#I think the last ones I wrote in my head were to my 15 y/o cousins
polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Honestly I could use a pep talk. This week the positive/negative whiplash has been horrible
Grace my love you have been such a comforting presence in my and a lot of other people’s lives. I’m so, so sorry that things haven’t been going spectacular for you but as I’ve said to you, having someone who is going through a lot of the same things that I am makes me feel so much less alone. I really, really hope that we can find some consistency in it all. Today when I was driving home I was thinking of that cliche “if you could have any superpower what would it be” and I thought “I wish I could control my emotions”. And I thought… that’s not a superpower. That’s something “normal” people can do. But I feel like I can’t. But maybe more things are in my control than I realize. Sometimes I do think that I make excuses for myself. And that’s not to say that we as human beings can control everything in our lives. In fact, it’s what we CAN’T control that brings us stress. Like other people changing their minds about plans and shit 😅 but that’s what makes us dynamic. That’s what makes us human. So I guess, you know, I would be bored or whatever if everything was easy and my life is perfect. I mean, we all need a little drama, right? Like the harmless kind. Like when you go through the drive-through and they give you the wrong order. It’s humbling. It gives us something to complain about. Like, I didn’t fuck up badly to warrant an entire Netflix show about it. At least it’s not THAT bad yet. And I mean. We have all, everyone here, made it through the worse times of our lives already. And sure, there’s every chance the worst thing that’s ever going to happen to us hasn’t happened yet (especially those of us who haven’t reached 25 yet) but honestly as I look back I feel like everything that really sticks out as bad to me isn’t more or less worse than the thing before or after it. It’s just the most present, so it’s the one that hurts them most. I’m GLAD I’m not 16, 18, 20 anymore, even if I had things then I wish I had now and have pain now I didn’t have then. Sometimes the things I have to look forward to don’t feel like enough but what is the alternative? I just have to keep going. I can’t give up. We can’t give up. We have to keep fighting. I refuse to be the one that knocks me down.
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lyraoftheevergreens · 2 years
Cold Tea
Severus Snape x Female Reader
Requested: yes, @xxmixhi
Hello! Could I get some really good snape angst?
Preferably along the lines of his s/o breaking his heart with the line "I don't think I'm in love with you anymore.." Thank you so much in advance!
AN: First and foremost, Thank you for being my first request and being so patient with me and thank you so much for trusting me to write this for you. I’m so sorry it took me so long. I've never wrote angst before so thank you for giving me somewhere to start. I hope you like it. I had a lot of fun writing this and was things of writing a part 2.
Story Note: This takes place the year before the sorcerers stone and Snape and the Reader are the same age.
Word count: 1,501
Y/f/n= your first name
Y/e/c= your eye color
It was nearing the Christmas vacation and for once in his life, Snape wasn’t staying at the castle. This time around he finally had someone to come home to. His sweet y/n. They met last year in the fall in Hogsmead. They had both gone into J. Pippin Potions to purchase potion ingredients and there she was, purchasing the last of the Fairy Wings.
“Did it come in?” She asked the man working in the front.
“Yes! But it's the only one I got. I saved it for you.”
“Thank you so much, Jimmy. How much do I owe you?”
“That will be 15 Galleons Ms.y/f/n”
“Okay, I got it right here.” She reached into her bag and pulled out her change purse when she was searching nervously she dropped a few sickles and Severus picked them up for her. After she finished paying he handed her what she had dropped.
“Here, you seemed to have dropped these.”
“Oh thank you so much! You know I would lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my neck.”
“You mean shoulders?”
“No, neck. I never understood why people say shoulders. It goes head, neck then shoulders.”
“Yes, I guess you're correct.” He looked down into her y/e/c and she looked up into his black eyes and they were both done for. After that, they met in Hogsmead every Saturday for their weekly date. During Summer vacation she stayed with him at his house in spinners end. Just for the summer. When he asked her to move in with him she declined and said she would only stay with him during the breaks. Y/n had her cottage in Hogsmead and it made sense for her to keep her cottage so they could continue to see each other during the school year. So when she declined at first he was hurt by her answer but when she gave her reason it hurt less.
He knew at some point in the relationship he would have to tell her about his dark mark. And when he did she was so understanding.
“You not a death eater any more are you?”
“No, not anymore.”
“I remember the first war, it seemed like everyone was a death eater.” She said with a slight laugh at the end.
“I won’t hold it against you if you don’t hold the fact that I hate dark chocolate against me. Deal?”
“No deal! How dare you not like dark chocolate.” He said pulling her on top of him.
“Make sense you would like you both are so bitter.” And with those words Severus began to tickle Y/n until she peed on him.
“Okay! I’m sorry! I cant- anymore- I’m gonna pee!” She said broken up between laughs and attempts to catch her breath. And so he stoped and they stayed there like that just talking the rest of the evening.
Severus was to gather his few belongings and stay at her cottage for the night and then the following morning they would travel via floo to his house in spinners' end. When he arrived at her cozy little cottage decorated beautifully by the snow that fell and her wreath at the front door. When he walked in he was met by the comforting smell of cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. And to left was a Christmas tree next to the fireplace in front of the brown couch she had facing the fireplace.
“Severus! You’re here!” She shouted from the kitchen. “Come in!” He made his way into her kitchen and there she was setting down a hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll on a plate on her small dining table meant for four but who was it kidding it was perfect for just two. After she set down the drink and pastry she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into her. “I missed you.” He murmured into her neck. But she didn’t say it back. She kissed his cheek and let go of him. She sat down on the chair across from his and began making small talk.
“Are you tired? It’s quite late.”
“Yes, but I have worked up quite the appetite for your cinnamon roles.”
“I’m glad you still enjoy them.”
They sat in the kitchen most of the night talking until they were both practically falling asleep at the table.
“Would you like a fire whisky and we could move to the couch.” Y/n had suggested.
“Or we could go straight to bed,” Severus suggested in his deep sexy voice that hypnotized her every time. He wrapped his hands around her waist and typically she was putty in his grasp, but no tonight.
“Oh Sev, I'm just not feeling up to it tonight if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, I don’t mind. Whatever you want.”
“Let’s just go to bed and snuggle, yeah?”
“Okay, darling.” He followed her to the bedroom and began to undress himself down to his boxers. Y/n got dressed into a champagne-colored nightgown and climbed into bed next to Severus. They said their goodnights and went to bed.
The next morning y/n woke up before Severus with her brain racked about how she was gonna end things with him. She started questioning their relationship after that summer she spent with him. As their first anniversary got closer she started to evaluate whether or not she wanted to continue their relationship, she gave it a year and just didn't see the point in further wasting his time.
Severus entered the living room interrupting her thoughts.
“You’re up before me.” He mutters, walking to where she’s sat on the couch placing a kiss on her forehead then taking a seat across from her.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” She asked.
“Yes, I would. Thank you.” She then got up and his tea just how he liked and walked over with her serving tray that carried a delicate white teapot and two matching cups. She placed it on the couch and took her seat. Severus grabbed his. Up and they both began to sip in silence. After a few minutes had passed Severus broke the silence first.
“Have you packed yet?”
“No, I haven’t actually.”
“There are something’s I need to gather and complete over at my house. So I would like us to end up there at some point.”
“About that Severus.”
“Yes.” He said raising an eyebrow at her and setting his cup down.
“I think we should maybe spend this vacation apart from each other.”
“Why is that?”
“I just. This last year has been nice but I’ve just grown so accustomed to living alone all these years.”
“It was your idea to spend breaks together.”
“Yes, I realize that but now I also have come to recognize that I was a bit over my head.”
“What are you trying to say Y/n?”
“I'm so sorry Sev.” Tears began to gently slip from her eyes. “I don’t think I’m in love with you anymore.” She spoke barely above a whisper, looking down, watching her tears fall into her tea.
“What do you mean?”
“I'm so sorry Severus.”
“How long have you felt this way?”
“For a month or so now.”
“A month!”
“I'm so sorry Severus. I just didn’t want to lead you on.”
“What happened? I thought things were going good?”
“They were! I just don’t know.” She did know. She just couldn’t tell him that she was beginning to dread him coming over for the winter break.
“You were dreading me coming over?”
“Did you just use legilimency on me!?”
“What do you expect? Your not telling me anything!”
“Because Severus I don’t know how!”
“Just say it!”
“I feel suffocated! For 10 years I’ve lived alone and then we started dating and then you were here every weekend and I didn’t know how to tell you I just need some time to myself. Time to miss you and now I just-.” At this point, she was yelling and sobbing all at the same time. Her words getting cut from her sobs.
“So we take some time apart then.”
“So we do.” She agrees to sniffle.
“I’ll gather my belongings and go then. Wouldn’t want you feeling more suffocated than you already feel.” He spoke coldly and got up from the couch and went to her bedroom to gather his things. Everything in her wanted to stand up and beg him not to leave. Realizing now that she didn’t want him to leave, scared that he left she may never get him back? But was she to do? Tell him that she changes her mind, that she regrets her choice of words, that if she could go back in time and do this morning and last night over again she would. But instead, she sat on the couch crying, regretting her words and actions, and let him leave without a fight.
“Where are you going?”
“Why do you care?”
“I just want to know.”
“Remember, you don’t love me anymore.” And with that, he disapparated to his house she assumes. As she sits on the couch crying realizing she has made one of the biggest mistakes she could have ever made. He was gone and she might not ever get him back all because she didn’t know how to say she needed a break she had convinced her self she didn’t love him. Because if she loved him why would she need a break from there weekends together. But if she didn’t love him why was her heart breaking into a million little pieces. “I do love you.” She whispered, still sitting on the couch. Knees pulled up to her chest and with tear filled eyes staring at the two cups of cold tea they never finished drinking.
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Denial Done (18+)
Summary: very very very spicy polyam fic. (request) 
Pairing: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name
Word Count: 3387
A/N: i am so sorry. (sorry it took so long too. i feel bad. i wrote most of this VERY drunk. don’t drink kids.)
Sirius shifted uncomfortably in his seat with a disheveled look on his face, both of his boyfriends noticed this of course.
“Sirius… Can you not sit still for 5 fucking minutes while we finish our essays?” Remus sighed laying his face onto the nearly complete parchment, Sirius always ran circles around them while they were working, always.
“Really. We need to finish these before tomorrow, ya know? We have until tonight and if it wasn’t for you and detention we would’ve been done by now” (Y/N) sighed in discontent as well, a look of annoyance and frustration on his face, yet Sirius couldn’t help it. He was always restless, but especially right now.
“Please, Merlin, will you stop doing homework for one second and realise we haven’t had sex in a two weeks. You’re killing me.” He huffed out at his boring, hot, homework obsessed boyfriends. He had probably been hard for days by now, but every time he tried to fix it himself he just couldn’t make himself cum, not like they could.
“You’re killing yourself, Padfoot. If we keep getting full essays for pranks, we’ll never have sex again” He hissed at Sirius, very obviously pissed at how much of a pain in the ass his boyfriend was being. Acting like they had deprived out of pleasure and not out of school necessity, so over dramatic, he thought.
“Can we stop saying sex, I don’t think I can handle hearing that word again” Remus tried to hide the blush forming on his face, he in particular didn’t like to bring up their sex life in any way, especially not in front of the other studying students in the library. Sure it had been 15 days, 17 hours and 30 minutes since they last “made love” and maybe he had been dying for a choice to bring it up again, but not in such a public space.
Sirius pouted and slumped into the chair he was sitting on before crossing his arms dramatically.
“Fine. I’ll be honest. I’ve had the biggest boner of my life for the last 3 days” He huffed looking like a child throwing a fit, looking down at his boner that was politely tucked under belt for the time being.
“PADFOOT. We’re in the library. Keep quiet” Remus whisper shouted at him, giving him a death glare as he checked whether or not anyone had heard him or not.
“I’m sorry if my needs are so much less important than homework” Sirius pouted even harder looking away from them with an angry red face, leaving his boyfriends looking at each other a little awkwardly.
“Homework. That was your fault” Remus mumbled in response first trying to pull his attention away from Sirius’s bulge and back at the stacked parchment.
“Fuck me.” (Y/N) said trying to ignore him as well, but he just kept at it as usual. Trying to push the boundaries of what they would do if he pissed them off enough.
“That’s what I want you to do.” He replied too smuggly only to be met with the cold eyes of (Y/N) grabbing his face, leaving a knot in his stomach and throat. That was the straw he needed.
“You know what, Sirius? Fine.” He pulled his face closer, Sirius being too scared to even breathe anymore.
“What?” He was getting what he wanted, right?
(Y/N) ducked underneath the table with a sigh and started to unzip Sirius’s pants, he immediately knocked his knees up against the table at the sudden contact. Remus went red in the face when he realised what was unfolding, Sirius’s pants….
“Put muffliato on him, quick.” He huffed out to the very shocked Remus. He obeyed and charmed the already moaning Sirius.
“I haven't even touched you yet.” He groaned out, looking at Sirius’s twitching, dripping cock. He wasn’t sure how to feel, frustrated? Horny? Tired of his bullshit?
Sirius tried to say something, probably along the lines of “you’re so hot, just looking at you makes me wanna cum”, but nothing came out.
“This isn’t a good idea… Can’t you wait until we get back to the dorms?” Remus stuttered out nervously as he watched (Y/N) stare intently at the very hard penis in front of him, he may have even felt himself twitch in his own pants… not very convenient. (Y/N) looked at his tented pants and back at him, visibly dismissing his issue by sighing and turning back to the problem at hand.
“No, Remus. This can’t go on, we need to finish our essays and he’s not gonna shut up ‘till then” He waved in his general direction, extending his hand to rub his leg saying ‘later, okay?’. Remus looked a little uncomfortable, but would rather not get on (Y/N) bad side, especially while he was about to suck his boyfriend off.
“I guess.” He nodded and immediately looked at his book, trying to pretend like (Y/N) had just headed to the bathroom and was definitely not under the table.
Sirius just sat there, muffled and impatient. His dick twitching unintentionally at the swallow breath from (Y/N)’s mouth.
“You owe me.” He huffed out giving Sirius’s dick a kiss causing his boyfriend’s leg to shake a little at the anticipation. He slowly moved his face down while staring straight into Sirius’s eyes. The black haired boy bit his lip feeling very impatient, he wanted to push (Y/N)’s head down already, but he’d regret it immediately. Sirius looked like he was begging to speak, so he lifted the charm and let him speak.
“Don’t tease, please.” He pleaded to dead ears as (Y/N) harshly and delicately made sure to brush the head of his dick with every stroke.
“This isn’t a favour, Black. So just shut your face and then you can stop being horny for 5 fucking minutes” He stared through Sirius’s soul with that sending a twitch down his leg.
“Sit still, don’t be a fucking brat.” He groaned, grabbing Sirius’s feet between his thighs. Every time his boyfriend twitched he could just feel his leg rub up against him and for a moment he considered how much he could get away with, what if he just fucked Sirius unconscious under the table these thoughts only fuelling his agonisingly slow stroke.
“Come on, you’ve been depriving me all week.” He pouted in even a hopeful attempt to gain some control back, but was only met with evil horny eyes filled with all the possible things he could think of.
“No, Sirius. We’ve been studying all week and now you’re getting what you want. So you’ll sit still when I tell you, cum when I tell you and shut the fuck up when I tell you, okay?” He kept the same deep stare and deadpanned frustrated face, then grabbed his dick very roughly making Sirius dig his face into the book he was “reading” trying to muffle his moans without the charm.
“A-ah- okay…”
“Great.” He mumbled and pointed to Remus to cast it again. He looked up to the dripping boy in front of him once again, not leaving him a second to get comfortable before grabbing his dick full force. Not letting any moment to breathe with the fast and merciless strokes caused Sirius to involuntarily hit his knees against the table causing a few curious looks towards them.
Sirius felt like he just couldn’t keep up with the pace and rhythm anymore, just convulsing and shaking at every little touch he was given. The minute it looked like Sirius was gonna come, he just stopped dead in his tracks. He only moved on with slower and slower strokes and it never got faster than it was in the beginning which frustrated Sirius to his core. It felt like he would die at this rate, it added a layer of pleasure every time he just couldn’t do anything else, but watch his boyfriend work his magic.
“Wanna cum yet?” He gripped the base of Sirius’s penis pulling any form of pre-cum there was in the shaft making him gasp and keel over his face planted to his desk.
He nodded as well as he could, hoping only Moony and (N/N) could see and hear his muffled screaming at this point.
“Well you can’t.” He said picking up the pace just a little bit in spite trying to bring his boyfriend’s hope up.
He groaned at this response, tears starting to run down his face as he watched Remus shift uncomfortably. He thought he saw Moony rubbing one out over his pants, but was immediately distracted by the fact that (Y/N) had wrapped his mouth around his penis incredibly slowly and looked up at him. He couldn’t anymore, not with his boyfriend now running every part of his mouth up and down his dick. For the first time in the last 30 minutes it finally got faster and he begged and pleaded in muffled words and finally… (Y/N) nodded.
Remus slapped his hand over his mouth as he cum hard in his own pants leaving a small stain on it, the convulsions Sirius was pulled into sending him over the edge. A layer of sweat and tears glistening on his face under the pale candle light, he looked down to (Y/N) who had a long stream of thick cum running down his lips.
“What good boy, huh Moony?” He stared straight through Remus, he sat there shocked and upon seeing where (Y/N)’s eyes were going he removed his own cum covered hand out of his pants.
Remus nodded vigorously at (Y/N) as he watched Sirius convulse a few more times before panting heavily with a spaced out look on his face.
“Clean.” Before the words even left his mouth Sirius started kissing (Y/N) licking any remaining cum on his face with a smile of gratitude. He pointed at Remus’s hand as well leaving Sirius desperately licking up every bit of his cum too, not leaving a drop of anyone’s left.
“Will you disturb us again?” (Y/N) asked as he got up from underneath the table dusting off his knees and taking a cocky stride to his seat again.
Sirius shook his head starting to feel a headache coming on as he could barely tuck his very sensitive dick into his pants. Every little movement of his pants left Sirius feeling like he’d come again.
“Good. Homework?” He turned to Remus who was still looking at his hand in shock, but turned his attention toward with a nod.
“O-Of course” Remus replied and started absentmindedly writing notes and words onto his parchment. Every now and then he looked over to Sirius who still couldn’t hold himself together, everytime he was touched he flinched almost moaning in the process which left Remus harder than he ever imagined he could be.
(Y/N) looked up at Sirius to give a sympathetic look or a kiss on the forehead for being so good during and after the interaction. Leaving his black haired boyfriend very smitten and not at all mad at his still semi-throbbing cock. The days passed on as they always did, thinking about the next time.
Now in the dark room of their dorm, everyone and their mother could hear Remus Lupin pacing up and down the space, mumbling to himself. Nothing in particular just frustrated mumbling.
“Moony, just fucking sleep?!” James groaned with two pillows around his head
“He’s mad that I sucked Sirius’s dick and not his.” (Y/N) sighed pulling himself from the duvet he was hiding in, pulling a wand and book with him.
“You sucked his dick?!” James exclaimed pointing at Sirius who looked like he had folded himself into four different pretzels as he snored through the annoying pitter patter of his boyfriend.
“Yes, James. Keep up”
“I’m not mad or upset. You can suck who’s ever dick you want.” Remus huffed turning to face s corner to stand in alone while he continued his brooding session right in the middle of the common room.
“Remus. Just sleep, okay?” (Y/N) yawned trying his back away from Remus, wrapping himself in blankets in the process.
“Fine. I will. You’ll see.” He said before he could think, stomping off to his bed.
He threw himself onto his bed like an angry child sent to bed without dinner, but, he didn’t realise about an hour into being upset, the shadowy figure enter his four poster bed and closed the curtains.
“I know you’re upset. Do you want me to give you a wank, Remus?” The shadow now being recognised as (Y/N) whispered into his ear.
“N-No. Don’t call it that!” Remus stuttered out, but regretted saying it so loudly.
“Fine, do you want my hand to “make sweet love” to your penis?” (Y/N) dead panned at Remus sarcastically, moving closer to him on the bed until they were a few inches apart.
“Don’t patronise me.” Remus huffed around turning to face away from him, but that only gave (Y/N) access to his neck, leaving kiss after kiss on it.
“You’re doing a pretty good job doing that to yourself.” He stated between kisses.
“No I’m not.”
“Just tell me what you want, Moony.” He sighed and paused his neck exploration, hugging Remus from behind and snuggled his head into his neck.
“I-l- I want-“ He waited for a full sentence as he slowly pushed his hands into Remus’s shirt, making him more nervous.
“I want you to-“ He felt (Y/N) hands slowly dragging up and down stomach skin, sending shivers down his spine. A small pit forming his stomach as he tried to say the words.
“To do what?” He smiled into Remus’s neck as he continued to kiss him.
“T-Touch me.” He finally said it, but it didn’t seem to be exactly what (Y/N) wanted to hear.
“Come on, Remus. I know you can say full sentences”
“I want you to t-touch m-me” He blurted out in a quick string of words as he felt (Y/N)’s hands falling south of his waist.
“That can be arranged” He said with a smirk, placing his fingers between Remus’s underwear snapping it.
He shiftly whispered a jinx into his ear, Remus feeling his hands pull together behind his back quickly. He looked up at (Y/N) who was usually shorter, but with Remus on his back and his boyfriend on his knees he felt inferior.
“You’re been a brat all day, honey. You didn’t expect me to just give you what you want on a silver platter, did you?” He cocked an eyebrow, pushing his boyfriend’s underwear and pants down, leaving it tangled together at his ankles.
“Of course not.” He huffed, trying his best to get into a semi comfortable position.
“Now, shush. I’m not putting any charms up.”
Remus suppressed a moan slowly escaping his lips as (Y/N) stroked him slowly, keeping a careful pace. He’d been sticking there hard for so long, he didn’t think he could last long.
“Please, god… I just” He huffed out, feeling the knot in his stomach as (Y/N) bent down kissing the light pink scars sticking out from his shirt.
“Speak up, I know you can.” Still kissing and suckling on Remus’s neck,
“I n-need to-“ He moaned as he felt his knees start to buckle from underneath. his toes curling in the process.
“Tell me what you need?” He said impatiently, always so needy and so apprehensive. He stroked faster, trying to pull Remus closer and closer to euphoria.
“I need to cum” He said blankly, a soft moan escaping his lips as he felt (Y/N)’s lips on his jaw.
“Aw? Already? Fine.”
“R-Really?” Remus perked up, a grateful smile on his face as he started to push himself closer to the edge.
“Knock yourself out” (Y/N) yawned a bit, looking as unfazed as he could.
“Thank you!” He was about to cum to the quick pace of (Y/N)’s pace, but before he could even bring himself over to the edge he stopped.
“No-“ He came everywhere, but he felt nothing. Only the lingering feeling that he was supposed to cum being left, he had every symptom of having the biggest orgasm in a while yet the pressure in stomach said otherwise. His legs shook and he was barely able to move where (Y/N) had pulled him to, his ass now in the air and his face buried into the mattress.
“What? Thought I’d let you cum properly yet after you’ve been brooding for days.” (Y/N) said pushing his boner against his boyfriend’s ass teasingly adding a few dry humps sending Remus through the motions again.
Remus moaned at the friction being caused, but immediately got a hand over his mouth which he thanked the lord for when he realised once again his friends were fast asleep around him. His core hurt, the unclenching and clenching of his muscles giving him unbearable cramps.
“P-Please, (Y/N)... This is too much” He twitched upwards, panting heavily.
“You haven’t said your safe word, Moony. If I knew better and I do, you’re enjoying this.”
He brought his boyfriend’s body to his own, Remus trying to cling to (Y/N) for his life.
“So fucking cute.” He said, grabbing the other boy’s face from behind, making him stare into eyes as he snaked his hand around Remus’s penis making him flinch with pleasure and pain.
“Yes” He agreed with him instantly as he moved his other hand to wring his nipple.
“Kiss me, love” He ordered and Remus connected their lips, every sudden fast stroke was a moan into (Y/N)’s mouth. He opened his eyes every few seconds to see a sweaty, blushing and moaning Remus making him want to fuck him right then. His thrusts became sloppy as he breathed a little heavy. He left out a sigh and stopped.
“I’m tired, come ‘ere” He propped himself up on the bedpost and patted his leg, Remus crawled to straddle his boyfriend’s leg and started grinding himself against.
“You can- cum properly this time- as long as you do it here” He said in between kissing and suckling on his neck, Remus nodded enthusiastically as he started to ride (Y/N)’s leg quickly.
“Slow down, love. No rush.” He held down his hips, slowing his movement which drove Remus insane while (Y/N) just brought his body toward him whispering in his ear.
Remus was flushed from ear to ear, his breath hinging every few seconds as he drew closer and closer to his release.
“Do you want to- ah- cum too?” Remus whispered as he was basically hugging (Y/N).
“Are you offering?” (Y/N) asked, rubbing his back comfortingly.
“Yes, Merlin. Yes.” He sighed out defeated as he left (Y/N)’s thigh.
Remus pushed (Y/N)’s underwear down over his dick, watching it spring out. He grabbed one of pillows as he positioned himself to suck him off.
“Merlin, you’re too good to me.” (Y/N) breathed out as Remus put his lips around him. He watched Remus, stroking his hair tiredly as he felt himself coming closer and closer to cumming as well.
Remus bopped his head up and down at an alarming rate making (Y/N) buck his upwards into his throat. He pulled on his hair a bit, Remus humming around him.
“Shit. I’m gonna cum.” He shivered as he felt Remus’s tongue work on his dick.
(Y/N) pushed Remus’s head into him, releasing down his throat. He watched Remus undo too, a few strings of cum spewing onto the bed.
“Good boy.” He breathed out shakily as Remus pulled his mouth off (Y/N). He smiled tiredly and (Y/N) kissed forehead lightly, ruffling his hair as he helped Remus clean up and tucked in bed. He yawned and stretched his arms out, heading to his own bed.
“You guys are so hot.” He heard Sirius whisper from his bed, he was probably listening the entire time.
“You’re a slut, you know that. Could’ve joined us” He sighed and climbed into bed.
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
Kita Shinsuke : Matchmaker
Tumblr media
☽ suna x reader ; 2.6k words
☞ characters mentioned : kita shinsuke, aran ojiro, atsumu miya, osamu miya
☽ fluff, he takes care of you when ur sick ! even tho he’s a menace, kita being an angel
☽ a slight mention of adult themes (its a teasing joke)
☽ notes : hiii i wrote this for a friend and i figured id add it here teehee :))
hey Jesus, i know we don’t talk much but...fuck you. i feel like literal dog shit
You groaned as you shoved yet another tissue in your nose. You were sick, and God forbid it wasn’t the worst cold you’d ever had.
This morning you had pulled on your uniform in a haze; honestly it's a miracle you even made it to school. Aran had stopped you in the hallway when you arrived, putting a hand on your shoulder and placing the back of his palm against your forehead.
He immediately got out his phone and texted someone-presumably Kita, since he was the one most qualified to handle this. The captain had dealt with him and Atsumu both when they were sick so he could surely help you and get you to go the hell home.
You had pushed weakly at Kita when he ushered you towards the entrance of the building, assuring that you were a-o-kay. You ended up making friends with a nearby trashcan and emptying your guts right after the claim. Kita had held your hair back and rubbed your shoulders reassuringly. Afterwards, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick message to someone. Who? You didn’t know.
Kita had made sure to get you home in one piece. He tucked you into bed, placed a cold rag onto your head, and you think you heard him say something about bringing you soup later. Sleep crept up on you quickly and you were out before he even stepped out the door.
Now you were unfortunately awake, cursing whatever God could hear. This was absolutely awful. A dull throb ran through your skull insistently, mucus clotted your nose and throat, making your breaths uneven and raspy. You wanted to quench the ache in your throat but even the idea of sitting up seemed to drain too much energy, so you laid there in pain.
You assumed it was mid-afternoon. Kita had drawn the curtains above the window closed, leaving the room dark. You were especially grateful for this, for you knew any light would make your eyes hurt.
Your phone lay unchecked on the table face-down. The fear of worsening your headache is what caused it to stay there. Whoever wanted to talk would have to wait. You switched out the tissue in your nose for a fresh one, groaning again.
You wanted to take a shower so bad. You hated getting sick because you felt disgusting and knew you looked it too. Embarrassment bloomed when the events from this morning played in your mind.
Aran’s gonna joke about that for weeks.
A soft knock from the door drew you away from your thoughts. That’s probably Kita. A hoarse “come in” fell from your chapped lips and you internally cringed at how awful you sounded, even if it was just your childhood friend.
“You look like shit.”
That was not Kita.
“Suna? what the fuck?”
“Shut Up. You’re going to hurt your throat worse.”
Is this what I get for saying fuck you? I apologize so much anything but this please
“You’ve gone through two boxes of tissues already? Kita wasn’t lying, damn.”
You turned your head away from Suna’s voice, attempting to cover your sick-stricken face. Out of all people. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Suna- the two of you actually got along (if you count bickering back and forth all the time getting along). The problem was you happened to have a humongous crush on him.
The wing spiker had gotten on your nerves at first- smirks hidden behind a hand, foot sticking out to trip you in the hallway, drawing on your notes- he was almost unbearable. But as the both of you got older, you started returning his remarks, nudging him lightly into lockers, laughing at the twins together and sharing footage of their stupid fights.
Your crush had crept up on you almost unknowingly until one day he slung an arm over your shoulder and shot you one of his signature smirks and you were gone. It was infuriating, to say the least.
“Earth to y/n, hello y/n.”
“Ah-ah, no speaking, remember?” You shot him a glare, receiving that smirk yet again. You cursed at the butterflies swarming your stomach.
“You’re shivering.”
It was a simple comment. You realized after a beat that he was right and pulled the blanket farther up your body. He sat down the bag he held in his hand and made his way over to your bed. You squirmed in protest, trying to scooch away from his outstretched hand. Your actions caused Suna’s brows to furrow, a small line creasing on his forehead.
“I’m just going to check if you still have a fever,” he whispered, moving forward despite your futile attempts at moving away. You gave in, allowing him to gently place his hand on your forehead.
He wasn’t terribly close, he had been closer to you before this, but this felt different. More intimate.
“You’re burning up,” he said, leaning back with a sigh. “Sit tight, I’ll start a bath for you.”
You tried to keep your swarming thoughts at bay with no luck. Your crush, Suna Rintaro, is drawing a bath for you. A bath. He’s taking care of you.
Why is he being so nice? This has to be a set up, or Kita probably forced him. There’s no other way he would willingly be doing this...is there? You shut down the thought as quickly as it came. No sense in getting flustered over nothing. No need to fuel your growing crush.
You weren’t fit to complain anyways. The exact thing you wanted is being done right now, so you did as you were told, slightly sitting up to fetch yet another tissue. The pounding in your head still hadn’t ceased and a sudden cough racked your body. You wanted to cry- and you didn’t cry often. But you felt horrible.
“Hey, you okay?”
Apparently you hadn’t held up your facade well enough because a look of concern washed over Suna’s face the instant he stepped back into the room. You shook your head lightly in response to his question, feeling tears welling up behind your eyelids in spite of your attempts to keep them at bay.
The last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of Suna. It was practically a death wish. You could imagine the jokes and poking laughter he would send your way over the next few weeks, and it made you feel even worse.
“Hey, hey now, look at me.”
The words were whispered closer to you than you anticipated. Suna had sat down on the edge of your bed while you were caught up in your thoughts, that same line present between his brows. You fought the urge to touch it, facing away from him again and reaching up to wipe your eyes.
“I’m fine.” That instigated a scoff.
“No you’re not. Now c’mon, let’s get you into the bath. You’ll feel better.”
Right. A bath. Despite the fact that Suna’s presence was wearing you thin, a bath sounded great. The only problem was, you knew you were too weak to walk to your bathroom across the hall. It took so much energy to even sit up, much less actually get on your feet.
Suna must have sensed something was wrong because in mere seconds he was lifting the heavy blanket off of your body and moving closer. Your breath hitched when he moved one strong arm under your back and another under your knees, eyes concentrated.
“Put your arm around my neck,” Suna murmured. You failed to notice the blush that had lifted to his ears because your own was blossoming on your face, making your already warm cheeks heat up even more.
This is purgatory.
You did as he said, lightly wrapping your arm up his shoulder and around his neck. He picked you up in one smooth motion, shocking you. You knew he worked out because of volleyball, but jesus christ. Your head throbbed in protest to the movement, and you winced involuntarily.
“Sorry, shouldn’t have moved so fast.”
Your heart was beating frantically in your chest from the proximity. You were so close you could see the long eyelashes that framed his eyes, light traces of black eyeliner around the corners. You saved that in the back of your mind to ask about later.
Suna carried you into the bathroom and placed you gently on the counter. You pushed away the noise of protest that you wanted to let out from the loss of contact. No need to embarrass yourself even more.
“I’ll get you some clothes and leave them outside, take as long as you want.”
You murmured a small thank you as you watched him move towards the door. You hated that you missed him already.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here the whole time.”
“Like I care.”
“Yea, okay princess.”
You glared at him as he closed the door behind him with a small chuckle. Princess. You fumed at the reaction you had to the pet name.
This is horrible. I’m horrible. I’ll just blame it on him. Him and that stupidly hot smirk.
The bath became increasingly inviting as you sat, eventually leading you to strip of your dirty clothes and step into the warm water. It felt amazing. After a few minutes you felt your eyes begin to droop, the steam luring you to sleep.
You didn’t know how long you had slept but judging by the temperature of the water, at least 15 minutes, maybe longer. The water hadn’t cooled completely but had lost its comfortable warmth. Begrudgingly you stepped out of the water and dried off.
You wrapped the towel around yourself and padded towards the door, opening it to retrieve the clothes Suna said he left for you. Just like he said, a small stack of clothes laid on the floor. You grabbed them and faced back towards the sink, wincing at your reflection in the mirror.
You really did look awful. Embarrassment settled into your bones again as you unfolded the clothes to put them on. A small part of your brain pointed out that they were big, too big to be your clothes, but a fit of coughs cut off your train of thought.
A knock came from the door. “Y/n? You okay?”
“Ye-“ Another cough broke off your sentence.
“Knock twice if you’re dressed.”
A small smile crept up on your face at the thought of Suna being considerate. You knocked on the door twice signaling him that it was okay for him to come in. A moment later it opened. Suna was holding what seemed to be a cup of tea in his hands and you reached for it with a sigh.
“Lavender, right?” You halted in your movements.
“Yea...how did you-“
“I pay attention.”
Your face flushed. His gaze never faltered from your face. How did he say that so casually?
“You look good in my clothes.”
So that’s why they were big. You looked in the mirror again, eyes locking in on the large “Inarizaki Volleyball” plastered on the front of the black material.
“Should wear ‘em more often.”
“Shut- shut up.”
“Mhm, okay. Feelin’ better?” You nodded.
“A little. Still feel like shit.”
“Look it, too.”
“Thanks, asshole.”
A light chuckle escaped him and he moved closer towards you. Something felt different. You noticed his eyes linger on you longer, many lapses of silence filled the spaces where playful arguing usually was.
“Cap texted me and asked to bring you soup, he had to do some more shit before he came over.”
“What do you mean, hm?”
You didn’t get it. Why of all people would Kita send Suna to tend to you? What about Aran? Osamu? Hell, even Atsumu would have been higher on the list than Suna. Maybe…
“That bastard.”
“Woah now, what did Cap do to you?”
Kita was one of the only people who knew about your crush. Of course he would pull some strings to get Suna to come over. That little-
“Hey now pretty thing, don’t frown too much. You’ll get wrinkles.”
It was then you noticed a light touch on your forehead, right in between your eyebrows. Suna was rubbing the space there, just like you had wanted to do to him.
You hoped Suna couldn’t tell how fast your heart was beating or just how much you knew you were blushing.
After a moment of silence Suna still hadn’t removed the touch on your face. He met your eyes, slowly moving to cup your cheek.
“Why are you here, Rin?” His thumb stroked your cheek with a feather-like graze and you swore you saw his eyes flit downwards to your lips. “To take care of you, of course.”
“You’re going to catch my cold.”
“You’ll just have to pay me back later, yeah?”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, the corners of his mouth edging upwards.
what the fuck did i do to deserve this?
You pushed his hand away and looked away from his gaze. You could manage standing from afar and pining, sure, but what you couldn’t deal with was Suna messing around with you like this. You ignored the ache in your chest, choosing to cover it up by reaching for another tissue.
“Y/n.” You ignored him.
“Y/n, look at me.” You braced your arms on the bathroom sink with a sigh.
“What, Suna.”
“Rin. It’s Rin, to you.” You scoffed.
“Why am I any different than anyone else?”
You turned to face him again, confusion and slight annoyance bubbling under your skin. “Because what?” Suna groaned and ran a hand over his face. “You’re so oblivious.”
Okay, now you were annoyed.
“Oblivious? How am I oblivious?”
“Because you haven’t realized how different you are.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Are you fucking messing with me Suna? Look, I’m in no mood for your stupid games-“
“Would you shut up for one second and think.”
You leaned back against the sink with a cough, wincing as another throb of pain shot through your head. Any traces of anger or annoyance vanished from Suna’s face in an instant. He left the bathroom and you heard him rustling through the bag he left in your room. He returned with a bottle of pills and an ice pack.
“Here. Take these.” You took the small pills from his outstretched hand and washed them down with the now lukewarm tea. “Have you thought about it?” You rolled your eyes dramatically, placing your hand under your chin to mock a thinking position. “No, I don’t think I have.” He rolled his eyes in return. “Fine. Would I be doing this for anyone else? Hm?”
It’s a good point. One you didn’t bother thinking about. Sure, maybe he would do it for his teammates, but that was a hard maybe. He just wasn’t the caretaker type, much less with someone he wasn’t close with. You realized the implication behind his words in an instant.
“You...you like me?”
“‘Bout time you figured that out, sweetheart.”
All of the moments between you two passed through your mind in a frenzy, and you started to laugh. It was hysterical, really. All this time you just knew Suna could never like you back.
i take it back. thank you. sorry for saying fuck you
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” He scoffed, “And risk losing my appearance? Hell no,” he said, sending you that damn smirk again.
“You are a menace, Rintaro.”
“Yea, but I’m your menace. You’re stuck with me.”
“That’s horrifying.”
“Oh shush, ya love me.”
“Yea, yea. Now, get me back in my bed. I need to sleep.”
“Inviting me to bed already? Wow y/n.”
“I hate you.” He reached over and pecked your cheek.
“Hate you, too.”
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Michael Myers X Short! Reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
I wrote this story on Wattpad (@Red_scarfed_person) and decided to post it here lol. If you saw this on Wattpad and don't believe me, you can go to my page on Wattpad and see that in my Messages, I talk about having a Tumblr account and left my Tumblr username there :)
And rereading my old story scared me. If you're here expecting a violent, fearful story, please don't read this. This is full of the sarcasm someone who lacks sleep can muster.
Ah yes. Y/N's favorite part of the day. Trying to cook. Was that sarcasm? Partially.
Y/N loved cooking; it was so satisfying to see people enjoy her food. But the part she hated was trying to reach the goDDAMN bowls and ingredients from the cabinets. Why did the construction workers have to put them 17 light years high?
Of course, it wasn't the construction workers' fault. It's just that Y/N is the size of a fifth grader. 4'6" tall. What makes it harder to live being so short? Living with someone who's 6'7."
You see, a while ago, there was a certain incident...
A tall male in a white mask and blue jumpsuit, brown hair and blue eyes, found himself in the home of another. He silently panted in his mask, in pain even if he wouldn't show it. Rolling up his sleeves and pulling up the bottom of his shirt, Michael started checking for severe wounds.
"Damn, you're hot..." Some short woman mumbled, turning on the kitchen light. Michael perked up, pulling his shirt back down and reaching for his knife.
"Oh, damn, wrong time to speak up? Sorry," Y/N said, not even knowing if she was being sarcastic in that sentence or not. Mainly since author-san doesn't know if their being sarcastic or not. Anyway--
Michael started walking towards her with the knife, not running since we all know that Michael can walk and still win Olympic runs. Y/N just grabbed a candy bar in her cabinet, opening it and taking a bit.
Michael was confused as hell. As a result, he stopped walking and lowered the knife. "So, you're not gonna kill me? That sucks since my dept is unbelievably high." Michael blinked quickly in confusion, thinking, then it might not be too high with short you are.
Y/N sighed, then gasped. "Oh wait! You're that boogeyman guy who everyone is scared of!" Y/N said with a small smile. She wasn't sadistic or anything, but she was sorta excited to see him.
Michael just stood there, not even knowing how to react for the first time in his life. Y/N then sighed again, throwing away the wrapper to the candy bar and shrugging. "If you decide to kill me later, stab my neck. It's very sensitive. Oh and my room is down the hall, to the left. And my couch is comfortable if you wanna sleep there."
And with those last words, Y/N walked to her room, closing the door behind her and getting it bed. Leaving a confused serial killer.
The next morning, Y/N yawned as she walked out of her bedroom and to the kitchen. Her kitchen and living room was one large room, the kitchen set to the right near the front door, and the living room on the other side of the room.
Between them is a hallway that leads to a bedroom and bathroom. It was a two story house. The top two floors had an office room, another bathroom, and a storage room.
Anyway, Y/N rubbed sleep from her eyes as she walked over to the stove and grabbing a pan. She also pulled out milk, pepper, salt and eggs and set them ok the counter. But now she needed a bowl to even put those in.
Michael heard noise from the kitchen which resulted in him waking up. He slowly sat up on the couch, turning to face Y/N. He got up and walked towards her.
"Why is this so high up," Y/N mumbled to herself as she tried to reach a bowl from a cabinet. She couldn't even reach the handle on the cabinet. Growling in frustration, Y/N gave into defeat.
But then comes Michael opening the cabinet for her, making her help and turn around. "W-Who the hell are you!" Y/N shrieked, blushing a bit. I mean, here she is, a tiny gal blocked in the corner of the kitchen by a tall, mascular guy.
Memories came flooding back and Y/N remembered who he was. "Ooooh, so you're that boogeyman guy? I remember now...wait... I let a damn serial killer into my house!?" Y/N shrieked again as Michael set down the bowl, turning on the stove.
As Y/N went through her epiphany, Michael actually started to cook. It wasn't until he was done did Y/N snap out of it. He set out two plates and cups, putting the scrambled eggs on them and filling the cups with F/D.
"W-Wait...so you aren't going to kill me? You're really gonna..." Y/N mumbled as Michael grabbed a nearby receipt and pen. He wrote down something, making Y/N shush and lean over at what he's writing.
"My name is Michael. I'm not planning on hurting you anytime soon. What is your name?" it read. Y/N was confused as hell now. Why would he spare her? What is so special about her? I should just be grateful, Y/N thought.
"I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N..." Y/N said, looking up at Michael. She blushed a bit, making eye contact. Michael grabbed a plate and cup and handed it to her, then grabbed his own and sat down at the small diner table. Well, way to go from one thing to another, Y/N thought as she sat down next to him.
As much as it confused her, Y/N still wasn't sure how she was still alive. But she was grateful she was, anyway. She always the tall male attractive, but never had feelings for him until recently.
Even if he'd refuse to get things for her that were high up, give her looks that just screamed out about her being short, and wrote down short on sticky notes and put them everywhere, she fell for him. What a lovely crush.
"Why the hell are the damn cabinets 17 light years high," Y/N growled as she climbed on the counter. Just as she was about to grab a bowl, she yelped when large arms wrapped around her an pulled her down carefully.
"Michael! Hey, let go!" Y/N yelled, trying to be serious despite how much she wanted to smile and laugh. Michael shook his head, hugging her tighter.
Despite how badly be wanted to tease her about her height, he kept quiet of course. He didn't just want a hug, either, he wanted to pull her down so she'd have to struggle to get back on the counter again. As said before, what a lovely crush.
Michael eventually pulled away, taking a couple steps back. Y/N looked over at him with a sour-sweet look, blushing a bit. She crossed her arms, "so, was that all you wanted?" Yeah, is that all you wanted, baka? ≧n≦
Michael shook his head, pointing to the bathroom. Y/N raised a brow. "What?" She asked, thinking for a moment. "You need a towel or something?" Michael then nodded.
Y/N smiled a bit, nodding. She walked to her room, Michael following until they reached the door. Grabbing a towel, Y/N walked back over to him and handed it. "It might be a bit small for a giant such as yourself, but here."
Michael nodded, then walked towards the bathroom and went inside. Y/N smiled a bit, thinking to herself about what he'd look like once he got out. It made her cheeks heat up and her heart beat a bit faster.
And about 15 minutes later, Y/N was back in the living room, watching TV. "C'mon, Saitama, beat the hell outta them..." Y/N mumbled under her breath, watching an intense fighting scene.
Y/N perked when she heard the bathroom door open and looked over. Long story short about that was happening in her mind: bad idea.
"MMMM-" Y/N screamed muffledly, having covered her mouth with a pillow that moment. Her face was red, blushing hard from the sight. The towel covered just enough on Michael to where nothing was shown, but he was h o t. Even the scars on him weren't seen as disturbing or anything.
Michael cocked his head, holding his clothes in his hands. He ignored Y/N's reaction to seeing him, since he only cared about his jumpsuit being cleaned. Of course he would act like that--
Y/N, already knowing what Michael wanted, slowly stood up and walked over. She was figitting, clearly still flustered as she grabbed his clothes. "I-I'll just, uh, go wash these..." She mumbled as she walked passed him quickly, to the washing machine and dryer.
Michael blinked a couple times, thinking about the hell he's supposed to where for the time being. Just the towel?
About five minutes passed, Michael was still waiting next to the bathroom for Y/N to come back. He just wanted something to c h a n g e i n t o.
Alas, the moment finally came. Y/N walked back out after almost crying to herself in the laundry room. Typing this out now made me realize I'm making it sound like Y/N was-- well, if you know, you know. But no, that wasn't happening. Our child, Y/N, was just flustered, ok? Yes, our child. I care about you so much reader and I love your OC even though idfk what they look like. They're a beautiful specimen. :):):):):):) Anyway, back to the story.
"H-Hey," Y/N stuttered as she walked out, waving as Michael. Michael, who kept his mask on by the way, just rolled his eyes from inside the mask, handing her a piece of paper. It said that he needed a change of clothes, to which Y/N just chuckled about. "I-I mean...Do you reallllyyy? Can't you just stick with that? You don't look too bad in it, heh heh."
Michael have her a dull look from under his mask, making Y/N sigh. "Fine, whatever. But let's be honest, I'm not gonna have anything that fits you. You should just stick with that," she said, shrugging and pretending to calm about seeing him like that. She was clearly in a flirty mood, which she sometimes gets like when she wants to annoy Michael.
He likes to out sticky notes everywhere with the word short on it, pull her off counters so she has a harder time getting stuff from cabinets, and put his hand above her head as if he was saying, "You're not tall enough to do ____." So it's only normal she would flirt to get him back. But mayyybe acting like that isn't a good decision on her part.
Michael sighed silently, grabbing Y/N"s wrist softly. "Wha--" Y/N cut herself off when Michael pulled her close, leaning down to get his face close to her's. Then, for the very first time in years, Michael spoke.
"Whatever makes you happier~" Michael whispered in her ear; his voice was low and husky. Y/N turned red immediately, incapable of even coming up with a response. Hold on- a tall, mysterious guy with a good figure pulled me close and now can speak, in a hot goddamn voice at that, Y/N thought.
Michael caressed her cheek, pulling away. Y/N had her mouth slightly parted, her eyes widened. "Yo...You can..." Y/N stuttered, not even able to come up with a sentence. So instead, she just nodded slowly, slowly walking into her room and gesturing for him to follow. Michael smiled proudly under his mask, following her.
Yes, what he did was small but Y/N was the kind of person to be a bit extra about these things. Of course it affected her. Anyway, about five minutes later, Y/N couldn't find anything for him to wear other than a large hoodie and very oversized sweatpants she got from a Plot Convenience Sale, which was kinda tight for him. But at least she had a use for the sweatpants, since that was kinda just in her closet.
Y/N took a deep breath once Michael was done changing, coming out of her room. Of course, she left the room when he got changed so don't think dirty, precious readers. Y/N looked over, smiling a bit with heated cheeks at Michael. The small moment from earlier was still bothering her.
"Does it fit?" she asked, raising a brow. Michael nodded, putting his hands in the hoodie pockets. "That's good," Y/N mumbled, staring at the ground awkwardly. A couple moments of silence later, Michael smiled from under his mask, taking it off while Y/N was too busy being lost in a daydream to notice.
"Thank you," Michael whispered as her kissed her forehead, making Y/N flinch. Because Michael appears to be as fast as light, he was already putting his mask on by the time Y/N looked up. Her face was red again, but even worse than before.
"M-Michael, did you just--" Michael was already walking away, brushing her off. "Hey, listen to me!" Y/N yelled as she caught up to him. Like hell that was going to be a one time thing, Y/N thought. I'm going to see his face eventually, she promised herself.
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tobioslune · 3 years
liquid courage
Paring: Iwaizumi Hajime x gn!reader
Genre : fluff, comfort? college au kinda, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, Iwaizumi being soft and a simp
Warnings? : implied drinking, (aged up), cursing (from the lyrics), a little smooch 
a/n: This is a draft i started in january but things happened that made me leave it for about like four months lol (if u wanna know what happened while i was writing this you can read it here lol also you could see how i wrote / continued writing it here ) but! im finally finished and im pretty proud of it even though its lowkey all over the place :>> please do check out the song bc it slaps and it’s really good lol okay that’s all for now hope you enjoy <3 (last notee: likes and reblogs are really appreciated!!)
▶ now playing : drunk - dijon 
You and Iwaizumi have been close friends since highschool, and feelings may have been caught during that time. With the reason of not wanting to ruin the relationship you’ve built with him, you tried to brush it off. And like every other trope where you fall for your best friend you expected that he wouldn’t feel the same way.
Surprisingly both of you ended up going to the same university, and you were able to hang out and keep in touch with each other. Everytime you think you’ve set those feelings aside, whenever some romantic tension presents itself, it bubbles up inside all over again. Like an annoying weed that keeps coming back no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. 
School and other work has been pressing on you for the past few months and you just keep getting into a slump. No matter how hard you try, you find yourself in the same place you were over and over again. Iwaizumi noticed this and really tried his best to help but he’s also caught up with a ton of things. 
O baby, I’m lonely and I’m fucked up by myself
 Could uu come here?!  
It was 1am on a Saturday and Mattsun called you. You were working on an essay and it was super unexpected. It was able to shake you from the somewhat trance you were in while trying to think.
“Hey y/n-san I’m so sorry to call you at such a late time and most probably not so nice notice, but is it okay if you pick-up Hajime here at our usual place? Hanamaki and the others have already left and theres a paper I need to take care of, and you’re the only one I could think of.”
“Oh, it’s okay. Did Hajime drink too much like last time?” You think to yourself, ‘How stubborn, I’ve told him last time to be mindful of how much he takes because of his low tolerance’  You found the thought quite amusing.
“He sure has. When will you be able to get here by the way?” Mattsun replies.
“Give me about 15 minutes, it’s not so far from where I live anyways. Can you keep him company for a little while longer?” you tell him. This would be able to get your mind off the stress and exhaustion you’re in hopefully for a little while. Besides you haven’t met him in person for about month so it would be nice to see him again.
“Yeahh I can do that. Thanks again by the way y/n.”
“Suree, anytime. Okay see you in a bit, bye”
The train stations are already closed at this time, and it would be too much of a hassle to take a cab to and from where he lives so it probably would be best that he crash at your place instead.
You straighten a few things up in your apartment and proceed to grab a jacket, your keys, wallet and your phone, placing it into a small purse. As you closed the door you could already feel a rush of cold air surrounding you.
The walk there was quite refreshing and you felt much better than you did earlier. As you arrived there you could see Mattsun waiting in front. You smiled as you walked toward him. It took him a couple seconds to recognize you as you came into view. 
“Heyy, hope I didn’t take too long” you said as you greeted him with a hug. 
“No, it’s all good you actually arrived faster than I expected”, Mattsun replies returning your smile. 
“He’s inside by the way.” gesturing with the back of his thumb.
“Okay, I’ll go take care of it from here” 
“Thanks again, apologies if it interrupted anything important.” 
“Like I said, it's alright! I got it.” you assure him.
You both bid your goodbyes and you make your way inside the homey bar. There he was, head resting on his right hand and glass of water in the other. You figured he sobered up at least a little bit. 
You let out an amused sigh, “Oh Haj, I’ve told you a couple of times last time to watch it, right?” You took a seat in front of him, leaning your head on your hand. He laughed a little at the statement made. “Sorry y/n, got a bit caught up and forgot.” 
Letting out a low hum you respond, “Anyways, ready to go?” 
“Yeah just give me a moment.” His head was still pounding from the drinks.
I’M WASTING and I’m anxious; I’m fading from myself… 
You placed his arm around your shoulder in an attempt to keep him upright and stable as you walk. Compared to him he was obviously heavier making it difficult for you to even make it to the door, you were basically stumbling out, but somehow you were able to manage and he was at least trying to cooperate even when everything was practically hazy for him in that moment.
You fell for him, and little did you know he did too. You’ve known Hajime as reserved, reliable, firm, caring and surprisingly stubborn at times. He knew that if he told his friends and teammates they would tease him and make it more obvious that's why he kept it in a never said a word. 
He liked you, he liked you so much, but sometimes you just seemed so out of reach to him. Loved by almost everyone, you were beautiful, charming and just overall amazing to him. There were times where he really tried to deny his feelings, his emotions, toward you but whenever another guy would be around you he just can’t help but want you all to himself.
As school progressed your schedule became more hectic and your assignments started to pile up. It felt like an endless mess and an inevitable disaster. He saw how stressed you were but he felt a bit helpless because he didn't know what to do. He couldn’t really help you because of your different courses and besides he wouldn’t even know what to do. As time went on your hangouts became lesser and lesser and sometimes you'd even be too busy or even too tired to chat with him. You would try making plans but your group mates would suddenly set up meetings or deadlines would abruptly be sent and given. 
Although he has tried reaching out, because of how busy you were he was left alone with his thoughts and feelings and he tried to make sense of how he really felt. He wanted to avoid thinking of you but that became difficult for him when almost everything reminded him of you…
“They would have liked this..”, “I should probably ask if they ate.”,  “This would be such a nice gift for y/n.”,  “I wonder what they would think of this.”, it just felt like never ending thoughts of you.
When Matsukawa and the rest of the old team from Seijoh offered him to hang out and catch up he couldn't say no. By going he would be able to hang out with them and it would hopefully be a distraction to help get you off his mind. He knew you were busy and in his head he thought that maybe you didn't like him the say he does. You ran circles around his mind and at time he’s just feel so conflicted and confused.
In the end he got wasted, he felt faded, and just wanted to feel ok. He accidentally ended up telling the boys out of frustration that he had feelings for someone which left him with mixed emotions at times. They found this quite surprising because who would get him so hung up and drunk like that.
COULD U COME HERE?! And say u’ll stay the night 
Although you reminded him last time you went drinking to watch his intake you were still shocked that he was so drunk he could barely think straight. The cold air and silence filled the walk and everything in some way felt alright. You felt at peace and his presence made everything feel comfortable even if you were practically carrying him.
He sighs, “Hey I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess I accidentally let myself go back there again.” 
“It's ok, I mean that's bound to happen to everyone at some point I've got you  don't worry it's fine.” you respond.
“Where are we going, by the way?” He asks.
“I'm taking you back to my place, I mean if you don't mind. The subways are closed and the taxis are hard to come by at this time.” 
“Oh ok, it's fine, I mean I have nowhere else to go to anyways and I don't really mind,”  He says with a flustered laugh.
As you keep walking you pass by a convenience store you both frequently used to hang out at when your schedules weren't so busy.
“Hey Haj, we should stop there for a while just so you could sober up a little more. Also I’m a bit hungry anyway,”  you suggest.
“Yeah good idea, besides you must be kind of tired trying to carry me around for this long.”
You both make your way to the convenience store and you tell him to sit outside while you buy something for the both of you.
 Cause it’s been a while, since I've seen u smiling! O baby, could u come down? I think I’m freaking out! And I’m drunk! 
You step inside and the warmth of the shop embraces you. You then proceed to get some meat buns, and two coffees. As you go to pay you take a glimpse outside to check up on Iwaizumi and to your surprise he was already looking at you. You quickly turn away and you feel a small blush attempting to creep up on your face, but you shake the thought away as you make it to the counter.
You finish paying and walk over to where Iwaizumi is sitting and you place the food down on the table. Handing over a meat bun and a coffee to him, you sit down and sigh in satisfaction as you bite into yours. Somewhat comfortable silence fills the space and you absentmindedly process everything that happened.
“So, how was the hang out with the guys? I haven't seen them in so long. You sure must’ve had fun...” You say in the hopes of making things a little less awkward and quiet.
“Oh yeah it was great.” He replies with his mouth still with food, you laugh and he continues after he finally swallows what he was eating.
“Yeah it was really fun, we got to catch up on a lot and they're doing pretty great I must say. You should come next time, I mean when you're not busy. I miss our hangouts, you know...” 
“Is this not a hangout?” You humorously ask.
“I mean, it is but I'm saying we should hang out more when you're not busy and when I'm not drunk.”  He says with a laugh.
“Yeah we totally should.“ You say with a smile.
“So anyways, how's life?” 
“Well I mean I'm doing ok, but overall just really stressed. Work and papers have been piling up and my head has been pounding for like weeks or maybe even just days you know, but I guess I'm doing fine.” Giving a small laugh to lighten the statement.
“Yeah the workloads really suck right now, they're crazy. But I'm here for you if you need anything even if I don’t really understand a thing from your subjects.”
“Yeah, I know.” You say giving him a reassuring grin.
You both take a brief pause when he suddenly brings up an old inside joke you both had when you were younger. You spend about an hour reliving memories, throwing around jokes, teasing each other and laughing a lot.
Sighing into a smile he says, “I really miss this. It's been a while since I've seen you smile like that.” 
“Yeah I missed our hangouts like these, this feels so great and nostalgic in a way.”
And I don’t think I can beat it, I’m paralyzed, I’m terrified of being alone!
You both clean up and start to continue your walk back to your place. All the stress you’ve been feeling earlier feels as if it has left and you feel relieved. As you both near your apartment complex, Iwaizumi stops making you turn back.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask.
“Yeah I’m good.” You then proceed to turn around, but he suddenly continues.
“Listen I need to tell you something, and I need you to promise me that we’re still going to be ok even as friends afterwards.” He says with a slight seriousness on his face
“Yeah, you can tell me anything I promise I'll still stay. I mean unless you're a criminal and you're gonna kill me.” You joke. Moving closer to him you prepare yourself a bit for whatever he would say.  “So what's up?”
He takes a breath, “I like you y/n -san.... and I'm really sorry if you don’t like me after this or if this makes anything awkward or if I made you uncomfortable in any way. I've liked you since high school and I was too scared to say anything because I thought you liked another guy--”
“--I swear even when we were younger there was something about you that just made everyone like you. You were so nice, friendly to everyone, helpful, beautiful, and so much more. You’re captivating to me… and I’m trying to use whatever’s left of this liquid courage to get this off my chest and I think I’m ready for whatever might come next.” 
Your mouth parts slightly from shock because of what he said but it slowly, turns into a huge grin.   
“Hajime, I don't know what to say…” you cut him off before he could say anything, 
“Because I like you too, and I have for such a long time.”
He lifts up his head with hope and a slight disbelief in his eyes, “You do..? You did..?!’’
“Yes..” you say with a small chuckle and a smile plastered across your face. You walk even closer until you're both mere inches away from each other. You take a relieved sigh and make eye contact with him. You wrap your arms around his neck and draw him in for a hug. He places his arms delicately around your waist hugging you back.
He slowly pulls away and cups your face ever so tenderly, pulling you in so that your lips are merely ghosting the others; and he gently kisses you. You felt as if that you were floating on clouds. His lips were so soft and warm it felt so surreal.
You both pull away and he says with a smile, “I've waited and wanted for so long to do that.”
You couldn't believe that everything that happened, actually happened. It felt like a scenario that you would only be able to play in your head. But it was all real and it was all happening. It felt like a dream, and if this were a scene in some cute drama there would have been hearts floating around your head right now, you felt lovestruck.
 Cause it’s been a while, since i’ve thought about the good things, all the bright light things all the good times that we had! It’s been a while, since I made u smile! 
You finally reach your apartment hand-in-hand, sitting down on the couch as soon as you enter. The night was filled with more conversations, laughter and just overall good times. Homework forgotten and disregarded, you let yourself go and have fun. Surprisingly everything felt like it just fell into place. 
You looked at him and maybe it was the alcohol but he was pretty sure he saw stars in your eyes. 
“I can't believe after all this time you're finally and actually mine.” you say.
Whatever magic or fate intertwined and lined you up to this exact moment you just knew that you were forever grateful.
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.53
Word Count: 2,590
Characters: Derek Hale, Chris Argent, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar, Stiles Stilinski (mentioned), Reader, OC Characters
Pairings: Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, some fluff, small mentions of sex and kinks (eww i can’t believe i just wrote that eww)
A/N: ----
Masterlist         Series Masterlist
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“Yeah, Stiles, okay. I’ll go by Argent’s apartment tomorrow and I'll go pick them up, okay?” you ended the call from Stiles, before going to dry your hair.
“What did Stiles need?” Derek asked.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Oh, the chains they were using to hold back Malia and Liam broke so they need some new chains and stuff,” you explained.
“Oh? Well, maybe you can get a pair of cuffs for us?” he smirked slightly as you rolled your eyes.
“You broke the last pair,” you reminded.
“Technically, you did,” he retorted, pressing his lips against your neck as you scoffed.
You turned to face him, putting your arms around his neck, before you heard a loud knocking on the front door.
Derek frowned, checking the time.
“It’s 2 in the morning,” he replied.
You tensed up, walking towards the door cautiously before opening it, seeing Lydia and Kira standing in front of you.
“What the hell are you doing here at this time?” you asked, pulling them in before you closed the door.
“Look at this list,” Lydia opened up her laptop, showing a white screen with numbers and symbols over it.
She continued to scroll, showing you a list with names and numbers.
Sean Walcott 250
David Walcott 250
Michael Walcott 250
Christina Walcott 250
Lydia Martin 20
Scott Mccall 25
Demarco Montana 250
Derek Hale 15
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) 15
Carrie Hudson 500
Kayleen Bettcher 250
Kira Yukimura 6
Elias Town 250
You frowned slightly, turning to Lydia.
“I-It’s a deadpool. These are the targets. I sort of used my powers to find the deadpool and it asked for a code. The password was Alison and it opened up a third of the deadpool,” she explained.
Your face dropped slightly as Derek put his hand on your shoulder.
“W…” you were speechless, trying to process your words.
“You’re trying to crack the rest?” Derek asked.
Lydia nodded.
“Keep us updated on what’s happening,” Derek said.
You could feel your heart beating in the back of your head as you continued to stand there, frozen. You felt a knot in your stomach as you tried to take a breath. You could see a look of concern on Kira’s face as she looked at you.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Kira asked.
You bit your lip, nodding your head softly.
“I need to work on finding the other names on the deadpool,” Lydia explained.
“Mhm,” you replied.
You could see the concern on both of their faces as Derek spoke, before leading them out of the loft.
“(Y/N),” he put his hands on your shoulders, looking down at you.
“I need you to just take a breath-” Derek started.
“I’m fine,” you lied, shaking your head.
“(Y/N)...” he started.
You closed your eyes softly, before wrapping your arms around Derek.
“We'll get through this,” Derek muttered.
Your heart continued to ache, mostly out of fear. Before it was only the Argent’s circle who was aware of you being a witch and aware of your powers, and now you didn't know who else would know, or what else would happen.
Your eyes watered at the thought of them trying to hurt Derek out of anger. 
“I don’t care where you have to go, whether it’s just a small grocery run o-or whatever, you can not be alone,” you clenched your jaw.
“Same goes for you, (Y/N/N),” he pressed his lips against your forehead, while you closed your eyes, leaning on his chest.
“Scott and Stiles explained everything to Stilinski,” the two of you sat in the car, on your way to Argent’s old apartment.
“Yeah,” you nodded, bouncing your leg as you looked out the window.
“I can feel you holding back,” he sighed.
“We just had a lot to deal with Kate and you losing your powers like this… this is a whole thing,” you shook your head.
He put his hand on your leg, caressing it gently.
“And we’ll get through it, just like we always do,” he reminded.
You sighed softly, nodding your head before the two of you pulled into the parking lot of the apartment, making your way up.
You noticed the lights on in the apartment while you looked under the door, tensing up.
“Something's inside,” you whispered to Derek.
He stayed quiet, frowning before pressing his ear against the door.
“I only hear one heartbeat,” he replied.
“Stay behind me,” you walked into the apartment cautiously, unlocking the door as you tip-toed to Chris’ office.
“(Y/N),” your mouth dropped open as you stared in shock, seeing Chris in front of you.
“Y-You’re back,” you stuttered.
“I told you I wasn’t going to run away from you,” he shrugged.
You ran to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as he hugged you back.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” you said softly.
There was a soft smile on his face as he stroked your head softly, wiping away the tears you didn't know you have.
“How was France?” you asked.
“Well, I wasn't in France for that long…”
“This school really has no security, like at all. Even after everything that happened,” you walked into Beacon Hills High with Derek following behind you.
“I don’t think they care that much about security. But hey, it makes it easier for us,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, here’s the-” you paused in front of the boy’s locker room.
“Yeah, I know,” the two of you waited outside for a second to make sure it was empty.
You walked into the locker room, following Derek.
“Lots and lots of memories,” he sighed, smiling softly as he picked up Liam’s lacrosse stick.
“Yeah? Like what? Losing control in the showers?” you said in a mocking voice.
“Well, that's one thing. But, do you remember in your last week of school, we snuck into here when it was empty, and we-” you interrupted him, making a noise.
“Of course I remember that. That was… it was amazing,” you smiled at the memory, before following him farther into the locker room, hiding behind a wall.
He stroked your hand softly before you heard the door get pushed open, Scott running past you while you threw him Liam’s stick, picking up another one.
“Here,” you handed Derek the stick.
“Are you sure you have enough strength to snap it?” you asked Derek.
He nodded.
You watched as Liam stormed to his locker, looking for his stick before yelling out, frustrated.
“Where’s my stick?!” he yelled.
He walked around the locker room, while Derek walked out from behind the wall, holding the stick.
“This yours?” Derek said to Liam.
You listened as he snapped the lacrosse stick, hearing Liam gasp.
His eyes glew yellow as he let out a low growl, digging his nails into his claws.
He charged at Derek, before Derek quickly grabbed his neck, pushing him against the wall.
You saw Liam yelling out, struggling against Derek’s hold before Scott came out, yelling Liam’s name.
“You’re right. He is angry,” Derek replied.
You walked in front of the two of them.
“This one’s yours,” Scott handed him his lacrosse stick as Derek let go of him.
“Go to class, Liam,” Scott said.
Liam looked at Scott, before nodding, grabbing his bag, and walking out of the room.
You smiled softly, crossing your arms as you looked at Scott.
“What the hell are you two smiling about?” Scott said, slightly frustrated.
“You’re gonna be so good at this,” you replied softly.
“A-Are you joking? I have no idea what I’m doing. I really need help,” Scott started.
“Well, I’ll tell you one thing. His anger? It’s going to make him stronger,” Derek replied.
“And dangerous,” Scott added.
“You’ve handled dangerous before,” you replied.
Scott sighed, sitting on the bench as he put his hands on his head.
“I was supposed to focus on school this semester,” he started.
You sat down next to him, putting your hand around his shoulder while Derek sat on the other side of him.
“Now Kate’s back, I-I have a beta, and this deadpool,” you could feel him getting more and more nervous as you held his hand.
“Well, we know the deadpool has all of our names on it, so that needs to be our top priority. Lydia’s working on it, right?” Derek asked.
Scott nodded his head softly, still looking down.
“All these problems are temporary. We will figure this all out. You’ll still get time to focus on school. You’re very smart when you want to be, Scotty. Besides, community college isn't that bad,” you smirked softly as he scoffed.
“You’re forgetting you got into an Ivy League and Stanford,” Scott sighed.
You saw Derek frown slightly, before you put your focus back on Scott.
“It doesn't matter if you go to some big shot school. You’re gonna do amazing wherever you go, with whatever you do. You’re gonna be a great vet,” he smiled softly before hearing the bell ring.
“I’ll see you guys,” he waved as he ran out of the locker room quickly.
“Hey, why didn't you tell me you got into Stanford? Or an Ivy League?” Derek asked, pulling on your arm gently.
“I-I don’t know, I guess I thought it wasn't as important because I wasn’t going to leave Beacon Hills,” you explained.
“Why weren’t you going to leave Beacon Hills?” Derek asked.
“I didn't want to leave Beacon Hills.”
“Why not? (Y/N), all this pain and suffering, losing so many people that you care about… why would you want to stay here?”
“I didn't want to leave you,” you saw his face drop slightly.
“I don't ever want to be someone who’s holding you back,” he stroked your cheek softly as you bit your lip.
“You don’t hold me back, Derek. I chose to stay here and I don’t regret my choice,” you shook your head.
You held his hand, stroking it softly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I love you,” he said softly.
“I love you too.” 
You watched as Derek got into his car, driving off as you made your way to the art room, trying to find Lydia.
“Anything yet?” you asked her as you walked in.
“Nothing,” she clenched her jaw, shaking her head.
“Well, don’t stress it. Just breathe,” you tried to encourage her as she rolled her eyes.
“Malia. I don’t need you breathing on my neck!” Lydia yelled out, frustrated.
“Well, you see, I kind of don’t want to die, so I need you to crack this list,” Malia replied.
You hid the smirk on your face before you pulled Malia away, sitting down next to her on the table.
“How do you like school?” you asked.
“It’s pointless,” she muttered.
“How much of this stuff am I actually going to use in life?” she asked.
“The only class I can fully say I use in life is Forensics, maybe some Biology and Chemistry, but nothing much,” you shook your head.
“Then what’s the point of math?” she rolled her eyes.
“Old people like watching us suffer,” you shrugged.
She shrugged, before picking up the book next to her, beginning to read through it.
You saw Stiles and Scott running through the hallway, holding Liam up as you frowned.
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a bit…” you got up, running after them.
“Lydia needs Meredith, but apparently she showed up at the station, so Lydia and Malia are on their way there,” you looked at the messages on your phone before putting it aside, waiting in front of the school with Derek.
“And Meredith is another banshee?” Derek asked.
“Yeah, she had a thing for Isaac,” you smiled at the memory.
Derek chuckled softly, before leaning against his car.
“What’s taking Chris so long?” you muttered to yourself, looking at your phone to check the time.
“I’m here,” he walked in front of the two of you as you stood up.
“Well, let’s go then, shall we?”
You stood outside the vault, waiting for Derek and Chris to finish while you wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling a slight breeze. The school was still full, there was a lacrosse scrimmage, and no one would be stupid enough to attack at the moment.
You noticed something moving from the corner of your eye as you turned your head, looking towards the trees.
You squinted your eyes, looking back to the steps of the vault.
You’re being paranoid
You shook your head before hearing another noise, hearing a twig snap.
You shot your head up once again, making your way to the woods as you clenched your fist.
You looked back to the vault entrance before sighing.
“Augendae tenebris,” your eyes were purple as you made your way through the woods, looking around.
There was no there, and no sign of anyone there.
“Dumbass,” you muttered to yourself.
You felt something hit the back of your head as you groaned, falling to the ground.
You winced, putting one hand on the back of your head as you tried to make out everything in front of you.
Your vision was blurry as more and more panic filled your chest.
“Clypeus,” you felt a blunt force hit your stomach, pushing your back as you groaned softly, trying to push yourself up.
“You little hypocrite,” you heard an unfamiliar gruff voice from in front of you.
You blinked hard, trying to make out who was talking to you as you saw a man standing over you.
“You little bitch!” he yelled.
He blew some dust, which you realized to be Hawthorne as you coughed, trying to gasp for air and regain your balance.
“Your little mommy isn't here to protect you anymore. You’re dead you little bitch,” you could feel a sharp blade sticking on your throat as you tried to keep your movement still, feeling some tears rush to your eyes.
“I-I don’t know who you are-” you started.
“Well then, let me remind you,” you pulled you up harshly, while your back hit the tree trunk behind you.
“You and your mommy killed my wife! All because she was supernatural! She never hurt anyone!” he yelled at you.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about!” you yelled back.
“I’ve wanted my revenge for years. Then I see your name on this deadpool. God really does exist, doesn't he,” you could hear his small chuckle as a tear fell down your cheek.
“Dis,” you pushed him to the ground, holding him down as yelled out.
“Somnum,” his eyes fluttered shut as you took a step back, your breathing shaky as you bit your lip, holding back your cries.
More and more tears rushed to your eyes as you tried to control your breathing, taking bigger breaths.
“(Y/N)!” you heard Derek yell, as he ran to you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“W-What happened? I-Is he dead?” Derek’s eyes went wide as you shook your head.
“N-No… he’s just asleep,” your voice broke as he pulled you into his arms tightly. You closed your eyes, holding in your cries as you leaned your head against his chest.
“I-It’s… it’s not just assassins it's hunters too,” you said softly.
He pressed his lips against your forehead, holding you tightly before whispering.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.”
You nodded your head softly, walking with him to the car before driving off.
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sazc94 · 3 years
Pietro and Bunny
Here is my second entry for the wonderful @msmarvelwrites 2k Challenge.
This a spin-off from my Bucky fic: The three times Bucky broke your heart. Part 1 linked Here.
It follows the same timeline and explores the relationship of Pietro and Reader (Bunny) More.
Words 6034
Themes. Angst, Suggestions of smut. But mostly lots and lots of fluff. 18+ Because of the smut suggestions.
This has two parts and I will upload part 2 tomorrow.
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲?"
Pietro thought you were pretty cool. He thought you and Bucky made a great couple. He enjoyed hanging out with you when you would all hang out as a group. Pietro wasn’t one for girlfriends. Sure he’d had a few semi-serious flings and would occasionally bring a date to the parties after a game and loved how you would instantly make anyone feel welcome. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he started to think of you as more than a friend. It was sometime during his senior year.
At first, he pushed the idea out of his head. You were Bucky’s girl Y/N! You were the cute shy girl Bucky had brought out of her shell, who was still deep down that adorable musical theatre-loving dork. However, when Bucky started getting defensive around him and Sam about who he was texting, Pietro stopped feeling so bad about liking you of course Pietro would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship with Bucky and his friendships with either of you, but he couldn’t help but feel a tang of jealousy towards Bucky.
“Look at Bucky, can’t go 5 minutes without texting his little cheerleader,” Sam said walking up behind Pietro. Bucky was too engrossed in his phone to pay any attention to the pair of them. Pietro smirked.
“Sam, watch this” Pietro said, before breezing over to Bucky and pulling his phone out of his hands. Bucky instantly shot up trying to grab the phone from Pietro, however, he was too quick throwing the phone to Sam.
“Dear Doll, I love you so much and all thought I only saw you this morning, I am already missing you” Pietro sang in a teasing manner.
“Come on guy’s give it back” Bucky grunted. Sam and Pietro kept throwing the phone between them. Suddenly Sam stopped laughing.
“Hey Buck, who’s Nat and why is she asking if you’re going to be around this summer?” Sam asked his eyebrow shooting up. Bucky’s façade faltered for a second. His usual bright blue eyes deepening with an unfamiliar expression. Pietro’s interest was also piqued, he may have wanted you for himself but that didn’t mean he wanted to see you get hurt.
“Oh, she’s just a friend of Jane’s. I met her at that party after our game in Green Bay last year she’s a cheerleader like Jane and Y/N. Natasha and her boyfriend Clint will be in town the summer and she wants to introduce us apparently her boyfriend was impressed with how we played” Bucky said, shrugging it off like it was no big deal. After that incident, Bucky was on his phone around the football team less and started talking about how much he loved you and couldn’t wait to spend some quality time with you in the summer.
November 2011
By the time graduation rolled around Pietro had put any thoughts about the pair of you out of his mind, chalking it up to wanting a relationship as opposed to you. At least that’s what he kept telling himself. You came along to his graduation ceremony. Well, it was for everyone. Pietro, Sam, Wanda, Jane, and Carol. Bucky came along too. Late. But you were there with Peter Parker who was a freshman, he had talent, but he seemed to prefer being behind a camera as opposed to on the field.
The whole gang hung around the field and bleachers after the ceremony. Goofing off and enjoying the last time the group would all be together like this for a while. Peter took photos of you all. Pietro’s favourite was one where he and Sam had picked you up whilst you were in the middle of talking to Carol and Wanda. The laughter that came out of your mouth as you squealed and shouted for the two footballers to put you down made his heart flutter.
Okay so maybe he wasn’t as over you as he told himself he was. Now he could understand what that Taylor Swift was banging on about in that song of hers.
Have you ever thought just maybe?
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Bucky’s girl,” he said grinning at you. For some stupid reason, probably because Pietro didn’t know what to do with his hands, he ruffled your hair like you were 5 again. He couldn’t help but notice you wince at the old pet name. He mentally kicked himself. Why had he called you that?!
Graduation was the last time he saw you for over a year. Unlike Bucky, Pietro had actually been away at a football camp when Bucky had cheated on you. He didn’t know what had happened. Only knew you two had broken up. Wanda was fiercely protective of her friendship with you and didn’t want to betray you by admitting to those that didn’t know that Bucky had cheated on you. He wasn’t going to lie; he was saddened when you didn’t stay in touch with him after he graduated. But after he started his first year at the University of Michigan, he didn’t have much time to worry about it. He was a Line Backer having secured a football scholarship after college scouts came to see Sam and a few others play, Pietro had caught the eye of the scout from the University of Michigan, all though he was a great player, Pietro didn’t want to play professionally like many of the guys on the team. He was studying Business and Economics.
Since about the age of 15, he and Wanda had always planned on going into business together. Between parties, flirting with the pretty cheerleaders and sorority girls and his studies you became a distant memory to Pietro. That was until one November game in his second year.
The Wolverines were playing the Wisconsin Badgers. Boy did they suck. Not that Pietro minded it allowed him the opportunity to watch the cheerleaders, he knew a few of the girls on the team from various parties, he hadn’t paid much attention to the new girls on the squad. Then out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone who looked familiar to him. Could it be Y/N? Wanda had mentioned something about you getting a scholarship at Uni for your cheerleading, but he’d been in the middle of a game of Mario Kart with Sam at the time.
He tried to rack his brain’s but then the ball came towards him. He smiled to himself. Showtime Pietro. The game was an easy win. Whilst his teammates cheered Pietro made his way to the side-lines, desperate to know if the girl he’d seen earlier was you. His heart skipped a beat when he heard your familiar laugh. He couldn’t believe it. Pietro came jogging up towards you determined to chat.
“It’s just Y/N” or you can call me cutie you said winking at Pietro, he chuckled.
“How about I just call you tomorrow?” he retorted, you felt yourself blush. Pietro may come across as confident but inside he was shaking with nerves. Was he really doing this? What if you said no? You shrugged before pulling out a sharpie from your bag, you wrote down your number on his arm. He cocked his head puzzled.
“I changed it last year after Bucky wouldn’t stop blowing it up with apology texts,” you said simply wrongly presuming Pietro knew what had gone down. Before Pietro could respond you ran off to join the rest of your squad and headed for the changing room. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as your laughter rang in his ears whilst you walked off the pitch.
“Pietro! What’s good? How’d your game go tonight?” Sam asked. He sounded buzzed and Pietro could hear the faint sounds of a party in the background. Excellent he thought to himself. Sam was buzzed enough to have loose lips but not drunk enough to be of no use and if he was lucky Sam might not even remember half the conversation.
Pietro got back to his apartment, he had zero clues about what had gone on with you and Bucky. It was obvious due to your remark about him blowing up your phone with apology texts that he’d done something. He weighed up his options. Wanda or Sam? Wanda was his twin, and he knew deep down if he pulled the twin card she would tell him, but then if nothing came of this, he would be opening a can of worms with his sister over nothing.
Then there was Sam, he was still pretty close with Bucky and liked to chat a lot. But ultimately, he was like a brother to Pietro, and he trusted Sam to keep his mouth shut. Taking a deep breath and raking his hand through his Silver-blonde hair he picked up his phone and dialled Sam.
“So Sam you’ll never guess who I ran into cheering on the side-lines of the game!?” Pietro tried to sound breezy and cool like it was no big deal, despite the fact he was about to ask his friends ex out on a date.
“ I ran into Y/N. You know Bucky’s girl?” Pietro carried on forcing his voice to sound light. Sam choked on his drink down the other end of the line.
“I wouldn’t let her hear you call her that. That boy broke her damn heart, the fool” Sam said, there was an edge to his voice that Pietro almost missed.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Pietro asked genuinely curious.
“Well remember that little party your sister threw that last week of summer whilst you were away at football camp with some of your new teammates?” Sam asked. He didn’t wait for Pietro to respond before he continued.
“Well, Jane brought her friend Nat along” Sam continued. Pietro took a sharp intake of breath. No, Bucky wouldn’t have been stupid enough to kiss her at a party with your mutual friends, would he?
“Well turns out that Clint guy Bucky talked about wasn’t her boyfriend he was just a really good friend. But by the time we found that out Jane realised both Bucky and this Nat chick hadn’t been seen for at least a good 15, 20 minutes. So, she went to go find Nat. Only to walk in on them fucking. Oh yeah, it was on your bed bro”, Sam finished his story like it was no big deal. Other than the telling disdain in his voice.
Pietro stood stunned. No wonder you had winced at the use of your old nickname. Pietro’s heart broke for you at that moment. He vowed at that moment that no matter what happened between you both, he would do everything in his power to ensure you never had to feel heartbreak like that again.
Pietro will never forget that first date with you. He had come up with some lame excuse of showing you the best-hidden beauty spots of the campus. Not that there were any, he just wanted an excuse to spend some time with you. He wore jeans and a jumper with his beat-up converse.
All though it didn’t look like he had put much effort into his outfit he had spent a good hour agonising over it. In the end, he settled for a faded blue jumper hoping it would make his eyes and hair pop. He met you by the school library and the sun was shining, it was still a chilly November mid-morning.
You had turned up with your hair tied up in a messy bun a few stray pieces framing your cheeks, you had opted for a sweater dress. He remembered because it was loose and comfy but sinched inwards in all the right places. It was a silvery colour almost the same shade his hair was. Pietro swore you took his breath away.
Winter Break 2011
“And that right there is where the fraternity pledges had to stand and sing, I’m a little teapot every time someone put 10$ in the bucket. I didn’t truly understand the strange British Nursery Song or whatever it was, but I did like watching the pledges get embarrassed every time they had to sing when the cute cheerleaders walked past. So, I put 40 Bucks in the bucket when I knew the 3rd Years would be heading to practise” Pietro said pointing to the school statue.
You had nearly fallen over laughing at his story. Pietro noticed how you scrunched your nose up when you laughed. Like a rabbit. No like a Bunny. When Pietro walked you back to your dorm, he wasn’t sure if he was going to kiss you, but when you let him hold your hand, he decided at that moment he would regret it more if he didn’t take the plunge.
The moment he knew he was yours and you were his was at a party, he’d taken you on lots of hot chocolate dates, he knew you didn’t like coffee because it tasted bitter to you and that coca was nice, but you preferred the sweet comfort of a creamy hot chocolate.
It was at a party being held by the Ice Hockey team to celebrate their latest string of wins. You didn’t come to parties often preferring the comfort of a book and a cosy night in, but you always tried to attend parties after the football matches. You walked in wearing a red top and black skinny jeans.
The top wasn’t super low cut, but it hinted at your cleavage, you’d left your hair down for a change in loose curls. You’d recently gotten your hair dyed a deep chocolate brown and it brought out your eyes. Pietro nearly lost his damn mind when his Ice-blue eyes met your chocolate brown eyes after he’d drank all of you in. He excused himself from the conversation he was having with Scott Summers and co making his way over to you.
“Bunny, you look good enough to eat,” Pietro said dipping his head down to meet your lips, your lips were always so warm and welcoming a stark comparison to his cool lips.
“Bunny?” You replied scrunching your nose up. This was the first time Pietro had called you a pet name, you felt your heart somersault.
Pietro was messaging his sister on the drive home. He could tell you had something on your mind, but he knew better than to push you.
“So,” you began.
“What’s up Bunny?” Pietro asked snapping his eyes up from his phone.
“Well, I just thought now might be a good time to talk, we’re clearly going to run into a lot of our old friends, and there’s no way Wanda won’t know something is going on here, and I, I saw your lock screen,” you said. Well yeah Pietro thought, was he meant to be keeping you guys a secret? He didn’t want to, and he had just assumed you were a couple. You did couple type things, watching movies together curled up, holding hands when you guys were out together.
“So you were wondering what we are?” Pietro’s couldn’t hide the amusement in his voice. God, you were adorable. He watched your demeanour change and felt a pang of guilt, the determination in your eyes as you tried to not show that you felt embarrassed.
“Hey Bunny, look at me” Pietro grabbed your hand, wanting you to know how much he truly meant the next few words.
“We are a couple. I’m sorry you felt the need to ask, but I adore you, so we are a thing,” he said stroking circles on the back of your hand. You smiled and nodded to yourself. Pietro held on to your hand stroking circles the rest of the traffic. He couldn’t wait to tell Wanda she was wrong about him never getting serious with anyone.
“Hey Wanda, have you got a second?” Pietro and Wanda were heading out to meet up with you and the rest of the old school gang who had made it home for the Winter Break in the local coffee shop.
“Sure brother, what’s up?” she asked shrugging on her red jacket and lacing up her boots.
“So, you know that girl I told you I was seeing?” Pietro asked, you two hadn’t said if you were going to tell people or just let them figure it out, but he at least wanted to give his twin a heads up. Wanda straightened her brown hair falling behind her ears. She impatiently cocked an eyebrow waiting for her twin to continue. They were going to be late at this rate.
“Well, you know her. In Fact, you’re good friends” Pietro continued sucking in his breath.
“If you mean to tell me you’re dating Y/N, I already know brother”, Pietro froze. “I’m happy for you, but if you break her heart like that James did, I will not hesitate to kill you and hide the body” she continued.
“How did you know?” Pietro couldn’t help but ask, you guys hadn’t been a secret, but you hadn’t exactly announced it to the world either.
“I’m good at reading people Pietro” Wanda shrugged before heading out the door.
“You sly dog,” Sam said chuckling. Just then Peter turned up. Sam’s comment hadn’t escaped you, so you simply shot Pietro a quizzical look, one of your eyebrows arched. Pietro gently shook his head. He’d tell you about the phone call later.
It was great hanging out with the old gang, shame about Carol, and Jane being unable to make it back. Bucky was dating that Natasha chick and hadn’t come home from the holidays. Evidently, this wasn’t a surprise to Sam or Wanda. Pietro however was a bit taken back. That was until he heard how his sister had almost killed Bucky when she had run into him last summer. Carol had had to restrain her. Pietro couldn’t lie he was kind of bummed to miss it.
Pietro and Wanda didn’t celebrate Christmas, but they did celebrate being around people they loved and as the four of you sat around waiting for Peter Parker to make an appearance, he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell. You hadn’t even reacted to the mentions of Bucky. The way your brown eyes lit up when you teased Sam about his poor season or crinkled your nose when Wanda complimented your new hair, made Pietro come completely undone. Not being able to restrain himself anymore he leant in and kissed you, a slow soft kiss. The taste of your gingerbread cookie and peppermint hot chocolate lingering on your lips. When Pietro pulled away, he shot Sam a wink, and you promptly turned crimson. Sam just sat there gawking. Pietro watched as Sam tried to piece together his hazy memory from that phone call.
Pietro absolutely adored the photo you had gotten him for Christmas, displaying it on his bedside table proudly. He had brought you a stuffed bunny for Christmas, cheesy but it made you beam at him.
“A Bunny for my Bunny” Pietro said shooting you his signature grin. Your heart constricted; it was an adorable soft fluffy powder blue bunny.
After winter break things got crazy busy. The year also seemed to rush by, between keeping on top, your rehearsals for the play. Pietro’s football practises, football matches, nationals for your cheerleading competition. It felt like you had barely any time to breathe. Pietro always looked forward to football games, not because he loved playing which he did, no it was because when you were cheering your face lit up, you always had his number painted on your cheek. Your brown hair always pulled up in a high ponytail, accentuating your big beautiful brown eyes that always looked for Pietro’s ice-blue eyes on the field. Mostly he loved the looks of jealousy he would get from the other team when players would be checking you out. Pietro would always come over for a kiss for good luck when he wasn’t on the field. You always giggled about how Mr cool; the confident cocky big-time football player was such a dork around you. Pietro was fast, sometimes your eyes couldn’t quite make out his movements, all you would see was a flash of his silver-blonde hair that peeked out under his helmet. You had started calling him Quicksilver, originally as a joke but it had stuck.
“So, move in with me for the summer,” he had said, his heart pounding in his chest. It wasn’t a big deal really but the thought of waking up to you every day for the summer made him practically giddy. Pietro continued to stroke circles on your bare legs. He was watching Grease, but he wasn’t absorbing what was being said.
Pietro loved every single second he got to spend with you, but mostly he loved the summer. College football season had finished, school was winding down and it meant he got to sit in those quiet moments with you. Pietro had no plans to go home for the Summer.
Pietro adored you more than he was willing to admit, hell he loved you which is why he was always never going to push you for anything more than you were comfortable with. He was content just kissing you, steamy make-out sessions. He just liked being close to you breathing in your scent, in the winter you always smelt like Vanilla and crushed Rose Petals. In the summer you changed your body spray, and he hadn’t quite been able to pinpoint the smell, but you smelt like Peaches, sunscreen, and sunshine. Okay, maybe not sunshine but he felt the warmth of your presence every time you were together. Pietro knew you were stressing about summer accommodation so he couldn’t help but offer up his place.
“Okay, I’ll move in for the summer,” you said. You picked up the remote and pressed pause on the DVD Pietro had been so focused on trying to play it cool he hadn’t even heard you the first time you spoke. When you started undressing, Pietro didn’t know where to look. Sure, you’d spent nights together, but Pietro always left you to get changed in his room whilst he went to brush his teeth. His eyes couldn’t help but wander over your body as you walked into your bedroom. Pietro inwardly groaned and felt himself harden. Trying to take his mind off what he had just witnessed he pulled out his phone. That’s when you appeared in the door frame, wearing nothing but his football jersey, when it lifted to show the skin of your bare stomach Pietro nearly lost his damn mind.
“Well, are you coming or not handsome?” Pietro grinned throwing his phone on the sofa and closing the gap between you in seconds, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. Pietro was certain that if he didn’t get his way with you right that second, he would combust.
Winter Break 2012
“You love her, don’t you?” Wanda asked Pietro. You were finishing up tech rehearsals, so Wanda and Pietro were enjoying some sibling bonding by cooking Paprikash. Wanda’s eyes narrowed at Pietro who was avoiding eye contact with his sister. He could feel his sisters warm blue eyes boring into him. Eventually, Pietro stopped washing up and turned to face his sister. Wiping his hands on a tea towel he finally lifted his eyes to meet Wanda’s.
“Yes, of course, I do but that’s not a secret, so what are you actually asking Wanda?” Pietro raked a hand through his silver-blonde hair.
“It's obvious you two love each other Pietro, dearly. But you’re in love with her, you would hang the stars for that girl, and when are you going to admit it? You visibly had a thing for her back in high school and you have healed the damage done by James Barnes. So why don’t you let your guard down and tell her how you truly feel?” Wanda asked. Pietro stood there dumbfounded. Had it genuinely been that obvious to people he had liked you back in high school when you were Bucky’s girl? As if reading Pietro’s mind Wanda answered his question.
“You may have fooled everyone else Pietro, but not me” Wanda returned to her cooking and that was the last of the conversation.
“Are you sure your mum doesn’t mind me staying with you guys for winter break?” you asked twiddling your hair nervously. Pietro chuckled lifting your small suitcase into his car.
“Come on then quicksilver, let’s get going before the traffic builds up,” you said shooting him a grin your worries disappearing.
“Yes Bunny, she wouldn’t hear of you staying here alone. Besides, Wanda would rip my arms off if I even thought about coming home without you” he said pressing a kiss to your temple. Pietro had refused to let you drive saying it was his turn as you had driven last year. You still looked unsure tugging at the selves of your red jumper dress as you walked round to the front of his car. Your brown hair fell in loose waves, still slightly damp from your last-minute shower.
Pietro sensed something else was bothering you but didn’t push it. Instead, he hopped up on the bonnet of his car and pulled you between his legs. Pressing his forehead to yours, he uttered a silent promise that his mum would love you and that that the rest of the old gang would be happy for you both like they had all sworn they were. You looked up at him through your big doe eyes and pecked a gentle kiss on his nose.
“So, who did you say was coming tonight again?” you asked. You were standing in Wanda’s room whilst you both got ready for the small hang out Pietro and Wanda were hosting. Pietro had gone out to pick up Sam and Peter Parker and this girl he was bringing, Gwen. Pietro of course had been right about his mum loving you, you’d spent the last four days feeling welcome, included and at home. Wanda and Pietro’s mum had enveloped you into a big hug the moment she met you.
“Sam, Jane, Peter and his girlfriend Gwen. Carol’s coming, I think she said she was bringing her girlfriend. Now put this on” Wanda said handing you a low cut, slim-fitting black sweater dress. You rolled your eyes at Wanda; you were quite happy wearing one of Pietro’s oversized sweaters and your jeans, but you knew better than to argue with her. Just then you heard the door shut.
“It will be great to have so many of the old group back together,” Sam said shrugging off his jacket as he followed Pietro down to the converted basement.
“How are things between you and Y/N?” Sam asked.
“Sam, they’re pretty amazing,” Pietro said, a slight blush forming in his cheeks.
“Okay, that’s good to hear. Did you know Bucky’s in town for the holidays? I text him saying he should come along tonight; I hope that’s okay?” Sam asked. Pietro shrugged, he hadn’t spoken to Bucky since Bucky’s graduation and even then, that had been by phone. It wasn’t that Pietro actively avoided speaking with Bucky, it’s just that Pietro didn’t have anything to say to Bucky.
The pair of you had spoken in great detail about everything that went down between Bucky and yourself last year after winter break, and Pietro could see you still carried the scars from what he had done to when he cheated on yourself. Just then Wanda and you made your way downstairs into the basement. Pietro felt himself harden when he got a good look at what you were wearing. It was going to be a long night whilst Pietro thought the urge to take you upstairs and fuck you senseless. As if reading her brothers thoughts Wanda smirked to herself, a job well done, maybe now her brother would grow some balls and finally tell you exactly how he felt.
“Bunny, you look. Just wow” Pietro said. Sam rolled his eyes, you giggled before walking over to give Pietro a gentle kiss on the lips. You wrapped your arms around him hugging him close before you felt his hardened member. You cocked an eyebrow at him, but Pietro shook his head brushing your hair behind your ears before giving you another gentle kiss.
After about two hours, everyone had relaxed, caught up and were just chilling. Sam hadn’t heard from Bucky, so Pietro hadn’t thought anything more about it, no sense bringing it up to you if he didn’t show.
Sam had also gotten up nudging Pietro, swearing he would beat him next time. Pietro chuckled, that’s when Sam nudged him.
“You sly bastard Parker” Sam practically shouted. The three of them were playing Mario Kart whilst Taylor Swift played in the background, all though he’d never admit to anyone, including no, especially you. Taylor Swift had grown on him over the past year. Mostly because he loved the way you lit up when you sang along to her in the car.
Pietro was so engrossed in his game with the boys he barely registered you getting up off the sofa next to him. Whilst Sam had been busy yelling at Peter for using Banana peels, Pietro had overtaken Sam in the race. Once the game finished Pietro noticed you weren’t next to him. Feeling empty without you snuggled next to him he got up and stretched. He figured you were probably talking to the girls or something.
“Uh, Pietro, you might want to go save your girl from an awkward encounter with her ex” Sam looked pained. He was realising the error of his ways by inviting Bucky along. Pietro just shot him a puzzled look before following Sam’s line of sight. Pietro sucked a breath in.
“Sam, I swear to god if she ends up in tears tonight because of you, I will not hesitate to punch you in the face,” Pietro said before walking off to the fridge where you and Bucky stood.
“Yeah, schools fine thanks Bucky,” you said politely. Pietro’s heart was beating loudly in his chest, he had no concerns about how secure your relationship was, he just wanted to save you from any unnecessary heartbreak when it came to James “Bucky” Barnes.
December 2012 – August 2014
“Hey Bunny,” he said kissing the corner of your head before wrapping his arms around you.
“Hey Buck, long time no see!” Pietro said. Bucky stood frozen for a few seconds processing what he had just witnessed.
“Hey, Pietro Yeah. It's been a hot minute, so you two are a couple? You guys look cute congrats. Oh man, wow is that Peter over there? I barely recognise him I’m going to go say hey. Catch you guys later!” Bucky said practically running over to Peter. You turned around and kissed Pietro.
“Come on Quicksilver, let’s see if I can beat you at Mario Kart,” you said pulling him over to the sofa. Pietro instantly felt himself relax, glad to see that you hadn’t been impacted by Bucky’s sudden appearance. He grinned at you as he let you drag him behind you,
“What?” you said chuckling at his goofy grin.
“I’m just so fucking in love with you Y/N,” he said. Your heart skipped a few beats. Sure, you had both said I love you, but the way Pietro’s ice-blue eye’s shone at you, the way he had phrased it as being in love with you, made your heart squeeze, butterflies erupt in your stomach and all those other cliché metaphors.
“Pietro, I am going to rock you fucking world tonight, because I feel the exact same way”, you whispered in his ear. Pietro’s eyes bulged out of his head. He lent down and gave you a hungry kiss, sending electricity coursing through your body. When you finally broke free from the kiss Pietro, caught sight of Bucky glowering in the corner of the room ignoring whatever it was Peter was wittering on about.
Winter break came and went. Your second year at Uni whizzed past. Pietro even joined you and your family for your annual summer vacation in Miami, your grandparents were getting on a bit, so you decided to skip the summer production of Hairspray. Pietro joined you for two summers of family vacations in Miami. Your Grandma took a liking to him.
“Pietro, so good to see you again,” she said hugging him. “If I was 55 years younger”, she said shooting Pietro a wink. Pietro chuckled and stuck his tongue out at you.
“See I told you that she loved me the most out of all of you,” he said. You rolled your eyes. Pietro was right your grandma did have a soft spot for him. Who could blame her? Pietro was a true gentleman and his muscles stretched out any shirt he wore. His floppy silver-blonde hair and his goody grin. You were truly a lucky girl. He was going to break your grandma’s heart as much as yours when you two ended things this summer.
Saying goodbye to you was going to be one of the hardest things he ever had to do. The pair of you had spent the last week of summer in Florida with Wanda and her boyfriend James also known as Vision. Tomorrow you would both be getting on separate planes and going your separate ways. You were dancing around in the sea not a care in the world.
Pietro loved the way you were in the summer, the stresses of school melted away. You burned easily so your skin always had a very faint sun-kissed glow to it, but the way you were with your family. That was when you truly glowed. The way you blushed when your parents would talk about how proud they were of you. You were an only child, so your cousins were the closest thing to siblings you had.
And boy did your two male cousins pick on you. Teasing you about being smart, your relationship with Pietro. The way you would roll your eyes at them. Pietro’s heart squeezed with adoration when he watched you huddled in the kitchen with your grandma. Oblivious to the fact he was watching your brow would furrow in concentration as your grandma bossed you about in the kitchen whilst the pair of you cooked up some delicious treats.
“You know brother if you asked her to do long distance and wait for you, she would”, Wanda said sitting down next to Pietro. Wanda’s red hair almost looked like fire in the setting sun. Pietro sighed and shook his head.
“I know, but it’s not right or fair on her. She has plans of her own and we will be busy setting up your fashion label in NYC” he said, raking a hand through his hair.
“Besides, She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers. She deserves to enjoy her last year, her heart is in Michigan, where her mum and dad are.” Pietro sighed. Just then you came bounding over. Your black bikini just about covering all it needed too. You plopped down on the blanket beside Pietro, your brown hair trying to escape its messy bun. You rested your head in Pietro’s lap. You giggled as he gently bopped your nose. Swallowing down the ache in your chest.
The pair of you stood wrapped in each other’s embrace at the airport, the rest of the world shut out. Pietro breathing in your familiar scent one last time. He didn’t need to hear you to know you were crying. It was taking everything in him not to cry too.
“Be good Bunny, don’t cause too much mischief with Loki and stay in touch. I love you my little Bunny” he said wiping the tears from your eyes. You couldn’t say anything, so you just held him tight and cried. When you finally broke the embrace and Pietro boarded. He wiped away the few tears that had escaped his eyes.
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Hawks and S/O Play Among Us
Hawks x Reader
Just a small headcanon I made since me, my mom, my brother, my step-sister, and some of my friends play all the time! If you wanna play together or just chat with me lemme know and I’ll make a private group for you all to join and chat with me! ;)
Warnings: strong language, excess use of profanity, so if you don’t like very strong language please leave! A slight little bit of suggestive sexiness from Hawks, but it’s very very brief! That’s it!
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* Cheats all the time. So make sure you both are in separate rooms. If you’re beside him playing on your phones, he will for sure peek over and see if you’re an imposter or not.
* If you’re both Crewmate he’ll stay glued to your side. He’ll do all tasks with you, make sure he follows you if something got sabotaged, even though this may cause you to lose. “Hawks go to the other one! We only have 15 seconds!” “But what if you die? I’ll be all alone, and everyone will sus me because I stayed with you all the time!” “That’s why you don’t follow me and act sus!” Needless to say it’s difficult getting him to leave your side. If you do die, he’ll start blaming your killer even though he has no proof at all. Then he gets voted out and you do tasks together as ghosts. He’s one of those people to randomly start accusing people, and will use you as an alibi. “I was with my girlfriend and brown was following us. He’s pretty sus.” Then you get spams in the chat saying “wtf.”
* if you’re both imposters, he’ll make sure to sit by you and run around freely by himself knowing you’re safe. Even in a fictional game he makes sure you’re safe... most of the time. “FUCK! FUCK!! BROWN SAW ME!!! WHAT DO I DO?!?!” “LIE!” “THEY ALL WANNA VOTE ME OUT WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” Voting occurs, and you vote him out. “YOU BETRAYED ME?!?!” “WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! IT WOULD BE SUS IF I DIDNT!!!” He’ll start pouring and follow you around in his little ghost form, assisting in sabotage and warning you if there’s anyone around so you can kill people. If you were away from each other, he would venture on his own and sometimes follow you to see if you can double kill. “Yes! Good job, dovie, you make a great sidekick!” If you are being accused, he’ll defend you immediately, which makes it all the more suspicious. Then you both end up getting voted out.
* You’re the imposter and he’s the crewmate. You kill Hawks first. Always. You have to or else he’ll rat you out immediately. He’s very competitive if you are on opposite teams. If you do get voted out he’ll rub it in your face and laugh. “You’re so predictable, dovie. It’s not even funny!” Well, apparently he thinks it’s funny. He also thinks it’s funny seeing the pouty expression on your face. If your teammate kills him, you start laughing at him. “Hah! Yellow got revenge! Thank you yellow! Carry us to victory!” He scowls. “At least I made it farther.” If you successfully kill him, he’ll stalk you through his little ghost and scrutinize your methods. “You killed him in the open, If it were real you’d be locked away by now.” “It’s a game babe. Let me play how I wanna play. You’re acting childish cause I killed you.” “I hope they vote you out. Liar. Murderer. Imposter!” When you end up winning he’ll pout. “I’ll get you next time, baby bird.”
* He’s the imposter and you’re the crewmate. He’s very good at it. He likes to wait and kill you last since he loves to taunt you. Then he’ll lie to the entire chat and act all innocent. However, if you’re playing with friends, this plan always backfires. You don’t even suspect him because he’s so good at playing the role of an imposter, it’s almost scary. If he’s the imposter, he always wins. If he’s acting sus, you call an emergency meeting and immediately convince everyone to vote him out. It’s a desperate last effort tactic to try and win against him. Of course, he smooth talks his way out of things and you’re the one that gets booted. There will be a small little thing at the end where you are playing with friends :)
* Characters, of course yours is whatever you want, but Hawks... he loves to do stupid ass nicknames that you and all your friends and his make fun of. It’s consisted of “Sexy Bird” “No. 2 Bitches” “(Y/N)’s dick giver” “chickenman” “nugget king” “Endeavor my daddy” “Endeavorsimp” “Hawks” The last one is to try and make his fans day if he has any that play when you both just play online together. His character is almost always yellow with little goggles on top, a white suit, and a mini crewmate as his pet. Many don’t believe that it’s actually Hawks, not until he posts pictures on his social media of you and him playing together.
* Playing with Friends: You, Hawks, Endeavor, Mirko, Dabi, Tokoyami, Shoto, Twice, Shigaraki, and Aizawa (you convinced him to play) All of you are on call. Hawks invited Endeavor, Mirko, and Tokoyami. You invited everyone else. (Lets all pretend that you all are normal and there’s no heroes or villains, just all adults with jobs playing kid games. (U/N) is username by the way since you all get to choose ^^
Below is a short story I wrote for this!
Small Key!
-(U/N) = You (Orange, Pink, Light Green)
-Sexy Bird = Hawks (Yellow)
-Dabeebee = Dabi (Purple)
-Zzzawa = Aizawa (Dark Green)
-QueenRab = Mirko (White)
-MyDadSucks = Shoto (Cyan)
-DarkBoy = Tokoyami (Black)
-Crustball = Shigaraki (Dark Blue)
-2wice = Twice (Brown)
-Endeavor = Endeavor (Red)
“Hey everyone!” -(U/N)
“Stop being so happy (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“Hey Doll.” -Dabeebee
“Dabi~! Your user name is your name in my phone!!! How sweet!” -(U/N)
“Hey, I’m right here. Don’t make me come up there and teach you who you belong to again pretty birdie.” -Sexy Bird
“TMI!! I don’t wanna hear about you’re pathetic sex like Keigo. Baby dick.” -QueenRab
“Language Mirko. Please. Who else is joining (Y/N)-“ -Endeavor
“Can we just start?” -Crustball
“Please.” -Zzzawa
“I agree.” -MyDadSucks
“Shoto change your name.” -Endeavor
“Fuck off old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I am ready to begin this journey of darkness and deceit.” -DarkBoy
“Me too! Oh hell no, I’m not doin’ this.” -2wice
“Guys! Shut up! I’m about to start the game so we all have to go on mute okay?” -(U/N)
“(Y/NNNNN)! You didn’t tell Mirko about our fucking amazing se-“ -Sexy Bird
You pressed start before your lover could even finish whatever he was saying and rolled your eyes shouting from the guest bedroom. “KEIGO YOU BASTARD IM REALLY GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT OUT SEX LIFE!!!!” He shouted back almost immediately. “SHE CALLED OUR SEX PATHETIC!!!!” You called back. “ITS NOT BABE ITS FUCKING AMAZING NOW SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!” The little ‘Shhhh’ appeared and it turned out you and Dabi were the imposters. You grinned widely and went towards the right of “The Skeld” map. You ran up towards weapons to pretend to do the task. You took the time to attempt to sabotage the lights like you always did, but it sadly was still loading. Then a purple little astronaut came beside you with little wolf ears. And the name labeled above was red with the word “Dabeebee.”
‘Alright Dabi... lets kick some ass.’ You thought to yourself with a grin as you finally got your kill cool down relinquished. The first thing you sabotaged was lights, and then you began your search for your lover. You went down and turned left, checking to see if anyone was in communications. No one. You then went through lower storage and up Into electrical. You were met with a dark blue color. Poor Shigaraki, your first victim. Keigo could probably wait. Dabi would back you up. You clicked the kill button on your phone and immediately jumped into a vent. You popped out of MedBay and pretended to do the sample task. Then your screen flashed.
*DISCUSS/ Dabeebee reported a body*
*Crustball has died*
“Well, there goes the crusty bastard. He sucked anyways.” -Dabeebee
“Where was the body?” -(U/N)
“It’s (Y/N). I know it is.” -Sexy Bird
“What the hell kinda evidence for you have that it was (Y/N)? I’ll kick your ass if you do it again. You weren’t near her you were with Endeavor and I.” -QueenRab
“Those are some pretty bold accusations against me my love.” -(U/N)
“(Y/N) was with me the whole time. The body was in electrical. We were together going down there and she kept going while I went to go do a task.” -Dabeebee
“It was Dabi! No it wasn’t, he’s a good guy! No! He’s evil!” -2wice
“It was Endeavor.” -MyDadSucks
“It’s (Y/N) and Dabi. You guys have to believe me! I know my birdie and she is an imposter right now. Don’t trust her.” -Sexy Bird
“Shut the fuck up.” -QueenRab
“Kei baby you soundin’ kinda sus, quickly blaming me and Dabi.” -(U/N)
“It’s Dabi and I. And no, I didn’t-“ -Endeavor
“I’m a school teacher, (Y/N). Don’t forget I tutored you our freshmen year.” -Zzzawa
“That makes me sound old Shōta.” -(U/N)
“Discussion time just ended. What’re we doing?” -MyDadSucks
“I’m still voting (Y/N).” -Sexy Bird
“Oh yes, I love you too Kei’. So much.” -(U/N)
“It was dark. I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know where I was.” -DarkBoy
“I’m votin’ Keigo cause he’s bein’ a petty little dickless bitch.” QueenRab
“RUDE.” -Sexy Bird
“I’m skipping.” -Dabeebee
“Me too.” -(U/N), DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
7 skips: (Y/N), Dabeebee, DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
1 vote for Endeavor: MyDadSucks
1 vote for Sexy Bird: QueenRab
1 vote for (U/N): Sexy Bird
‘That’s good no one believe Keigo. If they did me and Dabi would be- Dabi and I would be dead.’ Next turn you went left, heading down to MedBay to “finish” the samples. While you waited you checked to see if you could sabotage. A couple seconds later the oxygen depletion was activated. ‘Nice Dabi!’ You cracked a smile and left MedBay, running into a red character, Endeavor. Poor Endeavor. You successfully reached lower engine before killing the old player. You quickly passed Mirko and your face paled once you realized she would find the body and report it, seeing you leaving. You only continued in, receiving nothing from the others about a dead body. You weren’t gonna ask questions. Suddenly...
*DISCUSS/ MyDadSucks reported a body*
*Endeavor and QueenRab have died*
“Well, it wasn’t my old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I already voted.” -Zzzawa
“That fast? Who’d you vote for?” -(U/N)
“Hawks.” -Zzzawa
“WHAT?!?!” -Sexy Bird
“I agree! No wait! He’s telling the truth! No way! He’s totally an imposter!” -2wice
“You are being very loud and suspicious. You’re also only blaming (Y/N) and Dabi for no reason. You didn’t even ask where the body was. You passed me coming up from reactor. And the body was in lower engine. You were the only one I sa-“ -MyDadSucks
“I’m voting Kei’ too.” -(U/N)
“Me too.” -Dabeebee
“I will not eject my mentor. He’s taught me a lot. He’s intelligent. I believe him.” -DarkBoy
“What smarts? You’re a total birdbrain.” -(U/N)
5 votes for Sexy Bird: MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, 2wice, and (U/N).
2 votes for (U/N): DarkBoy and Sexy Bird
(Dead Chat)
“I was the first one to die. It’s been boring. I haven’t been doing anything.” -Crustball
“They’re already going to win.” -Endeavor
“SHUT UP!!!” -QueenRab
“I KNEW IT!!!!” -Sexy Bird
You covered your mouth in shock that you actually got everyone to vote out Hawks. Aizawa was annoyed, Shoto was getting suspicious of how loud and pushy he was being to vote you out without any evidence, Dabi was your teammate so of course he’d vote with you, and then Twice just went with everyone else. You ran down first, running to admin with Tokoyami following right behind you. All the sudden your lover burst into the guest bedroom and stomped over towards your bed, spreading his wings and plopping beside you. “I knew it was you and Dabi. But nobody fuckin’ believed me.” You rolled your eyes and pretended to do the key scan while you sabotaged reactor. “Keigo, you were acting wayyyyy too sus. This is why you always lose when we play with friends. You’re too loud. You gotta be calm and persuasive. How on earth did you become an undercover agent for the FBI.”
“Shut the fuck up. I just wanna win that’s all. I also wanna be right, and I was, and now everyone’s comin’ and tellin’ me I’m right.” He smirked smugly and wrapped one of his wings around you, pulling you close to his chest while he watched you play. You went with Tokoyami and when you finally got him alone in navigation you killed him. Your thumb jerked upwards to go to the vent, but as soon as you did a Dark Green astronaut cane into view. Seeing you vent and leave the dead body. “Fuck!” You cursed and banged your head lightly in your head as the screen lit up. Your lover laughed. “Hey~ there���s still a chance we could win.” You sent him a glare. “Dabi will let us win. He’s a pro! C’mon Dabi! Help me out bro!”
*DISCUSS/ Zzzawa reported a body*
*DarkBoy has died*
“(Y/N) vented.” -Zzzawa
“What? Aizawa I literally just fucking saw you leave the body—SHES LYING!!!!” -(U/N)
“Is that Hawks?” -MyDadSucks
“Can you guys fuck some other time? Are you sure you saw (Y/N) vent Mr. Caterpillar man. Do you have your contracts in?” -Dabeebee
“I don’t need input from a unemployed burnt looking drug dealer. It was (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“A bit harsh coming from a raggedy looking old man.” -Dabeebee
“Can I just point out Twice has been awfully quiet? He bein’ pretty sus right now.” -(U/N)
“I’m the imposter! No I’m not! I’m a crewmate believe me!” -2wice
“He’s too stupid to be an imposter. I’ve been with him he was in MedBay.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah I was! But Hawks is already dead and ratted (Y/N) out! So it’s gotta he her!” -2wice
“Voting ends soon. I’m voting (Y/N). My apologies.” -MyDadSucks
“Agreed.” -Zzzawa
“Awe Shoto it’s okay, I love you so much. This is why you aren’t dead yet because you’re a pure angel! -I’m sittin’ right here pretty bird- no you aren’t an angel, you’re a devilish asshole.” -(U/N)
“I love you too, (Y/N).” -MyDadSucks
“Sorry doll, votes are stacked against you. Good game though.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah, fuck you Dabi.” -(U/N)
“Anytime baby, I’m open.” -Dabeebee
4 votes for (U/N): MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, and 2wice
1 vote for Zzzawa: (U/N)
(Dead chat)
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the imposter who killed me.” -Crustball
“(Y/N) I TRUSTED YOU!!!!” -QueenRab
“Guys it’s just a game, don’t take it so-“ -(U/N)
“Mirko please calm down. You’re being loud and obnoxious.” -Endeavor
“(Y/N) is right, even though she killed me. I applaud her devotion to the role. She outsmarted us well.” -DarkBoy
You muted yourself and stopped listening to the chat of everyone arguing, mainly Mirko to everyone about doing tasks. You wondered around and looked for Dabi, following him around and assisting in Sabotage. Warm hands roamed over your waist, and a soft kiss was placed on your temple, soft red feathers brushing over your shoulders and lightly dusting over your leg. “Someone’s getting cuddly.” You announced quizzically, watching Dabi lure Twice into comms before killing him and running out. Your lovers scruffy chin rested against your shoulder, his head leaning against yours as he watched your screen. “Even though I’m still annoyed that you killed me, I’m proud of you baby bird. It’s difficult for people to out talk me. Especially you.”
“Was that an insult or a compliment?” You asked not really sure how to feel about his comment. He laughed lowly, the rumbled of his chest vibrating your back. “Hmm... let’s say both. Win win, yeah?” He began to kiss up your neck, the soft smacking of his wet lips against your skin echoing in your ears and making you shiver. “Keigo... what are you doing?” He hummed in dismissal of your words, rubbing your sides gently before slipping down to your hip. “What? I can’t love on you? I show my pretty bird some affection~?” Your lips set into a firm line and you gave him a look. “...you’re still sleeping on the couch.” He pouted. “So... no sex?”
*DISCUSS/Zzzawa reported a body*
*2wice has died*
“It was in communications.” -Zzzawa
“Dabi was with me the whole time. I met up with him after he finished a task in weapons. We fixed oxygen and met back up in the cafeteria and moved to reactor.” -MyDadSucks
“You’re the only one down there, and imposters can self report. You put yourself in a bit of a bind there. Mr. Caterpillar man. Guess the teacher ain’t that smart.” -Dabeebee
“I agree. My apologies Mr. Aizawa. No offense or hard feelings.” -MyDadSucks
“None taken Shoto. The evidence is stacked against me. Good game Dabi.” -Zzzawa
“Nice knowin’ ya both.” -Dabeebee
“Wait what-“ -MyDadSucks
Victory flashed in your screen and you fist pumped the air cheering in victory. Hawks frowned beside you, pulling his hands away and tucking his wings between you, cocooning himself away from you to sulk that he had lost in a game he was supposed to be really good at. “Baby come here.” You called out to him, gently stroking his wings. He grunted and moved a wing down to glare. “...we can have sex later?” He moved his wings to wrap around you again and his arms were around you tightly, hot breath fanning slightly over your ear. “Thank you love bird~ and congrats on winnin’ the game. But...” You swallowed thickly. “B-But what...?”
“I’ll be winnin’ in the bedroom.”
“Did you forget we weren’t on mute anymore? Horny idiots.” -Zzzawa
“Hawks!” -Endeavor
“I think I should get reward for winning, doll. Wanna come to my place? Forget about that birdbrained idiot. Cum for me~” -Dabeebee
“DABI THE FUCK?! Stop being sexual. It’s disgusting.” -Crustball
“I don’t understand why you’re all like this. Was there a class I missed about being weird?” -MyDadSucks
“No. They’re just weird.” -DarkBoy
“Wait we lost.” -2wice 
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tsukikento · 4 years
Empathetic Chapter 15
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: I wrote this weeks ago and then it took me way too long to actually post it 😭 Anyways, please let me know what you guys think! I love hearing your thoughts and feelings on the story!
(series masterlist)
Bright and early in the morning, there you were, chatting away with Kirishima as Kaminari and Ashido surrounded your seats. Kirishima was currently recounting the dream he had last night until you all heard the door slide open.
You all looked up to see a black tuft of hair followed by your homeroom teacher.
“Please everyone, sit down,” A tired and groggy Aizawa spoke as he entered the classroom.
Everyone immediately moved to their seats and waited attentively for his next instruction.
“As I am sure a few of you know, especially since some of you have already asked,” Aizawa began, “The sports festival is in about a month.”
Murmurs and whispers erupted in the class as students turned to excitedly talk to each other. You, despite knowing what the sports festival was, remained looking straight.
“It will be in three weeks from this Saturday, giving you ample time to prepare. Most of you already have internships,” Aizawa looked towards you for a moment, “So this will be an opportunity to get your name out there. Prove to your internships that you can do more than they expect and prove to citizens that you are a future hero to look out for.” He paused for a moment to file through some papers. “Who knows, maybe some of you will get a better internship than you already have.”
“I am so excited!” Mina exclaimed in the cafeteria.
Kirishima, who was smiling kindly at his girlfriend nodded his head along.
“Why are you so excited?” Sero asked. “You are already interning with one of the best heroes.”
In response, Mina stuck her tongue out at the boy causing all of you to laugh. “I’m excited to kick your ass once again!” She retorted.
“We didn’t even fight last time,” Sero sighed in response before rubbing his eyes in fake irritation.
“Come to think of it,” You mumbled, grabbing everyone’s attention, “You all made it to the final round last time, right?”
“Of course we did,” Bakugou cockily replied. “And I am planning on winning it again.”
“We’ll see about that Bakugou!” Kirishima enthusiastically replied. “I’ve gotten much better and I can’t wait to fight you!”
“Why don’t you guys spar off now?” You asked Kirishima. “Or after class,” You then suggested, realizing that it wouldn’t be ideal to fight at school.
Kaminari scoffed loudly, making all of you turn your heads to him. “Bakugou never spars with us unless it is in class! He always does training by himself or in the field.”
“Shut up, idiot!” The ashy blond shot bad quickly, a cruel glare that would strike fear in anyone stared at Kaminari and caused him to flinch and hide behind Sero. “Tch,” Bakugou finally looked away, crossing his arms and pouting slightly.
You looked to Bakugou and noticed how clearly he was avoiding eye contact with you. You looked away from him, dropping the topic for now because you could see how uncomfortable he was. You turned back to the group, hoping someone would fill the silence.
“Who knows if we will even fight again?” Sero brought up. “The rounds were random last time, weren’t they?”
“The first two were,” Ashido corrected, “But the last one is always a one versus one tournament.”
Everyone nodded understandably and continued to talk about the sports festival while munching away at their lunches.
When you arrived home, you couldn’t think of anything to fill your time before you had to meet up with Bakugou to make dinner. You only had about an hour too. Sighing, you opened your phone and opted to simply scroll through your phone until it was 3:55.
By the time you were downstairs, Bakugou was grabbing ingredients out of the fridge. Surprisingly, the whole downstairs was empty. Is Bakugou’s wrath so bad that no one hangs out down here while he cooks? You wondered as you approached the temperamental hero-in-training.
“Here and ready to serve, chef,” You jokingly said once Bakugou noticed you. You saluted and stood up as straight as you could.
In response, Bakugou chuckled. It was a genuine laugh that you rarely heard, but it was the equivalent to honey in your opinion. Rich, deep flavor, and something you craved to taste. Or in Bakugou’s case, craved to hear.
“Don’t fool around in the kitchen,” Bakugou finally said. His voice was soft, something you didn’t get to hear often, but you were grateful for. You wondered if anyone else got to hear Bakugou speak this way or if you were special.
The blond quickly began walking you through your instructions. He told you to wash your hands, then had you start with soaking the kombu that would go into the miso soup and cooking the large portion of rice people would share.
Luckily, everything ran smoothly. Bakugou, surprisingly, was a great instructor. He was able to lay everything out in front of you with simple, vocal commands.
“You’re really good at leading,” You commented at one point. It was before Sero joined in on cooking and right after Bakugou instructed you to sauté some onions, garlic, and ginger.
You looked at Bakugou, who was stirring the large pot of soup. It was clear a small red blush had found its way onto his cheeks. On top of that, his stirring slowed down, showing that your comment threw him off. “O-of course I am,” Bakugou replied, stuttering slightly but still speaking louder than a normal person would.
You simply smiled in response and noted how he reacted to compliments from you. For someone who seemed so confident almost to the point of being conceited, he took a compliment from you differently than he did from others. You felt your heartbeat quicken at the idea but pushed it away.
If something happens, it will be natural, you told yourself. Or at least better timed.
Right now, with the sports festival rearing its head, you were in no position to enter a relationship. Above all, being a hero and finishing school was most important to you. You had a long way to go as well, especially considering everyone else was already interning.
At dinner, you sat with your regular group of friends. It made you nervous to call them that, but you couldn’t think of another term that would suit them any better.
Your seating arrangement was similar to how you ate at lunch with Bakugou at the head of the table, Kirishima and Ashido next to each other, and the rest of you seated somewhere in between. You were, once again, positioned next to Bakugou, something you had grown used to. To your left was Ashido and across from you was Sero.
Everyone talked cheerily and complimented you three on your hard work tonight. You bashfully replied with “thank you” while Bakugou yelled about how it had to be good if he made it.
“I was thinking recently,” Kirishima began after a brief pause in the conversation. He leaned over to look at you. Ashido kindly leaned back to make it easier. “Y/N-san, you don’t have your hero provisional license yet, do you?”
You stared at Kirishima, not quite sure what that was. However, you were able to guess. “Is that what allows me to use my quirk as a student?” You asked.
“Basically” Kirishima replied.
“Then no,” You quickly responded. “I had one in America, but it doesn’t work here.”
Kirishima hummed in understanding. “You should talk to Aizawa about that since you need it for an internship.”
You nodded in understanding and looked down at your food. “Thanks for the heads up,” You replied, debating when to do so.
“Of course,” Kirishima simply replied for taking a bite of rice.
“I’m sure you’ll ace it,” Ashido added, nudging you slightly. “You kick ass in class and we all passed it on the first try.”
“Not all of us!” Kaminari replied in a mocking tone.
The group looked to Bakugou and you followed right after. He had a look of fury in his eyes directed at Kaminari.
Sero immediately got out of his seat while laughing. “I need to stop sitting in between you two if you plan to be a little shit, Kaminari. Bakugou will take my head off just to get to you.”
Kaminari, who now feared for his life, jumped out of his seat and ran to the restrooms.
“Ugh,” Bakugou groaned while leaning back into his chair, “It isn’t worth it.”
Kirishima chuckled at his friends' comments.  
Sero added, “I’m sure just seeing you that angry made him shit his pants.”
Everyone laughed at that.
Once everyone’s laughter died down, your group was left in silence. You could hear others chatting while that ate, but you personally felt a tugging at your brain.
“How did you fail?” You finally asked, your voice just a bit more than a whisper and overly timid.
Bakugou groaned again and sat back in his chair. He ran his hand over his face and through his hair. “Because of the stupid examiners,” He mumbled. “They wouldn’t listen to me and my anger got to me.”
“So, do you have your license now?” You asked.
“Yeah,” The blond sighed, “I got it through some extra classes we could take afterward.”
You nodded, the conversation dying down slightly. You had a lot to think about when I came to your future at this school, especially because of how much farther everyone else was at this point. Another thing on your mind was how long you would be staying here. Technically, your mom was only scheduled to stay here for about ten weeks as a teacher.
I’ll need to have a conversation with her about the school here, you thought as everyone began clearing off the table. You quickly finished off your food and joined everyone in moving the dishes into the kitchen.
You, Sero, and Bakugou stayed behind to clean up the dishes. However, Kaminari perched himself on a counter and held a conversation with Sero so you and Bakugou were not talking much.
Your night ended quite early because you washed up after dinner and simply worked on your schoolwork till late enough in the night.
The next day, you left for class early, hoping to catch Aizawa in his office. It would definitely be easier to reach him after class, but you wanted his opinion earlier than later.
Luckily, the teacher was in his small office, wrapped up in his yellow sleeping bag, and snoozing off.
“Excuse me,” You spoke after knocking on his door. “Aizawa-sensei?”
He shifted slightly and his eyes opened just a little bit. “Hmm?” He hummed.
“I wanted to come to talk to you about, well,” You stumbled slightly over your words. “I know I might get an internship through the sports festival, but I also don’t have my hero provisional license…”
Aizawa unzipped himself from his sleeping back and sat up. His tired eyes looked at you and debated what to do. “Yes,” He sighed, “And you might not be here for the rest of your education.”
You nodded thoughtfully, debating what to do.
Before you could speak up, Aizawa began speaking once again. “If you are curious, the next hero provisional license exam is in June, a little after the sports festival. If you are wanting to intern, you will need to pass the exam before you can go out onto the field. You can, however, still practice off the field.” He paused for a moment. “If you decide not to, in case you think you will be going back to America, you can intern under me.”
You stared at Aizawa, not quite sure what to say. Aizawa was a blunt and understanding teacher, something you were admiring at this moment. This admiration doubled after such an offer.
He once again continued before you could say anything, “You should get practice with heroes besides your family so I encourage you to do something. I am also teaching another student here and I think you could both work well together.”
You looked down and nodded. “Thank you,” You mumbled.
“Don’t worry about it,” Aizawa spoke. “I am a teacher, it is what I am supposed to do.” Aizawa grabbed a small piece of paper and scribbled something down onto it before handing it to you. “This is where and when I meet with my student. Stop by to see if it is something you would like to do.”
You looked down at the paper and saw that Aizawa met with his student every Tuesday and Friday. Today, he would be meeting with his student an hour after school ends at the weight lifting gym.
“Thank you,” You said again, feeling better about your stance within the school. “I appreciate it.”
Aizawa motioned for you to walk with him towards your class. “My pleasure. You should know though that I am working on basics with this student. He wasn’t trained since childhood like you and wasn’t placed in a hero course.”
You nodded. “I’m sure I will learn from it,” You replied, “You are much different than my family.”
Once in the classroom, you moved towards your seat while Aizawa went to the front.
Kirishima sent you a bright smile knowingly and you gave him a thumbs up to let him know it went well. You sat down in your seat, looking forward to the training session with Aizawa-sensei.
At lunchtime, you went to find your mom. You had texted her once the lunch started and asked to meet with her for lunch. She quickly replied to your text, telling you she could share food with you and eat at one of the picnic tables outside the west entrance.
She showed up with two plates of food, telling you that her lunch was catered to today so she took enough for each of us.
“It’s good to see you!” She exclaimed, smiling brightly as she grabbed her chopsticks and began eating.
“It’s good to see you too,” You replied. Although she was always so close to you, this is the longest you had gone without seeing her.
Ever since you were born, she never took a mission that would have her leaving home for more than a day. Being with family and training you and your siblings became much more essential than keeping her status. However, she was able to keep the status and be with her family.
You smiled, a bittersweet feeling rushing through you. Despite missing her, you also appreciated the time you have without her now. You thought back to Aizawa’s comment about how you should learn outside of your family’s teachings.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Your mom asked.
You were brought out of your thoughts and looked to your mother. “I wanted to talk to you about how long we will be here.”
Your mom nodded in understanding and finished chewing her food. She took a sip from her drink before clearing her throat. “Well,” She began, “As you know, I was brought here for ten weeks. When I get six weeks in, the faculty intends to interview my students and see if I should stay longer.”
You nodded as she paused to debate her next words.
“If you want to stay here, even if I go back to America, you are welcome to,” She finally said, surprising you.
“Really?” You interjected.
Your mom, although understanding, was coddling.
She taught your siblings even while they attended the Western Institution for Training Heroes, often called WITH. In fact, they were prodigies due to her extra teachings. To this day, your family visits your mother at least once a month and you know they have plans to see her soon.
You were coddled more than any of your other siblings. It was clear from an early age that you were different from them. Once your quirk came in, your life flipped. You reflected on how you were treated without thinking too much about it. However, once your father was out of the picture by the time you were six, your mother still refused to put you into school.
She hired multiple teachers to give you a good, general education as well as train you in heroics from day one. It was a difficult process considering how little she understood of your quirk.
When you were thirteen, you finally begged your mother and got your four siblings on your side to let you go to an actual school. However, when you arrived at WITH, you were shunned by multiple students despite your good grades and skill.
This only made your mom coddle your more. In fact, she only took this job because she wanted to get you away from America. She wanted to protect you from a world that knew your past and practically hated you for it.
“Of course,” She replied.
You looked at her in confusion, trying to understand why she would suddenly be treating you so differently. “But why?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“Because you like it here,” She responded simply. She took a sip of water before continuing.
Always one for dramatics, you thought.
“It’s been clear from day one that you are having fun here. You would have told me if you weren’t. On top of that, I know your curricular at this school and think it suits you well.”
“But how do you know for sure that I like it here?” You further questioned.
“I had my suspicions at first, but you bringing friends to the house was a dead giveaway,” She explained, reminding you of something you had completely forgotten about. “However, what really sold me was when you saw me while I was teaching the class. You very easily could have messaged me to ask a question like that, but you came to see me instead.”
You looked at your mom with a bewildered face, wondering what she was exactly getting at.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that!” She exclaimed while laughing. She was always into dramatics and proceeded to take a small bite of her food after her laughter died down.
You sighed, rolled your eyes, and waited for her to explain.
“Is it really not obvious?” She questioned. You shook your head and motioned for her to elaborate. “You came to see me when you didn’t need to and then proceeded to stare at the blond kid almost the entire time,” She insisted before once again laughing loudly because of your reaction.
“I did not!” You denied. You could tell your face was heating up and you tried to hide your embarrassment by shoving food into your mouth and pouting while you chewed.
“Yes, you did,” She spat back. “Did you really think that I, your mom, wouldn’t notice?”
“Whatever,” You grumbled under your breath and turned away.
Your mom scoffed at your childish antics, knowing full well that you didn’t mean any harm. After having four other children, she was used to these behaviors and didn’t feel the need to snap back.
“Anyways,” Your mom spoke once more, interrupting the moment of silence. “As I was saying before, you are welcome to do whatever you want. If you wanted to go back to America right now, I would let you. Or come back when I go back. Or stay,” She shrugged, “Literally whatever.”
You looked down at your food as your mom finished up your statement. You weren’t quite sure how to respond. “Thank you,” You mumbled.
“I do, however, want to warn you that you should at least graduate from school before thinking about relationships. I want you to have friends and excel in training. If I think that someone is going to get in the way of that, then you shouldn’t get too close to them.”
Of course.
She took the talk a step too far, making you feel like a fool.
You gulped down your nerves and didn’t bother to reply, worried it would worsen the conversation. At least I can stay here rather than go back to that god-awful school, you thought while stuffing your face to distract yourself.
You two sat in silence for a little while before your mom began asking you questions about your training, which you replied to thoroughly, knowing she would only egg you on until she got the answers she wanted.
“A new hero costume?” She questioned after you mentioned Iwasaki Kou. Her eyes were wide with worry.
Sheepishly, you replied with, “Yes, but I promise it still fits well with the family… it just also goes well with what I need as a hero.”
Your mom grumbled for some time before making you promise to show her your costume later that day by sending her a photo.
After that, you refused to tell her about your training will Bakugou, the very blond she was worried about. “I’ve been training with some classmates which is nice,” You simply explained which led her to start talking about various techniques.
After school, you forced yourself to go home, eat a snack, hydrate, and change into some training gear. Despite how nervous you were, especially because you would be imposing on another student, you forced yourself to go.
Aizawa-sensei wants me to go anyways, you told yourself, he wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t.
When you arrived at the weightlifting gym, it was empty except for the student currently running on the treadmill.
You looked at him for a moment, taking in his appearance, despite only seeing his backside. He was in casual workout gear as well. His arms were exposed, albeit much smaller than the hero students in your class. His hair was purple and was rather wavy despite also standing up straight rather than falling toward his shoulders. However, what was most notable was the scarf wrapped around his neck. It looked identical to Aizawa’s and you already felt hot just thinking about running in such a heavy and thick material.
“Excuse me?” You eventually asked, coming up close to the purple-haired boy.
Awkwardly, he turned his body to look at you and proceeded to trip horribly. His back was headed to hit the moving treadmill belt, but at the last second, he used the scarf to hold him up to one of the hanging lights and prevent him from falling.
“God-fucking-dammit,” He mumbled as he slowly placed his feet on the ground and turned off the machine. He rubbed his arm, which has hit one of the handles and looked at you in anger.
His eyes, which were also purple, had dark bags underneath them and he didn’t seem to open them all the way. He looked so much like a purple version of Aizawa that you almost thought he was related to him.
“Can I help you?” The boy finally asked, staring at you with malice.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” You stumbled over your words in shock. “Aizawa-sensei told me to come here.” He looked at you for a moment without responding so you continued, “I am in Class 1-A, but I am kind of new. My name is Y/L/N Y/N and I don’t have an internship so he told me to come today. Are you his student?”
“Yes,” He grumbled without giving you his name.
“Ah, well, Aizawa-sensei told me he thought we could work well together.” You forced a smile to be as polite as you could to the obviously upset boy.
He looked at you, debating your words and wondering if they were true. “Whatever.” He turned away from you to face the treadmill again. “Aizawa-sensei has me run a few miles before he gets here. You can join or do whatever I guess.”
You nodded and waited for him to get started back on the treadmill before you stretched a bit and joined him. You moved to the one next to him despite fearing he might snap at you again.
By the time Aizawa entered the gym, you had run a mile and saw that the purple-haired guy had run four in total. Wow, he has really good stamina, you thought while following his lead and stopping the treadmill.
“I’m happy you joined us, Y/L/N-san,” Aizawa greeted as you both moved to face him. “Normally, I would have you two spar each other so you can get introduced to the others’ quirk, but that would be rather anti-climactic,” Aizawa paused to chuckled at his own joke.
Neither of you understood why.
“Anyways,” He clears his thought to speak again. “Instead I want you two to focus on sparring without quirks. Y/L/N-san, the style of fighting I have been teaching Shinsou-san is very different than what your mother does.”
Oh, so that is his name! you thought.
“I suggest you pay attention to his movements,” Aizawa continued. “And no quirks.”
You looked to Shinsou only to see he was already looking at you.
“What’s your quirk?” He asked you.
“What’s yours?” You shot back curiously.
Shinsou rolled his eyes in response and simply moved to the small fighting mat in the gym. You followed him and listened as Aizawa explained that he just wanted us to show each other our styles and not to hurt the other too much.
You two faced each other within the small circle and waited for Aizawa’s call. When the fight began, Shinsou was quick to move, adjusting himself defensively to make it harder for you to reach and attack him.
The fighting style you were trained in growing up was very offensively faced. Be stronger than the person you are up against and you will have no problems. However, your quirk required you to stay defensive. As a result, you tended to watch your opponent and wait for them to go for you first.
Tentatively, you circled the perimeter and watched as Shinsou mimicked your movements. Knowing Aizawa, you were sure his student would love to hide in the shadows like he preferred. However, because he was out in the open like this, he had to simply stay defensive until an opening arose.
However, you were worried about far-range attacks.
“Can we use support items?” You asked.
“Yes,” Aizawa replied simply.
“What? Worried about the scarf?” Shinsou shot back, his confidence rising.
“No,” You lied before stomping your boots to release the multiple spikes and dagger on each toe.
Shinsou looked at your shoes in shock, allowing you to move quickly and attack. You swung each foot, one after the other in an intricate fashion to keep him distracted.
Shinsou moved quickly and worked to dodge your attacks. However, his fear of your feet made him practically defenseless against your fists. You swung your fist at him and hit him square on the cheek. It wasn’t nearly forceful enough to hurt too bad but did knock him back a few steps.
Shinsou recovered quickly and went in for his own attack. He swooped to the right to distract you while moving his scarf in the opposite direction. Either he would hit you, or his scarves would trap you.
Quickly, you moved to block his fist and punched him in the gut to keep him occupied. He must control the scarf with his mind, so I need to distract him. The scarf kept moving though, approaching you much quicker than you anticipated.
You maneuvered rather awkwardly, trying to get a hold of the scarf. Specifically, you wanted to trap the end of the scarf under your shoe, but not rip I with the spikes and daggers. However, because the scarf moved much differently than a human would, you ended up trapped in the cloth. It wrapped around your right leg quickly and caused you to trip.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed as your nose hit the mat. Despite the pain you were currently feeling, you forced yourself to turn onto your back. Shinsou was still rather far from you and you were sure he was trying to wrap you up all the way with his scarf.
You looked down at the gray fabric as you climbed up your body. You didn’t have much time to think and looked at Shinsou. You grabbed a dagger you kept attached to the bottom of your calf and explained, “I’ll rip this scarf apart.”
You could hear Aizawa sigh from across the room, “No more support items. Those scarves are hard to replace.”
Smirking, you watched as the scarf went limp and Shinsou began wrapping it up. You put your dagger back onto your shoe and retracted the dagger and spikes. Once ready, you stood back up onto your feet and waited for Shinsou.
He was smart, but not very agile and clearly afraid to attack first. However, you still had much to observe before you felt comfortable against him. For one, he seemed to do a lot more weightlifting than you. If you got too close without a surprising strategy, he may be able to do more damage simply because he can hit you harder.
You moved quickly in hopes of surprising him. Once he seemed up and ready, you pushed forward, getting low and attempting to tackle him. You pushed Shinsou off his balance and he fell hard. However, thinking quickly, the purple-haired hero in training grabbed onto your arm and flipped his position with you. He pulled you faster and made you hit the ground first, his body then using yours as a cushion.
You groaned twice, once when your body hit the floor and again when Shinsou’s body hit yours. You pushed him off quickly and rolled to your side. “I need water,” You mumbled before slowly getting up and moving to your bag by the door.
It had been a long time since you sparred with no quirk use, and you were clearly rusty on your skills.
Shinsou simply followed you and grabbed his own water. A pattern soon formed where Aizawa would come to give you both instructions for an activity as well as pointers based on what he has seen from you too. Eventually, you would pause to drink some water or take a break.
Eventually, Aizawa dismissed you both a little before 8:00 PM.
“I hope to see you again on Thursday,” He told you before leaving the room and leaving you both alone.
“Are you heading out?” You asked Shinsou, turning to the boy.
“I’m gonna do some warm down stretches,” He mumbled before getting started.
Decidedly, you followed along with the stretches as you felt your heart rate calm down for the night. When you both finished, you each grabbed your respective items and began walking.
“Where is your dorm room?” You asked him as you exited into the cool nighttime air.
“It isn’t too far from yours,” He explained, “Just a few buildings down.”
You nodded. Although you were off to quite a rocky start with the boy, you seemed to be getting along much better with him. Hopefully, it could continue to get better. Especially if you planned to go to every session. “So, what is your quirk?” You inevitably asked him.
“Do you want me to show you or tell you?” He asked.
“I could say the same thing,” You cheekily replied. You smiled at Shinsou to show him you were joking.
“Go ahead then, show me first,” Shinsou answered.
Silently, you took out the earbuds and were quickly flushed with multiple thoughts of those around you. You focused quickly on Shinsou because of how close he was to you.
Has she had those in the whole time? What do they have to do with her quirk?
“They stop thoughts from going into my brain so I can focus more,” You replied, “And yes, I did have them in the whole time.”
Shinsou’s eyes widened in surprise.
You smirked and moved to grab his arm. “I can also feel your feelings,” You explained as you allowed his surprise to rush through you. “Or I can change your emotions.” You laughed and caused Shinsou to also start laughing.
After a moment, you let go of his arm and put your earbuds back in.
“Cool,” Shinsou said once he was no longer laughing over nothing. “I can see why Aizawa-sensei thought we would work well together.”
You were planning on asking Shinsou to show you his quirk, but you only got one word out before your body and mind when stiff. You couldn’t move.
“Touch your head with your right hand,” Shinsou lackadaisically spoke.
You felt your arm move up and the texture of your hair against your right hand. However, you never intended to do that.
He can control people? You thought. Suddenly, you felt a release on your body. You caught yourself before your knees could give out and breathed heavily. “Holy shit,” You sighed, looking up at Shinsou. “We would be one hell of a duo,” You mumbled.
Shinsou chuckled at your response and handed you his water. When you looked up at him with a questioning face, he simply replied, “I know you ran out of water and people tend to get thirsty when I use my quirk on them.”
You graciously took his water and drank a few gulps before giving it back. “Your quirk is really cool and powerful,” You explained as you both began walking again.
A conversation flowed easily between you both, each of your talking about your own and each other’s quirks. It seemed Shinsou had become more comfortable with you after realizing your quirk. Although not exactly the same, your quirk was fairly similar to his.
Eventually, you wished each other a good night as Shinsou separated from you to walk to his own dorm. You found yourself smiling widely at the prospect of a new friend. It seems like you now had plans for every Tuesday and Thursday now.
You made a beeline for the kitchen once you got home where Midoriya, Aoyama, and Koda were currently washing dishes from dinner.
“Hello, Y/L/N-san!” Midoriya greeted you.
You smiled back at the three boys as they all greeted you.
“Do you need dinner?” Midoriya asked.
“Ah, yes,” You replied, “I was out training. Sorry I missed dinner.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Aoyama replied while grabbing out multiple Tupperware containers from the fridge.
Inside was a classic American dish that made your stomach grumble. You made quick work of moving around the three boys in order to heat up some food and full up your water. You thanked them for their hard work, put away the leftovers, and made your way upstairs.
Despite feeling sweaty and gross, you were way too hungry to shower first. The rest of your night was rather mundane. After eating, you went downstairs to clean your plate before heading into the shower and getting ready for bed. You spent the next hour or so working on your homework assignments until you were tired enough to finally go to bed.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Good day it’s a new au time cuz BRAIN ROT BRRRRR
Anyhow it’s a “MCU” but not kinda au
big thanks to @doodleimprovement for dealing with my word vomit over this au lol iamsosorry
Ru is a tech company CEO giant with his daughter Harriet (his business partner is his former wife who wants nothing to do with their kid) and adopted the recently orphaned Kaya Solaria after she helped stop a mugger in the alley way (well. Spider King did but her mask got hit off by a bullet and Ru saw it was just a kid and stepped in)
Working on running a company, raising his 6 year old as well as a super powered 15 year old (Kaya actually has Spiderman’s powers, King came after the fact and is tied to how she lost her dad) he ends up getting injured on a business trip after he was taken captive. Upon return he decides to try and ‘be a hero’ as a means to get his eldest to stop sneaking out (she has guilt over her dad dying so tries to be a hero to make up for it despite Ru asking her to wait until she’s 18 at least)  he figures if he can get the world (or at least their city) safer, she can rest at ease (cuz he’s a good dad and just wants her to... be a kid. not try to be more than a kid) he uses the Alias “Thorned Snatcher” (as his last name is Thatcher)
Vanessa however wants his new tech as she thinks its the key to a new weapons future and nearly kills Ru when she rips the reactor from his chest. Thankfully he had his old model still and his secretary (Eclipse) and daughters get home in time to help him. he knows if he doesn’t stop Vanessa things will be even worse for his family.
During their fight, he’s knocked down and nearly stops there to tired, but hears his daughters crying for him, specifically for the first time since he adopted her Kaya calls him “Dad”. He knows he needs to keep to his goal and if Vanessa is left free he failed a father.
He manages to get up with the Help of Eclipse who joined the fight, having stalled Vanessa hand to hand despite Vanessa’s weapon suit (sus eclipse is sus) and he’s able to fight again and put an end to her.
he gives Kaya a stipulation when they are waiting on the cops, he’ll let her fight crime, but only when he’s with her.
and thats the first part of this au eve (second bit deals with miss secretary past. A woman who is able to give Kaya a sore hand with a high five despite kaya can stop some extensive things (likepeterstoppingbucky’sfist) and went toy to toy with Vanessa with just a hub cap. Hrm. Cap. Cap. Captain...?)
I actually wrote up when Ru met Kaya. It’s a lil fast pace but I did it on purpose.
“If ya just hand ova ya wallet and yer valuables, you and yers can get out of here with a scar on your little faces.”
Arulius sighed as he heard the mugger and moved an arm to push his 6 year old behind his back. He gently gestured to his watch with a finger, to which she tapped a button on to call their bodyguard, Florence. 
“I’m afraid I really don’t have time for this. Harriet has a dance recit--” Arulius clicked his tongue when the gun was pressed up into his neck.
“I’m bein generous, man.” he pressed it further, pulling the hammer back.
“That’s not very polite! Did your dad never tell you not to stick your shooter in people’s faces?” Came a laughing voice. The mugger gasped when black webbing stuck to his back and pulled him to the ground. 
Standing perpendicular to the wall was the dark-suited figure, glowing white eyes and jagged smile laughing.
“D-Dad! Dad, it’s Spider King!” Harriet giggled as she hung onto her dad’s leg. He scowled and went to step back.
“YA FREAK!” The mugger tried to fight against the restraints, the primed gun going off in the hero’s direction.
There was a hiss as the masked figure fell off the wall with a solid thud. Arulius scooped Harriet up, only stopping when he saw the vigilante's face, the bullet having knocked her mask off.
“A… A kid?” he grimaced. Why was a CHILD attacking a mugger? Before he could open his mouth to speak there was a hissing.
“N-No King don’t! I’m fine! I’m fine!” the teenager gasped as the black claws she had tore off in slimy chunks, lunging at the mugger. She winced with the crunch as his hands were removed and she paled some, shaking.
Arulius shielded his daughter’s eyes.
“BOSS!” The red head came barreling down the alley, a bit too late when Spider King tried to grab her mask. 
“Stop.” Arulius ordered her. She looked up with frightened gold eyes. The tentacles retracting up her sleeves, “wait a moment.”
“Oh gross!” Florence shuddered as she moved to get the mugger up, the man an incoherent mess, “you do this?” she asked the teenager whose temple was bleeding.
She said nothing and gripped her arms as she tried to process. She blinked when tiny hands went to her cheeks.
“BIG SIS IS SO COOL!” Harriet giggled. Her father was talking on his phone.
“I-I’m.. No…” she looked away ashamed, “Y-You… I’m… I just… wanted to help…” she began to sniffle, “I-I didn’t mean for king to…”
“He hurt Sol. Bite back.” The snake-like creature peeked from the girl’s collar.
“I-I told you no biting h---” she placed her hands over her mouth and scurried to her feet, violently vomiting into a trash can. She panted some. Tensing when a hand rubbed her back gently.
“Yes. yes. He shot his own hands off in his confusion. Must be high.” Arulius was standing near her now as he spoke on the phone, “My guard was able to restrain him. Yes. yes I’m fine as is my daughter and the teen he was attacking. Mmhm.”
She flinched when he scowled and tilted her head up, “scratch that, looks like the teen got a bit hurt, but we’ll treat her. Yes. yes. I’ll leave my guard here.” hanging up he shifted his phone to his pocket before licking his thumb and wiping the blood away. She winced.
“O-Ow don’t! That stings!” she whined as tears pooled in her eyes.
King hissed and went to bite him but stopped when the girl sniffled. He nuzzled her cheek as Arulius let go. 
“Come on.” he pointed towards the black car that pulled around, “let’s go and then I’m calling your parents.”
She gripped her arms and stood firm, “T-Thanks for calling the police b-but you better f-forget you saw me, Mr. Thatcher.” she chuckled nervously, brushing black hair from her face.
“You know who I am?”
“O-Of course I do! Who wouldn’t?! Thatcher tech is my dream job!” she gasped, “I-I was a-at your summer program--” she covered her mouth.
He clicked his tongue, “the one for highschoolers?” he asked. She whined and moved to run but bumped into Florence who huffed.
“Give me your parent’s number.” Arulius sighed.
“I… I don’t…” she chewed her lip. She was quiet.
“Where do you live at least? I’ll drop you off.” he shook his head.
“PARK!” King chirped.
“Hush!” She fretted.
“The park? You live in the park?” Harriet asked as she stood near the teenager’s legs, “That’s not fun!”
“W-well i-I couldn’t stay at m-my apartment…” The teen frowned. She winced when she was pushed towards the car. Whining and trying to deflect she found herself sitting in the back. Harriet crawled in and grinned as Arulius sat in the passenger’s seat.
“No parents. No house. Now I get why a damn kid is running at muggers.” he rubbed his temples with a groan, “name?”
She was quiet.
“I’m not calling you ‘spider king’ name.” he asked a bit firmer.
“S-Solaria…” she mumbled, “K-Kaya Solaria…” she wiped the tears with the back of her gloves, “A-Are you going to turn me in?? I-I don’t mean any harm Mr. Thatcher! I-I promise! I-I normally do fine!!!”
“How old are you?” He opened the window and put a cigarette in his mouth and leaned out as he lit it up. “Under 18 if you were at the company summer program.”
“I… I turned 15 last month…” she admitted ashamed. 
“You’re a few years older than me!” Harriet beamed, “I’m 6!” she grinned.
“I’m more like a decade older…” Kaya chuckled nervously. She looked at the tech company CEO. he had pulled a laptop out and made another annoyed click with his tongue. She winced.
“Your father…. Gabriel Solaria?” he leaned back, “the journalist?”
She nodded.
“Damn shame. He was a decent guy. His stories were interesting.” he flicked through the news reports as Florence got in the driver’s seat.
“Done with the cops?” he asked, “stop by the courthouse.”
“Huh?” she started the engine, “courthouse.”
“P-Please! D-Don’t turn me in! I-I’ll b---”
“I need to grab some adoption papers.” he gave a smirk and looked back at the crying teen, “Since it seems Harriet's getting an older sister. But no more crime fighting.” he shifted to cross his arms and put his feet on the dash. “15… fucking 15. You know what I did at 15??”
“Built a rocket engine that was able to lift a treadmill?” she stated with a small smile.
He blinked and snickered, “okay, yes but I was also just. Going to sch--- do you go to school?”
“I-I’ve been attending school still.” she scratched her cheek, “Um… Subcon Public high…” she sank back in the seat. She jumped when Harriet sat on her and protectively put her arms around the younger girl. She shifted her seat belt around her as well when Florence pulled into traffic.
“Well you’ll have to transfer. Is that an issue?”
She shook her head, “U-Um mr. Thatcher… what… are you planning?” she asked softly.
“Adopting a lost child, and making sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” he snickered, “Any school you want to attend?”
“I… i you can’t! Y-You just met me!” she gasped in shock, “I-I’m a freak! I’m an accident! I-I have an alien!”
“Meeee” king stated proudly with a cackle.
“Yes but you know what I see? I see a scared kid who’s trying a little too hard.” he scoffed as she stared, “and we’re going to grab adoption papers, then I’m ordering pizza. Any allergies?”
“EAT EVERYTHING,” King laughed.
“Perfect then.” Arulius huffed, “and you can call me Arulius. Since I guess calling me dad off the bat would be weird.” he began to type on his laptop.
She sat there in confusion. She’d simply gone to help someone. And now her idol was adopting her. Her. a mutant spider freak with a parasitic alien.
She reached and pinched her cheek and whined.
Arulius caught this in the rear view and began to cackle loudly.
“Sorry kiddo. You’re awake.”
“B-But why are you just adopting me and not turning me into a lab or something?!” she asked fearfully.
“Dad’s nicer than he looks~!” Harriet giggled, “Can you shoot webs?”
“Mmhm.” Kaya shifted her gloves off and removed the cuff under her sleeve, “its um. An artificial webbing actually, unless King is the one shooting it. He has a gooey webbing.” 
Arulius peeked and reached a hand back. She frowned before handing the cuff to him.
He turned it over in his hands with an impressed whistle, “you construct this?”
She nodded, “I-I like engineering and I figured it’d be useful when king’s tired, i-it’s bio degradable too! But really strong!”
“That's how you swing around right?” Harriet asked with sparkling eyes, “What else can you do?!”
“Well I can walk on walls.” Kaya sighed, “I’m pretty strong too? I can lift a car if I focus. I can move fast?” she frowned, “I’ve never really… tho-- STOP THE CAR!” She gasped.
Florence slammed on the brakes as the truck at the intersection sped by.
“There’s um that. Normally I can semi tell something can happen.” Kaya frowned, “s-sorry for yelling.”
“No, by all means!” Florence laughed, “So. Spider King huh?”
“W-well it’s cuz I’m spider-esque and then King.” she pet the alien who chirped.
“What’s his deal?” Arulius asked but got silence, “alright another day then.” 
Florence parked the car as Arulius got out.
“Wait here,” he stated and Kaya just gave a nod. He threw her web shooter back and she caught it with wide eyes, “You’re grounded from crime fighting until you’re 18, but I won’t take your web shooters.”
“Ah… okay…?” she blinked as he shut the door and headed up. She leaned into the seat and just sat there. Very confused.
“Can I call you big sis? Or kai??” Harriet asked the older girl.
“Oh… um… I guess you can call me whatever….”
“Kaya’s a cute name.” Florence chuckled, “Crime fighting though. What a hobby.”
“I… I just wanted to help people…” she admitted softly, “I have these abilities so I thought I needed to…”
“Can you swing with me when we get home? We have a big tree in the yard!” Harriet giggled, “can you sign my daily bugle of you??”
“I’d rather not…” Kaya chuckled.
“Sleepy.” King huffed.
“Exhausted,” Kaya admitted as she shut her eyes. She barely registered she’d fallen asleep.
After a bit Arulius returned with the needed paperwork. He blinked and smiled as he looked in the back seat. The superhero passed out, his daughter sleeping against her.
Kaya’s arm rested around Harriet, and even King was putting his head on the girl.
“Well, not the oddest thing I’ve ever dealt with.” he spoke softly as Florence started the car once more. He flipped through the papers, “seems people had no idea she was on her own. Thought her uncle had her but turns out he lied and was just taking the financial support.” he grumbled, “there’s some messy hearings but I think I can just. Pay it off.” he looked back and gave a smile, “hey free babysitter.” he snickered.
He tapped his foot as he crossed his arms with a huff.
She looked away ashamed.
“What did I say?”
“No webbing in the house unless you’re watching.” she mumbled.
“And then why is the house covered in webs?” he asked with a twitch of his eyebrow.
“I-I was just playing with Hattie!” she defended. She huffed and he smirked. She seemed a bit more settled in if she was copping an attitude, “I-I’ll clean it up! I promise Mr. Thatcher!”
“Arulius. I told you, use my first name. You’re my kid now you know.” he sighed and headed inside.
She stepped aside and rubbed her neck, looking at the floor, “I-I can’t just… call you your name… that’s rude…”
“You’re my kid now, it’s weirder if you keep calling me “Mr. Thatcher” I’m not asking you to call me dad but.” he chuckled.
“THOT!” king sang loudly as the teen’s face turned red.
“I-I didn’t teach him that! I swear!”
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Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
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Gif credit @rainbow-motors
Dean Winchester x Reader 
Words: 1518
Summary: Alone on a hunt for the holidays, 19-year-old Dean calls up his childhood friend. 
Notes: I’ve been obsessed with Young Jensen content and I found this gif (Thanks to the creator!) and I really wanted to write something for a younger Dean. Call me lazy, but I didn’t want to include the hunt itself in this one. I thought writing the moments before and after would be cute, so enjoy! (Bit of a mess, but I hope you like it)
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“Hey Sammy, it’s me,” Dean started the voicemail grimly. It was the third one he’d left for his younger brother, “I know you’re not happy with me and that’s why you won’t take my calls, but dammit man, I’ll be back as soon as I can. It’s just another hunt Sam. I’ll be back before you can say Hanukkah.” He thought for a moment before finishing. “Merry Christmas, Sammy.” 
He ended the message and tossed his phone on the motel bed with a huff. He knew Sam was pissed about him going on a hunt alone, especially over Christmas, but he didn’t think the silent treatment was going to last this long. Dad gave him an order and he wasn’t going to let him down. 
Dean sat down in front of a pile of books and sighed. He hated the research parts of hunts. He just wanted to kill the son-of-a-bitch. Unfortunately, he wasn’t totally sure what this particular son-of-a-bitch was. Over the course of seven years, 15 kids have gone missing right around Christmas time. No notes, no bodies, nothing. If his dad had any theories, he certainly hadn’t shared them. So research time it was. 
About three hours and two illegally obtained beers later, he had a couple of theories ready. It didn’t seem like a spirit or vampires, and without heartless bodies, it wasn’t a werewolf. Since the disappearances always happened around the holidays, he figured that the creature might have Pagan roots. Either that, or it could be a Grinch of a witch somewhere. Whatever it was, it was sure putting a dent in his holiday. 
Maybe that’s why he dialed the number. Sure, his dad told him he needed to do this on his own, but if it really was some Pagan entity, he wasn’t really sure he could take it on by himself- not that he would ever tell his father that. As far as his dad was concerned, Dean could handle anything that the dark world threw at him. But right now, looking at the Christmas lights through the frosty motel window, he wanted a friend. 
“Jack Frost, can’t say I was expecting a call from you.” Your amused voice made Dean smile. You had the phone wedged between your shoulder and your ear as you painted your toenails Christmas Tree green. Just because you were a badass hunter didn’t mean you couldn’t be festive. 
“Hey Y/N,” Dean chuckled, pushing away from the book covered table and cracking open another beer, “how’ve things been on your side of the Midwest?” 
“Oh, you know, vengeful spirit here, vampire there, nothing too exciting.” You twisted the top back on the polish and hopped off the bathroom counter, being careful when you walked so you didn’t get any polish on the carpet. “Mom’s been off with the twins, trying to give them a little bit of a normal Christmas up in Oregon.” 
“Why aren’t you with them?” Dean wondered. Your family wasn’t like his family. You and your mom somehow made it work. You weren’t usually separated, at least not for long. 
“I had a hunch that someone else was going to be needing me this year.” Dean let out a long, frustrated groan.
“Sam called you, didn’t he?” 
“Sammy boy was worried that you’d have a lonely Christmas so he asked me to hang around in case you needed some help.” You shrugged.
“Hang around? What do you mean hang around?” 
“Come to room 114 and find out Dean-o.” With a smirk, you hung up and waited at the foot of your bed, flipping through channels on the television. You settled on a channel that was playing The Year Without a Santa Claus. 
When you heard the knock on the door you walked on your heels to open it. Dean gave you an annoyed glare, but you could tell he was happy to see you. He barreled passed you, nearly knocking you off balance. 
“Watch the feet!” You whined, pointing at your newly painted toes. Dean rolled his eyes. 
“You painted your toenails?” He scoffed. “What are you? 13?” 
“Don’t be a Scrooge, they look nice.” You had long been able to handle Dean’s snarkiness. 
Your mother had run into John Winchester back in 1990 on a spirit case. Dean was 11, you were 10 and Sam and the twins were about 7. While your parents took down the ghost, you and Dean had to babysit. While he was obnoxious at first, the two of you got along pretty well. You bonded over being the oldest siblings, constantly having to look out for your kid brothers, worrying whether or not your parents would come home, remembering the parent that you’d lost, for Dean, it was his mother to a demon, for you it was your dad to a werewolf. 
After that, John and your mom would sometimes meet up if only to have you and Dean look after the younger kids. You even ended up going to the same high school for a while. Dean was probably the closest thing you had in your monster-hunting world to a best friend. And you, not that he would ever say it, were the closest thing he’d ever had to a crush. 
“I think I may have a lead on what we’re looking for here.” You informed, tossing him your journal. Astonished, Dean scanned the page. 
“How did you-”
“I’ve been researching gods in my free time.” 
“You are such a nerd.” Dean scoffed, taking a closer look at something you wrote. 
“Yeah well this nerd has saved your ass more than a fair share so shut it, Winchester.” You smirked, snatching back your journal. “Based on the case files of the missing kids, I have an idea of who we might be dealing with. Gryla is from Icelandic folklore and she, uh, eats naughty children.” 
“And here I complained about the coal.” Dean grimaced. 
“If we don’t figure out where she is, these kids become Christmas dinner.” While you dove into more research, Dean looked over your shoulder at the TV. 
“Are those puppets?” 
You scrambled to turn off the TV, but Dean stole the remote. 
“It’s a Christmas classic.” You reasoned, feeling yourself turn red. “I watched it with the twins all the time when we were kids.” 
“I think it’s adorable.” He leaned ever so closer to you without realizing it. Like a magnet pulling you together, you found yourself inching closer and closer until-
“Are we going to hunt this thing or not?” You suddenly exclaimed, backing away quickly. He was just kidding around. Dean was always pretty flirty. It was just part of your friendship. He didn’t feel that way about you- the way you felt about him. 
You burst through your motel room door, half carrying Dean in with you. In a panicked rush, you sat him down on the bed and scrambled to find your first aid kit. 
“At least we beat the damn thing, right?” Dean smirked before wincing at the pain. His wound wasn’t life threatening, but it sure hurt like a bitch. 
“This is going to hurt.” You warned, turning on the radio to drown out any pained sounds that Dean made. As you cleaned the wound, his eyes were locked on you. You tried not to notice. It was the pain that was making him look at you like that. You covered the wound with a bandage and put a fair distance between the two of you. You hoped he couldn’t see how much you were shaking. 
“Everything okay?” Dean asked. 
“Yeah, yeah everything’s fine, Dean.” You lied, laughing nervously. “I just got kinda freaked out when I saw her attack you.” 
“You sure that’s all that’s bothering you?”
“I thought you were going to die, Dean, I think that’s a sufficient reason to be a little jittery.” Dean got up from his place on the bed and walked towards you. 
“We’ve known each other for how long, Y/N? I can tell when you’re not telling me the whole story.” 
You ignored him, electing to listen to the Christmas music coming from the radio instead. It was one of your favorites. You mouthed the words to yourself. 
“Through the years, we all will be together. If the fates allow.” 
“Fate hasn’t exactly been our friend.” You scoffed. 
“The song. It says ‘if the fates allow’. Fate doesn’t seem to like us this year.” 
“I don’t believe in all that.” Dean said, shaking his head. “And if I did, it looks like ‘fate’ has had it out for me for the past fifteen years.” 
“Fair enough.” You crossed your arms over your chest, watching snow start to fall outside the window. Neither of you said anything. You both just watched the white flecks tumble down to the earth. You turned around and found him standing right behind you. It didn’t startle you. It felt like he was meant to be close to you. You breathed in slowly before whispering. “Merry Christmas Dean.” 
“Merry Christmas.” 
You didn’t need any mistletoe for what came next. 
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arsonistslut · 3 years
Suddenly...Liu woke up. His face didn't feel like it was burning anymore, and the sunshine that flowed into his room was starkly different from the darkness of the room he was just attacked in. It wasn't just that, though, everything around him seemed to be in a sort of dreamy haze. He was about to stand when his brother burst in the room. Liu nearly jumped out of his skin, quickly realizing that the scars that riddled Jeff's body before were totally gone. Was everything from before just a dream?
"Wake up, bro! You're gonna be late for school!"
All he could do was just stare at Jeff, confusion riddling his face.
"You alright, man?"
"..Y-Yeah, I'm fine!"
Liu rushed out of his bed and began preparing for school as his brother waited downstairs, rushing down as well once he was ready and walking into the kitchen, expecting the same wordless room where his parents usually were in the morning. Carla looked over at her son and smiled as she ruffled his hair.
"Good morning, you two!"
"Mornin' mama!"
Liu thought something was deeply wrong. His brother was never this jovial, and their parents barely ever talked to them in the slightest, and that was for 15 years! Was..was that all a bad dream? Was all that Sully shit a bad dream, was Jeff getting set on fire a bad dream? When him and his brother got to the school bus, Jeff sat next to one of the other kids, and Natalie sat next to Liu.
"Hi, handsome!~"
"Hey, Nat! How are you?"
Liu was thankful that at least she didn't change.
"I'm doing really well, my dad's recently gotten arrested, so now I'm living with my grandma, she's a sweetheart!"
"O-Oh, that's great!"
"Hey, did you hear about Jeff's new girlfriend?"
"No, he never told me! What's her name?"
"Cassie! I'm gonna be honest, those two are the cutest. They're such sweethearts, they're practically made for each other!"
"That's wonderful!"
Liu then looked outside the window..he couldn't help but wonder how he'd just realized this, but it was such a beautiful day outside! The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, days like this came practically once every century in New Orleans. Maybe everything from before really was just a bad dream.
A delighted giggle came from Sully as he watched Liu go about his day in the world he'd so carefully crafted for him in his head.
"Finally safe..safe from the horrors that would taint your pure soul."
Nina boredly flipped through the late night channels, sighing as she wasn't able to find anything that interested her. It was far past her bedtime, and her eyelids were getting heavy, so when a particularly eye-catching news report showed up, it grabbed her attention right away.
"And now, we turn to New Orleans, which has been the site of a brutal massacre tonight, as 7 people have been recently found brutally murdered over the course of an hour. Police are not releasing any names of the victims, but they have apprehended a suspect who they believe is the killer, 17 year old Jeffrey Woods was recently arrested after having set the house of Bruce and Aurora Arkansas on fire. The lone survivors of this horrible night are reportedly one individual, along with the daughter of Bruce and Aurora. Liu Woods, Jeffrey's brother, has gone missing, if you have any information regarding where he may be, please contact the police. We do have footage of Jeffrey's arrest, but be warned, it may disturb some viewers."
The TV then showed footage of a group of police officers surround a pale teenager, his whole body caked in blood. Jeffrey shrugged and laid his knife down on the ground, placing his hands behind his head and allowing the police to arrest him. As he was led to the back of a cruiser, Jeff looked into the camera.
"You win some, you lose some, I guess."
The TV then cut back to the clearly shaken reporter.
"We'll provide more information as it comes to us. IN other news.."
Nina shut her TV off, a wide smile growing on her face. She couldn't quite place her finger on it, but she related to Jeff. What was keeping someone like her from going on a rampage like that...? Snatching her laptop off her desk, Nina quickly logged onto 4-Chan and started a thread. She pondered over what to call it, then typed in an adequate name.
"Jeff's Killers."
Chapter 19: "Nothing but pure evil"
"Jeffrey..do you feel even the slightest bit of guilt for your actions?"
Woods had shown no shame throughout his trial. No guilt or remorse for his actions. He sure as shit wanted to, but when the judge asked him that question, he couldn't restrain the smile that came to his face as he remembered how good it felt to plunge his knife into his father's head, how good it felt to snap Troy's neck, how good it felt to drop that match. Besides, wasn't Zalgo right? This was going to keep happening until he died.
"I don't. They all deserved what they got. Besides, I didn't have any other choice."
Silence followed his words. Some gasped, some began to sob, some just laughed in amazement, but most of the courthouse was silent.
"Jeffrey Woods..you are nothing but pure evil. This court finds you guilty of all charges, and sentences you to death."
The judge forced back tears and pointed toward the door.
"Get him out of here.."
Woods was led away by a pair of policemen, and the courtroom cheered as he was led away.
"And then, my sentence got reduced to life in prison, and now..here we are, doctor."
"I see.."
Dr. Oborn wrote down more notes in his clipboard, before looking back up at his patient.
"Doc..can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, Jeffrey."
"...Was that judge right? A-Am I just..evil?"
"While murder is a horrific crime, and many people do seem to see you as nothing more than a psycho who killed for fun, I've spoken with you for over a year now, and I don't believe you to be evil. After what you've told me, I now know that your condition was likely caused by the trauma you referred to earlier."
"..Doc, I.."
Jeff let out a burst of relieved laughter, almost tearing up from joy at the doctor's words.
"You h-have no fuckin' clue how much that means to me! I..I thought I was a lost cause for the longest time..I-I mean, people don't feel happy when they kill someone, y'know?"
"You're not a lost cause, by any means. We've made incredible progress today, and I believe that you will be able to comfortably integrate back into society soon enough. Although, I am confused by one thing."
"..How did you know about the things that happened after your hospitalization?"
"Zalgo showed me."
"Zalgo? Who is that?"
"Zalgo is the reason I believe in the afterlife. Apparently, it's a medical miracle I even survived the incident at the party, let alone heal so quickly that my body's now one big lump of scar tissue. Zalgo helped me to survive."
"This is the first time you've mentioned this.."
"Demon to me. You have previously stated your beliefs in Leveyan Satanism, so is this a sort of..representation of the devil?"
"No, the devil isn't real. Zalgo is. Look, can we t-talk about something else?"
Dr. Oborn placed one of his hands on Jeffrey's shoulder, growing concerned due to his growing..worry, almost.
"Is everything alright, son?"
"I...didn't get a lot of sleep last night."
"Nightmares, again?"
"No, I saw things, doctor..I've seen how this world will end."
"You've seen the apocalypse, you say?"
Jeffrey then just shook his head, something he feared he would do suddenly worming it's way into his brain unannounced.
"Jeff..are you having intrusive thoughts?"
"I..I don't want to hurt you, you don't deserve it.."
"Nothing will happen to me, son. I'll be just fine!"
"You..you sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Thank you, doctor.."
"Of course-"
Dr. Oborn was pleasantly surprised when Jeff reached across the table and hugged him, but didn't hesitate in hugging his patient back.
Chapter 20: A new terror
"Listen, man, I know what I saw! Some lanky motherfucker was running around my backyard, and wearing a white hoodie! They didn't catch Jeff The Killer, he's still fucking running-"
Carlos Kennedy changed the channel of his radio, confused as to how someone could genuinely believe that it was a good idea to log onto a radio show, ramble about how you believed a convicted killer was still able to run around your backyard, and think you'll be taken seriously. His attention to that was quickly interrupted by seeing a person lying near the road, face down. The good Samaritan quickly stopped his car and got out, rushing over to the seemingly unconscious person that was lying in a ditch.
"Hello?! A-Are you-"
A knife to Carlos's throat quickly cut him off, blood spraying out of his wound. The girl who stabbed him lifted his corpse off the decoy, a teenager in a white hoodie and a somewhat poorly made, but nonetheless effectively scary Jeff The Killer mask.
"Good work, Jethro."
"All I did was sit here, but thanks, Nina."
This was the first recorded murder committed by Jeff's Killers, after a year of just being a bunch of teenagers hanging out in an abandoned house where a bunch of patricide took place.
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puckinghell · 5 years
Almost | Nathan MacKinnon
Summary: Every time Nate doesn’t tell you he loves you, he almost does. Until the clock suddenly starts ticking, and almost might not be enough. Words: 5.3k Note: I wrote this all at once and I couldn’t be bothered to read it after to make sure it made sense so excuse me if it doesn’t. We’re in the midst of a global crisis, I couldn’t buy potatoes in the supermarket cause it’s empty, and I don’t have my emotional support dumbass hockey boys, so you can imagine the emotional distress I’m under.
Nate isn’t very good at flirting.
He knows that, and he’s known that for a long time. Not only because he’s got pretty good self-insight, but also because his teammates have been telling him for years. 
In fact, the first time he went out with Tyson, back when he just came onto the Avs and going out was a big deal to him, Tys shook his head and said: “If you don’t learn how to flirt you’re gonna end up dying alone. With a Cup and enough gold to drown in, but alone.” 
Nate loves Tys to death, but he still thinks about that night sometimes and wants to kick Tys in the shin.
Because as much as he’s bad at flirting, he never really thought it was a problem. Surely one day a girl would come into his life and she’d like him so much she would do the heavy lifting, and he could just kinda cruise along. Or maybe one day, when the right girl would come into his life, it would all be easy, suddenly. 
He’s pretty sure that you are the right girl. He has been sure about that for the past two years, ever since you became friends. And yet, you’re still friends. Just friends.
Nate thinks he kinda accidentally put himself in the friend zone. At first he thought it was fine if you were just friends, because it would grow into something more naturally. 
But one day Gabe turned to him solemnly and said: “Once she’s put you in the ‘Don’t go there’ part of her brain, you’re not coming out of there, bro.” 
He’d waved Gabe off, but now he’s starting to think Gabe was right. 
Because in the beginning, sometimes, you’d look at him a certain way, or you’d say something, and Nate was certain you meant it in a flirty way. Was sure he saw his own feelings reflected in your eyes. But those times became less and less frequent and now, he can’t remember the last time you looked at him like that. He only knows that you talk to him about dates you go on, like it doesn’t break his heart to think about you with someone else. And you wrap your arms around him so easy and comfortably, like the butterflies in his stomach when you touch him have no right o be there. And you ask to sleep in his bed with him after late movie nights like the thought of it ever being anything more than sleeping has never entered your mind. Nate thinks maybe he’s missed his window, but he also can’t imagine not ending up with you. So he starts his quest of getting you to notice him in a different way.
It’s shortly after he made that decision that he’s finding himself in Gabe’s backyard, a bottle of beer in his hand as he stands next to EJ who is grilling steaks on the barbecue. Gabe’s summer barbecue is somewhat of a staple, for the Avs, and if he thought that having a baby would mean Gabe’s parties would come to an end, Nate was wrong. Gabe flutters through the backyard with Linnea on his arm like he’s never done anything else. He switches his own beer bottle with Linnea’s bottle of milk – or whatever she’s drinking – between people he chats to, and before too long he shows up next to Nate and EJ. “Looking good,” Gabe whistles, looking at the grill. “Nate, are you staring at Y/N again?” Nate swirls around to face his captain; he hadn’t even noticed he was staring at you, but perhaps he was, because he knows you’ve been talking to Josty for the past 15 minutes and he’s not entirely happy about the way Josty leaned into you while he laughed at something you said. “It’s too late, bud,” EJ says, his signature toothless grin appearing. “You’ve waited too long and now she’s going to think you mean everything in a friendly way.” “That’s not true!” Nate starts protesting, even though he knows EJ is just trying to rile him up; but he can’t really make his point because you choose that moment to come over to them. “Are you still not done?” you tease EJ, playfully bumping against his shoulder. “I’m hungry, EJ, can you not grill a little faster?” “Grilling is like art,” EJ grumbles, “you can’t rush it.” “That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said,” you answer, your voice filled with fondness. “Ah, there’s Linnea! Can I hold her?” You make grabby hands at the baby and Gabe easily passes her to you, which, honestly, rude. “You never let me hold her!” Nate sputters, and Gabe shrugs. “That’s because Y/N is responsible and you killed the only succulent you had in your house.” “A succulent is not the same as a baby. I could take care of her.” Nate feels extremely offended, even more so when you giggle. “No offense, but if I had to pick someone to take care of Linnea, it would be Y/N, then Colin, then literally anyone else, before it would be you,” says Gabe. “Even Josty?” Nate whines, and at that moment, Mel steps in next to Gabe, putting her hand on his back. “Are we letting Tyson take care of Linnea?” she asks. “Absolutely no way,” Gabe is quick to answer, and you suppose it’s a good thing Josty isn’t here to hear that. “I was just saying I would let Y/N take care of our little girl.” “Oh, would you?” Mel excitedly grasps your shoulder. “Gabe and I haven’t had a date night in like, months! “Sure, I’d love to,” you answer truthfully. You slide your finger into Linnea’s hand, the baby making excited gurgling noises as she clasps down on it. She’s stronger than she looks. “Can I come?” Nate says suddenly. His cheeks are a little tinted, even though it’s not that warm outside anymore. “It could be like, a babysitting date.” “Oh, of course!” you answer. “That’s a perfect idea, Nate! Mel, we should set up a play date for Linnea with my sister’s baby!” You ignore EJ’s cackling laugh and what sounds like a low groan coming from Nate, instead follow Mel to the porch with Linnea in your hands to plan the play date. EJ slings his arm around Nate, grinning a little wickedly as he says: “So close, Nathan. Almost got her.”
Nate elbows him in the stomach loud enough to earn a disapproving tut from Gabe.
Nate tells Sid about his plan during their monthly FaceTime session. “Good luck with that, dude,” Sid says, and it doesn’t even sound that condescending, coming from him. “What do you think I should do?” Nate knows asking Sid for advice on flirting is like asking a blind man for advice on how to see, but he’s getting desperate and he really, really doesn’t want to have to ask Tys. He’d never live that one down. “Uh,” Sid answers, and that’s about as much as Nate was expecting from him, anyway. “Maybe ask her out to dinner, or something?” Actually, that’s more than Nate was expecting from Sid, because that’s actually not the worst idea. Sure, you’ve gone out to dinner together many times, but it was always very clearly not a date setting; either the other guys were there, or it was at a MacDonalds – Nate doesn’t like to go to junkfood places, but he supposes if Tys was gonna leave any imprint on him, it would be his love for McFlurry’s – or it was just dinner at his apartment, wearing sweatpants and ordering Chinese while watching some dumb Netflix show. His chance to ask you comes quicker than he thought, because he’s still talking to Sid – about hockey, this time, something Sid does actually have great advice on – when you come barreling into his apartment. Your hair is wet from the rain and you shrug off your rain coat with a wave in his direction. “It’s pouring,” you tell him, “and I walked to work, so.” To anyone else, it would be a bad explanation, but it’s not the first time you’ve showed up at Nate’s apartment like this. You like to walk to work when it’s not too cold but sometimes the weather surprises you and you don’t want to walk back in the rain or the wind. Nate’s apartment is a lot closer to your work than your apartment, so it’s become a habit of yours to go to Nate’s on days like that and just hang out in his apartment until you either fall asleep there or Nate offers to drive you home.    “Is that Y/N?” Sid asks. “Hey, Y/N!” “Hi Sid!” you call back. “Nate, I’m gonna shower.” “Ask her,” Sid says, which is very pushy for Sid, who usually never tells Nate to do anything, instead just says “If I were you, I would consider” and let Nate figure out the underlying message. “Ask me what?” you ask Nate curiously, eyeing him up and down. He’s glaring at Sid as if Sid said something wrong, and when he looks at you, he doesn’t quite catch your eye. “I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner with me?” Nate asks. It’s a bit of a formal question for something you do at least once a week, but you shrug it off; Nate is a bit weird, sometimes, and you’re used to that. “Sure,” you say. “Let’s order Thai. Get my usual while I’m showering? I’m hungry.” Then you yell: “Bye Sid!” before making your way to the bathroom. Nate lets out a frustrated sigh and Sid sounds sympathetic when he says: “Almost there, dude. Just, next time, if I were you, I’d consider…” Nate is already not listening anymore.
Today is the day, Nate has decided. He bought roses, which EJ told him is lame and Gabe told him is great idea, and he cooked pasta, for which he used Sammy’s recipe. He’s not a good cook, but Sammy promised it’s impossible to mess up, and he thinks he did alright. He texted you this morning to ask you to come to his place for dinner. You replied with a sure :) and Nate takes that to be a good sign. He has a plan. When you walk in, he’ll take your coat, instantly changing the routine between you, because he normally stays on the couch when you open the door with your key. He won’t be wearing sweatpants, either, not even if he expects you might be; he’s wearing black jeans and a nice button up, and he’s even done his hair. Well, made an attempt to; it didn’t really work out and now it looks kinda the same as always, but hey, he’s really trying, here. Next, he’ll lead you to the table, which he’ll actually have set up, and at that point, surely you understand something different is happening, because a set up table is so different from his normal paper plates and Netflix. Then he’ll give you the roses and confess his feelings. He’s not really thought that part through too much, because every time he thinks about it he almost throws up. So. He’ll have to wing that. The problem, Nate finds out, with planning everything to perfection, is that when one thing goes wrong, the entire plan has to go out the window. Because half an hour after you were supposed to arrive, he gets a text saying sorry I’m late! Be there in 10 and he knows he’s gonna have to reheat the pasta, which Sammy said was not the point of pasta. But he’s not gonna kick off and cause a scene when you arrive, because he reasons it doesn’t really matter, in the grand scale of things. So he sits on the couch and waits. Finally, the door swings open and Nate jumps to his feet, ready to take your coat from you. Except, you’re not wearing a coat; you’re wearing his old hoodie and for some reason his breath hitches in his throat and suddenly he feels like his feet are nailed to the floor, unable to move. “Hey, sorry I’m late,” you call, basically running further into the apartment. “I came from the gym and let me tell you, I have got great news!” “News?” Nate echoes. You stop right in front of him, your eyes shining and a bright smile on your face. Suddenly, you lift an eyebrow, eyes catching on something. “Nathan MacKinnon, did you do something to your hair?” Before Nate can answer, you shrug and continue. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. Guess what happened at the gym!” “What?” Nate seems to only be able to repeat what you say, so he decides to stick with that. “I got asked on a date!” Nate thinks if he had one wish, he would wish for the floor to open up beneath his feet and for him to sink through the building, all 7 floors below his apartment, and then down into the ground, until he could bury himself in the dirt. “A date?” You’re so hyped you don’t even notice your best friend is simply repeating your words, barely reacting in any other way. “He’s so hot, this guy, Nate! He comes to the gym every Thursday, just like I do, and we never talk but sometimes I catch him looking, and like, I look back, you know? And today he came over and he asked if I wanted to get a drink, but obviously I had plans with you and I would never blow you off, so I said we could do it tomorrow. I have a date tomorrow, Nate!” In your excitement, you reach forward and wrap your arms around Nate, pressing your face into his chest. His heart is beating fast, and you notice that he kinda just remains frozen into place, so you look up at him with a frown. “Nate? You okay?” That seems to shake Nate from his trance, as he literally shakes himself out of it and slowly puts his arms around you. With a happy sigh, you allow yourself to sink into the embrace. “What are we eating, anyway? I’m hungry.” Nate praises any and every God there could possibly be that he decided to leave the door to the dining room closed. “Whatever you want, we can order,” he answers. “I’m just gonna, uh, get changed.” “I thought you looked fancy,” you grin, letting go of him and dropping onto the couch. “What about Italian?” Hours later, Nate throws away the empty pizza boxes and puts the roses in the bin with them, and then he goes to his bedroom to scream into a pillow. He wants to call you, wants to ask you to not go on a date with that guy. But then he thinks about how excited you looked and he doesn’t call. He doesn’t call, but he almost does, and he thinks that’s a pretty good way to describe how his life is going.
Nate has truly hit rock bottom, which is why he’s scrolling through his phone until he finds the familiar name. “Dogggg!” Tys yells into the phone, because he can never answer the phone like a normal person. “I’m baking chocolate chip cookies!” And Nate is suddenly a little overwhelmed with how much he misses his best friend. “Baking?” he teases. “What kinda mental breakdown are you going through this time?” “Hey, fuck you,” Tys says, but he sounds mellow and not bothered at all. “What’s up?” And Nate has been planning to ease into this conversation, have a little small talk, maybe talk about Toronto and how the coaching change has been working out for Tys, but Tys is his best friend – apart from you – and suddenly he can’t keep it to himself anymore. “I’m in love with Y/N,” he blurts out, and he hears a clank on the other side of the line that sounds suspiciously like Tyson dropping a spoon. “Well, yeah,” Tys comes back, a little too calmly for Nate’s liking. “But I meant like, what’s up with you that’s new, Dogg.” “I need to do something about it,” Nate says, and that seems to get Tyson’s attention, cause he suddenly sounds a lot more interested when he says: “Oh?”    “Cause like,” Nate starts, and he knows he’s about to start rambling. “Cause I’m so into her, you know, and I have been for so long, but I don’t think she sees me that way? And maybe if I would’ve done something sooner, she would’ve thought of me as an option, and she wouldn’t be going out with that guy right now..” “Wow hold up,” Tyson interrupts. “Wait, she’s got a boyfriend?” “No!” The force with which that word erupts from Nate’s mouth is maybe a little too telling, cause Tyson immediately goes into ‘calm down Nate’ mode. “Hey, hey, it’s just a date or two, right?” he soothes. “It’s totally not serious yet. And you and her, you’ve got history, dude. She loves you! There’s still time!” “What if she doesn’t love me in that way, though?” Nate asks, and he hates how tiny his voice sounds. “Then she’s got no taste, Nate,” Tyson says, awfully genuine. “You’d be an awesome boyfriend. Hell, you’ve basically been her boyfriend, you two act like a couple all the time.” Nate hadn’t thought of it like that. “Cause like, you’re always hanging out together, right?” Tys continues. “And you bring her to all your events as your plus one. She cooks you dinner at least once a week. You pick her up and drop her off when it’s raining and she doesn’t wanna walk. You always get her a Christmas present. She even bakes your favorite cookies when you’ve had a tough game.” He sounds slightly jealous when he says: “Cookies, bro! That’s true love.” And, well, Nate had always thought that was just a friend thing, but when he thinks about it, he doesn’t really treat any of his other friends that way. Has never picked up his phone at 4 am because Sid was calling, never ran a bath for Tys after a long day. Maybe, in a way, he has been acting like your boyfriend. Except. “We don’t kiss and stuff, though.” Tyson laughs. “And stuff. I bet you want the stuff, huh, bro?” “Shut up,” Nate grumbles, but he’s too thankful for Tyson’s input to put much heat behind it. “Brutes, what do I do?” “You need to complete the package, Dogg,” Tys says, sounding confident. “You’re almost her boyfriend. Now go get that kiss and be it for real.”
Nate is not usually a big drinker, but this, he needs to be super, super drunk for. “Careful,” Burky says, as he watches Nate slam back another shot. “That’s a lot of alcohol, Nate.” “You gonna call Gabe on me?” Nate says, defiant, and Burky shrugs. “No, but if you need to be carried home, I’ll get Z to do it.” That’s enough for Nate to not order another shot right away. “He’s upset because Y/N is here with a guy.” It’s Comphy who speaks, in a dull tone like he’s talking about the weather. Josty, who is with them too, sits up a little straighter. “She came with a guy?” “Shut up,” Nate all but growls. “I didn’t know when I invited her the invitation would be extended.” He really hadn’t; he’d asked you to come out with the boys after the game because he found out you were bringing the guy – Nate purposely forgets his name every time – and he figured he was running out of time. At least if he kept you out all night you couldn’t go home with the guy, and he might find the courage to tell you how he feels. Except then you’d shown up with the guy in tow, and now he’s wondering if it’s possible to drown himself in tequila. He must’ve looked properly miserable for the guys to crowd around him like they are; Gabe went home because he’s a dad now, but Comph and Josty and Burky are all sitting with him, refusing to have fun now that their assistant captain looks ready to commit a crime, and Z and EJ both keep shooting worried glances his way. Nate really doesn’t care. What he cares about is that you’re with with a guy that’s not him, and you’ve barely paid attention to him. He’s just about drunk enough that that annoyance is starting to become unbearable, and just drunk enough that it seems like a good idea to do something about it. “Nate, no…” Burky starts, when Nate stands up, and Comphy reaches for him, but even drunk Nate is quicker than them and he starts pushing his way through the crowd, to where you’re standing with the guy and laughing at something he’s saying. You feel two strong arms wrap around your waist, the grip almost too tight as you’re pushed flat against a muscular chest. For a second, you freeze, ready to fight, but then you smell familiar cologne and you recognize the arms that are wrapped around you in iron grip. “Nate?” you say. “Everything okay?” Nate hums in your ear but it’s not really words; just a low hum that makes something tingle in the pit of your stomach. If only Tom knew the effect Nate has on you, he probably wouldn’t be here. As it is, Tom’s eyes are wide as he stares at Nate. You did tell him you knew people on the team and that’s why you could get tickets to the Avs game so last minute, but you’d forgone the mention that your “contact” is Nathan MacKinnon; for some reason, you didn’t really want those worlds to mix just yet. Maybe that’s why you’d been keeping your distance from Nate, tonight. Normally, Nate isn’t the kinda guy to come chasing you down, but you can smell the alcohol on his breathe and his words slur a little when he says: “Where have you been?” Your heart starts beating a little faster. “Here,” you say, trying to ignore the dark tone to Nate’s voice. To say you’re confused in an understatement: Nate sounds almost angry, but he’s clinging to you like he’s not ever letting you go, so surely he can’t be angry at you. You wish Tom wasn’t here. If you’d been alone, you would’ve dragged Nate outside and talked to your best friend, figured out what’s bothering him, because it’s clear there’s something and you don’t like knowing that he’s carrying it alone. Nate has a tendency to carry the entire world on his shoulders, on his own, even when there’s so many people who would share the burden with him. “Dude,” Tom says, “you’re Nathan MacKinnon!” You feel Nate tense behind you. You know he doesn’t like to be recognized in public spaces but honestly, Tom didn’t speak loudly, and he’s not making a scene, so you wiggle out of Nate’s hold and put your hand on his arm.
Usually, that calms him down. “Yeah, Tom, this is my friend Nate. Nate, this is Tom.” Nate’s face is schooled into perfect indifference as he shakes the hand Tom holds out to him; the only thing betraying that he’s annoyed is the fact that his other, free, hand is balled into a fist and his knuckles are white. “Good to meet you, man,” Tom says. “That was such a nice goal there in the 2nd, holy shit dude! I’m like, such a big fan of you!” You cringe a little as Nate narrows his eyes. “Thanks,” he says, and he could not sound more bored if he tried. Even Tom shifts on his feet and nervously looks towards the floor. Then Nate’s hand finds its way to your lower back, his thumb dipping under your shirt. You feel like all the blood is rushing through your cheeks, and when Tom frowns, you feel like you could pass out. “Nice to meet you,” Nate says, in a tone that makes it clear he’d rather undergo a colonoscopy than ever speak to Tom again. “But can I borrow my girl for a second?” My girl? “Nate, what the…” you sputter, but you’re already being pushed through the crowd towards the exit, and before you know it you’re standing in a dark alley with your back to the brick wall of the club. Nate is standing close, so close you can feel his breath against your cheek when he exhales. His eyes are big and a bit wild, and you wonder if he can hear your heartbeat as clearly as you can. “Nate…” You mean to ask him what’s going on, but for some reason his name comes out of your mouth in a quiet rush of air, and it seems to do something to Nate, who inhales sharply and drops his head a little, his forehead nearly touching yours. “I hate it,” he mutters, the words soft enough that you can only make them out because it’s just the two of you in the silent outside air. “Hate what?” “Seeing you with him.” Those words hit you like a freight train, and all you manage to bring out is a soft “uhm”. “I can’t watch you with him,” Nate whispers. His hands are against the wall but his chest is pressed up against yours, and slowly but surely, he’s leaning in. And that’s when you realize, oh. Nate is going to kiss you. To your own surprise, that doesn’t shock you. It’s not some big thing that throws the world of its axis, that shakes the ground beneath your feet. It’s just a realization and then a soft, warm feeling of comfort spreading through your body. You want him to kiss you so badly, but it’s not like something is exploding, knowing that he wants it too. Instead, it’s like something finally falls into place.
“Y/N?” a voice goes, and you almost whine out loud. Nate jumps back like he’s been stung. He stares at you with wide eyes, the color drained from his face, and then he turns around and all but runs away. Tom watches him leave, then faces you, and in that moment you know four things absolutely certain. Nate was jealous. You’re never going to go on another date with Tom. Nate almost kissed you. And almost wasn’t enough.
Nate wakes up with a banging headache, the taste of dirt in his mouth and 20 missed text messages. Most of the messages are from Tyson, and there’s one from EJ, who is apparently the one that told Tyson about last night in the first place, because his text simply reads: Had to tell Brutes. You need help. Which is probably fair enough. There’s a text from Josty offering support, one from Burky asking if he got home safe, one from Gabe that Nate doesn’t read because he doesn’t want to see Gabe’s disappointed face every time he closes his eyes for the next few days, and then there’s a text from you. We have to talk. Well, fuck. Nate doesn’t have a lot of experience with relationships, but he knows that’s never a good sign. Nate knows that you know him well enough to have figured out that he was drunk last night, so you probably don’t expect him to be up yet. He takes advantage of that time by taking a shower and brushing his teeth at least four times until he can no longer taste the tequila in the back of his throat, making a cup of coffee and having a freak out at his kitchen counter because surely you’re going to tell him to never talk to you again. Not only did he not have the balls to tell you how he feels about you, he also acted like an asshole to a guy you apparently like – although Nate has no clue why, because he seemed boring as hell – and then he nearly kissed you but instead ran away. Not a great track record. It’s nearly noon when he finally gathers up the courage to call you. After all, you’ve given him two years of friendship, so that’s the least he can do. “Hey,” he says softly into the phone when the connection clicks through. “It’s Nate.” “I know,” you answer, and he’s surprised by how light your tone is. “I have caller ID, Nate. Have had it for years.” It throws him off, how normal you sound. There’s nothing in your voice to betray that you’re mad at him, or that you hate him. He almost forgets what he was going to say. Almost, but not quite. “I’m really sorry about last night,” he blurts out. “Do you mind if I come over so we can talk about it?” “Uhm,” you hesitate, and Nate’s heart sinks into the pit of his stomach.    “Actually, I’m almost at your apartment.” “Oh.” Nate had not expected that. “Uhm, okay. I’ll be here, then.” You laugh. “Yeah, I hoped you would be. See you in a bit, Nate.”    It takes you another 6 minutes to arrive; Nate knows it’s exactly 6 because he stares at the hands of the clock while he waits, while simultaneously thinking of all the possible scenarios in which you could break his heart. When you walk into the kitchen, he feels like he’s about to throw up. “You don’t look great,” is the first thing you say to him. “Have you had breakfast? You know hangovers get worse when you don’t eat.” And that’s... Not quite what Nate was expecting. “Yoohoo, Nate?” You wave your hand in front of his pale face, as Nate stares at you and doesn’t speak. “Are you okay?” “You hate me,” Nate blurts out then, and instantly his eyes fix on the floor in shame. “Or, you should.” You frown. “Why? Because you were a jealous dick last night?” Nate’s face turns from white to a bright shade of pink. You smile, walk to Nate who’s sitting on a barstool at the counter, and carefully push open his knees, so you can slide in between his legs. If Nate’s eyes go any wider, you worry they might fall out.   “Last night,” you repeat, “you were jealous. Of Tom.” It’s not a question, but Nate still nods, avoiding your eyes as he does. “And then you were going to kiss me.” Not a question either, and this time Nate doesn’t respond. “Nate,” you say softly, and the warmth in your tone must be what finally gets Nate to look up at you, his eyes locking with yours. “Do you still want to kiss me?” “I do,” Nate says. His voice is a little shaky but he needs to get this out, because he needs you to know this. “I always want to kiss you.” “Why haven’t you?” you ask. The answer is not really an answer, but it means everything anyway. “I almost did,” Nate says. “So many times, Y/N. So many times I almost did.” “Almost, almost,” you repeat, rolling your eyes, and then you slide your hands behind Nate’s neck and kiss him. He almost stumbles, his hands gripping your waist as if he’s afraid he’ll fall right onto the floor if he doesn’t have something to hold onto. But he’s kissing you back right away, his mouth soft yet forceful at the same time. Like he’s never going to stop kissing you. You don’t think you ever want him to.
It’s late at night and the streets of Denver are quiet beneath Nate’s apartment.    He’s laying on his back and you’re draped across his chest, naked bodies tangled together under the sheets. He’s not sure if you’re asleep; your breathing is shallow and even, but every now and then your fingers tighten around where they’re wrapped around his arm, and he wonders if you’re dreaming, or simply checking if he’s still there. As if he would ever leave. Nate can’t help himself; he lightly presses his lips against your hair, the ghost of a kiss against your skin. You hum softly. “Nate?” “Yeah,” he whispers. “It’s me.” A lazy giggle escapes your lips. “Thank God it’s not someone else.” The silence returns, but this time it’s heavy with something Nate knows you’re not saying. “What are you thinking about?” he mumbles, tracing circles on the naked skin of your back. Your answer shakes something inside of him. “That I almost didn’t get to have this.” He thinks of all the times he almost said something to you but didn’t, and curses himself for all the time lost. “Almost didn’t, but we did, and that’s what matters, right?” he speaks into the darkness.
You smile.
You know you’re not dreaming, but you almost can’t believe you aren’t.
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fluffyskies · 4 years
Sanders Sides
Ship: Could be seen as Moceit
Category: Tickling [Tickle-fic]
Roles: Ler Janus, Lee Patton, mentions of Virgil, Logan and Roman
Summary: Patton wanted to spend one on one time with the others but unexpected messages make them cut the bonding time short.
Note: This is actually the first time I'm writing Janus/Deceit °v°.
Patton had asked Virgil if he wanted to hangout this morning so they were in his room cuddling and talking.
"Ahhh this is relaxing...." Virgil said quietly
"Yeah this is" replied Patton
"I don't ever wanna leave..." said Virgil
"Well you don't have to it's only 8:30" Patton said happily
"W-wait? 8:30??"
"Mhm, that's what I said"
"Oh no, oh no I'm late!" the anxious side said getting out of the warm and toasty blankets.
"Late for what?" Patton asked
"O-oh umm.....R-roman asked me to help him" he stammered
"With what?"
Virgil knew that Patton was just curious to why he was leaving so soon, but he was a bit embarrassed to say. So he came up with a lie and hopefully it was believable.
"To....to....to help him chose some clothes for a new outfit" Virgil said with an awkward smile.
"Oh ok then you go, don't wanna keep royalty waiting" Patton smiled
"Thanks Pat!" and then he was gone
Now that Virgil was gone Patton found himself wanting more bonding time. So he went to Logan's room to ask if he wanted to hangout.
On his way though he heard something unusual...was that laughter? Patton tried to ignore it but it was hard to not think about it. Once he arrived at Logan's door he knocked then asked if they could spend some time together. Which Logan happily agreed to and beckoned him to come in his room.
It had been about 15-20 minutes and Patton and Logan were playing a mind game. To Patton's surprised he was winning but Logan wasn't that far behind. He seemed distracted so he ask him if something was wrong, but he said it was nothing.
After about 10 more minutes Patton heard Logan's phone beep, he picked it up and handed it to him.
Virgil- Hey specs your appointment is ready
Logan- Ah thank you but I'm with Patton at the moment and I'm not sure what to do
Virgil- Oh you can just use my little excuse but tweak it a bit so its not suspicious
Logan- I will thanks
"Oh my apologies Patton but I may have to excuse myself"
"I'm afraid Virgil acquires my assistance"
"With what?"
"He wants a second opinion on Roman's outfit that he chose" Logan said clearing his throat.
"Hmm ok"
"Will you be fine?"
"Oh yeah, don't worry about me!" Patton said smiling
Logan just nodded and left in a hurry
And again Patton was left alone, it was getting harder to put on a smile because he just wanted to spend some time with the others. Now it seems as though their avoiding him? but he didn't want to think that was case.
Then just like before he started to hear laughter again.
Patton wanted to go and see for himself to why he was hearing laughter but he saw Roman in the living room.
"Hiya Ro"
The creative side turned his head and smiled
"Hey Padre"
Now Patton just had to know...if he was also going to have to leave.
"So are you busy?"
"Hmm, right now no but later I have plans"
He has plans, I wonder for what? Does it have to do with everyone? Is it linked to the laughter I've been hearing? Bunches of questions were going through his head.
"Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering hehe, anyway wanna hangout?"
Then both of them went to Roman's room. They were listening to disney music and singing along to them.
It had already been awhile and Patton was starting to keep an eye on when Roman had his plans. The only weird thing was Roman kept checking his phone like he was expecting a notification soon. Then soon enough his phone dinged and Patton noted the way Roman smiled and bit his lip.
"Hey Pat I'm afraid we have to cut this short I'm sorry"
"I know you have plans correct?"
"Yep" he said as he turned to leave but was stopped when Patton grabbed his tunic.
"Wait a minute"
"Umm y-yes?"
"What exactly are these plans?"
Roman knowing how Patton can be sometimes, handed him a blank piece of paper. When Patton was confused to why he handed him a piece of paper, he used that to escape before Patton had the chance to ask about it.
Patton looked at the paper it wasn't blank it had something on it. It looked like a phone number and it said 'Call to schedule an appointment with Doctor Giggles'. Who's that? Patton thought. So without question he quickly dialed the number in his phone.
When the person on the other side pick up they said hello
"Hi this is Patton Sanders"
"Hello Mr. Sanders" the voice replied
"I'd like to schedule an appointment"
"Oh excellent, your appointment should be soon I will contact you as soon as we're ready"
"Ok thank you" and then he hung up
Also when he was in the call he noticed Roman's laughter echoing through the phone but it wasn't that loud. That seemed to raise Patton's suspicion even more than it was.
About a half and hour later his phone buzzed. He picked up the phone and saw he got a message. Patton clicked the message and read it and it said 'Your appointment is in a few minutes the Doctor is ready for you, here are directions to the room.
Directions? Patton thought. So he followed the directions to the door. Patton took a good look at the door and he didn't recognize it. He knew the Mind Palace very well and did not recall ever seeing this room before, maybe Roman made it?
Patton was now ready to see what was waiting for him on the other side. He slowly opened the door and saw a silhouette of a person. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the different lighting and when they did Patton was surprised to see....
"Janus? is that you?"
"Hmm? I do not know this Janus you speak of...I am Doctor Giggles"
"But you look just like him" the moral side looked from head to toe and that was indeed Janus in a doctors costume.
"Well we might have sssome sssimilarities but I assure you that we are not the sssame person"
"Ok I guess I made a mistake" Patton knew he was pretending so he might as well go along with it as well.
"Anyway Mr. Sanders would you please sit down over here and answer some questions"
Patton nodded his head and sat down
"Ok question #1 how ticklish are you?" he said with a smirk
Of course not knowing the doctor would flat out ask this question caught poor Patton of guard. He struggled to answer and his face was beginning to turn pink.
"I-im pretty...."
"Pretty what?
"Hmm ok" and he wrote it down in his note book
"Question #2 what are your favorite tickle tools?
And again Patton struggled to answer (poor little bean)
"I-I would have to s-say f-feathers and t-toothbrushes"
"Ok good" and he wrote that down
"Last question, what are your worst spots?
"W-what?" Patton said face getting warmer
"You heard me" the doctor smiled
"M-my thighs....b-be-stomach..and n-neck/ears"
"Ok good job now please wait here while I get the preparations"
"O-ok" Patton listened but he still confused on why he had to answer those questions.
When the doctor came back it finally occurred to Patton.
"So would you like to be restrained?" asked the doctor
"Kind of" Patton blushed. "Can I have my feet restrained...?"
"Csssertainly" he said as he got some rope and tied Patton's ankles. Patton watched with a wobbly smile.
"Nervous are we?"
With a bright vibrant blush he nodded
"Awe cute, well that's quite alright because since this is your first time here you would be a little nervous. But I assure you your gonna have fun" he said as he looked Patton's in the eyes.
All Patton could do was look hopeful squirming in place, anticipation jumping to a whole nother level as he watched Doctor Giggles pick up a feather. And that feather looked very very very fluffy.
Already Patton was giggling even at the sight of the feather and wiggling his toes. The doctor walks over to his feet positioning the feather right at his toes getting ready to saw at the sensitive skin in between.
"Are you ready Patton?" the doctor asked
Just as the doctor got his reply he started to saw the soft fluffy feather in between his ticklish toes. Making Patton giggle hysterically and he tried multiple times to catch the feather with his toes. But only to met with a buzzing electric toothbrush being stuck in between his toes instead.
"Eeeeeahahahaha!! Nahaha!"
The doctor grinned "Silly you can't do that or you'll get even more tickles"
Then tie went on and the doctor went to different spots eliciting many giggles. Squeaks when he brushed the feather on his neck or ears, squeals when he squeezed his thighs and the bubbliest laughter when he got his adorable tummy.
After about a half-hour later of this playful tickling it was over.
"Haaah that was fun!"
"Hmm glad you enjoyed yourself"
Doctor Giggles untied Patton's feet and helped him to his feet.
"Please come again some time" the doctor smiled
"I will!" Patton shouted happily as he skipped through the door, he'd definitely need to schedule more appointments
Hiya! Sorry I have made a t-fic in awhile 😣 I got caught up doing art so I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed I have another one coming soon! Have a nice day :D
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masseffecthoe · 4 years
Forbidden starfruit
Wanted to write a little one shot, plotless porn... so here’s part 1/5 :)) Some plot wiggled itself in, oops. I just wanted the reader not to be a goody two shoes, couldn’t find any fanfics, so I wrote one. Classic story.  Y/N is not evil, but definitely on the morally grey, leaning dark side. Seduction to the grey side if you will.
Spam me any ‘seduction to the dark side’ stories with OC/reader tho, Poe, Kylo, anyone. I crave MORE!
Summary: Poe meets a stranger in a bar. They bang.
Warning: uum the no pants dance. sucking the oyster.
EDIT: AHAHAHA OMG the paragraphs didn’t paste in order!!! FFS... fixed it now >.<
Probably ooc, probably some wrong tech/lore. Wrote for fun.
I like mood boards.
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The bar was packed, the music loud and energizing. People were either chatting on the margins, tables full of drinks, or enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Poe checked the time again, remembering to keep his expression relaxed. The informant was almost four hours late, something must have went wrong. Or he'd changed his mind, or perhaps he never existed. It was not everyday that they received intel about the First Order from a supposed deserter - the possibilities were endless and the factors unprecedented.
Everyone thought it might be a trap, but the chances for it were dwindling by the minute. Surely if this was some kind of ploy something would have already happened by then. He took another short sip of his drink - his second cup of ardees already - trying to stall for as long as possible. His eyes wandered over the crowd again, a small smile forming on Poe's lips. It was nice to see them having fun, aliens and humans alike, no worries of the oppressions of the First Order. Or the constant pressure for duty in the Resistance. He felt like he could be a part of that, in a simple pair of trousers and a white T-shirt he could pass as one of the party goers and pretend, for just a selfish moment, that he was carefree.
A flash of red caught his attention and he turned his head, dismissing the previous heavy thoughts. The source of the vibrant color was enticing, the silky fabric of her crimson dress hugging all the right curves as the woman made her way to the opposite side of the bar. Skin glistened in the brighter lights from behind the bar. Two drinks were placed before her and he noticed she was accompanied by another woman, the pair clinking the glasses and gingerly sipping on the neon colored liquid.
Her friend whispered something in her ear and she turned towards him, piercing eyes meeting his for a split second, landing straight on him as if guided by some unknown force. It lasted but a moment, the two women giggling between them the next.
"Something caught your eye, Black Leader?" Poe let out a small sigh and shook his head ever so lightly. He was not supposed to answer and in fact, they were not supposed to use the channel at all, except for an emergency if the whole operation had turned out to be a trap. Chatting about a stranger in a bar did not sound like an emergency. Still, a silly smile played on his lips. How long had it been since he'd done something so... mundane, like going out drinking and meeting a woman who was not also his colleague in the resistance. "Heads up, she's coming your way."
Poe panicked for a moment. He was on a mission! Even if the chances of the informant coming were close to none and at that point and they were about to call it a day, he was still on duty. For about another 15 minutes maybe. The woman could spook the mole, or worse, get caught in some twisted First Order plot that made him waste time and credits in a bar on some nondescript outer planet... Ok, there was probably no evil plot and a beautiful woman was drawing closer.
"Hi. Mind if I sit?" She gestured to the stool beside him. Her voice was smooth and pleasant and she seemed to strain a bit to be heard over the noise. She was pretty, but there was something more to it, something in the way she stood tall and proud, those sharp eyes, playful and wise at the same time.
"I'd be a fool to refuse." Her smile widened and she sat gracefully on the cushion, his eyes immediately drawn to her backside. He snapped them back to her face, but the all-knowing smirk on her plush lips told him he did not go unnoticed.
"I'm Y/N." He reached to shake the outstretched hand, her skin soft against him, but she had a good grip, not as delicate as he'd imagined. His name passed his lips before he could think of an alias, or a reason to use one.
"Poe." He could almost hear Temmin's scoff on the other end of the comms, even if they hadn't been turned them on.
"Nice to meet you, Poe." She almost purred his name and he had to remind himself that they were on a Resistance mission. Focus! "Now tell me, who had the audacity to stand up a guy like you?" He raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask she continued. "I saw you coming in a while ago. Was mustering my courage to come over, but you looked like you were waiting for someone. Didn't want to cause any trouble." Somehow he doubted the last part. He couldn't place the mischievous little glint in her eyes.
"Not used to being the one to make the first move?"
"On the contrary. I've learned in life you have to seize what you desire." Her eyes traveled slowly across him, right hand playing with the rim of her glass.
 "You risk someone else stealing it from right before your eyes. Like I'm doing right now, I suppose. Your date missed the chance, and here you are with me instead."
"Turned out in my favor I'd say." He let his own gaze wander, from the soft features o her face, down the curve of the neck and all the down her low cut of her dress, the valley between her breasts exposed to him.
"We shall see. We've barely met after all, but the night is young." It really wasn't that early anymore, midnight was just hours away. "Tell me about yourself, Poe."
"What would you like to know?"
"Are you a local? You don't look like it, though." There was that look in her eyes again, playful but observant, not letting anything escape her.
"I'm not, I'm from Yavin."
"Long way from home." He shrugged, sipping his drink to give himself time to find an excuse. He'd already given his real name, probably shouldn't follow with 'Resistance pilot' right after. 
"I'm a freighter pilot."
"Ah, hauling goods across the galaxy. You must have seen so many place!" He was not expecting her to be so enthusiastic about it, but he welcomed the attention. For once someone was interested in just him, not the star pilot of the Resistance.
"You wouldn't believe half of them." She scooted over, or maybe he just thought she did, wished it so, but she felt closer nonetheless, lashes fluttering as she fixed him again with her eyes. Her voice was low, like they were sharing a secret, despite the music still blasting around them in the bar.
"Well, what it the strangest place you've seen?" He tried to quickly excluded some of the more famous ex-Empire location and obviously Resistance related ones, but truth was he'd only ever traveled for his work. It was fighting the First Order here and looking thought jedi sites there, endlessly searching for a trace of the Luke Skywalker, one day after the next, it was always related to the conflict between light and dark.
"Probably Telos. The sheer determination to build up a chunk of a planet just to keep it together... it was an impressive sight, motivating." She hummed nodding her head.
"I've always wanted to travel and see everything. So many different ecosystems, cultures, creatures... I get a little sad when I think I'm never going to be able to discover them all."
"You travel a lot then?"
"When the job allows me." She paused and bit her lower lip, drawing Poe's eyes like a magnet. "I'm a glorified errand girl, but I get away with some little excursions." She leaned a little closer still, he could see a faint scar right below her eyebrow, easily missed with a trick of the light. He could feel the genuine excitement in her voice. "I strayed a bit off course once to this planet in the Belderon sector, Lola Sayu. Don't think 've seen anything quite like it... half of it is missing, blown up ages ago, but the atmosphere formed around the missing part, encapsulating it. It made this giant ball, yellow and purple mashed together.
"The Belderon sector? What were doing all the way there?"
"Ok, ok, I strayed a lot off course, like a week maybe, but I just had too see it."
"Seize what you desire..."
"Exactly! We only have one life and we never know when it might end. I plan to make the most of it." Poe stared at the woman for a long moment. She was bright and smart and oh, so beautiful - it was more intoxication than his long forgotten drink. A mouthful of fresh water after days in the desert, her view of the world, simple but joyful, gave him a surge or energy, of hope. Temmin's voce in his ear was low, but the words were exactly what Poe needed to hear.
"You deserve a break, Poe. Our contact ain't coming and we are to leave only in the morning. See you at the ship tomorrow. Black Two, out."
He wasn't sure who leaned in first, but one moment her hand was on his thigh and the next his own hands were cradling her closer, pulling her off her stool and onto his lap. His senses were assaulted all at once, the loud music, the sweet taste of her mouth and the flowery perfume he hadn't notice before. Her lips were soft but the kiss was relentless, both devouring one another, her body pressed so close to his.
She smiled, a little curve of her lips that stirred things in him, that promised passion and a reckless abandonment, and took his hand to pull him along. He craved for more, more kisses, more skin, so he followed without a second thought. She skipped across the street and they hastily made their way to her room on the first floor, stealing kisses in the doorway and on the stairs.
He pressed her against the door as she was locking it, her ass pushing back deliciously. His mouth fell on her shoulder, hands going up her sides, slightly pulling on the fabric of the dress, making her body shiver in anticipation. The damn thing had to come off. Her arms lifted as if thinking the same, so he backed up and pulled the dress over her head with ease. His fingers traced the expanse of her back and hooked on her lace thong pulling it slightly. With a small gasp she turned, eyes dark with lust, only in heels and the flimsy little piece of red lace. Poe couldn't remember a time he had been more turned on.
He kneeled and lifted her leg over his shoulder with little warning. She gasped as his fingers traced the lace, already seeping wet and ready. The thong was pulled aside and his mouth was on her, sucking and biting eagerly, his tongue circling her bud, lapping at her flowing juices. She moaned loudly, her fingers twisting in his hair.
"Not fair..." She panted from above, but her hips bucked towards him. He smirked and pushes a finger inside her, then a second, lifting his head to look at her. She was gorgeous, ragged breaths and knees trembling as he pumped his fingers vigorously, thumb stroking her clit. The obscene sound of her moans and dripping pussy filled the small room, tantalizing. He got up, mouth clasping over a nipple and she arched her back pressing to him, head rolling back against the door as the walls clamped over his digits. Poe backed up barely an inch to look her in the eyes as he brought his fingers to his mouth, needing to taste her one more time. She let out a straggled breath, half sigh half moan and roughly pulled on his T-shirt. "Clothes off. Now."
"Yes ma'am." He was happy to oblige, his dick straining in his boxers, already damp with precum. His clothes flew off unceremoniously, their hands bumping as they both pulled on the fabric, rushed to unzip his pants and pull down his boxers. Hand on his chest, she backtracked him until his legs hit the bed then pushed him on it. Her hands traced up his legs, crawling in between them, eyes never leaving her prize as she laid kisses up his thighs, nails scraping at his skin, closer to where he needed her the most. He took hold of her upper arms and spun them around so she was caged beneath him.
"Not fair." She breathed out a moan as his dick rubbed against her folds. He wanted her, needed her like air.
"Next time."
"Deal." He pushed inside her in one swift move, rougher than he intended, but she let out the most erotic sound he's ever heard, a loud and lewd groan, ringing in his ears as her body purred. Her words slurred from her pretty little mouths in short breaths.
"Shit, Poe, you're driving me, insane." She had no idea what she was doing to him. His mouth was on hers again, drowning her moans as he rocked his hips, plummeting in her core. Her shaking arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer like her life depended on it. He hooked one arm beneath her knee and pulled her leg up, spreading even more, going even deeper. It was raw and desperate, passion in its purest form. Her nails dug at the skin on his back, his name chanted from her lips like a prayer as his rhythm turned merciless. Thank the gods he'd told her his real name. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking at he tender flesh.
Her eyes rolled in back of her head and his entire body shook above her as her pussy milked his dick with greed, clamping around him like a vice. Their breaths mingled, their skin sleek with sweat, but tingling still. With the last sliver or power he had, Poe rolled on his back and pulled her with him, her leg slipping over his, her hand on his chest. He was still in a daze, but looking at her she was not better, eyes half closed and unfocused, her fingers drawing lazy patters on his chest. He remember bringing her hand to his lips before falling asleep.
He woke up first, Y/N still curled over him, hair sprawled on the pillow behind her. She had pulled a silky sheet over them some time after he passed out. He smiled, lips pressing gently on the top of head. He pulled her closer, almost not believing she was real. She stirred, letting out a contents little sigh, but didn't wake up.
Poe enjoyed the feeling of her in his arms a moment longer, his brows more furrowed by the second, his lips pressed in a thin line. He had to go soon and he didn't know when he would see her again. His hand trailed the smooth skin on her back, not wanting to leave the bed, taking in every detail of her beautiful face. When the sun had finally fully risen there was no more time left.
He went to collect his scattered clothes, his mind running a mile a minute, thinking of how to tell her he was actually in the Resistance, wondering his she will react to him lying about his work, about his identity, but most importantly if she would want to see him again. Gods, he hasn't even left her room yet and he was already dreaming of when he'd hold her in his arms next. Poe smiled, he felt like a teen again, the only care in the world the affection of his lover.
But the world was cruel and he was not a silly boy back on Yavin. He found his T-shirt thrown all the way near her side of the bed and as he bend down to retrieve it, the holopad on the nightstand beeped loudly three times before a robotic voice boomed in the small chamber, the dark figure projecting from it chilling his blood.
"Y/N, I assume the traitor has been dealt with already. You better be on the Supremacy when I arriver to continue our training. You have an hour." Poe's breath caught in his throat, his mind so overwhelmed it first went blank then exploded with the possibilities and implications. The idea that he'd spent the night with one of the First Order's top assets... Did he steal something off him? Had it been a trap? 
His eyes fell on the holopad again, the blinking light showing she had a message. From fucking Kylo Ren! She was training with Leia's kid, she was dark side.
She was evil.
But she couldn't be, could she? 
Poe was so lost in thought he didn't even hear her as she stretched in bed behind him, the yellow glint in her eyes catching in the morning sun as her gaze fell on him.
Chapter 2 >
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