you-hate-time-travel · 9 months
really just jumped over the characters that would be more relatable to me and went straight for the weirdo aliens
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bee-ships · 2 years
Oh!! 🌟 + Willow? I adore her and want to hear more about her relationship with Whisper!
~ librarian-lover 📖
WILLOW MY BELOVED ty Autumn I love her so much!! Under the cut for easier scrolling :D
Whisper actually was just a little... not intimidated, but a little put off by Willow, not really for any specific reason, but just because she just seemed so brash and confident (which tbh isn't that far off akfjsk)
Willow and Whisper drew closer gradually, given that they shared chores and spent a lot of time together, and unlike other's Willow didn't necessarily push her to talk and didn't seem uncomfortable with her silence.
Despite their very different personalities they get along really well!! Willow is one of the few people that bring out Whisper's goofier more playful side! And in turn Whisper is one of the few people Willow feels safe enough to wind down, Whisper is also part of the few who take Willow seriously and actually listen to her.
Willow likes dragging Whisper off to watch her burn down different things, Whisper likes dragging Willow into dancing at random times! Perfect exchange/lh
When they hang out, Whisper is a little less quiet and feels comfortable speaking her mind, Willow is less abrasive. Both of them feel like they can let their defenses down when they are together
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@iracher I totally get that sentiment since the ratio got extremely skewed over the year (5 guys added since release vs 12 women/girls). I, sadly, am kinda used to this type of stuff since I play fgo (lol).
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dicionarioprivado · 3 years
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substantivo masculino
1. AERONÁUTICA veículo que se eleva e se mantém no espaço por efeito da ação da força ascensional de um gás mais leve que o ar, como os balões e dirigíveis.
Sinônimos, relações e derivações: aeronáutica, dirigível, zepelim, balão 
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mental-health-advice · 10 years
Lately Ive noticed my appitite depends on my mood, and the past week or so Ive been in a not so good mood and havent been eating very much. Like I just dont feel like eating, everything looks just eh. Even drinks dont look very good, though of course I make myself eat atleast something. And I feel as if I need to do something about it but I dont know what. I cant help my mood, I mean I was in a good mood this mornig and I had a good breakfast, but then my mood was ruined quickly by family pt1-TO
TO again, about the eating thing. But yeah I had eaten a good breakfast but after that my mood was completely ruined by family like I said, and I havent eaten anything else all day. I havent had any eating disorders I known of, and I dont mind my weight at all. Like I just dont feel like eating, either nothing looks good or when I do eat when Im in a bad mood I gag or just feel full after a couple bites. And I cant get away from the family that puts me in a bad mood, what do I do? pt2 -TO
some disorders are known to have an effect on your appetite, for example depressed people might eat too much or too little. It is good that you try to make yourself eat a little at least, you might not be able to control all the factors what affect your mood but you can learn to control your feelings. Are there any things what improve your mood or make you feel better? We have listed some distractions and alternatives on our blog, most of them are for coping with self harm urges but I think some of them can be used for making yourself less upset as well. Try to soothe yourself before you start eating, don’t head to kitchen feeling upset. If you have to eat at certain times just try to eat as much as you can but get more things to eat once your mood is better and you feel hungry again in case you didn’t get to eat enough. Also, go look in the shop in case you see something particularly delicious what could make you feel like eating when you don’t feel so happy. If nothing seems to help I suggest you speak with a doctor so they can try to figure out the reason you are unable to eat sufficiently when you are in a bad mood.
Take care,
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dicionarioprivado · 4 years
substantivo masculino
1. RELIGIÃO pagão recém-convertido ao cristianismo;
2. RELIGIÃO pessoa que vai receber o batismo ou recentemente batizada.
Sinônimos, relações e derivações: religião, pagão, convertido, batizado, conversão, batismo, cristão-novo, 
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dicionarioprivado · 5 years
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substantivo masculino
1. region. pedaço de couro curtido que os vaqueiros atam ao pescoço para resguardar o peito.
Sinônimos, relações e derivações: regionalismo, nordeste, vaqueiro, sertanejo, peitoral
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dicionarioprivado · 5 years
substantivo masculino
1. aspiração longa, profunda;
2. porção de ar que se sorve nessa aspiração.
3. porção de bebida que se ingere de uma só vez;
4. medicamento que se bebe;
5. fig. energia, força que se comunica.
Sinônimos, relações e derivações: aspiração, respiração, sorvo, gole, trago, 
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