#-she was older because I offed myself how could I do that to her fr like
polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Honestly I could use a pep talk. This week the positive/negative whiplash has been horrible
Grace my love you have been such a comforting presence in my and a lot of other people’s lives. I’m so, so sorry that things haven’t been going spectacular for you but as I’ve said to you, having someone who is going through a lot of the same things that I am makes me feel so much less alone. I really, really hope that we can find some consistency in it all. Today when I was driving home I was thinking of that cliche “if you could have any superpower what would it be” and I thought “I wish I could control my emotions”. And I thought… that’s not a superpower. That’s something “normal” people can do. But I feel like I can’t. But maybe more things are in my control than I realize. Sometimes I do think that I make excuses for myself. And that’s not to say that we as human beings can control everything in our lives. In fact, it’s what we CAN’T control that brings us stress. Like other people changing their minds about plans and shit 😅 but that’s what makes us dynamic. That’s what makes us human. So I guess, you know, I would be bored or whatever if everything was easy and my life is perfect. I mean, we all need a little drama, right? Like the harmless kind. Like when you go through the drive-through and they give you the wrong order. It’s humbling. It gives us something to complain about. Like, I didn’t fuck up badly to warrant an entire Netflix show about it. At least it’s not THAT bad yet. And I mean. We have all, everyone here, made it through the worse times of our lives already. And sure, there’s every chance the worst thing that’s ever going to happen to us hasn’t happened yet (especially those of us who haven’t reached 25 yet) but honestly as I look back I feel like everything that really sticks out as bad to me isn’t more or less worse than the thing before or after it. It’s just the most present, so it’s the one that hurts them most. I’m GLAD I’m not 16, 18, 20 anymore, even if I had things then I wish I had now and have pain now I didn’t have then. Sometimes the things I have to look forward to don’t feel like enough but what is the alternative? I just have to keep going. I can’t give up. We can’t give up. We have to keep fighting. I refuse to be the one that knocks me down.
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"traveler auto insurance quotes
traveler auto insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm Asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his Allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
How much money would it cost to get car insurance im 18?
my grandmother is wanting to add me onto her insurance and let me drive her car, how much is it going to cost she has nationwide and the car is a 2001 honda accord lx sedan 4 cylinder i also never had a permit and im just going to get my license after i get my insurance, im white and a guy. Thanks for the help its much appreciated.""
How much would it cost for a female 17/18 year old to be insured on a 1.2 Clio?
It's a 2002 model, also what is a very cheap insurance price range, and what sort of car would you have to have?""
How soon do I need to insure a new car.?
We are going to purchase a car next Sunday from a private party. How soon do I need to get coverage on it? I already have coverage on my other cars. I'm just worried if it gets stolen/damaged before I can get it covered. We aren't 100% sure we want the vehicle so I don't want to cover something that's not in our name yet. Would it still be covered by the previous owner for awhile? Thanks in Advance!
Where to find low cost medical insurance?
Where to find low cost medical insurance?
Insurance when you die?
If I kill myself will I get insurance ? I dont care about money I am already well off but just curious about insurance , too early to call my insurer or go look at the doc, to depressed""
Life insurance question?
I am looking for term life insurance, meaning the rate would would locked for 30 years regardless of my husband and I getting older. I just have couple questions, i am hoping someone would shed some light: what does this mean??: The Select-a-Term provides a level death benefit term to age 95 also what does this mean? Current premiums are guaranteed level for the first 15 policy years. if i am selecting 30 years, why are they only guaranteed for 15 years? also, what else should I be looking for? thank you!""
How can i find active life insurance policies?
life insurance policies on the deciseds joe g. ward
Does my mom HAVE to be on MY car insurance?
So here's the deal -- I am getting a new car soon and my mom wants me to get my own insurance so her bill doesn't go up (she normally pays $70/month, but once I was added to her policy the bill went up $85 -- and that was with just ONE car). And now that I am getting my own car, my mom knows that the insurance is going to sky rocket and that is why she wants me to have my own insurance. However -- according to all these insurance companies, my mom and I HAVE to add each other as drivers onto our policies since we live in the same household. My problem is this -- why is it that when I am getting a quote online and I add my mom as a driver (but have her EXCLUDED from the policy), the price is $1183 every 6 months, yet when I DON'T include her as a driver at all, the price drops down to $854? Do I HAVE to add my mom onto my car insurance even though she has her own policy with a different company and won't be driving my car -- ever? Seriously, the only time she will be in my car is when I am driving, and god forbid I do get into an accident, this insurance company covers myself and any relative that resides in the household. So would I REALLY have to add my mom onto my car insurance even though she won't be driving my car? I don't want to pay $400 more for someone who will never drive my car...""
Can I finance a car while on my dads car insurance?
I am looking to get a used car really soon, I have saved up enough money to put a good down payment down and have had a steady job for a little over 2 years now. The question is, will dealerships let me finance a car even tho I am on the car insurance with me dad? I am 20 yrs old and I still have insurance with him because I am a college student and also because I still live with him""
What's the criteria on whether or not car insurance is high?
I'm 17, looking for my first car, and I want something that won't cost my parents a fortune on car insurance. But how can I tell if insurance is going to be high? Would 2003 Acura RSX give high insurance? I've completed a Drivers Education course too, if that counts for anything?""
Services offered by insurance companies?
general services offed by insurance companies
How do I get points taken off of my license?
i live in California and i about 2 months ago crashed my car and was cited for a failure to yield ticket, because i am only 16 i got a restricted license and i have to attend traffic school as well as getting a point, i was wonder if i could get that point taken off?""
Car Insurance?
I want to cancel my insurance or rather freeze it until the 3 November. Would i get into trouble though if i took it to the garage when i had cancelled my insurance or eve froze it..
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?
I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY
How much does insurance cost for a teenage driver?
So the car would be a scion frs I'm a guy....it's a coupe and with which company would it cost the least I live in Orange County california
Medicaid & Medicare question Comprehensive Insurance?
I was wondering if Medi-Cal is comprehensive insurance? then when I can get Medicare I can decline it! I am getting SSDI right now and medicaid is good for me! thanks
""I hit accidentally a car on the back,no damages.Did my insurance will go up?""
I hit the car in the back,but was no damages in the cars.She will contact my insurance ,didi they will increase my payment?""
What should I do to get an International Medical Insurance?
I am a visitor in the United States, and I ll be here for about 2 months and I need a Medical Insurance, need some recommendations and where to go, and the docs necessaries.""
Should I be able to get disability?
Here is my story, I was working and slipped and fell on my side (I did file a accident report). At first I felt fine just a numbness in my side and thinking it would go away, but as the months went by the numbness went away to only be replaced by a pain. I took pain medications to ease it and it helped relieve the pain but now it hardly does anything, if anything at all. I am like 6'4 and before the accident I weighed around 230, now I am climbing to 320??? Oh, I am 25. Oh, and I have been fighting my insurance for 5 years. I cannot exercise to lose weight because the pain in my side prevents me to do daily activities for long or if any at all. I have grown severely depressed as in that I have gained all this weight and feel disgusted with the way I look like and try to avoid any human contact or be seen because I feel disgusting with the way I look. I hope I have said all I needed to do. I just feel I cannot function as a normal person in society anymore. And times if there is no hope for me, I feel as if maybe the best solution for me is to commit suicide because I just feel so much like a freak to the world now.""
""Families who live in America, how much is your health insurance per month?""
In an earlier question I mentioned that my boyfriend's parents are paying for his 24-year-old sister's health insurance after she got laid off and couldn't find another position and can't afford health care on her own, to the tune of $175 a month (and she's perfectly healthy) and was floored when someone said that was actually inexpensive. Btw, her parents insist on her having health care coverage for fear of her getting in an accident or whatever. I'm 17 and am quite obviously naive about the costs of health insurance, but I'm really curious about it, and would like to know how much it usually costs for a family to have health insurance in America. I'm in California. I don't know if it's more expensive depending on your state. If if you don't mind answering, how much do you pay per year, and how many people are in your family? Does it become more expensive as your kids get older? What kind of plan do you have? Through work or your own? Are you supportive of universal health coverage? Also: does anyone understand how Medicare / MediCal works and who decides who is covered and who isn't? Is it based on your yearly income? I'm asking because one of the reasons my boyfriend's parents want his sister to have insurance is that another family friend of ours broke her jaw in a roller blading accident when she was 26 and didn't have insurance because she was unemployed at the time, and not being able to pay the $15,000 hospital bill killed her credit score. Sorry for all the questions. I'm just really curious about all this.""
Will my insurance company find out? If so how?
I got into a fender bender the other day, it was my fault, I can either pay for the damages to the other car out of my pocket, or I can let him tell his insurance company about it and he has a $500 deductable, I do not have coalition insurance, only liability, so if he reports it to his insurance will I still have to pay his $500 deductable out of my pocket or will my liability insurance company have to pay the $500? Or will his insurance company pay the $500? If he reports it to HIS insurance company will MY insurance company find out about the accident?""
Car Insurance for a 20 year old in new york?
Okay so heres the deal. Im currently working full time and attending school part time in new york. To make life easier, i've decided to purchase a car. But the thing that bothers me the most is the car insurance. I know I'm going to have to pay alot even for only liability. The question is would it be cheaper ( insurance wise) to buy a used car or a brand new car? I'm not trying to get a sports car, just something to drive around and make life easier. Either way I'm going to finance it if it makes a difference. I've had my license for a year now with no previous insurance records. By the way, my dad lives in another state. Is there any way he can buy the car for me and have it insured?""
How can I buy home insurance if I use one room for my business?
Hello there! I am a freelance web publisher so basically I work from home using my laptop. My husband and I just bought our first home. The other day I was shopping around for home insurance when an agent told me if I run my home business many carriers will mark me as not eligible for home insurance. Is this true? How do I get around that? What's the best home insurance company?
traveler auto insurance quotes
traveler auto insurance quotes
Cheapest Japanese cars to insure for a 16 yr old?
Before you tell me that I need to call the insurance company to get a quote, I just want an estimate and I will provide as much information as I can. I live in Wisconsin, my parents have a clean driving record, and I was thinking a Civic. What do u think insurance might cost for a 16 yr old (I KNOW it will be expensive).""
How much would a 16 year old boy pay for car insurance?
I am not 16 yet, but I want to get a Chevy Camaro. I live in PA, and am wondering how much car insurance would cost me a year with out wrecks, tickets, etc. I went to chevy.com and built my own Camaro, and it cost me about $25,000 with the specs, and colors I want.""
Really pissed with car insurances?
when you have a accident and it is you fault and you only have basic insurance but STILL you have to pay the damage of the vehicle you hit so why do we pay for car insurance if we still have to pay more? is like if i'm paying to fix the other car and still paying the regular price to my insurance. are they stealing? or why the government let them do that?
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
Denied car insurance?
what happens if all the major car insurance companies deny you insurance if your a first time driver and have bad credit. geico and allstate denied me already. what can i do if they ALL deny me?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
""What is the best cheap, reliable car insurance and why?""
So I'm buying car insurance by myself for the first time and need to know what you feel is the best cheap car insurance and why? And in case anyone feels like being a smart butt, yes I do mean in America lol.""
Does anybody know of a good affordable life insurance?
I live in California, im 19, im perfectly healthy(i've never smoked and i've never drank...ever)and im trying to find a life insurance policy to purchase for myself, since at the time i was born my parents couldn't afford one. So, i decided to do the smart thing and decide to get myself life insurance. I would like to know of people's opinions on life insurance, and which ones are best for someone my age.""
Mercury auto insurance?
My roof rack was pryed off my car and stolen damaging my car. It was locked to the roof (therefore permanent) yet Mercury won't cover the rack. I have comprehensive coverage. Is there any way to fight this since it was a part of my car, since it was permanent? I live in California (not sure if it matters)""
Is AETNA a good health insurance to get?
my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??""
What type of businesses that are good to call for all kind of insurances?
Like Health Care Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee Benefits""
Modified Car Insurance ??
hiya i have just bought a modified fiat punto - the only modifications it has on it is a body kit - do you no of and cheap car insurance companys in the uk that will insure me thanxs xx
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
Would the insurance company find out if you modify ur engine?
im gettin an accord nd i wanna add performance to it bc i aint a ricer nd ma dad doesnt want me to nd i was wondering if the insurance company would find out by themselves if yu mod your engine and increase the rate. my insurance company is geico nd my dad pays for it so i dnt want him to be like why is the rate going up nd find out tht i added turbos nd air intakes nd ****
What is the car insurance cost for a 2005 or 06 saturn ion for a 16 year old or somewhere around that age?
this car is not that great but if you could give a better car with a low insurance cost that would be awsome.
Where is the best place for me to get car insurance?
My policy on Geico expired recently. Right now I'm trying to think of all the money I'll be saving without using Geico. Their rates were outrageous. Those cavemen are smart not to use Geico. Every lie has some truth in it. Anyway, I need to renew my insurance, and I'm fed up with Geico. Are there any other companies that are reasonable like Nationwide, State Farm, All State, Progressive, and whatnot?""
""How does health insurance work in prison/jail, is there such thing as health insurance for inmates?""
How does health insurance work in prison/jail, is there such thing as health insurance for inmates?""
Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe?
I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii.""
Car insurance need help?
is not having car insurance in michigan illegal? what are the penalties for getting caught without insurance? is it a good idea to not have insurance? with geico insurance, about how much would we have to pay for car insurance if we have 3 cars and live in upper michigan. there is a no-fault policy here how much would a used, old, small ford car cost in upper michigan?""
What cars result in cheap insurance for young drivers?
What cars lead to new (young) drivers (aged 17/18) having lower car insurances then they would do with the Golf's or the Civics's. I would like to know male attracted cars. Thanks in anticipation
Have I been ripped off? Car insurance?
Need a bit of help! I recently turned 18 and passed my driving test I drive a c1 and I paid 3060 for my car insurance this is with a black box fitted! I don't know if this is bad or good?? Considering I am being monitored?? Please help
Can you get your drivers license without any insurance?
I live in West Virginia 17 and I have had my learners for almost a year and have got all my hours so would it be OK if i got my license w/o insurance
""I'm 17,passed my car test.have a 1litre vauxhall corsa 3dr,wondered if ne1 knows of cheap insurance companies?""
Hello, I'm 17 years old, i have just passed my car test. I have a 1litre vauxhall corsa, 3doors, which is meant to be a very low insurance group, I just wondered if anyone knows of a cheap insurance company? Or any good ways of getting cheap insurance for a couple of years until I get a full time job - like named driver or something? The best quote i have so far is 2100 for a year. Thanks.""
Something in lieu of insurance?
I have been working part-time for a company and about to become full-time. One of the concerns that was raised is that insurance will be expensive. He pays 100% of everyone's insurance for their families. I suggested that we can revisit the insurance in a year and do something else in lieu of the insurance. Less costly. He also pays for parking for the employees. I'm not sure of what to ask for though. I was thinking a gas allowance but I wanted to have a few ideas to present in case he shoots one or more down.
Will insurance be cheaper for our 2010 Hyundai Elantra than our 04 Tahoe?
We just bought the Hyundai Elantra yesterday and were looking to see how much of a difference we could expect .
traveler auto insurance quotes
traveler auto insurance quotes
Where can i find insurance without license?
Most of the insurance companies that I call will not provide insurance because I do not have a license I have to have insurance before I can get my license. What should I do?
Car insurance help. please help me?
I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance?
Car Insurance Quote so high?
I'm an experienced driver here in Ontario Canada. I'm 26 years old and own a full G level driving license. My record is clean. I'm looking to get my first insurance coverage, with a used Toyota Sienna CE 2005. I would be the sole owner of the vehicle and only driver for the most part. Wont even be driving too often. However, I got two quotes and they are outrageous. about $350 a month for only liability coverage and the other even more. How come a clean record first time insuree ca get such bloated quotes?""
What happens when you don't pay cancellation costs for car insurance?
Un-named popular car insurance provider added my 22-yr old son to my policy without my permission. Said it was done internally, couldn't take him off policy. So I canceled. I should say that before I called to cancel this policy, I started a new policy w/ a local company. Progressively, I received a bill for cancellation costs of $120.00. What happens if I don't pay?""
Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow?
i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence??
What is the best health insurance to cover pregnancy and birth?
I am moving to Florida, miami actually and Im looking for an affordable insurance that is different from medicaid........thanks""
How can I get an insurance quote?
I don't have my license yet, but I know what car I'll be driving. Is there a way to get a quote before I actually get my license?""
How expensive would a liability insurance policy be for a Companion business?
I'm thinking of starting up a Companion business in Connecticut. It will be just me and I will not be doing anything medical. The State of Connecticut doesn't require me to become licensed if it's just me but I would like to have a general liability policy anyway. I would love it if I could some helpful information. Thanks, Cathy""
Is Car Insurance paid Monthly or Yearly?
I was reading an article about the Toyota Prius and it said insurance is about $1400. Is that $1400 a month or a year?
Cheapest young driver car insurance?
i done endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, zura (or w/e), aa, swift, any i havent heard of that specialise i have googled specialist young driver insurance (had licence 3 months and im 18) Male""
How much is the cheapest car insurance in california?
I want the minimum possible insurance, enough to the the government off my back. I dont care for protection or anything""
What are other sources of towing insurance?
Besides AAA and getting towing insurance from your insurance company, are there any other good sources? thanks""
Does all the insurance companies offer a car while your is not working?
I recently was involve in a car accident and I need the car I have Mercury insurance do they paid fro a rental car?
Health Insurance For Full Time College Students?
I overheard another student in class talking about how she gets free health insurance coverage because she is a full time student? Has anyone else heard of any programs or companies that do that? if so can someone give me some links to the sites of those companies? (Because since im no longer in the class with the girl, i cant get it from her)""
Im placed under my moms insurance- but i live with a freind. and im using there car-?
if im put under my moms car insurance - but im livving in another house hold and using someone elses car - would i still be covered(with my moms insurance) ? or you cant do that? becuase if i get in an accident in my friends car - does that cover me and them? or me? there car? someone please explain !
I can't get car insurance?
I just bought a cheap older car with high mileage (the only thing I could afford) but I cannot pay the monthly insurance premiums. I'm only talking about liability insurance. Collision is out of the question due to budget. I've shopped around and I can't seem to find a premium that is less than $200 a month! What should I do? What are the risks with driving without insurance? I need to be able to get to work everyday or else I might as well set up camp outside my workplace in a cardboard box :(
What would the insurance quote for a Chevy silverado 1500 1995 be?
ive looked at the insurance sites and they want all my information i just need a estimate for my truck please help i dont want to enter all my information
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
How much auto insurance do you really need?
like do you need medical or pip, all that extra stuff?""
Does anyone know exactly what Car Insurance Quote is?
I just can't find the right answer on Google. Please help me if u know...This is really urgent...Thanks a lot.
How long does it take to be under insurance for car?
i need to know how long will it take for my parents car insurance to be under me as soon as i get my license so i can start driving already im in texas ??
What would my insurance cost?
If i am a not yet insurednew driver and already got in a accident under someone else's insurance what would it cost for insurance roughly if i was to apply for some
Car Insurance Quotes?
I have been looking on confused.com, comparethemarket.com, gocompare.com for car insurance quotes and they are all between 6000-16000 these prices are a total joke okay maybe there are stupid drivers but there has got to be a balance between high premiums and trying to stop people driving without insurance having prices like these will result in many people driving un-insured. I am 17 and passed in January of this year and I have took the Pass Plus Scheme and it has made not difference in my quotes. I need help to see if I am doing anything wrong because I can not see how any 17 year old can afford 7000 for insurance. Thanks for the Help.""
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
Which motorcycle insurance is an better choice Geico or Allstate?
traveler auto insurance quotes
traveler auto insurance quotes
How much do you think my insurance will go up?
I got a ticket about a month ago for exhibition of speed and i have court soon but i need to know how much my insurance will go up after our next policy. it wasnt a serious ticket it was just me and my buddy racing from one stop light to the next one. we didnt even go over the limit. i might even get off with nothing because its my first ticket i dunno. but ya, i have alstate and its insured under my parents name and we have our cars, 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, cabin, house, life, and pretty much everything with allstate. its about 600 every 6 months currently for my car. about how much do you think it will go up? thank you.""
SAS resume for insurance companies?
i need to make a sas resume for insurance companiy.can anyone help with what to write in work experience describing experience in an insurance company setup.
How much would car insurance cost for me?
How much does it cost to get my first car insurance under my parents insurance living in NV, USA? Also: I'm 18 yrs old, Just got my driver's license, White male Caucasian, Drive a black 1996 Honda Civic, been in no accidents, got good grades from High School, had no bad records in general, I live in a safe area, but will drive about 80 miles a week .""
My husband needs life insurance but has diabeties?
My husband needs life insurance about 50,000 but want payments cheap payments 40.00 monthly. We been trying to find some life insurance but some dont take with diabeties. My husband doesnt take insulin. Hes ranging about 100 to 180 every month on sugar level.. Any ideas on life insurance we should quilified!!!""
How do you find another person's insurance carrier for an auto accident?
Recently my car was parked on the side of a street. A car pulled up behind it, and caught fire. There was extensive damage to the rear of my car. The person who owned the car was nowhere to be found, and there was no insurance information in the car. The officers on the scene provided me with the registered owners name, address and license plate number. The officer suspected the car may have been stolen, but wasn't certain (The RO of the car lived a few towns over). I do not believe I am liable for this accident. Is there any way to track down this person's insurance company for me to get covered in this incident? I don't have comprehensive coverage, so my company isn't going to cover the damage. Is the fact that the car was possibly stolen an issue? Thanks very much!""
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
Insuring A Range Rover For An 18 Year Old?
Ive been driving for a year now, and i have 1 year no claims bonus. (aged 18 and male). I am going to university for three years, and for the first of those three years, im NOT on the insurance. How much do you think a Rangerover sport (second hand costing about 9,000) would be costing me in UK insurance third-party? my current car was fitted with this mileage thing, which also lessens the amount i pay (NOT A BALCK BOX).. but roughly do you know? thanks.""
Where is the best website to compare pco insurance prices?
fully comprehensive i would like a quote straight away. some websites you give all the details and it says that the company will contact the person regarding the quote. i want to compare mini cab insurance not taxi insurance. thank you so much in advance. :)
Life insurance for police officers?
Can police officers get extended life insurance to cover death on the job? If so, how much - 5 million?""
Do I need to pay insurance on a SORN car?
Hi if i declare my car SORN (UK) do i need to pay insurance or MOT?
Car insurance help?!?
Can I purchase car insurance and not own a vehicle? The reason I ask is because lately I've been renting vehicles and they charge for insurance, by request. I figure since I use rental service often that I could go ahead and get low price insurance. Any ideas?""
Cheap dental insurance?
hello, im looking for cheap dental insurance and i live in florida, anyone know.............???""
List of life and health insurance companies with medical exam?
List of life and health insurance companies with medical exam?
Buy a car + insurance?
Hi i live in Toronto and i was looking to buy a car, the thing is i just recently moved to Canada and have no experience of this stuff, i didn't own an auto mobile back home. I also don't have that many reliable and truly trust able friends that i can turn to for help, and no relatives. So i turn to yahoo answers in my time of need. I need to know what the process of buy a car is and when and how do i get insurance on my car, I just turned 18 and would like my own car. And do you guys gave any suggestions for first cars? any tips? all help is appreciated.""
What is the best health insurance?
Hi! I have been trying to find an affordable health insurance company. I am young and in good health. I am a nanny and am not offered health insurance. At my husband's job they ...show more
How do I get back a revoked license in Colorado without owning a car or having car insurance?
When I had my license revoked for DWAI in Colorado, I was told that I could get my license back when a year was over by submitting an SR-22 form. The way I understand it, you can't get an SR-22 form unless you have car insurance. Is this correct? I don't have a car or car insurance, so how do I get my license back?""
Insurance when renting a car? Waste of $$?
I'm 22 yrs old, renting a car from enterprise in 5 wks. On a budget and trying to cut costs, was wondering if the insurance they offer is really necessary, or just a waste of money. I currently have progressive insurance on my vehicle. Can I add this rental to my insurance for a cheaper rate? Or is insurance even an absolute MUST. Realistically, how often is it actually used? Any answers would help! 10 pts""
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
How much do you pay for car insurance and on what company?
Im tryign to find the cheapest.
Price of car insurance 18 years old?
The cheapest quote for car insurance I have had is 5000 for a 1.0L Toyota Yaris, TPFT, kept in a garage overnight, the car is only worth 1000. Am I doing something wrong?? 5000 is just rediculous, Im not even going to bother with lessons yet. What is/was your insurance cost for this age?""
Qualify for state car insurance?
Hello; I'm moving to Virginia soon from New York. I know car insurance there is cheaper, but I hear that you have to live in the state for 6 months to qualify for the state car insurance. For example, I can buy a new car once I move in Virginia. With the new car I should be qualified for the Virginia car insurance?""
What could i expect to pay for insurance being a first time driver?
Hi, im looking to buy my first car with some money im getting from school; it will be used of course but i would like to know if anyone can give me insight on insurance costs. I will soon be 21 years old, have had a license for about a year and a half, and i have one accident on my record (possibly) that happened almost a year ago while driving my sister's car; and i was not listed on thier insurance as a driver does that make a difference? With all that being said how much could i expect to pay for insurance? Oh and i live in Philadelphia,PA if that helps with answers. Also what additional fees should i expect to encounter outside of insurance? Thanks!""
How does car insurance work?
im sure this is a really dumb question, but dont know the first thing about car insurance. I'll be 19 next month & i'm going to get my license before this month is over. I've had my permit for almost 2 yrs now & just been waiting to get money saved up for a car & insurance. I'd like an SUV but i've heard that it costs more to have insurance on an SUV? is this true? Are there any specific cars that are better [meaning less expensive] to get insurance on?""
Any suggestion for an auto insurance?
I'm currently under geico but I realized that they charge me too much.Do you know any auto insurance that is cheaper?
2003 350z or new altima coupe? (insurance costs)?
I'm an 18 years old male. What's the smaller of the two evils and by approximately how much? The 350z would be the enthusiast trim and the coupe would be S trim. Both automatic
traveler auto insurance quotes
traveler auto insurance quotes
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