im so normal about vera. anyways heres working for the knife lyric analysis (TY MIKA)
I cry at the start of every movie - she's a passionate/emotional person (not the biggest reason for it, but it's related, and does tie into the main reason).
I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too - she wishes she could make permanent or big things, like pursuing art as a career. she also just wants to be childish and carefree, bc she never truly got a chance in the index. she was kidlike and happy, but never really a child.
But I'm working for the knife - the timeloop prevents from this, and so does the nature of l corp. everyone ie exposed to terrifying horrors, people die, people become jaded. she was just naive with her hopes.
I used to think I would tell stories - she did storytell as a hobby in the index <:)
But nobody cared for the stories I had about
No good guys - everyone has changed. none of c127 were really good people. and at the same time, noone cares for happy stories. noone cares for fairytales and only happiness. just kids would.
I always knew the world moves on - people change, grow, etc.
I just didn't know it would go without me - everyone in c127 changed drastically. she wanted everyone to stay together, be friends, be happy. everyone became unhappy and cold and cynical. she's the only one left behind. the only one wanting to go back (this is probably a lie honestly. even she turned cynical, just only on the inside).
I start the day high and it ends so low - she begins in her magical girl persona and ends as her true self - how she really feels beneath the blinding positivity.
'Cause I'm working for the knife - because of l corp's nature and the timeloop. really, because of self-hatred.
I used to think I'd be done by twenty
Now at twenty-nine, the road ahead appears the same - guess what? its the timeloop baby. she's repeating things over and over to try and find her happy ending.
Though maybe at thirty, I'll see a way to change - but maybe it'll change, even slightly. maybe she'll have an epiphany. maybe she'll change herself in the way she needs to to fix this. she cant just go back, after all!
That I'm living for the knife - she's bound by the timeloops. she binds herself to it of her own will because she cares so much. she's living for this. this is all her life is anymore - lobotomy corp. is all she has. if she left, she'd just have the index... and she can't be wrong after all this time!
I always thought the choice was mine
And I was right, but I just chose wrong - a part of her says it was wrong to care. she should've known her hopes were just naive fantasies. leaving the index was a stupid decision. she's just been wrong the whole time! like a kid!
I start the day lying and end with the truth - she starts with the happy magical girl persona, the childlike naivety, and ends with her hopelessness and anger. it's unfair - both in the way of a kid's yelling and a parent's teaching. life just isn't fair! yep. life's not fair, kid.
That I'm dying for the knife - the timeloop has killed her thousands of times and she will die a thousand more times. she is living and dying for this. she's dying literally, but also in the sense of like. eagerness. she wants this. because one day it has to work out. one day things have to change. one day she'll be right and it all will have been worth it. she lives exactly by the loops' rules, returning to it night and day like a lover.
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nobrashfestivity · 19 days
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Ad Reinhardt Color Grid, Photograph(Hands) 1958
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grezzirossi · 1 year
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My support mains (dis)adventures
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lelelenaxx · 1 year
Men who act cocky but literally will cry under your touch
He’s shivering, twitching and whimpering. Your soft hands keep stroking his leaking cock. He’s already came 3 times. But that’s not enough for you.
“P-please” he says through a small hiccup. He’s practically fucking your hand, he’s so desperate. You continue stroking his hard cock as more and more precum spills out. His hands are forced to stay behind him. He wants nothing more than to have his hand on your body.
But as soon as you see that glint in his eyes, the way he does before he makes a sticky, white mess, you pull away. He groans and pulls his knees to his chest. His breath is hitching and he can’t control it. “Please, just let me cum! I-I’ll do anything!” He begins to sob out.
His cock is begging for its release. Tears begin forming in his eyes. You thought there was no way the man who thinks so highly of himself and thinks that he can conquer the whole world, is crying at your fingertips to cum. You giggle at his stance.
He’s too embarrassed to say anything and hides his face away from you. But you grab him back, forcing eye contact. You bring you hand down to his cock. Stroking aggressively.
He’s a whimpering and moaning mess. “Please, please, please!” He’s chasing that high he begs for. Until his breath hitches and cry’s out in pleasure. Cum pushing out of his tip and landing on his thighs, stomach and your hands.
He’s still crying and twitching. He’s cold and embarrassed. You couldn’t help but feel for him. You untie his hands, and tuck him under the blankets. Giving him a little kiss on the forehead, ignoring the fact you just made him beg and cry for your touch
Tsukishima, Bokuto, KYOTANI, MIGUEL OHARA, Reinhardt, JOHN ‘SOAP’ MCTAVISH,Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, KÖNIG
Sorry I’m not posting. I’m going through a really tough time so sorry if it’s not good. Just remember I love you. Live your life to the fullest xx - Lena 🫶
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frogloinz · 3 months
save me Overwatch fantasy AU… save me………
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I can actually feel my brain melting
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celeryxd · 3 months
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minghzi · 1 year
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gonna be a mom with a leash(es) even harder on healer now 
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1800rio · 2 months
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This is what the mirrorwatch skins should have been
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overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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freckledjoes · 1 month
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he's so beautiful. smile, side profile, nose, eyes, brows, y'know: everything.
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leorawright · 8 months
Can i request roadhog, zarya, junkerqueen, Reinhardt and mauga with a girlfriend who loves their partners muscles? They would be anything that requires physical strength and she's just a few feet away and staring at them like 😍
The reader will be gender neutral, but of course, I can write this!
Overwatch with s/o who loves their muscles
Roadhog is the definition of built different, okay?
He's definitely not used to your awed gaze and even gets a little shy when you stare at him
Though, if you're already his partner, he's a little proud of how much you seem to adore the way he looks
If you want him to, he'll let you sit on his shoulder while he carries you around
She's used to the adoring gaze since she is the strongest women in Russia but from you, it's a different kind of pride
She doesn't show off a lot, but if you ask, you can come to the gym with her and watch her work out
Zarya isn't too keen on carrying you since she's worried she'll hurt you, but she will carry all of your things for you
Junker Queen
She definitely notices and will show off her muscles with a proud smile
She'll start lifting heavy things in front of you in order to impress you with her strength
And it definitely fuels her ego when she sees how happy and awed you look
Oh, he's happy to show off and tell you all the stories about his time fighting in Germany and how he got all his scars
He'll also carry stuff for you all the time, including yourself if you let him
But if you're holding anything, he'll take it from you because why should you carry it when he can do it for you?
As glorious as his muscles are, he's not used to getting compliments, so when you compliment him he gets a huge smile on his face
He'll start showing off the strength even if it's just by carrying you around
He's also happy to let you touch his biceps if you want to
He's so pretty I can't😭
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garfield0-o · 1 year
Headshots and an updated reaper face headcanon o-0
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Some random doodle things
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And some ar trades I did for @//shaobues on insta and @//moirasbimbo on TikTok :33
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nobrashfestivity · 2 years
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Ad Reinhardt
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kitsunetsuki · 22 days
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Mike Reinhardt - from Vogue Natural Health and Beauty by Meredith Bronwen (1979)
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willo-ly · 12 days
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Reposting old pieces from twitter.
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pinpintedoodle · 2 months
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