mages-pandoras-box · 6 months
Uncle Za
(closed starter for @alwayschasingraiinbows)
When an angel becomes king of a land, they can always tell when someone new has entered it. If tuned to their aura, they can tell their species and who they are.
So when Charlie falls from the sky into his home, Philza instantly knows, just as Lucifer would know when someone enters Hell or Sera when someone enters Heaven. Luckily, Charlie falls onto some soft flora, so she's unharmed. The portal she came out of due to her mispronunciation closed quickly behind her.
As Charlie looks around, she sees that she is on Earth. Still, nowhere she has read about. Colorful auras light the forever night sky. Bright stars twinkle overhead, not a touch of light pollution present. The land was covered in mystical trees and plants, flowers of all shades with creatures of all kinds.
Color beacons of light stretch into the sky, shades of purples, greens, and blues piercing the sky. Charlie would also see the massive number of crows that seem to be in this garden. Their eyes follow her as she moves, and she realizes these Crows are intelligent, not just birds. And then she sees one; a Crow in angle form.
The angel was standing next to a tree on a hill before her, mask on - one eerily similar to a plague doctor, black wings with green undertones flap one twice due to unseat. But the angel doesn't attack; just simply points deeper into the forest, encouraging Charlie to walk forward. As Charlie moves, it leads her toward the middle of the realm.
The angel would lead Charlie to the start of a large build, and she'd see Philza, or as she read about him, Azrael, with his back to them. Gone were the white and purple robes that the seraphim once adored, replaced with a black undershirt, dark green samue, and white and green striped bucket hat. Philza's black wings were tucked behind him, and the rainbow markings represented some of his many eyes blinking slowly at his visitor.
The scyth that was once used to reap souls now terraformed the Earth, creating more colorful, exotic plants as Philza brandished it like a wand, his angelic magic seeping from the blade into the forest floor. After a moment, he stopped.
He turned to his visitors, a surprised but not unhappy look on his face. Even his eyes were different from what Charlie had read. The once plum irises contrasted by lavender sclera had changed into a human blue and white sclera; they looked tired yet proud as he stood before the people he once considered to be allies or family.
"Charlie?" he breathes softly. A British accent that Philza did not have before leaving Heaven bled into his words, making his voice sound deep and soft, almost fatherly, "What are you going here?"
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hells-musing-along · 7 months
"Mom, are you busy.....? I kinda want to ask you for advice....? it's uh, relationship advice....?" She shifted awkwardly — from @alwayschasingraiinbows
"Relationship advice. . ?" She blinked and set aside her work, giving her full attention to Charlie. "Come on in, Charlie. What kind of advice are you looking for?"
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thehazbins · 7 months
Continued from here with @alwayschasingraiinbows
"Do you want to talk about it, dear?" She stroked Charlie's hair in a motherly sort of fashion before putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "You know you can always come to either me or your father if you need to."
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lettherebemonsters · 6 months
ask from @alwayschasingraiinbows directed at Adam
*she shows up in her full demon form*
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"Leave my father alone! He's weak and defenseless right now! It's cowardly of you to pick on him in this state!"
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Oh great....THIS bitch again! The angel gnashed his teeth, snarling at little princess bubblegum.
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queenbeeibee · 7 months
@alwayschasingraiinbows liked for a slumber party starter!
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"Thanks for letting me stay at your hotel for the night, Charlie. I swear, every fucking day that stupid Hellevator breaks exactly when you don't need it to."
Bee pressed the tips of her fingers against her forehead, slowly rubbing to try and get rid of some of the stress-induced tension that had been building since she'd been told it would be another day before she could return to her own ring. There was going to be so much fucking work piled up by the time she got back... "But seriously, thanks for this, girl. Swear I'll be outta your hair first thing after breakfast!"
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primordialruin · 1 month
(From smol Charlie, on my sideblog @alwayschasingraiinbows )
"Mommy! I drawed you a picture!" In her excitement to scramble out of her seat at the dining table, the five year old ended up knocking over her cup of juice. The contents spilling straight onto the drawing she seemed so proud of
"Oh nooo!" She seems very close to crying. She had worked hard on that drawing!
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A little gasp escaped from her lips at the accident. Had she been able to turn around faster, maybe she could've prevented it. But alas, the deed was done and the consequences were upon her child.
A natural response would've been to react to it. To rush by her child's side and either nurture her, or pick her up from her chair to avoid getting her clothes stained.
Lilith, however, was anything but an ordinary mother. With millennia of fostering and guiding experience under her belt, she knew how to keep her calm as she approached the chair next to Charlie and sat on it to inspect the damage. This was a very good lesson to teach her child something new.
"Hmm..." she squinted her eyes as she leaned down to the drawing, a hand snaking behind Charlie's back as a gentle reminder that she was there. Her palm beginning to draw circles of different sizes to sooth her.
"It's all wet now, isn't it?" The fingers of her free hand splashed across the corner of the canvas. "I can see that this wasn't your intention. Does that upset you?"
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hellsmayflower · 6 months
Charlie had been absent from the hotel longer than usual, and when she finally did come back she just wasn't herself at all. She spent most of the time the past couple of days in her and Vaggie's room, and while she did try to fulfill her usual duties to some extent, she often found herself unable to and would have to retreat back to her room to avoid falling apart in front of everyone. That is where she is now
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*Mayleene felt like if anyone was going to take responsibilities to keep this hotel running on good shape,she felt like it was going to be her since Charlie hadn't been around much to have anything to do with it and it's...kind of worrying. It was not like her. Enough was enough. She has to see what was going on with her. She walked to the door of where Charlie would reside in with Vaggie and she knocked on the door loud enough for her to hear* "Charlie. It's Mayleene. We need to talk. Can you let me in? Are...are you doing alright in there? Or is not rotting at the case?"
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This Doesn't Look Godly Mayhem in Heaven Roleplay.
''What the--''
Harper turned around from her spot by Basil and next to Charlie as suddenly a loud crash could be heard. She left Basils side, watching with wide eyes as a portal to Hell was torn open.
Cyan fire enveloped the courtroom, a flash of pure white lightning cracked through the beautiful blue sky.
''What in the--''
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hellsdisneyprincess · 2 months
The Charlie Simulated Hunger Games
There have been a couple of events where the duplicates/alternates of the same character are thrown into a simulated Hunger Games to duke it out and see who comes out on top!
Naturally, as a Charlie RPer, I'm deciding to make one for the Charlie's. Please reply to this post or message me to have your Charlie participate in the games (it would be rude to volunteer someone else).
How did your Charlie get in this mess? Why is she participating in the killing instead of all banding together? Well, that's a mystery and we're not going to bother questioning that further.
You have until noon Central Standard time on Saturday July 27th to let me know because one hour later (1:00pm CST) I will begin the event.
The tag to be used is Charlie chopping event 2024 so use or block as per your want. Yeah, this isn't all that serious of a thing.
Also, to make sure I don't forget. As noted in previous, unofficial versions of this post/idea, I had a couple of Charlie's reach out. I'll list them here purely so I don't accidentally forget them when going through notes here.
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darkseraphscorner · 26 days
(smol Charlie, @alwayschasingraiinbows )
A young child, perhaps five years of age, with a pale complexion and two red dots on each of her cheeks, can be seen poking at a piece of armor. Perhaps she is mesmerized by the way the metal glistens and shines. How did she get here? Who can say.
Seraph puts down the piece he was working on, looking over he gets up and walks over to her, kneeling down. "Hey there kido, you here on your own or your parents around?" He asks softly as to not frighten her.
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siempreminta · 6 months
Charlie knocked on the door of the room her dad had indicated to her. She was pretty excited to meet a new guest. Though her dad had filled her in that this one had arrived with injuries..... hopefully nothing too bad? Still, she loved meeting new people, especially someone who would be staying at the hotel! Dad had also indicated that this one was a bit shy and would need time to adjust..... so hopefully her deciding to introduce herself wouldn't be a problem.
Dove was startled out of her thoughts, hopping off the bed as she opened the door. She glanced up in surprise, seeing this new face before her....
Who looked alot like Lucifer.
She blinked in surprise, raising a brow in question as she cautiously asked, "Are you Charlie?"
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hells-musing-along · 7 months
"Mom, do you think you could convince dad to see a therapist?"
(// Hope this is ok to send)
"Hmm..." Lilith slightly tilts her side to side in thought. "I will mention it to him, but ultimately, it is up to him. He will need to take the steps to go to a therapist on his own. We cannot force him into doing anything he does not want. Therapy works best if the user is open to it. He'll get there eventually... I believe in him."
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thehazbins · 7 months
Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before.
(@alwayschasingraiinbows )
(I suppose lilith would make the most sense here, but use whoever you like!)
Lack of Sleep Meme - @alwayschasingraiinbows
"I know you have darling, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea." Lilith sat next to Charlie. "Why do you need to be pulling an all nighter? Can't it wait...?"
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damian-morningstar · 7 months
Charlie knocked lightly on her brother's door. "Damian, you awake?" She wanted to be sure that he wanted to go to therapy, before she started finalizing anything in that regard. "It's your big sister who loves you very much."
Damian yawns waking up and stretching rubbing his eyes and opened the door "mhmmhm morning Charlie"
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queenbeeibee · 5 months
( three for lucifer and three for charlie! under a read more just in case these get too long )
Lucifer: I can’t do this, it’s against my moral compass. Bee: YOUR MORAL COMPASS IS A ROULETTE WHEEL! Lucifer: …Your point?
Bee: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Lucifer. Bee: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Bee: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Lucifer: Hmm… I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Bee: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Lucifer: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Bee: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Lucifer: Your Honor, I hereby submit the following to the court: Lucifer: Bee, what the actual FUCK?
Charlie and Bee are texting Charlie: Who are you? Someone changed the names in my phone. Bee: What did they change my name to? Charlie: Chosen One. Bee: Don’t change it back. Charlie: BUT WHO ARE YOU?!?! Bee: I’m the chosen one.
Charlie, looking at Bee: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Bee: Oh, fiddlesticks. Charlie: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let's watch the fucking language.
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angelsandemons · 2 months
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@letsstaytuned and @heavenslie
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"I'm sorry for killing you, but to be fair it was in self defense."
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"I'm sorry for stabbing you in the abdomen, I just kind of panicked when we were alone and I mean I saw what you did to to those other Charlies soooo..."
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"And thank you to whomever sent me the clean water!"
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