ultimately futile. Light does not say that he Also wishes he could have met L a different way even if it was likely impossible, instead it's a cold statement of cynical fact.
Idk just. Something something L being able and Willing to be more openly sentimental/emotionally open towards Light/about Light vs. Light's inability to be honest with anyone including himself and his own nature preventing any form of meaningful reciprocation. Something something self-sabotage, y'know the drill. God don't even get me Started on how sincere L's tone is when he says "It'll be lonely won't it?"(at least in the eng dub) in the anime I could talk about his tone in that scene for ages. Also yes all of this relates to L Change the WorLd too by the way. Don't ask how it just does okay.
I do think that scenes like these (rain/foot scene, The Blue Scene. Uh. L Change the WorLd The Novel Adaptation) show, at least in those adaptations, that L does genuinely care for Light, and show that he values him as a friend not just in the mindgame-equal sense but also just like, a more sincere sense you know. Idk if that made any sense and that's a whole other topic for another day but you guys just have to believe me on this one alright please please believe me buries head in hands. Okay post over finally thanks for coming to my tedtalk hope you enjoyed my very-unnecessarily long analysis of the week
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Can you do a donnie x reader where it’s the 2012 donnie when he became a vampire?
Thank you for reading :00!
Hi, thank you for the ask! So...I have a confession to make! I have never actually seen TMNT 2012 all the way through. I think the latest I'm caught up to is like...the end of season 2? Maybe? I don't think I have even seen the episodes where they go live in the farm house.
I've gotten quite a few of these vampire asks, but the truth is, I don't really like doing them. I don't feel like
I've gotten a lot of these vampire asks, and the truth is I don't really like doing them. I haven't seen the source material, and the wiki pages aren't really useful to me, considering they're a little vague to fresh eyes. I just don't feel like I have enough knowledge of the plot and setting to make a fic about it with enough quality to meet my standards.
I strongly urge you definitely send your ask to one of many wonderful TMNT writes on here. I think you have an awesome concept, unfortunately, I just don't know that it is one that I can do justice for!
I also want to extend my apologies for not respond sooner, I truly did intend to fulfill this one, but every time I look at it, and try to do research for it, I don't feel like I can come up with enough info, and I ultimately end up putting it off. I'm sorry for making you wait, just to turn you down!
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growling · 4 months
Bungou Stray Dogs. My beloved, my beloathed and my ex who keeps walking back into my life for a makeout session after I swore I was done with it for the 11th time.
It is- not a good story, structure wise at least. I get raising stakes but also we started s1 with "we're frenemies with our local gang and we occasionally homoeroticly fight eachother" to *gestures vaguely at s5*
And that doesn't bother me too much tbh because I love media that cares about its audience and keeping things silly but also *ducks nuke*
The mangaka keeps having to write reasons for Chuuya to not show up and murder everypony, that's silly
Fyodor has a funny accent and a silly goofy hat and a greasy hairstyle and I guess he sometimes is smart. I guess.
Justice for my boy Karma who showed up in one episode and then Fyodor killed him for some reason, RIP my boy
Idk man I have lots of thoughts
the stakes one is so real because like. they did get higher after season 1 with the whole moby dick crashing event, but like it made sense it was fine also i liked that season. and then we got introduced to demon fyodor who apparently was even worse both described at the s2 finale and in the dead apple movie, so like, dude got hyped up massively. and then he got s3 to himself but actually its not over yet, it was actually a setup for s4-s5 and. I am asking. since fukuchi is over. and they seem to be making fyodor out to be even more threatening (every single villain is more threatening than the last. you know.) than fukuchi, the goddamn man with time travel sword, reality-altering page, vampire goons, trying to (virtually. his motives as well as execution of them are.... Peculiar to me) achieve mind control world domination....... like how do they plan to go worse than that. the problem with trying to have every single villain be more powerful than the last is that one day you just gonna run out of ideas and just write a literal undefeatable god. which is fukuchi and also fyodor but i am legitimately terrified of what they're gonna do with him in the later chapters. i am all caught up and....... its looking very exhausting already
as well as how like, in the earlier seasons we got these episodes that are just purely character driven with way lower stakes that just exist there to establish the cast, and they just. slowly stopped doing that. right now, from like season 4 up to where we are currently there has been literally ZERO breathing room for the plot, every single scene is just stressful high tension main plot main plot main plot fighting the HD/DOA and it actually made me too tense as i was watching like jesus fuck slow down. which is why i cheer and clap so much whenever i see poe also being there sometimes. thank you for your service king. as well as all the other more minor characters that appeared and nikolai getting to jest with people, as well as the Bram & Aya Adventures, regardless on whether it is "important" to the plot . and also sigma's whole introduction in the manga that just established him as an actually really nice guy that the anime just cut out to make room For The Current Main Plot auurrrrhghgh. shut up about fukuchi show me kyouka. hey where the fuck was kyouka for most of this even
like. if they just released chuuya upon all their enemies it would be over. isnt he like, the actual incarnation of arahabaki you know the. literal god. just make them use corruption after you make sure dazai can stop them from eating shit and fucking dying, deploy her at the entire hunting dogs squad and its all over. like..... chuuya could just fix everything that is going on and the writers know it so they keep making up reasons (and sometimes they don't even do that, and just ignore it) as to why actually she's not available currently. you wrote this guy to be the single most powerful genderfuck in the universe please use him . chuuya i am so fucking sorry i could treat you so much better babygirl
fyodor sure is. A Character. that exists. and like, i like him, but also... i realized i'm only ever entertained by him whenever he's being silly, like with the whole mersault ball fyozai two man comedy show, or with his interactions with nikolai (who is one of the lights in the darkness of the current arc.... please keep being entertaining king). but like, i feel like the writer(s) drove themselves into a corner by making him so inhumanly intelligent, same with dazai. like. each of the serious interactions between him and dazai (the only nda member he's allowed to talk with apparently) just feel like two kids roleplaying "i slash u in the chest with my flaming sword and u are die!!!" "but before that I DODGED and hit u with my laser beam!!" "no but I moved out the way at last second and bring out the BOMBS and then i throw them at u and u explode and are dead for real!!!!" "no but then i miraculously survive steal ur flaming sword and set u on fire and u burn and die!!!" "but before i could die i put out the fire with my water bucket and then shoot u 100000 times and-" like. it was funny the first few times it happened but.... I get it. you have high IQ. I don't like this party I wanna leave chuuya can you please pick me up
karma got fucking massacred and for what. society if fyodor instead recruited him into the DOA and sigma got to have a single normal friend and they bonded over their mutual perpetual anguish. they really just introduced a really interesting guy just to kill him off in the same episode. but they. kept fukuchi i guess
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mary1andonly · 2 years
Hi there! I really enjoyed reading your post about justice for Brienne and Jaime. Admittedly I have not watched a single episode of GoT except 8x03 😅 but I had watched a few clips and had been keeping up with their story over the years. I was heartbroken when I learned how the series ended for them. Your comparisons between Brienne and Jaime in the books vs in the show have made me so disappointed in the injustices served to their characters.
Ever since I read your post I have seriously been considering reading the books, though I have to be honest the sole reason is for Jaime and Brienne, despite knowing that they are definitely not the only characters with important storylines.
And so! My questions to you are, are the books enjoyable to read as a whole? Are there other characters/storylines you personally enjoy? I figure that the series involves a lot of politics, war, and dark themes, all of which I don't read about very often. Is there anything I should watch out for, trigger-wise? For example, you talked about Cersei's abuse towards Jaime and when Tyrion r*ped a girl. Additionally, a big reason as to why I never watched the show is because there's a lot of nudity in it, though Brienne and Jaime's bath scene didn't bother me since it wasn't very explicit. Reading about nudity in books is one thing, seeing it on television is another, you know?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! And thank you for all of your incredible insights on Jaime and Brienne!! ❤️
Hi, dear anon!
I wanna start by thanking you for the kind words, I'm so happy that you liked my post.
My honest advice about the books is that you should definitely read them!Just to make you undestand how good they are, I've never been a huge fan of the fantasy genre, but these books have been my exception. They are soooo good, so rich with plots, and the world of Westeros is incredible to experience.
The books do talk about politics, war, and dark themes, but they also explore themes about human nature, about honor, love, growing up. There are certanly dark moments, but also funny ones, hopeful ones, rederming ones, romantic ones. It's a true journey.
There are some triggering things that I should warn you about, I won't lie. I'm not going to spoil you things, so I'm going to keep it very vague. But there is violence...lots of violence, there’s incest, there are rape scenes (as someone who read the books and also watched the show...the show was so much more triggering about the rape scenes, at least for me).
But you need to also keep in mind that the books are HUGE, so you're not going to read ONLY violent things. They're there, sure, but they're in the middle of so many other less triggering things. There are many wholesome scenes (for example the many times Jaime saved Brienne from danger).
Brienne's chapters do have a very romantic tone. She often thinks about Jaime, she often dreams about him, and that is something that warms my dead cold heart everytime I read those chapters, lol. She's smitter, and Jaime is so in denial about his own feelings it's not even funny, lol.
That's another thing....Jaime is hilarious!!! His chapters (next with Tyrion's ones) are the best of the entire series. His sense of humour is on another planet. The fact the he always claims he's gonna do something and then he ends up doing the opposite....he's the best haha.
Oh anon, I agree so much with you on the nudity thing! GOT was always so...tacky about those things. The majority of the times, in the show, it was very gratuitous and...very pervy.
There's sex and nudity in the books...but it's written to serve a purpose.
I'm going to give you some examples.
We see Daenerys (one of my favorite characters) get intimate with Irri, one of her slaves, in the second book. They get along just fine, Dany is a good person, and she's trying to end slavery around some places in a continent called Essos. But GRRM shows us that Dany is still so young (she's a teen) that sometimes she has no self-awareness to realize that she's treating Irri like a piece of property...even tho she's extremely against slavery. But she's learning. She constantly wants to get better.
There's a scene where we see Ned and Cat have sex. They are a couple, they are so much in love, so we read them going at it, because....they are in love and GRRM wants to make us see that, hahah.
And the bath scene between Jaime and Brienne is very symbolic. It’s meant to be a rebirth of some sort, especially for Jaime.And it’s meant to be a parallel to Jaime and Cersei being born together, since this time around Jaime comes to life again, but with Brienne. It’s the start of his new life!
As for the storylines/characters that I enjoyed in the books, apart from Jaime/Brienne, of course, there are many many many many of them.
I love the Starks. I love them all. I love Ned, Cat, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, lil' Rickon, Jon Snow. Especially Sansa and Arya.
Daenerys is another one I enjoy.
Theon and Asha are very interesting characters. Theon's storyline is a rollercoaster of emotions.
And I loooove reading about the Lannisters...they are insane, but very entertaining.
Other characters I love are Gendry (Arya's love interest), Pod, the Tyrells, especially Olenna, Margaery, Garlan and Loras.
And, of course, Jaime and Brienne are simply amazing on every level in the books.
The prequel books that GRRM wrote about Westeros are also worth checking out. Both Fire and Blood, and the Dunk and Egg's book (Dunk being Brienne's ancestor and falling in love with Jaime's great-grandmother, Rohanne).
The new HBO adaptation about "Fire and Blood", House of the Dragon, is actually reeeeeally good. The story is going to be amazing, full of twists and turns (this story is already finished!) and the adaptation has none of GOT's flaws (changes made for no reason, tacky and unnecessary sex scenes and nudity, dumb dialogue that seemed written by a 5 years old), because HOTD has new show writers that are following the book canon very closely...and that are simply better writers than D&D.
So I'll definetly suggets you check that one as well, especially if you fall in love with Westeros.
Thank you so much for the kind words again! ❤️
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tsukidrama · 3 years
yes the new format is way better! scrolling back and forth was a bit annoying so it's good like that 😊
you're right about onyankopon, he just has less fans and the reasons why aren't really surprising in the anime fandom tbh but he really is a good person, and he and hange make such a good duo!!
okay okay good!! no more scrolling and struggling to remember what's being replied to!
exactly yes!! i also love the fact that Levi and Onyankopon end up still spending time together in the flash forward. i've seen some really sad shit about how they bond because it's all they have left of Hange and it kills my soul on the inside.
omg i love brooklyn nine nine!! i think i missed the reference because i watched the show in dub in my language though, but this was a very funny quote. i forgot to ask but in different chapters in the fic you also make references to some books but i really suck at guessing them, would you mind sharing the book titles?
makes sense! it's such an iconic show 🥺 i think the ending did it justice & i've been trying to get my mom to watch it. Annie and Papa both kind of remind me of Holt in their humor, lmao. Papa would refer to the pets at "Donut the cat" etc and even the way he talks and acts, OMG LIKE THE EPISODE ABOUT WHEN HOLT PLAYED WITH MODEL TRAINS AS A KID — PAPA.
sure! they aren't essential to the plot so i intentionally leave it kinda vague, idk i just don't want to take away from the focus of the story. in COTMC (ch 5) the trilogy of books reader brings out in the barn with her is supposed to be lord of the rings, although that one isn't really significant. no wonder reader couldn't focus, that shit is so long and wordy 😫
in chapter 3, where it talks extensively about the books, those ones are a lot more significant about the two brothers and the evil woman is john steinbeck's east of eden. Annie's childhood favorite (and one of my own favorites from high school) about the axe murderer and redemption, is fyodor dostoevsky's crime and punishment.
tbh i only trust you to fix papa's character lmao
lol. me too...
hehe i'm kinda happy i guessed stuff about the plot 😌 i'm more invested in your fic than in some mangas and books i'm reading right now alskzkz and thinking about next chapter + reiner and pieck is making me ever more excited to read it!! i'm curious to how you write pieck too! she's one of my favourites. and even more curious about chapter 8 because i saw the other ask (which was so nice and interesting to read, i love reading what other people think about the fic too!!) and now i'm a bit scared lmao. by the way do you already have a certain amount of chapters planned?
oh my god WHAt, that's genuinely such a compliment! ahshwkdkel i've been out here writing this shit entirely for myself. i mean i knew people read it and enjoyed it but it's different to hear somebody say that they're genuinely invested in the plot like this?? imsjnahls does that even make sense?? aah i put a stupid amount of effort into this series so thank you soooo much.
i don't want to share TOO much! this is where i get myself into a bit of a conundrum because i totally want to tell you, but i don't want to post it on main yknow?? i will tell you that Pieck and Reiner get very concerned about Annie. they'll show up unprompted trying to check on her, and she basically beats them away with a stick since all she wants is to get some god damn peace and quiet.
i haven't decided the exact number but it'll be somewhere around 20-22 chapters depending on how it all unfolds. i have up until about chapter 10 very well planned out and just loose outlines for the rest.
kinda oversharing rn but i made one of my friends watch first season of aot for the first time and annie quickly became one of her favourite characters and she doesn't even know her whole story yet. i'm very proud to spread the annie agenda lmao
YYYYYEEEESSSSS!!!! i just know that whenever she watched you were right there talking about and hyping up our girl like:
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jhfhalk.ehjevi i know i do!! good for you. you're out there doing the good work. now just casually steer her away from the shitty parts of the fandom.
i hope you have a nice day!! - j
you too! have a great Sunday and a good week.
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