#-the rising storm (event)-
jazzkrebber · 1 year
this man said the word "no" and serotonin FLOODED my brain
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The normally lax enderman leaned over the balcony, screaming over the omens of strong winds and flying leaves. This was too close, too soon, too similar to the last mess he had gotten himself into. The void was silent, still, nearly a year to use was only a few weeks away from the Orb of Dominance. He finally tried to make a change and settle down, now this...this happens. All while Engles is away and unable to man the towns defenses, hopefully his friend was doing better than him. "Fuck me." @brimstone-and-cinnabar
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[SERVER][WARNING]: Entity [Wither Storm] has began to spawn Entity [Withered Mobs].
[SERVER][WARNING]: Status Effect [Wither Sickness] Added.
Stage Update! Withered Mobs have begun spawning, poor souls infected by a horrifying illness known as Wither Sickness! Beware their slowly decaying forms and infectious nature, lest you lose yourself to the Storm as well!
FT @the-enchanted-mistakes , @orchid-151 , @wondon23-the-drowned-kid
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Morning rush!
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orchid-151 · 5 months
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(This is going to be fun~)
(update Jan. 22, forgot to tag when posting this 😅)
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invisible-shadow · 4 months
im not sure if it needs a blood warning but here it is anyway.
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Someone? Anyone? Please…
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Cecelia: who was that, this late at night? It’s not safe… I’ll go check on them. ‘It was coming from here…’ Cecelia thought
An injured evoker laid on the grass, Cecelia panicked, “oh my- I’ll try and find someone!”
“No”, the evoker said, ”please stay with me, I am beyond saving. I don’t want to die alone please! I had so much faith in my higher ups I did everything they demanded without question. In return, they left me in the mud to rot. ”
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Cecelia kneeled gently on the grass and asked, “what happened?”
“well”, the evoker started, “we needed potion ingredients… then it appeared… everyone abandoned me to save themselves… I escaped with minor withering, when I went to a village for milk, I got attacked. I dragged myself here to die”. He seemed to have great difficulties trying to remember what had happened. The evoker shifted to look at Cecelia, “now you tell me, why haven’t you left me, an Illager, to simply perish?”
almost instantly, Cecelia replied, “because that would be very wrong.”
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“You're to good for this world, take my totem”, the evoker stated
“but you’ll die!” Cecelia refused the totem
“I’m not worth saving, it’s not going to work anyway, an emeralds missing”
Cecelia had an idea,”is there a way to mask life with it”
“Yes, it’s very dark magic, what are you willing to sacrifice?”
“Anything”, Cecelia stated.
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“First repair the totem with an emerald, then take the blood of everyone you want to protect. Use the blood, and the totem as an offering. Everyone will become ghost like entities; neither dead nor alive”, the evoker seemed like he was trying to remember something, “this all requires a sacrifice who the nether beings will gladly accept.”
(I lost the panel 🥲)
“S-sacrifice?”, Cecelia repeated startled.
“They’ll accept just about anything”, the evoker added calmly.
“what’s your name?”, Cecelia asked
“Edward ”
“I’ll remember you Edward”
“Thank you”
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A sacrifice, the totem, the blood.
the nether beings gladly accepted Cecelia’s offerings. But one question remained on Cecelia’s mind. ‘How does one defeat a wither storm?’
@brimstone-and-cinnabar I did this before the stage update, I tried to make it kinda fit in with your wither sickness (forgetfulness).
this is the first comic I’ve ever done, I’m open for constructive criticism. I know my story telling skills aren’t the best, I’m working on it. I
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gornackeaterofworlds · 2 months
I just got my heart scotch taped back together!!! And that's some flimsy shit!!!
Oh dear, I'm afraid lucky(AA wait it wasn't lucky I told it to, it was the discord) knows more than you do maybe(from all the Mikey teasing). Uhh...
*glances at copious deaths, injuries, and torture* I didn't mean it I didn't mean it don't hurt me-
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jamestheenderman · 4 months
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"Did you see that, Klein?! Sounds like we got some stuff to do!"
"Why do you mention the both of us...? You do whatever, let me be..."
"Oh, no no. You come with me. Imma need some extra hands for this~"
"Ugh... fine... I'll go get some weapons... I hope it works"
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askethandothers · 5 months
(I'm never going to draw after this... Gosh I deeply apologize for taking so long)
(Phase 1)
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A reply to @brimstone-and-cinnabar 's event
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Neither of them know what the shaking and the piercing distant scream meant, but the achievement notice poping up over the players head foretold nothing good. // @brimstone-and-cinnabar 's "The Rising Storm" Event!
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^^ in a atempt to socialize with the creature fake james used his incredible analysis and spotting natural ability and examined the creatures body visualy by its powers and its aperece his mindset change-ing...... annnnduhhhhhhh- Fake james: *eyes roll to the sides and simply we go into his mindset WHICH IS A REFERENCE TO POKEMON BY THE WAY LOL*, HIS MINDSET HAS BEEN CHANGED and now HE WILL USE HIS ULTIMATE ABILITY maybey one of his very FEW abilitys
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His goopy body has changed and is slowly increasing in size!, for those who might not know Fake james' shapeshifting ability has various limitations specialy in the facts of copying powers, fake james is incredibly skilled and can copy anything that size is as big as 4 enderdragon islands, the problem is that he can't shapeshift whiout have seen the enemy and examined their body well, and they can't copy their powers unless he had fisical contact with their body, the other rule that applys to this is the fact that any and all powers he copys will be half less powerful then normal makeing him weaker against his oponents but somehow more durable!, the other problem is that he has a limited amount of body mass he can carry in his ender eye, alltho imense, his capacity of body mass has a limit, every hit he takes that is fisical like sliceing,punching and even dismenbering can be easily reatched the problem is if its frozen or burned, Fake james is weak to fire and ice (fire incinerates his body mass, and ice makes it solid and unable to regenerate), unless the potential creature he copys has some kind of resistance to those factors, he will keep regenerating, but if hes loseing his energy and concentration the shapeshifting and the powers become weak and he becomes more vunerable and the only way for him to regenerate body mass IS TO USE THAT ENERGY,
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BEHOLD WITHER STORM, YOUR DIRECT OPONENT they say the hardest thing to kill is yourself, WELL THEN TRY TO KILL YOURSELF IF YOU CAN, or befriend it idk, since fake james is only do this cuz he thinks storm is " f r i e n d" And don't underestimate him, again he can shapeshift any part of his body, if he wants he could very much make other body parts come out of him to make his life easier!, SO WITHER STORM VS FAKE STORM! BEGIN! (OMG I ALLWEYS WANTED TO DO THIS! A KAIJU like battle made with fake james!, THIS IS GOING TO BE BLASTING AWSOME!!!) the host of the event is @brimstone-and-cinnabar GO CHECK HIM OUT EVERYONE! Ps about the fake storm: (The two other heads have a mind of their own, and praticaly pieces of fake james could make copys of himself and other mobs that can atleast intaque the body mass but that would require his concentration to multiply for the amount of copys so he probably ... won't do that)
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bladehorror · 2 years
Unlike Dragonhome, which the Earthshaker has barely touched after the shattering of the Pillar, the Shifting Expanse is a desert by design.
Usually, it isn't very windy during most of the year -- although it is rather cold, which is a surprise to those who come from other flights. The ever-brewing storm above needs to stay in place for as long as the Stormcatcher can keep it there and wind is generally a nuissance in the process, so there's plenty of climate control equipment all over the flight.
It doesn't work perpetually, however. Maintenance is needed, and it's better to have a predictable time table for these things than be caught in a situation where weather shields short-circuit and dragons have to work under a literal deluge to fix them.
In the brief annual period in which the thunder clouds above the Expanse finally precipitate, it all comes down hard. The entire flight is issued a warning weeks in advance, and efforts are taken to prepare for the scheduled floods and storms. Waterholes and tanks are cleaned, the dams and giant pipes that prevent the Carrion Canyon from becoming a giant river are checked for leaks and clogging, overworld lairs and equipment alike are properly stormproofed, and everyone is highly encouraged to go underground for the duration.
Then the shields are taken offline.
It usually happens right after Thundercrack Carnivale. The Deluge itself lasts for nearly three weeks, as the clouds have had all year to build up. It's a terrifying thing, near rivaling the Twisting Crescendo in intensity and much more unruly.
Beastkeepers, guards and even mercenaries are conscripted to patrol and guard entrances from infestations and wild animals, as well as offer what support they can give to beastclans looking for refuge. Water and Wind-born mages do their best to protect vulnerable points, and Earth-born dragons constantly reinforce the walls of the underground shelters as to prevent cave-ins, infiltrations and anything else that risks the clans inside.
It's a time of uncertainty and anxiety, as one never knows whether their home and belongings will outlast the storm; and while the Lightning followers are rather lax in their religious practices (less interested in ceremonies than in practical services in the form of work), it's a time some reserve to reflection, meditation and spiritual cleansing -- as the surface of the Expanse is being washed by the storm, so should they clean themselves.
In the days afterward, when the storm is over, it's time to go back up, assess the damage and begin rebuilding. Since this is a scheduled phenomenon, the vast majority of lairs are well prepared and damage is minimal, the biggest losses being temporary outposts and settlements, and the rare casualty of a poor uninformed traveller. These days preceding the next elemental festival are spent cleaning things, replanting crops and gardens (for more ostentatious lairs) and general mutual help.
The clouds take a while to build up after that. It's a rather idyllic period; the clear skies and bright days in the week that follows allow the land to dry up and the wild cacti to recover. All that warmth after the storm makes the Shifting Expanse home to the greatest celebration of Flameforger's Festival, second only to the Ashfall Waste itself.
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"That's enough of that...."
Welcome to Stage 2 - [SURVIVAL] (Read more below..)
*First off I would like to thank the community for the incredible responses to the first stage of the event! It's a much larger turn out than I expected! Below are all of the responders! (If I missed you please let me know!)
@ender-punk | @somabrin | @dozen-arrows-in-my-chest | @wondon23-the-drowned-kid | @ask-radin-the-enderman | @orchid-151 | @askethandothers | @invisible-shadow | @the-enchanted-mistakes Opting into the event is my way of getting a headcount and character tally for any responses I make for the event, and who to include in event comics moving forward. So again, THANK YOU! <3
Now, the real horrors begin!
Your task now, is to SURVIVE while formulating potential plans to take down the Wither Storm!
[ The Wither Storm has now begun to roam the Overworld, reaching this stage it has acquired three sets of tractor beams and an ever increasing insatiable apatite for blocks AND mobs. Though slow, it hones in on anything living, and seeks to snuff it out as quickly as possible, or assimilate it into it's growing form.
Corrupted blocks cover the command block that powers the beast as it continues it's rampage, the destruction growing even more extreme as time moves on. In regions it has passed from, the ground is stripped bare, even to Bedrock.
Already, casualty reigns in one desert town.. Mobs, people, the very ground itself is coated in ruin... It's ruler.. gone.]
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Responses will add to the meter above and progress the Storm through various stages. Hints will occasionally be dropped over the Stage should participants find themselves stuck on what to do.
Responses can range from...
Fighting back against the Storm.
Avoiding the Storm.
Finding ways to distract the Storm from areas.
Feel free to let your imagination run wild, and be sure to tag @brimstone-and-cinnabar so I can also respond in kind to what your character(s) decide to do!
This stage will last until the bar is filled or 3 weeks have elapsed! If you have questions, send in via asks or DMs.
Thank you, and-
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~Danger at the hurrizin~
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orchid-151 · 4 months
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Orchid had run back to the village she, her brother, and friends called home and rung the defense bell...
"There's a calamity coming! Please get to safety!" She called out, getting the Villager's attention. They had felt the same shock wave that Orchid had felt the moment before... And where frightened.
Jay, Orchid's librarian friend, began to guide the Villagers to what they believe is a safe place. Though they never thought it would happen they did plan another route to escape any calamities that might befall the village...
Orchid herself ran straight to the building she called home and started gathering supplies.
'I can't just run from this....' she thought as she entered her home.
'Someone is going to fight whatever it is...' she grabbed as many Enchanted Apples she could grab and put in her bag.
'They are going to need all the help they can get...' she grabbed a few potions of healing to share.
'It might be a good idea to take this too...' she took her spare ender chest, in case she needed to get more Enchanted apples...
Mason called out for Orchid "Sis, where are you?! We have to get to safety!"
Smith was running through the streets "Orchid! We have to go! Where are you?!"
But Orchid was already out of the village, and headed towards the approaching danger... 'I can't fight to save my life... But, I can at the very least give whoever is choosing to fight back a fighting chance... I just hope potions and apples will be enough...' she thought to herself, knowing the risk she was taking...
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invisible-shadow · 4 months
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your optimism is going to be the end of you Cecelia. (She is only 1.6 blocks high)
@brimstone-and-cinnabar sorry, I didn’t know you wanted to be tagged in these.
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