#john soap mctavish x reader
dmitriene · 2 days
cw: exhibitionism and voyeurism.
johnny mctavish is as horny as a dog during rutting season, but instead of humping legs he humps your pussy, any time he wants and everywhere he pleases, eyes glistening blue and wrinkling with melted smile, his hand shoved unabashedly between your legs, cupping your mound in his warm palm.
he ain't ashamed to finger your tight cunt until you're drooling on the wooden table of the café you sat in, thinking naively that you'll stop here just to drink some hot drinks and enjoy the treats, just until his fingers moved towards the zipper of your pants, teasing across the sewed line of fabric.
not even the possible public can stop johnny, he'll just snatch you away from the table you sat at, during some chilly evening in the pub with his mates from the task force, since you're too pretty for just to look at, with his cock swelling hot and throbbing beneath his pants, unable to wait any longer.
he'd fuck you in the restroom, in the locked toilet stall with your cunt stuffed full of his thick cock, dripping slick that seeps down to his trimmed pubic hair and tight balls, pulsing walls painfully tight around the throbbing girth of him as he pummels in and out of your gooey warmth, little muffled moans still escaping your lips.
piercing the air in the restroom, making men that just went in there to wash their hands freeze, understanding very well what happens in one of the stalls, rumbling out so you'll find a room, but the way your blood pressure rise, pussy tightening up, johnny is quick to whine a husky moan and scare them off.
it's should be humiliating to be caught like that, but you can't stop your eyes from rolling back at the frantic movements of johnny's hips, making your pussy so wet that each glide of cock inside of you is squelching, the pitchy mewls that escape your lips is making everything too loud, but johnny purrs it's their problem for listening.
and it is, it's also simon's problem for slipping in the stall next to yours, fisting his rudy cock in a tight grip of calloused palm that stains his calloused fingers with pearly precum, chewing at his stinging lips to silence his groans, rippling out to answer your little breathy sounds, cock throbbing when he hears the lewd slap of skin on skin, wishing he could do more than jerk off.
main masterlist. quidelines.
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ink-n-shadow · 1 day
sending the 141 dudes "i just finished masturbating" out of nowhere ;0
i just realized i read your request wrong, gin </3 but pls enjoy this one while i work on your actual request😚
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[ FINISHED ] 𝜗𝜚 the texts where the CoD men text you after they finish jerking off
𝜗𝜚 characters: simon “ghost” riley, john “soap” mactavish, john price, kyle “gaz” garrick 𝜗𝜚 cw: smut (minors—DNI), allusions to oral sex, consensual swapping of nudes/videos
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majinbangus · 1 day
》 18+ ACKK (´ロ`ノ)ノ
Soap finding you sitting hunched over a desk, miserable with a plagued look in your eyes. You've got a hand clenched in your lap, over your groin, and the other one clawing at the table. He's never seen you like this before. Usually, you're so stoic and strong, so of course he's concerned and asks if you need help to medical.
"No, ignore me." Surprisingly, you tell him the truth, "I'm just really horny."
Oh. Oh!
Well, Soap is more than happy to help with that.
"You really don't-"
"Nonsense, hen." He's already halfway manhandling you further over the desk, tugging at your pants. "I'll always have your back- or in this case, be taking you from the back."
Your protests go ignored, but you can't really complain, not when he's pulled three orgasms and promised at least two more from you with a guarantee of a sore, used hole and legs as shaky as a newborn fawn's.
And yeah, that's how your friends with benefits situation begins. Hope things don't get overcomplicated with feelings and whatnot, that wouldn't be very good, now would it?
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oniraki · 2 days
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Choices have consequences
Pairing : Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x female Reader , Simon "Ghost" Riley x female Reader
Contents: Pregnancy , Unplanned Pregnancy, Infertility, Swearing, mentions of abortion (did I forget something? Let me know)
A/N : it's just a thought I came up with. Not sure if I shall continue or make a series out of it. Let me know.
Summary : Johnny fucked up. Knocked you up. Not able or willing to face the consequences of his actions, Simon reaches out for you to clean up his Sergeants mess.
"You did what?"
Simon, who was nursing his glass of whiskey up until now, nearly choked on the golden fluid, coughing violently. Something must've been wrong with his ears, or maybe he picked up part of a conversation that was held on another table in this room.
"Steamin Jesus, you heard me the first time LT!" Johnny bellowed. Noticing the stares of other people in the pub, caused by his commotion, he sighed but continued in a hushed tone. "I knocked her up.."
"Fucking hell MacTavish.."
Simon knew, that this was bound to happen. They all had different coping mechanism for the horrors they've experienced. He's seen Johnny with plenty pretty doves. Knowing, that he was desperate to not be alone at night. As if that would keep the night terrors away..
Up until now, Simon was sure, that Johnny would be cautious. Sure he talked about getting married one day and having loads of kids with the Missus but certainly not now. Certainly not like this.
Maybe he should've known better than to deem his Sargeant capable of using contraception.
"You sure it's yours?"
"Wish I wasn't but yeah.. the lass isn't one for screwing around between Missions"
Simon glued his gaze to Johnny whose own eyes were fixated on his pint. Her being in the military as well wouldn't make things easier.
"So, what are you going to do?"
"... Tried talking to her, asked her to..."
The last part of Johnny's sentence was incomprehensible for Simon. But he still noticed the guilt in his companions eyes.
"Johnny.." his voice was like roaring thunder, a warning.
"Shit.. I know! But I was in shock and panicked!" The sergeant tried to defend himself. "It seemed like.. a good solution, wouldn't ruin her career. Thought it would be best for both of us."
"Guess she doesn't think so, eh?"
Johnny hunched his shoulders even more, head hanging low. "I can't have a bairn. It wasn't supposed to go like this.. no strings attached. Fucking hell.." His right hand was shaking as he ruffled his Mohawk in a futile attempt to calm himself.
Right now Soap was a mess, a mess Simon felt responsible for. Not in a sense of causing it, but he had to remove it before their next deployment. They couldn't afford Johnny to be so distracted and with his thoughts on a woman instead of the mission.
Simon had to make sure that he had Johnny's six, like Johnny always had Simon's. Even if it would require him to talk to you.
It was for the team's sake. His family, that always came first.
If he had only known what he was in for.
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skellyflower · 3 days
Y/N, ranting : He told me I was ugly and fat and that I was a bitch!
Ghost : Who would do such stupidity?
Y/N : I don’t know! 😭
Soap : What’s his name? What’s his name?! 😟
Y/N : I don’t know his name! 😭
Gaz : Is that your real hair? 😭
Soap : *cracks up laughing*
Y/N : 🧍
Y/N : Who just said that? 👁👁
[The boys trying hard not laugh]
Gaz, acts confused : what? 🙁
Y/N : Who just said that? 🤨
[They broke down wheezing uncontrollably]
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swordsandholly · 5 hours
Should I start working on this College AU rugby player Soap x art history major (sort of low self-esteem) reader again?
I’ve been thinkin’ about it. Their story haunts me. Anyway here’s a snippet for you to judge:
You sit in the common grounds on an old, tattered quilt under one of the oaks. You managed to score a good spot today, just enough sun to be warm but not enough to force you to squint. The tree curves in that perfect shape for you to lean back against it. You’ve settled into your millionth re-read of Howl’s Moving Castle. A go to when college gets too hard for your brain and you need something easy to digest. Like saltines on a sick stomach.
A faint call of, “Bonnie!” jerks you from the quiet of your moment. Oh, God. Johnny comes jogging up from a group of his fellow rugby players. If only the way he smiles at you didn’t direct all of your attention onto him, maybe you could have gotten away with pretending not to see or hear him.
As it is, you totally can. You push your sunglasses up onto the top of your head and pluck out an earphone just to sit up on your elbows. “Johnny.”
All six foot of the man comes plunking down onto the grass beside you. “I don’ get tae see ye around campus often. Feels like I havennae seen ye in forever.”
“I work a lot.” You repeat. Why couldn’t the gods gift you with at least moderate conversational skills? “It’s only been, like, four days. You weren’t in class yesterday.”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Aye… Might have, eh, partaken a bit too much…”
You snort. “As long as you weren’t drinking and driving.”
“I would never.” The response is immediate, his tone unrecognizably dark. A sore spot.
“I’ll give you the notes.” You tilt your head back, changing the subject quickly. The shadows move and the sun begins to encroach upon your spot. It’s nice, actually.
“Ye donnae have tae-”
“I don’t mind.” You wave him off. “We can go over them on study night.”
A loud whistle and a holler echo from the other side of the lawn. Johnny’s buddies are all grouped up, staring. Well, the ones that aren’t actively being distracted by pretty girls are. Your eye meets with the man in the mask, staring each other down for a very brief moment. A shiver runs down your spine as he turns away. Two of the others lean in, snickering while they watch the two of you. It makes your chest hurt in a far too familiar way.
“I think your boys are calling.” You turn back to look at Johnny.
“Och, they can wait.” He shrugs those wide shoulders. Has he gotten bigger recently? “Whit are ye readin’?”
“Oh, nothing, just some kids book…” Before you can tuck it away he snatches it up, flipping it over to the back.
“My sisters read this! They watched the movie a lot. S’about tha’ girl who gets swept off her feet by a dashing wizard, eh?” He grins and leans in. “Remind ye of anybody, bonnie?”
You sit up and scoff, snatching the book back. “Fancy yourself dashing, MacTavish?”
“On occasion.” He winks.
You roll your eyes and mock gag. The man sure lays it on thick. “Well if you read the book you’d know he’s a whiny little brat, so, frankly, yes, it does remind me of a certain somebody.”
Johnny pouts dramatically, only further proving your point. “Got a sharp tongue on ye, hen.”
“It comes in handy.” You chuckle.
“God, I’d be so good to ye.” He says so fast you almost miss it as he grins wide.
You splutter out an awkward laugh, caught entirely off guard. The words sting a bit. He’s joking, obviously. It’s a little cruel. Uncharacteristically so.
Another shout has Johnny rolling his eyes and standing up. “I’ll see ye Thursday?”
“Thursday…” You nod, eyes still wide. You’re sure you look ridiculous.
Mr. Johnny-Sees-All grins back at you with a knowing spark in his eye. “Later, hen!”
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mi-i-zori · 2 days
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When Silence is No More
CoD - Astronauts!141 x Cosmic Horror!Reader
SYNOPSIS : A quick thought about the 141 being stationed on a space station and catching the eyes of a cosmic horror.
WARNING : None. But this is intended to be a subtle kind of horror, so it might be unsettling. The x Reader part is very subtle, but it’s here !
Author’s Note : I was daydreaming, like I always do, and started to mix Space and Sea in a same setting again. So here you go.
I do not allow anyone to translate, re-use or re-publish my works, be it here or on any other platform.
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Contrary to what people might think, a space station isn’t really quiet.
First, there’s the constant humming of the machinery. They tend to forget it a lot, having gotten used to it echoing day and night in the back of their heads. There’s also their own voices - bantering, chatting, laughing, yelling, cursing. When they work on whatever machine needs maintenance at the time, the clinking and banging of tools also adds itself to the subtle cacophony that surrounds them on the daily.
Over the years, they’ve come to find it comforting. It’s the reason why, when repairs need to be made on the outside of the station, the cosmic silence sometimes makes them even more uneasy than it should ; especially when exhaustion weighs heavy on their bodies after months of floating away from the world, in a void where Mother Earth and the Moon both linger on the infinite horizon.
Those daily sounds bring them peace.
Until they don’t.
It comes slow, at first. It takes them a while to realise why they’ve all been feeling like something’s wrong. They couldn’t say how long, but after days of anxious fidgeting, awkward and confused silences, and constant checking of the machinery inside and outside of the station, Kyle abruptly interrupts himself in the middle of a sentence, a look of strange understanding on his face.
« Do you hear that ? » He says, and it’s when they finally all focus on their surroundings that they hear it.
There’s a peculiar melody floating in the air. A mesmerising song made of laughter, coos, and other sounds they’ve never heard before. For a moment, they think they left a CD player run somewhere in the station, close enough for them to hear - but they quickly realise that it’s not the case, and the confusion only gets stronger as they rattle their brains in order to find where that music could be coming from.
Simon mentions that it sounds like it’s coming from outside. A crazy thought. But the more time passes, the more it seems to be true.
The cosmos is no longer silent.
Then come the lights, adorned with colours they can’t bring themselves to describe. They light up the corridors of the station in the strangest of hues, creating new shadows in the corner of their eyes. Unfamiliar silhouettes giggle and dart in front of the windows, taking a second to cut the streams of light before immediately disappearing.
Are they inside the station ? Or are they outside ?
Johnny is the first to mention the dreams. But they all have them.
They all describe the same strange, almost fish-like creatures they see dancing in the blaze of supernovas. The same voices, high and low at the same time, calling them from the abyss of black holes. The same feeling of drowning among comets and asteroids, suffocating under the force of cold, invisible currents before suddenly being pulled away by scaly limbs.
They always wake up in the middle of the night, sweating bullets and cursing at the same, distant vision of round, slitted eyes and glowing fins. One that keeps haunting the back of their minds during the day.
Price doesn’t know if he should mention it to the team waiting for them at home. He could swear his daily check-ins with the base back on Earth keep getting interrupted by a strange rhythm of static, even though there seems to be no problem with the comms.
There’s a strange pressure in their stomachs now, that keeps growing with every new event. When they don’t instinctively hold their breaths as if they were underwater, they can hear the harmonious remnants of waves in their ears, feel an unfamiliar taste of salt on the back of their tongues. Sometimes, it becomes impossible to know whether they’re still dreaming or not, and they have to pinch each other’s cheeks to the point of bruising to realise they’re wide awake. It all looks, sounds, tastes, smells and feels so real. Every single one of their senses is constantly filled to the brim with waves and waves of strange sensations.
The more time passes, the more they feel like they’re being watched. As if they had suddenly become a prey in the eyes of a being they are unable to see.
The radars, however, never show anything.
Are they having a collective hallucination ?
Or is there really something lurking behind the stars, watching their every movement, and tasting their fear with hunger in its eyes ? No matter what they do, the song never seems to stop.
And it’s the same thing with the growls.
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Lazying in bed with Soap and he traces your strech marks for hours - breasts, hips, thighs. He doesn't usually sleep in but when he has something to busy his hands, he may forget to get up, absorbed, until you roll out of bed.
It allows him to commit your body to memory, which helps when he's away. Despite the spots he touches and caresses, the gesture is not sexual, but a mix of an artist's reverence and a lover's tenderness.
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vmaxis · 2 days
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What a fucking slap to the face. Anyone wanna give me some good fluff Soap fics. Cause ngl I feel devastated all over again
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bigguyenthusiast · 5 months
Yawll……dis is horny… so like fair warning
John price
Price tying you up after he catches you disobeying him by touching yourself :(
Overstimulation with John <3
Price eating you out after a loooooong mission
More price eating pussy (the guy LITERALLY looks like him or am I tripping)
Since you like using them so much, this shouldn’t be a punishment for you, correct ?
John getting you to ride his thigh
Theres a reason why they’re his favourite
Kyle Garrick
Gaz after ruthlessly fucking you for three hours ;3
What you get for flaunting yourself in front of his mates :(
Lazy night in with gaz
Shhh don’t want anyone to hear you
Late night humping with your clingy boyfriend
Roommate! Gaz getting tired of your horny whining
Simon Riley
Just a quick reminder of where you belong
Quick polishing’
A goodbye gift
A welcome home gift
Roommate! Ghost pounding you till you wake up :(
Owner! Ghost with his lil pup
Little film for later
Gettin’ crafty
John McTavish
Riding him until he’s dumb <3
Mornin sex with Johnny boy
Self restrain
Virgin! Johnny
Just his doll
Convincing your friend, Johnny to join your live 🫣
Hes just too big you needed a photo for confirmation
Need your colonel to reach you a lesson?
Just a quickie before he leaves for work
Quickie part 2
Good girls beg
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ghost-with-a-teacup · 3 months
"Oh fuck," you whimper out. "I think I feel you in my guts."
"Fuckin hell bonnie, I can see him in your guts," Johnny says, a finger tracing the outline of Simon's cock over your abdomen.
You shudder at the feeling, clenching down harder which makes Simon grunt in response.
They each share a glance, an unspoken agreement made before Simon picks up his pace.
At the same time, Johnny turns to pressing his hand down on the imprint, making you cry out as you throw an arm over your face.
Simon lets out a disgruntled 'tsk' before prying your arm away.
"Let me see you love."
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ink-n-shadow · 15 hours
What mythical creatures would the 141 be? I’m not talking about the standard kind of creatures like werewolves, and vampires. Something more creative if you get what I mean.
oooo anon o_O you’re getting the worms WORMIN (if we want to expand more on this headcanons, just let me know u3u)
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ghost just gives wraith vibes, all wispy and decrepit in appearance and showing up before/after creatures in the realm die. it’s not as though he was a villain by any means—in fact, he was rather comforting to the creatures he encountered before and after their passing, petting the soft fur of a fawn about to pass in the cold dead of winter or comforting the soul of a young boy who passed from a sickness he just couldn’t shake. it wasn’t his fault that his existence revolved around death, because without ghost, who would comfort and guide pretty little creatures like you between existential planes?
soap would be a kelpie, which is a creature from scottish folklore that lives in the water and entices humans to their demise. most of the time, soap would remain in his horse-like appearance, a murky grey horse with swirls of sea green spots dotting along his hind legs. but when he sees a pretty little thing like you walking along the water's edge, sandals in one hand and your fingers skimming the water surface, he wouldn't be able to help but shift into his human-like form, all thick bulging muscle and bits of seaweed lodged in his dark mousy hair. and who were you to turn down a late night swim with a beautiful looking man like soap? even if you've heard all the stories of people going to the lake-edge and never returning.
price just screams dragon. like that man exudes dragon energy, thick muscled body rippling with shimmering gold scales that extend down his forearms and to the white claws of his nails. he’d definitely occupy an old, crumbling castle, spending his days flying around the sprawling towers and rumbling hills on the castle estate, keeping knights and bandits alike from breaking into his home and taking what’s his (even if that includes the pretty little prince/princess held captive in the tallest tower).
gaz would be a griffin to me, seen as a symbol of resilience, bravery, power, and prestige. the body of a lion and the expansive wings of an eagle paired with sharp talons and a feathery head. he would be the prize pet of some noble old king, who tasked him with protecting the kingdom from outsiders and intruders hellbent on bringing down the monarchy as gaz knows it. he’d be fiercely loyal, ready at beck and call to rip creatures to shreds if it meant getting the praise and recognition he deserved. maybe one day, if he works hard enough, he’ll get a pretty little thing to call his own.
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majinbangus · 2 days
》 18+ weee
It's fun to read and write about a Soap who is enthusiastic about sex, but what a Soap who will not have sex with you because work comes before pleasure? We see how the man takes his job seriously throughout the campaigns. He's passionate and always so focused on finishing the mission, doing everything he can to achieve success. Can assume he gets ansty if there are loose ends that need to be tied.
It doesn't really occur to him to take out his frustrations on your willing pussy, although even if he did, half his mind would still be thinking about work, about things that need to be getting done.
So whenever you try to initiate sex while he's working, even if it's just paperwork, he'll push you out of his office and deny you his cock. He'll give it to you later, just be patient, hen. He appreciates that you want to give him a break, but begging and pleading won't work, and no matter how much you give him those puppy-dog eyes, he won't give in.
Don't underestimate his will. He's more than capable of resisting something as tempting as you.
"Aw, don't pout, hen. I'm always extra sweet to you when you're patient. You'll have your fun later."
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 3 months
[TF141 with A Reader That Can Fall Asleep Anywhere and Anytime]
Price’s heart skips a beat when he steps into the bedroom and sees your legs on the bed while the rest of your body just dangles from the edge of the bed.
He manhandles you back onto the bed and kisses you goodnight, but his poor heart gets surprised again when he goes to the bathroom in the morning and is welcomed by the sight of you dangling your legs on the edge of the empty bathtub this time and body lies in the tub.
He picks you up and you stir, murmuring that you were brushing your teeth when he asks you why you’re sleeping in the tub, and then drift back to dream in his arms with the toothbrush in your hand.
Soap is too used to your weird sleeping habit, so when he comes home and sees you lying with your head on the couch but hanging your legs over the back of the couch, he just scoffs a laugh and carries you to bed.
“Hey Johnny” you mumble when you feel him put you on the bed.
“go back to sleep” He kisses you and goes to shower, and when he finishes and goes back to your side, he shakes his head in disbelief when he finds you lying horizontally even though he just adjusted your position into a normal human one 5 minutes ago.
Gaz wakes up in the morning and walks to the living room just to witness you standing but bend over the kitchen counter, he almost thinks you’re dead and the haziness in his mind just vanishes in a second.
“babe wake up!” he knows you’re alive but still checks if you are breathing as he wakes you up.
“goo morni kyl I -&&:@/“ and he only watches you straight up for a greeting and then slump onto the counter to sleep again, while the tea you make is beside you.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asks when you two sit together in front of the desk, he's using his laptop while you’re reading.
“What you want for dinner love?” He says again when he doesn’ t get a response from you.
He turns to face you after another silence, and finally, he discovers why you're so quiet, because you fall asleep while resting your head on your hand.
He grins while taking out his phone and records you, and (luckily) he captures your head slips out of your palm and slams your face on your book as you are totally unfazed and keep snoring.
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swordsandholly · 3 months
Thinking about a mechanic!AU where the 141 boys run a garage and need a new receptionist. They hire you because you’re just so cute (great tits) and have a decent resume but it becomes a slight problem when they realize you’re a bit… dense.
Total ditz to be precise.
But they can’t really get mad when you get the keys for clients mixed up and look at them with those big eyes all teary and a little pout pushing out your lower lip.
Price is the most patient, perfectly content to walk you through how to file paperwork and fill out forms. Instructing you in a low voice while his breath brushes the shell of your ear. It’s really their fault for having such a terrible system, you know? Don’t worry about it too much, dove. He’ll settle his big hands on your shoulders and gently trace up and down your arms. See? You’re getting it. Just needed some more practice, hm?
Johnny is more than happy to show you around the garage, rattling off everything he knows about all those nitty gritty details that go right over your pretty little head. He’ll pop open the hood of some sports car and point to the engine to show it off. No, bonnie, you’ve got tae get in close. Closer.
Until you’re bent entirely over in one of those too-short skirts you wear everyday. It takes all his willpower not to yank you into the supply closet.
Gaz is just so sweet to you. Always bringing you little treats and candies to suck on. To help you concentrate, of course. Always greeting you with a soft ‘baby girl’ at the beginning of your shift. Whenever you’re standing around be it at the printer or counter - wherever really - he’ll slip a hand on your waist. It always trails a little lower, his pinky just edging on the hem of your too tight jeans.
Ghost gets frustrated with you to the point of causing tears to well up in the corners of your eyes. He’s feels guilty, sure, but bloody hell just print the damn receipt. He avoids you for the most part. Until one evening when it’s pouring down. You forgot your rain coat of course, silly girl. He offers you a ride which you take happily.
After that he can’t get rid of you. You bring him coffees (how you remember his order word for word but not where you last left your own cup is beyond him) and giggle at his jokes. When a client gets too snappy or too loud he’s the first to step in - standing behind you glaring at them with his huge arms crossed over his chest until they back down.
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moomaroon · 2 months
Just because Simon and Johnny kidnapped you doesn’t mean they won’t treat you like a doll…
There’s no cold basement floor, no, you have the comfort of their soft bed to lay in. Handcuffs are unheard of, you’re tied up in silky ribbon. You’re given baths, despite against your will, with gentle hands.
It’s so hard not to fall for them when they kiss you softly on your forehead when you start to cry, missing your family and friends. They tell you that everything you need is here now.
And when you start to come around and stop crying, they fuck you gently and hold your hand through it. ❤️
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